Salary survey SPECIAL REPORT - - Business News

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Salary survey SPECIAL REPORT - - Business News
Salary survey

Salary survey SPECIAL REPORT - - Business News
                                                                                                                                         BIGGEST EMPLOYERS

 Rio is WA’s biggest employer, with a workforce of 22,635 people. Photo: Rio Tinto

Employers resigned to shortages
Unemployment is at record lows in WA, but pressure from mass
resignations and outbound travellers is looming.
                                       GIVEN a booming iron ore price earlier      million Western Australians are in full-     migrant workers. However, bringing
                                       in the year and record exports of the       or part-time work, reflecting 65 per cent    workers into the country has been close
                                       steel-making metal from Western             of the state’s population.                   to impossible for most businesses in the
                                       Australia, it’s no surprise that Rio           But even with unemployment at             state, given that WA until recently was
                                       Tinto, BHP, and Fortescue Metals Group      record lows, demand is increasing for        accepting just 265 international arrivals
                                       have emerged as the state’s biggest         skilled and unskilled labour, given          each week. That figure is now 530.
                                       employers.                                  the state’s tight border restrictions,          The state’s international travel cap
Jessica Mascione                          All three companies have new and         which have been in place since April         will be removed once it reaches a 90   existing mining operations in the           last year as part of its response to         per cent vaccination target, which
                                       Pilbara, with Rio employing 22,600          COVID-19.                                    requires those aged 12 and above to
                                       full-time workers and contractors in           Businesses across industries, in          have received both doses of a COVID-19
                                       WA, while BHP employs 21,000 workers        particular the agriculture, mining, and      vaccine.
                                       and Andrew Forrest-chaired Fortescue        tourism and hospitality sectors, are            Tasmania is waiting to meet that
                                       employs 16,800 workers.                     needing workers to pick fruit, keep          same target before reopening, while
                                          The sector’s strength has placed         mine sites running, and serve in cafes.      Queensland is expected to open its

                                       the Perth-based miners ahead of                Construction and engineering              doors to international arrivals in
       If organisations                supermarket giant Woolworths                company Monadelphous, for example,           December when the state reaches its 70
                                       Group, which last year was the state’s      has acknowledged a shortage of skilled       per cent double-dose target.
aren’t listening to                    biggest employer, with 16,400 staff.        labour as a major challenge to its              NSW and Victoria have already
                                       Woolworths now has 15,000 WA                operations, in particular in WA, where       reopened their borders, welcoming
their employees                        employees.                                  it has said interstate border restrictions   fully vaccinated travellers without the
                                          The strength of WA’s labour force        are directly affecting the supply of         need to quarantine.
about their changing                   reflects these numbers.                     labour.                                         As such, migrants could be looking
                                          The state’s unemployment rate of            Monadelphous, which has more than         to the eastern states first, further
needs, wants and                       3.9 per cent, reflecting a nine-year        4,600 direct and indirect staff in WA,       deepening WA’s labour shortage
                                       low, is tied with the Northern Territory    expects labour restraints will continue      troubles.
desires, it’s going to                 for lowest in the country, with its         to be a challenge for some time, even           And although international travellers
                                       participation rate better than almost all   as border restrictions relax in coming       and students will be allowed into WA
be too late for them                   other jurisdictions.                        months.                                      when borders reopen next year, those
                                          Latest data from the Australian             In more normal times, businesses          same freedoms also give Western
- David George                         Bureau of Statistics shows about 1.4        can alleviate worker shortages by hiring                        Continued on page 28
26 | Business News November 29, 2021
Salary survey SPECIAL REPORT - - Business News
Western Australia’s largest specialist immigration firm is ready...
As Fortress Australia moves to bring down her borders and welcomes the business world,
our team of experts is ready to assist with sponsorship, overseas workforce planning and visa processing.

