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January 15, 2020 DEPARTMENT OF STATE Vol. XLII Division of Administrative Rules Issue 2 NEW YORK STATE REGISTER INSIDE THIS ISSUE: D Empire Zones Reform D Process for Early Voting D Property Tax Levy Limits for School Districts in Relation to Certain Costs Resulting from Capital Local Expenditures Rule Review Executive Orders State agencies must specify in each notice which proposes a rule the last date on which they will accept public comment. Agencies must always accept public comment: for a minimum of 60 days following publication in the Register of a Notice of Proposed Rule Making, or a Notice of Emergency Adoption and Proposed Rule Making; and for 45 days after publication of a Notice of Revised Rule Making, or a Notice of Emergency Adoption and Revised Rule Making in the Register. When a public hearing is required by statute, the hearing cannot be held until 60 days after publication of the notice, and comments must be accepted for at least 5 days after the last required hearing. When the public comment period ends on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, agencies must accept comment through the close of business on the next succeeding workday. For notices published in this issue: – the 60-day period expires on March 15, 2020 – the 45-day period expires on February 29, 2020 – the 30-day period expires on February 14, 2020
ANDREW M. CUOMO GOVERNOR ROSSANA ROSADO SECRETARY OF STATE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE For press and media inquiries call: (518) 474-0050 For State Register production, scheduling and subscription information call: (518) 474-6957 E-mail: For legal assistance with State Register filing requirements call: (518) 474-6740 E-mail: The New York State Register is now available on-line at: The New York State Register (ISSN 0197 2472) is published weekly. Subscriptions are $80 per year for first class mailing and $40 per year for periodical mailing. The New York State Register is published by the New York State Department of State, One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12231-0001. Periodical postage is paid at Albany, New York and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NY STATE REGISTER, the Department of State, Division of Administrative Rules, One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12231-0001 printed on recycled paper
NEW YORK STATE REGISTER Be a part of the rule making process! The public is encouraged to comment on any of the proposed rules appearing in this issue. Comments must be made in writing and must be submitted to the agency that is proposing the rule. Address your com- ments to the agency representative whose name and address are printed in the notice of rule making. No special form is required; a handwritten letter will do. Individuals who access the online Register ( may send public comment via electronic mail to those recipients who provide an e-mail ad- dress in Notices of Proposed Rule Making. This includes Proposed, Emergency Proposed, Revised Proposed and Emergency Revised Proposed rule makings. To be considered, comments should reach the agency before expiration of the public comment period. The law provides for a minimum 60-day public comment period after publication in the Register of every No- tice of Proposed Rule Making, and a 45-day public comment period for every Notice of Revised Rule Making. If a public hearing is required by statute, public comments are accepted for at least five days after the last such hearing. Agencies are also required to specify in each notice the last date on which they will accept public comment. When a time frame calculation ends on a Saturday or Sunday, the agency accepts public comment through the following Monday; when calculation ends on a holiday, public comment will be accepted through the following workday. Agencies cannot take action to adopt until the day after expiration of the public com- ment period. The Administrative Regulations Review Commission (ARRC) reviews newly proposed regulations to examine issues of compliance with legislative intent, impact on the economy, and impact on affected parties. In addition to sending comments or recommendations to the agency, please do not hesitate to transmit your views to ARRC: Administrative Regulations Review Commission State Capitol Albany, NY 12247 Telephone: (518) 455-5091 or 455-2731 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each paid subscription to the New York State Register includes one weekly issue for a full year and four “Quarterly Index” issues. The Quarterly is a cumulative list of actions that shows the status of every rule mak- ing action in progress or initiated within a calendar year. The Register costs $80 a year for a subscription mailed first class and $40 for periodical (second) class. Prepayment is required. To order, send a check or money order payable to the NYS Department of State to the following address: NYS Department of State One Commerce Plaza 99 Washington Avenue Suite 650 Albany, NY 12231-0001 Telephone: (518) 474-6957
New York State Register January 15, 2020/Volume XLII, Issue 2 KEY: (P) Proposal; (RP) Revised Proposal; (E) Emergency; (EP) Emergency and Proposal; (A) Adoption; (AA) Amended Adoption; (W) Withdrawal Individuals may send public comment via electronic mail to those recipients who provided an e-mail address in Notices of Proposed Rule Making. This includes Proposed, Emergency Proposed, Revised Proposed and Emergency Revised Proposed rule makings. Choose pertinent issue of the Register and follow the procedures on the website ( Rule Making Activities Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, Office of 1 / Limits on Administrative Expenses and Executive Compensation (A) Criminal Justice Services, Division of 1 / Use of Force (ERP) Economic Development, Department of 4 / Empire Zones Reform (E) Education Department 6 / Notice of expiration Elections, State Board of 7 / Process for Early Voting (E) 9 / Ballot Accountability Practices (A) 9 / Combine the 10 Day Post Primary Filing with the July 15th Disclosure Statement (P) Long Island Power Authority 10 / Authority’s Annual Budget, As Reflected in the Rates and Charges in the Tariff for Electric Service (A) 10 / PSEG Long Island Smart Grid Small Generator Interconnection Procedures (‘‘SGIP’’) (A) 11 / Standard Rates for Pole Attachments of the Authority’s Tariff for Electric Service (A) Public Service Commission 11 / 2020 Electric Emergency Response Plans for Electric Utilities Subject to the Provisions of PSL Sec- tion 25-a (P) 12 / Application of the Earnings Sharing Mechanism Related to a Partial Year Period (P) State, Department of 12 / Enhanced Fair Housing Provisions (P) Taxation and Finance, Department of 14 / Property Tax Levy Limits for School Districts in Relation to Certain Costs Resulting from Capital Local Expenditures (EP) Hearings Scheduled for Proposed Rule Makings / 17 Action Pending Index / 19 Rule Review 65 / Civil Service, Department of Securities Offerings 67 / State Notices Advertisements for Bidders/Contractors 69 / Sealed Bids Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings 71 / Notice of Abandoned Property Received by the State Comptroller 71 / Public Notice
Executive Orders 73 / Executive Order No. 198.1: Continuing the Declaration of Disaster Emergency in The Counties of Cayuga, Jefferson, Monroe, Niagara, Orleans, Oswego, St. Lawrence, and Wayne. 73 / Executive Order No. 200: Declaring an Emergency in Order to Appoint New Jersey and Connecticut Police Officers as Railroad Police Officers to Provide Enhanced Security on Commuter Trains, Buses, and Ferries.
