ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY - Reducing emissions and driving growth across the nation

Page created by Ron Gibson
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY - Reducing emissions and driving growth across the nation
Executive summary

Reducing emissions and driving
growth across the nation
This report was developed with input from 20 companies and organizations:

   Air Liquide                            Microsoft
   Air Products                           Nikola Motors
   American Honda Motor Co., Inc          Nel Hydrogen
   Audi                                   Plug Power
   Chevron                                Power Innovations
   Cummins Inc.                           Shell
   Daimler AG: Mercedes-Benz              Southern California
    Fuel Cell GmbH/Mercedes-Benz            Gas Company
    Research & Development                 Southern Company
    North America                           Services, Inc.
   Engie                                  Toyota
   Exelon Corporation                     Xcel Energy
   Hyundai Motor Company

The authors would like to thank the Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy
Association for coordinating the group and managing the process, the
Electric Power Research Institute for contributing scientific observations
and technical input, and McKinsey & Company for providing analytical
support. The authors also wish to acknowledge the US Department
of Energy’s National Laboratory technical experts Amgad Elgowainy
from Argonne National Laboratory and Mark Ruth from the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory for independent analysis and review.

Copies of this document can be downloaded from

Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged.
      EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                           2

      VISION FOR A HYDROGEN ECONOMY               3

      ROAD MAP TO A HYDROGEN ECONOMY              9
        2020 to 2022: Immediate next steps        12
        2023 to 2025: Early scale-up              12
        2026 to 2030: Diversification             12
        After 2030: Broad rollout across the US   13

      PATH FORWARD                                15

      ENDNOTES                                    16
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY        Executive summary                                                              2

Fifty years ago, the US put the first    light-duty, or material-handling         new hydrogen technologies for
man on the moon. The Apollo 11           vehicles, produce no tailpipe            industrial-scale applications.
mission relied on a hydrogen-powered     emissions, and hydrogen can be
fuel cell system, which supplied         produced with near-zero carbon           Investment is needed to lay
electricity and water for the mission,   emitted, even on a lifecycle basis.      the groundwork for hydrogen
and on liquid hydrogen as fuel to        A vibrant hydrogen industry would        solutions. Capital is required
propel the rockets. Since 1969,          maintain US energy leadership and        to build foundational hydrogen
America has remained a leader in         security, create jobs, significantly     infrastructure and companies
fuel cell and hydrogen technology,       reduce carbon emissions, and             need the right incentives to
commercializing a wide range             support economic growth.                 invest in low-carbon hydrogen
of technologies that produce,                                                     solutions. Regulatory barriers and
deliver, store, and utilize hydrogen     The time to boost support for            appropriate codes and standards
across applications and sectors.         hydrogen is now. Decisions and           need to be addressed to enable
Today, the hydrogen industry as          investments made now will have           large-scale commercialization
well as the US are at a crossroads       long-term impact. Moreover, many         and a robust, reliable supply
as the country’s energy future           energy infrastructure decisions          chain. Funding is required for
is determined.                           take a long time to implement.           more research, development,
                                         Other countries are laying plans         demonstration, and deployment for
The energy system across the US          for hydrogen economies, and              hydrogen technologies, to improve
is evolving. From power generation       the US will need to move quickly         competitiveness and performance.
to transportation, new technologies      to continue to lead in this growing      Directing capital to hydrogen is key to
are gaining share. Companies are         industry. US Department of Energy        enabling its growth in the US.
grappling with decarbonization,          funding for hydrogen and fuel cells
preservation of natural resources,       has ranged from approximately
aging infrastructure, energy             $100 million to $280 million per
storage, an evolving regulatory          year over the last decade, with
landscape, and new customer              approximately $150 million per year
demands. The resiliency and              since 2017. Other countries are
reliability of our energy system are     also investing heavily in hydrogen.
growing concerns.                        For example, Japan’s Ministry of
                                         Economy, Trade, and Industry has
Hydrogen is key to overcoming            announced hydrogen funding of
these challenges. Hydrogen is            approximately $560 million for 2019.
an energy carrier that cuts across       China has announced hydrogen
sectors and has multiple benefits.       transport industry investments of
It can be used to store energy over      more than $17 billion through 2023.
long periods of time and transport       In Europe, Germany’s investment
energy over large geographies.           includes $110 million annually to
FCEVs, whether heavy-duty,               fund research laboratories to test
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY                  Executive summary                                                                       3

