RISING STAR QATAR'S With a young fleet, a state-of-the-art teleport and advanced satcom services, Es'hailSat secures Qatar's satellite future ...

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RISING STAR QATAR'S With a young fleet, a state-of-the-art teleport and advanced satcom services, Es'hailSat secures Qatar's satellite future ...
ISSUE 79 | MAY 2022                              Licensed by Dubai Development Authority

          RISING STAR
 With a young fleet, a state-of-the-art teleport and advanced
  satcom services, Es’hailSat secures Qatar’s satellite future
RISING STAR QATAR'S With a young fleet, a state-of-the-art teleport and advanced satcom services, Es'hailSat secures Qatar's satellite future ...
MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com                                                                                                             INTRO

+971 4 375 5483

+971 4 375 5472

+971 4 375 5474


+971 (0) 55 105 3787
                                                                            Space is no longer an    fuelling port, akin to a gas cap, which
aelred.doyle@cpitrademedia.com                                              inaccessible frontier,   incorporates grappling elements so it
                                                                            and it’s fascinating to  can be used for docking.
                                                                            see how some ideas          Faber sums up the whole package as
sandip.virk@cpitrademedia.com                                               that were merely on      “a tank and a pump to deliver the fuel”
+971 50 929 1845
                                                          paper a few years ago are now slowly       and says most of the innovation is not
+44 (0) 7516 993 862
                                                          unfolding before our eyes. Last month,     as much in the technology as in the
DESIGN                                                    I had the opportunity to speak with        business models.
                                                          serial entrepreneur and CEO of Orbit          Another interesting conversation
                                                          Fab Daniel Faber, whose mega plan          SatellitePro had was with Astroscale,
                                                          to build gas stations in space is now      which is specifically working towards
                                                          slowly becoming a reality.                 “safely removing defunct objects
                                                             Faber’s team has been working           from space and pioneering new ways
                                                          over the last four years towards this,     to service, upgrade and transport
phinson.george@cpitrademedia.com                          and now most of the underlying             spacecraft”.
+971 4 375 5476                                           technology needed to have fuel depots         Such innovations hugely support big
WEB DEVELOPMENT                                           in space has been developed. In fact,      players who already have satellites in
ABDUL BAEIS                                               the first operational propellant depot     space, and this issue of the magazine
FINANCE                                                   has been launched in LEO and two           has tried to capture some of the
CREDIT CONTROL EXECUTIVE                                  years from now, Orbit Fab will have        traditional solutions we need while
                                                          shuttles to take the fuel from the         also exploring different sub markets
+971 4 375 5499                                           depot to the operational satellites.       that are mushrooming to support this
                                                             Besides creating a brand new            sector. From traditional GEO players
DOMINIC DE SOUSA (1959-2015)                              opportunity for the first time to refuel   and upcoming software-defined
                                                          satellites, which were previously          satellites to regional developments
                                                          rendered useless if they ran out of gas,   and startups, we have put together an
                                                          Faber’s dream is to help “create the       interesting read to complement the
                                                          bustling economy that will ultimately      satellite showcases and discussions at
The publisher of this magazine has made                   support permanent jobs in space”.          CABSAT this year. See you at the show.
every effort to ensure the content is accurate on
the date of publication. The opinions and views
                                                             Faber has been clever. His fuel
expressed in the articles do not necessarily reflect      depots have a payload that produces
the publisher and editor. The published material,
adverts, editorials and all other content are published   no data, consumes no power and
in good faith. No part of this publication or any part
                                                          requires no antennas. By keeping the
of the contents thereof may be reproduced, stored
or transmitted in any form without the permission         depots simple, he has also ensured
of the publisher in writing. Publication licensed by
Dubai Development Authority to CPI Trade Publishing
                                                          they are cost-effective. Likewise, the
FZ LLC. Printed by Printwell Printing Press LLC.          fuel shuttles have rendezvous docking
CPI Trade Media. PO Box 13700, Dubai, UAE.                elements that allow them to dock to       VIJAYA CHERIAN
+971 4 375 5470 cpitrademedia.com
                                                          another satellite. Here again, Orbit      Editor
© Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.                    Fab relies on the satellite having a      SatellitePro ME

RISING STAR QATAR'S With a young fleet, a state-of-the-art teleport and advanced satcom services, Es'hailSat secures Qatar's satellite future ...
MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com                                   CONTENTS

            Industry News
            NileSat to launch fourth satellite in
            May 2022; Arabsat signs MoU with
            Actia Group; Hughes launches flat
            panel antenna technology for OneWeb;
            SpaceChain launches Abu Dhabi
            office; Safaricom and Intelsat expand
            LTE coverage in Kenya; and more

            Tracing Es’hailSat’s journey
            Hamad Al Mannai, VP – Commercial,
            discusses Es’hailSat’s GEO plans,
            its role in the World Cup and
            its roadmap for the future

  18        TECH FEATURE
            The future of comms
            Software-defined satellites will enable
            more flexibility in space, allowing
            people on the ground to adapt to
            market changes, says Carmel Ortiz

 20 The rise of new players
            As the world goes into full throttle
            with new satellite launches, space
            debris is becoming a massive concern.
            We look at a new industry emerging
            to address this on various levels

 26         INTERVIEW
            Aiming for the stars
            Salem Humaid Al Marri, newly appointed
            DG at MBRSC, gives us a flavour of what’s
            cooking in the MBRSC lab these days

            Global regulators on
            spectrum management
            DSA President Martha Suarez shares how
            regulators across the world are attempting
            more efficient utilisation of spectrum

34          CABSAT 2022
            Tech showcase
            New solutions and discussions at the event

            GUEST COLUMN
            Jamming and interference
            Alvaro Sanchez reveals ways
            to avoid interference                        26
RISING STAR QATAR'S With a young fleet, a state-of-the-art teleport and advanced satcom services, Es'hailSat secures Qatar's satellite future ...
MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com                                                                                               UPDATE

