Scotland's home of news and entertainment - Strategy Update - STV Group plc

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Scotland's home of news and entertainment - Strategy Update - STV Group plc
Scotland’s home of news and
Strategy Update
May 2018
Scotland's home of news and entertainment - Strategy Update - STV Group plc
STV in 2020
•     A truly multi-platform media company with a balanced profit base across broadcast, production and

       o    Expect around 1/3rd of profit from sources other than linear spot advertising (vs 17% today)

•     A magnet for the best creative talent from Scotland and beyond

•     A brand famous for a range of high quality programming and accessible by all Scots wherever they are
      in the world via the STV app

•     One of the UK’s leading producers, making world class returning series for a range of domestic and
      international players

•     Working in partnership with creative talent, advertisers, businesses and Government to drive the
      Scottish economy and showcase Scotland to the world

                               Scotland’s home of news and entertainment
Scotland's home of news and entertainment - Strategy Update - STV Group plc
We have a number of strengths and areas of competitive advantage

                                   Strong, trusted brand
                Talented,                                  connection with
             committed people                              Scottish viewers
                                                           and advertisers

          Robust balance
         sheet and growing                                    Scotland’s most
             returns to                                      powerful marketing
           shareholders                                          platform

                     Settled                                 A production
               relationship with                            business well
                   ITV which                                  placed for
               incentivises STV    Profitable, growing       “nations and
                  to go digital     digital business       regions” growth
                                    holding valuable
Scotland's home of news and entertainment - Strategy Update - STV Group plc
However, there is also significant potential for improvement

               •STV not famous for enough new programming beyond news
               •STV brand perceived as ageing and safe
BROADCAST      •STV2 not cutting through
               •News very broadcast-centric and does not embrace digital

               •STV Player user experience lags competition
               •Limited two-way relationship with our audience
               •VOD content proposition not broad enough

               •Sub-scale and no strong USP
               •Needs to be more of a magnet for creative talent
               •Doesn’t make the best of the STV “shop window”

               •Insufficient organisational focus on growth areas
               •Risk averse and lack of leadership in places
               •Culture is corporate not creative
Scotland's home of news and entertainment - Strategy Update - STV Group plc
We have developed a clear vision for the kind of business STV needs to
                                 Agile, creative,
                                  fun place to
                                                                A magnet for
           Giving back
                                                               creative talent
           to Scotland

     Connecting                                                             Making a
   with audiences                   Scotland’s home of news               range of great
   and advertisers                     and entertainment                     content

                 Embracing the
                                                              Clear and
                  future of TV                                committed
                                        Digital front and      branding
Scotland's home of news and entertainment - Strategy Update - STV Group plc
To implement the vision we will focus on 3 strategic objectives

1.       Maximise the value of our broadcast business by delivering high quality,
         cost-effective news and entertainment

2.       Drive digital growth by creating an STV for everyone

3.       Build a world class independent production business

Scotland's home of news and entertainment - Strategy Update - STV Group plc
Objective 1
 Maximise the value of our broadcast business by delivering high quality,
 cost-effective news and entertainment
                                           •Create single, integrated news gathering function across broadcast & digital
Create a distinctive, cost effective,
                                           •Invest in technology and multi-skilling to improve on-screen output
future-facing news organisation
                                           •Deliver cost savings of £1m p.a. and a headcount reduction of 34

Invest in a wider range of new, original   •Close STV2 in summer 2018, saving £1m p.a. and reducing headcount by 25
content for our main channel and STV       •Invest in new original programming for STV and STV Player, focusing on formats
Player, replacing STV2                      and returnable series

Make the most of our unique                •Pilot new in-house formats on STV main channel
Channel 3 marketing shop window            •Refocus marketing spend on STV original programming and the Player

Maximise our share of the advertising      •Launch STV Growth Fund, investing £5m of airtime to support Scottish businesses
market                                     •Improve addressable advertising capability

Work in partnership with the TV            •Strategic partnership with a platform
platforms to drive more value              •Launch STV Player on Sky and Virgin

Scotland's home of news and entertainment - Strategy Update - STV Group plc

Overall, television viewing is highly resilient, with STV protected from any
market volatility by a favourable deal with ITV

     Live TV   TV Playback   Broadcaster VOD   Subscription VOD                  ITV/STV deal

                                                                  •Programming and advertising agreements
                                                                  provide significant protection to STV’s
                                                                  Broadcast business

                                                                  •Only 40% of any fall in national airtime or
                                                                  sponsorship revenues flows through to STV

