School mourns loss of beloved student

Page created by Pamela Sullivan
School mourns loss of beloved student
Thursday, February 2, 2017
                                                                                                                              Vol. 43  No. 5

                                                                                School mourns loss
                                                                                of beloved student
                                                                                by KO News Editors                     She fought a long and difficult        and cope with the tragic loss in a
                                                                                                                       battle but eventually succumbed        smaller, more intimate setting.
                                                                                       On Monday, Jan. 16,             to the illness and ended her own               While the entire community
                                                                                Kingswood Oxford junior Ellen          life on Monday, Jan. 16. Ellen         is still mourning Ellen’s passing,
                                                                                Goddard passed away at the             tried to have as normal a life as      many KO students and faculty
                                                                                Connecticut Children’s Hospital.       possible and hid the fact that she     members shared some of their
                                                                                Head of School Dennis Bisgaard         was struggling. Her great desire       favorite memories of her. From past
                                                                                assembled the entire Kingswood         for privacy isolated her and           advisors to peers, Ellen’s positive
                                                                                Oxford community on Wednesday,         allowed the mental illness to be       attitude and desire to make others
                                                                                Jan. 18, to share the somber news.     strong. If one of Ellen’s legacies     happy have left an impression that
                                                                                       In a letter that Mr. Bisgaard   could be for people to start talking   will last for many years to come.
                                                                                read to the Upper School from          about mental health illnesses                  Spanish teacher Ronald
                                                                                the Goddard family, the details        such as eating disorders, more         Garcia said that the day after
                                                                                of Ellen’s death were disclosed:       people will receive the support        the tragedy, the Goddard family
                                                                                       “Ellen had a long-term          they need to fight to be healthy.”     reached out to him and offered to
                                                                                mental health illness – a chronic             Following this assembly,        set up a memorial fund for Team
Ellen Goddard helps to refurbish a playground in Tobati, Paraguay, during a     eating disorder – and had been         students went to their advisee
service trip last March. Photo by Ronald Garcia.                                in treatment since seventh grade.      groups to better process the news      Continued on page 20.

Neighbor finds hate sign in snow
by Grace Amell ‘17                       the KO community was in Roberts        stand what the symbol means;           he received similar reactions.         people, so this event was
                                         Theater for the Choral Expo.           [they] were extremely hurt by it.”     “When I spoke at the assembly,         disturbing,” she said, “but I think
       On Friday evening, Jan. 6,               Mr. Bisgaard said that his            B o t h M r. G i l y a r d       people listened very respect-          KO handled the situation really
after an exciting day of inspira-        first reaction was to be appalled.     and Mr. Bisgaard said that             fully. It’s hard to tell how deeply    well and promotes an inclusive
tion and music at KO, Head of            “The one thing that struck me as       they received appropriate              it affects people; it’s tricky         and positive community. In light
School Dennis Bisgaard received          being such a dichotomy was that        responses from the community.          because it affects some very           of Holocaust Remembrance Day,
an alarming message: Someone             it was such an amazing day at KO,            “The adults were dismayed        deeply and others less so,” he said.   which was recently, I hope people
had drawn a swastika symbol              from the Shatterproof speaker in       by this,” said Mr. Gilyard, “and              Senior Sasha Bash said that     think of all the lives that were lost.”
in the snow on KO property.              the morning to the concert at night.   the student reaction that I’ve         the symbol has a lot of personal              Both administrators said
       The offensive symbol was          It was a slap in the face,” he said.   heard is what I was hoping             meaning, but that the reaction         that the next step is to learn from
discovered by Matt Hay, a neighbor       “It could have been a perfect day.”    to see. Students are asking            from KO has been supportive.           this experience moving forward.
of the school who had been walking              The next step was to inform     ‘Why would people do this?’”                  “The swastika stands for               Mr. Bisgaard said that,
his dog. When the Mr. Hay found          the community of the incident.               Mr. Bisgaard said that           a regime that killed 11 million        especially in the current
the symbol, he took pictures,            Mr. Bisgaard conferred with                                                                                          political climate, respect is
and then wiped away the swas-            Dean of Students Will Gilyard                                                                                        of the utmost importance.
tika and replaced it by drawing a        on how to approach this task.                                                                                               “We have to think about our
peace sign and a heart in the snow.             “It was important to address                                                                                  core values,” he said. “We can
       M r. H a y p o s t e d t h e      the whole community,” Mr.                                                                                            disagree without being hateful,
pictures on social media, and            Bisgaard said, “because for many                                                                                     and at the same time we will
several people who saw the               people the swastika symbol has                                                                                       do everything we can to fight
postings notified Mr. Bisgaard.          such a strong, visceral meaning.”                                                                                    any bias and discrimination.”
       “He had already called the               Mr. Gilyard agreed. “[Mr.                                                                                            Mr. Gilyard reiterated
police and the Anti-Defamation           Bisgaard and I] had a conversa-                                                                                      the point: “We need to educate
League. It’s nice to have neighbors      tion, and we felt like it needed to                                                                                  ourselves about these subjects,”
who look out for your community,”        be shared with the community,” he                                                                                    he said. “The further removed
Mr. Bisgaard said,” but the tricky       said, “but it was a tough conversa-                                                                                  we are from these events, the
part is that it is going to be so hard   tion to have. When we first decided                                                                                  easier it is for people to think
to find out exactly who did it.”         to discuss it, there were people,                                                                                    that these symbols are not a big
       The symbol was presumably         especially those of the Jewish         A neighbor took this photo of a swastika drawn in the snow on the KO          deal. Everyone needs to know
drawn in the snow while much of          community and others who under-        campus. It was soon wiped away and replaced by heart. Photo by Matt Hay,      that we won’t tolerate hate.”

                                                 What’s Inside this Issue:
OPINIONS                                         ARTS                           FEATURES IN-DEPTH                                                                 SPORTS
  Attendance at                              New Media                          KO students join Caf works hard    Boys varsity
  winter musical                           creates collage                        D.C. march     to accommodate hoop on the rise
  should not be                              of moments                           to advocate      students with  with six-game
   mandatory                                through time                         rights for all    food allergies winning streak
     page 6                                    page 11                              page 14           page 9         page 24
School mourns loss of beloved student
2                                                                               News
                  February 2, 2017

