Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - A Short History Chartered 10th April 1960 NSW - Australia Rotary International District 9710 To Commemorate 60 ...

Page created by Francisco Schmidt
Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - A Short History Chartered 10th April 1960 NSW - Australia Rotary International District 9710 To Commemorate 60 ...
A Short History

    Rotary Club of

Chartered 10th April 1960
     NSW - Australia

  Rotary International
     District 9710

    To Commemorate
   60 Years of Serving
     the Community
       1960 - 2020
Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - A Short History Chartered 10th April 1960 NSW - Australia Rotary International District 9710 To Commemorate 60 ...
More sponsors at the back of the book, on pages 109 to 114

            FAMIly NIGHt At tHe GReGoRy’S            SWAp Meet

BBQ At RINGlAND’S FARM                                              lepRoSy BANDAGeS

                                     GOLF CLUB CALCUTTA

     MILTON                                        LIQUOR
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HozackClisdell Lawyers
                                                                    CHRIStMAS DINNeR

                         legal & conveyancing practitioners

   89 Princes Highway, Ulladulla
                                                                 GolF ClUB CAlCUttA

                                                                      MeAlS oN WHeelS

              02 4455 1566
At leGACy HoUSe
                                          The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   1
                                                                                    Milton Ulladulla                                                            FROM THE ROTARY INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT
                                                                                Milton           Agency
                                                                                       Ulladulla Nursing Agency
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mark Daniel Maloney
                                                                                                                                                                Rotary                                                               President, 2019-20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mark Daniel Maloney
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rotary International
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                President, 2019-20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Rotary International
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     T +1-847-866-3025
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     F +1-847-328-4101
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                T +1-847-866-3025
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                F +1-847-328-4101
              Book an Eye Test Today
               We love to bulk bill.*
                                                                                                                 100 Princes Hwy Milton
                     Visit OPSM Ulladulla                                                 24 hour care in4454
                                                                                          24 hour care in the
                                                                                                                                                        10th April 2020

                      Shop 7, Rowens Arcade,                                             comfort of your home
                     93 Princes Hwy, Ulladulla                                           comfort of your home
                                                                                                                                                        Dear Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla members,
                           Ph: 4455 1288

                                                                                                        100 Princes Highway, Milton                     I am honored to congratulate the Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla, New South Wales,
                                                                                                                                                        Australia on its 60th anniversary.
                                                                                                            4454 0928
                                                                                                                                                        Since your club was chartered, you have made the commitment not only to represent
    *For eligible Medicare cardholders and services. OPSM recommends that you
     schedule regular visits with your optometrist based on your eye health needs.
                                                                                                                              Rotary in your community, but also to do significant, meaningful work from which your
                                                                                                                                                        community will benefit.

                                                                                                                                                        We all live in our communities, in our countries, together on this planet. And when we
                                                                                                                                                        join Rotary — when we give back through Rotary with our abilities, our time, and our
                                                                                                                                                        resources — we are declaring that we know that our presence on this globe carries with it
                                                                                                                                                        the obligation to serve.

                                                                                                                                                        All of the service that Rotary does, all of the lives we change, all of the children in the
                                                                                                                                                        world who will never, ever get polio — all of this happens because we, joining together
                                                                                                                                                        through Rotary, are strong. Because Rotarians, with the family of Rotary, have risen to

           “Our firm is proud to                                                                                                                        the challenge, paid their civic rent, and met their obligations as members of their global
                                                                                                                                                        and local communities.
                                                                                     Keith Bennett is a proud sponsor of the 60th Book
          sponsor the Rotary Club                                                    after his and his family’s years of involvement with
                                                                                     the Club.
                                                                                                                                                        Each Rotary club is unique in its own way. By reaching this milestone, you have shown
                                                                                                                                                        your commitment to our organization and to all that Rotary does and hopes to do.
           of Milton-Ulladulla’s                                                     Son Aaron over many years helped Rotarians                         Congratulations once again on your sixty years. I know that you will continue to serve
                                                                                     to man the Jumping Castle and helped with the                      your community and beyond for many more years to come as Rotary Connects the World.
             60th Anniversary”                                                       transport of the Life Education Van. Aaron was the
                                                                                     first person to be inducted as Friend of Rotary.
                                                                                     Wife Jean looked after their business and supported                Kindest regards,
                                                                                     Keith at all times specially when he was called away
                                                                                     on Rotary duties.
      100 Princes Highway, Milton NSW 2538
      Phone 02 4454 0842                                                                 Rest in Peace Jean and Aaron,
      Fax      02 4454 5900                                                               Rotary and the community                                      Mark Daniel Maloney
      Email                                                                will miss you                                         Rotary International President, 2019-20

