SANDVIK# 1-2021 - Sandvik Group

Page created by Robert Caldwell
SANDVIK# 1-2021 - Sandvik Group
MEET             # 1-2021


                                                                    SANDVIK GROUP MAGAZINE
                      DIVERSITY FOR
                      “Diversity has a direct impact on company
                       performance,” says Nidhi Gokhale, Sandvik.
                       PAGE 26

    A SUPERCRITICAL MOMENT • Strategy review
AI-driven packaging • FOCUS: AUTOMATION IN MINES
         • Carbon-emission-free heating system
SANDVIK# 1-2021 - Sandvik Group
    NORWAY. Glasopor eliminated             SWEDEN..New intelligent                          CHINA. The Langfang facility has
    its carbon footprint by                 packaging is inspired by Charles                 taken several initiatives to save
    switching to a Kanthal® electric        Darwin’s evolution theory.                       energy and reduce emissions.
                                            PAGE 10                                          PAGE 22
    heating system.
    PAGE 20

                     7                             24
USA. Sandvik engineers
provided digitalization
insights at a New York

                                           RENEWABLE ENERGY
                                           NETHERLANDS. Dutch company SCW
                                           Systems uses the fourth natural phase of
                                           water to produce renewable gas. PAGE 24


                                                  Follow us on social media and find more
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                               MEET SANDVIK: A Sandvik Group magazine
                               ­PUBLISHER RESPONSIBLE UNDER SWEDISH PRESS LAW: Jessica Alm
                                EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Marita Sander PRODUCTION: Spoon Publishing AB
                                WRITERS: Danny Chapman, Mattias Karén, Isabel Klieger, Elina Li, Susanna Lindgren,
                               Jonas Rehnberg, Nic Townsend
                               PRINT: Falk Graphic DATE OF PRINT: May 2021
                               Published in Swedish and English, in printed form and at our website
                               EMAIL: Copyright © 2021 Sandvik Group.
                               All Sandvik trademarks mentioned in the magazine are owned by the Sandvik Group.
                               PHOTO: Anna Björkegren, Stéfan Estassy, Wang Jing, Sandvik
                               Sandvik is processing personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
                               If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe to Meet Sandvik or change your address, please contact
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   2      MEET SANDVIK #2–2019
SANDVIK# 1-2021 - Sandvik Group
TO CONTINUE BEING a relevant and                     We have a tradition of world-class technical
successful company, we constantly strive to       know-how that we will build on, and we are
be at the forefront of technological develop-     doing this through our own expertise and
ment, to find new solutions and navigate the      acquisitions. The acquisition of the software
right path in a changing world. External trends   company CGTech and the agreement to
such as digitization, automation, electrifica-    acquire DSI Underground, a leading provider
tion and an increased focus on sustainability     of underground security solutions (page 8),
affect how we act today and in the future.        are good examples of this, and the ambition
                                                  is for a continued active acquisition agenda.
IN MARCH, we presented an updated strat-
egy and a new common purpose (page 17).           INNOVATIONS ARE crucial to our success.
The outside world and a number of important       Examples of this in the magazine include the
shifts that we are facing are playing a greater   electric loader (page 5), AI-inspired packag-
role than before. We have also defined clear      ing (page 10) and our automated concept
goals for 2025. In recent years, Sandvik          vehicle for the mining industry (page 14).
has become a more customer-oriented,              These technical solutions make our custom-
decentralized and financially stable company,     ers more productive, efficient and sustainable
and we are now ready to focus on growth.          and are central to us continuing to be our
Although the Covid-19 pandemic caused a           customer's first choice.
sharp decline in demand in 2020, we have
nevertheless managed to maintain profit-
ability at a good level, and 2021 has all the     Stefan Widing,
prerequisites for a better year ahead.            President and CEO

                                                                       MEET SANDVIK #1–2021         3
SANDVIK# 1-2021 - Sandvik Group
4   MEET SANDVIK #1–2021
SANDVIK# 1-2021 - Sandvik Group
MINING JUST GOT more muscles, as Sandvik unveiled
the world’s first 18-ton battery loader LH518B. Using an
electric battery solution reduces heat and emissions
underground, thereby helping mines reach sustainability
targets and create a better working environment.
   Thanks to AutoSwap™, a patented self-swapping
system, changing batteries is fast and easy, with
minimum manual handling, and it only takes about six
   The new loader comes with an exceptional capacity
for its size – its design allows the loader to fit inside a 4.5
x 4.5-meter tunnel and carry 18-ton loads.

                                                                  MEET SANDVIK #1–2021   5
SANDVIK# 1-2021 - Sandvik Group
                                                                FOR THE TWELFTH consecu-
                                                                tive year, Sandvik qualified for
                                                                the renowned Sustainability
                                                                Yearbook by S&P Global,
                                                                indicating a sustainability
                                                                performance within the top
                                                                15 percent of its industry.

                                       Kilotons of CO2 reduced in 2020, corresponding
                                       to a 17 percent reduction. The 2030 target is to
                                       reduce CO2 emissions by 50 percent, or to 166
                                       ktons with the current structure.

LEADING EXPERTS from               prospects and partners in times         4,000 tuned in live, and by early
Sandvik and external partners      of travel restrictions and social       February the webinar had been
teamed up for a live interactive   distancing requires new                 downloaded about 15,000
webinar to present the very        thinking,” says Paulina Kjellin at      times. The most recent event in
latest in additive manufacturing   Sandvik Additive Manufacturing,         the series covered super-
titanium powder production as      who hosted the event and was            duplex materials. If you don’t
well as life-changing applica-     pleased with the turnout.               know what those are, scan the
tions in medical technology.         Some 1,500 viewers signed             QR code.
    “Reaching out to customers,    up in advance, but more than

6       MEET SANDVIK #1–2021
SANDVIK# 1-2021 - Sandvik Group
NEWS | and short facts

A GROUP OF engineering students            autonomously gathered from                the design of the machining
at Rennselaer Polytechnic                  machines and analyzed, supporting         process with real-world results via
University in Troy, in the U.S. state of   the understanding of the manufac-         the actual metrics and detailed
New York, got a feel for Industry 4.0      turing process – and thus optimize        information from Machining
in an assignment created by Sales          it to levels of efficiency not possible   Insights.
Engineer Dayne Mosconi and                 without the use of the technology,”         “We help prepare students to
Digital Machining Specialist Bijal         explains Patel.                           work with technology they can be
Patel at Sandvik. They were                  Students interpreted the raw            expected to utilize and further
supported by the machine monitor-          data coming from the machines to          promote once they enter the
ing software CoroPlus® Machining           determine such things as cycle            workforce as engineers supporting
Insights, developed by Sandvik.            time and axis load measures. They         manufacturing processes,” says
  “The purpose was to teach                were then able to compare the             Mosconi.
students how data can be                   engineering goals that went into

                                                                                 THE KNIFE THAT
                                                                                 LIGHTS FIRES
                                                                                 OFFERING TWO FUNCTIONS in one
                                                                                 tool, the Swedish FireKnife comes
                                                                                 with a handle made from bioplastics
                                                                                 that hides a weatherproof fire
                                                                                 starter that’s good for 3,000
                                                                                 strikes. The blade is made of
                                                                                 Sandvik 12C27® stainless steel,
                                                                                 which consists of 90 percent
                                                                                 recycled material.

