Page created by Alvin Herrera
        6:30 P.M.
                               REGULAR MEETING
                         WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 2019 – 6:30 P.M.

 1.   Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance

 2.   Approval of Agenda

 3.   Approval of Minutes
      a. March 20, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes

 4.   Public Open Forum (Comments Limited to 3 Minutes)

 5.   Public Hearings

 6.   Reports/Presentations
      a. Park Board Report                                                       P.8
      b. EDA Report
      c. Policy Committee Report
      d. Operations Committee Report

 7.   Action Items
      a. Cigarette License Application                                           P.12
      b. Approve Resolution 2019-19 Authorizing Quotes for Crackfilling
      c. Approve Resolution 2019-20 Authorizing Quotes for Mill & Overlay
      d. Approve Resolution 2019-21 Authorizing Bids for Loader Purchase         P.17
      e. Approve Ordinance 788 Amending Congested District Parking
      f. Set Public Meeting – Rental Inspection and Licensing
      g. Approve Resolution 2019-22 Authorizing Execution of Closing Documents   P.22
      h. Approve Execution of Option for Mainstreeter Apartments

 8.   Unfinished Business
      a. Local Option Sales Tax – T.H. 71 Project                                P.25
      b. Capital Asset Policy Amendments
      c. Red School House Relocation
      d. JAZB Meeting

 9.   New Business
      a. EAB                                                                     P.29
      b. OSHA Inspection

10.   Consent Agenda
      a. Schedule of Claims                                                      P.31
      b. Resolution No. 2019-23, Resolution Accepting Contributions
      c. Resolution 2019-24 Approving Off-Site Gambling Permit for the Community
         Connections of Sauk Centre

11.   Informational Items                                                        P.35
      a. Board of Review and Equalization – April 15, 2019 – 1:00 p.m.
      b. ADA Survey – League of MN Cities
      c. Stearns County Comprehensive Plan

12.   Adjournment
                                 REGULAR MEETING
                             WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2019

The Sauk Centre City Council met in a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 6:30
p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers pursuant to due notice being given thereof. Present were
Council Members Diane Kelly, Joe Fuechtmann, David Thomas, Heidi Leach and Mayor Warren
Stone. Also present was City Administrator Vicki Willer, Public Works Supervisor Ben Clink,
Administrative Assistant Nicki Vogt, City Planner Sarah Morton, Police Chief Bryon Friedrichs,
Police Sergeant Joe Jensen and City Engineer Chuck Boser. Mayor Stone presided thereat.

A motion was made by Council Member Leach and was seconded by Council Member Thomas to
approve the agenda. A vote being recorded as follows: For: Council Members Leach, Thomas,
Fuechtmann, Kelly and Mayor Stone. Against: None. The motion passed.

A motion was made by Council Member Fuechtmann and was seconded by Council Member Kelly
to approve the March 6, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. A vote being recorded as
follows: For: Council Members Fuechtmann, Kelly, Leach, Thomas and Mayor Stone. Against:
None. The motion passed.

4. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM (Comments Limited to 3 Minutes)


a.    Police Chief Friedrichs presented the February Police Report stating that there were 419
      ICRs and 102 Verbal Warnings for a total of 521.

       Police Chief Friedrichs then presented Sergeant Jensen with a Medal of Commendation for
       an event that occurred on September 14, 2018.

b.     The Planning Commission met on Tuesday, March 12th and discussed the following:

          •   Reviewed February 2019 Building Permit Report with 13 permits issued at a value
              of $328,000
          •   Continued discussion of a proposed amendment to the Sign Ordinance

c.     Public Works Supervisor Clink presented the Public Works Department Report as follows:

          •   Inlets/outlets were recently cleaned
          •   Airport snow removal has consumed quite a bit of time

•   Ice has been removed from the arena floor
        •   Potholes are being patched
        •   Setup has begun for the street sweeper
        •   Maintenance is being conducted on all winter equipment

d.   Library Coordinator, Melissa George, presented the Council with the Great River Regional
     Library report:

        •   Circulation is down
        •   New happenings at the Library include android tablets, self-checkout, expanded
            DVD collection, etc.
        •   They are working on increasing juvenile checkout
        •   They are gearing up for their summer reading program
        •   They will be starting learning circles for English language learners

e.   Andrea Kerfeld, Community Garden Representative, updated the Council on their progress
     and upcoming plans:

        •   All Spaces for the Children’s Garden group were filled in 2018
        •   For updates on the Garden, they have created a Facebook page
        •   Financial support has been received from the Sauk Centre Community Garden,
            Centracare, Rotary Club, Lions Club, Tree Top Nursery and many more individual
        •   Garden shed, wheelbarrows, hoses, etc. have been donated. They asked permission
            to place the shed on the property to keep tools safe and tidy
        •   The Garden Club is writing grants and raising money to keep the garden financially

     Kerfeld thanked the City for their help and cooperation in the last year.

f.   The EDA met on Wednesday, March 20th and discussed the following:

        •   Recommended Council approval of an SCDP Deferred Loan Agreement and
            Repayment Agreement – See 7d
        •   Heard a proposal for development on the Cates Estates Property

g.   The Airport Commission met on Wednesday, March 13th and discussed the following:

        •   The Airport entrance road paving project was completed on November 16th. Punch
            list items include shoulder grading repairs which will be completed Spring 2019.
        •   A Joint Airport Zoning Board has been established. A draft Ordinance will be
            available for review at an upcoming meeting.
        •   Reviewed the 20-year CIP

a.   At the March 6, 2019 City Council meeting, a Resolution was passed which authorized
     seeking quotes for the purchase of an equipment trailer for the Public Works Department.

