Satisfying the need to know - Sustainability Report 2020 - DMGT

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Satisfying the need to know - Sustainability Report 2020 - DMGT
Daily Mail and General Trust plc

the need
to know
   Sustainability Report
Satisfying the need to know - Sustainability Report 2020 - DMGT
DMGT plc
Sustainability Report 2020   Introduction   Environmental Performance   Our People         Our Social Impact              Our Governance

                                                                                     Introduction						               3
                                                                                       Introduction from the CEO					 3

      DMGT is an international business                                                2020 Overview
                                                                                       Driven by our values

      built on entrepreneurism
                                                                                       MSCI ESG Rating						          5

      and innovation.
                                                                                     Environmental Performance				                            6
                                                                                      Carbon Footprint						                                  7
                                                                                      Our printing processes					                            10
                                                                                      Environmental Impact – our other businesses			         12
                                                                                      Climate-related risks and opportunities			             13
                                                                                      Environmental initiatives at our operating companies		 16

                                                                                     Our People						                              18
                                                                                      Keeping our people informed				              19
                                                                                      Developing our employees					                20
                                                                                      Diversity and inclusion					                 22
                                                                                      Our diversity initiatives					               23

      DMGT manages a portfolio of companies that provide                              Gender breakdown of our employees
                                                                                      Gender pay gap reporting
      businesses and consumers with compelling information,                           Supporting our employees during Covid-19 			 27

      analysis, insight, events, news and entertainment. The                          Health and safety
                                                                                      Human rights
      Group takes a long-term approach to investment and has
      market-leading positions in consumer media, insurance                          Our Social Impact
                                                                                      Our community engagement in FY 2020
      risk, property information, education technology and                            Our response to Covid-19					          32

      events & exhibitions. In total, DMGT generates annual                          Our Governance						                             36
      revenues of around £1.2 billion.                                                Board activities and stakeholder engagement 			 37

Satisfying the need to know - Sustainability Report 2020 - DMGT
DMGT plc
Sustainability Report 2020            Introduction                       Environmental Performance     Our People   Our Social Impact   Our Governance

from the CEO
I am proud to introduce DMGT’s first
sustainability report, covering our approach
to sustainability and Environmental, Social
and Governance (ESG) metrics across our
businesses. The information and data
                                                     We have never been
provided within the report relate to the
2020 financial year from 1 October 2019 to
                                                     a company to
30 September 2020.                                   stand on the
We, as a portfolio of companies, have
continued to recognise and address our
                                                     side-lines if there is
environmental and social impact, and
how this is defined by our approach to
                                                     an opportunity to
governance. We believe our governance
policies are in the best interests of the Group
                                                     give support.”
and all of its stakeholders, and that we are
effective and attentive in our approach. We          We recognise that sustainability is of
have already made significant progress in            growing importance to our customers as
reducing the environmental impact of our             well as the broader stakeholder base and
printing operations and we are putting in            society as a whole. DMGT’s ability to deliver
place plans to minimise our impact across            analysis and insights is likely to create long-
our other business activities.                       term financial opportunities in this area for
                                                     the Group. It requires innovation, a purpose-
We are also dedicated to our people and              led attitude and a commitment to investing
communities. We have never been a company            responsibly by understanding ESG risks
to stand on the side-lines if there is an            and opportunities. Sustainability is a global
opportunity to give support. Through a range         discussion and this is why our standards
of local partnerships within the communities         apply across all our operating companies.
our operating companies serve, and Group-            This report demonstrates our commitment
wide programmes such as our Corporate                to the journey to a more sustainable future.
Responsibility (CR) Champions network,
DMGT supports and encourages purpose
within our communities.

                                                                                   Paul Zwillenberg
Satisfying the need to know - Sustainability Report 2020 - DMGT
DMGT plc
   Sustainability Report 2020      Introduction                         Environmental Performance      Our People                         Our Social Impact               Our Governance

DMGT Cares launched for employees
to provide volunteering opportunities,
match funding donations and practical
ways to help local communities                                                                                                               £11,000,000
                                                                                                                                             Set up in partnership with Salesforce, Mail Force

10                                                  of water in our                                                   #1
                                                                                                                                             Charity provided 40 million items of PPE to the
                                                                                                                                             NHS and charitable organisations. A total of over
                                                                                                                                             £11 million was raised by Daily Mail readers and
Corporate Responsibility
                                                  newspaper printing                                                  Our first              philanthropists during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Champions from across
                                                  process is recycled                                               sustainability
our businesses
                                                     and re-used                                                       report

£1,600,000                                                                           2020
in charitable donations and employee volunteering
hours in FY 2020                                                                     Overview
value of advertising given to small and medium sized
UK businesses free of charge during the
Covid-19 pandemic

                                              22%                        56%
                                                                                                                                       More than 3 million US
                                                                                                                                     students given free access
                                          reduction in our gross         of direct reports to the DMGT CEO are                         to Hobsons’ Naviance

& inclusion                                  greenhouse gas
                                               emissions in
                                              comparison to
                                                                                                                                       Curriculum during the
                                                                                                                                        Covid-19 pandemic                  54 NHS hospitals
training for managers and employees                                                                                                                                       provided with the ‘i’
                                                 FY 2019
piloted this year                                                                                                                                                       newspaper free of charge
                                                                                                                                                                          during the Covid-19

                                                                         of all promotions in FY 2020 were women                                                                                 4
Satisfying the need to know - Sustainability Report 2020 - DMGT
DMGT plc
Sustainability Report 2020     Introduction                           Environmental Performance                    Our People                                    Our Social Impact                            Our Governance

Driven by
our values
                                              Our long-term approach towards
                                              sustainability reflects DMGT’s perspective as
                                              an organisation. DMGT has a family heritage
                                              which encourages long-term thinking and the
                                              application of patient capital. Consequently,
                                              the Group can invest for the future, seeding,
                                                                                                                Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings measure                           MSCI ESG Rating
                                              incubating and nurturing innovative
                                                                                                                a company’s exposure to industry specific                          MSCI ESG Research provides in-depth
                                                                                                                material ESG risks and how well a company is                       research, ratings and analysis of the
                                                                                                                managing those risks. This multi-dimensional                       environmental, social and governance-
                                              DMGT encourages curiosity and innovation
                                                                                                                way of measuring ESG risk combines the
                                              amongst its people, and is built around a                                                                                            related business practices of thousands of
                                                                                                                concepts of management and exposure to
                                              set of values that are common across our                                                                                             companies worldwide. Their research is
                                                                                                                arrive at an assessment of ESG risk, i.e. a total
                                              portfolio of operating companies. Since                                                                                              designed to provide critical insights that can
                                                                                                                unmanaged ESG risk score or the ESG Risk
                                              brothers Alfred and Harold Harmsworth                                                                                                help institutional investors identify risks and
                                                                                                                Rating, that is comparable across all industries.
                                              invented popular journalism in 1896 with the                                                                                         opportunities that traditional investment
                                                                                                                Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings provide a
                                              launch of the Daily Mail, entrepreneurs have
                                                                                                                quantitative measure of unmanaged ESG risk                         research may overlook. The MSCI ESG Ratings
                                              been a driving force for DMGT’s businesses.
                                                                                                                and distinguish between five levels of risk:                       are also used in the construction of the MSCI
                                                                                                                negligible, low, medium, high and severe.                          ESG Indexes, produced by MSCI, Inc. For more
                                              As a home for entrepreneurs, seeking to
                                                                                                                Learn more about the ESG Risk Ratings here.                        information, click here.
                                              take advantage of market disruption, DMGT
                                              fosters constant innovation, growth and
                                                                                                                As of October 2020, DMGT received an ESG
                                              talent development. Businesses have a clear                                                                                          In 2020, DMGT received a rating of BBB (on a
                                                                                                                Risk Rating of 14.3 from Sustainalytics
                                              sense of delivering for their customers and                                                                                          scale of AAA - CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings
                                                                                                                and was assessed to be at low risk of
                                              society whilst also improving operational                                                                                            assessment.2
                                                                                                                experiencing material financial impacts from
                                              execution. We live out these values through
                                                                                                                ESG factors. DMGT’s ESG Risk Rating places
                                              our relationships with our employees,
                                                                                                                it in the seventeenth best percentile in the
                                              customers, shareholders and suppliers.
                                                                                                                Media industry assessed by Sustainalytics.1