55 Murray St, Perth WA 6000

Congratulations to Reuben Saul for
being elected WA State President
and National Treasurer of the
Migration Institute of Australia.
Salary survey SPECIAL REPORT - - Business News
                                                                                                                                           BIGGEST EMPLOYERS

Data & Insights Top 20 employers - Ranked by number of staff in WA                                                                From page 26

   Rio Tinto                           22,635                       BHP                          21,000                           Australians the opportunity to travel
                                                                                                                                  outside the state or move interstate or
                                                                                                                                     Outbound migration is looming
                                                                                                                                  for WA, as it is for all states and
                                                                                                                                  territories in Australia, along with mass
                                                                                                                                     “Analysts are claiming 42 per cent
                                                                                                                                  plus of the [global] population are
                                                                                                                                  going to leave their jobs in the next 12
                                                                                                                                  months,” David George, the managing
                                                                                                                                  director of global recruitment company
                                                                                                                                  PageGroup, told Business News.
                                                                                                                                     Mr George was referencing ‘the great
                                                                                                                                  resignation’; a term coined by Texan
                                                                                                                                  business and management professor
                                                                                                                                  Anthony Klotz to describe the millions
                                                                                                                                  of Americans who left their jobs earlier
                                                                                                                                  this year.
   Fortescue Metals Group              16,842                       Woolworths Group             15,000
                                                                                                                                     According to the US Bureau of Labor
                                                                                                                                  Statistics, 4 million Americans quit
                                                                                                                                  their jobs in July, marking the country’s
                                                                                                                                  highest resignation rate since 2000.
                                                                                                                                     Research has linked the great
                                                                                                                                  resignation to COVID-19, with the
                                                                                                                                  pandemic affecting how and when
                                                                                                                                  employees work.
                                                                                                                                     Working from home during
                                                                                                                                  lockdowns, for instance, was found to
                                                                                                                                  have muddied the barrier between work
                                                                                                                                  and personal life in the short term and
                                                                                                                                  made employees reassess their values
   Wesfarmers                          12,394       Coles                 10,000       McDonald’s Australia 10,000                in the long term.
                                                                                                                                     Mr George said the great resignation,
                                                                                                                                  which PageGroup is referring to
                                                                                                                                  as ‘the great recalibration’, was
                                                                                                                                  prevalent among both white-collar and
                                                                                                                                  blue-collar workers.
                                                                                                                                     “It’ll vary from industry to industry
                                                                                                                                  … but it appears to be across the board,
                                                                                                                                  and some of those industries that
                                                                                                                                  are really struggling will continue to
                                                                                                                                  struggle, there’s no doubt about that,”
                                                                                                                                  he said.
                                                                                                                                     “Historically, people like to criticise
   Crown Towers Perth 5,000                Sodexo           4,500    Woodside         3,777       Alcoa of            3,750       or blame the millennials or gen Zs … as
                                                                     Petroleum                    Australia                       being the job-hoppers or not putting up
                                                                                                                                  a fight when the going gets tough.
                                                                                                                                     “But the research we’re seeing
                                                                                                                                  around the world and what we’re
                                                                                                                                  seeing from our colleagues [shows] it’s
                                                                                                                                  not necessarily people in their twenties
                                                                    Compass        3,455      Downer EDI               NFP        who are the ones most likely to be
   Mineral Resources             5,000     Ventia           4,000   Group                                                         changing jobs or careers in the new
                                                                                                                                     “We’re seeing it very much more
                                                                                                                                  around the world in the thirties to
                                                                                              Spotless              3,000         forties age brackets.”
                                                                                                                                     Mr George noted several other
                                                                                                                                  factors influencing mass resignations,
   Monadelphous                  4,654     UGL               NFP    Roy Hill       3,371
                                                                                                                                  including that some workers felt ‘burnt
                                                                                                                                  out’ or of the view their employers were
                                                                                              CITIC Pacific         3,000
                                                                                              Mining                              taking advantage of them.
                                                                                                                                     “If you think back 12 to 18 months,
                                                                                                                                  a lot of workforces shrank and
                                                                                                                                  [employers] cut some of the headcount
                                                                                                      NFP = Not for publication   cost,” he said.

