RNA virome analysis of hematophagous Chironomoidea ies (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae and Simuliidae) collected in Tokyo, Japan
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〔Med. Entomol. Zool. Vol. 71 No. 3 p. 225‒243 2020〕 225 reference DOI: 10.7601/mez.71.225 Original Article RNA virome analysis of hematophagous Chironomoidea flies (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae and Simuliidae) collected in Tokyo, Japan Daisuke Kobayashi*, 1), Katsunori Murota1), 2), Astri Nur Faizah1), Michael Amoa-Bosompem1), Yukiko Higa1), Toshihiko Hayashi1), Yoshio Tsuda1), Kyoko Sawabe1) and Haruhiko Isawa1) * Corresponding author: dkoba@nih.go.jp 1) Department of Medical Entomology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, 1‒23‒1 Toyama, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162‒8640, Japan 2) Kyushu Research Station, National Institute of Animal Health, NARO, 2702 Chuzan-cho, Kagoshima City, Kagoshgima 891‒0105, Japan (Received: 26 June 2020; Accepted: 3 August 2020) Abstract: The development of sequencing technologies, in recent years, gives novel insights into the diversity of viruses in arthropods. Human pathogenic or possible pathogenic arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) including novel viruses from mosquitoes and ticks have been found by RNA virome analysis using a high-throughput sequencer. However, virome studies for other blood-sucking arthropods like biting midges as well as black flies are relatively scarce. In this study, to find viruses in hematophagous Chironomoidea flies, we performed RNA virome analyses of field-caught female Culicoides arakawae and Simulium aureohirtum as a pilot study. In the analyses, six novel viruses belonging to five virus taxa were detected, showing that RNA virome analysis using the next- generation sequencer was a strong method for understanding the viruses in both biting midges and black flies. This study indicated that C. arakawae and S. aureohirtum, which are not a popular vector for human pathogenic viruses, have a variety of viruses which are as many as other important vectors including mosquitoes and ticks. Furthermore, RNA virome analysis of a variety of blood-sucking insects will aid in not only discovering novel arboviruses but also understanding novel importance for arboviral vectors. Key words: virome, metagenome, biting midge, black fly, insect-specific virus, Jingmenvirus Introduction (reviewed in Mullen and Murphree, 2019). The genus Culicoides is the main taxon within the family The blood-sucking property in arthropods is needed from the aspect of disease vectors for both humans for disease transmission to occur in animal hosts. and animals. Oropouche fever due to Oropouche Among hematophagous insects, flies in Diptera such orthobunyavirus is a Culicoides-borne human as mosquitoes and tsetse flies are important vectors viral disease which is endemic in the entire Latin of several types of pathogens (viruses, protozoans, America (Mullen and Murphree, 2019). Except for and filarial nematodes) and causes serious public human diseases, Culicoides midges pass on a variety health problems in several areas of the world (Durden of pathogenic viruses to domesticated animals and Mullen, 2019). Among the dipteran insects, the (Mullen and Murphree, 2019). In Japan, for instance, blood-sucking properties have been evolved in an Akabane disease caused by Akabane virus and independent manner several times (Wiegmann et transmitted by Culicoides midges is a serious issue al., 2011). Many famous disease vectors (e.g., biting for livestock ruminants with stillbirth and congenital midge, black fly, mosquito, and sand fly) are known in malformations, etc. (Yanase, 2009). suborder Nematocera in Diptera. The biting midges More than 2,200 species of black flies have and black flies are in close association taxonomically been descried worldwide (reviewed in Adler and within Nematocera since the families Ceratopogonidae McCreadie, 2019). Black flies are well known vectors (including biting midges) and Simuliidae (including of human onchocercasis caused by the filarial black flies) are categorized into the same superfamily, nematode Onchocerca, which is endemic in several Chironomoidea. countries in the central belt of Africa and in tropical The Ceratopogonidae are widespread with America (reviewed in Adler and McCreadie, 2019). 6,267 surviving described species in 123 genera In Japan, 11 human cases of zoonotic onchocercasis
226 Med. Entomol. Zool. due to O. dewittei japonica Uni, Bain & Takaoka al., 2001) with primer A and primer B designated by have been reported so far (Fukuda et al., 2019), and Xiong and Kocher (1991). Moreover, the sequence Simulium bidentatum (Shiraki) was pointed out as of the DNA barcoding region of the cytochrome c the vector species of this nematode (Fukuda et al., oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was amplified with the 2010). Moreover, some species in Simuliidae were primer set LCO1490 and HCO2198 (Folmer et al., regarded as the vectors for an avian blood parasite, 1994). The amplicons were purified and as well as Leucocytozoon lovati (Sato et al., 2009). In contrast, sequenced as reported previously (Kobayashi et al., vesicular stomatitis virus is just known as a virus that 2018). The specimens were stored at -80°C until the is transmitted by a black fly in the Americas (reviewed following analyses. in Adler and McCreadie, 2019). The development of sequencing technologies, in Next-generation sequencing recent years, gives novel insights into the diversity A basic technique of next-generation sequencing of viruses in nature (e.g., Shi et al., 2016a, 