Page created by Eduardo Lewis
WELCOME TO SAIMAA                             A DV E N T U R E A N D
Authentic experiences                         S P O RT S H O L I DAY
04      Experience the best sides of Saimaa   Natural outdoors and indoors

        with a tour of five towns!            20-21   Active holiday
05      Welcome to the Lake Saimaa area       22-23   Ukonniemi – Holiday paradise

6-7     Särä and local delicacies                     on the Saimaa lakeside
                                              24-25   Saimaan palju –
                                                      Experiences to treasure
Local relaxation                              26-27   Savitaipale – nature and exercise
                                              28      Fun in the winter snow
9       Sauna
                                              29      Summer activities for all ages
10-11   Holiday Club Saimaa
12-13   Imatran Kylpylä Spa Resort
                                              C I T Y H O L I DAY
                                              Highlights & recommendations of
                                              sustainable Saimaa region
                                              31      Sandcastle –Let´s Play
Ecological choices
                                              32-33   Original Sokos Hotel Lappee
14-15   Relaxing cottage holiday              34      Evergreen Lappeenranta
16-17   Enchanting nature excursions          35      Eventful Imatra
18      Sights and attractions in Saimaa      36      Treat yourself to some
19      The 4 seasons of Lake Saimaa                  nights in a hotel
                                              37      Cruises on Saimaa and
                                                      visa-free cruises to Russia
                                              55      Lappeenranta Airport

     Experience                                                                          Welcome to the
     the best sides of                                                                   Lake Saimaa area
     Saimaa                                                                              Lappeenranta and Imatra region is located near the Russian border only a couple
                                                                                         of hours away from the Finnish capital Helsinki. From Helsinki you can easily get
     Saimaa is one of Finland’s most popular tourist desti-                              here by train, bus or car within just a few hours. Public transport is easy and af-
     nations. The easiest way to experience its full enchant-                            fordable way of travelling in Finland. You can travel visa-free to Russia from Lap-
     ment is to take a tour of the cities on the shores of Lake                          peenranta and combine the beautiful lakeland nature with the cultural metropol
     Saimaa. There is at most one hundred kilometres from                                of St. Petersburg.
     one city to another, so take a relaxed trip to Imatra,                              BY TRAIN FROM                              BY CAR                                    THE NINE MUNICIPALITIES
                                                                                         HELSINKI,                                  Main roads 6 and 13 will take you         OF SOUTH KARELIA
     Lappeenranta, Mikkeli, Savonlinna and Varkaus!                                      ST. PETERSBURG AND VYBORG                  towards Lappeenranta and Imatra.          The region of South Karelia includes
                                                                                         If you take an express train from Hel-     From the Helsinki metropolitan area,      a total of nine municipalities: Ima-
     1. IMATRA – RAPIDS AND SPAS              3. MIKKELI – DELICACIES AT                 sinki, you will be in Lappeenranta         the drive to the Saimaa region takes      tra, Lappeenranta, Lemi, Luumä-
3.   Imatrankoski is one of Finland’s old-    THE MANOR AND PARSONAGE                    or Imatra in a couple of hours. The        only about 2.5 hours, so the distance     ki, Parikkala, Rautjärvi, Ruoko-
     est and best-known tourist destina-      The food experience on the shores of       well-maintained railway network            is also convenient for weekend trips.     lahti, Savitaipale and Taipalsaari.
     tions, and rightly so. Its rapid shows   Lake Saimaa continues in Mikkeli,          also enables travelling to other parts     A car is also the best option for tour-   Of these, Imatra and Lappeenranta
     are an experience you won’t forget!      for example, at the Tertin Kartano         of Finland. There is also a taxi con-      ing around in the Lakeland area.          are cities.
     The luxurious Kruunupuisto park is       manor, which has been in the same          nection from Lappeenranta central
     a memory of the region’s history as      family for hundreds of years. Time         railway/bus station to Vainikkala          BY PLANE                                  SAIMAA RINGED SEAL
     a tourist destination and the Ukon-      flies when you taste the delicacies of     railway station.                           You can reach Lappeenranta and            The Saimaa ringed seal (Pusa hispida
     niemi-Rauha area has diverse and         the manor’s own garden. In the fasci-                                                 Imatra region in a couple of hours        saimensis) is one of the world’s rarest
     modern sports and leisure attrac-        nating garden of the Kenkävero par-        Did you know that you can also whizz       when flying to Helsinki. Lappeen-         seals, appearing only in the Saimaa
     tions. There are Imatra Spa Resort,      sonage, you can enjoy local flavours       to St. Petersburg in 1.5 hours? The        ranta International Airport is locat-     waterway in Finland. The Saimaa
     Holiday Club Saimaa and other prop-      in the midst of flowers.                   fast Allegro train departs daily from      ed only two kilometres from the city      ringed seal is highly endangered and
     erties as well as many companies of-                                                Lappeenranta’s Vainikkala railway          centre: check the latest flight connec-   was given protected status by the
     fering entertainment. The Salpaus-       4. SAVONLINNA – CASTLE,                    station. With the Tolstoi train you        tions on                   WWF in 1979.
     selkä ridges follow lake Saimaa and      OPERA AND NATURE                           can also travel to Moscow.
     there are plenty of routes, tracks,      Savonlinna is, of course, known for
     fields and arenas for athletes and na-   Olavinlinna Castle and its Opera Fes-
4.   ture tourists. Remember to also stop     tival, but nature is also close by. The
     by the uniquely excellent Parikkala      Linnansaari and Kolovesi national
     Sculpture Park!                          parks are easily accessible by water,
                                              and you can also admire nature on a        Lake Saimaa Finland's largest lake                             Distance between cities (in kilometers)
     2. LAPPEENRANTA –                        cruise along the archipelago. At the
     KARELIAN HOSPITALITY                     local marketplace you can taste Lört-      Surface area                      4,460 km2                    From Helsinki to Lappeenranta                       220 km
     One of the things Lappeenranta is        sy pastries with various fillings and                                                                     From Helsinki to Imatra                             255 km
     known for, are the fast food deli-       vendace of the lake Puruvesi.              Maximum length                        194 km                   From St. Petersburg to Lappeenranta                 190 km
     cacies of its local marketplace: the
     Vety meat and egg pie and the Atomi      5. VARKAUS – THEATRE,                      Maximum width                         138 km                   From St. Petersburg to Imatra                       202 km
     pie which has either egg or meat in-     VISUAL ARTS AND MECHANI-
     side. Another local delicacy is Lemin    CAL MUSIC                                  Shore length                      14,850 km                    By train
     särä, a traditional lamb meat dish. In   Cultural experiences in the old in-                                                                       From Helsinki to Lappeenranta                   2 h 2 mins
     Lappeenranta, time passes on a for-      dustrial city of Varkaus include the       Number of islands                        13,710                From Helsinki to Imatra                        2 h 33 mins
     tress walk and a visa-free cruise all    Varkaus theatre, which is known
     the way to Vyborg or St. Petersburg.     throughout the country, and the
5.   Friends of the Finnish TV series Sor-    Väinölä Art Centre, where you can
     jonen can take an exciting tour of the   admire the gems of visual art. The
     filming locations.                       city’s specialties include the unique        Timetables (trains, also Allegro to Russia)
                                              instruments of the Mechanical Mu-            online                                     (visa-free cruises from Lappeenranta to Russia)
                                              sic Museum. Varkaus also offers food                             (Lappeenranta International Airport)     (buses)
                                              culture – it is, for example, the caviar
                                              capital of Finland!

         4      WELCOME TO SAIMAA                                                                                          5        WELCOME TO SAIMAA
                                                                                                        ONE OF THE SEVEN WONDERS OF FINLAND
                                                                                                        Restaurant Säräpirtti Kippurasarvi in Lemi has served the
                                                                                                        mouth-watering roast lamb with Lemi potatoes for 40 years.

