RSE and PSHE Policy - Consultation - Barton, East Cowton, Kirkby Fleetham and Ravensworth Church of England Primary Schools - Consultation Barton ...
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RSE and PSHE Policy - Consultation Barton, East Cowton, Kirkby Fleetham and Ravensworth Church of England Primary Schools Approved by: Helen Dudman Date: February 21 Last reviewed on: February 2021 Next review due by: March 2023 1. Aims Promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of all pupils and their families. Prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. Encourage children to value themselves and others Encourage children to appreciate differences and diversity. Teach children how to make informed decisions Prepare children to be an active members of the community Encourage an active and healthy lifestyle. Provide an environment that allows for honest and sensitive discussions to take place. Teach children how to manage their own emotions. Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy Help children to identify the characteristics of a healthy relationship Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships
Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies Ensure children develop an understanding of all relationships which fit with our school values of love, integrity, respect and forgiveness. 2. Statutory requirements As a primary academy school we must provide relationships education to all pupils as per section 34 of the Children and Social work act 2017. We do not have to follow the National Curriculum but we are expected to offer all pupils a curriculum that is similar to the National Curriculum including requirements to teach science, which would include the elements of sex education, contained in the science curriculum. In teaching RSE, we are required by our funding agreements to have regard to guidance issued by the secretary of state as outlined in section 403 of the Education Act 1996. At Barton, East Cowton, Kirkby Fleetham and Ravensworth we teach RSE as set out in this policy which is in line with the overarching principles of Valuing all God’s children. 3. Policy development This policy has been developed in consultation with staff, pupils and parents. The consultation and policy development process involved the following steps: 1. Review – a member of staff pulled together all relevant information including relevant national and local guidance 2. Staff consultation – school staff were given the opportunity to look at the policy and make recommendations 3. Ratification – once amendments were made, the policy was shared with governors and ratified 4. Definition RSE and PSHE is about the emotional, social and cultural development of pupils, and involves learning about healthy lifestyles, positive relationships with others, sexuality, the changes experienced when growing up, diversity and personal identity. RSE and PSHE involves a combination of sharing information, and exploring issues and values. It involves keeping children safe both on and off-line. It enables pupils to explore their own and other’s attitudes and values and builds their self-esteem and confidence to view their own sexuality positively. RSE is not about the promotion of sexual activity. 5. Curriculum Our curriculum is set out in a 4 year rolling programme made up of a 2 yearly rotation for some subjects within this but we may need to adapt it as and when necessary.
We have developed the curriculum in consultation with parents, pupils and staff, taking into account the age, needs and feelings of pupils. If pupils ask questions outside the scope of this policy, teachers will respond in an appropriate manner so they are fully informed and don’t seek answers online. Primary sex education will focus on: Preparing boys and girls for the changes that adolescence brings (Year 5 & 6 only) How a baby is conceived and born (Year 6 only) For more information about our curriculum, see our progression document in Appendix 1 6. Delivery of RSE RSE is taught within the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum. Biological aspects of RSE are taught within the science curriculum. Our curriculum is designed in a cross-curricular way so ideas are linked through a themed approach to teaching and learning. As a group of church schools, we aim to foster respect for others and to celebrate difference, educating children about healthy relationships. Relationships education focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships including: Families and people who care for me Caring friendships Respectful relationships Online relationships Being safe Changes to our growing body For more information about our RSE and PSHE curriculum, see Appendices 1 and 2. These areas of learning are taught within the context of family life, taking care to ensure that there is no stigmatisation of children based on their home circumstances (families can include single parent families, LGBT parents, families headed by grandparents, adoptive parents, foster parents/carers amongst other structures) along with reflecting sensitively that some children may have a different structure of support around them (for example: looked after children or young carers). SEND As far as possible children with special educational needs should follow the same PSHE and RSE curriculum as other students. The needs of individual children will be taken into account and consultation with parents if it is considered inappropriate for a child to take part in a specific lesson. 7. Roles and responsibilities 7.1 The local governing board The local governing board will approve the RSE policy, and hold the headteacher to account for its implementation.
