Dog Sitting Services by Kat - Club DSS


    Dog Sitting Services by Kat - Club DSS
    – Customer Agreement/Terms                                                                     CA1/4

For the purposes of this document, the terms Client, Owner, Pet Owner, and Customer are synonymous with
the person contracting services for one or more domestic animals.

I, ______________________________ agree to the following while using DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" services.

SPECIFIC Age, Vaccine & Temperment REQUIREMENTS:

         ✓ Minimum age of 4 months and maximum age of 15 years
         ✓ Current on all vaccines with proof from a Veterinarian
        ✓ Rabies Vaccine - Manadatory
             • Bordetella (required every 6 months)
         ✓ Neutered or Spayed if over 6 months (for group play activity)
         ✓ In good health and able to participate in an active environment
         ✓ Free from fleas and ticks and current on preventative medication
         ✓ Is a breed other than Pit Bull, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or American Bull Dog
         ✓ Friendly with other dogs and with people.. (Pets excluded on TRAINING SERVICES PLAN)
1. I agree that in admitting my dog(s) to DSS by Kat 'The Ranch", my representations are true and have not
been falsified to gain admittance to DSS by Kat 'The Ranch". My dog meets the above REQUIREMENTS and
I authorize my veterinarian to release all information regarding the status of vaccinations, spay/neuter, age,
medications, and health condition(s) of my dog(s). ________ (initials)
2. A signed Service Request must be provided to DSS by kat and Deposit paid before service is provided for
any period. Deposit in full is due at time of reservation unless otherwise noted. Reservations are not held until
deposit payment in full is received by DSS by Kat or special arrangements are agreed upon by both parties in
writing. A $5 per day stay/visit late charge will be assessed to daily services if no deposit payment is recieved
in advance. It is at the discretion of DSS by Kat to honor any unpaid deposit reservation. There will be a $35
service charge for each returned check. Checks may be made PAYABLE to....... DSS. Any Unpaid service
may be cancelled without notice, including prior to or during any service period.

2a. Pet Owner is responsible for supplying the necessary, safe equipment/supplies needed for care of
their pet(s), including but not limited to a sturdy, well-fit harness (halter, collar, etc.) for walks or in case of
emergencies, firmly affixed vaccination tags, & Proper food quanities. (House food will be utilized otherwise)

3. Cancellation Charge Schedule effective 5/1/2011 (% of deposit forfeited): DUE to our low occupancy levels.

          * 0 - 48 hours prior to any service, 100% of deposit is forfieted. - _intl.________
         . * Holiday periods: Payment in full is demanded/charged - and no refund is due. intl_____
         . * 2 - 7 days prior to service: 20% of deposit forfeited (equals an 80% refund) intl_______
          * 8 days prior to service or more: No charge, refund in full. excluding holidays intl_______
4. I agree that my dog(s) has/have not harmed, shown aggression, injured, or exhibited any threatening
behavior towards any other person or dog. __________ (initials).
5. I understand that DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" provides a group play environment and that during normal dog
play my dog(s) may sustain injuries, scratches, bites, punctures, gastric torsion (bloat), torn ligaments, etc

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arising from such play. DSS by Kat 'The Ranch"’s staff carefully monitors to avoid injuries however could occur
despite the best supervision. __________ (initials)

6. I understand and agree that if my dog(s) is/are the cause of injury or death to another animal or person. I
shall be legally and financially responsible for the cost of injury, death, or damage. This includes same family
pets staying in a kennel or suite together. I agree to fully indemnify DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" and its principals,
employees, agents, volunteers, representatives, and successors for any costs, losses, or legal expenses
incurred in their defense or any other claims, including negligence, brought by myself or a third party arising
from or related to my actions or the actions of my dog(s) while on the premises or in the custody of DSS by
Kat 'The Ranch". __________ (initials)

7. I understand that DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" requires all dogs, playing in group play, to be spayed/neutered
(after the age of 6 months). Females in heat will not be admitted to DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" and may be
removed from DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" if they go into heat during their stay. __________ (initials)

8. I understand that even though my dog is current with the required vaccinations, there is a possibility that my
dog(s) could still contract Kennel Cough, Canine Influenza, Upper Respiratory Infection, Giardia or any other
such illness. Any pet that is deemed sick or unhealthy during his/her stay will be isolated from the group and
DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" has the right to seek veterinary treatment on my behalf.