RULE MAKING ACTIVITIES Each rule making is identified by an I.D. No., which consists Assessment of Public Comment of 13 characters. For example, the I.D. No. AAM-01-96- The agency received no public comment. 00001-E indicates the following: AAM -the abbreviation to identify the adopting agency 01 -the State Register issue number Division of Criminal Justice 96 -the year Services 00001 -the Department of State number, assigned upon receipt of notice. E -Emergency Rule Making—permanent action NOTICE OF EMERGENCY not intended (This character could also be: A ADOPTION for Adoption; P for Proposed Rule Making; RP AND REVISED RULE MAKING for Revised Rule Making; EP for a combined NO HEARING(S) SCHEDULED Emergency and Proposed Rule Making; EA for an Emergency Rule Making that is permanent Use of Force and does not expire 90 days after filing.) I.D. No. CJS-30-19-00010-ERP Italics contained in text denote new material. Brackets Filing No. 1176 indicate material to be deleted. Filing Date: 2019-12-30 Effective Date: 2020-01-01 PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE State Administrative Pro- cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action: Office of Alcoholism and Action Taken: Addition of Part 6058 to Title 9 NYCRR. Statutory authority: Executive Law, sections 837(13) and 837-t Substance Abuse Services Finding of necessity for emergency rule: Preservation of public safety and general welfare. Specific reasons underlying the finding of necessity: At the forefront of NOTICE OF ADOPTION the national discussion involving policing in America is law enforcement’s use of force, and the lack of statistical data to analyze use of force Limits on Administrative Expenses and Executive Compensation incidents. I.D. No. ASA-44-19-00002-A The proposed rule sets forth reporting and recordkeeping procedures, regarding use of force pursuant to section 837-t of the Executive Law, to Filing No. 1175 be followed by the chief of every police department, each county sheriff, Filing Date: 2019-12-31 and the Superintendent of State Police which employs police officers or Effective Date: 2020-01-15 peace officers, and by the Division of Criminal Justice Services (Division). The proposed regulations require such employers of police and peace of- ficers to report, to the Division, any instance or occurrence where a police PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE State Administrative Pro- or peace officer employs use of force. In addition, on an annual basis, the cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action: Commissioner of the Division is required to conspicuously publish on the Action taken: Amendment of Part 812 of Title 14 NYCRR. Division‘s website a comprehensive report including the use of force in- Statutory authority: Mental Hygiene Law, sections 19.07(e), 19.09(b), formation received. 19.40, 25.09, 32.01, 32.02, 32.07(a), 43.02; Not-for-Profit Corporation Repeated and highly publicized incidents of police use of force, and Law, section 508 lack of data about these incidents, leaves an impression that there is a lack of accountability by police officers in these cases. The proposed rule Subject: Limits on administrative expenses and executive compensation. provides a mechanism to produce a comprehensive view of use of force Purpose: To define limits on administrative expenses and executive incidents reported, including the circumstances, subjects, and officers compensation in accordance with State law and Executive Order 38. involved in such incidents. This data can subsequently assist with improv- Text or summary was published in the October 30, 2019 issue of the Reg- ing policies and procedures regarding use of force, providing better ister, I.D. No. ASA-44-19-00002-P. analyses of reported incidents, and increasing public awareness. This is Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes. necessary for the preservation of public safety and the general welfare of people of the State of New York, as it will foster better relations between Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained police and the communities they serve. from: Trishia Allen, NYS OASAS, 1450 Western Avenue, Albany, NY On the other hand, the failure to promulgate this rule on an emergency 12203, (518) 485-2312, email: basis will undermine public safety, as the use of force by police, especially Initial Review of Rule if excessive and unchecked, is unsafe for the community, and detrimental As a rule that requires a RFA, RAFA or JIS, this rule will be initially to its general welfare. For that reason, it would, in this case, be contrary to reviewed in the calendar year 2022, which is no later than the 3rd year af- public interest to adhere to the normal requirements of the regulation and ter the year in which this rule is being adopted. rule proposal process. 1
Rule Making Activities NYS Register/January 15, 2020 Subject: Use of Force. (b) Such reports shall not identify the names of the individuals involved, Purpose: Set forth use of force reporting and recordkeeping procedures. but for each use of force event reported, shall list the following in accor- dance with section 837-t of the executive law: Text of emergency/revised rule: Part 6058 - USE OF FORCE DATA COL- (1) the type of use of force; LECTION, ANALYSIS AND REPORTING (2) the date of the event; Section 6058.1. Purpose. (3) the location of the event disaggregated by county and law enforce- At the forefront of the national discussion involving policing in America ment agencies involved; is law enforcement use of force, and the lack of statistical data to analyze (4) the town or city where the event occurred; use of force incidents. (5) any additional relevant location information; The purpose of this Part is to set forth reporting and recordkeeping (6) a description of the circumstances of the event; procedures, regarding use force pursuant to section 837-t of the Executive (7) the race, sex, ethnicity, age (or, if unknown, approximate age) of Law, to be followed by the chief of every police department, each county all persons engaging in the use of force; and sheriff, and the superintendent of state police which employs police of- (8) the race, sex, ethnicity, age (or, if unknown, approximate age) of ficers or peace officers, and by the Division of Criminal Justice Services. all persons suffering an injury from the use of force. Section 6058.2. Definitions. This notice is intended to serve as both a notice of emergency adoption As used in this Part, the following terms shall have the following and a notice of revised rule making. The notice of proposed rule making meanings: was published in the State Register on July 24, 2019, I.D. No. CJS-30-19- (a) Division means the Division of Criminal Justice Services. 