                                                  COPYRIGHT ©2021 SUSTAINALYTICS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

                                                  DISCLAIMER STATEMENT
                                              NAMES AND LOGOS ARE TRADEMARKS OR SERVICE MARKS OF MSCI.
Alfred and Harold Harmsworth
Satisfying the need to know - Sustainability Report 2020 - DMGT
DMGT plc
Sustainability Report 2020         Introduction   Environmental Performance   Our People   Our Social Impact   Our Governance


 DMGT is headquartered at Northcliffe House,
            High Street Kensington, London
Satisfying the need to know - Sustainability Report 2020 - DMGT
DMGT plc
Sustainability Report 2020         Introduction                         Environmental Performance   Our People   Our Social Impact   Our Governance

Carbon Footprint
At DMGT we evaluate and manage our                The footprint is developed in accordance with
impact by measuring and reporting on              the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and
our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As a          Reporting Standards, and the methodology
minimum, our operating companies comply           is also in line with HMG Environmental
with current regulations that apply to them
                                                  Reporting Guidelines. Emission factors
and are prepared for future legislation.
                                                  used are predominately sourced from
However, we expect our operating
companies to further mitigate against             BEIS conversion factors 2020. Other data
the negative impact from their activities         sources are used for the emission factors
wherever possible.                                for the electricity consumed in non-UK
                                                  operations. This report is in alignment with
Methodology                                       the requirements of the Streamlined Energy
DMGT is committed to comprehensive and            & Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulation for UK
transparent reporting of our environmental        businesses.
performance. Our baseline year for carbon
emissions is FY 2015 and we use an                For the purpose of this report, the Scope 1,
operational control consolidation approach.       2 and 3 emission sources included in our
The data supporting our carbon footprint          footprint were:
is collated and independently reviewed by
environmental consultancy ICF International.      •    Scope 1 (direct emissions): combustion
                                                       of natural gas for heating purposes, use
                                                       of diesel and gasoline in our fleet.
                                                  •    Scope 2 (indirect emissions): production
                                                       of electricity imported from the grid and
                                                       consumed by DMGT globally.
                                                  •    Scope 3 (other indirect emissions):
                                                       outsourced delivery of newspapers,
                                                       as well as taxis, rail and air travel for
                                                       business purposes.

Satisfying the need to know - Sustainability Report 2020 - DMGT
DMGT plc
Sustainability Report 2020           Introduction                     Environmental Performance             Our People                      Our Social Impact                Our Governance

Carbon Footprint
Footprint Results
Our FY 2020 carbon footprint totalled 17,000                                                      FY 2020                             FY 2019                                FY 2018
                                                    Gross GHG emissions
tCO2e (2019 21,900). Emissions from UK
                                                    (in tCO2e)
operations corresponded to 74% of it and                                         Global, incl. UK           UK only      Global, incl. UK        UK only        Global, incl. UK       UK only
amounted to 12,500 tCO2e (2019 15,300).
                                                    Scope 1                           1,000                   900             1,400               1,200              1,300              1,200
The table shows our carbon footprint for
FY 2020, by scope, as well as our energy use.       Scope 2                           8,300                  5,000           10,500               6,300             11,700              7,000
For the purposes of comparability, the FY
2018 and FY 2019 figures have been restated         Scope 3                           7,700                  6,600           10,000               7,800             11,500              8,600
to be consistent with the businesses in the
portfolio during FY 2020.
                                                    Scope 1 + 2 + 3                  17,000                 12,500           21,900               15,300            24,500             16,800

                                                                                                  FY 2020                             FY 2019                                FY 2018
                                                    Energy Consumption
                                                    (in kWh)
                                                                                 Global, incl. UK           UK only      Global, incl. UK        UK only        Global, incl. UK       UK only

                                                    Scope 1                           5,400                  4,400            7,300               6,400              6,800              6,000

                                                    Scope 2                          28,800                 21,400           33,200               24,600            33,300             24,800

                                                    Scope 1 + 2                      34,200                 25,800           40,500               31,000            40,100             30,800

                                                                                                  FY 2020                             FY 2019                                FY 2018
                                                    GHG emissions intensity
                                                                                 Global, incl. UK           UK only      Global, incl. UK        UK only        Global, incl. UK       UK only

                                                    Scope 1 + 2                        7.7                     4.9             8.4                  5.4               9.1                5.7

                                                    Scope 1 + 2 + 3                    14.0                   10.3            15.5                 10.8              17.2               11.8

Satisfying the need to know - Sustainability Report 2020 - DMGT
DMGT plc
Sustainability Report 2020          Introduction   Environmental Performance   Our People   Our Social Impact                   Our Governance

Carbon Footprint
Comparison of historical emissions                                                                         Energy management practices
We strive to reduce our impact on the                                                                      At DMGT, we have actively reduced our
environment wherever possible and DMGT                                                                     energy consumption across our offices and
has succeeded in this by reducing our                                                                      printing facilities through implementing
gross GHG emissions by 22% and our GHG                                                                     operational efficiency enhancements and
emissions intensity by 10% in comparison to                                                                building modifications as recommended by
FY 2019.                                                                                                   ICF. Some of the initiatives undertaken, which
                                                                                                           have helped us reduce our impact on the
These reductions can largely be attributed to                                                              environment and our carbon footprint during
our energy management practices and to the                                                                 FY 2020, include:
impact of Covid-19 on our operations in
FY 2020. The reduced use of office spaces                                                                  •    Solar panels installed by Landmark in
in the past months or the termination of                                                                        previous years continue to contribute
tenancy contracts has affected Scopes 1 and                                                                     to the generation of renewable energy,
2, and disruption of travel has reduced Scope                                                                   replacing electricity that would
3 emissions.                                                                                                    otherwise be purchased from the grid.
                                                                                                           •    We relocated parts of the RMS
                                                                                                                datacentre and related IT equipment to a
                                                                                                                colocation centre last year, reducing the
                                                                                                                demand of electricity for cooling and for
                                                                                                                the equipment.
                                                                                                           •    We have been gradually upgrading
                                                                                                                the lighting systems by replacing
                                                                                                                conventional light bulbs with LEDs
                                                                                                                and installing sensors and building
                                                                                                                management systems in our head office
                                                                                                                and printing sites.

