Sanquhar Academy School Handbook 2021-2022 - Dumfries ...

Page created by Beatrice Pearson
Sanquhar Academy School Handbook 2021-2022 - Dumfries ...
Sanquhar Academy

School Handbook

Sanquhar Academy School Handbook 2021-2022 - Dumfries ...
Contents                                                                  School History

                                Welcome                                   Sanquhar Academy
                       COVID Recovery and Renewal                         Sanquhar Academy is a mixed Comprehensive
                                                                          School offering courses up to Advanced Higher
                           Our Vision & Values                            level in a diverse range of subjects.
                             Communication                                The school roll is currently 261, this gives us the
                                                                          advantage of really building strong relationships
                             The School Day                               with all our pupils.

                               Transitions                                There has been a school in Sanquhar since pre-
                                                                          reformation times, but the first mention of an
                                Our Staff                                 established Public school is in the statistical
                                                                          account of 1793. The Crichton School, now part
                        Broad General Education                           of the nursing home, in Laurie's Wynd, was
                                                                          endowed in 1838 and, following the Education
                              Senior Phase                                Act of 1872, the buildings of the parish school in
                                                                          Queensberry Square were re- built and
                          Senior Phase Courses                            extended.
                               Homework                                   The Crichton School and Sanquhar Public School
                       Attainment & Achievement                           joined in 1886 after which followed a series of
                                                                          extensions until 1931 when the school was
                          Parental Engagement                             renamed Sanquhar Academy.

                             Pupil Support                                Throughout this period, there had been separate
                                                                          schools in Sanquhar and Kirkconnel. In 1972
                             School History                               Kirkconnel Junior Secondary School closed and
                                                                          Sanquhar Academy became the school serving
                                                                          secondary-age pupils in the area in 1976.

    Headteacher               Mrs Elaine Hetherington Cree

    School Address            Broomfield, Sanquhar, DG4 6JN

    Telephone Number          01659 50208

                                                                                                                            Thank You
    School App                Safer Schools, Sanquhar Academy
                                                                                                             For taking the time to review our
                                                                                                                     school Handbook.
                                                                                                          If you require any further information
    Twitter                   News@sanquharacademy                                                                  please contact us.


    Description               Non-Denominational Six Year Comprehensive

    Current Roll              261

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Sanquhar Academy School Handbook 2021-2022 - Dumfries ...
Pupil Support                                                                                                     Welcome