28 | Business News November 29, 2021
Salary survey SPECIAL REPORT - - Business News


                       %                                                                                                           with the most-sponsored occupation
                                                                                                                                   being resident medical officer,
                                                                                                                                   followed by chef and diesel motor
                                                                                                                                      Mr Saul said the state government
WA UNEMPLOYMENT                                                                                                                    was working to get its student visa

RATE IN OCTOBER                                                                                                                    program up and running before
                                                                                                                                   university returned next year, with a
                                                                                                                                   backlog of 5,000 international students
   “As businesses picked up and got                                                                                                already granted visas.
busier, they haven’t necessarily been as                                                                                              But he said there was more the
quick to rehire people.”                                                                                                           state government could do to attract
   Many workers, Mr George said, were                                                                                              students, as well as those looking to
also leaving their jobs without a new                                                                                              start a business in Australia.
role lined up, as their savings – which                                                                                               “Sydney and Melbourne are shaping
are generally higher as a result of not                                                                                            up to be the most inviting and realistic
having travelled, in light of border                                                                                               options for [international students and
restrictions – were providing them with                                                                                            businesses] in 2022, and Brisbane and
the means to do so.                                                                                                                Adelaide aren’t far behind,” Mr Saul
   “Instead of the traditional ‘you                                                                                                said.
find a job, you leave a job’, people are                                                                                              “These east coast cities have really
actually leaving their roles and going                                                                                             done a good job of selling the message
out to find one because the market is                                                                                              that they’re global cities; they hit
                                            WA’s borders are expected to reopen in February.
good and there’s less concern [that]                                                                                               COVID head on and they’re open for
they won’t be able to find anything,”                                                                                              business.”
he said.                                   move to remote Australia,” Mr George        who will be looking at doing it, so it         He said safety was an important
   According to the ABS, more than         said.                                       won’t just be people leaving who are        message to get across to potential
630,000 Australians expect to be with a      “There’s definitely going to be a         in those highly skilled roles, it’ll also   students, but factors such as job
new employer in the New Year.              shakeup and I think people need to be       be people filling those temporary,          prospects, permanent residence, and
   Mr George said if the great             aware of that.”                             part-time roles.”                           the ability for family members to visit
resignation was to hit Australia, it         Reuben Saul, the newly elected state         He said industries that relied heavily   also needed consideration.
would occur around February or March       president of Migration Institute of         on foreign workers and backpacker and          “A lot of factors weigh on a potential
when the country returned to normal        Australia, told Business News the great     student visas, such as in the agriculture   migrant’s mind, and I think that’s the
and all states and territories had         resignation could be more prevalent         and hospitality sectors, could be hit the   message that we need to push harder to
reopened their borders.                    across the state’s casual or part-time      hardest.                                    attract them over the east coast, which
   And while that would mean new,          workers than those filling skilled roles.      “There’s concern for those sectors       did get that head start,” Mr Saul said.
overseas entrants into the Australian        “We’re likely to see an outbound          that those visa programs are not going         He noted that, on paper, WA’s
workforce, it also means residents will    migration from WA, whether that’s           to bounce back anytime soon, and it’s       migration numbers didn’t look that bad.
have the opportunity to leave.             people leaving the state to head to         going to take a number of years before         In the past financial year, the state
   “As we get back to a little bit of      other states in Australia, or looking to    those kinds of workers come back,” Mr       received 10 per cent of Australia’s
normality and lockdowns end and            go overseas,” Mr Saul said.                 Saul, also a partner at immigration law     overall migration program, reflecting
borders open up, people are going to         “There’s a whole range of                 firm Estrin Saul Lawyers, said.             more than 16,000 permanent visa
go, be that interstate or overseas, or     young people who missed out on                 He noted those coming into WA now        grants.
be that a complete change in career or     opportunities to travel or work abroad      were in critical or highly skilled roles,                       Continued on page 30