NileSat-301 launch delayed,                                                                                Yahsat
new date not announced                                                                                     reports
  SATELLITE LAUNCH                     timeline of 25 months.            and direct digital broadcasting
NileSat-301, the fourth satellite      However, the timeline was         services in two new large         revenue for
from Egypt’s commercial
satellite communications
                                       extended by four more months
                                       from January 2022. NileSat
                                                                         regions of Africa, while
                                                                         providing broadband Ka-band
operator NileSat, will not             also signed a launch contract     connectivity over all of Egypt.         BUDGET
launch in May 2022 as                  with SpaceX for the in-orbit          Nilesat-301 is based on the   Yahsat’s momentum
previously scheduled owing             delivery of the satellite.        Spacebus 4000-B2 platform         continued in Q4 2021,
to some delays. European                  The satellite will have        and will weigh about four         with revenue of $123.3m
satellite manufacturer                 a minimum lifespan of 15          metric tons at launch. NileSat    exceeding the previous
Thales Alenia Space had                years in orbit and will deliver   301 is the second GEO satellite   year by 7.9%, leading
previously stated that                 communications and satellite      built and fourth payload          to full-year revenue of
Nilesat-301 was placed inside          broadband services to Egypt       developed by Thales Alenia        $408m, marginally up
its transport container and            and neighbouring countries in     Space for Nilesat. Once           year-on-year. During the
was ready for departure.               North Africa and the Middle       delivered to SpaceX, it will be   year, contracted future
    NileSat signed the contract        East. It will also help extend    fitted onto a SpaceX Falcon       revenues rose more
back in December 2019, and             the company’s provision of        9 satellite launch vehicle and    than 35% to close at over
the project had a development          Ku-band communications            launched from Florida.            $2bn, underpinned by
                                                                                                           the 15-year T4-NGS
                                                                                                           Managed Capacity
Arabsat signs MoU with Actia Group                                                                         Services Agreement
                                                                                                           signed in June 2021,
                                                                            This business model            which added more than
                                                                         shall be extended for             $700m, equivalent to
                                                                         other satellites services         additional annualised
                                                                         in Ku- and Ka-band.               revenues of $47m from
                                                                         Actia has an extensive            mid-2024 onwards.
                                                                         line of terminals and               A significant number
                                                                         satcom power amplifiers           of contracts were also
                                                                         to meet Arabsat’s – or            signed in the Data
                                                                         its clients’ – needs              Solutions and Mobility
                                                                         wherever its satellite            Solutions businesses,
                                                                         capacity is available in          with particularly
                                                                         the MENA region.                  strong momentum in
 Dr Badr AlSuwaidan, CEO of Arabsat.
                                                                            Dr Badr AlSuwaidan,            Q4. Over this period,
                                                                         CEO of Arabsat, said:             the aggregate value
     PARTNERSHIP                       end users state-of-the-art,       “Arabsat operates the most        of contracted future
Arabsat and Actia                      cost-effective, end-to-           trusted satellite fleet in the    revenues in these two
Telecom, an Actia                      end satcom solutions for          Arab world and beyond,            segments more than
Group company, have                    commercial customers              delivering high-quality           doubled. Together with
signed a Memorandum                    in the MENA region.               service. Along with Actia         an extensive pipeline
of Understanding to                    While Arabsat will                Telecom, we will continue         of new business
strengthen a strategic                 provide high-throughput           delivering innovative             opportunities, Yahsat
business relationship                  satcom capacity in Ku             solutions through                 aims to grow in 2022,
initiated a few years ago              Appendix, Actia Telecom           cutting-edge space and            with approximately
during the Arabsat 13th                will integrate, deliver,          ground technologies, to           70% of the Group’s 2022
Telecom Forum. Arabsat                 install and support the           be the destination for            projected revenues
and the French satcom                  Ku Appendix satellite             satellite communications          contracted as of
integrator combine their               communications                    and one-stop shop for             December 31, 2021.
expertise to offer Arabsat             terminals.                        our customers.”

RISING STAR QATAR'S With a young fleet, a state-of-the-art teleport and advanced satcom services, Es'hailSat secures Qatar's satellite future ...
UPDATE                                                                                                 MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com

Hughes announces flat panel antenna
technology for OneWeb at Satellite 2022
     SATELLITE TECH              at speeds of 190Mbps down      are proof of our continued       technology is unlike
Hughes Network Systems           and 20Mbps up, with average    engineering leadership on        any developed to date.
revealed its new technology      roundtrip latency of 55ms.     the path to an integrated,       Combining our decades of
for electronically steerable         Pradman Kaul, Hughes       worldwide ecosystem of           experience working on low-
flat-panel antennas, including   President and CEO, said:       terrestrial and multi-orbit      Earth orbit systems with
a prototype for delivering       “With our hybrid Jupiter       satellite connectivity.”         our intimate understanding
OneWeb low-Earth orbit           satellite-LTE capability           As owner and operator        of the OneWeb system,
(LEO) connectivity services      and our flat-panel LEO         of HughesNet, Hughes             our engineers created an
at the Satellite 2022 trade      antenna, Hughes is realising   continues to enhance its         entirely new design that
show in Washington, DC.          a multi-transport vision for   offerings with faster speeds,    delivers high performance
As a technology partner,         our customers and partners.    more data and network            that will change the
investor and service provider    The Hughes technology          optimisations. To help           paradigm for LEO
for OneWeb, Hughes               demonstrations at Satellite    shorten the time it takes        service implementations
designed and is deploying        2022                           for an internet signal to        worldwide.”
the gateway electronics for                                      transmit (the latency),             Neil Masterson, CEO,
the worldwide ground                                                     Hughes developed        OneWeb, added: “This
system.                                                                       the integrated     new antenna is the latest
    The                                                                         GEO satellite-   example of Hughes’
antenna                                                                         LTE capability   engineering expertise and
seamlessly                                                                     that employs      its commitment to working
hands off signals                                               Hughes ActiveTechnologies        in close collaboration with
from one satellite beam to                                      to route data intelligently      OneWeb to enhance our
another every 11 seconds, and                 A prototype of    and seamlessly over the          service offering for enterprise
from one satellite to the next                the new Hughes    optimal transport path.          and mobility customers.”
every three minutes. Over a                   phased array          Adrian Morris, Hughes            Hughes aims to make
                                              antenna panel
series of tests, the antenna                                    Executive VP, Engineering,       its antenna technology
                                              was on display
technology has been proven                    at Satellite      stated: “The Hughes              for OneWeb services
to support LEO connectivity                   Show 2022.        flat-panel LEO antenna           available by early 2023.

 Viasat and Batelco partner to distribute broadband services in MENA
       BROADBAND                 explore other potential        broadband capacity from          Middle East and Africa,
 Viasat has signed               service areas, including       Viasat’s current satellite       said: “Viasat is on a
 a non-binding                   hybrid connectivity            systems, with plans to           path to bring high-
 MoU with Bahrain                solutions combining            evolve to the ViaSat-3           quality broadband
 Telecommunication               satellite and terrestrial      satellite platform once          connectivity. By signing
 Company (Batelco)               broadband for                  launched and operational.        an MoU with Batelco,
 to distribute satellite         businesses; corporate          As a first step of the MoU,      we can strategically
 broadband connectivity          local area network             the companies expect to          explore various
 to the MENA region,             extension services;            implement a proof-of-            business synergies and
 focusing on the potential       satellite connectivity         concept trial within the         collaborations with a
 commercialisation and           for mobile backhaul;           next several months.             proven market leader in
 distribution of satellite       and IoT business-to-              Commenting on the             the MENA region, ahead
 broadband connectivity          business applications.         deal, Peter Langkilde,           of the launch of our
 to businesses. The                 Viasat and Batelco          Viasat GM, Broadband             next-generation ViaSat-3
 companies also plan to          seek to leverage satellite     Services, Europe,                satellite constellation.”

