2020-2021 ANACONDA SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 - Lincoln Primary Fred Moodry Intermediate - townnews.com

Page created by Leonard Chang
2020-2021 ANACONDA SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 - Lincoln Primary Fred Moodry Intermediate - townnews.com


                     Lincoln Primary
                Fred Moodry Intermediate
               Anaconda Junior & Senior High

                 The Center For Excellence
2020-2021 ANACONDA SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 - Lincoln Primary Fred Moodry Intermediate - townnews.com


  I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you on behalf of the Anaconda Public
School District. Here in Anaconda, we pride ourselves in our community and the students
we are preparing to become the leaders of tomorrow. The Anaconda School District has an
enrollment of approximately 1100 students from PreK through twelfth grade with an average
class size of twenty five students. Our students participate in MHSA sanctioned athletic
events as well as a variety of clubs such as ACI and HOSA. Our focus in this district is about
building relationships that will prepare our students for life beyond high school in hope that
they will become productive members of both our community and this great state.

  With the onset of COVID19 last spring, we have been diligently working the entire summer on how we can best
serve the students and families of our community. We have formed several committees comprised of school board
members, administration, staff, and community members to take a deep look at how a “Normal” school year will
look for 2020-21. Please if you have not already done so check out our school website for the latest on our school
plans for wellness, social-emotional-behavioral, and academic planning. As are families all across our state, many
parents and students want the option to learn in a remote setting as they either have extenuating circumstances or
simply worry about the safety of others when we return to school. This is an issue the district has not taken lightly.
If you or your child wishes to attend school virtually we simply ask that you fill out the Anaconda Remote Learning
Waiver located under the News Announcements on the district website.

  We are going to continue working together for the betterment of all students. Although we may be experiencing
a “New Normal,” our team of educators is dedicated to ensuring the success of every child. Copperheads are a
team and it is as a team we will persevere and have an amazing school year.

Yours in Education,
Justin Barnes
Anaconda Superintendent
2020-2021 ANACONDA SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 - Lincoln Primary Fred Moodry Intermediate - townnews.com

                               Anaconda Public Schools
                                 Mission Statement
The mission of Anaconda Public Schools is to provide an educational environment which nurtures social,
emotional, and academic growth while establishing and maintaining high standards. Anaconda Public
Schools promotes lifelong learning for all students. With the learner as the focus of all activities, the unique
diversity of each student is to be celebrated as they progress toward functioning in a global community.

Anaconda Public Schools believes that:
     • Students learn in different ways and should be provided with a variety of instructional approaches
       to support their learning.
     • Student learning is the chief priority for Anaconda Public Schools. Students’ learning needs should
       be the primary focus of all decisions impacting the work of Anaconda Public Schools.
     • All students can and have the right to learn.
     • The commitment to continuous improvement is imperative.
     • Achievement enhances self-esteem; self-esteem enhances achievement.
2020-2021 ANACONDA SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 - Lincoln Primary Fred Moodry Intermediate - townnews.com

                          BUILDING & GROUNDS:
Gayle Venturelli, Chair   Chair Matt Esquibel, Jerry Arneson

    Jerry Arneson         ACTIVITIES:
                          Chair Jerry Arneson, Angela Galle, Kevin Morley
    Kevin Morley
                          COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT:
    Angela Galle
                          Chair Joe Romero, Kevin Morley, Gayle Venturelli
     Joe Romero
    Matt Esquibel         Chair Angela Galle, Joe Romero, Matt Esquibel

    Art Villasenor        LEGISLATIVE LIAISON:
                          Chair and Liaison Gayle Venturelli, Joe Romero

                          POLICY COMMITTEE:
                          Chair Kevin Morley, Matt Esquibel, Gayle Venturelli

                          Angela Galle, Joe Romero
2020-2021 ANACONDA SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 - Lincoln Primary Fred Moodry Intermediate - townnews.com