Vision for a hydrogen
Hydrogen is critical for a lower-                  to regions looking to develop their              that are difficult to decarbonize,
carbon energy mix. It can be used                  hydrogen infrastructure, such as                 such as long-distance road
broadly across several industries,                 Europe, China, Japan, Korea, and                 transport and high-grade heat.
including for transport, steel,                    Australia. By 2030, the hydrogen                 Besides lower carbon emissions,
ammonia, methanol, refining,                       economy in the US could generate                 hydrogen used as vehicle fuel
in residential and commercial                      an estimated $140 billion per year in            completely eliminates emissions
buildings, and in the power system.                revenue and support 700,000 total                of tailpipe particulates, nitrogen
By our modeling estimates,                         jobs across the hydrogen value                   oxides (NOx), and sulfur oxides (SOx),
hydrogen can help meet 14 percent                  chain. By 2050, it could drive growth            improving regional air quality while
of US final energy demand by 2050,                 by generating about $750 billion per             reducing greenhouse gas emissions
the equivalent of over 2,468 TWh or                year in revenue and a cumulative                 (GHG) emissions.
                             1                                                   2
8.4 billion MMBTU per year.                        3.4 million jobs (Exhibit 1).
                                                                                                    Hydrogen enables better
A competitive hydrogen industry                    By utilizing domestic energy                     integration of low-carbon electric
will reinforce US energy leadership.               resources and increasing energy                  power resources. Grid-connected
The US is now the world’s largest                  resiliency, hydrogen will help to                electrolyzers that produce hydrogen
producer of natural gas and oil,                   preserve our national energy                     could provide a significant source
exporting to more than 35 countries.               security. Hydrogen production                    of flexibility for intermittent
As countries around the world                      would use abundant renewable                     renewables, providing long-
look to hydrogen to reduce carbon                  resources, natural gas, and carbon               duration storage solutions that are
emissions, the US has an opportunity               storage, and enable a competitive                complementary to short-duration
to reinforce and grow its energy                   nuclear industry. Long-term energy               battery solutions. In addition, they
leadership position and create                     storage with hydrogen will maximize              can provide additional load for
jobs in this field. The competitive                renewable energy production                      low-carbon power sources like
domestic supply of hydrogen will                   and use, further enhancing total                 renewable and nuclear power.
enable exports of the fuel to other                domestic energy production and use.
markets that do not have such                      It would allow abundant domestic
competitive supplies.                              natural gas to continue to provide               Hydrogen is a unique energy
                                                   affordable energy to meet demand,                carrier with applications
A robust hydrogen industry will                    even in a decarbonized scenario, with
strengthen the US economy. This                    the application of carbon capture.
                                                                                                    across sectors
growing industry creates jobs for                                                                   Hydrogen can be used:
US citizens and revenues for US                    Hydrogen has significant
businesses. These businesses                       environmental and health benefits.               In buildings. An estimated
operating in the hydrogen value chain              Hydrogen is an especially valuable               47 percent of US homes currently
will also grow by exporting technology             solution for energy needs in areas               have natural gas space heating,

1, 3
       This ambitious scenario refers to the long-term potential of hydrogen in the US and is based on input from industry on achievable
       deployment by 2030 and 2050. For details about the baseline and adoption rates, please refer to the methodology chapter and
       the appendix.
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY            Executive summary                                                                       4

Exhibit 1

Potential benefits of hydrogen in the US in the ambitious scenario – by the numbers

Hydrogen in the US could …

Strengthen                        Create a highly                    Provide significant               Benefit the US
the US economy,                   competitive source                 environmental                     energy system
supporting up to:                 of domestically                    benefits and
                                  produced low-                      improve air quality
                                  emission energy

 ~$140 bn ~100%                                                       Less
 in revenue                        domestically                       CO2, NOx, SOx, and
                                   produced                           particulate emissions
                                                                      in cities

 0.7 m

                                                                                   … in 2030
 ~$750 bn ~100%                                                       -16%                              ~14%
 in revenue                        domestically                       CO2                               of final energy
                                   produced                                                             demand