RISING STAR QATAR'S With a young fleet, a state-of-the-art teleport and advanced satcom services, Es'hailSat secures Qatar's satellite future ...
UPDATE                                                                                                    MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com   MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com                                                                                              UPDATE

SpaceChain launches Abu Dhabi office                                                                                                    Yahsat and Al Seer Marine to offer
SpaceChain has opened a new
                                                                    six blockchain-enabled
                                                                    satellite payloads into space
                                                                                                    in the space, blockchain and
                                                                                                    fintech arenas within the
                                                                                                                                        satcom solutions to maritime vessels
office in Abu Dhabi as it looks                                     to realise its DSI vision.      region to uncover business                 MARITIME                   communications services                                               while ensuring performance,
to tap into markets in the                                              Zee Zheng, co-founder       and growth opportunities            Yahsat Government Solutions       for safety and security                                               reliability and security.
Middle East. Incorporated                                           and CEO of SpaceChain,          across multiple service             has signed an MoU with Al         mission-critical applications,                                           GM Eisa Al Shamsi said:
and operated under the legal                                        said: “Being part of the        offerings, including e-wallets,     Seer Marine to test line-         such as COTM and beyond                                               “We are delighted to have
entity of SpaceChain MENA                                           Hub71 community places          space commodities exchange,         fitting unmanned vessels          line of sight (BLoS).                                                 signed this MoU with Al Seer
Ltd, the new office is located                                      SpaceChain at the gateway       micro-geoservices that              with advanced comms-on-               By pre-qualifying its                                             Marine. It will allow Al Seer
at Hub71, Abu Dhabi’s global                                        to the burgeoning space         connect EO service providers        the-move (COTM) satellite         COTM solutions to work                                                Marine to draw upon Yahsat’s
tech ecosystem, where the                                           industry in the MENA region.    with user communities,              communications solutions.         efficiently on Al Seer’s                                              rich expertise in system
company will spearhead the                                          Our presence alongside          and decentralised finance           Yahsat’s advanced satellite       unmanned vessels, Yahsat has                                          integration on airborne,
planning and development of                                         other high-growth tech          (DeFi) applications.                communications solutions          developed a strong business                                           shipborne and land vehicular
integrated space-blockchain                                         companies will allow us             The UAE government has          will be jointly offered           model and value proposition                                           platforms, enabling dynamic
projects and initiatives           Zee Zheng is co-founder          to share expertise and          lent support in developing          to customers to support           which reduces integration                                             and versatile applications
in the MENA region.                and CEO of SpaceChain.           collaborate with leading        a space industry across             critical operations such as       and timeline risks, ensures                 Eisa Al Shamsi, General   requiring satellite
    The establishment of                                            influential players in Abu      the region. The National            Exclusive Economic Zone           platform structural and                          Manager of Yahsat    connectivity. By using our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Government Solutions.
SpaceChain’s UAE office           capabilities to enterprises and   Dhabi’s growing innovation      Space Strategy 2030 aims            (EEZ) protection, security,       design integrity, warrants                                            pre-equipped and pre-tested
is a milestone in advancing       communities across MENA           ecosystem that are interested   to enhance the space                anti-piracy, anti-human           onboard combat systems and                                            solutions, Al Seer Marine
SpaceChain’s decentralised        to create a next-generation       in capitalising on the          sector’s contribution to            trafficking and coastal patrol.   sensor compatibility, and           COTM, BLoS and other              will be able to provide its
satellite infrastructure (DSI)    infrastructure for the            new space economy.”             the national economy and            The MoU will enable Al Seer       optimises system integration        combat systems on maritime        customers additional value
for business and fintech          blockchain industry in outer          SpaceChain MENA will        promote the UAE’s regional          Marine to build on Yahsat’s       costs. The combined                 platforms opens the door to       while trimming unwanted
applications, and extending       space. To date, SpaceChain        collaborate closely with        and international presence          experience in delivering          expertise of Al Seer Marine         a range of add-ons, creating      costs associated with
its space-as-a-service            has successfully launched         start-ups and organisations     in the space industry.              highly secure satellite           and Yahsat in melding               massive value for customers       testing and qualification.”

 Safaricom works with Intelsat to expand LTE coverage in Kenya                                                                           MBRSC launches World Space Sustainability Association
     LTE PARTNERSHIP              reach places supports the                                         and opening up new                     SPACE PARTNERSHIP                                                                                    focus on a number of
 Kenya’s telco operator,          Kenyan government’s                                               opportunities.                       Mohammed Bin Rashid                                                                                    existing challenges, such
 Safaricom, has signed a          vision for a digitally                                               Intelsat Director of              Space Centre (MBRSC)                                                                                   as the management of
 multi-year contract with         empowered citizenry.                                              Sales in Africa Hans                 has announced the                                                                                      debris in space and the
 Intelsat to modernise               Intelsat’s global                                              Geldenhuys said: “This               launch of the World                                                                                    sustainable development
 its network and expand           satellite network, with                                           partnership enables                  Space Sustainability                                                                                   of innovation and
 LTE coverage to more             Safaricom’s expertise,                                            Safaricom to leverage our            Association, part of the                                                                               space technology,
 subscribers across the           will ensure secure                                                global hybrid network                official proceedings of                                                                                in cooperation with
 country. Intelsat will           coverage even in the                                              and expand its LTE                   the World Government                                                                                   many stakeholders and
 provide Safaricom with           most remote areas of                                              coverage to remote areas             Summit 2022, with the                                                                                  relevant authorities.
 both cellular backhaul           the country. Intelsat’s                                           and more subscribers                 aim of strengthening                                                                                      The World
 over satellite and               network delivers carrier-                                         in Kenya, helping them               efforts and coordinating                                                                               Government Summit
 enterprise connectivity          grade bandwidth                                                   increase their revenue               initiatives that will              At the World Government Summit.                                     hosted more than 4,000
 services. The availability       where and when it is               Hans Geldenhuys, Intelsat      and provide an improved,             address challenges facing                                                                              participants, including
 of Safaricom LTE service         needed most, ensuring              Director of Sales in Africa.   more reliable experience             the space industry,              number of major global              and developers of space           senior government
 everywhere will enhance          a seamless, reliable                                              to their customers. The              and undertaking                  corporate entities. The             and satellite solutions,          officials, experts and
 connectivity for the             experience for businesses         technology delivers             reach of our network                 initiatives that will            MBRSC and its partners              space business entities,          leaders of the private
 68.9% of the Kenyan              to operate optimally,             the fast mobile internet        across Africa also offers            develop the industry.            will work to expand the             leading policy-makers,            sector, to explore the
 population that lives in         connect with their                connectivity needed for         growth opportunities                    The WSSA was                  scope of the initiative             regulators, international         future of governments
 rural areas. Bringing            customers and benefit             an optimal experience,          as Safaricom looks to                launched in cooperation          by attracting more                  organisations and                 in more than 110 key
 such service to these            from new commercial               turning smartphones             expand its activities in             with Elseco, Herbert             stakeholders in the sector,         innovators.                       panel and interactive
 challenging, hard-to-            opportunities. LTE                into connected devices          other areas in the region.”          Smith Freehill and a             including operators                    The initiative will            workshop sessions.

