SA V AT A TIME - Shelter to Soldier

Page created by Eric Dawson
SA V AT A TIME - Shelter to Soldier
                                     AVING LIVE

                         AT A TIME


Mason Lane Photography
SA V AT A TIME - Shelter to Soldier
SHELTER TO SOLDIER | SAVING LIVES 2 AT A TIME   “When I got out of the Marines I could no longer do the job I was trained
                                                to do. Not only was I experiencing moderate to severe anxiety and
                                                depression, I was and still am dealing with chronic pain and trying to
                                                                                                                               focus on him and less on the things I would typically over focus on and
                                                                                                                               for others to be more focused on him rather than myself. With space
                                                                                                                               boundaries it makes being in lines to enter events, checkout at grocery
                                                cope with that reality. I pushed myself as long as I could to convince         stores, passing through airport security much easier. It lowers my anxiety
                                                myself it wasn’t that bad, I could do this on my own. I stayed at home and     and feeling the need to be tense and on edge, focusing on others all
                                                alone as much as I could and when I had to go out I would rush to get in       around me. I feel he has lessened my depression overall and he supports
                                                and out as fast as possible. Since matching with and finally being able        me on the days it is worse. While he is not a silver bullet, curing all my
                                                to be with Cheeto 24/7, my life has felt easier. I am sleeping better, still   issues, he is the best partner supporting me so I can get back to living
                                                waking up but when I do, he is there to support me. I can leave the house      life. Allowing me to attend university and pursue an end goal of attaining
                                                and go shopping with less anxiety and stress. In public Cheeto provides        a doctorate in psychology.
                                                me with space boundaries as well as being a distraction. Both for me to

                                                              I want to thank Shelter to Soldier, the sponsors and all
                                                         supporters for everything you have done for me. Without all
                                                          of you, I do not know where I would be or how I would be
                                                           managing at this time. Cheeto makes my life brighter and
                                                           gives me a reason to get up every day and push onward.”
                                                                                                             — Joseph Boring, USMC
SA V AT A TIME - Shelter to Soldier
EVERY DAY 20 US Veterans
                                                                ING LIV
                                                               V       E
On Average Commit Suicide

(U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs)
More than 500,000 servicemen and women are living with
invisible wounds, from depression to post-traumatic stress


disorder and 320,000 are experiencing debilitating brain
trauma (Wounded Warrior Project).

EVERY DAY Approximately 1,800 Dogs
Are Euthanized Nationwide
(American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
Each year, America sees approximately 3.3 million dogs
enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide. Shelter to Soldier
provides them a future with a purpose and a life that is
fulfilled by their bond with a veteran in need.

A 501c3 Nonprofit Organization
Shelter to Soldier adopts dogs from local shelters
and trains them to become psychiatric service dogs for
                                                                  AT A TIME
post-9/11 combat veterans suffering from Post Traumatic
Stress (PTS), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and/or other
psychological injuries associated with traumatic
service experiences.
SA V AT A TIME - Shelter to Soldier
Photo credit: Los Angeles Rams
MEDIA | SHARE THE IMPACT                                                                                        Media Coverage

                                                            In partnership with CBS 8News, Dog Tags follows
                                                            the journey of Buddy the service dog trainee from
                                                            his adoption in 2019 to his upcoming graduation
                                                            with his veteran handler, Shane Krutchen, USMC.
SA V AT A TIME - Shelter to Soldier
This year our
                                                                                                        8th Annual Be the Light Gala
                                                                                             was held virtually to help increase our
                                                                                           impact for homeless dogs and post-9/11
                                                                                                            combat veterans in need.