SANDVIK HAS acquired a minority stake in the American
software company Oqton, a leading provider of AI-powered
manufacturing solutions that allow manufacturers to manage,
optimize and automate their manufacturing workflows.
  “This investment is in line with our strategic agenda to
broaden our offering in digital manufacturing,” says Stefan
Widing, CEO of Sandvik.
  Oqton provides a cloud-based manufacturing platform that
links data across the complete manufacturing ecosystem,
enabling manufacturers to operate agile factories and
manage complex product mixes with lower inventory and a
simplified supply chain.
Learn more at

                                                                                          MEET SANDVIK #1–2021          7
SANDVIK# 1-2021 - Sandvik Group
NEWS | and short facts

                                                                              DSI is a market-leading
                                                                              underground safety solutions

IN LATE 2020, Sandvik signed        global reach will further             and safety to our customers,”
an agreement to acquire DSI         strengthen our world-leading          says Henrik Ager, President of
Underground, a market-              market position within mining and     Sandvik Mining and Rock
leading underground safety          rock solutions."                      Solutions.
solutions company. It’s one           DSI Underground is present in         DSI Underground has
of the biggest acquisitions in      70 countries, with 22 production      approximately 2,000 employees,
the history of Sandvik.             units situated close to the end       and its 2020 revenue is expected
    “This acquisition is an         customers.                            to be about EUR 518 million. The
important step in our growth          “With the world’s most              purchase price is approximately
ambition," says Stefan Widing,      extensive choice of ground            EUR 943 million on a cash and
President and CEO of Sandvik.       support products and systems,         debt-free basis. The impact on
"DSI Underground’s track record     the DSI Underground offering is       earnings per share will be slightly
of driving progress and safety in   highly complementary and              positive. The transaction is
underground operations and its      enables us to deliver greater value   expected to close by mid-2021.

8       MEET SANDVIK #1–2021
SANDVIK# 1-2021 - Sandvik Group
NEWS | and short facts

JOHAN SUNDSTRÖM and Malin              long-standing challenge of
Mårtensson were awarded the            producing complex shapes of the
Sandvik Innovation Prize 2020 for      world's hardest material," CEO
their work in developing the           Stefan Widing told those gathered
world’s first 3D-printed diamond       digitally for the award ceremony.
composite. Possible commercial           The Sandvik Innovation Prize is
applications include products that     awarded to employees who have           INNOVATORS
demand extremely high wear             developed the
resistance, thermal stability and      most
low weight.                            innovative                              THE 2021 Wilhelm Haglund Medal
  “This is a unique product with       product or                              for the product developer of the year
many opportunities for top-line        process during                          was awarded to the innovators of
growth, since it solves the            the year.                               Exera® medical wire and wire-based
                                                                               components for medical devices
                                                                               with demanding requirements, such

ALLOY SANICRO® 35 AWARDED                                                      as pacemakers, devices for glucose
                                                                               monitoring and units for deep-brain
THE SANDVIK ALLOY Sanicro®             material, and it is gratifying to see   stimulation. The winning team was
35 won the Materials Performance       our peers in the industry recogniz-     Gary Davies, Business Unit Manager
Corrosion Innovation of the Year       ing its benefits too,” says Ulf         Medical, Tim Tacionis, Lead Engineer,
Awards 2021, published by NACE         Kivisäkk, Senior Expert Corrosion       and Gene Kleinschmit, Senior
International, the world’s largest-    Resistant Alloys, Sandvik Materials     Product Manager, at the Sandvik
circulation magazine dedicated         Technology. “Sanicro 35 is the result   Palm Coast, Florida, site.
exclusively to corrosion prevention    of us identifying a market                The Sandvik Sustainability Award
and control.                           opportunity for customers, then         in Memory of Sigrid
  ​​“We are pleased with this unique   innovating an effective solution."​​​   Göransson went to
                                                                               the team behind the

                                                                               production program
                                                                               for premium

JOINS ROYAL ACADEMY                                                            crushing chambers
                                                                               in Svedala, Sweden:
EVA LINDH-ULMGREN, Director                                                    Jörgen Petersson, Foundry
Materials Design at Sandvik                                                    Specialist and Anders Åkesson, EHS
Materials Technology, has been                                                 Manager. More than 90 percent
elected a Fellow at the Royal                                                  recycled steel is used as raw material
Swedish Academy of Engineering                                                 in a premium crushing chamber
Sciences (IVA).                                                                recycling program, reducing both
  “I am very happy and honored,"                                               indirect and direct carbon emissions
says Lindh-Ulmgren. "Enterprise                                                in the supply chain. Sandvik has also
and academia need to team up                                                   introduced the first certified
and develop new interdisciplinary                                              Environmental Product Declaration
approaches. IVA is a very exciting                                             in the industry for manganese
platform and enabler in this                                                   crusher wear parts.

                                                                                    MEET SANDVIK #1–2021           9
SANDVIK# 1-2021 - Sandvik Group
DIGITALIZATION | Intelligent packaging

          It all began with a revelation involving Charles Darwin’s
          evolution theory and ended with an AI-driven solution set to
          change machine tool packaging as we know it. When Sandvik
          Coromant launches its application next fall, every new tool
          created will be allocated the most suitable packaging available,
          leading to major cost-savings and vastly lower CO2 emissions.