                                                                                                        Särä is a delicious lamb dish made ac-   Kippurasarvi is the only restaurant    people can, however, be reserved
                                                                                                        cording to a 1000-year-old tradition.    in Finland that specialises in this    for slots outside the set serving
                                                                                                        It takes at least nine hours to cook,    one dish. Särä is served with bread,   times. Särä can also be purchased
                                                                                                        and the slow roasting gua rantees a      butter, low alcohol home brew and      at Lappeenranta’s K-supermarket
                                                                                                        mouth-watering experience. In the        water – and don’t forget the mixed     Rakuuna and the Särä shop at K-
                                                                                                        traditional Lemi way, Särä is enjoyed    fruit soup served for dessert. The     supermarket Lehmus to take home.
                                                                                                        slowly, and you are welcome to have      restaurant has set serving times,      It is also available from the online
                                                                                                        as many servings as you like.            which need to be booked in advance.    store and can be delivered anywhere
                                                                                                                                                 Tables for groups of more than ten     in Finland.

                                                                                                        RESTAURANTS AND CAFES                    Pulsan Asema                           Karelian Gourmet
                                                                                                                                                            Ravintola Voima
                                                                                                        LAPPEENRANTA REGION                                                             Villa Malmi (catering)
                                                                                                                                                 Sputnik ravintola                      Neitsytniemen Kartano (catering)
                                                                                                        Holiday Club Saimaa                             
                                                                                                        Le Biff
                                                                                                        Easy Kitchen                             Kahvila Antell-Saimaa                  Kesäkahvila Kaiku
                                                                                                        Classic Pizza
                                                                                                        Beach House Saimaa by Robert’s           Kahvila Ellen                          Wanha Virveli
                                                                                                                                                 Ship restaurant Prinsessa Armaada      ABC Imatra

                                                                                                        Angus Steak & Wine                             ABC Särkisalmi
                                                                                                        Rosso IsoKristiina                       s/s Suvi-Saimaa
                                                                                                        Onni kahvila & ravintola                 don papa pizza & wine Kauppakatu
                                                                                                        Cafe Restaurant Kanuuna                                                         PUBS AND BARS
                                                                                                                                                 Pizzeria don papa Satama
                                          DELICACIES                                                    Coffee House IsoKristiina                Katto by don papa                      LAPPEENRANTA REGION
                                                                                                        Cafe Mylly                                                                      Birra
                                                                                                        FAFA’s IsoKristiina                      Ravintola Sahrami                      Lamppu
                                                                                                        Kehruuhuone                                             VENN
Other local delicacies                                                                                  Saga Event Venue
                                                                                                                        ABC Viipurinportti
                                                                                                        Wanha Makasiini Bistro                                                          IMATRA REGION
T HER E A R E M A N Y LOCA L DELICACIES WORT H TAST ING IN T HE SA IM A A A R EA.                        Satamatie 6
                                                                                                                                                            Pub Vahti
                                                    for additional fillings include raw onion, garlic   The Kitchen
Vety and Atomi (’Hydrogen and Atom’)                                                          
                                                                                                                                                 IMATRA REGION
                                                    mayonnaise, pickled cucumber salad, ketchup
Lappeenranta has the best quick snacks in Fin-                                                                                                                                          NIGHTCLUBS AND DANCING
                                                                                                        Tang Capital                             À la Carte Kastanja
                                                    and mustard. No visit to Lappeenranta is com-
land. You can taste the hearty traditional treat,                                                                    Pistaasi
                                                    plete without this local delicacy.                                                                                                  LAPPEENRANTA REGION
served for more than 40 years, at the Market                                                                                                     Aulabaari Helmi
                                                                                                        Säräpirtti Kippurasarvi                  Kahvila Akseli G
or Harbour Square. Originally, the meat pies                                                                                                     Keilabaari                             Las Palmas
were called atom or hydrogen bombs; the atomi       Pantteri & Marianne sweets                          Lappeenrannan Upseerikerho     
                                                    Did you know that these sweet tooth’s favou-
(atom) consists of a meat pie filled with either                                                                                                                                        IMATRA REGION
smoked or boiled ham or a boiled egg, while         rites have been made in Lappeenranta for            Hotel Salpa                              Pub Vahti
                                                                                                        Lumo, restaurant                                                                Tähtitaivas
                                                    decades? And they still are!                                                                 Aino kahvila & ravintola     
vety (hydrogen) has both ham and egg. Options                                                           Jalo, cafe                               Hesburger
                                                                                                        Rela, terrace                  

                                      6      WELCOME TO SAIMAA                                                                           7       WELCOME TO SAIMAA
There is nothing more
                            Finnish than sauna
                            Ok, so you have arrived in Finland and you are most likely a little worried or
                            even terrified about the prospect of going to a sauna. Although the worry is
                            understandable, you really needn’t to – it’s just a few people sitting in a boiling
                            hot room almost naked.

                            Did you know? Per capita, Finland has       3 Yes, Finns go to sauna nude even          7 Another big favourite is the scents
                            the highest number of saunas in the         with strangers. In groups, women            sold in various shops, for putting into
                            world. If you don’t get to know any lo-     and men go to sauna separately, but         the sauna water basin. These will fill
                            cals during your visit, a good way to       families go together. Don´t worry,          your sauna with aromas such as tar
                            experience sauna is to rent a cottage       Finns will understand if you want to        and birch.
                            or visit on of the four spas in the area.   wear a swimsuit or a towel.
                            The latter choice offers various dif-                                                   8 You will be sweating heavily in a
                            ferent choices as the former is more        4 Don’t be alarmed when people start        sauna, so be sure to drink plenty.
                            traditional.                                throwing water on the hot stove, since      Water is probably best for you, but
                                                                        that is the single most enjoyable aspect    beer and cider is what Finns enjoy the
                            So surely you want to try one of the        of the sauna. What follows is the löyly     most.
                            most important traditions of Fin-           – hot steam that makes people in the sau-

                            land? But before you do here’s a few        na make weird grunts and funny faces.       9 Finns might not be the most talk-
                            facts and tips so you can get the most      But, once you get used to it, it feels      ative bunch, but if you get the chance,
                            out of the experience.                      straight up heavenly.                       you should try and open a conver-
                                                                                                                    sation between löyly. There’s some-
   IN SAIMAA                1 Just kick back and take it easy.
                            While we may seem to take the con-
                                                                        5 There are no rules for how often
                                                                        you should throw more water on the
                                                                                                                    thing about the temperature and
                                                                                                                    steam that gets us to open up.
                            cept of extreme sweating seriously,         stove. Whenever you feel like another
                            we go there to enjoy ourselves.             wave of steam, go for it. If it gets too    10 Sauna is best enjoyed with the
                                                                        hot, just sit on the lower bench or go      cool-down breaks. When it get’s too
                            2 Getting invited to a sauna is an hon-     outside for some cool air.                  hot, cool down in shower, lake or
                            our. It is said that in Finland, more                                                   snow. One of the best feeling in the
                            important decisions get made in sau-        6 The Finnish sauna tradition is not        world is diving into the cool lake after
                            nas than in meetings.                       complete without the sauna whisk            hot sauna.
                                                                        made of birch twigs, with which you
                                                                        can give your skin a refreshing work-
                                                                        over during a sauna.

    8   S PA H O L I D AY                                               9     S PA H O L I D AY
Holiday Club Saimaa

Holiday Club Saimaa is one of the largest leisure centres in Finland. It includes
Cirque de Saimaa spa, Harmony Spa and a multi-purpose arena. The holiday
resort is the perfect venue for both a laid-back, action-packed family vacation
                                                                                                                                      Services and activities
and a business meeting or event.                                                                                                      • 229 hotel rooms, close to 300     • Gym
                                                                                                                                        holiday homes and Villas
                                                                                                                                        apartments                        • BowlCircus bowling centre

