Facts Helensville and Kumeu stores merge - PGG Wrightson

Page created by Andy Rhodes
Facts Helensville and Kumeu stores merge - PGG Wrightson
Helensville and Kumeu stores merge
                                                                                                                          Issue 259, September 2017

The Fruitfed Supplies branch in Kumeu
has merged with the PGG Wrightson Rural
Supplies branch in Helensville, with the
refreshed and expanded Helensville store
officially opened on 17 August.
A wider product range, the refreshed retail
store environment, easily accessible parking
and a larger team focused on customer
service are among the benefits that both
horticultural and farming customers can
expect at the revamped Mill Road store.
“We have operated the two stores in Kumeu
and Helensville for a number of years now,”
says Stephen Guerin, Group General Manager
– Retail & Water. “We first moved to Kumeu
in around 1987 from Henderson due to                   A wider product range is part of the expanded Helensville store
changing land use at that time. The Kumeu
store concentrated on our horticultural clients      of the area and knows many of our                        Leila Norton, who was based in Kumeu and
and an initially small pocket of lifestyle clients   customers. William participated in the 2017              Kate McKenzie from Helensville. Both were
while Helensville focused on the large rural         PGG Wrightson Academy programme, a select                finalists for the 2017 Northland customer
farming operations. Over the years, as land use      group of 16 customer service personnel from              services person of the year and Leila and Kate
around Auckland has continued to change,             across our entire New Zealand business who               look forward to working in the revamped
we have seen a reduction in horticultural            work through a professional development
                                                                                                              store with our other very capable customer
clients and an increasing number of lifestyle        programme and gain a national qualification.”
clients. Moving large trucks in and around                                                                    service personnel.”
Kumeu was also becoming challenging, as we           Richie Weightman, National Sales Manager
                                                     - Rural Supplies, adds: “Bringing the Kumeu              Craig Lamb says, being bigger, the new store
considered our responsibilities as a corporate                                                                has an expanded range of products and
citizen to the health and safety of our staff and    and Helensville teams together on one site
                                                     will strengthen our team’s ability to support            services. “It’s a great opportunity to blend our
customers. So the merger makes sense on a
                                                     customers around the north-west region. Our              staff, their knowledge and experience into one
number of levels.
                                                     technical field representative Joe Heng has              team to better service the wider region. We’re
Craig Trembath, Fruitfed Supplies                    been in the agriculture sector for over 30 years         also closer to the developing avocado region
Sales Manager, says: “On the horticultural           based in the Helensville region servicing                in Tapora at the top of the Kaipara Harbour.
side, Craig Lamb, with all his knowledge and         on-farm needs, and has particular strengths in           While there’s a small increase in distance
experience as our Area Sales Manager, takes          agronomy and animal health.                              to travel for our established clients around
on additional leadership responsibilities in the
                                                     “In-store, we know our customers will                    Kumeu, we will have delivery services in place
new store to help unite the combined team
and deliver excellent service for our customer       continue to enjoy excellent service from                 to assist.”
base. Craig also looks after a number of his
own clients around the region, alongside
Technical Horticultural Representative                    PGG Wrightson – Rural Supplies and
Steve Sherson.                                               Fruitfed Supplies Helensville

“We also welcome William Moss to the                            41B Mill Road, Helensville
Fruitfed sales team – William was part of                         Phone: 09 420 9412
Kumeu’s in-store customer service team and            Email: helensvillestore@pggwrightson.co.nz
now becomes a new Technical Horticultural             or HelensvilleFFStore@pggwrightson.co.nz
Representative. It’s great to be able to                                                                                                  The technical field team
                                                          Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm, Sat: 9am-12pm                                         (L-R): Joe Heng, Steve Sherson,
promote someone from within the business                                                                                          Craig Lamb and William Moss
as he already has a good understanding

           Fruitfed Supplies National Office | Phone: 09 448 0510 | www.fruitfed.co.nz | Fruitfed Supplies is part of PGG Wrightson Ltd

                                                                                                                         SEPTEMBER 2017 | FACTS NEWSLETTER           1
Facts Helensville and Kumeu stores merge - PGG Wrightson
Horticultural Property

Avocado property now on par with green
kiwifruit values
Avocado orchards have recently changed
hands at prices close to those currently
paid for green kiwifruit.
Andrew Fowler of PGG Wrightson Real Estate,
Tauranga, has marketed avocado properties
in the past few months selling for $450,000
per hectare, or approximately equivalent to
kiwifruit orchard values.
“As an example, we recently sold a highly
productive three canopy hectare Bay of Plenty
coastal avocado orchard, with 280 trees, for
$2.05 million. Three years ago, we sold the
same property for $1.3 million, which indicates
how demand is growing,” says Andrew.
“According to realestate.co.nz, the most
searched word on the site by Aucklanders
looking for property outside Auckland is
‘avocado’, which is a statistic that tells its own
                                                       Andrew Fowler, from PGG Wrightson Real Estate Tauranga,
story. Many people are looking to move to a            talks with clients about avocado properties
lifestyle property with a revenue stream.”
That revenue stream promises to become               3000 to 4500 trays per hectare last year, others     that period is longer than it is for kiwifruit.
more advantageous as Chinese consumers               only produced 500 trays. This year, at both          However, for the first time, people are
expand the already lucrative avocado market.         ends of the spectrum, production will be             debating whether to plant kiwifruit or
                                                     considerably lower. However, the return per          avocados. Some land will suit either, and
“While they are not traditionally part of the        export tray is expected to match last season.        kiwifruit is somewhat better at altitude,
Chinese diet, that is changing, with avocados                                                             though free draining coastal sites, with good
becoming more popular in China, and the              Trees in a traditionally laid-out, mature
                                                                                                          soil, and a night time spring temperature
industry’s marketers educating consumers             orchard require spacings of 15m x 15m, or
                                                                                                          of 16 or 17 degrees, enabling a pollination
on how to use them. As the potential market          approximately 50 trees per hectare. Orchards
                                                                                                          event if bees visit when both male and female
in China is huge, that connection is helping         reach that density progressively, and an initial
                                                                                                          flowers are out, are ideal for avocados.
stimulate interest in avocado,” Andrew says.         planting of 200 trees per hectare is normal.
                                                     Double grafted avocado trees are selling             “Katikati is traditionally the avocado heartland,
Although typically an avocado property               for $50 each, though demand is high and              and still is, though other districts are also
might feature a few hectares planted in              a waiting list to purchase trees to plant an         suited to growing them. With expansion
the South American rainforest native, the            orchard emphasises the current interest in           occurring, the Bay of Plenty has ample coastal
Northland district of Tapora is the site of much     avocados. Irrigation development and frost           land that would be perfect. Much of this
more substantial development. Scott Tapp of          protection are also factors when establishing        comprises Maori land blocks, including some
PGG Wrightson Real Estate, Wellsford, recently       an orchard.                                          in the heart of Tauranga, which are already in
transacted several Tapora properties.                                                                     development for avocados. Motiti Island in the
                                                     Andrew Fowler says there is scope to increase
“We have around half a dozen local avocado                                                                Bay of Plenty is well established, and Motuhoa
                                                     the land in avocado production.
growers, including some who are well                                                                      Island, between Matakana and mainland,
established. Within this group, we have              “Although trees produce after two years,             has some perfect growing sites, where the
recently seen some significant purchases of          it takes five to six years before you see a          chances of frost are slim,” Andrew says.
highly productive land that was previously           commercial return from avocados, and
used for dairy or beef finishing. Some
200 to 300 hectares in Tapora is now going
into avocados, with additional land also
potentially able to do so,” says Scott.
Significant variability from one year to the
next is an issue for avocado growers. One
prominent Bay of Plenty pack-house operator
reports its growers’ average yield was $52,000
per hectare last year and $47,500 per hectare
for export avocados. This year, however, crops
and returns are likely to be much lower. In
general, trees crop biennially, with an excellent
year tending to follow a poor year. Where
the better performing orchards produced
Facts Helensville and Kumeu stores merge - PGG Wrightson
New Product