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                                                                                                                                            November 29, 2021 Business News | 29
Salary survey SPECIAL REPORT - - Business News
                                                                                                                                         BIGGEST EMPLOYERS

 Reuben Saul expects outbound migration to have an impact on WA’s labour market. Photo: David Henry

From page 29                              However, Mr Saul said this was              “Obviously some jobs need you there          He said while remuneration was
                                       unlikely to improve WA’s skills            … but there are a lot of jobs, especially     important, it wasn’t everything.
                                       shortage, given 70 per cent of visa        in the white-collar world, where you             China’s version of the great
                                       approvals were for people already          don’t have to [come into the office], and     resignation, for example, reflects the
                                       living in Australia.                       if [employers] don’t have a strategy or a     nation’s millennials and gen Z, who are
                                          “In reality, less than 30 per cent of   plan behind it, [they’re] just not going      opting out of high-paying and stressful
                                       these people are genuine new migrants      to attract or retain people.”                 jobs to instead do the bare minimum.
                                       to WA,” he said.                               He said many employers were                  The movement, coined ‘lying flat’

                                          “In the long term, the impact will      beginning to advertise jobs without a         on a (now deleted) post on Chinese
       A lot of factors                be good; it’s better to have more          specific location, noting PageGroup           discussion forum Baidu Tieba, is also
                                       permanent migrants here. But I think       allowed its employees to work from            reflective of a resistance to the nation’s
weigh on a potential                   in the short term, with some of these      regional towns and overseas.                  ‘996’ work culture: the expectation that
                                       immediate skill shortage problems              “There will always be challenges and      working hours are between 9am and
migrant’s mind, and                    that we’re talking about, those            it doesn’t work for every organisation,       9pm, and across six days a week.
                                       numbers are likely to have very little     it doesn’t work for every employee,              Mr George told Business News many
I think that’s the                     impact at all.”                            but the upside is far better than the         people were experiencing what has
                                                                                  downside,” Mr George said.                    been termed as a ‘pandemic epiphany’.
                                       Retention, recruitment                         “Organisations have been talking             “Things have changed, and the way
message that we need                      When it comes to attracting and         about doing this for years, and               we work has changed,” he said.
                                       retaining staff, Mr George noted three     suddenly [COVID-19] has sped up                  “The employees hold all the cards.”
to push harder to                      factors: flexibility, organisational       everyone’s approach.                             As examples of this, he noted the
                                       values, and feeling valued.                    “People have had to bite the bullet,      generic interview process had almost
attract them over the                     Since the onset of COVID-19, many       and generally the results indicate it’s       halved, from 24 days to 14 days, in part
                                       businesses have adopted a hybrid work      extremely doable.”                            because employers were desperate to
east coast                             model that allows employees to come            He said organisational values were        secure talent.
                                       into the office and work from home         being taken into consideration more              Further, the way employees’
- Reuben Saul                          when it suits.                             than before, noting environmental,            performance was measured had
                                          “Flexibility is definitely more         social and corporate governance (ESG)         fundamentally changed, he said.
                                       important than money at the moment,”       initiatives, missions, and goals.                “The way we measure performance
                                       Mr George said, also referring to when         Feeling valued is also a driving factor   is about output, it’s not about hours in
                                       and for how long employees can take        behind staff retention and recruitment.       the office,” Mr George said.
                                       annual leave.                                  “Generic, mass email approaches to           “If organisations aren’t listening to
                                          He said most companies were now         people … or generic advertisements on         their employees about their changing
                                       expected to have flexible working from     Seek are not cutting it at the moment,”       needs, wants and desires, it’s going to
                                       home and annual leave arrangements.        Mr George said, noting advertisements         be too late for them.
                                          “It’s being asked about right the way   on employment marketplace Seek are at            “[Employers] have to be asking the
                                       through to the interview process,” Mr      all-time record highs, while the number       right questions and listening to their
                                       George said. “People are not afraid        of applicants continues to drop.              employees.
                                       to ask anymore, and if the employer            “[Employers] need to put more effort         “Instead of saying ‘Why?’ it’s more
                                       doesn’t have a clear answer, that’s it.    into finding people, going after them         of saying ‘Why not? Let’s try and find a
                                       Employees are not interested.              proactively, and making it personal.”         way to make this work’.”
30 | Business News November 29, 2021
 Setting the course for prosperity
 Connect with WA’s business community for lunch as we map our state’s future and navigate toward
 our economic and cultural potential.
 Chief scientist, Professor Peter Klinken AC, will deliver his vision for the future of Western Australian
 society, highlighting the unique advantages and features of our state, the required elements of change
 and how we can be a world leader across pillars of industry, education, health and culture by 2030.
 Joining the conversation, some of WA’s most prominent business leaders will further discuss how
 Perth can be a creative, bold and visionary city; a hub for arts, mining and resources, manufacturing,
 medical innovation and tourism.

