Roye-Williams Elementary School - January 2022

Page created by Bradley Torres
Roye-Williams Elementary School - January 2022
                 Roye-Williams   2012
                               Elementary School
                           January 2022

                         A Message from Mrs. Martino
   Happy New Year to all our Families! I hope many of you were able to enjoy the Winter
Break and were able to enjoy time together as a family. Please keep in mind, we still need to
be very vigilant health-wise as we return to school. Please continue monitoring yourself and
your child(ren) for signs of illness. If you notice symptoms, please stay home and consult with
your health care provider to determine if you need to be tested for COVID-19. Also, I ask all
our parents to please be understanding and kind when talking to our School Nurse, Mrs.
Piccalo. She is following the protocol set forth by HCPS and the CDC. Your patience during
this time is very much appreciated.

    As we enter the cold months of January and February, please make sure your child dresses
in layers and/or has a sweater or sweatshirt to wear in the classroom. Monday mornings can be
a bit chillier, as the building is beginning to warm back up from the weekend.

    Roye-Williams recently had a Little Library added to the front of our building by the
flagpole. Please make sure you stop by the Little Library to take or replace a book to read. This
is a great way to have books at home for your child to read or for you to read to your child.
The more a child reads or is read to will support their reading and help t hem develop that life-
long love of reading!

    Please make sure you visit Roye-Williams Elementary Facebook page. We post happenings
at school and pictures of our students and staff hard at work. Also, please update your phone
number with the office if it changes. We send out our Connect calls to parents and we have
noticed it is only having about an 82% success rate. However, we have a 99% success rate with
the email delivery. You can go on the portal to determine which type of delivery you would
like, so please make sure you update phone numbers if needed and choose what mode of
delivery you would like:

Thursday, January 13th – HAC Update
Friday, January 14th – 12:30pm Early Dismissal Students Only
Monday, January 17th – Holiday - Schools and Offices Closed
Friday, January 21st – End of 2nd Quarter, Early Dismissal Students Only
Roye-Williams Elementary School - January 2022
Life is sweet in Pre-K!

Reminders                        What we will
-If you are not following our    be learning
Roye-Williams Elementary
Facebook page, we highly         Math- We have been
recommend doing so.         It   busy identifying, writing, and
is a great way to stay up to     creating sets for the number 5!
                                 Soon, we will introduce our new
                                 number, 6!
-SNAP words to practice at
home: You, can, see, and I.      Reading- We will
                                 continue to blossom into writers.
                                 Our students have been doing a
                                 great job and enjoying weekly
                                 writing prompts. A few favorites
We are looking forward           were the following: “How would
                                 you catch a turkey?” and “What
to great upcoming                would you do if you had a pet
months with our                  turkey?”
amazing students!
-Mrs. McCarty and Ms.
                                 PIE- We will begin our new
                                 unit which is The Nutcracker! We
Mensh                            can’t wait to begin practicing
                                 for our big performance! The
                                 students are very excited for
                                 their parts in the play.
Roye-Williams Elementary School - January 2022
Roye-Williams Elementary School - January 2022
Our First Grade Classroom
                                     January 2022
                Mrs. Ables, Ms. Diventi, Ms. Beard, and Ms. Haney

    Message From Our Team                                             Reminders
We encourage our families to regularly               Please remember we still have recess outside almost
check their Classtag page for updates.               every day! The decision is often weather based. To
We also would love for our families to              help students enjoy the most out of this time,
join the Roye-Williams Elementary School            students will need to bundle up with coats, hats,
page on Facebook! It is a great way to              and gloves! If you need hats or gloves for your child,
stay up to date!                                    Please reach out to Mrs. Ables, she has a few for
                                                     students that need them!

                                 Supporting Your Student at Home
                         Our students are on their way to becoming Snap Word Celebrities!
                Please continue practicing the list your child is currently working on at home to build
                their SNAP Word fluency. Students are continuing to bring their book baggies home
                  every night! Please encourage your child to read at least 20 minutes every night!
               They are even coming home on the weekend! The books are changed out weekly and
                                   at a level that promotes independent reading!