ACCOMMODATION                             ANGRY BIRDS ACTIVITY PARK                 GOLF                                              • 5 restaurants: Easy Kitchen,      • Karaoke and pool table
In addition to spa hotel accommo-         The indoor Angry Birds Activity Park      Holiday Club Golf Saimaa is located in              Le Biff, O’Learys, Classic Piz-
dation, Holiday Club also offers          for the whole family boasts loads of      the vicinity of an 18-hole golf course,             za and Beach House Saimaa         • Tennis
high-quality holiday home accommo-        features: a downstairs adventure          range, par-3 course, putting greens                 by Robert’s Coffee
dation, even for larger groups. The       area for young children, upstairs         and clubhouse. In addition, Saimaa                                                    • Golf course and practice range
area includes close to 300 holiday        Xbox game zone, bag jump tower, slap      offers a training centre that wel-                • Cirque de Saimaa Spa and
homes and Villas apartments, the          shot radar, parkour track and a skate-    comes all golf enthusiasts: no green                Sauna World                       • Angry Birds indoor activity
largest of which accommodate up to        boarding area. The park also includes     card or club membership is required                                                     park
eight people. The holiday homes are       the Angry Birds Shop and a café.          at the training centre.                           • Harmony Spa treatment
well-equipped and located in the im-                                                                                                    section                           • Gant Shop
mediate vicinity of the spa.              WINTER ACTIVITIES                         SUMMERTIME ADVENTURES
                                          Holiday Club Saimaa delights skiers       Enjoy summertime water activities                 • Multi-purpose arena at the        • Around-the-clock R-kiosk at
CIRQUE DE SAIMAA SPA AND                  with its well-maintained network of       at our private beach, where we rent                 heart of the hotel                  the hotel reception
SAUNA WORLD                               skiing trails. Dipping into the warm      out boats, stand-up paddle boards,
The spa features fountains, slides,       spa pools after sports is simply di-      mountain bikes and fat bikes as well              • Padel court on the rooftop
massage stations, a game pool and a       vine.                                     as tennis and miniature golf equip-                 terrace
diving pool with bridges. The young-                                                ment. Fishing trips, paddling, stand-
est guests enjoy their own, safe chil-    RESTAURANTS                               up paddling and parasailing are
dren’s pool and igloo sauna. Sauna        At the O’Learys family restaurant,        among the activities offered in the
World includes all manner of saunas.      you can enjoy hamburgers, sports,         Lappeenranta and Imatra regions,
Harmony Spa provides high-quality         karaoke or a game of pool. Classic Piz-   and cruises and boat and bike rentals
pampering treatments.                     za serves excellent pizzas and salads.    are also available.
                                          Breakfast and lunch are served at the
SUMMERTIME ROOFTOP TER-                   Easy Kitchen. The pool bar offers re-     EXCELLENT FACILITIES
RACE                                      freshing drinks. Beach House Saimaa       FOR HOSTING EVENTS
The Sun Deck rooftop terrace fea-         by Robert’s Coffee is located by Lake     The round tables of the Alexander
tures a padel court, outdoor pool,        Saimaa and, in addition to harbour        Hall at the Paviljonki venue seat up
wooden bathing tub and log sauna.         services, it provides first-class café    to 120 guests, and the eight deluxe
The Sun Deck can be accessed direct-      and restaurant services. Exquisite        rooms upstairs offer a good night’s
ly from the spa. The log sauna on the     dinners are served by Le Biff, our à      sleep. Conference facilities are also
rooftop terrace is open all year round,   la carte restaurant boasting a Chaîne     available at the main building of the
the bathing tub and outdoor pool only     des Rôtisseurs plaque.                    spa hotel. Holiday Club Arena offers
during the summer.                                                                  an outstanding setting for hosting
                                                                                    conferences, celebrations and even
                                                                                    trade fairs.

                                                     10      S PA H O L I D AY                                                11   S PA H O L I D AY
Services and activities
                                                                                                                                      • 171 hotel rooms and 49 Chalet   • 8-lane bowling alley, Escape
                                                                                                                                        suites                            Room

Imatran Kylpylä Spa Resort                                                                                                            • Holiday homes and Villa

                                                                                                                                      • Cafe, three restaurants and
                                                                                                                                                                        • Sports centre and gyms,
                                                                                                                                                                          sports hall

                                                                                                                                                                        • Ukonniemi sports activities
                                                                                                                                        two bars                          within
EASTERN FINLAND’S MOST DIVERSE HOLIDAY CENTRE INVITES FOR A VACATION                                                                                                      walking distance
                                                                                                                                      • Spa Taikametsä, 16 pools and
                                                                                                                                        80-metre-long water slide       • Skiing and jogging trails from
                                                                                                                                                                          the spa doors
                                                                                                                                      • Wellamo Beauty Spa’s pam-
Imatran Kylpylä Spa Resort is one of the best family spas and most popular tour-                                                        pering                          • Experience and programme
ist destinations in Finland. More than 200,000 holidaymakers from Finland and                                                           spa treatments                    services
overseas visit us every year.                                                                                                         • Physical therapy services       • Conference services

ON THE SHORE OF LAKE SAIMAA                various energising pools and whirl-       Imatran Kylpylä Spa Resort is Finland’s
Imatran Kylpylä Spa Resort is in           pools, hot, cold and shallow walking      most diverse spa hotel and has every-
Ukonniemi, an area of natural beauty       pools, a hydro running pool with a        thing needed for a relaxing holiday.
on the shore of Lake Saimaa. The area      counter current unit, pools with mas-
and spa are home to a wide range of        sage showers and whirlpool benches.       EXERCISE AND PLAY
activities and all the services needed     The range of pools also includes a fit-   Imatran Kylpylä Spa Resort offers
for a successful holiday. The holiday      ness pool, a toddlers’ pool and a year-   holidaymakers indoor sports facili-
setting is great for people of all ages.   round heated outdoor pool. You can        ties, a well-equipped gym, instruc-
Imatran Kylpylä is also a popular con-     swim through a tunnel admiring the        tor-led fitness classes, an Escape
ference venue and a basecamp for ath-      dancing Northern Lights and twin-         Room, a modern 8-lane bowling alley
letics training and coaching camps.        kling stars, for example. Accommo-        and a great weekly programme. The
                                           dation and holiday prices include free    gym is free of charge to Spa guests.
At Imatran Kylpylä Spa Resort, hol-        admission to Spa Taikametsä.              There are also various games such
idaymakers can stay at the hotel,                                                    as frisbee golf, badminton, floorball
in quality holiday apartments or in        QUALITY SPA TREATMENTS                    and tennis available. There’s a large
their own villa located within walk-       Beauty Spa Wellamo’s quality cos-         playroom and park for the youngest
ing distance of the spa hotel. The ho-     metology services, pampering treat-       members of the family and a video
tel also has pet friendly rooms.           ments and massages, baths and peat        and gaming world for adolescents.
                                           treatments add a touch of luxury to
UNIQUE EXPERIENCE                          any holiday. A range of options from      GREAT OUTDOOR RECREATION
At the heart of Imatran Kylpylä Spa        deep relaxing treatments to thera-        AREAS
Resort is the Spa Taikkametsä, a           peutic packages is available for wom-     The door of Imatran Kylpylä opens
world of around 1,500 m2 of 16 differ-     en and men. Beauty Spa Wellamo is         out onto outdoor recreation areas,
ent pools, an exhilarating 80-metre        open also at weekends and during          the Lake Saimaa shoreline and na-
long water slide and two shorter ones.     public holidays.                          ture trails and there’s also a sandy
The spa theme has been inspired by                                                   child-friendly beach just a couple of
the nature and underwater world            DELICIOUS FOOD AND ENTER-                 hundred metres away. In winter, you
of Lake Saimaa. The natural light          TAINMENT UNTIL LATE                       can ski straight to the various tracks
floods in superbly through the large       Imatran Kylpylä Spa Resort restau-        from the Spa yard and the longest
windows and various special sound          rants are the place to enjoy delicious    (5 km) first snow ski track in South
and lighting effects as well as weath-     food, with a choice of generous buffet    Finland opens already in October.
er phenomena – thunder, rain and           tables, à la carte menus, street food     Two full-size golf courses, high-stan-
mist – add to the magical atmosphere.      and café treats not to mention the de-    dard sports facilities and quality
The spa also features spectacular el-      lights of the pool bar. The large atmo-   mountain biking track in Ukonniemi
ements such as a waterfall, bridges,       spheric patio overlooking the superb      are also near the Spa.
caverns and water curtains.                Saimaa landscape is open in summer.
                                           Restaurant Tähtitaivas and Bar Hel-
The water temperature in the pools         mi offer great evening entertainment
ranges from +8C to +38C. The Spa’s         in the form of live music, dancing and
diverse pools include a wide range of      karaoke.

                                                      12      S PA H O L I D AY                                                13   S PA H O L I D AY
Your cottage awaits you
                                                     The pure nature of South Karelia is an attraction in itself and best enjoyed in a
                                                     holiday cottage. Wake up to the sound of birdsong, be next to the water, in the
                                                     shade of a forest or in the peace of the wilderness. Peaceful nights and fresh
                                                     mornings have a certain appeal. Breathe in. Breathe out. You’ve arrived.