                                                                                                                                                                 EVENTS | HIGHLIGHTS & FUNDRAISING
                                                                                                                                       1st Annual Golf
                                                                                                                                       Tournament at Singing
         Each year, in partnership with                                                                                                Hills Golf Resort at
HolliDay...Anyday!, Shelter to Soldier                                                                                                 Sycuan helped us raise
  presents an evening of thanks to its                                                                                                 a critical portion of
 Red Star Sponsors who help to keep                                                                                                    funds to contribute to
 the mission moving forward to serve                                                                                                   our lifesaving mission.
    more homeless dogs and veterans
   in need. The event is hosted at the
 gorgeous home of Holli and Anthony
    Lienau, where guests enjoy small
      bites, cocktails, dessert and live
 music while celebrating the success
  stories our sponsors make possible.

              facebook: hollidayanyday instagram: hollidayanyday web:
SA V AT A TIME - Shelter to Soldier

                                                                                       OPERATIONS | THANK YOU
                                     Anaheim Ducks Foundation, Inc.                          LPL Financial                     Olivia Rotert Trust
                                                Friese Foundation                            Manitou Fund                   Wintercreek Foundation

                                      Thank you to Henry Schubach for funding our HENRY SCHUBACH MEDICAL WARD which supports our dogs recovering
                                       from surgeries, new dogs requiring quarantine post-adoption, and special care and isolation for dogs that become ill.


                                                                            Rennie Gabriel                                                 The Wintercreek
                                 Thank you to the sponsors who have
                                                                              & Dianne                                                        Foundation
                                 contributed to our training facility in
                                           Oceanside, CA.
SA V AT A TIME - Shelter to Soldier
Red Star Sponsorship | $15,000
                                                                                         Shelter to Soldier will adopt a dog from a local shelter, give it a special
                                                                                         name to reflect your support, train the dog over 12-18 months and then
                                                                                         place the dog with a post-9/11 combat veteran suffering from PTSD and/
                                                                                         or TBI. You will also have a special part in the graduation ceremony for

                                                                                                                                                                       SPONSORSHIPS | MAKE A DIFFERENCE
                                                                                         the service dog and veteran.

                         2+ Shelter to Soldier Dogs
                                                                                             Rennie Gabriel

                                                                             Matsuri            Dianne Merryl

                                                                                                                                    The Wintercreek
                                                                                                                                       Seven Woods
                         1+ Shelter to Soldier Dog
                                                                                                                            Morrow Legacy Foundation
Mason Lane Photography

                         1 Shelter to Soldier Dog
                                          Mollie Carter & Kevin Mignogna                       Ann & Andy Evans         Chris & Rick Fink

                                                           Rotary Club of La Mesa   Nanci & Jack Simkin           Jennie V. Foundation
SA V AT A TIME - Shelter to Soldier
                                             Each service dog/veteran
                                            team costs our program an
                                       average of $15,000 from adoption to
                                     graduation. This includes the adoption,
                                     housing, medical care, grooming, food,
                                       treats, training, training equipment,
                                          bedding, toys, testing, handling
                                         training, service dog equipment
                                         and documents, graduation and
                                             materials for the veteran
                                               recipient and service
                                                      dog pair.
                                                                        Shelter to Soldier dogs are trained over 9-12
                                                                        months to be highly obedient and handler-focused in
                                                                        all environments, to ignore distractions, and to mitigate
                                                                        symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression through
                                                                        task-related work.
                                                                        Some commands learned:
                                                                          • Watch       • Behind            • Touch          • Right
                                                                          • Block       • Center            • Closer         • Under

                                                                               Shelter to Soldier visits local shelters and rescue
                                                                               groups and evaluates dogs 6 months to 1.5 years of age,
                                                                               of any breed, weighing 45-70 lbs, and in good health for
                                                                               our service dog training program.
                                                                               We evaluate temperament for: desire to work and have a job, food
                                                                               or moderate toy drive, the way the dog handles new environments,
                                                                               people and noises, and an overall stable and social demeanor.
SA V AT A TIME - Shelter to Soldier
Upon qualified match – veteran handlers train for an
average of 7 months time depending upon handling
abilities and how well the team picks up on training.
Handlers learn to communicate effectively with their dog to create
a loving bond while learning all commands and service dog laws/
regulations to prepare them for a life with a service animal.

