ROBOT REVOLUTION - The Peninsula Qatar

Page created by Tyrone Bradley
ROBOT REVOLUTION - The Peninsula Qatar
CAMPUS |3                                                            BOLLYWOOD | 11

Breast Cancer                                                         Kapil Sharma
Awareness                                                          denies fight with
seminar at PISQ                                                        Sunil Grover

      People may have reduced their interpersonal
      communication to texts and emails, but they’re
      clearly not ready to sacrifice all human engage-
      ment in something as intimate as a restaurant.
      At least not quite yet.

      P | 4-5
ROBOT REVOLUTION - The Peninsula Qatar
ROBOT REVOLUTION - The Peninsula Qatar
THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017                                               CAMPUS                                                                   03
Breast Cancer Awareness seminar at PISQ
       he Pakistan International
       School, Qatar organised a
       one-day seminar for its
female students focusing on latest
developments in the diagnosis,
treatment and management of
breast cancer held on October 21.
     Addressing on the occasion,
renowned Breastfeeding Special-
ist/Lactation consultant of Hamad
Medical Corporation, Dr Ilyas Khan,
said that an opportune diagnosis of
breast cancer greatly helps prevent
loss of life, as research supported
the fact that 93 percent of patients
survive the calamitous affliction
due to early discovery.
     He added that women in great
number from all age groups suffer
from this sinister abnormality. He
told that early detection can save
lives, he discussed about control-
lable and uncontrollable risk factors,
things to remember, and trouble
signs should not be ignored.
    “Women must screen them-
selves once a month, tracing any         how to diagnose the breast cancer          His experience, he said could       maintenance.
signs of prospective ailment around      and its different types including      be summarised in the opinion that            Principal PISQ, Nargis Raza
the target body organs. These sign       Mammography, Sonographic,              women must take responsibility of       Otho concluded the seminar by
include swelling, reddishness and        Breast Biopsy, evaluation of other     their own regular physical scrutiny,    paying vote of thanks and appreci-
nipple-dip”, he said.                    breast symptoms and management         precautionary medical check-up          ation to the speaker for conducting
     Dr Khan also demonstrated           of early Breast Carcinoma.             and health and hygiene                  such an informative seminar.

  Birla Public School showcases tourism potential
        irla Public School raised the    pride. It mesmerised the audience      reminding the students of the               He also emphasized that the
        spirit of tourism by cele-       with its colour and splendor. It       unity in the diverse soils of India.   reason behind people wearing dif-
         brating the Paryatan Parv       enabled the student community          He focused on the importance of        ferent costumes is the change in
  in the main campus in Abu              to admire the rich culture of India.   a harmonious and peaceful dwell-       climatic conditions. He underlined
  Hamour.                                An informative and entertaining        ing. He highlighted the importance     that we all must be proud to be
      The government of India has        game of quiz was also conducted        of tourism in India and instructed     call an Indian. He advised the stu-
  launched a campaign, Paryatan          as a part of the programme.            the students to remain educated        dents to learn and explore about
  Parv, from October 5 to 25 to cel-         A P Sharma, School Principal,      on the country’s heritage and tra-     the state which like they like the
  ebrate the spirit of tourism and to    addressed the students                 dition as she is our motherland.       most. He encouraged the students
  motivate people in activities                                                                                        to introduce special cuisine from
  showcasing the tourism potential                                                                                     specific states to their classmates
  of incredible India.                                                                                                 during the breakfast period in the
      The Parv aims at supporting                                                                                      following days.
  tourism in India and would                                                                                               Altogether, the day marked an
  revolve around elements like pro-                                                                                    opportunity for the students to
  moting tourism for all and                                                                                           look back at the roots and cher-
  organizing cultural activities.                                                                                      ish their ingrained culture and
      As a part of the celebration,                                                                                    heritage. The students appeared
  students dressed up in the cos-                                                                                      accommodating their cultural
  tumes of 29 states of India and                                                                                      treasures with pride on an occa-
  walked in a parade brimming with                                                                                     sion that exposed them to it.
ROBOT REVOLUTION - The Peninsula Qatar
04                                                               COVER STORY                                                    THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017