00010-EP. The emergency rule will expire February 27, 2020. (b) Commissioner means the Commissioner of the Division of Criminal Emergency rule compared with proposed rule: Substantial revisions were Justice Services, or his or her designee. made in section 6058.2. (c) FBI means the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained (d) Employer means the chief of every police department, each county from: Natasha Harvin-Locklear, Esq., Division of Criminal Justice Ser- sheriff, and the superintendent of state police which employs police of- vices, 80 S. Swan St., Albany, NY 12210, (518) 457-8413, email: ficers or peace officers. (e) Police officer means a person designated as such in section 1.20(34) of the Criminal Procedure Law. Data, views or arguments may be submitted to: Same as above. (f) Peace officer means a person designated as such in section 2.10 of Public comment will be received until: 45 days after publication of this the Criminal Procedure Law. notice. (g) Use of force means when a police officer or peace officer does the Revised Regulatory Impact Statement following: 1. Statutory authority: The authority for the promulgation of these (1) displays a chemical agent by pointing a chemical agent at a regulations is contained in Executive Law § 837-t and Executive Law subject; or § 837(13). (2) uses/deploys a chemical agent by operating the chemical agent Executive Law § 837-t sets forth use of force reporting procedures to be against a person in a manner capable of causing physical injury; or followed by the chief of every police department, each county sheriff, and (3) brandishes/uses/discharges a firearm by operating a firearm the Superintendent of State Police which employs police officers or peace against a person in a manner capable of causing physical injury; or officers, and by the Division of Criminal Justice Services (Division). (4) brandishes/uses/deploys an impact weapon or electronic control Executive Law § 837(13) authorizes the Division to adopt, amend or re- weapon by operating an impact weapon or electronic control weapon scind regulations “as may be necessary or convenient to the performance against a person in a manner capable of causing physical injury; or of the functions, powers and duties of the [D]ivision.” (5) uses a chokehold or similar restraint, which is any application of 2. Legislative objectives: Chapter 55 of the Laws of 2019 added Execu- sustained pressure to the throat or windpipe of a person in a manner that tive Law § 837-t. Pursuant to that section, the chief of every police depart- may hinder breathing or reduce intake of air; or ment, each county sheriff, and the Superintendent of State Police is (6) engages in conduct which results in the death or serious bodily required to report, to the Division, any instance or occurrence in which injury of another person. one of its police officers or peace officers employs use of force. The regula- (h) Serious bodily injury means a bodily injury that creates or causes a tions clarify the statute by defining use of force as when a police officer or substantial risk of death, unconsciousness, serious and protracted peace officer does the following: disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily (1) displays a chemical agent by pointing a chemical agent at a subject; member, organ or mental faculty. or Section 6058.3. Employer Reporting Requirements. (2) uses/deploys a chemical agent by operating the chemical agent (a) Each employer shall, in the form and manner set forth in section against a person in a manner capable of causing physical injury; or 6058.4 of this Part, submit or cause to be submitted any instance or occur- (3) brandishes/uses/discharges a firearm by operating a firearm against rence where a police or peace officer employed by it employs use of force. a person in a manner capable of causing physical injury; or (b) Each employer shall, in the form and manner set forth in section (4) brandishes/uses/deploys an impact weapon or electronic control 6058.4 of this Part, with respect to each use of force event reported, submit weapon by operating an impact weapon or electronic control weapon or cause to be submitted the following: against a person in a manner capable of causing physical injury; or (1) the type of use of force; (5) uses a chokehold or similar restraint, which is any application of (2) the date of the event; sustained pressure to the throat or windpipe of a person in a manner that (3) village, town, or city, and county location of the event; may hinder breathing or reduce intake of air; or (4) the law enforcement agencies involved; (6) engages in conduct which results in the death or serious bodily injury (5) a description of the circumstances of the event; of another person. Serious bodily injury means a bodily injury that creates (6) the race, sex, ethnicity, and age (or, if unknown, approximate age) or causes a substantial risk of death, unconsciousness, serious and of all persons engaging in the use of force; and protracted disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function (7) the race, sex, ethnicity, and age (or, if unknown, approximate age) of a bodily member, organ or mental faculty. of all persons suffering an injury from the use of force. In addition, on an annual basis, the Commissioner of the Division is (c) Each employer shall, in the form and manner set forth in section required to conspicuously publish on the Division‘s website a comprehen- 6058.4 of this Part, submit or cause to be submitted any additional infor- sive report including the use of force information received, such as: mation the commissioner may require the employer to report, including, (a) the type of use of force; but not limited to, use of force events and incident information, subject in- (b) the date of the event; formation, and officer information related to each event as required by the (c) the location of the event disaggregated by county and law enforce- FBI in coordination with the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (”UCR”) ment agencies involved; Program. (d) the town or city where the event occurred; Section 6058.4. Employer Reporting Form. (e) any additional relevant location information; Each employer shall submit all information required to be reported in (f) a description of the circumstances of the event; accordance with section 6058.3 of this Part to the division in the form and (g) the race, sex, ethnicity, age (or, if unknown, approximate age) of all manner as prescribed by the division. persons engaging in the use of force; and Section 6058.5. Division Reporting Requirements. (h) the race, sex, ethnicity, age (or, if unknown, approximate age) of all (a) On an annual basis, the commissioner shall conspicuously publish persons suffering an injury from such use of force. on the division’s website a comprehensive report including the use of force 3. Needs and benefits: At the forefront of the national discussion involv- information received under section 6058.3 of this Part during the preced- ing policing in America is law enforcement’s use of force, and the lack of ing year. statistical data to analyze use of force incidents. 2
