Review Article Efforts to Prevent Drugs Abuse Among Youth in Islamic Family Law Perspective - Ashdin Publishing

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Ashdin Publishing
Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research
Vol. 10 (2021), Article ID 236132, 8 pages

Review Article

Efforts to Prevent Drugs Abuse Among Youth in Islamic Family Law

Dri Santoso*

Department of Religion Decision Sciences, State Islamic Metro Institute, Indonesia

 Address Correspondence to Dri Santoso,

Received August 13, 2021; Accepted August 27, 2021; Published September 03, 2021

Copyright ©2021 Dri Santoso. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Abstract                                                                      For the development of society, the study and research and
Introduction: In dealing with the drug problem, Islamic Law offers a “sig-    research of drug problems in the perspective of Islamic law
nificant solution” for improving the condition of humanity, protecting, and   and positive Indonesian law is quite significant, especially
saving them from destruction and destruction, guiding people from mis-
guidance, keeping people away from immoral acts, and motivating people
                                                                              directly related to abuse or abuse itself [4]. This is based on
to do good, preventing humans from deviating from the straight path.          the law and functioned as one of the approaches to give a
Research objectives: This study aims to analyze the eradication of drugs      deterrent effect and improve human behaviour. Therefore,
from the perspective of Islamic Family Law.                                   this study tries to approach the study, research, and research
Research Methods: This study uses a normative juridical approach as well      on how the problem of drug abuse is studied and studied
as descriptive-analytical research specifications.                            based on Islamic Law and its significance today, especially
Conclusion: The results showed that Ulama agreed to forbid narcotics ex-      when it meets positive laws that apply in Indonesia.
cept in an emergency, both intoxicating and non-intoxicating. According
to Islamic Family Law, children are born in a holy state and choose mono-     Drug abuse (narcotics, psychotropics and addictive sub-
theism which must be guided, nurtured, and developed from the child           stances) that plagued at the beginning of the third millen-
from the time he is in the womb to adulthood so that the child has a solid
educational provision to deal with various situations and any conditions so
                                                                              nium is a social problem that is very concerning as weap-
that it is difficult to fall into negative things such as drugs.              ons of mass destruction that explode [5]. Facts and data
Keywords: Indonesia; Narcotics users; Eradication of drug abuse; Youth;       have shown that drugs have spread everywhere, abused by
Islamic law; Islamic family law                                               anyone regardless of fur, especially the younger generation
                                                                              who are expected to be the next generation of the nation in
Introduction                                                                  building the country in the future; it turns out that many are
The problem of drug abuse is universal because each coun-                     plunged into abusing drugs or distributing drugs illegally
try experiences similar problems, and almost every time the                   [6]. It is also known, the target of drugs can be anyone,
problem arises, although the substance and type of drugs                      the child of a rich person or the child of a poor person, a
used are different [1]. Based on this, the prevention of drug                 good family or a messy family, young people or parents,
abuse and the eradication of illicit drug trafficking are two                 city people or villagers, with other sentences drugs, have
essential things to be studied and examined, considering                      crossed the line [7]. It is tough to record the number of
that both problems are not only in the national interest –                    victims of drug abusers considering the difficulty of detect-
where the younger generation is the successor to the surviv-                  ing their factual conditions because they try to cover it up
al of the nation and state – but also international problems                  so that others do not know that they are drug abusers drug
for the human community as a whole [2]. Young people in                       abusers belong to hidden groups [8].
Indonesia are “captivated” by drug abuse. Among the rea-                      However, at least as a reference, that according to the re-
sons is the acculturation – the influence of foreign cultures                 sults of research conducted by the National Narcotics
through the communication/contact of Hippies, films, the                      Agency with the University of Indonesia in 2020 shows
internet and the possible background of colonial or subver-                   that the number of drug abusers in Indonesia reaches 2.8%
sion efforts as reported by the Indonesian State Army head-                   of the total population of Indonesia (about 4.2 million peo-
quarters based on observations and research conducted [3].                    ple from the total population) [9]. Victims of drug abuse are
2                                                                                              Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research