The Washington Post

           atsa has pulled the plug
           on five of its automated
           cafes, including two in
           Washington, and per-
           haps all the artificial
intelligence alarmists can breathe
easier: People may have reduced
their interpersonal communication
to texts and emails, but they’re
clearly not ready to sacrifice all
human engagement in something
as intimate as a restaurant. At least
not quite yet.
    Launched two years ago in
tech-savvy San Francisco, where
software engineers can read com-
plex code but can’t always read the
body language of a bored date,
Eatsa is basically designed to take
the human element out of the res-
taurant experience. The founders,
including former Google exec David
Friedberg, have dragged the old
coin-operated Horn & Hardart
Automats into the 21st century, with
an emphasis on technology and
vegetarian fare. Maybe they were
                                        Humans weren’t ready
hoping Emma Stone might reprise
the Doris Day scene in “That Touch
of Mink” to give their concept a
                                        for automated restaurant
touch of immortality?                   need assistance.                        unbelievably cool and chillingly        closed, I think the more apt anal-
    Each Eatsa location runs lean           To dine at Eatsa, customers         bloodless. It’s the dining equivalent   ogy is “The Omega Man,” in which
and mean: It has no waitstaff, cash-    have to swipe a credit card at a        of ordering bedsheets on your           Charlton Heston plays the “last man
iers or busers. The cooks are           touch-screen kiosk and then select      phone and having them appear on         on Earth.” Eatsa is the latest high-
concealed behind a sleek, high-         one of the rice or quinoa bowls (or     your doorstep the next day.             tech endeavour - behind computers,
tech facade, as faceless as the         salads) on the menu, each availa-           Eatsa has invited a lot of com-     smartphones, live-streaming,
coders who created the software         ble for customisation. Within           parisons to “The Jetsons,” the          robotic delivery services, blah, blah,
necessary for the operation. The        minutes, your order appears inside     ‘60s-era cartoon that imagined a         blah - that makes us feel lonelier
only flesh-and-blood people are         a “cubby,” a cute little cube with a    future with push-button dining. But     than God. (Thank you, Chris Whit-
the unfortunate folks hired to roam     transparent LCD screen that spells      after eating at the K Street NW loca-   ley, the bluesman who didn’t
the floor, asking customers if they     out your name. It’s both                tion a couple of times before it        survive the information age.)
ROBOT REVOLUTION - The Peninsula Qatar
THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017                                     COVER STORY   05
     You could argue that Eatsa has completed the cir-
cuit for uncoupled millennials and singles from every
other generation: They can now go an entire workday
without interacting with real people. The lunchtime
cafe has long been the one spot where office hermits
could escape the splendid isolation of their cubicles
and talk to colleagues, rediscovering the humanity
that lay dormant beneath their digital lives.
     I don’t know, maybe it’s all part of a secret, union-
busting conspiracy. How can the workers unite if they
never see one another anymore?
     Personally, I think the founders of Eatsa have over-
estimated the draw of technology or, perhaps more to
the point, they couldn’t imagine that people might be
repelled by a restaurant that resembles a giant smart-
phone. Their folly, I suspect, is they don’t understand
the fundamental attraction of a restaurant. They might
not even know the etymology of the word.
     According to Merriam-Webster, the word “restau-
rant” comes from the French language, from the
present participle of restaurer, meaning “to restore.”
Historically, restaurants served as a restorative to
weary travelers, and they function much the same way
in modern society. As Eve Turow Paul writes over at
Forbes, where she contemplates the intersection of
food culture and millennials, numerous studies have
    “. . . the links between technology and increasing
rates of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Many in
this young generation battle a creeping sense of nuga-
tory existence by connecting over a meal - whether
it’s by cooking for family, dining out with friends, or
chatting with others online about gluten-free recipes.
My research clearly shows these human-facing
moments and deeper instances of interaction help
soothe this digitally-connected generation.”
     I don’t think technology’s negative effects are felt
only by millennials, either, though that generation may
(and I emphasise may) have a more intimate relation-
ship with its phones than older folks. I mean, I don’t
know a single person who says she wants to spend
more time on her phone. We all know the soul-suck-
ing nature of the wired life.
     Yet, in its statement on Monday on the retail clos-
ings, Eatsa hints that it will return to a location near
you. Which leads me to raise a question to the own-
ers: Do you really think people want to visit a restaurant
that may contribute to their sense of isolation?
ROBOT REVOLUTION - The Peninsula Qatar
06                                                 MARKETPLACE / COMMUNITY                                                   THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017

Millennium Plaza Doha hosts Friday Brunch
                                                         illennium Plaza Doha held a Friday Brunch
                                                         in support of all the women fighting breast
                                                        cancer in the world, in the presence of well-
                                               known bloggers and influencer in Doha.
                                                   Circle restaurant is the ideal venue for friends
                                               and family to get together at the hottest new spot
                                               in town, based in Millennium Plaza Doha. Perfectly
                                               positioned in the busy business district of Al Sadd,
                                               the new five-star hotel is passionate about serving
                                               delicious food and offers seamless hospitality. Allow-
                                               ing you to savour the flavours of an abundant
                                               business lunch buffet, inspired by Arabic and Inter-
                                               national dishes complemented with an extensive
                                               selection of appetizers, salads, and mains courses,
                                               overlooking the vibrant chef’s live stations.
                                                   The menu was rich in pink color, with pink orna-
                                               ments, reminding woman for early mammography
                                               checkup and encouraging those in the battle to fight
                                               like a girl!
                                                   For more information and reservations, please
                                               call: +971 4 041 6999.