GIRFEC                                                     Duff & Wilson House
                                                                                                                  Dear Parent/Carer                                       Dear Parent/Carer
Getting it right for every child                           Sanquhar Academy's Pupil Support Team work
(GIRFEC) is an approach from                               in a vertical 'House' system with pupils being         Our schools across Dumfries                             At Sanquhar Academy we work
The Scottish Government that                               assigned to one Pupil Support Teacher and              and Galloway have high                                  together to ensure that our
sets out how schools and other services should             remaining with them throughout their time in           expectations and high                                   school community has every
work with children and their families. GIRFEC is           school. The Pupil Support teacher's role is to         aspirations for pupils and staff.                       opportunity to be your best
all about ensuring that children get the help they         give personal and pastoral support to your             Like you, we want the best                              self. Our school moto in Latin
need when they need it – the right help at the             daughter/son while in school, as well as               possible future for your child.                         means ’The notice of honesty’.
right time. For you and your child, GIRFEC means           monitoring progress, attendance and behaviour.         We know that children do                                Being open to change and
that: You are the expert on your child and what                                                                   better at school and go on to                           growth through learning and
you think matters. Getting it right for every child        The Pupil Support Team                                 achieve more in life when families and schools          honest about our skills, abilities and needs will
means that the School will always seek to involve                                                                 work together. We want to make sure that you, as        support our children to become the best adults
you, to listen to your opinions and take them              A good relationship between home and school is         parents and carers, feel involved in your child’s       in the future.
seriously.                                                 in the best interests of all pupils. Your child will   learning, feel welcome and listened to in our
                                                           be allocated a Pupil Support Teacher who will be       schools. We have a shared interest in your child        Through the National Improvement Framework
Every child will have a Named Person in the                responsible for personal, curricular and               being happy, confident and successful in school.        we aim to: improve attainment, particularly in
School. At Sanquhar Academy this is your child’s           vocational guidance.                                                                                           literacy and numeracy, close the attainment gap
Pupil Support Teacher. If you or your child need                                                                  Parents, pupils and staff are partners in the           between the most and least disadvantaged
any advice or any support, the Pupil Support               Your child's Pupil Support teacher should be           education process and we all have a role to play.       children and young people, improvement in
Teacher is your first point of contact and will            your main contact at Sanquhar Academy                  The information in this handbook should reflect         children and young people's health and
make sure you get the help or advice that you              throughout their time with us.                         information that is important to you and your           wellbeing and improve employability skills
need. Having a Pupil Support Teacher means                                                                        family to support your involvement and                  leading to sustained, positive school-leaver
that if there is anything that could affect your           Our Pupil Support Principal Teachers are:              engagement in your child’s learning. Working with       destinations for all young people.
child’s wellbeing, he or she will receive support                                                                 your Parent Council and your Headteacher we can
as quickly as possible so that problems do not             Ms A Menzies Duff House                                make sure you have the information about your           We utilise every resource within our school and
develop.                                                   Miss S Nisbet Wilson House                             school, the Education Service and our partners to       community to improve outcomes for all learners.
                                                                                                                  give your child the best start in life.                 Partnerships, Scottish Attainment Challenge and
For more information on getting it right for               Mr S Raikes      Additional Support for Learning                                                               Pupil Equity Funding are just some of the things
every child email or visit            Mrs I Miller     Employability, Work Experience        Yours sincerely                                         we draw upon to support our children to realise to see the Dumfries                                and Positive Destinations                                                                     their potential.
and Galloway services plan.                                                                                       Gillian Brydson                                         I look forward to working with you to support
                                                           Additional Support for Learning                                                                                your children into the future.
                                                                                                                  Head of Education
Child Protection                                           Sanquhar Academy aims to remove barriers to                                                                    Yours faithfully
                                                           learning for all children with additional needs        More Information on Education Services is
All children have the right to be protected from                                                                  available at           Elaine Hetherington Cree
                                                           through a range of provision from mainstream
harm, abuse and neglect. Every adult in Scotland           classes (with or without support) to part-time or      and in our Annual Report http://
has a role in ensuring all our children and young                                                                     Headteacher, Sanquhar Academy
                                                           full-time provision in a school. This commitment
people live safely and have the opportunity to             to meeting the needs of all children is based on       Authority-Annual-Plan
reach their full potential. The vision for all             the requirements of the Education (Additional
children and young people in Dumfries and                  Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004
Galloway is that they should be: safe, nurtured,           amended in 2009.
healthy, achieving, active, respected and
responsible and included. Schools and front-
                                                           What is Additional Support for Learning (ASL)? If
line education and child care services will play an
                                                           your child has a barrier to learning they can be
important role in ensuring all children and young
                                                           said to have ‘Additional Support Needs’. Chil-
people are safe and well.
                                                           dren may need additional support for short or
                                                           long periods of time and for a variety of reasons.
Further information can be found at http://
                                                           Further information on the above is available
                                                           from the school or on the Council website http://

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COVID Recovery & Renewal                                                                                              Parental Engagement

