Rising Stars Concert Thursday 29th April 2021 - Bringing Gifted, Young Irish Classical Artists to a New Audience!

Page created by Adrian Bates
Rising Stars Concert Thursday 29th April 2021 - Bringing Gifted, Young Irish Classical Artists to a New Audience!

Rising Stars Concert
    Thursday 29th April 2021

                    Bringing Gifted,
       Young Irish Classical Artists
                to a New Audience!

Rising Stars Concert Thursday 29th April 2021 - Bringing Gifted, Young Irish Classical Artists to a New Audience!

WELCOME                                                                                           Rising Stars Concert 2021

                    I am delighted to welcome you, together with our five exceptional young
                    artists, to our annual Rising Stars Concert.
                                                                                                  John Rousseau		                   Percussion
                    As always, the aim of this concert is to bring gifted, young classical
                    artists to new audiences, to showcase their considerable talents,             Mark Glentworth		                 Blues for Gilbert (Vibraphone)
                    through musical programmes of their own choosing, and to provide              Alexej Gerassimez		               Asventuras (Snare Drum)
                    them with a platform to progress further into their musical careers.
                                                                                                  Katie Richardson McCrea           Mezzo-soprano
                     This year’s five selected artists, Conor Prendiville, John Rousseau, Katie
                                                                                                  Accompanied by Dearbhla Collins
                     Richardson McCrea, Matthew Mannion and Molly O’Shea, have been
                                                                                                  Franz Schubert		                  Ganymed
put forward by various renowned institutions including Royal Irish Academy of Music, Irish
                                                                                                  Amilcare Ponchielli               Voce Di Donna - La Gioconda
National Opera, TU Dublin and CIT Cork School of Music, and bring a wealth of talent and
                                                                                                  Hamilton Harty                    Sea Wrack
learning to this year’s concert.

It gives me great pleasure to welcome back Dearbhla Collins as our accompanist this               Matthew Mannion		                 Bass-baritone
evening. Regarded as one of Ireland’s finest and most versatile musicians, Dearbhla is            Accompanied by Dearbhla Collins
a prize-winning solo pianist with a distinguished performing career both nationally and           Giacomo Puccini		                 Vecchia zimarra, senti (La Bohème)
internationally.                                                                                  Vaughan Williams		                Silent Noon
                                                                                                  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart		         Tutto è disposto...Aprite un po (Le Nozze di Figaro)
On behalf of the Board and Management team of UCH I would like to take this opportunity
to thank tenor Owen Gilhooly and Lorcan Murray for their ongoing support of this concert.
I would also like to thank the Friends of University Concert Hall for their continued support     Molly O’Shea             		       Violin
which has allowed us to continue to bring an exciting programme of events (virtually) to          Accompanied by Dearbhla Collins
homes around the world during these challenging times.                                            Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart		         Adagio in E Major, Opus 125 No. 2
                                                                                                  Igor Stravinsky		                 Danse Russe
I am sure you will join me in wishing all of this evening’s performers the very best in their
future music careers!
                                                                                                  Conor Prendiville      		         Tenor
                                                                                                  Accompanied by Dearbhla Collins
Director                                                                                          Giuseppe Verdi                    Lunga da lei (La Traviata)
University Concert Hall                                                                           Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky          Kuda, kuda vï udalilis (Eugene Onegin)
                                                                                                  Charles Gounod                    Salut! demeure chaste et pure (Faust)

                                                                                                  Dearbhla Collins         Accompanist              Owen Gilhooly            Presenter

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Rising Stars Concert Thursday 29th April 2021 - Bringing Gifted, Young Irish Classical Artists to a New Audience!
RISING STARS CONCERT                                                                       RISING STARS CONCERT

                  John Rousseau                                                                                  Katie Richardson McCrea
Programme Notes