Team Mediaplus marks United Nations Day
       eam Mediaplus marked the United
       Nations Day with a variety of educational
     The whole team assembled at the Mau-
moura Park and observed the importance of
the day with serious pledges and
     Team upholding placards highlighting the
messages of United Nations underlined the
importance of peaceful coexistence.                grave challenges. Widening conflicts and ine-        United Nations Day, let us, ‘We the Peoples’,
     Addressing the gathering, Dr Amanulla         quality. Extreme weather and deadly                  make this vision a reality.”
Vadakkangara, Mediaplus CEO, asked the com-        intolerance.Security threats – including nuclear         UN Day marks the anniversary of the entry
munity to join hands together for harmonious       weapons.We have the tools and wealth to over-        into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. With the
living not only with humans but also with nature   come these challenges. All we need is the will.      ratification of this founding document by the
and animals.                                       The world’s problems transcend borders.We            majority of its signatories, including the five
    “When there is peace in the society it will    have to transcend our differences to transform       permanent members of the Security Council,
guarantee progress and multi faceted growth.”      our future.When we achieve human rights and          the United Nations officially came into being.
     He quoted the UN Secretary-General, Anto-     human dignity for all people – they will build           October 24 has been celebrated as United
nio Guterres as saying, “ Our world faces many     a peaceful, sustainable and just world. On           Nations Day since 1948.
ROBOT REVOLUTION - The Peninsula Qatar
THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017                                          MARKETPLACE                                                                     07
Four Seasons Hotel Doha launches The Pier
      our Seasons Hotel Doha, an                                                                                        matched by exquisite cuisine.
      award-winning oasis-like                                                                                          There is really nothing else like it
      property ideally located on a                                                                                     in Doha.”
private beach in the heart of Doha,                                                                                         The Pier’s menu features Ara-
announced the opening of the                                                                                            bic fusion cuisine and handcrafted
hotel’s newest dining experience,                                                                                       beverages. From cold and hot mez-
The Pier - a casually chic outdoor                                                                                      zeh, to mohamara and saj, to
seaside lounge.                                                                                                         favourites from the land and sea,
    The Pier joins the likes of the                                                                                     The Pier showcases an expansive
hotel’s renowned and innovative                                                                                         menu of traditional and modern
culinary concepts, including Nobu                                                                                       Arabic cuisine, and infused with
Doha and Elements, acclaimed for                                                                                        global favourites.
creating unparalleled and experi-                                                                                           The Pier also features an unri-
ential dining experiences for guests.                                                                                   valled club experience, developed
    As with its namesake, The Pier                                                                                      by well-known London beverage
takes dining to the sea with an                                                                                         experts Fling. The bespoke bever-
864sq m expansive pier anchored                                                                                         age menu captures a sense of place
on the Arabian Gulf. The well-                                                                                          with the curated selection of
appointed location, just 60 metres                                                                                      refreshing beverages. The signa-
from the beach, allows for pano-         The private cabanas each accom-         dining scene in Doha with the addi-    ture menu invites guests to sip and
ramic views of the marina and            modate seating for up to 8 guests,      tion of The Pier,” said Todd Cilano,   savor at The Pier’s relaxing outdoor
Doha’s cosmopolitan cityscape.           additionally, the covered pavilions     Regional Vice President and Gen-       setting.
Open in the cooler months from           seat up to 48 guests, and is an idyl-   eral Manager of Four Seasons Hotel         The Pier is open from 4:00pm
October to May, the casually chic        lic and stylish location to meet for    Doha. “The Pier offers guests a        to 2:00am. For more information,
open-air venue features five luxu-       beverages at sunset or late at night.   unique opportunity to dine and         or to make a dining reservation,
rious private cabanas and covered             “Once again, Four Seasons con-     gather in our incredible outdoor       please call 44948600 or email us
pavilions, set along the curving pier.   tinues to elevate – and innovate, the   setting, over the water, and           at dining.doh@fourseasons,com.

  Banana Island Resort Doha by
  Anantara unveils new beauty
  and wellness programme
        o help its guests kick-off the    environment to achieve their bal-
        fall season with a new-found      ance, relaxation and wellness goals,
        zest for life, Banana Island      without going through the trouble      facilities, visitors can now finally   empowering them to start their
  Resort Doha by Anantara is wel-         of booking flights or travelling       give themselves the space and time     week with vigor and stay on top
  coming visitors to its Balance          abroad.                                to grow, unlock their true poten-      of their game throughout.”
  Wellness Centre, where they can             Nazley Mohamed, Director of        tial, and conquer their personal           For those looking to unwind
  embark upon specialist journeys         Spa and Wellness at Banana Island      goals.”                                and rediscover their personal
  to detoxify, de-stress, rejuvenate      Resort Doha by Anantara, said: “As          She added: “Whether they opt      beauty in an exquisitely relaxing
  and jump-start their weight loss,       summer counts its last days, there     for our ‘Balance Wellbeing’, ‘Relax    atmosphere, Anantara Doha’s spa
  towards boosting their fitness,         is no better way to start the fall     and De-Stress’, ‘Rejuvenate &          hotel brings guests a diverse treat-
  radiance and general wellbeing.         season than by assessing your          Revitalise’, ‘Weight Management’,      ment menu that captures the
      The Centre, considered a            physical, mental and emotional         or ‘Detox’ programme, our 3 to 7       warmth of traditional Qatari cul-
  unique and the Middle East’s first      state and then take them up a          day journeys are designed to help      ture and a truly personalised
  and only wellness hub, offers           notch ahead of their New Year res-     our clients eliminate barriers, and    approach to wellbeing. In addition
  patrons and habitués the chance         olutions. This is exactly what we      stay on track. Alternatively, spe-     to private facial treatments, pedi-
  to experience the country’s ulti-       help our guests achieve at Banana      cial offers on our De-stress, Detox    cure and manicure, soothing steam
  mate sanctuary and escape hectic        Island Resort’s Balance Wellness       and Lymphatic Drainage 90-120          and bathing experiences include
  daily life with an exclusive range      Centre. Through our tailored holis-    minute therapy sessions present        Traditional Turkish Hammam,
  of results-driven programs that         tic approach, professional             our visitors with a quick reset and    Royal Moroccan Bath, and In-villa
  provide balanced diet and the right     guidance and state-of-the-art          reactivation of their Zen state,       Slumber Guru Experience.
ROBOT REVOLUTION - The Peninsula Qatar
08                                                                      HEALTH                                                  THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017