       Specifications were outlined and quotes were received from the following two vendors.

              Felling Trailers                       $8,400.00
              Midsota Manufacturing, Inc.            $7,626.16

       Although the quote from Midsota Manufacturing, Inc. is $774.95 less, staff is
       recommending that the City purchase the Felling trailer for the following reasons:

       1.     There are two hydraulic arms to lift the trailer on the Felling trailer vs one on the
              Midsota trailer.
       2.     The Felling trailer is I-Beam construction allowing for paint protection on all
              exposed surfaces.

       Council Member Kelly introduced Resolution No. 2019-17, Resolution Accepting Quote
       for Equipment Trailer. The motion was seconded by Council Member Fuechtmann. A
       vote being recorded as follows: For: Council Members Kelly, Fuechtmann, Leach,
       Thomas and Mayor Stone. Against: None. The motion passed.

b.     A request has been received to extend the closing date on the sale of the Railroad Property.
       The closing is contingent upon approval of all zoning approvals. The Final Plat is still
       being worked on along with the Bylaws and Declarations.

       The PUD and Preliminary Plat approvals are complete and the Engineer’s utility concerns
       have been met.

       A motion was made by Council Member Thomas and was seconded by Council Member
       Leach to approve the execution of the amendment to the Purchase Agreement to extend the
       closing date to on or before July 31, 2019. A vote being recorded as follows: For: Council
       Members Thomas, Leach, Kelly, Fuechtmann and Mayor Stone. Against: None. The
       motion passed.

c.     The EDA has recommended the City approve the execution of the Repayment Loan
       Agreement and Deferred Loan Agreement with Artistic Image.

       Vendor                        Amount                 Qualified
       First Rate Glass, Inc.        12,599.69              12,599.69
       Beam                          13,590.90              13,590.90
       Beam                          3,500.00               3,500.00
       Buttweilers                   589.00                 589.00
       Bieniek’s                     900.00                 900.00
       Kleinschmidt                  18,548.75              12,191.88
       Steiner                       2,784.23               1,463.70

Totals                        52,512.57             44,835.17

      Deferred Loan (Grant) 40%                    17,934.07
         Zero Interest Loan 30%                    13,450.55

     Total Amount of Support                       31,384.62

     A motion was made by Council Member Fuechtmann and was seconded by Council
     Member Thomas to approve the execution of loan documents for a total of $31,384.62. A
     vote being recorded as follows: For: Council Members Fuechtmann, Thomas, Leach,
     Kelly and Mayor Stone. Against: None. The motion passed.

d.   Work has continued with the Roundtable Committee on developing a Grant Application
     for the DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant for a total of $165,000. This grant would be applied
     toward the development of a Challenge Park near the Splash Pad.

     Part of the application requires a Resolution of Support from the City of Sauk Centre who
     is the ultimate owner.

     Council Member Leach introduced Resolution No. 2019-18, Resolution Supporting Grant
     Application. The motion was seconded by Council Member Thomas. A vote being
     recorded as follows: For: Council Members Leach, Thomas, Kelly, Fuechtmann and
     Mayor Stone. Against: None. The motion passed.

e.   The City of Fairmont has contacted the City inquiring if the City would be willing to
     authorized the transfer of Airport Entitlement Dollars from the City’s balance to the City
     of Fairmont so they may complete the construction of a T-Hanger.

     In exchange, Fairmont, will transfer an equal amount of its Airport Entitlement Dollars to
     Sauk Centre in 2021 or 2022.

     The amount requested is $150,000.

     Sauk Centre Airport currently has two other transfers that will be coming back to the City
     in 2021 or 2022. These are to Hawley and Hutchinson for a total of $212,000

     A motion was made by Council Member Kelly and was seconded by Council Member
     Fuechtmann to approve the transfer of entitlement dollars to Fairmont with a return
     payback in 2021 or 2022. A vote being recorded as follows: For: Council Members Kelly,
     Fuechtmann, Leach, Thomas and Mayor Stone. Against: None. The motion passed.

f.   Pam Borgmann, representing Visit Sauk Centre, requested that the City Council approve
     the closure of Sinclair Lewis Avenue from Main Street to Elm Street on May 18, 2019 for
     an Art Event.

     That request was tabled at the last Council meeting due to concerns over the potential
     closure of SLA from Oak to Elm where there wouldn’t be a detour for heavy traffic.