          IN THE SUMMER of 2019, Maria Rajabzadeh
          Namaghi, a 33-year-old R&D engineer and
          system developer from Iran, was sitting in
          her office in Sandviken working on Sandvik
          Coromant’s next generation of product
          packaging selection solutions. She had a
          tall order: to ensure the packages selected
          would be as small and lean as possible,
          not only to cut material costs but also to
          help the Sandvik Group reduce its overall
          carbon footprint.
                                                         Prototypes of AI-driven packaging.
              Although Rajabzadeh Namaghi had al-
          ready found a solution based on traditional
          computer programming, she couldn’t kick        algorithm evolves through the generations,
          the nagging feeling that something was         allowing for smarter and better solutions to
          missing. “The solution wasn’t flexible         develop with every cycle. After spending
          enough,” she recalls. ”It was customized       a few days putting her theory to the test,
          for a certain type of packages, and            Rajabzadeh Namaghi knew she was on to
          it wouldn’t work for new types of              something big.
          packages.”                                        “I was really excited,” Rajabzadeh
                                                         Namaghi recalls. ”I couldn’t wait to tell my
          THEN, AS SHE let her thoughts wander           colleagues here at the department about
          through the deserted office landscape, it      it when they were back from vacation.”
          suddenly hit her: “What if I applied genetic   She notes that although genetic algorithm
          algorithms using artificial intelligence?” A   isn’t something new in itself, it hasn’t to
          genetic algorithm is an AI-based problem       her knowledge been applied to packaging
          search process based on Charles Darwin’s       solutions in this manner before.
          evolution theory. Just as in nature, the          “The way it works here is that whatever

10   MEET SANDVIK #1–2021
DIGITALIZATION | Intelligent packaging

 Maria Rajabzadeh
 Namaghi came up
 with the packaging

     you might need to put in a package –              “The smaller packages you use, the less
     whether something small like a tool or            package material you waste,” Rajabzadeh
     something big like a bicycle – the appli-         Namaghi says. ”And in terms of transport,
     cation will find you the smallest possible        smaller packages take up less space,
     package to fit it into,” she says. ”The size or   meaning you can fit more into a ship-
     geometrical shape of what’s being packed          ment and therefore waste less fuel.” Her
     doesn’t matter.”                                  department is responsible for specifying,
        She explains how the Package Selector          developing, implementing and supporting
     Application (PSA) identifies the most             a system platform for CAD/CAM/CMM/
     critical points of an object by analyzing         CAE automation.​
     a CAD-based model of it in 3D. The AI
     algorithm then takes over to work out             SAMIR BALIC, Product Manager Packa-
     the object’s rotation, and from there the         ging and Labeling, says the application,
     application is able to recommend not only         which is scheduled to go live in the second
     the smallest possible packaging for it, but       half of 2021, will automate the packaging
     also how to fit the object into the selected      selection process “from start to finish.”
     packaging.                                           “The product designers will get a tool
                                                       added to their CAD programs,” he says,
     ASIDE FROM contributing to lower costs            ”and with the simple push of a button they
     when it comes to packaging materials,             will be able to film the tool they have just
     transportation and storage, the ability to        created and it will be matched with the
     always select the smallest possible pac-          most suitable packaging – even before the
     kage will also help reduce CO2 emissions.         tool has been physically created.”

                                                                                  MEET SANDVIK #1–2021   11
FOCUS | Automation

                                                                                    Waymo is Google’s
                                                                                    self-driving car.

Many people, from engineers to filmmakers, have long predicted the
arrival of the driverless car revolution, and now of course it’s very much
on the horizon. But while driverless cars are getting the attention, other
sorts of self-driving vehicles have been quietly changing industry, partic-
ularly the mining industry.

“WHERE WE’RE GOING, we don’t need roads,”             that where they were going, they wouldn’t need
exclaimed Doc Brown in the 1985 sci-fi block-         drivers?
buster Back to the Future. Doc was talking to           In 2015, the year of the future that Doc and
Marty McFly as their time machine, made from a        Marty flew to, there was much hype about the
sports car, flew off into the future of 2015. There   dawn of the age of the self-driving passenger car.
are few signs of flying cars today – the filmmakers   In December 2015, for example, Tesla CEO Elon
seem to have grossly misjudged the technolog-         Musk predicted that a completely automated car
ical developments of transportation in the early      would be introduced by the end of 2018.
21st century – but what if Doc had told Marty           The completely automated car has yet to hit

12    MEET SANDVIK #1–2021
FOCUS | Automation

                                                        are much easier to manage in a self-contained
                                                        mine compared with a city street, hence the much
                                                        earlier adoption of the self-driving technology in
                                                          The mining industry is today probably the most
                                                        advanced when it comes to the actual use of
                                                        self-driving vehicles, but there are many other
                                                        industries where the use of self-driving vehicles is
                                                        ready to take off.
                                                          Driverless tractors for the farming industry are,
                                                        for example, already in existence and will soon
                                                        surely revolutionize the agricultural industry, which
                                                        already spends billions on robotics. The freight
Local Motors’ shuttle Olli, made with additive manu-
facturing technology and finished with Sandvik tools.
                                                        industry is also developing driverless trucks to go
                                                        from A to B.
                                                          Governments are working with industry to
the market, but it is clearly in advanced stages of     develop driverless public transportation. A driv-
development.                                            erless bus was in fact unveiled back in 2015 in
  The pioneering companies in the field, includ-        China. It drove 20 miles through the crowded city
ing Waymo, the Google self-driving car project,         of Zhengzhou without crashing into other motor-
and Tesla, have built the cars and run numerous         ists. And in the U.S., in Phoenix, Arizona, Waymo
well-publicized trials over the past few years, and     has been operating a driverless minivan taxi
the technology clearly works. The main hurdle           service since 2017, albeit in a limited geographic
to mass market rollout is making the cars 100           space.
percent safe. There are too many hazards in the
real world, including changing weather conditions       IN FACT THE technology for these vehicles is
and the unpredictable actions of pedestrians and        so advanced that they can now be produced on
other drivers, to be able to ensure that self-driving   3D printers. One example of this, a shuttle bus
cars will do exactly the right thing all of the time.   named Olli, was unveiled at the 2018 International
                                                        Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago. It
BUT WHILE WE will have to wait a bit longer             was employed to shuttle visitors from building to
to use driverless cars ourselves, other types of        building.
self-driving vehicles have been in use for years,          But as in the case of driverless passenger cars,
and that use is becoming ever more widespread.          the main hurdle to rollout for all these applications
  A Sandvik concept vehicle with an automation          is safety – specifically safety in the context of
solution, for example, is the current technological     putting the vehicles into the unpredictable real
pinnacle of autonomous and remotely operated            world of people.
equipment that the company has been develop-               Solutions will undoubtedly be found, and found
ing for two decades. And automated loaders and          soon. Some experts believe that self-driving cars
trucks from Sandvik have been working in mines          could be a feature of our highways within the com-
around the world for more than 20 years, with zero      ing five years. We’ll still need roads in that future,
accidents involving people. Of course hazards           though, even if we won’t need drivers.