I further understand, that it is my financial responsibility to pay any and all expenses incurred for veterinary
treatment during or after my dogs stay at DSS by Kat 'The Ranch". __________ (initials)

9. I authorize DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" to arrange emergency veterinary care and thereby release DSS by
Kat 'The Ranch" from all liabilities relating to the transportation, treatment, and expenses of such care. Should
my specified veterinarian be unavailable, I authorize DSS by Kat to engage the veterinary services of choice. If I
cannot be reached in a timely manner, I authorize DSS by Kat to approve medical and/or emergency treatment
as recommended by a veterinarian. I will reimburse DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" for all veterinary expenses
incurred. __________ (initials) (See Veterinary Release form)

10. I understand and agree that if my dog is taking medication it is my responsibility to leave an adequate
supply during the time my dog is cared for by DSS by Kat 'The Ranch". Should the medication supply need
replacement, I authorize DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" to purchase the replacement and I will reimburse DSS by
Kat 'The Ranch" for the cost, plus a $25.00 replacement fee (per occurrence). __________ (initials)

11. I understand that DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" reserves the right to remove any dog(s) that become(s) a
nuisance to peaceable enjoyment of other pets care, or is uncontrollable at any time while under the supervision
of DSS by Kat 'The Ranch". This may include excessive barking, howling, fence jumping, excessive rough play,
biting, or destructive behavior to property. __________ (initials)

12. I agree, upon check-out, to provide full payment due for all services rendered by DSS by Kat 'The Ranch".
If payment is not made in full then DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" reserves the right to hold my pet until such payment
is made. I understand that DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" has a no refund policy after services rendered or
are required to carry liability insurance with optional coverage or bonding through a reputable company.

14. I understand that if my dog(s) is/are not picked up by the end of the rscheduled day, then I hereby expressly authorizes
DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" to take whatever action is deemed necessary for the continuing care of my dog(s) and I agree
to pay DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" all costs of continuing such care upon demand by DSS by Kat 'The Ranch". Further,
I understand that if I do not pick up my dog(s) as scheduled, DSS by Kat 'The Ranch" shall be authorized to proceed
according to California Civil Code section 1834.5 (Abandoned animals; disposition; notice), which section provides
as follows: “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, whenever any animal is delivered to any veterinarian, dog kennel,
cat kennel, pet grooming parlor, animal hospital, or any other animal care facility pursuant to any written or oral agreement
entered into after the effective date of this section, and the owner of such animal does not pick up the animal within 14
calendar days after the day and time animal was to be picked up, the animal shall be deemed abandoned. The person into
whose custody the animal was placed for care shall try first for a period of not less than 10 days to find a new owner for the
animal, and, if unable to place the animal with a new owner, shall thereafter humanely destroy the animal so abandoned.
There shall be a notice posted in a conspicuous place, or in conspicuous type in a written receipt give, to warn each person
depositing an animal at such animal care facilities of the provisions of this section.” __________ (initials)

I hereby certify that I have read and understand these requirements, rules and regulations set forth above, and
that I have read and understand this Agreement, and each of its terms and conditions, and agree to abide and
be bound by these rules and regulations. This agreement is valid from the date signed, and replaces any prior
Legal agreements. Client agrees to any future DSS by Kat term changes relayed verbally to the client, mailed
or emailed in writing to the client, or posted on our website (Terms) .

15. Future Services: I authorize this contract to be a valid approval for services so as to permit DSS by Kat
to accept all future telephone, online, mail or email reservations and enter my home without additional signed
contracts or written authorizations.