7.2 The headteacher The headteacher is responsible for ensuring that RSE is taught consistently across the school, and for managing requests to withdraw pupils from non-statutory components of RSE (see section 8). 7.3 Staff Staff are responsible for: Delivering RSE in a sensitive way Modelling positive attitudes to RSE Monitoring progress Responding to the needs of individual pupils Responding appropriately to pupils whose parents wish them to be withdrawn from the non- statutory components of RSE Staff do not have the right to opt out of teaching RSE. Staff who have concerns about teaching RSE are encouraged to discuss this with the headteacher. Class teachers will be responsible for the teaching of RSE in their classrooms. 7.4 Pupils Pupils are expected to engage fully in RSE and, when discussing issues related to RSE, treat others with respect and sensitivity. 8. Parents’ right to withdraw Parents do not have the right to withdraw their children from relationships education. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory components of sex education within RSE. Requests for withdrawal should be put in writing using the form found in Appendix 3 of this policy and addressed to the headteacher. Alternative work will be given to pupils who are withdrawn from sex education. 9. Training Staff are trained on the delivery of RSE as part of their induction and it is included in our continuing professional development calendar. The headteacher will also invite visitors from outside the school, such as school nurses or sexual health professionals, to provide support and training to staff teaching RSE. 10. Monitoring arrangements The delivery of RSE is monitored by Helen Dudman and Kirstie Petch through learning walks, pupil conferencing, evidence in books and work on classroom walls. Pupils’ development in RSE is monitored by class teachers as part of our internal assessment systems. This policy will be reviewed by The Headteacher bi-annually . At every review, the policy will be approved by the governing body.
Appendix 1: Progression Map EYF Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 S Know different types Know the Identify different types of Have body Understand routines to Understand the physical and of relationships. characteristics of a relationships and confidence and prevent the spread of emotional changes we go Myself and rela healthy family life. maintain positive and have an bacteria and viruses and through at puberty tionships Know family and healthy relationships. understanding of the importance of friends offer love and Can ask for help when how the media immunisation Look after our body and support. relationships make me Understand that presents ‘body health as we go through feel unhappy. relationships may change image’. Know the ways in which puberty Know who and how to over time and how to ask children grow and ask for help if a Know about body for help if this make me Understand develop in puberty Manage periods relationship make me changes unhappy that bodies (menstruation) feel unhappy or that happen from birth and emotions change Understand how girls or understand how girls unsafe. and the process of Judge what kind of as they grow older manage their periods manage their periods growing from young to physical contact is and know be respectful of this Know the names for old and how people’s acceptable and how to the importance of Know about human the main body needs change respond. taking care of I recognise, as I reproduction. parts (including their own body approach puberty, how external genitalia). Understand stereotypes Understand the people’s emotions Recognise different risks in Know what ‘private’ and how these can difference between Recognise what love is change different situations both on means. have a negative secrets and surprises and and and offline and then decide impact (e.g gender, understand not to keep understand what marri Be aware of different how to behave responsibly – Name people who age) adult secrets both on and age / civil types of relationships and including physical contact. look after me and who offline. partnerships are. what makes them a to go to if I am I value my own body positive, healthy Understand that civil worried. and understand its Know how other Know that there are relationships both on and partnerships and marriages uniqueness. families are similar or different kinds of offline. are examples Know friends make us different to their own (this families and of stable,loving relationships. feel happy and how I know the names for includes same sex). partnerships (includes Name people who look to be a good friend/ the main body parts same sex) after me and who to go (including external Understand that it is OK to and understand the to if I am worried Know that relationships Know how to play, genitalia) and the be different to others importance of stable, about anything on or change over time and share and how my similarities/differences loving and caring offline the features of a positive behaviour affects between most boys I understand about relationships healthy relationship both on others and girls growing and changing I know how to respond and offline (including and new Demonstrate the safely and appropriately friendships) Know the difference Know that individuals opportunities and features of to adults I meet between right and have rights over their responsibilities that good healthy (including online) whom I I know how to ask for help wrong, fair and unfair own bodies, and that increasing independence friendship both on and do not know. and have a range of and kind and unkind there are differences may bring offline and have the strategies to resist pressure both on and offline. between good and skills to manage a Know where individuals, to do something bad touching (this Name people who look falling out. families and groups can dangerous/unhealthy, that Know the feelings of includes between after me, and who to go get help and support. makes me feel change and loss peers) to if I am worried about I can name people uncomfortable/anxious or anything. who look after me Know how to be a good that I believe is wrong
