SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2020-2021 - School Evaluation and Wootton-by-Woodstock CE Primary School

Page created by Teresa Newman
Wootton-by-Woodstock CE Primary School

                  School Evaluation
         SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2020-2021


   Mission Statement                                                                             3

   Evaluation Outcomes 2019-2020 no end of year data owing to Coronavirus lock                   n/a

   Evaluation Focus - Overall Effectiveness 2019-2020                                            4

   Key Priorities 2020-2021                                                                      8

   Focus 1 The Quality of Education 2020-2021

   Core Subjects
   1.10 English Recovery                                                                          9
   1.11 Maths Recovery                                                                           10
   1.12 Science                                                                                  11

2.0 Foundation Subjects
2.1 1.20 Art                                                                                     12
2.2 1.21 Computing                                                                               13
   Focus 2 Personal Development, Mental Health and Well Being 2020-2021                          14

   Focus 3 Leadership and Management 2020-2021                                                   15

  Colour coding key: Financial resources, Non-contact, Staff Meetings, Within Office/PPA time

Wootton-By-Woodstock CE Primary School
                                                                          Mission Statement

With deep regard for its strong Church Foundation and the National Society’s Statement of Entitlement Wootton-By-Woodstock School seeks to:

   •   Ensure that all those associated with the School can feel at ease with the church; to have knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith and to feel comfortable in
       exploring and expressing their own religious beliefs.
   •   Nurture the school’s strong ethos, which is based in key Christian values, but without exerting pressure to believe. The School’s Christian values are: friendship,
       service, courage, koinonia, creativity, faith, stewardship, peace, hope, generosity, wisdom, honesty, thankfulness, compassion, justice, forgiveness, humility and
   •   Enable pupils to know about and understand Christianity as a living faith that influences the lives of people worldwide and as the religion that has most shaped British
       culture and heritage.
   •   Contribute to the development of pupils’ own spiritual/philosophical convictions, exploring and enriching their own beliefs and values.
   •   Develop in our pupils an understanding of, and respect for, other major world faiths, enabling them to learn about their impact on society, culture and the wider world.
   •   Welcome all children from the neighbourhood irrespective of religion or belief, race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability or disability,
       opinion or family background.

Through its nurturing culture Wootton-by-Woodstock Church of England Primary School also aims to:

   •   Inspire creativity, foster spiritual growth, engender respect and cultivate responsibility.
   •   Provide a happy, safe and caring environment for learning where everyone is valued for their own individual talents and personality;
   •   Deliver a high quality personalised education across a broad curriculum that celebrates individuality, secures emotional stability, and enables physical development,
       health awareness and intellectual fulfilment.
   •   Present in particular, opportunities for children to develop an appreciation of the arts and the environment.
   •   Be a learning community that provides development opportunities for pupils, parents, staff, governors and students.
   •   Be an active establishment at the heart of village life.
   •   Attain maximum performance in statutory tests.
   •   Achieve high standards of behaviour

Evaluation Focus: Overall Effectiveness – year ending 2020

 Leadership and Management
 Achievement – Hampered by reduced capacity and Coronavirus lock down
 Action                                   Impact                                                   Evidence
 Behaviour and attitudes                  Although actions were implemented the impact was         Learning walks, in class experience
                                          not as great as anticipated owing to:
                                          Admission of further highly challenging pupils
                                          A number of serious mental health issues
                                          Reduced capacity for managing issues as HT in class
                                          and less TA hours available
                                          Insufficient funding

                                          All children able to discuss and identify correct
                                          behaviours but some unable to act on their own

                                          As some of the above issues were resolved remaining
                                          pupils displayed impeccable behaviour; those pupils
                                          without high needs benefited positively from school

 Personal Development                     School council and citizenship initiatives did not       n/a
                                          happen as coordinating teacher absent and otherwise
                                          much reduced capacity
 Financial Management                     Strategy to save: VL to reduce working hours to 3 days   Flexible working agreement
                                          per week and cover some PPA
                                          School to establish shared HT with another ODST
                                          school for 2020-2021
 Drive admissions                         School open day had no impact on bringing in new         Only 2 siblings admitted to Yr R
                                          Toddler group liaison did not happen owing to reduced
                                          capacity and lock down.
 Governance                               Reduced numbers of governors over course of year but     Governor records
                                          two new members recruited for 2020-21
                                          CPD limited owing to lock down
 Premises                                 Maintenance items completed                              Email trail with associate governor and parent, plans in

Playground surfacing and outdoor classroom delayed
                                                         owing to lock down
Areas for Improvement
    •     Financial sustainability
    •     Pick up personal development as part of recovery curriculum in 2020-2021