                                          Fall Re-Opening Plan
The district is working extensively to create a set of plans that meet the needs of their staff and students as best is possible. No
plan will be without risk or flaw. It is important that parents and students understand this as they make the decision for what is
best for them. Below is an outline of our preliminary plan for district re-opening. This plan is fluid and subject to change at any
moment based upon the recommendations of our local health department, the CDC, and/or state mandates.
To make each of these scenarios easy to remember the district has aligned with our state agency Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI):

Scenario 4 as per OPI                          Scenario 2 as per OPI                          accommodations for the days when their
Minimal or moderate community                  Moderate community transmission (as            students are not in school. This scenario
transmission (as defined by the Montana        defined by the Montana Department of           was developed to avoid a complete school
Department of Health & Welfare) and no         Health & Welfare) and positive case(s) with    closure in order to maintain regular
positive cases within the district             some risk of exposure in an individual         contact between teachers and students to
                                               school and/or within the District              the highest extent possible.
The Anaconda School District plans to
start the year with schools open assuming      This plan has been developed as a
conditions are permissible. Students will      contingency plan to avoid complete             Scenario 1 as per OPI
be issued computer devices that will           school closure. The plan’s implementation      Substantial community transmission (as
become a regular part of the learning          will be determined by guidance from            defined by the Montana Department of
process. Students and teachers will            the Local Health Department and other          Health & Welfare) and widespread positive
conduct teaching and learning in their         Montana governmental authorities that          case(s) with a significant risk of exposure
classrooms. Students will be instructed        have jurisdiction over school operations. If   within a school and/or multiple schools
how to learn remotely using online tools in    physical distancing requirements become
case remote learning becomes necessary.        more stringent, grades 3-12 may go to          If there is a state-wide or local order to
Buses will run. School lunch services will     an alternating schedule where students         close all schools or an individual school,
be provided.                                   attend two days per week in the physical       learning will continue remotely. By
                                               setting, have two days on their own to do      adopting 1-1 internet-enabled devices for
Safety procedures will be in place to                                                         students, the transition to remote learning
reduce the chance of the spread of illness     remote learning, and every Friday where
                                               all students check-in and attend class         will happen immediately. Students will
in all scenarios:                                                                             interact with their peers and teachers
                                               virtually with their teachers. When not
Personal Protective Equipment                  in school, students will use their issued      using an internet-enabled device. Students
Classrooms                                     devices to continue learning remotely.         will submit work and receive feedback.
                                               Primary students in grades Pre-k-2 may go      Assessments and grading will continue
Office Strategies and Other Spaces                                                            until schools can reopen.
                                               to an alternating schedule of AM and PM
Cafeteria                                      sessions.
Visitors                                       The Anaconda School District recognizes        Check https://www.anacondaschools.org/
Gatherings                                     that this plan places an additional burden     for updates.
                                               on families who will need to make
2020-2021 ANACONDA SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 - Lincoln Primary Fred Moodry Intermediate - townnews.com

                              COVID-19 Information
Use these charts to help track any illness symptoms you or
your family members may have and effective way to prevent
yourself and those around you from contracting the virus.
2020-2021 ANACONDA SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 - Lincoln Primary Fred Moodry Intermediate - townnews.com

                                 When to Keep Your Kids Home
Ever wonder when you should keep your student home? See the visual chart.
Per district policy, students must stay home until they have been symptom-free of certain illnesses for a minimum of 24-hours (or
COVID illness for at least 48-hours). That means, without treatment on board (such as Tylenol for a fever), your student has been without
symptoms for at least 24-hours.
The 24-hour symptom-free policy pertains to the
following illnesses:
Fever of 100.0oF or higher
Diarrhea (not caused by antibiotics or diet), and
Vomiting (not related to textures or a hyper-
sensitive gag reflex).
For communicable diseases such as Strep Throat,
Impetigo, and Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis), your
student must be taking a prescribed antibiotic
for at least 24-hours (beginning from the time
the first dose was swallowed or applied).
Some diseases, such as COVID-19 (2019-nCoV),
Chickenpox (Varicella) and Whooping Cough
(Pertussis), require a longer duration of absence
from school or antibiotic treatment before your
student can return to school. Carefully follow
the doctor’s directions for treatment and keep in
touch with the school nurse as needed.
Parents/Guardians still need to notify the school
that a student is being kept home and why.
Absences are not excused unless there is close
communication between the parent/guardian,
the school nurse or school secretary, and/or the
physician providing care.
If your student is absent for more than three
(3) consecutive school days due to illness, a
physician’s note releasing your student to return
to school is advised.
For further questions, contact the school nurse at
563-5269 Ext. 1509.
2020-2021 ANACONDA SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 - Lincoln Primary Fred Moodry Intermediate - townnews.com
Working Through a Pandemic
Adversity builds character, but it can also be very challenging; especially when considering a worldwide pandemic. Below are some
helpful ways to minimize the stresses of social distancing, and the tension of developing a new normal.