2     The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                                                                                                                                 The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   3
FROM THE DISTRICT 9710 GOVERNOR ...                                                               The feature of this Souvenir History is that the coloured pages numbered
As District Governor for D9710 during the 2019-20 year, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate the Rotary            9 to 18 are actually the exact copies of the Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla
Club of Milton-Ulladulla on completing 60 years of service to the community.                                                      Charter Night’s Dinner Meeting Programme 60 years ago.
The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Nowra, with the Charter awarded on
10 April 1960. All credit to Past President of the Nowra Club, Tom Tait, for successfully fulfilling his appointment         I would like to acknowledge in this Historic Publication the great contribution
to form the Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla.                                                                                             our Club Presidents have made as dedicated Rotarians
                                                                                                                                               who have led our Club through its 60 years.
The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla has grown into one of the most vital Clubs in D9710, both in membership
numbers and achievements.                                                                                                                     PRESIDENTS OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF
The list of hands on projects is too numerous to mention and financial donations have exceeded $895,000.                                      MILTON-ULLADULLA INC. 1960 – 2019
This is a magnificent record, much appreciated by local, national and international communities.                       PHIL BERNER            1960-61       BOB SCOTT              1980-81          ROB HEALEY                         2000
                                                                                                                       FRANK BEAN             1961-62       ALLAN IRVINE           1981-82          BERNARD COWLEY                 2000-01
Having decided to hold the 2020 District Conference in Ulladulla, this has developed into an excellent opportunity     HAROLD KENDALL         1962-63       RON STUART             1982-83          WAYNE FRY                      2001-02
to commence the 60th year celebrations for your Club.                                                                  BERT JACKSON           1963-64       JACK SCHARKIE          1983-84          CRAIG CAMERON                  2002-03
                                                                                                                       JACK MILHAM            1964-65       DOUG JAMES             1984-85          ROGER HALLS                    2003-04
Looking forward to the 60 years ahead.
                                                                                                                       HARRY THORNE           1965-66       JOE SAUNDERS           1985-86          TOM LAW                        2004-05
                                                                                                                       JIM THOMSON            1966-67       KEN MATTHEWS           1986-87          KEITH BENNETT                  2005-06
Pete Ford
                                                                                                                       FRED JAMES             1967-68       KEVIN DESREAUX         1987-88          GEOFF MUIR                     2006-07
Governor 2019-20
                                                                                                                       ALBERT READHEAD        1968-69       JACK SCHARKIE          1988-89          ROB POWELL                     2007-08
Rotary International District 9710
                                                                                                                       FRED McCANN            1969-70       TED. WILD              1989-90          PHIL BROWN                     2008-09
                                                                                                                       KEN KENDALL            1970-71       GREG PARNHAM           1990-91          TREVOR SCHOFIELD               2009-10
                                  FROM THE CLUB PRESIDENT . . .                                                        BOB STEUART            1971-72       ROBIN CANTRILL         1991-92          PETER CAMPBELL                  2010-11
                                                                                                                       DON DAVIS              1972-73       ROSS WADE              1992-93          DALE WILFORD                    2011-12
Rotarians, Family and Friends,
                                                                                                                       TED WALKER             1973-74       ROBERT WYLIE           1993-94          MICHAEL
As I sit writing this (Friday 10 January 2020) we are experiencing one of the greater crises to hit our country.
                                                                                                                       CLIVE JOHNSTON         1974-75       JOHN HOZACK            1994-95          MASTRONARDI                    2012-13
Not only is this bushfire emergency effecting the whole of Australia it has been particularly devastating in our       GREIG RINGLAND         1975-76       JOHN ANDERSON          1995-96          BRIAN MORRISON                 2013-14
own region of the Shoalhaven/Milton-Ulladulla.                                                                         ROBERT HORNE           1976-77       DOM FONDACARO          1996-97          BOB WHITE                      2014-15
                                                                                                                       RON BEESLEY            1977-78       TIM GREGORY            1997-98          CLIVE CROSS                    2015-16
Our small tight community has been hit badly and we have many of our neighbours, friends and colleagues                BRIAN JOHNSON          1978-79       DICK CROUCH            1998-99          DICK CROUCH                    2016-17
displaced with homes lost, and businesses suffering. In our 60th year, never have we been more needed by               CLAUDE BROWN           1979-80       JOHN PATTERSON         1999-00          PHIL BROWN                     2017-18
our community.                                                                                                                                                                                      CRAIG SAUNDERS                 2018-19

The need developed into something greater than many of us would have anticipated and I am extremely proud                                                                THE FOUR WAY TEST
to say that the Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla responded. To be fair, so did the other teams and agencies, but
Rotary, through some of its more dynamic members, lead the way.
                                                                                                                                                                  ....of the things we think, say and do:
                                                                                                                                                                                 Is it the truth?
When, on the 29th November 2019, our club was first contacted and asked to provide breakfast and dinner                                                                   Is it fair to all concerned?
to feed the ‘front line’ agencies directly involved in fighting the fires, we were there providing the meals or                                                          Will it build Goodwill and
supporting the SES when the tasking was redirected. One couldn’t be prouder.
                                                                                                                                                                               Better Friendship?
You will note that I have not ‘named names’, where sadly they deserve to be recognised. That will come. All I                                                     Will It be Beneficial to all concerned?
will say is that when they were needed, and when they could, our club members were there.

So, in closing, whilst this should probably have been a snapshot of the club’s 60 years, I suggest that there is
                                                                                                                                                              Object of Rotary
no better encapsulation of a club than what they do when the chips are down. And this club, your club, did             The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and in
what they were required to do. There is no better indication of a club and its members than what they do when          particular to encourage and foster:
the community needs them.                                                                                              First .. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for services.
                                                                                                                       Second .. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all
Happy 60th, and wishing continued strength and resilience to you and all those affected.                               useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
                                                                                                                       Third .. The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to their personal, business, and
Stephen Hladio, OAM                                                                                                    community life.
President 2019-20
Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla, D9710                                                                                 Fourth ... The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world
                                                                                                                       fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

4   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                                                                                                           The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   5
The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla Inc.                                                    The Rotary Club of
                     ~ NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR ~                                                                Milton-Ulladulla Inc.
                                                                                                            CLUBS REPRESENTED
The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla History has been                                                         AT CHARTER NIGHT
researched, condensed and produced by PDG Werner Pohl
from 1968 to 2000. In the first 8 years the Club records
were maintained by charter member the late PP Ken Kendall                                                DISTRICT 270
who also looked after some of the historic documents,                                                    Bega                                        6
photographs and bulletins over the many years.                                                           Berry                                       9
Werner said in his introduction to the 40 and 50-years books;                                            Bombala                                     3
“it was somehow a rewarding but time-consuming experience,                                               Cooma                                       1
having had the opportunity of delving into records of the Club,                                          Goulburn                                    6
seeking statistics and gathering information of all kinds over                                           Henty                                       2
the last thirteen and a half years since my appointment as Club                                          Lockhart                                    2
historian.                                                                                               Moruya                                      5
                                                                                                         Narooma                                     11
I would also like to mention that I have taken care in transferring                                      Narrendera                                  3
information (including names) available for the history from the bulletins and other documents as        Queanbeyan                                  6
accurately as possible.                                                                                  Yass                                        3
                                                                                                         Batemans Bay                                10
I have asked two Past Presidents of our Rotary Club, the late PP Jim Thomson and PP John Hozack
to do the proofreading in order to assure the accuracy of this history, as it is intended to appeal to
all my fellow Rotarians as well as to all general readers and it should provide a source of reference
for the future. Recently Jan and Issa Shalhoub have also helped me with the proofreading from 2000
                                                                                                         DISTRICT 275
                                                                                                         Nowra                                       61
From the year 2000 I inherited the job from Mr Rotary the late Werner Pohl, my mentor,                   Bankstown                                   5
teacher and friend. All the early days’ photos I have scanned for future needs and the early
years’ Bulletins are kept for safe keeping, from 2006-07 I have kept an electronic copy of the                                                       66
Bulletins. I also became the Club photographer as of the 2005-06 year.
                                                                                                         OTHER CLUBS AND ORGANISATIONS
I would like to thank my wife Jan for her many years of proof reading and help with ideas and
                                                                                                         The Milton Ulladulla Quota Club -
suggestions with my Rotary duties, 38 years since I joined this Club. Thank you to Danielle
                                                                                                         Mrs Joy Crewes                    1
McCauley and all the staff at the Ulladulla Printing Service for their help and responding to
                                                                                                         Ulladulla CWA -
my numerous emails and their cooperation for both the 50 and the 60 years books, job well
                                                                                                         Mrs Shirley Breckenridge          1
I wish the Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla will go on to even bigger and better things in the            Milton Ulladulla Hospital Board -
future.                                                                                                  Mr FC Fitch                       1
Yours in Rotary

Issa Shalhoub
                                                                                                         Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club                63