                                                     There are plenty of holiday cottages          CAMPING AND COTTAGE               IMATRA REGION
                                                     and villas in the Imatran Kylpylä Spa         ACCOMMODATION
                                                     Resort and Holiday Club Saimaa area                                             Imatran Kylpylä
                                                     that can comfortably accommodate              LAPPEENRANTA REGION               holiday apartments
                                                     also larger groups. Besides holiday                                   
                                                     villages, there’s a choice of quality         Camping Lappeenranta
                                                     holiday villas and more traditional          Vuoksen Kalastuspuisto Camping
                                                     individual cottages complete with                                               & Huvila Karhunpesä
                                                     their own peace and quiet and beach.          Holiday Club Saimaa     
                                                     You can enjoy a cottage holiday at any        holiday apartments
                                                     time of the year and it’s just as easy to                 Saimaa Lakeside
                                                     hit the ski trail as it is the hiking trail                           
                                                     from just outside your door.                  Saimaa Gardens
                                                                                                      Kiiverin lomamökit
                                                     If lakescapes attract you time and                                    
                                                     again, your own timeshare might be            Maamiehen majat
                                                     the best form of accommodation on   
          RELAXING                                   your holiday. You can occupy Imatra
                                                                                                                                     OTHER ACCOMMODATION

                                                     Spa Villas and Imatra Spa Chalets             Askon ja Maijan Maatilamajoitus   LAPPEENRANTA REGION
                                                     holiday homes on the shore of Lake  
                                                     Saimaa in Ukonniemi when you want                                               Farmhouse holidays Tuhannen
                                                     and at other times Imtran Kylpylä             Tapion huvilat                    Tarinan Talo
                                                     can let the place out. There are also   
                                                     quality timeshare homes in Rauha,
                                                     Lappeenranta in the area of Holiday           Kokkis-huvilat                    Island accommodation
                                                     Club Saimaa.                                  

                                                     The camping sites in Saimaa will              Saalastin lomamökit               Pulsan Asema
                                                     delight campers and caravaners              
                                                     alike with their stunning lake vistas
                                                     and pleasant amenities. A boat will           Wooddream                         IMATRA REGION
                                                     conveniently ferry you one of Lake  
                                                     Saimaa’s numerous islands, where                                                Seurakuntaopisto, Jaakkiman
                                                     you can spend the night in a ham-             Kiviniemen mökkilomat             kampus, Ruokolahti
                                                     mock under the starry skies.              

                                                                                                   Villa Lummelahti                  AuroraHut

                                                                                                   Willa Rautalahti

   14   C O T TA G E A N D N AT U R E H O L I D AY                               15       C O T TA G E A N D N AT U R E H O L I D AY
Enchanting nature excursion

The heaths of Salpausselkä ridge have smooth nature trails, and you can also climb
higher to admire the lake scenery. Spend a few hours hiking across the nearby
                                                                                                                                  Where to rent a bike or canoe?                               Landing points in Saimaa
terrain or bring a tent and go camping. Take the Imatra Geo Trail and experience                                                  You can rent a kayak, canoe, bike, SUP board or rowing       • Karhusaari, near the Lappeenranta harbour: a
the impact of history on nature. The historic Salpalinja fortifications are also an                                               boat from the Lappeenranta Sandcastle in summer.               pier and a lean-to shelter.
interesting day-trip destination, and going with a guide ensures that you will hear                                               Canoes, rowing boats and motor boats can be rented
                                                                                                                                                                                               • Ruohosaari, Lappeenranta:
the best stories. There are also several geocaches in the South Karelia region.                                                   from the Vuoksi Fishing Park in Imatra. Many hotels            a lean-to shelter and a beach.
                                                                                                                                  also have bikes available for their guests to hire. Don’t
BIKING                                     The Saimaa Canal Culture Trail (1.5         kala. There are also excellent bird-                                                                    • Satamosaari, between Imatra and Joutseno:
                                                                                                                                  forget the city bikes of Lappeenranta and Imatra.
In the environs of Lappeenranta            km) starts at the Canal Museum. QR          watching spots on the Vuoksi river in                                                                     saunas and barbecues.
                                           codes offering information in English       the centre of Imatra, Lake Pien-Raut-
Admire the shores of Saimaa on the
                                           can be found on Finnish-language            järvi and Konnunsuo Fen.                                                                                • Muukonsaari, Joutseno: a trekking centre
Lappeenranta shore route. As well as
urban areas, there are several great       guidance boards along the path.                                                                                                                       with a barbecue and cottage accommodation.
cycling trails in the Saimaa Canal
                                           Explore the nature of Finnish fens          In the environs of Imatra                                                                               • Ilkonsaari: piers and barbecues and five chap-
and Taipalsaari areas.
                                           by walking on duckboards in Häm-
                                           mäauteensuo and taking a break at a
                                                                                       In the vicinity of Ukonniemi in Ima-
                                                                                       tra and Rauha in Lappeenranta you
                                                                                                                                  More information about routes                                  els as an attraction.
In the environs of Imatra
                                           lean-to shelter.                            can canoe along the shores, admiring                                                                    • Rastinniemi: barbecues and a long beach.
The Vuoksi Culture Trail follows the
                                                                                       the boathouses, or around nearby is-       • Descriptions and directions:
Vuoksi river along pedestrian and bi-
                                           In the environs of Imatra                   lands.                             ,                           • Huuhanranta: a lean-to shelter and a
cycle paths and bridges. You can bike
part of the trail, 7 or 4.5 kilometres,    Kruununpuisto Park, next to the Val-                                                                                                                  spectacular shallow sandy beach.
                                           tionhotelli castle hotel, is the starting   The Ruokolahti Canoe Trail is 110          • Routes and downloadable mobile guides:
or cover the whole distance, 11.5 kilo-
                                           point for both the Muinaisuoma Na-          kilometres long. It first follows                                          • Ruuhonsaari: a pier, barbecues and a sauna.
metres. The trail is also suitable for
                                           ture and Culture Trail (1 km) and the       small lakes, then runs along a river,
                                           Mellonlahti Nature Trail (3 km).            through historical canals and the
The official trail of the Imatra MTB                                                   open waters of Saimaa, and ends in
                                           The Lammassaari Shore Trail near            the centre of Ruokolahti.
event is ideal for mountain biking, as
                                           Imatra Spa is 3 km long.
it offers paths of various lengths. The
10-kilometre trail is also suitable for                                                In the environs of Lappeenranta
                                           On the Imatra Geo Trail, you can feel       If you canoe in Lappeenranta town
                                           the history from the Ice Age to the         bay, you can take a break at a lean-
                                           present day, and admire the Salpaus-        to shelter on Karhusaari Island. Re-
Island tour
                                           selkä ridge.                                member to watch out for boats and
This 170-km route goes around south-
ern Saimaa and includes one or two                                                     ships.
                                           Close to the border
boat rides. Another option is the
                                           Head for the River Hiihtolanjoki to         The Alajoki Trail is about 19 km long
180-kilometre Western Saimaa Tour,
                                           take in the river environment and old       and includes five rapids. You can pad-
which you can also combine with the
                                           power plants. Follow a managed hik-         dle this trail in early summer when
Kyläniemi island tour.
                                           ing trail, stairs and duckboards for        the water is high.
                                           1–4 km along Highway 6.
Close to the border
EuroVelo 13, the Iron Curtain Trail, is                                                Pien-Saimaa is a perfect destination
                                           More demanding trekking                     for a brisk day paddle, as there are
part of the European-wide EuroVelo
                                           The most stunning stretch of the Eu-        several places for landing along the
network of cycle routes. In Finland,
                                           ropean long-distance path, E10 (over        trail.
it starts at Vaalimaa and follows the
                                           100 km in South Karelia), runs from
Finnish-Russian border all the way to
                                           Imatra via Ruokolahti and Rautjärvi         The Väliväylä Canoe Trail from Lap-
the Arctic Ocean.
                                           to Parikkala. Legs of 2–10 km, ideal        peenranta to Kouvola takes 4–8 days
                                           for day trips, can be found in Savitai-     to paddle. You can spend the nights
                                           pale, Joutseno, Ruokolahti and Parik-       in lean-to shelters. Väliväylä is also a
In the environs of Lappeenranta            kala.                                       great day-trip destination. The Kan-
The section of the Lappeenranta                                                        nuskoski area, in particular, offers
shore route from Rakuunamäki to            Nature treks and birdwatching               lovely trails and lots of rest points.
Skinnarila is a picturesque oasis on       One of inland Finland’s best nature
the shores of Lake Saimaa.                 sites is Siikalahti’s wetland in Parik-

