How effective are European agri-environment schemes in conserving and promoting biodiversity?

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Journal of Applied   REVIEW
                       ssay Review
                      40 Kleijn
                         2003     effectiveness
                                   W.J. Sutherland
                                  Applied       of 2003
                                             Ltd.  agri-environment schemes

Ecology 2003
40, 947 – 969        How effective are European agri-environment schemes in
                     conserving and promoting biodiversity?
                     DAVID KLEIJN* and WILLIAM J. SUTHERLAND†
                     Nature Conservation and Plant Ecology Group, Wageningen University, Bornsesteeg 69, 6708 PD Wageningen,
                     The Netherlands; and †Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, School of Biological Sciences, University of
                     East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK

                                                            1. Increasing concern over the environmental impact of agriculture in Europe has led
                                                            to the introduction of agri-environment schemes. These schemes compensate farmers
                                                            financially for any loss of income associated with measures that aim to benefit the
                                                            environment or biodiversity. There are currently agri-environment schemes in 26 out of
                                                            44 European countries.
                                                            2. Agri-environment schemes vary markedly between countries even within the Euro-
                                                            pean Union. The main objectives include reducing nutrient and pesticide emissions,
                                                            protecting biodiversity, restoring landscapes and preventing rural depopulation. In vir-
                                                            tually all countries the uptake of schemes is highest in areas of extensive agriculture
                                                            where biodiversity is still relatively high and lowest in intensively farmed areas where
                                                            biodiversity is low.
                                                            3. Approximately $24·3 billion has been spent on agri-environment schemes in the Euro-
                                                            pean Union (EU) since 1994, an unknown proportion of it on schemes with biodiversity
                                                            conservation aims. We carried out a comprehensive search for studies that test the effec-
                                                            tiveness of agri-environment schemes in published papers or reports. Only 62 evaluation
                                                            studies were found originating from just five EU countries and Switzerland (5). Indeed
                                                            76% of the studies were from the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, where until
                                                            now only c. 6% of the EU agri-environmental budget has been spent. Other studies were
                                                            from Germany (6), Ireland (3) and Portugal (1).
                                                            4. In the majority of studies, the research design was inadequate to assess reliably the
                                                            effectiveness of the schemes. Thirty-one percent did not contain a statistical analysis.
                                                            Where an experimental approach was used, designs were usually weak and biased
                                                            towards giving a favourable result. The commonest experimental design (37% of the
                                                            studies) was a comparison of biodiversity in agri-environment schemes and control
                                                            areas. However, there is a risk of bias if either farmers or scheme co-ordinators select the
                                                            sites for agri-environment schemes. In such cases the sites are likely to have a higher
                                                            biodiversity at the outset compared to the controls. This problem may be addressed by
                                                            collecting baseline data (34% of studies), comparing trends (32%) or changes (26%) in
                                                            biodiversity between areas with and without schemes or by pairing scheme and control
                                                            sites that experience similar environmental conditions (16%).
                                                            5. Overall, 54% of the examined species (groups) demonstrated increases and 6%
                                                            decreases in species richness or abundance compared with controls. Seventeen percent
                                                            showed increases for some species and decreases for other species, while 23% showed no
                                                            change at all in response to agri-environment schemes. The response varied between
                                                            taxa. Of 19 studies examining the response of birds that included a statistical analysis,
                                                            four showed significant increases in species richness or abundance, two showed
                                                            decreases and nine showed both increases and decreases. Comparative figures for
                                                            20 arthropod studies yielded 11 studies that showed an increase in species richness
                                                            or abundance, no study showed a decrease and three showed both increases and
© 2003 British
Ecological Society   *Correspondence: David Kleijn. fax +31 317 484845. E-mail
948                            decreases. Fourteen plant studies yielded six studies that showed increases in species
D. Kleijn &                    richness or abundance, two showed decreases and no study showed both increases and
W. J. Sutherland               decreases.
                               6. Synthesis and applications. The lack of robust evaluation studies does not allow a
                               general judgement of the effectiveness of European agri-environment schemes. We sug-
                               gest that in the future, ecological evaluations must become an integral part of any
                               scheme, including the collection of baseline data, the random placement of scheme and
                               control sites in areas with similar initial conditions, and sufficient replication. Results of
                               these studies should be collected and disseminated more widely, in order to identify the
                               approaches and prescriptions that best deliver biodiversity enhancement and value for
                               money from community support.
                               Key-words: EEC Regulation 2078/ 92, farmland, policy evaluation, wildlife conservation.
                               Journal of Applied Ecology (2003) 40, 947–969