Satisfying the need to know - Sustainability Report 2020 - DMGT
DMGT plc
Sustainability Report 2020            Introduction                       Environmental Performance        Our People                           Our Social Impact   Our Governance

Harmsworth Quays Printing
Within our portfolio of companies, dmg               minimise cooling energy costs. Domestic            been optimised to use the cold outside air
media is the only manufacturing business,            water heating and office cooling is via energy     to cool the building inside, but still maintain
and therefore makes up the vast majority             efficient heat recovery systems (air source heat   a constant room temperature. Free cooling
of our environmental impact. The following           pumps) which re-use excess heat in the press       negates the need to run the chillers, which are
data refers to the impact from the printing
                                                     room. Gas use for space heating is minimised       high consumers of electrical energy. Any time
plants in our Consumer Media business.
                                                     by warm air recycling algorithms utilising         the outside air temperature is lower than the
                                                     excess heat generated from the printing press.     temperature needed in the building the BMS
Water usage
                                                                                                        uses the cold outside air first.
Water usage is directly related to the number
                                                     dmg media takes part in the Climate Change
of plates produced and hence pagination. dmg
                                                     Levy (CCL) program, and supply our annual          During the winter months from November to
media has continued to reduce water usage
                                                     energy usage against output to the scheme          March we participate in the Triad program.
at its existing printing plants; a trend that is
                                                     as part of this process. This program requires     We have the benefit of onsite generation
likely to continue. dmg media’s water usage is
                                                     us to be more energy efficient year-on-year        which gives us production security should the
currently 20 cubic metres per 24 hour period;
                                                     and results in a discount on our power             mains power fail. The generators have to be
5,900 cubic metres per annum (7,300 in
                                                     charges. We actively seek to reduce energy         run regularly to maintain their reliability. In
FY 2019).
                                                     consumption by investing in replacement            the winter months we run the generators on
                                                     plant that is more environmentally friendly,       demand to the Triad program. This gives us
Waste water from the platemaking process
                                                     such as replacement LED lighting.                  an annual saving on our power bill and still
is recycled for re-use. Approximately 90% of
                                                                                                        allows us to complete the statutory generator
waste water produced each day is recycled
                                                     We are also committed to reducing any              running schedule.
and re-used (85% in FY 2019). The quantity is
                                                     harmful emissions where possible. Our VOC
dependent on plate volumes.
                                                     emissions are limited to Domino printer ink        In recent years we have invested in the
                                                     chemicals only when our printers are running.      installation of LED lighting. Not only are
Rainwater is also collected and, when
                                                     The fumes are passed through a carbon              these fittings more reliable, with a 5 year
available, can be used to replenish the
                                                     filtration unit.                                   life, but they consume 33% less power. Our
platemaking supply after filtration. We have a
                                                                                                        site power consumption is lower as a result.
100 cubic metre rainwater storage capacity.
                                                     Temperature control is important within            Approximately 66% of all site lighting is now
                                                     the press hall for our Flexo printing process.     LED and we are working to bring this closer
Energy efficiency
                                                     During the winter months the press still           to 100%.
Our Thurrock printing site recycles its waste
                                                     generates heat when running and creates a
process water with 90% efficiency (85% in
                                                     cooling requirement. In the winter months
FY 2019), harvests rainwater for use in the
                                                     our Building Management System (BMS)
process and has cooling algorithms designed
                                                     uses free cooling algorithms to avoid the                             Printing process at
into its Building Management System to
                                                     use of chillers to create cool air. The BMS has       Harmsworth Quays Printing, Thurrock
DMGT plc
Sustainability Report 2020             Introduction                       Environmental Performance       Our People                           Our Social Impact                    Our Governance

printing processes
Waste and recycling initiatives                       Toxic chemicals used in the printing process      The paper industry depends on, and                    Acquisition of three printing plants
We seek to recycle waste materials wherever           are minimal. No solvent-based cleaning            promotes, sustainable forest management               With Associated Printing Ltd’s acquisition
possible. Printed and non-printed paper waste         materials are in use for press cleaning.          to provide a reliable supply of wood fibre,           of three printing plants in October 2020, we
was reduced by 15% to 2,437 tonnes this year          Initiatives are in place to reduce reliance on    the key raw material for its products. Well-          anticipate that in FY 2021 the environmental
(2,853 in FY 2019). Core waste was 313 tonnes         biocides in ink, such as UV filtration of water   managed forests bring multiple benefits               efficiency of the above figures will decrease,
(373 in 2019), and cardboard waste was 396            for ink make-up. Our printing press site is       for society, such as livelihoods, ecosystem           and our absolute scope 1 Carbon Footprint
tonnes (578 in FY 2019). All of this was sent for     constantly working with ink suppliers to reduce   services and biodiversity. European forests,          may increase. As the assets are integrated,
recycling. In addition, 20 tonnes each of scrap       use of biocides. Similarly, our waste process     from where the region’s paper mills source            work will be undertaken to ensure the impact
metal and timber was also segregated for              water plant is constantly being upgraded to       over 90% of their wood fibre, have been               is minimised, in line with our existing printing
recycling (20 each in FY 2019).                       increase efficiency. 90% of water used in the     increasing by an area equivalent to 1,500             operations.
                                                      printing process is currently recovered (85%      football pitches every day. Over 70% of
Approximately 1,000 cubic metres of water             in FY 2019). Only biodegradable substances        this forest area is certified to FSC or PEFC
borne printing ink waste and 700 cubic                are used for cleaning domestic waste systems      standards, thanks in part to the support of the
metres of water borne polymer solids is               due to our on-site package treatment plant.       print and paper industry.
produced annually by dmg media. This is               A de-ionised water plant is used to improve
processed at a chemical treatment plant               waste-water recovery rates.
prior to disposal. Domestic waste-water is
also sent to a treatment plant and has no             Sourcing sustainable paper
connection to main drains. We have been               dmg media takes a collaborative approach to
systematically reducing our specialist waste          tackling environmental issues that relate to
streams, through improvements in the                  printing. As industry experts, we have talent
recycling process. Our waste from this stream         who work alongside other industry peers via
was reduced by 5% in FY 2020. All our waste           the Newspaper Industry Materials Committee
streams are fully traceable.                          to maintain a co-ordinated approach to
                                                      environmental campaigns and questions.
General non-recyclable waste from dmg                 We’ve supported the publication of various
media is approximately 100 tonnes per                 studies including fact and myth-busting
annum. This includes 60 tonnes per annum of           publications about the true impact of print
non-recyclable solid polymer waste. However,          and paper, as well as how virgin fibres from
this is sorted and recycled where possible by         sustainably managed forests are needed to
waste contractor Ahern.                               maintain the paper cycle.