                                                                  •If ITV increases programming spend, STV’s
                                                                  costs only increase if our advertising and
                                                                  sponsorship revenues increase
 •On screen, STV has had the strongest start to the
  year since 2009, with share of viewing +8% so far
  in 2018

  This means that STV’s Broadcast business is likely to outperform the ITV Network and that
  STV is incentivised to push VOD viewing
Scotland's home of news and entertainment - Strategy Update - STV Group plc
Our main channel consistently outperforms ITV driven by the soaps and
anything Scottish

   STV peaktime share                                                          STV                      STV local programming
         vs. ITV                                                                         Share vs.                      Share vs.
                                                                                          network                        Network

                                                                 Soaps                         +2    Elaine C Smith’s         +7
                                                                                                     Burdz Eye View
                                                                 The Loch                      +6

                                                                 Broadchurch                   +3    Thingummyjig             +7
                                                                                                     Hogmanay Ceilidh
                                                                 The Voice                     +2
                                                                                                     Scotland’s               +3
                                                                 Ross Kemp: Barlinnie          +6    Scammers
Source: BARB 2007-2018, share for STV is STV/HD/+1 individuals
                                                                 Billy Connolly and Me         +3    People’s History         +3

                                                                 Scotland vs England football +34    Animal 999                0

       We deliver high quality, popular news, but our STV2 news is not building
       an audience

            News at Six on STV: Share by region                                         STV2 Bulletins (Average Audience)
                      ITV Border                                                   40
                                                                                        Mon – Fri
                        ITV Ulster                                               38
                                STV                                         26          10:00 - 10:05   STV News                            549
                 ITV North West                                           24
                   ITV Yorkshire                                         22             13:00 - 13:30   STV News at One (Scotland)         1,846
                       ITV Wales                                       21
         UK Terrestrial Network                                        21               14:00 -14:05    STV News (Ayr)                     2,392
                  ITV North East                                      20
                                                                                        16:00 - 16:05   STV News (Aberdeen)                1,881
                         ITV East                                    19
ITV South, S.East & Channel Isl.                                    19                  17:00 - 17:05   STV News (Ayr)                     1,145
                    ITV Midlands                                   18
                 ITV South West                                   17                    19:00 - 19:30   STV News Tonight (Scotland)        4,121
                      ITV London                                 16
                         ITV West                                16                     21:00 - 21:05   STV News (Dundee)                  6,471
            Source: BARB 2017, All ITV Regions, Mon –Fri, 18:00 -18:28, Share.          22:00 - 22:30   STV News at Ten (Scotland)         3,001

                              Competition in news will get even tougher when the BBC Scotland
                              channel launches, featuring a Scottish news hour at 9pm

STV2 as a whole is struggling to cut through

STV2's regular programming in 2017
(average audience across the year)
                                                STV’s local TV channels now 4 years old
Taggart                             9,475
Peter and Roughie's Football Show   7,982       Low brand awareness and poor audiences
                                                despite prominent EPG slot
Medics of the Glen                  5,644
Edinburgh Festival Live             4,222       Onerous programming obligations
Murder at 9                         4,010
Fair City                           3,868       “Filling the schedule” requires focus on volume
Take The High Road                  3,038       over quality
The People's History Show           2,899
Live at 5                           2,601       Advertiser demand and premium remains low
The Late Show                       2,581
                                                Will be significantly impacted by launch of BBC
                                                Scotland channel (with 15 x STV2’s budget)

             Audience uplift required vs. 2017 for STV2 to break even = 5.2X
        This reflects the wider market, where the big channels and the new VOD
        players continue to prosper at the expense of the digital “long tail”

        The PSBs still account for 70%     ...while smaller digital channels are in       ...and VOD viewing continues to grow.
        of TV set viewing                  decline...
                                                                           Share change
                                            Rank    Weeks 1-12 2018
                                                                           (% points)
                                            1.      Drama                  -0.28
                                            2.      5USA                   -0.23
                                            3.      Sky Sports Main        -0.19
                                            4.      Sky News               -0.16
                                            5.      Star Plus              -0.15
                                            6.      Sky Sports Cricket     -0.13
                                            7.      Tru TV                 -0.12
                                            8.      Sky 1                  -0.12             Change in “unmatched” VOD viewing on
      Weeks 1-12 2018                                                                        TV set, 2014-17 (mins per day)
                                            9.      Disney Junior          -0.11
                                            10.     ITVBe                  -0.11