08                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       09
RISING STAR QATAR'S With a young fleet, a state-of-the-art teleport and advanced satcom services, Es'hailSat secures Qatar's satellite future ...
UPDATE                                                                                                       MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com

                                                                                                                                           17 - 19
                                                                                                                                           MAY 2022
Thuraya and Cobham partner to                                                                                                              DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE
                                                                                                                                           # CA B SAT 2 0 2 2

launch radio communications solution
     SATELLITE TECH                                                                                    collaborations with Cobham
Thuraya Telecommunications                                                                             SATCOM and reaching
Company, the mobile satellite                                                                          more milestones of this
services subsidiary of Yahsat,                                                                         nature in the near future.”
has launched its new IP-                                                                                  The global PTT (including
based radio communications                                                                             hardware, solutions and
solution, Thuraya Push-to-                                                                             services for all network
Talk (PTT), developed along                                                                            types) market size is set to
with Cobham SATCOM. It                                                                                 grow from $29.2bn in 2021 to
will enable users across a                                                                             $45.2bn by 2026, a CAGR of
wide spectrum of industries to                                                                         9.1%, with the public safety,
extend the range of their voice                                                                        government, energy and
communications beyond line                                                                             utilities sectors occupying
of sight (BLoS) wherever their       The solution manages            communicate across different      a significant proportion of
assets and teams are located.     communications from                areas, countries or continents.   growth. In addition, the
   Thuraya PTT is an IP-based     multiple devices and locations        Thuraya CEO Sulaiman           global hybrid-satellite cellular
radio communications solution     and provides real-time,            Al Ali said: “Our partnership     terminal market is expected to
that works in conjunction         uninterrupted switching            with Cobham SATCOM                reach around $700m by 2031,
with any Thuraya broadband        between satellite, cellular and    has been a key component          a CAGR of 22.81% during the
terminal to establish a           LAN, ensuring cost-efficient       of this successful launch. It     forecast period 2021-2031.
private network. It gives
users the ability to combine
and integrate different
                                  and reliable connectivity.
                                  Thuraya PTT is designed for
                                  mission-critical operations
                                                                     has enabled us to broaden
                                                                     and enhance our portfolio
                                                                     offering by creating a platform
                                                                                                          Thuraya PTT extends
                                                                                                       legacy push-to-talk capabilities
                                                                                                       to hybrid data networks such
                                                                                                                                           Creative. Connected. Conscious.
technologies, such as 3G/LTE/
LMR (land mobile radio), via
                                  to support organisations
                                  in remote areas that often
                                                                     for further innovation and
                                                                     development of features and
                                                                                                       as terrestrial cellular networks
                                                                                                       where available, supplemented
                                                                                                                                           The MEASA region’s leading event for the
Thuraya’s advanced satellite
system for seamless voice
                                  struggle with a lack of reliable
                                  connectivity, particularly when
                                                                     applications to increase our
                                                                     global market share. We’re
                                                                                                       by the Thuraya satellite
                                                                                                       network where no terrestrial
                                                                                                                                           broadcast, content and Pro AV industries
and data communications.          there is an urgent need to         looking forward to more           network coverage is present.
                                                                                                                                           Tap into new business potential as thousands of key buyers, thought leaders and decision
                                                                                                                                           makers from over 120 countries come together to design, shape and co-create the future of
 Bahrain signs US-led Artemis Accords                                                                                                      the content creation, delivery and Pro AV industries.

       PARTNERSHIP                spacecraft, developed by           the UAE and Israel.                  Additional countries             Don’t miss all this and more at CABSAT:
 Bahrain is the latest            Bahrain’s National Space              NASA, in coordination          will join the Artemis
 nation to sign the Artemis       Science Agency (NSSA)              with the US Department            Accords in the months
 Accords, which embrace a         in cooperation with the            of State, announced the           and years ahead, as                 Creative                      Connected                            Conscious
 common set of principles         UAE, another Artemis               establishment of the              NASA continues to work              Share, discuss and dive      Explore, meet and exchange            A focus on sustainable practices
 to guide cooperation             Accords signatory.”                Artemis Accords in 2020.          with its international              into trends, challenges,     experiences with a diverse range      across the content creation
 among nations                       NSSA CEO Dr                     The Artemis Accords               partners to establish a             innovations and              of stakeholders including industry    and delivery ecosystem with
 participating in NASA’s          Mohamed Al Aseeri                  reinforce the 1967 Treaty         peaceful, and prosperous
                                                                                                                                           opportunities.               executives, integrators, engineers,   special conference content and
 Artemis programme.               signed the Artemis                 on Principles Governing           future in space. Working
                                                                                                                                                                        solutions providers and more.         workshops.
    NASA Administrator            Accords for Bahrain,               the Activities of States in       with new and existing
 Bill Nelson said: “This          which joins 16 other               the Exploration and Use of        partners will add new
 important decision               countries to sign this             Outer Space, including the        energy and capabilities to                                                                                             Organised by
 by Bahrain follows               deal. Bahrain is the third         Moon and other Celestial          ensure the entire world
 the recent successful            country in the Middle              Bodies, otherwise known           can benefit from this               Register today to visit at www.cabsat.com
 launch of the Light-1            East to sign, following            as the Outer Space Treaty.        journey of exploration.
                                                                                                                                           Reach out to us for sponsorship opportunities: cabsat@dwtc.com

RISING STAR QATAR'S With a young fleet, a state-of-the-art teleport and advanced satcom services, Es'hailSat secures Qatar's satellite future ...
COVER STORY                                                                             MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com   MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com   COVER STORY

         QATAR’S SPACE
     As Qatar’s state-backed satellite operator Es’hailSat enters its
     12th year since launch, Hamad Al Mannai, Vice President –
     Commercial, traces the company’s journey and discusses its
     GEO plans, its role in the World Cup and its roadmap for the
                      future with SatellitePro ME
             You’ve been               MENA region. 2019 saw the launch     target market and customers who
             around for 11             of our state-of-the-art teleport     cannot do without the advantages
             years. What are           in Doha and the commissioning        that they offer, be it technical or
             your commercial           of our iDirect hub, which can        commercial. The premium video
             and technical             deliver fully managed services.      neighbourhood at 25.5 East /
milestones over the years, and do      Spread across 50,000sqm with         26 East relies on our Ku-band
you have any numbers to share?         more than 99.9% availability, we     capacity and reaches millions
As Qatar’s satellite operator of       are now able to expand into a host   of viewers across MENA. This
choice, Es’hailSat has been serving    of new services from our teleport.   gives the major broadcasters in
broadcasters, telecom companies,       With capacity utilisation across     the region the ability to deliver
enterprise and government              both our satellites at about 70%,    their content to the maximum
customers for the past 11 years        which is above industry standards,   number of eyeballs, all from
from our headquarters in Doha.         we support key customers in the      our teleport located in Doha.
Es’hail-1 launched to 25.5 East in     region with adequate capacity            Ka-band, on the other hand,
2013 followed by Es’hail-2 at 26       availability for expansion and       provides data networking services
East in 2018, both carrying Ku-        to support new customers.            to a wide variety of government
band and Ka-band capacity for                                               and commercial customers. The
MENA. The early years since our        Can you elaborate on what            economics of a lower cost per bit in
incorporation in 2010 saw strategic    advantage you enjoy in               Ka-band enables these customers
partnerships with customers such       these spaces, and if there are       to run efficient networks that
as Al Jazeera, beIN and Ooredoo        specific preferences for Ku-         are both robust and financially
for broadcast, telecommunications      band or Ka-band in different         viable. In terms of capacity, we are
and VSAT services.                     MENA markets? How much               certainly operating our satellites
   Between 2015 and 2020, the          capacity do you have left?           at a high fill rate because of the
trend continued with government        We definitely operate in both, as    reasons mentioned above, but
customers such as the Civil Aviation   is evident from our two satellites   depending on the requirement, we
Authority in Qatar as well as          and their capacity configuration.    can provide potential customers
commercial partnerships across the     We believe each band has its own     with as much as they need.