The request has been amended to be the closure of Sinclair Lewis Avenue for one block
        only from Main to Oak. The date has been changed to September 14, 2019.

        A motion was made by Council Member Kelly and was seconded by Council Member
        Leach to approve the closure of Sinclair Lewis Avenue on September 14, 2019 from Main
        Street to Oak Street. A vote being recorded as follows: For: Council Members Kelly,
        Leach, Thomas, Fuechtmann and Mayor Stone. Against: None. The motion passed.

Committees are currently working on the following:

     a. Rental Ordinance
     b. Downtown Overnight Parking Permit Policy

a.   Department Heads have compiled proposed equipment purchases for 2019 with expected

        By general consent, 2019 equipment purchase discussion has been sent to the Operations

b.      Each year the Operations Committee reviews the Capital Improvement Plan and
        recommends whether the proposed Street Department project should be undertaken or if a
        different project would be a better option.

        The project currently in year 2019 is a mill and overlay of 4th Street N. (from T.H. 71 by
        Jaycee Park going Easterly approximately four blocks)

        In 2018 the City projects were Sealcoating and the Cold Storage Building Floor. In 2017
        the City project was State Road

        By general consent, discussion of the 2019 Road Maintenance Project has been sent to the
        Operations Committee.

c.      Staff recommended that the Capital Asset Policy be updated to more closely reflect the
        useful life of the City’s assets.

        By general consent, updates to the Capital Asset Policy has been sent to the Policy
        Committee for their review.

d.      National Service Recognition Day is April 2, 2019. The Central Minnesota Foster
        Grandparent Program encourages the recognition of its volunteers.

        Volunteers in our community through the Program work at the Beacon Program, Holy
        Family School, Punkins and Monkeys Preschool, and Sauk Centre Public Schools.

In 2018, volunteers served 8,734 hours.

       Mayor Stone publicly recognize the following Foster Grandparent volunteers:

               Myrna Bowman
               Anna Mae Deters
               Jan Durbin
               Grace Edgar
               Sue Coenen
               Pam McLellan
               Judy Weller

The Council considered the following Consent Agenda Items:

a.   Schedule of Claims -      Unpaid Claims               $158,252.53
                               Paid Claims                       $0.00
                                  Total                    $158,252.53

b.   February Checks                                         $462,812.65

c.    Gambling Application for Exempt Permit request from Knights of Columbus Council 4863
     for bingo and a raffle for July 31 and August 1-4. 2019 at the Stearns County Fairgrounds.

d.   ElmerZ Restaurant, Bar & Event Center is requesting a Temporary Off Premise Liquor Permit
     to utilize their on-sale liquor license at Ladies Night Out at the Civic Arena on May 16, 2019.

A motion was made by Council Member Leach and was seconded by Council Member Kelly to
approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote being recorded as follows: For: Council
Members Leach, Kelly, Thomas, Fuechtmann and Mayor Stone. Against: None. The motion

a.    Sergeant Joe Jensen will advance to Step 8 on April 7, 2019 and Andrew Rousslange will
      advance to Step 8 on March 21, 2019.

b.     The Local Board of Review and Equalization meeting is set for April 15, 2018 at 1:00

c.     Big Sauk Lake Association will be applying to spray 15 acres on Big Sauk Lake
          • Application by Sauk River Watershed District
          • Approval by MN DNR
          • Payment from the Weed Harvester account by Sauk River Watershed District

d.     Spring Cleanup is set for May 4, 2019 in the Civic Arena Parking Lot.

e.     2018 Annual Bridge Report.

f.     Charter notification.

A motion was made by Council Member Thomas and was seconded by Council Member
Fuechtmann to adjourn the meeting. A vote being recorded as follows: For: Council Members
Thomas, Fuechtmann, Leach, Kelly and Mayor Stone. Against: None. The motion passed.

With no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Stone adjourned the meeting at 7:20

Respectfully submitted,

_________________________________                 _________________________________
Mayor Warren Stone                                City Administrator Vicki Willer

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:         April 3, 2019

Subject:              Park Board Report

Agenda Item:          6a


The Park Board to meet on Tuesday, April 2, 2019. Report to follow.

Action Requested:

Information Only

Action Taken:

Motion:                                      Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:         April 3, 2019

Subject:              EDA Meeting

Agenda Item:          6b


The EDA is scheduled to meet on April 3, 2019. – Report to follow.

Action Requested:

Information Only

Action Taken:

Motion:                                      Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:          April 3, 2019

Subject:               Policy Committee Meeting

Agenda Item:           6c


The Policy Committee met on Tuesday, March 26, 2019.

The Council members on the Policy Committee are Dave Thomas and Joe Fuechtmann.

           o    Rental Licensing
           o    Congested District Parking Permit
           o    Capital Assets Policy Revisions

Action Requested:

Information Only.

Action Taken:

Motion:                                      Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:          April 3, 2019

Subject:               Operations Committee Report

Agenda Item:           6d


The Operations Committee met on Tuesday, March 26, 2019.

