SAN GABRIEL - Inside 2023
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DISCOVER FA L S L I SU E CIT Y NEWS & ACTIVITIES 2023 • UE • F A L L I S S Inside PAG E 3 City News PAG E 7 Noticias de la Ciudad PAG E 1 1 市府新聞
What’s Inside the Guide 03 07 11 13 City News Noticias de la Ciudad 市府新聞 San Gabriel Library / Swim with SGSG 17 19 20 21 Mission Playhouse Activities Guide Youth Programs Youth & Adult Events Classes 26 28 30 31 Senior Programs Senior Trips City Facility Map City Calendar CITY RESOURCES Animal Control LA County 562-940-6898 Mental Health Hotline 899 Building Permits/Building Inspection 308-2806 Mission Playhouse 308-2865 Business License 308-2812 Parking Permit 308-2812 City Clerk 308-2816 Passports 308-2875 City Council 308-2803 Police, Non-Emergency 308-2828 City Manager’s Office 308-2803 Public Records 308-2816 Code Enforcement 308-2806 Public Works/Street Maintenance 308-2825 Community Development/Planning 308-2806 RideSG 308-2875 Community Services/Recreation 308-2875 SCHOOL DISTRICTS Crime Prevention/Neighborhood Watch 451-5455 Garvey School District 307-3400 Emergency – Fire, Police & Medical 911 San Gabriel Unified 451-5400 Finance 308-2812 UTILITIES Fire, Non-Emergency 308-2880 SoCal Gas 877-238-0092 Graffiti Hotline 308-2825 SoCal Edison 800-655-4555 Humane Society 286-1159 Water Companies Resource 308-2825 Library 287-0761 CITY COUNCIL CONNECT WITH US John R. Harrington Mayor /CityofSanGabriel Emergency: John Wu Vice Mayor @SanGabrielCity e-Newsletter: Eric Chan Councilmember @SanGabrielCity WeChat ID: @SanGabrielCity Tony Ding Councilmember Denise Menchaca Councilmember
City News SAVE THE DATE FOR THIS YEAR’S Dumpling and Beer Festival! M ark your calendars for San Gabriel’s annual Dumpling and Beer Festival to be held on Friday, breweries. Food may be purchased from participating food trucks and vendors. October 6 from 6pm – 10pm in the Dumpling and Beer Festival is an event historic Mission District. This popular for the entire family! In addition to event is attended by thousands of delicious food and refreshing beer, the visitors from throughout Southern event will feature live entertainment and California who come to sample just some activities for children. of the San Gabriel Valley’s dumpling eateries and enjoy a variety of craft Catch a sneak peek of the vendor beers from the region’s breweries. line-up and see what else is in It’s free to attend the event and beer- store for this year’s festival at sampling wristbands are available for Tickets purchase, which will offer attendees go on sale on September 8. See you on unlimited access to sample as many craft October 6! beers as they’d like from participating FALL 2023 /3
City News FY23/24 Annual Paving Update Now through June 2024, the city will have $1.7 million to spend on paving and repairing its streets and roads. We’ve had larger budgets over the past two years to fix the city’s bad streets and are pleased to share that the citywide Pavement Condition Index rose from 62/100 to 82/100 over the past four years, the highest score out of all surrounding cities indicating our streets are in the best condition among other communities. Two of our major paving priorities are: We are working with Metro to complete plans to reconstruct While we are returning to an average • Broadway and Walnut Grove: three of Valley Boulevard’s major budget amount for street paving, we will Some of our worst-condition streets intersections. Paving work on Valley continue to strive to keep our streets include Broadway and Walnut Blvd should begin in 2024. and alleys in the best conditions possible. Grove, which are partially owned by We’ll work to incorporate used car tire LA County. We are participating in We realize that having good streets rubber into asphalt used for paving our a joint agency paving project led by is important for our residents and residential and commercial streets, which LA County to fix these streets. This businesses. We currently have the provides a smoother and quieter ride project is in design and construction highest street-condition score compared as well as provides additional strength may begin in about a year. to our adjacent cities and plan to keep and flexibility that will help reduce future • Valley Boulevard: Another street that coveted status. cracking. in need of attention is Valley Blvd. Budget Update Our budget continues to recover to The 2014 $7.8 million loan for the public The 2014 $7.8 a healthy state, leading to substantial works building was paid off early in improvements and a notable increase in March 2023, after City Council analyzed million loan for our savings, compared to the past few the financial impacts and looked at the the public works years. amount we will save from interest costs building was paid and debt service expenditures. This We will continue to be conservative in move will help us reduce our financial off early in March our financial efforts, while exploring liability and put us in a stronger and 2023. ways to put us in a stronger and healthier healthier financial situation. financial situation, such as: 4\DISCOVER SAN GABRIEL
PUBLIC SAFETY NEWS OUR BUDGET CONGRATUL ATIONS TO for Fiscal Year 29 NEW MEMBERS JOINING THE 2023-24 Community Emergency Thank you for everyone who participated in our budget process Response Team via our online survey and in-person community meeting this year! We are Five San Gabriel residents and 24 students from San Gabriel High School’s grateful for your responses and shared EMS Horizons program recently completed the rigorous Community your input with the City Council for their Emergency Response Team (CERT) training program. Congratulations on consideration. We’re glad to report that joining CERT and becoming a resource for your families, neighbors and our priorities are aligned in many ways the San Gabriel community! and that this coming year’s budget will reflect many of your suggestions. Taught by San Gabriel Fire Engineer Takahiro Suzuki and local firefighters, the CERT training program prepares local communities for disasters and The budget for fiscal year 2023-24 was trains them in basic first responder skills such as fire safety, search and approved and adopted on June 6. rescue and disaster medical operations. When a widespread disaster such as a large-scale earthquake happens, CERT members are an important Our general fund is estimated to resource for our community when the fire department and other first have a surplus of $642,000, with responders become overwhelmed during the initial response stage. revenues estimated at $51,585,000 and expenditures estimated at $50,943,000. The CERT concept was first developed by the Los Angeles City Fire Department in 1985 and became a national program in 1993. The 1987 This upcoming year’s budget will focus major Whittier Narrows earthquake confirmed the need for training on priorities such as: residents so that they can be prepared to handle their immediate needs. Currently, there are over 2,700 CERT programs nationwide and more than Improve the city’s website 600,000 people are CERT trained nationwide. Introduce a user-friendly app We highly encourage those interested to become CERT trained! The San to improve communication and Gabriel Fire Department offers free CERT Training on a quarterly basis and responsiveness is preparing for the next class this summer. For more information, contact Engineer Takahiro Suzuki at 626-308-2880 or at Add a sworn police officer position Add or improve our special events Improve parks Add $642,000 to the City’s rainy day fund Pay down our major liabilities with $250,000 Replace leaking roofs at Fire Station 51 and other city facilities FALL 2023 /5