                  Blues for Gilbert - Mark Glentworth                                                            Ganymed - Franz Schubert
                  ‘Blues for Gilbert’ is a written-down version of Mark Glentworth’s improvisation. It is a      Schubert’s bright and energetic setting of Goethe’s poem tells the story of a handsome
                  gentle piece, using the jazz colours that the vibraphone evokes. It opens with a slow rubato   young boy brought up to the heavens by Zeus to be the cupbearer of the gods. The piece
                  section followed by a blues swing feel. There is a sense of loss and great tenderness in       flows through composed, never returning to any material, with exciting twists and turns
                  its glimmering chords and melodies. It is, of course, dedicated to the memory of Gilbert       musically.
                                                                                                                 Voce Di Donna - La Gioconda - Amilcare Ponchielli
                  Asventuras - Alexej Gerassimez
                                                                                                                 This aria is sung by La Cieca, a blind woman and La Gioconda’s mother, set in the courtyard
                  ‘Adventure’, by the young percussionist Alexej Gerassimez, is a snare drum ‘tour de force’,    of the Duke’s Palace Venice. After La Cieca is accused of witchcraft by Barnaba, the crowd
                  displaying the wide range of techniques and sounds available on the drum. Various timbres      begins to threaten the old woman’s life. She is saved in the nick of time by Laura and her
                  are effortlessly blended with use of many different sticks, mallets and even the performers    husband Duke Alvise. Grateful, La Cieca gives Laura a rosary along with her blessing.
                  hands. The performance involves numerous extended techniques, improvisation, and
                  enormous dynamic control as the performer adventures through the various sounds                Sea Wrack - Hamilton Harty
                  produced by the drum.
                                                                                                                 This dramatic song tells the story of two lovers who often escape to the sea together,
                                                                                                                 spending hours in each other company in peaceful and calm waters. The story, narrated by
                                                                                                                 the woman, takes a tumultuous turn, with waves and drama rising as they desperately try
                  John Rousseau is a George Moore Scholar and recipient of the Jones
                                                                                                                 to stay afloat in the wild ocean.
                  Engineering Exceptional Graduating Student Scholarship, John is an
                  ambitious young percussionist. As a solo performer, John achieved
                  success in 2018 in the Freemasons Young Musician of The Year, being
                  awarded the third-place prize. More recently John was also named                               Katie Richardson McCrea, Mezzo-soprano, is a graduate of the
                  as one of the University Concert Hall’s Rising Stars and granted an                            Royal Irish Academy of Music and will begin her masters studies at The
                  opportunity to perform a solo recital in April 2021. John has often                            Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London this coming September.
                  featured on RTÉ lyric fm, both in solo and ensemble performances.                              In RIAM opera productions, Katie played several roles, including
                  A regular on the professional freelance circuit, John often performs                           Madge in ‘Banished’ by Stephen McNeff in Kilmainham and Venus in
                  with the RTÉ Concert Orchestra, Dublin Concert Orchestra, Orchestra                            Monteverdi’s il Ballo delle ingrate at the Peacock Theatre. As a soloist
                  of Ireland, and the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra. In 2019, John also performed with         with RIAM chorale, Katie has sang Handel’s Messiah, Bernstein’s
                  the Wexford Festival Opera orchestra, one of Europe’s most prestigious opera festivals.        Chichester Psalms and Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb.
                  Notable conductors John has worked under include Michael Giacchino, Eimear Noone, David        In Oratorio, Katie sang Handel’s Messiah with The Dublin Bach Singers
                  Brophy, Gavin Maloney, Timothy Myers, and Stephen Bell. John is currently undertaking an       and Marlborough Baroque Orchestra, Mrs Noah in Benjamin Britten’s Noye Fludde in Dublin
                  advanced entry Master of Music Performance at the TU Dublin Conservatoire under his            and Carlow, Vivaldi’s Gloria and Dan Forrest’s Jubilate Deo with Wicklow Choral society,
                  teacher, Noel Eccles.                                                                          Mozart Spatzenmesse and ‘Book of changes’ by Georgia Johnson with Diva Voces. At the
                  In 2021 John was offered a financial award by the Guildhall School of Music and Drama to       National Concert Hall, Katie sang as a soloist with Culwick Choral society, and at The Great
                  study an ‘Orchestral Artistry’ Masters. John is very grateful to the Guildhall School, Jones   Christmas concert with the Lassus scholars. Katie has sang as Part of Dublin song series
                  Engineering, and the George Moore Foundation for their contributions towards funding his       in Hugh lane Gallery, Ina Boyle’s Gaelic Hymns with the Goethe Choir,and in Kilruddery
                  studies. This funding will allow John to continue his postgraduate studies in the Guildhall    house with the Veronica Dunne International Singing Competition. Katie is a prize winner in
                  School.                                                                                        the Feis Ceoil, winning the Dermot Troy for Oratorio, the Contralto competition, and in 2021
                                                                                                                 the Lieder Prize and Mahler award. This year, Katie has been studying with Mary Brennan
                  “John Rousseau had, in fact, given a terrific display of explosive drumming.”                  and Dearbhla Collins and working regularly as part of Irish National Opera’s chorus in their
                                                                                                                 live-streamed productions.
                  – Business Post (2018)

