RIGHTS GUIDE Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency

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RIGHTS GUIDE Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency

               Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing

               RIGHTS GUIDE
RIGHTS GUIDE Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
RIGHTS GUIDE Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
The Key of Lost Things,
               Page 40
RIGHTS GUIDE Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
                                                                                            Aladdin QUIX is a line of fun-to-read chapter books that are the next step
                                                                                            between Ready-to-Reads and longer, more challenging chapter books—
                                                                                            perfect for emerging readers ages 5–8!

                                                                  ROYAL SWEETS                                                                 OUR PRINCIPAL
                                                                  #4: THE MARSHMALLOW                                                          BREAKS A SPELL!
                                                                  GHOST                                                                        By Stephanie Calmenson
                                                                  By Helen Perelman                                                            Illustrated by Aaron Blecha
                                                                  Illustrated by Olivia Chin Mueller                                           Imprint: Aladdin
                                                                  Imprint: Aladdin                                                             A unique principal named Mr. Bundy
                                                                  Read all about Princess Mini and her                                         runs P.S. 88 in this silly, fun-to-read
                                                                  merry misadventures at Royal Fairy                                           Aladdin QUIX chapter book that’s

                                                                  Academy in the newest Royal Sweets                                           perfect for emerging readers!
                                                                  book that’s perfect for fans of Sofia                                         cclaimed author Stephanie Calmenson
                                                                  the First.                                                                   turns a fairy tale on its ear with each
                                                                   sleepover at the Candy Castle
                                                                  A                                                                            story about Principal Bundy. In this
                                                                  has Mini, Taffy, Frosting, and even                                          fourth Mr. Bundy misadventure, he is
                                                                  Gobo the little troll believing in                                           caught up in a magical, messy spell cast
                                                                  ghosts . . . marshmallow ones!                                               by one of his silly students.

                                         Publication Date: September 2019                                         Publication Date: May 2019
                                         Ages: 5–8                                                                Ages: 5–8
                                         Page Extent: 80 pp                                                       Page Extent: 64 pp

                                                                                     MISS MALLARD MYSTERIES:
                                                                                     CABLE CAR TO CATASTROPHE
                                                                                     DOGSLED TO DREAD
                                                                                     By Robert Quackenbush
                                                                                     Imprint: Aladdin
                                                                                     Two more mysteries featuring world-famous duck-tective Miss Mallard are now available as
                                                                                     Aladdin Quix titles!
                                                                                     In Cable Car to Catastrophe, the police are baffled by an eerie robbery. Miss Mallard interrupts
                                                                                     her ski vacation in the Alps to track down the Ski Mask Burglar!
                                                                                     In Dogsled to Dread, Miss Mallard is invited to Alaska to launch the annual dogsled races. But
                                                                                     the day before the big event, a dognapping takes place. On snowshoes, Miss Mallard follows
                                                                                     the trail across the frozen glaciers. Will she discover the villain in time?
                                                                                     ROBERT QUACKENBUSH is the celebrated author and illustrator of over two hundred books for
                                                                                     young readers, including the Miss Mallard Mysteries, which have been made into animated
                                                                                     films in five languages for children’s television programs showing in seventy countries
                                                                                     Publication Date: September 2019
                                                                                     Ages: 5–8
                                                                                     Page Extent: 64 pp
   30                                                                                RIGHTS SOLD: Chinese (simplified)
RIGHTS GUIDE Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
Little Simon Chapter Books Are Filling the Gap!
Easy-to-read text and illustrations on almost every page make these chapter book series perfect for newly independent readers.

             HEIDI HECKELBECK                                                      THE CRITTER CLUB
             #27: HEIDI HECKELBECK AND THE WACKY TACKY                             #20: MARION AND THE GIRLS’ GETAWAY
             SPIRIT WEEK                                                           By Callie Barkley Illustrated by Tracy Bishop
             By Wanda Coven Illustrated by Priscilla Burris
                                                                                   In a small California town, four eight-year-old
             Join Heidi Heckelbeck and her friends at                              best friends help run the Critter Club, a rescue
             Brewster Elementary on their charming                                 shelter set on saving “lost and lonely” animals.
             adventures as they face everyday challenges
                                                                                   Publication Date: September 2019
             with help from Heidi’s magical Book of Spells.
             Publication Date: September 2019
                                                                                   CRAFTILY EVER AFTER
             DAISY DREAMER                                                         #6: BREAKING THE PIGGY BANK
             #11: THE BAD LUCK DAY                                                 By Martha Maker Illustrated by Xindi Yan
             By Holly Anna Illustrated by Genevieve Santos
                                                                                   Join Emily, Maddie, Bella, and Sam as the
             Join Daisy Dreamer and her totally true                               four crafty friends dream up new projects to
             imaginary friend, Posey, in the World of                              design, build, and create.

                                                                                                                                      RIGHTS GUIDE
             Make‑Believe!                                                         Publication Date: January 2019
             Publication Date: November 2019

                                                                                   DESMOND COLE, GHOST PATROL
                                                                                   #9: NOW MUSEUM, NOW YOU DON’T
             THE ADVENTURES OF
                                                                                   By Andres Miedoso Illustrated by Victor Rivas
             SOPHIE MOUSE
             #15: THE MISSING TOOTH FAIRY                                          A fearless eight-year-old runs his own
             By Poppy Green Illustrated by Jennifer A. Bell                        ghost patrol, looking for ghosts, monsters,
                                                                                   and mischief makers everywhere in this
             Join Sophie Mouse and her woodland
                                                                                   adventure-filled chapter book series that’s
             friends on their adventures through
                                                                                   perfect for emerging readers.
             Silverlake Forest.

                                                                                                                                      BOLOGNA 2019
                                                                                   Publication Date: October 2019
             Publication Date: October 2019
                                                                                   MIA MAYHEM
                                                                                   #6: MIA MAYHEM VS. THE MIGHTY ROBOT
             THE KINGDOM OF WRENLY                                                 By Kara West Illustrated by Leeza Hernandez
             #14: THE GHOST IN THE CASTLE
             By Jordan Quinn Illustrated by Robert McPhillips                      Mia Mayhem is a witty, action-packed series
                                                                                   about a regular girl who has a super secret—
             Journey to the magical Kingdom of Wrenly
                                                                                   she’s a superhero-in-training—and when
             and join Prince Lucas and his best friend
                                                                                   she goes on adventures . . . mishaps follow.
             Clara on their epic adventures!
                                                                                   Publication Date: November 2019
             Publication Date: June 2019

                                                                                   #6: THE SECRET SPACE STATION
             CAPTAIN AWESOME                                                       By Russ Bolts Illustrated by Jay Cooper
             By Stan Kirby Illustrated by George O’Connor                          Meet Joe Bot and Rob Ot, the two most
                                                                                   big‑hearted, but goofily annoying robots in the
             Second grader Eugene McGillicudy loves comic                          entire universe in the adorable and funny Bots
             books and superheroes so much that he invents                         chapter book series.
             his very own alter ego named Captain Awesome!
                                                                                   Publication Date: December 2019
             With best friend Charlie (a.k.a. Nacho Cheese
             Man), Captain Awesome protects his town!                              For all chapter books (unless otherwise noted):