PUBLIC SAFETY NEWS MEET YOUR Community Engagement Officers S an Gabriel Police Department is taking strides toward building strong community connections and has expanded its Community Engagement Bureau this year. Focused on the four-person bureau is based out of the San Gabriel Unified School District building and work alongside school officials from San Gabriel Unified School District and Garvey School District educational and preventive work in the community, the to educate children in a safe and engaging environment. They Community Engagement Bureau is unlike other bureaus also work closely with the business community and provide within the police department. Consisting of the School and training and presentations on disorderly conduct, municipal Community Engagement Team and the Mental Evaluation Team, code violations and other non-violent issues and nuisances. Meet Sergeant Nhat Huynh! Meet Crime Nhat is the new head of Prevention Officer the bureau and oversees Stacy Gutierrez! the police department’s community liaison and Stacy is responsible relation efforts. He for our neighborhood ensures the community watch program to build stays up to date on any strong community major incidents. He is networks, updating the also the voice behind the website and compiling police department’s social our crime statistics. She media channels and enjoys loves spending time at our reading to local students in the local schools and sharing with community. students about SGPD’s work. Say hello to School Meet Mental Community Evaluation Team Engagement Officer Cecily Team Officer Ramirez Dane Mental Evaluation Team Woolwine Officer Cecily Ramirez provides mental health services to those in Dane is often at local need in our community school events, mentoring and works closely with LA students, providing career County to provide mental guidance and training school health and homelessness officials on critical incident resources. training. 6\DISCOVER SAN GABRIEL
Noticias de la Ciudad RESERVE L A FECHA PARA EL Festival de Dumplings y Cerveza de este año M arque en su calendario la fecha del Festival anual de Dumplings y Cerveza de San Gabriel que se celebrará puede comprar comida en los camiones de comidas y puestos de venta participantes. el viernes 6 de octubre, de 6 p.m. a 10 p.m. en el histórico Distrito de la Misión. ¡El Festival de Dumplings y Cerveza es un A este popular evento asisten miles de evento para toda la familia! Además de la visitantes de todo el Sur de California, deliciosa comida y la refrescante cerveza, que vienen a probar algunos de los el evento contará con entretenimiento sitios para comer dumplings del Valle en vivo y actividades para los niños. de San Gabriel y a disfrutar de una gran variedad de cervezas artesanales de las Eche un vistazo a los puestos de venta cervecerías de la región. El evento es que sirven dumplings y cerveza, averigüe gratuito, y se pueden comprar brazaletes cuándo salen a la venta las entradas y vea de degustación de cerveza que les qué más ofrece el Festival de Dumplings permitirán a los asistentes tener acceso y Cerveza de este año visitando ilimitado para probar tantas variedades ¡Nos de cervezas artesanales como deseen vemos el 6 de octubre! en las cervecerías participantes. Se FALL 2023 /7
Noticias de la Ciudad ACTUALIZACIÓN ANUAL DEL ASFALTADO Dos de nuestras principales prioridades para el año fiscal 2023/24 de asfaltado son: • Broadway y Walnut Grove: algunas de nuestras calles en peores condiciones incluyen Broadway y Walnut Grove, que son propiedad parcial del condado de LA. Estamos participando en un proyecto de asfaltado conjunto entre agencias liderado por el condado de LA para reparar estas calles. Este proyecto está en etapa de diseño y la construcción puede comenzar en aproximadamente un año. • Valley Boulevard: otra calle que necesita atención es Valley Desde ahora y hasta junio de 2024, la Si bien estamos regresando a un Blvd. Estamos trabajando con ciudad tendrá $1.7 millones para utilizar monto de presupuesto promedio para Metro para completar planes para en el asfaltado y la reparación de sus el asfaltado de calles, continuaremos la reconstrucción de tres de las calles y caminos. En los dos últimos esforzándonos para mantener nuestras principales intersecciones de Valley años, hemos tenido presupuestos más calles y callejones en las mejores Boulevard. El trabajo de asfaltado grandes para reparar las calles de la condiciones posible. Trabajaremos para en Valley Blvd debería comenzar en ciudad que están en malas condiciones incorporar caucho de neumáticos de 2024. y nos complace compartir que el Índice automóviles usados al asfalto que se de condición del asfaltado en toda la utiliza para pavimentar nuestras calles Sabemos que tener calles en buenas ciudad creció de 62/100 a 82/100 en los residenciales y comerciales, ya que condiciones es importante para nuestros últimos cuatro años, la cifra más alta de esto hace posible un andar más suave residentes y negocios. Actualmente todas las ciudades vecinas, lo que indica y silencioso, y también proporciona tenemos el puntaje más alto en condición que nuestras calles están en las mejores resistencia y flexibilidad adicionales que de las calles en comparación con nuestras condiciones en comparación con otras ayudarán a reducir el agrietamiento ciudades aledañas, y planeamos mantener comunidades. futuro. esa codiciada posición. Actualización Continuaremos con el enfoque El préstamo de $7.8 millones conservador en nuestros esfuerzos del presupuesto financieros, mientras analizamos de 2014 para el edificio de obras públicas se canceló a de la ciudad maneras de ubicarnos en una situación financiera más sólida y saludable, a saber: principios de marzo de 2023 Nuestro presupuesto continúa El préstamo de $7.8 millones de 2014 recuperándose a un estado saludable, lo para el edificio de obras públicas se costos de intereses y gastos de servicio que deriva en mejoras sustanciales y un canceló a principios de marzo de 2023, de deuda. Esta medida nos ayudará a notable aumento de nuestros ahorros en después de que el consejo municipal reducir nuestra obligación financiera y comparación con los últimos años. analizara los impactos financieros y nos colocará en una situación financiera observara el monto que ahorraremos en más sólida y saludable. 8\DISCOVER SAN GABRIEL