                                            Top 20 digital channels by share loss

Source: Enders Analysis: BARB/AdvantEdge                                                                                        12
Our advertising rates tell the same story – STV main channel remains
robust but we have a strong incentive to invest in STV Player over STV2

  Selling to advertisers at

  £4.50 CPT (average)             £1.50-2.00 CPT                  £15-20 CPT

  20 billion impressions         340 million impressions       400 million impressions

    £90m revenue                   £1m revenue                   £7m revenue

   We are selling STV Player impressions at 10x the value of STV2 so we could
   deliver a significantly lower audience to the Player and still make more money
We will invest in a range of new, original programming for STV and
STV Player, funded by savings in news and the closure of STV2
Key Elements
•   New content will be windowed across STV main channel
                                                              Strategic benefits

    and STV Player, similar to BBC3 model                     Focuses on quality - fewer, bigger, better

•   A range of entertainment, factual and reality targeting   Much better use of opt out slots and spend

    25-45 year olds                                           Breaks STV out of Scotland
•   Programming will be made in-house by STV Productions      Develops new STV talent
    and a new digital content team
                                                              Sold at the same premium as VOD
•   Permanent home on STV Player
                                                              STV Productions can pilot ideas
•   All episodes available immediately (boxsets)
                                                              New digital unit will focus on younger formats
•   Accessible throughout the UK (and globally)               and series

           We will update on our new content plans later this year
Our news modernisation plan will invest in people and technology,
reinforce our on-screen advantages, and save us money overall

   Scotland at heart                         Simplified, leaner structure

                                             Equal emphasis on broadcast and digital
 Rooted in Scotland's
    communities                              All our journalists to be multi-skilled

                                             Investment in technology and connectivity
    Original stories                         across sites

                           More details in Committed to localness – no changes to
                                           Ofcom licence requirements in STV North
         First             DMA’s attached and STV Central
                                             Headcount to reduce by 34, cost savings
  Truly multi-platform                       of £1m p.a.

                           the home of Scottish news
In partnership with advertisers we are also launching the STV Growth
Fund, investing £5m of airtime to support Scottish businesses

          Objectives                            Partners          Launch advertisers
Nurture the next generation of        Entrepreneurial Scotland   Scottish House Move
Scottish businesses
Position STV as a long term partner   Scottish Council for
                                      Development and Industry   McTear’s
Airtime offered on flexible basis:                               Argyle Holidays
free, match funding or rev share      Advertising Association
                                                                 Glasgow Private Hire
Lead generation and pipeline to
grow future advertising budgets                                  Cooke + Indi
STV benefits include:
Strategic use of existing assets at
minimal cost to STV                                                      + many more

   There will be a launch marketing campaign for the Growth Fund across TV, social and
   email at the end of May. We have already secured significant incremental revenue from
   new advertising partners
Our charity initiatives further underscore our commitment to Scotland
and strengthen the STV brand

 £16.3m                                                              155k        •   Launched October 2016
            •   Launched 2011
  raised                                                            customers    •   155K registered customers
            •   Raised over £16.3m
                                                                                 •   Over 46,000 unique players every week
            •   Supports projects across all 32 local authorities
                                                                                 •   60% of sales from Direct Debit subscriptions
            •   Partners with some of Scotland’s biggest
                                                                                 •   Weekly revenue now £130k
                brands e.g. RBS
 67,000                                                             £2.1m        •   Breakeven position £170k per week, expected Q3
 children                                                           to charity   •   113 grants made across 28 local authority areas

                                                                                                                         since launch

     We are focused on accelerating the Lottery breakeven point so that STV’s £9m
     investment is repaid as quickly as possible
Objective 2
Drive digital growth by creating an “STV for everyone”
Place digital front and centre in the   •Create a single digital business with its own P&L, dedicated team and KPIs
organisation                            •Recruit a new Digital Managing Director to drive STV Player growth

Upgrade the STV Player to deliver a     •3 month intensive “bug-fix” programme across all platforms
“TV-like” experience                    •Launch HD version of STV Player ahead of World Cup

Move to a culture of continuous
improvement and personalisation of      •Introduce new features to increase ‘dwell time’ and improve VOD vs PVR
the user experience                     •Use data to drive recommendations, enhanced advertising and marketing

                                        •More boxsets
Deliver significantly improved
                                        •Introduce STV exclusives to the Player
content proposition
                                        •Aggregate third party content