                                                                                      The intensification of agriculture has resulted in
                                                                                   major environmental problems in recent decades, not-
                      Post-war European agriculture can be considered a            ably declines in bird populations together with their
                      success in that it has resulted in increased yields and an   associated food resources (Donald, Green & Heath
                      enhanced capacity for self-sufficiency. For example, in      2000; Benton et al. 2002; Robinson & Sutherland 2002)
                      the UK the yields per hectare of wheat, barley, potatoes     and this is likely to continue (Tilman et al. 2001).
                      and sugar beet have tripled since 1950, while over the       Future intensification, such as the use of genetically
                      same time milk yields have more than doubled (Pretty         modified crops, is likely to have further detrimental
                      et al. 2000). However, it is widely accepted that in-        consequences for biodiversity (Watkinson et al. 2000).
                      creased agricultural productivity has associated costs       There are also implications for wider environmental
                      in economic, consumer perception and environmental           issues, such as flood risk and effects on water quality
                      terms.                                                       (Sutherland 2002).
                         More recently, there has been a global shift towards         One response to concerns over biodiversity loss has
                      reducing subsidies. For example, in the UK, manufac-         been the introduction of agri-environment schemes,
                      turing subsidies have been virtually eliminated, yet         in which farmers are paid to modify their farming
                      agriculture remains heavily subsidized at about 40%          practice to provide environmental benefits. The EU
                      of the income. The free trade talks of the World Trade       agricultural policy first explicitly addressed the impact
                      Organization have repeatedly identified agricultural sub-    of agriculture on the environment in a Green Paper
                      sidies as an area badly needing reform, especially the       published in 1985 (CEC 1985). The reform of the EU
                      European Union (EU) Common Agricultural Policy               agricultural policy in that year (EEC Regulation 797/
                      (Yu, Sutherland & Clark 2002). The $16 900 million           85) included a novel set of measures for environmental
                      annual cost of the European Union Common Agricul-            protection and Article 19 allowed Member States to
                      tural Policy largely comprises direct payments to farmers,   pay national aid in environmentally sensitive areas
                      price support, taxing imports from non-EU countries,         (ESAs). In 1992 EEC Regulation 2078/92 was intro-
                      subsidizing exports and paying for storage when no           duced, requiring all EU member states to apply agri-
                      market is available. As a result, prices in the European     environment measures according to environmental
                      Union exceed those on the international market. The          needs and potential. Between 50% and 75% of the costs
                      external costs of agriculture were estimated by Pretty       of approved agri-environment schemes are co-funded
                      et al. (2001) to be about $180 per hectare of grassland      by the EU, making this regulation a financially attract-
                      and arable, with external benefits equivalent to $17 to      ive form of environmental protection. Concurrently,
                      $50 per hectare. It is widely accepted that the expansion    extensive agri-environment programmes were developed
                      of the European Union in 2004 to include Cyprus,             in Norway and Switzerland (both non-EU Member
                      Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,         States) and in Austria and Sweden before their entry into
                      Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia will make the           the EU in 1995. Besides their intended positive effects
                      current agricultural support mechanisms financially          on biodiversity and the environment, agri-environment
                      unviable (Donald et al. 2002).                               schemes decouple payments from agricultural output.
                         Consumers are currently questioning the benefits of       Thus they continue to provide income transfers to farm-
© 2003 British
                      intensive agriculture. While the concerns may not nec-       ers, but in a way that does not distort world markets
Ecological Society,
Journal of Applied    essarily always be rational (Beringer 2000), there is        (Potter & Goodwin 1998; Matthews 2002).
Ecology, 40,          clear public mistrust and distaste for some aspects of          More than a decade after the introduction of regu-
947–969               modern agriculture.                                          lation 2078/92, little information is available on the
949                   effects of agri-environment schemes on biodiversity           the prevention of land abandonment in agriculturally
Ecological            conservation. The limited number of studies that have         marginal areas. In Ireland and Austria, the objectives
effectiveness of      been published present contrasting results (e.g. Kleijn       of programmes are balanced between environmental
agri-environment      et al. 2001; Peach et al. 2001). Most EU countries            protection, biodiversity conservation and landscape
schemes               are currently implementing their second 5-year agri-          maintenance (Table 1).
                      environment programme. National schemes have been                Schemes can be implemented either horizontally
                      initiated in three, and there are plans for pilot incentive   throughout the country or zonally (also known as ‘tar-
                      schemes in another six Central and Eastern European           geted’ or ‘vertically’) in certain areas that have been
                      countries (Petersen & Feehan 2003). There is an obvi-         identified as being particularly vulnerable or a local
                      ous need for an overview that shows exactly what agri-        biodiversity hotspot (e.g. environmentally sensitive
                      environment schemes achieve in terms of biodiversity          areas (ESAs)). The designation of areas where zonal
                      conservation. We attempt such a review here.                  measures can be implemented is usually carried out by
                         First, we briefly describe the differences in design       governmental organizations. Most countries have a
                      and implementation of agri-environment programmes             combination of both approaches because a limited set
                      between countries in Europe. Subsequently, we review          of zonal schemes exist that aim to conserve vulnerable
                      the effectiveness of agri-environment schemes by              ecosystems. Switzerland and Finland are the only
                      surveying all available literature, with the aim of integ-    countries that have entirely horizontal programmes,
                      rating the findings of various studies to produce recom-      although most schemes in the German, Irish and
                      mendations for improvement. We have restricted                Swedish programmes are applied horizontally. By
                      ourselves to the effects of schemes on biodiversity. We       contrast, most schemes in the United Kingdom and
                      only consider schemes implemented until 2000, as the          Spain are implemented in a zonal manner. A more
                      new modified programmes are too recent for proper             extensive discussion of the history and lay-out of the
                      evaluation. We do not consider set-aside schemes, as          agri-environment programmes in a range of European
                      these are not formally agri-environment schemes but a         countries is given in Buller, Wilson & Höll (2000).
                      means of reducing production, and their ecological
                      merits have been discussed elsewhere (Clarke 1992;
                                                                                    Patterns of implementation of agri-environment
                      Buckingham et al. 1999). Likewise, although organic
                      farming is an agri-environment scheme and support is
                      co-funded by the EU under Regulation 2078/92, we do           Differences in uptake rate of individual schemes largely
                      not consider the effects of organic farming as this has       determine whether and where the overall objectives of
                      been discussed extensively elsewhere and the objectives       agri-environment programmes can be met. In most
                      are not necessarily biodiversity conservation (Weibull,       countries uptake is very unequally divided over the
                      Bengtsson & Nohlgren 2000; Mäder et al. 2002).                available schemes, with a single scheme usually com-
                                                                                    prising more than 40% of the total area covered by agri-
                                                                                    environment schemes (Table 1). Furthermore, schemes
                      Design of agri-environment programmes across
                                                                                    are often unequally distributed geographically across
                                                                                    countries, with high uptake rates in areas with extensive
                      For clarity, in this review we distinguish between agri-      agriculture and low uptake rates in areas where agri-
                      environment programmes, schemes and measures. We              culture is more intensive (Emerson & Gillmor 1999;
                      consider an agri-environment programme to be the              Buller & Brives 2000; Grafen & Schramek 2000). The
                      collection of schemes implemented in a country. Indi-         mechanism resulting in this pattern is illustrated in
                      vidual schemes have different objectives (e.g. grassland      Fig. 1(a), which shows that for extensive farmers par-
                      extensification or conservation of endangered livestock       ticipation in an agri-environment programme is asso-
                      breeds) and regularly consist of a set of measures. For       ciated with comparatively low costs of adaptation. Few
                      example, in the case of a grassland extensification           changes are required to meet the requirements of the
                      scheme, measures (also called prescriptions) may con-         schemes (Osterburg 2001). Thus, when uniform pay-
                      sist of a reduction in stocking densities or a cessation of   ments per hectare (calculated on an average base) are
                      fertilizer inputs.                                            offered for voluntary measures, most uptake will occur
                         Agri-environment programmes vary markedly be-              in less favoured areas. The same mechanism probably
                      tween countries in Europe (Table 1). The objectives of        explains why in most countries (especially France and
                      these programmes usually reflect a combination of the         Austria) the low impact/low compensation schemes
                      main environmental, ecological and socio-economic             are those with the highest uptake.
                      problems associated with agriculture, as well as the
                      political situation in each country. In Switzerland, the
                                                                                    The effects of agri-environment schemes on
                      Netherlands and the United Kingdom, schemes avail-
© 2003 British                                                                      biodiversity
                      able to farmers concentrate on wildlife and habitat con-
Ecological Society,
Journal of Applied    servation. In Denmark and Germany most schemes                EU members are obliged to evaluate their agri-
Ecology, 40,          offered to farmers aim to reduce agrochemical emis-           environment programme with respect to their socio-
947–969               sions, while in France the programme is geared towards        economic, agricultural and environmental aspects (Article
950                   Table 1. Characteristics of agri-environment programmes in European countries until the year 2000. Pilot agri-environment
D. Kleijn &           schemes currently applied in CEE countries are not included. UAA, Utilized Agricultural Area; AEP, agri-environment
                      programme; AES, agri-environment scheme; ECA, ecological compensation area
W. J. Sutherland
                      Austria. (UAA’95 3 425 100 ha; area with AES’97 2 500 000 ha; AEP since 1995, previous programme outside the EU-context since
                      1972). The Austrian programme (ÖPUL) consists of 25 schemes. Eight horizontal schemes address extensification and reduction
                      of the negative impact of agriculture on the environment, the other zonal schemes address specific farming practices, biodiversity
                      conservation and the creation or conservation of landscape elements. ÖPUL aims to promote farming with reduced
                      environmental impact, maintain farming in agriculturally marginal areas (Alps) and conserve biodiversity and landscape.
                      However, in 1996 83% of the budget was spent on the horizontal schemes and only 17% on schemes aimed at biodiversity and
                      landscape conservation. Schemes with the highest uptake: crop rotation stabilization (18% of AEP budget) and the basic subsidy
                      (17%). Source: Groier & Loibl (2000).
                      Belgium. (UAA’95 1 354 400 ha; area with AES’97 17 000 ha; AEP since 1994). In Flanders no AEP existed before 2000 (Reheul &
                      van Huylenbroeck 2000). The Walloon programme consists of five horizontal schemes and six zonal schemes. The programme
                      addresses environmental and biodiversity aspects more or less equally but in 1997 only 25% of the AEP area was under some
                      scheme addressing biodiversity or landscape conservation issues. Highest uptake: planting a cover-crop between two crops (41%)
                      and restricting stocking densities to between 0·6 and 1·4 lifestock units (26% of AEP area). Source: Walot (2002).
                      Denmark. (UAA’95 2 726 600 ha; area with AES’97 94 000 ha; AEP since 1992, previous schemes under regulation 797/85 since
                      1990). The majority of the schemes of the Danish AEP are applied zonally (ESA approach). Schemes aimed at the reduction of
                      nitrogen use, promotion of rygrass as ground cover and organic farming can be implemented throughout the country. The main
                      objective of the Danish AEP is to achieve a reduction in nitrogen inputs. Landscape and nature protection has been of minor
                      importance so far. Highest uptake: maintenance of extensive grasland (52% of AEP area) and organic farming (37%). Source:
                      Andersen, Henningsen & Primdahl (2000).
                      Finland. (UAA’95 2 191 700 ha; area with AES’97 2 000 000 ha; AEP since 1995). Finland has a strictly horizontal ‘General
                      Protection Scheme’ (GPS) with six compulsory basic measures and five additional measures of which one has to be selected.
                      Furthermore, a ‘Special Protection Scheme’ (SPS, 12 measures) exists that is optional but participation is available only in
                      combination with the GPS. The emphasis of the Finnish programme is on environmental aspects: one of six compulsory measures
                      and one of five additional measures of the GPS address biodiversity and landscape maintenance. Three of the 12 measures of the
                      SPS address promotion of biodiversity and landscape. Source: M. Kaljonen (unpublished paper).
                      France. (UAA’95 28 267 200 ha; area with AES’97 5 725 000 ha; AEP since 1992, previous schemes under regulation 797/85 since 1989).
                      In France, national and regional schemes exist alongside ‘local operations’. As regional schemes are the same in each region, both
                      the national and the regional schemes can be considered horizontal whereas the local operations are zonal. Main goal of the AEP
                      is to maintain agricultural activities in areas with a high risk of agricultural land abandonment and rural depopulation. Highest
                      uptake: the national scheme – maintenance of extensive animal husbandry (70% of the total AEP budget) and local operations
                      (c. 15% of AEP budget). By 1997 some 67% of the local operations addressed wildlife and ecosystem protection. Source: Buller
                      & Brives (2000).
                      Germany. (UAA’95 17 156 900 ha; area with AES’97 6 353 000 ha; AEP since 1992, previous schemes under regulation 797/85 since 1985).
                      The German AEP is difficult to summarize as each federal state (‘Land’) has its own AEP. Almost all schemes are horizontal
                      within each federal state with the exception of schemes aimed at the protection of environment, natural resources, countryside and
                      landscape, which are zonal in some of the states. German agri-environment schemes can be divided in two main types. First,
                      schemes aimed at changing farming practices and second, schemes aimed at the preservation of specific environmentally
                      vulnerable areas, biotopes or species. The latter schemes contribute only 9% of the total AEP area (Osterburg 2001), however, in
                      some federal states these schemes operate outside the framework of regulation 2078/92 and are therefore not co-funded by the EU.
                      c. 70% of the German AEP budget between 1993 and 1996 was spent by the agriculturally extensive German states Bayern, Baden-
                      Würtemberg and Sachsen. Highest uptake: environmentally orientated basic payment – only in Bayern and Sachsen (57% of total
                      German AEP budget) and grassland schemes – extensification, conversion to arable land, preservation of specific biotopes (23%).
                      Source: Grafen & Schramek (2000).
                      Greece. (UAA’95 3 464 800 ha; area with AES’00 c. 49 500 ha; AEP since 1995, previous schemes under regulation 797/85 since 1986).
                      So far, five of a projected 13 schemes have been implemented. The schemes address organic plant production, organic livestock
                      production, 20-year set aside, reduction of nitrogen pollution and conservation of endangered breeds. Highest uptake: reduction
                      of nitrogen pollution (29·500 ha). Source: Louloudis, Beopoulos & Vlahos (2000), Louloudis & Dimopoulos (2001).
                      Ireland. (UAA’95 4 324 500 ha; area with AES’99 1 575 000 ha; AEP since 1994). The Irish Rural Environmental Protection Scheme
                      (REPS) consists of one scheme only with 11 compulsory measures and a further six ‘Supplementary Measures’. The basic scheme
                      is very comprehensive and addresses biodiversity and environmental protection, training courses and keeping of farm and
                      environmental records. The REPS aims to conserve wildlife habitats and endangered species of flora and fauna as well as to
                      address environmental problems. Five compulsory measures are particularly relevant to biodiversity conservation. All
                      Supplementary Measures are primarily aimed at conservation aspects and only apply in designated areas. Source: Emerson &
                      Gillmor (1999).
                      Italy. (UAA’95 14 685 500 ha; area with AES’97 1 608 000 ha; AEP since 1994/1995). Italy is divided into 21 regions, each having
                      their own agri-environmental programme. Within regions most schemes are implemented horizontally. The AEP is primarily used
                      as an instrument to reduce the negative impact of agriculture on the environment. Biodiversity conservation is only addressed
                      indirectly through the maintenance of the countryside and the landscape scheme. However, 94% of this scheme is implemented
© 2003 British
                      in the provinces of Bolzano, Trento and Valle d’Aosta, and is therefore virtually restricted to the alpine region. Highest uptake:
Ecological Society,
                      reduction of fertilizer and pesticides inputs (37% of AEP area) and maintenance of countryside and landscape (32%). Source:
Journal of Applied
                      INEA (1999).
Ecology, 40,
951                   Table 1. Continued
                      Luxembourg. (UAA’95 126 900 ha; area with AES’97 97 000 ha; AEP since 1996). Only one scheme, available to all farmers in
effectiveness of
                      Luxembourg, had been implemented in 1997. This scheme addressed maintenance of the countryside and landscape. Source:
agri-environment      Anonymous (1998).
                      Norway. (UAA 980 000 ha; area with AES unknown). Norway has two major agri-environment schemes. The Acreage and Cultural
                      Landscape Scheme is mainly aimed at maintaining agricultural practices in marginal areas and has general prescriptions that are
                      easy to adapt to. The Special Measures for the Cultural Landscape Scheme consists of much more detailed prescriptions, many
                      having objectives aimed at nature conservation. Highest uptake: unknown. Source: Rønningen (2001).
                      Portugal. (UAA’95 3 924 600 ha; area with AES’97 606 000 ha; AEP since 1994). Only schemes addressing the reduction of
                      agricultural pollution and training courses and demonstration projects are applied horizontally, all other schemes are zonal and
                      most of them address specific farming systems. Emphasis of the Portugese AEP is on the maintenance of extensive farming
                      systems. The schemes with the expected highest uptake rates are those aimed at the maintenance of extensive grazing systems and
                      Holm Oak landscapes (‘montados’). Highest uptake: not available yet. Source: Eden & Vieira (2000).
                      Spain. (UAA’95 25 230 300 ha; area with AES’97 532 000 ha; AEP since 1993). The Spanish AEP is implemented by the individual
                      regions but a set of mandatory horizontal and zonal schemes is prescribed by the national government. The implementation of
                      the Spanish scheme has met with considerable delay and data on uptake are only preliminary. Estimated budget allocation
                      suggests that the emphasis of the Spanish AEP lies on landscape protection (48% of AEP budget) and extensification (30%).
                      Highest uptake: preliminary data indicate that landscape conservation and fire prevention in extensive grasslands are the two
                      schemes with the highest uptake rates followed by schemes aimed at wildlife protection in extensive croplands. Source: Peco et al.
                      Sweden. (UAA’95 3 059 700 ha; area with AES’97 2 449 990 ha; AEP since 1995, previous schemes outside the EU-context since
                      1986). The Swedish AEP consists of four clusters of schemes each having a different objective. The ‘environmentally sensitive area’
                      cluster is zonal, the others are basically horizontal. The AEP objectives are to maintain a naturally and culturally valuable and
                      varied landscape, to conserve biodiversity and to minimize nutrient leaching and pesticide use. Uptake figures indicate that
                      schemes aimed at the maintenance of open landscapes and conservation of cultural-historical remains are very popular, whereas
                      uptake of schemes aimed at biodiversity conservation remain far below the targeted areas. Highest uptake: maintenance of open
                      landscape in forest and northern regions (30% of AEP area) and perennial ley farming (29%). Source: Carlsen & Hasund (2000).
                      Switzerland. (UAA’99 985 000 ha; area with ECA’99 82 700 ha; ECA since 1993). The Swiss AEP differs considerably from that of
                      EU-member countries. Farmers throughout Switzerland may manage at least 7% of their UAA as so-called Ecological
                      Compensation Areas (ECAs) in order to obtain a basic direct payment. The 7% ECA may consist of a variety of biotopes such
                      as extensive grasslands, traditional orchards, hedges, field margin strips, conservation headlands, ditches, stone walls or unpaved
                      roads. Farmers can receive additional management subsidies for some of these biotopes, such as extensive grasslands. Some types
                      of biotopes, such as again extensive grasslands, that meet a certain quality level and/or are located in ecological corridors between
                      important habitats qualify for additional subsidies. The overall aim of ECAs is halting the agriculturally induced loss of
                      biodiversity by conserving valuable biotopes, restoring degraded biotopes and creating new biotopes. Highest uptake: low-
                      intensity meadows (49% of ECA area) and extensively used meadows (41%). Source: Günter et al. (2002).
                      The Netherlands. (UAA’95 1 998 900 ha; area with AES’99 c. 70 000 ha; AEP since 1992, previous schemes partly under regulation
                      797/85 and partly outside the EU-context since 1981). The Dutch AEP consists of seven schemes. One scheme (management
                      agreements) specifically addresses the maintenance and conservation of biodiversity and landscape and is applied zonally. All
                      other schemes address a variety of topics including demonstration projects, training courses and public access to farmland. In
                      budgetary terms the zonal scheme is by far the most important. Highest uptake: management agreements (90% of AEP area).
                      Source: Anonymous (2000).
                      The United Kingdom. (UAA’95 16 446 600 ha; area with AES’97 1 322 000 ha; AEP since 1992, previous schemes under regulation
                      797/85 since 1987). The AEP varies somewhat between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland but the basic outline is
                      the same. For the whole of the UK nine different schemes exist of which only one, the ‘Organic Aid Scheme’ is truly horizontal.
                      Others can either be applied in certain regions or address certain biotopes. There is a strong emphasis in the UK AEP on wildlife
                      conservation. The concept of Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) was originally developed in the UK and first implemented
                      here under regulation 797/85 and still forms the backbone of the UK AEP. Wildlife conservation in the wider countryside is
                      addressed by the Countryside Stewardship Scheme. Environmental issues play a minor role (Nitrate Sensitive Areas scheme and
                      Organic Aid Scheme). Highest uptake: ESA scheme (58% of AEP budget and 74% of area) and Countryside Stewardship Scheme
                      (21% of budget and 7% of area). Source: Hart & Wilson (2000).

