Page created by Ryan Caldwell

                               STUDY ON

                               THE SITUATION OF LGBTI
                               PEOPLE WITH INTERNATIONAL
                               PROTECTION NEEDS IN
                               NORTHERN CENTRAL AMERICA
                               RECOMMENDATIONS DOCUMENT

August 2018
NIPO paper
Oficina de Acción Humanitaria
Original design and layout
Lara Lanceta.

This study was commissioned to the Pedro Arrupe Human Rights Institute of
the University of Deusto by the Spanish Agency for International Development
Cooperation (ID No. CONMEN/2018/0000000026).
This report was prepared in collaboration with UNHCR, and in particular with the
Mexico and Guatemala Offices and with the Regional Office for Central America,
Cuba and Mexico with headquarters in Panama.

Dolores Morondo Taramundi and Maite Daniela Blanco Lo Coco (Human Rights
Institute, University of Deusto)
The authors would like to express their gratitude to everyone who contributed to
this study through interviews, data, suggestions and other input

The analysis, errors and conclusions or recommendations of this working
document do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Spanish Agency for
International Development Cooperation or any of its partners.

© AECID, 2018
Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation
Av. Reyes Católicos, 4
28040 Madrid, España
Tel. +34 91 583 81 00

Presentation of the study: objectives and methodology                  04
Context                                                                04
Objectives                                                             05
Methodology                                                            06
Analytical framework                                                   07

Recommendations                                                        10
Pillar 1. Reception and admission                                      11
Pillar 2. Immediate and ongoing needs                                  13
Pillar 3. Assistance to countries and communities receiving refugees   14
Pillar 4. Durable solutions                                            16
Cross-cutting recommendations                                          16

UNHCR / Tito Herrera. Street art reflects the crime that ravages the city of San Pedro Sula, Honduras. In 2016, the city came second in the list of cities with the
highest homicide rate in the world.

Presentation of the study:
objectives and methodology

                                  CONTEXT                                                               the General Assembly, which includes
                                                                                                        and is based on the Comprehensive
                                  This study is a product of Spain’s                                    Refugee Response Framework (CRRF)
                                  commitment to strengthening its                                       and whose content has been enhanced by
                                  collaboration with the Office of the United                           the practical experiences of applying the
                                  Nations High Commissioner for Refugees                                CRRF in 14 countries and through two
                                  (UNHCR) in order to address the issue                                 regional approaches, one of which is the
                                  of forced displacement as part of the                                 Comprehensive Regional Protection and
                                  development and implementation of the                                 Solutions Framework (CRPSF) for Central
                                  commitments adopted in the New York                                   America and Mexico.
                                  Declaration for Refugees and Migrants
                                  in September 2016. On the basis of this                               The Spanish Agency for International
                                  Declaration, UNHCR presented a proposal                               Development Cooperation (AECID)
                                  for a Global Compact on Refugees to                                   and UNHCR have collaborated for over
                                  be included in its 2018 annual report to                              two decades in the region of Central


America (CA) and Mexico, under a                     as “LGBTI people”). In this area, and
Collaboration Framework Agreement                    through this project, the ultimate objective
entered into between the Kingdom of                  of the collaboration between AECID and
Spain and UNHCR in 2002. On this                     UNHCR is to improve the international
occasion, the collaboration between                  protection response received by LGBTI
AECID and UNHCR seeks to support                     people, through the formulation of
the implementation of the regional                   recommendations aimed at improving the
contribution of CA and Mexico to the                 CRPSF and informing the Global Compact
Global Compact on Refugees, and is                   on Refugees, paying particular attention
focused on the response regarding the                to the opportunities and challenges
protection of people affected by violence            surrounding the local integration of LGBTI
generated by gangs, drug traffickers                 people with international protection needs
and other actors in the region, which is             in the region.
forcing many people to become displaced
within their own country, or to seek                 The object of this “Study on the Situation of
international protection in another                  LGBTI People with International Protection
country. This contribution is reflected in           Needs in Northern Central America (NCA)
the commitments that the States of the               and Mexico” is, therefore, to substantiate
region and other stakeholders are working            these recommendations,
towards within the CRPSF, which has
informed the preparation of the Global               •   provide greater knowledge of the
Compact on Refugees.                                     situation of LGBTI people from NCA
                                                         who flee to Guatemala and Mexico, and
UNHCR considers that the development                     the impact of the violence surrounding
of a regional comprehensive response                     the forced displacement of these
framework in CA and Mexico represents                    people;
an excellent opportunity to put into
practice the existing political commitments, •           analyse the local integration responses
to identify progress, gaps and priorities, as            to LGBTI people with international
well as to develop a comprehensive plan                  protection needs in two of the
for mobilizing resources and cooperation.                countries that have joined the CRPSF,
                                                         namely, Mexico and Guatemala;