The importance of foliar calcium
Low fruit calcium is associated with                           absorption and assimilation of the
reduced storage longevity, a higher                            foliar-applied nutrients
incidence of fruit rots, and poor fruit                      Product comparison
colour and eating quality. But achieving
good calcium content in fruit, particularly                  Following application of a calcium oxide
pipfruit, is often a challenge due to                        product, abundant insoluble residues can be
limitations in uptake and competition                        seen on the leaf’s surface under a microscope.
from vegetative growth.                                      The Brexil application is rapidly adsorbed and
                                                             does not leave residues on leaf.
To optimise fruit calcium content, a robust
foliar calcium programme is critical, says                                                                    Fig. 2: Effect of foliar calcium applications on fruit
Michael Hope, Valagro Pacific’s technical sales                                                               calcium content at thinning (30 g fruit weight), and
                                                                                                              harvest (160 g fruit weight)
manager for the lower North Island.
“Due to the relative immobile nature of                                                                          calcium content at thinning. As fruit grows,
calcium in plants, fruit calcium uptake from                                                                     the calcium, which is relatively immobile,
all sources (soil and foliar) can be relatively                                                                  is effectively diluted which is shown by
limited – only a portion of foliar applied                                                                       the fruit calcium content at harvest being
calcium will end up in the fruit,” Michael says.                                                                 significantly lower in both treatments.
“The form this calcium is applied in is also a                                                                   (Refer fig. 2)
factor in leaf and fruit penetration.”                                                                        • Fruit samples were taken at harvest for
                                                                                                                 assessment of fruit quality parameters and
Calcium uptake into the fruit is highest
                                                                                                                 expression of defects in storage.
during the early stages of fruit development
and quickly decreases as the fruit grows                                                                      • Fruit treated with the Brexil-Ca +
(refer fig. 1). The first 40 days represent the                                                                  calcium chloride programme had good
maximum absorption capacity of the fruit so it                                                                   quality parameters at harvest and after six
is important to take advantage of this period                  Oxide                                             and 12 weeks in storage. (Refer fig. 3)
to apply calcium to maximise fruit content.                                                                   • Fruit samples were then taken from trees
This supports the importance of applying a                                                                       with high or low fruit load; fruit were then
high uptake efficient calcium in the early cell                                                                  subjected to magnesium infiltration to
division period following full-bloom.                                                                            force expression of pit symptoms. The
Brexil-Ca is a foliar calcium product available                                                                  Brexil-Ca program had very low incidence
this season from Valagro Pacific. It offers high                                                                 of pit expression for both the high and low
efficiency of update through Valagro’s LSA                                                                       fruit loads.
technology, contains boron and is safe to use                                                                 In this trial, the Brexil Ca applied from petal-fall
throughout the crop cycle, particularly early                                                                 for the first five calcium applications showed:
season regarding fruitlet and leaf quality.
                                                                                                              • Higher fruit calcium content at thinning
Brexil Ca contains:                                                                                              and harvest
• 20% calcium                                                                                                 • Good internal pressure after six and
• 0.5% boron (AA free)                                                                                           12 weeks in storage
• LSA molecule which promotes                                                                                 • Low level of pit and blotch expression
  translocation at a cellular level and                                                                       Fruitfed Supplies research into calcium uptake
  maximises nutrient efficiency                                                                      Brexil   and product technologies will continue this
• Glucoside triterpins, which are natural                                                                     coming season.
  substances for enhancing the plant’s
                                                             2016-17 Calcium Trial - Fruitfed Supplies
                                                             • A block trial on Kanzi apples was treated
                                                               with 5x weekly applications from petal-
                                                               fall with either 3 kg/ha Brexil-Ca or 10
                                                               l/ha liquid calcium chloride. Regular
                                                               applications of liquid calcium chloride
                                                               were then made to all blocks for the rest of
                                                               the season.
                                                             • Fruit samples were taken at thinning time
                                                               and at harvest, with whole-fruit nutrient
                                                               analysis undertaken by RJ Hill Laboratories.
                                                             • Results showed that Brexil-Ca applied early
                                                               season, followed by calcium chloride later
                                                                                                              Fig. 3: Effect of foliar calcium applications on the level of
Fig. 1: Calcium uptake in Golden Delicious fruit over time     season, resulted in a higher average fruit     pit or blotch in storage.

                                                                                                                         SEPTEMBER 2017 | FACTS NEWSLETTER                3
Facts Helensville and Kumeu stores merge - PGG Wrightson
Tech-Know Tips

                      Research and development                                Senior technical advisor                                Technical advisor Sean
                      manager Kevin Manning                                   Tayah Ryan contributes                                  Gresham contributes Tech-
                      contributes Tech-Know Tips                              Tech-Know Tips for avocados,                            Know Tips for summerfruit
                      for pipfruit.                                           citrus and kiwifruit.                                   and wine grapes.

                      For further information on best practice pest and disease control, crop monitoring and nutrient testing,
                              please contact your local Fruitfed Supplies store or technical horticultural representative.

                                                           over flowering, and no sprays, regardless of       control of all mite lifecycle stages, including
                                                           type, should be applied during periods of bee      eggs. It is essential there is sufficient new
                                                           activity during the day.                           spring flush to support the uptake of
    Reminders for September                              »»September is a good time to optimise               Mit é mec (check PHIs before applying).
                                                           the nutritional status of your trees before
    »»Leading into harvest, make sure that leafroller      flowering starts. Yellowed foliage may
      population levels are low enough to                  indicate a nitrogen deficiency. Foliar
      ensure economic chewing damage doesn’t               nitrogen, e.g. Yara Safe-N or low-biuret urea
      occur. There are a number of control options         (max 0.5% biuret), may need to be applied. Add
      available, but you should always check with          magnesium sulphate to improve leaf greening
                                                           as required. Foliar boron should also be applied
      your exporter before applying chemicals close
                                                           to flower trusses and emerging spring growth.
      to harvest. Prodigy™ and Altacor® are very
                                                           Bortrac is a good option, and should be
      effective options and both have excellent
                                                           applied as per recommendations. Additionally,
      toxicology profiles on beneficial insects
                                                           consider an application of the soil boron
      (including bees). Prodigy also provides ovicidal
                                                           fertiliser OrganiBOR® in September, an effective
      activity. Proclaim® also has a good fit at this      slow-release fertiliser option.
      time of year for those nearing harvest, due
      to its short PHI. An effective surfactant must     Six-spotted mite populations start to
      always be used with Proclaim.                      increase rapidly in late-winter/early spring,
                                                         and cause stress to trees which need to
    »»The spring months are key periods for              reserve energy for flowering and fruit-set.
      protection against fruit rots. Continue            Excessive levels in spring can result in leaf
      to maintain a fungicide cover with                 drop. D-C-Tron® Plus Organic is a good
      copper products such as Kocide® Opti™              option at this time of year, particularly when
      or Tri-Base Blue®.                                 mixed with other agrichemicals. Once
    »»Be cautious of bee safety as we move into          flowering is finished, apply Mit é mec® plus
      flowering. Many insecticides cannot be used        D-C-Tron Plus Organic for highly effective                                         Adult six-spotted mite