                              What We’re Learning This Month
                Reading – As readers, we will continue learning more about the world,
                while focusing on Nonfiction texts! We are loving this unit so far!
                Math – As mathematicians, we will be using our math strategies to
                solve 3 addend equations and world problems!
                Writing – As writers, we are still writing Nonfiction Chapter Books! We
                love teaching others!
                Science/Social Studies – In Social Studies, we are learning about Our
                Place in the World with using maps! Then, we are moving into
                Physical Science!
Roye-Williams Elementary School - January 2022
Roye-Williams Elementary School - January 2022
We are working so hard in third grade; we are almost done quarter 2 and will start
quarter three at the end of the month! We are learning a lot and continuing to work on
following our school’s core values. Students are continuing to learn and grow!

       We have completed our first five topics in Math. We are working on
topic 6(Connect Area to multiplication and Addition). We will be then working on topic 8
(use strategies and properties to add and subtract) and topic 9 (fluently add and
subtract within 1,000). Please make sure your child is practicing their basic multiplication

       We are in the middle of our third unit in Reading which was Mystery. Please make
sure that your student is reading at least 20 minutes each night to build their reading skills.
Students should be choosing books that are on their Lexile level. Please contact your
child’s homeroom teacher to find out your child’s reading level.
       We are in the middle of our third Writing unit changing the world. We will be writing
opinion pieces to enforce change in our world!

      We have just completed our first Science unit, which was Earth and Space
Science. We are working through our second Social Studies unit, which is Economics for

     Just a reminder that second quarter will be ending on January 21st. Please check
Home Access Center and reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions
about your child’s grades.

            410 273 5536

Roye-Williams Elementary School - January 2022
What’s Happening in
          Fourth Grade?
 In the new year we are looking forward to writing another essay, but this time
   focusing on books. We plan to celebrate our final literary essays on January
     20th. Students are diving deep to understand characters motivations and
   changes to read and write intensely about their books. We plan to celebrate
 our reading knowledge of character development through details and theories
     on January 21st! In math, we will be learning more division strategies and
      moving into understanding the four operations (addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division) and when to use each operation in word problems
    and multi-step problems. Please continue having your student practice fact
fluency throughout break! Flash cards, color by numbers, and real-life problem
  solving (estimating, helping with recipe amounts, or even comparing prices of
 items while shopping) are all fantastic ways to get your student thinking about
     math outside of school. In social studies, we will be moving from Colonial
               Region research, to causes of the Revolutionary War.

Dates to Remember:
• January 14th and 21st – 3 Hour Early Dismissal for Students
• January 17th – Schools and Offices Closed
Roye-Williams Elementary School - January 2022
5th grade
                              Happy New Year 5th Grade families!

Students kicked off 2022 by developing goals and New Year’s resolutions as we continue
to work on following our school’s core values of being safe, respectful, and reflective. Ask
your student about their goal and the plan they have created to meet and exceed their

Our 5th grade scholars continue to soar toward academic excellence:

In Math, we are continuing to work on basic operations with decimals. Students will be
learning about multiplication and division of decimals. Please make sure
your scholars are completing nightly homework to reinforce these skills at home.

In Reading, we are finishing our Interpretation Book Club unit and preparing for our
Argument and Advocacy unit. Students have been engaging in deep discussions
around fiction texts to identify themes and valuable life lessons. As we continue through
the year, please make sure that your student is reading at least 30 minutes each night to
build their reading comprehension and fluency skills.

In Writing, we will be finishing our Literary Essay unit and preparing for our Research-Based
Argument Essay unit. Students have been working hard to develop thesis statements
and identify evidence from the text to support their claims.

In Social Studies we are starting our Great Depression unit and in Science we are starting
our Physical Science unit.

Just a reminder that second quarter will be ending on January 21st. Please check the
HOME ACCESS CENTER for grades and report card information and always feel free to
contact your student’s teacher with any questions!