12                                                                                                                                                           13
RISING STAR QATAR'S With a young fleet, a state-of-the-art teleport and advanced satcom services, Es'hailSat secures Qatar's satellite future ...
COVER STORY                                                                                                   MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com   MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com                                                                                        COVER STORY

                                                                                                                                            the new OTT ecosystem?                                                                              come to the forefront in the last
                                                                                                                                            For our customers, path-breaking             Es’hailSat’s                                           few months, with supply chain
                                                                                                                                            broadcasters such as Al Jazeera
                                                                                                                                            and beIN Sports, opportunities lie
                                                                                                                                                                                         satellites are a                                       issues causing delivery delays and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                further delaying implementation,
                                                                                                                                            in delivering every possible genre      symbol of Qatar’s                                           service roll-out, etc.
                                                                                                                                            of content to consumers across
                                                                                                                                            all touchpoints – the television        commitment to free,                                         The big, inevitable question:
                                                                                                                                            at home, the mobile device on           secure and independent                                      how deeply has the pandemic
                                                                                                                                            the move and over Internet                                                                          impacted your business, and
                                                                                                                                            connectivity over land, sea or          communication, and                                          what measures have you
                                                                                                                                            air. Es’hailSat is enabling these
                                                                                                                                            opportunities by adopting cutting-
                                                                                                                                                                                    the World Cup offers                                        taken to recover from the last
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                few months of lockdown?
                                                                                                                                            edge technology and delivering          the perfect opportunity                                     Over the last two years, the
                                                                                                                                            a world-class service from our                                                                      pandemic has shown us how
                                                                                                                                            strategically located teleport          for us to showcase our                                      important it is to have cost-
                                                              Es’hailSat’s teleport in Doha, which was launched in 2019, provides a range
                                                             of services including back-up studios for TV channels and disaster recovery.
                                                                                                                                            facility in Doha. In addition,
                                                                                                                                            we are evaluating various OTT
                                                                                                                                                                                    capabilities”                                               effective connectivity solutions to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                enable people to remain connected
                                                                                                                                            projects both from a perspective        Hamad Al Mannai, Vice President –                           and productive. Online activities
Are there plans for a                  services for our customers. To                          equipment and antenna hosting,               of supporting existing clients and      Commercial, Es’hailSat                                      have surged in the last year or
new satellite soon?                    support one such initiative, we                         and provide managed services                 independent OTT aggregation.
At an average fleet age under six      have commissioned Comtech and                           as required by the customers.
years, we at Es’hailSat have one of    iDirect VSAT hubs at the teleport                                                                    With the World Cup coming
the youngest fleets of any satellite   to provide fully managed service                        You were primarily developed                 up in Qatar and significantly
operator in the MENA region. Our       packages to our end users. This has                     to establish Qatar’s presence in             higher broadcast demands,
plans are to continually upgrade       helped organisations improve their                      space. How has your mandate                  is Es’hailSat also looking to
our capabilities in terms of our       own network and offer services                          changed over the years, and                  ramp up? What will you have
teleport, ground segment and           to their end users, providing                           what is the evolving vision?                 on offer for media companies
managed services, to be able to        them with resilient and reliable                        Es’hailSat’s satellites are a                coming in to cover the event?
leverage our young fleet in orbit      communication services for the                          symbol of Qatar’s commitment                 For the various mega-events
today. We are working on multiple      enterprise needs. Our teleport                          to free, secure and independent              such as the World Cup which are
long-term projects to fulfil our       enables us to adopt the latest                          communication, and the World                 broadcast live across the globe, we
vision to be a world-class satellite   advancements in international                           Cup offers the perfect opportunity           at Es’hailSat have enhanced our
operator and service provider          technology, including cloud                             for us to showcase our capabilities.         satellite news gathering services
that effectively contributes to the    playout services, content delivery                      Even beyond that, Qatar’s 2030               capabilities. These, along with our
success of Qatar’s National Vision     networks (CDNs), and mobility                           Vision has been designed to                  Es’hail-1 and Es’hail-2 satellites
2030 by adding a new dimension         and telecommunication services.                         move us from a carbon-based                  at 25.5/26 East hotspot, will
to the diversifying economy. We        We provide hosting services                             to a knowledge-based economy,                provide the backbone required by
are evaluating new satellites in       both in terms of data centre and                        and Es’hailSat is a key part of              news broadcasters and television
GEO for future applications such                                                               that vision. For our business,               channels to carry these events
as IFC, IoT and others. At the              Our plans are to                                   the priority over the next 12                across the region and beyond.
same time, we are also open to                                                                 months is to expand our services
partner with NGSO constellations            continually upgrade                                to support the rapid growth of               What challenges are satellite
to achieve a winning proposition
for all parties concerned.
                                       our capabilities in terms                               Qatari customers across the
                                                                                               board. The sky is the limit for
                                                                                                                                            operators facing these days, and
                                                                                                                                            how are you addressing them?
                                       of our teleport, ground                                 Qatar’s ambitions, and Es’hailSat            The first would be piracy, as
Tell us more about your                                                                        wants to ensure that we are                  content protection is still a concern
teleport – some of the tech            segment and managed                                     the first choice for companies               for the MENA region. Although
highlights and how it will
improve your services.
                                       services, to be able to                                 in the country and across the
                                                                                               region wherever there is a need
                                                                                                                                            a majority of the large piracy
                                                                                                                                            incidents have been addressed and
Es’hailSat’s state-of-the-art          leverage our young fleet                                for connectivity over satellite.             discontinued, there is still rampant
teleport in Doha was launched
officially in 2019 to manage the
                                       in orbit today”                                         What are your current
                                                                                                                                            online piracy of content. Then
                                                                                                                                            there are always price pressures
operations of our satellite, and       Hamad Al Mannai, Vice President –                       offerings in the DTH space,                  when it comes to satellite capacity,     Es’hail 2 was launched in 2018 and operates at 26° East.
also to support value-added            Commercial, Es’hailSat                                  and how are you adapting to                  services and equipment. This has

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
RISING STAR QATAR'S With a young fleet, a state-of-the-art teleport and advanced satcom services, Es'hailSat secures Qatar's satellite future ...
COVER STORY                                                                                     MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com   MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com                                                                             COVER STORY