6   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                                                              The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   7
The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla Inc.
The year 2020 marks a significant milestone in the history of the Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla
Inc., being the 60th Anniversary of the inaugural meeting of the provisional Rotary Club in 1960,
later to be granted a Charter by Rotary International April 10th 1960. This Charter was presented
by the then District 270 Governor Fred Fischer on June 18th 1960.
Since its Charter the Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla has established a reputation within the
community and within the Jurisdiction of Rotary as a Club of action, leaving a legacy of enduring
impact on the local community and the Rotary District. It is appropriate in reviewing Club His-
tory to consider relevant contributions in the four Avenues of Rotary Service, Club, Vocational,
Community, International and as well as contributions at District and International level.
The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Nowra. Past President
Tom Tait was appointed the District Governor’s Special Representative to investigate the forma-
tion of a Rotary Club in Milton Ulladulla District. Past President Tom Tait invited 20 business
and professional men from the area designated for the Club to the inaugural meeting held at
the CWA Hall Milton.
Past President Tom Tait, Past President Frank Morehouse and Geoff Stone from the Rotary Club
of Nowra addressed the meeting, attended by 20 prospective members of the future club. A
resolution of that meeting was that a provisional Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla be formed.
Executive positions were appointed as follows.
President..................................................................................................................Phil Berner
Secretary........................................................................................................... John Blackburn
Treasurer........................................................................................................... Frank Denshire
Vice President........................................................................................................... Jack Guest
Club Service.............................................................................................................. Jack Guest
Vocational Service................................................................................................... Frank Bean
Community Service............................................................................................... Jim Thomson
International Service...........................................................................................Harold Kendall
The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla District                                                        1ST ROTARY PROJECT
270 was chartered at a function at the
Masonic Hall Milton on 18th June, 1960. At
this meeting 25 members were inducted into
the Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla.

8   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                                                               The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   9
10   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   11
12   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   13
14   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   15
16   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   17
The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla Inc.
                                                                        ~ SOME OF THE CHARTER MEMBERS ~

                                                                                                       TOM TAIT
                                                                                                PAST PRESIDENT - NOWRA CLUB
                                                               PHIL BERNER     JOHN BLACKBURN      SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE             JIM THOMSON
                                                                  PRESIDENT        SECRETARY       TO DISTRICT GOVERNOR                     DIRECTOR

                                                              HAROLD KENDALL     FRANK BEAN      WILLIAM BANNER                       KEN KENDALL
                                                                  DIRECTOR         DIRECTOR              MEMBER                              MEMBER

                                                               BRIAN BEAKE       PETER SMITH        BERT JACKSON                    BERT READHEAD
                                                                  MEMBER            MEMBER               MEMBER                              MEMBER

18   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                           The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   19
CLUB HISTORY - No. 2                                                                                     1961-1962
     CLUB HISTORY                                                                                                                        We moved into the second year of operation of our Club in 1961-1962 for this item on Club

                                                                                                                                         Officers in that year were:
CLUB HISTORY - No. 1                                                                                     1960-1961                       President................................................................................................................. Frank Bean
It has been decided to print some Club history from former years from time to time in the bulletin                                       Secretary........................................................................................................... John Blackburn
and Historian Ken Kendall has given us the first snippet which refers to the year the Club was                                           Treasurer........................................................................................................... Frank Denshire
formed in 1960 and to the first Board Meeting held after the Club had been chartered in June                                             Vice President and Club Service..........................................................................Harold Kendall
of that year.                                                                                                                            Community Service.................................................................................................. Peter Smith
                                                                                                                                         International Service....................................................................................................Nev Root
The officers were                                                                                                                        Vocational Service............................................................................................Charlie Kingsley
President .................................................................................................................Phil Berner   Immediate Past President..........................................................................................Phil Berner
Secretary .......................................................................................................... John Blackburn
Treasurer .......................................................................................................... Frank Denshire      Fresh tenders were called for catering at the CWA Hall where meetings were held and Mrs L
DIRECTORS                                                                                                                                Switzer was successful (she catered for the Club for a number of years thereafter); the Club
International Service ..........................................................................................Harold Kendall           supported the nomination of Frank Moorhouse from Nowra Club as District Governor of District
Vocational Service .................................................................................................. Frank Bean         275 (now District 975) for 1963-1964 year; Frank was eventually the successful nomination; the
Club Service ............................................................................................................. Jack Guest    Board moved that a Presidential Collar of Office should be purchased (this Collar was still on
Community Service .............................................................................................. Jim Thomson             show every Tuesday night around the neck of the President until 2005). One of the main projects
                                                                                                                                         of the Club in the year was the beautification of Brodie Park in Burrill Street North Ulladulla (this
Matters discussed included the fact that £50 ($100) be given to Rotary Foundation for the year;                                          Park was of course finally handed over to Shoalhaven Council which still maintains it). The Club
that Rotary members be rostered as stewards each week to wait upon the tables (in those days                                             was very proud of having won the Attendance Shield at the District 270 (now 9710) Conference
private caterers supplied the meals in the CWA Hall in Milton); it was decided that a portrait of                                        held at Orange in 1962; this requires a short explanation as our Club commenced as part of
the Queen would be presented to the newly formed Batemans Bay Club on their Charter Night;                                               District 270 which covers South Eastern NSW and ACT and a good portion of the Central and
Vocational Service was endeavouring to have Technical Education started in the District and it                                           South West of the State, with Lake Cargelligo the furthest inland Club; after two years in this
was hoped that the Motor Trade might be the first Trade considered. Treasurer Frank Denshire                                             District the Clubs on the South Coast south of Nowra to Narooma and the Southern Highlands
gave his Financial Statement showing that the Club had the princely sum of £71.2.4 ($142.23);                                            Club were changed over to District 275 which at that time ran from the Sydney Harbour Bridge
it was decided that the first Ladies Night for the Club would be held on 13th December, 1960 at                                          through Wollongong and down the coast; this of course again changed when in 1977 all Australian
the cost of 15/-($1.50) per head; the erection of Rotary signs at each end of the District was a                                         Districts had their prefix changed from “2” to “9” and the new District 971 which is of course
project underway and rental for meetings each week was to be £1 ($2) per night; finally a guest                                          our current District came into being.
speaker who had stayed overnight at the Commercial Hotel had left behind a bill which was to be
settled by the Club, a total cost of £2.7.2 ($4.72). It makes you think how times have changed.