                      16, EC Regulation 746/96). Currently, most evaluation                environment schemes on the abundance or species rich-
                      studies simply examine uptake patterns of different                  ness of organisms. Initially, we performed an extensive
                      schemes within programmes. However, implementation                   literature review. However, as most evaluation studies
                      of schemes does not guarantee that the stated object-                are published outside the mainstream scientific jour-
                      ives of the scheme will actually be met. Furthermore,                nals, we also searched the internet and approached
                      the biodiversity and environmental objectives are rarely             some 40 key people outside the Netherlands and the
© 2003 British
                      defined clearly at the outset, which hampers proper                  United Kingdom to ascertain whether they knew of
Ecological Society,
Journal of Applied    evaluation in a number of countries (Schramek 2001).                 any evaluation studies in their country or of any person
Ecology, 40,             Table 2 summarizes all those studies that we have                 who might have more information. Many studies
947–969               been able to locate that evaluate the effects of agri-               claimed to evaluate the effects of schemes but simply
D. Kleijn &
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                      Fig. 1. Conceptual models describing (a) the relationship between farming intensity and the impact of schemes on a farmer’s
                      activities (solid line) as well as the uptake of those schemes (dashed line), and illustrating (b) the potential effects of schemes
                      addressing ‘improvement effects’ and ‘protection effects’ (sensu Primdahl et al. 2003). An equal shift in land-use intensity
                      may result in a more pronounced effect on biodiversity (shaded area) in extensive areas compared with intensive areas.