Name people who look and who to go to if I friend both on including when to share a after me and who to go Know how to be a good am worried about and offline and how to confidential secret. to if I am worried about friend and how to anything manage a fall out with a anything on and manage a fall out with a friend – understanding Name people who look after offline. friend. I can respond boundaries. me and who to go to if I am appropriately to other worried about anything on Know the ‘recipe’ for I can describe the nature people’s feelings Understand the or offline. being a good friend and consequences of importance of being both on and offline and bullying both on and I can recognise my respectful to everyone Recognise the difference that trust is a core offline and express some worth as an individual and to recognise and between aggressive and ingredient ways of responding to it. and the worth of other care about others assertive behaviour both on people people’s feelings both on and offline and develop Know that there are I can empathise with and offline but if strategies to different types of other people. I understand a appropriate I feel able to resolve dispute.. negative behaviours, range of feelings and confidentially challenge bullying and I can listen to and show how these make me their view point Realise the consequences teasing both on and respect for the views of feel both emotionally of anti- offline others both on and and physically social behaviours such as offline bullying, cyber-bullying, Know that these homophobia, transphobia behaviours are wrong I know the importance of and biphobia and racism and know how to deal valuing myself which can happen both on with them including if I and offline on individuals experience or witness it, I can recognise and and communities. I know how to get challenge stereotypes. help Recognise and challenge I know about change discrimination and Listen to others and and loss including stereotyping respect their separation, divorce understand the nature, viewpoints and bereavement causes and consequences and the associated of hate crime which can Identify and respect feelings happen both on and offline. differences and similarities between people of different backgrounds (ethnic, cultural and faith, physically) Know that medicines Use simple skills which Identify and explain how Describe what risk Identify strategies I can Take responsibility for my promote health, the will help to maintain my to manage risks in means to me both on use to keep myself own safety and know about Keeping safe reasons why personal safety both different situations and offline. physically and health and safety, people use them and on and offline. including on and offline emotionally safe basic emergency first aid the rules on safe use of line. Take responsibility for including road safety, procedures (including medicines Understand that all my own behaviour cycle safety, online head injuries) and where to drugs can be harmful if Make judgements and and safety and safety and in the get help, including how to Know that some not used properly. decisions and use basic realise that actions local environment(rail, call 999 in an emergency. substances can help techniques for resisting have consequences farm, water and fire) and or harm the body Know simple rules negative peer pressure both on and offline. I know how to call 999 in Recognise the responsibility I
including about medicines and both on and offline. an emergency. have both on and offline household substances other substances used Recognise, predict due to increased like dishwasher in the home, including Explain how my and assess risk, relating Know which commonly independence and can tablets. solvents which can be behaviour may have to myself and available substances keep myself and others harmful if not used consequences for myself others and know how (alcohol, tobacco, e- safe. Recognise the need properly. and others both on and to get help (includes cigarettes, medicines) for safety rules –road, offline. risks in the home, and drugs are legal and Respond to challenges fire, water, rail, Recognise and say road, farm, water, rail, illegal, and their effects including recognising, farm, school what is right and wrong Demonstrate basic safety online, electricity and and risks. managing and assessing risks environment, both on and offline. procedures when using personal safety) and I in different situations both on playground, online medicines, sun know how to call 999 Know that the pressure to and offline and can and home. Understand that protection, crossing in an emergency. behave in an manage them responsibly. pressure to behave in roads, riding a bike, unacceptable, Name an adult an unsafe way can swimming etc. Develop unhealthy or risky way Make informed decisions in school who can come from a range of some effective can come from a variety relating to risk taking help me and I know people, including Know school rules for strategies to cope with of sources including behaviours including medici there are people people I know and health and safety, basic peer influence and people I know both on nes, alcohol, tobacco, e- and services who can online. first-aid procedures and peer