                                                                                MEET SANDVIK #1–2021       13
FOCUS | Automation

This is what the future of mining looks like. A mining automation
concept vehicle from Sandvik gives a unique and real hands-on
preview of how the latest technologies can make the mining
industry more safe, efficient and sustainable.

CABINLESS, ELECTRIFIED and automated.                Ruokojärvi. “The companies need to search for
Without human interaction, a concept vehicle         valuable minerals in locations that are more and
from Sandvik with an Automine® mining auto-          more challenging and remote.”
mation solution can navigate through the rough
and changing conditions of underground mining        GENERALLY SPEAKING, the deeper into the
tunnels. It can read the environment in 3D, create   ground the more challenging the rock mechanical
a model of the environment and plan its own          conditions and the more challenging and costly
missions – while the miners monitor the machine      it becomes to establish a mining area. Safety
operations from the comfort and safety of a          hazards increase and building infrastructure can
control room that can be located hundreds of         become problematic.
miles away.                                             “Removing people from hazardous environ-
   “Automation, digitalization and electrification   ments is really one of the main drivers for auto-
will form the future of mining,” predicts Jarkko     mation,” says Ruokojärvi. “Reducing the in-pit and
Ruokojärvi, Director of Automation Global Busi-      underground mining workforce by moving people
ness Development and Marketing at Sandvik            to control centers will increase health and safety
Mining and Rock Solutions. “New technologies         and create new types of job opportunities, which
provide new opportunities to increase safety         should benefit local communities and make the
and productivity and make the operations more        operations more sustainable.”
sustainable.”                                           Sandvik has been developing autonomous and
   The ongoing development toward more tech-         remotely operated equipment for 20 years and its
nically advanced mining is both necessary and        Automine automation system has been delivered
inevitable, Ruokojärvi says. The mining industry     in hundreds of mining machines to customers
has recovered from a tough period of market          around the world. Many of the groundbreaking
volatility and downturn in commodity prices. This    mining innovations have come to life in its test
has increased the focus on cost-cutting through      mine and test lab in Tampere, Finland. To continue
operational efficiency.                              this journey, it is here also that the concept vehicle
   “Add to that the fact that many easier deposit    is being developed under great secrecy.
locations have already been mined,” says                “With this vehicle we wanted to take automation

14    MEET SANDVIK #1–2021
FOCUS | Industry 4.0

Automation, digitalization
and electrification form the
future of mining.

a step further, disrupt the mindset of how things       technologies across different types of equipment.
are conventionally done and show what we think             Developments in the automotive industry have
the future will hold,” says Ruokojärvi.                 been valuable in this endeavor. The advances in
                                                        sensor technology development for self-driving cars
THE CURRENT CONCEPT LOADER operating                    have led to new components becoming available
its way through the test mine in Tampere is not         for sensing the environment, for route planning
for sale. It is even doubtful that there ever will be   and for avoiding obstacles. The electrification is
a loader that looks exactly like it available on the    greatly beneficial in mining too, as battery-driven
market. This is a teaser, to show what to expect.       equipment reduces CO2 emissions both above and
The concept loader showcases the Sandvik vision         underground. If powered with renewable energy
for future robotic mining technologies, and the         the value chain increases further.
plan is to gradually commercialize and deploy the          The new concept vehicle has been designed

                                                                              MEET SANDVIK #1–2021      15
FOCUS | Automation

from the ground up for autonomous use. All factors         “Our goal is to make the automation more
necessary to accommodate people onboard                 generic so that more types of mining methods
have been eliminated, such as the operator cabin.       can get the same benefits of safety, production
Optimizing the design for autonomous use allows         efficiency and sustainability, regardless of how
higher payloads in existing tunnels. It also enables    complicated the mining process is,” Ruokojärvi
the design of smaller machines that can work in         says.
narrow passages, a valuable aspect as smaller
tunnels mean less mining waste.                         HE PREDICTS THAT in five to ten years mining
   “Focusing on machine design for only auto-           operations in most parts of the world will be far
nomous use allows for improved motion control           more technically advanced than they are today.
and higher reliability,” says Ruokojärvi. “The higher   The concept vehicle has already shown what it
intelligence provided by the new technologies           can look like.
allows for increased operational flexibility, higher       “It’s very exciting that we can show that these
adaptivity and higher productivity, due to the          technologies work in the toughest conditions and
machine’s self-awareness and self-planning, as          what is possible to achieve,” says Ruokojärvi. “In
well as simpler preparations required by people.”       our next steps it is necessary to evaluate how to
   Mining operations are widely varied in terms         incrementally commercialize these technologies
of mine design, minerals and geology. Different         to make sure they meet the needs of our
levels of automation are already in use in mining       customers.”

                                                                             Removing people from
                                                                             hazardous environments is
                                                                             one of the main drivers for

16    MEET SANDVIK #1–2021
STRATEGY | Stefan Widing

Sandvik has updated its strategy for an increased focus on
growth. Six strategic objectives, well-defined measurables
and a new purpose are the building blocks of the future.
SANDVIK HAS reviewed its            CEO, explains, “Our previous         making close to our customers,
vision, core values and strategy    strategy has served Sandvik well.    agility and quick adjustments to
to ensure further progress, value   We have built a strong foundation,   changing market conditions are
creation and engagement among       and today we are a more stable,      now ingrained in our culture.”
stakeholders.                       profitable and decentralized           The rationale behind the review
   Stefan Widing, President and     company. For example, decision-      was to simplify and bring clarity

                                                                             MEET SANDVIK #1–2021      17
STRATEGY | Stefan Widing

“The new purpose expresses how our innovative
 solutions create value, not only for our customers
 and employees but also for society and the planet,
 ultimately creating shareholder value.”

