Riding the pharma wave - AirBridgeCargo ...

Page created by Ruth Patel
Riding the pharma wave - AirBridgeCargo ...

                                         Riding the
                                         pharma wave
                     As carriers further their efforts to tap                                he high-yield pharmaceutical commodity
                                                                                             now forms half of what is best described
                    this high-yield sector, the landscape                                    as the ‘dynamic duo’ which, alongside
                        continues to evolve as a result of                                   e-commerce, has turned into a steadily
                                                                                             growing backbone for the air cargo sector,
                        market developments, customer                        helping to keep it aloft over the last few years at times
                                                                             when traditional air cargo demand has been weak.
                     demands and regulatory changes,                            :KLOH ÀJXUHV RQ LWV JURZWK YDU\ ZLGHO\ WKHUH LV QR
                                  reports Donald Urquhart                    disputing the lucrative nature of uplifting this valuable
                                                                             and highly sensitive commodity. The International Air
                                                                             Transport Association (IATA) says the global pharma
                                                                             market is expected to be worth US$1.2 trillion by
                                                                             2022, with around US$12 billion currently spent world-
                                                                             wide on cold-chain biopharma logistics alone, forecast
                                                                             to rise to US$16.7 billion by 2020.
                                                                                With seemingly no end in sight for global pharma-
                                                                             ceutical demand and, by extension, specialist cool-
                                                                             chain logistics, it’s easy to see why companies are ea-
                                                                             ger to get a piece of the pie. One need only look at the
                                                                             plethora of speciality cool-chain products being rolled
                                                                             out by air cargo companies and the rush to achieve rec-
                                                                             Good Distribution Practice (GDP) and the more recent
                                                                             3KDUPDFHXWLFDO /RJLVWLFV &(,9 3KDUPD  FHUWLÀFDWLRQ
                                    Dehio: A number of cargo carriers have   being the two key routes.
                                    jumped on the pharma bandwagon              7KHÀJXUHVSUHVHQWHGE\VRPHDLUFDUULHUVRYHUWKH
                                                                             last couple of years also tell a tale of fantastical growth

Riding the pharma wave - AirBridgeCargo ...

that can seem out of sync with the sector            shipments,” he notes.
overall. While WorldACD data indicates                 Julian Sutch, manager for global cargo        Tarvainen: Emergence of
pharma volumes (chargeable weight) by air            DFFRXQWV DW (PLUDWHV 6N\&DUJR VD\V DLU   pharma ‘sub-products’
grew by 12.8% in 2016 over 2015, it is not           cargo analysts may only track shipments
numbers reported by carriers.                        whereas “much of pharma still gets regis-
   But there are a number of reasons for             tered as general cargo”. But he agees that
this. As Lufthansa Cargo’s senior product            as pharma shippers and their forwarders
manager for temperature-sensitive logis-             have become more demanding in terms of
tics, Chris Dehio, points out, the last few          quality assurance, there has been a huge
years have seen quite a number of cargo              shift from pharma being shipped as gen-
carriers entering the cold-chain market              eral cargo to temperature-controlled, with
and jumping on the proverbial bandwag-               India seeing the largest shift.
on. While these carriers have seen sig-
compared to established players in this              Behind these changes is a tightening within
sector, he notes.                                    the regulatory environment for pharma
   And Finnair Cargo’s managing director             manufacturers and shippers, including from
Janne Tarvainen highlights a recent emer-            organisations like the World Health Organi-
gence of “sub-products under the Pharma              sation (WHO) and international and national
envelope”, which might also account for              regulatory authorities, for more reliable
the large growth rates. Pharma is also
rather concentrated on a few origin points
Tarvainen adds, and thus route openings
may make a bit difference to the volumes
of pharma carried.
reasons for the discrepancies between
sector growth and individual carrier growth
proaches to how these numbers are de-
rived. As Fedor Novikov, deputy general
director of pharma at AirBridgeCargo Air-
to carry a lot of pharma shipments as gen-
eral cargo, but now with the rise of clients’
requirements for transportation services,
carriers won’t accept pharma shipments
as general cargo, but will accept them only
temperature-sensitive goods.”
   Another reason could be differing ap-
proaches to identifying goods as pharma-
shipments, medical devices, chemical rea-
gents, etc., and different companies and
market intelligence agencies have different
ways of allocating them to pharmaceutical

                                                                                 $XWXPQ‡ CARGO AIRPORTS      AIRLINE SERVICES   
Riding the pharma wave - AirBridgeCargo ...