two, initially because of the                                                       one considers the established             radical shift from linear satellite
compulsions that arose during the
                                                   Our teleport                     geostationary satellite services          distribution to adopting internet-     Qatar entered the space race with the
                                                                                                                                                                     launch of its first satellite Es’hail-1 in 2013.
pandemic, but also because people                  enables us to adopt              segment. LEO and MEO are                  based OTT delivery over the last
have thereafter realised that a lot                                                 relatively young and unproven,            few years. MENA as a region
can be accomplished online, even              the latest advancements               which makes the recent gold rush          has a mix of users who prefer
if one is not physically present
in offices and other locations.
                                              in international                      of announcing constellations a
                                                                                    trend that we believe needs to
                                                                                                                              streaming services, as well as a
                                                                                                                              healthy number of those who
The net result of this has been               technology, including                 be approached with cautious               would still want to consume their
that connectivity has become                                                        optimism. A lot needs to be done          premium 4K/UHD content on
more critical to the lives and                cloud playout services,               before these systems become               a smart TV over a satellite DTH
livelihoods of people, and robust             content delivery                      fully available to market, and            service. Due to this underlying
telecommunication services are                                                      the sheer volume of capital               demand demographic, we continue
now seen as an essential utility.             networks and mobility                 and technology advancements               to remain bullish on the future
While the industry can do a lot
more, the pace of broadband
                                              and telecommunication                 required makes it an uphill climb
                                                                                    for the companies involved. We
                                                                                                                              of satellite television in the
                                                                                                                              region for many years to come.
growth in MENA has been quite                 services”                             are happy to collaborate with
encouraging. The deployment of                                                      these companies and bring our             Are there any regional or
                                              Hamad Al Mannai, Vice President –
4G and 5G infrastructure has been                                                   strengths to the table in a manner        global partnerships that you
                                              Commercial, Es’hailSat
critical to developing low-cost                                                     that enables collaborative growth.        would like to elaborate on?
wireless broadband in MENA.                                                                                                   As recently as 2019, Es’hailSat
Es’hailSat’s satellite services and           world-class teleport facilities and   They keep saying satellite is             signed a joint venture agreement
our teleport infrastructure are               top-of-the-line assets in space       dying and linear channels are             with BridgeSat (now called
well positioned to deliver cost-              and on the ground, to name a          taking their last breath. What is         BridgeComm) based in Denver,
effective broadband solutions                 few. As Qatar’s satellite operator    your opinion about the place              Colorado. This enables the            required for vessels at sea. One                    as well as other neighbouring
across the MENA region.                       of choice, we bring tremendous        satellite will occupy in this             installation of an optical ground     such example is the successful                      countries such as Egypt, Sudan,
                                              value to any NGSO partnership         market in the future, and why?            station at our facilities in Qatar    proof of concept that we                            Libya, Algeria, Morocco and
There’s a lot of activity in the              and can provide the local and         Do you have any numbers                   for low-cost laser satellite          completed in 2021 using low-                        Eritrea. We have commissioned
LEO and MEO space. What are                   regional expertise that these         to back up your claims?                   communications across the Middle      profile flat-panel VSAT terminals                   Comtech and iDirect Hub
Es’hailSat’s plans on this front?             global companies need to build a      From our perspective, the                 East. We have signed agreements       for the maritime environment,                       Services from our teleport,
We remain open to partnerships                sustainable business in the region.   commercial television market              with global mobility satellite        using the Es’hail-1 satellite.                      which offers fully managed data
with NGSO companies to leverage                  Doing business in any space-       still looks robust, even though           service provider Inmarsat for                                                             service packages to end users.
upon our strengths, which are                 based industry is hard, even if       the broadcast industry has seen a         mobility services within Qatar,       Who are some of the other                           Innovative solutions include
                                                                                                                              complementing the services we         customers in the Arab world                         fully encrypted, secure, fixed
                                                                                                                              provide on our satellites. We have    that use your capacity?                             and mobile communications,
                                                                                                                              multiple agreements with other        Es’hailSat’s two satellites, Es’hail-1              anti-jamming capabilities, as
                                                                                                                              terminal and antenna and service      and Es’hail-2 located at 25.5/26                    well as robust and reliable
                                                                                                                              providers, such as iDirect, Cobham,   East, offer coverage of North                       broadcasting services catering
                                                                                                                              etc, that enhance and support our     Africa and the Middle East,                         to audiences across MENA.
                                                                                                                              end-to-end service provisioning.      including both Gulf countries
                                                                                                                                  Over the past year, Es’hailSat                                                        What steps have you taken
                                                                                                                              has signed many strategic                                                                 to protect the interests
                                                                                                                              partnerships to enable Qatari               Qatar’s 2030                                  of content owners and
                                                                                                                              companies to benefit from the
                                                                                                                              most advanced technologies.
                                                                                                                                                                          Vision has been                               legitimate rights owners?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        By enhancing our monitoring and
                                                                                                                              We showcased some of our              designed to move us                                 anti-jamming capabilities, we
                                                                                                                              partnerships regarding maritime                                                           are able to offer content owners
                                                                                                                              and mobile broadband connectivity     from a carbon-based                                 the assurance that their media
                                                                                                                              at the Qatar International Boat
                                                                                                                              Show in November 2021. Certain
                                                                                                                                                                    to a knowledge-based                                properties are in safe hands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        from a distribution perspective.
                                                                                                                              partnerships we now have allow        economy, and Es’hailSat                             We continue to support
                                                                                                                              us to offer enhanced VSAT
                                                                                                                              support services in the maritime
                                                                                                                                                                    is a key part of that vision”                       numerous organisations that are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        trying to combat piracy issues
 Es’hailSat’s Capacity Management Centre is a 24/7 facility
                                                                                                                              segment, while others cater to        Hamad Al Mannai, Vice President –                   across the region, and remain
 that manages access to the operator’s satellite fleet.
                                                                                                                              communications infrastructure         Commercial, Es’hailSat                              committed to this cause.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        17
TECHNOLOGY                                                                                        MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com   MAY 2022 satelliteprome.com                                                                                  TECHNOLOGY

                                                                                                                                   GEO satellites are unmatched
                                                                                                                                in their ability to focus coverage
                                                                                                                                over densely populated areas;

                                                                                                                                even more so with software-
                                                                                                                                defined GEO satellites, which
                                                                                                                                means no wasted capacity over

                                                                                                                                unpopulated areas. Having said
                                                                                                                                that, non-geostationary (NGSO)
                                                                                                                                constellations have compelling
                                                                                                                                benefits in terms of latency, terminal