Shatterproof assembly ‘shatters’ stigma
by Eliza Charette ‘18                  KO students heavily. “It makes           cancer. His family had access to         raised my son with this disease?         cause of death in this country, after
                                       me rethink my opinion on people          advanced, research-based medical         What was wrong with me?”                 heart disease and cancer. There are
      O n F r i d a y, J a n . 6 ,     who are dealing with addic-              care, and the whole town rallied                This story reso-                  25 million people in this country
Roberts Theater filled with            tion,” said senior Drew Nemirow.         around him with home-cooked              nated with many members                  with a substance-abuse disorder.
students largely unaware of                   Mr. Mendell posed ques-           meals, bake sales, and all the love      o f t h e K O c o m m u n i t y.         Every day, 350 deaths are related
the Shatterproof organization.         tions and observations that had          and compassion that anyone with                  Dean of Students William         to substance-abuse and addiction.
      Gary Mendell, founder            students questioning how they felt       a disease could ever ask for and, in     Gilyard said he felt this talk                  Eighty percent of people
of Shatterproof, an organiza-          about addiction. “People make            fact, deserves, said Mr. Mendell.        opened the eyes of so many               who are addicted became addicted
tion striving to end the stigma        decisions every day and face                    Two streets away, his son         students and teachers about the          before their 18th birthday.
around addiction and raise             no consequences on them, but             Brian was also suffering from a          stigma and effect addiction truly        Someone who is 21 and tries a
awareness of the disease, shared       one little decision that someone         disease, however his story differed      has on so many peoples’ lives.           substance for the first time is only
eye-opening, first-hand stories        may make to try something                drastically. There was no medical               Students had similar reac-        four percent likely to become
about addiction and its effects.       could put them in a life of addic-       care based on research, no one           tions. “I find it amazing that he        addicted, but someone who is 14
      Mr. Mendell opened with a        tion,” said junior Tina Reale.           came to their door with cooked           was able to stand up in front of the     and tries a substance for the first
video, which was a compilation of             He didn’t stop there, Mr.         meals, no bake sales. “To be             whole school and share the most          time is close to 30 percent likely
stories from parents who had lost      Mendell spoke of a powerful              honest, I didn’t tell a lot of people    devastating experience of his            to become addicted. Yet, so many
their children in the battle with      contrast between a boy, Mikey, in        because I was embarrassed; I felt        life. It was truly life-changing,”       are uneducated on this subject.
addiction. One of these stories        the same town as Mr. Mendell and         like a failure as a father,” Mr.         said junior Haley Carangelo.                    “There’s an American
was his own. Mr. Mendell’s son         Brian. Mikey was diagnosed with          Mendell said. “How could I have                 Addiction is the third largest    Cancer Society, American Heart
Brian struggled with addiction                                                                                                                                    Association, Autism Speaks, MS
and ultimately took his own life.                                                                                                                                 Society, but there was nothing
      Brian had attended eight                                                                                                                                    for addiction,” said Mr. Mendell.
different treatment centers,                                                                                                                                      “And what do these organiza-
trying to overcome his addic-                                                                                                                                     tions do? They raise hundreds of
tion. Eventually, Brian was                                                                                                                                       millions of dollars a year, they
able to overcome his addiction.                                                                                                                                   fund private research, they advo-
      But on October 20,                                                                                                                                          cate for change, they end shame
2011, Mr. Mendell said he                                                                                                                                         and stigma, and there was no
was awakened in the middle                                                                                                                                        such thing for addiction,” he said.
of the night by his cell phone                                                                                                                                           Mr. Mendell’s solution to this
ringing. His son Brian had died.                                                                                                                                  epidemic was to found Shatterproof
      “He was 25 years old and                                                                                                                                           Shatterproof’s goal is to
he hadn’t used a substance in 13                                                                                                                                  provide support and information to
months, and, even more tragic, it                                                                                                                                 families, raise money for research,
wasn’t just addiction that took my                                                                                                                                and raise awareness to end the
son’s life,” said Mr. Mendell. “It                                                                                                                                stigma associated with addiction.
was the feeling of shame that he had                                                                                                                                     Junior Christian Vitti said
every morning when he opened his                                                                                                                                  that the assembly gave him a new
eyes that feeling like an outcast to                                                                                                                              awareness. “I have never had a
society that caused him to wake up                                                                                                                                personal experience with addic-
that morning, and his history on his                                                                                                                              tion,” he said.“No one in my family
laptop shows he searched suicide                                                                                                                                  has dealt with it, so this assembly
notes, wrote a note of his own, lit                                                                                                                               made me really realize how big this
a candle and took his own life.”       Mr. Mendell addresses the community about the horrors of drug addiction. He passionately told the story of his son         disease is and that no one should
      This powerful story affected     Brian, who died as a result of addiction and the societal stigma surrounding his disease. Photo by Shelby Fairchild ’17.   feel shame when they have it.”

KO invites students to compete in 9th annual WIAF
by Eliza Charette ‘18                  percussion competition, Jeremy           Want You Back” by the Jackson 5.         arrangements of popular songs.           Kyle Chapman, who won over the
                                       Hariprasad from Hall High                       Outstanding Student                      Mr. Baker said he felt that the   audience by cracking jokes and
       From Friday, Jan. 27 to         School’s A Cafella group wowed           Arranger went to Elise Counsell and      snow days have hurt the groups, but      sharing stories. “Mr. Chapman
Saturday, Jan. 28, 15 groups faced     the audience with his impres-            Jocelyn Geller of Lexington High         that they felt prepared going into       was a great emcee,” said Grace.
off for a cappella glory, including    sive beatboxing. He ended up             School’s Guacamole. Outstanding          the WIAF. He said that Crimson 7         “He filled a lot of the breaks in
KO’s own Crimson 7 and Oxford-         taking both titles: People’s             Student Director went to Alana           seemed the most prepared they had        activity between performances
ians groups. The Grapes from Ethel     Choice Vocal Percussionist and           Garcia from Ethel Walker ’s              ever been, although they did not         with funny stories and anecdotes,
Walker School took home the Best       Outstanding Vocal Percussionist.         Grapes, and Outstanding Student          win any awards during the WIAF.          and he really got the audience
in Show Award. However, many                 Outstanding Male Soloist           Choreographer went to Emma                      Their songs were popular          laughing and excited for the night.”
other awards we also distributed to    went to Vivek Gopalakrishnan from        Kelly and Lexi Sylverne of Bristol       with the audience. “I thought                  Other students said
recognize outstanding performers.      Lexington High School’s Pitch            Eastern High School’s Strawberry         both of Crimson 7’s songs were           that they agreed with Grace.
       The Pitch Pipes from            Pipes. He sang “When We Were             Fields. All three of these students      really impressive especially                   “Mr. Chapman was really
Lexington High School took             Young” by Adele which demon-             showed outstanding leadership            the Hamilton Medley which I              funny,” said senior Sasha Bash.
second place, Be S#arp from            strated his outstanding range and        and creativity in their leadership.      thought was the best song of the         “He shared a lot of personal anec-
Conard High School took third,         consistency. Outstanding Female                 As for the night’s purpose,       night.” said senior Grace Amell.         dotes that lightened the mood,
and lastly, Guacamole from             Soloist went to Avery Bebon              Form 6 Dean and founder of                      The whole night was               and his energetic spirit embodied
Lexington High School won an           from Fairfield-Ludlowe High              Team Tobati Ronald Garcia said           emceed by KO English teacher             the theme of the night perfectly.”
honorable mention, fourth place.       School’s Close Harmony. Avery            this night is always a great fund-
       In a fan favorite vocal         wowed the judges by belting “I           raiser for the organization, usually
                                                                                pulling in around $13,000 for the                 Congratulations to the
                                                                                trip in March. This year the money
                                                                                will be going towards a kitchen that              Cum Laude Inductees!
                                                                                will be built in the Macchi School.           Ryan Albanesi		                         Carolyn McCusker
                                                                                       Once installed, the kitchen
                                                                                will provide students with free               Grace Amell			Ambika Natarajan
                                                                                breakfast and lunch every day.
                                                                                Before the night of the festival,             Sasha Bash			                           Alec Rossi
                                                                                Form 3 Dean and creative arts
                                                                                teacher David Baker said he was               Jacob Brown			                          Emilie Sienko
                                                                                excited for the festival. “Hopefully
                                                                                we will have a really good turn out           Amanda Civitello		                      Ryan Silvers
                                                                                in order to raise lots of money for
                                                                                                                              Shelby Fairchild		                      Noah Stanton
                                                                                the new kitchen in Tobati as well as
                                                                                have an awesome a cappella festival           Noah Hawks-Ladds		                      Bonnie Steinberg
                                                                                with lots of singing and fun.”
                                                                                       Mr. Garcia agreed, saying              Celia Jarmoc			                         Cassie T-Pederson
                                                                                that this night is always so
                                                                                much fun for students to see                  Tara Kilkenny
                                                                                their peers performing amazing
School mourns loss of beloved student
Editorials                                                                                                                     3
                                                                                                                                                       February 2, 2017