Quality of Teaching and Learning
 Achievement – Good - Hampered by reduced capacity and Coronavirus lock down

Objective/Action                                         Impact                                                      Evidence
Planning for the new curriculum meets needs of           WAGOLLs used to promote good handwriting,                   Learning walk, work scrutiny, TT, reading record
restructured classes                                     insisting on joined writing impacts on reluctant joiners.   folders, SL English learning walk. Speak to pupils
                                                         VL and JP attended excellent CPD in reading but owing       about grammar.
Presentation of all written work                         to lockdown no impact in this year. Material will be
                                                         carried forward to 2020-21.
                                                         Vl attended Grammar course- direct impact on pupils as
                                                         activities could be used to support spelling and
                                                         grammar learning daily. Well-structured guided reading
                                                         groups provide clear evidence of objectives being
                                                         reached and progress being made. Wide range of genre
                                                         being explored.

Maths                                                    Book scrutiny Feb 2020 calculation methods correct          Work scrutiny, subject lead monitoring
                                                         (some challenging of inaccuracies in graphing needed)
                                                         Questioning for mastery evident in books sampled.
                                                         Differentiation for support evident in most. March data
                                                         point shows all MA children at/exceeding progress at
                                                         this point, 2 LA children in Y3 below expected progress

Science                                                  Actions undertaken have stimulated interest in the          Playtime observation, subject lead monitoring, work
                                                         children who love looking for creatures in the pond.        scrutiny, staff discussion, Sharepoint
                                                         Tracking of the science topics across all year groups
                                                         continued until the school’s closure. Until mid-March,
                                                         planning, teaching and learning presented similar
                                                         challenges to those outlined in December’s review –
                                                         planning and coverage. Further monitoring and
                                                         collective planning didn’t take place due to the
                                                         coronavirus outbreak and the action couldn’t have been
Geography   Long term planning was highly successful in ensuring         Displays, deep dive, learning walk, Sharepoint
            that explicit geography topics are taught and covered
            skills in progression. Learning walks were clear
            evidence of geography provision and demonstrated
            differentiation and challenge. Assessments are being
            recorded on TT and, over time, this will demonstrate
            how well pupils progress. Little evidence of work is
            available on Sharepoint to date. Deep Dive showed
            good range of evidence of well taught geography over
            the three terms in school.

Computing   All pupils return work on Showbie and access teacher         Subject lead monitoring, iPads
            feedback. Highly useful during Covid_19 crisis as
            handling work and cross contamination much reduced!
            Evidence limited as Atmos updated iPads and all
            previously stored work was deleted. Pupils highly
            skilled at using iPads; learn quickly and help the
            teaching staff.

Art         Limited success overall due to Covid19 not enabling          Subject lead monitoring, scrutiny, Sharepoint
            teachers to use and continue to develop the habits

            The whole school took part in a drawing session with
            links to the topic of Plants. It was a successful project,
            enjoyed by pupils but exposed some lack of confidence
            in the use of drawing media. Overall, most pupils
            would benefit from more drawing practice and they
            should be given frequent opportunities to do so as part
            of their cross curricular learning.
            In Terms 3 and Term 4 KS1 children carried out several
            painting projects focusing on colour mixing, use of
            powder paint and watercolour. This practice had a high
            impact on their ability to handle the basic painting
            media and tools; it has established good foundations for
            further development of skills. There is some evidence
            of experimenting with painting in KS2 like watercolour
            in small scale painting (slices of fruit) or use of gold
            (Icons) in Terms 3 and Term
            4. All year groups studied and created art in response to
            the works of a famous artist in Term 3 and Term 4. This
            continued in Term 5 as part of the home learning tasks.

Projects on Icons were successful and resulted in a
                                                        number of beautiful art works created by the children.
Areas for Improvement
   •   Focus on reading and vocabulary development as basic recovery curriculum
   •   Create clear success criteria and LOs
   •   Low ability maths development, and, recovery plan - number
   •   Increase resilience and growth mindset in all children - recovery curriculum
   •   More pupils to reach higher standard in writing and maths c/f
   •   Ensure that all children are aware of next steps in learning c/f
   •   Further work to advance drawing and painting skills

SDP Key Priorities 2020-2021

Priority   Aspect                                         Focus Area
1          The Quality of Education                          • Reading Recovery: Focus on reading and vocabulary development
                                                             • Maths Recovery: Number and low attainers
                                                             • Emotional and mental health Recovery: Resilience, growth mindset
                                                             • Further work to advance drawing and painting skills
                                                             • Science curriculum provision meets needs of all pupils
                                                             • Increase number of pupils attaining higher standard in writing and maths c/f
                                                             • Provide clear success criteria, LOs and next steps