                                                                             Printing process at
                                                             Harmsworth Quays Printing, Thurrock
DMGT plc
Sustainability Report 2020           Introduction                      Environmental Performance    Our People   Our Social Impact   Our Governance

Environmental Impact
Our other businesses
Our products

RMS – Risk Modelling                                Landmark – Risk Horizon
RMS Risk Intelligence provides risk modelling       This year Landmark Information Group
software applications built for multiple users      launched its new Environmental, Social and
to help them gain insights into potential           Governance (ESG) management platform
hazards, exposures, and accumulations.              - RiskHorizon - focused on delivering rich,
Users can access RMS’s probabilistic models         comprehensive assessments to a broad
and view risk aggregation across their global       audience of investors, property asset owners
portfolio to help manage and mitigate risk.         and managers, from private equity and
                                                    investment houses to corporates and their
Amongst the many other risks identified by          lawyers. The platform provides thorough
their software, RMS risk modelling assesses         and actionable global ESG due diligence of
the risk to an organisation caused by climate       their corporate investments and acquisitions.
change. For more than 15 years, RMS has             Following the acquisition of the RiskHorizon
worked with partners and stakeholders to            platform from Anthesis Group, Landmark
understand how climate change affects               has now developed a fresh proposition:
perils and regions around the globe and to          a self-service software platform with an
progress toward solutions to quantify the           intuitive toolkit to screen, score and manage
risk. By understanding the impact and the           investment performance.
cost of physical risk from climate change,
stakeholders in insurance and financial             Read more about RiskHorizon here.
markets, government, homeowners, and the
risk community can take steps to understand,
manage, and mitigate this growing risk. By
demystifying the risks of climate change,
RMS is committed to helping organisations
of every type factor climate change into their
strategic outlook.
DMGT plc
Sustainability Report 2020        Introduction                     Environmental Performance        Our People                            Our Social Impact                   Our Governance

risks and opportunities
DMGT recognises that climate change                                                            2.     RMS’s history has shown that ‘models
presents risks and opportunities for our                                                              make markets’ in that they enable an
businesses and our customers across the                                                               insurer to understand and quantify the
Group. We have undertaken an analysis                                                                 risk enough to be able to offer cover. This
across each business to identify these.                                                               effectively helps to reduce uninsured
                                                 Risks                                                                                                   Risks
                                                                                                      losses or the ‘protection gap’. RMS’s
                                                 1. There are no obvious adverse effects on                                                              1. An increased focus on climate change
                                                                                                      models are likely to help enable the
                                                     the RMS business from climate change                                                                    and ESG could attract large potential
                                                                                                      development of climate change hedging
                                                     other than the increased likelihood of                                                                  competitors to enter the environmental
                                                                                                      instruments and cost benefit analysis of
                                                     business interruption from acute events                                                                 part of the property information market.
                                                                                                      climate adaptation, which will help close
                                                     such as storms and floods affecting
                                                                                                      climate-related protection gaps.
                                                     offices.                                                                                            Opportunities
                                                                                               3.     On-premise datacentres that are hosted             1. By increasing the cost of physical
                                                 Opportunities                                        by the customer have to have capacity to              damage to properties from extreme
                                                 1. RMS helps insurers and re-insurers                cater for peak loads, and consequently                weather events, there is likely to be
                                                    understand their exposure and potential           significant amounts of server capacity                increased demand for data and analytics
                                                    exposure. Climate change is likely                are sitting idle for significant amounts              that helps property owners understand
                                                    to result in an increase in both the              of time. Cloud-based solutions offer                  their exposure.
                                                    frequency and severity of extreme                 an elastic environment where there is
                                                                                                                                                         2.   It is also likely to increase demand
                                                    weather events. RMS can help clients              much less redundant capacity and usage
                                                                                                                                                              for new products that Landmark is
                                                    better understand the likely impact of            can be optimised. As customers aim to
                                                                                                                                                              developing. For example, analysis of
                                                    those changes. Consequently, climate              reduce their carbon footprint, they are
                                                                                                                                                              the impact of increased flood risk on
                                                    change is likely to drive an increase in          likely to accelerate the move away from
                                                                                                                                                              lenders’ portfolios.
                                                    customer demand for RMS’s models and              on-premise and towards cloud-based
                                                    analytical solutions over time.                   solutions, which should help drive the             3.   The UK government and large
                                                                                                      shift to RMS’s Risk Intelligence platform.              organisations may require risk reporting
                                                                                                                                                              on ESG, which could develop into a new
                                                                                                                                                              market for Landmark.

DMGT plc
Sustainability Report 2020           Introduction                       Environmental Performance          Our People                          Our Social Impact                   Our Governance

risks and opportunities
                                                    3.   Climate change may drive increased           7.     Potentially, changing weather patterns           4.   Given the concerns about climate
                                                         use of virtual conferences. Technology              could result in reduced ‘windows’ in                  change will be across multiple sectors,
                                                         is currently considered a supplement                the calendar for when conditions are                  there are likely to be opportunities to
                                                         rather than a replacement for physical              favourable for an event. For example,                 replicate some content across events.
Risks                                                    events, but that could change. dmg                  to avoid extreme heat or the hurricane           5.   In the long term, if there are
1. Exhibitor and delegate concerns about                 events could develop more virtual                   season. This could result in an increase              technological advances to reduce the
    the environmental impact of travelling               events, for smaller exhibitions, but these          in the cost of hiring venues.                         environmental impact of travelling
    to exhibitions could potentially result              would be expected to generate less           Opportunities                                                and these also result in faster travel,
    in reduced attendance levels. However,               revenues than physical exhibitions.          1. Within each sector or industry, there                     then attendance at major international
    physical exhibitions bring suppliers
                                                    4.   Energy exhibitions that are focused on          will be opportunities to provide                          exhibitions may increase as they become
    and customers together from multiple
                                                         oil and gas are likely to become less           additional content at events. Climate                     easier to reach.
    locations, enabling a series of face-to-
                                                         relevant and significant if they do not         change creates an additional reason
    face meetings that would otherwise
                                                         evolve.                                         for each industry to come together and
    require more travel. Consequently,
                                                    5.   In the long term, environmental                 consider the changing landscape. This
    physical exhibitions can be considered
                                                         concerns may drive reduced birth rates          is particularly relevant for the energy
    an effective method of reducing
                                                         and, ultimately, less demand for the            sector but also the construction sector.
    environmental impact relative to                                                                                                                          In February 2021, DMGT reached agreements
                                                         construction of new buildings, which            Generally speaking, a relatively gradual
    suppliers flying to visit their customers                                                                                                                 to sell Hobsons and consequently the future
                                                         could be detrimental to the construction        major change in an industry is helpful for
    separately. Environmental concerns                                                                                                                        risks and opportunities are not included in
                                                         sector. This is considered to be a lower        events as it drives content.
    could potentially result in reduced                                                                                                                       this report.
    revenues from exhibitors. Also, there                risk in Africa where population growth is    2.     In the oil and gas sector, there are
    is a potential reputational risk for the             expected to continue as environmental               specific opportunities in the short-term
    exhibition industry as a whole if large              concerns are offset by improving                    as the industry pivots away from oil and
    exhibitions are considered to have a                 healthcare.                                         gas. For example, increased interest in
    major negative environmental impact,            6.   Extreme weather events could disrupt                liquefied natural gas in the short-term
    rather than an effective way of suppliers            exhibitions and shows, or require their             and renewables in the longer term.
    reducing their total travel.                         cancellation. The risk from extreme                 In particular, major oil companies,
                                                         weather events is considered much                   including national oil companies, will
2.   Exhibitors may become concerned
                                                         more significant for DMGT’s Events &                be investing significant amounts in the
     about the reputational risk of building
                                                         Exhibitions business than the long-term             change.
     temporary stands for single use at an
     event.                                              chronic risk from rising sea levels and      3.     Similarly, there will be opportunities to
                                                         temperatures.                                       launch new events that are relevant to
                                                                                                             nascent markets – for example, as forms
                                                                                                             of renewable energy evolve.
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risks and opportunities