                                                                                                      PHIL BERNER                                                                                                                              FRANK BEAN
                                                                                                          PRESIDENT                                                                                                                                PRESIDENT

20   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                                                                                                                                          The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   21
CLUB HISTORY - No. 3                                                                                    1962-1963                       CLUB HISTORY - No. 4                                                                                     1963-1964
The next episode of our Club History goes into 1962-1963 when the Club was in its third year                                            This episode in the History of the Club concerns the year that the late Bert Jackson was President
of existence;                                                                                                                           and his Office Bearers were:
                                                                                                                                        Vice President...........................................................................................................Fred James
President............................................................................................................Harold Kendall     Secretary.....................................................................................................................Nev Root
Vice President and International Director...............................................................Bert Jackson                    Treasurer............................................................................................................. Allan Harding
Secretary.................................................................................................................Fred Turner   International Service.......................................................................................... Warren Millard
Treasurer........................................................................................................... Frank Denshire     Vocational Service.................................................................................................. Ken Kendall
(Frank retired during that year and was replaced by Allan Harding.)                                                                     Community Service.............................................................................................. Wal Aitkinson
Club Service.......................................................................................................... Jim Thomson      Club Service............................................................................................................Jack Milham
Vocational Service................................................................................................ Bert Redhead
                                                                                                                                        The District Governor for the year was Frank Moorhouse, from Nowra. The first Ladies Night
Community Service.................................................................................................. Frank Bean
                                                                                                                                        held had dinner charges of seventeen shillings and sixpence per person. The Club Treasurer
Sergeant at Arms......................................................................................................Fred James
                                                                                                                                        reported in November that the finances were in a strong state with a credit balance of £107.7.10.
Program Chairman...................................................................................................Bill Banner
                                                                                                                                        The project for the year was the completion of 2 tourist maps in Milton and Ulladulla and
One of the features of this year was a visit by Hurstville Rotary Club who had a social weekend                                         was the “baby” of Fred James. In addition to the members of the Club and other Rotarians,
in the area early in 1962 (Leo O’Donahoo who was a former chemist in this area and has now                                              special thanks were given for assistance in constructing and completing the maps to the Police
retired here was at that time in Hurstville Club and arranged the visit). Another project was                                           Department, the Department of the Attorney General and Justice, the NSW Real Estate Office,
the production of a tape which was forwarded to the Club of Milton Ontario, Canada outlining                                            Shire of Shoalhaven, Austral Bronze Co Pty Ltd, Austral Plaster Co, Commonwealth Portland
information about our Club and District. A Rotarian from Young Club joined our Club when he                                             Cement, British Paints, JC Goodwin and Co Ltd, Nowra Brick Works, Claude Neon Ltd, HEC
moved to the District, being the late Os Watson a retired surveyor and Senior Active Member;                                            Robinson Pty Ltd, and Wunderlich Ltd. The keys for both maps were finally presented on 30th
also during this year the Charter President of the Club, Phil Berner, resigned because of the                                           June, 1964 to the then President of Shoalhaven Shire, Councillor Bruce McIntosh. During the
loss of classification when he sold his Pharmacy in Ulladulla to Bruce Ward (incidentally Phil                                          year Wal Atkinson resigned from the Club and was replaced on the Board of Directors by the
purchased this Pharmacy from Leo O’Donahoo).                                                                                            late Gordon Kelly. A competition for school students was promoted during the year and they
There were a number of other membership applications approved during the year including                                                 were invited to write essays on the “Four Way Test”, with 2 prizes of £3.00 each to the winners.
the late Gordon Kelly, Ted Walker, Gerald Spring and Ron Beesley and late in that year Phil                                             A dinner was arranged in conjunction with a wine tasting promotion by the Wine and Brandy
Berner was readmitted to the Club as a Past Service Member. Projects for the year included                                              producers Association. This was a Ladies Night at a cost of twenty five shillings each.
completion of the development of Brodie Park in North Burrill Street, Ulladulla and the donation
of a debating shield for contest between District organisations (the whereabouts of this shield
today is unknown although some organisation must be holding it and we have not heard of it
being contested for quite a number of years).

                                                                                                 HAROLD KENDALL                                                                                                                              BERT JACKSON
                                                                                                         PRESIDENT                                                                                                                                PRESIDENT

22   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                                                                                                                                         The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   23
CLUB HISTORY - No. 5                                                                                     1964-1965                        CLUB HISTORY - No. 6                                                                                      1965-1966
This look back into the past covers the 5th year of the Club when the late Jack Milham was                                                This look into the past covers the year of the late Harry Thorne as President and his Board
our President; Jack was for many years a Councillor on Shoalhaven Shire Council and was well                                              consisted of:
known as “Senator” Milham.                                                                                                                Vice President....................................................................................................... Bert Redhead
His office bearers were as follows:                                                                                                       Secretary............................................................................................................... Gerry Spring
Vice President.......................................................................................................Harry Thorne         Treasurer............................................................................................................. Allan Harding
Secretary............................................................................................................... Gerry Spring     Directors................................................................................................................. Ron Beesley
Treasurer............................................................................................................. Allan Harding                                                                                                                               John Peacock
Directors.................................................................................................................. Peter Smith                                                                                                                               Noel Hilder
                                                                                                                            Ted Walker
                                                                                                                                          New members inducted during the year included Bill Turnbull, Gil McAdam and the Late
                                                                                                                           Ken Kendall
                                                                                                                                          Ivan Jeboult and those who resigned included Bill Banner, Jack Sandilands and the late Hugh
                                                                                                                            Noel Hilder
                                                                                                                                          McElhone. During the year the Club projects included a Combined Service Club sign at each
During the year, two new members were inducted into the Club being Kevin Fitch and Jack                                                   end of the District; the installation of a fountain at Milton Central School named “The Henry
Sandilands (Jack was last heard of in far North Queensland). One of the projects undertaken                                               Kendall Memorial Fountain” and the entertaining of a group of Japanese students. Requests from
during this year was the purchase of name badges for our Rotaryannes; meetings were still                                                 local Junior Farmers and the Ulladulla District Civic Centre Committee for support were both
being held at the CWA Hall, Milton but costs had by now risen to twelve shillings per meeting;                                            accepted and a joint meeting with the Lions Club was held in the November. Finally scrap metal
the Bulletin Editor for the year was PP Jim Thomson. During the year the resignation of Fred                                              was collected as a project and Claude Brown reported he had raised ten pounds from the sale of
Turner, Phil Berner, Peter Smith, Eddie Passfield and Fred Faust were received (Fred had been                                             cars. The Surf Life Saving Club had their first aid box refilled by our Club. The advent of decimal
programme Chairman for the Club from its inception). The International House Appeal for the                                               currency during the 1965-1966 year was also included in the program and joint meetings to
erection of this Building in City Road opposite Sydney University was in full swing and the                                               explain the workings of the new system to the general public were held in conjunction with the
Club made a donation of five pounds to the appeal. In May, 1965 a letter from the President of                                            Chamber of Commerce. Job talks of 3 minutes duration were given by members at each weekly
Drummoyne Rotary Club reminded us that District 275 (then our district) had recently moved                                                meeting and the price of twelve shillings and sixpence per meal was accepted by the Board
at the District Conference to make available two Aboriginal Scholarships annually to the value                                            from the caterer, Mrs Switzer. The year concluded with $274.98 in No. 1 Account and $242.06
of one thousand pounds each. In June, 1965 Jack handed the Club over to Harry Thorne and                                                  in No. 2 Account.
his year in due course became the story of Club History No. 6.