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Rising Stars Concert Thursday 29th April 2021 - Bringing Gifted, Young Irish Classical Artists to a New Audience!
RISING STARS CONCERT                                                                               RISING STARS CONCERT

Matthew Mannion                                                                                Molly O’Shea
Vecchia Zimarra, Senti - Giacomo Puccini
                                                                                               Adagio in E Major, Opus 125 No. 2 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
The aria ‘Vecchia zimarra, senti’ comes in the final act of Puccini’s timeless tragedy, La
Bohème. After Mimi falls very ill, her friends and lover Rudolpho gather around her in an      Mozart’s Adagio in E Major was composed in 1776 and is thought to have been written as a
attempt to comfort and rouse her. Realizing she needs medicine, Colline sacrifices one of      replacement for the slow movement of his 5th violin concerto. Now, this beautiful work is a
the few worldly possessions he has, his coat. This aria is his parting with the beloved coat   stand-alone piece, treasured by violinists for its elegant simplicity. The Adagio is a piece of
for the betterment of his friends.                                                             serene beauty opening with a lyrical theme given first by the pianist and then repeated and
                                                                                               embellished by the violinist. Written in sonata form, the second theme emerges, bringing
Silent Noon - Vaughan Williams                                                                 a sense of playfulness to this melodic work before the development section’s darker, more
Silent Noon by Raugh Vaughan Williams is from his cycle The House of Life with poems           melancholy minor theme is introduced. The piece ends with a return to the opening theme’s
by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. This classic song is a pastoral description of a rapturous day in   soaring melody, highlighting Mozart’s ability to find beauty in simplicity.
the countryside. The narrator of the song is looking back on perfect love filled moments,
cherishing the memories with that lover.                                                       Danse Russe - Igor Stravinsky
Aprite Un Po - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart                                                         Stravinsky’s Danse Russe for violin and piano was one of a number of transcriptions that
Aprite un po is Figaro’s final aria from Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro. In the previous acts,    Stravinsky made for violin and piano with the help of violinist Samuel Dushkin in the early
the Count has died to seduce Figaro’s loving wife Susanna to no avail. The Countess            1930s. Adapted from the opening tableaux of his ballet, Petrushka, Danse Russe draws
discovers her husband’s infidelity and hatched a plan with Susanna to trick her husband        inspiration from Russian folk music, creating an energetic work filled with virtuosity
and Figaro to teach them a lesson. Swapping clothes, the Countess has a conversation with      and brilliance. The piece balances its brusque, bold opening theme with delicate, lyrical
the Count, where she appears in Susanna’s clothes and hiding her face. Figaro hears their      passages before returning its initial motif with gusto, driving towards the dramatic final
conversation, sees Susanna’s clothes, and assumes his wife is being unfaithful. This aria is   climax.
Figaro’s warning to men on the dangers of women and the weakness of men.