 3.4 m                                                                -36%
 jobs                                                                 NOx

                                                                                   … in 2050
Note: Final energy demand excluding feedstock; share of abated CO2 emissions relative to US emissions in 2050 as forecasted in the IEA
Reference Technology Scenario; for NOx tailpipe emissions only, based on EPA current NOx emissions
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY         Executive summary                                                             5

and another 3 to 8 percent                feedstock in industrial processes such    turbines (at a new or retrofitted
(depending on region) use liquified       as steelmaking, chemical production,      power station). In this way,
petroleum gas (LPG) heating.              and refining, or as a heating source to   hydrogen can provide a long-
Replacing or blending some natural        replace fossil fuels. In steelmaking,     term, high-capacity electricity
gas with low-carbon hydrogen              for example, hydrogen can work            storage mechanism.
would lower GHG emissions                 as a reductant, substituting coal or
of residential, commercial, and           natural gas. Other heavy industrial       In the ambitious scenario,
industrial heating, without new           sectors like ammonia, methanol, and       hydrogen demand potential across
infrastructure deployment. This can       refining already use large quantities     all these applications could reach
be achieved by blending hydrogen          of traditional hydrogen (synthesized      17 million metric tons by 2030 and
into the natural gas grid or deploying    from natural gas) and would need to       63 million metric tons by 2050.
stationary fuel cells directly in         transition to low-carbon hydrogen to      This demand would be primarily
buildings to generate electricity and     reduce their emissions.                   driven by the use of hydrogen
use the heat they produce in lieu of                                                as a transportation fuel, as fuel
traditional space and water heaters.      As backup power or off-grid               for residential and commercial
                                          power. Through stationary fuel            buildings, and as feedstock in
In transport. Transport accounts for      cells, hydrogen provides clean,           industrial processes like ammonia
a third of US carbon emissions and        noiseless, and odorless power. It         and methanol production, and
directly affects air quality in cities.   provides backup power for data            refining (Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3).
FCEVs and battery-electric vehicles       centers, hospitals, and other critical
(BEVs) are the only zero-emissions        infrastructure, as well as off-grid
vehicle (ZEV) solutions to reduce         power on military bases and in other
emissions for light-duty, heavy-duty,     remote facilities with fast ramp-up
and material-handling vehicles. With      or ramp-down capabilities. The use
fueling times similar to conventional     of hydrogen fuel cells instead of
gasoline or diesel vehicles, and with     diesel generators in data centers
larger on-board energy storage            appears on track to achieve cost
capacity than BEVs, FCEVs are             parity in three to five years and has
a natural complementary ZEV               additional advantages, such as
technology for the transport sector       reduced clean-air permit constraints
to transition to zero carbon. This        and increased operational
makes light-duty and heavy-duty           flexibility. It also has the potential
FCEVs a familiar and competitive          to offer services back to the electric
mobility solution for customers who       grid in the forms of energy storage
want the capability to refuel quickly,    and peaking capacity.
drive long distances, carry heavy
loads, or have high uptime. On a total    In the power system. Grid-
cost of ownership (TCO) basis,            connected hydrogen production
FCEVs could break even between            could support the deployment of
2025 and 2030 with the cost of            variable renewables, by providing
internal combustion engine (ICE)          demand flexibility to the system.
vehicles in applications requiring        Electrolyzers have the ability to
high uptime and fast fueling, and         flex up and down to help match
they already cost less than BEVs          the variable and intermittent
as forklifts and in fast charge           supply profile of wind or solar
applications above 60 kW.                 energy. This improves the case for
                                          renewables, as it partially offsets
In industrial processes. Industry         the intermittency problems on
accounts for about 20 percent of          the supply side. Where required,
US carbon emissions. The hard-            stored hydrogen can also be
to-decarbonize industrial sectors         converted back into power via fuel
can use low-carbon hydrogen as            cells or using hydrogen-ready gas
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY           Executive summary                                                             6

Exhibit 2
Hydrogen demand potential across sectors – 2030 and 2050 vision
Million metric tons per year

                                                                              Additional upside from other uses:1
                                                                               Synthetic jet fuel
                                                                               Ammonia as fuel for shipping