                                                                                     We celebrate the dedication of
                                                                                     the dog and handler once they
                                                                                     successfully complete all necessary
                                                                                     training and pass required tests.
                                                                                     This is where the journey truly begins
                                                                                     for the veteran/service dog team!

                                                                                                               ONE YEAR
                                                                                                               + $15,000
                                                        Three tests are required prior
                                                        to completion of training:
                                                                                                               = TWO LIVES
                                                        • Canine Good Citizen
                                                        • ADI Public Access Test
                                                        • Task-Related Test
SA V AT A TIME - Shelter to Soldier
Career Change Dogs | ESAs + Pet Dogs
                            Dogs who are not able to complete our psychiatric service dog
                            training program due to training progress are career-changed to
                            Emotional Support Animals (ESAs). ESAs are placed with active
                            duty military or veterans who are recommended an ESA by a
                            mental healthcare professional. While ESAs do not have the
                            same public access rights as service dogs, they still serve a very
                            important role as a companion to a deserving recipient.
                            • Shelter to Soldier is honored to have graduated 8 Emotional
                               Support Animals in 2020.
                            • Dogs who display behavioral challenges making them unsuitable
                               as psychiatric service dogs or ESAs are adopted out as pet dogs.
                            • Shelter to Soldier had one pet adoption in 2020.
Shelter to Soldier Canine
Ambassadors | Therapy Dog Team
This is a group of certified Therapy Dogs,
and their dedicated handlers. These teams
work in a variety of capacities to provide
comfort and love to members of the veteran
and active duty military community. Our
Canine Ambassadors attend each STS Veteran
Applicant interview, work with our veterans to
strengthen their handling prior to placement
with a service dog, attend Shelter to Soldier
events, visit with active duty military and
their families, work with active duty service
members and veterans during trauma recovery
therapy, and participate in veteran group
therapies and events in the community.
White Star Sponsorship | $10,000
                                                                             This sponsorship funds our Department of
                                                                             Veteran Services, which is committed to
                                                                             providing support to applicants and students
                                                                             of our program, increasing outreach efforts

                                                                             to support more veterans through Southern
                                                                             California, as well as supporting the Shelter
                                                                             to Soldier student through handler training,
                                                                             graduation and beyond.

                                                                       Flaming Family Foundation        Morrow Legacy Foundation

                                   Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,
                                                                                                              Ryan Robinson
                                        Garrett & Dunner, LLP

                                                                                                                                          For Giving Tuesday 2020, Eagle
                                                                                                                                              Scout and Shelter to Soldier
                                                                                                                                          Volunteer, Mason Smith, raised
                                                                                                                                                  over $2000 to support the
                                                                             Blue Star Sponsorship | $5,000                                   flagpole project, that helped
                                                                             This sponsorship level supports our general                    (along with other fundraisers)
                                                                                                                                                to build Shelter to Soldier’s
                                                                             operating expenses for the program. This                       first official flagpole. We now
                                                                             sponsor level is also dedicated to youth                         proudly wave the flag of the
                                                                                                                                          United States of America at our
                                                                             initiatives in fundraising for our program.                                      training facility.

                                                                               Anthony & Holli Lienau
                                               Samuel I & John Henry                                      Bridget Rose Foundation, Inc.
                                                  Fox Foundation
                                                                               The Mariner Foundation
                                                  Donovan Guffey                                                 Mason Smith

                                                                                  Richard Pearson
Thank you to our community partners who continue to
support our program and our service dogs in training.

