ENERGYLINES - Steve Smith retires Chief Executive Officer Smith retires after 45 years of service at Hoosier Energy. Q&A on Pages 3-4
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JANUARY 2019 | Vol. 42, No. 1 ENERGYLINES YEAR IN REVIEW Hoosier Energy completes a year of transitions Pages 5-8 Steve Smith retires Chief Executive Officer Smith retires after 45 years of service at Hoosier Energy. Q&A on Pages 3-4
41 NEWS BRIEFLY COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY YEARS IN PRINT The number of years EnergyLines has been in print for member-cooperatives and employees. EnergyLines design refresh HE photo Since 1978, EnergyLines has delivered Nonprofits honored during reception information to member-cooperative employees, directors and Hoosier Energy Hoosier Energy is proud to be a part of the Bloomington community. As employees. This month, EnergyLines is part of our commitment to community, Hoosier Energy provides the use of unveiling a reinvigorated look. The goal the board room for local events. On Dec. 6, The Community Foundation of is to increase the accessibility for you, Bloomington and Monroe County (CFBMC) held its grant award reception at the generation and transmission cooperative. At the award reception, $326,700 our readers, while reducing costs – fitting was distributed to nonprofit organizations as part of the CFBMC’s Community well with our member focus and cost- Impact Funding Initiative. The CFBMC was created by those who share a management initiatives. passion for Monroe County and a vision for its future. Beginning with this issue, EnergyLines has a smaller size that serves two ENERGY IN TRANSITION purposes. This helps promote shorter articles that will aid in the scanning of Digitalization to transform the power sector content. The smaller size scales better on The ingenuity blog, published by Siemens, tablet devices – improving both print and digital experiences. has a post discussing digitalization within the ONLINEEXTRA power sector. The post, titled “Digitalization You will notice additional content of the Utility: Motivations and Impacts,” >> Visit the blog. To find including a page devoted to what our incorporates various motives for digitalization this article search for Claire Curry. members are doing simply called “Our affecting generators, transmission and distribution operators, and utilities. members.” The post and associated white paper ingenuity/en/conversations. Another new section is called “Did you explain how digital technologies will affect html know,” where you will find links to energy business models, investments and revenues in industry news and resources. the energy value chain. What hasn’t changed is our focus on communicating what Hoosier Energy COMMISSION APPOINTMENT is doing to provide safe, reliable and McNamee to join federal energy commission cost-effective power and services to our members. EL The U.S. Senate confirmed Bernard McNamee to sit on the Federal Energy and Regulatory Commission (FERC). The 50-49 party-line vote in EL December brings McNamee to the five-member commission that regulates the transmission of wholesale electricity and natural gas. Those serving on the FIND US ONLINE commission are political appointees by the President and are confirmed by the To subscribe or to read back Senate. The Republican Party now holds a 3-2 majority at FERC. issues, visit Previously, McNamee led the Department of Energy’s Office of Policy. news/energylines 1 EnergyLines | January 2019
ENERGYLINES HOOSIER ENERGY LEADERSHIP Tom Van Paris returns ON THE COVER to Hoosier Energy The year has been a Renewed focus on member service and engagement time of transition for our cooperative and After spending three years as Chief Executive Officer at industry. Indiana Electric Cooperatives (IEC), Tom Van Paris has returned to Hoosier Energy as Executive Vice President. Van Paris said he is excited by the opportunity he sees to make a significant impact within the organization, both for employees and for Hoosier Energy’s 18 member systems. SEND COMMENTS TO One of the key items Van Paris will focus on in his new role is EnergyLines Editor to serve our member systems in the most responsive way from a Hoosier Energy customer service standpoint. P.O. Box 908 “My priority as part of the member engagement division is Bloomington, IN 47402 to provide support to the members in a manner and delivery to which they expect,” said Van Paris. “We will make sure that the ENERGYLINES EDITORIAL STAFF products and services we provide to our members bring great Eric Neely Chris Johnson Communications Coordinator value to them,” he added. Video Producer e-mail: email: Another top priority for Van Paris is to make sure that Hoosier Energy’s resource planning and overall portfolio mix meet the Crystal Rogers Ben Turner needs of our 18 member systems. The industry is going to face Communications Coordinator Video Producer email: email: some significant changes in how end-consumers use electricity he said, including where they get energy, how they get it and how it Heather Hughet Trina Pardue is delivered. Communications Coordinator Communications Coordinator email: e-mail: “I think the challenge