Epidural Administration of Tramadol as an Analgesic Technique in Dogs Submitted to Stifle Surgery

Page created by Jean Mcdonald
Epidural Administration of
Tramadol as an Analgesic
Technique in Dogs Submitted to
Stifle Surgery
Alonso G.P. Guedes, DVM, MS1
Cláudio C. Natalini, DVM, MS, PhD2
Elaine P. Robinson, BVetMed, MVSc1
Simone D.L. Alves, DVM3
Simone T. Oliveira, DVM3
1                                                 3
 Department of Small Animal Clinical Science       Departamento de Clinica de Pequenos Animais
College of Veterinary Medicine                    Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
University of Minnesota                           Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
St Paul, Minnesota
  Veterinary Clinical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

KEY WORDS: tramadol, epidural analge-                 respiratory rates, systolic, mean, and dias-
sia, orthopedic                                       tolic arterial blood pressure, and pulse
                                                      oximetry were measured before premedica-
ABSTRACT                                              tion (baseline), and at fixed intervals after
Tramadol is a centrally acting analgesic              anesthesia induction. Arterial partial pres-
with µ-opioid, monoaminergic, and local               sures of oxygen and carbon dioxide, oxy-
anesthetic effects. In view of the involve-           gen-hemoglobin saturation, pH, and plasma
ment of the opioid and monoaminergic sys-             bicarbonate concentration were measured at
tems in pain pathways, the study was                  baseline, immediately before the epidural,
conducted to evaluate tramadol as an                  and at 60, 120, 240, and 360 minutes there-
epidural analgesic in dogs. Ten healthy               after. Post-operative analgesia was evaluat-
adult dogs (mean ± SEM body weight =                  ed for 4 hours using a scoring system.
17.3 ± 3.8 kg) were premedicated with ace-            Statistically significant decrease in arterial
promazine (0.05 mg/kg, IM), induced with              blood pressure was observed following
thiopental (10 mg/kg, IV), and maintained             anesthetic induction, although hypotension
under anesthesia with halothane in oxygen.            was not observed. Partial pressure of carbon
Twenty minutes after starting halothane               dioxide in arterial blood increased signifi-
anesthesia, tramadol (1.0 mg/kg in 0.22               cantly from baseline at 60 minutes after
mL/kg of sterile water) was administered              epidural tramadol. The remaining variables
epidurally at the lumbo-sacral space.                 were not significantly different from base-
Surgery began 15 minutes later. Pulse and             line values. No variables were significantly

Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005                                                351
different from values obtained immediately         pharmacological profile of tramadol makes
before tramadol administration. Intra-             it an attractive drug for epidural administra-
operative antinociception was considered           tion as an analgesic technique for surgeries
adequate, with satisfactory post-operative         in the hind limbs of dogs. Activation of opi-
analgesia for 4 hours. In conclusion, epidur-      oid receptors, inhibition of the monoaminer-
al tramadol seems to produce satisfactory          gic system, and local anesthetic effects4,9,12
antinociception and analgesia without caus-        are likely to decrease transmission and
ing clinically significant hemodynamic and         improve modulation of afferent nociceptive
respiratory depression in healthy dogs             signals, resulting in significant analgesia.
undergoing stifle surgery.                         These possibilities along with a shortage of
                                                   information on the epidural use of tramadol
INTRODUCTION                                       in the veterinary literature motivated this
Tramadol is a centrally acting analgesic that      study. Therefore, the pre-operative epidural
was introduced in Germany in the late              administration of tramadol was evaluated as
1970s for use in human medicine, and has           an analgesic technique in dogs submitted to
been used in the United Kingdom for                stifle surgery.
approximately 8 years.1,2 In the United
States the U.S. Food and Drug                      MATERIAL AND METHOD
Administration approved its oral form for          The study was approved by the Scientific
use in humans in 1999.3 It is a µ-opioid           Committee at the Office of Projects of the
receptor agonist with an analgesic potency         Rural Sciences Center of the Universidade
equal to meperidine and 5- to 10-times less        Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Ten
than morphine in humans.4 Further examina-         adult, clinically healthy, mixed breed dogs,
tions of the neurochemical profile of tra-         6 male and 4 female, weighing 17.3 ± 3.8
madol revealed that it inhibits the neuronal       kg (mean ± SEM; range, 12−23 kg) were
uptake of norepinephrine and serotonin.5−7         studied. The dogs were fasted for 12 hours
More recent studies have shown that tra-           and deprived of water for 2 hours preopera-
madol also has local anesthetic action either      tively. The surgical procedure consisted of
by producing analgesia after intradermal           experimental excision and replacement of
injection,8,9 or by reducing pain associated       the cranial cruciate ligament in the right
with propofol administration.10,11                 limb of each dog.
    Tramadol consists of a racemic mixture              Acepromazine (Acepran 1%,
of 2 enantiomers, (+) tramadol and (−) tra-        Andrômaco, São Paulo, SP, Brazil) was
madol.2 Racemic tramadol inhibits the              given intramuscularly as premedication
synaptosomal uptake of norepinephrine and          (0.05 mg/kg), with the induction of anesthe-
serotonin with about equal potency.12 The          sia performed 15 minutes later with thiopen-
(+) enantiomer is the most potent inhibitor        tal (10 mg/kg; Thionembutal, Abbott, São
of serotonin uptake, enhances serotonin            Paulo, SP, Brazil) given intravenously
release and has modest affinity for µ-opioid       through a catheter previously placed in the
receptors. The (−) enantiomer is the most          cephalic vein. Following tracheal intubation,
potent inhibitor of norepinephrine uptake          halothane (Fluothane, Wellcome-Zeneca,
and has the same affinity as the racemate          Cotia, SP, Brazil) was delivered in 100%
for µ-opioid receptors. The monoaminergic          oxygen for anesthetic maintenance, using a
effects of the 2 enantiomers are more potent       semi-closed circle system with a fresh gas
than the opioid action. They also interact in      flow rate of 30 mL/kg/min. The animals
a complementary and synergistic manner to          were allowed to breathe spontaneously, and
produce antinociception, but do not sum-           body temperature was maintained in the
mate to increase side effects, such as consti-     physiological normal range with the use of
pation and respiratory depression.12 The           an electric warm blanket.