Recovery and Renewal                                        Remote Learning                                           The Parent Forum                                         Pupil Assessment
Throughout Session 20 - 21 we have been                     If at any point a pupil is required to work from          Every parent who has a child at our school is a          Assessment happens all the time in schools and
developing learning and supporting our pupils               home, remote learning is available through                member of the Parent Forum. The parent council           your child’s progress will not just be based on
and families during the pandemic. As we move                GLOW.                                                     is a group of parents who have chosen to                 ‘tests’ but also on how they learn both in class
                                                                                                                      represent the parent forum. As a member of the           and in other settings. Written work will be used to
forward into session 21- 22 we have identified
                                                                                                                      Parent Forum, each parent can expect to:
that remote learning will be required into the                                                                                                                                 assess your child but so will their ability to take
future. At the time of writing the School                                                                                 Receive information about the school and            part in class discussions, make presentations, be
Handbook, January 21, we continue to work                                                                                  its activities                                      in a production or team, produce drawings or
together across the school community in a time of                                                                         Hear about what partnership with parents            projects etc. Parents will be involved both
fast paced change.                                                                                                         means in our school                                 informally in discussion with teachers, looking at
                                                                                                                          Be invited to be involved in ways and times         their child’s work and also formally through
As we look forward to supporting our learners               Learning is provided via                                       that suit you
                                                                                                                                                                               parent’s nights, profiles and reports. In senior
into and during session 21 - 22, it is likely that                                                                        Identify issues you want the parent council
                                                            Microsoft Teams.                                                                                                   school children continue to be assessed through a
there will continue to be ongoing change. We                                                                               to work on with the school
                                                            As remote learning has                                        Be asked your opinion by the parent                 range of methods to contribute towards their
will, as always, continue to maintain and amend                                                                            council on issues relating to the school and
                                                            developed it has been                                                                                              qualifications.
Health and Safety protocols to keep our school                                                                             education it provides
community COVID secure.                                     recognised it will continue                                   Work in partnership with staff
                                                            into the future to provide                                    Enjoy taking part in school life in whatever
Changes to note:                                            access to learning for                                         way possible
   • The secondary Timetable will not change                children who may have to be working from                                                                           Reporting to Parents
     until August 21.                                       home for a variety of reasons. Remote Learning            Parent Council
                                                            will continue to be a component of the                                                                             Parents will receive a full progress report,
   • P7 Transition will be carried out Remotely.                                                                      The type of things the parent council may get            containing information on their daughter's/
                                                            curriculum, to provide support for all learners
                                                                                                                      involved in include:                                     son's progress in each course, at least once per
                                                            into the future.
                                                                                                                                                                               session. Tracking reports will be sent out over
ICT to Support Home Learning                                                                                              Supporting the work of the school                   the course of the year to ensure parents are kept
                                                            Attendance Monitoring                                         Gathering and representing parents’ views           aware of their child’s progress.
If a pupil is required to work from home for any                                                                           to the Headteacher, Education Authority
reason it is best if they have access to a laptop or        Pupils attendance at school is monitored on an                 and Education Scotland
                                                            ongoing basis. Please ensure, that if your child is ill                                                            Reports will be provided as follows:
tablet. If your child has an issue accessing                                                                              Promoting contact between the school,
appropriate ICT please advise the school office             or self isolating, you inform the school office as             parents, pupils and the local community             1st Year June
                                                            soon as possible. Pupils attendance records are               Fundraising and organising events                   2nd Year January
and we will aim to resolve the situation if possible.
                                                            now being recorded to reflect the period of home              Reporting to the parent forum                       3rd Year January
                                                                                                                          Being involved in the appointment of                4th Year November
                                                            learning.                                                      senior promoted staff.                              5th/6th Yr December
                                                                                                                                                                               Parents Evenings will be as follows:
                                                            Tel : 01659 50208
                                                                                                                      -Involvement for further information on Parental         1st Year October
                                                                                                                      Involvement and Engagement and support infor-            2nd Year March
                                                                                                                      mation for Parent Councils.                              3rd Year March
                                                                                                                                                                               4th Year March
                                                                                                                      In addition, ALL parent Councils in Dumfries and         5th/6th Yr February
                                                                                                                      Galloway have membership to CONNECT
                                                                                                                      (formally SPTC). Membership includes Insurance
                                                                                                                      cover and training opportunities. For more infor-        Any questions arising from reports can be raised
                                                                                                                      mation visit                       with staff at Parents' Evenings or by
                                                                                                                                                                               appointment with your child's Pupil Support