• Be sure to build a routine. Remember to stay consistent with your eating and sleeping patterns. Also stay active, and make time to
exercise daily.
• Be sure to not to overload yourself with
information. It is OK to step away from your
phone, live updates, and the media.
• Practice social media self discipline.
• Understand your fears and rationalize/
Prepare and plan reasonably.
• Think outside of yourself/Look at the big
picture. One can alleviate stress in their life
if you have the ability to help others and
volunteer service.
• Never feel guilty for your thoughts and fears.
Stay open minded and optimistic
• Seek support wisely. Too often we get caught
in an echo chamber. Build perspective through
multiple outlets of information.
• Together we can all make a difference by
social distancing.

                           HIGH-SPEED INTERNET

                                                                                                 Jordan Contracting
                       COPPER VILLAGE MUSEUM
                            & ART CENTER
2020-2021 ANACONDA SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 - Lincoln Primary Fred Moodry Intermediate - townnews.com

                                                 AUGUST 2020
                                 Anaconda Jr-Sr High School/Calendar
     SUN              MON                  TUE          WED             THU           FRI        SAT

2               3                     4            5              6              7          8

9               10                    11           12             13             14         15

16              17                    18           19             20             21         22

23              24                    25           26             27             28         29

                     1st day of
           30        Instruction 31                     PIR Day        PIR Day
2020-2021 ANACONDA SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 - Lincoln Primary Fred Moodry Intermediate - townnews.com
Anaconda School Bus Plan
-Drivers check their own temperatures before coming to work.
-Para rides the bus for temperature checks.
-Everyone on the bus wears a face mask (no exceptions).
-Family units sit together.
-Skip seat in between student groups.
-Seats will be assigned to all students.
-Air flows through the bus every other window down 2 inches (as long as weather allows).
-Drivers will spray and clean buses after every route.
-Absolutely no food or drinks on the bus.
-Encourage sick students to stay home.
-Once a student is enrolled in classes there will be a two week waiting period before the student is eligible to ride so we can update
rosters and alter pickup and drop off times.
-Parents of PK-6 students are required to be with the student at the time of pick up in case there is a high temperature. If there is a high
temperature then the student will be denied bus privileges until the school/transportation company decides it is safe to ride again.
-If a student has a high temperature he/she will be returned to his/her responsible parent/guardian. If there is not a responsible parent/
guardian at the bus stop then the student will be denied bus privileges for the remainder of the semester. We will have a zero tolerance
for any high temperature students without parents or guardians.
School bus students will be dropped off and picked up at a certain door at each school. This location will be the only spot at school
where a student can get off or on the bus. Locations are:
         Lincoln – South doors on Chestnut Street
         Fred Moodry – West doors on 3rd Street
         Jr. High/High School – Southeast doors by the alley

                                                                                                         217 EAST PARK STREET
                                                                                                               PO BOX 969
Everett Cook Law                                                                                        TELEPHONE (406) 563-5005
                                                                                                             FAX(406) 563-0380

                             SEPTEMBER 2020
                    Anaconda Jr-Sr High School/Calendar
     SUN        MON     TUE         WED        THU         FRI        SAT
                       1         2          3         4          5