pressure both on and offline and the cigarettes, drugs and other help us including how where to get help for and offline. media. substances including what is to call 999 in an Know how to ask for myself and others in need meant by the term, ’habit’ emergency. help when I need it and including how to call 999 Know the internet has Know the internet has and why habits can be hard name a range in an emergency. many benefits many benefits but I know to change. Know I have a of people who can but know I need to I need to balance my Know that the pressure to responsibility to keep help me including how Know the internet has balance my time spent on and offline behave in an myself and others to call 999 in an many benefits but know I time spent on and and adhere to the age unacceptable, unhealthy or safe, when to say, emergency. need to balance my offline and adhere to rating of social media risky way can come from a ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘I’ll ask’ time spent on and offline the age rating and computer games. variety of sources both on and ‘I’ll tell’ including Know the difference and adhere to the age of social media and and offline, knowing that they do between secrets and rating of computer computer games. Understand how some including people I know and not need to keep surprises both on and games. people use online the media. secrets both on and offline and understand Know that not technology to bully other offline what is not a good Have a growing everything on the people and know how to Know the internet has many secret to keep. understanding of internet is true and seek help if this happens benefits but know I need to Know the internet has a range of risks when know what to do if I to me or a friend. balance my time spent on many benefits but Know the internet has communicating access something that and offline and adhere to I know I need to many benefits but know online and demonstrate makes me unhappy or Know how to present the age rating of social balance my I need to balance my ways of reducing the risk uncomfortable. myself safely online and media and computer time spent on and time spent on and to ensure myself and my understand the potential games. offline. offline and I adhere to friends are safe online. Understand the need risks of providing personal the age rating of to keep some information online. Slect appropriate tools to Know that people you computer games. Know how to report information private in collaborate and don’t know are concerns and get order to protect Use a range of strategies communicate strangers and this Have an support with issues myself when to protect my personal confidently and safely with applies online as understanding of online communicating online information, including others, including friends I well as well as off line. a range of risks when and can implement passwords, addresses know in real life. communicating online strategies to do this. and images of myself Know that when and demonstrate ways and others. Recognise risks, harmful people I don’t know of reducing the risk Recognise how online content and contact and
ask me for to ensure online safety. communications Understand that the now how to report them. private information I d (including from friends) person that I think I am on’t share it online or may be used for communicating with on- Be aware of online abuse in person. Know that people manipulation or line may not be who they such as trolling, bullying and sometimes behave persuasion and I have say they are. harassment and the Understand that some differently online, ways of managing negative impact it can websites, games and including friends or this. Know how to manage have on a person’s mental social media sites by pretending to be requests for images of health. have age restrictions someone they are not. Know how to myself or others; what is and know how to get recognise and display and is not appropriate to Understand the need to use help if Understand what a respectful behaviour ask for or share; who to respectful language and I see something I am healthy online online talk to if I feel know the legal unhappy with online friendship is uncomfortable and are consequences for sending and be aware of the concerned by such a offensive online risks associated request. communications. with people I have never met Recognise that not all Understand how the media information on the (advertising and internet) internet is may influence my opinions accurate and have and choices. strategies for identifying the origin of a website Understand how my information and data is shared and used online. Know how to manage requests for images of myself or others what is and is not appropriate to ask for or share; who to talk to if I feel uncomfortable and are concerned by such a request. Be a responsible user of mobile phones: safe keeping (looking after it) and safe user habits (time limits, use of passcode, turning it off at night etc.) I know how to report concerns and get support with issues online, Know the importance Know that a healthy Make choices about my Identify some Know what makes a Manage my time to include of personal hygiene lifestyle includes being lifestyle to improve my factors that healthy lifestyle- regular exercise and self- Heathy Lifestyle and be able to wash physically active, rest , health and well- affect physical, mental the benefits of exercise care techniques to look after my hands properly, healthy eating, dental being and and emotional and healthy eating and my mental and physical regularly wash my health, sun protection recognise that choices health e.g. relationship the factors (positive and health such as relaxation.