                                        •Target Sky, Virgin, Apple TV, X Box One
Expand distribution and access new
                                        •Launch ad-free subscription version of STV Player

STV Player is the fastest growing PSB VOD service, and has the largest
registered user base

Stream growth 2015-17
                                                 of STV’s
                                            addressable market
                                             are signed up as
                                             registered users
                                              = 2.8m people

                                                      = 39%

                                                      = 31%

We also have a simple business model, unlike ITV and C4

              more usage = more inventory = more revenue

        No conflict with broadcast                Linear first strategy
       VOD sold on its own merits                 Online as an add-on
    Data enhancement to improve yield   Creates a “ceiling” for their digital growth

 However, we have some catching up to do in terms of product features


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 The immediate focus for STV Player is on new features, improving the
 VOD content offer, and using our data to offer increased personalisation

 2018                                                 2019

HD for the World     Sign-in         Personalised                                            Addressable
                   everywhere                         Recommendations   Personalisation
      Cup                             homepage                                               advertising

  Fix quality      Series stacking    Box sets         STV originals        Content           Virtual
  of service                                                              partnerships    channels/archive

                   We will measure our success through simple metrics:
                   •Total VOD consumption
                   •Revenue and profit
We have agreed our first partnership deal to expand the STV Player
content offer, and we will launch an ad-free subscription version soon

                                                                                 Player +

 •Innovative deal with award-winning pre school       •Ad-free subscription version of STV Player
 kids TV app
                                                      •STV content available globally for the first time
 •Brings hundreds of eps of premium kids content
 to STV Player                                        •Subscription price TBC
 •STV will promote the Hopster subscription service   •Will look to bundle with other content and features
 in return for a share of pay revenues

We have a clear sense of where STV Player’s revenue growth will come
from over the next 3 years

       These priorities will determine the Player’s product and development roadmap
Objective 3
Build a world class independent production business

Restructure, reposition and        •Recruit new Managing Director
rebrand                            •Rebrand to shed corporate image

Focus on high value returning      •All development focused on returnable series, one-offs phased out
series and the “nations and        •Work in partnership with BBC, C4 and ITV to meet “nations and regions” demand
regions” growth opportunity

Use STV channels to pilot and      •Create in-house “formats factory”, piloting new ideas on STV
showcase new ideas and             •New digital unit to develop formats for younger audiences

Expand the pipeline by placing     •More umbrella deals with creative talent
more creative bets                 •Format acquisitions, writer deals, co-production and development partnerships

Pursue a partnership strategy to   •Deeper strategic partnership with international distributor/agent
expand internationally             •“IP swap” deals with US indies to co-produce in UK and internationally

 STV Productions’ 10-year performance has been inconsistent, reflecting
 a weak pipeline and a lack of returning series


       A profit high of £1.0m in 2010 was eroded to a low of only £0.1m in 2016
However, the pipeline is improving and STV Productions’ addressable
market is set to grow by £200m+ to £2.2bn by 2020

                              Forecast spend on indie content by type of broadcaster, 2016-2020

Commissioned series in 2018

The Victim (BBC)
Elizabeth is Missing (BBC)
Sex Tape (C4)
Antiques Road Trip (BBC)
Catchphrase (ITV)
Scammers (STV)
Central Station (BBC)
Market Abroad (BBC)
Super Carrier (BBC)

                                 •Source:   BBC, Channel 4, ITV, Ofcom, The Telegraph, Pact UK Television Production Census, Ovum, Oliver & Ohlbaum analysis

Spend on Scottish productions is also set to grow significantly, driven by
increased “nations and regions” investment by BBC and C4

Increasing Scottish production

                                                   increase in C4
                                                regional spend over
                                                    next 5 years

                                     “...There will be an opportunity for existing
                                     indigenous indies to really join the big
                                     leagues...become far more influential...and deliver
                                     genuinely distinctive shows”

                                     Broadcast Magazine, March 2018
Taggart and Antiques Road Trip illustrate the value of high volume, multi-
series franchises when you get them right

                                                  Antiques Road Trip

   • 110 episodes                                 By the end of 2018
   • 209 Hours
   • 27 years (1983 – 2010)                       • 450 episodes of ART
   • Sold to more than 100 territories            • 150 episodes of CART (2009-2018)
   • Lifetime revenue £135m                       • Lifetime revenue £29m
   • Lifetime margin £40m                         • Sold to 40 territories

   ...and it’s still selling...£0.5m revenue in

We will expand our pipeline of ideas by investing in more creative talent,
focusing on people rather than companies