                                                         Emerging leaves and septals are very                 Sercadis, provide excellent control of black
                                                         susceptible to infection so it is vital to start     spot and powdery mildew and due to their
                                                         your black spot protection programme                 translaminar and localised systemic activity,
    Reminders for September                              at the first sign of green tip on each apple         offer superior rainfastness and longevity of
                                                         variety. Early season best practice is to spray      protection. For post-infection reach-back,
    »»Powdery mildew infection reduces                   preventively every 5-7 days to protect the new       apply Score or Megastar with Polyram.
      photosynthetic productivity of the tree canopy     tissue that emerges each day.
      and can severely impede yields, especially         Syllit Plus is the ideal option for green tip
      on Envy, Gala strains, and Cox’s Orange. If        through to tight cluster due to its translaminar
      powdery mildew infections were a problem           movement in the leaf which aids spray
      last year, apply an effective powdery mildew       coverage and provides rainfastness. Syllit
      fungicide pre-bloom such as Talendo®, or           Plus is a good protectant and provides some
      Neptune®.                                          curative activity, but best results are achieved
    »»Hidden pests such as mealybug and scale            when applied before infection events. The
      overwinter among the tree structure and            uptake of Syllit Plus is not affected by cool
      begin to emerge and multiply in spring. Early      temperatures but does require three hours
      spring is the best time to target them when you    drying time.
      can achieve good coverage of the wood and          From green tip through flowering, Polyram
      control the young crawlers. The selective insect   provides the backbone of the protective
      growth regulator, Ovation® should be applied       programme and should be applied
      with oil or Boost penetrant.                       every 5-7 days preventively. Chorus, an
    »»If woolly apple aphids were a problem last         anilinopyrimidine (group 9) fungicide, is a
      season, apply oil in combination with Pirimor      good early option for Hawke’s Bay growers
      at late dormant or green tip.                      but is not suitable for black spot control in
                                                         other districts due to reduced sensitivity. The
    »»Begin your black spot fungicide programme          SDHI (group 7) fungicides, such as Fontelis or
      as soon as green tissue is present.                                                                                                      Green tip in apples

Facts Helensville and Kumeu stores merge - PGG Wrightson
                                                        Specialist seaweed products such as Calibra        is proven to be particularly active on bud
                                                        are also helpful during this time. Calibra has     rot in Hayward when applied early in the
                                                        been scientifically proven to assist with the      programme. Actigard contributes a unique
Reminders for September                                 uptake and distribution of nutrients to where      mode of action by improving the disease
                                                        they are needed.                                   resistance within the plant, and should ideally
»»Beware of frosts following bud-break.               Spring is arguably the most critical period for      be used at least once before flowering,
  Ideally, overhead water or Orchard-Rite®            Psa infection, and can result in significant         preferably in the high-risk period just after
  wind machines should be utilised for frost          issues in orchards not using an effective            bud-break. Be mindful that restrictions are in
                                                      spray programme. Research over the past              place around the number of and use periods
  fighting. Alternatively, consider applications
                                                      five years shows that there appears to be a          of bactericides and antibiotics – ensure you
  of low-biuret urea (
Facts Helensville and Kumeu stores merge - PGG Wrightson
                                                          crop loss and provides a source of inoculum          most summer fruit crops, Pristine has
                                                          for later in the season. This situation may          a 100% petal-fall PHI; on cherries, it is
                                                          also induce latent infections which result           allowed to be applied up to 1 day before
    Reminders for September                               in post-harvest crop losses even when                harvest. Cherry growers must choose
                                                          conditions are favourable later in the               to use Pristine either over the flowering
    »»Bacterial blast infections can be a serious         season. It is important to apply fungicides          period or pre-harvest period as resistance
      issue over the cool, wet spring period. Control     as soon as the flowers open. Systemic                management guidelines dictate it must
      bacterial blast with targeted applications of       products such as Chorus (only for peaches,           not be used during both growth periods.
      Key Strepto. Best results are achieved when         nectarines, and apricots) or Folicur offer the
      applied with a surfactant. Target periods when      best fit as they provide superior protection
      tissue damage is likely to have occurred such       of new tissue.
      as frost, hail, or high wind events.
    »»Monitor for thrips. If thresholds are exceeded,     For apricots, nectarines, peaches, and
                                                          plums, Pristine® is an excellent fit in the
      apply Mavrik Aquaflo. Although studies have
      shown that Mavrik Aquaflo is safe for bees, it is   mid-late bloom window. Pristine has
      advised that applications are not made while        high efficacy against brown rot and
      bees are actively foraging.                         Botrytis as well as very good persistence
                                                          and rainfastness. Both active ingredients
    »»Maintain fungicide covers for diseases over         in Pristine interfere with pre-infection
      the bloom period.                                   stages of disease development, so it
    Stonefruit flowers are extremely susceptible          should be applied preventively. For
    to brown rot and Botrytis infection. Warm             resistance management, do not make
    and wet conditions over bloom can result              more than two applications successively
    in blossom blight which results in direct             and a maximum of three in total. On                                                       A peach in flower

    Wine Grapes
                                                            protectant, but for high-disease pressure          a very good crop safety profile, with 99.2%
                                                            areas JMS Stylet oil provides curative activity    unsulphonated residue level, and our research
                                                            and contact protection.                            trials have shown it to be very effective for
    Reminders for September                               »»If significant wet events are predicted, apply     powdery mildew and erinose mite control
                                                                                                               early season.
    »»In blocks that had high mealy bug                     Dithane Rainsheild or copper to control
      populations last autumn, it is important              wet-weather diseases such as downy
      to control the overwintering population in            mildew, Phomopsis, and Botryosphaeria.
      the vineyard. Late dormant application of           Erinose mite can be a perpetual nuisance
      Tokuthion plus 1% oil is an excellent start to      pest which can cause significant defoliation,
      the mealybug control programme. Coverage            especially on young vines, if conditions are
      is very important, so aim to wet the entire vine    right. The mites’ feeding activity on the leaves
      and achieve penetration under the bark where        elicits a hypertrophic response, resulting
      mealy bugs are often found.                         in blister-like galling of the leaf blade. High
    »»When combining oil with insecticides in             infestations can inhibit growth and reduce
      a tank, remember to ensure the agitator is          photosynthetic function.
      switched on the whole time and add the oil          The first two sprays of the season are critical
      last when the spray tank is nearly full.            for good erinose mite control. Wettable
    »»Begin spraying for powdery mildew                   sulphur is effective under warmer conditions
      soon after buds emerge to protect the               that allow for volatilisation. Under cooler
      susceptible new tissue from infection. A            temperatures, a narrow-range oil such as JMS
      wettable sulphur such as Kumulus is a good          Stylet oil is a better option. JMS Stylet oil has                              A grape leaf with erinose mite galls