2018). (NGS) was the same as reported previously Present-day studies have shown that quite diverse (Kobayashi et al., 2020). Shortly, the pooled female viruses present in arthropods (e.g., Li et al., 2015; Shi C. arakawae and S. aureohirtum were homogenized et al., 2016a) and several studies indicated human with the medium. The supernatant of the centrifuged pathogenic or possible pathogenic arthropod-borne homogenates was passed through a sterilized 0.45 µm viruses (arboviruses) including novel viruses by RNA filter. To digest DNA and RNA derived from host virome analysis of hematophagous arthropods (Tokarz insects, nuclease treatment was conducted. Nuclease et al., 2014, 2018; Moutailler et al., 2016; Bouquet et cocktail [14 units of TURBO DNase (Invitrogen), 12.5 al., 2017; de Souza et al.,2018; Brinkmann et al., 2018; units of Baseline-ZERO DNase (epicentre), and 5 µg Harvey et al., 2019a; Temmam et al., 2019; Faizah et of RNase A (Nippon gene)] was added to the 380 µL al., 2020; Kobayashi et al., 2020). Additionally, a lot filtrate and incubated at a temperature of 37°C for 1 of viruses have been discovered from mosquitoes by hour. RNA extraction was carried out by ISOGEN II virome analyses so far (reviewed in Atoni et al., 2019). (Nippon gene), and cDNA was synthesized with the Almost all studies were principally conducted on use of NEBNext RNA first-strand and second-strand mosquitoes and ticks, and the studies for other blood- synthesis modules (New England Biolabs). Eventually, sucking arthropods are relatively scarce (Temmam et library preparation steps were done with the use of al., 2016; Harvey et al., 2019b; Modha et al., 2019). TruSeq Nano DNA library prep kit (illumina) or In this manuscript, to quest as well as characterize NEBNext Ultra II End Repair/dA-Tailing Module viruses in biting midges and black flies, we have (New England Biolabs) and NEBNext Ultra II Ligation accomplished the RNA virome analysis of field-caught Module (New England Biolabs). The prepared library female C. arakawae (Arakawa) and S. aureohirtum was amplified as needed by PCR enzyme and primer Brunetti as a pilot study. In the course of the analyses, cocktail which are supplied with the TruSeq nano six various types of virus-like sequences were found, DNA library prep kit or NEB Next Ultra II Q5 Master and further genetic and phylogenetic analyses were Mix (New England Biolabs). The purified library was done for the characterization of virus properties. assessed with the use of the MiniSeq system (Illumina) with the MiniSeq Mid Output kit (300 cycles) Materials and Methods (Illumina). The acquired reads were imported into the Collection and identification of biting midges and CLC Genomics Workbench version 12 (Qiagen), and black flies de novo assembly was conducted. The possible viral Biting midges and black flies were collected in sequence was pointed out by BLAST searches from the the continual mosquito surveillance in the National resulting contigs. Institute of Infectious Diseases which is located at Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan (Tsuda and Hayashi, 2014). Confirmation of the endogenous viral elements of The collection methods were reported previously detected viruses (Tsuda and Hayashi, 2014). In brief, a battery- Endogenous viral elements (EVEs) of various operated CDC-like suction trap with 1 kg dry ice was viruses were found in diverse arthropods (Shi et used for the collection, and the trap was utilized for al., 2016a). For the possibilities of EVEs of detected 24 hours. Collected biting midges were identified by viruses to be confirmed, viral genome-specific primer morphology. Contrarily, molecular identification was sets were designated based on the resultant contigs attempted for the identification of the species of black (Table 1). RNA and DNA were extracted from the flies with the use of genomic DNA that is extracted by filtrate and then subjected to RT-PCR and PCR with alkaline lysis (Rudbeck and Dissing, 1998) from their the use of the primers (Table 2), the same method one or two legs. The mitochondrial 16S ribosomal previously described (Kobayashi et al., 2020). Internal RNA (rRNA) gene was utilized for this experiment controls in this experiment were amplified using the in accordance with the previous study (Otsuka et primer sets for the 28S rRNA gene of C. arakawae
Vol. 71 No. 3 2020 Table 1. List of virus-like contigs found by BLAST search. Contigs related to viral sequence No. of total No. of Total Result of blastx search Source Length Average read contig* Virus taxon Contig name read (nt) coverage Highest score protein name Accession Identity count e-value No. (%) C. arakawae 97620 43 Jingmenvirus nC1_c7 984 33 5.04 putative glycoprotein [Shuangao insect virus 7] ALL52906 0.001 25 nC1_c24 2611 121 6.91 putative capsid protein [Wuhan aphid virus 2] QDF44112 8e-22 30 nC1_c26 2358 74 4.69 NS3-like protein [Wuhan aphid virus 1] ALL52901 2e-113‒0.008** 39‒46** nC1_c33 666 18 4.05 non-structural protein 1 [Wuhan aphid virus 1] BBV14756 1e-71 51 Phasmaviridae nC1_c10 1774 47 3.97 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase [Ganda bee virus] APT68154 2e-140 43 nC1_c22 1691 57 5 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase [Ganda bee virus] APT68154 6e-54 28 nC1_c21 1486 63 6.16 nucleopasid protein [Wuchang Cockroach Virus 1] AJG39319 2e-43 37 nC1_c36 816 17 3.12 glycoprotein precursor [Wuhan mosquito virus 1] AJG39296 6e-07 26 nC1_c38 776 16 3.1 L protein, partial [Niukluk phantom virus] QDZ59195 2e-92 61 nC1_c39 557 16 4.21 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase [Pink bollworm virus 2] QID77675 3e-10 29 Nodaviridae nC1_c11 3142 176 8.35 