ROBOTS Rise of the -

Page created by Clyde Wells
ROBOTS Rise of the -

                                                                                                                                                     VOL 13 | JUNE 2022 | `100

                                                                             EFFICIENT MANUFACTURING

                                                                             Rise of the
Also available in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand & Hong Kong

                                                                                                               Material Handling P. 22
                                                                                                               Industrial Automation P. 28
                                                                              EM - Interview
                                                                              Mahesh Wagle,
                                                                              Co-founder & Director,
                                                                                                               Additive Manufacturing P. 34
                                                                                                               Industrial Safety P. 40
                                                                              Cybernetik             (p. 20)
ROBOTS Rise of the -
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ROBOTS Rise of the -
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ROBOTS Rise of the -
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ROBOTS Rise of the -
ROBOTS Rise of the -
VOL 10 | OCT 2019 | ` 100


                                                                             EFFICIENT MANUFACTURING

                                                                             CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
                                                                             With reliable manufacturing processes

Also available in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand & Hong Kong

                                                                              EM - Interview
                                                                                                            FOCUS Cutting Tools   P. 38
                                                                              Petr Novotny,
                                                                              Managing Director             SPECIAL FEATURE Industrial Maintenance   P. 54
                                                                              Scania Commercial
                                                                              Vehicles India      (p. 30)

ROBOTS Rise of the -

                                                                 Man to Machine: The
                                                                 remarkable metamorphosis
                                                                     Industry 4.0 may seem like a jargon to many but the way the
                                                                 manufacturing industry is transforming is a proof enough that we
                                                                 are heading towards technology in lighting speed. Manufacturers are
                                                                 exploring and nurturing new ideas to make their facilities, processes,
                                                                 products and performance more efficient. The industry is already
  “Embracing new                                                 embracing new age techniques like Additive Manufacturing and 3D
                                                                 Printing to be a part of the Industry 4.0 revolution.
   technologies is the best                                          With this backdrop, this issue of the magazine has explored
   way to secure our future”                                     interesting aspects of manufacturing like robotics & industrial
                                                                 automation, industrial safety and Additive Manufacturing with
                                                                 regards to the technologies driving them. Applications and R&D in
                                                                 robotics is driving industrial automation and the Cover Story of this
                                                                 issue highlights and discusses every side of it. Manufacturers are also
                                                                 changing conventional industrial safety systems with automated ones
                                                                 to make manufacturing more efficient and performance-oriented.
                                                                     With technology driving the core manufacturing areas, other
                                                                 related aspects like industrial maintenance, material handling, etc
                                                                 cannot be forgotten. The articles in this issue will also give you
                                                                 advancement updates in these areas. The industry experts that
                                                                 bring all of this together are another important part of the technical
                                                                 transformation the industry is going through. The articles and
                                                                 interviews in this issue also focus on their expectations and fears
                                                                 when it comes to applying new technologies to manufacturing.
                                                                     Stay tuned for our upcoming issue as we will uncover the how
                                                                 manufacturers are exploring 5G to make manufacturing more
                                                                 efficient. Let’s get reading.

                                                                 Vidisha Sonone
                                                                 Assistant Editor

                                                            EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD

       Raghavendra Rao              Dr Ravi M Damodaran          Ramesh T K                    Vineet Seth                    Dr Wilfried Aulbur
       CEO,                         Chief Technology Officer,    MD & CEO,                     Managing Director,             Managing Partner,
       Kaizen Hansei LLP            Greaves Cotton               Micromatic Machine Tools      Mastercam India                Roland Berger Pvt Ltd

       Dr N Ravichandran            Dr P N Rao                   Dr K Subramanian              Sonali Kulkarni                Satish Godbole
       Former Executive Director,   Professor of Manufacturing   President, STIMS Institute,   President & CEO,               Vice President,
       Lucas-TVS                    Technology, Department of    USA                           Fanuc India                    Motion Control Div,
       Chief Mentor,                Technology, University of    Training Advisor, IMTMA                                      Siemens Ltd
       UCAL Fuel Systems            Northern Iowa, USA

                                                                                                                           Overseas Partner:
                                                                                                                  China, Taiwan, Hong Kong & South-East Asia

EM | Jun 2022                                                                                                                                                     5
ROBOTS Rise of the -
CONTENTS                                                                                     22
                                                                                                      MATERIAL HANDLING
                                                                                                      Revolutionising material
                                                                                                      handling systems
    10 NEWS

    12 “ Technology has become easy,
         efficient & affordable”
       Interview with Deepak Razdan,
       Director, JFY Business in India and JFY International
       (Member of the TRUMPF Group)

    13 “ The society needs to share the
         responsibility to reduce climate change”
       Interview with Jonathan Carrier,
       Co-founder, Zip Charge

    14 Rise of the robots
       The Cover Story brings to light the promising
       robotics industry and the future it holds

    20 “ Robots will become modular with software
                                                                                 COVER STORY
         being their central component”                                        Rise of the robots
       Mahesh Wagle,
       Co-founder & Director, Cybernetik

    22 Revolutionising material handling systems
       The article highlights the company’s future
       plans and industry predictions regarding material

       handling systems

TECHNOLOGY                                                            RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
                                                               ERP and improved business efficiency
    24 Ensuring quality through optimal
       cleaning processes
       The article sheds light on the significance of
       the right cleaning processes

    28 Control cabinet-free automation solution-
       an innovative approach
       The article explores innovation in control
       cabinets and its advantages

6                                                                                                                     EM | Jun 2022
ROBOTS Rise of the -

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                                               32 ERP and improved business efficiency                                                                                                         RO

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                                                  The article explains how networked ERP is

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                                                  transforming businesses


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                                                  ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        rvie
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                                               34 3D Printing: The future of the
                                                  manufacturing industry                               EM – the leading industrial magazine in
                                                  The article explores the ways 3D Printing            India, on Efficient Manufacturing, that
                                                  is changing the manufacturing industry,              offers a three-dimensional perspective on
                                                  its advantages and upcoming trends and
                                                  advancements                                         technology, market and management
          Cover image courtesy: shutterstock