and focus to future Group            We make the shift – advancing           align and support the Group’s
ambitions. “We wanted to clearly     the world through engineering.          future direction, culture and
express why we exist, how we do         “The new purpose expresses           strategy.”
things and what we should focus      how our innovative solutions               He explains that a central idea
on to ensure further development     create value, not only for our          behind the strategy is enabling
and long-term success,” Widing       customers and employees but             important shifts in the world, such
explains.                            also for society and the planet,        as digitalization and sustainability.
   In the updated strategy much      ultimately creating shareholder         To that end, six strategic objectives
attention has been given to          value,” Widing says. “It will further   are being introduced: “shift to
development areas, measurable                                                growth, sustainability shift, the
goals and concrete actions, such                                             digital shift, customer’s first choice,
as systematic follow-ups to
                                        SIX STRATEGIC                        the employer of choice and agile
determine customer and                                                       through the business cycle.”
employee satisfaction.
                                        • Shift to growth
   Sandvik’s core values –                                                   THE INCREASED focus on
innovation, customer focus, fair        • Digital shift                      growth (through acquisitions and
play and passion to win – are well      • Sustainability shift               organically) is partly a result of
embedded in the organization            • Customer’s first choice            Sandvik’s success in reaching
and will stay the same. They            • Agile through cycle                and retaining the kind of stability
define the required behaviors to                                             and profitability that permit higher
                                        • Employer of choice
contribute to the strategy and                                               growth ambitions. The plans
purpose.                                The strategic objectives will        include a more proactive
                                        be followed up by systematic         acquisition agenda and an
THE PREVIOUS vision is now              measurement for maximum              increased focus on new products
being replaced with a long-term         transparency, accountability         and solutions. “We have to grow
common purpose and narrative            and actionability.                   in areas that are necessary to
statement:                                                                   manage the shift to digitalization

18    MEET SANDVIK #1–2021
STRATEGY | Stefan Widing

Sandvik has updated its strategy for
an increased focus on growth. The
past years we have divested
underperforming businesses,
decentralized the organization and
become a much more resilient
company. From this stable platform
we will further increase the focus on
growth, digitalization, sustainability
and agility. We have introduced
five-year targets in each of the six
strategic objectives (see chart at
right) to ensure transparency and
follow through. We are continuing
with the financial targets set in 2019.

and the shift to sustainability,”         to lead the way and remain at the       managed to weather the storm.
says Widing, “and at the same             forefront in developing technolo-          “I believe we handled the
time ensure that we maintain a            gies and solutions that enable the      difficulties very well, holding on to
technology leadership in our core         transition to more sustainable          our margins and managing our
areas.”                                   businesses,” he says. “Sustainability   cost base in an agile way,” he
   The digital objective is to be a       excellence opens up many                says.
leader in digital solutions in the        business opportunities.”                   “Attracting the right compe-
industry and to grow the digital                                                  tences and a diverse workforce
customer offering. “Internally we         SANDVIK SHOULD have a cost              are key requisites for future
need to ensure efficiency through         structure flexible enough to            success,” he says. Customers
a seamless flow, supported by             manage economic downturns               form another crucial stakeholder
standardized business systems             and allow for quick responses to        group. “We want to advance the
at our sites,” he says.                   changing market conditions,             way we measure and improve
  Sustainability, continues Widing,       Widing says. This flexibility was       customer value and customer
has grown in importance to                tested to the extreme when the          satisfaction,” Widing says. “We
investors of all sizes, from              Covid-19 pandemic dealt the             need to continuously improve to
institutions to private households.       order intake a severe blow in the       continue to be our customer’s
“Our institutional owners expect us       first half of 2020. But Sandvik         first choice.”

                                                                                       MEET SANDVIK #1–2021         19
SUSTAINABILITY | Electric heating

Svein G. Lund at the
Glassit facility in
Skjåk, Norway.

                BREAKING GLASS
                 Norwegian company Glasopor is one of the few manufacturers
                 in the world that produce foam materials from recycled glass.
                 The company has boosted its profitability and eliminated its
                 carbon footprint by switching from gas to electricity
                 based on a Kanthal® electric heating system.

                 NESTLED IN THE rolling hills of the Skjåk        por’s premium foam glass is 100 percent
                 countryside just west of Oslo is the Glassit     recyclable and consists of 80 percent air,
                 factory, one of Europe’s most innovative         which results in a bulk weight of 180 kg/m3.
                 glass recycling works. This plant, owned by        To improve its environmental performance
                 Glasopor, recycles some 18 million wine          and reduce costs, the company engaged
                 bottles and other glass products per year        Kanthal, a Sandvik division, for a complete
                 and turns the waste into a granulated high-      process conversion from gas to electric
                 tech foam material.                              heating.
                    This lightweight foam glass is used
                 mainly as filler in the construction of roads    SINCE THE COMPANY was founded in
                 and railways, where it is especially effective   2002, Glasopor’s sales have gone from
                 in poor ground. It is also widely used as        strength to strength, but as a modern
                 an insulation material in buildings. Glaso-      recycler it was not entirely at ease with

   20     MEET SANDVIK #1–2021
SUSTAINABILITY | Electric heating

  its own internal performance. Its gas
  consumption, and therefore its energy
  cost, was high and so too were its CO2
  emissions – around 4,000 metric tons per
     After a thorough review of its operations,
  the company decided to take the radical
  step of switching its energy source from
  gas to electricity, based on Kanthal® electric
  heating technology, and it has never
  looked back.
     Although the switch itself from gas
  to electricity entailed a substantial cost
  saving, Glassit wanted a powerful heating
  system that it could rely on for its glass
  foaming process. In addition, the plan
  called for the upgrade of furnace zones
                                                   The electric furnace at the Glassit facility requires
  as well as service and maintenance to            37 percent less energy and emits no CO2.
  keep the system working effectively and
  efficiently far into the future. The choice      wanted it to be beneficial in terms of our
  was Tubothal® heating elements from              future earnings.
  Kanthal, recognized worldwide for its                “Our aim was to reduce our energy
  superior efficiency.                             consumption by 28 percent. Today our
                                                   research shows that the real reduction
  THE COMPLETE CONVERSION from                     in energy is more like 37 percent – even
  gas to electric was managed on-site in           higher than we expected, which is
  Norway. The team designed and simulated          fantastic! And on top of that, we have
  the conversion, calculating the required         reduced our CO2 emissions to zero.”
  power and element temperatures. In the               Lund adds that the new system
  planning process, technicians from Kant-         is in the spirit of innovation that has
  hal also provided a payback calculation to       permeated the company’s development
  facilitate the upgrade of three zones in the     since its inception. It also fits in with
  furnace.                                         Glasopor’s policy to use local water power
                                                   resources rather than pump gas from the
  THE DECISION TO switch from gas to               North Sea.
  electricity turned out to be more success-           “Innovation is the driving force in this
  ful than anyone had imagined. Glasopor           company and the key to our success,”
  Development Manager Svein G. Lund                he says. “We think this project and the
  explains: “In calculating this conversion we     Kanthal system will help us to maintain
  saw it as something of a high-risk project       our position as the leading manufacturer
  for us. Naturally we wanted to improve the       of glass foam products, and that’s
  environmental side – because of course           something we are looking forward to
  that’s very important for us – but we also       telling the market about.”