                                                                       2      New feedstock

                                                                       4      Power generation and grid balancing

                                                                       5      Fuel for industry

                                                                       8      Fuel for residential and commercial buildings

                                                                       27     Transportation fuel

                                      17                    3



                                                           16          16     Existing feedstock
                          13          13

    0%                  0.1%          1%                   1%          14%     H2 share of final energy demand2

                         Base Ambitious                   Base Ambitious
    2015                       2030                             2050

1 Assuming that 20% of jet fuel demand would be met by synthetic fuel and 20% of marine bunker fuel by ammonia
2 Demand excluding feedstock, based on IEA final energy demand for the US
Note: Some numbers may not add up due to rounding
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY                 Executive summary                       7

The US is uniquely                                the resilience and reliability
positioned to build a world-                      of the entire US energy system.

leading hydrogen economy                          The US is home to industrial
The US has the abundant, low-cost                 sector leaders capable of
primary energy sources needed to                  scaling a hydrogen economy.
produce low-carbon hydrogen. For                  US industrial leaders, such as
electrolytic hydrogen, the country has            in the petroleum refining and
ample renewable and low-carbon                    advanced manufacturing industries,
electricity resources, including wind,            have decades of experience
solar, hydropower, and nuclear.                   financing and managing capital-
The US is developing large-scale                  intensive megaprojects. With
renewable power, with forecasts for               the right regulatory support, US
the costs of electricity production               companies could mobilize large
as low as $20 per MWh in 2030.                    private investments in hydrogen
Furthermore, a national portfolio                 equipment development, hydrogen
of small, modular nuclear reactors                production, and distribution
to replace the current aging fleet of             infrastructure. A large network of
conventional reactors beginning in                US companies with expertise in
the 2030s could produce significant               fuel cells, electrolyzers, reformers,
hydrogen at a stable cost and with                and CCS are already helping to
a high capacity factor.                           bring equipment and production
                                                  costs down.
For hydrogen produced via natural
gas reforming with carbon capture                 For US transport, hydrogen is
and storage (CCS), the US has                     a strong low-carbon alternative.
abundant low-cost natural gas                     The US has a large long-haul
and carbon storage capacity. The                  trucking industry compared with
country’s natural gas reserves                    other markets, with about 180 billion
                              x                                             xii
have prices as low as $2 to $3 per                miles travelled per year. On
MMBTU. The US has the potential                   average, Americans drive more
to store as much as 3,000 metric                  than 12,000 miles per year per
gigatons of CO2 in technically                    vehicle – nearly twice as far as
accessible storage capacity, that                 people in other developed countries.
may be tapped pending public                      Buyers’ vehicle choices reflect this
acceptance of the technology.                     need for long-distance capability,
                                                  as sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and
Utilizing all forms of domestic energy            crossover vehicles have a projected
for hydrogen generation increases                 sales growth of 1 percent per year
energy security by decreasing                     in the next decade, while a 1 percent
energy imports. Hydrogen can be                   decline is projected for passenger
flexibly generated, which offers                  cars. Such long distances and
consumers the lowest cost of                      preferences for large vehicles favor
multiple energy sources at any                    FCEVs over BEVs.
given time and will create economic
growth across the US, including
in regions that are traditionally not
energy producers. Furthermore,
this flexibility of hydrogen increases

    Equivalent to 600 years of current total US CO 2 emissions.
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY   Executive summary                                                           8

Exhibit 3

There are already many industrial applications in motion that are short-term moves

                                                         Bubble size in the legend corresponds to
                                                         1 million metric tons of hydrogen

                                                                Potential hydrogen demand market size in 2030

                                                                Potential hydrogen demand market size in 2050

Established and                     Distributed power
                                    Forklifts/material handling

                                    Trucks (vans/light commercial vehicles, medium- and heavy-duty trucks,
                                    captive trucks in ports and mines)

                                    Light-duty passenger vehicles (all passenger cars including taxis, pickup
                                    trucks, SUVs, crossovers)

                                    Existing feedstock

                                    Steel (virgin steel only)
moves                               Aviation (low-carbon fuels)