Items for discussion were upcoming Capital Projects for the City primarily related to the
Public Works Department.

   •   2019 Crackfilling
   •   2019 Mill and Overlay Project
   •   2019 Loader Purchase

Action Requested:

Information Only

Action Taken:

Motion:                                       Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:         April 3, 2019

Subject:              Cigarette License Application

Agenda Item:          7a

An application and fee have been submitted by Xcentricos, Inc. dba Xcentricos Smoke Shop
to sell cigarettes at 632 Main Street South.

Action Requested:

Approve Request for a Cigarette License to Xcentricos, Inc. dba Xcentricos Smoke

Action Taken:

Motion:                                     Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:          April 3, 2019

Subject:               Crackfilling - Quotes

Agenda Item:           7b


The Operations Committee is recommending that the City proceed with obtaining quotes for
a 2019 crack-filling project.

It is recommended that all City streets located East of the river in the Morningview area be
crackfilled. In addition, some miscellaneous streets are also recommended to be included in
the bidding process.

It is estimated that approximately $15,000 will be needed to complete the project.

Action Requested:

Approve Resolution 2019-19 Authorizing Quotes for 2019 Crackfilling Project.

Action Taken:

Motion:                                         Second:


                       RESOLUTION APPROVING
                         2019 CRACKFILLING
                       IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS

WHEREAS, City and Public Utility staff have identified areas of the City in need of
street maintenance including crackfilling to preserve the life of the roadway, and

WHEREAS, said staff is recommending that the City proceed with crackfilling for all
City streets located east of the Sauk River in the Morningview neighborhood and also

WHEREAS, said project is now ready for bid.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Sauk
Centre, Minnesota:

1.     Such project is hereby approved.

2.     The City Administrator shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official Sauk
       Centre Herald newspaper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such

The advertisement shall be published at least once not less than two weeks before the
date set for opening quotes, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that quotes will
be publicly opened on April 25, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. at City Hall.

Adopted this 3rd day of April, 2019.

Mayor Warren Stone

ATTEST: ______________________________
        City Administrator Vicki M. Willer

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:          April 3, 2019

Subject:               2019 Mill and Overlay Project

Agenda Item:           7c


The Operations Committee met and discussed the City’s 2019 Mill and Overlay project
proposal. 4th Street N. from T.H. 71 east to Heritage Lane is the 2019 project according to
the Capital Improvement Plan. Councilmember Thomas expressed concern that if the City
were to invest the funds to update the roadway that MnDot might change the intersection in
2024 and suggested an alternative roadway be selected.

Staff has estimated the cost for 4th Street N. to be approximately $90,000. Other projects on
the CIP include the Splash Pad parking lot and Birch Street by Holy Family School.

Those projects could be bid as Alternates so the City can select the alternate if funding
allows. If the Council decides not to pursue 4th St. N, a different street should be selected.
Staff is meeting with the Public Utility to determine which street could be an alternative that
doesn’t require underground utility updates.

The City’s budget includes $120,000 for 2019 Projects plus approximately $70,000 that is
set aside from the Small Cities Account from the State that must be used for street

                4th Street N.   (or alternate)          $90,000
                Splash Pad Parking Lot                  $
                Birch Street (SLA to 2nd)               $

Action Requested:

Approve Resolution 2019-20 Authorizing Quotes for 2019 Paving Projects.

Action Taken:

Motion:                                           Second:


                      RESOLUTION APPROVING
                       2019 MILL AND OVERLAY
                      IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS

WHEREAS, City and Public Utility staff have identified areas of the City in need of
repairs that don’t require a full reconstruction project, and

WHEREAS, the Committee and staff are recommending that the City proceed with mill
and overlay for 4th Street North from T.H. 71 to Heritage Lane, and that Birch Street from
SLA to 2nd Street and the Splash Pad Parking Lot to be advertised as alternates, and

WHEREAS, said project is now ready for bid.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Sauk
Centre, Minnesota:

1.     Such project is hereby approved.

2.     The City Administrator shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official Sauk
       Centre Herald newspaper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such

The advertisement shall be published at least once not less than two weeks before the
date set for opening bids, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be
publicly opened on April 25, 2019 at 11:15 a.m. at City Hall and that no bids will be
considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit,
cashier’s check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City for 5% of the amount of
such bid.

Adopted this 3rd day of April, 2019.

Mayor Warren Stone

ATTEST: ______________________________
        City Administrator Vicki M. Willer

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:          April 3, 2019

Subject:               Loader Bids

Agenda Item:           7d


The Operations Committee is recommending that the City proceed with obtaining bids for
the purchase of a Payloader. The funding has been set aside in the Capital Projects Sinking

The estimated cost for the loader is $175,000.00

Action Requested:

Approve Resolution 2019-21 Authorizing Bids for Loader Purchase

Action Taken:

Motion:                                       Second:


                     RESOLUTION SEEKING BIDS FOR

       WHEREAS, the City of Sauk Centre’s Street Department currently utilizes a
payloader; and

       WHEREAS, staff has compiled specifications desired for the replacement, and

      WHEREAS, the Operations Committee has reviewed the proposal and
recommends the Council proceed, and

       WHEREAS, the City Council has allocated funding through the 2019 budget

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Sauk
Centre, Minnesota:

1.     Such proposal is hereby approved and ordered.

2.     The City Administrator shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official Sauk
       Centre Herald newspaper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such

The advertisement shall be published at least once not less than two weeks before the
date set for opening bids, shall state that bids will be publicly opened on May 30, 2019 at
11:00 a.m. at City Hall.