                                      16       C O T TA G E A N D N AT U R E H O L I D AY                                                                17      C O T TA G E A N D N AT U R E H O L I D AY
Sights and attractions
in Saimaa
Saimaa is home to unrivalled, impressive natural surroundings. There are traces
of history and the region serves as a place to stay for magnificent ringed seals.
The natural surroundings of Saimaa were here long before us, but welcome us like
                                                                                                                             The 4 seasons
old friends.
                                                                                                                             of Lake Saimaa
IMATRANKOSKI RAPIDS AND                   life of ancient hunters in the Saimaa    lated in Lake Saimaa after the Ice
THEIR HISTORY                             area. The mighty cliffs on the shores    Age and adapted to life there. Even       4 DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT TRAVEL EXPERIENCES
Imatrankoski rapids were the first        feature paintings of people, boats and   though it is rare to see a ringed seal,
tourist destination in Finland and a      animals.                                 when you do see one basking in the
true national sight. People have been                                              sun on a rock, you know the trip was
                                                                                                                             DEC – JAN – FEB                          just some empty space between the          right? Summertime in Saimaa is full
coming even from abroad to admire         KUMMAKIVI                                worth making.
                                                                                                                             WINTER –35°C...10°C                      icy winter and steamy summer. No,          of steamy activities to keep you warm
the foaming rapids since back in          What is that massive rock in the mid-
                                                                                                                             Contrary to the popular belief, the      no, no my friend, Spring is the season     enough: golfing, fishing expeditions,
the late 18th century. Imatrankoski       dle of nowhere, the one that tourists    SALPA LINE
                                                                                                                             temperature isn’t always freezing        we appreciate the most. Why? – well        canoeing, hiking, horse riding and
rapids were formed around 6,000           come great distances to admire? The      The Salpa Line is a defence struc-
                                                                                                                             here in Finland. But it does get quite   the retreating ice, sparkling waves        tennis, just to name a few.
years ago when the land rose and          non-initiated might think of Uluru       ture dating from WW2 and follows
                                                                                                                             cold in here during winter – which is    and budding nature are all reasons
the waters of Lake Saimaa tore the        in Australia, but this rock is much      the Finnish-Russia border, extend-
                                                                                                                             great! During winter the snow and        to be extra cheerful. Also while we’re     SEP – OCT – NOV
Salpausselkä ridge apart. In the 19th     nearer home in South Karelia. This       ing from the Gulf of Finland in the
                                                                                                                             frost create amazing opportunities       being boastful, Lake Saimaa is at it’s     AUTUMN –15°C...20°C
century, when the rapids became an        spectacular boulder of Kummaki-          south to Salla in the north. The
                                                                                                                             for skating, cross country skiing,       best during this time of the year, es-     Oh Autumn, the season which many
increasingly popular tourist desti-       vi (strange rock) left precariously      Salpa Line comprises 1,200 of rein-
                                                                                                                             downhill skiing, snowshoeing, snow-      pecially if you’re looking to do some      claim to love, but only like it because
nation, Finland’s first nature park,      balancing on another rock is one         forced concrete installations, wood,
                                                                                                                             mobiling and winter fishing. Also, re-   hiking, camping or fishing trips.          the spectacular colors make for an
Kruununpuisto (Crown Park), was           of many traces of the Ice Age in the     barbed wire and rocks and originally
                                                                                                                             member to listen to the silence of the                                              awesome background for selfies.
created around them.                      area. The boulder has been in place      stretched from the Gulf of Finland to
                                                                                                                             wintertime nature, gaze at the pure      JUN – JUL – AUG
                                          for centuries even though attempts       the Arctic Ocean.
                                                                                                                             white snow, build a snowman – or if      SUMMER 17°C...35°C                         Well we’re about to tell you that Au-
UNIQUE STORY OF THE LAKE                  to dislodge it have been made using
                                                                                                                             you’re feeling especially courageous,    What you first may notice is that the      tumn in Finland is so much more
SAIMAA AREA                               various means. Kummakivi can be          The restored Salpa Line bunker are-
                                                                                                                             try ice swimming.                        quoted temperatures might be slight-       than just finding the perfect spot
Lake Saimaa has open stretches of         found alongside other interesting        as at Luumäki, Lemi, Ruokolahti and
water, a labyrinthine archipelago,                                                                                                                                    ly exaggerated. While we certainly         to snap a new picture on your Ins-
                                          nature trails. For example, Suvorov’s    Ylämaa are worth a visit. If you fancy
                                                                                                                             MAR – APR – MAY                          sometimes may have even 35°C, it is        tagram. While the Fall colours, or
sandy beaches, clear water and an-        military canal in Käyhkää is in the      a hike in the forest, you can visit the   SPRING –20°C...20°C                      a safe bet that on most days it’s closer   Ruska as we say in here, are truly a
cient rock formations. The founda-        vicinity. Kummakivi cannot be found      Salpa Line on the Salpa Trail.            Alright, don’t think that us Finns       to the lower end of aforementioned         delight, why not try berry and mush-
tion of Saimaa took place some 1,885      using Google Maps, but a local guide                                               treat Spring like an afterthought,       scale… or even lower. But who cares        room picking.
million years ago when the Earth’s        can take you there.                      We definitely recommend those in-
lithospheric plates collided to create                                             terested to book a guide, who can give
an ancient mountain range. The Sal-       SAIMAA RINGED SEAL, A CUTE,              an in-depth account of the history of
pauselkä ridges were created some         TUBBY CREATURE                           the area. In addition, there are many
11,500-12,500 years ago and are a         The Saimaa ringed seal is a subspe-      different trails, some easily accessi-
reminder of the most recent Ice Age.      cies of ringed seal found only in the    ble, others deep in the wilderness.
Rock paintings dating from more           Saimaa lake basin in Finland. The
than 6,000 years ago tell about the       species remained trapped and iso-

     Book you guide: Lappeenranta: Imatra:

                                     18       C O T TA G E A N D N AT U R E H O L I D AY                                                             19       C O T TA G E A N D N AT U R E H O L I D AY
The perfect place for
                                                                                   active holidays
                                                                                   Summer in Lappeenranta and Imatra is a great time to relax on the beach or at
                                                                                   a cottage, but it also offers a wide variety of activities for nature lovers, hikers,
                                                                                   water sports enthusiasts and adventurers.

                                                                                   Many athletics and sports events,         technological and technical solutions     Here are some of the sports
                                                                                   camps, tournaments and games are          to support training.                      you can practice in the Saimaa
                                                                                   held in the Lappeenranta and Imatra                                                 region
                                                                                   region. If you enjoy testing your lim-    Since local guides know the fishing
                                                                                   its or watching the skills of others,     waters in the area, they can help you     • Mountain biking
                                                                                   Saimaa’s diverse training facilities,     find the best fishing spots. Vuoksi
                                                                                   quality places to play and ancillary      Fishing Park offers a range of ex-        • Boating
                                                                                   services are made for you – whether       cursions including a trolling trip to
                                                                                   you’re a junior, professional or just     Lake Saimaa, instruction in long-         • Canoeing
                                                                                   thinking about taking up a sport.         line fishing, a gigging trip to Vuoksi
                                                                                                                             and crayfish trips at the end of July.    • Frisbee golf
                                                                                   The Salpausselkä ridge area is home
                                                                                   to a host of training facilities: gyms,                                             • Orienteering
                                                                                   jogging tracks, football pitches, ten-
                                                                                   nis courts and golf courses, ice rinks,                                             • Roller skiing
                                                                                   a multipurpose hall, baseball, ski
                                                                                   and biathlon stadium. Team-specific                                                 • Skiing
                                                                                   changing rooms, as well as equip-
                                                                                   ment maintenance, cleaning and                                                      • Biathlon
                                                                                   storage facilities ensure the smooth        Imatra Base Camp can help you to