Owner’s Name (please print)_____________________________________________________

Owner’s Signature ___________________________________________________Date_____________

Dog(s) Name(s)________________________________________________________________________

rev c 6/11/12

Customer Aggreement Continued                                                                                        CA4/4


   - PLEASE READ AND SIGN BELOW if You are requesting or may Need INHOME CARE in Future

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HC - DSS by Kat is not responsible for wilted, dead or otherwise unhealthy plants. DSS by Kat will work
         hard to follow your written directions as precisely as possible, but cannot be responsible if the results
         are not favorable. Please place all indoor plants together on a waterproof surface in plain sight, as
         your pet sitter is not responsible for water damaged areas or missed plants.
         HC -DSS by Kat is not responsible for damage to the home beyond the control of the pet. This
         includes, but is not limited to leaks, electrical problems, and acts of nature. In these situations, the
         company will attempt to contact the owner/client and then the emergency contact before making a
         subjective decision on dealing with the problem. All repairs and related fees (including Special Service
         emergency service time and coordination fees) will be paid by the client, and/or fully reimbursed to DSS
         by Kat within 14 days.
         HC -DSS by Kat is not responsible for any damage to property of the client or others unless such
         damage is caused by the negligent act of the DSS by Kat / Sitter. DSS by Kat agrees to remain fully
         insured through PSA or a comparable entity, or bonding. DSS by Kat accepts no responsibility for
         security of the premises or loss if other individuals have access to a client’s home, or if the home is not
         properly secured.
         HC -DSS by Kat is not liable for any loss or damage in the event a burglary or other crime that should
         occur while under this contract. Pet Owner agrees to secure home prior to leaving the premises. DSS
         by Kat will re-secure the home to the best of its ability at the end of each visit. While keys are in the
         possession of DSS by Kat/Pet Sitter, they will be either on the Sitter’s physical person, or be properly
         stored at an undisclosed location.
         HC -Pet Owner must have legal rights to place the animals in the care of Pet Sitters, Kennels, and
         Veterinary Clinics. The Pet Sitter cannot service a home with “Visiting” pets or animals that do not
         belong to the resident of the service site without separate sets of agreement forms, including a
         AGREEMENT/TERM accepted and signed by each rightful owner(s).
         HC -Pet Owner is responsible for pet-proofing house and yard, and the security fences/gates/latches.
         DSS by Kat will not be responsible for the safety of any pets and will not be liable for the injury,
         disappearance, death, or fines of any pet with unsupervised access to the outdoors.
        HC - a 6 foot lead rope or leash, pooper-scoopers, litter boxes,, cleaning supplies, medicines, pet food,
        and cat litter. Pet Owner authorizes any purchases necessary for the satisfactory performance of duties.
        Pet Owner agrees to be responsible for the payment of such items, as well as service fees for obtaining
        items, and will reimburse DSS by Kat within 14 days for all purchases made.
         HC - Pet Owner will be responsible for all medical expenses and damages resulting from an injury to a
         Sitter, or other persons, by the Pet. Customer agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend DSS by
         Kat in the event of a claim by any person injured by the Pet or another pet anywhere, or at anytime.
         HC - DSS by Kat reserves the right to terminate this contract at any TIME in his/her sole discretion
         determines that Owner’s pet poses a danger to the health or safety of itself, other pets, other people,
         or. If concerns prohibit SITTER from caring for the pet, the Owner authorizes the pet to be placed at
         DSS by Kat “The Ranch”(or previously arranged locale), with all charges (including but not limited to
         transportation, kenneling, tranquilizing, treating, accessing, and liability) to be the responsibility of the
The owner states that he/she has read this HC - Inhome Care SECTION of agreement in its entirety and fully understands
and accepts its terms and conditions.
Client/Owner Name:_________________________________________________
Signature: X______________________________________                                      Date: ______________

                    Dog Sitting Services by Kat - Club DSS
                     – Veterinary Release Agreement                                                          VR

In the event that any of my pets or large animals appears to be ill, injured, or at significant risk of experiencing a
medical problem at the start of service or while in the care of DSS by Kat, I give permission to DSS by Kat to
seek veterinary service from a veterinarian or a veterinary clinic. My preferred veterinary services are listed on
each individual Pet Information Disclosure. Other veterinarians or emergency care clinics chosen by the DSS
by Kat are acceptable.