                                    High-grade industrial heat

                                    Residential and commercial buildings

                                    Medium- and low-grade industrial heat
                                    Centralized power
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY               Executive summary                                                                       9

Road map to a hydrogen
The full benefits of                            Hydrogen is at a turning point and
                                                will benefit from economies of
                                                                                               policymakers and industry (Exhibit
                                                                                               4 and Exhibit 5).
hydrogen and fuel                               scale as it ramps up across states

cell technologies play                          and sectors in what is known as
                                                sector coupling. Sector coupling
                                                                                               The road map is organized into
                                                                                               four key phases: 2020 to 2022,
out when deployed                               refers to “the idea of interconnecting         2023 to 2025, 2026 to 2030, and
                                                (integrating) the energy-consuming             post-2030. Each phase has specific
at scale and across                             sectors – buildings (heating and               milestones for the deployment
multiple applications                           cooling), transport, and industry –
                                                                                               of hydrogen across applications.
                                                with the power-producing sector”               Each phase also describes the key
                                                in order to provide grid-balancing             enablers required, categorized as
                                                services to the power sector,                  (i) policy enablers and (ii) hydrogen
                                                including supply-side integration              supply and end-use equipment
                                                focused on the integration of                  enablers. Policy enablers are
                                                the power and gas sectors for                  needed initially to create the right
                                                reliability and resiliency. When               incentives to enable the private
                                                deployed across multiple                       sector to invest in and develop
                                                applications, systemic benefits                the hydrogen market.
                                                start to kick in: infrastructure costs
                                                are shared across applications,                The supply of hydrogen scales
                                                technological developments in one              up and shifts to low-carbon
                                                application can be applied to others,          technologies. Hydrogen is currently
                                                and sector-coupling benefits play              produced mainly from natural gas
                                                a meaningful role.                             without CCS, which could deliver 40 to
                                                                                               50 percent lower GHG emissions
                                                In this report, we describe a road             than gasoline ICEs and zero tailpipe
                                                map for transitioning to a hydrogen            emissions for light-duty FCEVs.
                                                economy in which hydrogen                      New low-carbon hydrogen production
                                                becomes a mainstream fuel option.              pathways using natural-gas
                                                The road map was developed to                  reforming techniques exist, such as
                                                put forward a concrete proposal for            steam methane reforming (SMR)
                                                various sectors and applications               and autothermal reforming (ATR)
                                                that may be developed and deployed             with CCS or with renewable natural
                                                in the coming years. It provides               gas (RNG). Likewise, players can
                                                milestones for deployment and                  scale up existing water electrolysis
                                                leverages domestic strengths to                with low-carbon electricity,
                                                deliver on the vision set out in the first     including renewables. As these
                                                half of this report. This report aims          production pathways grow, costs
                                                to serve as a reference document for           will decline significantly.

    A methane-rich gas obtained from bio- and waste-based sources that can be a direct replacement for natural gas in many processes.
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY                 Executive summary                                                                  10

Exhibit 4

Hydrogen enablers road map

2020–2022                                2023–2025                     2026–2030                      2031 and beyond
Immediate next steps                     Early scale-up                Diversification                Broad rollout

Policy support

Dependable, technology-neutral Policy incentives (state and            Transition of policy           Reduced/no direct policy
decarbonization goals in more     federal) in early markets to         incentives in fast-following   support in certain
states and at the federal level   transition from direct               markets from direct            applications when reaching
                                  support to scalable market-          support to scalable            cost parity
Public incentives to bridge
                                  based mechanisms                     market-based
barriers to initial market                                                                            Robust hydrogen code at
launches, bring a wider range of Spread public incentives                                             federal level
mature hydrogen solutions to      bridging barriers to initial         Applications to broaden
market, increase public           market launches beyond               beyond transport with
awareness and acceptance,         pioneer states                       specific enabling policies
and continue to pilot hydrogen                                         in other sectors (such as
                                  Regulatory framework for
use across applications                                                industry, power)
                                  wider implementation of H2
Hydrogen codes and safety         energy storage
standards, including blending
                                  Implementation of cross-
standards, in certain US states
                                  sectoral decarbonization
Policy/regulatory framework to    policy initiatives to support
include grid stability mechanisms distributed energy resources
for long-duration energy storage,
including hydrogen
Workforce development