    The editorials below represent the collective
    opinion of the members of the KO News
                                                                                                                               A Wyvern’s Tale
    Editorial Board: Noah
                 Amell, Ryan
                                    Alec Rossi,
                                          Kate Betts,
                                           Kelly Malo-
                                                                                                                               Stop political
    ney, Alec Rossi,
    McCusker,   IsabelLauren
    ald and Sasha
    Aparajita Kashyap.

KO’s Culture of Busy
                                                                                                 by Noah Stanton ’17
                                                                                                                                                    and others into aren’t relevant. Once you
                                                                                                                                                    know someone’s party, you think you know
                                                                                                        I’ve pretty much spent my entire            everything about them. People take one
       Most weeks at KO follow a pattern:        a quantification of how hard they’re working    KO News career trying to avoid writing a           look at me and assume I’m a liberal, and
three tests on Tuesday, an away game on          or the extent to which they are qualified.      political article. In fact, except for a few       I find it funny. I don’t disagree with them,
Wednesday and a club meeting on Thursday                While being involved in the school       close friends, I’ve spent my entire high           I don’t tell them they’re wrong; if they’ve
morning. Faced with countless academic,          community is vital to success at KO, the        school career trying to avoid sharing my           already made that assumption about me,
athletic, and extracurricular commitments,       predication that, when students are not         political beliefs in general, so what better       chosen to view me in that particular light
the average KO student embodies the word         working, they are lazy or uninvolved is         way for me to end my time as Editor-in-            without even talking to me, then what’s the
“busy.” Recent articles published by the         harmful. When schoolwork and extra-             Chief than by doing what I’ve always               point in telling them otherwise? Sure, I hold
New York Times and Johns Hopkins Health          curriculars come in the way of family           feared, revealing what I’ve always hidden?         some beliefs that align with today’s defini-
Review have attempted to elucidate this idea     time, rest, and personal obligations, we               This article isn’t really about my          tion of liberalism. I hold many beliefs that
or perhaps obsession that America (and           become unable to decompress and sepa-           beliefs, however, so please try to look            align with modern Republicanism as well.
even KO) has with being chronically busy.        rate the two spheres that exist in our lives.   past them; I’m writing this piece to shed          Who are we to tell others what they are?
       From a young age our lives have                  The KO News staff urges students         light on the toxic political climate that          Who are you to tell me I’m a liberal, or a
been scheduled. From piano lessons               and faculty not to live by the Google           has come to control our school, our state,         Republican, or anything for that matter?
to sports practices, this obsession with         Calendar. Take some time to do what you         and our country. Here goes nothing.                       The point I’m trying to make
constant activity and the best use of our        love. Embrace the spontaneity that is around           I am a Republican. Well, I guess            here is that politics are messy, and
time has produced a generation of students       you and resist the urge to measure personal     I should say I would be a Republican.              their labels are subject to change.
anxious about the prospect of free time.         success and self-worth by the amount of         Granted, I’ve never voted in an election, and             If you feel confident calling your-
       At some point, we all find ourselves      time spent on the playing field or home-        I’m not registered as one within the state of      self a Democrat, or a conservative, or
questioning whether our current academic         work. The KO News staff by no means is          Connecticut, but if I had to choose a political    even a socialist, then that’s great! Do
schedule or extracurricular load is adequate.    suggesting students to stop trying; rather,     party that best aligned with my economic           not, however, project your percep-
Faced with the pressure of hypercompetitive      we should all take inventory of our own         views, it would be the Republican party.           tions of these parties onto other people.
college admissions, websites like College-       lives and prioritize what is important to us.   The majority of my family is moderate to                  The best way to trudge through
Confidential serve as a way for us to gauge      Spend the most time doing what you love         right-leaning, and because I believe in less       this confusing political climate is to
whether we’re working hard enough. Always        and what will best prepare you for future       government subsidization and decreased             remain open to discussion and to extend
trying to get ahead, students view busyness as   personal and professional satisfaction.         federal spending, I suppose that I am as well.     curiosity and thoughtfulness to others

Students can provide
                                                                                                        Does that mean I would vote for every       in order to keep conversations going.
                                                                                                 Republican candidate who runs for office?                 Don’t box yourself off from the
                                                                                                 Not necessarily. Does that I mean I stand          people around you. After all, we’re

insight at assemblies
                                                                                                 by every single principle the Republican           young and our opinions are subject to
                                                                                                 party has stood for in years past? Abso-           change; dismissing opposing thoughts and
                                                                                                 lutely not. I am also a lot of other things.       beliefs only makes it harder for us grow.
                                                                                                        So why haven’t I shared this fact                  We must work to confront the ideolo-
       The KO News staff would first             meaningful advice with the student body.        about myself before? It’s not because I’ve         gies that we do not understand. Find your own
like to applaud KO for the speakers who          Furthermore, students can also do this.         been scared of the repercussions, or because       voice, and share it with the world, but please,
have been brought to our assemblies.                   In the beginning of the year, senior      I’ve been afraid that people will judge me;        try not to quiet other voices in the process.
        Gary Mendell, for example, spoke         Rose Esselstyn shared her experiences from      I don’t really care what everyone thinks.          Don’t make assumptions about people.
recently about his organization, Shatter-        Chewonki Semester school and how that           It’s because to me, the title isn’t relevant.             Instead, listen to what they
proof. With a great deal of compassion and       inspired her to start composting at KO and to   The political boxes that we put ourselves          have to say. It might surprise you.
composure, his words moved everyone in the       make a garden. Senior Connor O’Loughlin

                                                                                                    Roses are red,
room. These assemblies, and others that stick    gave a fascinating in-depth presenta-
out to us, such as when Chris Herron came        tion about his Wyverns in Space Project.
to speak a few years ago, teach students life          There should be more opportuni-

                                                                                                    Violets are blue,
lessons that sometimes cannot be taught in       ties for students to share what they are
the classroom. It is these kinds of assemblies   passionate about and how they are acting
that truly bring the KO community together.      on these passions because students can

                                                                                                    Punxsutawney Phil,
       However, the KO News staff would          learn from other students. Thus, we
also like to recognize the importance            encourage KO to utilize the experiences
of taking advantage of the resources             of KO students and parents to make