OBJECTIVES                                           •   specify regional and cross-border
                                                         aspects which may be of interest and of
One of the areas for improvement                         use for the CRPSF;
identified in the current CRPSF (as regards
the regional application of the CRRF in CA           •   present recommendations on policy
and Mexico), increasing the focus on groups              and operations that could enable
in vulnerable situations, is the international           the orientation and improvement of
protection of people with different                      the protection response in the local
sexual orientations and gender identities                integration of LGBTI people in forced
(referred to hereinafter in this document                displacement in the region.


                         METHODOLOGY                                   protection needs, identifying points of
                                                                       similarity and difference between the
                         The study is based on an extensive review     conditions caused by displacement and
                         of the literature and on the analysis of      which therefore affect asylum-seekers
                         the data collected during two periods of      and refugees that are not LGBTI, those
                         qualitative empirical fieldwork, as well as   deriving from discrimination against
                         in two end-of-project workshops in which      LGBTI nationals and foreigners alike, and
                         the preliminary results of the analysis       those affecting foreigners or people of
                         were discussed and compared.                  a specific national or ethnic origin. The
                                                                       comparison groups also allow us to assess
                         The review of the literature primarily        how international protection solutions
                         covered publications by international         for LGBTI people can be incorporated
                         bodies and national and international         into asylum policies and into national
                         organizations on the situation of refugees    policies for combating discrimination
                         in NCA and Mexico and, in particular, that    against LGBTI people. Of the 21 people
                         of LGBTI refugees or asylum-seekers.          interviewed, 18 were LGBTI and three
                                                                       were heterosexual and cisgender; of these
                         The empirical work was carried out            same 21 people, 17 were categorized as
                         during February 2018 in Guatemala and         persons-of-concern to UNHCR, and four
                         March 2018 in Mexico. The qualitative         were nationals of the country without
                         work comprises interviews and                 international protection needs. The list
                         discussion groups with people from            with the summary of each interview, and
                         the group being studied (21 people in         the profile description of the people
                         20 interviews); interviews with NGOs,         interviewed are included in Appendix 2.
                         government institutions and UNHCR
                         offices involved with the population being    The empirical work was not restricted
                         studied (61); observations and visits at      to the capitals of the countries studied,
                         hostels, deportation centres and sex          and efforts were made to gather data that
                         work areas (14). As can be seen in the        reflected the diverse protection needs of
                         tables in Appendix 1, the study group         different geographical populations, paying
                         interviewed included certain individuals      attention to the urban/rural variable
                         who were also in comparison groups            and to the specific circumstances of
                         (Tables 1.a and 1.b). The comparison          trans-border regions. In Guatemala the
                         groups are formed by people sharing           interviews were held in Guatemala City,
                         one, but not all, of the characteristics      Quetzaltenango, Tecún Umán and Petén; in
                         of the study group (whether because           Mexico they were carried out in Tapachula,
                         they are heterosexual, cisgender people       Mexico City, Saltillo and Guadalajara.
                         with international protection needs, or
                         because they are LGBTI people who are         Following an initial stage focused on
                         nationals without international protection    the systematization and analysis of the
                         needs). The purpose of the comparison         data, two end-of-project workshops
                         groups is to highlight the interaction of     were held to discuss and compare the
                         the different aspects that disadvantage       results, on 7 and 9 May 2018, in Mexico
                         LGBTI people with international               City and Antigua Guatemala, respectively.