PRESUPUESTO PARA EL FELICITACIONES A LOS próximo año 29 NUEVOS MIEMBROS QUE SE UNEN AL fiscal Equipo de Respuesta ¡Agradecemos a todas las personas que participaron en nuestro proceso a Emergencias de la de presupuesto a través de nuestra encuesta en línea y la reunión comunitaria Comunidad presencial este año! Agradecemos sus respuestas y compartimos sus opiniones Cinco residentes de San Gabriel y 24 estudiantes del programa EMS con el consejo municipal para que las Horizons de la escuela secundaria de San Gabriel recientemente tengan en cuenta. Nos complace informar finalizaron el estricto programa de capacitación del Equipo de Respuesta que nuestras prioridades están alineadas a Emergencias de la Comunidad (Community Emergency Response Team, de muchas maneras y que el presupuesto CERT). ¡Felicitaciones por unirse al CERT y convertirse en un valioso del próximo año reflejará muchas de sus recurso para sus familias, vecinos y la comunidad de San Gabriel! sugerencias. El programa de capacitación del CERT es impartido por el ingeniero de El presupuesto para el año fiscal 2023-24 protección contra incendios de San Gabriel Takahiro Suzuki y bomberos se aprobó y se adoptó el 6 de junio. locales, y prepara a las comunidades locales para desastres y las capacita en habilidades básicas de respuesta inicial, como seguridad contra Se estima que nuestro fondo general incendios, búsqueda y rescate, y operaciones médicas ante desastres. tiene un excedente de $642,000, con Cuando ocurre un desastre generalizado, como un terremoto de gran ingresos estimados en $51,585,000 y magnitud, los miembros del CERT son un recurso importante para nuestra gastos estimados en $50,943,000. comunidad cuando el departamento de bomberos y otros socorristas están desbordados durante la etapa de respuesta inicial. El presupuesto del próximo año se centrará en prioridades tales como: ¡Alentamos a las personas que estén interesadas a recibir la capacitación del CERT! El Departamento de Bomberos de San Gabriel ofrece Renovar el sitio web de la ciudad capacitación gratuita del CERT en forma trimestral y se está preparando para la próxima clase este verano. Para obtener más información, Presentar una aplicación de fácil comuníquese con el ingeniero Takahiro Suzuki al (626) 308-2880 o por uso para mejorar la comunicación y la receptividad correo electrónico a Agregar un puesto de oficial de policía bajo juramento Agregar o mejorar nuestros eventos especiales Mejorar los parques Agregar $642,000 al fondo de emergencias de la ciudad Pagar $250,000 de nuestras obligaciones principales Reemplazar techos con goteras en la Estación de Bomberos 51 y en otras instalaciones de la ciudad FALL 2023 /9
Noticias de la Ciudad CONOZCA A LOS Funcionarios de Compromiso Comunitario E l Departamento de Policía de San Gabriel (San Gabriel Police Department, SGPD) está avanzando en el desarrollo de sólidas conexiones con la comunidad y este cuatro personas y se ubica en el edificio del Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Gabriel. Trabaja junto con las autoridades escolares del Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Gabriel y año ha ampliado su Oficina de Compromiso Comunitario. el Distrito Escolar de Garvey para educar a niños y niñas La Oficina de Compromiso Comunitario está enfocada en el en un entorno seguro y estimulante. También trabaja trabajo educativo y preventivo en la comunidad, y es diferente estrechamente con la comunidad de negocios y ofrece de otras oficinas del departamento de policía. La oficina capacitación y presentaciones sobre alteración del orden está compuesta por el Equipo de Compromiso Escolar y público, infracciones del código municipal, y otras cuestiones Comunitario y el Equipo de Evaluación Mental; en ella trabajan y situaciones no violentas. ¡Conozca al Sargento Nhat Huynh! ¡Conozca a la oficial Nhat es el nuevo director de la oficina y supervisa de prevención de los esfuerzos de enlace delitos Stacy y relaciones con la comunidad del Gutierrez! departamento de web y compila nuestras policía. Garantiza estadísticas delictivas. que la comunidad se Le encanta pasar el mantenga actualizada tiempo en nuestras sobre cualquier incidente escuelas locales y de importancia. También compartir con los es la voz detrás de los estudiantes el trabajo del canales de redes sociales SGPD. del departamento de policía y disfruta leerles a los estudiantes locales de la comunidad. Salude al oficial ¡Conozca a la del Equipo de Oficial del Equipo Compromiso de Evaluación Escolar y Mental Cecily Comunitario Ramirez! Dane La Oficial del Equipo Woolwine. de Evaluación Mental Cecily Ramirez proporciona A menudo Dane servicios de salud está presente en los mental a las personas eventos escolares locales de nuestra comunidad asesorando a los estudiantes, que los necesitan, y trabaja ofreciendo orientación estrechamente con el condado profesional y capacitando a las de LA para proporcionar recursos autoridades escolares sobre de salud mental y recursos para incidentes críticos. personas sin hogar. 10 \ D I S C O V E R SAN GABRIEL
市府新聞 如欲了解更多市府资讯, 请参考我们的微信 今年的餃子啤酒節將於 認識您的社區鄰里警察小組 10 月 6 日舉行 聖蓋博警察局一直努力跟居民建立 互協互助的關係,並 門票即將發售 於今年擴大了其社區鄰里小組。社區鄰里小組專注於社區 的教育和預防工作,由學區校團隊以及心理評估團隊的四 聖蓋博的年度餃子啤酒節將於 10 個人組成,並在聖蓋博聯合學區大樓設立辦公室,密切與 月 6 日星期五下午 6 點至晚上 聖蓋博市多個學區的學校官員合作,在安全且快樂的環境 10 點在歷史悠久的古城區舉行。 中與學童互動及灌輸防止犯罪意識。小組也與商界密切合 大家可品嚐聖蓋博谷的餃子餐館 作,就妨害治安、違反市政法規和其他非暴力問題與滋擾 並暢享各種精釀啤酒。大家無需 問題提供培訓和演講。 門票進入活動場地去購買及享受 各種餃子美食,但必須預購啤酒 Nhat Huynh 為該小組的領隊, 門票才可以進入啤酒花園品嚐各 主力負責各方面的社區聯絡和關 係工作。他確保市民可及時了解 類精釀啤酒。 任何緊急事故, 同時也是警察 請造訪 dumplingandbeerfest. 局社交媒體渠道的代言人。 com,搶先瞭解各種美食和啤酒 的攤位,門票發售時段,以及餃 Stacy Gutierrez 主力負責鄰里 子啤酒節的各種活動。10 月 6 守望計劃,更新網站和編制犯罪 日見! 統計數據。她喜歡在學校裏與學 生們分享警察的工作。 學校 代表 Dane Woolwine 主力 於學校裏的教師及學生們互動, 經常參加當地學校活動,指導學 生及提供職業指導,並對學校官 員進行緊急事故培訓。 Cecily Ramirez 負責為我們社區 中有需要的人提供心理健康評估 服務,與洛杉磯縣的多個機構密 切合作,提供心理健康和無家可 歸者資源。 FALL 2023 / 11
市府新聞 祝賀 29 名新成員加入社區應急小組 經過了三天的培訓,五位聖蓋博居民和來自聖蓋博高中 EMS Horizons 計劃的 24 名學生成功完成了聖市消防局舉辦社區應急小組 (CERT) 培 訓計劃,成為他們的家人、鄰居和聖蓋博社區危急災難是可依靠的資 源。 CERT 培訓計劃由聖蓋博消防員 Takahiro Suzuki 授課,旨在幫助聖市 居民做好應對災難的準備,並培訓他們掌握消防安全、搜救和災難醫療 操作等基本急救技能。當大規模地震等大範圍災難發生時,消防部門和 其他急救人員在初始響應階段將分別散佈在城市各處,為最緊急的情況 進行拯救行動,不能同時兼顧全部市民的需求。 在這個時候,CERT 成員會是我們社區的重要資源。 23/24 我們非常歡迎有興趣的人接受 CERT 培訓!聖蓋博消防局每季度提供 財年年度鋪路更新 免費的 CERT 培訓,並正在為下一期的培訓班做準備。 有關更多資訊,請致電 (626) 308-2880 或發送電子郵件至 CERT@ 從現在起到 2024 年 6 月,市府將撥 聯繫消防導師 Takahiro Suzuki。 款 170 萬美元用於鋪設和修復街道和道 路。在過去的兩年裡,我們投入了更大 的預算來修復城市最破爛的街道。 如今,我市的路面狀況指數從 62/100 市政財政預算一覽 上升到 82/100,是所有周邊城市中得 分最高的, 也證明了我們的街道在周 聖市的財務狀況繼續恢復到健康狀態, 這幾年有了實質性的改善,市 邊社區當中狀態最好。 政的儲蓄也顯著增加。 我們將繼續努力將我們的街道和小巷保 我們將持續保持保守的財務管理策略,使我們的財務狀況變得更強大和 持在最佳狀態。我們將繼續使用新科技 更健康。其中,我們已於 2023 年 3 月初還清了 2014 年用於興建公 把二手汽車輪胎橡膠摻入用於街道的瀝 共工程大樓的 780 萬美元貸款。此舉有助於我們減少財務負債,節省 青中,為瀝青提供額外的強度和靈活 利息成本,使我們的財務狀況變得更加強大和健康。 性,這有助於減少街道的開裂,從而確 保更加平穩、安靜的行駛。 我們衷心感謝大家參與了我們財政調查和社區會議,一起为 2023- 2024 財年預筹备!我們感謝各位的回覆,並與市議會分享了您的意 今年鋪路重點包括: 見。我們很高興地報告,市議會與大家擁有多方面的共識,2023-24 財年預算已於 6 月 6 日獲得批准並通過,並包含了大家的許多建議, • 百老匯 (Broadway)和核桃林 例如: (Walnut Grove):聖市最破爛的 • 改造市府網站 街道包括 Broadway 和Walnut • 推出市府手機應用程式,讓市民能更方便的與市府溝通 Grove。因為它們其中一部分歸洛杉 • 增設警官職位 磯縣所有, 所以這些街道的鋪路專 • 改善市府的節日活動 案正由洛杉磯縣主導並處於在設計階 • 改善聖市的各公園並在 Smith Park 公園建造 Pickleball 球場 段中,施工約一年內開始。 • 為本市的應急基金增加 642,000 美元 • Valley 大道:另一條需要關注的 • 償還市府的主要債務 街道是 Valley 大道。我們正在與 • 更換 51 號消防局和其他城市設施漏水的屋頂 Metro 合作,完成重建 Valley 大道 三個主要十字路口的計劃。鋪路工作 2023-24 財政收入預約為 51,585,000 美元,支出預約為 50,943,000 將於 2024 年開始。 美元,約 642,000 美元的盈餘。 12 \ D I S C O V E R SAN GABRIEL