                                                                                               Molly O’Shea is a violinist from Cork, Ireland. She began her Bachelor
Matthew Mannion, Bass-Baritone, is a first year Masters Student in                             of Music at the Cork School of Music under the guidance of Ruxandra
the Royal Irish Academy of Music where he studies with Owen Gilhooly                           Petcu-Colan before going on Erasmus. Molly spent the following 3 years
and Dearbhla Collins. Most recently Matthew sang the role of Giove in                          studying with Marc Danel at the Institute de la Musique et de Pedagogie
Francesco Cavalli’s ‘La Calisto’ (RIAM 2020) and was a guest artist in                         in Namur, Belgium. She graduated with Distinction from her Masters in
the ‘Festival of Voice with Tara Erraught’ (Drogheda Classical Music). In                      Violin Performance in June of 2018. On her return to Cork, she finished
2018-19 he created the role of Owen in the world premiere of ‘The Stalls’                      her degree as a student of Elizabeth Charleson, graduating with First
in Cork Opera House, sang First Priest in’ Die Zauberflote’ with Irish                         Class Honours in June of 2019. In May 2019 she was a prizewinner at
National Opera, Surgeon in the Irish Premiere of Banished by Stephen                           the CSM Advanced Recital competition and the following October, she
McNeff (RIAM), toured with Irish National Opera’s Orfeo ed Euridice,                           received 2nd place in the Irish Freemasons Young Musician of the Year
created the role of Liam in Tom Lane’s BackStage (Cork Midsummer                               competition and was also the recipient of the Florian Leonhard Fine
Festival) and sang the title role in the Irish premiere of Judith Weir’s                       Instrument Grant and the John Vallery Prize for the Highest Placed String Player.
Scipio’s Dream (RIAM). Other roles include Samuel in Gilbert and Sullivan’s Pirates of
                                                                                               Molly is a keen orchestral musician and has performed with ensembles such as Opera Royal
Penzance (Lyric Opera), Guglielmo in Mozart’s Così fan tutte (Flat Pack Music), Marchese in
                                                                                               de Wallonie, Orchestre Philharmonique de Liege and the Irish Chamber Orchestra. She is
Verdi’s La traviata and Morales in Bizet’s Carmen (Lyric Opera), the Imperial Commissioner
                                                                                               currently based in Dublin and plays first violin with the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra.
in Puccini’s Madama Butterfly (Lyric Opera/Bowdon Opera Festival), Masetto in Mozart’s
Don Giovanni (Opera Britain), Bartolo in Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro (DIT), and Second Elder   She is also an avid chamber musician and has studied under the guidance of Adrian Petcu,
in Handel’s Susanna (DIT/Yorke Trust). As a soloist he has sung in Salford Choral Society’s    Greg Ellis, Marc Danel, Simon Aspell, Chris Marwood and Michael McHale. She was
‘Elijah’, Irish National Opera’s Studio Opera Gala, Handel’s Messiah (Blackburn Music          delighted to play in the National Concert Hall’s Chamber Music Gathering in January 2019.
Society), Mozart’s Requiem (University of Dublin Choral Society, Wexford Festival Singers,     In November 2018, Molly was chosen to perform in the Philharmonie de Liege as part of a
Carlow Choral Society), Britten’s ‘Rejoice in the Lamb’, Beethoven’s Mass in C (Carlow         Young Chamber Musicians’ Programme. She has performed in the National String Quartet
Choral Society), and Jesus in Bach’s St John Passion (Liverpool Baroque Orchestra). As a       Foundation’s Spring concert series and in the West Cork Chamber Music Festival 2019 as
member of the chorus Matthew has worked with Irish National Opera, Blackwater Valley           the first violinist of the Vanir Quartet.
Opera Festival, Opera Theatre Company, and Wide Open Opera. Matthew also received 3rd
place in the 2017 Irene Sandford Competition, and was a finalist in the 2019 Dramatic Cup in
Dublin Feis Ceoil, as well as the Birr Trench Awards.

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Rising Stars Concert Thursday 29th April 2021 - Bringing Gifted, Young Irish Classical Artists to a New Audience!
RISING STARS CONCERT                                                                                    RISING STARS CONCERT

Conor Prendiville                                                                               Dearbhla Collins            Accompanist

Lunge da lei - Giuseppe Verdi                                                                   Dearbhla Collins is one of Ireland’s finest pianists. She is most well known
                                                                                                as a song pianist and performs recitals with singers such as Benjamin Appl,
Alfredo’s aria from Act 2 of Verdi’s La Traviata. Now that his beloved Violetta has chosen      Patricia Bardon and Tara Erraught. She also regularly works with Dame
to move to the countryside with Alfredo he finds himself in a state of utter bliss. Unable to   Ann Murray and Brigitte Fassbaender. She has recently been appointed
control his excitement he sings about how Violetta has quelled his youthful wandering spirit    Assistant Head of Music at the National Opera Studio, London and is the
and that when he is with her he is in Heaven.                                                   senior vocal coach at the Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin. She has also
                                                                                                coached in the Universität für Musik, Vienna, in Zurich and the Beijing Central
Kuda Kuda - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky                                                            Conservatory. She is the founder and Artistic Director of Dublin Song Series
                                                                                                which puts on song recitals in Dublin at the National Concert Hall and the
Lensky’s aria from Act 2 of Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin. Following an argument at a party
                                                                                                Hugh Lane Municipal Art Gallery.
where Lensky believed Onegin to be making advances towards his fiancé, a duel has been
arranged between the two men. The next morning Lensky sits and waits for Onegin while           Dearbhla is the Artistic Administrator of the Veronica Dunne International Singing Competition,
contemplating the meaning of all this. Why is he about to duel his best friend to the death     previous winners of which include Nadine Sierra, Fatma Said and William Thomas.
and will anyone remember him if he is to fall? Even his beloved Olga?                           In October 2017 she was awarded an honorary doctorate for her services to music in Ireland from
                                                                                                the National University of Ireland.
Salut! Demeure Chaste et Pure - Charles Gounod
Faust’s aria from Act 3 of Gounod’s Faust. Faust has become young again after making a
deal with the demon Mephistopheles. Now filled with the passion and excitement of a young
man he becomes infatuated with the beautiful Marguerite. Upon finding her house he sings
this aria thanking the Universe for creating such a beautiful creature.

