Sailfish District Klondike Derby 2022 - Leader guide compilation - Gulf Stream Council

Page created by Jessica Waters
Sailfish District Klondike Derby 2022 - Leader guide compilation - Gulf Stream Council
Sailfish District
Klondike Derby

              Leader guide compilation.doc
Sailfish District Klondike Derby 2022 - Leader guide compilation - Gulf Stream Council
What is Klondike Derby?

From Wikipedia:

A Klondike derby is an annual event held by some Boy Scouts of America
and Scouts Canada districts during the winter months and is based on the
heritage of the Klondike Gold Rush.[1] BSA units have been running Klondike
derbies since 1949.[2]

The event varies by district, but the typical Klondike derby consists of a series
of stations where units must test their Scoutcraft skills and their leadership
abilities, earning points towards a total score.[3]

The unit must transport their gear on a dog sled, usually self-constructed and
pulled by the Scouts. Districts may have specific guidelines for the
construction of sleds.[4]

The stations are often named after classic Alaskan towns such as Anchorage,
Barrow and Wasilla and the person in charge of the station is often known as
the mayor. The unit will stay at a station for a predetermined time, then move
to the next in a round robin fashion.

The final event is usually a sled race between units and then a campfire with
an awards ceremony.

Many people who go in a Klondike derby are referred to as "Dikies" or "Klikies"
(From Klondike).

                                                                       Leader guide compilation.doc

  Most of the skills are in the Boy Scout Handbook
      Not in Handbook (see below)*. Must have Totin’ Chip           Hatchet Throw

T 108-151—SC 111-152--- FC 28-29, 116-119, 142-155, 240,294         First Aid
                                                                    Orienteering &
              p332-338. Need compass p331-351                       Map Reading
                        Entire Handbook                             Knowledge

                            p363-378                                Knots
                                                                    Leave No
         p222-233 Including Outdoor Code. p267-273.                 Trace/Backpacking

                            p328-330                                Height & Distance

                p382-383. Must have Totin’ Chip.                    Sawz All
           Make bridge over water. Teamwork activity.               Survival
 Patrol leader instructs the patrol how to move a bucket of water
                    through an obstacle course.                     Oil Spill

                             p371-378                               Pioneering
 Teamwork activity using skilly skis to trek around an obstacle
                               course.                              Thin Ice
p383-393. Need to build fire with natural items . Need premade
“nest”, kindling, and larger firewood and cook a pancake. Need
                           Firem’n Chit.                            Fire Building

                             p56-63                                 Flag Etiquette

   Two scouts maneuver a canoe from one point to another.           Canoeing
             A spear-thrower, spear-throwing lever                   Atlatl