body and clean my and emotional health can have good and not s with family and negative) that affect teeth twice a day. and I can so good consequences. friends, stress levels, mental health, including Recognise opportunities to give examples of what I physical activity, diet, having a positive self- make my own choices Understand what do on a daily and on a Know what are the good self-image, image. about food, what might physical and mental regular basis to habits for looking after my media, online influence my choice and the health means and keep myself healthy. growing body and start to develop Understand the benefits of eating a that all humans have both physically ways of counteracting importance of good oral balanced diet. it. Make simple choices to and emotionally on a the negative factors. hygiene, including improve my physical daily and regular basis. regular visits to Understand the impact of Know how to keep my and emotional health. Understand what is the dentist. growth and adolescence on body healthy through Know the benefits of meant by a healthy my hygiene, good quality being active, Know how diseases are physical exercise and diet (including Know where individuals, sleep and nutrition needs. healthy eating, spread and how they time outdoors. understanding families and groups can getting enough rest, can be controlled and calories, and get help and support Understand the risks dental health, sun my responsibilities for Know how to look after nutritional content). both on and offline. associated with an inactive protection and my own and others my mental wellbeing lifestyle, poor diet, unhealthy looking after health, bee able to through some self-care Make informed Deal positively with my eating and other behaviours my emotional wash my hands techniques e.g relaxatio choices about healthy feelings and recognise a on my physical and mental wellbeing. properly. n, benefits of hobbies eating and exercising. range of emotions wellbeing. and interests etc . in others. Explain the Recognise what I like Recognise and name a Understand safe and intensity of my feelings to Understand early signs of and dislike, how to range of feelings and Communicate my unsafe exposure to the others. physical illness, such as make real, informed understand that we all feelings to others, sun, and how to weight loss, or unexplained choices that experience emotions in recognise how others reduce the risk of sun Understand what changes to the body. improves my physical relation to different show feelings and damage. resilience is and have and emotional health experiences and know to respond strategies to use to build Understand safe and unsafe and to recognise that situations. appropriately. Understand a my own resilience. exposure to the sun, and choices can range of feelings and how to reduce the risk of sun have good and not so Have simple strategies Understand what being how these make me Resolve differences, damage, including skin good consequences. to manage my feelings resilient means to me and feel both emotionally looking at alternatives, cancer. have strategies to use. and physically. making decisions and Talk about my Understand what being explaining choices. Recognise that I may emotions and resilient means to me Understand why other Have a range of experience recognise them in and I have strategies to people are behaving as strategies for Know some of the ways conflicting emotions and others. use. they are when they are managing and of dealing with the when I need to listen to and finding change difficult controlling strong feelings that overcome my emotions. Know what makes me Know that even feelings and sometimes arise happy. changes we want to emotions. from changes. Have an understanding of happen can mental ill health and how Understand what sometimes feel Respond appropriately important it is for people to being resilient means uncomfortable but I to other people’s get early help to support to me and I have have identified ways I feelings. them. strategies I can use. manage those feelings Recognise my worth Understand that the media Know some of the as an individual and can have a positive and reasons why change the worth of other negative effect on mental can feel people. health, e.g.body image. uncomfortable
and know some of Understand what Understand what being the ways of dealing being resilient means resilient means to me and I with the feelings that to me and I have have strategies I can use. sometimes arise from strategies to use. changes Know how change can Identify positive things impact with our feelings about myself, of belonging. recognise some of my mistakes and learn from them. Make some changes quickly and easily but also understand that some changes are hard and can take a long time. Know that we have to Know that we can pay Know how to look after Demonstrate how to Be able to make Know that people buy things pay for what we buy. for things in a range of and handle money in look after and save considered decisions online and have online bank Me and my ways and that even everyday situations. money. about saving, spending accounts