for Hoosier Energy and members is to figure out how to stay out in front of those changes,” said Van Paris. In addition to Van Paris’ increased focus on member engagement and resource planning, he wants to enable Hoosier Energy employees within his division to do the best possible job This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. they can. Van Paris interacted with all 38 Indiana electric co-ops during The following stock images were used in this issue his time at IEC and found they all have more in common than of EnergyLines. they think. “The concerns, the issues, the challenges they face are actually © more common than they believe,” said Van Paris. With this in mind, he believes Hoosier Energy can make a significant impact with the member systems as they work together to meet our common goal © of providing affordable and reliable electricity to consumers. EL © Copyright 2019 Hoosier Energy FUN FACT Van Paris negotiated the naming rights for Cinergy Field, formerly Riverfront Stadium, in Cincinnati, where the Bengals and Reds played football and baseball. 2 EnergyLines | January 2019
enormously difficult issues specific to Hoosier Energy. CLARITY Over the years, I think we have done well in managing the risks, challenges and opportunities of Merom in a manner that has brought tremendous value to members. What is a challenge you see electric utilities s OF PURPOSE facing in the future? There are many, but a prominent one I see is in the way consumers will interact with utilities through a technology-driven and highly-integrated grid. Technology Steve Smith led the generation and transmission is rapidly bringing a new world of opportunities for cooperative to be a small company that thinks big. consumers to produce and manage their energy use. The traditional utility planning model is being disrupted and there is much more to come. Chief Executive Officer Steve Smith retired from Hoosier Who is a leader you admire? s Energy on Jan. 15 after 42 years of service. He was named I have always been captivated by the stories of cooperative CEO in 1994 after serving 19 years in senior management founders. Fortunately, I had the opportunity early in my career to work directly with a few of them. Don Davis, positions. EnergyLines interviewed Smith about his lengthy who remains the longest serving Hoosier Energy Board career in the energy industry. Chairman, was an original incorporator of both his local co-op and Hoosier Energy. He had great stories about What kept you at Hoosier Energy? s going out to get people signed up to be members of I really like the co-op business model and its purpose-driven, distribution co-ops in the 1930s. He is an example of a co-op member-focused nature. New opportunities continued to present leader who was tenacious and undeterred by the daunting themselves for me to be involved and grow with the company. challenges during the formation of distribution co-ops and The work was always new, interesting, diverse and rewarding. I then power supply co-ops. What I saw in him and others continued to feel I was contributing and making a difference, so was intense determination and readiness to tackle big I never had a reason to make a career change. challenges forged from that experience. How do you view the co-op business model in relation What is the most interesting place the job has s s to the future? taken you? The co-op business model will thrive in the future. What’s As co-ops, we have had a remarkable ability to positively not relevant about a model built on member-consumer affect public policy outcomes in the best interest of engagement given the direction our industry is heading? It is a members. The place I have visited most frequently is competitive advantage. Washington, DC, and it always remains interesting. Whenever I had a break from business, I especially What are you most proud of during your time as CEO? enjoyed a run on the Capital Mall past the great historical s I am especially proud of the workforce. The ability and monuments. willingness of Hoosier Energy employees to step up to new challenges has been outstanding. Retirement provides time for new opportunities. s What might you consider doing beyond the co-op You have played a significant role in the development world? s of the Merom Generating Station. What was that like? My wife and I are especially eager to spend more time When I joined Hoosier Energy in 1977, the decision was with our expanding family. There are a lot of places in the already made to build Merom. It was a huge commitment for a U.S. and overseas that I would like to experience. And company our size then – the same is true today. It was a period I’m looking forward to not passing on so many bike rides of upheaval throughout the industry and Merom brought on that I wish I had time for. I’ll take a little time to mull 3 EnergyLines | January 2019