                                                                             Leader guide compilation.doc
A Special Note from the “Governor” for the
              Sailfish District Klondike Derby
• You and your patrol have been training for months for this weekend… is it is
  show time. Do your best and everything will work out just fine. Get plenty of rest
  Friday night….as Saturday is going to be a really big day! Class B is the dress for
• Pay careful attention to the schedule! You are to be at the North Pole by 8am
  with everything you need for the day….so make sure that everything noted on the
  “Be Prepared” listing is on your person or on your team sled. You cannot go
  back to your camp for any reason until the Derby ends in the afternoon.
  Make sure everything is secured on your team sled….if you lose or forget
  something….it could cost your team valuable points!
• Patrol flags are to remain on the sled. They should be scout-made using scout
  skills. Make a holder and have the flag tied to the sled. Each mayor will judge
  your flag.
• You are also not permitted to talk with anyone during the day other than your
  patrol members or those adults running the event in the town you are in. Under
  no circumstances are you permitted to talk to or receive anything from
  anyone else during the day…not your Scoutmaster….not even a parent if
  they are attending! There are many adults here this weekend….so please do
  not be tempted to talk to them during the Derby. We have sheriffs all over the
  camp, and you could lose valuable points for any infractions to this rule. Please
  do not let it happen!
• Enter each Town with enthusiasm…great them in a courteous manner….and
  don’t forget your patrol yell, cheer and/or slogan. The Mayor should not have to
  ask you to do this. If you forget or don’t show genuine enthusiasm… will lose
  valuable points! Having fun during Klondike is mandatory!
• Please make sure you listen carefully to each of the Mayors….and ask any
  questions you need to fully understand the objective of each of the events. Be
  sure to treat the Mayors and other adults in the town with the utmost respect.
• You will move from town to town when the horn blows…and not before.
  Remember you only have 5 minutes to get to the next town….so get there as
  quickly as possible.
• When it is time to prepare your lunch… together as a patrol…take time to
                                                                Leader guide compilation.doc
relax and get plenty to eat. You cannot start preparing your lunch until the
    horn sounds at 11:45. Don’t forget to give the Mayor a sample of the delicacy
    you prepared for lunch. I am sure he/she will be impressed. Also, please
    thoroughly clean up and pack all trash back on your sled. You should leave the
    area as clean…if not cleaner than you found it. Do not leave the site until you
    hear the horn sound at 12:45.
•   Drink plenty of water throughout the day. You should have a minimum of ½
    gallon of water for every patrol member on your sled. If you run out…..ask the
    Mayor if you can refill your personal water bottles. We need you hydrated, and
    we will be happy to help you stay that way. I also suggest you bring healthy
    trail snacks for the day… will be burning a lot of calories….so you need to
    give your body a little back to keep it running at maximum efficiency.
•   The Derby will end at 3:40 pm. At this time you need to return to camp and
    prepare for the sled race. Everything should be removed from your sled for the
    race….and you should be back at the North Pole before 4:20 pm for the race.
•   The sled race is a timed event….so time is of the essence! BUT, make sure that
    you are careful and make sure that none of your patrol members are injured
    during the race. Under no circumstances should anything be “tied” or
    attached to any of the scouts pulling the sled. If they were to fall, they would
    be dragged by the momentum of the sled….and most likely be injured.
•   The BBQ dinner (for all that registered) will begin at 5pm at the North Pole. Be
    sure you go back to camp and get your tickets for all of your patrol members, as
    they won’t be served without one. Your SM has all of the dinner tickets.
•   The Derby Auction will begin at 6:30pm at the Chapel area. Be sure you have
    your coins! Coins will be counted for each patrol. NO SHARING OR POOLING OF
    NUGGETS BETWEEN PATROLS. You will be provided with your official auction
    paddles when you arrive.
•   The Awards Ceremony & Campfire will begin at 7:30pm at the Amphitheatre.
    You will need to come dressed in your Class A uniform for this function. You
    also need to come armed with your enthusiasm and this is the most important
    time to show proper sportsmanship! Be good winners…..and respectful if you
    don’t win. Regardless of whether you win or not… will have done your
    best….and had a great day!

Now, go back to camp and go over all of this information with your patrol
members ....... and get ready for a weekend to remember!
                                                               Leader guide compilation.doc
Leader guide compilation.doc
Klondike Derby Mayor/Staff Lunch           Klondike Derby Mayor/Staff Lunch
           Order Form                                  Order Form

Town/Event: ___________________            Town/Event: ___________________

Mayor/Staff:____________________           Mayor/Staff:____________________

Sandwich o Turkey /                        Sandwich o Turkey / Provolone

  Provolone Cheese                           Cheese

  o Turkey / American Cheese                 o Turkey / American Cheese

  o Ham / Provolone Cheese                   o Ham / Provolone Cheese

  o Ham / American Cheese                    o Ham / American Cheese

     All subs come with lettuce, and            All subs come with lettuce, and
     tomato. Mayonnaise and Mustard             tomato. Mayonnaise and Mustard
     come separately. Lunches include           come separately. Lunches include
     chips and cookie.                          chips and cookie.

Drink                                      Drink
  o Regular Coke                             o Regular Coke
  o Diet Coke                                o Diet Coke
  o Water                                    o Water

Note: Mayor/staff lunch orders due by      Note: Mayor/staff lunch orders due by
January 14th.                              January 14th.

Turkey will be ordered for anyone unable   Turkey will be ordered for anyone unable
to respond by January 14th.                to respond by January 14th.

                                                              Leader guide compilation.doc
2022 Klondike Troop Patrol Roster
                                           January 28 - 30th, 2022

                          This form is due at Klondike Derby check-in Friday night.

Troop#                Scoutmaster:

Adults in Attendance: Total # of adults camping overnight:

Patrol Registration: (Patrols must have a minimum of 4 and generally a maximum of 8 members)

Patrol 1 Name:                                        Patrol 2 Name:

1)                                   (P.Leader)       1)                                      (P.Leader)
2)                                                    2)
3)                                                    3)
4)                                                    4)
5)                                                    5)
6)                                                    6)
7)                                                    7)
8)                                                    8)

Patrol 3 Name:                                        Patrol 4 Name:

1)                                   (P.Leader)       1)                                      (P.Leader)
2)                                                    2)
3)                                                    3)
4)                                                    4)
5)                                                    5)
6)                                                    6)
7)                                                    7)
8)                                                    8)

Please put the age of the scout next to the name on the above listing. We will NOT have “new scout” or
“older scout” patrol, but instead integrate the new scouts into their natural patrols. This way all patrols
presented by a troop have an equal chance of winning. This method will enhance the patrol method and the
enjoyment of all participants.
              ** Please make a copy of this form if your troop will have more than four patrols.**

                                                                                      Leader guide compilation.doc
Klondike Derby Information for Scouts & Parents
Camp Location: The Klondike Derby will be held at Camp Oklawaha in Sebastian. Take I-95 north, exit at Sebastian. Exit to the
right onto 512. Turn left on Roseland Road. Turn left on Potomac Avenue. Enter camp at the end of the street.