Conor Prendiville is a tenor who recently graduated with a masters                              Owen Gilhooly           Presenter
degree from the Royal Irish Academy of Music where he studied with
Owen Gilhooly and Dr. Dearbhla Collins. He is this years ‘Rising Stars’                         Owen studied with Jean Holmes at the Limerick School of Music and
at the University Concert Hall in UL and a Member of the Wexford                                as a Peter Pears Scholar at the Royal College of Music, studying with
Factory at the Wexford Festival Opera as well as previously being a                             international soprano Graziella Sciutti and Margaret Kingsley. He
company artist at the Cork Opera House. Conor has performed the                                 subsequently joined the National Opera Studio, continuing his studies with
roles of Tamino (Die Zauberflöte), Don Ottavio (Don Giovanni) and Don                           Russell Smythe and later with Janice Chapman in London.
Basilio/ Don Curzio (Le Nozze di Figaro), Rinuccio (Gianni Schicci),                            An alumna of the Verbier Festival Academy, he represented Ireland at
Beppe (Pagliacci), Dr Caius (Falstaff), Ronald (Abandoned), Captain                             BBC Cardiff Singer of the World 2007 and has been the recipient of many
(Stephen McNeff’s ‘Banished’). Conor has performed as a soloist in                              awards including the Ralph Vaughan Williams NOS Award, Sybil Tutton
various concerts including Handel’s ‘Messiah’, Britten’s ‘Rejoice in the                        Trust Bursary, Christopher Ball Bursary, West Belfast Classical Bursary,
Lamb’, Bach’s ‘John Passion’ and ‘Actus Tragicus’, Mozart’s ‘Coronation                         The Madeline Finden Vocal Award, Great Elm Vocal Award and bursaries
Mass’ and ‘Spatzenmesse’ as well as Kevin O Connell’s ‘Mass’ and ‘Aifreann’.                    from the Arts Council of Ireland.
                                                                                                He has appeared in principal roles with the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Opera Ireland,
                                                                                                Opera Theatre Company, English Touring Opera, Lyric Opera, Scottish Opera, Opera North, The
                                                                                                Opera Group and the, as well as Wexford Festival Opera, Lismore Music Festival, Buxton Festival
                                                                                                Opera, Les Azuriales Opera & Musikverkstatt Wien.
                                                                                                His discography includes Weir: The Vanishing Bridegroom BBC Symphony Orchestra/Brabbins,
                                                                                                Hurd: The Aspern Papers Ulster Orchestra/Vass, Joyce Songs: James Joyce’s Musical Dublin
                                                                                                RTÉ Concert Orchestra/Houlihan, May: Sunlight and Shadow RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra/
                                                                                                Owen is a Professor of Singing at the Royal Irish Academy of Music and continues his research
                                                                                                into vocal health and rehabilitation through Vocal Health Education (UK).

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Rising Stars Concert Thursday 29th April 2021 - Bringing Gifted, Young Irish Classical Artists to a New Audience!



                  Hugh Tinney &
           Christopher Marwood
                Sunday 9th May, 3pm
                   John O’Conor
           Sunday 30th May, 3pm

                          Tickets from €15
                             on 061 331549

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Rising Stars Concert Thursday 29th April 2021 - Bringing Gifted, Young Irish Classical Artists to a New Audience! Rising Stars Concert Thursday 29th April 2021 - Bringing Gifted, Young Irish Classical Artists to a New Audience! Rising Stars Concert Thursday 29th April 2021 - Bringing Gifted, Young Irish Classical Artists to a New Audience! Rising Stars Concert Thursday 29th April 2021 - Bringing Gifted, Young Irish Classical Artists to a New Audience!
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