San Gabriel Library Resources for Ever yone In addition to accessing our extensive collection of physical books and magazine, LA County Library offers a variety of services and programs for all ages for FREE. D I G I TA L L I B R A R Y Access to eBooks, music, TV, online tutoring and more. PROGRA MS Virtual and in-person programs for all ages. Fall 2023 POSITIVE Swim with SGSG PA R E N T I N G CO N S U LTAT I O N S The San Gabriel Sea Gulls (SGSG) is a competitive Trained Positive Parenting age group year-round swim team based in the City Librarians to help of San Gabriel. Since 1991, SGSG has developed over parenting issues. 572 Southern California Age Group Championships swimmers, formerly known as Junior Olympics, five D I G I TA L USA Swimming Senior National Swimmers, and has CO N N E C T I V I T Y trained over 95 swim coaches over the 30-plus years of year-round swimming. SGSG is one of few swim teams Access to eBooks, music, TV, online tutoring and in Southern California recognized by USA Swimming more. as a Safe Sport Recognized swim team. The SGSG Coaching Staff has over 164 years of experience in E A R N YO U R competitive swimming. Keeping SGSG Swimmers safer, HIGH SCHOOL promoting water safety, and swimming faster is the D I P LO M A SGSG mission! Self-paced online high school diploma program. For more information, please visit or email George Young, Head Coach, at gyinstitute@ Learn more at: FALL 2023 / 13
City of San Gabriel in partnership with the Asian Youth Center Friday, October 6 6:00pm-10:00pm in the Historic Mission District Food Vendors, Craft Beer Garden, Kids Arts & Crafts, and Live DJs (Beer Garden ages 21+over) Friday, Octob er 6, 2023 6:00pm-10:00p in the Historic m Mission Distric 2023 t Check the City's social media for regular updates! SanG abrielCity CityofSanGabriel SanGabrielCity 626-308-2806 City of San Gabriel HEAR Commission Presents San Gabriel Mental Wellness Expo Sunday, October 1, 2023 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Mission Playhouse Plaza 320 S. Mission Drive Scan QR code for more San Gabriel 91776 information and a list of participating agencies, or Activities for kids and adults call 626.308.2875. Yoga, tai chi, and sound bath Resources and informational booths Workshops will address loneliness, parenting adolescents, depression, and suicide prevention. Register for free today! Workshops provided by
Fall at the Playhouse SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER S U N DAY, S E P T E M B E R 10 2:30 PM S AT U R DAY, N OV E M B E R 4 7: 3 0 P M Mission Playhouse presents J. Guzman Entertainment presents Silent Sundays Series: Steamboat Bill, Jr. Mariachi Los Camperos S AT U R DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 3 7: 3 0 P M S U N DAY, N OV E M B E R 12 2:30 PM Mariachi Women’s Foundation presents Mission Playhouse presents 10th International Mariachi Women’s Festival Silent Sundays Series: The Kid Brother OCTOBER DECEMBER S AT U R DAY, O C TO B E R 7 2:30 PM F R I DAY, D E C E M B E R 1 9:30 AM GFCBWSCC presents S AT U R DAY, D E C E M B E R 2 2 : 0 0 & 7: 0 0 P M Taiwan Culture Goodwill Mission S U N DAY, D E C E M B E R 3 2:00 PM of the National Day Concert Sierra Madre Dance Theatre presents The Nutcracker S AT U R DAY, O C TO B E R 14 2:00 PM TESOCAL presents T U E S DAY, D E C E M B E R 5 7: 0 0 P M The Wizard of Oz Temple City Performing Arts presents Holiday Concert S U N DAY, O C TO B E R 15 2:30 PM Mission Playhouse presents S AT U R DAY, D E C E M B E R 16 2:00 PM Silent Sundays Series: S U N DAY, D E C E M B E R 17 2:00PM F R I DAY, D E C E M B E R 2 2 7: 0 0 P M Hunchback of Notre Dame S AT U R DAY, D E C E M B E R 2 3 1: 0 0 P M S U N DAY, O C TO B E R 2 9 5: 0 0 P M Pasadena Dance Theatre presents J Ballet Academy presents The Nutcracker Ballet The Nutcracker FALL 2023 / 17
Visit the Playhouse for a Sunday afternoon at the movies If you did not get the chance to se e our f ir st S ilent S undays screening of the season , we’ve got a few more silent classics coming your way! Silent Sundays continues with Buster Keaton’s last independent The season ends on November 12th with comic great Harold film, the 1928 comedy Steamboat Bill, Jr. on September 10th. Lloyd 1927 film, The Kid Brother. Llloyd is Harold Hickory, Keaton plays William Canfield Jr., who just finished school and the son of town sheriff, who is considered the odd ball of the comes to River Junction, Mississippi to reconnect with his dad, family. When his father is accused of stealing public funds, he ‘Steamboat Bill’ Canfield, who hasn’t seen him since he was a uses his cleverness to help clear his family’s name. “It’s one baby. Their meeting doesn’t go smoothly, the burly Steamboat of Lloyd’s funniest films and one of his sweetest, a comedy Bill has trouble accepting him. Can William win his dad over? driven by a devotion to family and romantic affection...” (Sean What happens when he falls for the daughter of his dad’s Axmaker, film critic). riverboat rival? With an ending sequence that contains one of the most iconic scenes in silent cinema, we agree with Life Accompanying the films on our Mighty Wurlitzer is an Magazine’s film critic Robert Sherwood who stated 95 years American Theatre Organ Society Organist of the Year, Mark ago, “Don’t miss Steamboat Bill, Jr. It is movie humor at, or Herman. pretty darned near, its best.” All films begin at 2:30pm. Tickets are $12. Purchase On October 15th, we’ll be screening 1923’s The Hunchback a ticket good for all three films for $27. Buy your of Notre Dame, starring ‘The Man of a Thousand Faces,’ Lon tickets in advance at the Playhouse Box Office, open Chaney. With magnificent sets, thousands of extras, and a Thursdays from 3:00pm-7:00pm, or online at ticket- stirring performance from Chaney, the film was a box office hit (online tickets are subject to additional for Universal. service and processing fees). 18 \ D I S C O V E R SAN GABRIEL
ACTIVITIES Effective July 1, 2021, all credit card transactions are subject to a 2.9% credit card processing fee. This applies to all transactions in person, by phone and online. Any person with a disability, who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the city events, programs or activities in this publication should direct such request to the Community Services Department at 626-308-2875 at least 48 hours prior to the event.