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Attainment & Achievement                                                                                       Vision & Values
Celebrating Success                                       Wider Achievement
                                                                                                               Our Vision                                               Our School Values
Pupils’ successes are celebrated every day in the         A key aspect of Curriculum for Excellence is the
classroom and are regularly highlighted at                acknowledgement that learning takes place in a
school assemblies.                                        variety of locations, both inside and outside the                                                             Being Ready
                                                                                                               We will work with our parents, partners and our
                                                          classroom, and at different times, both within and                                                            Trying our hardest in every lesson every day
                                                          outwith the school day.
                                                                                                               community to help develop in all of our pupils the
The school also promotes positive behaviour
                                                                                                               capacity to be their very best.                          Being our best at all times
which recognises and regards pupil’s
achievement in their learning, in the contribution        We attach a high priority to activities ouwith the
                                                                                                               We will achieve this by promoting the highest            Completing tasks and not giving up
that they make to the school, in their attitude           classroom as a means of contributing to our
                                                          pupils’ education and enriching the experiences of   aspirations and expectations for everyone and by
and in citizenship. Our social media and local
newspaper articles highlight the special                  pupils and teachers by bringing them together in     creating an ethos where there is equity of
                                                          a more informal setting thus enabling them to                                                                 Being Respectful
achievements of our pupils.                                                                                    opportunity for all.
                                                          pursue their interests together.                                                                              Treating everyone respectfully and respecting
At the end of each school session an Awards               At Sanquhar Academy we pride ourselves in the                                                                 others’ point of view
Ceremony is held to recognise the achievements            number of activities we offer. There is something                                                             Being accountable for our own actions
of pupils in their learning. Awards are given for         for everyone to enjoy.
wider achievement and academic success.                                                                                                                                 Resolving differences in a positive way

     Insight Analysis                                                                                                                                                   Being Safe
      We are extremely proud of the Attainment and Achievement of all our pupils. The majority of our                                                                   Being considerate of the wellbeing of others
      attainment can be seen using Insight which measures attainment for pupils at the point of exit
when they leave school. Our National Dashboard reflects the hard work of the whole school community                                                                     Taking responsibility for our own actions
to ensure that our children leave with the best qualifications they can.                                                                                                Being motivated to work independently
Attainment and Achievement Data is available through Parent Zone.


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Communication                                                                                                Homework

 If you need to find something out                        School News
                                                                                                             At Sanquhar Academy, homework is recognised                  The evidence shows that
                                                                                                             as having an important role to play in the                   the impact of homework,
 In the first instance please contact our school          Is available through                               education of pupils. It is an integral part of the           on average, is five months'
 office. Our office staff will assist you by either       the School Website and the School App. We          total learning experience; enhancing learning,               additional progress.
 answering your request for information directly          recommend that all parents have access to the      improving attainment, developing organisational
 or by arranging for someone else to call you             School App. Search for Safer Schools or scan the   skills, promoting independent learning and
 back.                                                                                                       developing the good study habits that are so
                                                          QR code below. Our School App also provides
                                                                                                             essential for examination success.                           Homework expectations
                                                          valuable information on keeping children safe.
 If you have a concern                                                                                       The purposes of a quality homework programme                 In terms of quality, the key factors are that
                                                                                                             are to:-                                                     homework be appropriate, enjoyable and
 Your first line of contact if you have any                                                                                                                               enhance learning. As a general guide, pupils
                                                                                                             •    practice and consolidate work done in class             should receive -
 concerns should be your child’s Pupil Support                                                               •    prepare for future class-work or assessment
 Teacher, who can be contacted through the                                                                   •    provide opportunities for individualised                S1-3     3-4 hours per week. For subjects on 4
 school office. They are the person in the                                                                        learning, effort and initiative                                  periods per week - 30 minutes max., 3
 school who has the opportunity to get to know                                                               •    assess pupils' progress and mastery of work                      periods per week - 20 minutes max., 1
                                                                                                             •    train pupils in planning and organising time                     period per week - 10 minutes max.
 your child best. Your child’s Pupil Support
                                                                                                             •    develop good study habits and to
 Teacher will fully investigate your concern and                                                                  encourage responsibility                                S4       Approximately 1 hour per National
 will arrange to discuss the outcomes and a                                                                  •    provide information for parents                                  Qualification course per week which
 range of solutions with you.                                                                                •    provide opportunities for parental                               should give a maximum of 6 - 8 hours
                                                                                                                  cooperation and support                                          per week.
                                                                                                             •    create channels for home/school dialogue
 Your child’s Pupil Support Teacher is allocated                                                             •    develop research skills                                 S5/6     2-3 hours per week per National
 by House either Duff or Wilson House.                                                                                                                                             Qualification course, this would give a
                                                                                                                                                                                   maximum of 15 hours for someone
 Alison Menzies (Duff House)                                                                                                                                                       studying 5 Higher courses.