                                                                                                                                look angle and ubiquity. We fully
                                                                                                                                believe that ultimately the best
                                                                                                                                networks will be multi-orbit,
                                                                                                                                combining the benefits of GEO and
                                                                                                                                NGSO in a complementary way.
   Software-defined technology will bring more flexibility in space,                                                                                                                                                        An artist’s rendering of the two Intelsat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   software-defined satellites, IS-41 and IS-44, with
                                                                                                                                Unleashing 5G and new apps
allowing people on the ground to adapt to market changes and create                                                             5G will open up a new era for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the corresponding antennas configuration.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Image source: Thales Alenia Space
                                                                                                                                communications, bringing more
 connectivity on demand, where and when needed, says Carmel Ortiz                                                               homes and enterprises online,
                                                                                                                                increasing throughput and efficiency,         While all software-                         inflight Wi-Fi to passengers.
                  A few years back,       and flexibility. Following a thorough      and service coverage. The future           enabling more powerful applications                                                       Defence customers will benefit from
                  as we set out to        assessment of various technologies,        is software-defined everything!            and opening new business                      defined satellites                          capacity which can be dynamically
                  reassess our strategy   we determined that the advanced            Satellite beam size, power and
                                                                                     bandwidth change in response to
                                                                                                                                opportunities. The technology will       announced so far are                             allocated, tracking aircraft, troops
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          or ships to deploy resources
                  based on our            software-defined satellite technology                                                 make the fourth industrial revolution
                  customers’ growing      envisioned was critical to enabling        signals from terminals, hubs and           a reality, with 5G-powered               geostationary, what                              precisely where they are needed.
                                                                                     our advanced resource management                                                                                                        The successful deployment of 5G
connectivity needs, we looked at
how to optimise an already powerful
                                          us to respond to these growing
                                          requirements – and would be the            system, providing continuous
                                                                                                                                smart cities, smart homes and
                                                                                                                                smart agriculture transforming
                                                                                                                                                                         ultimately matters for                           networks will require engagement
network. We had a clear vision of         catalyst for our growth. Today,            connectivity over land, sea and air,       the way we live and work.                end users is not the                             with the broader telecom
what we wanted to achieve: we             we have more than ten software-            resulting in uninterrupted, high-             To make 5G successful, all                                                             ecosystem and embracing the same
needed to be able to deliver the exact    defined satellites planned, including      quality service for aircraft and ships.    stakeholders must put in place the       orbit or the frequency                           standards and partnerships. This
bandwidth our customers would
need, when and where they would
                                          four already in production.
                                             Technology investments and
                                                                                         The combination of ground
                                                                                     network innovations with these
                                                                                                                                building blocks to maximise the
                                                                                                                                opportunity that the technology
                                                                                                                                                                         band, it is the network’s                        is fundamental. We believe that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3GPP’s 5G specification, known
need it. We also needed to ease the       innovations over the past few years        satellites enables greater agility,        can bring. Our industry is a key         performance, availability                        as Release 17, should bring all the
provisioning of new connectivity          have coalesced to maximise the             flexibility and automated network          stakeholder, and we can bring                                                             specifications necessary for this
services and be able to respond to        effective and efficient use of satellite   orchestration. Software-defined            satellite communications into the
                                                                                                                                                                         and value proposition”                           integration, and with it the ability
traffic spikes in a matter of seconds.    resources. Fully reconfigurable while      technology will bring more                 telecommunications mainstream            Carmel Ortiz, VP, Systems Innovation, Intelsat   to drive new business models.
We needed to enable telecom               in orbit, software-defined satellites      flexibility in space so that people        by adopting 5G standards in our
operators to quickly and efficiently      allow bandwidth to be dynamically          on the ground can adapt to market          networks. This is an opportunity         key role in realising the technology’s           Empowering underserved areas
extend the reach of their network,        adapted and flexibly reconfigured to       changes and create connectivity on         to seamlessly integrate with             full potential, complementing the                The roll-out of 5G technology across
while allowing airlines and cruise        concentrate capacity where demand          demand, where and when needed.             terrestrial infrastructure, to allow     capabilities of terrestrial networks             Africa is still in its early stages, but
ships to benefit from a seamless,         is highest. Unlike traditional and             While all software-defined             our customers to deploy applications     and helping to bring network                     analysts expect significant volumes
always-on experience. For this,           high-throughput satellites, we no          satellites announced so far are            and services globally without the        connectivity to places they can’t                of 5G subscriptions by 2022. Satellite
we needed to design a truly global        longer have to decide in advance           geostationary (GEO), what                  custom adaptations often required        reach. Enterprises will be able to               communications networks built on
and unified 5G network to answer          where to provide service and capacity.     ultimately matters for end users is        for satellite deployments. We can        securely access public and private               5G standards can help accelerate
the call for high-speed, reliable,        And with faster build and deployment       not the orbit or the frequency band,       expand the ecosystem of suppliers,       cloud-based applications from                    5G deployments in places where
dynamic coverage on a global scale.       times, software-defined satellites         it is the network’s performance,           driving down cost and increasing         virtually anywhere in the world.                 terrestrial infrastructure is not
   While our network of traditional       eliminate network bottlenecks.             availability and value proposition.        flexibility. This will enable us         With satellite beams capable of                  available. Adoption of standards used
and high-throughput satellites               Realising the benefits requires an      We believe strongly that GEO               to adapt and respond to users’           following aircraft individually                  by the telecom industry, combined
already responded to our customers’       equally innovative and advanced            has the best economics from                growing connectivity requirements        anywhere in the world, airlines                  with software-defined satellites,
connectivity needs, we looked at          ground network – space and ground          a cost-per-bit and total cost of           as they evolve in real time.             will always get the capacity they                will help make 5G a reality.
how we could evolve the design of         components working seamlessly to           ownership perspective and will                5G will enable many                   need, enabling them to develop
our combined satellite and ground         detect changes in customer demand          always be well positioned to               groundbreaking applications, with        new business models based on the                 Carmel Ortiz is Vice President,
networks to accelerate performance        and dynamically reconfigure capacity       address these key requirements.            software-defined satellites playing a    provision of reliable and robust                 Systems Innovation at Intelsat.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19
SPACE DEBRIS                                                                             MAY 2021 satelliteprome.com   MAY 2021 satelliteprome.com                                                                        SPACE DEBRIS

                                                                                                                       Extension In-Orbit (LEXI) mission                                                   junk travels at speeds of up to
                                                                                                                       will provide life extension and                                                     17,500mph, fast enough for even
                                                                                                                       manoeuvring services to satellites                                                  a relatively small piece of orbital
                                                                                                                       weighing up to several thousand                                                     debris to damage a satellite or a
                                                                                                                       kilos in geostationary orbit (GEO).                                                 spacecraft. With debris constantly

                                                                                                                           “We expect that Astroscale will                                                 in motion, even communications or
                                                                                                                       become a critical service provider                                                  navigation systems here on Earth
                                                                                                                       for safely removing defunct objects                                                 could be rendered inoperational
                                                                                                                       from space and pioneering new                                                       by crashes and collisions.

                                                                                                                       ways to service, upgrade and                                                            As the frequency of such
                                                                                                                       transport spacecraft to maintain                                                    collisions increases, more
                                                                                                                       and grow the viability of Earth’s                                                   space junk is being created.
                                                                                                                       orbits,” Ron Lopez, President &                                                     In theory, the result could be

                                                                                                                       Managing Director at Astroscale’s                                                   the Kessler Syndrome, a chain
                                                                                                                       US arm, tells Satellite Pro.                                                        reaction of collisions making it
                                                                                                                           The tech firm is among the early                                                difficult to launch new space
                                                                                                                       movers in a developing high-tech             If the projected                       missions, scientists warn.

                                                                                                                       garbage disposal industry. Since                                                        “If we don’t do something
                                                                                                                       the USSR launched Sputnik 1, the             trillion-dollar-plus                   within the next few decades – 50
                                                                                                                       world’s first artificial satellite,
                                                                                                                       space has become increasingly
                                                                                                                                                               space economy is to                         years at most – then the Kessler
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Syndrome will become a reality.
                                                                                                                       crowded. As of January, there were      be realised, it must                        The youth of today will certainly

                                                                                                                                                                                                           need to solve the problem,” says
                                                                                                                       4,852 active satellites currently
                                                                                                                       in orbit, according to the Union
                                                                                                                                                               be built on a more                          author and space debris expert
                                                                                                                       of Concerned Scientists (UCS),          sustainable foundation.                     John L Crassidis, Professor
                                                                                                                       a science non-profit. But there                                                     of Mechanical and Aerospace
                                                                                                                       are also more than 3,000 inactive       On-orbit servicing                          Engineering at the University at