YO UTH PRO G R A MS AFTER BREAKTHROUGH SPORTS SCHOOL 3-ON-3 BASKETBALL PROGRAMS LEAGUE Looking for something fun to do after school? San Program runs September 21-November 10 Gabriel elementary school students can join us for $199 for 8 weeks of practices and games! our free after-school recreation program for the fall. Your child will have an opportunity to receive Breakthrough Sports is excited to bring their award- assistance with homework, stay active and have winning 3-on-3 basketball league to San Gabriel fun! This program is available at Coolidge, McKinley, families this winter! The league is open to all Roosevelt, Washington and Wilson Elementary children in K-8th grade of ALL skill levels! schools. The league will feature eight practices along The after-school recreation program is from August with eight games including an end-of-season 21 through December 22, five days a week. This is tournament. A NBA study showed that participants offered for 1st-5th graders at Coolidge, McKinley, in 3-on-3 leagues touch the ball five times more on Washington, and Wilson Elementary schools from average than a standard 5-on-5 youth basketball 2:00 pm to 5:00 p.m. and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. on league. This leads to improved skills, a better Wednesdays. The program at Roosevelt Elementary understanding of the game and most importantly a School is offered for K-5th graders from 1:30 to 5:00 MORE FUN playing experience. p.m. Breakthrough Sports professional coaches will Parents are required to sign out their child at the run each team to ensure top-end coaching for all end of the program each day. Register in person, participants. Register today as there are a limited online at or by phone at 626-308- number of spots available in the league. 2875. Register in person, online at or by phone at 626-308-2875. For more information, contact the Community Services Department at 626.308.2875. 20 \ D I S C O V E R SAN GABRIEL
HOW TO Online: YO U T H A N D A D U LT C L A S S E S By Phone: 626-308-2875 REGISTER In Person: 250 S. Mission Dr. Monday-Friday • 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ACADEMIC ART AGI INSTRUCTORS INSTRUCTOR, FEALING LIN $175 resident, $180 non-resident • $10 Material $110 resident, $115 non-resident 7-wk | Recreation Office, North Room 8-wk | Recreation Office, Dance Room CRITICAL READING WAT E R C O L O R - F R E S H A N D L O O S E AND WRIT TEN EXPRESSION This popular class, designed for intermediate and advanced Improve comprehension! Critical reading skills are essential students, covers color theory, value study, design for academic success. Students will identify information composition and unique attributes of watercolor. and ideas; bring outside knowledge, biases, and values in; DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS and learn to properly analyze text. *No class 11/25 THURS 9/28-11/16 12:00-3:00 pm 18+ 1101.400 DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS SAT 9/16-10/28 9:00-10:00 am 7-12 1000.400 SAT 11/4-12/23* 9:00-10:00 am 8-12 1000.402 CRAYOLA® IMAGINE ARTS ACADEMY M AT H W O R K S H O P $180 resident, $185 non-resident • $45 Supply Fee FOR 2ND - 8TH GR ADERS 8-wk | Recreation Office, Dance Room This is a great refresher course for students who want to brush up in their math skills. Experience a new approach to math problem solving and hands-on practice, whether for C R AYO L A® A R T B L A Z E R S homework assistance, chapters review or test preparation. Kids discover the inspiring masterpieces and artists who *No class 11/25 have changed the world of art, and the world as we know it - from Frida Kahlo’s self-portraits to Keith Haring’s street DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS art. They experiment with different art techniques to SAT 9/16-10/28 10:00-11:00 am 7-14 1000.401 express their ideas. They design a different unique, artist- SAT 11/4-12/23* 10:00-11:00 am 7-14 1000.403 inspired creation each class. We encourage them to create the change that they want to see in the world! DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS THURS 9/21-11/9 4:00-5:00pm 6-12 1100.400 FALL 2023 / 21
DANCE H I P - H O P/P O P Using popular and current music the students start learning dances and choreography quickly, as well as learning various dance elements. Our version of hip hop/pop dance is extremely tasteful TIPPI TOES STAFF and clean. Our priority is offering age-appropriate material while $168 resident, $173 non-resident building confidence. This class continues to build throughout the 9-wk | Recreation Office, Dance Room year, so staying enrolled session after session is beneficial to your Visit student. *No class 11/23. DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS T O D D L E R & M E DA N C E C L A S S THURS 9/28-11/30* 6:30-7:15 pm 6-10 1200.404 Music, movement, balance, and the basic dance steps are introduced to children in a fun, friendly and positive manner during this 30-minute class. A trusted loved one participates in INSTRUCTOR, MARIA ELENA the class along with the little dancer. We will enjoy watching these (Instruction Available in English and Spanish) dancers learn and grow through the year! $59 resident | Non-resident $64 DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS 8-wk | Recreation Center, North Room SAT 9/23-11/18 9:30am-10:15 am 1.5-3 1200.400 B E G I N N E R F L A M E N C O I N T E R N AT I O N A L B A L L E T, TA P & J A Z Z M I N I Learn one of the world’s loveliest and expressive dance forms. This class incorporates an even mix of ballet, tap & jazz using You will learn styles including the use of fans, castanets, Spanish high energy music. Your ballerina will have a blast learning basic shawls, and hats. dance techniques while using their imagination and building DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS confidence. Class integrates high-energy, kid-friendly music, which WED 9/27-11/15 5:00-5:45pm 8-17 1204.400 incorporates ballet, tap & jazz choreography. This class continues WED 9/27-11/15 6:00-6:45pm 18+ 1204.401 to build throughout the year, so staying enrolled session after session is beneficial to your student. *No class 11/23. DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS THURS 9/28-11/30* 4:30pm-5:15 pm 3-4 1200.401 SAT 9/23-11/18 10:30am-11:15am 3-4 1200.402 C A LL FO R IN S TRU C TO R S! B A L L E T, TA P & J A Z Z J U N I O R This super fun and engaging ballet, tap and jazz combo dance class will keep your child moving and grooving for 45 minutes and encourage them to learn dance terms and movements. This is a Interested in hosting any classes we combo class which incorporates ballet, tap and jazz technique and currently don’t offer? The City of San our lesson plan builds each month. We love to use our imagination Gabriel is looking for new instructors and energy to create a unique experience for our dancers. This class continues to build throughout the year, so staying enrolled to bring on board for the new year! session after session is beneficial to your student. *No class 11/23. If you are interested, or want more DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS THURS 9/28-11/30* 5:30-6:15 pm 5-7 1200.403 information contact Recreation Specialist, Jackie Villalvazo at or (626) 308-2875. 22 \ D I S C O V E R SAN GABRIEL