1. There is a risk that public opinion will
    change and it will become socially
    unacceptable to read physical
    newspapers due to the carbon footprint
    from their production and distribution.
    This could potentially result in a
    significant reduction in revenues for the
    Mail, ‘i’ and Metro newspapers.
2.   Similarly, future UK government
     intervention, whether through taxation
     or other means, may result in the
     production and/or distribution of
     newspapers becoming significantly
     more expensive or not viable in certain

1. A change in readers’ attitudes to print
   newspapers could accelerate the
   migration to digital versions of the
   newspapers’ content. If the audience
   can be monetised effectively, this
   could potentially drive higher profits
   over time given the minimal marginal
   cost of additional readers of the digital

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Sustainability Report 2020            Introduction                       Environmental Performance       Our People                           Our Social Impact                   Our Governance

Environmental initiatives
at our operating companies
We have various company-generated                    Great British September Clean                     Mail newspapers                                       Small Steps, Big Impact
initiatives to protect and restore the               The annual litter-picking campaign, run by        In February 2018, the Daily Mail stopped              Mail Metro Media launched the branded
environment. Below are just some examples            Keep Britain Tidy and backed by the Daily         using polythene bags for Weekend Magazine.            podcast ‘Small Steps, Big Impact’ in
from across our businesses.                          Mail, inspires people to take to the streets,     This reduced our usage by eight tonnes of             association with Dove, which proved popular
                                                     beaches and parks for over two weeks each         polythene per week on average. In April               on the iTunes chart.
                                                     September. The litter pick was postponed in       2020, The Mail on Sunday also stopped using
                                                     2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.             polythene bags, saving an extra four tonnes of        The podcast debuted at no.30 on Friday 4
                                                                                                       polythene per week.                                   September 2020 before climbing to no.19 and
                                                     The drive received high praise from Prime                                                               amassing more than 750 reviews in just a few
Daily Mail                                           Minister Boris Johnson, who urged Britons to      The Green Report                                      days. The six-part series, hosted by lifestyle
The Daily Mail launched a campaign urging            “roll up their sleeves” and join in. Volunteers   Published in July 2020, The Green Report,             blogger Zanna Van Dijk, aims to inspire
readers to plant up to a million trees across        around the UK took part in litter picks, either   produced by dmg media’s advertising                   listeners to start taking simple, manageable
the UK in December 2019, named ‘Be a Tree            individually or in small groups. They included    division, studies the thoughts and attitudes          steps towards living a more sustainable
Angel’. Readers were asked to help make              young children, top athletes and employees        of the Mail Metro Media audience towards              lifestyle. Teaming up with the dmg ventures-
Britain greener by becoming a “Tree Angel” at        picking up rubbish during lunch breaks.           environmental issues. It delves deep to               invested podcast platform, Entale and
Christmas. A range of activities to support the                                                        uncover attitudes, actions and barriers               Mindshare UK, our advertising arm developed
campaign included expert editorial advice on                                                           towards being eco-friendly in five different          the podcast to promote Dove’s sustainability
how to plant and grow trees to make Britain                                                            sectors: Food and Drink, Fashion, Beauty,             efforts.
greener, local tree-planting initiatives and                                                           Motors and Holidays.
donations to fund planting projects.                                                                                                                         dmg media Ireland
                                                                                                       The report demonstrated that readers are              As part of its commitment to sustainability,
Readers were offered vouchers to pick up a                                                             keen to become more eco-friendly and also             dmg media Ireland has ensured that the
free tree to plant in their garden, and those                                                          engage with eco-friendly content.                     supply chain of newspapers has become
who had nowhere to plant a tree pledged                                                                                                                      more efficient in reducing carbon footprint,
money to fund tree-planting.                                                                                                                                 by diverting newsprint away from landfill.
                                                                                                                                                             More than 95% of any unsold copies of
More than 30,000 readers ordered a tree from                                                                                                                 our newspapers are recycled. We work
the newspaper to plant and the campaign                                                                                                                      with printers, distributors, retailers and
raised enough funding to plant trees in more                                                                                                                 Newsbrands Ireland to maintain the highest
than 6,000 schools, massively exceeding its                                                                                                                  of standards.
target of 1,000. Nearly £2m was donated from
organisations, companies and businessmen                                                                                                                     Laptops from all our UK companies are
including Network Rail, Lloyds Bank,                                                                                                                         recycled through, in partnership
Sainsbury’s and Lord Sugar.                                                                                                                                  with Age UK.
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Environmental initiatives
at our operating companies
                                                      visit Bogotá, but was postponed due to the          •     Landmark has been an active member               Trepp’s University team has established
                                                      Covid-19 pandemic.                                        of the Know Your Flood Risk campaign to         a series of Community Calls, which bring
                                                                                                                promote flooding risks across the UK.           cutting edge and innovative research from
                                                      RMS is also a core partner of the Rockefeller       •     Landmark has implemented a detailed             the Academy to commercial real estate
                                                      Foundation’s Global Resilient Cities Network.             Corporate Responsibility policy to              professionals. In 2020, the Community Calls
RMS – Risk Modelling
                                                      As a commitment to the home of their                      outline how they propose to meet the            included a three part series on ESG, including
Each year RMS holds an Impact Trek, where
                                                      headquarters – the Bay Area – RMS is partnering           challenges of sustainable development.          performance analysis of Green building loans,
both RMS employees and their clients work
                                                      with San Francisco and Berkeley to quantify the                                                           a presentation from GRESB, and a discussion
together with the social enterprise Build Change                                                          •     Introducing E-billing for customers has
                                                      economic risk of sea level rise and seismic risk.                                                         of environmental risk affecting commercial
in some of the world’s most catastrophe-                                                                        reduced paper usage by c. 17,000 sheets         real estate (which included RMS on the panel).
prone areas. Build Change is an organisation                                                                    per month.
dedicated to reducing deaths, injuries and
                                                                                                                                                                Trepp’s research and media outreach,
economic losses caused by housing and school
                                                                                                                                                                particularly its blog platform TreppTalk,
collapses due to earthquakes and typhoons
                                                                                                                                                                regularly includes discussions on the
in emerging nations. Collaborating with Build         In support of Landmark’s commitment to
                                                                                                                                                                importance and implementation of ESG, ESG
Change since late 2013, RMS provided an early         the protection of the environment, including
                                                                                                                                                                trends in real estate, and how to assess ESG.
sponsorship in addition to joint research and         prevention of pollution – Landmark has
                                                                                                          Trepp builds on its role as a thought leader in
shared expertise for their preventive program         taken steps to manage both its consumption
                                                                                                          commercial real estate finance through the            Trepp employees have organised an annual
activities in Latin America, and other vulnerable     of environmental resources and generation
                                                                                                          establishment of an ESG Steering Committee,           “work outfit clothing drive” for four years in
countries around the world. The partnership           of waste. Landmark’s integrated quality,
                                                                                                          chaired by key executives. The Steering               a row since 2016, allowing them to donate
in Latin America focused on promoting the             information security and environmental
                                                                                                          Committee is responsible for coordinating             gently-used work outfits to the charity
benefits of retrofitting homes for low-income         management system, details the company’s
                                                                                                          ESG initiatives across Trepp’s diverse product        Coalition for the Homeless, who run a job
families living in informal neighbourhoods in         approach and framework for achieving
                                                                                                          line, building relationships with industry            training programme called First Step. In 2019,
Bogotá, Colombia. The partnership also helps          compliance with the ISO 14001 Standard.
                                                                                                          groups, and identifying partners to provide           Trepp employees collectively donated five
contribute to larger scale initiatives with local     Landmark is also certified with the ISO 9001
                                                                                                          ESG insights into the otherwise opaque                large bags of clothes.
agencies and government bodies utilising the          Quality Management Standard. Landmark
                                                                                                          commercial real estate and commercial credit
latest technologies and socioeconomic data.           is committed to satisfying the applicable
                                                                                                          markets. Trepp’s first product innovation             As part of their Corporate Volunteer program,
                                                      requirements and striving for continual
                                                                                                          in ESG was a cooperative venture with                 Trepp volunteers frequently visit Central
In addition to their hands-on research, RMS           improvement of the quality management
                                                                                                          its partner company RMS to create new                 Park to help them clean up the park and
has made a multi-year $1 million donation to          system.
                                                                                                          Environmental Risk Scores for commercial              remove litter. Practical steps to protect the
BuildChange, and has donated their model
                                                                                                          real estate properties in the US. Trepp and           environment are also office-based, including
results to help guide BuildChange’s work to           •    More than 99% of Landmark’s
                                                                                                          RMS continue to work on expanding the                 purchasing mugs for each employee to
areas under-served and with the greatest                   environmental reports to customers are
                                                                                                          licensing and applicability of these Scores.          replace the use of paper cups.
impact. The 2020 Impact Trek sought to                     supplied online to save paper.