                                                                                                    Here’s looking at you!
available within the KO community to             assembly speakers even more diverse.
enlighten us: students and their parents.              Speakers such as Mr. Mendell,
       For example, on Friday, KO parent         KO parents, local community leaders,
Karen Jarmoc was a part of the Junior            and students will continue to broaden the
Achievement panel. She provided insight          student body’s perspective and shed light
into the building blocks required for
a career path. Mrs. Jarmoc is just one
example of a KO parent who could share
                                                 on a variety of different issues. This can
                                                 strengthen ties between alumni, parents,
                                                 and students of the KO community.
                                                                                                    Happy Groundhog Day!
                                                       KO News Editors 2016 – 2017
                                                                                       Noah Stanton

                                Managing Editor                                       Photography Editor                                       Managing Editor
                              for News, Sports and                                     Shelby Fairchild                                        for Features, Arts
                            Investigative Journalism                                                                                             and Opinions
                                   Alec Rossi                                       Associate Photography                                         Sasha Bash
                                                             Investigative             Angie DeLucia
      News Editor                Sports Editor             Journalism Editor                                        Features Editor                  Arts Editor            Opinions Editor
                                                                                         Ali Meizels
      Grace Amell               Ryan Albanesi             Carolyn McCusker                                         Isabel Kaufman                  Tara Kilkenny           Aparajita Kashyap
 Associate News Editors     Associate Sports Editors    Associate Investigative         Thomas Betts              Associate Features         Associate Arts Editors         Associate Opinions
     Eliza Charette               Will Gitlin             Journalism Editor                                            Editors                  Jacob Brown                      Editors
      Adam Ovian              Michael Loughran              Hannah Bash                                           Vivian Goldstein            Gabrielle Ruban                  Jack Antico
    Benjamin Small             Ben Putterman                                           Faculty Advisors            Neil Hemnani
                              Kyle Zimmerman                                              Rob Kyff                  Olivia Rossi
                                                                                       Cathy Schieffelin            Emma Smith
School mourns loss of beloved student
4               Opinions
                  February 2, 2017

Power naps increase Into the wild:
learning capacity   animal facts
by Jackie Rubin                       reputable sources, however                      Powerful napper and            by Janvi Sikand ’19                             F a c t 8 : Yo u s h o u l d
                                      (one from the blog, “The Art            accomplished person that I                                                      NEVER turn your back on
       “Let’s start by taking a       of Manliness”), the benefits of         am, I have no delusions about                 I’ll get right to it: Nature is   bears, men you have wronged,
smallish nap or two.” – Winnie        napping are quite opposite the          changing our country’s practices       crazy. Even I know that, and I rarely    or the dominant turkey during
the Pooh. Our favorite pudgy          slothful image it has acquired.         (I’ll leave that to the politicians    venture outside to experience it. So     mating season. Thanks to
bear was onto something                      Naps are documented as           – no comment), but I might have        today, I’ve compiled some cool           Dwight Schrute for that one.
when he made this statement.          having incredible restorative           a shot at altering the way we do       animal facts which I hope will                  Fact 9: Female lions do 90
       Winnie the Pooh – undoubt-     powers including: increased alert-      things at KO. How about insti-         entertain, educate, and edify you.       percent of the hunting, killing,
edly among the most self-aware        ness, improved mood, health,            tuting a short nap period (based              Fact 1: Howler monkeys are        and tough work of a lion pride,
of all fictional characters – knows   learning and memory capacity,           on my extensive research and           the loudest land animals, and can be     yet the males get the bulk of the
his sawdust and fluff-filled head     and heightened creativity. The          personal experience, 20 minutes        heard in the jungle from three miles     meat and are at the top of the
benefits from a brief rest prior      National Sleep Foundation (yes,         is ideal) some time after lunch?       away. Kind of like some people           chain of the command. Wow.
to beginning challenging tasks.       there is such an organization)                  We ’ v e c h a n g e d o u r   yelling as loudly as they possibly       That’s FOOD for thought.
       In fact, I literally started   goes as far as stating that naps        schedule in the past to foster         can so their opinions are heard over            Fact 10: Despite being the
the process of composing this         can “enhance performance and            improved teaching and learning;        others, and ending up just being         tallest mammal in the world and
article by taking a planned nap,      reduce mistakes and accidents.”         adding snooze time will further        annoying instead of listened to.         having a kick that can kill a man,
knowing I would be able to                   Perhaps instead of cloaking      enhance our progress and may                  Fact 2: King cobras are           giraffes are peaceful, social animals
think and write more clearly          my short-sleep savvy in secrecy,        even lead to less “accidental”         the most venomous snakes and             that rarely ever fight among them-
after some rejuvenating shut-eye.     I should just relocate. Many            napping (i.e. during class).           eat other snakes in the wild,            selves. I suppose it goes to show
       Although I am an expert        countries including Japan, Italy,               Making planned napping         showing that there’s a good              that just because you HAVE all this
napper, I’ve had to hide my           Mexico, Nigeria and Spain, not          a part of the fabric of KO             reason we call people who tear           power, it doesn’t mean you can go
impressive talent (only admit-        only support but also encourage         c o u l d h e l p o u r Wy v e r n s   each other down “snakes.”                around abusing it for no reason.
ting my habit to close friends and    naps; businesses actually shut          truly “conquer” themselves.                   Fact 3: Polar bears actu-                Fact 12: Some shark species,
family, and stealthily taking my      down after lunch and students                   History is ripe with famous    ally have black skin, but I              for example, the tiger shark, canni-
work siestas in a mostly obscured     and workers are expected to rest.       nappers who have made major            sure don’t see other animals             balize one another in utero so that
corner of my office – lest a passer          Although the United States       contributions to society – Leon-       treating it like an inferior.            they can eliminate the competition,
by should erroneously think           is starting to catch up by having       ardo DaVinci, Thomas Edison,                  Fact 4: Earthworms have           and won’t stop until just one fetus
I am “sleeping” on the job).          people slow down – Google and           Margaret Thatcher, Muhamad             five hearts, proving that even           comes out on top. Does anyone
       Sadly, napping is both an      Nike are among several compa-           Ali, and Kim Kardashian among          they have more heart than you.           notice how much this sounds like
overlooked and under-respected        nies that now have nap areas in         them. Connor O’Laughlin has                   Fact 5: Ants never ever           the lyrics of Bop To The Top? I
practice in our culture. Unless       their workspaces to encourage           already put “Wyverns in Space.”        sleep, and they work day and             honestly have to say I like “High
you are very, very young (a           the practice because they believe       Who knows what he might be             night carrying objects 50 times          School Musical” better than
baby or toddler) or very, very        napping increases produc-               able to launch after a catnap?         their weight. Oh, are you still          this real-life shark horror story.
old, people tend to look down         tivity – we are far behind the                                                 complaining about having                        Fact 13: Seahorses are
on napping as a sign of laziness      rest of the rest of the world, not      Director of Academic Skills Jackie     gotten less-than-optimal sleep           generally monogamous and stay
and apathy. According to several      a place Americans like to be.           Rubin teaches English in the Upper     last night because you got too           with the same partner for the whole
                                                                              School.                                                                         breeding season. Whew, good
                                                                                                                     carried away watching Netflix?