The organizations and agencies that                       in which international bodies and civil
took part in the empirical work were                      society stakeholders can collaborate with
invited to the workshops, which were                      the State, while the latter continues to
participatory in nature. A written script                 hold ultimate responsibility for adopting
was delivered to facilitate the interaction               and implementing policies that enable the
and the subsequent communication with                     right to seek and enjoy refugee status
the research team. The purpose of the                     to be effectively exercised, pursuant to
workshops was to share and compare                        Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of
the preliminary results of the analysis                   Human Rights (1948).
in a less individualized encounter than
the interviews, and to hold a preliminary                 In this regard, we have primarily examined
discussion on how to incorporate possible                 the response of the public authorities
recommendations into the CRPSF.                           (State/Federal or sub-State administration)
                                                          during the different stages into which
                                                          the right of asylum can be broken down:
ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK                                      reception, hosting and integration.

This study considers the right to asylum                  These three stages are delimited by two
as a human right. This means that the                     procedural moments: the submission of
human-rights based approach has been                      the application for asylum separates the
adopted1 to analyse the displacement of                   reception stage from the hosting stage,
asylum-seekers and refugees, as well as                   and the decision regarding the application
the response of the public authorities or                 ends the hosting stage and opens up
national and international civil society                  a number of alternatives. Traditionally,
as regards the displacement, hosting and                  voluntary return, resettlement and local
integration of these people.                              integration have been considered the
                                                          lasting solutions to which the refugee
It also means that asylum is understood                   population may have access, in addition
as a right established by a set of                        to other temporary or exceptional
international standards, both universal                   mechanisms. If the decision is negative
and regional in nature, which give rise                   and the appeal is rejected, the options are
to obligations for the States that ratify                 deportation or remaining in the territory
them. While acknowledging that the                        in an irregular situation.
displacement of large numbers of refugees
frequently constitutes a humanitarian                     The ultimate goal of the study is to
emergency, this report is primarily                       analyse the conditions for the local
focused on the development of a                           integration of LGBTI refugees (stage 3:
sustainable response and lasting solutions,               local integration).

1. The human-rights based approach is a conceptual framework in which the plans, policies and processes for
cooperation and development are anchored in a system of rights and the corresponding obligations established by
international law. The human rights-based approach is linked not only to the content of rights and obligations but
also the procedure, through participatory processes, transparency and accountability. Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights.


                  RECEPTION                            HOSTING                            LOCAL

                         However, as reflected by the                  subsequent integration, such as the
                         interconnecting arrows in the image           creation of safe spaces, accompanying
                         above, we consider that the prior stages      asylum-seekers throughout the process,
                         of reception and hosting, and—going back      facilitating the issue of documents to
                         even further— the routes and means            asylum-seekers, and supporting them in
                         of transport by which people flee their       accessing employment and services.
                         places of origin, have long-term impacts
                         on people’s possibilities and capabilities    Due to the generally provisional and
                         for integrating successfully in the society   precarious status of asylum-seekers,
                         of the receiving country. Consequently,       deliberate interventions aimed at local
                         we will address the integration of the        integration are not usually specified
                         LGBTI population with international           during the hosting period. Consequently,
                         protection needs as a dynamic and             the third stage, that of “integration”,
                         cumulative process, in which protection       usually requires the determination
                         mechanisms must be activated from the         of refugee status or the granting of
                         outset to guarantee, in so far as possible,   complementary protection following
                         a satisfactory result.                        a positive decision on the application
                                                                       for refugee status or for subsidiary
                         In this sense, as regards the “reception”     international protection.
                         stage, the study is focused on access
                         to the territory, identification of an        Integration is one of the most
                         international protection need (including      controversial and highly debated terms in
                         the identification of special and             the social sciences and in public policy. In
                         differentiated needs), and information on     this study, “integration” refers to public
                         and access to the system of international     and private interventions (and the results
                         protection and humanitarian assistance.       thereof) aimed at guaranteeing LGBTI
                         As regards the second stage—                  refugees full access and enjoyment of
                         “hosting”—the study highlights certain        their rights, as well as to the mechanisms
                         fundamental aspects for facilitating          of inclusion and participation intended


to prevent the marginalization or social,            To improve our knowledge of the
economic and political exclusion of these            difficulties surrounding the integration
people in the host society. Although                 of the refugee population, especially the
there are multiple areas and experiences             integration of LGBTI people, monitoring
of integration, in this study we have                during the third stage is needed to
prioritized the most common vectors of               enable the comparison of indicators on
integration (employment, housing, health,            integration levels in the medium and
education) as identified in the diagnostics          long term.
we have carried out in recent years
through consultations with refugees and


UNHCR / Sebastian Rich. LGBTI people flee from violence and persecution in Central America. A young man of 27 years has found refuge in southern Mexico, after
fleeing his home in Honduras.