                                                                                                    driven this change, he says.
                                                                                                       0XFK RI WKH LPSHWXV IRU UHJXODWRU\
                                                                                                    FKDQJH HPDQDWHV RXW RI (XURSH DQG WKH
                                                                                                    US, where the introduction of new stand-
                                                                                                    ards is traditionally implemented earlier
                                                                                                    than in other regions. As a result, most of
                                                                                                    the recent changes in customers’ require-
                                                                                                    ments are being felt in Asia, India, and
                                                                                                    for instance, has been adopted in Russia,
                                                                                                    and other pharma emerging countries are
                                                                                                    also on the way to changing their require-
                                                                                                    ments. And India, previously raw-material
                                                                                                    export oriented, is now well on the way
                                                                                                    to entering the more technologically ad-
                                                                                                    vanced pharma market, Novikov notes.
                                                                                                       “As a result, the market in India is re-
                                                                                                    viewing quality and risk management,
temperature control during transport, says           Customers are also increasingly aware          and shippers are demanding more and
(PLUDWHV·6XWFK                                  of new guidelines and processes and often         more services with constant temperature
   And although ‘pharma’ transport has al-        require the transporting carrier or supplier      control. For a long period of time, Asia has
ways been a niche product requiring higher        WRVLJQVHUYLFHOHYHODJUHHPHQWV 6/$V î        been a more import-oriented market; but
levels of care, until relatively recently there   XVXDOO\ GHULYHG IURP *'3 JXLGHOLQHV î WR   lately, as more new production facilities
had not been any substantive benchmarks.          manage compliance and service                     are being established in the region, the
´+RZHYHUDIWHUWKH(XURSHDQ8QLRQ·V*'3         levels. There is also an in-                       demand for air freight export of pharma
implementation, the principles pharma             crease globally in pharma                            products is growing,” he says.
manufacturers use in their production             compliance and capabilities                             /XIWKDQVD·V 'HKLR DGGV ´*HQHU
VWDUWHG LQÁXHQFLQJ WKH WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ LQ    of ground handlers, helping                           ally, we see an increasing drive of the
dustry as well,” says ABC’s Novikov.              to facilitate the seamless                            healthcare industry to close gaps in
   &OLIIRUG.ZRN&DWKD\3DFLÀF·VPDQDJHU       transport of temperature-                             temperature-controlled cool chain lo-
for cargo customer solutions and airline          controlled pharmaceuticals.                            gistics. This makes it more important
SDUWQHUVKLSV VD\V ´0RUH UHJXODWLRQV DUH       The major pharma manu-                                           to have immediate and
being imposed on pharmaceutical ship-             facturing destinations                                                 reliable access to infor-
ment releases to the market as customers          LQFOXGLQJ ,QGLD (X                                                  mation such as posi-
are more concerned about the quality of           rope and the US, are                                                     tion, temperature and
air transportation.” This means customers         all markets where                                                          other transportation
have become more focused on airlines’             SkyCargo’s       Sutch                                                      parameters.” This
quality management, which includes sup-           sees        customers’                                                      has led to a “strong
plier management, with the expectation            requirements evolv-                                                          motivation” to shift
that airlines will deliver a consistent ser-      ing. There has been                                                           from being correc-
vice throughout the logistics chain.              a certain amount                                                              WLYH î XVLQJ WKH
   Adrian Goh, senior manager for key ac-         of     consolidation                                                           data to prevent
counts and verticals at Singapore Airlines        in global product                                                              future disturbanc-
Cargo (SIA), makes a similar observation.         manufacturing and                                                              HV î WR EHLQJ SUH
“Increasingly, customers are become               guidelines       from                                                         ventive, meaning
more exacting in their requirements for           international      and                                                       using the data to
processes to ensure product integrity,”           national regulatory                                                        prevent disturbances
he says. They are also seeking easier and         authorities     have                                                     before they occur.
timelier access to shipment data, such as                                                                                   But Dehio says the
real-time temperature readings throughout         1RYLNRY5LVLQJXVHRIVSHFLÀF                                      pharmaceutical          indus-
the transport process, he adds.                   ‘pharma products’                                                    try is not homogeneous,