                      described the status or trends of species of interest in               The number of replicates varied from 1 to 398. The
                      the scheme site without any reference or control data.              number of controls was often similar to the number of
                      These studies cannot be used to infer effects of the                replicates but in some cases far larger or smaller (161
                      changes in management due to the agri-environment                   controls for 26 experimental replicates and, of greater
                      schemes, hence we did not consider them further in this             concern, 2 controls for 82 experimental replicates).
                      review. Although we may have missed some studies,                   Two Swiss studies compared the spatial distribution of
                      we are confident that we have conducted a thorough                  birds over the landscape and analysed whether sites
                      search for studies throughout Europe. We located 62                 with schemes were used by birds more than would be
                      studies from just six countries, of which 76% were from             expected based on a random distribution. These stud-
                      just two countries (18 from the Netherlands and 29                  ies did not contain formal control areas. The data from
                      from the United Kingdom). Only 27% (17) of the stud-                31% of the studies were not analysed statistically. Some
                      ies were published in international peer-reviewed jour-             reports divided the analysis into a number of groups,
                      nals. Excluding the United Kingdom and Ireland, 83%                 such as common vs. Red List plant species. To avoid
                      of the studies were published in the national language              replication and information overload we selected the
                      and remain therefore largely inaccessible to people out-            measure (usually species richness) that seemed to best
                      side that country (Table 2, Table 3).                               represent the results. We checked that this was not dis-
                                                                                          torting the conclusions.
                                                                                             Twenty studies (32%) assessed the effects of schemes
                         
                                                                                          on plants, 20 (32%) on various insect groups and
                         
                                                                                          spiders, one (2%) on mammals (brown hare Lepus euro-
                      The approaches to evaluation varied enormously, even                paeus Pallas) while 29 (47%) studies investigated the
                      within individual countries, making it very difficult to            response of birds.
                      ascribe a specific study design (Table 2). For example,
                      the most common approach (37% of the studies) com-
                                                                                             
                      pared biodiversity in the agri-environment scheme and
                                                                                             
                      control areas at one point in time. However, some stud-
                      ies compared entire areas with a mosaic of schemes,                 Our results show that plant diversity may be difficult
                      nature reserves and conventional management with                    to enhance with agri-environment schemes (Table 2).
                      areas that were managed conventionally throughout                   Eleven of the 20 studies addressing botanical diversity
                      and usually were located outside ESAs. Other studies                found positive effects of schemes whereas two studies
                      compared the pooled species diversity of all fields with            reported negative effects. Considering the subsample
                      agri-environment schemes with the pooled species                    of 14 studies that subjected the data to some form of
                      diversity of all conventionally managed fields in a sin-            statistical analysis, six studies demonstrated positive
                      gle area that consisted of a mosaic of scheme and con-              and two studies demonstrated negative effects of
                      ventional fields. The same difficulties apply to the two            schemes, the remaining seven studies finding no effect
                      other common study design, examining changes in bio-                at all. The poor performance of the evaluated agri-
© 2003 British
                      diversity (26% of the studies) or trends in time in areas           environment schemes with botanical objectives is in
Ecological Society,
Journal of Applied    with and without schemes (32%). Only 34% of the stud-               accordance with results of experimental studies. These
Ecology, 40,          ies included baseline data, and 16% used a paired study             generally show that it is extremely difficult to enhance the
947–969               approach to reduce environmental noise (Table 3).                   botanical diversity of intensively farmed agricultural