             Publication Date: March 2019                                          Ages: 5–9 Page Extent: 128 pp                      31
RIGHTS GUIDE Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
                                                                                  JUNIOR MONSTER SCOUTS
                                                                                  #1: THE MONSTER SQUAD
                                                                                  #2: CRASH! BANG! BOO! (W.T.)
                                                                                  By Joe McGee
                                                                                  Illustrated by Ethan Long
                                                                                  Imprint: Aladdin
                                                                                  Get to know the Junior Monster Scouts in this brand-new chapter book series that’s perfect
                                                                                  for fans of Desmond Cole Ghost Patrol and Hotel Transylvania!
                                                                                  Wolfy, Franky, and Vampyra—the children of the classic monsters—are Junior Monster
                                                                                  Scouts. And even though “monster” is their middle name, these funny fiends just want to
                                                                                  earn their Junior Monster Scout merit badges, help anybody in need, and make friends.
                                                                                  But their good deeds are always foiled by cranky Baron Von Grump, who doesn’t like noise,
                                                                                  doesn’t like kids, and most of all doesn’t like the Junior Monster Scouts.

                                                                                  In The Monster Squad, Peter Piper’s kitten, Shadow, is lost, and the Scouts want to help their
                                                                                  new friend. But today is also the Village Cheese Festival and all the celebrating has Baron Von
                                                                                  Grump at wits’ end. He hatches a cheesy plan that involves huge and hungry rats! Uh-oh! Can
                                                                                  the Scouts save the cats, the rats, and the day?
                                                                                  In Crash! Bang! Boo!, it’s the Village’s 150th birthday celebration! But not if Baron Von Grump
                                                                                  can help it! If he shuts off the Village’s electricity, there won’t be any noise or merriment.
                                                                                  Meanwhile, in Dr. Frankenstein’s laboratory, Igor Jr. was specifically told not to touch
                                                                                  anything, especially “that lever.” But Igor Jr. didn’t listen, and now the lab is a clunking,
                                                                                  clanking, crackling mess of gears, electricity, and lightning. Can Vamprya, Franky, and Wolfy
                                                                                  fix Igor’s mess and save the Village party? Or has the Baron ruined the fun for everyone?
                                                                                  Publication Date: September 2019
                                                                                  Ages: 7–10
                                                                                  Page Extent: 112 pp

                                         SAM THE MAN & THE CELL PHONE PLAN
                                         By Frances O’Roark Dowell
                                         Illustrated by Amy June Bates
                                         Imprint: Caitlyn Dlouhy Books
                                         Sam wants a cell phone to help with research, but when his parents say no, he has to come
                                         up with another way to keep all the info he needs in his pocket in this hilarious fifth chapter
                                         book in the Sam the Man series.
                                         Here are the facts: Sam Graham is an information man. But to get information, you need to do
                                         research. You never know when you’ll need an urgent piece of info—like, say, the number for
                                         a chicken emergency hotline—so a resource for instant research is a must! This is why Sam
                                         needs a cell phone.
                                         Unfortunately, Mom and Dad disagree. So, Sam has to come up with a plan. But what is small
                                         enough to fit in your pocket and can hold all the information you need? Sam will have to go
                                         old-school with his latest plan and use a handy notebook instead. Luckily, retro is in, and Sam
                                         might just start the latest trend!
                                         Publication Date: June 2019
                                         Ages: 6–9
                                         Page Extent: 176 pp
   32                                    RIGHTS SOLD FOR PREVIOUS SAM THE MAN TITLES: Korean
RIGHTS GUIDE Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
                                                              By Anica Mrose Rissi
                                                              Illustrated by Cassey Kuo
                                                              Imprint: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
                                                              Preparing for a magic show, Anna and her friends find they have a talent
                                                              for trouble, in the eighth book of this illustrated chapter book series
                                                              about the joys and challenges of elementary school friendships.
                                                              Anna, Sadie, and Isabel develop an interest in magic tricks when their
                                                              frenemy Justin mystifies them with a cool card trick but refuses to tell
                                                              them how he did it. Determined to figure it out for themselves, the girls set
                                                              out for the best place to find answers—the library! But magic isn’t so easy,
                                                              even with a book of instructions.
                                                              Publication Date: November 2019
                                                              Ages: 6–10
                                                              Page Extent: 128 pp

                                                                                                                                              RIGHTS GUIDE
                                                              RIGHTS SOLD: Danish

By Megan Frazer Blakemore
Illustrated by Nadja Sarell
Imprint: Aladdin
Frankie Sparks uses her inventing skills to build the best sled ever in this third chapter book
in the STEM-inspired series.

                                                                                                                                              BOLOGNA 2019
Frankie Sparks can’t wait to enter the town-wide sled-design contest. With the help of a team,
they must design and build a sled using only cardboard and duct tape. And there are PRIZES!
They will be judged on: 1. Best-looking sled. 2. Fastest sled. 3. Most team spirit. But even
though Frankie might know a lot about building a sled, it turns out she still has a lot to learn
about building a team. With lots of twists, turns, and big bumps along the way, can Frankie
and her fellow super-sled designers create a dream machine—and a dream team?
Publication Date: November 2019
Ages: 7–10
Page Extent: 144 pp

RIGHTS GUIDE Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
                                                                                  HARDY BOYS ADVENTURES
                                                                                  #19: DUNGEONS & DETECTIVES
                                                                                  By Franklin W. Dixon
                                                                                  Imprint: Aladdin
                                                                                  This suspense-filled series follows Joe and Frank Hardy as they rely on their wits, instincts,
                                                                                  and intelligence to solve Bayport’s toughest mysteries.
                                                                                  Brother detectives Frank and Joe search a hidden castle for clues after a super rare comic that
                                                                                  is rumored to contain a map to buried treasure disappears before a costume ball at Bayport’s
                                                                                  one and only castle. It will take all of Frank and Joe’s recently acquired LARPing skills to solve
                                                                                  this case. Anything can happen in a castle full of dungeons and deception. Can the Hardy boys
                                                                                  keep up?
                                                                                  Publication Date: October 2019
                                                                                  Ages: 8–12

                                                                                  Page Extent: 160 pp

                                         HARDY BOYS CLUE BOOK
                                         #9: WHO LET THE FROGS OUT?
                                         By Franklin W. Dixon
                                         Illustrated by Santy Gutiérrez
                                         Imprint: Aladdin
                                         Join detective brothers Frank and Joe Hardy as they solve mysteries around Bayport!
                                         Readers can help solve each case with an interactive, reproducible page in each book.
                                         Detective brothers Frank and Joe must solve a muddy mystery when Bayport Elementary
                                         hosts a Mud Run to celebrate spring. But on the day of the race, the runners are stopped in
                                         their tracks by croaking, blurp-ing bullfrogs! Lots of people in the town had been annoyed that
                                         the park was being taken over by a bunch of muddy kids. Could someone have sabotaged the
                                         race with buckets of frogs?
                                         Publication Date: April 2019
                                         Ages: 6–9
                                         Page Extent: 96 pp