Riding the pharma wave - AirBridgeCargo ...
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Riding the pharma wave - AirBridgeCargo ...

and individual companies have particular             pharmaceuticals and specialised tailored          Satisfying shippers
needs that may vary considerably. This               drugs are now on the rise, although devel-        But such demanding markets, customers
also depends on the type of medication               oping countries are also seeing demand            and regulatory needs are obviously not eas-
and on local import and export require-              grow as people’s awareness and ability to         LO\VDWLVÀHG´$VVKLSSHUV·QHHGVFRQWLQXHWR
ments, for example.                                  purchase medicine increase.                       evolve to match consumer standards, there
  “While one company may have a strong                  China is an interesting example. “We           will always be room for product improve-
focus on immediate access to data, anoth-            are very enthusiastic about the evolving          ment and capability enhancement,” says
er may have a strong focus on maintaining            demand for pharma, medicines, vaccines            SIA’s Goh. This, in the Singapore carrier’s
the required temperature, and another                and other healthcare material to and              case, has led to a continuous honing of
yet will want to have detailed information           from China,” says Jan Krems, president of         SIA’s capabilities to provide customers with
on infrastructure and capabilities at ori-           United Cargo. For example, China recently         EHQHÀWVVXFKDVUHDOWLPHWUDFNLQJDQGDF
JLQ DQG GHVWLQDWLRQ ² DQG DQ\ PL[ RI WKH    approved a US drug manufacturer’s all-oral        cess to temperature data of shipments.
above,” he says.                                     WUHDWPHQWIRUKHSDWLWLV&WKHÀUVWWKHUDS\         This desire for visibility and transparency
                                                     of its kind to be sold in China to treat a con-   has been a key demand of shippers, con-
But other changes within the pharma sector           in the country. Other Asian locations also        one the air freight sector has traditionally
DUH DW SOD\ 0DQ\ GUXJV DUH IDFLQJ ¶SDWHQW   seeing growth include Seoul, South Korea          excelled at. For those that get it right, the
cliffs’, driving the value of the drugs down-        and Singapore, for both imports and ex-           potential payoff is substantial. “We believe
ward, observes Cathay’s Kwok. As a result,           ports, Krems notes.                               that the future of the historically very con-
pharmaceutical companies are becoming                   On the production side, Lufthansa’s            servative air cargo industry will see disrup-
more and more stringent in terms of logis-           'HKLRQRWHV´2QDYHU\JHQHUDOOHYHORQH       tion due to digitalisation and utilisation of
tics cost control and are sourcing cheaper           might say that the markets where generic          data,” says Tarvainen.
logistics solutions and packaging in the             pharmaceuticals are produced (such as                 But for now, this is still an area with prob-
market.                                              India and China) have stronger growth             lems including a major gap between expec-
                                                                                                       tations and reality over the issue of global
                                                                                                       temperature tracking. Although there are
                                                                                                       devices today which can be used to track
                                                                                                       location, temperature, shock, light, and so
                                                                                                       on, in most cases these devices cannot
                                                                                                       remain switched on during the complete
                                                                                                       GXUDWLRQ RI WKH ÁLJKW EHFDXVH RI SRVVLEOH
                                                                                                       interference with on-board systems. And a
                                                                                                       number of these devices also use lithium
                                                                                                       batteries, raising other issues, cautions
                                                                                                       SkyCargo’s Sutch.

  At the same time, partially in response            than countries that produce original phar-        Gaps in the system
to the expiring patents, modern pharma-              maceuticals. As patents run out and block-        Another gap is the limited infrastructure in
ceuticals are also becoming increasingly             buster medication becomes rarer, the              terms of both ramp protection and cool fa-
VRSKLVWLFDWHG WR WUHDW VSHFLÀF PHGLFDO         pharmaceutical industry is developing in          cilities offered by ground handlers at many
conditions, increasing their sensitivity to          countries with low labour costs.”                 airports. And customs inspections some-
temperature-related changes and requir-                 +H DGGV ´7KHUH LV DOVR D GHYHORSPHQW   times take place in areas that are not tem-
ing more specialised handling procedures,            towards personalized medication or preci-         perature controlled and where the air cargo
notes SkyCargo’s Sutch.                              sion-medication (particularly in oncology),       carrier has limited control, he adds.
                                                     but that area currently involves very small          Indeed, temperature incursions are the
Global growth                                        volumes and a high degree of monitor-             bugbear of this sector, and while air carri-
Carriers report growth in almost all the             ing. It remains to be seen if this is a trend     ers generally have a good solution for every
trade lanes they serve, although some of             that only involves ‘the last mile’ or if larger   type of requirement, whether these are
the characteristics vary. On the consump-            volumes will be produced in low-cost coun-        used depends on the “balance between
tion side of the pharma equation, devel-             tries that would then require fast, secure        the level of protection and what it costs”,
oped countries continue to spend more on             and safe transportation.”                         highlights Lufthansa’s Dehio. An active

