Samsung Hospitality TVs and LYNK REACH Make a Big Splash at Waterpark Resort

Page created by Mario Joseph
Samsung Hospitality TVs and LYNK REACH Make a Big Splash at Waterpark Resort
Case Study: Kalahari Resorts & Conventions

Samsung Hospitality TVs and LYNK REACH
Make a Big Splash at Waterpark Resort

Customer Need                            Samsung Solution                          Results
Kalahari Resorts and Conventions         Kalahari deployed over 1,500              The Samsung Hospitality TVs have
needed a new generation of hospitality   Samsung Hospitality TVs throughout        helped Kalahari create a unique and
TVs and management technology            its Pocono Mountains resort in the        differentiated guest experience. The
to meet the changing needs and           guest rooms, cabanas, bar, and            TVs provide guests with multiple
expectations of guests. The TVs          lobby. The 48-inch and 65-inch TVs        content streams including easy
needed to provide easy connectivity      integrate with Samsung’s LYNK             connectivity with their own device.
to guest devices like tablets and        Remote Enhanced Active Control for        In the waterpark cabanas, the TVs
streaming devices and be resilient       Hospitality (REACH) solution, which       deliver reliable viewing in a living
to harsh conditions at Kalahari’s        enables centralized management over       room-like setting. The LYNK REACH
indoor waterpark. The management         coaxial cable including channel line-up   technology minimizes service calls
technology needed to centralize          changes, remote diagnostics, and in-      and enables the resort to showcase
support and content delivery so          house channel content.                    promotions and events on all displays.
that the resort could quickly and
easily deliver unique entertainment
Samsung Hospitality TVs and LYNK REACH Make a Big Splash at Waterpark Resort
The Customer Need:
                                          A Next Generation Hospitality TV System
    Kalahari Resorts owns and operates    When Kalahari began planning           In the bar and lobby, Kalahari
    Africa-themed properties in           the design of its new Pocono           wanted to entertain guests with
    family vacation hotspots including    Mountains resort, company              unique, themed content that
    Wisconsin Dells, Sandusky,            experts studied the trends in guest    connected to the brand experience
    Ohio and Pocono Mountains of          usage and preferences for in-          and transported guests to another
    Pennsylvania. Named after the         room entertainment. “We saw that       continent.
    Kalahari Desert in southern Africa,   traditional in-room programing was
    the resort’s namesake theme is        going the way of the old traditional   Brandt also wanted to use the
    applied throughout its guest rooms,   room phones, which few people          house channels to do more than
    indoor waterparks, restaurants,       use anymore,” says Greg Gogola,        just show static information about
    bars, and spas.                       Kalahari corporate director of IT.     the property. “We wanted to use the
                                          “Our guests needed to connect their    TVs to showcase special events,
    The Pocono Mountains resort is        own devices to watch content on        daily activities, and promotions and
    the latest addition to the Kalahari   the TVs. They also wanted easier       needed a content management and
    portfolio with 457 guest rooms and    menu navigation that they are          delivery system to easily reach our
    suites. Accommodations range from     already familiar with on their         guests no matter where they were,”
    two-room family suites to two-story   home TVs.”                             says Brandt.
    standalone buildings equipped with
    five bedrooms, a recreation room,     Kalahari also needed to expand         Finally, the Kalahari needed a
    full bar and nine TVs.                digital engagement beyond the          centralized solution for managing
                                          hotel room and into the resort’s       the TV content and programming.
    According to Condé Nast Traveler      entertainment areas to help drive      “We were going to build a mega
    magazine, Kalahari operates “the      F&B and other revenue streams.         resort, and didn’t want to have our
    world’s coolest indoor waterparks.”   “We have waterpark cabanas for         engineers and support staff having
    The Pocono Mountains property         daily rental,” says Cary Brandt,       to visit every guest room whenever
    has a massive 100,000-square-foot     corporate creative director of         there was a channel lineup change,”
    indoor waterpark with a retractable   entertainment at Kalahari. “We         says Gogola. “We also needed
    roof, a lazy river, and dozens of     wanted to provide a high-quality TV    high-quality, reliable TVs that would
    water slides. Families can take a     viewing experience so families and     require minimum support or repairs.”
    break from all the water fun and      friends could lounge there all day
    relax in private pool-side cabanas.   and enjoy the food and beverages.”
    When phase two is completed,
                                          The cabana TVs needed to be
    the property will have nearly 1,000
                                          reliable and hold up to the humidity
    guest rooms and will be the
                                          around the waterpark.
    largest indoor waterpark in the
    United States.