NYS Register/January 15, 2020 Rule Making Activities The proposed rule sets forth reporting and recordkeeping procedures, sustained pressure to the throat or windpipe of a person in a manner that regarding use of force pursuant to section 837-t of the Executive Law, to may hinder breathing or reduce intake of air; or be followed by the chief of every police department, each county sheriff, (6) engages in conduct which results in the death or serious bodily injury and the Superintendent of State Police which employs police officers or of another person. Serious bodily injury means a bodily injury that creates peace officers, and by the Division. The proposed regulations require such or causes a substantial risk of death, unconsciousness, serious and employers of police and peace officers to report, to the Division, any protracted disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function instance or occurrence where a police or peace officer employs use of of a bodily member, organ or mental faculty. force. In addition, on an annual basis, the Commissioner of the Division is In addition, on an annual basis, the Commissioner of the Division is required to conspicuously publish on the Division‘s website a comprehen- required to conspicuously publish on the Division‘s website a comprehen- sive report including the use of force information received. sive report including the use of force information received, such as: Repeated and highly publicized incidents of police use of force, and (a) the type of use of force; lack of data about these incidents, leaves an impression that there is a lack (b) the date of the event; of accountability by police officers in these cases. The proposed rule (c) the location of the event disaggregated by county and law enforce- provides a mechanism to produce a comprehensive view of use of force ment agencies involved; incidents reported, including the circumstances, subjects, and officers (d) the town or city where the event occurred; involved in such incidents. This data can subsequently assist with improv- (e) any additional relevant location information; ing policies and procedures regarding use of force, providing better (f) a description of the circumstances of the event; analyses of reported incidents, and increasing public awareness. This is (g) the race, sex, ethnicity, age (or, if unknown, approximate age) of all necessary for the preservation of public safety and the general welfare of persons engaging in the use of force; and people of the State of New York, as it will foster better relations between (h) the race, sex, ethnicity, age (or, if unknown, approximate age) of all police and the communities they serve. persons suffering an injury from the use of force. 4. Costs: No funds were appropriated in the Budget to offset any costs 3. Professional services: Professional printing and/or IT services will be to regulated parties, the agency, or State and local governments for the needed to comply with the proposed rule. implementation of and continuing compliance with the rule. However, the 4. Compliance costs: No funds were appropriated in the Budget to offset costs (and potential savings) are undetermined, but are expected to include: any costs to regulated parties, the agency, or State and local governments D the training of police officers and peace officers on the new use of for the implementation of and continuing compliance with the rule. force reporting requirements; However, the costs (and potential savings) are undetermined, but are D the creation/modification of use of force reporting forms and/or expected to include: systems; D the training of police officers and peace officers on the new use of D professional services to create/update use of force forms and/or force reporting requirements; systems; D the creation/modification of use of force reporting forms and/or D professional services to update websites, and website hosting and systems; maintenance fees; D professional services to create/update use of force forms and/or D the use of existing resources; and systems; D the fact that most, if not all, of the information that must be reported D professional services to update websites, and website hosting and is already gathered or reported for other purposes. maintenance fees; 5. Local government mandates: The proposed regulations will require D the use of existing resources; and employers of police and peace officers to report, to the Division, any D the fact that most, if not all, of the information that must be reported instance or occurrence where a police or peace officer employed by it is already gathered or reported for other purposes. employs use of force. 5. Economic and technological feasibility: No economic or technologi- 6. Paperwork: The employers may have paperwork within its agency. cal impediments to compliance have been identified. However, each employer shall submit all information required to be 6. Minimizing adverse impact: The mandates on local governments are reported to the Division electronically. minimal as law enforcement agencies already submit crime reports to the 7. Duplication: The FBI established the National Use of Force Data Division. Each employer is required to submit all information to the Divi- Collection. However, participation by law enforcement is voluntary. sion electronically. 8. Alternatives: There are no alternatives. The proposed rule is pursuant 7. Small business and local government participation: Use of force has to legislation. long been a topic of discussion. A Use of Force Model Policy that refer- 9. Federal standards: The National Use of Force Data Collection ences the new reporting requirements of Executive Law § 837-t, which are includes three types of events: codified in the proposed regulations, was discussed and approved by the (a) when use of force by a law enforcement officer causes a fatality; Municipal Police Training Council (Council), which consists of members (b) when use of force by a law enforcement officer causes serious bodily who are sheriffs, chiefs of police or commissioners of police, and the Com- injury; and missioner of New York City. In addition, input regarding the use of force (c) in the absence of either death or serious bodily injury, when a law definitions was provided by a panel of law enforcement representatives. enforcement officer discharges a firearm at or in the direction of a person. Such definitions were subsequently endorsed by the Council. The proposal The National Use of Force Data Collection also includes extensive does not apply to small businesses. incident information, subject information, and officer information related Revised Rural Area Flexibility Analysis to each event. 1. Types and estimated numbers of rural areas: The rule applies to every 10. Compliance schedule: Regulated parties are expected to be able to police department and sheriff’s office in New York State, and the New achieve compliance with the proposed rule as soon as it is adopted. York State Police. Many law enforcement agencies are located in rural Revised Regulatory Flexibility Analysis areas. 