RPA and AI for Healthcare - Rejuvenating the Staff and Patient Experience with RPA and AI

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RPA and AI for Healthcare - Rejuvenating the Staff and Patient Experience with RPA and AI
Building Delightful Workplace Experience

RPA and AI for Healthcare
Rejuvenating the Staff and Patient
Experience with RPA and AI
www.automationedge.com | info@automationedge.com
RPA and AI for Healthcare - Rejuvenating the Staff and Patient Experience with RPA and AI
RPA and AI for Healthcare

RPA- A New Dawn for Healthcare Providers
Healthcare organizations seem to be heavily investing in Robotic Process Automation and emerging technologies.
As per Gartner, around 50% of US Healthcare Providers will invest in RPA in the next 3 years.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is one of the crucial undertakings that exerts a heavy impact on healthcare’s
various business processes. With an impressive automation track record and trustworthy RPA expertise,
AutomationEdge empowers healthcare providers to have a robust digital infrastructure.

Challenges that Healthcare Providers Struggle with

  Poor data integrity and           Lack of coordination         Data privacy and             Existing silos with
     lack of effective                 between the               security concerns            poor collaboration
  management systems                  advanced tools

Healthcare Processes to be Automated with AutomationEdge RPA

Verifying & Credentialing         Patient                         Electronic Health                    Claims
Physicians                        Scheduling                      Record Management                    Management
Verifies physicians with their     Synchronizes real-time data     Keeps a track of healthcare          Autonomously fills insurance
certifications, education,         to display appointment          records using OCR and AI in          fields, applies relevant
licenses, documentation,          availability with RPA           any format for better decision       regulatory fields and prepares
professional history & records.                                   intelligence                         claim documents

Insurance                         Audit                           Admission and                        Manage Testing
Eligibility                       Management                      Discharge Process                    Reports & Requests
Automates repetitive data         Gets real-time dashboard        Informs patient about admission      Educates patients to get
extraction and processing         analytics, and creates a        and discharge guidelines, &          away with the never-ending
required for insurance            predefined design for audit      post-hospitalization medication      queues for tests through a
verification and claims            questions with a                and sends reminders about            platform & rule out the need
                                  drag-and-drop approach          upcoming follow-up                   for paperwork & human error
                                                                  appointments with RPA

Staff Onboarding                  IT Service Desk                 Revenue Cycle                        Care Giver Electronic
and Offboarding                   Ticket Automation               Management                           Visit Verification
Automates and expedites           Offers instant service with     Automates revenue cycle              Eliminates the need of
staff on and off-boarding,        Conversational AI to resolve    management with RPA and AI           paper-driven data collection
new hires induction, policy       employees' issues, improves     technologies from patient            for electronic visit verification,
creation and employee             employee workflow                scheduling to payment added to       and ensures faster data access
communication                     management, and enhances        the account. Fast Fast tracks        and processing from
                                  employee productivity           eligibility verification, claims      multichannel with Intelligent
                                                                  submission and reconciliation        Document Processing Solution

                                           www.automationedge.com | info@automationedge.com
RPA and AI for Healthcare - Rejuvenating the Staff and Patient Experience with RPA and AI
RPA and AI for Healthcare

               Benefits of Leveraging RPA in the Healthcare Industry

    Autonomous               Optimized        Improved            Effective           Streamlined   Improved
    patients’ scheduling     appointment      the patient’s       management          workflows      productivity
    and appointment          turnout          care cycle          of revenue                        with lower
    setting                                                       and billing                       cost

      70% TAT Reduction in      80% TAT Reduction in              1000+ Invoices           80% TAT Reduction in
     EMR Scheduler Patient       HelpDesk Overload              processed by Bots           Asset Management
        Visit Assignment

    Healthcare Tools you can Automate with AutomationEdge

                                   www.automationedge.com | info@automationedge.com
RPA and AI for Healthcare - Rejuvenating the Staff and Patient Experience with RPA and AI
RPA and AI for Healthcare

About AutomationEdge
AutomationEdge is the hyper-growing next-gen
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and AI platform
provider. Our prime focus is to empower our healthcare
                                                                 Client Testimonial
businesses to gain the edge, customer-centricity, and           AutomationEdge RPA Bot (We named Neo) has helped us
create an empathetic patient care experience by                 automate routine tasks to increase operational efficiency by over
leveraging RPA and adopting emerging technologies               95% and reduce 75% of manual efforts. Also, our employees are
like AI and Automation. Our automation offerings help           able to increase their productivity and income by working on
healthcare providers enhance excellence with                    critical tasks. Bot is a reliable asset for us. Having a digital assistant
industry-leading services and execution models.                 is like employing 24/7 help that works without leaves and breaks.
                                                                AutomationEdge is a fantastic RPA platform for Automation.

                                                                Dr. Andy Joshi - President
Request a personalized demo
                                                                Pain Care Physicians

Our Customers

Awards & Recognition

                                                             HYPE CYCLE             MAGIC                LEADER                 MAJOR
    HYPE CYCLE         HYPE CYCLE        HYPE CYCLE             FOR               QUADRANT                 IN                CONTENDER
       FOR                FOR               FOR
                                                            PLATFORM AS              FOR               ZINNOV ZONES        IN PEAK MATRIX
                                                              A SERVICE             RPA               IT AUTOMATION            FOR RPA
      2022               2021              202O                                     2019                  2020                 2020
    GARTNER             GARTNER           GARTNER             GARTNER             GARTNER               ZINNOV                EVEREST

                   G2 recognizes AutomationEdge as

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                                         www.automationedge.com | info@automationedge.com
RPA and AI for Healthcare - Rejuvenating the Staff and Patient Experience with RPA and AI RPA and AI for Healthcare - Rejuvenating the Staff and Patient Experience with RPA and AI RPA and AI for Healthcare - Rejuvenating the Staff and Patient Experience with RPA and AI RPA and AI for Healthcare - Rejuvenating the Staff and Patient Experience with RPA and AI
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