RIGHTS GUIDE Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
                                         #18: THE STOLEN SHOW
                                         By Carolyn Keene
                                         Imprint: Aladdin
                                         Nancy Drew and her friends Bess and George tackle everything from sabotage to
                                         kidnapping, using their impressive powers of deduction and reasoning to creatively crack
                                         cases and outsmart their enemies in the clever, contemporary, and delightfully suspenseful
                                         Nancy Drew Diaries.
                                         Nancy, Bess, and George race to catch international jewel thieves who have been using the
                                         dog show circuit to smuggle their stolen goods. Can Nancy discover the thieves’ identity and
                                         take home the trophy? Or is this one case where the bite is worse than the bark?
                                         Publication Date: September 2019
                                         Ages: 8–12
                                         Page Extent: 192 pp
                                         RIGHTS SOLD: Norwegian, Russian, Turkish

                                                                                                                                        RIGHTS GUIDE
                                                                                                                                        BOLOGNA 2019
By Carolyn Keene
Illustrated by Peter Francis
Imprint: Aladdin
Readers can help solve mysteries alongside their favorite detective Nancy Drew,
plus her friends Bess and George, in this interactive chapter book series.
Nancy and her friends are running in the River Heights Turkey Trot this year and hoping to win
a giant chocolate turkey from the new fancy chocolate shop in town. But when the chocolate
turkey goes missing the morning of the race, Anna Epicure blames the Turkey Trot runners
and bans kids from her shop . . . forever! Can the Clue Crew solve the mystery of the missing
chocolate and clear the trotters’ names?
Publication Date: September 2019
Ages: 6–9
Page Extent: 96 pp

RIGHTS GUIDE Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
                                                                                      TO DANCE
                                                                                      By Siena Cherson Siegel
                                                                                      Illustrated by Mark Siegel
                                                                                      Imprint: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
                                                                                      A beautifully refreshed and expanded special edition of the Sibert Award–winning graphic
                                                                                      memoir about the dreams and realities of becoming a ballerina
                                                                                      From her childhood dancing on the sand in Puerto Rico to her adolescent years training at
                                                                                      the School of American Ballet in New York City, Siena Cherson Siegel’s remarkable memoir
                                                                                      explores the molding and training of a professional dancer. She was lucky enough to be a
                                                                                      student during the last years of George Balanchine’s life, when the greatest dance stars were
                                                                                      defecting from Russia to join his company, The New York City Ballet.
                                                                                      Part family history, part backstage drama, this beautifully updated graphic memoir—which
                                                                                      features a refreshed design and a brand-new scrapbook of dance mementos—is an original,

                                                                                      firsthand look at a young dancer’s beginnings.
                                                                                      Publication Date: October 2019
                                                                                      Ages: 8–14
                                                                                      Page Extent: 88 pp

                                         FRANNY K. STEIN, MAD SCIENTIST
                                         #8: BAD HAIR DAY
                                         By Jim Benton
                                         Imprint: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
                                         Franny K. Stein is back with another laugh-aloud scientific adventure from bestselling
                                         author-illustrator Jim Benton!
                                         Franny K. Stein isn’t a fan of glamour. But sometimes Franny wonders if her mom wishes she
                                         were different. Which gives Franny an idea . . . for an experiment! What if she can turn the
                                         beauty products her mom loves into something more exciting?
                                         Publication Date: July 2019
                                         Ages: 6–10
                                         Page Extent: 112 pp
                                         RIGHTS SOLD: Basque, Chinese (simplified), Japanese,
                                         Korean, Polish, Spanish, UK, Vietnamese

                                             By Debbie Levy
                                             Illustrated by Whitney Gardner
                                             Imprint: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
                                             From the New York Times bestselling author of I Dissent comes a graphic novel biography
                                             about celebrated Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
                                             Ruth Bader Ginsburg has often said that true and lasting change in society and law is
                                             accomplished slowly, one step at a time. This is how she has evolved too. Step by step,
                                             the shy little girl became a child who questioned unfairness, who became a student who
                                             persisted despite obstacles, who became an advocate who resisted injustice, who became a
                                             judge who revered the rule of law, who became . . . RBG.
                                             Publication Date: November 2019
                                             Ages: 10 up
                                             Page Extent: 256 pp

                                                                                                                                        RIGHTS GUIDE
By Whitney Gardner

                                                                                                                                        BOLOGNA 2019
Imprint: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
In her debut middle-grade graphic novel, Whitney Gardner illustrates a coming-of-age story
for anyone who’s ever felt too young, too small, or too average.
It’s the beginning of the new school year and AJ feels like everyone is changing but him. He
hasn’t grown or had any exciting summer adventures like his best friends have. He even has
the same crush he’s harbored for years. But how could a girl like Nia Winters ever like plain
vanilla AJ when she only has eyes for vampires?
When AJ and Nia are paired up for a group project on Transylvania, it may be AJ’s chance to
win over Nia’s affection by dressing up like the vamp of her dreams. And soon enough he’s
got more of Nia’s attention than he bargained for when he learns she’s a slayer.
Now AJ has to worry about self-preservation while also trying to save everyone he cares
about from a real-life threat lurking in the shadows of Spoons Middle School.
Publication Date: September 2018
Ages: 10 up
Page Extent: 336 pp

                                                                                   THE VERY, VERY FAR NORTH
                                                                                   By Dan Bar-el
                                                                                   Illustrated by Kelly Pousette
                                                                                   Imprint: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
                                                                                   An inquisitive polar bear named Duane befriends an array of animals as he discovers where
                                                                                   he belongs in this charming classic-in-the-making that’s reminiscent of Winnie the Pooh.
                                                                                   If someday you wander north—truly north, to the northern part of north—you’ll find Duane
                                                                                   the polar bear and his friends. Duane might offer you an icicle treat before introducing you to
                                                                                   C.C. the owl, Handsome the musk ox, Twitch the arctic hare, Boo the caribou, and Major Puff
                                                                                   the puffin. He might ask your opinion on mid-late-morning naps and late-mid-afternoon naps.
                                                                                   Don’t worry about the fact that Duane is a polar bear—he has only kindness in his heart, which
                                                                                   is why his friends love him so. But if you are not able to visit Duane and his friends anytime
                                                                                   soon, then the story tucked between the pages of this book should tide you over until you are
                                                                                   ready for your own great adventure to the Very, Very Far North.