2          Personal Development, Mental Health and Well      •   Strengthen opportunities for SMSC and citizenship
           being                                             •   Mental health recovery: nurture resilience and citizenship
3          Leadership and Management                         •   Financial sustainability

Focus 1.10 : – The Quality of Education - Core Subjects – English – ACTION PLAN

     Success Criteria:                                                                                                Targets
        • School has built a strong curriculum for reading                                                            100% pupils attain expected or above at end of
                                                                                                                      year 2
        • Pupil Outcomes                                                                                              50% pupils attain expected/above at end of year 4
                                                                                                                      83% pupils attain expected /above at end of year 6
            Objective           Person         Resources           Measurable milestones to include who, resources and                                Evidence
          (link to Subject    Responsible                                            success criteria
         Leader planning)                                         End of Term 2      End of Term 4       End of Term 6

     Build a curriculum for   VL+           Innovateducation    Select and purchase      Explore vocabulary       Establish vocabulary      Test outcomes, moderation
     reading – vocabulary                   1 x staff meeting   books for quality of     and grammar              tiers, complete           evidence, work scrutiny,
     acquisition                                                vocabulary content       activities in formal     curriculum                lesson observations and
                                                                and explicitly           lessons                  documents                 learning walks, English Deep
                                                                develop vocabulary                                                          Dive, documents in place
                                                                in English lessons
                                            £200                Purchase GSaP books      GSaP books               GSaP books
                                                                for use throughout
                                                                the year
                                                                Include whole class      Include whole class      Include whole class
                                                                as well as group         as well as group         as well as group
                                                                reading. Plan the        reading. Plan the        reading. Plan the
                                                                specific skills weekly   specific skills weekly   specific skills weekly
     Build a curriculum for   VL+           Innovateducation    Select core texts for    Early reading and                                  Texts identified and purchased
     reading - fluency                                          each year group.         phonics review
                                            1 x staff meeting   Review English           -                        -
                                                                Reading Between the      Reading Between the      Reading Between the       Reading Outcomes
                                                                Lines                    Lines                    Lines
     Build a curriculum for   VL+                               Explicit delivery        -                        -                         Listening to children talk
     reading – reading for                                      about why we read                                                           about reading
     pleasure                               1x staff meeting    Special reading          Special reading          Special reading
                                                                activity                 activity                 activity
     Build – a curriculum     VL+                                                        Use class books to                                 Writing outcomes, lesson
     for reading - reading                                                               develop writing                                    observations
     for writing                                                                         genres

Focus 1.11 : – The Quality of Education - Core Subjects – Maths

         Success Criteria:                                                                                                   Targets
            • All children will have made progress to at least expected level by year end 2021                               100 % pupils attain expected or above at end of
                                                                                                                             year 2
               (recovering from missed teaching – Covid-19)
                                                                                                                             66 % pupils attain expected or above at end of year
            • Targeted children will have made progress to S+ (greater depth) by year end 2021                               4
                                                                                                                             100 % pupils attain expected or above at end of
                                                                                                                             year 6
               Objective              Person               Resources            Measurable milestones to include who, resources and                             Evidence
            (link to Subject        Responsible                                                   success criteria
           Leader planning)                                                    End of Term 2      End of Term 4       End of Term 6

         Regular assessment of     SB –                 Number               Assessment of core      Year 2,4,6 prepared     All children meet        Assessments tied to core skills
         core skills in place      disseminate to       assessments tied     numbers skills          for Statutory           success criteria above   plan – linked to Target tracker
                                   all teaching staff   to target tracker    undertaken              assessment round:                                progression
                                                        ½ day to prepare                             assessments indicate
                                                                                                     core skills in place
         Formative plan in use     SB – possible        1x Staff meeting     Gap analysis            Gap analysis updated    Evaluate progress        Gap analysis records &
         to address and review     TA staff to lead     after T1             complete and plan in    – plan in place for     through gap analysis     progress tracked on Target
         gaps                      catch-up             assessment – gap     place for further       further recovery        – use of catch up        Tracker
                                   programmes           analysis             recovery                                        programmes. Review
                                                                             SB evaluate &                                   materials used &
                                                                             implement catch-up                              update as needed
                                                                             programme as needed
         Strategies to support     SB                   Feedback time        Lesson observations /   Review of target        Target children reach    Book/planning scrutiny record
         & challenge to            All teaching         after lesson         book & planning         children (T3) –         mastery level in end     Lesson observation records
         mastery level are in      staff                observations         review. Feedback        development of          of year/Key Stage
         place.                                                              constructively –        secure mastery          assessments
                                                                             review T&L methods      understanding           Book/planning
         Review of teaching        SB                   Audit of resources   as appropriate          Learning walk           scrutiny – teaching &    Resource list updated and
         and learning strategies                        – link to NJC        Resources audited &     Pupil questionnaire –   learning strategies      materials used effectively
         and materials for                              CPD materials        updated                 T&L strategies,         evident?                 T&L strategies chosen
         effective learning                             Possible spend                               awareness of support                             appropriately from a range