                                Taking into account the ultimate purpose                          graph in Appendix 3, the CRPSF identifies
                                of this study, namely contributing to the                         a series of cross-cutting strategies and
                                implementation of the Global Compact,                             actions, which include the strengthening of
                                the recommendations will be structured                            protection systems for groups at risk, as is
                                in accordance with said purpose, following                        the case of LGBTI people.
                                the structure set forth in the CRPSF.
                                                                                                  Not all of the pillars are equally relevant
                                The CRPSF national chapters have                                  to the goals set forth in this study;
                                structured their priority strategies                              however, the study ultimately includes
                                and actions around four pillars: Pillar                           recommendations for all of the pillars,
                                1 Reception and admission; Pillar 2                               insofar as they could be conducive to the
                                Immediate and ongoing needs; Pillar 3                             integration of LGBTI refugees.
                                Assistance to countries and communities
                                receiving refugees; and Pillar 4 Durable                          Following the CRRF’s indications on
                                solutions. Moreover, as can be seen in the                        multi-stakeholder cooperation (item


2)2, the goals highlighted in the CRPSF                       concerned of their rights, and refer them to
also include bilateral cooperation—                           the competent authorities for assessment
especially south-south cooperation—                           of their cases. This, together with the
and international cooperation, the                            establishment of monitoring mechanisms
participation of regional and international                   for the competent authorities, would
organizations in multilateral proposals                       contribute to monitoring any practices
to support national plans, and the                            that discourage LGBTI people from
participation of relevant civil society                       seeking international protection or that
stakeholders operating in the framework                       push them to accepting “voluntary” return
of regional networks. For all these                           to their countries.
reasons, these recommendations, albeit
addressed primarily to States as the basic                    •     international organizations and civil
implementers and guarantors of the right to                         society organizations have experience
asylum—highlight the areas of cooperation                           and best practices in general training
with civil society organizations working                            on the right to asylum and in more
both to assist migrants and refugees and to                         specialized training on recognizing
combat discrimination and violence suffered                         and responding appropriately and
by LGBTI people. Moreover, following the                            respectfully to LGBTI people.
CRPSF’s indications, the recommendations
in this study will be structured around the                   1.2 Disseminate information on the
national, regional and cross-border spheres.                  right to asylum and on the procedure to
                                                              access the international protection system.
                                                              This must include specific information
PILLAR 1. RECEPTION AND                                       on persecution on the grounds of sexual
ADMISSION                                                     orientation and gender identity, both in
                                                              written media (information published on
1.1 Establish a public, proactive and                         posters, on social media or in advertising
effective reception and admission                             campaigns) and in information given orally
policy. To build an effective international                   to potential asylum-seekers.
protection system it is essential to train
all the staff working for the State who                       •     The dissemination of information
are in contact with migrants, refugees,                             would be more effective if it had a
persons in transit, or returnees. This                              transnational scope, covering the
training must pay particular attention to law                       international routes used by asylum-
enforcement staff, so that they may detect                          seekers, and if the States collaborated
cases of need for international protection                          by strengthening the work already being
(including the detection of said need                               done by civil society organizations
among LGBTI people), inform the persons                             and by international organizations.

2. The CRRF considers the contribution of a great many stakeholders in protecting asylum-seekers and refugees
to be relevant, including national and local authorities, international organizations, financial institutions, regional co-
operation organizations and mechanisms, civil society organizations, religious organizations, universities, companies,
the media, and refugees themselves.