                                                                                                             Organisation of                                              The type of homework given will range from
 Sophie Nisbet (Wilson House)                                                                                                                                             written work, reading, research and study, to
                                                                                                             Homework                                                     discussions with family members and project
                                                                                                             Managing and organising                                      work. It is not always appropriate for homework
Parent Council                                                                                                                                                            to be a written exercise. Parents can be of
                                                                                                             homework can be challenging
                                                                                                                                                                          tremendous help by:
                                                                                                             and daunting for some pupils. However
Helping the school and your child                                                                            recognising the need to plan for yourself is                 •      contacting the school if you think your
Sanquhar Academy's current Parent Council                                                                    necessary for your future.                                          daughter/son is not getting enough
members are:                                                                                                                                                                     homework.
                                                                                                             We help pupils to organise themselves using their
                                                          The Parent Zone and National Parent Forum          calendar within GLOW. Many work places now
Robert Gray, Fiona Hamilton, Bruce Gallacher,             websites provide a range of information for par-                                                                •      checking your daughter's/son's homework,
Scott Gallacher, Anne Carlyle, Donald Pagan,              ents including attainment and achievement data     require people to have the digital literacy skills to               especially when asked to do so by a
Michelle Weir and Victoria Hastie.                        for schools around Scotland.                       submit what they are working on to their                            member of staff.
                                                                                                             managers through electronic calendars. If your
The Parent Council can be contacted through                  child wishes to keep a paper diary for themselves            •      providing the atmosphere and environment
the school office.                                                                                                                                                               necessary for effective study.
                                                                           that is their choice.
The Parent Council meets once per term to                                                                    Please ask your child to see their calendar in Glow
discuss items related to the school.                                                                         they can access this on a range of electronic
New members are always welcome to join.                                                                      devices including their mobile phones.

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Senior Phase - Courses                                                                                           The School Day