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                                                                                                                                                                                                    effectiveness of

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Table 2. Summary of characteristics of studies that evaluate the effectiveness of agri-environment schemes. Number of replicates and controls in numbers unless other units are given. For abbreviations see Table 1.
Studies that just report status or changes within schemes were excluded

                                                                                Number       Number
                                Investigated                                    of           of         Statistical Base-line    Duration
Country        Scheme           species (group)       Design                    replicates   controls   analysis    data         study        Results                           Notes                 Reference

CH             ECA –            Skylark               Relative biotope          24          –           Yes         No           1995         Skylarks foraged more                                   Weibel
               wildflower                             use within skylark        territories                                                   frequently and longer                                   (1998)
               strips                                 territories                                                                             in wildflower strips than in
                                                                                                                                              any other biotope
CH             ECA –            Carabid beetles       Comparison ECA             16, 7†          7      No          No           1997         Higher number of species                                Pfiffner
               extensive                              and control sites                                                                       and red list species on                                 et al.
               grasslands                                                                                                                     extensive and low-intensity                             (2000)*
                                                                                                                                              grasslands compared
                                                                                                                                              to control
CH             ECA              Grass-hoppers         Species richness and       62          398        Yes         Yes          1990 &       Proportion of ECA area            ECA sites             Hunziker
                                                      abundance on target                                                        2000         relative to total area            were perennial        (2001)
                                                      sites and wider                                                                         occupied by grasshoppers          biotopes only
                                                      countryside before                                                                      increased significantly for       whereas controls
                                                      and after schemes                                                                       seven species from 1990 to        included
                                                                                                                                              2000                              arable fields
CH             ECA –            Grass-hoppers         Species richness and      152          152        Yes         Yes          1990 &       Species richness and                                    Peter &
               extensive                              abundance on target                                                        2000         abundance of individual                                 Walter
               grasslands                             and control sites                                                                       species increased more                                  (2001)*
                                                      before and                                                                              on fields with ECA
                                                      after schemes
CH             ECA              Birds                 Spatial distribution       23          –          Yes         No           1998 &       Five species (mostly              Spatial               Hofer et al.
                                                      of territories                                                             1999         hedgerow species) more            autocorrelation       (2002)*,
                                                      relative to                                                                             abundant, one species             between ECA           Spiess,
                                                      that of ECA sites                                                                       less abundant on /near            and vertical          Marfurt
                                                                                                                                              ECAs than expected                structures.           & Birrer
                                                                                                                                                                                Explains part         (2002)*
                                                                                                                                                                                of the
                                                                                                                                                                                observed effects
D              Conservation     Hoverflies and        Comparison AES              2              2      No          No           1988         Species richness and                                    Raskin
               headlands for    carabid beetles       and control sites                                                                       abundance of hoverflies                                 (1994)*
               arable weeds                                                                                                                   and carabid beetles
                                                                                                                                              higher on AES sites

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Table 2. Continued

                                                                             Number       Number
                                 Investigated                                of           of         Statistical Base-line   Duration
Country        Scheme            species (group)   Design                    replicates   controls   analysis    data        study      Results                          Notes            Reference

D              Conservation of   Black-tailed      Population trends           2            2        No         No           1989–98    Number of pairs inside           Scheme areas     Weiss
               wet meadows       godwit, curlew,   inside/outside                                                                       stable and outside declining     include fields   et al.
                                 snipe             AES area                                                                             or inside declining less         of nature        (1999)*
                                                                                                                                        rapidly than outside             conservation
                                                                                                                                        AES area                         organization
D              Conservation of   Waders            Population trends         2292 ha      437 ha     No         No           1988–98    Number of pairs inside           Scheme areas     Ikemeyer
               wet meadows                         inside/outside                                                                       stable and outside declining     include fields   & Krüger
                                                   AES area                                                                             or inside declining less         of nature        (1999)*
                                                                                                                                        rapidly than outside AES         conservation
                                                                                                                                        area                             organization
D              ‘Mittelgebirgs-   Plants            Changes in species         29           53        No         Yes          1986 &     Plant species richness                            Weis
               programm’ –                         richness on fields with                                                   1997       increases on fields with                          (2001)*
               grassland                           and without AES                                                                      AES and remains stable
               extensification                                                                                                          on control fields
D              ‘Mittelgebirgs-   Plants            Trends in species           8            6        No         Yes          1987–90,   Plant species richness                            Weis
               programm’ –                         richness on grazed                                                        1994,      increases slightly in grazed                      (2001)*
               Resumed grazing                     AES fields and                                                            1996 &     plots on AES fields and
               on abandoned                        exclosures that                                                           1999       decreases sharply in
               pastures                            serve as controls                                                                    exclosures
D              Grazing           Plants, various   Species richness            6            6        Yes        No           1996       Plant diversity not different,                    Kruess &
               extensification   insect groups     and abundance                                                                        insect richness and                               Tscharntke
                                                   in a randomized                                                                      abundance significantly                           (2002a,b)
                                                   block design                                                                         higher on scheme sites
                                                                                                                                        relative to control sites
EI             REPS scheme       Plants and        Species richness           15           15        Yes        No           1999       Plant species richness lower;                     Feehan,
                                 carabid beetles   in field boundaries                                                                  carabid beetle richness                           Gillmor &
                                 in grasslands     on farms with                                                                        similar to control farms                          Culleton
                                                   and without REPS                                                                                                                       (2002)
EI             REPS scheme       Plants and        Species richness           15           15        Yes        No           2000       Species richness of plants                        Feehan
                                 carabid beetles   in field boundaries                                                                  and carabid beetles similar                       et al.
                                 in tillage land   on farms with                                                                        on REPS and control                               (2002)
                                                   and without REPS                                                                     farms


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Table 2. Continued

                                                                      Number       Number
                             Investigated                             of           of         Statistical Base-line   Duration
Country        Scheme        species (group)   Design                 replicates   controls   analysis    data        study       Results                       Notes                    Reference

EI             REPS scheme   Farmland birds    Species richness        5                5     Yes        No           2000        Bird species richness                                  Flynn
                                               on farms with                                                                      similar on REPS and                                    et al. (2002)
                                               and without REPS                                                                   control farms
NL             Botanical     Plants            Comparison of          35            9         No         No           1984/85     Changes in species            Most of the              Altenburg
               management                      changes on fields                                                      & 1990      richness/cover similar        control fields           &
               agreements                      with and                                                                           on AES fields and             located outside          Wymenga
                                               without AES                                                                        controls                      the ESA                  (1991)*
NL             Meadow bird   Meadow birds      Comparison of          23 ha        81 ha      No         Yes          1988 &      Trends in settlement                                   Terlouw
               agreements                      changes on fields                                                      1991        densities similar on fields                            (1992)*
                                               with and                                                                           with and without AES
                                               without AES
NL             Meadow bird   Meadow birds      Comparison of          1 : 11       1 :7       Yes        Partially    1986 − 90   1. Trends of two species      1. ESAs                  Van den
               agreements                      trends (1) in ESAs     2 : 90       2 : 276                                        more positive and one         include                  Brink &
                                               and control                                                                        species more negative in      reserves                 Fijn
                                               areas and (2) inside                                                               ESAs relative to outside      2. Prior to              (1992)*
                                               ESAs on fields with                                                                ESAs                          the scheme
                                               and without schemes                                                                2. Trends of lapwing more     higher densities
                                                                                                                                  positive on AES fields        of three and
                                                                                                                                  than control fields           lower densities
                                                                                                                                                                of two species
                                                                                                                                                                were present
                                                                                                                                                                on AES fields
                                                                                                                                                                relative to control
NL             Botanical     Plants            Comparison of          45 – 169†    29 – 35†   Yes        Partially    1986 − 90   1. In ESAs more positive      1. ESAs                  Van den
               management                      trends (1) in                                                                      vegetation development        include reserves         Brink
               agreements                      ESAs and control                                                                   than outside ESAs in          2. Prior to              & Fijn
                                               areas and (2) inside                                                               both ditch banks and          scheme ditch             (1992)*
                                               ESAs on fields with                                                                grasslands                    banks contain
                                               and without schemes                                                                2. Trends more positive       less and grasslands
                                                                                                                                  on AES fields than control    more species on
                                                                                                                                  fields in both ditch banks    AES fields
                                                                                                                                  and grasslands                relative to controls