                                                                                                       aspects of manufacturing
                                                  TESTS & MEASUREMENTS
                                               37 System dynamics & vibration analysis
                                                  The case study discusses a comprehensive solution
                                                                                                      SUBSCRIBE TO
                                                  for vibration analysis requirements, wherein it
                                                  assists in complying with standards such as ISO
                                                  10816 as well as in diagnosing complex technical
                                                  problems or faults
                                                                                                      GET AUTOMATED NOW!
                                               SPECIAL FEATURE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  & DIGITIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        AU TOM11  OCT-NOV 2018  ` 100

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  AUTOMATION & DIGITISATION                                                                                                                                                                        ORAT                                                                                   .com /en

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        businering new

                                               40 Safety gate management 4.0


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  VIRTUAL COMMISSIONING
                                                  The article talks about the result of combining


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Malaysia, Thailand & Hong

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Oct-Nov 2018 I VOLUME
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           A&D - Interview
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                                                 New Products
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jarrau                (p.34)
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                                                 42 Duplex compressor with controller;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FO
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                                                    Model-based design environment;

                                                    Profiling geometry                                 A&D India – the leading industrial
                                                 43 Angular grippers;                                  magazine in India, on Automation &
                                                    Automatic loading system;
                                                                                                       Digitisation, that offers a three-dimensional
                                                    Compact vertical machining centre
                                                                                                       perspective on technology, market and
                                                                                                       management aspects of automation
                                                                                                       SUBSCRIBE TO
                                                       05   Editorial                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AUTOMATION & DIGITISATION

                                                       06   Contents

                                                            Guest Editorial
                                                            Highlights – Next Issue
                                                            Company Index

3D Printing: The future of the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
manufacturing industry

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  publish-industry India Pvt Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  325-326, 3rd Floor, Sohrab Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  21 Sassoon Road, Pune – 411001
EM | Jun 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Maharashtra, India
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tel: +91 7410009435/36
ROBOTS Rise of the -

                                                                         COMMENTS & COMMENTARY
                           Dr Neeraj Bhanot,
                           SCIENTIST AND ASSISTANT PROFESSOR,
                           CSIR NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY,
                           MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,
                           GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, NEW DELHI

    Negotiations regarding global climate                                                           metal-cutting tools and hazardous fluids.
change have emphasised on the concept                                                                    Further, microorganisms used as cutting
of sustainable manufacturing for the
                                                  “EXPLORING BIOMACHINING                           tools are self-cultured and self-renewable,
conclusive growth for all. Globally, the aim      PROSPECTS IN SUSTAINABLE                          thus making this a sustainable, cost-effective
of sustainable manufacturing is to increase       MANUFACTURING CONTEXT”                            and energy-efficient green manufacturing
the efficiency of the manufacturing processes                                                       process. In this context, a study was conducted
by employing green manufacturing practices                                                          in collaboration with Tanveer Singh Jhajj
(GMPs) having negligible impact on                breeding ground for pathogens that are            (PG student at GNDEC, Ludhiana) & Dr.
environment and to utilise GMPs to have           dangerous to man, machine and material.           Amanpreet Kaur Sodhi (faculty at GNDEC,
zero production defects, thus leading to          This issue not only has an effect on health       Ludhiana) to identify the potential of fungus
both economic and environmental benefits.         but creates concerns about safety too. It also    i.e. Aspergillus niger by considering the
Manufacturing industries dealing with metal       affects in terms of macroeconomics because        physiochemical parameters such as shaking
machining are important from a socio-             a heavy cost is associated with their disposal    rate, pH, microbial concentration and
economic point of view. Among available           which in turn adds to the production cost.        temperature for bio-machining of EN 19
metal machining operations, the turning           Further, the high density of electric energy      alloy steel due to its high wearing capacity
process is widely favoured and has a lion’s       consumed while doing metal machining              with applications in strategic places like
share in cutting and shaping of metal.            is also an indirect environmental concern,        aircrafts, tanks, axle of army trucks, etc.
    Although technical advancement in             adding up to the production cost.                 For machining of EN-19 alloy steel, dry
metal machining makes the turning process              To tackle health and environmental           machining has been considered more
highly efficient, nevertheless, some social and   risks along with retaining efficiency-based       favourable over wet machining.
environmental aspects are associated with it      competitiveness, various ecological-friendly,          However, the tooling cost of dry
that continue to pose serious concern and         sustainable, and green manufacturing              machining is higher, which is not good from
probably have negative consequences on the        technologies and strategies are evolving          an economic point of view. Simply put, the
surroundings. The metal machining process         with a vision of incorporating sustainable        machining of this material is an important
generates a lot of waste in the form of by-       manufacturing approaches. Bio-machining           consideration & efforts have thus been made
products in solid, liquid and gaseous forms       is one amongst such green manufacturing           to explore the potential of microorganism
which pose a threat to our environment as         techniques in which a microorganism is            in a sustainable way. The study, however,
well. Even though cutting fluids enhance          used as a cutting tool for the purpose of metal   reflected continuous weight reduction of
the metal removal operation and ensure            removal from a metallic work piece. This is       the work piece, proving the machining effect
surface quality, they have a harmful impact       a carbon-neutral process leading to decrease      on alloy steel produced by Aspergillus niger
on human health and environment.                  in carbon footprint. The bio-machining            and highlighted the need for optimisation
    Cutting fluids, when mixed with metal         process depends on the enzymatic activity         of physiochemical parameters in order to
chips, become sludge that is hard to separate     of microorganisms to machine metal surface        further scale up the process for precision
and the accumulation of which becomes a           which can replace the use of conventional         machining applications in the near future.