                                                                                                                  Travelling to School                                  Timekeeping Throughout the Day
Curriculum                                                   Young Applicants in Schools Scheme
                                                             (YASS) gives S6 students the unique                  Children walking or cycling to school is              Registration takes place at 8.50am each day.
Our curricular offer in the Senior Phase is flexible
to meet the needs of our pupils.                             opportunity to study a range of                      recommended to support their Health and               Pupils are expected to arrive in good time for all
                                                             university level courses in school alongside their   Wellbeing.                                            classes and any pupil who arrives late must be
In Session 2020 - 2021 the courses below were                                                                                                                           able to provide an acceptable reason for his/her
                                                             other studies at SCQF Level 7
offered.                                                                                                          For children who require to use school                lateness.
                                                                                                                  transport, buses leave from Kirkconnel at
                                                                                                                                                                               Registration             08.50 – 08.55
             SCQF Level                   3             4               5             6             7             8.15am and Kelloholm 8.20am. The
                                                                                                                  Wanlockhead bus leaves at 8.20am. Taxis                        Period 1               08.55 – 09.50
           Subject/Course              NAT 3           NAT 4         NAT 5        HIGHER      AD. HIGHER          collect children from outlying areas.                          Period 2               09.50 – 10.40
    Administration                                      ✓               ✓             ✓                                                                                          Interval               10.40 – 10.55
    Art & Design                                        ✓               ✓             ✓                           It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure their
    Biology                                             ✓               ✓             ✓             ✓             child behaves in a safe and acceptable manner                  Period 3               10.55 – 11.50
    Chemistry                                           ✓               ✓             ✓             ✓             while travelling in and alighting from the
                                                                                                                                                                                 Period 4               11.50 – 12.45
    Design & Manufacture                                ✓               ✓             ✓                           vehicle. Misbehaviour can result in your child
    Drama                                               ✓               ✓                                         losing access to school transport.                              Lunch                 12.45 – 13.30
    English                               ✓             ✓               ✓             ✓                                                                                          Period 5               13.30 - 14.25
    Employability                                       ✓               ✓             ✓
                                                                                                                                                                                 Period 6               14.25 – 15.20
    French                                ✓             ✓               ✓
    Geography                                           ✓               ✓             ✓             ✓             School Uniform
    Graphic Communication                               ✓               ✓             ✓             ✓
    Health & Food Technology                                            ✓             ✓                           All pupils are expected to wear the following         Throughout session 2021– 22 we will be consulting
    History                                                             ✓             ✓             ✓                                                                   with the school community on changes to the school
    Human Biology                                                                     ✓                              white shirt / blouse                               day.
    Application to Mathematics            ✓             ✓               ✓                                            school tie                                         We look forward to working with all stakeholders.
    Leadership                                                                        ✓                              black jumper / cardigan
    Mathematics                                         ✓               ✓             ✓             ✓
                                                                                                                     black skirt / trousers (but not black denim)
    Modern Studies                                                      ✓             ✓
                                                                                                                     black shoes / trainers
    Music                                 ✓                             ✓             ✓
    Music Theatre NPA                                                                 ✓                              black jacket/ hoodie
    PE                                                                  ✓             ✓                              blazer (optional S4 / essential (S5/6)
    Physics                                                             ✓             ✓
    Practical Woodworking                                               ✓                                         Ties can be purchased from the school office at
    Practical Cookery                                                   ✓                                         a cost of £6.50.
    Scottish Studies                                                    ✓             ✓
                                                                                                                  PE Kit – change of top, shorts, gym shoes or
 College Partnership                                                                                              trainers (no football tops).
 Information on the College Partnership courses                                                                   School Clothing grants. The award of clothing
                                                                                                                                                                        School Holidays
 available at both Dumfries and Ayrshire College can                                                              grants is to assist with the cost of school
 be accessed via the college websites.                                                                            clothing for families who are on a qualifying
                                                                                                                  benefit or on low income. The current award is        term-and-holiday-dates
                                                                                                                  £100 per child. Guidance and more information
 pageid=CollegeAcademy2122                                                                                                                                              School Term dates have been agreed to August
                                                                                                                  is available at
                                                                                                                  article/15246/School-clothing-grants                  2022. Process to review will start in March 2021
                                                                                                                                                                        for 2022-2025.

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Sanquhar Academy School Handbook 2021-2022 - Dumfries ...
Transitions                                                                                                     Senior Phase