HE photos over business opportunities. During my college years I worked construction and really enjoyed it. My son is now a construction manager so we sometimes talk about what a joint venture might look like. I tell him I would be glad to be Steve Smith through the years the guy who drives the pick-up truck around! CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Steve Smith took a moment for a photo as he s What else would you like to say to the readers settled into his new headquarters office. s of EnergyLines? Smith aids in an employee’s recognition for s I want to thank everyone for making Hoosier Energy a service. special place to work. I will deeply miss the wonderful Early in his career, Smith makes a presentation s people I have had the privilege to work with. I think the using an overhead projector. member systems and Hoosier Energy have a bright future and I wish everyone the very best. EL 4 EnergyLines | January 2019
COVER STORY Hoosier Energy completes year of transitions The year 2018 was Year in a time of transition for review. our cooperative and our industry. We experienced leadership changes at member- cooperatives and at Hoosier Energy. We also saw transitions in technology and a heightened need to protect our resources. Opportunities are evolving rapidly and Hoosier Energy is working to leverage those opportunities to benefit our members. Hoosier Energy’s workforce has managed costs by securing tens of millions of dollars in annual savings and operating efficiencies, and the co-op remains focused on adding value for members in an increasingly complex business environment. We have fewer employees today than at any time in the past 15 years and manage more transmission and generation assets than ever before, while continuing to provide extensive services for members. Our commitment to providing reliable service at competitive rates remains unchanged. The following 2018 accomplishments reflect the dedication of Hoosier Energy employees who work every day to meet the needs of member cooperatives. 5 EnergyLines | January 2019
Year in review. Cyber security efforts help thwart attacks The cyber security team, led by Senior Manager, Cybersecurity and Network Operations Richie Field, thwarted a wide range of cyber attacks throughout 2018. This was accomplished through threat intelligence. Part of this process is collecting information and updates Track-based bucket trucks improve access for from sources including the E-ISAC, local DHS fusion center and contacts power delivery crews, help improve reliability with the FBI Cyber Squad. The power delivery team determined that in water-soaked environments, These resources, along with replacing a bucket truck with one on tracks, similar to a tank, gives them the systems in place at the G&T, are ability to drive through wet and muddy terrain with almost no visible property helping the team respond to more damage. than 100,000 malicious attempts to Bucket trucks equipped with standard tires often get stuck in mud. A bucket attack Hoosier Energy systems and truck loaded with equipment can weigh nearly 60,000 pounds. SCADA networks every day. In return, Tracked vehicles have a much larger area on the ground to distribute weight. core network systems maintained 100 They don’t sink in mud. percent reliability throughout the year. The track vehicles were used last year for a line upgrade to the Abydel substation in Orange County. The tracks enabled the crew to complete the project without using a contractor to move equipment around the job site. Safety recognition Without the tracked vehicles, the contractor would have been needed each day program aids co-ops of a multi-month project, at a minimum of $250 per hour. Hoosier Energy developed a safety recognition program and assisted with the implementation Economic Development and key account projects of the Safe By Choice program Economic Development and key account efforts remained strong throughout for 13 member systems. A new 2018. The economic development team assisted member cooperatives in feature that has helped this program locating 55 new or expanded business facilities totaling $730 million in be successful offers member investments. systems the ability to manage their This growth is projected to add 2,515 jobs in central and southern Indiana employees’ user accounts and assign – adding 38 MW of new load for members. To attract new businesses or training to employees. This new expansions, Hoosier Energy team members provide tariff and rate analysis as opportunity also allows member well as billing support. systems to utilize the many training Key account team members provided professional development opportunities offerings housed within Hoosier for 50 economic development officials and sponsored events for 150 commercial Energy’s Cooperative Academy for and industrial (C&I) consumers. Training continued throughout the year continued education. through six seminars assisting more than 190 C&I professionals. 6 EnergyLines | January 2019