Hydrogen supply and end-use equipment

First dedicated hydrogen                 First large-scale electrolyzer Development of                Expanding use of hydrogen
production for mobility                  plants (50 MW+)                electrolytic hydrogen         across sectors, enabling
                                                                        production with dedicated     further cost reduction and
SMR with RNG feedstock and               First large scale SMR/
                                                                        renewables and nuclear        performance improvement,
mid-scale SMR/ATR + CCUS1                ATR + CCUS
                                                                                                      increasing further expansion
                                                                        Development of SMR/ATR
Mid-scale electrolyzer plants            Hydrogen pipeline/delivery                                   of use across sectors
                                                                        + CCS2 to support
(10—50 MW)                               systems in industry clusters
                                                                        increasing hydrogen           Retrofitting of reforming
Development of gaseous and               New FCEV makes and             demand                        capacity with CCUS
liquid distribution in pioneer           models brought to market
                                                                        First hydrogen pipelines to   Competition of electrolytic
                                         Second-generation FCEVs        connect production sites      hydrogen production with
Introduction of hydrogen-                and fueling stations for       with demand centers           SMR/ATR + CCS on cost,
tolerant equipment                       HDVs                                                         providing significant sector
                                                                        Scale up of hydrogen
                                                                                                      coupling with electricity
Second-generation FCEVs and                                             equipment production
                                         Introduction of pure
fueling stations for light-duty                                                                       System compatibility to scale
vehicles, buses, and material-                                                                        hydrogen in the existing gas
handling vehicles                                                                                     infrastructure
First-generation FCEVs and                                                                            Variety of vehicle models
fueling stations for heavy-duty                                                                       available
Fuel cells scaled up to 30+ MW
for data centers and facility
backup power
Initial pilots for energy storage,
enabling intermittent renewables,
nuclear, data centers, and
industrial applications

1   Carbon capture, utilization, and/or storage
2   Carbon capture and storage
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY                Executive summary                                                                       11

Exhibit 5

Hydrogen applications road map

2020—2022                          2023—2025                          2026—2030                 2031 and beyond
Immediate next steps               Early scale-up                     Diversification           Broad rollout


                                                                                                             Under development
                                                                                                             (e.g., pilots) or early
                                                                                                             Mature market

Transportation                         Light-duty passenger                                                          ambitions
fuel                                   vehicles
                                       Light commercial
                                       Medium- and                                                         power
                                       heavy-duty trucks                                 Rail                                    CCU

                                                                                                         Pure H2         Steel
                   handling/                                                                                       Low-
                                                                                                                   carbon        Low/
                   forklifts                                                                                                     medium
                                             Distributed power                     Blended H2                                    industrial
                                             (other segments)                      heating                                       heat

                   Distributed power                                                            Low-
Power              (e.g., data centers)                                                         carbon
generation                                                                                      fuel1
and grid                                                                                                 feedstock   High-
balancing                                                                                                            grade
                                      Engineering                                                                    heat
                                      analysis and
                                      pilot testing

Fuel for
residential and                                                              Pilot testing
                                                                                                and pilot testing

                                  Feedstock for
                                  industry and long-
                                  distance transport                                              Fuel for industry

1   Carbon capture and utilization (for chemicals production)
2   Biofuel, synfuel, ammonia
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY               Executive summary                                                                  12