           Advice Column
                                                                                                                            Fact 6: Baby swans are            thing they only mate with others
                                                                                                                     called cygnets, and they are in          one at a time, or they’d be labelled
                                                                                                                     fact cute as hell. I have no idea        “promiscuous” and have all their
                                                                                                                     why a cygnet was the main char-          reproductive rights taken away!
                                                                                                                                                                     Fact 14: A honey badger’s
   Question: How can I help make our campus
                                                                                                                     acter of “The Ugly Duckling”; it
                                                                                                                     should’ve been a baby Gouldian           skin is so tough that it can with-
                                                                                                                                                              stand blows from a machete. How
   feel more like a home for everyone?
                                                                                                                     finch because those, my friend,
                                                                                                                     are the things of nightmares.            do y’all reckon the “scientists”
                                                                                                                            Fact 7: The claws of a mantis     figured that one out? Fact 15: Bees
  by Chastity Rodriguez               culture and climate on campus?          serious thought answering them.
                                                                                                                     shrimp can accelerate as quickly         are dying at an alarming global rate.
                                             Do I laugh when                  If you know you are one of the
                                                                                                                     as a .22-caliber bullet. Also,                  Bonus Fact! Because
        OK dear One, first let’s      someone falls flat in class or          brightLights on our campus
                                                                                                                     mantis shrimp are never kept in          humans are animals too, right?!:
  define what it feels like when      in the halls or on the fields?          adding to a warm, welcoming and
                                                                                                                     aquariums because they pose a            People’s brains operate on about
  you’re home. At home, you                  Or do I say or do something      affirming climate and culture,
                                                                                                                     lethal threat to other occupants of      15 watts of electricity, or less if
  belong. You don’t have to try       that signals to my classmate that       please know you are oh so
                                                                                                                     their tanks, as well as to human         they think Nickelback is a top-
  to fit in because you know          it’s OK, I’ve been there too? Do        important to the health and well-
                                                                                                                     visitors to the aquarium. Now            notch band. That is all. Hope you
  you are accepted for who you        I join in on the chorus of “ohhh-       being of your fellow students.
                                                                                                                     why in the world would that be?          enjoyed these neat-o animal facts!
  are, thorns and all, and even       hhhhhhhhhhhhh” when someone                    I want to thank you
  when when you mess up.
        In fact, at home when
  you mess up you are taught
                                      gets roasted? Or do I stand up
                                      for that person instead? Heck,
                                      am I the person roasting people
                                                                              personally and with my whole
                                                                              heart for everything you do
                                                                              every day to help make our
                                                                                                                     KO should drop
                                                                                                                     cellphone rule
  and guided rather than shamed       for the fun of it? (And if you          school a home away from
  or taunted because you get the      are, please know that means you         home for all who attend.
  benefit of the doubt as your        are hurting too and could prob-                And if you realize you
  family positively assumes           ably use a little TLC yourself.)        are unwittingly (in an effort to
  rather than negatively assumes.            Or do I go out of my way         fit in or gain social currency)        by Taline Norsigian ’19                  students to break rules. Phones
        You are allowed to            to compliment and support my            contributing to a mean-spirited                                                 are helpful tools, yet because
  change and grow without             classmates for the fun of it? Am I      campus where people feel like                When you are told to               the Upper School Community
  being called fake because you       a part of a group chat that foments     they have to hide their truth to       break the rules daily, it is time        Handbook says cell phones are
  aren’t trapped by past mistakes     hurtful and offensive comments?         get through the day, I encourage       to change them. Twenty-four              prohibited in the classroom,
  or your reputation at home.         Or am I reporting instances of          you to very quickly forgive            out of 25 students in a survey           students are technically disobeying
        If you are feeling weak       meanness and gossip, instead?           yourself for past behaviors and        said they used their cell phones         rules when they use them.
  or sad or scared, you can feel             Am I curious when I              commit to practicing new ones          for academic purposes at least                 I believe that this foolish
  those feelings and even share       encounter someone who is                that help make our campus feel         once in class during this school         rule should be abolished.
  them without fear of being seen     different and makes me uncom-           more like a home for everyone.         year. Fifty percent of those                   While phones used for
  as less than or fragile or like a   fortable as a result or am I critical          And if you need help            students said they used their cell       personal reasons, such as social
  “special snowflake.” In short,      of their otherness? Do I look           forgiving yourself or learning         phones in class that same day,           media and texting, can be
  the culture and climate at home     for connections or do I focus on        how to become a bright-                after only having two classes.           distracting, phones are a conve-
  is safe, open, and affirming.       differences? Am I sarcastic in          Light I would love to chat                   In fact, the science teacher       nient way to benefit your education.
        Next we can ask ourselves:    my communication or do I take           with you about all of it in the        who asked those students to use                Further, phones offer
  What do I do to contribute to       the kind, direct route instead?         cozy, confidential confines of         phones as timers on labs and the         students easy access to learning.
  a safe, open, and affirming                The culture and climate of       the counseling office located          math teacher who instructed the          When a teacher asks students
  culture and climate on campus       our campus hinges on the answers        in the basement of Roberts.            students to plot red, green, and         to take out their cell phones, it
  and what do I do to contribute      to these questions, dear Ones, and      Ms. Rodriguez is the Upper School      blue points on a graphing calcu-
  to a harsh, closed, and critical    I implore you to spend time in          Guidance Counselor.                    lator app are regularly telling          continued on page 6
School mourns loss of beloved student
Opinions                                                                                                                       5
                                                                                                                                                           February 2, 2017

Election Spaces Clues
by David Marottolo ’18
If you are interested in contributing your own puzzle to the newspaper, please email David Marottolo or Rob Kyff.          Across                                 6. Eggs
                                                                                                                                                                  7. Comparative suffix
                                                                                                                                                                  8. London bourse (abbr.)
                                                                                                                                                                  9. Sporting stage
                                                                                                                           1. Urban model -- Chyna
                                                                                                                           5. Provoke                             10. What liberals think of Trump’s
                                                                                                                           9. Smokey, for example (2 wds.)        followers
                                                                                                                           14. Accompanies health in LoL          11. The company that keeps going
                                                                                                                           15. Holiday lead-ins                   … and going … (abbr.)
                                                                                                                           16. Famous drummer (think Fab          12. Commonly measured by a
                                                                                                                           Four)                                  king’s reign
                                                                                                                           17. Subject of a landmark 2012         13. Decay
                                                                                                                           Supreme Court decision                 18. “___ was going to St. Ives …”
                                                                                                                           19. Marsh bird                         (2 wds.)
                                                                                                                           20. Finish for “court” or “her”        21. Commando’s weapon
                                                                                                                           21. Elimination-style card game        22. Insurance company times three
                                                                                                                           22. Trump’s goal for a global          23. Face (slang)
                                                                                                                           market                                 24. Geological span
                                                                                                                           32. Surrounding glow                   26. Outdated messaging system
                                                                                                                           33. Bane of all music-lovers           27. Part of Canada (abbr.)
                                                                                                                           34. Famous set of Christian initials   28. Conditions
                                                                                                                           (abbr.)                                29. Business abbr.
                                                                                                                           35. Turkish title                      30. Spanish gold
                                                                                                                           36. Auto parts                         31. Insect egg
                                                                                                                           37. Fancy tie                          36. Gorgeous (slang)
                                                                                                                           38. Possessed                          37. Children’s primer
                                                                                                                           39. Speaking frankly (abbr.)           38. One of the 2017 presidential
                                                                                                                           40. Long spear or javelin              contestants
                                                                                                                           43. French saint Joan _____ (2         39. What the media supposedly
                                                                                                                           wds.)                                  does to Trump
                                                                                                                           46. Lobbying org.                      40. Irish god
                                                                                                                           49. NATO member (abbr.)                41. One or eleven
                                                                                                                           50. Gucci rival                        42. Not pos.
                                                                                                                           51. Crème ___ crème (2 wds.)           43. Pre-refinery minerals
                                                                                                                           52. Those responsible for election     44. Distant
                                                                                                                           results                                45. Gator tail?
                                                                                                                           55. Common conjunction                 46. Domesticated animal
                                                                                                                           56. Isle off of New Caledonia          47. Pub order
                                                                                                                           57. ‘90s commerce pact                 48. Vehicle