  Professor Peter Klinken AC                       Simon Trott                            Katharine Giles
  Chief Scientist of Western Australia   Chief Executive, Iron Ore, Rio Tinto       Chief Executive, OncoRes Medical

           Paddy Gregg                             Adrian Fini                                 Di Bain
        Chief Executive, Austal                Co-Founder, Hesperia                        Chair, Tourism WA

THURSDAY 3 FEBRUARY                             BOOK
                                                                                HOST PARTNERS
                                                                                                                                                                                          BIGGEST EMPLOYERS

Data & Insights                                        WA’S LARGEST EMPLOYMENT SERVICES
                                                       Ranked by No. of consultants in WA, then total staff in WA

                                                                                              Year    Total                     Offices

                                                                                             est. in staff in     No. of WA      a) WA
        Company name                            Senior executive and title                    WA       WA        Consultants b) interstate Specialisation

                                                Ms Lee Broomhall
  1     Workpower Inc                           Chief executive                               1992      NFP         NFP              a) 15       Providing community and employment support for people with disability

        Hays Specialist                         Mr Chris Kent                                                                        a) 2        Accountancy and finance, architecture, banking, construction, contact centres, energy,
  2     Recruitment Australia                   State regional director, WA                   1987      125         105              b) 37
                                                                                                                                                 engineering, executive, facilities management, healthcare, HR, IT, labour hire, legal,
                                                                                                                                                 supply chain, marketing, mining, office support, procurement, property, sales

                                                Mr Jamie Devitt                                                                      a) 3        HR and psychometric assessment consulting, learning and development, talent
  3     Chandler Macleod                        Director - client solutions APAC              1978      101           75             b) 18
                                                                                                                                                 solutions, recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), managed service provision
                                                                                                                                                 (MSP), outsourced housekeeping (AHS), Allied Health Solutions (Vivir)…

                                                Mr Paquita Colbourne                                                                             Providing a range of employment, work experience, disability, youth,
  4     Workskil Australia                      State manager, WA                             2018      NFP         NFP              a) 14       indigenous and community services

                                                Mr Brodie McDougall                                                                  a) 1        Temporary, permanent and contract recruitment across the following disciplines
  5     Page Group                              Regional director Western Australia           2000       50           50             b) 6
                                                                                                                                                 executive search, finance and accounting, sales, marketing, digital, mining and
                                                                                                                                                 resources, technology, procurement, supplychain, HR, engineering, office support…

                                                Mr Nic Fairbank                                                                      a) 13
  6     Programmed                              Chief executive, Skilled Workforce            1999      NFP         NFP              b) 90
                                                                                                                                                 Labour hire

                                                Ms Sally Hollins
  7     Edge Employment Solutions               Chief executive                               1984       70           47             a) 3        Diversity targets/candidate matching/post placement support/apprenticeships