8                                                                                                                                    EM | Jun 2022

MoUs, events, collaboration: a lot has happened in the manufacturing sector in this past
month. Among other things, Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE WORKS helps WAE
  while Southco Inc from US acquired Darshana Industries from Pune. Also, Vitesco
 Technologies celebrated second anniversary of its Pune facility. Similarly, Meghmani
Finechem signed an agreement with Renew Green Energy Solutions and Jupiter Wagons
  launched Jupiter Electric Mobility. LAMIERA 2022 ended with a positive outcome.

            1                            2                             3

            4                            5                             6
10                                                                             EM | Jun 2022

  Dassault Systèmes’                                    Southco Inc acquired                              Vitesco Technologies aims
  3DEXPERIENCE Works                                    Darshana Industries                               to achieve 100% carbon
  helps WAE to reduce                                   Southco Inc recently announced its procurement
                                                        of Darshana Industries, Pune. This acquisition
                                                                                                          neutral production by 2030
  customer plastic usage                                positions Southco as a leading access hardware
                                                                                                          Vitesco Technologies recently celebrated
                                                                                                          the second anniversary of its Pune facility. Dr
  Dassault Systèmes recently announced that they        manufacturer and supplier in this vital region,
                                                                                                          Hans-Jürgen Braun, Senior VP – Operations,
  have strengthened their six year partnership with     which is poised for strong business growth.
                                                                                                          Vitesco Technologies, visited the facility to
  WAE for bringing innovative products to the market.   Read more:                 commemorate the occasion.
  Read more:
                                                                                                          Read more:

  1                                                     2                                                 3
  Meghmani Finechem                                     Jupiter Wagons forays                             Over 19,000 visits
  forays into green energy                              into EV segment                                   registered at LAMIERA
  Meghmani Finechem (MFL) recently announced
  that it has entered into an agreement with
                                                        Jupiter Wagons (JWL) recently entered the         2022
                                                        electric mobility market with the launch of
                                                                                                          Promoted by UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE
  Renew Green Energy Solutions for setting up a         ‘Jupiter Electric Mobility’ (JEM) focusing on
                                                                                                          and organised by CEU-CENTRO ESPOSIZIONI
  wind-solar hybrid power project.                      commercial EV vehicles. The company has
                                                                                                          UCIMU, LAMIERA took place at FieraMilano,
  Read more:                     formed a joint venture with EA GreenPower.
                                                                                                          Italy from May 18 - 21 2022, ended with a
                                                        Read more:                 positive outcome.
                                                                                                          Read more:

  4                                                     5                                                 6                                                      Advt

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                                                                                      designed with a fresh new look and user-friendly
                                                                                      navigation, updated with the latest information
                                                                                      on the manufacturing technology world
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EM | Jun 2022                                                                                                                                               11

                                         “Technology has
                                          become easy,
                                           efficient & affordable”
                                            ...says Deepak Razdan, Director, JFY Business in India
                                           and JFY International (Member of the TRUMPF Group), in this
                                         interview with Vidisha Sonone. He discusses new technologies
                                       in the metal forming industry and the upcoming trends in the
                                    Indian manufacturing industry. Excerpts...

What scope does automation          Indian metal forming industry has been largely dependent on the conventional methods & machines
have in the metal forming           and to start with I would suggest something like a pick and place kind of automation in the critical
industry? Any specific technology   areas. In the sheet metal industry, we will see a surge in this area which also means that machine tool
you would like to point out?        makers will have to be creative to get affordable solutions to customers. Specifically talking about this
                                    industry, automating loading, unloading, and sorting work could be a good start.

Which part of the                   While metal cutting has seen many advancements in past decades, metal forming will see huge
manufacturing industry do           growth in the coming years. In my opinion, a lot of traditional companies will invest in modern
you think needs the most            machine tools that can help them automate their process making it more sustainable and efficient.
advancements?                       Also, unlike the metal cutting industry metal forming is not largely dependent on automotive or
                                    any one industry. Because sheet metal has very diverse applications, we can expect lots of
                                    technological advancements to take place in the industry in the coming days.

What are the new advancements       Metal forming or the metal fabrication industry as we usually refer to consists of many processes such as
in metal forming technologies       cutting, bending, punching, welding, marking, etc and all the processes need specific technologies to
such as laser processing,           carry out the operation. For last few years, I have seen these machines have become highly efficient with
bending, punching, and              the integration of IoT and other connected technologies. However, if I must point out one technology that
welding, among others?              has changed dramatically in the last decade then it is fibre lasers. Technology has become easy, efficient,
                                    and affordable. Also, limitations on cutting thickness and materials we can cut are going away. I expect
                                    this to continue, and we will see much wider use of fibre lasers across the industries and applications.

What changes do you think the       The Indian manufacturing industry is catching up fast with the global markets and in many cases
Indian manufacturing industry       at par with global giants. However, there are certain areas of improvement that the industry
needs to go through to keep up      needs to work on collectively, such as, technology adoption. Indian MSMEs need to speed up
with the new trends?                their technology adoption to be able to compete with global companies. Though there have
                                    been considerable improvements in recent years still we have to go a long way. Secondly, skill
                                    development. Finding skilled manpower in the core manufacturing industry is a daunting task for any
                                    company. Industry-academia partnership should be encouraged, and companies need to join hands
                                    to overcome this challenge. Others I would say capacity expansion and business-friendly policies.

You will be participating in        We are showcasing our latest fiber laser cutting machine BFC along with TPR8 in bending. Both
IMTEX, in June 2022, what are       these machines are build considering the expectation of the Indian customers and we hope to
your expectations from the event?   attract many potential customers.

12                                                                                                                                EM | Jun 2022

                                           “The society needs to
                                            share the responsibility to
                                            reduce climate change”
                                         …says Jonathan Carrier, Co-founder, Zip Charge to Huned
                                        Contractor.With plans to market the product in India too,
                                     Carrier talks about the product and how the company plans to
                                   distribute it. Excerpts…

Could you elaborate on      We are delighted to have found two strategic partners in ICEE Managed Services and Graphite. Together
the ‘Go’ hub concept?       we will deliver the Go hub, a revolution in public charging provision, providing a community-based solution
                            that can be installed anywhere, at a much lower cost and at a much faster rate, while enabling any parking
                            space to be a charging spot. Both the companies have a cumulative experience of eight years in engineering,
                            manufacturing and installing public infrastructure, including Brompton Bike Hire docks throughout the United
                            Kingdom. The ability to roll out EV charging infrastructure at speed is essential to allow national and local
                            governments to deploy it at a faster rate where it is needed the most to support mass EV adoption.