                                                                                                      JACK MILHAM                                                                                                                              HARRY THORNE
                                                                                                           PRESIDENT                                                                                                                                  PRESIDENT

24   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                                                                                                                                            The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   25
CLUB HISTORY - No. 7                                                                                    1966-1967                       CLUB HISTORY - No. 8                                                                                       1967-1968
The year 1966-1967 saw Jim Thomson as the President of the Club assisted by:                                                            This history concerns the year 1967-68 with Fred James as President of the Club and his
Vice President...........................................................................................................Fred James     assistants in this year were:
Secretary............................................................................................................... Gerry Spring   Vice President......................................................................................................... Ken Kendall
Treasurer............................................................................................................. Allan Harding    Secretary..............................................................................................................Harry Thorne
Board Members....................................................................................................... Ted Walker         Treasurer...............................................................................................................Gordon Kelly
                                                                                                                         Ron Beesley    Directors.................................................................................................................... Bill Cullen
                                                                                                                     Harold Kendall                                                                                                                                Sid Turnbull
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bert Redhead
The District Governor of District 275 was at that time the late Eric Callaway. During the year the
construction of the Henry Kendall Memorial Fountain at Milton School was completed and the                                              New members inducted during the year included Gordon Kearns, Don Learmonth, Milton Burcher
project of the year was the construction of the Rotary Lookout at Pointers Gap where many a                                             and Stan Thompson and items of interest occurring during the year included the erection of a
pleasant Sunday morning was spent in the construction of the various amenities and preparation                                          plaque at Brodie Park, a Bowls Day held at Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club to raise funds for the
of the entire site; this Lookout has some of the most magnificent views available of the entire                                         completion of the Rotary Lookout commenced in the previous year ($200 was raised) and the
district but unfortunately is now included in the National Park* and no one is allowed to carry                                         first nominees for the RYLA Camp made by the Club and the first Showgirl selected as the Rotary
out any work either on the access road or the Lookout itself and as a result this beautiful spot                                        entrant in the local show competition, being Miss Gloria Brown.
will no doubt return to an inaccessible area in a reasonably short space of time.                                                       The Milton A and H Association also was commencing arrangements for the 100th Milton Show,
Other projects carried out during that year included the entertainment of a group of Asian                                              which was to be held in February, 1969 and the Club sent representatives to the initial meeting.
students and the holding of a number of Fireside Meetings focusing particularly on Rotary                                               The Minister for Justice of the time, Mr John Maddison MLA, was guest speaker at a meeting in
Information for the new members. An interesting point was that Ivan Johnson was thanked for                                             May 1968 and the other local service clubs, being APEX, Lions and Quota, were invited to join
his assistance in the construction of the fountain at Milton School and the erection of a Plaque                                        us on this occasion. Dinner fees were increased during the year to $1.20 per head and the final
in Brodie Park, Ulladulla. Mrs Switzer retired as the Club caterer and was replaced by a Mrs                                            Board Meeting noted that No. 1 Account held $170.74 and No. 2 Account $257.04.
McLean who tendered the sum of 90 cents per meal with a guarantee of 20 meals per night,
at this stage the Club was still meeting in the CWA Hall, Milton. The charge for a Christmas
Ladies Night was $2.00 per person and a Door Knock Appeal for the Crippled Children raised
$278. New members inducted during the year included Sid Turnbull, Bob Horne and the late
Len Hague-Smith, Bill Cullen and Fred McCann. Resignations during the year included Alex
Morrisby, John Blackburn, Kevin Fitch, Noel Hilder and the late Lyle Maguire and Ivan Jeboult.

*Several years later, a properly constructed walkway was built and people are encouraged to
walk to the lookout and use the picnic area.

                                                                                                    JIM THOMSON                                                                                                                                  FRED JAMES
                                                                                                         PRESIDENT                                                                                                                                   PRESIDENT

26   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                                                                                                                                           The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   27
CLUB HISTORY - No. 9                                                                                     1968-1969                       CLUB HISTORY - No. 10                                                                                     1969-1970
President.............................................................................................................. Bert Redhead     President.............................................................................................................. Fred McCann
Vice President....................................................................................................... Fred McCann        Vice President......................................................................................................... Ken Kendall
Secretary..............................................................................................................Harry Thorne      Secretary..............................................................................................................Harry Thorne
Treasurer...............................................................................................................Gordon Kelly     Treasurer...............................................................................................................Gordon Kelly
Directors................................................................................................................. Ken Kendall   Directors..............................................................................................................Neville Trotter
                                                                                                                       Neville Trotter                                                                                                                         Gordon Kearns
                                                                                                                           Ron Beesley                                                                                                                        Don Learmonth
Immediate Past President..........................................................................................Fred James             Immediate Past President...................................................................................... Bert Redhead
Club elected Os Watson as Honorary Member till 30th June 1969. For the second time the Rotary                                            With the Captain Cook Bicentenary Celebration coming up in 1970 the Shire of Shoalhaven
Club sponsored 2 candidates to attend the RYLA Seminar at Otford, namely Earl Anderson and                                               approached the Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club for assistance. The Club responded and offered to
Christine Loveday.                                                                                                                       assist in hosting the HMAS Albatross Naval Band at the Milton Show procession and pageant at
15 Typewriters were donated to the Nowra Technical Education Committee for the use at Milton                                             Ulladulla Harbour. The Club was asked by the Captain Cook Bicentenary Committee to donate
Central School for Adult Education Classes. Typewriters were donated by Olivetti and Government                                          $20.00 to offset the cost of the fireworks display at the Ulladulla Harbour, as this was the first
Stores. President Bert had them tested with 100% satisfaction.                                                                           display in this area and it will be a historic event.
Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club replenished the first aid kit at Mollymook Surf Life Saving Club in                                         The Honorary Membership of Rotarian Os Watson to be continued as well Past President Frank
readiness for the coming surfing season.                                                                                                 Bean be made an Honorary Member also for the year 1969-1970.
On request by our Club, approval was given by District Governor Gordon Swift, to cancel                                                  Mr Dale Wilford age 23 and Miss Marie Hughes, age 19 were the Rotary Clubs candidates to
Christmas and New Year’s Eve Meetings.                                                                                                   attend the RYLA Seminar.
Elected as Rotary Showgirl was Miss Christine Loveday.                                                                                   On advice from District Governor Ron Pate, the Club established a membership development
The Club assisted with fund-raising by attending a night at Boyd’s Restaurant.                                                           committee in order to gain more Members.
Arrangements are being made to have a Rotary display stand at the Milton 100th Show. Also a                                              The Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club agreed to enter the 1970 Showgirl competition by sponsoring
scoreboard was donated to the A and H Society Milton.                                                                                    Miss Gwenda Turnbull as Miss Rotary Showgirl. Gwenda assured the Club of their effort to be
The BBQ Night at Past President Jim Thomson’s Residence on 8/2/1969 increased our Club funds                                             successful and uphold the good name of Rotary. Rotary assisted with the fund-raising activity
by $110.00. The Club is to obtain new name badges for our Rotary partners.                                                               by selling 500 Raffle Tickets.
$40.00 was donated to the Bushfire Victims Appeal, $10.00 to the Junior Minor Rugby League                                               Advice received from the Rotary Foundation confirmed our Club was now a 100% contributor
Football Club.                                                                                                                           with an accumulated total of $555.65. The net proceeds from the Melbourne Cup Sweep which
The Rotary Club decided to donate $5.00 to each of the District schools, Milton Central, Ulladulla                                       was conducted by our Club was $102.50.
Primary and Milton Convent School to assist with their annual prize giving function.                                                     Club Projects - The Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club committed to the continuation of maintenance
Mrs Turnbull replaces Mrs Fae as Caterer for the Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club.                                                           and beautification at the Rotary Lookout, to establish a rest area under the Historic Morton Bay
A Holden motor car was made available by Bartlett and Walker Motors Pty Milton for the student                                           Fig Tree in Mick Ryan’s Property at Milton in co-operation with the Shire of Shoalhaven. Club
car instruction project.                                                                                                                 Members will arrange outings for all or some of the Legacy widows from the Legacy Units in
The grass laying at Civic Centre for the Peter Pan Preschool Kindergarten went well.                                                     Milton at specific times. Milton-Ulladulla Rotary assisted with the furnishing of the new Legacy
International Service wanted more periodicals of Australian                                                                              Unit in Milton for a cost of $120.00, inspected the areas
origin for sending overseas to other Clubs, especially our               BERT REDHEAD                                                    surrounding the Wallace Warden Legacy Units in Milton                     FRED McCANN
matched Clubs.                                                                PRESIDENT                                                  to decide on whether Rotary can improve the grounds by                       PRESIDENT