                         •     International organizations have               equally important to have another
                               the specific commitment in this area           strategy aimed at combating acts of
                               to promote forums for civil society            extortion, aggression and violence
                               organizations from different States, as        by staff and authorities. This strategy
                               well as to disseminate best practices at       requires training on human rights,
                               the regional level among civil society         the rights of LGBTI people, and
                               organizations from different States.           raising awareness of xenophobia,
                                                                              homophobia and transphobia. Also
                         1.3 Offering alternatives to detaining               necessary are actions allowing
                         asylum-seekers is a priority strategy                for reporting mechanisms and
                         in the CRPSF. In the case of the LGBTI               access to justice, not only through
                         population, this commitment should                   criminal prosecution but also
                         be taken further and the principle of                through inspection and monitoring
                         exceptionality should be applied to the              mechanisms by competent authorities
                         use of detention, given the aggravated risk          in the field of non-discrimination,
                         of acts of aggression and violence, including        promoting the transformation
                         sexual violence, suffered by LGBTI people            of xenophobic, homophobic
                         both by other detained migrants and                  and transphobic attitudes in law
                         by staff. Even in exceptional cases of               enforcement and reducing impunity
                         detention, minimum security conditions               for said attitudes and behaviours.
                         and effective access to procedures for
                         reporting acts of aggression and violence            »» In this sphere, civil society
                         to the competent authorities should be                  organizations can receive claims
                         guaranteed.                                             and complaints and collaborate
                                                                                 with the authorities (through
                         1.4 Make procedures for seeking asylum                  what are known as “shadow
                         more flexible, enabling asylum-seekers                  reports”, for example) to
                         to join the workforce, be relocated in the              promote monitoring and control
                         event of danger (and not only after very                mechanisms (actions to monitor
                         serious incidents have occurred), and access            authorities carried out by public
                         medical treatment.                                      institutions responsible for
                                                                                 defending human rights, in addition
                         1.5 Promote and guarantee security and                  to any legal recourse to which the
                         safe transit for asylum-seekers and for                 victims may be entitled).
                         those moving through a territory to seek
                         asylum in another country.                       •   a transnational/cross-border
                                                                              dimension entailing cooperation with
                         This recommendation has:                             relevant civil society stakeholders,
                                                                              consisting in establishing cooperation
                         •     a national dimension with regard               mechanisms or protocols among
                               to the staff and equipment of law              protection networks in the countries
                               enforcement services to address the            along the migratory route and
                               violence of criminal groups. In the            the authorities responsible for
                               case of the LGBTI population it is             international protection in the


    countries of origin, transit and                 PILLAR 2. IMMEDIATE AND
    destination, in order to guarantee               ONGOING NEEDS
    accompanied transit for persons in
    situations of extreme vulnerability              2.1 Establish a public policy for
    to exploitation, trafficking and violence,       reception and hosting. States must
    such as LGBTI people. These would be             create international protection systems
    bi-cross-border cooperation protocols            that go beyond processing applications
    between States (border authorities),             and providing documentation. Reception,
    with possible accompaniment                      hosting and integration of refugees are part
    by UNHCR and civil society                       of the right to asylum. States may seek the
    organizations so that those persons              collaboration of international organizations
    needing international protection, in             and civil society organizations to guarantee
    vulnerable situations, and covered by a          these material dimensions of the right to
    protocol, may cross the border at the            asylum, but they cannot neglect their duty
    legally authorized crossing points and           or delegate their responsibilities. States will
    be directly referred to the authorities          consider, with criteria of proportionality
    responsible for processing asylum                and on the basis of the available resources,
    applications, thus avoiding the risks            how to use the budget earmarked for
    involved in clandestine crossings, and           regulating migratory flows and allocate
    detention.                                       part of it to meeting the needs of migrants,
                                                     asylum-seekers, refugees and returnees,
1.6 Collect disaggregated data on                    both directly and by providing technical and
asylum applications on the grounds                   financial support for organizations working
of violence and discrimination against               in this sphere.
LGBTI people. Data on persecution
on the grounds of sexual orientation or              2.2 Establish specific care models at
gender identity should be collected both             centres for social assistance and specialized
when the application is submitted and                care of child and adolescent asylum-
when the decision is issued.                         seekers and refugees, to guarantee the
                                                     fulfilment of the protection needs of LGBTI
1.7 Generate disaggregated statistics                children and adolescents, in particular
/ include in statistics disaggregated                transgender adolescents, and prevent their
data on reasons for persecution involving            discrimination on the grounds of sexual
gender, sexual orientation and gender                orientation or gender identity. Provide
identity, both in the applications and in the        specific training on LGBTI children and
decisions regarding those applications. This         adolescents to all persons working in
type of data would provide information               contact with children and adolescents who
about how many applications of this                  are in transit, asylum-seekers, refugees or
type are submitted, their percentage                 returnees.
with regard to all applications, and their
variation over time. It would also make it           2.3 Establish safe and discrimination-free
possible to assess whether the rates of              spaces. In the case of the LGBTI population,
admission, rejection or withdrawal are in            a priority action for public policy and
line with applications in general.                   coordinated action with relevant actors in