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase [Macrobrachium rosenbergii AAO60068 0.0 46 nodavirus] S. aureohirtum 464240 46 Dicistroviridae 18BF1_c1 3967 30327 1088.99 putative non-structural polyprotein [Solenopsis invicta virus 6] QBL75886 1e-165 46 18BF1_c3 3484 30457 1249.69 putative non-structural polyprotein [Solenopsis invicta virus 6] QBL75886 3e-134 45 18BF1_c5 696 4297 870.01 putative structural polyprotein [Solenopsis invicta virus 6] QBL75888 3e-21 39 Nodaviridae 18BF1_c27 1240 176 20.45 RNA dependent RNA polymerase protein A [Nodamura virus] AAF97860 1e-90 46 18BF1_c34 668 65 14.45 hypothetical protein [Shuangao insect virus 11] APG76299 9e-84 61 18BF1_c31 1103 114 15.22 capsid [Caninovirus sp.] ASM93481 7e-86 50 unclassified 18BF1_c37 528 19 5.37 hypothetical protein 2 [Wuhan insect virus 21] APG76533 8e-37 56‒70** *Total number of contigs more than 500 nt in length. **Several frames were opened inside one contig. The range of number shows the value in each frame. 227
228 Med. Entomol. Zool. Table 2. Primers used for EVE examinations. Virus Prime name Sequence (5′-3′) Carajing virus segment 1 CaJin-s1-FW TTGCACGACCTCGGAATGCGATT CaJin-s1-RV GCATATCCTTGCGTGGAAATCCT segment 2 CaJin-s2-FW AAACTCCTGTCGTAGAGGCTGCA CaJin-s2-RV TGTGTTTCATGCAGTACGTCGAG segment 3 CaJin-s3-FW2 ACGGATATCGCGGAATGCGGAAT CaJin-s3-RV2 GGGTGGTCGTCCTTCTCGCAGAA segment 4 CaJin-s4-FW AGCAAGCCCTAGACAAATTGCCT CaJin-s4-RV ACGCATTGCAATCAAGCACTAGT Carapha virus L segment CaPhas-Lc38-FW TAGTGCCTTAGTCTCCAAGGTGC CaPhas-Lc10-RV AATGAGCACGATAATATAGAAGA M segment CaPhas-Mc36-FW AAGAGATGTTGGGTCACAGCCAA CaPhas-Mc36-RV GGTGATGACGTGACATACTACAT S segment CaPhas-Sc21-FW GTGCTCAGTAGTCATTAGGTGAC CaPhas-Sc21-RV AGAGACTGCTGCATCATCACGTT Carano virus RNA 1 CaNoda-RNA1-FW AGACTGTCCAGACAGAGCATTGG CaNoda-RNA1-RV GAGCTCACCAGTGAAGTGCTGAC Sacri virus Scrip-4F ATGCCCGATATGGTAGGCAATAA Scrip-4R GAACGTCAGGATTAGGCCAAGAA Sano virus RNA 1 SNoda1-2F AAAGAGAAACCGTATTGGCTAAC SNoda1-2R GGAAGTCTCTGGATTTGCTCTAT RNA 2 SNoda2-1F GGAGACCTGTTCTCTCGAATAGT SNoda2-1R GTACCTGAATGATGCGTAATTGT Simulium aureohirtum associated A virus SCPL-1F CTAACTCCAAGCGCAAAGTGTA SCPL-1R GCACAACCAAGTGAGGAAGTAAT (Ca28SrRNA-FW, 5′-AGC TCA GCA CGT AGG alignments were performed by MAFFT online service CCG ACA AC-3′; Ca28SrRNA-RV, 5′-CCC TTA AAC (Katoh et al., 2019). The multiple alignments of all GGT TTC ACG TAC TT-3′) and Simuliidae universal viruses were performed using MAFFT-L-INS-i (Katoh (Sim28S-F, 5′-TGA AGT GTC TAA ATA TCT GAA et al., 2005). The conserved amino acid sequences T-3′; Sim28S-R: 5′-GAC TTC TTG GTC CGT GTT among associated viruses were extracted with the use TCA A-3′). of the Gblocks program (Castresana, 2000). Selections of the appropriate amino acid substitution models Determination and characterization of viral genome and constructions of phylogenetic dendrogram were sequences carried out using MEGA 6 (Tamura et al., 2013). Specific primer sets for virus sequences filled the Results sequence gaps of each contig with the use of RT-PCR, and the resultant amplicons were sanger-sequenced RNA virome analysis of hematophagous with the use of ABI 3130 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Chironomoidea flies Biosystems) as described previously (Kobayashi et Female biting midges were collected on June 13 and al., 2018). The 3′ terminal sequence of the Sacri virus 20, 2017, and they were all classified as C. arakawae was determined by the rapid amplification of cDNA by morphology. On the other hand, three female ends method as described previously (Kobayashi Simulium spp. were collected on July 10, 2018, and et al., 2016, 2017). The open reading frame (ORF) molecular identification was performed. A total of and the encoded amino acid sequences of each 516 nucleotides (nt) of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA virus were determined using the Genetyx version 13 was sequenced, showed 100% identity to each other, software (Genetyx). The secondary structure of the which suggests that three individuals were of the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) was speculated same species. The sequences were compared with the by the mfold program (Zuker, 2003) and constructed deposited sequences in the International Nucleotide manually. Sequence Database (DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank), and they shared 99% identity with that of S. aureohirtum Phylogenetic analysis (GenBank accession nos. KP793690 and AB056735). The determined amino acid sequences of each virus Moreover, the COI sequence has also shown to be were used for phylogenetic analysis. Multiple sequence 99% identical to that of the same species (KF289401),
Vol. 71 No. 3 2020 229 Fig. 1. Examinations of the endogenous viral element (EVE) of detected viruses. (A) EVE detections from C. arakawae. The upper image, RT-PCR products with the use of RNA as a template; middle image, PCR products with the use of RNA as a template; lower image, PCR products with the use of DNA as a template. First to fourth lines from the left side, detection of different segments of CaJV by various primer sets [CaJin-s1-FW and CaJin-s1-RV (segment 1), CaJin-s2- FW and CaJin-s2-RV (segment 2), CaJin-s3-FW2 and CaJin-s3-RV2 (segment 3), and CaJin-s4-FW and CaJin-s4-RV (segment 4); Table 2]. Fifth to seventh lines from the left side, detection of L, M, and S segments of CaPhV by various primer sets (for L segment, CaPhas-Lc38-FW and CaPhas-Lc10-RV; for M segment, CaPhas-Mc36-FW and CaPhas-Mc36-RV; for S segment, CaPhas-Sc21-FW and CaPhas-Sc21-RV; Table 2). Eighth line from the left side, detection of the RNA 1 of CaNoV by the specific primer set (CaNoda- RNA1-FW and CaNoda-RNA1-RV, Table 2). Second line