It was reported with regret that 2 valuable Club members                                                                                 establishing a rock garden including the laying of a concrete
tendered their resignation, Charter President Phil Berner and                                                                            path to the clothesline.
Past President Harold Kendall.                                                                                                           A $40.00 donation to the Peter Pan Preschool Kindergarten was
Arrangements were well in hand for the annual Changeover                                                                                 forwarded to sponsor the attendance of an underprivileged
24/6/1969. Venue CWA Hall. Rental for the day $7.00.                                                                                     child.
Mrs Zilma Turnbull will do the catering for $2.00 per person.                                                                            Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club was privileged to be the Host
                                                                                                                                         Club for the Combined Service Clubs Dinner held at the
                                                                                                                                         Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club, Saturday 2nd May 1970,
                                                                                                                                         cost $2.30 per person.
                                                                                                                                         The Vocational Service Award was presented to Elwyn
                                                                                                                                         Anderson of Milton, a farm resident of this area for many
                                                                                                                                         Changeover Dinner date 23rd June, 1970 at CWA Hall.

28   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                                                                                                                                          The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   29
CLUB HISTORY - No. 11                                                                                    1970-1971                       CLUB HISTORY - No. 12                                                                                    1971-1972
President................................................................................................................ Ken Kendall    President ................................................................................................................Bob Steuart
Vice President..........................................................................................................Bob Steuart      Vice President............................................................................................................Don Davis
Secretary..............................................................................................................Harry Thorne      Secretary.............................................................................................................. Jim Thomson
Treasurer.............................................................................................................. Jim Thomson      Treasurer..............................................................................................................Harry Thorne
Directors....................................................................................................................Don Davis   Director............................................................................................................... Claude Brown
                                                                                                                      Milton Burcher                                                                                                                           Greig Ringland
                                                                                                                     Don Learmonth                                                                                                                                    Ken Ison
Immediate Past President...................................................................................... Fred McCann               Immediate Past President........................................................................................ Ken Kendall
Past President Frank Beans Honorary Membership is to continue for 1970-1971.                                                             Milton Ulladulla accepted to be Host Club for the District 275 Presidents Meeting November
The Club is to look into an insurance policy for Rotarians at workingbees.                                                               27th-28th. Two Candidates were selected to attend the RYLA Seminar, Mr A Anderson and Miss
Miss Gwenette Afflick and Mr Lyndon Siegert were selected as our RYLA candidates.                                                        G Ryan. The Matched Club Project continued between Milton Ulladulla and Langly Rotary Club
The Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club participated with the Meals on Wheels project, some Members                                             (Canada).
rostered one day per month to make deliveries.                                                                                           Arrangements were made to host the group study team from Texas. Rotarian Greig Ringland
The Rotary Lookout needed attention due to vandals damage, as well the Mick Ryan Park where                                              was elected to the position of President of the the Milton A and H Association. The Mick Ryan
debris needed to be collected and cleared away in preparation for a new fence. Repairs were                                              Park progressed favourably, although working bees are required before the end is in sight. The
carried out at the CWA Hall, the drain cleared, new castors put on trolleys and a sign fixed to                                          District Governor Phil Budden visited the Club September 7th.
the outside. The Milton Band Hall was attended to with a new coat of paint. Unused drugs                                                 Mr R Whitworth was nominated from the Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club as Candidate for selection
were collected by Club Members, approximately $200.00 worth, and forwarded to a Roman                                                    as GSE Team Member to visit Wisconsin USA and was successful. The Rotary Lookout was
Catholic Mission in Madang. Rotary maps and signs cleaned ready for the holiday season.                                                  vandalised again. The Rotary Plaque was stolen, Shoalhaven Council offered to replace same.
Transport provided for service men on ANZAC Day to attend the memorial service. First Aid Kit                                            Financial assistance was provided of $5.00 each for the 3 local schools towards their prize giving.
at Mollymook Surf Club maintained.                                                                                                       The Melbourne Cup Sweep netted $170.00 and was added to our Club funds.
The HMAS Aware paid a visit to the Ulladulla Harbour August 7th-10th. Officers and men were                                              The Club sponsored Miss Christine Meehan as Miss Rotary Showgirl for 1972. A presentation
taken on a sightseeing trip.                                                                                                             to our Club was made by Rob Westgarth in connection with ‘Operation Earth Day”. That was
$40.00 donated to sponsor the attendance of an under privileged child at the Peter Pan Preschool                                         conducted by the Daily Telegraph and the Bank of NSW. Rob presented a commendation Award
Kindergarten.                                                                                                                            for the work done at the Mick Ryan Park.
Miss Wanda Veitch was our Showgirl Entrant. Melbourne Cup Sweep netted $151.00.                                                          The Club responded to the Mollymook Surf Life Saving Club New Boat Appeal and donated
A New Years Eve revel for Rotarians, their families and friends were held at President Ken’s                                             $100.00 and at the same time replenished the Clubs First Aid Kit again. More donations were made
residence.                                                                                                                               of $10.00 each on request by the Legacy Club, the Junior Soccer Club and Milton Ulladulla Junior
The GSE team from New Jersey was entertained by the Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club.                                                        Rugby League Club. The Play Centre of Ulladulla received $10.00 and the International Fellowship
The Rotary Foundation was supported to reach the 300% Plateau. Two Vocational Nights were                                                House was given $31.00. We also assisted a handicapped child. The Games Night which was
arranged, a visit to the Ambulance Station and the Nature of Case Study and mini drama.                                                  held at the Ambulance Station netted $100.00. We also supported the Hospital Fete.
The average yearly attendance was 82.97% and 3 Members attained 100%. The combined                                                       The Careers Evening hosted by our Rotary Club at the Milton Central School was highly successful.
Service Clubs Dinner was hosted by Apex in April. Mrs Zilma                                                                              Rotarians and other locals assisted in this project counselling
Turnbull resigned as caterer, the Club successfully obtained             KEN KENDALL                                                     interesting people.                                                       BOB STEUART
Mesdames I Braun and J Rouse as a new caterers but the                       PRESIDENT                                                   The Annual Combined Service Clubs Dinner was held at the                      PRESIDENT