What triggered the idea     The company’s co-founder Richie Sibal first came up with the idea for a portable EV charger in early
for a portable charger?     2020. His brother is an EV driver and lives in Twickenham, London without off-street parking. Richie
                            saw the need to develop a portable charging solution that could help his brother charge his electric
                            vehicle. I joined later in 2020, and working together we developed the technical and product concept
                            into the Zip Charge ‘Go’. We went through a detailed concept phase over six months to understand
                            the market, identify the customer pain points and iterate our solution to arrive at the Go we launched.

What kind of research       During our concept research we discovered that the inability to access reliable, convenient and affordable
and development did         charging at home was holding back widespread EV adoption. It’s a common problem that is amplified around
this entail?                the world. Working together we pooled our expertise in electronic systems, vehicle electrification, product
                            development & commercial understanding from decades of experience working for a wide range of automotive
                            manufacturers and created the Zip Charge Go. In doing so, we believe Zip Charge is a game-changer in EV
                            charging and will help accelerate the transition towards electric mobility so that the world can become a cleaner
                            and more sustainable place for generations to come. We are driven in our mission to build a company that
                            helps society transition to net zero and share a responsibility to reduce climate change. Our commitment is to
                            create technology that has a positive impact – for customers, society, and the way everyone charges EVs.

When will the product       We will be announcing more detailed specifications later in 2022, alongside country roll-out, pricing and
be delivered in the         ordering information. First deliveries will be in Q2 2023 starting with the UK, Europe and then rolling out
Indian market?              markets after that. We can’t confirm a release date for India currently.

What are the challenges     There have been challenges but being in the automotive industry we also struggled to get hold of
that you have overcome in   chips and connectors. Supply chain issues have had a significant impact on the delivery of our
developing the product?     prototype units due to the unavailability of components and very long lead times.

EM | Jun 2022                                                                                                                                  13

Rise of the robots

                                                                                             I m ag es co u r tes y : shutterstock

      With India’s automotive, electronics and white goods sectors witnessing
      phenomenal growth in recent years, the demand for industrial robots is also
      soaring. Both international and domestic automotive manufacturers use robots
      these days for a range of activities on the shop floor, especially repetitive and
      monotonous tasks. Increasingly, other industries are following suit. The Cover
      Story brings to light the promising robotics industry and the future it holds.

14                                                                                EM | Jun 2022

                                       Globally, the industrial robotics
                                       market is estimated to grow to
                                           about $81.4 billion by 2028

     Robots and art? Why not? ABB Robotics has collaborated with            using a start-up’s robot. Power generation at the Tata plant had
 two world-renowned artists, eight-year-old Indian child prodigy            come to a halt after a hammer fell into a high-pressure steam
Advait Kolarkar and Dubai-based digital design collective Illusorr,         pipe. A start-up was called to pull out the hammer using one of
 to create the world’s first robot-painted art car. ABB’s award-            its robots. The operation cost the plant around ₹16 lakhs. The
 winning PixelPaint technology has, without human intervention,             expenditure would have spiked to the tune of ₹5 crore had the
 perfectly recreated Advait’s swirling, monochromatic design as             engineers at the plant decided to retrieve the hammer themselves.
 well as Illusorr’s tri-colour geometrical patterns. Equipped with               The start-up, Gridbots Technologies, was set up by
1,000 nozzles in printer head, ABB’s IRB 5,500 paint robots were            entrepreneurs Pulkit Gaur and Govind Godara. The duo made
 able to complete highly complex artworks in less than 30 minutes.          modifications to the robot at their office in Ahmedabad and spent
     The PixelPaint technology demonstrates unprecedented                   a whole day rehearsing their plan of action, before heading out to
 precision and speed, capturing intricate, elaborate detail that            Mundra. “As soon as we reached there, we realised a serious
 would be impossible to achieve by hand. Sami Atiya, President –            modification was required in the robot’s gripper to pull out the
 Robotics and Discrete Automation Business area, ABB, said,                 hammer from a depth of 15 metres. What made work difficult was
“ABB’s PixelPaint technology is more than an evolution – it is a            the 90 degree curvature of the pipeline. However, we could locate
 revolution. It’s a shining example of how robotic automation and           the hammer within 30 minutes of commencing the operation,”
 our RobotStudio® software can not only pave the way for more               Gaur had then said. Of course robots have come a long way since
 sustainable manufacturing but can also perfectly replicate delicate        then and the latest developments in this field would be on show at
 pieces of art that celebrate the originality and beauty of the human      Automatica 2022 to be held in Munich from June 21-24. One of
 spirit. At a time when consumers want more customised products,            the leading companies in this sector, KUKA Robotics would be
 PixelPaint is a game-changer and allows any design to be replicated        displaying a wide range from new robots to digital twins.
 in a manner that is both sustainable and affordable.”                          “This year, Automatica is the driving force for industrial
     ABB’s ground-breaking PixelPaint technology reimagines the             production after the crisis triggered by the pandemic,” said
 paint application process and reflects the growing demand for              Wilfried Eberhardt, Chief Marketing Officer, KUKA Robotics.
 sustainable personalisation in automotive industry, particularly in       “Automation, robotics and digitisation are the growth drivers of
 exterior paint. Multi-coloured car painting has traditionally been         our time – and KUKA Robotics is an ideal partner for their
 a laborious and costly process involving multiple stages of masking        implementation,” he added. The trade fair audience will get
 & unmasking, but ABB’s technology allows for a detailed, colourful,        exclusive insights into the new operating system iiQKA.OS and
 and exact replication of any design. Carefully controlled, the paint       the digital iiQKA Ecosystem. The new operating system is the
 can quickly be applied in a single application. This breakthrough          future way to work with KUKA robots: intuitive, fast and
 in the automation of the paint process opens the door to specialised       powerful. The Cobot LBR iisy is the first of its kind to run on the
 and personalised designs to the automotive market.                         basis of the new operating system and can thus be configured and
                                                                            programmed within minutes. The automation specialist is thus
Industrial applications                                                     also expanding its portfolio in the field of lightweight robotics.
                                                                                “With the complete system of hardware and software, KUKA
   While the use of robots in creating artistic expressions may             Robotics is lowering the entry threshold for robotics, especially
be new, their application in industry is of course widely                   for smaller and medium-sized companies – and opening up great
acknowledged. One may recall here an incident from the year                 automation potential, even for beginners. Intelligent connected
2017 when a power plant in Gujarat saved millions of rupees                 production is essential for fast-growing markets. KUKA Robotics