        obotic-assisted surgery is
        much more expensive than
        other minimally invasive sur-
geries, but it does not improve
outcomes of surgery for kidney
tumors and rectal cancers.
    ”The rapid increase in costly
robot surgery in lieu of laparoscopic
surgery without a definite advan-
tage for the patient is a problem that
can be applied not only to the uro-
logical field but also to the entire
surgical field,” Dr. In Gab Jeong
from University of Ulsan College of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea told Reu-
ters Health by email. “This may lead
to a huge increase in the cost of
medical care that can be a signifi-
cant burden on the healthcare
     In robotic-assisted surgery, the
same instruments used in laparo-
scopic surgery are connected to a
robotic device that allows for
                                                Robotic-assisted surgery:
3-dimensional visualization, greater
range of motion of the instruments,
and improved ergonomics for the
                                                More expensive, but not
     Extensive marketing and com-
petition among hospitals have led
to widespread use of robotic sur-
                                                always more effective
gery for a broad range of
procedures, but it remains contro-
versial because of its increased costs   with laparoscopic surgery, mainly       removed.                              cost-effective.”
and lack of evidence of improved         as a result of longer operating room         The average surgery time was        “The area of robotic surgery will
outcomes compared with non-              times and higher supply costs.          37.5 minutes longer in the robotic- change appreciably in the near
robotic minimally invasive                                                       assisted group than in the            future as other manufacturers bring
approaches.                                  “The development and use of         conventional laparoscopic group, robotic surgical systems onto the
     In a study reported in the Jour-    robotic platforms might be helpful      but the robotic devices didn’t        market,” he said. “This will open up
nal of the American Medical              in patient care,” Jeong said. “How-     reduce the need to convert some of    competition and should push costs
Association, Jeong’s team used a U.S.    ever, scientific research on            the operations to open surgery.       down.”
database to compare outcomes and         cost-effectiveness and safety has            Nor did the robotic devices         “Whether robotic-assisted sur-
costs of robotic-assisted surgery        sometimes not been sufficiently         reduce complication rates, either     gery for some procedures
versus laparoscopic surgery for          conducted, and it is rapidly spread-    during the procedure or within 30     represents ‘value’ for either the
extensive kidney surgery.                ing in the medical field due to         days after the procedure.             individual patient or the health care
     In 2003, robotic-assisted sur-      various reasons, such as marketing           As in the kidney surgery study, system is unlikely,” writes Dr. Jason
gery accounted for 1.5 percent of        of the company, patient’s prefer-       healthcare costs were significantly   D. Wright from Columbia Univer-
operations in this setting; by 2015,     ence for the latest technology, and     higher with robotic-assisted sur- sity College of Physicians and
it accounted for 27 percent of sur-      recommendations of the hospital/        gery than with conventional           Surgeons, New York in a related
geries. Laparoscopic surgeries           doctors.”                               laparoscopic surgery, by an aver- editorial.
declined in parallel during that              In a second study in the same      age US$1132 (961.32 euros).              “From a policy perspective,
period.                                  issue of the journal, Dr. David Jayne       “Robotic surgery is a technical   robotic-assisted surgery exempli-
     After taking a variety of factors   from St. James’s University Hospi-      advance in minimally invasive sur- fies the difficulty of balancing
into account, robotic-assisted sur-      tal, Leeds, UK and colleagues from      gery, but the current robotic system  surgical innovation with evidence-
gery had similar rates of major          29 centers in 10 countries investi-     is too expensive to justify its unse- based medicine,” he concludes.
complications, blood transfusions,       gated whether robotic-assisted          lected use in rectal cancer,” Jayne “Both the generation of high-qual-
and prolonged hospital stays as          surgery was less likely to require      told Reuters Health by email. “There  ity evidence evaluating new
laparoscopic surgery.                    conversion to open surgery, com-        is a need for robotic systems to be   procedures and then the utilization
     But robotic-assisted surgery        pared with conventional                 competitively priced to enable        of this evidence to guide practice
costs averaged US$2678 (2272.67          laparoscopic surgery, in 471 patients   advanced surgeries, such as rectal    should remain priorities for surgi-
euros) more than those associated        who were having rectal cancers          cancer        surgery,     to     be  cal disciplines.”
ROBOT REVOLUTION - The Peninsula Qatar
ROBOT REVOLUTION - The Peninsula Qatar
10                                                                    FOOD                                                  THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017


Joe Yonan                                  Ingredients                       Add a generous pinch or two of             Reheat the pan over medium
The Washington Post                        1 teaspoon salt, plus more as     salt, then add the pasta. Cook         heat and add the remaining table-
                                       needed                                according to the package direc-        spoon of oil. Add the baby spinach
                                           12 ounces dried whole-grain       tions (al dente). Drain and transfer   and cook for 1 minute, or until

       ased on traditional Italian     spaghetti (may substitute another     to a large bowl, reserving a little    wilted, then add the cooked pasta,
       recipes, this dish combines     long pasta of your choice)            of the pasta cooking water, then       tossing it with the spinach. If the
       crunchy, garlicky, lemony           5 tablespoons extra-virgin        drizzle the pasta with 1 tablespoon    mixture seems dry, add a little of
bread crumbs with whole-grain          olive oil                             of the oil.                            the reserved pasta cooking water.
pasta and a little baby spinach for        2 cloves garlic, minced               Meanwhile, heat a large skil-      Taste and season with more salt
a hearty, comforting bowl.                 2 cups fresh, coarse bread        let over medium-high heat and          and/or pepper, as needed.
    4 servings                         crumbs (see headnote)                 add 3 tablespoons of the oil. Stir         Serve warm, in bowls with the
    The dish depends on good,              1/8 teaspoon freshly ground       in the garlic and cook for a few       bread crumbs and remaining
fresh bread crumbs (not dried). To     black pepper, plus more as needed     seconds, then add the bread            lemon zest sprinkled atop each
make them, tear your favourite             1 teaspoon plus 1 tablespoon      crumbs and stir to coat evenly.        portion.
bread (it can be stale) into chunks,   freshly grated lemon zest             Toast until golden brown, 3 to 4
drop them in a food processor and          4 cups baby spinach               minutes. Remove from the heat,             Nutrition: Per serving: 560
pulse until they are reduced to                                              stir in the teaspoon of salt, the      calories, 16 g protein, 86 g carbo-
pieces no bigger than a pea. (Some         Steps                             pepper and 1 teaspoon of the           hydrates, 19 g fat, 3 g saturated fat,
pieces can be smaller, but you             Bring 4 quarts of water to a      lemon zest, then transfer to the       0 mg cholesterol, 430 mg sodium,
don’t want powder.)                    boil in a large pot over high heat.   large bowl.                            2 g dietary fiber, 0 g sugar.
THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017                                            BOLLYWOOD                                                                        11
 Kapil Sharma denies fight with Sunil Grover
IANS                                                         many things, I was shooting the show and for other
                                                             things. During that time, my film’s artiste died. I was