and passwords to future Know how to keep when not using cash, and giving. keep money safe. money safe. money is being used. Make simple financial Begin to develop an decisions and consider understanding that Differentiate between Describe how people’s Know that I don’t Understand that the how to spend money, people have essentials and desires. careers are different and have to spend my choices we make including pocket money different financial how they develop in money but can save it affect ourselves and and contributions to circumstances. Understand ‘value for different ways and I am to use later others. charity. money’ and can make aware that people feel Begin to understand informed choices to get differently about the Set myself simple Explain the difference Know there are different the different values ‘value for money’. different types of work goals. between needs and ways to gain money, and attitudes that they do . wants. including earning it people have with Be able to assess ‘best Identify positive things through work. regard to money. buys’ in a range of Reflect on what I have learnt about myself Understand individuals circumstances. about careers, employability and recognise and and families have to Understand that money is Recognise the range and enterprise activities and celebrate my find ways to balance a finite resource for of jobs carried out by Be able to understand experiences and how the strengths and say wants and needs. individuals, people. and manage feelings learning relates to my what I enjoy about institutions and about money, my own choices. school and things I do Understand that it may the community. Explain how I can and others. outside of school. not be possible to have develop my skills for Describe a range of everything you want, Begin to understand why work in the future. Know about the range of local businesses and how Describe the work that straight away, if at all. we have charities jobs carried out by they are run and the people do in my Be aware that the people and some of the products and / or services family, my school and Describe why learning is Explain why people work learning choices I stereotypes surrounding they provide. where I live. important. and the different jobs make will affect my some career choices. that people; challenge future options. Understand that employers Identify positive Be positive about who I some of the work Be aware of some of the must treat all employees achievements during am, what I have stereotypes. Identify my strengths, rights and responsibilities equally and there are my time in Year 1. achieved and areas for improvement when it comes to treating certain protected
take into Be aware that the and set people fairly . characteristics under the Identify my strengths, account what other learning choices I make high aspirations Equalities Act. areas for improvement people say about me. will affect my future and goals Know and understand Know how to keep safe and set myself some options. how to develop skills to when working and what the goals for Year 2 Be aware of Identify positive make a contribution law says to protect workers. stereotypes and that Talk positively about what achievements during in the future. everyone does have I like to do and what I my time in Year 4 Recognise and start to the same choices and would like to do in the Start to consider what demonstrate some of the opportunities in future. Identify my strengths, I like , what I am good at key qualities and skills that learning, careers and areas for improvement and what I enjoy doing employers are looking for work (genders, different Identify positive and set myself some and talk positively about and to be enterprising. ethnicities, different achievements during my goals for Year 5 my strengths I know the backgrounds, etc) time in Year 3. importance of making a Understand that money we good impression when earn also supports the Identify positive Identify my strengths, going through a community. achievements during areas for improvement selection process and I my time in Year 2. and set myself some can demonstrate some Identify positive goals for Year 4 of the skills required to do achievements during my Identify my strengths, this. time in Primary School. areas for improvement and set myself some Know that there are a Explain what I am worried goals for Year 3 range of earnings for about and what I am different jobs. looking forward to in Year 7 Understand that there are a range of benefits from employment, not just financial (making a difference, caring for others, etc). Identify positive achievements during my time in Year 5. Identify strengths, areas for improvement and set myself some goals for Year 6 Express a simple Take part in Participate in making and Acknowledge that Know what democracy is Understand how democracy opinion, agreement discussions/simple changing rules. others have different and how a democratic works in the UK at a local, Becoming an and disagreement, debate with others points of view both on government works. regional and national scale. active citizen about topical issues. Know why different rules and offline. Respectfully ask are needed in different Take part in democratic Understand that there are questions and listen to Know that people and situations. Know why and how events in school (eg: other forms of government the answers. other living things have rules and laws are voting for school council, that are not democratic and needs and Know that choices we made and enforced, mock election). can give some examples of