EM | Jun 2022                                                                                                                                  15

                                                                  Creating the world’s first
                                                                  robot-painted art car

meets the enormous demand for automation with suitable                automating key processes, such as bag-packing and palletising,
products and its own portfolios for sectors such as the electronics   to produce over 4,000 logs an hour, far more than earlier. They
and consumer goods industries, as well as automation solutions        also work with players across segments in India, such as BASF,
for electro-mobility. At Automatica, interested visitors can get to   Sanofi, Bayer, and automobile and automotive component
know the new small robot series, such as the ultra-compact KR         leaders such as Bajaj Auto and Bharat Forge, to help automate
SCARA and the hygienic robot KR DELTA, which will be                  key processes, and keep employees safe.
presented in a cell by the first KUKA Robotics’ system partner
Koch Robotersysteme,” a press note states.                            Research is the key
    KUKA Robotics is placing a special focus on digital
transformation, paving the way to ‘digital factory’ – to be               Another major investment area is research and development
experienced in presentations during the trade fair. Visitors will     for providing solutions related to Industry 4.0. Laboratories for
learn which solutions KUKA Robotics offers for today’s                this purpose are being set up in collaboration with industries,
production requirements. This already starts with the planning        educational institutions & the government. One such is the Centre
of new systems. The simulation software KUKA.Sim, for                 for Industry 4. 0 based in Pune. It regularly holds engagement and
example, makes it possible to program robotic applications            capacity-building sessions with both small and large players. It
offline, commission them virtually, save time and work more           works with industries to help them adopt new manufacturing
efficiently. For this purpose, KUKA.Sim creates a digital twin –      technologies. Their most recent session was with a number of
an image of the subsequent production process – for maximum           start-ups in sensing technology space. The domestic manufacturing
planning reliability. The digital twin maps the production            sector spent about $5.5-6.5 billion on Industry 4.0 solutions in
process and ensures planning reliability before commissioning.        2020-21, accounting for half of all technology spending by Indian
                                                                      manufacturers, states a report on the Industry 4.0 scenario of the
A symbiotic relationship                                              Indian industry, published by NASSCOM and Capgemini.
                                                                          Much of that investment was by the automotive, electronics
    In addition to hardware, software is also becoming                and electricals, chemicals and pharmaceutical segments. For
increasingly important, including the AI-based KUKA AIVI              instance, power and automation solutions major ABB has
master controller. It is revolutionising intra-logistics, where it    implemented its Industry 4. 0 solutions at some of its own
ensures the optimal flow of materials to the production line          factories in India, and is doing the same for customers like JSW
and the perfect utilisation of automated guided vehicle systems.      and Sterling and Wilson. For Ola’s new massive factory in
All this goes to show that Industry 4.0 definitely has created        Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, ABB robots built in Bengaluru are
more room for robotics. There were less than 100 robots made          used on the painting and welding lines and for the battery and
annually for industries in India about 15 years ago, and now          motor assembly lines. The automation solution ensures remote
5,000 to 6,000 robots are built every year. Yet, India is still       digital connectivity and monitoring of the robots. Interestingly,
around 5-6 years behind China in automation, which implies            India was the 11th largest market among the world’s 15 largest
the scope that lies ahead. Consider for example the Pune-based        industrial robot installation markets, outpacing Singapore,
Cybernetik Technologies, an automation and robotics firm.             Canada, Thailand and the Czech Republic, prior to the pandemic.
    It was recently reported that the company has worked with
Green Mountain Firewood, which supplies synthetic logs,               Robots take the lead
primarily in the US market. It integrated a cooling tunnel in
the processing line to help eliminate bottlenecks, while also            India’s robotic start-up ecosystem has been seeing a lot of

16                                                                                                                         EM | Jun 2022

                                                      HARVI™ I TE
                       A four-fluted solid carbide end mill delivering superior
                        performance in nearly all materials and applications,
                    including extreme ramping operations. Twisted end face.
                       Chip gashes within the flutes. Faceted eccentric relief.
LEARN MORE                       Asymmetric divided flutes and variable helix.
                              Design features for high-performance roughing
                                              and finishing with only one tool.
                                                         What’s in your tool?