                         the field of protection is the creation of      prejudice and stereotypes and promote
                         safe and discrimination-free spaces. This       an inclusive vision of healthcare. It also
                         recommendation does not only involve            requires guaranteeing access by LGBTI
                         actions to adapt spaces, but, above all, to     asylum-seekers and refugees to specific
                         train and raise awareness among all the         centres and treatments that may exist in
                         staff and volunteers working at centres, on     the country.
                         human rights, LGBTI people’s rights, and
                         combating homophobia and transphobia,           •   Civil society organizations fighting
                         as well as to establish zero-tolerance              against the discrimination and social
                         policies with regard to homophobic or               marginalization of LGBTI people
                         transphobic attitudes and behaviours of             have experience and best practices in
                         other migrants hosted at the centres.               training healthcare staff. Authorities can
                         Within the coordination of protection               foster inter-sector panels or forums to
                         networks, another possible measure would            facilitate knowledge sharing.
                         be to establish monitoring and feedback
                         protocols and mechanisms regarding
                         discrimination, including discrimination        PILLAR 3. ASSISTANCE TO
                         micro-practices and violence, including         COUNTRIES AND COMMUNITIES
                         symbolic violence, against LGBTI people in      RECEIVING REFUGEES
                         these spaces, as well as spaces to share best
                         practices.                                      3.1 Strengthen the institutional response
                                                                         and coordination among the different
                         •     To the extent that the hosting of         administrative systems’ areas and levels of
                               asylum-seekers is in the hands of civil   authority involved in integrating refugees,
                               society organizations, creating safe      and, to the extent possible, asylum-seekers,
                               and respectful places, and designing      to prevent bureaucratic loopholes and
                               proactive antidiscrimination policies     contradictions that may lead to protection
                               in shelter facilities, zero-tolerance     gaps or make it impossible to exercise rights.
                               protocols, and monitoring and             Even though this recommendation affects the
                               corrective mechanisms regarding           entire refugee population, it must be taken
                               discrimination corresponds to those       into account that the impact of a bureaucratic
                               that accept this responsibility, to the   standstill preventing an LGBTI person from
                               networks of which they are part, and to   accessing employment or medical treatment
                               the organizations supporting them.        may mean that this person may lapse into
                                                                         marginalization, which is more difficult to exit.
                         2.4 Guarantee access to healthcare,
                         including sexual and reproductive               •   Civil society organizations and
                         healthcare for LGBTI people who are                 international organizations providing
                         in transit, asylum-seekers or refugees              assistance to or accompanying asylum-
                         beyond treatment of HIV or other                    seekers and refugees have first-hand
                         serious sexually transmitted infections.            knowledge of the different standstill
                         This requires specific training on the              situations that may lead to prejudice.
                         health and sexual health of LGBTI                   By fostering inter-sector panels or
                         people in healthcare centres, to eradicate          forums, public authorities can facilitate