                 ACTIVE HOLIDAY
                                                                                   running of training and tourna-           organise sports camps, tournaments or     • Ice skating
                                                                                   ments. Meals, with diets adapted for      other sport-related events in the South
                                                                                   athletes, can be arranged according                   Karelia region.               • Tour skating
                                                                                   to wishes either in different halls,
                                                                                                                                          Get in touch!
                                                                                   accommodation establishments or in                                                  • Ice hockey
                                                                                   nearby restaurants. Also physiothera-
Adventures, activities and fishing trips:                                          py, muscle care and medical services
                                                                                   are first class.
                                                                                                                                       • Curling

                                                                                                                             The Kyykoski lure fishing area in         • Football
LAPPEENRANTA REGION                              IMATRA REGION                     The Rauha area in Lappeenranta and        Kannuskoski is an excellent place to
                                                                                   Ukonniemi area in Imatra boast more       fish.
The House of Thousand Tales                      TaigaSaimaa                       than 70 different different sports for                            you to try, meaning visitors are spoilt   Stay conveniently near the sports
                                                                                   for choice. The Saimaa area provides      venues. You can book affordable
Room Escape Lappeenranta                         Tuplakasi-action                  many ways for you to get moving. Im-      Sport Camp and Sport accommoda-                    Hossukan Helmi                    prove your lung capacity on the ski       tion at Imatran Kylpylä Spa Resort.
                                                                                   track, perfect your backhand on the       The Sport rooms can accommodate
                                                                                   tennis court and recover from train-      as many as six juniors affordably and
Saimaa Naturally                                                                   ing on the massage table. Make local      the Sport Camp hostel even more af-                          Vuoksi Fishing Park               experts part of your sports holiday       fordably. The Rento Hotel can com-
                                             and get even more out of your own ef-     fortably accommodate larger clubs
DRAKKARsport                                                                       forts. Coaches and instructors in dif-    and teams. Why not rent the entire                             Creative Kaiku / Nature Saimaa    ferent sports have access to the best     log hotel?

                                                 Escape Room

                       20       A D V E N T U R E A N D S P O R T S H O L I D AY                          21      A D V E N T U R E A N D S P O R T S H O L I D AY
Ukonniemi offers:
                                                                                                                                                            • Two large adventure spas and hundreds
                                                                                                                                                              of high-quality villas

                                                                                                                                                            • Wonderful beaches

                                                                                                                                                            • Island cruises

                                                                                                                                                            • Passenger and marina services

                                                                                                                                                            • Versatile trekking and skiing tracks

                                                                                                                                                            • Indoor and outdoor adventure parks

                                                                                                                                                            • Bowling alley, ballgame and ice sports halls

                                                                                                                                                            • Golf and disc golf

                                                                                                                                                            • Finland’s longest pump track for mountain
                                                                                                                                                              biking and a 100-kilometre path network


Holiday paradise on the Saimaa lakeside

Ukonniemi is one of the most beautiful holiday destinations in Finland.
It is located on the shores of the clear waters of Lake Saimaa, a few kilo-
metres from the centre of Imatra, and only a couple of hours by train
from Helsinki. Its harbour can also be reached directly by boat.

The wooded area of Ukonniemi pro-         5 kilometres long – first-snow trail    pools and pampering treatments at
vides the perfect setting for the most    in Southern Finland, which means        one of the spas? The Ukonniemi area
varied of holidays. The area’s activity   that the skiing season commences        offers accommodation options rang-
parks and outdoor trails and sports       at the end of October and continues     ing from spa suites to holiday villas
venues on the ridges on the Saimaa        well into spring. When natural snow     and cosy cottages.
shore make it the perfect year-round      falls, skiers can also use the exten-
holiday spot for the whole family.        sive ski track network in Ukonniemi.
Golf and disc golf courses open for the   To counterbalance so many energetic
summer. For winter sports lovers,         activities, why not relax on a beau-
Ukonniemi offers the longest – about      tiful sandy beach or enjoy the warm

                                   22      A D V E N T U R E A N D S P O R T S H O L I D AY                               23   A D V E N T U R E A N D S P O R T S H O L I D AY
Saimaan palju

Saimaa is Finland’s largest lake, sprawling all across South Karelia. Its shores and
waters offer a wide range of activities for anyone interested in exercise, nature and
beautiful landscapes.

BIKE SAFARI                               ing to your fitness and preference.         the most wins, so passing and shoot-
Mount an electric bike in Lappeen-                                                    ing are just as important as bumping
ranta for a guided two-night trip to      SAUNA ON THE WAVES                          into others.
Puumala. The bikes will take you          A sauna floating on the lake – now
from the busy town to Sarviniemi in       there’s an idea for a birthday party,       After paintball or bubble football,
Taipalsaari, where while waiting for      a bachelor or hen night or a company        the party can continue with a meal
the ferry you can gaze on the terrain     outing. Before going out on the lake,       and sauna on a barge. Having worked
shaped by the last Ice Age. The ferry     you can indulge in paintball or bub-        up an appetite, your group can enjoy
will take us to the municipality of       ble football. There is a forest range for   food that we’ve arranged according to
Puumala. Embraced by lake Saimaa          paintball in Savitaipale, and another       your wishes and relax in our special
on all sides, Puumala boasts daz-         with more challenging obstacles in          sauna. The best end to a busy day in
zlingly beautiful scenic routes and       Lappeenranta. We arrange for a pro-         the summer is to enjoy Saimaa.
excellent accommodation opportu-          fessional instructor to guide your
nities.                                   group in the ins and outs of paintball      You can skip the sporty part and go
                                          and to ensure that everyone stays           straight to the sauna just as well. In-
If a long bike safari with overnight      safe.                                       vite your friends or coworkers to the
stays is too long for you, we also have                                               sauna barge and head out onto the
shorter treks that will introduce you     Bubble football is a great way to fos-      lake for a great evening out: it’s rare
to the eskers and dells of South Ka-      ter team spirit. When every player is       to be able to enjoy a sauna and great
relia. Electric bikes make the going      wearing a massive plastic bubble, the       scenery at the same time. Sunset, the
smooth even in challenging terrain.       game begins to resemble ice hockey,         calm lake and the twilight of a sum-
Our outings range from the easy to        because tackling is allowed. But as al-     mer evening add up to a memorable
the gritty, and you can choose accord-    ways in football, the team that scores      experience.

                                                                                                                                We also rent out bikes for independ-
                                                                                                                                ent trekking for up to a week.

                                                                                                                                For the slightly more active, we can
                                                                                                                                offer canoeing before boarding the
                                                                                                                                sauna barge.

                                                                                                                                And food for the body can be
                                                                                                                                provided by our very own
                                                                                                                                barbecue chef.

                                   24       A D V E N T U R E A N D S P O R T S H O L I D AY                                                         25      A D V E N T U R E A N D S P O R T S H O L I D AY
Savitaipale – nature
and exercise
Savitaipale occupies a gravel esker between two lakes, Saimaa and Kuolimo, and
has a wide variety of activities to offer in the natural environment and at pur-
pose-built recreation facilities. The region boasts hiking trails in unspoiled nature
and a well-equipped Sports Park along highway 13. There are plenty of things to see
and experience.