        Vegetable Tech-Know Tips
                                                          & Consultancy Ltd in 2012. This business             that BREXIT will have on UK potatoes, plant
                                Technical advisor         provides practical agronomy advice to                nutrition and the use of elicitors and chemical
                                Daniel Sutton             the growers of 4,400 ha of potatoes. John            control options soon to be available in the UK.
                                contributes Vegetable                                                          If Potatoes NZ are successful in getting John
                                                          provided an informative update on potato
                                Tech- Know Tips.                                                               back to the country to talk to growers, I would
                                                          production in the UK and the issues they are
                                                          currently facing. One of the key challenges is       highly recommend attending.
                                                          the management of potato cyst nematode               Immediately prior to the conference,
    Potatoes NZ held their biennial conference in         (PCN) which can significantly reduce crop            Potatoes NZ hosted an agronomist forum. This
    Pukekohe at the end of July. It was a chance          yields, and remain in the soil for many years.       event was attended by 90 people involved
    for potato growers, seed providers, processors        While nematicides are part of the control            in growing or providing agronomy advice
    and industry support businesses to gather             strategies, wider adoption of tolerant/resistant     including chemical and fertiliser application,
    and hear about market updates, research and           varieties could help manage PCN. John also           ground preparation, seed production, pest
    development, successes and the latest issues          talked about the use of precision farming            and disease identification, etc. It allowed good
                                                          to help reduce yield variability of potatoes,        discussion of issues such as the current status
    in the industry.
                                                          with good results seen with the adoption of          of tomato-potato psyllid and the threat it
    One highlight from the event was                      technology of yield mapping, EC mapping of           still creates to potato production across the
    guest speaker John Sarup, a UK-based                  paddocks, variable rate fertiliser, etc. John also   different regions of New Zealand, as well as
    agronomist who set up SPUD Agronomy                   covered other topics such as the influence           what information we require to continue to

Facts Helensville and Kumeu stores merge - PGG Wrightson
manage this key insect pest and the bacteria
it carries.
Some of the key messages were:
»»More information is required around the
  tracking of psyllid numbers and when a
  regional population becomes a vector of
  Liberibacter (hot vs. cold psyllid),
»»Controlling and maintaining protection of
  potato regrowth after desiccation is important
»»Spray choice, intervals and coverage, as
  part of an integrated pest management
  programme, need to be optimised to get the
  best level of control.
»»One comment from Potatoes CEO
  Chris Claridge was: “This is a snapshot of                               UK agronomist John       White potato cyst
  agronomists throughout the country feeding                            Sarup presenting at the     nematode (Globodera pallida)
  back directly from the field and preparing us                         Potatoes NZ Conference      [Credit: Bugwood.org]
  for the next season.”

   Vegetable Sector

Controlling club root in brassicas
Club root (plasmodiophora brassicae)               Nebijin has proven crop safety when            Please refer to the Etec Nebijin label
is a common, destructive disease of                applied to transplant trays at seeding         for application rates and talk with your
brassica crops worldwide. Above ground             as an added control measure providing          local Fruitfed Supplies representative for
the symptoms are stunted growth and                club root-controlled cells prior to            further advice.
wilted leaves, while below ground, the             planting.                                      Nebijin® is a registered trademark of Mitsui
soil-borne fungus causes abnormal                                                                 Chemicals, Japan. Du-Wett® is a registered
                                                   Best practice guidelines
tissue growth. Spores can remain viable                                                           trademark of Elliott Technologies Ltd, NZ. Confidor®
for 10 years or more, and can be moved             Broadcast application pre-transplant           is a registered trademark of Bayer CropScience.
                                                                                                  Bortrac® and Molytrac® are trademarks of Yara.
by wind, water or transfer of soil.
                                                   »» Apply evenly to a fine seedbed and          Ridomil® is a registered trademark of a Syngenta
The soil fungicide Nebijin 5SC®, based on            incorporate thoroughly into the top          Group Company.
the novel active ingredient flusulfamide,            10-15 cm of soil before planting
offers New Zealand growers a unique                Band drenching
chemistry to control club root with one
easy, affordable application. It’s been            »» Band should be 200 mm wide and
trusted by growers for more than 10 years            directly over the transplant row
to effectively control club root and works         »» High water volumes are crucial to get
by inhibiting germination of resting P.              good penetration into the soil
brassicae spores through adsorption onto
their cell walls.                                  »» Applications should be made
                                                     immediately post or at transplanting
“Nebijin offers cost effective club root
control,” says Pieter Van Der Westhuizen,
                                                   »» Apply water in a continuous stream to
                                                     treat 100 mm of soil on either side of
Etec’s northern regional manager.
                                                     each plant.
“It’s applied by band or spot drenching at
                                                   For other methods of treatment,
planting to the root zone, and can be used
                                                   contact your Fruitfed Supplies
on seeded and transplanted crops.”
                                                   representative for advice.
Peter notes that it is important to treat
crops with Nebijin immediately post-
planting or at transplanting before
plants become infected by the resting
club root spores.
Pieter adds: “Nebijin also offers flexibility
in that it’s compatible with a number of
systemic fungicides and insecticides which
may need to be applied at the same time.”
Nebijin has been tested in tank mixtures
with Confidor®, Bortrac®, Molytrac® and
Ridomil®, resulting in club root protection
as well as aphid, downy mildew and
Pythium control.                                                                                        A brassica showing symptoms of club root

                                                                                                              SEPTEMBER 2017 | FACTS NEWSLETTER          7
Facts Helensville and Kumeu stores merge - PGG Wrightson
Viticulture Sector