1. Effect of rule: The proposed rule applies to every police department 2. Reporting, recordkeeping and other compliance requirements; and and sheriff’s office in New York State, and the New York State Police. The professional services: The proposed rule implements Executive Law proposal does not apply to small businesses. § 837-t, which requires the chief of every police department, each county 2. Compliance requirements: The proposed rule implements Executive sheriff, and the Superintendent of State Police to report, to the Division of Law § 837-t, which requires the chief of every police department, each Criminal Justice Services (Division), any instance or occurrence in which county sheriff, and the Superintendent of State Police to report, to the one of its police officers or peace officers employs use of force. The regula- Division of Criminal Justice Services (Division), any instance or occur- tions clarify the statute by defining use of force as when a police officer or rence in which one of its police officers or peace officers employs use of peace officer does the following: force. The regulations clarify the statute by defining use of force as when a (1) displays a chemical agent by pointing a chemical agent at a subject; police officer or peace officer does the following: or (1) displays a chemical agent by pointing a chemical agent at a subject; (2) uses/deploys a chemical agent by operating the chemical agent or against a person in a manner capable of causing physical injury; or (2) uses/deploys a chemical agent by operating the chemical agent (3) brandishes/uses/discharges a firearm by operating a firearm against against a person in a manner capable of causing physical injury; or a person in a manner capable of causing physical injury; or (3) brandishes/uses/discharges a firearm by operating a firearm against (4) brandishes/uses/deploys an impact weapon or electronic control a person in a manner capable of causing physical injury; or weapon by operating an impact weapon or electronic control weapon (4) brandishes/uses/deploys an impact weapon or electronic control against a person in a manner capable of causing physical injury; or weapon by operating an impact weapon or electronic control weapon (5) uses a chokehold or similar restraint, which is any application of against a person in a manner capable of causing physical injury; or sustained pressure to the throat or windpipe of a person in a manner that (5) uses a chokehold or similar restraint, which is any application of may hinder breathing or reduce intake of air; or 3
Rule Making Activities NYS Register/January 15, 2020 (6) engages in conduct which results in the death or serious bodily injury of another person. Serious bodily injury means a bodily injury that creates or causes a substantial risk of death, unconsciousness, serious and Department of Economic protracted disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ or mental faculty. Development In addition, on an annual basis, the Commissioner of the Division is required to conspicuously publish on the Division‘s website a comprehen- EMERGENCY sive report including the use of force information received, such as: RULE MAKING (a) the type of use of force; (b) the date of the event; Empire Zones Reform (c) the location of the event disaggregated by county and law enforce- I.D. No. EDV-02-20-00004-E ment agencies involved; Filing No. 1171 (d) the town or city where the event occurred; Filing Date: 2019-12-31 (e) any additional relevant location information; Effective Date: 2019-12-31 (f) a description of the circumstances of the event; PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE State Administrative Pro- (g) the race, sex, ethnicity, age (or, if unknown, approximate age) of all cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action: persons engaging in the use of force; and Action taken: Amendment of Parts 10 and 11; renumbering and amend- (h) the race, sex, ethnicity, age (or, if unknown, approximate age) of all ment of Parts 12 through 14 to Parts 13, 15, 16; addition of new Parts 12 persons suffering an injury from the use of force. and 14 to Title 5 NYCRR. Each employer is required to submit all information as part of the Statutory authority: General Municipal Law, art. 18-B, section 959; L. employer’s monthly crime reports to the Division. Thus, the mandates on 2000, ch. 63; L. 2005, ch. 63; L. 2009, ch. 57 local governments are minimal as law enforcement agencies already report Finding of necessity for emergency rule: Preservation of general welfare. incident data to the Division. Specific reasons underlying the finding of necessity: Regulatory action is needed immediately to implement the statutory changes contained in Professional printing and/or IT services will be needed to comply with Chapter 57 of the Laws of 2009. The emergency rule also clarifies the the proposed rule. administrative procedures of the program, improves efficiency and helps 3. Costs: No funds were appropriated in the Budget to offset any costs make it more cost-effective and accountable to the State’s taxpayers, to regulated parties, the agency, or State and local governments for the particularly in light of New York’s current fiscal climate. It bears noting implementation of and continuing compliance with the rule. However, the that General Municipal Law section 959(a), as amended by Chapter 57 of costs (and potential savings) are undetermined, but are expected to include: the Laws of 2009, expressly authorizes the Commissioner of Economic Development to adopt emergency regulations to govern the program. D the training of police officers and peace officers on the new use of Subject: Empire Zones reform. force reporting requirements; Purpose: Allow Department to continue implementing Zones reforms and D the creation/modification of use of force reporting forms and/or adopt changes that would enhance program’s strategic focus. systems; Substance of emergency rule: The emergency rule is the result of changes D professional services to create/update use of force forms and/or to Article 18-B of the General Municipal Law pursuant to Chapter 63 of systems; the Laws of 2000, Chapter 63 of the Laws of 2005, and Chapter 57 of the Laws of 2009. These laws, which authorize the empire zones program, D professional services to update websites, and website hosting and were changed to make the program more effective and less costly through maintenance fees; higher standards for entry into the program and for continued eligibility to remain in the program. Existing regulations fail to address these require- D the use of existing resources; and ments and the existing regulations contain several outdated references. D the fact that most, if not all, of the information that must be reported The emergency rule will correct these items. is already gathered or reported for other purposes. The rule contained in 5 NYCRR Parts 10 through 14 (now Parts 10-16 as amended), which governs the empire zones program, is amended as 4. Minimizing adverse impact: The mandates on local governments are follows: minimal as law enforcement agencies already submit crime reports to the 1. The emergency rule, tracking the requirements of Chapter 63 of the Division. Each employer is required to submit all information to the Divi- Laws of 2005, requires placement of zone acreage into “distinct and sepa- sion electronically. rate contiguous areas.” 