                                                                                   Publication Date: September 2019
                                                                                   Ages: 8–12
                                                                                   Page Extent: 272 pp

                                         THE GUARDIANS
                                         #5: JACK FROST
                                         By William Joyce
                                         Imprint: Caitlyn Dlouhy Books
                                         The Guardians’ powers are put to the ultimate test in their final battle in
                                         this conclusion to the epic chapter book series from William Joyce.
                                         Jack’s transition from Nightlight to Guardian was not an easy one. Always
                                         inclined to keep to himself, Jack has become especially isolated from the
                                         other Guardians since his transformation. Yet it is Jack who Ombric Shalazar
                                         (once a great wizard, now known as Father Time) trusts with a tremendous
                                         secret. But for Jack to fully understand this secret, he must revisit his past—
                                         and finally tell his story.
                                         Publication Date: November 2018
                                         Ages: 7–11
                                         Page Extent: 384 pp
                                         RIGHTS SOLD: Catalan, Chinese (complex),
                                         Chinese (simplified), Portuguese (Brazil),
                                         Russian, Spanish, Turkish

                                         By Jamie Sumner
                                         Imprint: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
                                         In the tradition of Wonder and Out of My Mind, this big-hearted middle-grade debut tells
                                         the story of an irrepressible girl with cerebral palsy whose life takes an unexpected turn
                                         when she moves to a new town.
                                         Ellie’s a girl who tells it like it is. That surprises some people, who see a girl in a wheelchair
                                         and think she’s going to be all sunshine and cuddles. The thing is, Ellie has big dreams to
                                         chase. If she’s not writing fan letters to her favorite celebrity chefs, she’s practicing recipes on
                                         her well-meaning, if overworked, mother. But when Ellie and her mom move so they can help
                                         take care of her ailing grandpa, Ellie has to start all over again in a new town at a new school.
                                         Except she’s not just the new kid—she’s the new kid in the wheelchair who lives in the trailer
                                         park on the wrong side of town. It all feels like one challenge too many, until Ellie starts to
                                         make her first friends ever. Now she just has to convince her mom that this town might be the
                                         best thing that ever happened to them!

                                                                                                                                                RIGHTS GUIDE
                                         Publication Date: October 2019
                                         Ages: 10 up
                                         Page Extent: 256 pp

By Hena Khan

                                                                                                                                                BOLOGNA 2019
Imprint: Salaam Reads
From the critically acclaimed author of Amina’s Voice comes the story of four sisters from a
modern Pakistani American family.
Jameela, the second eldest sister in the Mirza family, is smart, opinionated, stubborn, and
passionate about writing and journalism. She was recently named head of feature articles for
the middle school newspaper, which is a big deal for a seventh grader. Jameela is determined
to write an article that will wow her school, and most importantly, impress her father who is
currently overseas for work. When Ali, a young Muslim boy whose parents are family friends,
arrives from the UK, she decides to focus her article on the conversations she’s had with him
about racism he has experienced both in the US and abroad. But she never made it clear to
Ali that these conversations were “on the record.” Will her article teach the school a valuable
lesson? Or has Jameela crossed a line she didn’t know existed?
Publication Date: September 2019
Ages: 8–12
Page Extent: 384 pp

                                                                                   THE KEY OF LOST THINGS
                                                                                   By Sean Easley
                                                                                   Imprint: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
                                                                                   With the help of a magical key, Cam searches for his missing friend—who just might be the
                                                                                   hotel’s newest enemy—in this thrilling sequel to The Hotel Between, which New York Times
                                                                                   bestselling author Lisa McMann calls a “rollicking magical adventure around the world.”
                                                                                   Ever since Cam was named Concierge-in-Training, he’s been struggling to keep up with the
                                                                                   pace of the Hotel Between. It doesn’t help that his missing friend Nico keeps unleashing
                                                                                   pranks—you try finding fifty-two cats scattered all over the world.
                                                                                   When a grand party goes horribly wrong, Cam learns his twin sister, Cass, may also be up to
                                                                                   no good. Now Cam must set out to prevent Cass and Nico from endangering the hotel and
                                                                                   keep it from falling into the hands of their enemy, Mr. Stripe. If he fails, the Hotel Between
                                                                                   could be lost. Forever.

                                                                                   Publication Date: September 2019
                                                                                   Ages: 9–12
                                                                                   Page Extent: 320 pp
                                                                                   RIGHTS SOLD: French, Russian

                                         CHARLIE HERNÁNDEZ & THE CASTLE OF BONES
                                         By Ryan Calejo
                                         Imprint: Aladdin
                                         Inspired by Hispanic folklore, legends, and myths from the Iberian Peninsula and Central
                                         and South America, this bold sequel to Charlie Hernández & the League of Shadows, which
                                         Booklist called “a perfect pick for kids who love Rick Riordan” in a starred review, follows
                                         Charlie as he continues on his quest to embrace his morphling identity.
                                         Charlie Hernández still likes to think of himself as a normal kid. But what’s normal about being
                                         a demon-slaying preteen with an encyclopedic knowledge of all things Hispanic mythology
                                         who can partially manifest nearly any animal trait found in nature? Well, not much. When
                                         the leader of La Liga (the “good” guys) is kidnapped, Charlie and his good friend, Violet
                                         Rey (part‑time sixth grader, full-time sleuth), embark on a perilous journey to track down
                                         her captors. As they are drawn deeper into a world of magic and monsters, they find more
                                         mysteries, including the walking dead and an ancient evil.
                                         Publication Date: October 2019
                                         Ages: 10–14
                                         Page Extent: 336 pp
                                         RIGHTS SOLD: Spanish

                                          #8: BANANA SPLITS
                                          By Coco Simon
                                          Imprint: Simon Spotlight
                                          Tamiko slips up on social media in the eighth delicious book in the Sprinkle Sundays series
                                          from the author of the Cupcake Diaries!
                                          Tamiko loves being Molly’s unofficial “social media director.” But then a snarky comment on
                                          social media spirals out of control, and suddenly Tamiko is labeled as one of the mean girls at
                                          school. Can Tamiko say she’s sorry and make everything right again—with a cherry on top?
                                          Publication Date: August 2019
                                          Ages: 8–12
                                          Page Extent: 160 pp
                                          RIGHTS SOLD: French

                                                                                                                                                    RIGHTS GUIDE
By Natasha Lowe
Imprint: Paula Wiseman Books

                                                                                                                                                    BOLOGNA 2019
The fourth book in the Poppy Pendle series—which Publishers Weekly said “echoes the
whimsy of J. K. Rowling with . . . charismatic characters”—is a time-travel adventure that will
keep readers guessing and entertained as they cheer on the spunky heroine, Della Dupree.
Della tries her best but there are easier things than being named for Della Dupree, the founder
of Rumsfield Academy, the first accredited school for magic, founded in 1223. No matter how
hard she tries, she feels she can’t measure up to the legacy of her school’s founder. To make it
worse, Della showed signs of magical powers at age five, and her fate is sealed. One morning
when Della goes to school early to visit the library to get some inspiration for her history of
Rumsfield school report, she can’t help but notice the time-travel amulet cupboard open and
the book of spells within reach. By mistake Della finds herself chanting a spell she studied,
and before she knows what’s happening, she time-travels back to 1223 and sees firsthand
how her school was founded. But when her time-travel amulet goes missing, she is without a
plan for how or when or if she will ever return to her real life and see her family again. Are her
wits and magical powers strong enough to bring her back?
Publication Date: July 2020
Ages: 8–12
Page Extent: 288 pp                                                                                                      PREVIOUS TITLE IN SERIES