INSTRUCTOR, LORI FITNESS $135 resident, $140 non-resident 8-wk | Recreation Office, Dance Room INSTRUCTOR, DIANE H AWA I I A N /P O LY N E S I A N DA N C E – $120 resident, $125 non-resident (Single Class) YO U T H & A D U LT $165 resident, $170 non-resident (Mon/Wed Class) Aloha! Come discover beautiful songs and dances from the islands 12-wk | Adult Recreation Center, Grapevine Room of Hawaii and Polynesia! Students will learn to Hula, tell a graceful story with their hands, and move their hips to Tahitian drums! Fun! C H A I R YO G A DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS The class helps to engage the mind, body, and breath. It helps MON 10/16-12/4 3:15-4:00 pm 3-7 Beg 1201.400 to improve posture and strength and reduce stress. The class is MON 10/16-12/4 4:00-5:00 pm 8-17 Inter 1201.401 gentle on the body but not intended as rehab. MON 10/16-12/4 5:00-6:00 pm 18+ 1201.402 DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS MON 9/11-11/27 10:30-11:30 am 16+ 1400.400 INSTRUCTOR, CORRINA $60 resident, $65 non-resident G E N T L E YO G A Perfect for both beginners and experienced students, this N E W! Both Line Dance - $99 resident, $104 non-resident yoga class emphasizes breathing, meditation, and relaxation. A 8-wk | Recreation Office, Dance Room combination of active and restorative poses allows students to increase in strength and flexibility. S H A L L W E DA N C E ? - S O C I A L DA N C E Have fun and improve health. Dances taught may include Cha-Cha, DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS Salsa, Merengue, East Coast Swing, Foxtrot and Waltz. Step-by- MON 9/11-11/27 9:00-10:00 am 16+ 1400.401 step basic. *No class 11/11 WED 9/13 - 11/29 9:00-10:00 am 16+ 1400.402 M/W 9/11 - 11/29 9:00-10:00 am 16+ 1400.403 DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS TUES 9/12 - 11/28 5:30-6:30 pm 16+ 1400.404 SAT 9/23-11/18* 1:30-2:30 pm 16+ 1202.400 L I N E DA N C I N G - P O P, R O C K & L AT I N INSTRUCTOR, BENJAMIN CHAN The Hustle? Electric Slide? Great exercise! Let’s get moving! $45 resident, $50 non-resident Learn these and other popular party line dances to your favorite 10-wk | Coolidge Elementary timeless music. *No class 11/5 DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS TA I C H I - YA N G S T Y L E ( A L L L E V E L S ) SUN 9/24-11/19* 11:15 am-12:30 pm 16+ 1202.401 Experience the ancient Chinese discipline that brings yin and WED 9/27-11/15 5:00-6:00pm 16+ 1202.402 yang to fruition. Every movement in tai chi enhances grace, SUN/W 9/27-11/15* S 11:15am-12:30pm 16+ 1202.403 coordination, stimulation of both sides of the brain, fluid W 5pm-6pm movement, focus, stability. *No class 11/11 and 11/25 DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS SAT 9/23-12/9* 10:00-11:00 am 8+ 1403.400 INSTRUCTOR, STEVEN $130 resident, $135 non-resident $100 resident, $110 non-resident (4-5 class only) KUNG FU - NORTHERN ST YLES 9-wk | Recreation Office, Dance Room (ALL LEVELS) Kung Fu classes are great fun. They involve improving stamina, fitness, flexibility, strength, and coordination. Kung Fu offers N E W ! B E G I N N E R YO U T H B R E A K I N G / a great cardiovascular workout ideal for people looking for a B R E A K DA N C I N G replacement for their aerobic exercise. *No class 11/11 and 11/25. Learn the basics of breaking/breakdancing, make friends, gain confidence, explore your creativity, develop self-discipline, be DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS physically active, and above all else, have fun! *No class 10/16 SAT 9/23-12/9* 11:15 am-12:30 pm 8+ 1403.401 DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS MON 9/25-11/20* 6:00-6:45pm 4-5 1205.400 MON 9/25-11/20* 7:00-8:00 pm 6-13 1205.401 MON 9/25-11/20* 8:00-9:00pm 14+ 1205.402 FALL 2023 / 23
INSTRUCTOR, CORRINA MUSIC $60 resident, $65 non-resident NEW! 2 ZUMBA Gold classes $99 resident, $104 non-resident INSTRUCTOR, QIAN ART STUDIO 8-wk I Recreation Office, Dance Room $100 resident, $105 non-resident • $10 Material Fee 8-wk I Recreation Office, North Room Z U M B A G O L D - DA N C E F I T N E S S Burn calories with NO JUMPING. Raise your heart rate with P I A N O - A L L AG E S YO U T H & A D U LT easy-to-follow, awesome dance moves to Latin-inspired rhythms. Learn to read notes and play lovely melodies! Keyboards will be Stretching ends each class to keep your muscles and joints healthy. provided by Instructor for class time. *No class 10/27 and 11/10 * No class 11/11. **No class 11/5. **No class 11/11 DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS WED 9/27-11/15 7:15pm-8:15pm 16+ 1402.400 BEGINNER SAT 9/23-11/18* 12:30-1:30pm 16+ 1402.401 FRI 9/22-11/24* 6:00-6:30pm 6+ 1301.400 SUN 9/24-11/19** 10:00-11:15am 16+ 1402.402 SAT 9/23-11/18** 11:30am-12:00pm 4-5 1301.401 SAT/W 9/23-11/18* SAT 12:30am-1:30pm 16+ 1402.403 W 7:15pm-8:15pm SAT 9/23-11/18** 12:00-12:30 pm 6-11 1301.402 SUN/W 9/24-11/19** SUN 10:00-11:15pm 16+ 1402.404 SAT 9/23-11/18** 12:30pm-1:00pm 12+ 1301.403 W 7:15pm-8:15pm INTERMEDIATE SAT/SUN 9/23-11/19*** SAT 12:30am-1:30pm 16+ 1402.405 SUN 9/24-11/12 10:00-10:30 am 4-5 1301.404 SUN 10:00-11:15pm SUN 9/24-11/12 10:30-11:00 am 6+ 1301.405 ADVANCED SIT & STRETCH SUN 9/24-11/12 11:00am-11:30am 6+ 1301.406 ( E A S Y- PAC E D C H A I R W O R KO U T ) Seated on a chair and using a simple stretch band, you will learn proper stretching to get rid of body aches, stiffness, and increase INSTRUCTOR, MISS EMILY muscle strength. Then progress to standing to improve posture $105 resident, $110 non-resident and balance. Requires a stretch band. *No class 11/5 4-wk I Recreation Office, North Room DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS SUN 9/24-11/19 12:30-1:30 pm 16+ 1402.406 K I N D E R M U S I K M I X E D -AG E Discover an engaging musical world with your child through singing, moving, listening, and playing! $25 material fee due at first N E W! P I L AT E S W I T H A B A L L class. New materials each session. *No class 11/23 Pilates really works - an exercise method, learning “Super 5” strength building sequences to develop strong abs and lower back DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS muscles known as your “core.” Bring a stability ball, mat, and a SESSION I 5-stretch band to improve posture, balance, and have less body THUR 10/12-11/2 10:00-10:45 am 0-7 1302.400 aches and stiffness. SESSION II THUR 11/16-12/14* 10:00-10:45 am 0-7 1302.401 DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS WED 9/27-11/15 6:15-7:15pm 16+ 1402.407 INSTRUCTOR, ARK INTERNATIONAL STAFF SPORTS $90 resident, $95 non-resident (Beg) $95 resident, $100 non-resident (Adv) 8-wk | Recreation Office, North Room INSTRUCTOR, SENSEI, ALYSIA HUANG $62 resident, $67 non-resident VO I C E - YO U T H & A D U LT - A L L L E V E L S 8-wk | Adult Recreation Center, Grapevine Sing like a star! Students will learn and perfect the art of singing. Class will emphasize fundamentals including breathing, power K E N P O K A R AT E range, pitch, and rhythm. Your child will develop confidence, discipline, and self-respect. DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS Uniforms and equipment are required after the first class and are BEGINNER available through the instructor. THUR 9/28-11/16 5:00-5:30 pm 5-15 1300.400 DAY DATE TIME AGE CLASS ADVANCED TUES 9/26-11/14 6:00-7:30 pm 5+ 1401.400 THUR 9/28-11/16 5:30-6:00 pm 16+ 1300.401 24 \ D I S C O V E R SAN GABRIEL