from the right side, 28S rRNA gene amplicon of C. arakawae as a positive control. Far-right lane, a 100-bp DNA marker. (B) EVE examinations from S. aureohirtum. The same meaning and order from upper to lower images as Fig. 1A. Far-left lane, detection of SaCV by the specific primer sets (Scrip-4F and Scrip-4R, Table 2). Second and third lines from the left side, detection of different segments of SaNoV (for RNA 1, SNoda1-2F and SNoda1-2R; for RNA 2, SNoda2- 1F and SNoda2-1R; Table 2). Fourth line from the left side, detection of SAAV by the specific primer set (SCPL-1F and SCPL-1R, Table 2). Second line from the right side, 28S rRNA gene amplicon of S. aureohirtum as a positive control. Far-right lane, a 100-bp DNA marker. suggesting that the Simulium species collected is S. virus-like sequences were found in C. arakawae by aureohirtum. blastx search, and the sequences fell into three general A total of 30 C. arakawae (collected from 26 and virus categories including jingmenvirus, phasmavirus, 4 individuals on June 13 and 20, respectively) and and nodavirus (Table 1). Contrarily, contigs, containing 3 S. aureohirtum samples were mixed into a single three different types of virus-like sequences pool, respectively, and NGS analysis was carried out. (dicistrovirus, nodavirus, and unclassified virus) were Total read numbers acquired from C. arakawae and identified from S. aureohirtum (Table 1). The amino S. aureohirtum were 97,620 and 464,240, respectively acid sequences of all contigs shared low sequence (Table 1). As a result of the de novo assembly, 43 and identities to already known viruses, indicating that 46 contigs, which were more than 500 nt in length, these contigs were derived from novel viruses. were acquired from C. arakawae and S. aureohirtum, RNA and DNA forms of each virus-like sequences respectively (Table 1). A total of 11 contigs containing were analyzed for the confirmation of the EVEs. All
230 Med. Entomol. Zool.
Vol. 71 No. 3 2020 231 sequences were identified only by RT-PCR with the use from a single virus. of the template RNA, showing that all viruses detected Highly conserved amino acid sequences are by NGS present as RNA forms in the specimens and encoded on the NSP1 (flaviviral NS5-like protein) no EVEs in the host genome (Fig. 1). and NSP2 (flaviviral NS3-like protein) among the related viruses. Thus, these sequences were Characterization of a novel jingmenvirus named used for phylogenetic analyses for the assessment Carajing virus from C. arakawae of the evolutionary relationships among related There were four resultant contigs that are related viruses. These are two distinct clades, which are the to jingmenvirus and all of them have low amino acid named clusters of tick-borne and insect-associated sequence similarities to already known jingmenviruses jingmenviruses in both dendrograms (Fig. 2B and C). (Table 1). A 666 nt sequence (contig name nC1_c33) The jingmenvirus detected in this study has formed was acquired as segment 1 of jingmenvirus and non- a clade with the insect-associated jingmenviruses structural protein 1 (NSP1) of Wuhan aphid virus 1 (Fig. 2B and C). The phylogenetic relationships with (WHAV 1) (GenBank accession no. BBV14756), which other associated viruses based on the NSP1 (NS5- was detected from corn leaf aphid Rhopalosiphum like protein) are still hidden since the nodes of the maidis in Japan (Kondo et al., 2020), has shown the dendrogram were supported with low bootstrap values highest amino acid similarity (51%) by blastx search (Fig. 2B). On the contrary, NSP2 (NS3-like protein) (Table 1). Segment 1 encodes NSP1, which is related formed a robust clade with Wuhan cricket virus, which to flaviviral NS5-like protein, and the length of that was discovered from Conocephalus sp. in China (Shi et in related viruses is about 3,000 nt (Shi et al., 2016b). al., 2016b), with confidential bootstrap supports (Fig. Thus, quite partial sequence of NSP1 was acquired in 2C). this examination (Fig. 2A). The contig name nC1_c7 Altogether, jingmenvirus detected in this study was alike the putative glycoprotein (named VP1) of has novel virus features since it belongs to the Shuangao insect virus 7 (SAIV 7), which was encoded jingmenvirus. Thus, this virus was tentatively on segment 2 of the virus (Table 1). This sequence named Carajing virus (CaJV) by the initial words of also is half the length of the segment since the length Culicoides arakawae jingmenvirus (Table 3). of that in other viruses is about 2,000 nt (Fig. 2A) (Shi et al., 2016b). On the contrary, the most part Analysis of the genome structure and phylogenetic of the ORF of segments 3 and 4 were detected (Fig. characterization of a novel phasmavirus, Carapha 2A). After the sequence gaps on the contig nC1_c26 virus from C. arakawae had been filled by sanger sequencing, the length was There are total of 6 contigs which are associated to 2,357 nt, similar to the segment 3 encoding NS3-like the phasmavirus detected in the C. arakawae sample. protein (called NSP2) of WHAV 1 (Table 1). On the Four contigs (nC1_c10, nC1_c 22, nC1_c 38, and contig nC1_c24, two ORFs (encoded proteins named nC1_c 39) have shown similarities to the L segment of VP2 and VP3, respectively) were observed (Fig. 2A), phasmavirus (Table 1). To confirm if these sequences and the first ORF was 30% identical to the putative are from a single virus or not, RT-PCR and sanger capsid protein of Wuhan aphid virus 2 (WHAV 2) sequencing were carried out. The sequence gaps (Table 1). Interestingly, the hepta-nucleotide sequences were filled, and the contigs were connected into one (GGUUUUU) were contained at the end of the first sequence of with a length of 6,036 nt. The