Adopted this 3rd day of April, 2019.

Mayor Warren Stone


ATTEST: ______________________________
        City Administrator Vicki M. Willer

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:         April 3, 2019

Subject:              Amendment to Congested District Parking

Agenda Item:          7e


The Policy Committee discussed the issue of overnight parking in the downtown Congested
District (two blocks of Main St. and one block of SLA).

A request was submitted by Kelly Freeze from the Palmer House requesting that the City
consider offering an overnight permit to be used on weekends when the Palmer House
sponsors events.

The Committee is suggesting that the City amend the Congested District Parking by adding a
section allowing parking by special permit. The following provision to be added to Section
71.06 of the City Code:

     (F) Hotel Overnight Special Event Parking. The City Council may allow overnight
parking in the Congested District by permit provided the following are met:
         (1) An application has been received by the owner in advance of a venue that is
requesting the permit.
              (a) Permits may be issued from 2:00 a.m. Fridays to 7:00 a.m. on Sundays.
              (b) Permits will not be valid during a declared Snow Emergency
              (c) No more than ten parking stalls shall be permitted at any given time for
the event.
         (2) The Police Department is notified by the Owner in advance of the event.
         (3) The permit is prominently displayed on the vehicle.

Action Requested:

Approve Ordinance 788 Amending City Code Related to Parking in Congested District.

Action Taken:

Motion:                                      Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:         April 3, 2019

Subject:              Set Public Meeting Date for Rental Registration Ordinance

Agenda Item:          7f


The Policy Committee recommends that the City proceed with a Rental Registration and
Inspection Ordinance.

They have reviewed a Draft of the Ordinance and are suggesting the City hold a Public
Informational Meeting to gather comments and concerns prior to adoption of an Ordinance
in its final form.

Action Requested:

Set Public Information Meeting for Rental Registration and Licensing Ordinance.

Action Taken:

Motion:                                     Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:         April 3, 2019

Subject:              Approve Execution of Closing Documents

Agenda Item:          7g


The City previously entered into a Purchase Agreement to purchase a 66’ strip of land
immediately south of East River Heights.

The closing has been set for April 26, 2019 under the same terms and conditions as was
proposed in the Purchase Agreement.

Action Requested:

Approve Resolution 2019-22 Authorizing Execution of Closing Documents

Action Taken:

Motion:                                      Second:


       WHEREAS, the City of Sauk Centre entered into a Purchase Agreement for the
purchase of certain legally described as the South 66 feet of the SW ¼ of SW ¼ of
Section 11, Township 126, Range 34, lying West of the Township Road, and

       WHEREAS, the Closing for the property has been scheduled to occur on April
26, 2018, and

       WHEREAS, in order to complete the closing transaction City officials must also
execute Closing Documents.


       1. That the City of Sauk Centre City Council desires to complete the Closing to
          purchase the property.

       2. That Warren Stone, Mayor and Vicki Willer, City Administrator are
          authorized to execute all related closing documents.

       Whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted by the Sauk
Centre City Council this 3rd day of April, 2019.

Mayor Warren Stone

ATTEST: ___________________________________
        City Administrator Vicki M. Willer

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:          April 3, 2019

Subject:               Option Agreement – Mainstreeter Apartments

Agenda Item:           7h


The EDA is hearing a request to execute the Option to Purchase Lot 2, W.H. Cates Estates 1st
Addition from the Developers of the Mainstreeter Apartments.

The EDA will have a recommendation for the meeting.

Action Requested:

Action Taken:

Motion:                                       Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:           April 3, 2019

Subject:                Local Option Sales Tax & T.H. 71

Agenda Item:            8a


The Local Option Sales Tax is still on the table at the Capital.

Testimony was heard on March 27, 2019 by the Senate Tax Committee.

The House Tax Committee has included Sauk Centre in the bill to be presented to the House.
The Committee has yet to recommend the final form of the bill.

MnDot has been in contact with the City to begin discussion on the 2024 Project. At this
time, it will be staff meeting so the MnDot Project Manager and the City can fully understand
the scope of the project. Following that meeting there will be additional meetings to bring
in other stakeholder to gather input.

Action Requested:

No Action Requested.

Action Taken:

Motion:                                          Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:           April 3, 2019

Subject:                Capital Assets Policy

Agenda Item:            8b


The Policy Committee reviewed the Capital Assets Policy, particularly the section on the
years of depreciation that should be accounted for each asset.