5. Rural area participation: Use of force has long been a topic of 2. The emergency rule updates several outdated references, including: discussion. A Use of Force Model Policy that references the new reporting the name change of the program from Economic Development Zones to Empire Zones, the replacement of Standard Industrial Codes with the requirements of Executive Law § 837-t, which are codified in the proposed North American Industrial Codes, the renaming of census-tract zones as regulations, was discussed and approved by the Municipal Police Training investment zones, the renaming of county-created zones as development Council (Council), which consists of members who are sheriffs, chiefs of zones, and the replacement of the Job Training Partnership Act (and private police or commissioners of police, and the Commissioner of New York industry councils) with the Workforce Investment Act (and local workforce City. In addition, input regarding the use of force definitions was provided investment boards). by a panel of law enforcement representatives. Such definitions were 3. The emergency rule adds the statutory definition of “cost-benefit subsequently endorsed by the Council. analysis” and provides for its use and applicability. 4. The emergency rule also adds several other definitions (such as ap- Revised Job Impact Statement plicant municipality, chief executive, concurring municipality, empire A Job Impact Statement is not being submitted with this Notice of Emer- zone capital tax credits or zone capital tax credits, clean energy research gency Adoption and Revised Rule Making because it is evident from the and development enterprise, change of ownership, benefit-cost ratio, subject matter of the regulation that it will have no adverse impact on jobs capital investments, single business enterprise and regionally significant or employment opportunities. project) and conforms several existing regulatory definitions to statutory definitions, including zone equivalent areas, women-owned business The proposed rule merely sets forth use of force reporting procedures to enterprise, minority-owned business enterprise, qualified investment proj- be followed by the chief of every police department, each county sheriff, ect, zone development plans, and significant capital investment projects. and the Superintendent of State Police which employs police officers or The emergency rule also clarifies regionally significant project eligibility. peace officers, and by the Division of Criminal Justice Services. Additionally, the emergency rule makes reference to the following tax credits and exemptions: the Qualified Empire Zone Enterprise (“QEZE”) Assessment of Public Comment Real Property Tax Credit, QEZE Tax Reduction Credit, and the QEZE The agency received no public comment. Sales and Use Tax Exemption. The emergency rule also reflects the 4
NYS Register/January 15, 2020 Rule Making Activities eligibility of agricultural cooperatives for Empire Zone tax credits and the Board. The emergency rule also provides that the Commissioner may QEZE Real Property Tax Credit. revoke the certification of a firm upon a finding of any one of the other 5. The emergency rule requires additional statements to be included in criteria for revocation of certification set forth in the rule. an application for empire zone designation, including (i) a statement from 14. The emergency rule adds a new Part 12 implementing record- the applicant and local economic development entities pertaining to the keeping requirements. Any firm choosing to participate in the empire zones integration and cooperation of resources and services for the purpose of program must maintain and have available, for a period of six years, all in- providing support for the zone administrator, and (ii) a statement from the formation related to the application and business annual reports. applicant that there is no viable alternative area available that has existing 15. The emergency rule clarifies the statutory requirement from Chapter public sewer or water infrastructure other than the proposed zone. 63 of the Laws of 2005 that development zones (formerly county zones) 6. The emergency rule amends the existing rule in a manner that allows create up to three areas within their reconfigured zones as investment for the designation of nearby lands in investment zones to exceed 320 (formerly census tract) zones. The rule would require that 75% of the acre- acres, upon the determination by the Department of Economic Develop- age used to define these investment zones be included within an eligible or ment that certain conditions have been satisfied. contiguous census tract. Furthermore, the rule would not require a 7. The emergency rule provides a description of the elements to be development zone to place investment zone acreage within a municipality included in a zone development plan and requires that the plan be in that county if that particular municipality already contained an invest- resubmitted by the local zone administrative board as economic condi- ment zone, and the only eligible census tracts were contained within that tions change within the zone. Changes to the zone development plan must municipality. 16. The emergency rule tracks the statutory requirements that zones be approved by the Commissioner of Economic Development (“the reconfigure their existing acreage in up to three (for investment zones) or Commissioner”). six (for development zones) distinct and separate contiguous areas, and Also, the rule adds additional situations under which a business that zones can allocate up to their total allotted acreage at the time of enterprise may be granted a shift resolution. designation. These reconfigured zones must be presented to the Empire 8. The emergency rule grants discretion to the Commissioner to Zones Designation Board for unanimous approval. The emergency rule determine the contents of an empire zone application form. makes clear that zones may not necessarily designate all of their acreage 9. The emergency rule tracks the amended statute’s deletion of the cate- into three or six areas or use all of their allotted acreage; the rule removes gory of contributions to a qualified Empire Zone Capital Corporation from the requirement that any subsequent additions after their official redesigna- those businesses eligible for the Zone Capital Credit. tion by the Designation Board will still require unanimous approval by 10. The emergency rule reflects statutory changes to the process to that Board. revise a zone’s boundaries. The primary effect of this is to limit the number 17. The emergency rule clarifies the statutory requirement that certain of boundary revisions to one per year. defined “regionally significant” projects can be located outside of the 11. The emergency rule describes the amended certification and distinct and separate contiguous areas. There are four categories of decertification processes. The authority to certify and decertify now rests projects: (i) a manufacturer projecting the creation of fifty or more net new solely with the Commissioner with reduced roles for the Department of jobs in the State of New York; (ii) an agri-business or high tech or biotech Labor and the local zone. Local zone boards must recommend projects to business making a capital investment of ten million dollars and creating the State for approval. The labor commissioner must determine whether twenty or more net new jobs in the State of New York, (iii) a financial or an applicant firm has