Coprright 2010 DSS by Kat                                         760.460.1047
I ask DSS by Kat to inform the attending clinic or veterinarian of my requested total diagnosis and
treatment limit of $_____________ per pet / all pets (most common values are $200, $1000, or
unlimited). I understand that efforts will be made to contact me regarding any treatments, illness,
injury, or potential problems as soon as the condition is deemed not life threatening and/or contact is
possible. I understand that DSS by Kat care providers work hard to prevent accidents and injuries,
and that such problems may occur no matter how well a pet is cared for. I agree to allow DSS by
Kat care providers to use their best judgment in handling these situations, and I understand that DSS
by Kat and its staff assume no responsibility for the actions and decisions of the veterinary staff, the
health, or death of my pet(s).I further authorize DSS by Kat and my primary veterinarian(s) to share
all of the medical records of all of my animals with veterinary clinics in an emergency in the interest of
providing the best care for my ill or injured animal(s).Every dog, cat, and horse at the site of service
will be current (per my veterinarians recommendations) on its rabies vaccinations prior to the arrival
of any caregiver. I will also make arrangements to guarantee that each animal will remain current on
its rabies vaccinations throughout each service visit period.I agree to notify DSS by Kat of any signs of
injury or possible illness before any visit as soon as the condition appears. DSS by Kat s reserves the
right to cancel service at any location where a pet with a potentially infectious condition exists. DSS
by Kat strives to provide clean, safe service to each of our clients. In doing so, DSS by Kat strongly
recommends that each pet and large animal be vaccinated, dewormed, and protected from harmful
insects according to veterinarian recommended standards. This agreement is valid from the date
below and grants permission for future veterinary care without the need for additional authorization
each time DSS by Kat cares for one or more of my pets. I understand that this agreement applies to
all of the pets and large animals within DSS by Kat care. In signing this contract, I agree that I have
the sole authority to make health, medical, and financial decisions regarding the animals that will be
scheduled to receive service.
Client/Owner Name: __________________________ email _______________________

Client Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________

                    Dog Sitting Services by Kat - Club DSS
                    – Pet Information Disclosure                                                                PI
Please complete one Pet Information Disclosure form per pet or litter.

Owner:                                                    Pet Name:
Length of Time Owned:                                     Pet Type:      Dog / Cat / Horse /
Breed:                                                    Sex: M/F       Declawed: Y/N         Neutered: Y/ N
License #:                                                        Microchip/Tattoo/Dog Tag #:
Physical Description (if similar to another):             Birth date:                 Or Age:
               Weight:                                                   Or Size:
Feeding Instructions:
  Feed apart from other pets/supervise      Dispose of uneaten food     Remove food after ____ Min

  Dry        Brand:                               Morning          Procedure:
           Measure with:                          Afternoon
               Amount:                            Dusk
           Where to feed:                         Night

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Wet        Brand:                                 Morning             Procedure:
          Measure with:                             Afternoon
                Amount:                             Dusk
          Where to feed:                            Night
  Medication(s):                                    Morning             Procedure:
                   Amt:                             Afternoon
               Location:                            Dusk
          Hide In Treat:                            Night
  Medication(s):                                    Morning             Procedure:
                   Amt:                             Afternoon
               Location:                            Dusk
          Hide In Treat:                            Night
  Water                       Water will be         Tap                 Dish Location:
                              cleaned and filled    Bottled
                              frequently            Filtered            Water Location:
  Treats      Name:                                 Notes:
Pet’s Living Area:

 FAVORITE ...HIDING SPOT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

NOT allowed outdoors at all                   Y /      Allowed on furniture, counters, beds             Y / N
N                                                      Restrict pet area/crate only when pet is alone   Y / N
ONLY allowed outdoors on leash               Y / N     Restrict pet area/crate at all times              Y / N
Turn out, invisible fenced yard with collar Y / N
Turn out, secure fence: _________________              Restricted Area/Crate Location:
Turn out, no fence, WON’T leave yard       Y / N       Other off-limit areas:
NOT allowed indoors                         Y / N
                                                       PI 2/3
                Owner: ________________Pets:___________________

Emergency Care:                  *Placing Credit Card on file at vets office is recommended
Vet Name:                                                       Pet Allergies:
Clinic Name:                                                    Vaccinations up to date on (month/yr):
Phone:                                                          Heartworm test: Negative / Positive

Pet Medical History: (ongoing or reoccurring known illnesses/injuries, treatments & medications)

Pet Doesn’t Like:
Baths                 Hot Days                              Sharing Food Dishes
Toenail Clip          Rain / Snow / Cold                    Loud Noise / Vacuum / Garbage Disposal / Thunder
Massage               New Animals                           All Humans
Touch Ears            Other family pets                     Strangers
Sprays                People near food dish

Pet reacts to the above by:

Has Pet Ever:     Describe (even if mild, or under extreme/unusual situations)

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Attacked someone/bit someone

Attacked another animal

Injured self /escaped out of fear

Injured self out of boredom

Escaped from home,

        Where does he/she like to escape to?

        How can he/she be retrieved?

                                                                                                      PI 3/3
Commands: (Please circle commands we know, and underline commands we are working on):
  Sit         No            Outside    Make Poo Potty           Bad             Bath        In the House
  Stay        Down          Walk       Food     Who’s Here      Good            Move        Ride
  Come        Lay           Don’t Pull Treat    Back            Drop [it]       Come-on
  Heel        Out           Walk Nice Cookie    Naughty         Don’t Touch     Off
Allowed to go for rides in sitter vehicle? Y / N   May play with sitter’s personal pet(s)for socialization? Y /N
Favorite Games, Toys, and Activities:


Client/Owner Name:

Signature: _______________________________ Date: ____________

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                       Dog Sitting Services by Kat - Club DSS
                      – Contact Information                                                                 CI

First Name:                                             Last Name:
Pet(s):                                                 Inquiry Date:       /     /           Method:
                                                        Returned Call:
                                                        Home Phone:
                                                        Cell Phone:
Address:                                                Work Phone:
Directions:                                             Prior Sitter:
                                                        Referred By:
                                                                         □ Home Phone □ Cell             □ Email
                                                                         □ Will Call Back
                        Date            Time                             □ Interviewing Others Also
                                                        Service Type:    □ Vacation □ Periodic □ Daily
First Sit:                                              Frequency:        X per       □ Day     □ Week
          Start                                         Length:          ________ Minutes Per Visit
          End                                           Rates Quoted:
Second Sit:
        Start                                           Travel:   $____ Miles: ______         Mins:______

Scheduling:       □   Tentative   □   Reserved

                                  (Alternate)           Special Alerts

                                                        □ FLIGHT RISK,
                                                        □ OUT
                                                        ON LEASH
Phone:                                                  ONLY
                                                        □ No Leash

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                                                   FEEDINGS □
                                                   Separate Dishes

                     Dog Sitting Services by Kat - Club DSS
                    – Home Guide   (fill form IF “you” will ever need in home Pet Care)                 HG

                                                   Usual Vehicles
                                                   & Visitors At
Owner:                                             Home:
                                                   Snow & Ice Care
                                                   Instructions /

Leash/Collar                                       Notes & Misc:
Food Dish

                    □ Tap   □ Filtered □
                                                   Key - MUST
                                                   TEST              KEY/s