                                                                                      THE BATTLE
                                                                                      By Karuna Riazi
                                                                                      Imprint: Salaam Reads
                                                                                      The game begins again in this gripping follow-up to The Gauntlet that’s a futuristic Middle
                                                                                      Eastern Zathura meets Ready Player One!
                                                                                      Four years after the events of The Gauntlet, the evil game Architect is back with a new
                                                                                      partner‑in-crime—the MasterMind—and the pair aim to get revenge on the Mirza clan.
                                                                                      Together, they’ve rebuilt Paheli into a slick, mind-bending world with floating skyscrapers,
                                                                                      flying rickshaws run by robots, and a digital funicular rail that doesn’t always take you exactly
                                                                                      where you want to go.
                                                                                      Twelve-year-old Ahmad Mirza struggles to make friends at his new middle school, but when
                                                                                      he’s paired with his classmate Winnie for a project, he is determined to impress her and make
                                                                                      his very first friend. At home while they’re hard at work, a gift from big sister Farah—who is

                                                                                      away at her first year in college—arrives. It’s a high-tech game called the Battle of Blood and
                                                                                      Iron, a cross between a video game and board game, complete with virtual reality goggles. He
                                                                                      thinks his sister has solved his friend problem—all kids love games. He convinces Winnie to
                                                                                      play, but as soon as they unbox the game, time freezes all over New York City.
                                                                                      With time standing still and people frozen, all of humankind is at stake as Ahmad and Winnie
                                                                                      face off with the MasterMind and the Architect, hoping to beat them at their own game before
                                                                                      the evil plotters expand Paheli and take over the entire world.
                                                                                      Publication Date: August 2019
                                                                                      Ages: 8–12
                                                                                      Page Extent: 304 pp
                                                                                      RIGHTS SOLD FOR THE GAUNTLET : Czech, German, Spanish

                                         THE TROUBLE WITH SHOOTING STARS
                                         By Meg Cannistra
                                         Illustrated by Dana Wulfekotte
                                         Imprint: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
                                         Debut author Meg Cannistra writes a heartfelt story of magic, healing, and the importance
                                         of family.
                                         Twelve-year-old Luna loves the nighttime more than anything else. It’s when no one gives her
                                         “that look” about the half-mask she has to wear while healing from a disfiguring car accident.
                                         It’s also the perfect time to sit outside and draw what she sees. Like the boy and girl from the
                                         new family next door . . . zipping out of the window in a zeppelin balloon and up to the stars.
                                         At first, she thinks she’s dreaming. But one night, they catch her watching, and she learns
                                         that Alessandro and Chiara are spazzatrici—part of an old order of moon and star sweeps
                                         from Italy. Soon, Luna begins to spend her nights on adventures with them, as they clean full
                                         moons, arrange constellations, and catch jars of stardust to use in their magical potions and
                                         balms, and she starts to feel a little more like herself before the accident.
                                         But when she helps the duo catch a shooting star, she asks for a wish and learns that no wish
                                         is strong enough to erase the past—as much as she may hope to.
                                         Publication Date: August 2019
                                         Ages: 8–12
   42                                    Page Extent: 336 pp
                                            #4: DRAGON CURSE
                                            By Lisa McMann
                                            Imprint: Aladdin
                                            Ten years after Alex and Aaron Stowe brought peace to Quill and Artimé, their younger
                                            twin sisters journey beyond Artimé in the fourth novel in the New York Times bestselling
                                            sequel series to The Unwanteds, which Kirkus Reviews called “The Hunger Games meets
                                            Harry Potter.”
                                            At last, after harrowing battles and devastating losses, the three Stowe siblings are
                                            reunited. Back in Artimé, however, their joy at finding one another is short lived. Fifer
                                            loses her leadership position and struggles to find her place and purpose, while Thisbe is
                                            relentless in her determination to return to the land of the dragons and help Rohan rescue
                                            the other black‑eyed children. Aaron fails to ward off increasing opposition from a resentful
                                            Frieda Stubbs and the dissenters, leading to a shocking and dangerous turn.
                                            Meanwhile the Revinir is determined to pursue Thisbe and Drock all the way to the seven

                                                                                                                                            RIGHTS GUIDE
                                            islands, putting the people of Artimé in peril.
                                            Publication Date: September 2019
                                            Ages: 8–12
                                            Page Extent: 432 pp

By Victor Appleton

                                                                                                                                            BOLOGNA 2019
Imprint: Aladdin
Tom and his friends are trapped in a quarantine lockdown in this third novel in the
Tom Swift Inventors’ Academy series—perfect for fans of the Hardy Boys or Alex Rider.
Tom has always tried to play down his pseudo celebrity status at the academy. So the last
thing he wants is for a reporter’s son to follow him around for an article on the school.
When this extends to one of the biggest field trips of the year—an overnight lock-in at Swift
Enterprises—Tom couldn’t be less pleased.
With his new shadow in tow, Tom expects the night to be uneventful at best. But when the
facility suddenly goes into quarantine mode, the overnight lock-in turns into a building‑wide
lockdown. Tom and his friends are left trapped in their respective rooms, with no way to
communicate with the outside world. As they make their way through the facility using
methods that are a little more . . . creative . . . than normal, Tom and his friends start realizing
that there is more to this quarantine than meets the eye. But with no way to call for help, it’s
up to them to not only escape, but also to find out what—or who—is behind the lockdown.
Publication Date: October 2019
Ages: 8–12
Page Extent: 128 pp

                                                                                      JUST SOUTH OF HOME
                                                                                      By Karen Strong
                                                                                      Imprint: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
                                                                                      Cousins Sarah and Janie unearth a tragic event in their small Southern town’s history in
                                                                                      this witty middle-grade debut that’s perfect for fans of The Ghosts of Tupelo Landing and
                                                                                      As Brave as You.
                                                                                      Twelve-year-old Sarah is finally in charge. At last, she can spend her summer months reading
                                                                                      her favorite science books and bossing around her younger brother, Ellis, instead of being
                                                                                      worked to the bone by their overly strict grandmother, Mrs. Greene. But when their cousin
                                                                                      Janie arrives for a visit, Sarah’s plans are completely squashed. Janie has a knack for getting
                                                                                      into trouble. She asks Sarah to take her to Creek Church: a town landmark that she heard
                                                                                      was haunted. It’s also off-limits. Janie’s sticky fingers lead Sarah, Ellis, and Ellis’s best friend,
                                                                                      Jasper, to uncover a long‑buried part of the town’s past. With a bit of luck, this foursome will
                                                                                      heal the place they call home and the people within it they call family.