     More ‘umbrella’ deals                             Other areas of focus

                    •   Innovative, low risk deal      Format acquisitions
                        already in place with the
                        creator of Vera and Shetland   Script/writer deals
                    •   Share of revenues
                                                       Co-production or development
     Key advantages of working with STV:
     •Access to a channel for piloting
                                                       Talent deals
     •Nations and regions credentials
     •Flexibility                                      Potentially taking stakes in smaller
                                                       indies/start ups

    There is strong competition for talent so this will take time, but we have a
    number of competitive advantages versus bigger production companies
We are aiming to double the number of series over the next 3 years, with
a focus on higher end returning series

                Today              2020             Focus

Drama           1 series           2 - 3 series     •Build on The Victim
                                                    •Target long-runner

Entertainment   2 series           4 series         •Widen customer base
Factual         3 series           4 series
                (with low          (higher value,   •High volume/value docs
                value)             6-8 eps)
Daytime         1 series           2 series         •Build on Antiques Road

We are creating 3 business divisions to mirror our 3 strategic objectives,
each with its own MD, P+L and KPIs

BROADCAST                    DIGITAL                    PRODUCTION

NEWS                         STV PLAYER                 OFF-STV PRODUCTION
OFCOM                        ONLINE PRODUCT             STV ORIGINALS

2017 REVENUE: £91.8m        2017 REVENUE: £8.4m          2017 REVENUE: £10.4m

2017 PROFIT: £16.1m         2017 PROFIT: £2.9m           2017 PROFIT: £-m
We are also putting in place a new, leaner management team focused on
delivering the strategy


                                                New internal governance structure

    MD              MD             MD
                                                Operating boards across Broadcast,
 BROADCAST                                      Digital and Productions
                                                Chaired by CEO

           HR & COMMUNICATIONS                  New people expected to fill 1 or 2 of
                                                the key MD roles


Our future investment in content will be paid for by cost savings and by
capping the existing share buyback

• The share buyback will be capped at £7.0m to provide funding for reorganisation costs
• The existing progressive dividend policy will be accelerated by 2 years
• 2018 full year dividend will be 20p per share
• We will also consult with shareholders on options to improve the effectiveness of the remaining capital return
We have begun to develop a simplified set of corporate KPIs

                                                             Internal KPIs
                   External KPIs
             1.   Broadcast revenue
                                                      •    STV reach
             2.   Broadcast profit                    •    News reach
             3.   Digital revenue                     Digital
                                                      •    STV Player consumption
             4.   Digital profit                      •    Number of streams
             5.   Productions revenue                 •    Reach
             6.   Productions profit                  •    Commissioned hours
                                                      •    Series
                                                      •    Returning series

      These KPIs are not intended to be forward-looking targets, but will be
      reported against historically. We will share further detail at our Interims in
2018 outlook

On track for a good year

                            H1 2018
 National airtime           +2%
 Regional airtime           +20-25%
 Digital                    +20-25%
 Total advertising growth   +6%
 STV Productions            30% + revenue growth

In summary
•   Positive vision for the future to re-establish STV as a creative force

•   Cash generative group with clear strategic priorities that focus the organisation on growth

•   New investment in original content entirely self-funded

•   Broadcast business likely to outperform ITV due to de-risked deal and cost control

•   Digital growth driven by a simple business model that will reward investment in new content,
    distribution and personalisation

•   Productions transformed by a focus on formats, returning series and the “Nations and Regions”

•   £3m reorganisation costs covered by buyback funds, consultation with shareholders on options
    to improve effectiveness of capital return

•   Further enhancing the existing progressive dividend policy

Restatement of new Broadcast and Digital divisions with existing divisions
(£m)                        H1 16       H2 16       FY 16       H1 17       H2 17   FY 17
Broadcast                     49.4        49.1        98.5        44.7       47.1     91.8

Digital                         3.3        4.1         7.4         4.0        4.4      8.4

Total (Consumer)              52.7        53.2       105.9        48.7       51.5   100.2

Operating Profit
Broadcast                      11.2        6.4        17.6         9.3        6.8     16.1

Digital                         1.1        1.2         2.3         1.2        1.7      2.9

Total (Consumer)              12.3         7.6        19.9        10.5        8.5     19.0

Productions                   (1.3)        1.1       (0.2)       (1.3)        1.3           -

ELM                                 -           -           -           -       -           -

Group total                   11.0         8.7        19.7         9.2        9.8     19.0      38
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