sequence ORF (Fig. 2A) like the related viruses (Shi et al., 2016b; had 39% similarity to the RdRp of Ganda bee virus, Ladner et al., 2016), indicating a potential ribosomal which was belonging to the genus Orthophasmavirus frameshift signal. A prior study has shown that in the family Phasmaviridae (Schoonvaere et al., WHAV 1, WHAV 2, and SAIV 7 formed a cluster in a 2016). Both contig nC1_c36 and nC1_c21 are 26% phylogenetic dendrogram (Shi et al., 2016b), indicating and 37% identical to the glycoprotein precursor of that all contigs related to jingmenvirus detected were Wuhan mosquito virus 1 and nucleocapsid protein Fig. 2. Genome structure of a novel jingmenvirus, CaJV, and phylogenetic dendrograms between CaJV and related viruses. (A) A schematic illustration of the genome organization of CaJV. The gray dotted boxes and lines indicate the whole ORF and UTR, respectively, expected based upon related viruses. The gray areas in the ORF as well as the black lines represent the sequenced regions of this study. The numbers shown above indicate nucleotides that are sequenced, and protein names are shown below. A black arrow in segment 4 indicates the -1 frameshifting site expected. The phylogenetic dendrogram was constructed based on the amino acid conserved regions of the viral NS5-like protein (about 145 amino acids) by the maximum likelihood method with the use of the LG+G + I model (B) and NS3-like protein (about 230 amino acids) by the maximum likelihood method with the use of LG+G + I model (C). The percentage of replicate trees in which the related taxa are clustered together in the bootstrap test (1,000 replicates) is manifested in the succeeding branches (Felsenstein, 1985). Jingmenviruses that are detected from the hematophagous insects are represented using illustrations. Insect-associated jinmenviruses and tick-borne jingmenviruses are indicated by a framed rectangle shown by solid and dotted lines, respectively. CaJV which is identified in this study is indicated by a black circle and is bold-faced. Pegivirus (GB virus-A) and Hepacivirus (Hepatitis C virus) were utilized as an outgroup. The accession numbers of viruses used in this analysis are shown in Appendix 1.
232 Med. Entomol. Zool. of Wuchang Cockroach Virus 1, respectively, both of LC552040 (M segment) GenBank accession No. LC552039 (L segment) LC552035 (segment 1) LC552036 (segment 2) LC552037 (segment 3) LC552038 (segment 4) LC552041 (S segment) which are the members of the genus Orthophasmavirus LC552043 (RNA 1) LC552044 (RNA 2) LC552042 (RNA 1) (Table 1). These results indicated that M and S segments were derived from the same virus as that of LC552046 LC552045 the L segment. The viral L protein is highly conserved among the related viruses, and the longest resultant sequence was acquired during the analysis (Fig. 3A). Therefore, Orthophasmavirus Phasmaviridae Dicistroviridae based on the amino acid sequence of L protein, Virus family Nodaviridae Nodaviridae unclassified unclassified phylogenetic analysis was performed. The virus detected from C. arakawae formed a clade with viruses that are members of Orthophasmavirus (Fig. 3B). As Alphanodavirus a result of the prior analyses, the virus seems to be a Alphanodavirus novel virus which belongs to a member of the genus Jingmenvirus* Abbreviation Virus genus unclassified Orthophasmavirus and tentatively named Carapha Cripavirus virus (CaPhV, Culicoides arakawae phasmavirus) (Table 3). Genetic and phylogenetic characterizations of novel nodaviruses from C. arakawae and S. aureohirtum CaNoV CaPhV SaNoV Simulium aureohirtum associated A virus SAAV SaCV CaJV Nodavirus-like sequences were discovered in three contigs (18BF1_c27, 18BF1_c31, and 18BF1_c34) Summary of viruses detected in this study. from S. aureohirtum and all contigs shared 46‒61% identities with the already known nodaviruses (Table 1). The sequence gap between the contigs 18BF1_c27 and 18BF1_c34 was filled by the sanger sequence, and the resultant sequence length was 2,213 nt (Fig. 4A). On the other hand, from C. arakawae, only one contig (nC1_c11) related to nodavirus was detected, and the sequence was the most related to the RdRp gene of Carajing virus Carapha virus Carano virus Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus by blastx search Sacri virus Sano virus (Table 1 and Fig. 4B). There was no sequence similar Viruses Name to capsid protein (CP) of nodavirus detected from the resultant contigs of C. arakawae. The phylogenetic Table 3. analysis based on the RdRp sequences encoded 13, 20 June, 2017 Collection date on the RNA 1 has shown that both nodavirus-like 10 July, 2018 viruses detected in this study are found in the genus Alphanodavirus in family Nodaviridae. The virus from C. arakawae formed a clade with the Midge associated nodavirus M1C9 which was detected in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan C. impunctatus in Scotland (Modha et al., 2019) (Fig. 4C). In fact, the amino acid sequence of the Midge associated nodavirus M1C9 was not deposited on the No. of individuals Collection site International Nucleotide Sequence Database (DDBJ/ EMBL/GenBank). Thus, the result of blastx search was not reflected, such as this virus. Actually, the amino acid sequence of the nC1_c11 shared 63.1% identity to the translated sequence of the Midge associated nodavirus M1C9 (GenBank accession no. LR701648) 30 females 3 females (data no shown), indicating that the contig nC1_c11 was most related to the Midge associated nodavirus M1C9. Elseways, the virus from S. aureohirtum had *Proposed genus. distinct positions to the already known nodaviruses S. aureohirtum C. arakawae (Fig. 4C). Based on the novelty of the sequence, the viruses were novel species in Alphanodavirus and Species Source were tentatively named Sano virus (SaNoV, Simulium aureohirtum nodavirus) and Carano virus (CaNoV,