Trump censors EPA
                                                                                                                           60. Government--funded college?        50. Renoir (abbr.)
                                                                                                                           66. Leafy bower                        51. Patrons
                                                                                                                           67. Actor’s occupation                 53. Like an albatross
                                                                                                                           68. Speed contest                      54. Cares for 46-down
                                                                                                                           69. A top, for example                 57. “New York State of Mind”
by Aparajita Kashyap ’18                and a lack of funding would              Management (whose expertise is            70. Sounds of disapproval              rapper
                                        stymie this critical research.           presumably not environmental              71. Mine product                       58. Father of Dadaism

       Recently, President Trump              The EPA’s media blackout           science) to be releasing infor-                                                  59. Clashed with Trump over
and his administration placed a         means that it cannot contact media       mation about the environment.                                                    report
“media blackout” on the EPA (Envi-      or issue press releases or post          Logically, the person responsible                                                60. Middle school standardized
ronmental Protection Agency); the       anything on an official social media     for dispensing this information                                                  test
administration has also instructed      account without express permis-          should have some kind of envi-            1. Finn and Jake’s living video        61. Toilet (Brit. slang)
officials to freeze grants and          sion of the Office of Administra-        ronmental science education.              game console                           62. Chess rating system
contracts. These decisions              tion and Resources Management.                   Even worse, Mr. Trump and         2. Chemistry activity                  63. Cultural inst. across the pond
worry scientists and concerned                This is particularly trou-         his administration may choose             3. Santa ___, Calif.                   64. Oft-torn knee part (abbr.)
citizens around the world.              bling, especially if one considers       not to release any new informa-           4. Journalist’s tool                   65. Tennis term
       An email was sent within         the near future of the EPA: the          tion at all (a scenario that seems        5. Like many of Trump’s initial        Bonus Question: Why is there no
hours of Mr. Trump’s swearing-          man currently poised to head the         increasingly likely as we see             directives                             Clue #25?
in on Friday. It read, “New EPA         agency, Scott Pruitt, is a firm disbe-   the animosity between the press
administration has asked that           liever of climate change (some-          and the Trump administration).            KO Spaces:
all contract and grant awards be        thing that the EPA is responsible                The environment is some-
temporarily suspended, effective
immediately… Until we receive
                                        for researching extensively). He
                                        has also sued the EPA 13 times. .
                                                                                 thing that concerns all people of
                                                                                 this world, regardless of location,
                                                                                                                           Answers to December
further clarification, which
we hope to have soon, please
construe this to include task
                                        This gag order
                                                                                 citizenship, or political status.
                                                                                 We should have access to the
                                                                                 assessments of qualified scientists
                                                                                                                           Crossword Puzzle
orders and work assignments.”
       Freezing the EPA’s grants
                                        could severely                           regarding the environment. Only
                                                                                 by creating an informed public
and contracts severely limits the       limit the EPA’s                          can America truly make the best
work it can do, and, because the                                                 decisions. Ultimately, these orders
EPA is responsible for so much          ability to serve the                     shake the very foundation of what
research, these cuts could affect
everything from state-led climate       public.                                  science is supposed to be. Research
                                                                                 should not be bent or twisted to fit a
research to localized efforts to                                                 school of thought; hypotheses and
improve air and water quality to              If it is in place for much         theories should arise from research.
environmental justice projects          longer, this gag order could                     Furthermore, scientists
aimed at helping poor communi-          severely limit the EPA’s ability         should always be able to release
ties. According to its website, the     to serve the public: the media           all of their findings, as well as their
EPA awards more than $4 billion in      blackout means that the Trump            procedures, as retesting experi-
funding for grants and other assis-     administration can pick and choose       ments is a cornerstone of science.
tance agreements per year. That         what information is released to the              Impeding the process of
funding is currently and indefi-        public, and there would be no way        research slows the flow of prog-
nitely on hold, which creates a         to hold these people accountable.        ress, and when the research is
widespread air of apprehension.               In addition to releasing           on matters as important as our
       Scientists, state/local          “alternative facts” (that the EPA        extremely fragile environment,
officials, universities and even        cannot dispute), it does not make        it is imperative that the EPA
Native American tribes are              sense for a person in the Office         be able to release their work.
often recipients of these grants,       of Administration and Resources
School mourns loss of beloved student
6             Opinions
                   February 2, 2017

Attendance at winter musical should
not be mandatory for students
by Jack Antico ’17                      the the musical is an event put          school musical should be made          the school play be mandatory,         phones, take excessive trips to
                                        on by a sports group, thereby            officially not optional is that it     it forces kids like me to come to     the bathroom and water fountain
       Disclaimer: This is in no        making it a sporting event.              practically is. At least one out       the school musical even though        to go on their phones, and talk to
way an attack on the wonderful                  Furthermore, even if one         of every five Wyverns skips the        I don’t want to. (I hate musi-        their classmates. This makes the
productions put on the KO               denies it is a sporting event, it        musical, and that’s a low estimate.    cals. KO, it’s not you,\; it’s me).   overall experience for everyone
Creative Arts Department, but           is still unfair to prioritize the        How would I know this? Well,                  This leads to kids like        else worse because my being
rather a criticism of the manda-        art form of musicals over the            a) from looking at the crowd at        me more likely to go on their         on my phone or talking to my
tory attendance of such events.         art form of other performances,          the musical and noticing that                                                friends distracts attentive audi-
       I’ll repeat it one more time:    such as taking penalty kicks, or         it’s never as full as all-school                                             ence members, and every time I
The winter musical shouldn’t            returning punts. And if you deny         assemblies, which already have         Even if one denies                    get up to go the water fountain or
be mandatory, for a multitude of
reasons. Other sporting events
                                        that sports is an art (yes, I’m
                                        looking at you Meryl Streep criti-
                                                                                 a good amount of kids missing,
                                                                                 and b) from the years that I may
                                                                                                                        it is a sporting                      bathroom, everyone else in my row
                                                                                                                                                              has to get up, which is just terrible.
– and the play is considered a
sport – aren’t mandatory. In prac-
                                        cizing Mixed Martial Arts as not
                                        being an art), then you’re wrong.
                                                                                 not have attended, I see a bunch
                                                                                 of kids not at the musical, either
                                                                                                                        event, it is still                            The second reason is that, by
                                                                                                                                                              forcing kids to go who don’t want to
tice, the play isn’t really manda-             If one were to then say, well     in the locker room getting ready       unfair to priori-                     go, it can build resentment between
tory, and students who don’t want       sports aren’t a musical art form,        for their sports or just hanging out                                         the arts staff and athletes, which
to be there disrupt the musical,        I’d respond by saying the acapella       around KO, in the library or in CT.    tize the art form of                  isn’t good for anyone. Kids think
making it worse for everybody.          and wind ensemble performances                  I understand that some                                                “Wow the lead actor is why I can’t
       The winter musical is            are, yet they are not mandatory.         would argue that teachers              musicals over the                     leave this place,” and that damages
considered a sport, which, quite
hilariously, people both on and off
                                                I also understand that one
                                        would make the argument that the
                                                                                 should just be more strict, but
                                                                                 they are trying this approach
                                                                                                                        art form of other                     our vital sense of community.
                                                                                                                                                                      So compromise with
the musical cast deny. As such, no
sporting event other than the winter
                                        musical only has one “game,” thus
                                        it should be an exception to the rule.
                                                                                 right now, and it doesn’t work.
                                                                                        Plus, if students don’t want
                                                                                                                        performances,                         me: How about we make it so
                                                                                                                                                              that freshman have to go to the
musical has mandatory attendance.       This, however, is quite invalid as       to be there, they can just say they    such as taking                        musical, and you take strict atten-
       And yes, some might argue        other sports have one big “game”         are going to the bathroom and not                                            dance so everyone shows up,
that the musical is not a sporting      whether is be a championship foot-       come back or just say they have        penalty kicks, or                     getting a taste of the musical.
event but rather a musical and          ball game or a final track meet,         a doctor’s appointment and leave.                                            Then this exposes them in some
artistic extracurricular activity.      yet these too are not mandatory.                Two other small yet impor-      returning punts.                      sense while still remaining fair
This notion is incorrect because               Another reason why the            tant reasons is that by having                                               to other sports. Everybody wins!