Roye-Williams Elementary School - January 2022
Cultural Arts Team (CATs)
                                    Media, Music, Physical Education, and Art


         Happy New Year! We hope that you had a wonderful and safe winter break. We are looking forward to
being back with our students.
         Ms. Templeton’s classes will be reviewing the expectations in our library. We will be reviewing book care
and where is safe places to keep our books. All grade levels are going to be working on Digital Citizenship. We are
going to be learning how to stay safe online and find media balance. In the lower grades we are going to be
discussing what we should and shouldn’t share online. In the upper grades we are talking about phishing, digital
footprints, and clickbait. I am looking forward to working with everyone on these very important topics. Please
work with your child to remind them the importance of having a safe place at home to keep their books and having
their books with them during their assigned library day.
         Students also have access to SORA. These are online books and audio books that students may also check
out. SORA is used by the entire county and some books have a long wait time. If your child has a Harford County
Public Library Card you may also add it to their account. The directions are below. If you have any questions,
please reach out to me and I will be happy to help you.

1. Go into your It’s Learning page and click on the clever button
2. Click on Sora

3. Click on the Hamburger menu (three horizontal lines)

4. Click on the green plus button to “add a public library”

5. Search for “Maryland Digital Library” (you do not need to type in the whole thing)
Roye-Williams Elementary School - January 2022
6. Click on this is my library below the box. You will be prompted to add your library card number.

In Ms. Lebedeva’s classes we will finish our Digital Citizenship unit! The students will wrap up the unit by learning
about how their actions affect others, and what it takes to be a good digital citizen. All of the students will be able
to summarize their knowledge as we continue talking about what it takes to be a good digital citizen, and what
things should be avoided. We will also finish talking about the safety precautions that should be taken, as students
will learn that just like in the real world, the online world has its own community and expectations.

Vocal/General Music:

        In Mrs. Harris’ primary classes, we will continue to demonstrate our knowledge and
practice of our musical opposites.
        In the intermediate classes we are continuing to use our knowledge of rhythm and
note names to prepare for our upcoming units with various instruments. Fourth grade will
be working on identifying the pentatonic scale and how to sightread pentatonic
melodies. Fifth grade will be discovering more forms in music such as theme and
variation and rondo form.
        In Ms. Cooper and Mr. Burke’s Kindergarten, first grade and second grade, we are
continuing to practice musical opposites. In third grade, we are working on the treble
clef staff and note names. In fourth grade, we are working on the pentatonic scale and
fifth grade, we are working on identifying rondo form.
Roye-Williams Elementary School
                               December 15th, 2021
          We want to thank you for your support with our winter concert! We hope
everyone enjoyed the performances. We know the students worked very hard and they
 were excited for you all to see. We look forward to our spring performance and we will
             begin working on our new music when we return from break.

      We wish you all a wonderful Holiday season and a Happy New Year!
  If you have any questions about vocal/general music or chorus, please contact the
                                   following teachers:,, or

Instrumental Music:

  Hello to everyone and I hope the school year is going well for you and your students.
   Here in the RWES Band and Orchestra we are reviewing and critiquing our Winter
Concert performance that featured all the Band, Orchestra, and Chorus students. Many
hours of hard work in and out of school went into these performances and I am proud of
                     the Band and Orchestra for their performances.

 As we move forward the Band and Orchestra will be concentrating on lessons learned
from our Winter Concert and the preparation. The 4th Grade members will be starting to
 refine their rhythm counting ability, which is a major goal for the rest of the school year.
All the Band and Orchestra members will be moving forward in their method books and
                   hopefully will start to earn some of their belts in lessons.

  We hope you have a great holiday and look forward to getting back to work upon

                                       Mr. Domenico

If you have any questions about the Band or Orchestra, please contact Mr. Domenico at
Physical Education
 We will be bringing in the New Year learning a new skill! We will be golfing!