Parking: Unit trailers are permitted at the troop’s campsite, and can arrive at camp at any time after 4:00 p.m. Friday. All
vehicles will be parked in the parking area designated at camp. Only vehicles towing trailers will be allowed back to the
campsites temporarily to drop off the trailers.

Cancellation Policy: The derby will be held regardless of weather conditions. Registration fees will not be refunded should
you choose not to participate. You will still receive your patch and t-shirt(s) if you ordered them.

Teams: should be made up of between a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of eight (8) scouts. Each team is required to
have a sled. Each sled should display it’s troop number. The patrol flag will remain on the sled throughout Saturday’s event.
Sleds are to be built by the scouts and are not to use pre-built structures (such as shopping carts, etc.). Sled frame material
shall be wood and/or pvc. Skis are permitted.

Food: All food for Saturday’s lunch will be carried on the patrol sled, along with all other patrol gear. Each patrol provides it’s
own lunch (see “Be Prepared” list).

Fires: All fires will be low impact fires. Wood fires will be permitted in campsite fire rings ONLY. All fires MUST be attended at
all times. They must be put out completely, and you need to provide your own firewood.

Sleeping: All scouts must be in their patrol area by 10:00 pm and should NOT leave their campsite before 6:30 am.
Unnecessary disturbances by any unit after Taps may result in disqualification of the unit to receive awards and may be asked
to leave camp. The only acceptable reasons for leaving the campsite are latrine use and medical emergencies.

Do NOT bring the following to camp: Open-toed shoes, aerosol sprays of any sort, firearms, weapons (pocketknife is not a
weapon), explosives of any kind. Closed toe shoes must be worn at all times outside the tent. Cell phones or personal music
devices are not allowed to be used during the competition time period. If a member of the patrol is found using a cell phone in
particular….they could lose valuable points or possibly be disqualified from the competition.

Sunday Service: Each troop needs to provide a Chaplain Aide to assist in the service Sunday morning. They will be asked to do
a reading or take part in the ceremony. Chaplain Aides should report to the Chapel 15 minutes early.

Proper Conduct: Reflecting the Scout Law needs to be followed at all times, or you may be asked to leave camp.

During the Competition: The competition will begin at 8:20 am on Saturday and end at 4:00 pm. During this time period the
scouts are prohibited from talking with any other patrols or adults…other than those adults that are running the event in the
town they are in. This means that if a parent or leader talks to the scouts during this time period…..the entire patrol could lose
valuable points…and possibly be disqualified from the competition. Parents or adult leaders that wish to observe or take
pictures of their scouts during the competition should do so at a noticeable distance away from the scouts. Also, scouts are not
allowed to go back to camp for any reason…nor are they allowed to receive anything from anyone once they have left camp for
the opening ceremony. Again, they could lose valuable points or be disqualified.

Saturday Derby Spectators: All Adults Attending: Any adult age 18 years or older that plan to attend Klondike for the
weekend or the day on Saturday even as a spectator, MUST complete the new YPT program prior to registering for Klondike
and must present their certificate.

Please sign-in at the North Pole (Pavilion) when you arrive and receive your day pass wristband. Food will not be available at
the event so please plan accordingly. BBQ dinners are available only if you pre-purchase it through your troop.

Camp Cleanup: Each unit is responsible for leaving their campsite as clean (or cleaner) than they found it. Additionally, each
unit will be responsible for an assigned “common area” cleanup duty.