                                                                             Research and development for
                                                                             providing robotic solutions related to
                                                                             Industry 4.0 is now gaining momentum

traction. For example, in July 2019, US global aerospace and       Market forecast
defence company Lockheed Martin signed a MoU with a Kochi-
based robotic start-up to develop robots to test the avionics          According to a report published by India Brand Equity
display of their fighter jets, including the F-21. The robotic     Foundation (IBEF), the Indian market for industrial robots is
Indian start-up Sastra Robotics, which builds innovative robotic   expected to double over the next three to four years. The
platforms for product testing and review in the manufacturing      primary reason for using robots in India is to get consistent
industry, will be mentored by this US giant and probably become    quality that is ensured by the repetitive accuracy of the robot.
their supplier in the near future. Last year, the Walmart-owned    Another reason is flexible manufacturing of multiple product
Flipkart, announced that for the first time they have deployed     models and the need to ramp up production significantly to
100 robots to help sort out packages according to their location   meet market demands. Most of the industrial robots that are
at one of its delivery hubs in Bengaluru.                          bought by companies are used for a variety of operations,
    The robots were able to process over 4,500 packages in an      including welding, paint finishing and material handling
hour, helping the e-commerce firm to streamline its supply         operations. Considering the tremendous potential for growth
chain. German automotive component maker, Bosch’s Bidadi           in India, ABB set up a robotics application centre for body-in-
plant has cobots or collaborative robots, working alongside        white (BIW) systems in Bengaluru. The centre has been set up
humans. As robots gain ground in India steadily, many deep-        to locally design, engineer and deliver BIW lines in India for
tech robotic start-ups are emerging on the Indian start-up         automobile OEMs. KUKA Robotics has also established a
landscape. Indian start-ups, which are growing at 12-15% with      presence in Gurugram in national capital region. Japanese
a cumulative valuation of $56-62 billion, are seeing a surge in    automation and robots major Fanuc also has a strong presence
deep tech start-ups, says a NASSCOM study. There are 30+           across India, providing technical support for factory
robotic start-ups in multiple fields such as health technology,    automation, and marketing its robots and industrial
automotive, industrial manufacturing, financial technology,        automation products. Globally, the industrial robotics market
consumer robotics and defence.                                     was worth around $41.7 billion in 2021 and is estimated to
    The innovations are varied: there is weed spraying robotic     grow to about $81.4 billion by 2028, with a compound annual
solutions for small cotton farmers from a Bengaluru-based          growth rate of approximately 11.8% over the forecast period.
agritech and robotics platform start-up Tartan Sense; robots
for waterless cleaning of solar panels from Nocca Robotics; a      Catching investors’ interest
manual scavenger robot called Bandicoot by Genrobotic
Innovations; robots to entertain kids like Miko from Mumbai-           Investors are banking on these start-ups since they anticipate
based creator Emotix and humanoid robots to greet visitors at      momentum to pick up in this sector due to India’s large and
banks, restaurants and technology events in India by               promising engineering and technology talent pool. Robotics
Bengaluru-based Invento Robotics. A big success story has          requires talent in multiple streams like computer science with
been that of Grey Orange, which designs and manufactures AI-       electrical and mechanical engineering. Experts say that software
powered robots for flexible automation in fulfilment centres.      such as AI, natural language processing and computer vision that
This company started by BITS Pilani graduates Samay Kohli          provide differentiation drives the industry. When it comes to data
and Akash Gupta in 2011, deploys its advanced robots in            analytics, AI & Machine Learning, India has a lot to offer, industry
fulfilment centres across India, Japan, Europe, Latin America      experts point out. Of course, there are challenges too such as the
and the US and has carved a niche for itself in the global         lack of a hardware ecosystem, financial incentives, critical human
warehouse automation and robotics circuit.                         resources and willingness to deploy robots. ☐

18                                                                                                                        EM | Jun 2022
                  TO THE

                                        RIQ™ REAMER
                               Lightweight solution for electric vehicle
                    component machining. The 3D printed stator bore
                 tool with carbon fiber body delivers highest accuracy
                 and surface qualities. With a total weight of less than
                   eight kilograms, the tool ensures fast tool changes
                         and spin-up even on less powerful machines.
                                                  What’s in your tool?

            “Robots will become
     modular with software being
       their central component”
               …predicts Mahesh Wagle, Co-founder & Director, Cybernetik, in an interview
             with Vidisha Sonone. The interview explores the upcoming trends in robotics for
                manufacturing, how young manufacturers can be ready for the future and why
                         robotics is essential for high-performance manufacturing. Excerpts...

     How has robotics transformed industrial automation?                    A 2015 McKinsey report noted that 64% of working hours
     Flexibility and scalability are the two main advantages of robots.     of a pool representing 80% of the global manufacturing
     They can easily adapt to changes in product, volume and other          workforce can be automated. This is not surprising
     layout changes in facilities. Other plus points of robotics are        considering the consistent output quality that automation
     improved space utilisation and safety. Tedious tasks, such as          delivers and the human labour it frees from hazardous
     packaging, which involve high levels of repeatability and speeds       areas and non-ergonomic tasks. Manual processes
     are better handled by robots. This also prevents repetitive motion     also involve a higher degree of risk to the labour force,
     injuries. Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine         prompting companies to opt for automation processes
                                       Learning (ML), robotic vision        that can ensure that tasks can be carried out in a manner
                                          systems, and other Industry       that is error-free and safe.
                                            4.0 technologies will further       On the employment front, I don’t think it will hamper
                                             reinforce these advantages     the labour force. Over the years I’ve seen that when a
                                              as robots get smarter.        process is automated, it leads to a change of skillsets.
                                                                            Automation also is normally focused on tasks that are
                                            Do you think 100%               either repetitive, hazardous or where the biological load
                                            transformation         of       on the product is to be limited. The increasing demand for
                                           manufacturing processes          quality products also makes a case for automation. This
                                          from      traditional    to       is where robotics and automation come in handy, saving
                                                 automated          is      organisations from the entire hassle.
                                                       possible? Will           Automation is already creating fresh jobs that
                                                         it hamper          require upgraded skills. As long as upskilling is feasible,
                                                           the labour       automation is a solution, not a problem. Besides,
                                                            force?          automation frees up humans for value-added tasks such
                                                                            as R&D and process control.