6          7           8         9         10        11          12

           No School
           Labor Day
13         14           15        16        17        18         19

20         21          22        23         24        25         26

27         28           29        30

There are five vaccines or types of immunizations required for school attendance in the State of Montana. Each vaccine has its own
series of booster shots to acquire adequate immune protection.
The below picture shows the immunizations required for school attendance and when they should be given to your student.
The immunization status of all students are evaluated upon school registration and then annually during the fall of every school year.
(This follows State law.)
For children who are in elementary school, the due dates for DTaP #5, MMR #2, Varicella #2, and Polio #4 are immediately following
the student’s 4th birthday.
For entry into 7th grade, students must have received their first dose of Tdap (which can be given any time between age 7 years and
entrance into 7th grade).
For students who are allergic to
vaccines, the Medical Exemption
Form HES101A must be completed
by the student’s healthcare provider
and submitted to the school nurse
upon school entry.
For students whose guardians do
not want them to have vaccinations,
the Religious Exemption Form
HES113 must be completed,
notarized, and submitted to the
school nurse annually for school

                                  Copper Village
                                   Museum and                                Proud to support the
                                   Arts Center                                Anaconda schools!
                               Visit our website for upcoming Art Classes
                                             and Event info!                Barclay II
                                       www.cvmac.org                        SUPPER CLUB & LOUNGE

                            OCTOBER 2020
                    Anaconda Jr-Sr High School/Calendar
     SUN        MON     TUE         WED        THU                 FRI             SAT
                                            1         2                      3

                                                            Early Release
                                                            1:15 PM

4          5           6          7         8               9                10

11         12          13         14        15              16               17

                                                No School        No School
                                                PIR Day          PIR Day
18         19          20        21         22              23               24

25         26          27        28        29               30               31

Attendance Codes Key (Infinite Campus)                                    OSS – Out of School Suspension
 These Codes Do Not Count towards the 20 day                               DF - Death in the Family
   allowable absences                                                      These Codes Count towards the 20 day absences
 MD -– Medical/Funeral By Doctor - must have                               PC – Parent Call In to Excuse Student
   doctor’s note on file                                                   AP – Alternative Placement
 SR – School Related                                                       A – Absence (if no parent calls in)
 MN - Medical By Nurse                                                     T - Tardy
 ISS – In School Suspension

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                          NOVEMBER 2020
                 Anaconda Jr-Sr High School/Calendar
     SUN     MON     TUE         WED        THU                  FRI             SAT
1          2       3          4          5         6                        7
                                                           Early Release
                                                           1:15 PM
                                                           End of Quarter
8          9         10        11        12               13                14

                                         Conference            No School
15         16       17        18         19               20                21

22         23        24        25        26               27                28
                                         No School
                                         Thanksgiving       No School

29         30
   The Copper Academy is an entity of the Anaconda High School in which students are allowed the
 opportunity to work at their own pace. Here at Anaconda Public Schools, we believe that not every
 student fits the prototypical school mold. Each student learns at their own pace and should not be
 compared to any other student. At the Copper Academy, our students are individuals who have
 applied and chosen to take ownership of their education. Some are working on recovering credits,
 some choose this route because they enjoy more academic freedom, and yet others have become
 part of the academy because they wish to graduate on an accelerated path. Whatever the reasons,
 these students are learning the skills necessary to make conscious decisions that will enable them to
 head into a career path of their choosing at a time when they are ready.
  The primary learning platform at the Copper Academy is the Edmentum online curriculum. Students
 work with teaching advisors to map out what they are doing on a daily and weekly basis and build a
 curriculum plan which will allow the students ownership over their graduation. The Copper Academy
 is built around the premise of Respect & Honesty. If you have a child you feel would benefit from
 a smaller more personalized environment please feel free to stop in and visit about the Copper
 Academy any time for more information. Space is limited and there is an application process followed
 up with an interview to ensure this learning environment is right for your child.

SHOP for the Car of Your Dreams – You’ll Find It In Butte!