                                                                                      Publication Date: May 2019
                                                                                      Ages: 8–12
                                                                                      Page Extent: 320 pp

                                         THE GRIFFINS OF CASTLE CARY
                                         By Heather Shumaker
                                         Imprint: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
                                         A charming, adventure-filled debut novel that’s perfect for fans of the Penderwicks series
                                         Siblings Meg, Will, and Ariel Griffin are off on an adventure! They can’t wait to spend a week
                                         visiting their eccentric aunt and her giant, drooling, Newfoundland dog in England. But when
                                         they finally arrive, they’re faced with local secrets that stir up more than a little trouble. Add
                                         in some peculiar lights, strange new friends, a police chase, and stampeding sheep, and the
                                         Griffins are in over their heads. This town has a ghost problem, and Meg and Will must race to
                                         solve the mystery before the ghosts take something that doesn’t belong to them.
                                         Publication Date: March 2019
                                         Ages: 8–12
                                         Page Extent: 320 pp

                                            By Frances O’Roark Dowell
                                            Imprint: Caitlyn Dlouhy Books
                                            Twenty kids. Twenty points of view. One rambunctious, brilliantly conceived novel that
                                            corrals the seeming chaos (c’mon, TWENTY points of view!) into one effervescent story.
                                            Fifth grade is turning out to be a lot more complicated than anyone thought, especially for the
                                            kids in Mrs. Herrera’s class. There’s the regular growing-up stuff, like changing friendships,
                                            weird new feelings, and preteen rebellion. But on top of all that, someone is stealing Mrs.
                                            Herrera’s most treasured items, and there’s a gigantic secret that everyone has to keep to
                                            protect one of their own. . . . So, yeah—complicated. And everyone has something to say
                                            about it.
                                            Publication Date: October 2019
                                            Ages: 9–13
                                            Page Extent: 288 pp

                                                                                                                                              RIGHTS GUIDE
By Joy McCullough

                                                                                                                                              BOLOGNA 2019
Imprint: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
A girl who’s a budding scientist and a boy who dreams of writing fantasy novels must
figure out how to get along now that their parents are dating in this funny, lively
middle‑grade novel.
Sutton is having robot problems. Her mini-bot is supposed to be able to get through a maze
in under a minute, but she must have gotten something wrong in the coding. Which is
frustrating for a science-minded girl like Sutton. Luis would love to be science-minded—or
anything outdoorsy, really—but he’s allergic to nearly everything, so he can only dream of
daring adventures in the wild. Sutton and Luis couldn’t be more different from each other, yet
now that their parents are dating, this unlikely pair has to find some common ground.
Publication Date: April 2020
Ages: 8 up
Page Extent: 256 pp

                                                                                     THE GREEN CHILDREN OF WOOLPIT
                                                                                     By J. Anderson Coats
                                                                                     Imprint: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
                                                                                     An eerie, spine-tingling fantasy based in British legend about a young girl who discovers
                                                                                     two otherworldly children—and an ancient bargain that threatens to destroy them all
                                                                                     It is the autumn of 1160, and twelve-year-old Agnes is working the harvest when she hears a
                                                                                     frightened voice in the nearby woods. When she goes to investigate, Agnes can’t believe what
                                                                                     she sees. There, at the bottom of the deep wolf traps, are two children. They are shouting in a
                                                                                     language no one understands—and their skin is bright green. Agnes soon discovers that these
                                                                                     are no ordinary children; in fact, they aren’t even human. They are of the Fair Folk, and they
                                                                                     are here to take Agnes home to their world. Trusting that the Fair Folk cannot lie, Agnes agrees
                                                                                     to venture underground. But she soon learns just how dangerous their world is—and what it
                                                                                     will take to break the ancient bargain meant to keep her there.

                                                                                     Publication Date: September 2019
                                                                                     Ages: 10 up
                                                                                     Page Extent: 272 pp

                                         RIVAL MAGIC
                                         By Deva Fagan
                                         Imprint: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
                                         In this delightful middle-grade fantasy, a young wizard’s apprentice discovers that the best
                                         magic is not the biggest or the brightest, but the magic unique to you.
                                         Antonia may not be the most powerful wizard the world has ever seen, but she’s not above
                                         using a nose-enlargement charm to make a point. She’s worked hard to win her place as
                                         apprentice to renowned sorcerer Master Betrys. Unfortunately, to further her studies and
                                         make her stern mother proud, Antonia must compete with Moppe, the scullery maid who
                                         turns out to be a magical prodigy.
                                         But when Betrys is accused of treason, Antonia and Moppe are forced to go on the run.
                                         To prove their master’s innocence—and their own—the rivals must become allies. As their
                                         island province teeters on the brink of rebellion, they’ll face ancient spells, vengeful
                                         mermaids, enchanted turnips, voice-stealing forests, and one insatiable sea monster.
                                         Publication Date: April 2020
                                         Ages: 8–12
                                         Page Extent: 256 pp

                                        By Ian Lendler
                                        Illustrated by C. M. Butzer
                                        Imprint: Margaret K. McElderry Books
                                        Join early scientists as they piece together one of
                                        humanity’s greatest puzzles—the fossilized bones
                                        of the first dinosaur!
                                        Dinosaurs occupy a vivid place in every child’s
                                        imagination. But the fact is, for thousands of years,
                                        mankind has lived among fossils without any
                                        clue about their origins. It was only in 1824 that
                                        scientists announced the existence of a startling
                                        new discovery—a massive, ancient reptile that once
                                        roamed the Earth. Its name was Megalosaurus—the
                                        first dinosaur ever named. The First Dinosaur tells the story of the idea of dinosaurs, and

                                                                                                                                      RIGHTS GUIDE
                                        the chain of intellectual discoveries and advances that led up to that idea. Be prepared
                                        to meet eccentric men and overlooked women, who uncovered the pieces to a puzzle so
                                        much bigger than themselves, a puzzle far stranger and more spectacular than they could
                                        ever have imagined.
                                        Publication Date: October 2019
                                        Ages: 10 up
                                        Page Extent: 208 pp

                                                                                                                                      BOLOGNA 2019
By May Nakamura

By Thea Feldman
Imprint: Simon Spotlight
Learn all about the cool jobs you could have in this nonfiction Level 2 Ready-to-Read series that gives readers a sneak peek at how
to turn passions into careers!
Do you love dolphins and the ocean? Then you could be a marine biologist, aquatic veterinarian, or underwater filmmaker when you
grow up! If you love playing video games, you could be a video game writer, animator, or programmer! And if you love fashion and
everything about clothes, you could be a fashion designer, costume designer, or fashion buyer! Learn about these careers and many
more in this fun, fascinating series. Each book includes a glossary and back matter section with even more cool jobs!
Publication Date: Dolphins: May 2019; Video Games: May 2019; Fashion: September 2019
Ages: 5–7
Page Extent: 32 pp
                                                                                    OF CURSES AND KISSES
                                                                                    By Sandhya Menon
                                                                                    Imprint: Simon Pulse
                                                                                    From the New York Times bestselling author of When Dimple Met Rishi comes the launch
                                                                                    of a brand-new YA series, set at an elite international boarding school that’s Gossip Girl
                                                                                    with a dash of magic, following three sets of teens as they navigate first love, friendship,
                                                                                    and identity.
                                                                                    Each book in this new series is a retelling of a classic fairy tale. The first one, Of Curses and
                                                                                    Kisses, based on Beauty and the Beast, features two star-crossed teenagers at the center of
                                                                                    an age-old Indian/British royalty rivalry who are forced to reconcile family loyalty with their
                                                                                    growing attraction for each other.
                                                                                    Publication Date: February 2020
                                                                                    Ages: 12 up