                                                                            Which manufacturing industries do you think have the
                                                                            most potential to embrace automation?
                                                                            As mentioned earlier, manufacturing is only second to
                                                                            accommodation and food service in terms of automation
                                                                            potential. Automation holds natural advantage over
                                                                            manual labour for hazardous, repetitive, and complex

20                                                                                                                        EM | Jun 2022

                                                                    Mahesh Wagle is the Co-founder & Director of
                                                                    Cybernetik – an industrial automation company that
                                                                    has been undertaking the designing, building, and
                                                                    end-to-end installation of turnkey automation systems
                                                                    for the food, agro, pharmaceutical, and chemical
                                                                    industries for over three decades. He is an alumnus of
                                                                    the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-
                                                                    Madras, and the University of Buffalo in New York.

operations such as welding, packaging, industrial adhesive       skilled technicians should not be in short supply.
dispensing, and assembly lines. This is why the automobile,
consumer electronics, chemicals, plastics, and metal &           What major transformations do you think you will see in the
machinery industries hold a large automation potential.          manufacturing industries in a decade?
                                                                 Manufacturing will be more data-driven than before. As Industry
What are the upcoming trends in robotics that manufacturers 4.0 technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine
need to look out for?                                            Learning (ML), Virtual Reality (VR), Industrial Internet of

Robots are taking over operations earlier                                             Things (IIoT), predictive data analytics,
handled by conventional machines. We                                                  Augmented Reality (AR), get more
recently replaced such machines with                                                  sophisticated, manufacturing will also
robots for root-end machining of wind          AS LONG AS UPSKILLING move from automation to autonomous. The
turbine blades. In the not-to-distant                                                 data-driven model will not only streamline
future, AI, ML, connectivity, and vision
                                              IS   FEASIBLE,    AUTOMATION            manufacturing processes but also the
systems will enable robots to make fast and       IS A SOLUTION, NOT A                supply chain thereby improving resource
intelligent decisions on their own when                   PROBLEM                     utilisation and associated efficiencies.
responding to unexpected scenarios.
    Robots will be increasingly modular                                               What automation challenges do we
with software being their central component. Smart and need to be ready for in the coming future?
interchangeable robot modules will be customisable for As technology unleashes the ever-improving capabilities of
numerous applications. They will also be easy to install, automation, customers will demand solutions with the least
configure, and integrate. Mass customisation is, of course, one cost and footprint that deliver high throughput. And, they will
of the principal features of Industry 4.0. AI will make human- ask for this with minimal delivery durations. Engineers have
robot interactions more sophisticated, a phenomenon referred their tasks cut out when balancing these requirements.
to as Industry 5.0 or collaboration.
                                                                 Any advice you would like to give to young manufacturers?
Do you think we are skilled enough to adopt industrial Take a holistic view of things over the long term. This applies
automation or we need to upgrade in that area?                   to both – manufacturers looking to automate & companies
With automation getting smarter, operators will find it looking to provide them with automation solutions. Piecemeal
simpler to handle them. Training courses for the same are and short-sighted solutions escalate expenses over time while
short-duration ones. Provided the manual-to-automated also failing to optimise quality, productivity, safety, and
or automated-to-autonomous process is correctly mapped, resource utilisation. ☐

EM | Jun 2022                                                                                                                 21
M AT E R I A L H A N D L I N G              FOCUS

  I m ag e s c o u rte s y : shutterstock

Revolutionising material
handling systems
With companies across industries moving towards renting equipment and outsourcing
material handling requirements to expand their operations, Godrej RenTRUST has added
more than 1,000 material handling equipment to its rental fleet. This article highlights the
company’s future plans and industry predictions regarding material handling systems.
    Godrej and Boyce, the flagship company of the Godrej Group,         demand for warehousing equipment. Companies across
announced that its business Godrej RenTRUST is targeting a              industries, especially project-based firms, are moving towards
growth of 23% YoY in providing rental solutions for complex             renting equipment and outsourcing material handling
material handling needs. The business has surpassed the pre-            requirements to expand their operations and focus on other core
pandemic level revenues and is growing steadily. Godrej                 competencies. To address this need, Godrej RenTRUST has
RenTRUST is the only Indian rental solutions provider that              added more than 1,000 material handling equipment to its rental
manufactures and provides Indian origin material handling               fleet. The business customises end-to-end rental solutions such as
equipment to its clients, thereby encouraging the government’s          equipment and maintenance, skilled operators, administration
push for self-reliance with its ‘vocal-for-local’ operation strategy.   and value-added solutions for their clients.
The current industry value is approximately ₹600-650 crore with             Commenting on this, Anil Lingayat, Executive VP and
an addressable market of ₹200-250 crore for the business.               Business Head, Godrej Material Handling, says, “Today’s
    This is against the backdrop of industries focusing on              complex material handling environment requires industry
outsourcing complex and high-end material handling work. As             expertise to increase productivity, optimise costs and deliver
the e-commerce sector in tier - 3 & 4 markets grows, so does the        quick results for customers. Godrej RenTRUST has become a

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                                                          Material handling
                                                              vehicle fleet