                                                Ms Emma Johansen                                                                                 Temporary, contract and permanent recruitment & training solutions in administration,
                                                                                                                                     a) 1
  8     ManpowerGroup Australia                 Recruitment consultant                        1964      NFP         NFP              b) 10
                                                                                                                                                 customer service, warehouse & logistics, maintenance aand shutdown projects,
                                                regional manager, WA & SA                                                                        construction, mining and resources, IT, project solutions, engineering, finance

                                                Ms Lisa Van Vlemen                                                                   a) 6
  9     The Recovre Group                       Regional manager WA/SA/NT                     2001      48            42             b) 32
                                                                                                                                                 Customised workplace health, safety, rehabilitation and training solutions

                                                Mr Anthony Mori                                                                      a) 8
 10     WorkPac                                 Head of operations and sales, WA              1997       93           39             b) 28
                                                                                                                                                 Mining, resources and construction

                                                Mr James Holden                                                                      a) 1        Recruitment for the energy sector including oil and gas, renewables, nuclear,
 11     Spencer Ogden                           Country director                              2014       39           37             b) 1        power, finance, trading and mining

                                                Mr Shawn Murphy                                                                      a) 8        Apprentices and training, indigenous training and employment, temporary
 12     Skill Hire                              Chief executive                               1992      150           35             b) 2        staff, permanent placement, government services, international recruitment.

                                                Ms Jennifer Conlon                                                                   a) 1        Permanent, temporary and contract recruitment of roles across the following
 13     Randstad                                Branch manager                                1960       40           35             b) 20
                                                                                                                                                 specialisations: business support, accounting, banking & financial Services, construction
                                                                                                                                                 property and engineering, mining, oil & gas, education, IT, industrial, logistics.

                                                Mr Nick Verkerk                                                                      a) 1        Executive search and selection, professional and white collar contracting, board
 14     Beilby Downing Teal                     General manager, WA                           1966      NFP         NFP              b) 8        appointments, HR consulting

                                                Ms Marg Van Heurck                                                                               Mining, medical and healthcare, engineering and trades, occupational health
 15     ChoiceOne                               Chief executive                               1990       35           25             a) 1        and safety, sales and marketing, accounting and finance, executive, legal,
                                                                                                                                                 administration and HR consulting

                                                Mr Nick Fennessy
 16     Scotford Fennessy                       Managing director                             2002       30           23             a) 1        Mining, engineering, oil and gas, construction, professional services

                                                Mr Kurt Gillam                                                                       a) 1        White collar recruitment in professional services, ICT, Government, STEM,
 17     PERSOLKELLY                             Executive general manager,                    2020       26           22             b) 7        management and executive
                                                Mr Connor Martin-Fitzpatrick                                                         a) 1        Specialises in temporary and permanent staffing solutions for office support, federal
 18     Adecco                                  Recruitment consultant                        2000      80            20             b) 17
                                                                                                                                                 gov & councils, contact centre, accounting and finance, HR, sales and marketing,
                                                                                                                                                 manufacturing and operations, transport and logistics, trade, engineering.

                                                Mr Andrew Tomich                                                                     a) 1        Recruitment in accounting, human resources, technical and engineering, IT&T,
 19     Hudson                                  Managing director                             1985      NFP         NFP              b) 11
                                                                                                                                                 digital, project services, supply chain and procurement, sales,marketing and
                                                                                                                                                 communications, office and professional support…

                                                Mr Ralph Bourn                                                                       a) 1        Employee benefits, investments, superannuation, insurance, financial services,
 20     Mercer                                  Principal                                               NFP           18             b) 6        health benefits

        GET THE FULL LIST ONLINE                      
All information compiled using surveys, publicly available data and contact with industry sources. Other companies may be eligible for inclusion. If you believe your company is eligible,
please email:                                                                                   WND: Would Not Disclose, NFP: Not For Publication, N/A: Not Applicable or Not Available.

32 | Business News November 29, 2021
Data & Insights
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