cost increased to $1.20 per meal with the guarantee from                                                                                 Mollymook Golf Club and hosted by Quota.
Rotary of 25 meals per Rotary Night.                                                                                                     Changeover was held 7th June at Civic Centre $3.00 per
The Changeover Dinner was held 6th July, 1971 at CWA Hall                                                                                person.
cost per person $2.50.

30   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                                                                                                                                          The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   31
CLUB HISTORY - No. 13                                                                                    1972-1973                        CLUB HISTORY - No. 14                                                                                    1973-1974
President...................................................................................................................Don Davis     President................................................................................................................. Ted Walker
Vice President...................................................................................................... Claude Brown         Vice President......................................................................................................Clive Johnston
Secretary.................................................................................................................. Bob Horne     Secretary............................................................................................................ Col Zemelman
Treasurer..............................................................................................................Harry Thorne       Treasurer............................................................................................................Milton Burcher
Directors................................................................................................................... Ron Taylor   Directors............................................................................................................Don Learmonth
                                                                                                                            Ted Walker                                                                                                                             Sid Turnbull
                                                                                                                               Ken Ison                                                                                                                              Ron Taylor
Immediate Past President.........................................................................................Bob Steuart              Immediate Past President...........................................................................................Don Davis
The GSE Team from District 627 USA was in Milton Ulladulla for one day only. Preparation in                                               The first workingbee held this Rotary year was at the Rotary Lookout to clean up the area and
hand to complete and officially open Mick Ryan Park by the District Governor on 14th November                                             repair damage.
1972.                                                                                                                                     District Governor Bob Johnson visited the Club on 24th July.
Miss Teresa O’Neil and Miss Margaret Gumley were selected as RYLA Students to attend the                                                  Miss Sandra McIntosh sought assistance for the Miss Australia Quest $34.00 was donated from
RYLA Seminar at Otford. Miss Joy Henry was selected by our Club but sponsored by Shellharbour                                             proceeds of Carton of Beer Raffle towards her Quest.
Rotary Club and she attended the RYLA Seminar as well. The Mollymook Surf Carnival was held                                               The 3 minutes job talk proved to be interesting. Donations approved were $10.00 each to the
in Mollymook and we assisted in helping man the gates.                                                                                    following, Girl Guides, Junior Soccer Club, Junior Cricket Club, $50.00 for Flood Relieve and
Rotary selected Miss Lea Kendall as Miss Rotary Showgirl for 1973. A successful BBQ was held                                              $15.00 each to the 3 schools, Milton Central, Ulladulla Primary and Milton Convent to assist
at “Airlie” Farm, the home of Rotarian Ron and Elaine Taylor and was a most enjoyable night.                                              with prices at the presentation night.
Vocational Service Committee organised a conducted tour of the Naval Air Station at Nowra for                                             The Club proceeded with a Melbourne Cup Sweep, tickets being sold at 20¢ each.
the 4th 5th and 6th form students from Milton High School (12 of them). A very entertaining                                               Rotary Exchange Student, Cindy Rowbotham arrived from Michigan USA and was paid $20.00
day was had by all.                                                                                                                       pocket money every month in advance. She was allowed to make a 3 minute phone call back
Our contribution to the Blessing of the Fleet Festival was highlighted by conducting a successful                                         home at Clubs expense.
BBQ which provided us with $79.29 profit. A number of street stalls were held during the year                                             The accumulated contribution by our Club to the Rotary Foundation amounted to US $777.64
to provide us with necessary cash for Club funds. Donations were approved for Ulladulla Public,                                           and we become a 200% Club.
                                                                                                                                          Rotary Lookout needed attention again. One of the two toilets was blown away, a new one was
Milton Central and Milton Convent Schools, Ulladulla Cricket Club, Mullala School Committee,
                                                                                                                                          under construction and would be fixed permanently. Meals on Wheels deliveries were continued
Ulladulla Preschool.
                                                                                                                                          by Club members.
It was a sad day for the Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club when Past President and current Treasurer
                                                                                                                                          The Shire approved dates for 3 Club street stalls, The Fireside Chats conducted at members
Harry Thorne passed away. He will be greatly missed by this Club for his jovial and enthusiastic
                                                                                                                                          homes proved to be successful.
approach to all jobs that he undertook and died while playing the drum for the town band, at
                                                                                                                                          Miss Judy Ingold was selected as Miss Rotary Showgirl for 1974 Milton Show. On Christmas
the Blessing of the Fleet Festival on Easter Sunday.                                                                                      Day President Ted and partner Lyn visited 2 aged lonely people leaving a small gift and good
Vocational Service Award was presented to Mr Jim Smith for 12 years service in the Milton district,                                       wishes from Rotary; it was a most gratifying and humble experience.
his service above and beyond duty has been unselfish and most courteous.                                                                  Greig Ringland’s property was the venue for the Rotary BBQ meeting over Christmas holidays.
The Changeover Dinner was arranged for the 12th June at the Mollymook Golf Club.                                                          Our Club sent the selected candidate Mr Michael Shoebridge
                                                                                                                                          to the RYLA Seminar. The GSE Team from Montreal-Canada
                                                                                                        DON DAVIS                         District 704 were our Club Guests for 1 day only 12/3/1974.            TED WALKER
                                                                                                           PRESIDENT                                                                                                 PRESIDENT
                                                                                                                                          Miss Jenny Booker was selected and entered as our Princess
                                                                                                                                          for the Blessing of the Fleet Competition. The Club itself
                                                                                                                                          conducted a Steak and Sandwich Stall on Easter Day.
                                                                                                                                          Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club hosted the Combined Service
                                                                                                                                          Clubs Dinner at Mollymook Golf Club.
                                                                                                                                          The Vocational Service Award was given to Miss Alice Davis,
                                                                                                                                          a teacher who has given honest and unstinted effort to
                                                                                                                                          Ulladulla Public School for 23 1/2 years.
                                                                                                                                          A water-cooler plus $200.00 was donated to Milton Hospital.
                                                                                                                                          A workingbee was held to install railing at Legacy House
                                                                                                                                          and workingbee was held to plant trees at Boolgatta Flats
                                                                                                                                          including tree guards.
                                                                                                                                          Changeover took place at Mollymook Golf Club 25/6/1974.