leading organised player owning 23% of the market share among          build a resilient supply chain supported by advances in equipment
rental players and offering a decade of experience to its clients in   technology. The development of the One Belt One Route initiative
delivering rental solutions for their material handling                by China, also known as the Belt & Road Initiative, is also expected
requirements pan-India. Our mid-term goal for FY25 is to target        to be lucrative for the materials handling equipment industry.
about 2,500 material handling equipment in our rental fleet.”          The initiative to connect a network of rail and road routes from
    “Going forward, we look forward to partnering with Indian as       China to Europe via the Middle East will provide growth
well as global players to provide the best end-to-end material         opportunities. Similarly other initiatives will bode well for the
handling rental solutions,” he adds. Fuelled by the heavy reliance     material handling equipment industry over the next few years.
of companies on the rental industry for their seasonal demand,             The 2021 Automation Solutions Survey Study stated that the
heavy loads and unexpected rise in their respective markets, the       pandemic triggered the demand for a fully automated solution in
industry players offering rental solutions for material handling       the manufacturing sector, with companies increasing investments
equipment have witnessed a major boom as the pandemic has              in automated solutions over the next few years. Further,
hastened the process for essential services.                           companies project to upgrade their conveyor and sorting systems
                                                                       in the next two years. However, due to the pandemic, several
Material handling industry overview                                    medium-sized businesses have altered plans to purchase or
                                                                       modernise new equipment. The industrial trucks segment
    According to a report published by Grand View Research, the        dominated the market and accounted for the largest revenue
global material handling equipment market size was valued at           share of over 30% in 2020 and is estimated to witness steady
$26.3 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a compound          growth over the forecast period.
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.4% from 2021 to 2028. Apart                 These trucks are a preferred choice due to their wide area of
from the uncertainties created by the pandemic, favourable             application in an industrial setting. Transport of heavy containers
government initiatives are now supporting new infrastructure           or crates in several end-use markets is undertaken using industrial
development worldwide, creating growth opportunities in the            trucks, thereby contributing to a larger market share. As logistic
market for material handling equipment over the forecast period.       companies move towards adopting sustainable products, the
Economies such as India, China and Southeast Asia are attracting       demand for battery-operated trucks will gain traction over the
foreign investments promoting infrastructure and industrial            forecast period. Although the pandemic hindered sales in 2020,
development, subsequently creating avenues for growth.                 the market may reach the pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2022,
    The development of public infrastructure includes airports,        registering a CAGR exceeding 7% over the next seven years. The
rail networks, seaports and power plants, among others.                automated storage and retrieval system segment accounted for a
Meanwhile, although the demand for industrial applications             significant revenue share of 28.2% in 2020. This growth is
witnessed a minor setback in 2020, unprecedented growth in the         attributed to warehouses enforcing social distancing amid the
e-commerce sector helped upkeep market growth through the              pandemic. These systems were preferred during the period as
pandemic. Healthy demand for delivery and distribution of              they promoted efficiency and aligned with the social distancing
grocery items amidst the lockdown came as a respite for market         norms. Over the forecast period, investments in automated
growth. In addition to the OEMs, the pandemic has driven several       equipment will increase, creating lucrative opportunities in the
supply chains firms to explore tools that aid in making informed       market for material handling equipment. The automated storage-
decisions with AI implementation to analyse large amounts of           retrieval systems segment is estimated to register CAGR exceeding
data they generate periodically.                                       8 from 2021 to 2028, slightly higher than the global average. ☐
    A combination of data-driven insights and hindsight will help      Courtesy: Godrej RenTRUST

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Ensuring quality through
optimal cleaning processes
To determine exactly which cleaning medium is best for effectively removing the
contaminants adhering to the respective parts, cleaning trials with original contaminated
parts are recommended. In its technology centres around the world, Ecoclean GmbH
disposes of a variety of cleaning systems for all types of media. This article sheds light on
the significance of the right cleaning processes.
    Today, component cleanliness is just as much a quality        the critical processes in manufacturing. For one, parts must
criterion as dimensional accuracy. It is defined by given         be sufficiently clean for subsequent processing steps like
particulate – and increasingly also thin film – cleanliness       coating, printing, heat treatment and assembly.
specifications. Meeting these reliably can be quite a task. For       For another, product quality and functionality are
operations to be cost-effective, it is becoming ever more         crucially dependent on clean components. In recent years,
important to design cleaning processes in line with user          the focus has been on removing particulate contamination,
requirements and for reproducible cleaning results. Regardless    including chips produced in machining and forming
the industry sector, parts’ cleaning today has become one of      processes, but also burrs and particles generated from

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                              Solvent cleaning system

abrasion. Meanwhile, thin film contamination has also taken         hydrophilic properties and are therefore capable of removing
on a more prominent role. This is because the tiniest residues      both non-polar and polar contaminants to a certain extent.
of machining oils and emulsions, cleaning media, drawing,               To determine exactly which cleaning medium is best for
forming and release agents, etc. can impair the quality of the      effectively removing the contaminants adhering to the
joints in joining processes such as laser welding, soldering        respective parts, cleaning trials with original contaminated
and bonding.                                                        parts are recommended. In its technology centres around the
    When it comes to thin film contamination, cleanliness           world, Ecoclean GmbH disposes of a variety of cleaning
specifications are often defined in terms of surface energy or      systems for all types of media. They are used to conduct tests
surface tension. Compliance can be checked comparatively            on parts made of metallic materials, plastics, ceramic
easily with test inks and by measuring contact angles. For a        materials, glass and combinations thereof. In addition to the
vast majority of parts, specifications regarding particulate        achievable cleaning result, the team also checks that the
and filmic cleanliness can be met using wet chemical cleaning       materials of the components to be cleaned are compatible
processes. The parts are generally cleaned in batches, either       with the cleaning media used.
in bulk or arranged in part carriers. However, a stable and
reproducible process quality and consistently good results          Minimising cleaning costs
can only be attained if the cleaning chemicals as well as the
system engineering and process technology are optimally                 The faster and more effectively the predefined cleanliness
tailored to the cleaning task.                                      specifications are met in the cleaning process, the lower the
                                                                    proportion of costs that are incurred for each cleaned part.
Choosing the right medium                                           The cleaning effect of the medium is therefore enhanced by
                                                                    various physical process technologies such as spraying, vapour
    When selecting the cleaning medium, the chemical                degreasing, dipping, ultrasonics and injection flood washing,
principle of ‘like solves like’ can serve as a guideline. This      as well as high-pressure cleaning, which is used to deburr the
means polar contaminants such as cooling emulsions,                 parts at the same time. During spray cleaning, the kinetic
polishing pastes, salts, particles from abrasion and other solids   energy of the jet boosts the effect of the cleaning chemicals
are normally removed using water as a polar cleaning medium         used and removes impurities from the component surface.
in conjunction with pH-neutral, acidic or alkaline cleaners.            Pressures between 2 and 20 bars are applied to all or
For mineral oil-based (organic, non-polar) contaminants such        specific areas, as for example boreholes and blind holes.
as machining oils, greases and waxes, solvents like non-            Especially with pinpointed spray cleaning, the cleaning result
halogenated hydrocarbons or chlorinated hydrocarbons are            depends on how the nozzles are directed at the surface to be
generally used. Modified alcohols have lipophilic and               cleaned. The result can be improved if the part is moved

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