352                                              Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005
Twenty minutes following anesthetic          ured before premedication (baseline), imme-
induction, 1.0 mg/kg of tramadol (Tramal          diately before the epidural administration of
50, Carlo Erba, Duque de Caxias, RJ,              tramadol (before epidural), and then 60,
Brazil), diluted in distilled water to a final    120, 240, and 360 minutes after the epidural
volume of 0.22 mL/kg, was administered            procedure. Blood from the femoral artery
epidurally at the lumbo-sacral space. The         was collected anaerobically and immediate-
dosage rate of tramadol chosen was deter-         ly stored in ice water, with the evaluation
mined as 1/10 of the systemic dosage used         carried out within a period of 1 hour (AVL
in humans.5 The technique was performed           AG900, Biomedical Instruments,
using a 22-gauge, 3.75-cm spinal needle.          Switzerland).
Correct placement of the spinal needle in             The vaporizer settings were adjusted to
the epidural space was confirmed by the           provide an adequate depth of surgical anes-
hanging drop technique and by the lack of         thesia. Presence or absence of limb move-
resistance to administration of 1 mL of air.      ment, palpebral reflex and any detectable
The dogs remained laterally recumbent with        response to surgical stimulation were among
the surgical side down for 10 minutes             the clinical parameters used to assess the
before being positioned dorsally for surgery.     depth of anesthesia. Based on this evalua-
Lactate Ringer’s solution was used intra-         tion, dogs were allowed to be as lightly
operatively at a rate of 20 mL/kg/h for the       anesthetized as possible during the surgical
first hour and 10 mL/kg/h thereafter.             procedures. Fentanyl (2.5 µg/kg IV) was
     Arterial blood pressure (systolic, mean,     reserved for intra-operative administration
and diastolic), pulse rate, respiratory rate,     to improve antinociception if necessary. The
arterial blood oxygen saturation, and arterial    criteria for administration was based on an
blood gases were evaluated. These measure-        increase in pulse rate, mean arterial blood
ments were taken in the conscious dog             pressure, and/or respiratory rate equal or
before any drug administration (baseline)         higher than 15% of the previous value after
and after anesthetic induction at 5, 10, 20,      the start of surgery, in the presence of an
30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, and 110          adequate depth of anesthesia. At the end of
minutes. Arterial blood pressure was meas-        the anesthesia, duration of anesthetic recov-
ured non-invasively by oscillometry               ery was measured from the time that the
(Dinamap-Critikon, Tampa, FL, USA), with          vaporizer was turned off to the moment that
an appropriate cuff (width approximately          the dog assumed sternal position.
equal to 40% of the limb circumference)               Post-operative analgesia was evaluated
positioned proximally to the carpus. Pulse        by an investigator (SA) unaware of the drug
rate and arterial blood oxygen saturation         used epidurally, with the use of a scoring
were obtained with a pulse oximeter               system designed for this study (Appendix
(Nellcor N-200, Nellcor Inc., Pleasanton,         A). Baseline assessments for pulse rate, res-
CA, USA). The oximeter probe was placed           piratory rate, levels of vocalization, activity,
on the lip, vulva, or prepuce for the base-       posture, and color of mucous membranes
line, and on the tongue for intra-operative       were performed in each dog before the
measurements. Respiratory rate and vaporiz-       administration of any drug. These assess-
er settings (after anesthetic induction) were     ments were repeated in the post-operative
assessed at these same intervals.                 period at 60, 120, and 240 minutes. A 50%
     Blood gas analyses were carried out to       increase in pulse or respiratory rate over
determine arterial pH, arterial partial pres-     baseline and/or a total score of subjective
sures of oxygen (PaO2) and carbon dioxide         assessments ≥3 points was assumed to be
(PaCO2), oxygen-hemoglobin saturation             indicative of pain that should be treated
(SaO2), and plasma bicarbonate concentra-         with additional analgesics (morphine 0.5
tion (HCO3−). These parameters were meas-         mg/kg IM, repeated after 20 minutes as

Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005                                             353
                                                                         Duration of anesthesia
                                                                         and surgery were 100.2 ±
                                                                         11.2 and 77.5 ± 7.5 min-
                                                                         utes, respectively.
                                                                         Duration of anesthetic
                                                                         recovery was 81.1 ± 21.7
                                                                         minutes. The surgical con-
                                                                         ditions were considered
                                                                         very good, with good
                                                                         muscle relaxation, and no
                                                                         excessive bleeding. Intra-
Figure 1. Intra-operative halothane vaporizer settings in dogs (n = 10) operative use of fentanyl
given epidural tramadol (1.0 mg/kg) and submitted to stifle surgery.
                                                                         was not necessary based
                                                                         on the chosen criteria.
                                                                         Vaporizer settings were
needed). After this 4-hour period, all dogs          significantly decreased over time (Figure 1).
received 1.0 mg/kg of flunixin meglumine             Values for pulse and respiratory rates, sys-
IV, which was continued for 2 additional             tolic, mean, and diastolic arterial blood pres-
days, administered subcutaneously every 24           sure, and pulse oximetry are shown
hours.                                               graphically in Figure 2. Induction of general
    Statistical analysis was performed using         anesthesia produced a statistically significant
repeated measures analysis of variance to            decrease in arterial blood pressure although
assess changes over time, followed by                hypotension (mean arterial blood pressure
Bonferroni multiple comparison test when a
vascular and respiratory
variables measured were
changed with the epidural
administration of tramadol.
     The post-operative pain
assessment showed that the
dogs were apparently com-
fortable; these data are dis-
played on Table 1. In the
subjective evaluation, all
dogs showed no vocaliza-
tion, were inactive or sleep-
ing, and presented normal
mucous membrane col-
oration throughout 4 hours
of evaluation. For posture,
                                Figure 2. Mean values of pulse rate (PR), systolic arterial blood
most of the dogs were           pressure (SAP), mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), diastolic arte-
recumbent in the first hour,    rial blood pressure (DAP), pulse oximetry (SpO2), and respiratory
while in the second and         rate (ƒ) in dogs (n = 10) administered epidural tramadol (1.0
                                mg/kg) undergoing stifle surgery.
fourth hours most of them
were standing spontaneous-
ly, although not weight
bearing on the operated
limb. None of the dogs had
a 50% increase in heart or
respiratory rate over base-
line nor received a total
score ≥3 points, and there-
fore no additional analgesics
were used during the 4
hours of evaluation.