Year in review. Enhancements made to Donna Walker named President and Chief member service projects Executive Officer as Steve Smith retires Recent member service Following a national search, Hoosier Energy announced enhancements provided by Human Donna Walker as the next President and Chief Executive Officer Resources include recruiting of Hoosier Energy effective Nov. 13 2018. Walker’s assistance for more than 50 She was an Indianapolis Business Journal CFO of the year career employees – including four Chief nominee in 2017 and is a graduate of the elite Richard G. Lugar path Walker joined Executive Officers – across 11 Excellence in Public Service Series. Walker is a lifelong resident the co-op in member co-ops. The assistance of Indiana. 1995. She ranged from posting the positions The Board of Directors offers its most sincere appreciation recently held on Hoosier Energy’s job board to to retiring CEO Steve Smith for setting the vision for Hoosier the office of full recruiting and talent selection Energy throughout the past 25 years. “The Board thanks Steve Executive for his dedication and immeasurable contributions in generating Vice facilitation. President Targeted Selection is a behavioral member value,” said Darin Duncan, Chairman of Hoosier and Chief interviewing system that focuses on Energy Board of Directors. “We wish all the best for him and his Financial competencies, provides a consistent family in his retirement.” Officer. interview experience, emphasizes behavior and levels the playing field for candidates. These services help member cooperatives provide nationwide exposure by leveraging Hoosier Energy’s reach through job boards. Merom heat rate leads to significant savings At the end of 2018, Merom Generating Station was able to claim Transformer to help improve reliability a $1.5 million victory. The crew at the generating station looked at HE photo several operational variables within their control and were able to Back-up transformer aids in reliability for members make overall improvements to the To improve reliability for member co-ops, Hoosier Energy has a back-up processes. transformer on location at the Merom Generating Station. Early in September, These improvements included a spare transformer was delivered to the station by rail. The 283,475 pound closely monitoring and utilizing transformer was transported to a concrete pad adjacent to the primary substation software that allowed operators at the plant. to better understand, in real time, Transformers are designed to boost electricity voltage for efficient long- the financial impacts associated distance travel while reducing voltages for delivery to end-consumers. This with their operating decisions and variation in voltage control is called “stepping up” or “stepping down” voltage improve the efficiency of the station. and is critical to electrical reliability. 7 EnergyLines | January 2019
Year in review. Did you My Solar program know? brings cooperative solar initiative to light ‘ALONG THOSE LINES’ Hoosier Energy and member systems NRECA PODCAST developed the My Solar program to give consumer-members direct access to solar Along Those Lines, energy. This program allows consumer- a new podcast from members to use solar energy within their NRECA, shows the home or business without installing or great work and some maintaining a private solar structure. Participants are able to use output from a one- of the challenges that megawatt solar array serving their area. said Hoosier Energy Project Developer for electric co-ops face The My Solar program offers members the Renewable Energy Chad Jenkins. across the country. The opportunity to reserve up to 12 solar panels. The renewable energy and December podcast, The size of the panels vary among the 10 solar communications teams at Hoosier Energy “Waging a Comeback sites, but average ~330 Watts. In one year, one work with member co-ops to provide for Small-Town Amer- panel will produce ~450 – 500 kWh. marketing materials such as yard signs, ica,” discusses “place Since June, six co-ops have enrolled in the brochures, banners, window clings, and My Solar program with 125 panels reserved printed and digital ads. making” or revitalizing by end-consumers. Each co-op also receives a customized rural communities. “We anticipate the majority of members website, video, radio ad and on-hold will offer the My Solar program to their messaging to assist with marketing the WHERE TO FIND IT: member-consumers by the end of 2019,” program to their members. DSM programs help Stations’ VPP status reduce energy use renewed for five years In the 10th year of the demand side In 2018, the Worthington and management (DSM) program, Hoosier Lawrence Generating Stations Energy members are making progress were awarded a five-year Volunteer in reducing peak demand as well as Protection Programs (VPP) improving end-use energy efficiency. certification from the Occupational Programs in place are helping Safety and Health Administration ALSO FOUND AT consumers save 10,700 MWh annually. (OSHA). The generating stations ELECTRIC.COOP When energy is at its peak in the summer achieved their first VPP status in 2015. and winter, DSM efforts are reducing high This certification is a grand NRECA seeks 80 demand by 1-megawatt in the summer achievement for the facilities. Only percent reduction in and 2-megawatts in the winter. two percent receive a five-year insurance premiums These savings are driven by a certification. on co-op retirement variety of programs. Residential heating Facilities are inspected by OSHA for and cooling rebates for the year are all safety elements and environmental plans. valued at $899,000. health aspects.