                                                                                MEET SANDVIK #1–2021       21
SUSTAINABILITY | Green factory initiative

          BUILDING A
          Sustainable business development is key to the way employees
          at the Langfang plant in China work. Lemon Jin, Site Manager,
          talks about the efforts the facility has made to reduce emissions
          and protect the environment.

          The Sandvik Coromant plant in Langfang.            ”Our ’Top 10 actions’ focus on energy savings,
          China, is part of the global ”Green Factory and    emission reductions and environmental
          Sustainable Facilities” initiative the company     protection,” says Lemon Jin, Site Manager at
          has driven for several years. Located in China’s   the Langfang plant. ”They cover almost every
          Bohai economic rim region, the plant has deve-     aspect of the daily operations of the plant and
          loped a medium and long-term road map, as          the way people work here, including clean pro-
          well as a five-year plan, based on the Sandvik     duction, resource recycling, water and electri-
          Coromant Sustainable Development Strategy          city savings, waste reduction and garbage
          2030. Using professional assessment tools,         classification and treatment.”
          the plant will undergo yearly assessments, and
          annual key performance indicator (KPI) goals       AS ONE EXAMPLE of how to integrate
          and Top 10 actions will be scheduled to reflect    sustainability into the daily work Jin mentions
          the results of these evaluations.                  the implementation of an “empty plate”

22   MEET SANDVIK #1–2021
SUSTAINABILITY | Green factory initiative

     campaign in the plant canteen, encouraging
                                                                                                        Sustainability is an
     people not to order more than they can eat to                                                      integrated part of
     reduce food waste.                                                                                 everyday work.
       Lemon Jin joined the Langfang plant in
     2002, working his way up from a machine
     operator to a plant manager. The Langfang
     factory means a lot to him.
        “Sandvik is a global group, and environmental
     protection has always been a top priority for
     us,” Jin says. “As part of Sandvik Coromant, we
     always endeavor to live up to our commitment
     to being a responsible corporate citizen. In
     addition, Langfang is the city where I grew up
     and continue to live, so we have to do our best
     to protect the environment of our hometown           ted. Whenever the outdoor temperature drops,
     and be responsible to the city.”                     the chillers can be shut down to save energy.
                                                          In 2020, this made it possible for the plant to
     ONE OF THE initiatives that that has been            save 325 megawatt hours and reduced CO2
     performed at the plant is a new heat-recycling       emissions by 239 tons.
     system to recycle heat generated from air               The Langfang plant has also upgraded to a
                           compressors. The recycled      boiler with higher efficiency that reduces emis-
                           heat was used to heat          sions of nitrogen oxide from 90 milligrams per
                           the water for showers for      cubic meter to 30 milligrams per cubic meter,
                           employees, reducing gas        and cuts natural gas consumption by about
                           consumption by 4,000           30,000 cubic meters.
                           cubic meters and CO2              To increase the machine efficiency, the plant
                           emissions by 9.6 tons.         replaced the old return oil pump, which consu-
                              “Because of the steadily    med 2.2 kilowatts of power, with a new one that
Lemon Jin is Site          increasing costs of dealing    consumes only 0.7 kilowatts.
Manager at the
                           with waste, liquid-waste          Together, all these measures will contribute
Langfang facility.
                           treatment equipment has        to reducing the Langfang plant’s environmental
     been installed. By using low-temperature va-         footprint as much as possible.
     cuum distillation technology, 97 percent of the
     wastewater can be purified for reuse in produc-
     tion. The remaining 3 percent is disposed of
     by a qualified third party,” Jin says. In 2020, 69
     tons of wastewater were recycled at the plant.       THIS IS LANGFANG
                                                          The city of Langfang is in China’s Bohai economic
     ANOTHER INITIATIVE is the installation of            rim region, an important geographical position
     a tank to collect rainwater from the building        close to Beijing and Tianjin that boasts a
     roof for irrigation of gardens, resulting in         well-developed transportation network. The
     water-consumption savings of more than 200           Sandvik Coromant Langfang plant, which in 2021
     tons annually.                                       is celebrating its 28th year of business, is situated
        The plant has installed a cooling tower that      here. The plant covers some 33,700 square
     reduces the need for the chiller being opera-        meters and has about 300 employees.

                                                                                           MEET SANDVIK #1–2021         23

SCW Systems uses
supercritical water
gasification to produce
renewable gas.

             Sandvik delivers advanced, seamless stainless steel tubes to
             the world’s first industrial supercritical water gasifier that will
             help the Netherlands gearing up for a renewable future.

             AS COUNTRIES ACROSS the globe seek              efficiently stored on a large scale, it can be
             cleaner energy, for those that currently rely   transported over long distances and can
             on natural gas – such as the Netherlands        be used in existing gas infrastructure. The
             where it accounts for 40 percent of the         only problem is not enough renewable gas
             country’s energy consumption – simply           can be produced to meet the Netherlands’
             switching to renewable gas has many             – let alone the world’s – needs.
             benefits. Like natural gas, it can be              This is something that SCW Systems

24     MEET SANDVIK #1–2021

 “The technology uses the fourth natural phase of
  water – the supercritical water phase.”

  aims to change. “We develop novel tech-            strial supercritical water gasifiers has begun.
  nologies to convert organic waste streams             To make its gasifiers, SCW Systems
  into carbon-neutral, or even carbon-ne-            needed advanced materials that could
  gative, energy carriers,” explains Gerard          withstand high temperatures and press-
  Essing, CEO of SCW Systems. “The tech-             ures, and most steels wouldn’t make the
  nology uses the fourth natural phase of            cut, according to Dyon Hermsen, Sales
  water – the supercritical water phase – to         Manager at Sandvik.
  split molecules to almost an atomic level.
  This largely untapped phase occurs when            AFTER SEVERAL years of collaborative
  temperatures reach 375°C and pressure is           development and testing, the solution was
  higher than 221 bar.”                              Sanicro®, Sandvik grades of nickel alloys
                                                     and high-alloy austenitic stainless steels.
  WHEN WATER IS in the supercritical                 The material used in this specific solution
  phase, organic substances such as sew-             is characterized by its high structural
  age, become extremely soluble. The water           stability, creep strength and oxidation
  becomes a solvent for organic components           resistance and has been specifically
  and a catalyst for a rapid and almost              developed for use at material temperatures
  complete conversion of the energy stored           up to 700°C.
  in organic components into gas. From this,
  gas components such as green gas and               AS SANDVIK CONTINUES to work with
  hydrogen can be stored and used in the             SCW Systems to support the industrial
  same infrastructure as existing gas                production of its gasifiers, the future for
  supplies. As the process uses waste                supercritical water gasification looks
  to create hydrogen, it is completely               promising. Recently, the Dutch
  renewable.                                         government set itself the goal of
     Together with Gasunie New Energy, SCW           producing 2 billion cubic meters of
  Systems has successfully                           renewable gas by 2030, 60 percent of
  developed, completed and tested the                which is to be produced by supercritical
  first industrial reactor. Currently, the world’s   water technology. If successful, many
  first full demonstration facility is under         other countries that also have an extensive
  construction and the production of the indu-       gas infrastructure could well follow suit. too.