2020 to 2022: Immediate                         liquid distribution. Pilots in other          medium- and heavy-duty vehicles
next steps                                      applications, such as blending in             increase adoption in commercial
                                                the gas grid, are pursued to prepare          fleets in early markets.
In the first two to three years,                for broader hydrogen adoption.
the aim is to establish dependable                                                            For building heating, early adopter
and technology-neutral                          At the end of 2022, the US market             states start blending hydrogen
decarbonization goals in more                   for hydrogen across all segments              in small percentages into gas
states and at the federal level,                could total 12 million metric tons,           distribution grids, driving at-scale
which will serve as a guide to                  compared to about 11 million metric           hydrogen production. In transport,
specific policy and regulatory                  tons today. Roughly 30,000 FCEVs              early adopter states build on their
actions, including updates to codes             could be sold. In addition, with              existing fleet and pilot stations to
and standards. Public incentives                sufficient market demand,                     increase coverage and capacity
and standards can bridge barriers to            there could be 50,000 material-               in the fueling infrastructure for
initial market launch, bring a wider            handling FCEVs in the field.                  light-duty passenger vehicles.
range of mature hydrogen solutions                                                            The next wave of states follows
to market, increase public                                                                    their lead and develops hydrogen
awareness and acceptance, and                   2023 to 2025: Early scale-up                  fueling infrastructure rollout
continue to pilot hydrogen use                                                                plans. Medium- and long-haul
in other applications. Progress                 By 2025, large-scale hydrogen                 trucking infrastructure is deployed
focuses on early commercially                   production is being developed,                where there is known demand
viable applications in early adopter            bringing the cost down and kicking            on highly frequented routes. In
markets, like the expansion of FCEV             off the scale-up of applications              addition, the use of hydrogen
forklifts nationwide and further                beyond early adopter states.                  fuel cells expands beyond newly
deployment of both light-duty and               This requires clear regulatory                constructed data centers and
heavy-duty vehicles in California.              guidelines to coordinate market               telecommunication towers to
These early applications require                participants and attract investment.          backup generation for buildings.
a combination of incentives to                  Policy incentives in early markets            Existing hydrogen markets begin
reduce barriers to entry and market-            begin transitioning from direct               to convert to low-carbon hydrogen
facing mechanisms to enable scale.              support to scalable market-                   sources as feedstock for industry.
                                                based mechanisms.
In this phase, mature applications,                                                           At the end of 2025, total hydrogen
like forklifts, and applications close          In this phase, the first large-scale          demand could reach 13 million
to breaking even, such as backup                hydrogen production facilities are            metric tons across applications,
power solutions, scale up. In                   built using water electrolysis from           and up to 150,000 light-, medium-,
transport, early adopter states focus           renewables, gas reforming with                and heavy-duty FCEVs could be
on developing fueling infrastructure            RNG, or CCS. With the larger scale,           sold. In addition, there could be
to support FCEV adoption and                    production costs fall, enabling new           125,000 material handling FCEVs
begin to see second-generation                  applications. Hydrogen-related                in the field.
products in passenger vehicles and              equipment, in particular vehicle
fueling stations. Fleets relying on             fuel cell production and fueling
depot fueling, such as buses and                station equipment, also scales up,            2026 to 2030: Diversification
light commercial vehicles, and first-           enabling cost and performance
generation medium- and heavy-duty               improvements. Medium- and heavy-              The 2026 to 2030 phase is about
trucks, do not require a nationwide             duty fuel cell electric trucks and new        diversification beyond early adopter
network of fueling stations. Demand             light-duty FCEV makes and models              segments and early adopter
growth is sufficient for the first              are brought to market, increasing             states such as transportation
dedicated hydrogen production                   the offering for customers.                   and backup power, and about
facilities for transport, along with            Second-generation high-throughput             scaling up infrastructure across
for the development of gaseous and              hydrogen fueling stations for                 the US. Expanded use of various

    Nine states have made commitments to decarbonize their power sectors or focus on renewable energy, and four have made
    major commitments to expand their decarbonization efforts beyond power (California, New York, Colorado, and New Jersey),
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY         Executive summary                                                          13