Women’s March                                                                                                           Cellphone rules
works wonders                                                                                                           out-of-date
                                                                                                                        continued from page 4
                                                                                                                                                              useful tools with many func-
by Elise Gendrich ’19                   tive” (I translated that one from        that people everywhere in                                                    tions, which is the most important
                                        Spanish), and “Girls with dreams         America proudly want to uphold         takes less than three seconds.        reason teachers frequently ask
       On Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017,      become women with visions.”              our morals and values, despite         Devices are extremely accessible      students to whip out their phones.
at least three million people in 60            The crowds comprised              what the leadership may feel.          because students always carry                Students can solve arith-
different countries marched for         all genders and ages; there                    Some may think that              their phones in their backpacks.      metic calculations, plot points
equality for all. There was the         were small kids, teenagers,              Trump won’t listen to anyone,                 Cell phones save money.        on graphing calculator apps, and
main group in Washington, D.C.,         adults, and even people old              but it certainly made a state-         For instance, rather than buying      translate words on portable phones.
with over half a million people; the    enough to be grandparents.               ment for millions to protest in        a French-to-English dictionary               I request that KO change
crowds got so big that the group               Several           sources         the capital, around the country,       translator book for $9.99 at Barnes   the rule so students can explore
had to split up and the crowd went      agreed that it seemed like a             and around the world the               & Noble, a language student can       their academic learning on
along different streets, chanting and   rather small percentage of               day after he came into office.         access a free dictionary trans-       phones. Let the teachers, not the
holding signs, until they rejoined.     marchers were not Caucasian.                   The purpose of this protest      lator app on his or her cell phone.   Handbook, decide when students
       Not only did this take                  In particular, the conser-        was, most of all, to show that         Additionally, a student can buy a     can use devices responsibly.
place in the capital, but the           vative articles that I read on this      the new cabinet and its aims will      $2 graphing calculator app rather            Those 24 students who took
women’s marches also happened           topic noted that the majority of         not go unnoticed, and will not         than a TI-84 Plus Graphing Calcu-     out their phone were violating
in all 50 states, and as far away       the event was white women;               be met with tranquility, forced        lator for $118.99 at Best Buy.        rules when they should not have
as Kenya, Peru, Thailand, and           however, there were many                 submission, and silent acceptance.            Phones transform into          been. It is time for a new rule.
Belgium. I even found a picture         people of all colors marching too.
of a crew on a boat in Paradise                These people said that
Bay, Antarctica, holding up signs.      they hoped protests and move-
       It was the largest protest       ments could become even more
in U.S. history, yet there were         diverse, that people of all races
no arrests; that is commendable.        would in the future join in when
However, there was at least one         fighting for anyone’s rights.
big disagreement when an anti-                 Even an article I read by a
abortion group showed up with           white woman who attended the
big banners; they were booed and        march said that she recognized that
it was made clear that they were        white women need to start standing
not welcome within the hordes           up more for women of color.
of marchers (who support the                    The event, though dubbed
right for a women to do what she        only the Women’s March, chal-
thinks is right with her body).         lenged Donald Trump and the
       Many people made signs;          misogyny, racism, xenophobia,
quite a few in different coun-          and homophobia that he stands
tries were also in their native         for. It was a march for women’s
languages. All had colorful,            rights, but the reason they marched
inspiring, and clever messages. A       was to protest what he has planned,
few personal favorites are: “My         be it taking away abortion rights,
rights are not up for grabs, and        ignoring climate change, not
neither am I,” “Equality hurts no       letting in immigrants, or giving
one,” “We want a world where            fewer basic rights to queer people.
equality is a reality, not an objec-           The march was to show             Cartoon by Tom Betts ’19.
School mourns loss of beloved student
News              7
                                                                                                                                                            February 2, 2017