                                                                                  MEET SANDVIK #1–2021   25
INTERVIEW | Nidhi Gohkale

Nidhi Gokhale
strongly believes in
a diverse and
inclusive workforce.

A diverse, inclusive workforce is good for business, says Nidhi
Gokhale, Head of HR at Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions.
But you need to walk the talk to make real change happen.

DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION (D&I) has never              I graduated with honors in physics, but in the
been more important to businesses than right      first year of my master’s I realized this was not the
now. Around the world, companies are pledging     career I wanted. My father once told me to make
to create workplaces that include everyone,       a career “out of your own strength and what you
regardless of gender, race, age or orientation.   love.” I decided to complete a master’s in HR. I
                                                  moved to Pune, India, for my studies and it was
You’ve been in HR and with Sandvik for ten        here that I eventually started working for Sandvik.
years. Why did you choose a career in HR and         One day, during my master’s, a guest lecturer
why at Sandvik?                                   came to speak to us from the nearby Sandvik

26     MEET SANDVIK #1–2021
INTERVIEW | Nidhi Gokhale

plant. He’d been with the company for 35 years,         to cultural constraints. In India, we opened a day-
and I remember wondering how a company had              care center at Sandvik in Pune to attract female
gotten someone to stay for so long. After my            employees. When I first returned from maternity
master’s, I applied for a one-year internship at        leave, my son Hridaan used to spend his days
Sandvik and here I am, ten years later!                 at the spacious, cheerful center. Meanwhile, in
                                                        Sweden, the Female Leader Engineer initiative
Why do companies need to take D&I seriously?            encourages newly graduated women to meet and
  Research shows that more diversity in executive       learn from their peers. Research shows that young
teams and leadership roles has a direct impact          women are more likely to consider working for an
on a company performing better – when it comes          organization when they have gender role models.
to creating a more inclusive culture but also for
productivity and profitability. We can see that         What is your greatest challenge?
younger generations actively seek out teams               The greatest challenge in D&I is making it a
of people from different backgrounds. Their             central part of the business strategy, not just
approach to innovation and problem-solving is to        an afterthought. It isn’t enough to talk about
bring diversity into the team because they know it      diversity, it needs to be embedded in everything
will lead to a better end result.                       we do, from how we attract people to how we
                                                        develop, manage and retain them. At Sandvik, I
Why is D&I important to Sandvik?                        can confidently say that D&I is an integral part of
   At Sandvik, we believe a diverse workforce           who we are as a company.
is better suited to serving our customer base
around the world. In today’s globalized, digitized      One of the sustainability goals of Sandvik is to
world, a diverse, inclusive workplace is central to     have 33 percent female managers. Why have
a company’s ability to attract, develop and retain      you set this goal and how will you achieve it?
the talent it needs to compete in the future.             When it comes to gender diversity, studies show
   It’s important to understand that true diversity     that you need about one-third representation in
means respecting all the differences that define        a group before you stop feeling like a minority, so
us as individuals – from gender to age, cultural        our current levels are not enough. The proportion
and national backgrounds, orientation and ethnic-       of women in our global workforce is 19.6 percent
ity, as well as differences in education, experience    currently, while the women in managerial positions
and skills. A truly diverse company is one that         increased in the past five years from 16.5 percent
encourages open thinking and creates a culture          to 18.5 percent in 2020. We are also seeking to
of inclusion in which all individuals feel respected,   broaden the ethnic and cultural diversity on the
are treated fairly and have the opportunity to          executive teams. We currently have 19 percent
excel.                                                  non-Europeans on the division management
                                                        teams. So even though the numbers have been
Having worked in both India and Sweden, how             gradually improving every year, we need to speed
do the two compare in terms of D&I?                     up the process. We’re working with greater intensity
  Both countries share a similar challenge: how         and more targeted interventions globally, and
to attract more women to traditionally male jobs.       driving this as part of our business strategy.
But there is more of an uphill battle in India due

                                                                               MEET SANDVIK #1–2021       27
INTERVIEW | Nidhi Gokhale

                                                                                 The greatest challenge in
                                                                                 diversity and inclusion is to
                                                                                 make it a central part of the
                                                                                 business strategy.

What makes you feel the greatest sense of pride      You started at Sandvik ten years ago. Where do
in your work?                                        you see Sandvik in 2031?
   Although we have a long way to go, I’m proud of      At Sandvik, we offer a world of opportunities. Our
the growing numbers of women in our organization.    diverse business and global network enables us
We have reworked our recruitment processes to        all to take control of our career development and
make sure the wording in job vacancies is modern     thrive to the best of our potential.
and inclusive. For instance, we avoid gender-           I strongly believe that we will continue to grow
specific pronouns as much as possible. I’m proud     and deliver value to our customers, suppliers and
of our 18-month Global Graduate Program, which       shareholders while having a globally diverse work-
helps attract young talent, as selected graduates    force from a wide range of cultural, geographical
develop an in-depth understanding of our busi-       and professional backgrounds and with modern,
nesses through various rotations in their home       agile and sustainable ways of working driving the
country and abroad. I’m proud of our other D&I       shift in the industry in which we operate.
initiatives such as the nano-learning we recently
                                                     NIDHI’S TIPS FOR YOUNG WOMEN
rolled out and our Global Leadership program
                                                     Feed your passions: This enables you to be more
“Bridge,” which focuses on leading across bound-
                                                     focused and enjoy every aspect of your life.
aries and increasing cultural diversity awareness.   Ask for help: Regardless of whether you are
On a personal level, I’m proud to work with so       starting a new position or are a working mom with
many amazing people from all over the world. It’s    kids at home or are simply looking for inspiration
so much more challenging, stimulating and fun to     on what to do next, asking for help is a strength,
be a part of a diverse and inclusive environment.    not a weakness.