                                DECEMBER 2020
                    Anaconda Jr-Sr High School/Calendar
     SUN        MON     TUE         WED        THU                                FRI            SAT
                      1          2          3         4                                     5

                                                                            Early Release
                                                                            1:15 PM

6          7               8               9               10              11               12

13         14              15              16              17              18               19

20         21              22              23              24              25               26
                                                                           Holiday Break
                                           Holiday Break   Holiday Break   No School
                                           No School       No School            Christmas

27         28              29              30              31

           Holiday Break   Holiday Break   Holiday Break   Holiday Break
           No School       No School       No School       No School
   AWARE Inc.’s Center for Excellence is a
school for children with complex behavioral
and emotional needs. The school provides
educational services for children 5-to-18
years old and gives students a place to
succeed based on their individual needs.
The staff consists of three teachers and two
paraprofessionals who are employed by the
Anaconda School District #10.

                                                                     2-Way Radio &
PROUD TO SUPPORT                                                  Microwave Networks
THE ANACONDA                            High Speed Internet       High Speed Internet
                                     204 E Commercial, Anaconda
                                        www.rf-team.com                 Toll Free: 800-848-9331

                                  JANUARY 2021
                         Anaconda Jr-Sr High School/Calendar
     SUN             MON     TUE         WED        THU           FRI                SAT
                                                           1                    2
                                                           Holiday Break
                                                           No School
                                                               New Year’s Day

3               4           5         6         7         8                     9

                                                               Early Release
                                                               1:15 PM
10              11          12        13        14         15                   16

17              18           19        20        21        22                   23

                                                           End of Quarter

24              25           26        27        28        29                   30

Bullying Reporting Form

                                                 FEBRUARY 2021
                            Anaconda Jr-Sr High School/Calendar
        SUN             MON     TUE         WED        THU            FRI              SAT
                      1       2          3          4         5                   6

                                                                  Early Release
                                                                  1:15 PM
7                     8                     9       10     11    12               13

14                    15                    16      17     18    19               20

                          No School
    Valentine’s Day       President’s Day

21                    22                    23      24     25    26               27


    Language & Literacy                                     Math & Reasoning                                          Social & Emotional
• I identify and name 12-15 letters                  • I count in order to 20                                  • I “settle in” to new groups or situations
• I correctly match letters                          • I match number shapes from 1 to 12                        with minimal stress.
• I sing/chant ABC and number songs while                                                                      • I play cooperatively with two or more peers
                                                     • I copy, trace and/or draw letters, numbers,
  pointing to letters, numbers                                                                                 • I focus on a task for at least 5 minutes,
• I can recite 6-10 rhymes                             and 2D shapes                                             persisting even if there are problems or
• I can identify the beginning sounds in words       • I know 12 colors.                                         distractions
• I hear my parents speak to me about                • I name and sort objects by color, shape,                • I remember and follow 3-step directions
  30 times an hour                                     and size                                                • I obey simple rules
• I speak using complete sentences with few                                                                    • I take care of my dressing, hygiene, and
                                                     • I recognize numbers and quantities to 10
  inaccuracies                                                                                                   toileting needs
• I may print my first name using upper and          • I create and repeat 2 to 3 step color patters.          • I clean up after an activity
  lower case letters                                 • I play memory games                                     • I show kindness and empathy to others

                      Don’t forget to get your child registered for Kindergarten.
                               Requirements: Your child has had his/her 5th birthday by September 10th
                                       Call 406-563-6141, Ext 1300 for More Information
     Kindergarten Parents – Be on the lookout for Kindergarten Transition Evening to be held in May

                      These are readiness skills recommended by the Children’s Reading Foundation

                                                                                                                TOTALLY FREE*
                                                 *Other fees such as overdraft, nonsufficient funds (NSF) fee, continuous overdraft, etc. may apply. See fee schedule
                                                  for details. Minimum opening deposit is only $50. Bank rules and regulations apply. Customer purchases checks.