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                                                                                     Our people have the chance to develop
                                                                                     at DMGT, doing meaningful and
                                                                                     interesting work.

                                                                                                        We believe that talented, motivated
                                                                                                        people are the key to our success and we
                                                                                                        are committed to providing a working
                                                                                                        environment that allows people to reach
                                                                                                        their full potential.

                                                                                                        We invest in our people, developing
                                                                                                        high-potential leaders at early stages in their
                                                                                                        careers. Our leadership programmes, run at
                                                                                                        the operating company level, are designed
                                                                                                        to equip talented people with stretching
                                                                                                        experiences to accelerate their development
                                                                                                        and realise their potential. Our ambition is
                                                                                                        to enable people to be the best they can be,
                                                                                                        to deliver today and build for tomorrow. Our
                                                                                                        people have the chance to develop at DMGT,
                                                                                                        doing meaningful and interesting work that
                                                                                                        will stretch them, taking advantage of all
                                                                                                        the opportunities that our diverse group of
                                                                                                        businesses can offer.

                                                                                                        RMS Community Champion Awards winners
                                                                                                        at a ceremony to receive their award at
                                                                                                        New York Central Station
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Keeping our
people informed
One of the challenges of a geographically         We continue to enhance employee                    •     Emerging Leaders events where Directors          Some of the physical items listed were
diverse organisation, with c.40 locations         collaboration by adopting platforms such as              meet employees at DMGT Centre and                scheduled to take place during 2020 and have
internationally, is ensuring that we can          instant messaging, developing a Group-wide               the operating companies who have been            had to be postponed due to Covid-19. They
effectively communicate with all of our           microsite to share policies and information,             identified as future leaders.                    will be rearranged as soon as it is possible and
people.                                           refining our internal newsletters, circulating a   •     Director visits to operating companies as        safe to do so.
                                                  daily email news bulletin and holding regular            part of Board and Committee trips and
                                                  ‘town hall’ meetings.                                    that are in addition to this cadence.            We use a range of indicators to assess and
                                                                                                     •     Director attendance at DMGT events               monitor cultural health and employee
                                                   The DMGT Board actively engages with                                                                     engagement across the Group. The Board
                                                        employees in order to effectively                  such as RMS Exceedance, where they
                                                                                                           meet with employees and customers.               also took steps to actively continue this
                                                           understand their views and                                                                       during Covid-19. Some examples include:
                                                               interests. Examples of                •     Directors are invited to attend CR events
                                                                   engagement with                         such as the Community Champions                  •    Monitoring the Salary Substitution Plan
                                                                      employees have                       Awards ceremonies.                                    participation where c.99% of employees
                                                                         included, or are                                                                        eligible to participate took part. Some
                                                                                                     •     Engagement surveys are carried out at
                                                                            scheduled, are as                                                                    employees participated at a higher
                                                                                                           operating company level, the results of
                                                                              follows:                                                                           contribution level. Others opted to
                                                                                                           which are summarised and shared with
                                                                      •                                                                                          participate even though they fell below
                                                                                                           the Board through a regular report.
                                                                                                                                                                 the minimum salary threshold.
                                                                                                     •     During the year, virtual Town Hall events
                                                                                                           were held throughout the Group. The              •    Considering and acting on Employee
                                                                                                           Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee                   Engagement Survey results.
                                                                                                           joined a DMGT Centre Town Hall                   •    Reviewing Gender Pay Gap reporting.
                                                                                                           and employees were able to ask him
                                                                                                           questions and hear his views about               •    Monitoring DMGT SharePurchase+
                                                                                                           a number of topics, including a Non-                  participation where c.10% of employees
                                                                                                           Executive Director’s view of DMGT’s                   eligible to participate do so, typical for
                                                                                                           response to Covid-19. Other Directorswill             schemes such as this.
                                                                                                           be invited to attend future planned              •    Noting that employees donated £27,000
                                                                                                           events.                                               to Mail Force Charity, which was
                                                                                                                                                                 matched by DMGT.
                                                                                                                                                            •    Updates regarding DMGT businesses
                                                                                                                                                                 running employee engagement
                                                                                                                                                                 wellbeing initiatives.
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Sustainability Report 2020              Introduction                       Environmental Performance       Our People                            Our Social Impact                   Our Governance