28    MEET SANDVIK #1–2021

3 QUESTIONS for                                                             the next downturn, whenever it
Tomas Eliasson, Chief                                                       comes.
Financial Officer (CFO)                                                        Our cost structure must be
                                                                            flexible enough to handle both
at Sandvik.
                                                                            ups and downs, as much as
How would you summarize the                                                 possible without incurring
first quarter report for 2021?                                              one-off costs.
   We saw very strong de-                                                      Acquisitions are an import-
mand on the mining side and                                                 ant component in the growth
a continued recovery in our                                                 strategy – what is important to
short-cycle business, such as          event of sudden changes in the       consider?
the automotive segment and             market.                                 We have a favorable starting
the engineering segment. It was           What are your expectations        position thanks to strong cash
also satisfying to see that we         for 2021?                            flows, a solid balance sheet and
are once again delivering strong          During the current recovery       leading market positions. Now
profitability. The adjusted oper-      we’re in there is strong focus on    we need to implement what we
ating margin of 19.2 percent for       identifying and delivering on the    have set out to do, and we got
the quarter was one of our high-       growth opportunities that exist      off to a good start already in
est ever – another sign that we        – both through acquisitions and      2020 when we announced the
have emerged from a turbulent          organically.                         big acquisitions of CGTech and
year as a stronger, more stable           But while we shift towards        DSI Underground, despite all the
and more flexible company.             growth, it is important that we      uncertainty in the world.
   But while we are recovering         do it in a smart and carefully          An important part of this work
in many of our operations, the         thought-out way. We must be          is to make acquisitions an even
pandemic is still ongoing, and         ready to deal with challenges on     more integrated part of how
demand continues to be low in          the cost side and in the supply      we run our businesses and
areas such as the aerospace            chain in a stronger economy,         proactively maintain a large
industry and oil/gas. This is a        and at the same time ensure          pipeline of interesting candi-
reminder that we must not lose         that we constantly update our        dates. Sandvik should be seen
focus and constantly be agile          contingency plans so that we         as a company you want to be
and ready to act quickly in the        are even better equipped for         acquired by and be a part of.

SANDVIK HAS completed the              optimization. In 2019, CGTech had   Miranda Tools, a manufacturer of
acquisition of U.S.-based CGTech, a    revenues of about SEK 470 million   high-speed steel and solid carbide
global market leader in software for   and around 180 employees.           round tools. In 2019, Miranda Tools
numerical control (NC/CNC)               Sandvik has also completed the    had revenues of about 200 million
simulation, verification and           acquisition of the Indian company   SEK and around 580 employees.

                                                                                 MEET SANDVIK #1–2021          29

Sandvik is a high-tech, global engineering group offering products
and services that enhance customer productivity, profitability and safety.
In 2020, the Group had approximately 37,000 employees and sales of
SEK 86 billion in more than 160 countries.
BUSINESS AREAS                                                      THE GROUP

                  SANDVIK MINING AND ROCK SOLUTIONS                 Revenues, MSEK
                   A leading supplier of equipment and tools,       120,000

                   service and technical solutions for the mining   100,000
                   industry and rock excavation within the
                   construction industry.
                   SHARE OF REVENUES 39%                             60,000

                   SHARE OF ADJUSTED OPERATING PROFIT 46%            40,000


                   SANDVIK MANUFACTURING AND                                  0
                                                                                   2016    2017    2018     2019        2020
                   MACHINING SOLUTIONS
                  A market-leading manufacturer of tools and
                  tooling systems for advanced metal cutting,       Adjusted operating profit,
                  expanding into digital and additive manufac-      MSEK and adjusted operating
                  turing.                                           margin, %1
                  SHARE OF REVENUES 38%                                                                                   %
                                                                    20,000                                                20
                                                                    15,000                                                18

                                                                    10,000                                                16
                  A leading developer and manufacturer of
                  advanced stainless steels, powder-based            5,000                                                14
                  alloys and special alloys for the most demand-
                  ing industries.                                         0                                               12
                                                                                  2016    2017    2018    2019     2020
                  SHARE OF REVENUES 16%
                                                                         Adjusted operating profit
                  SHARE OF ADJUSTED OPERATING PROFIT 7%                  Adjusted operating margin

                  SANDVIK ROCK PROCESSING SOLUTIONS                 Adjusted earnings
                   A leading supplier of equipment, service         per share, SEK1
                   and technical solutions for processing rock      12
                   and minerals in the mining and construction      10
                   SHARE OF REVENUES 7%
                   SHARE OF ADJUSTED OPERATING PROFIT 7%             6


                                                                         2016        2017    2018    2019        2020

                                                                    1) Adjusted for items affecting comparability

30   MEET SANDVIK #1–2021


                  We deliver drill rigs, rock-drilling tools and systems, mobile and stationary
                  crushers, load and haul machines, tunneling equipment, continuous mining
                  and mechanical cutting equipment, as well as service and various solutions
                  for increasing automation, safety and customer productivity.
                  SHARE OF REVENUES 40%

                  Our tools and tooling systems for metal cutting as well as advanced materials
                  and components are used in engineering industries worldwide, improving
                  productivity, profitability, quality and safety as well as reducing environmental
                  impact. We are also a global leader in high-alloy metal powder.
                  SHARE OF REVENUES 23%

                  Our tools and tooling systems for turning, milling and drilling in metals increase
                  productivity when manufacturing, for example, engines and transmissions. Our
                  stainless and high-alloy products are found in air conditioning and air bags,
                  among other things.
                  SHARE OF REVENUES 11%

                 We offer solutions for all forms of energy production, including clean and re-
                 newable energy. We supply high-alloy products, such as stainless steel tubes
                 for selected niches in the most demanding industries as well as tools and
                 tooling systems to satisfy the industry's metal-cutting needs.
                 SHARE OF REVENUES 10%

                  We offer products and services that increase safety and customer productivity
                  in breaking, drilling, crushing and screening within the construction industry.
                  Application areas include tunneling, quarrying, civil engineering, demolition and
                  SHARE OF REVENUES 8%

                  We work closely with the world’s aerospace companies. As they apply new
                  materials to manufacture airplanes that are lighter, safer and more fuel effi-
                  cient advanced tooling solutions and lightweight materials are critical.
                  SHARE OF REVENUES 5%

                                                                         MEET SANDVIK #1 –2021         31
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