Play a full part in the recognise my own make can impact on the why different rules are these. life of my classroom. responsibility to meet local, national and needed in different Understand the those needs. global communities. situations and how to consequences of Understand what being part Agree and follow rules take part in breaking the law and of a community means for my group and Contribute positively to Know where to find making and how the criminal and take part more fully classroom. the life of the class and impartial advice to inform changing rules in justice system works in in school and community the school. my decision making. school. the UK. activities. Understand the role of the Understand the role of Understand the media Recognise aggressive Know how to access Understand the mental school council, vote the school council, vote can be biased. and anti-social local and national health benefits of for the members for the members and behaviours both on support groups both on community participation and if chosen to be on have contributed an Empathise with other and offline such as and offline. and volunteering. the school council idea to the school people and situations bullying and represent the views of council. through topical issues, discrimination and Know that circumstances Demonstrate a sense of others problems and local and their effects on in other countries and social justice and moral Know that I belong to global events . individuals and cultures may be responsibility at school, in the different groups and communities, such as different from our own. community and towards the communities ie school, travellers, migrants environment. family I know what and asylum seekers. Understand why some improves and harms people have chosen to Understand that everyone the environment and Begin to respond to, or leave their country and has human rights and that about some of the challenge, negative migrate to the UK. children have their own ways people look after behaviours both on special rights set out in the them. and offline Understand the United Nations Declarations such as stereotyping, difference between of the Rights of the Child. Know some ways to homophobia, economic migrant, look after my transphobia and asylum seeker and Understand that resources environment biphobia and racism. refugee. can be allocated in different ways and that Understand that to Know about Fair Trade economic choices affect resolve differences I and what it means. individuals, communities and need to respect other the environment. people’s point of view Know that individual and and respect their community rights and Research, discuss and decisions but be able responsibilities need debate topical issues, to explain my choices to be taken into problems and events. and viewpoints. account when making decisions (eg: public Appreciate the range of Understand how my enquiries, planning national, regional, religious choices may impact decisions for new and ethnic identities in on the environment. roads/housing, etc). the United Kingdom and the benefits of being a multi- Describe the values of Understand that choices cultural nation. the school and know we make as individuals, a why they are community and a Be aware of how the media important. nation impact present information and that internationally. the media can be both a Describe the ‘British positive and negative
Values’ and give Begin to understand that influence. examples of what they ‘poverty’ might have mean in school and in different meanings Critique how the media society. to different people in present information. different circumstances. Demonstrate respect Discuss controversial issues in and tolerance both on Recognise and a sensitive manner, such as and offline challenge stereotypes. terrorism, migration and towards people racism. different from my Know where to find themselves. impartial advice to inform decision making and understand about media bias. Express views confidently and listen to and show respect for the views of others. Talk and write about opinions confidently and listen to and show respect for the opinions of others. Resolve differences, looking at alternatives, making decisions and explaining choices.
Appendix 2: Parent form: withdrawal from sex education within RSE TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENTS Name of child Class Name of Date parent Reason for withdrawing from sex education within relationships and sex education Any other information you would like the school to consider Parent signature TO BE COMPLETED BY THE SCHOOL Agreed actions from discussion with parents
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