TENNIS H I G H S C H O O L AC E S This class is perfect for players getting ready to compete in tournaments, high school or league tennis. This training class JOHNNY ALLEN TENNIS is for more motivated, young players, with dreams of one-day 3-wk | Washington Elementary Tennis Courts competing at a higher level. This class will build the confidence in each player’s tennis game, through match play situations, while T I N Y AC E S engaging in a wide variety of effective games and drills. This class is your future tennis star’s introduction to the exciting DAY DATE TIME AGE PRICE CLASS world of tennis, sports, and overall athleticism. This class features SESSION I fun games that are perfectly designed to advance your child’s M/W 9/25-10/11 7-8 pm 13-17 $79/$84 1500.403 hand-eye coordination, balance, and love for tennis. Our friendly SESSION II staff will provide a fun, creative and positive environment for M/W 10/23-11/8 7-8 pm 13-17 $79/$84 1500.407 every child involved. Parent participation is strongly encouraged. SESSION III DAY DATE TIME AGE PRICE CLASS M/W 11/20-12/6 7-8 pm 13-17 $79/$84 1500.411 SESSION I M/W 9/25-10/11 4:15-5pm 3-5 $69/$74 1500.400 N E W! A D U LT C A R D I O SESSION II Looking for an upbeat workout? Grab your racket and let’s hit the M/W 10/23-11/8 4:15-5pm 3-5 $69/$74 1500.404 courts! We have tons of fast-paced drills and games, accompanied SESSION III by high-energy music to keep you moving and grooving. If you M/W 11/20-12/6 4:15-5pm 3-5 $69/$74 1500.408 are looking to improve your tennis game and stay on your toes, then this program is perfect for you. This class features tennis and L I T T L E AC E S a workout, all rolled into one. Specially designed to burn some Learning tennis should be fun and exciting. All classes feature calories, make some friends, and of course, improve your tennis the magic of learning athletic confidence through tennis. All four game. For more info and rainy-day makeup policy, go to www. major strokes will be taught, the forehand, backhand, serve and or call 1-844-9TENNIS (1-844-983-6647) volley. Students will be given a solid tennis foundation, through DAY DATE TIME AGE PRICE CLASS tons of innovative and effective drills, and games. Once ready, SESSION I players will be invited to attend the Intermediate class. M/W 9/25-10/11 8-9 pm 18+ $79/$84 1500.412 DAY DATE TIME AGE PRICE CLASS SESSION II SESSION I M/W 10/23-11/8 8-9 pm 18+ $79/$84 1500.413 M/W 9/25-10/11 5-6 pm 6-8 $79/$84 1500.401 SESSION III SESSION II M/W 11/20-12/6 8-9 pm 18+ $79/$84 1500.414 M/W 10/23-11/8 5-6 pm 6-8 $79/$84 1500.405 SESSION III M/W 11/20-12/6 5-6 pm 6-8 $79/$84 1500.409 FRANK JTA COACH 4-wk / 6-wk | Washington Elementary Tennis Courts J U N I O R AC E S These programs are progressive, challenging, and fun! JTA will All junior tennis players looking for improvement are welcome to develop & prepare players for USTA JTT competition. play and find their groove. All four major strokes will be taught, the forehand, backhand, serve and volley. Players will improve A D U LT G E T- F I T T E N N I S ( AG E S 15+) technique, spin, placement, balance, and movement, through Brush up on your skills in a fun and interactive environment. Perfect specially designed drills and games. for the player that wants to meet other players and improve their DAY DATE TIME AGE PRICE CLASS skills and play. Develop consistency and confidence thru better SESSION I technique, footwork, cardio and repetition. *No Class 9/12-9/21 M/W 9/25-10/11 6-7 pm 9-12 $79/$84 1500.402 DAY DATE TIME AGE PRICE CLASS SESSION II 6-CLASSES - BEGINNER M/W 10/23-11/8 6-7 pm 9-12 $79/$84 1500.406 T/Th 10/3-10/19 6:30-7:30pm 15+ $115/$120 1501.403 SESSION III 6-CLASSES - INTERMEDIATE M/W 11/20-12/6 6-7 pm 9-12 $79/$84 1500.410 T/Th 10/3-10/19 6:30-7:30pm 15+ $115/$120 1501.404 NEW! DOUBLES/RALLY PLAY Fri 9/22-10/27* 7:30-9:00pm 15+ $90/$95 1501.405 FALL 2023 / 25
O L D E R A D U LT S P R O G R A M S SAN GABRIEL SENIOR PROGRAMS - SERVICES AND RESOURCES FOR ADULTS 50 YEARS OLD AND UP. HEALTHY HEARTS TECHNOLOGY TUTORING WALKING CLUB Wednesdays, 3pm-5pm Wednesdays, 9 am - 11 am Community Recreation Center- North Room Sign in at the Recreation Office- North Room, grab a map, This free program is available to all seniors who are looking and go! Discover more of your local area with designated to advance their skills on their laptop or smart phone. Each routes, bring a friend or meet new people, and enjoy being participant will have a one-on-one, 45-minute appointment outdoors. Low-impact walking with coffee, healthy snacks with a teen volunteer. Make your appointment today by and socializing! calling 626.308.2875. *Group leaves promptly at 9:00 a.m. GO GO GAMING TABLE TENNIS Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays 8am-11am Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays, 8am-11am Fridays 12pm-4pm and Fridays, 1:30pm-5:30pm Community Recreation Center - North Room Community Recreation Center - Dance Room Grab a group of friends or make new ones during open Grab your friends, a paddle, and join other active seniors game play. Light refreshments will be offered as you battle for this low impact activity. it out in Mahjong, Chess, Scrabble, or a simple game of cards. Participants are welcomed to bring their own games from home. SOCIAL BINGO 3rd Thursday Each Month, 1 pm – 2 pm PICKLEBALL Adult Recreation Center - Padillo Room Monday-Thursdays, and Saturdays, 7:30am-12pm Smith Park Tennis Courts Win like never B-4! Take part in a thrilling hour of Bingo with refreshments, socializing and of course prizes! Walk- Enjoy a friendly game of Pickleball at Smith Park. This fun, ins welcomed. low-impact racquet sport which combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis is suitable for all ages and abilities. Enjoy the fresh air, health benefits and of ART WORKSHOP course all the new friends you are sure to make. Fridays, 10am-12pm Community Recreation Center- Dance Room Join a group of like-minded individuals for a morning filled with art. Bring your own painting supplies and create your next masterpiece while making new friends. 26 \ D I S C O V E R SAN GABRIEL