HIKING IN                                  trail starting in the church village       next to the Sports Park and a frisbee
UNSPOILED NATURE                           features a collection of ten artworks      golf course and tennis courts along
Savitaipale, nestling on an esker in       that blend into nature.                    the running trail starting beside the
the lakeland, is heaven for hikers.                                                   astroturf pitch.
The area is criss-crossed by hiking        Some of the hiking trails can be ac-
trails ranging from the child-friend-      cessed by mountain bike, and there         Savitaipale thus has plenty to offer
ly and obstacle-free to the seriously      are some steep challenges for bikers.      in both indoor and outdoor sports.
challenging. Eskers, dells and vary-       The clear waters of Kuolimo lake can       At the Sports Park, you can indulge
ing vistas of forests and lakes show       also be navigated by canoe, and there      in floorball, futsal, tennis, basket-
the environment of South Karelia at        are several sites where you can make       ball, ice hockey, curling, football
its finest, in varying shades across       landfall for a picnic, for instance. Ku-   and frisbee golf. You can also sweat
the seasons.                               olimo is also a destination in winter:     it out in the long jump or other track
                                           a 5-km tour skating track is cleared       events, or by jogging or skiing along
From the church village or from the        on the ice of the lake when ice condi-     the running trail in the undulating
public beach at Lepänkanto, hikers         tions allow.                               landscape
may follow the terrain sculpted by
the Ice Age on foot or on mountain         SWEAT IT OUT                               Thanks to its wide range of activi-
bikes. Beyond Partakoski rapids you        AT THE SPORTS PARK                         ties, the Sports Park has things to
can find the Orrainpolku trail, with       In recent years, Savitaipale has in-       do for people of all ages and can ca-
the Luotolahti outlook as its great        vested considerably in diverse,            ter to quite large groups. The Sports
culmination. The Säänjärvi trail           high-quality sports facilities. The        Park has great potential for practice
takes you around Valkjärvi lake,           Sports Park on highway 13 includes a       retreats too, since all the sports and
while the Kärnäkoski fortress trail        multi-purpose hall, a gym building,        exercise facilities are within a short
introduces you to the namesake for-        an ice rink (with a curling pitch), an     walk of each other, and the swim-
tress, an old mill and a barge port. Art   astroturf pitch and a brand new ath-       ming baths in the church village are
is also available to enjoy alongside       letics field. There is an outdoor exer-    also close at hand.
nature and history: the Raitala art        cise complex in the yard of the school

                                    26      A D V E N T U R E A N D S P O R T S H O L I D AY                                   27   A D V E N T U R E A N D S P O R T S H O L I D AY
Fun in the                                                                                                                    Summer activities
winter snow                                                                                                                   for all ages
THE DA RK SEASON BRINGS OU T THE INNER GLOWING LIGHTS.                                                                        YOU’LL NEVER BE BORED ON THE SUMMER SHORES OF SAIMAA.

Enjoy fresh below-zero temperatures in the Lappeenranta and Imatra regions                                                    There has been no place for boredom on this latitude over years - there are
with cross-country and down-hill skiing, ice fishing, ice skating, floating or ad-                                            plenty of activities for every day.
venture seeking.

                                                                                                                              MYLLYSAARI,                               BOWLING
DRY-SUIT FLOATING                         Arena at the Holiday Club Saimaa          there are separate sessions for men       LAPPEENRANTA                              STRIKE! Bring some playful com-
Imagine lying on your back with ice       Spa and the Imatra Spa Arena in the       and women. If you are in Imatra, you      Myllysaari Family Park features ac-       petition to your family holiday at
floating round you and the frost nip-     Ukonniemi area.                           can try winter swimming in Var-           tivities such as a playground, football   the bowling alleys of Holiday Club
ping at your cheeks.                                                                pasaari.                                  fields and a parkour course. There        Saimaa and Imatra Spa.
                                          ICE FISHING AND HIKING ON                                                           is also a beach, diving towers and a
Dry-suit floating can be practised        THE ICE                                   ICE HOCKEY MATCHES                        beach café, all awaiting visitors.        FISHING
all year round, as the dry suit keeps     It is worth trying fishing in winter,     Feel the atmosphere hit the roof when                                               Vuoksi Fishing Park offers activities
you dry and allows you to wear warm       as ice fishing is a very meditative ex-   Lappeenranta plays a home game.           LAPPEENRANTA SANDCASTLE                   such as guided fishing trips and fish-
clothes underneath. Tuplakasi Oy of-      perience. Try your luck at the Vuok-      The team plays in the Finnish Elite       Sandcastle is packed with activities      ing equipment rental. There is also a
fers dry-suit floating in Lake Saimaa     si Fishing Park or local waterways        League, and the audience comes from       throughout the summer.                    salmon pool and smokehouse, restau-
and in Vuoksi River in Imatra; get        where fish can be caught from the         all over South Karelia to cheer them                                                rant, sauna and a camping and cara-
carried away with the stream.             wild waters. You can go trolling in       on.                                       CHILDREN’S TRAFFIC PARK                   van site.
                                          the middle of the town all year round.                                              This is a classic summertime favour-
SKIING AND SKATING                        You’re more likely to catch some-         Imatra’s Ketterä plays in the Mes-        ite of families with children. Little
Everyone can find a suitable track        thing with the help of a local fishing    tis league, and you can see it play its   ones can practice their driving skills
from the hundreds of kilometres of        guide, who can also customise your        home games at the Imatra Spa Arena        on pedal cars in the traffic park.
ski tracks. The first-snow track at-      trip according to your requirements.      in Ukonniemi.
tracts skiers to Imatra’s Ukonniemi       Walking on Saimaa’s ice in the winter
every year. Go tour skating and dis-      is also a worthwhile experience and
cover the beautiful island scenery        very popular among the local people.
with fresh eyes. There are also a
number of free skating rinks and ice      WINTER SWIMMING
hockey rinks in the area. If you pre-
fer to skate indoors, head for the Lap-
                                          Fancy a dip in a hole in the ice? The
                                          lakeside sauna on Lappeenranta’s
peenranta UK Arena, Holiday Club          Myllysaari is one of the places to go;  


                                   28      A D V E N T U R E A N D S P O R T S H O L I D AY                                                          29      A D V E N T U R E A N D S P O R T S H O L I D AY
Let’s Play!
                                                       The Sandcastle has charmed visitors       will see the historical Garrison on      In the summer, you can take a
                                                       more than 17 times, during the years,     Dragoon Hill and Lappeenranta For-       combined canoeing-floating sau-
                                                       since 2004. Themes have changed           tress, you will move to the Myllysaari   na or cycling-floating sauna tour
                                                       every year and millions kilos of sand     family park and beach area.              from the Sandcastle, or go on a
                                                       are used to carve this magnificent                                                 fishing excursion. The stunning
                                                       sandcastle. A cozy oasis for the whole    The City Tourist Information office      Saimaa Geopark sites are included
                                                       family will be increased for next         also operates in the Sandcastle area,    in the new canoeing locations, you
                                                       summer, with a new pop-up theme           where you can get brochures, maps,       should first explore the Geopark sites
                                                       park complex with bouncing castles.       current information about places to      at the Saimaarium Nature and Sci-
                                                       The Sandcastle in 2021 will be more       visit, events and activity opportuni-    ence Center, next to the Sand Castle.
                                                       active than ever, and it will be build    ties in Lappeenranta region.
                                                       around a diverse world of games and                                                You can also use a city bike and ex-
                                                       playing. The Sandcastle is also the       The Sandcastle area will offer more      plore Lappeenranta, one of the Eu-
                                                       starting point and terminus of the        extensive equipment rental. The          rope´s greenest city!
                                                       street train, you may hop aboard          rental equipment includes basic hik-
                                                       from the corner of the shopping mall      ing gear that gives tourists more op-
                                                       IsoKristiina. By train, you can con-      portunities to visit the archipelago
                                                       veniently travel through the city, you    and stay overnight in nature.



                                                       In summer 2021 the Sandcastle is open 5 June – 29 August, daily 10-21

                 30   C I T Y H O L I D AY                                                      31     C I T Y H O L I D AY
Original Sokos Hotel Lappee