                                                                     □ Pet Sitter
                                                                     Has                  □ Use Code
Litter Box                                                           □ Will Mail          □ Unlocked
Poop Scoop                                                           □ Drop □ff           □ Client Present
Waste                                                                □ Will Leave         □ Other
Recycle Bin                                        Describe Key:
Paw Towels

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Paper Towel                        Backup Entry:
                                   Usual Visits      h Time Slot
Put Mail                            Morning
Plants                              Afternoon
Plants                              Dusk
Birdfeeders                         Night

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                        Dog Sitting Services by Kat - Club DSS
                        – Service Request                                                                                 SR

    Pet 1_________________ Other:__________                          Contact Info:
                               ___________                           Client Full
    Pet 2__________________     ___________                          Name
                               ___________                           Todays
    Pet 3__________________                                          Date
Service Begins          / /      Time                                At Residence Y        / N
Service Ends                    /      /      Time                   At Facility  Y       / N                  Pet Taxi       Y        /
                                                                     N Training           Y   /        N

                                                                 At Residence Y          / N
Service Begins          / /      Time
                                                                 At Facility  Y         / N                 Pet Taxi      Y       /
Service Ends                    /      /      Time
                                                                 N Training             Y   /     N

□          □ SATURDAY                         □ Weekdays (CIRCLE DAYS DESIRED)
                                                      MON TUE        WED THUR FRI
Daily      □ SUNDAY
Circle DETAILS ..B&C = facility BOARD & CARE HC = InHome Care Pet Sitting
    Details    service 1      service 2      Rate Quote Travel Fee Cost/Visit                         # Visits/Nights      Total
B&C / HC                  ….................           +                      X                                     =
B&C / HC          ….................
Add Pet           #                                              +                              X                   =
Add Pet                                #                         +                              X                 =
    Service/s +
                                                                                                    Grand Total
 Deposit           50%_____                Due On:   _________                       Less             Invoice           1________
 Due               _________                         _________                       Deposit          Total             2________

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How may
we reach
you while                                          Trip Description/Hotel/Notes & Visitors Expected
you are


Task                                              Special Notes
s                                                 & Other Tasks
           Email Log
           Walk Dog
           Pill / Shots
           Clean Litter                           Payment
           Box                                    Method
           Take Out
                                                  Pay Date

This request must be confirmed by my pet sitter, and a Signed Copy with payment must be left for KAT/
pet sitter. Make Payments out to DSS. By submitting this request, I agree to all terms and cancellation fees as

Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________

                                  TOP PAGE on PAC          DATE:________
DSS CLIENT PAC Forms Check list CLIENT NAME______________________________

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CLIENT PHONE_____________________________
                                    CLIENT email _______________________________

    ● Mandatory forms that always need to be completed fully and signed are FORM A, FORM
       B, FORM C - these are minimums for a first time tour/in home visit with a customer. IT IS
       ALWAYS BEST PRACTICE if time allows have all forms completed at meeting.
   ● If only time for FORM A, FORM B you may leave specific instructions for CLIENT to please fill
       completely as possible - and email forms in an attachment. or call when forms are completed.
Place a check mark and initials if form is complete and submitted to you or DSSby Kat. Keep
completed forms in folder and bring any filled forms back to office to office manager in CLIENT
       @DSS/FORMS MANDATORY fill at first meeting.
   2. intl_______ __form B. VETRINARY RELEASE 1PG.MANDATORY fill at first meeting.
   3. intl_______ __form C. CONTACT INFO. 1PG MANDATORY fill at first meeting.
   4. intl_______ __form D. PET INFO DISCLOSURE 3PGS.
   5. intl_______ __form E. SERVICE REQUEST 2PGS (new service /any other or change to
   6. intl_______ __form F. HOME GUIDE 1PG (for inhome pet sitting) does not apply to boarding/
date ____________file returned to office manager__________intls
date ____________file reviewed & returned to FD front desk._______intls
date ____________ CONTACT DATA entry ________intls
SPECIAL NOTES confidential - INTUITIVE meeting note....add NOTES below

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