                                                                                    Page Extent: 352 pp

                                         THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT SWEETIE
                                         By Sandhya Menon
                                         Imprint: Simon Pulse
                                         The irresistible companion novel to the New York Times bestseller When Dimple Met Rishi,
                                         which follows Rishi’s brother, Ashish, and a confident, fat athlete named Sweetie as they
                                         both discover what love means to them.
                                         Ashish Patel didn’t know love could be so . . . sucky. After he’s dumped by his ex-girlfriend, his
                                         mojo goes AWOL. Even worse, his parents are annoyingly, smugly confident they could find
                                         him a better match. So, in a moment of weakness, Ash challenges them to set him up. The
                                         Patels insist that Ashish date an Indian-American girl—under contract. Per subclause 1(a),
                                         he’ll be taking his date on “fun” excursions like visiting the Hindu temple and his eccentric
                                         Gita Auntie. Kill him now. How is this ever going to work?
                                         Sweetie Nair is many things: a formidable track athlete who can outrun most people in
                                         California, a loyal friend, a shower-singing champion. Oh, and she’s also fat. To Sweetie’s
                                         traditional parents, this last detail is the kiss of death. Sweetie loves her parents, but she’s
                                         so tired of being told she’s lacking because she’s fat. She decides it’s time to kick off the
                                         Sassy Sweetie Project, where she’ll show the world (and herself) what she’s really made of.
                                         Ashish and Sweetie both have something to prove. But with each date they realize there’s
                                         an unexpected magic growing between them. Can they find their true selves without
                                         losing each other?
                                         Publication Date: May 2019
                                         Ages: 12 up
                                         Page Extent: 384 pp
                                         RIGHTS SOLD FOR WHEN DIMPLE MET RISHI : French, German,
                                         Indonesian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, UK
                                           #3: THE TOLL
                                           By Neal Shusterman
                                           Imprint: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
                                           From New York Times bestselling author Neal Shusterman comes the thrilling conclusion
                                           to the Arc of a Scythe series, which received a Printz Honor.
                                           It’s been three years since Rowan and Citra disappeared; since Scythe Goddard came into
                                           power; since the Thunderhead closed itself off to everyone but Grayson Tolliver.
                                           In this pulse-pounding conclusion to the Arc of a Scythe trilogy, constitutions are tested and
                                           old friends are brought back from the dead.
                                           Publication Date: September 2019
                                           Ages: 12 up
                                           Page Extent: 448 pp
                                           RIGHTS SOLD FOR SCYTHE : Bulgarian, Chinese (complex), Czech,

                                                                                                                                            RIGHTS GUIDE
                                           French, German, Hebrew, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean,
                                           Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian,
                                           Slovak, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, UK, Ukrainian


By Sarah Lyu

                                                                                                                                            BOLOGNA 2019
Imprint: Simon Pulse
Thelma and Louise meets Gone Girl in this mesmerizing debut novel about a toxic
friendship turned deadly
Remy Tsai used to know how her story would turn out. But now she doesn’t even know what
tomorrow will look like.
She was happy once. Remy had her boyfriend Jack, and Elise, her best friend—her soulmate—
who understood her better than anyone else in the world.
But now Jack is dead, shot through the chest . . .
And it was Elise who pulled the trigger.
Was it self-defense? Or something deeper, darker than anything Remy could have imagined?
As the police investigate, Remy does the same, sifting through her own memories, looking for
a scrap of truth that could save the friendship that means everything to her.
Told in alternating time lines, The Best Lies is a twisted psychological thriller about the dark
side of obsessive friendship.
Publication Date: July 2019
Ages: 14 up
Page Extent: 352 pp
                                                                                      LOVE FROM A TO Z
                                                                                      By S. K. Ali
                                                                                      Imprint: Salaam Reads
                                                                                      From William C. Morris Award Finalist S. K. Ali comes an unforgettable romance that is part
                                                                                      Anna and the French Kiss mixed with The Sun Is Also a Star, following two Muslim teens
                                                                                      who meet during a spring break trip.
                                                                                      Suspended from school for standing up to an Islamophobic teacher, Zayneb is headed to
                                                                                      Doha to stay with family, resigned to be “nicer” and let the injustices of the world slide off her
                                                                                      shoulders from now on.
                                                                                      Adam is headed to Doha too, struggling with his recent multiple sclerosis diagnosis, and
                                                                                      resigned to keep his illness from his friends and family.
                                                                                      Alone, both are playing roles for others. Together, they’ll learn to live their truths. . . .

                                                                                      Publication Date: May 2019
                                                                                      Ages: 14 up
                                                                                      Page Extent: 352 pp
                                                                                      RIGHTS SOLD FOR SAINTS AND MISFITS : Indonesian

                                         SHE’S THE WORST
                                         By Lauren Spieller
                                         Imprint: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
                                         Ferris Bueller’s Day Off meets 10 Things I Hate About You in this fun, contemporary novel
                                         about two sisters who have twenty-four hours to fulfill a pact and overcome the secret that
                                         threatens to tear them apart.
                                         Sisters April and Jenn haven’t been close in years. Jenn’s too busy with school, the family
                                         antique shop, and her boyfriend, and April would rather play soccer and hang out with the
                                         boy next door.
                                         But when April notices that her older sister is sad about staying home for college, she decides
                                         to do something about it. The girls set off to revive a pact they made as kids: spend an epic
                                         day exploring the greatest hits of their childhood and all that Los Angeles has to offer.
                                         Then April learns that Jenn has been keeping a secret that could rip their family—and their
                                         feuding parents—apart. With only one day to set things right, the sisters must decide if their
                                         relationship is worth saving, or if the truth will separate them for good.
                                         Publication Date: September 2019
                                         Ages: 14 up
                                         Page Extent: 288 pp

                                          By Chelsea Pitcher
                                          Imprint: Margaret K. McElderry Books
                                          Tell the truth. Or face the consequences. Clue meets Riverdale in this page-turning thriller
                                          that exposes the lies five teens tell about a deadly night one year ago.
                                          One year ago, there was a party.
                                          At the party, someone died.
                                          Five teens each played a part, and up until now, no one has told the truth.
                                          But tonight the five survivors arrive at an isolated mansion in the hills, expecting to compete
                                          in a contest with a $50,000 grand prize. Of course, some things are too good to be true. They
                                          were each so desperate for the prize, they didn’t question the odd, rather exclusive invitation
                                          until it was too late.
                                          Now they realize they’ve been lured there by a person bent on revenge, a person who will

                                                                                                                                                    RIGHTS GUIDE
                                          stop at nothing to uncover what actually happened on that deadly night one year ago.
                                          Five arrived, but not all can leave. Will the truth set them free? Or will their lies destroy them all?
                                          Publication Date: December 2018
                                          Ages: 14 up
                                          Page Extent: 320 pp
                                          RIGHTS SOLD: Polish, Russian, Spanish, UK

