ROADMAP: 2021 - 2023+ - FIS/fci for Automated Document Entry Grafenrheinfeld, March 2021

Page created by Bradley Torres
ROADMAP: 2021 - 2023+ - FIS/fci for Automated Document Entry Grafenrheinfeld, March 2021
ROADMAP: 2021 – 2023+
FIS/fci for Automated Document Entry
Grafenrheinfeld, March 2021
ROADMAP: 2021 - 2023+ - FIS/fci for Automated Document Entry Grafenrheinfeld, March 2021
The specifications and information by FIS Informationssysteme und Consulting GmbH contained in this document are
without obligation and non-binding. The information represents only an extract and reflects the current status. FIS
expressly reserves the right to make subsequent changes to these specifications and information.
The specifications and information in this document represent confidential information of FIS and must be kept secret
by the receiver. In particular, the passing on of these specifications and information to third parties is prohibited.

The FIS/fci optimization as part of FIS/edc can be used to automatically enter paper documents or electronic
documents, such as PDF documents, in the existing SAP solution. Document characteristics, such as vendor name,
address, phone, fax, bank data and tax number, are automatically matched with the master data record in the ERP
Excellent recognition rates are achieved using an extensive test methodology. Of course, FIS/fci is suitable for all typical
documents in companies, such as invoices, order responses, delivery notes and orders.

Your benefit:
▪   Genuine free form recognition
▪   High recognition rates as from the first invoice
▪   Self-learning system (knowledge base)
▪   Vendor recognition > 95%
▪   Reading of item data
▪   Automatic check: e.g. art. 14 UstG (sales/purchases tax law); totals, taxes, country-specific requirements, etc.

     2021 – Latest Developments         2022 – Planned Innovations            2023+ – Future Orientation

▪ Procedure and architecture      ▪ Direct connection to the SAP        ▪ Web-based administration
  optimization                      system
                                                                        ▪ Provision of the application in the
▪ Solo-IMES                       ▪ Templates in the cloud correction     cloud

▪ Web-based correction            ▪ PDF analyzer                        ▪ Recognition optimization

▪ Separate updatability           ▪ Configurable export for SAP

▪ Configuration editor

                                                          2021 – Latest Developments

▪ Procedure and architecture optimization
  ▪   Numerous FCI procedures have been revised and optimized with the 2021 Release. The basic architecture has been restructured to enable an
      efficient integration of future developments into the product.

▪ Solo-IMES
  ▪   In order to fulfill the high safety requirements in the mail traffic, authentication procedures are constantly optimized and adjusted. Solo-IMES forms
      the interface to on-premises e-mail inboxes and cloud providers. It provides an option to fast adapt new procedures and, as a consequence, benefit
      from the new standards.
  ▪   Solo-IMES is a Windows-based software solution that can read mails from mailboxes. The mails and their attachments are analyzed. If the software
      identifies the mail and its attachments as documents, these will be transferred to the FIS/fci system. The documents are read there and passed on as
      structured documents to a connected SAP system or a similar system. The use of SOLO-IMES requires a license adjustment.

▪ Web-based correction
  ▪   Flexibility and distributed work centers increasingly become standard features. For this reason, the correction of documents is now offered as a
      cloud application. As a consequence, an installation on work center PCs is no longer required. In this way, users can access the application
      irrespectively of their location.

                                                          2021 – Latest Developments

▪ Separate updatability
  ▪   In order to accelerate future updates and increase the application’s efficiency, the recognition engines and the main application will be installed
      separately. As the recognition engines contain new features considerably less frequently, they do not have to be considered for an update of the
      main application.

▪ Configuration editor
  ▪   To simplify essential settings, a configuration editor has been developed. A validation is used to identify whether they are correct. The system
      indicates errors and warnings in visualized form.

                                                          2022 – Planned Innovations

▪ Direct connection to the SAP system
  ▪   As processes run faster and faster, a direct connection to the SAP system is also developed in the master data area. This enables real-time access to
      the system data to ensure access to all current purchase orders for order confirmations for instance. This optimizes the recognition rates.

▪ Templates in the cloud correction
  ▪   Correction templates are also implemented in the cloud correction, which is comparable to the on-premise version. They enable the parking of
      templates concerning specific vendors to improve automation in this way.

▪ PDF analyzer
  ▪   Due to errors in their internal structure, some PDFs cannot be processed. The PDF analyzer identifies these PDFs and enables a documentation of
      the error situation in this way.

▪ Configurable export for SAP
  ▪   IDocs can be generated for non-standardized commercial processes in the export of FIS/fci systems. They have to be freely configurable according to
      the process. This enables the recognition of delivery notes or individual documents for instance.

                                                           2023+ – Future Orientation

▪ Web-based administration
   ▪   The administration of module settings, process definitions, batch and connection control as well as process monitor is provided in a Web-based user

▪ Provision of the application in the cloud
   ▪   The components of the FIS/fci application are encapsulated as cloud services and can be addressed via interfaces for import and export. With the
       cloud capability of FIS/fci, the FIS/fci functions can be integrated homogeneously into a service-oriented environment without the need for a local

▪ Recognition optimization
   ▪   FIS/fci is extended by the possibility to take into account the amount representations of different countries. When the document currency is
       recognized, the respective configurable rules are applied, which are relevant for the identified currency or the associated country.
   ▪   In order to further qualify the item contents of documents, new optimization procedures are developed.

If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, please feel free to contact us.
Please note that the information in this document is only an extract.
Detailed release information is available on request.

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