32   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                                                                                                                                           The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   33
CLUB HISTORY - No. 15                                                                                   1974-1975                       CLUB HISTORY - No. 16                                                                                    1975-1976
President.............................................................................................................Clive Johnston    President............................................................................................................Greig Ringland
Vice President.....................................................................................................Greig Ringland       Vice President........................................................................................................... Bob Horne
Secretary.............................................................................................................. Barry Spence    Secretary...........................................................................................................Horace Beazley
Treasurer............................................................................................................Milton Burcher     Treasurer....................................................................................................... Ian Brownscombe
Directors........................................................................................................ Ian Brownscombe       Directors................................................................................................................Andy Rintoul
                                                                                                                          Don Davis                                                                                                                                 John Pike
                                                                                                                        Bill Andriske                                                                                                                            Ken Marshall
Immediate Past President......................................................................................... Ted Walker                                                                                                                                 Brian Anderson
                                                                                                                                        Immediate Past President.....................................................................................Clive Johnston
Cindy Rowbotham, our exchange student 1973-74, and our first association with Youth Exchange,
was going home. It was a very rewarding experience, therefore we accepted another exchange                                              The top priority project for this year was our support to the Sarah Claydon Retirement Village
student, Michael Sommers from Denmark.                                                                                                  Committee. Combined efforts from Club and Community Service assisted tremendously with
The Milton-Ulladulla Rotary Club has achieved their desired result in retaining Mitchels Steam                                          the fundraising for the Retirement Village, in all $1850.00 was raised and donated by our Club.
Engine on its present location. The Engine is placed on bearers, cleaned, greased and painted                                           The maintenance of the Legacy grounds were successfully attended to during the year. The
to prevent corrosion.                                                                                                                   totem poles were finally erected, one at Milton and the other at the south end of Burrill Lake.
Miss Australia Entrant, Miss Leonie Watts who was raising funds for the Spastic Centre, was                                             An excellent BBQ was held at the Showgrounds Pavilion in aid of the Queen of Hearts Quest,
assisted by our Club by donating $150.00. $10.00 was donated to the Community Aid Service                                               $140.00 was donated. White gravel stones were collected and transported to the new Mullala
Centre $200.00 was donated towards the purchase of a second vehicle for the District Nurses                                             School grounds. Flashing red lights were installed for our senior citizens. This service was offered
from the Melbourne Cup Sweep proceeds. The Mollymook Golf Club is the new venue for weekly                                              to those who require it.
Club meetings. The Milton Ulladulla Club Members attended Huskissons Charter Night. The 3                                               We welcomed home exchange student Janelle Davis from West Germany. We also farewelled
minutes talk on “What’s new in my Business” and fire side chats meeting were reintroduced.                                              Denise Woods who left for West Germany as an exchange student. Roslyn Woods was selected
Rotary assisted in the Local Freedom from Hunger Collection.                                                                            to represent our Club as an exchange student in Canada.
Re-Districting; No Change to be made before 1st July 1976. A scheme has been worked out by                                              Another project was providing lunch for 50 students who were on the Student Exchange Safari
Past District Governors of Districts 268, 269, 270 and 275 whereby a new District 271 would                                             passing through our area on a 3 State Tour. The students were drawn from Districts 269-270
be formed.                                                                                                                              and 275. This year our RYLA Awardees were Miss Megan Taylor and Mr Glenn Rowen. Mrs
The exchange student Michael Sommers from Denmark left for home after only 6 months with us.                                            Mary Nicholls was awarded the Vocational and Community Service Award for her outstanding
The after Christmas family BBQ evening was held at Ringland’s Farm. Darwin Disaster Appeal,                                             service and effort with the Milton Ulladulla Hospital Auxiliary. 10 Students from Ulladulla High
$1366.00 was collected within the local district by local Rotarians.                                                                    School 4th and 5th forms were taken on a conducted Tour of HMAS Albatross Naval Station to
Miss Janelle Davis left Milton Ulladulla for her exchange trip to Witten West Germany.                                                  observe technical trades and courses available to them in the Navy. The promotion of technical
The Club was advised that the GSE Team from India would be with us on the 4th of March and                                              courses; this project was aimed at increasing local courses available for young people, to save
our Club would host the 12th of April President’s meeting.                                                                              travelling to other places. As it happened with the secretarial courses, they were already being
Miss Therese O’Neil, our Miss Rotary Showgirl proved to be an excellent entrant at the 1975                                             conducted in Milton. To promote Rotary in our local and district community, bookmarks with
Show. 1000 Four Way Test cards were distributed at local schools.                                                                       the 4 Way Test were distributed to the schools, banks and libraries .
Milton Ulladulla District Community Aid Service, requested                                                                              Our entrant in the Miss Rotary Showgirl Quest was Miss
our Club to become a member of this organisation, Club                 CLIVE JOHNSTON                                                   Ann Scharkie and our Blessing of the Fleet Princess Entrant               GREIG RINGLAND
members advised of a joining fee of $1.00. The participation                PRESIDENT                                                   Miss Leslie Schultz. Both young ladies proved to be worthy                      PRESIDENT

by our Rotary Club in the Easter activities was very good, the                                                                          citizens in our community. For the first time names and
float in the procession was outstanding and it was awarded                                                                              classifications were printed at the back page of our Weekly
a special prize. The Steak Bar did much to assist the days                                                                              Bulletin. Andy Rintoul was appointed to update our Club
activities by providing the people with food. The Combined                                                                              History, to be tabled at Changeover Night 29th June, 1976
Service Clubs Dinner was organised by APEX. Vocational                                                                                  at Mollymook Golf Club.
Service Award recipient this year is Mr Stan Carsten.
Changeover Dinner was held at Mollymook Golf Club

34   The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary                                                                                                                                                         The Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla - 60th Anniversary   35
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