our employees
DMGT holds a wealth of top leadership                                                                                                                           Mental Health
talent and sector expertise at Group level                                                                                                                      dmg media has provided an array of mental
and across its operating companies. Staff                                                                                                                       health workshops over the past two years,
have access to a wide range of training and                                                                                                                     from helping with stress and anxiety to focus
                                                       dmg events is at the forefront of face-to-face                                                           and sleep. We have also trained individuals
development programmes and wellbeing                   communication, and has a strong employee
support, including courses such as:                                                                      dmg media offers a multitude of training               within the organisation as Mental Health
                                                       development programme and learning                                                                       First Aiders and communicated who these
                                                                                                         and development for its employees through
                                                       culture. LinkedIn Learning recently published                                                            people are, so employees can see who they
•    Coaching for managers, including                                                                    the dmg media Academy.
                                                       a commendatory case study on their efforts                                                               can speak to for support. Lastly, CIC, our
     performance management                            to drive learning and development, which can
                                                                                                         Management Training                                    employee assistance programme, gives
•    Stakeholder management                            be found here.                                                                                           access to a range of services, information,
                                                                                                         dmg media supports employees with
•    Career development planning                                                                         workshops on management; with some of                  advice and confidential support. The services
                                                       dmg events have created ‘learning@dmg’, an                                                               cover a broad spectrum from debt advice, to
•    Digital marketing essentials                                                                        our recent virtual sessions being transformed
                                                       internal brand launched to promote learning,                                                             therapy and family care.
                                                                                                         into one-to-one coaching providing a tailored
•    Mindfulness and wellbeing workshops               encouraging employees to learn new skills. It
                                                                                                         approach. Our Emerging Leaders Programme
                                                       has three main pillars – Develop, Master and                                                             Our workshops, and all the resources
•    Public speaking, presenting and                                                                     supports our high potential individuals and
                                                       Grow.                                                                                                    available to support employees, are regularly
     assertion workshops                                                                                 has been running since 2018.
                                                                                                                                                                promoted to employees via various,
•    Technical skill training (Excel,                  Working with LinkedIn Learning, dmg events
                                                                                                         Career development                                     measured communication channels.
     PowerPoint etc)                                   has created a continuous development
                                                                                                         dmg media supports employees with
                                                       programme with reliable content, professional
During FY 2020 these courses focused on                                                                  workshops in career development, such as
                                                       qualifications and access to thought
support programmes for employees whilst                                                                  ‘build your career intelligence’ and ‘developing
                                                       leadership/ influencers. dmg events’ targeted
working remotely.                                                                                        self-awareness’, both containing diagnostic
                                                       strategies include an annual learning calendar,
                                                                                                         tools for a bespoke experience. We also have           Management Training
                                                       monthly email campaigns and Summer
We also offer work experience,                                                                           a professional development request form that           The majority of editors with people
                                                       Challenges that inspire engagement.
apprenticeships and professional                                                                         employees fill out to request any specific needs       management responsibilities have received
development support to all our staff,                                                                    they require to develop within their role. Our         essential people management training,
including external training and qualifications,                                                          HR self-service system facilitates performance         including conducting one-to-ones, providing
and the opportunity to apply for additional                                                              reviews and goal setting, supported by                 feedback and coaching. Meanwhile, all
funding for these.                                                                                       workshops and additional resources.                    commercial managers across the business
                                                                                                                                                                have participated in a leadership development
                                                                                                                                                                event within the past 18 months.

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Sustainability Report 2020           Introduction                         Environmental Performance       Our People                         Our Social Impact                     Our Governance

our employees                                                                                                  Case study

                                                    Designed to be an encouraging, engaging
                                                    experience, the team worked to produce an
                                                    event that would motivate the sales team
Trepp University, Trepp’s internal training and     and reconnect them with their values during                Landmark nurtures and supports the professional and personal development of our people
development function, was created to help           difficult circumstances.                                   in a number of ways;
employees grow professionally. Beginning
with new hire training, Trepp University offers     The theme was “rowing together,” taking                    •   Study support
various courses and workshops to employees          rowing as an example of the ultimate                       •   Apprenticeship programmes
over the course of their careers to help them       teamwork sport, and defining success
                                                                                                               •   Internal and external training and development
excel at their job.                                 through collaboration. To complement this,
                                                    Hobsons invited Arshay Cooper, author of                   •   Leadership development
As a deep understanding of Trepp’s                  “A Most Beautiful Thing,” to be the keynote                •   Secondments
products and the markets it serves is crucial       speaker. The book tells the true story of
                                                                                                               •   Career development planning and support
to innovation and development, Trepp                America’s first all-black high school rowing
University provides employees direct access         team and the challenges they faced.                        •   Transparency through advertising all opportunities across our business areas
to the necessary learning tools to succeed                                                                     •   A collaborative, challenging and friendly working environment
in Trepp’s industry. In addition, Trepp has a       Arshay’s book was sent out as part of a crew-
rich educational assistance program to fund         themed gift box to every member of Hobsons’
employees for their specific educational needs.                                                                2020 has provided Landmark with an opportunity to look at delivering learning in a
                                                    sales organisation. During his keynote
                                                                                                               different, more flexible way. The lessons learned are shaping future new programmes,
                                                    speech, Arshay emphasised the importance
Trepp provides employees with                                                                                  including a new leadership programme to be delivered for 2021.
                                                    of teamwork as a rower, and encouraged
reimbursement packages for career-related           team members to connect through their
courses, and offers paid volunteering               vision for the schools and communities they
opportunities through a number of                   were supporting.
organisations and events.
                                                    One attendee commented: “at the end of the
                                                    week I didn’t just feel like a better sales rep – I
                                                    felt like a better person.”

In October 2020, working at home full-time          It was the highest-rated sales virtual kick-off
in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic,           Hobsons had hosted during the past four
Hobsons hosted their annual sales kick-off          years, and a positive example of
virtually. Over 100 staff attended across           galvanising employees despite difficult
four days.                                          circumstances.
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Sustainability Report 2020                                                                                 Introduction                                                                                    Environmental Performance                     Our People                        Our Social Impact                    Our Governance

Our People
Diversity and inclusion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Our Equal Opportunities Policy is designed           and inclusive culture. Our Career Boards
  United Kingdom: 3,061

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to comply with the Equality Act 2010 and             ensure job opportunities are open to internal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the Equality and Human Rights Commission             candidates, with training and mentoring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Employment Statutory Code of Practice, and           offered to support promotions and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to promote best practice. Managers must set          internal mobility.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     an appropriate standard of behaviour, lead by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     example and ensure that those they manage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     adhere to this policy. This policy applies to        Case study
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     all aspects of the employee relationship.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     All decisions must be based on merit. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     includes but is not limited to:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     •     recruitment and selection;                     workshop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     •     opportunities for promotion;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DMGT runs a number of training programmes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     •     training and development;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          on equality, diversity and inclusion, as well
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     •     conditions of service;                         as providing tools and resources for hiring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     •     pay and benefits;                              managers to assist them in ensuring an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          objective hiring process that attracts the best
                          USA: 1,412

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     •     conduct at work; and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          talent regardless of background. This year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     •     job adverts.                                   we piloted diversity and inclusion training for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          managers and HR staff, led and facilitated by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DMGT’s Human Resources Information                   an external provider. This training included
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     System enables us to monitor the levels of           unconscious bias, discrimination awareness,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     diversity in our business and also promote           leadership and business roles. We partner
                                                    United Arab Emirates: 175
                                       India: 669

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     an inclusive culture. Diversity data including       with a number of external programmes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     gender, ethnicity, race and disability is            and take part in volunteering activities to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tracked across job levels and assessed against       support diversity in media; one of our new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     a number of key areas, including recruitment         programmes connects women from BAME
                                                                                Australia: 140

                                                                                                                Switzerland: 25

                                                                                                                                  South Africa: 23

                                                                                                                                                                                  Saudi Arabia: 10
                                                                                                 Ireland: 135