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Focus 1.13 - The Quality of Education- Core Subjects – Science ACTION PLAN
 Success Criteria:                                                                                                         Numerical Targets:
 (How will you know when you have achieved your aim; what will it look like?)                                              100% at expected standard in Y6
            • All pupils make expected progress across the Science curriculum.
            • Pupils learn outside of classroom through additional provisions created for them
            • There is a clear overview of science topics covered over the two- year cycle.

               Objective                Person         Resources           Measurable milestones to include actions, and success                          Evidence
   (What is your aim? Link to         Responsible                                                criteria
    Subject Leader planning)                                              End of Term 2      End of Term 4        End of Term 6

 Enhance the science curriculum      SA             Non-contact/PPA     Continue developing   Create a bank of        Restart gardening       CPD certificates/log
 through outdoor learning                           time                outdoor areas –       science resources for   club.                   Curriculum appropriately supported
 opportunities.                                                         flower bed/ mobile    outdoor learning.       Involve pupils in       by resources
                                                                        planters.                                     growing vegetables.     Appraisals
                                                                        Tidy up and prepare   Resources stored in                             Photos of displays
                                                                        for winter.           the new storage area    Develop the wildlife    Pupil portfolios/books
                                                                                              for easy access.        area including pond.    Pupil interview
                                                                                                                                              Staff meeting minutes
                                                                                              Science focus
                                                                                              displays in outdoor
                                                                                              classroom/flower bed
                                                                                              area (posters of
                                                                                              plants, birds,

 Review the current curriculum to    SA             2 x staff meeting   Take feedback from    Review and take         Review and alter the    Planning
 ensure that it successfully meets                                      Teachers.             further feedback.       curriculum if needed.   Observations
 the needs of pupils in the new      SA and staff   ½ day non-contact                                                 Compile a Science       Monitoring feedback
 structure of the school.                                               Planning monitoring   Book scrutiny           Curriculum Overview     Staff meeting minutes
                                                                                              /planning monitoring    showing the coverage
                                                                                                                      of topics.
                                                                                                                      Book scrutiny
                                                                                                                      /planning monitoring

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Focus 1.20 Quality of Education – Foundation Subjects – Art ACTION PLAN

 Success Criteria:                                                                                         Numerical Targets:
 (How will you know when you have achieved your aim; what will it look like?)                              100% at expected standard in Y6
            • Pupils’ sketchbooks show a range of drawings.
            • Pupils demonstrate good skills in use of painting tools and techniques.
            • Pupils use painting and drawing media effectively to express themselves visually.
          Objective             Person        Resources        Measurable milestones to include actions, and success criteria       Evidence
  (What is your aim? Link to Responsible
   Subject Leader planning)                                      End of Term 2        End of Term 4         End of Term 6

 Continue to develop drawing and   SA and staff   ½ staff meeting   Drawings in                Whole class cross-         Artist study. Looking     Pupil sketchbooks
 observational skills.                                              sketchbooks as a           curricular drawing         at drawing techniques     Displays of artworks
                                                                    starting point for every   sessions.                  and style. Creating own   Monitoring feedback
                                                                    art project.                                          work in response.         Staff meeting minutes

                                                  Non-contact/PPA   Sketchbook scrutiny        Sketchbook scrutiny        Sketchbook scrutiny
                                                  time                                         Planning monitoring

 Explore painting tools and        SA and staff   ½ staff meeting   Include painting           All pupils continue to     All year groups           Artwork on display
 techniques.                                                        sessions in planning.      gain confidence in         complete a big painting   Pupil sketchbooks
                                                                    Painting can be a focus    using different types of   composition.              EYFS profiles
                                                                    or a way to explore        paint and painting tools                             Staff meeting minutes
                                                  time              Planning                   Planning                   Planning monitoring
                                                                    monitoring/sketchbook      monitoring/sketchbook
                                                                    scrutiny.                  scrutiny

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Focus 1.21: – The Quality of Education - Foundation Subjects – Computing – ACTION PLAN