Vol. 71 No. 3 2020 233 Culicoides arakawae nodavirus), respectively. this study has novel virus features that are part of the genus Cripavirus in Dicistroviridae. Thus, this virus Genetic and phylogenetic analysis of a novel was tentatively named Sacri virus (SaCV, Simulium cripavirus from S. aureohirtum aureohirtum cripavirus) (Table 3). From S. aureohirtum, dicistrovirus-like three contigs called 18BF1_c1, 18BF1_c3, and 18BF1_c5 Unclassified virus from S. aureohirtum were found by blastx search (Table 1). All contigs Within the contig 18BF1_c37, several frames were have shown highly average coverages compared opened, sharing 56‒70% identities to the hypothetical with the others, showing that a high titer of the virus protein 2 of Wuhan insect virus 21 (Table 1). presented in the specimen. Additionally, all contigs Subsequent to the resequencing on the contig, the 522 shared low sequence identities (39‒46%) to the nt resultant sequences were the same as the putative corresponding region of the already known viruses RdRp of Linepithema humile C virus 1 (GenBank (Table 1), indicating that these contigs were derived accession no. AXA52557) with 64% identity (data no from a novel virus. Three contigs were connected into shown). In addition that, the sequence was also similar one sequence by RT-PCR and sanger sequence, and to the RdRp sequences of the chronic bee paralysis the resultant had a length of 8,528 nt, such as those virus (QEI22811) and anopheline-associated C virus from the most part of the first ORF to the 3′ terminal (AGW51774) or the hypothetical protein 2 of Hubei (Fig. 5A). Conserved protein domain search on the tombus-like virus 42 (APG76280) (data not shown). NCBI Conserved Domains Database (Marchler-Bauer These associated viruses have not been categorized et al., 2015) has shown that various protein domains into a virus taxon yet. Even though we detected only [RNA_helicase (accession; pfam00910), RdRP_1 a short sequence of the virus, we have tentatively (pfam00680), Waikav_capsid_1 (pfam12264), rhv_like designated the virus as Simulium aureohirtum (cd00205), and CRPV_capsid (pfam08762)] were associated A virus (SAAV) based on the novelty of the seen on the viral genome (Fig. 5A). Dicistrovirus sequence (Table 3). has 2 IRESs at the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) and Discussion intergenic region (IGR) (Valles et al., 2017). The latter is known as IGR-IRES as distinguished from the In this study, the RNA virome of Japanese IRES of 5′ UTR. Even though the authoritative genus hematophagous Chironomoidea flies (C. arakawae demarcation criteria have not been established, three and S. aureohirtum) were analyzed using the NGS. virus genera (Aparavirus, Cripavirus, and Triatovirus) Even though C. arakawae is a major vector species in the family Dicistroviridae have been categorized of chicken leucocytozoonosis due to L. caulleryi in using their topological characteristics in the IGR- Japan (Sakai, 2007), both fly species have not been IRES and phylogenetic analysis (Valles et al., 2017). reported to play a role for the arboviral vectors in However, there is no conserved nucleotide within the nature to our knowledge. A total of six novel viruses Pseudo-knot (PK) I in the IGR-IRES. PK structures belonging to various virus taxa were detected in called PK I-III and several domains in the IGR-IRES this study. Recent studies outside Japan have shown which are conserved among dicistroviruses were that biting midges and black flies harbor several seen in the virus from S. aureohirtum (Fig. 5B). Two types of viruses by analyzing of their RNA and DNA different structural types of Domain 3 in the IGR-IRES viromes (Temmam et al., 2015, 2016; Kraberger et al., (called Type I and Type II) were reported (Nakashima 2019; Modha et al., 2019). Particularly, Modha et al. and Uchiumi, 2009), and the Type I structure of (2019) have been investigating the RNA virome of C. Domain 3 was recognized in the virus (Fig. 5B). Triplet impunctatus Goetghebuer, which is a major nuisance codon UCA was anticipated to be the start codon of human-biting midge and the vector of avian malaria the second ORF encoding viral capsid protein (Fig. in Scotland, and found viruses that are part of at least 5B). 11 virus families including 7 novel viruses among the To understand the phylogenetic relationships pooled 30 midges (Modha et al., 2019). This result among already known dicistroviruses, the dendrogram showed that the diversity of viruses was higher than was constructed based on the conserved amino acid what was observed in C. arakawae in this study. In sequences of non-structural proteins of the viruses by that analysis, the Illumina Miseq system was used for the maximum likelihood method (Fig. 5C). The virus the analysis, and 1.6‒2.1 million reads were acquired detected from S. aureohirtum is placed in the cluster of (Modha et al., 2019). On the contrary, the total read the genus Cripavirus in the family Dicistroviridae and number from the C. arakawae sample was 97,620 in is related to Solenopsis invicta virus 6 and Bundaberg this study. This output data amount was about 16‒21 bee virus 1, both of which were found in the insects in times lower than that of a prior study by Modha et al., the order Hymenoptera (Roberts et al., 2018; Valles et (2019). Moreover, Modha et al. (2019) assessed the al., 2019). total RNA from the midge samples with no nuclease Altogether, the dicistrovirus-like virus found in treatment. Our previous studies have shown that the