In humans, tramadol has
been used epidurally for
many years,13−1 6 but in vet-
erinary medicine the
epidural administration was
                                 Figure 3. Mean values for pH, arterial partial pressures of oxygen
studied only recently in         (PaO2) and carbon dioxide (PaCO2), oxygen-hemoglobin satura-
horses, where tramadol was tion (SaO2), and plasma bicarbonate concentration (HCO ) in       3

found to be 10-times less        dogs (n = 10) administered epidural tramadol (1.0 mg/kg) under-
                                 going stifle surgery.
potent than morphine. To17

date, there are no reports
on the epidural administration of tramadol in          tered at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg.17 Also, as tra-
dogs. Therefore the dose chosen for this               madol was 10-times less potent than mor-
study was based on human literature, where             phine,17 the use of 1.0 mg/kg in the present
tramadol was used epidurally in children at            study is likely to be equipotent with the dose
doses of 1.0 to 2.0 mg/kg,16,18 and from the           of 0.1 mg/kg of morphine commonly used
study done in horses where it was adminis-             epidurally in dogs.

Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005                                                   355
In this study, a decrease in arterial blood     of the spinal cord, and can modulate affer-
pressure, mild hypoventilation, and decrease         ent pain signals at this level.26,27 Opioids,
in respiratory rate were observed with the           noradrenergic, and serotonergic drugs can
institution of general anesthesia compared           interact with these systems to produce
with the baseline values in the conscious ani-       antinociception,27 and the use of these drugs
mals. This is expected to happen with all the        in combination significantly improves anal-
commonly used inhalant anesthetics, as they          gesia.28−30 This may explain the antinocicep-
cause dose-dependent cardiovascular and res-         tion obtained with the use of epidural
piratory depression.19,20 Tramadol was given         tramadol as its opioid and monoaminergic
epidurally after 20 minutes of general anesthe-      actions interact at the level of the spinal
sia, and no changes in arterial blood pressure,      cord to produce antinociception.6,12
pulse and respiratory rates, pulse oximetry,             The opioid and monoaminergic actions
and arterial blood gases were noticed. Similar       of tramadol are well recognized, and local
results have been observed in anesthetized           anesthetic effects also have been demonstrat-
humans14,15,17,21 and in unanesthetized horses18     ed more recently. The intravenous regional
after epidural administration of tramadol.           administration of tramadol was shown to
Additionally, intravenous doses up to 2.0            reduce the incidence of the painful sensation
mg/kg in conscious humans, and up to 10              associated with intravenous administration
mg/kg in awake or anesthetized dogs had no           of propofol in humans.10,11 Also in humans,
significant adverse cardiovascular effects.22,23     intradermal injection of tramadol produced
     While inhalant anesthetics cause uncon-         loss of sensation to pin prick, light touch,
sciousness and the patient does not experi-          and cold in one study8 and surgical analgesia
ence pain, even profound planes of                   similar to prilocaine in another.9 Local anes-
anesthesia may not block nociception and             thetic effects, combined with the opioid and
many of the autonomic responses related to           monoaminergic actions, support the findings
surgical stimulation.24 Although clinical            of satisfactory antinociception obtained in
evaluation of adequate intra-operative               the present study.
antinociception may be difficult, tachypnea,             The use of scores to evaluate the anal-
tachycardia, and hypertension may be                 gesic status of animals may not be accurate in
observed in anesthetized animals in                  some occasions due to the subjective and
response to surgical stimulation.25 Attempts         complex nature of pain.31 However, pale
to block these responses by increasing the           mucous membranes due to peripheral vaso-
volatile anesthetic concentration will result        constriction, tachypnea, and tachycardia may
in severe respiratory depression.24 None of          occur as a sympathetic response to pain in
these changes were observed in the present           conscious animals.25,31 Changes in respiratory
study. The anesthetic depth was maintained           rate are good physiologic indicators of pain
as light as possible, with most dogs showing         with a high correlation with subjective meth-
palpebral reflexes and some degree of shiv-          ods of evaluation.31 Furthermore, a patient
ering in the second half of the anesthetic           who is pain free will be calm, quiet, and will
procedure, yet surgical conditions were              often sleep.31 In the present study, respiratory
good. Vaporizer settings remained below              rate during the post-operative period remained
1.0% for the surgical period 30 minutes              similar or lower than baseline, and the ani-
after epidural administration of tramadol to         mals were quiet, calm, or asleep, indicating
the end of anesthesia, in the present study,         satisfactory post-operative analgesia. Several
with values similar or even lower than the           reports from the human literature have shown
reported minimum alveolar concentration of           effective postoperative analgesia after epidur-
0.87% for halothane in dogs.19                       al administration of tramadol.14,15,18,32,33 In addi-
     Noradrenergic descending pathways and           tion, complete analgesia in the perineal and
the serotonergic system innervate all levels         sacral areas for 4 hours has been reported in