         ctor-comedian Kapil Sharma denied the infa-         so nervous and turned so negative.
         mous and controversial fight with Sunil Grover.        “I wanted to cancel the Australia show but couldn’t
             At the trailer launch of his second film        and before the show, a girl came to me complaining
“Firangi”, Kapil opened up about the incident in which       about a guy who happens to be my childhood friend,
 during a flight from Australia to Mumbai, Kapil had         Chandan. I scolded him.
 reportedly physically assaulted Sunil.
      Clarifying his stance, Kapil said: “When you move
                                                                “I had to perform for one and a half hours and that
                                                             girl and boy artiste had 10-minute stints. My whole
                                                                                                                           Priyanka keen to
 with such a huge team, you have to manage a lot of
 things and I am really bad at it, I will say that much.
                                                             thing was, ‘You are bothering me with this when I have
                                                             such a long performance ahead’. I am a little
                                                                                                                           collaborate with
 Touchwood, we have been working together for many
 years and I would like to repeat it one more time, I
                                                                “Chandan went missing for five days. I wanted to
 didn’t actually fight with Sunil Grover at all. It didn’t   meet him and apologize because I didn’t listen to his         IANS
 happen.”                                                    side of the story. I saw him one hour before the Aus-

      Sunil famously essayed the role of Mashoor Gulati,     tralia flight and I lost it again and I used cuss words               ctress-singer Priyanka
 a doctor, in “The Kapil Sharma Show”.                       again”.                                                               Chopra (pictured), who
      Narrating what exactly happened during the flight,         Kapil also said he has no issues with Sunil.                      has worked with interna-
 Kapil said the fight happened with comedian Chan-              “I love him. I like to work with the best of people.       tional names like Pitbull and DJ
 dan Prabhakar, and not with Sunil.                          When I was doing ‘Comedy Circus’, I used to tell peo-         Will Sparks, says she would like
      He said: “When we reached Australia, since the         ple, ‘I met this guy Sunil Grover in ‘Hans Baliye’. ‘Let’s    to collaborate with singer
 first day, my mood was really bad. I was juggling so        get him, I saw his show, I liked him’. When you work          Rihanna.
                                                                                      with the best, you learn a lot.           Priyanka treated her fans to
                                                                                          “Sunil and I, we have known      a question and answer session
                                                                                       each other for nine years now,      as she scored a following of 20
                                                                                       and we have been working            million on Twitter.
                                                                                       together for five years. I don’t         When a fan asked her which
                                                                                       have any problem with Sunil,        female artist she would like to
                                                                                       but had I been in his place, I      collaborate with, Priyanka
                                                                                       would have definitely asked         replied: "I'd love to collaborate
                                                                                       one time that ‘I haven’t seen       with Rihanna. I think she's
                                                                                       you like this in five years, why    awesome."
                                                                                       are you behaving like this?’             Another fan asked her what
                                                                                          “Maybe nothing would have        would she be if not an actress or
                                                                                       happened. But still nothing has     a singer. She said: "An engineer.
                                                                                       happened, I love him,” Kapil        At least that's what I thought at
                                                                                       stressed.                           17. Now I haven't done anything
                                                                                           Kapil also took a dig at the    else for a while, so maybe
                                                                                       media for the speculation           writing."
                                                                                       regarding the ‘fight’.                   Priyanka is currently shoot-
                                                                                                                           ing for the third season of the
                                                                                                                           American crime drama series
                                                                                                                          "Quantico". She will be seen
  ‘Ghoomar’ song most difficult, yet fulfilling: Deepika                                                                    reprising her role of FBI agent
                                                                                                                           Alex Parrish.
  IANS                                  “The ‘Ghoomar’ song has to be one           The song has been composed                 "This season brings together
                                         of the most difficult yet most ful-    by Bhansali and sung by Shreya             an amazing new team and new

        he twirls in circles with diyas  filling song sequences I have ever     Ghoshal. “Padmavati” also stars            flavour to 'Quantico'! I'm excited
        in her hands in the newly        shot for!”                             Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh.           to share (it) with you all," she said.
        launched song “Ghoomar”               The “Ghoomar” song was            Shahid will be seen playing the                 Besides "Quantico", the
  from the upcoming film “Padma- unveiled yesterday. It shows the               role of Maharawal Ratan Singh,            "Mary Kom" actress has already
  vati”. Actress Deepika Padukone        richness of the Rajput culture and     husband of Deepika’s character             completed her next film "Isn't It
  says it’s one of the most difficult    traditions. Deepika, dressed in        in the movie. Ranveer will be              Romantic", featuring Adam
  yet most fulfilling song sequences     heavy ensembles and jewellery,         playing Alauddin Khilji.                   Devine, Liam Hemsworth and
  she has ever done.                     performs gracefully.                       The film, releasing on Decem-          Rebel Wilson. It is slated to
      Deepika, who plays the title            Traditionally, the dance form     ber 1, tells the story of Alauddin         release on February 14, 2019.
  role in filmmaker Sanjay Leela         Ghoomar involves twirling in cir-      Khilji, the medieval-era Delhi                  She will also star as a single
  Bhansali’s magnum opus, took to        cles and coordinated hand              ruler who fell in love with Rajput         mom in "A Kid Like Jake" along-
  Twitter on Wednesday and wrote:        movements and footwork.                queen Padmavati.                           side Jim Parsons, Claire Danes
                                                                                                                           and Octavia Spencer.
12                                                                ENTERTAINMENT                                                 THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017