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Ecological Society,
Table 2. Continued

                                                                       Number       Number
                             Investigated                              of           of         Statistical Base-line   Duration
Country        Scheme        species (group)   Design                  replicates   controls   analysis    data        study      Results                       Notes                 Reference

NL             Meadow bird   Meadow birds      Comparison of           119 ha       144 ha     No         No           1987−91    Population trends more                              Brandsma
               agreements                      population trends                                                                  positive on AES fields for                          (1993)*
                                               on fields with and                                                                 three species
                                               without AES
NL             Meadow bird   Meadow birds      Comparison of           122 ha       702 ha     No         No           1983,      Population trends more                              Altenburg,
               agreements                      population trends                                                       1986,      positive on AES fields                              Rebergen &
                                               on fields with and                                                      1989,      for six species                                     Wymenga
                                               without AES                                                             1992 &                                                         (1993)*,
                                                                                                                       1995                                                           Uilhoorn
NL             Botanical     Vegetation        Comparison of           255 ha       117 ha     No         No           1987 &     Shift towards qualitatively   Vegetation            Wymenga,
               management                      shifts in vegetation                                                    1993       better vegetation classes     broadly classified,   Jalving &
               agreements                      classes on fields                                                                  between 1987 and 1993         significance of       Jansen
                                               with and                                                                           more pronounced on            results difficult     (1994)*
                                               without AES                                                                        fields with AES               to interpret
NL             Meadow bird   Meadow birds      Comparison of           388 ha       420 ha     No         No           1985,      Population trends less        Most control          Altenburg
               agreements                      population trends                                                       1987,      negative on AES fields        fields outside        & Griffioen
                                               on fields with and                                                      1990 &     for two species               ESA in area with      (1994)*
                                               without AES                                                             1993                                     woodlots
NL             Botanical     Vegetation        Comparison of            26          161        Yes        Yes          1990 &     Nature Value Index                                  Dijkstra
               management                      changes in                                                              1994       decreases significantly                             (1994)*
               agreements                      ‘Nature Value                                                                      in edges of fields
                                               Index’s’ in edges                                                                  without but stays stable
                                               of fields with                                                                     in edges of fields with
                                               and without AES                                                                    AES
NL             Botanical     Vegetation        Comparison of shifts     86 ha       500 ha     No         No           1988 &     Shift towards qualitatively   Vegetation            Ter Stege,
               management                      in vegetation classes                                                   1994       better vegetation classes     broadly classified,   Jalving &
               agreements                      on fields with and                                                                 between 1988 and 1994         significance of       Wymenga
                                               without AES                                                                        more pronounced on            results difficult     (1995)*
                                                                                                                                  fields with AES               to interpret
NL             Meadow bird   Meadow birds      Comparison of           115 ha        49 ha     Yes        No           1987,      No significant differences                          Van Buel
               agreements                      population trends                                                       1990       between fields with and                             & Vergeer
                                               on fields with and                                                      & 1993     without AES                                         (1995)*
                                               without AES


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Table 2. Continued

                                                                           Number       Number
                               Investigated                                of           of         Statistical Base-line   Duration
Country        Scheme          species (group)       Design                replicates   controls   analysis    data        study      Results                         Notes                   Reference

NL             Botanical       Plants                Comparison of          14           14        No         Yes          1989 &     Trends in species richness/                             Brongers
               management                            changes on fields                                                     1995       cover of (hay meadow)                                   & Kolkman
               agreements                            with and                                                                         plant species more positive                             (1996)*
                                                     without AES                                                                      on fields with AES
NL             Meadow bird     Meadow birds          Comparison of         189 ha       462 ha     No         No           1995       Higher settlement densities                             Van Buel
               agreements                            densities on fields                                                              of five species on                                      (1996)*
                                                     with and                                                                         AES fields
                                                     without AES
NL             Field margin    Insects               Comparison of          12, 13†      12, 13†   Yes        No           1995       Higher number of insect taxa,   Analysis makes          Canters
               strips and                            paired field margin                                                              and higher abundance of lady    no distinction          (1996)*
               conservation                          strip/conservation                                                               bugs (Coccinellidae), dragon    between
               headlands                             headland with                                                                    flies (Odonata), bumblebees     conservation
                                                     conventional                                                                     (Bombus spp.) and hover flies   headlands and
                                                     crop edge                                                                        (Syrphidae) on AES strips       field margin strips
NL             Botanical       Fritillary            Trends in abundance    71           32        Yes        Yes          1990,      Significant increase in                                 Brongers
               management      (Fritillaria          on fields with and                                                    1994       juvenile plants on AES                                  (1999)*
               agreements      meleagris)            without AES                                                           & 1998     fields relative to controls
NL             Meadow bird     Birds, plants,        Abundance and           7            7        Yes        No           1998       One carabid beetle species      Within ESAs             Kleijn
               agreements      bees, hover           species richness                                                                 more abundant on fields         two fields within       et al.
               and botanical   flies, butterflies,   on paired AES                                                                    with AES                        a pair in               (1999)*
               management      carabids              and control fields                                                               relative to control sites       environmentally
               agreements                                                                                                                                             similar areas
NL             Meadow bird     Birds, plants,        Abundance and          39           39        Yes        No           2000       Diversity and abundance of      Within ESAs two         Kleijn
               agreements      bees, hover flies     species richness                                                                 plants equal, that of insects   fields within a         et al.
               and botanical                         on paired AES                                                                    higher on fields with AES.      pair in                 (2001,
               management                            and control fields                                                               One bird species less           environmentally         in press)
               agreements                                                                                                             abundant on AES fields          similar areas
NL             Meadow bird     Meadow birds          Population trends      17           17        Yes        partially    1989,      Population trends similar       Within ESAs             Kleijn &
               agreements                            on paired AES                                                         1992       on AES and control fields       two fields within       Van Zuijlen
                                                     and control fields                                                    & 1995                                     a pair in               (in press)
                                                                                                                                                                      similar areas

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                                                                                                                                                                                                          W. J. Sutherland

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Ecological Society,
Table 2. Continued

                                                                             Number       Number
                                Investigated                                 of           of         Statistical Base-line   Duration
Country        Scheme           species (group)   Design                     replicates   controls   analysis    data        study        Results                             Notes                   Reference