DAILY NUTRITION PROGRAM SPECIAL LUNCHEONS Monday-Friday, 11am-12pm Join us for special themed luncheons for extra special treats, Adult Recreation Center - Padillo Room games and decorations. Pre-registration is required. Call 626-308- This daily nutrition program offered by the YWCA of the San 2875 to register today. Gabriel Valley provides hot, delicious, and nutritious meals to Check in for lunch will be from 10:30am-11:15am, once registration all persons 62 years of age and older. Meals are served on a is done, meals will be served. first come, first served basis with check-in starting at 10am. Registration in the program is done once, on-site during meal Moon Festival- September 29 program hours. Spooky – October 18 Thanksgiving – November 20 Holiday – December 18 Save the • Monthly Health and Education presentations will be offered on the third Tuesday of each month starting Date for New January 2024. • March 2024- An added bonus to our open game play! Programs! Join us for a special trivia day sure to tug on your brain muscles. MOONLIGHT GLAMOUR SENIOR DANCE Thursday, October 19, 2023 5pm-7pm Adult Recreation Center - Grapevine Lawn Can’t repeat the past?…Why of course you can! Join us for our First Annual Senior Dance as this fun, free, event will offer our Older Adult community a chance to feel young again and reminisce in their love for dancing with friends! Dress in your best attire to fit our Great Gatsby/ Masquerade theme and dance your tail off all evening! Light refreshments and hor d’oeuvres will be available. Registration begins August 31 and deadline is October 12. Registration is required by calling 626-308-2875 or online at For up-to-date information on our senior programs, visit If you would like to receive the Grapevine Press, contact Jackie Villalvazo at 626-308-2875 or email FALL 2023 / 27
ACCESS SERVICES 211 LA COUNTY Curb-to-curb para-transit (dial-a-ride) program that provides The 2-1-1 phone line is open 24 hours, 7 days a week, with trained transportation services to eligible individuals. Access Services can Community Resource Advisors prepared to offer help with travel to most locations in the San Gabriel Valley and downtown any situation, any time. 211 LA County (or 211 LA) is the hub for Los Angeles. Riders must be certified for Access Services. community members and community organizations looking for all Candidates must have disabilities and cannot board, ride, or exit types of health, human, and social services in Los Angeles County. from any established bus or rail system. For information on the If you are calling from outside Los Angeles County or cannot certification process, and to arrange trips, call 800.827.0829. directly dial 2-1-1, call 800-339-6993. M.T.A. REDUCED FARE TAP CARDS GOLDENTALK SENIOR CHAT LINE The City of San Gabriel offers reduced fare TAP Cards to persons This service is a chat and crisis line for Older Adults who are 60 62 years and older and persons with disabilities residing in San years of age and older. The chat line assists seniors facing social Gabriel. TAP Card reloads are sold for $12 ($20 total value) at the isolation through warm conversations and also provides referrals Community Services Department, 250 South Mission Drive, and works closely with multiple agencies with Los Angeles County from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For additional information call the in the event of a crisis. For assistance please call 888.604.6533. Community Services Department at 626-308-2875. SUNDAY FOOD PANTRY RIDESG The San Gabriel Mission Parish offers a food bank every 2nd and The City of San Gabriel provides reduced fare transportation for 4th Sunday from 7am-9am or until food runs out. San Gabriel and city residents, 62 years and older and disabled persons through all surrounding cities are welcome. The parish can be reached at the RideSG+ membership. Services are available 7:00am -7:00pm, 626.457.3035. for medical appointments, local shopping trips, trips to Adult Recreation Center, etc. Service is not available for daily non- medical appointments. Cost is $0.50 per one-way trip. For more information, to apply or to register as a RideSG+ member, call the Community Services Department at 626-308-2875. 28 \ D I S C O V E R SAN GABRIEL
HOW TO Online: By Phone: 626-308-2875 REGISTER In Person: 250 S. Mission Dr. Monday-Friday • 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Effective July 1, 2021, all credit card transactions are subject to a 2.9% credit card processing fee. The fees shown online include the 2.9% fee. Should you wish to avoid this fee please visit our office between 8:00am -4:30pm, Monday through Friday, to register by using cash or check. Please provide exact change for all cash transactions. SENIOR TRIPS OAK TREE MOUNTAIN – RONALD REAGAN PRESIDENTIAL OAK GLEN, CA. MUSEUM – SIMI VALLEY, CA Tuesday, October 17 Tuesday, December 5 8:30 am - 6 pm 9:00am-5:15pm $15 $77 #5000.400 #5000.402 Spend the day in Oak Glen! During the Fall, it is the best time for During this time of year, “Christmas Around the World” is on apple picking. Enjoy spending time in Oak Tree Village for lunch display at the museum which includes 26 exquisitely decorated and shopping on your own. We will also be making stops at Parrish trees representing the countries President Reagan visited while in Pioneer Ranch and Snowline Orchards for apple picking. office. There will also be an opportunity to go inside the retired Air Force One Aircraft as part of the tour. Lunch is included at the Air Force One Pavilion. PETERSEN AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM – LOS ANGELES, CA RIVERSIDE MISSION INN AND HOTEL Tuesday, November 14 – RIVERSIDE, CA 10:00am-5:30pm Tuesday, December 19 $52 12:45pm-8:30pm #5000.401 $42 #5000.403 Starting the day off with lunch and shopping on your own at LA’s Original Farmers Market. After, we will head over to the Petersen Arrive at Historical Downtown Riverside for a guided tour of the Automotive Museum for a 1-hour docent led tour which features Mission Inn. Tours last up to 1 ½ hour long and 3 different ime exhibits dedicated to the history of the automobile. The museum slots to choose from. After dinner on your own, head back to the has recently been renovated and has 3 themed floors of exhibits. Mission to see it lit up with over 5 million lights, 200 animated figures, and the world’s largest mistletoe. FALL 2023 / 29
GUIDE - FIND US CITY FACILITIES, PARKS & SCHOOLS 1 Adult Recreation Center, 324 South Mission Dr. 2 City Hall, 425 South Mission Dr. 3 Coolidge School, 421 North Mission Dr. 4 Dewey School, 525 East Dewey Ave. 5 Gabrielino High School, 1327 San Gabriel Blvd. 6 Grapevine Park, 324 South Mission Dr. 7 Jefferson Middle School, 1372 East Las Tunas Drive. 8 Lincoln School, 600 East Grand Ave. 9 Marshall Park, 311 West Marshall St. 10 McKinley School, 1425 Manley Dr. 11 Mission Playhouse, 320 South Mission Dr. 12 Police Department, 625 South Del Mar Ave. 13 Plaza Park, 428 South Mission Dr. 14 Public Works, 917 East Grand Ave. 15 Recreation Center, 250 South Mission Dr. 16 Roosevelt Park & Tennis Courts 5410 Delta St. 17 Roosevelt School, 401 South Walnut Grove 18 San Gabriel Library, 500 South Del Mar Ave. 19 San Gabriel High School, 801 Ramona Ave. 20 San Gabriel School District, 408 Junipero Serra Ave. 21 Smith Park & Pool, 232 West Broadway 22 Washington School, 300 North San Marino Dr. 23 Wilson School, 8317 Sheffield Rd. 24 Vincent Lugo Park, Wells & Ramona, Home of La Laguna Playground. ADMINISTRATION FINANCE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 626.308.2803 626.308.2812 626.308.2875 CITY CLERK FIRE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS 626.308.2816 Emergency 911 626.308.2825 Non-emergency: 626.308.2880 CITY HALL POLICE DEPARTMENT 626.308.2800 MISSION PLAYHOUSE Emergency 911 626.308.2865 Non-emergency: 626.308.2828 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 626.308.2806 30 \ D I S C O V E R SAN GABRIEL
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