Kid Rock’s Senate campaign was a stunt
The Washington Post                                                                                                     believing something you said before
                                                                                                                        trying to shill your music: Rock

          e were 99.99 percent cer-                                                                                     wrote an earnest blog post calling
          tain that Detroit musician                                                                                    a run “very possible” and said he
          Kid Rock’s run for a Sen-                                                                                     was “exploring my candidacy,” then
ate seat - he debuted the                                                                                               appeared behind a presidential- this                                                                                        looking lectern to the tune “Hail to
summer and spent the past few                                                                                           the Chief “ at a Michigan concert.
months teasing his possible candi-                                                                                      Not that everyone was convinced,
dacy - was nothing more than a                                                                                          but in the Age of Trump, one never
marketing stunt, and now the                                                                                            knows which celebrity’s political
woulda-been “gentleman from                                                                                             aspirations might get taken
Michigan” is admitting as much.                                                                                         seriously.
   “I’m not running for Senate. Are                                                                                         Rock, born Robert Ritchie, told
you kidding me?” Rock told radio                                                                                        Stern that even those who knew the
host Howard Stern on the shock                                                                                          whole thing was mere subterfuge
jock’s SiriusXM show, per the                                                                                           started acting as if it wasn’t. “No,
Detroit Free Press.                       expletives definitely not fit for the   I’m releasing a new album. I’m        we’re not doing it,” he said he’d tell
    Of course, since he’s Kid Rock,       Senate floor.                           going on tour, too.”                  them, according to the Free Press,
he peppered his comments with               “Who couldn’t figure that out?           Way to mock your fans for         “but let’s roll with it for a while.”

   Gadot thought about ending acting                                               Actor Robert Guillaume dies
   career before ‘Wonder Woman’                                                    Reuters

                                                                                          wo-time Emmy Award-win-

           ctress Gal Gadot, who has     Glamour magazine, reports dai-                   ning actor Robert Guillaume
           carved out a niche for                                    (pictured), who became one
           herself in Hollywood               Describing the nitty-gritty          of the most prominent black actors
  since the release of “Wonder           of the acting business, she               on US television playing the can-
  Woman”, says she earlier               added: “Because there had been            tankerous title character in the hit
  thought about ending her act-          so many no. You go to the audi-           1980s series “Benson,” died of com-
  ing career and going back to her       tion and you have a callback,             plications from prostate cancer on
  home country, Israel.                  then another callback and then            Tuesday, his wife said. He was 89.
     “Before I got ‘Wonder               a camera set-up, and people are               The gravelly voiced Guillaume,
  Woman’, I was thinking about           telling you your life will change         who thrived in Broadway musi- 1986. Guillaume’s character had
  never coming back to Los Ange-         if you get this part. And then            cals before starring on the TV       been a butler on “Soap” but on
  les, (I thought I’d) stay in Israel,   you don’t get it.                         series “Soap” and its spinoff “Ben- “Benson” he served as a state gov-
  work as an actress here and                “I reached a place where I            son,” died at his Los Angeles home, ernor’s director of household
  there, go back to university and       didn’t want to do that                    his wife Donna Brown Guillaume       affairs, then state budget director,
  do something else,” Gadot told         anymore.”                                 said in a statement.                 lieutenant governor and candidate
                                                                                        Robert Guillaume first played   for governor.
                                                                                   sarcastic and irascible butler Ben-      Guillaume won the Emmy for
                                                                                   son DuBois on the over-the-top       outstanding lead actor in a com-
                                                                                   soap opera parody series “Soap,” edy series in 1985 for “Benson,” the
                                                                                   which debuted in 1977 and also       last of six times that he was nom-
                                                                                   starred Katherine Helmond, Rich- inated for an Emmy playing the
                                                                                   ard Mulligan and Billy Crystal.      character. He became the first
                                                                                        His work on that show won       black actor to win that award.
                                                                                   Guillaume won the Emmy for out-          In accepting the Emmy, he
                                                                                   standing supporting actor in a       joked, “I’d like to thank Bill Cosby
                                                                                   comedy series in 1979.               for not being here,” referring to the
                                                                                        His character became so pop- fact that the star of “The Cosby
                                                                                   ular that the ABC network created    Show” and the leading contender
                                                                                  “Benson” for him and that series ran  for the award had earlier taken
                                                                                   for seven seasons from 1979 to       himself out of the running for it.
THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017                                           TECHNOLOGY                                                                       13