P              Castro Verde     Steppe birds      Changes in abundance        16              17     Yes        Yes          1995 &       Higher numbers of great                                     Borralho
               Zonal Plan                         of species in target and                                                   1997         bustard, lesser kestrel and                                 et al.
                                                  control sites                                                                           little bustard in fields with AES                           (1999)*
UK             North Peaks      Birds             Comparison of AES           1               1      Yes        No           1994 –1996   Similar densities for eight         ESA & control           ADAS
               ESA                                and control sites                                                                       species but twite and               in different regions    (1997a)
                                                                                                                                          lapwing much lower                  and surveyed in
                                                                                                                                          in ESA                              different years
UK             Breckland ESA    Invertebrates,    Comparison of              27               9      Yes        No           1993         No significant differences                                  ADAS
               – conservation   plants            AES and control                                                                         for a range of variables                                    (1997b)
               headlands                          sites
UK             Radnor ESA –     Plants            Changes in target          16           19         Yes        Yes          1994 &       Significant increase                                        ADAS
               hay meadows                        and control plots                                                          1997         in species richness in                                      (1999b)
                                                                                                                                          higher tier sites but
                                                                                                                                          not in control or
                                                                                                                                          lower tier
UK             Radnor ESA –     Plants            Changes in target          15           20         Yes        Yes          1994 &       Significant increase in                                     ADAS
               wetlands                           and control plots                                                          1997         species richness in higher                                  (1999b)
                                                                                                                                          tier sites but not in
                                                                                                                                          control or lower tier
UK             Ynys Môn         Plants            Changes in target          21           25         Yes        Yes          1994 –1997   Significant increases in                                    ADAS
               ESA – coastal                      and control plots                                                                       species suited to grazing                                   (1999c)
               habitats                                                                                                                   in AES stands contradicts
                                                                                                                                          target but increase
                                                                                                                                          in maritime species is
                                                                                                                                          as required
UK             Ynys Môn ESA     Birds             Comparison of              20           –          Yes        No           1995–1998    13 out of 15 wintering              Sample sizes            ADAS
                                                  population trends                                                                       waders and waterfowl                small for               (1999a)
                                                  with those in wider                                                                     decreased. Five of five             breeding wader
                                                  countryside                                                                             ‘target’ passerines                 and waterfowl
                                                                                                                                          increased. Two of six               (mean 2·5
                                                                                                                                          breeding waders and                 territories in total)
                                                                                                                                          waterfowl increased


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Table 2. Continued

                                                                        Number       Number
                                  Investigated                          of           of         Statistical Base-line   Duration
Country        Scheme             species (group)   Design              replicates   controls   analysis    data        study       Results                        Notes                  Reference

UK             Lleyn Peninsula    Plants            Changes in target   16            4         Yes        Yes          1995 &      Significant increase in                               ADAS
               ESA – coastal                        and control plots                                                   1998        species richness in controls                          (2001b)
               grasslands                                                                                                           but not in AES
UK             Clwydian Range     Plants            Changes in target   82            2         Yes        Yes          1995 &      No significant difference                             ADAS
               ESA – calcareous                     and control plots                                                   1998        in species richness                                   (2001a)
               grasslands                                                                                                           between years
                                                                                                                                    or treatments
UK             Clwydian Range     Butterflies in    Changes in target    4            1         No         Yes          1995 &      Numbers decreased by                                  ADAS
               ESA                calcareous        and control plots                                                   1998        58% on sole control                                   (2001a)
                                  grassland                                                                                         transect but
                                                                                                                                    increased by 13% on
                                                                                                                                    AES sites
UK             ESA – arable       Grey partridge    Population trends    1            1         Yes        Yes          1970–1995   Greater declines on                                   Aebischer
               reversion                            in target and                                                                   area with AES                                         & Potts
                                                    control areas                                                                                                                         (1998)
UK             Countryside        Stone curlew      Population trends    1            0         No         Yes          1991–1999   Increase from 150 pairs        Wardens also           Aebischer
               Stewardship                          before and after                                                                in 1991 to 233 in 1999         find nests of          et al.
               Scheme                               AES scheme                                                                      after AES introduced.          and ensure             (2000)
                                                                                                                                    Rapid decline between          they are not
                                                                                                                                    1940s and 1980s                damaged by
                                                                                                                                                                   farming operations
UK             ESA – corncrake    Corncrake         Population trends    1            0         No         Yes          1993–1998   4.2% annual increase           Includes purchase      Aebischer
               initiative                           before and after                                                                after introduction scheme      of nature reserves     et al.
                                                    AES scheme                                                                      (1992–98) compared to          mainly for             (2000)
                                                                                                                                    3·5% annual decline            corncrake
                                                                                                                                    in reference period
UK             Pilot Arable       Bumblebees        Comparison of       84           84         Yes        No           1999–2000   For four schemes higher                               Allen,
               Stewardship                          paired sites and                                                                numbers in AES than                                   Gundrey
                                                    controls. Carried                                                               controls. For one                                     & Gardner
                                                    out for                                                                         scheme none on AES.                                   (2001)
                                                    various schemes                                                                 Numbers generally low

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                                                                                                                                                                                    W. J. Sutherland

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Ecological Society,
Table 2. Continued

                                                                     Number       Number
                               Investigated                          of           of         Statistical Base-line   Duration
Country        Scheme          species (group)   Design              replicates   controls   analysis    data        study        Results                       Notes            Reference

UK             Regenerating    Moorland birds    Abundance and       12            12       Yes         No           1996 –2000   Black grouse increased                         Baines
               heather moors                     trends in areas     (1176 ha)    (1032 ha)                                       4·6% p.a. with AES but                         et al.
                                                 with and                                                                         declined 1·7% p.a. in                          (2002),
                                                 without AES                                                                      controls. Significantly                        Calladine
                                                                                                                                  more females retained                          Baines &
                                                                                                                                  broods in AES. Eight of                        Warren
                                                                                                                                  11 species rarer in AES                        (2002)
                                                                                                                                  (two significantly)
                                                                                                                                  including black grouse.
                                                                                                                                  Waders and other
                                                                                                                                  gamebirds declined
                                                                                                                                  faster in areas with AES
UK             Pilot Arable    Winter birds      Farms with AES      54            48        Yes        No           1998 –2000   Of 56 tests of groups                          Bradbury
               stewardship                       and controls                                                                     and areas four                                 (2001),
                                                                                                                                  significant positive                           Bradbury
                                                                                                                                  effects and five                               & Allen
                                                                                                                                  negative                                       (2003)
UK             Pilot Arable    Breeding birds    Farms with AES      25            24        Yes        No           1999 –2000   Of 16 comparisons seven                        Bradbury
               Stewardship                       and controls                                                                     showed positive effect of                      & Allen
                                                                                                                                  AES (one, lapwing                              (2003)
                                                                                                                                  significant) and nine
                                                                                                                                  negative effects
                                                                                                                                  (three, woodpigeon,
                                                                                                                                  sedge warbler and
                                                                                                                                  rook significant)
UK             ESA and         Butterflies       Abundance and       85           160        Yes        No           1994 –2000   Equl numbers increased        Over 50% sites   Brereton,
               Countryside                       trends in AES                                                                    and decreased. Lower,         owned by         Stewart &
               Stewardship                       and control sites                                                                but non significant decline   conservation     Warren
               Scheme                                                                                                             (12% v 15·5%) on AES          organizations    (2002)
                                                                                                                                  sites. 10 of 13 specialist
                                                                                                                                  species increased
                                                                                                                                  (five significantly)


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Table 2. Continued

                                                                         Number       Number
                                Investigated                             of           of         Statistical Base-line   Duration
Country        Scheme           species (group)   Design                 replicates   controls   analysis    data        study       Results                           Notes                   Reference