YOUR SAIMAA ADVENTURE                    five conference rooms with modern        ENVIRONMENTAL RESPON-
BEGINS IN LAPPEENRANTA                   equipment, accommodating meet-           SIBILITY AND RECREATION
Original Sokos Hotel Lappee is in        ings with attendance of anything         OPPORTUNITIES IN THE TOWN
the very heart of the town centre of
Lappeenranta, forming part of the
                                         from 5 to 150. Thanks to our tech-
                                         nology and our arrangement with
                                                                                  Original Sokos Hotel Lappee is a re-
                                                                                                                                     Relax and enjoy!
IsoKristiina shopping centre. It is      Kehruuhuone at the Fortress of Lap-      sponsible tourism service provider
within walking distance of Lappeen-      peenranta, hybrid meetings for an        and, like other Sokos Hotels, has                  • 260 hotel rooms, 6 restau-       • Plentiful Sokos Hotels Origi-
ranta railway station, exactly 1 km      even larger crowd are possible. There    been awarded the Green Key emblem                    rants, conference rooms            nal breakfast in our renovat-
away.                                    are also larger conference facilities    in recognition of efforts to protect the             accommodating 5 to 150             ed banquet suite
                                         immediately adjacent to the hotel, for   environment and to promote envi-
Hotel guests are offered a wide range    instance at Lappeenranta Town Hall       ronmentally sustainable travel. Our                • Good connections to all ser-     • Several partners for activi-
of services, including interesting       next door.                               pet project is the Saimaa ringed seal                vices                              ties nearby
shops and tantalising restaurants                                                 (WWF).
and cafés. The Finnkino Strand cin-      EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY                                                                     • IsoKristiina shopping centre:    • Recreational opportunities
ema, the Sokos Hyvä Olo hair and         In addition to the banquet suite, the    There is recreation available in the                 cinema, municipal theatre          in Lappeenranta, e.g. swim-
beauty salon, a gym and the Lappeen-     range of restaurants at Original Sokos   heart of the city, right from the hotel!             and numerous shops                 ming baths and bowling alley
ranta Municipal Theatre are all un-      Hotel Lappee includes the trusty Ros-    Staff members can direct you to the                                                     nearby
der the same roof.                       so and VENN, an urban living room        lively harbour area and to the histor-             • Sokos Hyvä Olo hair and
                                         for wine enthusiasts that is equally     ic Fortress less than a kilometre away.              beauty salon                     • Wide selection of other res-
Lappee provides accommodation in         suitable for telecommuting in the        In the summer, you can borrow a bi-                                                     taurants in the immediate
air-conditioned rooms, conference        daytime and drinks in the evening.       cycle from the hotel for exploration               • Gym, pool and sauna for            vicinity
rooms with modern equipment, a re-       For those wishing a quick bite, we       a bit further afield. There are also                 residents, all included in the
laxing sauna and leisure pursuits to     have the celebrated vegetarian offer-    recreational services for children                   price of your room
follow a business day! Our Superior      ings of FAFA’S and also Hesburger.       very near the hotel, such as the pop-
rooms, completely refurbished in         Coffee House is a cosy place to pop in   ular Traffic Park, Kimpinen Sports
2020 with a Saimaa theme, add a spe-     while shopping, for coffee and some-     Centre and the municipal swimming
cial little luxury to your stay!         thing sweet. IsoKristiina has many       baths and bowling alley. In the sum-
                                         other cafés and restaurants to offer,    mer, the hotel can also arrange tick-
ORGANISE AN EVENT TO                     from sushi to take-away smooth-          ets for the links at Viipuri Golf, for
REMEMBER IN THE TOWN CEN-                ies. Original Sokos Hotel Lappee can     canal cruises on the M/S Camilla and
TRE OF LAPPEENRANTA                      book you a table at the popular steak-   for the summer theatre.
The brand new Saga event restaurant      house Angus Steak & Wine or at the
has a lot to offer! Renovated in sum-    recently renewed, trendy Amarillo.
mer 2020, the restaurant is elegant,     The best place for a late night on the
bright and well-lit and can seat up to   town is the Las Palmas karaoke res-
230 for a buffet meal. The hotel has     taurant!

                                                   32      C I T Y H O L I D AY                                              33   C I T Y H O L I D AY
Evergreen                                                                           Eventful
Lappeenranta                                                                        Imatra
Meet the legendary Dragoons in a 16th-century for-                                  Have you ever been to a concert hall made of ice? Are
tress, cruise the Saimaa archipelago or just enjoy the                              you fascinated by wild frothy rapids? Imatra offers
scenery on Finland’s longest beach boulevard. Welcome                               wonderful experiences throughout the year.
to experience Lappeenranta, one of the greenest city in
                                                                                    56. IMATRANAJO –                         IMATRA RAPIDS SHOWS 2021
Europe, EGLA 2021 winner, only 2 hours from Helsinki!                               INTERNATIONAL ROAD RACE                  Finland’s oldest travel destination,
                                                                                    CHAMPIONSHIP                             the mighty Imatrankoski rapids, will
CHARMING RANTARAITTI,                     TRADITIONAL HORSE RIDERS                  On 3-5 July, Imatra will again host      again gush unharnessed in rapids
PAPPILANNIEMI AND                         (Wed-Sun at 11 am-4 pm, excl. rainy       this spectactular national event         shows.
HALKOSAARI                                days) Travel back one hundred years,      when bikes race on a circuit near the
You can get acquainted with the new       when cavalry dressed in red trousers      town centre. The first ever Road Race    Detailed timetables and further in-
stunning sites of the Saimaa Geopark      and so-called “skeleton” jackets ride     Rock festival will be held on the same   formation:
at the Saimaarium Nature and Sci-         in Lappeenranta Fortress and the bay      weekend in 2021.
ence Center, next to the Sandcastle,      area in July.                                                                      Traditional guided walking tours of
and start the conquest of Saimaa di-                                                                  the area around Imatrankoski rapids
rectly from our harbour. The beauti-      The Old Town Days of the Fortress are                                              and historic Kruununpuisto park.
ful Lakeside route Rantaraitti, runs      celebrated annually in connection         CULTURE HOUSE VIRTA
along the shores of Lake Saimaa, can      with the birthday of the city of Lap-     The versatile programme of the Cul-
be reached right from the city center.    peenranta August 6-7, 2021. The Old       ture House Virta gives visitors un-
There are many ways to explore the        Town Days is a happy and eventful         forgettable experiences throughout       SOUNDOME
lakeside route, a total of 14.8 kilo-     weekend for the whole family at Lap-      the year, with gigs, concerts, exhibi-   A guaranteed unique sound experi-
meters and it’s suitable for people       peenranta Fortress.                       tions and various performances.          ence awaits you in a concert hall built
of all ages and levels of fitness. Pap-                                                                                      of ice and snow. Even the instruments
pilanniemi Nature Trail on the shore      LIGHTS OF THE                             Check out the programme at:              played in the concerts are made of
of Lake Saimaa, is a precious and         HARBOUR EVENT                                      ice. The ice has been taken from the
diverse coastal forest in southern        Lights of the Harbour event end the                                                Vuoksi river at the heart of the event
Saimaa, where you will find genuine       summer at the end of August. Enjoy        SAIMAA CYCLE TOUR                        area. Performances in Vuoksi Fishing
nature close to the city. The charm-      the music, circus and dance perfor-       A cycling event on 9–10 July, open       Park in Imatra.
ing harbour area and Myllysaari of-       mances and marvel at the beautiful        to cycling enthusiasts of any level
fer numerous events, activities and       lights and the fireworks.                 of skill and experience. The route
refreshments for the whole family.                                                  runs through some of the world’s
You can take a dip to swim at Mylly-      CHRISTMAS MARKET                          most beautiful lakeland scenery on a     KEEPING UP APPEARANCES
saari beach or spend time relaxing at     The atmospheric Christmas market          bright summer night.                     Stage comedy at the Imatra Summer
the tip of Halkosaari in the middle of    offers a program for the whole family.                                             Theatre based on the popular British
the harbour.                              At the Christmas market, you can go                      TV sitcom ‘Keeping up appearances’
                                          shopping and follow an entertaining                                                [Finnish: Pokka pitää], featuring hi-
THE SANDCASTLE                            program while enjoying the Christ-        BLACK AND WHITE                          larious leading lady Hyacinth Bucket.
There will be a cosy oasis for the        mas spirit.                               THEATRE FESTIVAL
whole family with a new pop-up                                                      Held from 27 to 31 July, the festi-      Further information and timetables:
theme park complex with bouncing          In the center of Lappeenranta, you        val brings together professionals
castles next summer. The Sandcastle       can find the Oldest Wooden Town           from around the world to perform
in 2021 will be more active than ever,    Hall in Finland from 1829, which          diverse international theatre with
and it will be built around a diverse     has survived to this day. This mag-       entertainment for everyone.
world of games and playing. The           nificent building used to be the
Sandcastle is the starting point and      heart of the city, and today serves
terminus of the street train, but you     as the city’s celebration and rep-
can also hop aboard from the corner       resentation space. Next summer, in
of the shopping mall IsoKristiina.        July, tourists will have the oppor-
                                          tunity to visit the Town Hall on a
INTERNATIONAL GRAND                       guided tour. For more information
MARKET 1.-4.7.2021                        on tours and timetables, contact
                                          Lappeenranta Tourist Information

 34       C I T Y H O L I D AY                                                     35     C I T Y H O L I D AY
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