                     Miss Shelby Stalnaker & Mr. Nick Lamartina - Physical Education Teachers, RWES


News from Mrs. Price’s Art Classroom:

 In January students will be continuing their winter-themed art projects.
Pre-Kindergarten students will continue to work on developing their fine motor skills
by making marks and experiencing various fun art materials.

Kindergarten students will use basic shapes to create a penguin collage.

First Grade students will create Mondrian inspired snowman collages. Students will
create a polar bear mixed-media artwork.

Second Grade students will create a winter landscape that includes a vintage pick up
truck. We will draw a winter-themed llama.

Third Graders are continuing to learn multiple strategies to create depth in an

Fourth Grade students will learn about point of view and perspective in the drawing
of a snowman.

Fifth Graders will create a mixed-media birch tree forest landscape.

News from Ms. Benedetto’s Art Classroom:
In January, Ms. Benedetto’s students will be finishing work from December and
practice using different materials in the classroom.

Pre-k: Will use cool winter colors and experiment with different printmaking
Kindergarten: Will finish their primary color geometric birds and practice cutting
skills to create a penguin or snowman.
1st: Will finish their mouse paint collage and experiment with printmaking to create a
winter self-portrait.
3rd: Will finish their observational artwork and create snow globes inspired by Jen
4th: Will finish their color wheel snowflakes and experiment with pastels to mimic the
Aurora Borealis.
5th: Will finish their Op art and use pastels to create the illusion of light in a drawing.
Math Tips from Mrs. J
Concrete Math Manipulatives to Use at Home

Many students need to use concrete objects to move around and count when learning a new
math concept or an abstract concept. Manipulatives allow students to visual represent a math
problem and the act of moving or counting objects helps students to make these connections.

There are many things you can use around your house as manipulatives to help students with
homework. Some examples can include:

   •   Food: beans, cereal, M&Ms, pasta
   •   Coins
   •   Bottle caps
   •   Buttons
   •   Marbles
   •   Decorative stones/rocks

Not only is using concrete objects helpful to build self-confidence with math skills and
problem-solve, but it is also fun!

Reading Corner with Mrs. Morris
Count Down to …

Happy New Year from Mrs. Morris’ Reading Corner. This is a time of year many of us
reflect and think of ways to fill our futures with positivity. At RWES, we want children to
feel connected to reading and see themselves as readers. We work to make reading
something we get to do, not something we have to do. One way to make reading part
of our lives is to fill our spaces and experiences with books. May this “Count Down to
Raising Readers” inspire you and your family!
Full Article at
Raising Readers.

Check out this article for more ideas to make 2022 full of literacy fun!

                    PACE NEWS
                                    January 2022
Bethany Ables: Kim Gutierrez

             Meet Mrs. Ables                                 Meet Mrs. Gootz

      Hi families! My name is Bethany Ables,          Hi! My name is Kim Gutierrez and I am
    I am currently one of our first grade          the school counselor at Roye-Williams
    teachers at RWES! This is my 12th year         Elementary School. This is my fourth year
    teaching and my 5th year at RWES! I am         as the school counselor, and prior to coming
    very excited to start this adventure with     to RWES, I was a classroom teacher for 15
    sharing the PACE role with Kim! Making        years. I am excited to be sharing the role with
    connections and being there to support        Bethany whom I’ve worked closely with on
    others is one thing I am very passionate      other teams and projects. Looking forward
    about! I am excited and looking forward to    to making meaningful connections with all
    working closely with our parents and our      our families and the community.

                                           What is PACE?
                     PACE stands for Parent and Community Engagement! As PACE Liaisons,
                     we serve our families and community with building important partnerships
                                                  and relationships!
                                 Would you be a Community Partner?
                     Do you own a small business, know a church or program that would like to
                     become a community partner? Please reach out to Bethany Ables and Kim
                     Gutierrez at and
                      Please join our Roye-Williams Elementary School Facebook group to stay
                                       up to date with information we share!
       A Parent’s Guide to the PBIS Program at Roye-Williams