OUR MEMBERS Social session When the power goes out, electric cooperative employees work to get the power back on. Sending power restoration messages to consumers is aided by social media. Johnson County REMC and Decatur County REMC recently shared their efforts with member-consumers on Facebook. HE photo Training refreshes rebate knowledge Blake Kleaving, Energy Efficiency Program Coordinator at Hoosier Energy, provided energy efficiency and HVAC contractor rebate training for the employees of Daviess- Martin County REMC. The session provided insight on how to determine if a member- consumer is qualified. Once qualification is determined, concerns about a member- consumer not meeting rebate requirements are reduced and relationships with HVAC/ electrical vendors are improved. The training compared the difference in rebates when member-consumers are looking to reduce their energy consumption as they upgrade a heat pump or replace resistance heat. This helps member cooperatives maximize rebate dollars as they are applied to the correct energy-efficient measure. INFOEXTRA >> Interested in getting your staff refreshed on rebates? Contact DSM Analyst Susie Smith at (FACEBOOK) JOHNSON COUNTY REMC Patronage part of cooperative difference Donna Walker, to members. Hoosier Energy’s policy is Co-op President and CEO of to retain margins for 25 years and then value. Hoosier Energy, has retire them. begun her annual visits Walker will continue delivering the to the board meetings of our member patronage capital to the co-ops through cooperatives, presenting eligible February. cooperatives with their patronage Each co-op has the option to capital. Patronage capital – also called re-invest its patronage capital within capital credits – refers to annual its cooperative or to pass along the cooperative revenue that remains after patronage to eligible consumer all expenses are paid. The margins are members. retained to cover operating costs and Hoosier Energy has been returning may, after a period of time, be returned patronage capital since 2000. (FACEBOOK) DECATUR COUNTY REMC 9 EnergyLines | January 2019
WORKING SAFELY CREWS REPAIR SUBSTATIONS WITH HELP FROM MOBILE EQUIPMENT Put substation components on the back of a trailer and you have a mobile substation. This equipment was put to use by Hoosier Energy crews outside of Hayden, Ind. This equipment allows crews to safely work on a de-energized substation. 12KV ARRESTOR These arrestors are in place to protect this equipment from overvoltages such as lightning. 69KV TRANSFORMER The transformer is what steps the power down from 69KV to the voltage needed for HI-SIDE MOD distribution lines at12KV. This motor-operated disconnect can switch between 69KV and 34.5KV systems. POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER This monitors the voltage coming out of the transformer as it is sent onto the grid. 12KV SWITCHES These are used to connect and disconnect the flow of power. GROUNDS These cables connect to the grounding system at the substation. 10 EnergyLines | September 2018
Be safe, share the road this winter Winter weather creates driving challenges. If you are traveling when road conditions are poor, be sure to follow these tips when around snow plows and emergency vehicles. GIVE ‘ EM SPACE ROAD POSITION BACK IT UP VISIBILITY Don’t crowd snow plows The road behind an Don’t tail closely behind Expect changes in on the road, let them do active snow plow snow plows. This will visibility if traveling near their job. provides a safer road help keep road salt from snow plows as they can surface to drive on. being sprayed onto your create snow clouds. vehicle.
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