Samsung Hospitality TVs and LYNK REACH Make a Big Splash at Waterpark Resort
The Solution:
Samsung Hospitality TVs LYNK to the Future                                          Samsung
                                                                                    Hospitality TV
After evaluating several TV brands,       and 90 degree stops for maximum
Kalahari selected the Samsung             flexibility and optimal viewing from      Solutions
Hospitality TVs and LYNK Remote           anywhere in the room.
Enhanced Active Control for
Hospitality (REACH) solution.             In order to centrally manage the          Smart Hospitality tvs
                                          TV infrastructure, Kalahari installed
The resort teamed with American           Samsung’s REACH platform. The
Hotel Register, ALMO and Judge            REACH server and remote controller
Group, a national system integrator,      enable the updating and adjusting
to plan and deploy more than 1,500        of the TVs over radio frequency (RF)
48-inch 670 Series TVs and 65-inch        signals. “We can now easily control
890 Series Smart TVs throughout the       the standard volume levels on our TVs
Pocono resort’s guest rooms, cabana       and change our channel lineups from
lounges, bars, restaurants, and lobby.    a centralized location,” says Gogola.     A broad range of Smart TVs
                                          “That’s a huge win for us because         designed to enhance the guest
Samsung Hospitality TVs deliver a         we were never able to do that before      experience and simplify IT
premium viewing experience at a           Samsung.”                                 management.
cost-effective price. Regular rooms
have two TVs while the large suites       Samsung’s LYNK REACH also
have up to nine TVs. The fully-featured   enables Kalahari to program and
TVs include Connect Share to enable       change channels to take advantage         LYNK REACH®
guests to connect devices over USB        of promotions within the hotel. For
and HDMI ports.                           example, when a celebrity makes an            LAN
                                                                                                        POWER       WD

                                          appearance at the resort, a message


The TVs also feature volume limiters,     can be sent to guests over their TVs to   Manage your Hospitality TVs and
lock-out controls, hotel channels, and    promote the visit and invite guests to    customize the guest experience
USB cloning. The display pedestal         come for autographs.                      with features including a graphical
stand rotates with optional 20, 60,                                                 user interface and interactive
                                                                                    channel guide.


Samsung Hospitality TVs and LYNK REACH Make a Big Splash at Waterpark Resort
The Results:
Providing Unique Viewing Experiences Throughout the Resort
The Samsung Hospitality TVs are                                   would serve as background music, but                                Based on the success at the Pocono
enabling Kalahari to create a truly                               instead, people gather and watch them                               Mountains resort, Samsung has
unique vacation experience for guests                             as if it’s a real concert,” says Brandt.                            become the standard TV solution for
and conventioneers. “To us, they’re not                                                                                               all Kalahari properties. As older TVs
just TVs, they’re video wallpaper that                            In the hotel rooms, guests can watch                                at the Wisconsin Dells and Sandusky
we can use all over the resort to delight                         cable programming with interactive                                  properties are retired, they are replaced
guests and give them memorable                                    program guides. Or they can connect                                 with new Samsung TVs. And future
experiences,” says Brandt.                                        their own devices to stream movies or                               properties will be equipped with
                                                                  play games. “Guests have been really                                Samsung.
For example, four 65-inch Samsung                                 happy with the in-room TVs,” says
Smart Signage displays are mounted                                Gogola. “Many guests already have                                   “We are very excited about what we
side-by-side in the main bar. During                              a Samsung TV at home, so they just                                  can do in the future with Samsung,”
the day, they display African wildlife                            expect that quality in the resort.”                                 says Brandt. “Working with the
scenery. In the evening, the displays                                                                                                 Samsung technology has opened
create a virtual rock concert. Each                               Managing a fleet of 1,500 TVs has                                   new possibilities that will take the
display shows a different musician                                been easy with the reliability of the TVs                           guest experience to a whole new level
singing or playing an instrument. The                             and the LYNK REACH platform. “The                                   and it wouldn’t be possible without
content is synchronized so that all                               Samsung TVs simplify management                                     Samsung.”
four artists interact simultaneously to                           and make it easy for our maintenance
create a concert that appears to be                               teams and staff to focus more on the
live. “At first, we thought the videos                            overall guest experience,” says Gogola.

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Samsung Hospitality TVs and LYNK REACH Make a Big Splash at Waterpark Resort
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