                                           BlackBerry launches
        anada-based BlackBerry yes-
        terday introduced new cyber
        security consulting services
 aimed at enabling enterprise ‘Gen-
 eral Data Protection Regulation’
                                           new cyber security
 (GDPR) compliance and mitigating
 security risks in connected auto-
 mobiles that threaten personal and
 public safety.
     ‘BlackBerry Cybersecurity Con-
 sulting’ will guide organisations
 through the process of understand-
 ing how to manage company data,
 how GDPR applies to the organisa-
 tion and how to achieve a
 competitive readiness posture, the
 company said in a statement.
      Set to come into effect in May
 2018 and applicable to any enter-
 prise controlling or processing
‘Personally Identifiable Information’
 (PII) of European Union residents,
 GDPR demands major changes to
 the ways organisations may collect,
 use and store PII about customers
 and employees.                         Sales, BlackBerry at BlackBerry           market for automotive cybersecu-         experience in information security,
    “Having been engaged with the       Security Summit in London.                rity is expected to grow to $759m        data protection and cyber-resilience
 EU Justice Directorate-General            “In addition to consulting services,   in 2023.                                 to support our clients in protecting
 since 2012, we understand the          we provide many necessary software            BlackBerry will now also offer       their most valuable assets,” Weise
 GDPR requirements and have             solutions, making BlackBerry a one-       new services directly and through        said.
 developed expertise to help address    stop shop for GDPR compliance.”           a new partner programme aimed               “As hacking evolves and new
 the full range of GDPR implications        According to Automotive Cyber-        at helping to eliminate security vul-    threats arise, our new cybersecu-
 for enterprises, from situational      security and Connected Car Report         nerabilities within connected and        rity consulting services will help
 assessment to offering DPO (Data       from IHS Automotive, there are            autonomous vehicles.                     play a critical role in the develop-
 Protection Officer)-as-a-service,”     nearly 112 million vehicles now con-         “BlackBerry’s cybersecurity con-      ment of secure connected and
 said Carl Wiese, Global Head of        nected around the world. The global       sulting practice builds on decades of    autonomous vehicles.”

  Instagram now lets everyone go live with a friend
  IANS                                                                                                                    on their own.
                                                                                                                              When someone you follow is

          fter several weeks of test-                                                                                     going live with a friend, you will
          ing, Facebook-owned                                                                                             see two circles stacked together
          photo-sharing platform                                                                                          in your stories bar.
  Instagram has rolled out a new                                                                                              You can tap on it to watch and
  feature which enables users to                                                                                          like and comment as you follow
  broadcast simultaneously with a                                                                                         along, the blog added.
  friend.                                                                                                                     After Instagram introduced
      “Starting today, we are intro-                                                                                      live video last November, millions
  ducing a fun way to go live with a                                                                                      of people have used it to connect
  friend. Now, you can hang out and                                                                                       with friends and followers in an
  go live together, whether you’re                                                                                        authentic way.
  just doing homework or catching       bottom right and tap “Add” to             friend pop up right below you”,             These updates are available as
  up on your day,” Instagram said       invite anyone who’s currently             Instagram said.                         part of Instagram version 20 on
  in a blog post yesterday.             watching.                                     Users can also remove their         App Store and for Android in
       To use the new feature, users       Once they join, “you’ll see the        guest and add someone else at any       Google Play.
  need to tap the new icon on the       screen split into two and your            time. They can also choose to exit
14                                                                                         CINEMA PLUS                                                                  THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017

                     NOVO — Pearl                                                                   ROYAL PLAZA                                                    VILLAGGIO & CITY CENTER

Jigsaw (2D) 10:00am, 12:00noon, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00pm            The Little Vampire (2D/Animation) 2:00 & 5:00pm
& 12:00midnight                                                                  Ramleela(2D/Malayalam) 2:15&11:15pm Akasha Mittayi (2D/Malayalam) 5:00pm
Geostorm(2D/Thriller) 10:00am, 12:20, 2:15, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:15,              Fantastic Journey To Oz (2D/Animation) 3:30pm
                                                                                 Brawl In Cell Block 99 (2D/Action) 5:30pm
9:40pm & 12:00midnight
                                                                                 24 Hours To Live (Action) 7:15 & 9:30pm Happy Death Day (Horror) 7:45pm
24 Hours To Live (2D) 10:00am, 12:00noon, 2:00, 4:00, 4:45, 6:00, 8:00, 10:00,
                                                                                 Mersal (2D/Tamil) 2:30 & 6:45pm Jigsaw(2D/Horror) 9:45 & 11:30pm
11:45pm & 12:00midnight Only The Brave (2D) 10:00am, 3:15 & 8:30pm
                                                                                 Special Show 9:00pm Only The Brave (Drama) 11:30pm
Mother (2D/Thriller) 12:45, 6:00 & 11:15pm
Monster Family (2D/Animation) 10:00am, 12:00noon, 2:00, 4:00 & 6:00pm                              ASIAN TOWN
Happy Death Day (2D) 8:00, 10:00pm & 12:00midnight                               Ramleela (Malayalam) 12:45, 1:45, 3:45, 4:45, 6:45, 7:45, 9:45, 10:45, 11:15pm,
The Little Vampire (2D) 10:15am, 12:30, 2:45, 5:00 & 7:15pm                      12:45, 01:30 & 02:00am Vunnadhi Okate (Telugu) 12:30 & 6:00pm
Da3doush (2D/Arabic) 9:30pm & 12:00midnight                                      Akasha Mittayi 3:15 & 12:00midnight Golmaal Again (Hindi) 6:00pm
Fantastic Journey To Oz (2D) 10:00am, 12:00noon, 2:00, 4:00 & 6:00pm             Mersal (Tamil) 1:00 & 9:00pm Parava (Malayalam) 3:00 & 8:30pm
The Foreigner (2D/Action) 8:00 & 10:15pm
                                                                                                    AL KHOR
Brawl In Cell Block 99 (2D) 10:15am, 1:00, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15pm & 12:00am
                                                                                 Jigsaw 11:00am, 1:00, 6:00 & 11:00pm Only The Brave 11:30am, 5:30 & 11:30pm
Geostorm(3D IMAX/Thriller)10:30am, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 8:30 & 11:00pm
                                                                                 Happy Death Day 11:00am, 3:30 & 8:00pm Ramleela 3:00 & 8:00pm & 12:30am
                                                                                 Mersal (Tamil) 2:15 & 8:15pm 24 Hours To Live 1:15, 5:45 & 10:15pm
Vunnadhi Okate Zindagi (Telugu) 2:00pm Happy Death Day (Horror) 8:15pm                                    ROXY
The Little Vampire (2D/Animation) 2:00 & 3:30pm                                  Fantastic Journey To Oz (2D/Animation)12:00noon, 2:00, 4:00,6:00&8:00pm
Mersal (2D/Tamil) 2:15 & 11:15pm Ramleela (2D/Malayalam) 4:30pm                  24 Hours To Live (2D/Thriller) 12:00noon, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00 & 10:00pm
Fantastic Journey To Oz (2D/Animation) 5:00pm                                    Brawl In Cell Block 99 (Thriller) 12:00noon & 8:15pm
Secret Superstar (2D/Hindi) 6:45pm Geostorm (2D/Action) 7:15pm                   Ramleela (2D/Malayalam) 12:00noon, 3:10, 9:10pm & 12:20am
24 Hours To Live (Action) 5:00 & 9:30pm Only The Brave (Drama) 9:15pm            Only The Brave 2:45, 5:30 & 11:00pm Unnadi Okate Zindagi 6:20pm &12:00am
Jigsaw(2D/Horror) 6:30 & 10:00pm Golmaal Again(2D/Hindi) 11:30pm                                                                                       JIGSAW
Brawl In Cell Block 99 (2D/Action) 11:45pm