Students win big at Model U.N.            of all the committees at YMUN.           learned a lot of international poli-
by Benjamin Small ‘19                                                                                                      assume different perspectives.          I learned a lot about politics. It
                                                 “Model UN immerses                tics from YMUN. “I really like          “You [as a delegate] inhabit the        was nice to be recognized though,
       From Thursday Jan.19, to           students in world affairs – current      public speaking and politics and        role of a country,” she said. “You      as I did put a lot of research in.”
Sunday Jan. 22, 47 KO students            and historical,” said history teacher    [YMUN] has a really good form           have to adapt your perspectives                Hannah said that she too was
participated in the 43rd Yale             and Model UN Advisor Stacey              of debate,” said Ariba. “They have      on a many different issues.”            surprised. “I was quite shocked
Model United Nations Confer-              Savin. “There is [also] the oppor-       moderated caucus, and they have               Students said they had a          honestly,” she said. “But obvi-
ence (YMUN) in New Haven.                 tunity to meet and interact with         unmoderated caucus, both explore        variety of reactions to winning         ously [I was] very happy. It defi-
       KO Students represented            students from all over the world. It’s   different aspect of negotiation.”       awards. “I was surprised,” said         nitely encouraged me to speak
Russia, the United Kingdom,               a highly interactive conference.”               Ms. Savin said that MUN          Ariba. “I had a lot of fun, and         more in the next conference.”
Egypt, Mauritania, Ukraine,                      Students said that they           offers students the ability to          that was enough of a reward, and               Others agreed. “It was
and Saudi Arabia in 19 different                                                                                                                                   really nice,” said Adam. “Since
committees, each simulating a                                                                                                                                      we spend so much time in our
part of the real United Nations.                                                                                                                                   committees every day, it makes
       KO has participated in                                                                                                                                      it feel worth it, to be recognized.”
YMUN for the past 14 years. Each                                                                                                                                          Adam said he really likes
year, KO has won at least one award.                                                                                                                               MUN. “Since I really enjoyed the
This year, KO students won six.                                                                                                                                    program, it seemed like some-
       Junior Olivia Rossi won                                                                                                                                     thing I should try out,” he said.
Best Delegate, representing                                                                                                                                        “Last year was my first year, I
Russia in the Arab League; junior                                                                                                                                  was a sophomore, and I loved it.
Hannah Bash won Honorable                                                                                                                                          I decided to come back this year
Mention, representing Mauritania                                                                                                                                   and I was able to be in the Security
in the same committee. Olivia                                                                                                                                      Council, which was really cool.”
and Hannah were discussing the                                                                                                                                            Students said that MUN
refugee crisis and educational                                                                                                                                     has given them confidence.
opportunities in the Arab world.                                                                                                                                   “I’m not very good at public
       Senior Ariba Memon won                                                                                                                                      speaking, and I thought [MUN]
Outstanding Delegate, repre-                                                                                                                                       would bring me out of my
senting the United Kingdom in                                                                                                                                      shell a little bit,” said Hannah.
the UN Security Council; junior                                                                                                                                           Hannah said in her past
Adam Ovian was awarded a verbal                                                                                                                                    years at YMUN, she was in
commendation for representing                                                                                                                                      larger committees and did not
Egypt in the same committee.                                                                                                                                       speak a lot. However, this year
Ariba and Adam were examining                                                                                                                                      she said, she was in a smaller
the situation in Turkey and the                                                                                                                                    committee and spoke much more
issues surrounding cyber security.                                                                                                                                 often. “The smaller committee
       Senior Alec Rossi and soph-                                                                                                                                 really made me feel much more
omore Ben Small both won Verbal                                                                                                                                    encouraged to speak,” she said.
Commendations in the Press Corps,                                                                                                                                         Delegates are now preparing
which provided media coverage             Model UN students getting ready to leave. Photo by Director of Communications and Marketing Jacqueline Pisani.           for KO’s middle school conference.

Seniors assigned Student discounts
lunch duty       come to Blue Back
by Taline Norsigian ‘19                   and did not enjoy it then. She           by Benjamin Small ‘19                   said Mrs. Clifford. “The stores
                                                                                                                                                                    Participating Stores:
                                          said she still doesn’t enjoy it.                                                 benefit from the increased
       Tuesday, Jan. 17, marked                  S e n i o r Ry a n A l b a -             At an assembly on                foot traffic to their business.”
the day seniors commenced                 nesi questioned why seniors              Wednesday, Jan. 25, Parent                     Students said that they             The GreenTeahouse
lunch duty. Like other students           were chosen for lunch duty.              Association President Heather           would be more likely to go to the
assigned lunch duty, seniors must                “I don’t really get why           Clifford announced that several         stores that are taking part in the
wipe down and clear tables, push          seniors have to do it,” he said.         stores in Blue Back Square will         program. “I’ll probably go [to the
in chairs, and sweep the floors.          “We’re the busiest out of all the        offer KO students discounts and         participating stores] more often,                Bagel Cafe
       The last time lunch                other grades. I’ve been clearing         special offers on their products.       knowing there is a discount,”
duty was required for Upper               my plate for the past seven years.              The participating institu-       said sophomore Amy Mistri.
School students was in the                I don’t get why other people             tions are the Green Teahouse,                  Others said they agreed.               NoRA Cupcake
2014-15 school year, when the             can’t pick up after themselves.”         Goldberg’s Gourmet, NoRA                “I think it’s great that KO is
current seniors were freshmen.                   But other seniors who have        Cupcake, Ooh La La Boutique,            emulating the system that
       Lunch duty was revived             completed a lunch duty this year         Potbelly Sandwich and Blo Blow          many colleges have, of getting                   Ooh La La
for the 2016-2017 school                  said lunch duty was not a burden.        Dry Bar, said Mrs. Clifford.            a discount when [presenting]                      Boutique
year, and, this past fall, soph-                 “[Lunch duty] was                        “Most of the stores are          an ID,” said senior Alec Rossi.
o m o r e s h a d l u n c h d u t y.      fine. I cleared tables, and it           doing a 10 percent discount                    Students must present
       Dean of Students William           didn’t take that long,” senior           off items,” said Mrs. Clifford.         their student IDs to receive the              Non-monetary
Gilyard said seniors were selected        Noah Hawks-Ladds said.                   “However, Potbelly Sandwich is          discounts and special offers.
for lunch duty so students could                 Senior Jack Berry agreed.         doing a free cookie or soft drink       Mrs. Clifford said that students
have lunch duty twice during their        “I think it’s good to help the           with a meal, and Blo is doing           who had lost their IDs should
KO years. “I picked sophomores            kitchen staff, even if it’s just by      a complimentary braid with a            contact EB Taylor Photography.                    Potbelly
for the fall and seniors for the spring   pushing in chairs,” he said. “As         blow out until the end of April.”              “There is a possibility
because it was the least stressful        seniors, we should be able to                   Mrs. Clifford’s efforts          for expansion [of the program],                  Sandwich:
times,” he said. “For seniors the         give back to the community.”             have been met with very positive        but for now it will be nice to                 Free cookie or
college applications are done and,               Mr. Gilyard said students         responses from students. “I think       keep it small and see how it
while they still have their senior        should contribute to commu-              the discounts are really awesome,”      works out,” said Mrs. Clifford.
                                                                                                                                                                          fountain drink
thesis, it’s their least busiest time.”   nity. “Seniors sometimes think,          said freshman Aidan O’Loughlin.                Students said they were                   (w/ meal)
       Seniors expressed various          because they’re seniors, they don’t      “Especially the ones to Potbelly,       excited for the possibility of future
views on having lunch duty again.         have to participate in this commu-       because I know a lot of KO              expansion. “I think they should
“I think we should all get our            nity, but that’s not true,” he said.     students frequent [that restaurant].”   get one at Crate and Barrel,”                    Blo Blow
turn, but juniors and sophomores                 Form Six Dean Ronald                     Mrs. Clifford said that          said sophomore Ben Poluios.                      Dry Bar:
would be better so it doesn’t fall on     Garcia said it’s good for                the program seeks to estab-                    Some students reported
seniors who have so much going            seniors to clean up. “I think            lish bonds with the community.          that the discount wasn’t availible
                                                                                                                                                                           Free braid
on,” senior Abby McGuire said.            to lead is to serve,” he said.                  “The relationship is mutu-       as of Thursday, Jan. 26. Anyone              w/ blowout (until
       Some students said they                   Typically students are            ally beneficial because the             looking to shop at stores with               the end of April)
do not like the duty at all. Senior       assigned lunch duty only once a          students receive the discounts          the discount, should check with
Lauren McPherson said she                 year. So for most seniors, it will       and gain a feeling of being             the manager first to see if it is in
had lunch duty as a freshman              be their last time doing the job.        part of a larger community,”            effect, before buying anything.
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