     As the world embarks on a golden age of space,
                                                                                                                       orbiters above our heads. More
                                                                                                                       than two-thirds of all satellites are
                                                                                                                                                               is that foundation”                         Buffalo, who works with NASA
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and the US Air Force on the issue.
                                                                                                                                                               Ron Lopez, President & Managing                 In April, an international
     the pressing problem of space debris must                                                                         in LEO, which requires the lowest
                                                                                                                       energy for satellite placement.         Director, Astroscale                        team of researchers writing in
     be addressed. Estimated at $14bn for on-orbit                                                                         In addition, millions of
                                                                                                                       pieces of space junk circle the
     services alone, could this give rise to a new                                                                     Earth. The result of explosions,
                                                                                                                       collisions or anti-satellite tests,
     industry, asks Keith J Fernandez                                                                                  these debris are both working
                                                                                                                       and defunct pieces of spacecraft
                                                                                                                       or satellites, including discarded
               The accelerated        from low-Earth orbits (LEO).           servicing operations in space, the        rocket stages, fragmented
               pace at which              The two spacecraft that            company said in a statement.              hardware and even paint flecks.
               satellites are being   comprise ELSA-d – a 175kg                  Astroscale is also working on             According to NASA’s Orbital
               launched into          ‘servicer’ and a 17kg cubesat          several other on-orbit products.          Debris office, at least 25,000
               space has now          ‘client’ equipped with a magnetic      Its ELSA-M spacecraft, based              of these objects are larger than
drawn attention to some of its        docking plate – were launched          on an evolution of ELSA-d’s               10cm across, while another
unintended consequences. In the       into a 550km LEO orbit in March        technologies, is being created to         500,000 are particles between 1
process, a new sub-industry in        last year. In August, the company      tidy up non-magnetic satellite            and 10 cm in diameter. There are
the space sector is emerging.         said ELSA-d had successfully           debris of up to 800kg at altitudes        more than 100 million particles
   Over the past year, Japanese       released and recaptured the            of 1,325km in a single mission.           larger than 1mm. Of these, the
startup Astroscale has been           client multiple times, offering        The Active Debris Removal by              US Space Command actively
testing its End-of-Life Services      early proof of concept. Although       Astroscale-Japan (ADRAS-J) craft,         tracks more than 40,000 objects
by Astroscale-demonstration           irregularities stalled the mission     selected by the Japan Aerospace           in space to avoid collision risks.
(ELSA-d) technology, to show how      earlier this year, Astroscale is set   Exploration Agency, will show                 NASA puts the aggregate
                                                                                                                                                                An artist’s rendering of Astroscale’s
man-made objects can be serviced      to resume it soon and is learning      how large-scale debris can be             weight of material in orbit around       Life Extension In-Orbit (LEXI) Servicer.
and space debris can be removed       valuable lessons about satellite       taken out of orbit. And its Life          Earth at 9,000 metric tons. This

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         21
SPACE DEBRIS                                                                                                   MAY 2021 satelliteprome.com   MAY 2021 satelliteprome.com                                                                 SPACE DEBRIS

the Nature Astronomy journal                                                                           This could generate $14.3bn in
highlighted another potential                                                                      revenue through 2031, he adds,                                                                                                        Clockwise from left:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Image of an Orbit Fab tanker;
problem, warning that a                                                                            citing Northern Sky research.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the Astroscale’s LEXI, equipped with
dramatic rise in space debris                                                                          An exponential increase in the                                                                                       a RAFTI service valve; Orbit Fab’s
will impact a wide range of                                                                        number of launches in this golden                                                                                          refuelling service architecture.
fields, including astronomy.                                                                       era of space exploration is only
    “Modern society is completely                                                                  going to exacerbate the problem.
dependent on services from space,”                                                                 Some 17,000 new satellites are
Lopez says. “Communications,                                                                       set to be launched through 2030,
financial systems, navigation,                                                                     research from Euroconsult shows.
weather and national security                                                                      That’s a four-fold increase from
warnings, and climate and                                                                          the 3,800 sent into orbit over
environmental monitoring are                                                                       the previous decade, thanks to
all powered by satellites. The                                                                     economies of scale in satellite
orbits these satellites occupy                                                                     manufacturing and a strong
around Earth are becoming                                                                          decrease in launch prices. Of the
dangerously crowded.“                       If we don’t do                                         170 constellation projects assessed,
    “While satellite operators and                                                                 110 are by commercial companies,
launch service providers have               something within                                       often called New Space players.
evolved approaches that remove         the next few decades –                                      OneWeb, Starlink, Gwo Wang,
satellite and spent upper stages                                                                   Kuiper and Lightspeed represent
from orbit at end-of-mission, this     50 years at most – then                                     58% of these new launches.
larger active and retired satellite
population, and the more crowded
                                       the Kessler Syndrome                                            Besides defence and aerospace,
                                                                                                   IT and telecom provide the most
orbital environment it will create,    will become a reality.                                      significant revenue opportunities
will drive future debris volumes
unless we take proactive steps to
                                       The youth of today                                          over the short and medium
                                                                                                   term from this pie in the sky. In
manage the space environment.          will certainly need to                                      particular, satellite broadband
If the projected trillion-dollar-                                                                  internet is in greater demand,
plus space economy is to be            solve the problem”                                          with the global economy
realised, it must be built on a more   John L Crassidis, Professor of                              increasingly underpinned by
sustainable foundation. On-orbit       Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering                        connected technologies such as
servicing is that foundation.”         at the University at Buffalo                                the internet of things (IoT).

                                                                                                                                                The space economy is projected   years, according to projections by    Payload Adapter (Vespa) from an
                                                                                                                                             to be worth $1tn or more in         the European Space Agency (ESA).      orbit at about 800km, left there in
                                                                                                                                             2040, up from $350bn at present,       The ESA is the first space         2013. The $104m project, carried
                                                                                                                                             according to estimates by Morgan    agency to commit to debris            out by Swiss startup ClearSpace,
                                                                                                                                             Stanley. Government space           neutrality. By 2030, it hopes to      will work to match the velocity
                                                                                                                                             programmes continue to dominate     be adding zero net debris to the      of the object before capturing it
                                                                                                                                             the sector, accounting for three-   Earth orbital environment, and        and bringing it back down into
                                                                                                                                             quarters of current revenue at      by 2050 it hopes to have fostered     the atmosphere, Chief Engineer
                                                                                                                                             about $240bn, but even here the     a circular economy in space by        Muriel Richards told Newsweek.
                                                                                                                                             playing field has become more       using in-orbit servicing to ensure        Clearing debris is one approach
                                                                                                                                             diversified. McKinsey data shows    long-term orbital sustainability      to the problem. Another is
                                                                                                                                             that around 70 countries now have   – in other words, to recycle,         refuelling, which could extend
                                                                                                                                             established space programmes,       repurpose and reuse satellites and    satellites’ lives, meaning fewer
                                                                                                                                             including the UAE, Costa Rica,      other man-made space objects.         new launches. At present, satellites
                                                                                                                                             the Philippines and Rwanda.            In 2025, the agency hopes          reach the end of their useful
                                                                                                                                                Even without this increase in    to be the first to remove an          life when they run out of fuel.
                                        Left: ELSA-d from Astroscale is part of the world’s first                                            launch rates – in a business-as-    item of debris left in orbit. Its     Many must be decommissioned
                                        commercial orbital debris removal mission to operate in LEO;                                         usual scenario – the number of      Clearspace-1 mission will deploy an   at that point because there is
                                        and above, a rendering of the ADRAS-J spacecraft (intended
                                        for active debris removal) inspecting a rocket body.
                                                                                                                                             space debris objects greater than   experimental four-armed robot to      no way to refuel them easily.
                                                                                                                                             10cm could double in the next 50    bring back a 100kg Vega Secondary         San Francisco-based Orbit

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