 Primary to Secondary                                     Post School                                           S4 - S6                                                    Remote Learning
                                                          Dumfries and Galloway’s vision is that all young      As pupils transition into S4 - S6 they are learning        Is supported across the school through GLOW
 A full programme of Primary / Secondary liaison          people will receive an appropriate offer of post-16   within the Senior Phase. At this point pupils use          Teams. We are working with Education Scotland
 runs throughout Primary 6 and 7 through literacy         learning, training, employment or personal skills     their Leaner Pathway to determine the subjects             and the Digital Learning Team continually to sup-
 and numeracy projects. Following our P7                  development with 100% positive destinations for       they wish to continue to study and gain depth in-          port learning and enhance our curricular offer.
 Information Evening in November, regular                 all school leavers in Dumfries & Galloway.            to the chosen curricular areas.
 meetings are held between the three
 Headteachers, our own teachers and those of our and https://        •   Expressive arts.
 cluster primaries to ensure that teaching,     
                                                                                                                •   Health and wellbeing.
 learning and assessment is consistent                    All learners are asked to identify their plans for    •   Languages (including English and modern lan
 throughout the transition process. In the                the future from S3 onwards. This information is           guages)
 summer term, members of the Senior Leadership            saved by the school and can help young people         •   Mathematics.
 Team, the Additional Support for Learning                choose relevant subjects as well as being passed
                                                                                                                •   Religious and moral education.
 Department and the Pupil Support Team visit              on to partner organisations to plan for pathways
 both Primary Schools to introduce themselves to                                                                •   Sciences.                                              Attainment Expecta-
                                                          beyond school. Young people are asked about
 the incoming First Year pupils and to discuss the        their anticipated leave date, preferred route and     •   Social studies.                                        tions
 needs of individual pupils with our Primary              preferred sectors. This information is updated        •   Technologies.                                          Across S4 - S6 it is recog-
 colleagues.                                              annually as young people change and consider                                                                     nised that the majority of
                                                          pathways. Final destinations secured on leaving       Learner Pathway                                            pupils are working at SCQF
 The Induction Programme also includes a three            school are recorded on a leavers form.                                                                           4 - 7.
                                                                                                                The option choices that pupils make are deter-
 day visit to the school in June for all new First                                                                                                                         Support is available for
                                                                                                                mined by the pupils learner pathway. Every year
 Year pupils. During the visit, pupils in their new                                                                                                                        learners who require access
                                                                                                                we refine our curricular offer based on pupils
 S1 class and, through following their S1                                                                                                                                  to additional support for
                                                                                                                Learner Pathway’s.
 timetable, meet their new teachers. All of this                                                                                                                           learning.
 will help to reduce any potential anxiety about                                                                We are as flexible as possible and offer curriculum
 the change to secondary school in August.                Widening Participation                                opportunities in conjunction with Partnership
 During session 2020 – 2021 transition activities         We work in                                            Schools, Dumfries Galloway College, Ayrshire Col-
 will be hosted virtually via GLOW.                       partnership                                           lege and the Open University. A number of these
                                                                                                                opportunities are based on Remote Learning.                Scottish Qualification Framework
                                                          with the
                                                          University of                                                                                                    SCQF Framework is available at https://
                                                          Glasgow on                                                                                             
Our Associated Primary Schools                            both the Top Up and Reach programmes.                                                                            framework/

                                                          The University of Glasgow is committed to
                                                          widening access. We believe all applicants should
                                                          have an equal chance of entry and we strive to
Headteacher: L Miglis                                     identify talent and potential, regardless of
Queensberry Court                                         background or life circumstance. To enable this,
                                                          we operate a system of contextualised admissions                                                                 Throughout session 2021– 22 we will be consulting
Sanquhar                                                                                                                                                                   with the school community on changes to the school
                                                          for applicants living in Scotland. This means we
DG4 6                                                     consider all circumstances faced by individual
                                                          applicants, which may have prevented them                                                                        We look forward to working with all stakeholders.
                                                          meeting our standard entry requirements and
Headteacher: C Storey                                     make adjusted offers of entry accordingly.
Hyslop Street

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Broad General Education                                                                                         Our Staff