234 Med. Entomol. Zool.
Vol. 71 No. 3 2020 235 treatment by several types of nucleases was effective jingmenviruses is quite limited; for instance, the for selective extraction of viral RNA from mosquitoes presence of the viruses in the saliva or salivary gland as well as ticks (Faizah et al., 2020; Kobayashi et of mosquitoes was not specified. Thus, it is hard to al., 2020). Therefore, nuclease treatment was also discuss the possibilities of their arboviral properties. carried out in this study. In fact, the half volume of Further information on the insect-associated RNase A was used in this study compared with the jingmenviruses will help in the understanding for the case of mosquitoes and ticks in our previous studies potential as an emerging arbovirus. mentioned previously due to the body size of biting Phasmavirus is a tri-segmented negative-stranded midges and black flies being smaller than mosquitoes virus recently found from phantom midges (Ballinger and adult ticks. Thus, further studies are needed to et al., 2014). Afterward, several phasmavirus-like improve the system of virome analysis for small insects viruses were seen in various insects (Li et al., 2015; Shi including biting midges. et al., 2016a). The new virus family Phasmaviridae was A novel jingmenvirus, CaJV was discovered from C. established in the order Bunyavirales (Abudurexiti et arakawae in this study. Jingmenvirus was first found al., 2019) and six viral genera (Feravirus, Inshuvirus, from ticks in China, and succeeding related viruses Jonvirus, Orthophasmavirus, Sawastrivirus, and have been recognized as emerging human infecting Wuhivirus) were acknowledged within the family. tick-borne viruses (Qin et al., 2014; Emmerich et Orthophasmavirus is the most disparate genus in the al., 2018; Jia et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019). The family (Abudurexiti et al., 2019), and CaPhV seemed virus usually has four viral segments, two of which to be a new member of this genus. The recent study has encode NSPs and are genetically related to both NS3 shown the possibility that a novel Orthophasmavirus and NS5 proteins of the genus Flavivirus (Qin et al., [Niukluk phanton virus (NUKV)] from a phantom 2014). Jingmenviruses have been found from various midge, Chaoborus americanus (Johannsen), has been arthropods so far (Shi et al., 2016b) and were classified infecting the host continuously for millions of years into two groups, tick-borne and insect-associated (Ballinger et al., 2019). Based on this knowledge, jingmenviruses phylogenetically. CaJV formed a coevolution between host and virus easily occur. clade with the insect-associated jingmenviruses in the However, our analysis has shown that CaPhV was phylogenetic analyses in this study. Within the cluster phylogenetically distant from Kigluaik phantom virus of insect-associated jingmenvirus, Guaico Culex virus and NUKV derived from phantom midges, which (GCXV), Mole Culex virus (MoCV), and Wuhan flea are part of the same superfamily Chironomoidea virus were found in hematophagous insects including as biting midges. This suggests that the virus may mosquitoes and fleas (Shi et al., 2016b; Ladner et al., possibly be transmitted horizontally between different 2016; Amoa-Bosompem et al., 2020). Indeed, the insect taxa. Various biting midges are known to feed infectivity of these viruses in humans or other animals on hemolymph of arthropods including Odonata and has not been observed. In addition, it was reported Hymenoptera (Borkent and Spinelli, 2007). Perhaps, that the viral replication of GCXV was seen in several the horizontal transmission of the phasmaviruses mosquito cell lines but not in tick- or sand fly-derived may occur through hemolymph feeding of other cells (Ladner et al., 2016). Moreover, the virus was not arthropods. To know the evolutionary relationships seen in the progenies of experimentally infected adult between hosts and viruses, further virus discoveries mosquitoes, showing that vertical transmission was are needed. absent or there was a low occurrence in the previous Two different viruses that belong to the genus study (Ladner et al., 2016). These viruses appear to Alphanodavirus in the family Nodaviridae were found have opportunities to transmit to animals since GCXV in this study. The family name is derived from the and MoCV were isolated from adult mosquitoes village name “Noda-mura” which is found in the and CaJV was also found in adult biting midges. Chiba Prefecture in Japan, where Nodamura virus However, the information on the insect-associated (NoV) was first isolated from Culex tritaeniorhynchus Fig. 3. Genome organization of a novel phasmavirus, CaPhV, and phylogenetic characterization. (A) The schematic illustration of the genome organization of CaPhV. The gray dotted open arrows and lines represent the entire ORF and UTR, respectively, expected based on that of associated viruses. The gray areas in the ORF and black lines represent the regions that are sequenced in this study. The italicized faces in each ORF indicate viral protein names: L protein (L), glycoprotein precursor (GP), and nucleoprotein (N). The numbers shown above indicate sequenced nucleotides. (B) The phylogenetic dendrogram was constructed based on the amino acid conserved regions of the viral L protein (about 1,000 amino acids) by the maximum likelihood method with the use of the LG+G + I+F model. The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa are clustered together in the bootstrap test (1,000 replicates) is shown next to the branches (Felsenstein, 1985). Virus genera in the family Phasmaviridae recognized by Abudurexiti et al. (2019) are indicated by symbols [Feravirus (black circle), Inshuvirus (open circle), Jonvirus (black square), Orthophasmavirus (open square), Sawastrivirus (black triangle), and Wuhivirus (open triangle)]. CaPhV detected in this study is indicated by a black arrow and is bold-faced. Hantaviridae viruses (Hainan oriental leaf-toed gecko virus, Hantaan virus, Thottopalayam virus, and Wenling yellow goosefish virus) were used as an outgroup. The accession numbers of viruses used in this analysis are shown in Appendix 1.