Start powdery mildew programmes earlier
than you think
Grant Hagerty, field services technical            These include:                                         powdery mildew infections
manager for BASF New Zealand, says a                                                                    »» Smaller lesions reducing spread of the
                                                   »» Start the programme earlier than you think
number of initiatives are being undertaken                                                                infection
to assist viticulturists with all aspects of       »» Keep spray intervals closer than before
agrichemical application.                                                                               »» Spores are effected immediately, reducing
                                                   »» Use the appropriate fungicide type –
                                                                                                          disease pressure
“Workshops held throughout the country               sulphur, protectant or eradicant
                                                                                                        Talk with your Fruitfed Supplies representative
have helped those who apply crop                   »» Calibrate spray equipment for the
protection products on wine grapes how to                                                               to find out more about how Vivando fits in
                                                     canopy architecture
interpret product labels, to ensure they apply                                                          your crop protection programme.
                                                   Grant adds: “Vivando fungicide, with its unique
the appropriate dose to the vine canopy,”
                                                   mode of action, is ideal for early season
says Grant.
                                                   application. It’s a protectant with translaminar
With the label on BASF’s powdery mildew            movement that is easily and quickly absorbed
fungicide Vivando®, for example, the primary       into the waxy cuticle layer of the leaf, so it’s
focus is to apply 20 ml of Vivando per             excellent if a rainfall event is pending. The
100 litres of water onto the canopy ‘to the        easy-to-use liquid formulation mixes well with
point of run-off’ and maintain that across         other products, and it can be used in a block
the whole block regardless of the ultimate         of two applications, or alternated with other
dose per hectare. That way all plant parts are     fungicides.”
adequately treated.
                                                   Vivando’s effect on powdery mildew:
Powdery mildew control depends on a small
                                                   »» Inhibits spore penetration into plant tissue        Powdery mildew on a grape leaf
number of actions that, when undertaken                                                                   [Photo: Yuan-Min Shen, Bugwood.org]
correctly, keep the disease out of the vineyard.   »» Assists in slowing the growth of existing

Improving wine quality with biostimulants
Previous trials have shown BioStart                Creasy says: “When I processed it, the treated       notes in the treated. The final wine again
Mycorrcin improves red wine quality.               fruit pressed off beautifully. The untreated had     showed chemical parameters that were very
Now a three-year BioStart trial on a               slipperier skins because they were less robust.      similar, but smell and taste were different.”
100 ha Sauvignon Blanc block in Awatere            As a result, the untreated fruit produced
                                                                                                        For Creasy it was an obvious difference that
Valley, Marlborough shows Mycorrcin and            double the juice lees when compared with
                                                                                                        cannot be explained by anything other than
Digester also improves white wine quality.         the untreated grapes.”
                                                                                                        what happened in the vineyard following
Geoff Warmouth, BioStart territory manager,        Each batch was treated exactly the same way          application of Mycorrcin and Digester. “It was
says: “BioStart was called in to help with         from fruit that had identical brix levels. Creasy    the same process, same rows and all wines
a block struggling with root disease. A            says: “When blind tasted, the fruit aromatics        were fermented in triplicate. So, what you see
three-year soil programme was put in place         were greener in the untreated and the wine           are real differences.”
to help alleviate vine death, help establish       seemed thinner and less balanced on the
                                                                                                        Mycorrcin can be applied from spring onward
new vine plantings and to improve overall          palate. The treated fruit had a richness going
                                                                                                        to the weed spray strips. Organic Mycorrcin,
soil and vine health. Digester was applied         through the palate.”
                                                                                                        with BioGro certification, is also available for
each year post-harvest to stimulate the
                                                   From a winemaker’s perspective, she says the         organic vineyards. Mycorrcin is compatible
breakdown of remaining root fragments and
                                                   untreated fruit flew through ferment. “It was        with commonly used herbicides, fertigation
prunings, thereby assisting with the removal
                                                   hard to hold back while the treated fruit just       nutrients and suspension fertilisers. For more
of disease inoculum.
                                                   ticked along. Both wines had nice aromatics,         information on Mycorrcin, call your local
Mycorrcin was applied in spring and summer         although there were obviously more tropical          Fruitfed Supplies field representative.
each year to stimulate mycorrhizal fungi
activity and other beneficial bacteria which
convert soil nutrients into nitrogen, sulphur
and phosphorous for the vines to use.
Mycorrhizal fungi also help improve moisture
retention, soil structure and have been found
to help build the plant’s defense mechanism
against root disease. This trial gave us the
opportunity to make microvins from the
treated and untreated areas.”
The fruit was harvested in April 2017 and
100 kg of treated and untreated fruit provided
to be made into microvins by independent                                     Independent oenologist       The Sauvignon Blanc block treated
oenologist, Kirsten Creasy of Creasy and Co.                         Kirsten Creasy, of Creasy and Co     with BioStart Mycorrcin and Digester

Facts Helensville and Kumeu stores merge - PGG Wrightson
Viticulture Sector

Avoid the bud-rubbing sore back
Bud removal on grapevines can be easier             “Shark can be used when the vines have buds       »» Suckers slower to grow back
on your back and potentially easier on              right through to suckers less than 30 cm          »» No trunk wounds to initiate next year’s
your budget.                                        long,” Pete notes. “Subsequent suckers may          suckers
                                                    emerge depending on vine age, variety, soil
The herbicide Shark®, when applied via a            fertility and occasionally re-treatment may       »» Shark use for dis-budding approved by
shielded sprayer, offers a reliable and effective   then be necessary. Shark kills only green           SWNZ (only with shielded sprayers)
alternative to bud-rubbing and has been used        tissue with fast and effective burn-off within
on many New Zealand vineyards for the past                                                            For more information on Shark herbicide as a
                                                    days. It leaves no residue in the soil or crop.   dis-budding tool, please talk with your local
8-9 years.                                          Applications are not affected by temperature      Fruitfed Supplies representative.
The cost of Shark dis-budding (chemical plus        and are rainfast within an hour.”
application cost) is still around 4-6 cents per                                                       Shark® is a registered trademark
                                                    The purpose-built formulation of Shark has a      of FMC Corporation, USA
vine, whereas contract bud-rubbing costs            unique adjuvant system to maximise control
have generally crept up a bit higher in the last    while reducing drift.
few years, says Pete de Jong, regional manager
for Etec Crop Solutions.                            Pete adds: “A number of growers are making
                                                    their own shielded sprayers and I have seen
“Shark is very cost effective and does a better     some very effective Kiwi ingenuity with
job than traditional hand-rubbing without           vineyard-built shielded sprayers.”
the labour hassles,” Pete says. “It controls the
early stages of buds forming which hand-            As well as cost savings, the other favourable
rubbing often misses and the consistent             attributes to using Shark for dis-budding are:
results may mean less passes through the
vineyard are required.”
                                                    »» Bonus control of weeds
                                                    »» Faster than bud-rubbing
A key to this process is the requirement for
Shark to be applied with a shielded sprayer         »» Huge labour saving
to minimise drift up into the desired               »» Avoiding sore backs                              An example of a shielded sprayer
canopy vines.
                                                    »» Reliable and consistent sucker control           suitable for Shark applications