                                                                                                    Leader guide compilation.doc
“Be Prepared” List of Items Needed for Klondike
For Each Sled Team (Patrol Items):
    Sled (hand-fashioned) with flag made by scouts. Pole can be either natural or an 823 one.
    Scouts BSA handbook
    First aid kit & materials
    Paper & pencil
    Cooking gear (one pot meal preferred without grease and spaghetti sauce).
    Fully packed backpack (see attached for details)
    Patrol lunch for Saturday (well-balanced meal a must!)
    50 ft. of manila rope, plus 50’ of any kind of rope for height & distance (you need both….as
      you need the full 50’ of manila rope for pioneering……and you will cut the other rope during
      height and distance)
    Garbage bag(s) (to carry out lunch and other waste)
    Tarp (need not be larger than 6’x6’ or 10’x 10’)
    Water in container (at least 1/2 gallon per person) to stay hydrated
    Pouch or bag to hold gold nuggets
    Team snacks (if desired)
    Matches or magnesium (no lighters or fire starters)
    Wood for fire building (natural materials only for kindling, tinder, fuel) NO accelerants
    Skillet to cook a pancake
    Spatula to cook a pancake
    Gimmick for mayors and assistants

For Each Scout on the Team:
    Compass
    Pocket knife
    Wet weather gear
    Personal water bottle
    Totin’ Chip
    Firem’n Chit
    Know your knots, scout knowledge, first aid, Outdoor Code, Tread Lightly, Leave No Trace,
      map reading, height and distance, use a compass, flag etiquette, etc.

Each Troop:
   1. Saturday’s lunch will be provided to town mayors (limit two per event) and sheriffs as a
      gesture of thanks for your contributions. You will need to furnish the lunch for whatever
      other adults you have assisting your troop.
   2. Firewood for your own campsite. (including what you need for your patrols)
   3. Klondike Troop Patrol Roster; turn in to North Pole at arrival Friday night.
   4. The North Pole would like to borrow two 5-gallon water coolers for Saturday’s events.
      Please mark any coolers you could let us use for the day with your troop number, and
      bring them to the North Pole at the PLC Friday night.
   5. Please make sure you have your medical forms and COVID forms for all in attendance.
      Swim test forms are due at check in or your scout will no be able to participate. We will
      have a health officer on site, but we will need your medical forms in the event of an
      incident. A copy of the scout’s insurance card MUST accompany the medical forms.
                                                                          Leader guide compilation.doc
Klondike Derby Information
                          for Troop Leadership:
                    (In addition to the information for scouts & parents)
Adult Leadership: Two adult leaders, 21 years of age or older, MUST be in charge of their
unit at all times. Proper supervision of all scouts is the direct responsibility of all unit
leaders. Each scout’s behavior should directly reflect the Scout Law.

All Adults Attending: Any adult age 18 years or older that plan to attend Klondike for the
weekend or the day on Saturday even as a spectator, MUST complete the new YPT
program prior to registering for Klondike and must present their certificate.

Check-In: You can officially check in at the North Pole at any time between 5:00-9:00 p.m.
on Friday. Remember to bring your “Troop Patrol Roster” along with your troop’s medical
forms. Also, please bring one or two filled water coolers (with your troop number on it) to
the North Pole to be used on Saturday during the event.

Trash: All units must be responsible for their own trash.

   • Make sure your trash is either placed in a trailer or in a can with a secure lid! There
     will be no trash pick-ups.
   • Remember, if trash is not secured over night or while your campsite is vacant, any
     critter scattering of trash will make for a longer clean-up by the unit on Sunday!

Sunday morning bags should be placed in the dumpster near the entrance. If the
dumpster is full please take it with you.

   • Do Not Overstuff Garbage Bags!

   • Instruct all participants & attendees, Do Not Pile Garbage Above Can, if the can is
     full, change the bags!

   • All bags must be able to be carried by a single person.

   • If a bag is torn upon removal from a can or otherwise, please double bag it!

   • If you have broken sleds, broken tents, chairs etc. please contact the Ranger as he
     may be able to assist in its disposal.

   • Items from the towns used by the Mayors can be bagged for trash, to avoid them
     having to haul anything back.

                                                                       Leader guide compilation.doc
With everyone working together we should be able to avoid units having to haul regular
trash back home on Sunday.

Paperwork: Each unit is responsible to submit COVID forms before entering camp and
Swim Tests when checking in (emailing in advance along with patrol rosters are

Cleanup: All troops will participate in camp cleanup on Sunday morning before
departure. Your troop’s campsite, plus assigned common area will be your troop’s
responsibility to clean. Please do not wash dishes in the camp sinks.

Emergencies: Any accident, illness or emergency must be reported to the Health Officer
and/or the North Pole. Each unit should be prepared to handle its’ own minor first aid.
Unit leaders are responsible for the health and welfare of their unit. There will be at least
one health officer on site during the entire event.

Liquid Fuels and propane are allowed in camp for lanterns or camp stoves only. These
items should be re-fueled under the supervision of an adult leader. The liquid fuel should
be stored according to BSA policy.

Meetings: Be sure to send representatives to meetings at camp on Friday and Saturday
nights. These meetings are listed on the camp schedule.