236 Med. Entomol. Zool. Fig. 4. Genome organization and phylogenetic relationship between SaNoV, CaNoV, and related nodaviruses. Schematic illustration of the genome organization of both SaNoV (A) and CaNoV (B). The gray dotted open boxes and lines represent the entire ORF and UTR, respectively, predicted based on that of related viruses. The gray areas in the ORF and black lines represent the sequenced regions in this study. The characters in each ORF indicate viral protein names: RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and CP. The numbers shown on the boxes above indicate sequenced nucleotides. (C) The phylogenetic dendrogram was constructed based on the amino acid conserved regions of the viral RdRp (about 500 amino acids) by the maximum likelihood method with the use of the LG+G model. The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa are clustered together in the bootstrap test (1,000 replicates) is shown next to the branches (Felsenstein, 1985). Virus genera in the family Nodaviridae acknowledged by Hameed et al. (2019) are indicated by symbols: Alphanodavirus (black circle) and Betanodavirus (open circle). Detected viruses in this study are indicated by black triangles and are bold-faced. The accession numbers of viruses used in this analysis are shown in Appendix 1.
Vol. 71 No. 3 2020 237 Fig. 5. Genetic characterization of a novel cripavirus, SaCV, and phylogenetic position among related viruses. (A) Schematic illustration of the genome organization of SaCV. The gray boxes and black solid line represent the sequenced ORF and UTR in this study, respectively. The dotted area indicates the unsequenced region. The dark gray areas in the ORF show the regions that have conserved domains seen on the NCBI Conserved Domains Database. The numbers shown on the boxes above indicate sequenced nucleotides. (B) Predicted secondary structure of the IGR-IRES of SaCV comprised of three main domains. Sites of pseudoknots are designated by PK I, PK II, and PK III. Conserved nucleotides among IGR-IRES in dicistroviruses are represent by circled. (C) The phylogenetic dendrogram was constructed based on the amino acid conserved regions of the non-structural protein (about 540 amino acids) by the maximum likelihood method with the use of the LG+G + I model. The percentage of replicate trees in which the related taxa are clustered together in the bootstrap test (1,000 replicates) is shown next to the branches (Felsenstein, 1985). Virus genera in the family Dicistroviridae recognized by Valles et al. (2017) are indicated by symbols: Cripavirus (black circle) and Aparavirus (open circle). SaCV found in this study is indicated by black triangles and is bold-faced as well. The accession numbers of viruses that are utilized in this analysis are shown in Appendix 1.
238 Med. Entomol. Zool. Giles mosquitoes (Hameed et al., 2019). NoV has have a variety of viruses which are as many as other been categorized as an arbovirus since the virus can arboviral vectors including mosquitoes and ticks. infect both mosquito and hamster cell lines with no Further RNA virome analysis for a variety of blood- cytopathic effects as well as cause paralysis and death sucking insects will help to not only discover novel in suckling mouse (reviewed in Kuwata, 2014). Even arboviruses but also understand novel importance for though the antibodies against NoV were found in the arboviral vectors. swine and herons, the isolation of the virus has not Acknowledgements been detailed from the 1970s onward (reviewed in Kuwata, 2014). Other than NoV, there have been no This work was supported by grants-in-aid for reports on mammal infectious nodaviruses so far since the Research Program on Emerging and Re- the recognized virus members of Alphanodavirus were emerging Infectious Diseases from Japan Agency isolated from non-blood-sucking insects including for Medical Research and Development (AMED), beetles and armyworms in nature (Venter et al., and JSPS KAKENI Grant Numbers JP18K19220 and 2010). Recently, a novel nodavirus called hypnovirus JP20K15671. The authors would like to thank Enago was found in the blood of the fruit bat Hypsignathus (www.enago.jp) for the English language review. monstrosus Allen in the Republic of Congo (Bennett et References al., 2019), indicating the possibility that the virus has an arboviral potential. Because of the detection from Abudurexiti, A., Adkins, S., Alioto, D., Alkhovsky, S. V., Avšič- Županc, T., Ballinger, M. J., Bente, D. A., Beer, M., Bergeron, É., hematophagous insects, both CaNoV and SaNoV have Blair, C. D., Briese, T., Buchmeier, M. J., Burt, F. J., Calisher, C. H., opportunities to infect animals. Further analyses are Cháng, C., Charrel, R. N., Choi, I. R., Clegg, J. C. S., de la Torre, J. needed to understand their properties for arboviruses. C., de Lamballerie, X., Dèng, F., Di Serio, F., Digiaro, M., Drebot, Viruses belonging to Dicistroviridae are insect- M. A., Duàn, X., Ebihara, H., Elbeaino, T., Ergünay, K., Fulhorst, specific (Valles et al., 2017). However, detections of C. F., Garrison, A. R., Gāo, G. F., Gonzalez, J. J., Groschup, M. novel dicistroviruses from the blood or organs of H., Günther, S., Haenni, A. L., Hall, R. A., Hepojoki, J., Hewson, R., Hú, Z., Hughes, H. R., Jonson, M. G., Junglen, S., Klempa, B., human and bats have been reported recently (Phan Klingström, J., Kòu, C., Laenen, L., Lambert, A. J., Langevin, S. et al., 2018; Bennett et al., 2019; Cordey et al., 2019; A., Liu, D., Lukashevich, I. S., Luò, T., Lǚ , C., Maes, P., de Souza, Fumagalli et al., 2019), although their pathogenicities W. M., Marklewitz, M., Martelli, G. P., Matsuno, K., Mielke- in humans or animals are still unknown. A report Ehret, N., Minutolo, M., Mirazimi, A., Moming, A., Mühlbach, proposed that the novel dicistrovirus was found in H. P., Naidu, R., Navarro, B., Nunes, M. R. T., Palacios, G., Papa, A., Pauvolid-Corrêa, A., Pawęska, J. T., Qiáo, J., Radoshitzky, S. the blood of febrile Tanzanian children (Cordey et al., R., Resende, R. O., Romanowski, V., Sall, A. A., Salvato, M. S., 2019). In fact, the seasonality detection of the virus Sasaya, T., Shěn, S., Shí, X., Shirako, Y., Simmonds, P., Sironi, M., was observed, and the authors proposed that the virus Song, J. W., Spengler, J. R., Stenglein, M. 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