Lime sulphur spreading can be improved
Lime sulphur is not an easy product                 lime sulphur on any winter disease carryover,     better erinose mite control. JMS Stylet Oil
to use and can be harsh on spray                    as well taking the product into bud scale areas   also has an excellent anti-sporulant activity
equipment. It has a very high pH at                 where erinose mites wait for the new season’s     stopping any powdery mildew flag leaf
its use rate of 7% concentration. Most              growth to develop. Clean-up of the sprayer is     infection from over-wintering spores in buds
adjuvants added to a high pH lime                   also easier.”                                     from spreading to other foliage. It will also
sulphur tank-mix would degrade quickly,                                                               improve control of any scale and mealy bugs.”
                                                    Etec trial work has showed good results with
rendering them ineffective.
                                                    water rates as low as 100 L/ha with 7 L/ha of     For more information on how Du-Wett
But without an effective spreader, it is very       lime sulphur. Growers have also successfully      Stainless or Organic JMS Stylet Oil work in
difficult to get lime sulphur spray droplets to     used Du-Wett Stainless with the reduced           your early season vineyard programme,
deposit or spread on cane wood, says Pete           water rates at the lime sulphur timing of up      please talk with your local Fruitfed
de Jong from Etec Crop Solutions. “Being an         to 14 days post bud-break and the rate of         Supplies representative.
early season clean-up option, lime sulphur          3.5% concentration.                               Du-Wett® is a registered trademark of Elliot
needs the best possible coverage to control                                                           Technologies Ltd, NZ. Organic JMS Stylet Oil® is a
                                                    Pete adds: “Trials also showed that two
any target pest or disease carryover from the                                                         registered trademark of JMS Flower Farms Inc, USA.
                                                    successive Organic JMS Stylet Oil® applications
previous season.”
                                                    after the lime sulphur application helped with
Du-Wett® Stainless is the only alkaline/acid
tolerant spreader available in New Zealand
that can be tank-mixed with products like lime
sulphur and allow the full spreading effects of
the adjuvant to occur.
“Being a super-spreader, Du-Wett Stainless
also offers the benefit of getting more
vineyard hectares covered by each spray
tank due to lower water rates per hectare,”
Pete says. “It reduces spray droplet bounce
and shatter, and increases the deposition on
difficult-to-wet canes and developing buds.
The addition of Du-Wett Stainless delivers
5-10 times more spreading of spray droplets
                                                                                                                              Woolly bud is the ideal time
than lime sulphur alone. Better spreading                                                                                     for lime sulphur application
means better coverage and greater efficacy of
                                                                                                                SEPTEMBER 2017 | FACTS NEWSLETTER            9
Facts Helensville and Kumeu stores merge - PGG Wrightson
Pipfruit Sector

Managing fungicide resistance in pipfruit

Fungicide resistance has been a major           have been greatly affected by resistance,                      tight cluster and petal-fall.”
factor in the evolution of pipfruit             with products such as Topas® and Systhane®
                                                                                                               SDHI fungicides (such as Seguris Flexi®)
fungicides to control black spot in             rendered obsolete in the programme due to
                                                                                                               can be used up to four times per season in
New Zealand.                                    shifts in sensitivity.”
                                                                                                               a block of two applications separated by
“However, with no new fungicide modes           Score WG® (difenoconazole) is now the main                     another chemical group, Paul says. “They
of action on the horizon, we need to be         DMI fungicide used for black spot control in                   must always be applied in mixture with a
very careful to protect the fungicides          New Zealand as it is still effective. “But Score               multi-site protectant fungicide, and should
we have today as we head into the               should not be used for fire-fighting when                      not be used in curative situations. Seguris Flexi
2017-18 growing season,” says Paul              disease has become established and must                        has excellent rainfast properties and can be
Hassan, solutions development lead for          always be applied in mixture with a multi-site                 applied in the spray programme up to 90%
Syngenta New Zealand.                           protectant fungicide. A maximum of four DMIs                   petal-fall.”
                                                can be made in extremely wet seasons, but
“Black spot is classified as high risk in                                                                      SDHI fungicides have a single-site mode
                                                only where there is no history of black spot
its propensity to develop resistance,”                                                                         of action, and are considered by FRAC to
                                                control failure following DMI applications or
says Paul. “When coupled with high risk,                                                                       be at medium-high risk of resistance. To
                                                where the property has a history of low DMI
single-site mode of action fungicides                                                                          prolong the effectiveness of SDHI fungicides
                                                use. Otherwise only two DMIs should be used
such as strobilurins (Fungicide Group 11),                                                                     growers must therefore use them strictly in
                                                in a season.
widespread resistance can develop which                                                                        accordance with current industry resistance
results in failure of products that once        “The relatively recent introduction of SDHI                    management guidelines.
provided excellent control of black spot.       fungicides (Fungicide Group 7) has been
                                                timely for the pipfruit industry, offering                     For more information on managing resistance in
“For anilinopyrimidine fungicides (Fungicide                                                                   pipfruit orchards, speak to your local Fruitfed Supplies
                                                reliable preventative control of black spot and                horticultural technical representative and refer to the
Group 9) such as Chorus®, black spot
                                                powdery mildew with a new mode of action.                      website: http://resistance.nzpps.org/
resistance has developed regionally. Chorus
                                                SDHIs have quickly become the foundation of
is no longer recommended for use against                                                                       [* Reference: Sensitivity of Venturia inaequalis to
                                                a modern preventative fungicide programme,                     Anilinopyrimidine fungicides determined in 2014
black spot in Tasman or Waikato, whereas
                                                particularly in the critical risk period between               survey]
in Hawke’s Bay where resistance is not as
widespread*, Chorus can still be used up
to two times per season in mixture with a
protectant fungicide.
“While Chorus should not be used for black
spot control if resistance is suspected, bear
in mind it also has a label claim for dry eye
rot (Botrytis species). It can therefore be
used across all growing regions from full
bloom to 90% petal-fall to help manage this
disease, particularly on susceptible open
sinus apple varieties.”
Paul adds that DMI fungicides (Fungicide
Group 3) have been the mainstay of
fungicide programmes for decades.
“One of the key features of DMIs is their
ability to reach-back to control early black
spot infection, as well offering some forward     Black spot is classified as a high risk disease due to its
protection. However, some DMI fungicides          propensity to develop resistance to fungicides