         Success Criteria:                                                                                      Targets:
         Children’s work in all classes is shared with the teacher, edited and stored centrally                 100% pupils attain expected standard at Year 6
         All teachers will feedback to children using Showbie and children will respond to this                 100% pupils attain expected standard at year 2

               Objective         Person          Resources      Measurable milestones to include who, resources and                               Evidence
         (link to Subject      Responsible                                        success criteria
              Leader                                           End of Term 2     End of Term 4       End of Term 6
         Computing            JP, SB, SA, VLL   iPads        Children in all year      Children in all year   Children in all year    All teachers and children using
         Children’s work                        Showbie      groups use Showbie        groups use Showbie     groups use Showbie to   Showbie to hand in and feedback
         is shared with the                                  to submit work.           to submit work.        submit work.            on work.
         teacher and                                         KS2 respond to            Children to submit     Children in KS1 to      Children submitting work from a
         stored centrally.                                   feedback as dialogue      work from a wide       type response to        large range of curriculum areas.
         Feedback on                                         with the teacher          range of curriculum    teachers’ comments      All children responding in an age-
         work is given and                                   KS1 have comments         areas                                          appropriate way to marking.
         children have                                       read to them and
         immediate                                           respond with an
         access.                                             emoji to show they
                                                             have seen/read it.
                                                             Monitor use               Monitor use            Monitor use
         Computing            JP, SB, SA, VLL   iPads        Maths and English         Additional folders                             Folders added to regularly for
         Children have                                       folders created for all   added as necessary                             evidence and monitoring
         personal folders
         for work
         evidence on their

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Focus 2.0 – Personal Development ACTION PLAN

         Success Criteria:
             • Pupils leave Year 6 as well rounded individuals who show compassion, respect and courtesy, express themselves with
                 confidence and reflect on disappointment with resilience
             • Pupils are mentally stable or have the strategies to manage emotional turmoil with positive outcomes
              Objective         Person         Resources        Measurable milestones to include who, resources and        Evidence
           (link to Subject   Responsible                                         success criteria
          Leader planning)                                     End of Term 2      End of Term 4       End of Term 6

         SMSC               VL             1 x staff meeting   -                     Re-visit reflection      -                    Minutes
                                                                                     box, policy and                               Observation in class
                                                                                     observation What
                                                                                     does this look like in
                                                                                     the classroom
                            VLL                                Re-engage with SC     Re-engage with SC        Re-engage with SC    Minutes
                                                               and address issues    and address issues       and address issues
                                                               raised in the SDP     raised in the SDP        raised in the SDP

         Resilience         KC             £950                ELSA                  ELSA                     ELSA                 Individual pupil records
                            VL                                                       RSE monitoring           RSE monitoring       Learning walk records, pupil
                            JP, SB, VLL,                       Plan and deliver      -                        -
                            SA                                 recovery activities
         Citizenship        VLL                                Re-engage with SC     Re-engage with SC        Re-engage with SC    Funds raised for charity
                                                               And run enterprise    And run enterprise       And run enterprise
                                                               project               project                  project

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Focus 3.0 : – Leadership and Management ACTION PLAN

         Success Criteria:
            • School is financially sustainable
            • Pupil numbers increase

               Objective           Person         Resources      Measurable milestones to include who, resources and                            Evidence
            (link to Subject     Responsible                                       success criteria
           Leader planning)                                     End of Term 2      End of Term 4       End of Term 6

         Financial               GB, VL, MW     Office time   Explore options for     Work with Tackley       Conduct the plan        School is creates savings
         management                                           school lunches and      School to construct a
                                                              wrap around care        plan to make staff
                                                              which are less costly   efficiencies
                                                              than current measures
         Drive admissions:       GB             Office time   Marketing               -                       Work with ODST re.      Actions will be carried out by
         Employ strategies for                                School open day                                 new Woodstock           the following autumn term
         increasing pupil                                                                                     development             and evaluated against
         numbers                                                                                                                      applicants taking up places
                                                              Toddler group liaison   Toddler group liaison   Toddler group liaison

         Governance              GB                           Re-deploy governors     Attend appropriate      Attend appropriate      Governors have the skills for
                                                              Conduct gap analysis    CPD                     CPD                     taking on various governor
                                                              Governors attend                                                        roles
                                                              safeguarding training
                                                              Revise induction        -                       -
                                                              Succession planning     Succession              Succession planning     Plan in place for future
                                                                                      planning                                        leadership
         EAC                     RB, NM-B, VL                 Make efficient          Make efficient          Make efficient          School community remains
                                                              responses to            responses to            responses to            safe, all pupils access learning
                                                              Covid_19 guidance       Covid_19 guidance       Covid_19 guidance
                                                              Review school survey    Respond to survey       -

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