been engaged in substantial violations, or pattern of insurance services or distribution center creating three hundred or more violations of laws regulating unemployment insurance, workers’ compen- net new jobs in the State of New York, and (iv) a clean energy research sation, public work, child labor, employment of minorities and women, and development enterprise. Other projects may be considered by the safety and health, or other laws for the protection of workers as determined empire zone designation board. Only one category of projects, manufactur- by final judgment of a judicial or administrative proceeding. If such ap- ers projecting the creation of 50 or more net new jobs, are allowed to plicant firm has been found in a criminal proceeding to have committed progress before the identification of the distinct and separate contiguous any such violations, the Commissioner may not certify that firm. areas and/or the approval of certain regulations by the Empire Zones 12. The emergency rule describes new eligibility standards for Designation Board. Regionally significant projects that fall within the four certification. The new factors which may be considered by the Commis- categories listed above must be projects that are exporting 60% of their sioner when deciding whether to certify a firm is (i) whether a non- goods or services outside the region and export a substantial amount of manufacturing applicant firm projects a benefit-cost ratio of at least 20:1 goods or services beyond the State. for the first three years of certification, (ii) whether a manufacturing ap- 18. The emergency rule clarifies the status of community development plicant firm projects a benefit-cost ratio of at least 10:1 for the first three projects as a result of the statutory reconfiguration of the zones. years of certification, and (iii) whether the business enterprise conforms 19. The emergency rule clarifies the provisions under Chapter 63 of the with the zone development plan. Laws of 2005 that allow for zone-certified businesses which will be lo- 13. The emergency rule adds the following new justifications for cated outside of the distinct and separate contiguous areas to receive zone decertification of firms: (a) the business enterprise, that has submitted at benefits until decertified. The area which will be “grandfathered” shall be least three years of business annual reports, has failed to provide eco- limited to the expansion of the certified business within the parcel or por- nomic returns to the State in the form of total remuneration to its employ- tion thereof that was originally located in the zone before redesignation. ees (i.e. wages and benefits) and investments in its facility greater in value Each zone must identify any such business by December 30, 2005. to the tax benefits the business enterprise used and had refunded to it; (b) 20. The emergency rule elaborates on the “demonstration of need” the business enterprise, if first certified prior to August 1, 2002, caused requirement mentioned in Chapter 63 of the Laws of 2005 for the addition individuals to transfer from existing employment with another business (for both investment and development zones) of an additional distinct and enterprise with similar ownership and located in New York state to similar separate contiguous area. A zone can demonstrate the need for a fourth or, employment with the certified business enterprise or if the enterprise as the case may be, a seventh distinct and separate contiguous area if (1) acquired, purchased, leased, or had transferred to it real property previ- there is insufficient existing or planned infrastructure within the three (or ously owned by an entity with similar ownership, regardless of form of six) distinct and separate contiguous areas to (a) accommodate business incorporation or organization; (c) change of ownership or moving out of development and there are other areas of the applicant municipality that the Zone, (d) failure to pay wages and benefits or make capital invest- can be characterized as economically distressed and/or (b) accommodate ments as represented on the firm’s application, (e) the business enterprise development of strategic businesses as defined in the local development makes a material misrepresentation of fact in any of its business annual plan, or (2) placing all acreage in the other three or six distinct and sepa- reports, and (f) the business enterprise fails to invest in its facility rate contiguous areas would be inconsistent with open space and wetland substantially in accordance with the representations contained in its protection, or (3) there are insufficient lands available for further business application. In addition, the regulations track the statute in permitting the development within the other distinct and separate contiguous areas. decertification of a business enterprise if it failed to create new employ- The full text of the emergency rule is available at: ment or prevent a loss of employment in the zone or zone equivalent area, and deletes the condition that such failure was not due to economic cir- cumstances or conditions which such business could not anticipate or This notice is intended to serve only as an emergency adoption, to be which were beyond its control. The emergency rule provides that the Com- valid for 90 days or less. This rule expires March 29, 2020. missioner shall revoke the certification of a firm if the firm fails the stan- Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained dard set forth in (a) above, or if the Commissioner makes the finding in (b) from: Thomas P. Regan, Department of Economic Development, 625 above, unless the Commissioner determines in his or her discretion, after Broadway, Albany, NY 12245, (518) 292-5123, email: consultation with the Director of the Budget, that other economic, social and environmental factors warrant continued certification of the firm. The Regulatory Impact Statement emergency rule further provides for a process to appeal revocations of STATUTORY AUTHORITY: certifications based on (a) or (b) above to the Empire Zones Designation Section 959(a) of the General Municipal Law authorizes the Commis- 5