Pipfruit Sector

Aiming for consistent and reliable
apple thinning
The secret to successful apple thinning                      sent to fruit are directed to the largest and        systems and differing climates, and is
continues to be one of the most                              dominant king fruitlets at the expense of            approved for use on all apple varieties
discussed, and fiercely debated, aspects                     the others.                                          including those considered to be difficult
of orchard management.                                     »» The smaller fruitlets stop growing and drop         to thin.
Manual thinning is labour-intensive and,                     from the tree in 7-10 days, considerably             Global Brevis specialist Ton Besseling visited
as a result, costly. On the other hand, the                  quicker than with traditional thinners, while        New Zealand in August to talk to distributors
alternative, traditional, plant hormone-based                the larger fruitlets continue to thrive.             and growers about the latest research
chemical thinning, can be complicated.                     Lynne adds: “Because of its unique mode                findings. He explains: “Results globally
Temperature dependency and narrow                          of action, Brevis is much less temperature             show that Brevis simply delivers, repeatedly
application windows impact efficacy and,                   dependent than conventional thinners and               and with more consistent thinning results
thus, results can be inconsistent, unreliable              can be applied at temperatures between                 compared to traditional chemical thinners.
and unpredictable. Furthermore, with some                  10 and 25ºC. This avoids the uncertainty and           These findings are also backed up by trials
traditional thinners unfavourable weather                  guesswork needed with thinners that require            conducted locally in the last three seasons.”
conditions at application may adversely affect             consecutive days within a relatively narrow            A trial conducted on Envy in 2015/16, for
fruit finish.                                              temperature range for successful results.”             example, clearly demonstrated Brevis’s
Lynne Roberts, Adama commercial manager                    While less temperature dependent than                  advantages when compared to secondary
for the lower North Island, comments: “More                traditional thinners, pre- and post-application        thinners 6-benzyladenine (6-BA) and carbaryl.
often than not traditional chemical thinning                                                                      The trial block had two applications of primary
                                                           weather conditions can affect the strength of
has been hit and miss. What worked the                                                                            thinner ATS on 10 and 16 of October prior
                                                           the thinning response achieved with Brevis.
previous year might not work this year. The                                                                       to the trial commencing. Brevis was applied
                                                           Adama has established a comprehensive
success, or otherwise, of thinning used to                                                                        when king fruitlets were 8 mm, 6-BA and
                                                           understanding of the impact of weather and
come down a lot to weather conditions and                                                                         Carbaryl when king fruitlets were 12 mm.
                                                           thinning response through global trial work.
the ability to correctly predict them.”                                                                           Results show significant thinning differences
                                                           There are also other important ways that               (see fig. 1). Moreover, apples achieved higher
Lynne says that’s all about to change with                 Brevis helps reduce the weather’s part in the          fruit weights on average when sprayed with
Adama’s launch of Brevis, a revolutionary,                 equation. Lynne explains: “Fast-uptake means           Brevis as compared to traditional chemical
secondary fruit thinner that aims to provide               Brevis is rainfast within 2-3 hours. When              thinners (see fig. 2), without any adverse
some of the consistency, certainty and                     growers see an opportunity, they can act on            effects on fruit finish.
flexibility that New Zealand pipfruit growers              it. Orchard re-entry is possible after just three
have been looking for.                                                                                            Lynne comments: “Brevis has the potential
                                                           days. That means workers can be back in a
                                                                                                                  to change orchard management to put the
How Brevis works:                                          block more quickly and interruption to regular
                                                                                                                  emphasis more on achieving the productivity
                                                           orchard tasks is reduced.”
»» Rather than using synthetic plant                                                                              and quality growers want, and less on trying
  hormones, Brevis works by temporarily and                As Brevis is non-toxic to beneficial                   to second-guess the weather.”
  safely inhibiting photosynthesis. In simple              organisms, it provides an excellent fit for
                                                                                                                  Brevis is currently registered in 22 countries,
  terms, it mimics the effects of shading.                 IPM programmes. Furthermore, Brevis does               with more registrations being added
                                                           not negatively affect shoot growth or flower
»» Applied when fruitlets are 8-14 mm in                                                                          each year. For more information, talk
                                                           bud return.                                            to your Fruitfed technical horticultural
  size, Brevis reduces the production of
  carbohydrates by the tree. Remaining                     Brevis has been the subject of more than               representative.
  carbohydrates are sent to shoots rather                  600 trials worldwide covering multiple fruit           Adama and Brevis are registered trademarks of an
  than fruit. Those carbohydrates that are                 varieties, a range of orchard management               ADAMA Group Company.

Fig. 1: Effect of secondary thinners on fruitlet numbers on 9 December,                Fig. 2: Mean fruit weight on 12 April, Apple cv Envy, Nelson 2016
Apple cv Envy, Nelson 2015

                                                                                                                          SEPTEMBER 2017 | FACTS NEWSLETTER          11
Pipfruit Sector

Flexible pipfruit protection
DuPont™ Fontelis® fungicide continues             “Fontelis makes it easy to confidently deal with    before a third SDHI application. Fontelis
to feature in many New Zealand                    both diseases so it’s at the top of my toolbox      should always be tank mixed with a black spot
pipfruit spray programmes. The                    and is my go-to product.”                           protectant fungicide from a different mode of
Group 7 fungicide is established as an                                                                action group.
                                                  Fontelis can be applied from the very start
effective tool to use over flowering for
                                                  of flowering until the pre-harvest interval.        For further information on using Fontelis in
early-season protectant activity on black
                                                  This allows growers the flexibility to defer the    your spray programme, contact your local
spot and powdery mildew.
                                                  use of fungicides in other groups for disease       Fruitfed Supplies field representative.
However, timing is key, with early application    control later in the season. If other groups are    Always read and follow label directions.
in the flowering period being critical – it       used earlier in the season, the grower may
should certainly be used before any sign of       find the allowable number of applications           DuPont™ and Talendo® are registered trademarks or
                                                                                                      trademarks of DuPont or its affiliates.
black spot appears in the orchard.                have been reached while there remains a
                                                  need for those products.
Fruitfed technical horticultural representative
in Hastings Andy Davis says he has used           Fontelis is an SDHI (succinate dehydrogenase
Fontelis since it became available and has        inhibitor) fungicide; key to its performance is
always positioned it early in his programme –     its distinctive mode of action that stops the
over flowering.                                   growth of plant pathogenic fungi by blocking
                                                  respiration, depriving the fungus of the energy
“I have 100% faith in its performance for
                                                  needed to survive.
controlling both black spot and powdery
mildew,” Andy says. “The flowering period         For resistance management, all SDHI
can often be wet and tree growth is quick,        fungicides are considered to be in the same
and I’m absolutely confident in the cover         cross-resistance group, ensure no more than
and length of control that Fontelis provides.     four SDHI applications, in mixtures, are made         Flowering is an important
It creates space to apply chemical thinners       per season. Only two applications should be           period for black spot and
and growth regulators at a time that is often     made in succession, after which an alternative        powdery mildew control
very congested.                                   mode of action fungicide should be applied

Selecting options for early to mid-season
powdery mildew control
DuPont™ Talendo® fungicide provides               Talendo is also an excellent option for varieties   the plant and the infection stops, nor can
effective control of powdery mildew in            that are especially prone to powdery mildew,        spores departing from a treated plant infect
pipfruit from open cluster.                       Andy says.                                          other plants. It also protects against secondary
                                                                                                      infections, keeping the crop cleaner for longer.
Talendo is in a different class of chemistry      Talendo works by inhibiting spore
from many other powdery mildew                    germination and stopping the spread of viable       It is also IPM-friendly, being soft on beneficials,
fungicides, with a different mode of action,      powdery mildew spores. As such, applying            earthworms and honey bees.
so is a very useful rotational tool. Where        Talendo preventatively is very important for        Always read and follow label directions.
cover for black spot is already in place, and
                                                  achieving the best level of protection from the     DuPont™ and Talendo® are registered trademarks or
powdery mildew is being targeted, growers
                                                  chemistry. Treated spores cannot penetrate          trademarks of DuPont or its affiliates.
can apply Talendo strategically and save
other fungicides for use when conditions
dictate broader spectrum protection.
Andy Davis, a Fruitfed technical horticultural
representative in Hastings, uses Talendo
in pipfruit protection programmes for his
growers from open cluster onwards.
“Talendo is a very good powdery mildew
product. I use it early to strengthen our
programme for powdery mildew control and
save other chemistry such as SDHIs and DMIs
to target black spot.
“If conditions are favourable for powdery
mildew, I will also use Talendo post-flowering
rather than using a DMI as I have greater
                                                                                                                                                 Open cluster
confidence in it.”