S1 - S3                                                   Developing the Four Capacities                        Senior Leadership Team                                  Support Staff
We continue throughout S1 - S3 with the Broad             We offer a range of extra curricular activities and   E Hetherington Cree     Headteacher                     Neilian Henderson   School Support Manager
General Education. We utilise attainment and              wider opportunities within the curriculum.
achievement data received from our associated                                                                   S McLean                Depute Headteacher              Ms L Allan          Administration Team Manager
                                                          As soon as possible we hope to be able to offer
primaries alongside Health and Wellbeing and                                                                    D Zutic                 Depute Headteacher              Mrs G Keggans       Administration Assistant
                                                          extra curricular activities again.
ASN needs that children have.
                                                                                                                D Hope                  Depute Headteacher              Mrs A Graham        Administration Assistant
Across the timetable for S1-S2 children continue
to cover the eight curricular areas -                                                                           Middle Leadership Team                                  Miss J Burns        Administration Assistant
•   Expressive arts.                                                                                            I Miller                PT Pupil Support DYW            K Clement           Senior Learning Assistant
•   Health and wellbeing.
                                                                                                                A Menzies               PT Pupil Support                J Black             Learning Assistant
•   Languages (including English and modern lan-
    guages).                                                                                                    S Nisbet                PT Pupil Support (Acting)       G Wells             Learning Assistant
•   Mathematics.                                                                                                S Raikes                PT Learning Support             K Mitchell          Learning Assistant
•   Religious and moral education.
                                                                                                                R Tweedie               PT Curriculum                   K Houston           Learning Assistant
•   Sciences.
•   Social studies.                                                                                             A McGuchan              PT Curriculum                   A Allan             Learning Assistant
                                                          Attainment Expectations
•   Technologies.                                                                                               K Mawdesley             PT Widening Participation       L Moore             Learning Assistant
                                                          Across S1-S3 it is recognised that
                                                          the majority of pupils are working                    T Dickson               PT Curriculum                   M Hubbard           Facilities Assistant
                                                          at 3rd into 4th Level.
                                                                                                                G Moodie                PT Curriculum                   J Gemmell           Science Technician
                                                          Support is available for learners
                                                          who require access to additional                      Teaching Staff
                                                          support for learning.                                 M Low                   English                         I Smith               Modern Languages

                                                                                                                M Houston               English                         N Rennie              Business Studies
                                                          Health and Wellbeing
                                                                                                                A Carlyle               Mathematics                     O Rowe                Physical Education
                                                          Personal and Social Education                         E Mitchell              Mathematics (0.6)               C Reynolds            Social Subjects
                                                          S1: Introduction/Getting to know each other/
                                                          Friendships & Relationships, Healthy Lifestyles &     M Robinson              Science                         A Lambert             Social Subjects
                                                          My Body, Substance Misuse, Personal Safety &
                                                          Road Safety (Your Call), Careers and Finance,         J Slaven                Science                         J Berry               Social Subjects
                                                          Identity, Resilience, Study Skills, Sleep Scotland,
                                                                                                                Vacancy                 Science                         S Coleman             Art & Design
                                                          End of Year Review.
                                                                                                                K Black                 Design & Technology (0.6)       K Goodfellow          RMPS (0.6)
Breadth and Depth                                         S2: Summer Safety, Intro/Your Future/Business
                                                          Plan, Personal & Internet Safety, Self Esteem/        G McCulloch             Design & Technology
Within S3 pupils are given the chance to add              Health/Body Image, Course Choices, Stereotypes
breadth to their curriculum. Choices are provid-          & Equality, Substance Misuse, Citizenship &
ed through the pupils Learner Pathway. Pupils             Antisocial Behaviour, Emotional Wellbeing,            Peripatetic Staff
have the opportunity to discuss the best curricu-         Healthy Relationships, Respect and Consent,
                                                          Resilience, Child Sexual Exploitation, End of Year    We also have a range of support staff from across Dumfries and Galloway who come into school to
lar pathway for them based on their skills profile                                                              support our pupils.
and achievement to date with their pupil support
                                                                                                                Youth Work/School Councillor - Stef Maurer
teacher.                                                  S3: Road Safety (Crash Magnets), LGBTQ+ (FIT,
                                                          Visibility Matters & RSHP), RSHP, Sleep Scotland,     Police Scotland - PC Adair
                                                          Careers, Financial Education, Substance Misuse,
                                                          End of Year Review.                                   Skills Development Scotland

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Sanquhar Academy School Handbook 2021-2022 - Dumfries ...
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