hydrogen production pathways and          Post-2030: Broad rollout               On top of manufacturing and
continued scale-up of electrolytic        across the US                          production for the domestic
hydrogen production begins to                                                    market, exports of technology
create meaningful sector coupling         After 2030, hydrogen is deployed       and hydrogen to Europe and Asia
with electricity grids and renewable      at scale in the US, across regions     add to the US economy. Total
power production. The first               and industries. Most applications      revenue for the US hydrogen
hydrogen transmission pipelines           achieve cost parity with fossil fuel   industry could reach $750 billion
enable further cost reduction with        alternatives through sufficient        per year by 2050. This includes
seasonal grid firming and storage.        pricing of externalities, and public   hydrogen demand of 63 million
                                          support for market introduction can    metric tons and all equipment,
In transport, medium- and long-haul       be phased out.                         including FCEVs (Exhibit 6).
trucking scales up across the US, as
heavy-duty, high-throughput hydrogen      Over time, fossil fuel–based
fueling station infrastructure connects   hydrogen production facilities
regional networks and creates             are retrofitted with CCS and there
nationwide coverage. A majority of        is open competition between
states now implement hydrogen             different production methods for
road maps, creating widespread            low-cost, low-carbon hydrogen
fueling infrastructure and unlocking      production. The cross-sector
the full market for FCEVs.                benefits of hydrogen deployment
                                          create further synergies and
In industry, ammonia, methanol,           drive costs down. The backbone
and petrochemical production              infrastructure of the hydrogen
transitions to low-carbon                 economy starts consolidating
hydrogen, driving production              through the emergence of
costs down for all sectors through        large-scale, low-carbon hydrogen
large-scale hydrogen production.          production facilities across the US,
Hydrogen-based synthetic fuel             a hydrogen distribution pipeline
for aviation and shipping scales          network, and a large fueling station
up as those industries seek to            infrastructure network. There are
decarbonize their fuel supply.            a wide variety of FCEV models
                                          available to meet varying customer
At the end of 2030, hydrogen              needs. As a result, significant GHG
demand tops 17 million metric tons        reduction in hard-to-decarbonize
across applications, with 1.2 million     industrial sectors and widespread
FCEVs sold, 300,000 material              building decarbonization are
handling FCEVs in the field, and          achieved, and a higher share of
4,300 fueling stations operating          ZEVs are on the road.
across the nation. With hydrogen
production costs down and
infrastructure in place, hydrogen
solutions can compete. The
hydrogen economy attracts
investment to develop and scale
up. By 2030, annual investment is
estimated at $8 billion.
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY                 Executive summary                                                            14

Exhibit 6

Scaling hydrogen – ambitious road map milestones

                  Today                            2022                           2025                         2030
                  Immediate next steps             Early scale-up                 Diversification              Broad rollout

                           11 m                           12 m                            13 m                        17 m
    metric tons

                          2,500                         30,000                        150,000                  1,200,000

                         25,000                         50,000                        125,000                    300,000

                              63                           1652                         1,0002                     4,3003

                             120                            300                             600                       1,500

                                                          $1 bn                          $2 bn                        $8 bn

                                                      +50,000                       +100,000 +500,000
    New jobs5

1   Includes both fueling stations in operation and in development
2   Stations of 500 kg/day; does not include material-handling fueling stations
3   Stations of 1,000 kg/day; does not include material-handling fueling stations
4   Data from Plug Power
5   Includes direct, indirect, and resulting jobs, building on an estimated 200,000 jobs in the sector today
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY     Executive summary                      15

Path forward

To realize this road map, industry,   Making systemic changes to pave
investors, and policymakers           the way for a hydrogen economy
need to work together. To unlock
hydrogen’s potential in the US,          Support research, development,
nine actions need to happen:              demonstration, and deployment

Setting the north star                   Harmonize technical codes and
                                          safety standards
   Set dependable, technology-
    neutral decarbonization goals.       Support outreach and
                                          workforce development
Kickstarting markets with
the needed incentives and support        Review energy sector regulations
                                          to ensure they account
   Create public incentives to           for hydrogen
    bridge barriers to the initial
    market launch                     The contributors to this report are
                                      looking forward to working with
   Support                           suppliers, customers, partners,
    infrastructure development        investors and policymakers to
                                      enable the deployment of hydrogen
   Expand the use of hydrogen        technology in the US in line with
    across sectors and achieve        the long-term vision outlined here.
    economies of scale

   Include hydrogen-based options
    in government procurement
ROAD MAP TO A US HYDROGEN ECONOMY             Endnotes                                                                            16


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       “Country Update for Japan,” (International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy, April 2019),
       Vanessa Dezem, “Germany Turns to Hydrogen in Quest for Clean Energy Economy,” (Bloomberg, August 2, 2019),
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       Tim Hess et al., “Short-Term Energy Outlook,” (US Energy Information Administration, September 10, 2019),
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       “Automotive LV Sales Forecast,” (IHS Markit, 2019),
       Kerstine Appunn, “Sector Coupling - Shaping an Integrated Renewable Energy System,” (Clean Energy Wire,
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