It was noted that several of the assets are not retained as long as the Policy anticipated.

The Committee recommends that Department Heads review the policy for future

Action Requested:

No Action Requested.

Action Taken:

Motion:                                         Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:         April 3, 2019

Subject:              Red School House Committee

Agenda Item:          8c


A meeting has been scheduled with a Committee of the Fair Board to determine if the
fairgrounds would be a fit for the relocation of the Red School House.

The Council Committee is Dave Thomas and Diane Kelly who volunteered to serve on this
ad hoc Committee in 2018.

Action Requested:

Information Only.

Action Taken:

Motion:                                      Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:          April 3, 2019

Subject:               JAZB Meeting

Agenda Item:           8d


The Draft Airport Zoning Ordinance has been completed.

A meeting of the Joint Airport Zoning Board is being scheduled after which a Public Hearing
will be held regarding the update.

Notice of date and time will be provided when available.

Action Requested:

No Action Requested.

Action Taken:

Motion:                                       Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:         April 3, 2019

Subject:              EAB

Agenda Item:          9a


EAB (Emerald Ash Borer) is an insect that is a wood-boring insect pest of ash trees. Ash
is the only known host of this borer in the United States.

An inspection is being conducted in Sauk Centre. More information will be available at the

Action Requested:

Receive Information

Action Taken:

Motion:                                      Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:          April 3, 2019

Subject:               OSHA Inspection

Agenda Item:           9a


On, March 22, 2019, OSHA conducted a Programmed Inspection in Sauk Centre.

Programmed indicates that we were selected by OSHA but we didn’t know they would be

The inspection consisted of auditing the City’s Safety Training Manuals, Safety Program,
Posting Requirements and also inspection of the Public Works Facility.

Minor infractions were discovered relating to a non-functioning outlet and a hoist
inspection sticker.

The final report has not yet been received.

Action Requested:

Information Only.

Action Taken:

Motion:                                        Second:

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:            April 3, 2019

Subject:                 Consent Agenda

Agenda Item:             10a-c


The Council to consider the following Consent Agenda Items:

   a.      Schedule of Claims -   Unpaid Claims               $43,526.47
                                  Paid Claims                 $14,120.00
                                      Total                   $57,646.47

    b. See attachment 10b - Resolution No. 2019-23 Resolution Accepting Contributions.

             The Men’s Card Playing Group           $202.47        Senior Center

        It is recommended that the City acknowledge the contributions received and thank
        the Men’s Card Playing Group.

   c. See attachment 10c – Resolution No. 2019-24 Approving an Off-Site Gambling
      Permit for the Community Connections of Sauk Centre. The permit would allow a
      raffle to be held on June 21, 2019 at the Stearns County Fairgrounds.

Action Requested:

Approve Consent Calendar as Presented.

Action Taken:

Motion:                                       Second:

Schedule of Claims
                                                                     City of Sauk Centre
                                                                    1st Meeting — April 2019
                                                                     Date of Meeting: 4.3.19

Vendor                                                Dept.                           Purpose                                                        Amount
All Flags, LLC                                        Various                         Outdoor flags                                                  $               160.55
Arena Warehouse, LLC                                  Arena                           Premium White Base Coat Ice Paint                              $               855.00
Arvig (IT Support)                                    Various                         Monthly IT support                                             $               775.20
Arvig (Monthly service)                               Various                         Monthly phone and internet service (3.20.19 - 4.19.19)         $          1,229.00
Auto Value Sauk Centre                                Street                          operating supplies                                             $                62.53
Berg Bag Company                                      Street                          Sandbags                                                       $               500.00
Big Sauk Lake                                         GnGvt                           2018 membership dues                                           $                25.00
Bound Tree                                            Ambulance                       Medical Supplies                                               $               927.64
Business Essentials                                   City Hall                       multi-fold Towels                                              $                76.80
CentraCare - Sauk Centre                              Park                            Random Drug and Alcohol Screening                              $                52.90
CentraCare Health - Sauk Centre                       Ambulance                       ALS Wages - February 2019                                      $          1,035.00
Chase Card Services                                   Various                         operating supplies                                             $          1,622.18
Civil Air Patrol                                      Airport                         Advertising                                                    $               145.00
Danielson, Darren                                     Police                          POST License Renewal                                           $                93.95
East Side Oil                                         Waste Oil                       2 barrels of filters, 583 gal used oil                         $               100.00
Fastenal                                              Street                          Small Tools                                                    $               228.45
FP Mailing                                            Various                         postage                                                        $               500.00
Galls, LLC                                            Fire                            Uniforms                                                       $               874.81
Gow, Karen                                            Street                          Damage Claim                                                   $                50.00
IState Truck Center                                   Street                          Repaired T2                                                    $          1,689.84
Marco Technologies LLC                                Various                         Monthly Copier maintenance ~ 3.1.19 - 4.1.19                   $               413.00
Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.                                Street                          Oxygen and Acetylene cylinders                                 $               131.36
Minnesota Dept of Administration                      Police                          Monthly Squad lease - February 2019                            $          1,578.64
Minnesota Trails                                      Campground                      MN Trails directory listing: 2019                              $               250.00
Open Campground                                       Campground                      Reservation software - April - June 2019                       $                37.50
Perham Area EMS                                       Ambulance                       CPR cards                                                      $               271.00
Petty Cash                                            Various                         replenish petty cash                                           $                63.36
Physio -Control, Inc.                                 Ambulance                       maintenance agreement                                          $          7,318.80
Sauk Centre CVB                                       GnGvt                           February 2019 Lodging Tax                                      $          3,578.12
Sauk Centre PUC                                       Various                         Utility charges:January 1, 2019 to February 28, 2019           $         17,341.78
Stearns County Auditor/Treasurer                      2018 CIP                        SRWD assessments                                               $               542.81
The Knox Company                                      Fire                            security key                                                   $               358.00
Wyld Ryde Performance and Machine Inc.                Park                            Sandpro                                                        $               638.25