                                                        SHARING THE MISSION | PARTNERS
                                    NIGEL + DUSTIN | JANUARY 2021                        ADAM + BASH                                          RICKY + PLATO

                                    Sponsored by UNITE Doggy ‘Poo                        Sponsored by Wintercreek Foundation                  Sponsored by: Plato Pet Treats
                                    SHAWN + WILSON | JANUARY 2021                        JOSEPH + CHEETO                                      CHRIS + JADE
                                    Sponsored by The Fish Market                         Sponsored by Petco Foundation                        Sponsored by: Integriv

                                    HENRY + PENNY (ESA) | JANUARY 2021                   RICHARD + SETH                                       BEN + TANK (*RETIRED)

                                                                                                                                                                                                TEAMS |
                                    Sponsored by Jack & Nanci Simkin                     Sponsored by the Friends + Family of Seth Freidell   Sponsored by: Wintercreek Foundation

                                    TONY + LOLA (ESA) | DECEMBER 2020                    JOEL + DUKE                                          TOM + SANDY
                                    Sponsored by The Charitable Foundation (San Diego)
                                    LITO + HALIA | DECEMBER 2020
                                                                                         Sponsored by Rotary Club of La Mesa
                                                                                         JOHN + ACE
                                                                                                                                              Sponsored by: Ranch + Coast Magazine +
                                                                                                                                              Wintercreek Foundation                            IN TRAINING
                                    Sponsored by Northrop Grumman                        Sponsored by Matsuri + Seven Woods Foundations       JAMES + CALVER
                                                                                                                                              Sponsored by: Wintercreek Foundation              KAREN + GRACE
                                    ALONSO + GLORY | NOVEMBER 2020                       JAIMIE + MOOSE                                                                                         David C. Copley Foundation
                                    Sponsored by Rennie Gabriel & Dianne Merryl          Sponsored by Petco Foundation                        VIC + KIRA (*RETIRED)
                                                                                                                                              Sponsored by: Wintercreek Foundation              DARREN + VALOR
                                    BRANDON + COOPER | AUGUST 2020                       AARON + LIBERTY                                                                                        Care Credit
                                    Sponsored by Los Angeles Rams                        Sponsored by Mission Beach Women’s Club              JAMES + TYBERIUS
                                                                                                                                              Sponsored by: Magic 92.5 and Cafe Coyote          KRYSTINE + SCOUT
                                    ANONYMOUS + GRUMMAN (ESA) |                          EVAN + BANDIT                                                                                          Petco Foundation
                                                                                         Sponsored by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
                                    AUGUST 2020                                          Charitable Foundation Los Angeles                                                                      SHANE + BUDDY
                                    Sponsored by Northrop Grumman                                                                                                                               David C. Copley Foundation
                                                                                         VIC + MIA
                                    BEN + LIMA | AUGUST 2020                             Sponsored by: Griffin Funding                                                                          COLLIN + RAMSEY
                                    Sponsored by Petco Foundation                                                                                                                               Los Angeles Rams
                                                                                         DAVE + THURSDAY
                                    MATT + JULIO | AUGUST 2020                           *Emotional Support Dog*                                                                                RICHIE + MILK DUD
                                    Sponsored by David C. Copley Foundation              Sponsored by The Thursday Club Juniors                                                                 Morrow Legacy Foundation
                                    BRENDAN + THISTLE | AUGUST 2020                      ANGEL + JAX |                                                                                          SHAWN + ANNIE
                                    Sponsored by Rennie Gabriel &                        Sponsored by UNITE                                                                                     Seven Woods Foundation, Matsuri Foundation
                                    Three Dog Bakery Encino
                                                                                         JAYSON + MIESHA
                                    BILLY + SOPHIA (ESA) | SEPTEMBER 2020                Sponsored by Griffin Funding
                                    Sponsored by HolliDay...Anyday!
                                                                                         KEVIN + ANNIE
                                    KENDRICK + KAI (ESA) | JULY 2020                     Sponsored by Berkshire Hathaway
                                    Sponsored by ASMC PDI                                Home Services Brentwood