Rule Making Activities NYS Register/January 15, 2020 sioner of Economic Development to adopt on an emergency basis rules 3. Professional services and regulations governing the criteria of eligibility for empire zone designation, the application process, the certification of a business No professional services are likely to be needed by small and large enterprises as to eligibility of benefits under the program and the decertifi- businesses in order to establish and maintain the required records. Local cation of a business enterprise so as to revoke the certification of business enterprises for benefits under the program. governments are unaffected by this rule. LEGISLATIVE OBJECTIVES: The rulemaking accords with the public policy objectives the Legisla- 4. Compliance costs ture sought to advance because the majority of such revisions are in direct response to statutory amendments and the remaining revisions either No initial capital costs are likely to be incurred by small and large busi- conform the regulations to existing statute or clarify administrative nesses choosing to participate in the Empire Zones program. Annual procedures of the program. These amendments further the Legislative compliance costs are estimated to be negligible for both small and larges goals and objectives of the Empire Zones program, particularly as they relate to regionally significant projects, the cost-benefit analysis, and the businesses. Local governments are unaffected by this rule. process for certification and decertification of business enterprises. The proposed amendments to the rule will facilitate the administration of this 5. Economic and technological feasibility program in a more efficient, effective, and accountable manner. NEEDS AND BENEFITS: The Department of Economic Development (“DED”) estimates that The emergency rule is required in order to implement the statutory complying with this record-keeping is both economically and technologi- changes contained in Chapter 57 of the Laws of 2009. The emergency rule cally feasible. Local governments are unaffected by this rule. also clarifies the administrative procedures of the program, improves effi- ciency and helps make it more cost-effective and accountable to the State’s taxpayers, particularly in light of New York’s current fiscal climate. 6. Minimizing adverse impact COSTS: A. Costs to private regulated parties: None. There are no regulated par- DED finds no adverse economic impact on small or large businesses ties in the Empire Zones program, only voluntary participants. with respect to this rule. Local governments are unaffected by this rule. B. Costs to the agency, the state, and local governments: There will be additional costs to the Department of Economic Development associated with the emergency rule making. These costs pertain to the addition of 7. Small business and local government participation personnel that may need to be hired to implement the Empire Zones program reforms. There may be savings for the Department of Labor as- DED is in full compliance with SAPA Section 202-b(6), which ensures sociated with the streamlining of the State’s administration and concentra- that small businesses and local governments have an opportunity to partic- tion of authority within the Department of Economic Development. There ipate in the rulemaking process. DED has conducted outreach within the is no additional cost to local governments. small and large business communities and maintains continuous contact C. Costs to the State government: None. There will be no additional with small businesses and large businesses with regard to their participa- costs to New York State as a result of the emergency rule making. tion in this program. Local governments are unaffected by this rule. LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANDATES: None. Local governments are not mandated to participate in the Empire Zones program. If a local government chooses to participate, there is a Rural Area Flexibility Analysis cost associated with local administration that local government officials The Empire Zones program is a statewide program. Although there are agreed to bear at the time of application for designation as an Empire municipalities and businesses in rural areas of New York State that are Zone. One of the requirements for designation was a commitment to local eligible to participate in the program, participation by the municipalities administration and an identification of local resources that would be and businesses is entirely at their discretion. The emergency rule imposes dedicated to local administration. no additional reporting, record keeping or other compliance requirements This emergency rule does not impose any additional costs to the local on public or private entities in rural areas. Therefore, the emergency rule governments for administration of the Empire Zones program. PAPERWORK: will not have a substantial adverse economic impact on rural areas or The emergency rule imposes new record-keeping requirements on busi- reporting, record keeping or other compliance requirements on public or nesses choosing to participate in the Empire Zones program. The emer- private entities in such rural areas. Accordingly, a rural area flexibility gency rule requires all businesses that participate in the program to estab- analysis is not required and one has not been prepared. lish and maintain complete and accurate books relating to their participation in the Empire Zones program for a period of six years. Job Impact Statement DUPLICATION: The emergency rule conforms to provisions of Article 18-B of the Gen- The emergency rule relates to the Empire Zones program. The Empire eral Municipal Law and does not otherwise duplicate any state or federal Zones program itself is a job creation incentive, and will not have a statutes or regulations. substantial adverse impact on jobs and employment opportunities. In fact, ALTERNATIVES: the emergency rule, which is being promulgated as a result of statutory No alternatives were considered with regard to amending the regula- reforms, will enable the program to continue to fulfill its mission of job tions in response to statutory revisions. creation and investment for economically distressed areas. Because it is FEDERAL STANDARDS: evident from its nature that this emergency rule will have either no impact There are no federal standards in regard to the Empire Zones program. or a positive impact on job and employment opportunities, no further affir- Therefore, the emergency rule does not exceed any Federal standard. COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE: mative steps were needed to ascertain that fact and none were taken. Ac- The period of time the state needs to assure compliance is negligible, cordingly, a job impact statement is not required and one has not been and the Department of Economic Development expects to be compliant prepared. immediately. Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 1. Effect of rule The emergency rule imposes new record-keeping requirements on small Education Department businesses and large businesses choosing to participate in the Empire Zones program. The emergency rule requires all businesses that partici- pate in the program to establish and maintain complete and accurate books NOTICE OF EXPIRATION relating to their participation in the Empire Zones program for a period of six years. Local governments are unaffected by this rule. The following notice has expired and cannot be reconsidered un- 2. Compliance requirements less the Education Department publishes a new notice of proposed Each small business and large business choosing to participate in the rule making in the NYS Register. Empire Zones program must establish and maintain complete and accurate books, records, documents, accounts, and other evidence relating to such Annual professional performance reviews. business’s application for entry into the Empire Zone program and relating to existing annual reporting requirements. Local governments are unaf- I.D. No. Proposed Expiration Date fected by this rule. EDU-52-18-00005-P December 26, 2018 December 26, 2019 6
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