                                                                                                                                               Total $       43,526.47
Paid Prior to Meeting
Jerry's U-Save, Inc.                                  Arprt                           Fuel                                                           $         14,120.00

                                                                                                                                                     $       14,120.00
                            Claims Appr by Council                                     $                                                 43,526.47
                                         Additions                                     $                                                 14,120.00
                           Totals Claims This Batch                                    $                                                 57,646.47

X____________________________________________ Date: ________________

                                                                  Y:\Finance\Claims\2019\2019 claims listing.xlsx                               3/29/2019 12:16 PM
       WHEREAS, a contribution of $202.47 was received by the City from the Men’s Card
Playing Group, and

       WHEREAS, the Men’s Card Playing Group has requested that the City allocate the
contribution to the Sauk Centre Senior Center.

MINNESOTA that the City accept the contribution received and commend the Men’s Card Playing
Group for their generosity.

Adopted by the Sauk Centre City Council this 3rd day of March, 2019.

Mayor Warren Stone                                 City Administrator Vicki M. Willer


                    PERMIT FOR THE

WHEREAS, the Community Connections of Sauk Centre is lawfully organized as a
Nonprofit Organization, and;

WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes allows Nonprofit Organizations to conduct certain
charitable gambling activities, and;

WHEREAS, the Sauk Centre City Council is not opposed to the lawful gambling activity
or the proposed location.


That the Community Connections of Sauk Centre is hereby given approval to conduct an
off-site gambling activity. The raffle will be held June 21, 2019 at Stearns County Fair
Grounds, located at 1105 Ash Street South, Sauk Centre, MN 56378.

Adopted by the City Council this 3rd day of April, 2019.

Mayor Warren Stone

ATTEST: _____________________________________
         City Administrator Vicki M. Willer

City of Sauk Centre
Staff Report

Meeting Date:        April 3, 2019

Subject:             Informational Items

Agenda Item:         11 a-b-c


a.     Board of Review and Equalization – Monday, April 15, 2019 at 1:00 p.m.

b.     City League of Minnesota ADA Survey – See attached.

c.     County Comprehensive Plan

Township and City Officials- The purpose of this email is to inform you that the
County has started the process of updating the County’s Comprehensive
Plan. Please go to for the project website and to
participate online and sign up for project updates

Action Requested:

Action Taken:

Motion:                                     Second:

March 8, 2019

Vicki Willer -
City Administrator
City of Sauk Centre
320 Oak Street South
Sauk Centre, MN 56378

Re: ADA Survey Conducted on February 8, 2019

Dear Ms. Willer:

On the above date, I met with you and Ben Clink, Public Works Supervisor, to discuss loss control
topics pertaining to the City of Sauk Centre. This was in conjunction with the city’s participation in
the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) property, liability and/or workers'
compensation program.

Purpose of Visit
The primary purpose of my visit was to discuss the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and
complete a basic review of key provisions. ADA became law in 1990, with the purpose being to
allow people with disabilities the same opportunities as everyone else, including all areas of public
life, schools, transportation, jobs, and all public and private places open to the public.

Key Provisions
   • New Construction and Alterations: Facilities constructed or altered after January 26, 1992,
      must comply with the ADA Standards for Accessible Design (ADA Standards), which are
      available online (ADA Standards 2010)
   • Program Access in Existing Facilities: state and local government's services, programs,
      and activities, when viewed in their entirety, must be readily accessible to and usable by
      persons with disabilities, known as "program access".
   • 2010 ADA Standard include Recreational Facilities: The 2010 ADA Standards contain
      requirements for recreational facilities that were not addressed in the 1991 Standards.
      Because there were no previous accessibility standards for these types of facilities, the
      safe harbor does not apply. So even if one of the city’s recreational facilities was built prior
      to 2010, the rules still apply.
   • Self-evaluation of accessibility is required of all public entities. A transition plan is also
      required for cities of over 50 employees. Right-of-Way Transition Plan Template