By Kiersten White
Imprint: Simon Pulse

                                                                                                                                                    BOLOGNA 2019
From New York Times bestselling author Kiersten White comes a new female hero who will
find her place among the likes of Wonder Woman and Rey of Star Wars. In this series, set in
the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Nina continues to learn how to use her slayer powers
against enemies old and new.
Now that Nina has turned the Watcher’s Castle into a utopia for hurt and lonely demons,
she’s still waiting for the utopia part to kick in. With her sister, Artemis, gone and only a few
people remaining at the castle—including her still-distant mom—Nina has her hands full.
Plus, though she gained back her Slayer powers from Leo, they’re not feeling quite right after
being held by the seriously evil succubus Eve, a.k.a. fake Watcher’s Council member and Leo’s
While Nina is dealing with the darkness inside, there’s also a new threat on the outside,
portended by an odd triangle symbol that seems to be popping up everywhere, in connection
with Sean and his demon drug ring as well as someone a bit closer to home. Because one
near-apocalypse just isn’t enough, right?
The darkness always finds you. And once again, it’s coming for the Slayer.
Publication Date: January 2020
Ages: 14 up
Page Extent: 320 pp
RIGHTS SOLD FOR SLAYER : German, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, UK
                                                                                   VIRTUALLY YOURS
                                                                                   By Sarvenaz Tash
                                                                                   Imprint: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
                                                                                   An irresistible new teen romance from the author of The Geek’s Guide to Unrequited Love
                                                                                   Modern love plus online anonymity is a recipe for romantic disaster! Virtually Yours tells the
                                                                                   story of a dating app algorithm that matches Mariam with both her ex Caleb, who she is still
                                                                                   not over, and her best guy friend Jeremy. The dating app allows matches to go on “virtual
                                                                                   reality” dates before going for the real thing, so Mariam creates a fake persona to “date” her
                                                                                   ex. Meanwhile, Jeremy goes a step further by agreeing to beta test a new feature of the app,
                                                                                   where it creates an AI version of your perfect match. Mariam’s heart is telling her one thing,
                                                                                   but the app is telling her another. Which should she trust?
                                                                                   Publication Date: June 2019
                                                                                   Ages: 14 up

                                                                                   Page Extent: 368 pp
                                                                                   RIGHTS SOLD FOR THE GEEK’S GUIDE TO UNREQUITED LOVE : German

                                         KINGS, QUEENS, AND IN-BETWEENS
                                         By Tanya Boteju
                                         Imprint: Simon Pulse
                                         Judy Blume meets RuPaul’s Drag Race in this laugh-out-loud, feel-good debut about a
                                         queer teen who navigates questions of identity and self-acceptance while discovering the
                                         magical world of drag.
                                         Perpetually awkward Nima Kumara-Clark is bored with her insular community of Bridgeton, in
                                         love with her straight girlfriend, and trying to move past her mother’s unexpected departure.
                                         After a bewildering encounter at a local festival, Nima finds herself suddenly immersed in the
                                         drag scene on the other side of town.
                                         Macho drag kings, magical queens, new love interests, and surprising allies will move Nima
                                         both painfully and hilariously closer to a self she never knew she could be—one that can
                                         confidently express and accept love. But she’ll have to learn to accept lost love to get there.
                                         From debut author Tanya Boteju comes a hilarious, heartfelt tale of acceptance,
                                         self‑expression, and the colorful worlds that await when we’re brave enough to look.
                                         Publication Date: May 2019
                                         Ages: 12 up
                                         Page Extent: 384 pp

                                             Edited by Elsie Chapman and Caroline Tung Richmond
                                             Imprint: Simon Pulse
                                             From favorite bestselling and critically acclaimed YA authors—Sandhya Menon, Anna-Marie
                                             McLemore, Rin Chupeco, and others—comes a collection of interconnected short stories
                                             that explore the intersection of family, culture, and food in the lives of thirteen teens.
                                             A shy teenager attempts to express how she really feels through the confections she makes at
                                             her family’s pastelería. A tourist from Montenegro desperately seeks a magic soup dumpling
                                             that could cure his fear of death. An aspiring chef realizes that butter and soul are the key
                                             ingredients to win a cooking competition that could win him the money to save his mother’s life.
                                             Welcome to Hungry Hearts Row, where the answers to most of life’s hard questions are
                                             kneaded, rolled, and baked. Where a typical greeting is “Have you had anything to eat?”
                                             Where magic and food and love are sometimes one and the same.
                                             Told in interconnected short stories, Hungry Hearts explores the many meanings food can

                                                                                                                                                RIGHTS GUIDE
                                             take on beyond mere nourishment. It can symbolize love and despair, family and culture,
                                             belonging and home.
                                             Publication Date: June 2019
                                             Ages: 12 up
                                             Page Extent: 368 pp

By Rebecca Kim Wells

                                                                                                                                                BOLOGNA 2019
Imprint: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
A determined young woman sets out to rescue her kidnapped girlfriend by stealing
a dragon from a corrupt emperor in this stunning fantasy debut perfect for fans of
Margaret Rogerson, Rae Carson, and Rachel Hartman.
Raised among the ruins of a conquered mountain nation, Maren dreams only of sharing a
quiet life with her girlfriend, Kaia—until the day Kaia is abducted by the Aurati, prophetic
agents of the emperor, and forced to join their ranks. Desperate to save her, Maren hatches a
plan to steal one of the emperor’s coveted dragons and storm the Aurati stronghold.
If Maren is to have any hope of succeeding, she must become an apprentice to the
Aromatory—the emperor’s mysterious dragon trainer. But Maren is unprepared for the
dangerous secrets she uncovers: rumors of a lost prince, a brewing rebellion, and a prophecy
that threatens to shatter the empire itself. Not to mention the strange dreams she’s been
having about a beast deep underground. . . .
With time running out, can Maren survive long enough to rescue Kaia from impending death?
Or could it be that Maren is destined for something greater than she could have ever imagined?
Publication Date: July 2019
Ages: 14 up
Page Extent: 304 pp

CONTACTS                                     SIMON & SCHUSTER CHILDREN’S DIVISION
                                              INTERNATIONAL FICTION AGENTS

FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKS:                       DUTCH RIGHTS                          ITALIAN RIGHTS                               RUSSIAN RIGHTS
                                             Mo Literary Services                  Berla & Griffini Rights Agency               Andrew Nurnberg Literary Agency
Stephanie Purcell                            Ms. Monique Oosterhof                 Ms. Erica Berla                              Ms. Ludmilla Sushkova
Children’s Co-editions and Rights Director   Spechtstraat 72                       Via Stampa 4                                 21 Tsvetnoy Blvd., Stroenie 6
stephanie.purcell@simonandschuster.co.uk     1021 VW Amsterdam,                    20123 Milano, ITALY                          Moscow 127051, RUSSIA
                                             THE NETHERLANDS                       E-mail: berla@bgagency.it                    E-mail: sushkova@awax.ru
                                             E-mail: mo@moliterary.nl              Telephone: 0039-02-80504179                  Telephone: 7495-625-81-88
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