                                    TROY + MILLIE (ESA) | JULY 2020                      JEREMY + LUNA
                                    Sponsored by Dianne Merryl                           Sponsored by: Integriv

                                    REY + KEETA | JULY 2020                              JONATHON + BERKELEY
                                    Sponsored by Chris & Rick Fink                       Sponsored by: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
                                                                                         (BHHS) Calabasas Office
                                    TYLER + BENNY (ESA) | MARCH 2020
                                    Sponsored by The Thursday Club Juniors               LIZ + CHARLIE
                                                                                         Sponsored by: Schubach Aviation
                                    KIOWA + MARLOW | MARCH 2020
                                    Sponsored by La Mesa Rotary                          KAREN + SEVEN
                                                                                         Sponsored by: FINE Magazine with Schubach
                                    TERI + RIDDLER | JANUARY 2020                        Aviation                                                                                        Since
                                    Sponsored by NCSSTS
                                                                                         MASON + GRIFFIN                                                                             2012, we have

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mason Lane Photography
                                                                                         Sponsored by: Griffin Funding                                                             placed 39 service
                                                                                                                                                                                  dogs with veterans,
                                                                                                                                                                                 11 Emotional Support
                                                                                                                                                                                 Animals, and we have
                                                                                                                                                                                adopted 70 dogs for our
“For a while after I got out of the Navy, I was able to throw
   myself into volunteering at my veterans organization or
school but each episode of mental illness would leave me
 further debilitated. Where I was once the life of the party
  and always willing to lend a hand, I was isolated, bitter
   and digging a deeper hole of depression. After multiple
  suicide attempts I finally started to find treatement. Evan
                after a lot of treatment, I found it difficult to
               leave my house or accomplish simple tasks
                       like going to the grocery store alone.
                      Since being matched with Liberty, I’ve
                             been able to take back my life.
                            It’s not that I don’t have symptoms
                     anymore. I actually am faced with more
                       symptoms because I am out and doing
                     things in the community. The difference

                                                                    VETERAN | SUCCESS STORY
                   is I have the assistance of Liberty to help
                 comfort me and provide vital tasks in order
                   for me to accomplish my goals. She often
                  performs compression therapy, where she
                        leans on me when I need it most. She
                          interrupts nightmares and helps me
                       cope with panic attacks when I wake
                                              from nightmares.”
                                 — Aaron Neely, US Navy (Ret.)
Shelter to Soldier is committed
                                                                                                         to operating our service dog                                 Animal Behavior
                                                                                                       training program in an efficient
                                                                                                    manner, utilizing the skills from our                                                            Starmark Academy

                                                                                                    certified team of dog trainers to take
                                                                                                     shelter dogs with no training to the                 Shelter toSoldier’s
                                                                                                      elite level of training required of                  training department
                                                                                                         them to become psychiatric                          has accreditations,
                                                                                                                                                               certifications and                                National Association of
                                                                                                                 service dogs.                                                                                      Dog a Instructors
                                                                                                                                                          memberships through
                                                                                                                                                           organizations like:

                                                                                                                                                                                                          International Association of
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Canine Professionals
                                                                                                                            AKC Canine Good Citizen

                                                                                                                                                      American K-9              The Association of
                                                                                                                                                       Interdiction             Professional Dog

                                                                                                                                                                                DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                Nicky Moore / Animal Behavior College -
                                                                                                                                                                                Certified Dog Trainer, Bachelors of Science
                                                                                                                                                                                in Business Management
                                   Graham Bloem | Animal Behavior College - Certified Dog Trainer
                                              Kyrié Bloem | Bachelor of Arts, Masters of Science
                                                       Krys Holc | Certified Public Accountant
                                                                                                                                                                                              to Soldier is
                                                                                                                                                                                            proud to employ
                                                                                                                                                                                            6 veterans and 4
                                                                                                                                                                                            military spouses.
Veteran Advocate and
                                                                   Case Manager, Dustin
                                                                  Potash, U.S. Army, MPA
MAKING A WAY FOR                                                   and Shelter to Soldier

A BRIGHTER FUTURE                                                        Recipient

Shelter to Soldier is paving the way of support for veterans on
the homefront. With the growth of our program this year, we
have expanded our services to veterans and have created job
opportunities for some of our graduates.