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     processes, attrition and promotions. We              backgrounds in the media industry with
                                                                                                                                                                  Singapore: 16
                                                                                                                                                     Canada: 18

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bermuda: 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     regularly ask employees for their feedback           experienced female mentors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Nigeria: 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Japan: 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                China: 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     on diversity and inclusion, supported with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     regular internal communications on a range
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of activities that promote a collaborative
                                                                                                       Employees by country
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diversity initiatives                                                                                             Case study
                                                      To date, the Mail newsrooms have employed
                                                      nine Stephen Lawrence Scholars and continue                 Finishing School
                                                      to recruit two or three annually. Previous intakes
Stephen Lawrence Programme
                                                      have included a journalist whose family fled the            Brixton Finishing School is a national organisation which helps young people from mixed
The Stephen Lawrence scholarship programme
                                                      civil war in Somalia, a journalist from Manchester          backgrounds establish themselves in the advertising industry, removing one of the main
is connected to the Daily Mail’s general trainee
                                                      whose first trip to London was for his interview            barriers underprivileged individuals have: access to opportunities. The advertising arm of dmg
scheme. However, it is specifically aimed at
                                                      with us and is the first in his family to attend            media, Mail Metro Media (MMM), has sponsored the programme for more than two years and
candidates from Black, Asian and Minority
                                                      university. Past Stephen Lawrence Scholars have             members of the team also sit on the Brixton Finishing School Executive Advisory Board.
Ethnic backgrounds, who are statistically
                                                      been fast-tracked to senior positions on the Night
underrepresented within the journalism industry.
                                                      News and Foreign News desks.                                The programme offers individuals 10 weeks of paid learning, removing yet another barrier
                                                                                                                  for budding advertising talent, where they are exposed to a curriculum that is built in
As such, the Daily Mail tailors the training
                                                                                                                  partnership with major names in the advertising industry, including MMM.
according to the individual’s needs. Most of
the trainees taken on hold either an NCTJ
qualification or a master’s degree in journalism.
The Stephen Lawrence scholarships are given
to students who would not be able to afford           ‘i’ formed its first diversity and inclusion working
postgraduate journalism training. The Daily Mail      group at the beginning of August 2020, including
pays for them to attend either News Associates,       representatives from management and different
the top NCTJ training course in the country,          sections of editorial and commercial teams.
or City University on their highly-regarded           In addition, a separate, smaller working group
journalism master’s course. While they are there,     has been formed to reboot our work experience
the paper allocates them a living allowance, and      scheme, to make sure it is more accessible to
works with the Stephen Lawrence Foundation            everyone.
to arrange subsidised council accommodation
built specifically for key inner-city workers.        ‘i’ sends all job advertisements to a list of
                                                      organisations to ensure they reach a wider range
Once their education is completed, the Stephen        of people, and all-white shortlists are banned for
Lawrence Scholars join the general newsroom           advertised jobs. Organisations the ‘i’ works with
trainees for five months of training at the Daily     include Creative Access, Disabled Access, and
Mail. This consists of a month’s classroom            We are Black Journos.
training, followed by four months on one of
our newsbrand’s titles such as The Scottish           Following the acquisition of ‘i’ in 2019, the ‘i’
Daily Mail, Irish Daily Mail or even an associated    complies with DMGT’s Equal Opportunities
regional title.                                       policy as part of its integration into the business.
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diversity initiatives
                                                     To further increase diversity, Landmark                                                                of valuing and operationalizing diversity of
                                                     overhauled their recruitment processes.                                                                thought, for example, is that 51% of US-based
                                                     Increased levels of direct recruitment                                                                 employees, where RMS is headquartered and
As a leading Property Technology business,           activity mean that they are better able                                                                maintains several offices, represent non-
the careers at Landmark Information Group            to control the channels that are used to         RMS’s core values are transparency,                   white minorities.
see roles largely in the STEM (Science,              attract candidates, broadening the pool          accountability and empowerment across
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)             of talent they can reach. The age diversity      their worldwide employee base. It has                 RMS launched a matching funds donation
fields of data and technology, areas that            within the group ranges from 18-74 years.        a variety of programmes in place to                   program in 2020, focused on matching
traditionally see a lower representation             Landmark supports a range of apprenticeship      operationalise these values among all                 employee charitable donations to non-profits
of females both across the sector and                programmes from customer services and            their employees at every level, and this is           that are focused on solving the challenges
within education. Landmark has sought to             sales and accounting, to paralegal services      important to maintaining healthy diversity.           associated with racial injustice across a wide
proactively increase female representation in        and degree apprenticeships in technology         RMS believe that innovation is driven first           range of focus areas.
recent years via a number of different routes.       and leadership. These programmes have seen       and foremost by diversity of thought, which
                                                     Landmark attract younger colleagues at the       is encouraged and rewarded throughout                 RMS CEO Karen White was a keynote speaker
To support their aims of increasing                  start of their careers, along with progressing   the company. Because diversity of                     at the Lloyds of London Annual Dive-In
representation, Landmark’s Women in Tech             female talent into the technology areas where    thought is valued as core to the success of           conference 2020, with 10,000 participants
group enables existing female colleagues             representation is lower.                         their business, RMS attract and maintain              globally, where she focused on the issues
to share their ideas and experiences for                                                              a very diverse employee base which                    of racial injustice. The provocative session
improving accessibility to careers for both          During 2020 Landmark have actively               understands that at RMS, the best idea                included an interview with Grammy Award
existing and new colleagues. From gender             supported their EU citizen colleagues where      wins from whomever it comes, and that                 winning singer-songwriter Siedah Garrett
neutral language within job adverts to               they have wished to remain within the UK,        scientific, technology and business model             (and a performance of her song, Man in
skills-based interviewing with mixed panels,         championing the introduction of Settled          breakthroughs require everyone’s diverse              the Mirror recorded by Michael Jackson).
Landmark have seen greater diversity in both         Status ensuring that all were aware of the       ideas to be surfaced and respected. RMS has           Karen White was also awarded “Top CEOs
applications and appointments.                       scheme and key timelines.                        developed a culture that values the difference        for Women” in America in 2020, (Ranked
                                                                                                      over the sameness of ideas, and where talent          #12) alongside Microsoft’s Satya Nadela,
Increasing use of flexible working, particularly     It is with some pride that Landmark’s highest    is encouraged to bring their whole selves to          Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and Marc Zuckerberg
during the pandemic, has supported colleagues        rated category in their regular engagement       the workplace, to think out of the box even if        at Facebook. She was also one of the few
of all ages who have caring responsibilities,        surveys is “People from all backgrounds are      they are a lone voice, and to be confident that       female leaders named among “Top 50 CEOs
enabling them to remain focused on their             treated fairly at Landmark.”                     their diverse voices will be valued. Employees        in America” last year.
careers without impairing their ability to care                                                       are expected to be transparent with their
for loved ones. Landmark’s experiences of                                                             ideas and feedback, to be accountable for
working flexibly during the pandemic have the                                                         their work as well as maintaining the culture,
potential to support increased diversity when                                                         and are empowered to think differently
the pandemic restrictions are lifted.                                                                 while performing their roles. One outcome

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