UK             Barnacle Goose   Barnacle goose    Trends in abundance     16            0        Yes        Yes          1990–2000   Numbers increased at a            Authors suggests        Cope
               Management                         on reserve and areas                                                               proportionately higher            numbers on              et al.
               Scheme                             without disturbance                                                                rate on AES sites than            reserve reached         (2003)
                                                  or limited                                                                         on reserve. No                    capacity thus
                                                  disturbance                                                                        difference in change              increases elsewhere
                                                  before and after                                                                   between undisturbed and           could be due to
                                                  start scheme                                                                       limited disturbance sites         buffer effect
UK             Pilot Arable     True bugs         Comparison AES          93           44        Yes        No           1999–2000   Higher numbers on six                                     Gardener
               Stewardship                        sites and paired                                                                   region /treatment                                         et al.
                                                  controls                                                                           combinations                                              (2001b)
                                                                                                                                     (4 significant). Lower
                                                                                                                                     (not significant) in
                                                                                                                                     remaining combination
UK             Pilot Arable     Carabid beetles   Comparison              82–103†      31–34†    Yes        No           1999–2000   Of 29 region/treatment/date                               Gardener
               stewardship                        various AES                                                                        combinations higher numbers                               et al.
                                                  options and                                                                        in AES for 14 (nine                                       (2001a)
                                                  controls                                                                           significant) and lower in five
                                                                                                                                     (two significant). For carabid
                                                                                                                                     larvae of 24 region/higher
                                                                                                                                     treatment/date comparisons
                                                                                                                                     15 higher in AES and nine
                                                                                                                                     lower but none were significant
UK             ESA – cereal     Carabid beetles   Comparison of           2             2        Yes        No           1991        Of three carabids, two more                               Hawthorne,
               headlands                          paired cereal                                                                      abundant in AES, one more                                 Hassall &
                                                  headlands with                                                                     abundant in control                                       Sotherton
                                                  or without AES                                                                                                                               (1998)
UK             Countryside      Cirl bunting      Trends in bird          47           47        Yes        Yes          1992–1998   Increased by 82% on                                       Peach
               Stewardship                        numbers inside                                                                     land in scheme but by                                     et al.
               Scheme                             scheme or outside                                                                  2% on controls                                            (2001)
                                                  within 47 tetrads
UK             Pilot Arable     Sawflies          Comparison of sites    224          188        Yes        No           1999–2000   No obvious effect on              No distinction          Reynolds
               Stewardship                        with AES and                                                                       sawfly abundance but              made between            (2001)
                                                  adjacent controls                                                                  diversity higher                  seven different
                                                                                                                                     on AES                            scheme options

(Cont’d )

Ecology, 40,
                                                                                                                                                                                      D. Kleijn &

© 2003 British
                                                                                                                                                                                      W. J. Sutherland

Journal of Applied
Ecological Society,
Table 2. Continued

                                                                      Number       Number
                               Investigated                           of           of         Statistical Base-line   Duration
Country        Scheme          species (group)    Design              replicates   controls   analysis    data        study        Results                      Notes             Reference

UK             ESAs – raised   Waders             Comparison of        8            4         No         Yes          1992–1997    Wader numbers increased      Monitored since   Chown
               water levels                       trends in AES                                                                    in three AES sites, stable   1989, schemes     (1998)
                                                  and control sites                                                                in four AES sites,           started 1992
                                                                                                                                   decreased in three AES
                                                                                                                                   sites and in four controls
UK             Breckland       Carabid beetles,   Comparison of        3            2         Yes        No           1988         For all groups higher                          Cardwell,
               ESA – cereal    spiders,           uncropped                                                                        abundance and more                             Hassall &
               headland        Heteroptera        headlands                                                                        species than control in                        White
               management                         and cereal                                                                       uncropped AES headlands                        (1994);
                                                  headlands                                                                        but only for Heteroptera                       Hassall
                                                  with reduced                                                                     in AES with reduced                            et al.
                                                  pesticide input                                                                  pesticide inputs                               (1992);
                                                  with controls                                                                                                                   White
                                                                                                                                                                                  & Hassall
UK             Breckland       Carabid beetles    Comparison of        4            2         Yes        No           1991         More species and                               Hawthorne
               ESA – cereal                       paired cereal                                                                    diversity than control                         & Hassall
               headland                           headlands with                                                                   in uncropped                                   (1995)
               management                         or without AES                                                                   AES headlands but not
                                                                                                                                   in AES with reduced
                                                                                                                                   pesticide inputs
UK             Pilot Arable    Brown hare         Comparison of       41           38         Yes        No           1999 –2000   No difference detected                         Tapper
               Stewardship                        farms with AES                                                                   in numbers                                     (2001)
                                                  and controls
UK             ESA             Breeding skylark   Comparison of       25 –227†     41– 49†    Yes        No           1994 –1996   For downland reversion                         Wakeham-
                                                  AES and controls                                                                 scheme 3–6 times as                            Dawson
                                                  in two ESAs                                                                      many skylarks on AES                           et al. (1998)
                                                                                                                                   as on controls. For
                                                                                                                                   grassland reversion AES
                                                                                                                                   had significantly fewer
                                                                                                                                   skylarks for one but
                                                                                                                                   significantly more for
                                                                                                                                   another time period
963                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Table 3. Summary of all studies that were published, in

                                                                      Dawson &
Ecological                                                                                                                                                                                                                       congress proceedings or in reports. Percentages are given in

effectiveness of                                                                                                                                                                                                                 relation to the total of 62 studies

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Total studies                                            100%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Published in peer reviewed journals                      27%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 In national language*                                    83%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Have control sites                                       90%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Have replication                                         77%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Use statistical tests of significance                    69%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Analyse changes between two points in time               26%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Analyse trends in time                                   32%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Have paired scheme and control sites                     16%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Have baseline data                                       34%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Controls, replication and statistical analysis           58%†

                                                                      permanent grassland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Controls, replication, statistical analysis              39%‡

                                                                      reversion and fewest
                                                                      cereal stubbles, then
                                                                      Highest number on

                                                                      downland, then far
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and reduced bias§

                                                                      fewer on AES of
                                                                      AES of reverted

                                                                      on winter wheat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 *Excluding 32 studies from UK and Ireland.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 †Including four studies with just two replicates.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ‡Including three studies with just two replicates.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 §Bias resulting from scheme sites likely to be placed in better
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 habitat reduced by use of baseline data, comparing trends/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 changes in time or pairing of scheme and control sites.

                                                                      1994 /5 –
                                                                      1996 /7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 fields (Berendse et al. 1992), particularly when the
                                              Statistical Base-line

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 period of intensive use has been long enough to deplete
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the local seed bank (Bekker et al. 1997).


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The diversity of arthropods appears to be much
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 easier to enhance through implementation of agri-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 environment schemes than other groups. Fourteen of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 20 studies reported significant increases in the number
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of species and three reported significant increases for


                                                                      113 – 117† 40 – 47†

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 some and decreases for other species in response to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 agri-environment schemes. Considering only those

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 studies that included statistical tests yielded similar

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 results. Of 17 studies, 11 found positive effects, three

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 both positive and negative effects, and the remaining

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 three studies did not find any effects of schemes. Kleijn
                                                                                                                                                   †Numbers of replicates differ depending on type of scheme or sampling date.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 et al. (2001) and Kruess & Tscharntke (2002a,b) found
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 no increase in plant species richness, but nevertheless
                                                                                         AES and controls

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 reported significant increases in insect diversity on
                                                                      Wintering skylarks Comparison on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 fields with agri-environment schemes. This positive
                                                                                         in two ESAs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 effect may be due to reduced levels of disturbance on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 less intensively used fields, allowing organisms to com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 plete their life cycle before the vegetation is removed by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 mowing or grazing (Kruess & Tscharntke 2002a). As
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with plants, increased diversity is usually due to more
                                              species (group)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 common species. However, Hunziker (2001) and Peter

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 & Walter (2001) found that Ecological Compensation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Areas in Switzerland significantly enhanced the number
                                                                                                            *Published in the national language.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and abundance of endangered grasshopper species.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Their studies furthermore indicated the importance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of nearby source populations, for instance in nature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 conservation areas, for achieving positive effects of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 conservation management on farmland (see also
                      Table 2. Continued


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Duelli & Obrist 2003).

© 2003 British
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The studies investigating the effects of agri-environment
Ecological Society,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 schemes on birds show no consistent pattern. Thirteen of

Journal of Applied
Ecology, 40,                                                                                                                                                                                                                     29 studies reported positive effects of agri-environment

947–969                                                                                                                                                                                                                          schemes on bird species richness or abundance, two reported
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