Approved veteran applicants have the opportunity to attend
one-on-one therapy sessions with our mental health liaison,
David Moss LCSW, at no cost to the patient.

Shelter to Soldier has expanded our network with the
Veterans Administration and supporting clinics, enhancing
our collaborative efforts with case managers and nurse

                                                                                                             VETERAN | SERVICES
practitioners at Southern California VA Hospitals, and veteran
advocates at regional Vet Centers.

Though a joyous new beginning in a positive direction,
graduation for our veterans can come with challenges. We
work together with the training team to engage and support
our graduates to encourage and promote their continued
success. We are proud to share exclusive social opportunities
such as theater tickets, concert tickets, sporting events,
museums, and more donated to us by our community partners
as well as host social events where graduates can come
                                                                                          to Soldier
together in a safe environment to continue training and share
                                                                                      provides lifelong
their journey with their service dog.
                                                                                   training support to all
                                                                                 graduates of the program,
                                                                                       free of charge.
                      Shelter to Soldier has amazing community support and a strong
                      volunteer team behind us. Thanks to these relationships, we
                      are able to direct the vast majority of revenue to programs
                      and services. Our steady growth has allowed us to build a
                      strong leadership and administrative team to run the program
                      efficiently. Each dollar donated has a direct impact on the
                      success of our dogs and veterans in need.

                                                Service                          3.10%

                             events and

                       ACCREDITED BY
Graham’s passion for helping and working with dogs and veterans runs deep. He has been
a professional dog trainer for 20 years and has extensive animal related business and
management experience.

As the administrative director for our program, Kyrié plans all events and fundraising
programs, serves as our grant writer, coordinates our volunteer team, and facilitates day to
day operations of the charity.

                                                                                                  LEADERSHIP | BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Krys keeps all Shelter to Soldier financials organized and ensures our program is working
to its fullest potential for efficiency. She is the Vice President and CFO of Goodsell and
Company CPA firm.

Dr. Grey is a veterinary doctor and owner of a private practice Carmel Mountain Ranch
Veterinary Hospital, located in Carmel Mountain Ranch, San Diego. She has been practicing
veterinary medicine for 33 years and her family is very patriotic. With a desire to give back
to the brave men and women who protect our freedoms and a love for animals, Dr. Grey
feels honored to serve on the Board of Directors for Shelter to Soldier.

David has been working as a clinical social worker since 2001 in many capacities. He has
had the honor of working in the private sector, public sector at the County, State, and Federal
levels, multiple non-profit arenas, and in various medical, educational, research, and home
health settings. Working full-time for the Department of Veteran Affairs for the past 11
years, David currently serves as the Mental Health Clinic Coordinator for the entire North
County Region of San Diego providing clinical and administrative coordination/oversight of
the North County Outpatient Mental Health Clinics.

Michael is a San Diego native passionate about supporting the communities in which we
live and work. He has worked with Cox Communications for 14 years and is a member
of their Public Affairs team, specifically focused on Community Relations and corporate
giving. He currently oversees the programs and support for the Cox Charities Foundation,
the philanthropic arm of Cox Communications, which to date has given over 6 million dollars
throughout Southern California. Mike is passionate about animal rescue.
Bringing Post-9/11
  Combat Veterans
Together with Trained,
 Rescue Dogs to Help
  Both Recover and
   Move Forward

   Discover How You
 Can Make a Difference
    in Two Lives at

      Mailing Address
      2366 Front Street
     San Diego, CA 92101

      Facility Address
    2909 San Luis Rey Rd.
    Oceanside, CA 92058

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