What Does PBIS Stand For?
The acronym PBIS stands for, Positive Behavior Intervention                  Scan this QR code to access more
                                                                                details and RWES resources!
Supports                                                                      (You must be logged into padlet
                                                                               with your student’s HCPS login
What is PBIS?                                                                         before scanning)
The following definition comes from
"Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a three-
tiered framework for improving and integrating all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student
outcomes every day. It is a way to support everyone – especially students with disabilities – to create the
kinds of schools where all students are successful. It is a commitment to addressing student behavior
through systems change. When it’s implemented well, students achieve improved social and academic
outcomes, schools experience reduced exclusionary discipline practices, and school personnel feel more

Core Values at Roye-Williams
Our Core Values are used to guide students in making appropriate choices as well as encourage positive
interactions between all members of our school community. Our schoolwide Core Values are Safe,
Respectful, and Reflective.

What Positive Behavior Supports are in Place at RWES?
SOAR tickets:
   •   Pink SOAR Tickets are given out when students show one of the 3 Core Values.
   •   Golden SOAR Tickets are given out when students go Above and Beyond the Core Values.

House Program
   •   Students are placed into houses and on
       early dismissal days complete activities that
       are centered around the attributes that the
       houses represent.
            o   Red – Sabio – “Wisdom”
            o   Orange – Amistad – “Friendship”
            o   Yellow – Jujur – “Honesty”
            o   Green – Isifiso – “Passionate”
            o   Blue – Fidele – “Loyalty”
            o   Purple – Isibindi – “Bravery”

Check and Connect
   •   Students in this program have a 1-1 mentor
       who they check in and out with daily

Café Cash
   •   Students can earn café cash by following expected behaviors. Individual students and classes can win
       monthly prizes.
RWES Health Suite
                        January 2022
A new year, a new YOU!

There's never a better time to focus on
new beginnings than the start of a new
year! It's the perfect time to evaluate
where improvements are needed, make a
plan, and start developing healthier habits!
What changes will you make to be a
healthier YOU? Increase your exercise?
Drink more water? Change your diet?
Learn to meditate? Pick something and
get started!

 Flu vs. COVID-19: What You Need
                         to Know

Birthday Celebrations with food (cupcakes, cake, donuts,
etc.) cannot be held at school. HCPS has a Wellness Policy
which can be referenced online @

We respectfully request that birthday/party invitations not
be sent to school for either the child or teacher to distribute to other students.
This disrupts the educational environment of our school, and we would
appreciate your cooperation with this important policy.

                        ****BUS LOOP REMINDER****
      Cars are not allowed in the bus loop from 8:00-9:00 a.m. and 3:00-4:00
p.m. daily. Please adhere to the posted signs and guidelines and use the upper
parking lot during these times. Also, please do not park on the RED CURB in front
of the school as this is for emergency vehicles only.

            Student Pick-Up and/or Changes in Dismissal
  Parents are asked to write a note to your child’s teacher if your child’s dismissal
  procedure is going to change on any day. Teachers are instructed to send all students
  home using their normally dismissal mode, unless there is a note identifying an alternate
  transportation method. We respectfully ask you not to call the school to change your child
  dismissal procedures, as we need a note to make any dismissal changes. If you are
  changing your child from bus rider to car rider status for the day, we prefer a note.
  However, you may do this by phone, but we will NOT make any changes to dismissal
  procedures after 3:00 p.m.
  Additionally, to have a safe and orderly dismissal, we ask if you are picking up your
  student for an appointment on an early dismissal day, please pick up your student by
  12:00 p.m. on the early dismissal days. Please keep in mind on early dismissal days
  students are considered absent for the entire day if they do not attend more than 2 hours
  of the ½ day. Additionally, on regular schedule days, if students are picked up early, they
  will be marked as “early dismissal” on these days. The Maryland Department of Education
  keeps track of student attendance including tardy and early dismissal. Please help us to
  ensure students are present for the entire school day.

  Thank you in advance for cooperation.

 Vision: At Roye-Williams, we are a supportive and patriotic community
 striving to empower one another.
 Mission: We are . . . Empowered to Achieve Goals and Learn Everyday
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