                                   MARCH 2021
                 Anaconda Jr-Sr High School/Calendar
     SUN     MON     TUE         WED        THU                                   FRI            SAT
           1       2          3          4         5                                        6

7          8              9              10                   11             12             13

14         15             16             17                   18             19             20
                                          Spring Break
           Spring Break   Spring Break    No School           Spring Break   Spring Break
           No School      No School       St. Patrick’s Day   No School      No School

21         22             23             24                   25             26             27

28         29             30             31

                                  PRESCHOOL MATTERS
                                                 Did You Know???                             Kids who participate in preschool are
Students who start kindergarten below                                                        more likely to….
grade level form the largest cohort                                                          1. Read at grade level
of dropouts, and have less than a               Kids who don’t attend preschool are
                                                25% more likely to drop out later on         2. Not repeat a grade
12% chance of attending a four-year
university                                                                                   3. Graduate from high school

                      60% of Montana’s 3-4 year olds                    90% of a child’s brain development
                         don’t attend preschool                               happens before age 5


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                   In Montana - Anaconda!                                                          ANACONDA COUNTRY CLUB
                                                                                                    1521 Country Club Rd • (406) 797-3220

                                    APRIL 2021
                        Anaconda Jr-Sr High School/Calendar
     SUN            MON     TUE         WED        THU                  FRI               SAT
                                                1         2                          3

                                                End of Quarter        No School
4             5                6      7         8                9                   10

                                                                     Early Release
     Easter        No School                                         1:15 PM
11            12               13    14        15                16                  17

                                                Conference            No School
18            19               20    21        22                23                  24

25            26               27     28        29               30

                                                                                          Proud to support Anaconda schools
                   Now Serving                             We Ship
                   Ice Cream
                    7 days a week
                                    Thrifty               Anywhere
                                                                                           Jordan Contracting
201 East Park Anaconda, MT
                                                   Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM      373 Arbiter Plant Rd. Anaconda, MT 59711
                                                    Sat. 10-3 (store only, no pharmacy)
 (406) 563-8441                LEADER DRUG STORE                                                    (406) 563-8276

                                             MAY 2021
                         Anaconda Jr-Sr High School/Calendar
     SUN             MON     TUE         WED        THU           FRI               SAT

2               3                       4     5     6      7                   8

                                                               Early Release
                                                               1:15 PM
9               10                      11    12    13     14                  15

16              17                      18    19    20     21                  22

23              24                      25    26    27     28                  29

                     No School                                 Last Day for
           30       Memorial Day   31                          Seniors
Family Engagement
Family Engagement is very important to us.
As part of the Montana Preschool Development Grant, the Anaconda School District is currently able to have a Family
Engagement Coordinator available to families of students enrolled in Preschool through 2nd grade.

Our Family Engagement Coordinator can assist you with;
• Assisting you with locating the services available in the community (Mental Health, Basic Needs, etc)
• Parenting Classes - We offer Parenting Classes throughout the school year
• Setting goals for your preschool aged child.

   2-Way Radio &
Microwave Networks                                            PROUD TO SUPPORT
High Speed Internet                                             THE ANACONDA                                 High Speed Internet

                                                                                                          204 E Commercial, Anaconda
           Toll Free: 800-848-9331                                                                        406-563-5333

                               JUNE 2021
                    Anaconda Jr-Sr High School/Calendar
     SUN        MON     TUE         WED        THU      FRI                         SAT
                      1          2          3         4                        5

6          7           8         9         10                11                12

                                            End of Quarter        PIR Day
13         14          15        16        17                18                19

20         21          22        23        24                25                26

27         28          29        30

                                            JULY 2021
                                Anaconda Jr-Sr High School/Calendar
        SUN                 MON     TUE         WED        THU         FRI        SAT
                                                        1         2          3

4                      5           6         7         8          9          10

    Independence Day

11                     12          13        14        15        16          17

18                     19          20        21        22         23         24

25                     26          27        28        29        30          31

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   TRIPLE CROWN                                         TOP 100
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         TOP 100                                         BEST PRACTICE
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