    the monitoring and evaluation of                 3.4 Support coordination with and among
    international protection regulations and         the relevant civil society stakeholders
    their impact on the final beneficiaries.         in the fight against discrimination of LGBTI
                                                     people, so that they may include the specific
3.2 Design and implement specific                    situations of refugees on their agendas,
policies and measures supporting non-                and so that States can strengthen these
discriminatory and inclusive access to               organizations through the allocation of
education/training, healthcare and housing           financial resources, among other means.
for LGBTI refugees. Promote universal
access through the anti-discriminatory               3.5 Promote non-discriminatory and non-
interpretation of healthcare, housing and            stereotypical access to the labour market,
education as human rights, and, as the               through recognized vocational training
case may be, under the protection of the             courses, and with measures for promotion
country’s constitutional texts and case-law.         and access to opportunities, especially
Combating the discrimination suffered by             measures aimed at offering opportunities to
LGBTI people in accessing resources for              abandon survival sex work.
local integration (such as training, housing,
healthcare and employment) requires general          •   In this recommendation there
policies on equality and inclusion, as well              are spaces for public-private
as mechanisms with concrete and specific                 collaboration among authorities (who
measures to promote opportunities,                       promote public policies by offering
support and accompaniment, to make it                    and recognizing qualifications, or by
possible to overcome both the effects of past            implementing tax or administrative
discrimination and the existing prejudice and            measures to support hiring people from
discrimination in the host society.                      underprivileged groups, etc.), employers’
                                                         organizations, and associations
•   The design and implementation of                     specializing in sexual diversity.
    anti-discrimination policies will have
    greater potential for impact if they             3.6 Establish and support public-private
    are based on participatory and                   collaboration programmes, with business
    consultation procedures with civil               associations that foster LGBTI-inclusive
    society organizations involved in                companies or with LGBTI employers’
    defending the rights of LGBTI people,            associations, so that they may include refugees
    refugees, asylum-seekers and returnees,          in their lists or activities, by creating and
    or human rights in general.                      supporting forums, or through grants for
                                                     hiring programmes and initiatives, for example.
3.3 Ensure that LGBTI refugees have access
to and enjoyment of rights and policies              •   Civil society organizations assisting
against discrimination and violence,                     asylum-seekers, refugees and returnees
including sexual and gender based violence               may also establish collaboration
(SGBV), as well as rights providing access               programmes with this type of business
to legal changes and medical treatment for               association, as well as with associations
transgender people. Utilize international                specializing in sexual diversity that
interpretations of access to the right to                could accompany and form part of local
health, from a human rights perspective.                 integration processes.


                         PILLAR 4. DURABLE SOLUTIONS                       CROSS-CUTTING
                         4.1 Strengthen inter-ministerial and
                         inter-institutional coordination to include       1. Ensure that data collection is
                         LGBTI asylum-seekers and refugees in              respectful of the gender identity and
                         sector-based policies: children and youth,        sexual orientation of asylum-seekers and
                         children and youth at risk of social exclusion,   refugees, both in the processing of asylum
                         persons with disabilities, persons living with    applications and in access to services and
                         AIDS or HIV, indigenous peoples, etc.             the receipt and processing of complaints
                                                                           and claims. The indiscriminate presence
                         4.2 Include and create promotion and              of checkboxes on sexual orientation or
                         equal opportunity programmes for                  sexual identity in the documentation
                         LGBTI refugees, asylum-seekers and                of procedures is discouraged. However,
                         returnees among public and private                transgender people should always be
                         programmes for social or employment               allowed to use their social name in
                         inclusion, programmes to promote                  communications with the authorities or
                         entrepreneurship, etc.                            with relevant stakeholders. Documents
                                                                           issued to transgender refugees should be
                         4.3 Promote best practice codes in the            issued with the name and gender marker
                         media to combat stereotypes and stigma            with which they identify, provided that
                         associated with LGBTI migrants and                the country’s laws so allow, without any
                         refugees, in particular with transwomen sex       discrimination on the grounds of national
                         workers.                                          origin (foreign).

                         4.4 Strengthen relocation programmes              2. Carry out periodic studies on the
                         in the host country in areas offering             integration of LGBTI refugees, in
                         greater opportunities for decent, quality         collaboration with the universities and
                         jobs, and lower rates of violence and             research centres that provide a gap analysis
                         discrimination against LGBTI people. These        and best practices and that may contribute
                         relocation programmes may be designed             to improving integration policies.
                         to be activated prior to the finalization
                         of the asylum application procedure, when
                         it is considered that, for subjective or
                         environmental reasons, staying in the place
                         where the procedure is being conducted
                         constitutes a risk for the applicant’s safety
                         or future integration.

Av. Reyes Católicos, 4   Tel. +34 91 583 81 00
28040 Madrid, Spain
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