Riding the pharma wave - AirBridgeCargo ...

container will be able to maintain a climate      has become a more viable option for phar-        products by ocean, there will always be a
within very tight limits, but the costs are       maceutical companies which are seeking to        demand for shipments by air, Kwok says.
high, whereas a cheap, foam insulated box         lower their freight costs,” says SIA’s Goh.      For example, products such as seasonal
will provide only rudimentary protection.            If pharma shippers have suitable prod-        vaccines or drugs needed in times of epi-
   This dilemma is a big issue in the US air      ucts and they are able to plan their produc-     demics “will require air freight to deliver
freight market at the moment, notes ABC’s         tion well, they are able to use sea freight      the drugs in the shortest possible time
Novikov, where the industry has been fo-          even with the longer transit times compared      frame, in a proven and controlled manner”.
cused on the development of active solu-          to air freight, says Finnair’s Tarvainen. This      6,$·V*RKDGGV´6KRUWHUWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ
tions for temperature-sensitive goods,            basically amounts to large-volume, low-          time, including direct access to hinterland
using active cargo containers. But due to         value, long-shelf-life pharma products. But      points, continues to be of paramount im-
the generic drug volume increase and cost-        this modal shift to sea has also resulted        portance for time- and temperature-sen-
reduction programmes started by the big           from issues with temperature excursions in       sitive pharmaceutical shipments, and this
pharma players, passive solutions are in          air cargo due to lack of compliance and pro-     remains the unique value proposition of
greater demand in the US now.                     cesses, something that is being strenuously      moving pharmaceutical shipments by air.”
   The air freight industry is investing in the   addressed across the industry.                      ABC’s Novikov says speed, safety and
development of passive solutions to be able          There is also another factor that has         reliability remain the main and decisive
to handle increasing temperature-sensitive        precipitated the shift to either sea or land,    factors for pharma shippers, in choosing
healthcare shipments and it is not only US        according to SkyCargo’s Sutch. This occurs       air freight over sea freight. “Air freight is
companies facing this issue; the rest of the      when manufacturers look at the total time        still essential for the pharma supply chain,
world is also still trying to achieve the re-     GRRUWRGRRUDQGÀQGWKH\DUHDEOHWRFOHDU    which is becoming more and more complex
quired level of services for passive packed       their cargo quicker at the sea port or land      when transporting high-value vaccines,
healthcare shipments, says Novikov. And           border in certain countries.                     blockbuster drugs, clinical trial shipments
again, this is where transparency and data           But ocean freight is not always an ideal      and products that are extremely time- and
become critical issues.                           solution for the carriage of highly expen-       temperature-sensitive.”
                                                  sive drugs that require proper handling,            $QG8QLWHG·V.UHPVFRQFOXGHV´2FHDQ
Ocean’s threat                                    cold-chain management, and a fast transit        and other transport modes have some
0HDQZKLOHDQRWKHULVVXHLVWKHORVVRIDLU      time, adds Cathay’s Kwok. “Today’s ocean         advantages from a cost perspective. For
cargo’s share of global pharma products to        containers are very robust; however, if a        the most part, however, our customers
ocean freight. This is driven largely by cost,    container malfunctions, the large volume of      DUH ORRNLQJ WR EHQHÀW IURP WKH JUHDWHU
along with improved service levels on the         drugs contained within could all be affected,    speed, safety, security and control that
ocean side. “With improvements in technol-        causing a total loss of the entire shipment.”    air freight provides for their very sensi-
ogy and packaging solutions, ocean freight           Despite a rise in the carriage of pharma      tive commodities.” QQQ

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