Industry News

Reworking orchards needs top
grafting protectant
With a waiting list for apple trees in many              The effective changeover of kiwifruit, pipfruit,        good take of the scion wood.
fruit growing regions until 2020, growers                stonefruit and grape varieties through grafting      »» Elasticity – the seal stretches as the plant
are opting to rework existing blocks to                  can be compromised by fungal pathogens                  grows without cracking or splitting.
newer varieties offering higher returns.                 entering the graft. Any resultant disease can
                                                         lead to low production or tree and vine death.
                                                                                                              »» Dries quickly after rain or in slow drying
The pruning and grafting protectant                                                                              conditions which suits inclement spring
PruneTec has been available in New Zealand               “The correct choice of grafting sealant is              grafting weather.
for the past three years, and according to               imperative, as is proper attention to the            »» Demonstrate marked longevity as a sealant
sales manager Bruce Gemmell, has claimed                 grafting process is vital to orchard and                the following year after application.
the top spot for a protectant for horticultural          vineyard success.”
                                                                                                              »» Does not cause a burning effect on scion
grafting applications.                                   PruneTec’s features as a grafting protectant:           wood.
“As they change pipfruit varieties and kiwifruit         »» Specially formulated and approved for             »» Easy to apply without the normal wastage
cultivars, growers are turning to PruneTec                 grafting situations.                                  of many wound protectants used on
as the preferred proven product for grafting                                                                     orchards or vineyards.
their new orchard blocks,” says Bruce.                   »» Provides lasting wound protection
                                                           around the graft union and wound,                  »» Distributed in the only grafting and wound
“Understandably, they want a product that
                                                           enabling rapid callusing, ensuring fewer              dressing product container that that is
can be depended on to protect the new graft
                                                           failures and tree shock.                              accepted by Ag-Recovery.
and get the tree or vine back into production
as quickly as possible. Six figure returns               »» Creates a strong bond around the graft and        PruneTec is available exclusively from Fruitfed
in both kiwifruit and apples, dictate a fast                                                                  Supplies and is available in all stores in two and
                                                           initiates tissue callusing to protect against
                                                                                                              10-litre containers.
turnaround when changing variety or cultivar.”             disease and ensuring good contact and a

    A Nelson trial showed PruneTec had by far the greatest wound seal integrity compared to other products       PruneTec on pipfruit graft

Young Viticulturist finalists
Congratulations to the regional winners of the 2017 Bayer Young Viticulturist of the Year competition.
The five pictured here have just competed against Anton Luiten, the Hawke’s Bay winner from Selaks/Constallation Brands at the national final
held in conjunction with the Romeo Bragato conference in Marlborough at the end of August.

               Central Otago:     Marlborough:                              Wairarapa:                                    Nelson:     Auckland/Nthland:
           Annabel Bulk from      Anthony Walsh from                     Ben McNab-Jones                         Laurie Stradling     Tim Adams
           Felton Road Wines      Constellation Brands                   from Urlar Estate                   from Kaimira Estate      from Obsidian Winery

                                                                                                                       SEPTEMBER 2017 | FACTS NEWSLETTER           13
Kiwifruit Sector

Ensure a robust Psa protection programme
With green tip almost here, now is the time        “Complete spray coverage is essential for          throughout the season. However, applications
to protect kiwifruit vines from Psa with           disease control so applications should be          during the flowering period should be
judicious applications of DuPont™ Kocide®          made with well maintained, accurately              avoided – as with any fruit-sensitive period.
Opti fungicide/bactericide.                        calibrated spray equipment, at a suitable
                                                                                                      For further information regarding rates,
                                                   water rate for the canopy size, which will
Copper is the cornerstone of the protectant                                                           especially when concentrate spraying, and
                                                   increase as the season proceeds,” Raeleen says.
spray programme against Psa, with                                                                     Psa management, please contact your local
Kocide Opti one of the options preferred by        “Regular applications of Kocide Opti are           Fruitfed field representative.
growers, says upper North Island territory         important to ensure the plant surfaces             DuPont™ is a trademark of DuPont or its affiliates.
manager for DuPont, Raeleen Watherston.            remain protected when the plant is actively        Kocide® is a registered trademark of Kocide LLC.
                                                   growing, especially in the spring. Wet
Kocide Opti has consistently proven to be
                                                   weather will remove a certain amount
effective against Psa in numerous field studies,
                                                   of copper from the surface so repeat
even under very high disease pressure, when
                                                   applications should be made.
used at the recommended application rate.
These studies have also shown that three           “It is also very important to apply Kocide Opti
things remain critically important for getting     at registered rates of 70-90 g per 100 litres of
the best out of Kocide Opti:                       water. Applications below registered rates may
                                                   compromise Psa control in the orchard.”
»» coverage;
»» repeat applications timed to                    Kocide Opti should be used as part of a
  weather events;                                  Psa management programme. With its full
                                                   registration, it can be applied as a protectant
»» applications made according to the label.

Proven tool in the Psa toolbox
Actigard was one of the first products             the Psa spray programme, when the crop             foundation for Psa control over the critical
to be approved in New Zealand to help              biomass is rapidly growing and leaf tissues        spring period.
kiwifruit growers combat the bacterial             are highly susceptible to Psa infection.
                                                                                                      Paul adds: “Syngenta has made a considerable
pathogen Psa. It has a mode of action              Because it can take 4-7 days to fully activate     investment in local R&D studies to prove the
that’s very different to conventional              the plant, a protectant bactericide, or copper,    crop safety of up to three spring applications
contact bactericides, working inside the           should be mixed with 200 g/ha of Actigard          of Actigard. Actigard’s crop safety was put
vine to stimulate its natural self-defence         to ensure immediate protection prior to wet        under the microscope in the 2015-16 season
against Psa, via a response known as               weather events.                                    with seven independent trials run across
systemic acquired resistance (SAR).
                                                   A second application of 200 g/ha                   Pukekohe and Bay of Plenty. No adverse
Although Actigard is not a new product             of Actigard at 7-10 days prior to the              effects on vigour or yield were observed,
(introduced by Ciba-Geigy in Germany and           commencement of flowering will help                even when a double label rate was used. So
Switzerland in 1996), knowledge gains are          protect the crop from infection into the           growers can be confident that Actigard, when
still being made about its active ingredient,                                                         used according to the label, is both safe to the
                                                   flowering period, when other control
acibenzolar-S-methyl. It is now known that                                                            crop and effective against Psa.”
                                                   options are very limited. These two
once Actigard is taken up by the plant and
                                                   applications of Actigard in a programme            For more information on Actigard, contact
quickly metabolised to its active form, it
                                                   prior to flowering, along with the other Psa       your local Fruited Supplies technical
is highly systemic within both the xylem
                                                   management inputs, form a very strong              horticultural representative.
and phloem. The elicitation signalling is
cell-to-cell as it moves in different directions
through the plant to help immunise it
against disease infection.
Solutions development lead for Syngenta
in New Zealand, Paul Hassan explains the
significance of this special product attribute:
“It’s a game changer for early season Psa
management because it means Actigard
can move into both expanding leaves and
newly-produced leaves, to help protect the
entire shoot from Psa infection. No other
product currently available for Psa control in
kiwifruit can offer this level of protection.”
This two-way systemic activity, combined
with proven performance, gives Actigard a
very good technical fit in the early part of

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