Water Coolers: Please bring two 5-gallon water coolers for camp use during Saturday’s
events. Mark these coolers with your troop number and bring them to the North Pole at
the Friday night PLC meeting or when you check in.

       If you have any questions….please contact Travis Schroeder (701)314-0358


                                                                       Leader guide compilation.doc
2022 Klondike Derby Schedule

5 - 9 pm   Troop check in at the North Pole (bring your roster & water cooler)
9:00 pm    PL, SPL & Scoutmaster meeting at North Pole
9:30 pm    Mayor’s Council meeting at North Pole (for all Mayors and Asst. Mayors)
11:00 pm   TAPS – all quiet in campsites. Get a good night’s sleep!


6:45 am  Reveille & breakfast with Troop
8:00 am  Opening Ceremony – All sleds ready at the North Pole.
         Don’t forget your patrol flag! Patrol Flags will remain on the sled
         throughout Saturday’s events.
8:20 am Derby begins – shot gun start (all sleds in position and start at the sound
         of the horn)……they will stay at each town until each sound of the horn.
11:45 am LUNCH begins – All sled teams cook & eat lunch at their current town
         location. Give that town mayor a small sample of your lunch for judging.
12:45 pm Lunch ends and Derby resumes (start at sound of horn)
4:00 pm Derby ends. Return to campsite & prepare for sled race.
4:20 pm Sled races begin at North Pole
5:00 pm BBQ dinner at North Pole for those who pre-registered.
         Otherwise, dinner at campsites.
6:30 pm Derby Auction begins at the Chapel (bring all nuggets/coins)
7:30 pm Klondike Derby Awards and Campfire at Amphitheatre (wear Class A)
9:00 pm Troop “thorns and roses”
9:15 pm Scoutmaster, Mayor & Patrol Leader meeting at North Pole, to review the
         “thorns and roses” of the event.
11:00 pm TAPS – all quiet in campsites


7:00 am    Reveille & breakfast at campsites
8:15 am    Chaplain Aides report to the Chapel
8:30 am    Spiritual Reflection at the Chapel (wear Class A)
9:30 am    Camp clean-up and check-out
                                                                Leader guide compilation.doc
Klondike Derby Scoring & Special Rules
                           How to Earn Points & Nuggets/Coins
Your team can earn up to 25 points in each town, or station (there are 16 Towns). The number of
points you earn is directly related to how well your team members know and execute their scout

The number of nuggets/coins you earn is dependent on how spirited your team is, how well you
work as a team, your respect for others and your sportsmanship. You can earn up to ten
nuggets/coins at each town, and the number you earn is at the sole discretion of the mayor of
that town. The number of nuggets/coins you earn does NOT factor into the number of points
your team earns, but can be used to determine a winner in case of a point tie.

Your team can earn up to 15 bonus points at lunchtime. Give a small sample of your lunch to the
Mayor of the town where you are having lunch. Your meal will be judged on nutritional value,
taste, cooking skills, how well your team works together to prepare the meal, and how well you
clean up after the meal.

Your team can earn 5 bonus points for having a patrol flag with you at the start of the race.

The Town Mayor’s word is final. The Patrol Leader, along with the patrol and an adult from the
troop, may request a reflection with the town mayor for the purpose of improving patrol
performance in the future. Please respect our Town Mayors; they are volunteers!

                            Penalties: Losing points or nuggets/coins

All gear must be properly packed onto the sled before the beginning of the race and you must
keep everything on your sled until the end of the race. You must be prepared when you set out in
the morning. Once the race begins, you may not go back to your campsite for anything, or your
team will lose 20 points. If you take anything off your sled before the end of the race (other than
to complete a skills test or task) you will lose 20 points.

25 points will be deducted from the patrol's score if adults from their troop are observed giving
instructions or assistance to a patrol on the Klondike Trail.

If a sled gets "lost" or loses their map, they may purchase another map at the North Pole, but it
will cost their team ten nuggets/coins.

You will lose up to 400 points for tampering with any trail signs or markers, or for any other
dirty tricks designed to cheat or throw off any other sled teams.

                             REMEMBER: A SCOUT IS TRUSTWORTY

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Details for Backpacking at Klondike

Prepare a backpack for the following scenario:

You are going on an overnight backpacking trip, hiking 3
miles on Saturday afternoon to a river, camping overnight
and hiking back on Sunday. It is near Sebastian, Florida, in
mid-January. You are packing light, with just the essentials.
Your buddy has the same gear as you. ALL scouts in the
patrol will help explain an item and repack the backpack. All
scouts should know Leave No Trace and the Outdoor Code.
You can also read