Lawsuits and Claims
While many ADA lawsuits are genuinely concerned with accessibility for the good of the disabled
public, the ADA has also been abused by certain attorneys seeking fees. Because of the
complicities of ADA’s technical requirements, they can easily find something out of compliance at

City of Sauk Centre
February 8, 2019
Page 2 of 7

the city. In addition, since there is no pre-litigation notice, the city does not see it coming.
However, several indicators that a lawsuit is about to occur include:
    • Open records requests regarding the ADA assessments
    • An increase in complaints regarding accessibility
    • Numerous businesses in your city being sued by the same plaintiff for accessibility

Common ADA Problem Areas at Cities
  • Parking Designation
  • Routes to Building Access
  • Building and Facility Access
  • Event Seating
  • Bathroom Accessibility
  • Program Access
  • Recreational Facilities
  • Websites and Communication

How to Make Progress
If the city has not already done so, an ADA Self-evaluation should be completed, prioritized, and
implemented. Cities could use seasonal employees, volunteers, safety committee, in some
instances, a city may choses to hire a vendor, or use a local advocacy group to perform these
MN State Council on Disabilities: Building Access Survey

Technical Assistance and Training
The ADA requires the Department of Justice, (DOJ) to provide technical assistance to
businesses, state and local governments, and individuals with rights or responsibilities under the
law which it does through its ADA Website:

For local expertise from the MN State Council on Disabilities, training and consultants are linked
ADA Training
Access Specialist

Summary of Solutions
Though no amount of risk prevention can eliminate the risk of ADA litigation, the following efforts
go a long way:
   • Make sure your city has an ADA coordinator (50 or more employees), who understands the
       need to coordinate the city’s efforts to comply with and carry out the ADA mandates.
   • Make sure your city has established a grievance procedure (50 or more employees), for
       resolving complaints of violations.
   • Confirm that a self-evaluation was conducted.
   • Confirm the implementation of a transition plan.

Recommendations and comments are provided for loss control and risk exposure improvement purposes only. They
are not made for the purpose of complying with the requirements of any law, rule or regulation. We do not infer or
imply in the making of these recommendations and comments that all sites were reviewed or that all possible hazards
were noted. The final responsibility for conducting loss control and risk management programs rests with the member.
City of Sauk Centre
February 8, 2019
Page 3 of 7

  • The City of Sauk Centre has several provisions to meet ADA requirements in place for the
      main public buildings including: city hall parking, access routes, restrooms, streets,
      sidewalks, library, Civic Arena, parks, playgrounds, ballfield, trails, dock, splashpad, dog
      park, community garden, and campground, among others.
  • Taking additional steps will strengthen the city’s efforts to meet ADA requirements and
      improve accessibility.

MN Council on Disabilities
MN State Council on Disabilities: Building Access Survey
Recreational Facilities: Access Board
Outdoor Developed Areas: Access Board
ADA Update: A Primer for State and Local Governments
ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local Governments
ADA Transition Plan: City of Richfield
Transition Plan Template: Right-of-Way
Digital Accessibility Toolkit
Website Accessibility

I have included suggestions for improvement in the Appendix for your consideration as a tool to
help guide your risk management efforts. The decision to complete the suggestions, either in part
or in full or the decision not to complete suggestions, lies entirely with the city. LMCIT believes
completion of suggestions can ultimately reduce property, liability or workers’ compensation

Service Plan
Possible areas of focus for our next Loss Control visit include Property Survey’s, Fleet, or
Employee Safety, but we can also address other safety or loss control topics that you might have.
I will plan to contact you in approximately one year to schedule the next loss control meeting.

Thanks again for the time and courtesy extended to me during my visit. As always, if you have
safety or loss control related questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Julie Jelen, CLCP | Loss Control Consultant
Tel: (651) 268-6992 | Cell: (612) 723-9217 | Fax: (651) 281-1296 |
League of Minnesota Cities
145 University Ave. West | St. Paul, MN 55103
Recommendations and comments are provided for loss control and risk exposure improvement purposes only. They
are not made for the purpose of complying with the requirements of any law, rule or regulation. We do not infer or
imply in the making of these recommendations and comments that all sites were reviewed or that all possible hazards
were noted. The final responsibility for conducting loss control and risk management programs rests with the member.
City of Sauk Centre
February 8, 2019
Page 4 of 7

Connecting & Innovating since 1913

c: Ben Clink, Public Works Supervisor,
   Agent, MN National Agency

Resources left at time of visit:
   • Accessible Parking
   • ADA Compliance LMCIT
   • MN Accessibility Code Enforcement Fact Sheet
   • ADA Playground Checklist
   • ADA Field Checklist
   • ADA Quick Reference Field Card
   • LMCIT Claims Trends for the City of Sauk Centre

Recommendations and comments are provided for loss control and risk exposure improvement purposes only. They
are not made for the purpose of complying with the requirements of any law, rule or regulation. We do not infer or
imply in the making of these recommendations and comments that all sites were reviewed or that all possible hazards
were noted. The final responsibility for conducting loss control and risk management programs rests with the member.
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