Mersal (2D/Tamil) 2:15 & 10:30pm Human Flow (Documentary) 2:30pm
The Little Vampire (2D/Animation) 2:15 & 3:45pm
Akasha Mittayi (2D/Malayalam) 5:00pm Happy Death Day (Horror) 7:30pm
Vunnadhi Okate Zindagi (Telugu) 5:00pm Only The Brave (Drama) 9:15pm
Fantastic Journey To Oz (2D/Animation) 5:15 & 6:30pm
24 Hours To Live (Action) 7:30 & 9:15pm Jigsaw(2D/Horror) 8:30pm
Ramleela (2D/Malayalam) 11:00pm Brawl In Cell Block 99 (2D) 11:30pm               Bodies are turning up around the city, each having met a uniquely
Note: Programme is subject to change without prior notice.                        gruesome demise. As the investigation proceeds, evidence points
                                                                                  to one suspect: John Kramer, the man known as Jigsaw, who has
                                                                                  been dead for ten years.

THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017             BRAIN TEASERS                                                                       15
                         CROSSWORD                            CONCEPTIS SUDOKU
                                                                                               Conceptis Sudoku: Conceptis Sudoku
                                                                                               is a number-placing puzzle based on a
                                                                                               9×9 grid. The object is to place the
                                                                                               numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so
                                                                                               that each row, each column and each
                                                                                               3×3 box contains the same number
                                                                                               only once.

                                                                                                   Yesterday’s answer

                                                                   ALL IN THE MIND

                                                                                                   ABBREVIATED, ABRIDGED,
                                                                                                   AGES, BRIEF, CEASELESS,
                                                                                                   COMPRESSED, CONDENSED,
                                                                                                   CUT BACK, DECREASED,
                                                                                                   DIMINISHED, ENDLESS,
                                                                                                   EPHEMERAL, ETERNAL,
                                                                                                   EXTENDED, FLEETING,
                                                                                                   INCESSANT, INCREASED,
                                                                                                   INTERMINABLE, LENGTHY,
                                                                                                   LESSEN, LITTLE, LONG,
                                                                                                   MOMENTARY, PERPETUAL,
                                                                                                   PRECIS, PROLONGED,
                                                                                                   PROTRACTED, REDUCED,
                                                                                                   SHORT, TRUNCATED.

                                         08:00    News             13:10 Alaska: The       13:45 Rugged         13:10 Miraculous
                                         08:30   Witness                   Last Frontier           Justice               Tales Of
                                         09:00   Death By Design   14:40   Outback         14:40   Mutant                Ladybug &
                                         10:00   News                      Truckers                Planet                Cat Noir
                                         10:30   Inside Story      16:10   Street          15:35   Lone Star    16:05    Liv And
                                         11:00   News                      Customs                 Law                   Maddie
                                         11:30   The Stream                2008            16:30   Treehouse    16:30    Bizaardvark
                                         12:00   News              17:00   How Do                  Masters      17:00    K.C.
                                         12:30   Fault Lines               They Do It?     18:20   Whale Wars            Undercover
                                         13:00   NEWSHOUR          18:50   Treasure        19:15   Rugged       18:20    Bizaardvark
                                         14:00   News                      Quest:                  Justice      18:45    Best
   King Features Syndicate, Inc.         14:30   Inside Story              Snake           20:10   Escape To             Friends
                                         15:00   Witness                   Island                  Chimp Eden            Whenever
                                         16:00   NEWSHOUR          21:00   What On         22:00   Whale Wars   19:10    Disney
                                         17:00   News                      Earth?          22:55   Mutant                Mickey Mouse
                                         17:30   The Stream        21:50   So You                  Planet        21:00   K.C.
                                         18:00   newsgrid                  Think You’d     23:50   Lone Star             Undercover
                                         19:00   News                      Survive?                Law           21:55   Miraculous
                                         19:30   Risking It All    22:40   Super-          00:45   Treehouse             Tales Of
                                         20:00   News                      truckers                Masters                Ladybug &
                                         20:30   Inside Story      23:30   Fast N’         01:40   Rugged                 Cat Noir
                                         21:00   NEWSHOUR                  Loud                    Justice       22:20   Alex & Co.
                                         22:00   News              01:05   What On         02:35   Escape        22:45   Lolirock
                                         22:30   The Stream                Earth?                  To Chimp      23:05   Disney Mickey
                                         23:00   The Wanted 18                                     Eden                   Mouse
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