356                                                Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005
horses given tramadol epidurally.17 Our study                  Complementary and synergistic antinociceptive
                                                               interaction between the enantiomers of tramadol.
suggests that the epidural administration of                   J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1993;267:331−340.
tramadol may produce at least approximately
                                                           13. Chrubasik J, Warth L, Wüst H, Bretschneider H,
5.5 hours of analgesia in dogs.                                Schulte-Mönting J: Untersuchung zur analgetis-
                                                               chen Wirksamkeit peridural applizierten tra-
CONCLUSION                                                     madols bei der behandlung von schmerzen nach
                                                               abdominalchirurgischen Eingriffen. Schmerz
Epidural tramadol produces satisfactory intra-                 Pain Douleur 1988;9:12−18.
operative antinociception and post-operative               14. Baraka A, Jabbour S, Ghabash M, Nader A,
analgesia without causing clinically signifi-                  Khoury G, Sibai A: A comparison of epidural
cant hemodynamic and respiratory depression                    tramadol and epidural morphine for postopera-
                                                               tive analgesia. Can J Anaesth 1993;40:308−313.
in healthy dogs undergoing stifle surgery.
                                                           15. Wilder-Smith CH, Wilder-Smith OHG,
                                                               Farschtschian M, Naji P: Preoperative adjuvant
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358                                                  Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005
Appendix A. Scoring System Used to Subjectively Evaluate Post-Operative Analgesia Through
 Assessments of Vocalization, Agitation, and Mucous Membrane Coloration of Dogs Submitted
 to Orthopedic Surgery and Epidural Administration of Tramadol (1.0 mg/kg).
 Clinical Sign          Score and Patient Criteria
 Vocalization           0 = None
                        1 = Present, easily controllable by talking to the animal with a calm voice.
                        2 = Present, controllable with gentle touch and calm voice
                        3 = Present, not controllable with gentle touch and calm voice
 Level of activity      0 = Asleep, inactive, or calm
                        1 = Uncomfortable, changing position constantly
                        2 = Agitated, constantly standing up and laying down
                        3 = Thrashing and destructive behavior
 Posture                0 = Standing spontaneously, weight bearing
                        1 = Standing spontaneously, but non-weight bearing
                        2 = Recumbent, but able to stand with verbal stimulation, with or without
                            minimal help
                        3 = Recumbent, refuse to stand with verbal stimulation or minimal help
 Mucous membrane        0 = Normal coloration
 coloration             1 = Pale mucous membrane

 Total Score Possible   10 points

Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005                                                     359
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