not only adults but also children who are still in elementary       mative legal research is research conducted to collect and
school. However, it is also not surging public opinion that         analyze secondary data [15]. Normative legal research is
rises and has a practical impact on the prevention of abuse         usually used only secondary data sources, namely books,
and eradication of illicit drug trafficking and how to cope         laws and regulations, court decisions, legal theories and
with victims of drug abuse [10]. Why is this common? Is             opinions of leading legal scholars [16,17].
it because, in general, victims of drug abuse try to cover
                                                                    The research specification used is descriptive-analytical,
themselves? The family also tries to be quiet and cover it up
                                                                    i.e. doing a description of the research results with data that
because they still consider it a “family disgrace”. He add-
                                                                    is as complete and detailed as possible [18]. The intended
ed that drug dealers and producers in Indonesia still seem
                                                                    description is against primary data and secondary data re-
unpolished despite the severe punishment imposed by the
                                                                    lated to drug use prevention among adolescents in the per-
court on them based on applicable laws.
                                                                    spective of Islamic family law furthermore, an analysis of
Islamic law offers a significant solution to the betterment of      the study’s results using relevant laws and theories.
the human condition, protects and saves them from perdi-
tion and destruction, guides man from error, distances man
from the deeds of evil and motivates a man to do good, pre-         Drug overview
vents man from deviating from the straight path [11]. Nor-
                                                                    Etymologically, the term narcotics come from the word-
matively, it is but are the norms of Islam that exist today
                                                                    mark (Greek), which means drugged to become numb or
are qualified to realize the noble purposes presented above.
                                                                    feel nothing else [19]. What is meant by narcotic is a drug
This is the big question that will be answered in this article.
                                                                    that dulls the sense, relieves pain, induces sleep, and can
While the narcotics law that applies now sets a minimum             produce addiction in varying degrees. In the Narcotics Act,
penalty for the dealer. However, the minimal sanctions              narcotics are defined as substances or drugs derived from
have not been effective and provide a deterrent effect for          plants or not from plants, either synthetic or semi-synthetic
the perpetrator and prevent drug abuse and illicit circula-         that can cause decrease or change in consciousness, loss of
tion [12]. While for drug abusers are still being sentenced         taste, reduction to relieve pain, and can cause dependence,
to prison even though, in the law, drug abusers should be           which is distinguished into groups as attached in this law
rehabilitated. As a result, drug addicts and abusers classi-        or which is then determined by the decision of the Minister
fied as the sick under WHO do not get medical and social            of Health [20,21].
recovery opportunities. What happens is that they are put in
                                                                    Drugs are another term introduced especially by the Minis-
a penitentiary equated with other criminals, and there is no
                                                                    try of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is Napza, which
program in it to recover them from drug dependence. They
                                                                    stands for Narcotics, Psychotropic, and Addictive Sub-
still use the drug even in the penitentiary because the illegal
                                                                    stances [22]. All terms have a risk of addiction for users.
goods can still be entered through guests or correctional
                                                                    According to health experts, drugs are psychotropics com-
officers. Even today, and it seems to be becoming more
                                                                    monly used to anaesthetize patients when they want to be
and more so. For this reason, narcotics laws and Islamic
                                                                    euthanized or drug treatment for certain diseases [23]. Un-
law precisely so that khamar (read drugs) need an in-depth
                                                                    til now, the spread of drugs has been almost unstoppable.
study so that both can be applied and have a positive impact
                                                                    They are considering that almost the entire population of
and results by the purpose of Islamic law and law itself.
                                                                    the world can quickly get drugs from irresponsible indi-
Based on these problems, this study aims to analyze the
                                                                    viduals. For example, drug dealers like to find victims in
eradication of drugs from the perspective of Islamic family
                                                                    school areas, discotheques, brothels, and places of Genk
                                                                    gathering. Of course, this can make parents, organizations,
Materials and Methods                                               the government worried about the spread of drugs so roy-
                                                                    ally willing [24,25].
Research is a primary means in the development of science
and technology. This is because the research aims to reveal         The content contained in these drugs can indeed harm
the truth systematically, methodologically, and consistently        health if abused. According to the Law on Narcotics, the
through the research process is held analytically and con-          type is divided into three groups based on the risk of de-
sistently. Through the research process, analysis and con-          pendence [26]:
struction of data that has been collected and processed [13].
                                                                    Class 1 narcotics
Legal research is a study that has the object of law, either
                                                                    Class 1 narcotics such as marijuana, opium, and coca plants
law as a science or dogmatic and legal rules related to peo-
                                                                    are very dangerous if consumed because they are at high
ple’s behaviour and life. It is essentially a scientific activity
                                                                    risk of causing the effects of addiction.
based on specific methods, systematics and thoughts, aim-
ing to study specific legal symptoms by analyzing them. In          Narcotics group 2
addition, there is also an in-depth examination of the legal        While class 2 narcotics can be used for treatment as long
facts to then seek a solution to the problems that arise in the     as it is by the doctor’s prescription, the type of this group
symptoms concerned [14].                                            is approximately 85 types, some of which are Morphine,
This type of research uses normative legal research; nor-           Alfaprodina, and others. Group 2 also has a high potential
Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research                                                                                           3

to cause dependence.                                              and does not wake up. The loss of consciousness makes the
                                                                  body’s coordination disrupted, often confused, and changes
Class 3 narcotics
                                                                  in behaviour. The impact of drugs that are quite a high risk
Moreover, lastly, class 3 narcotics have a relatively mild        is memory loss, so it is not easy to recognize the surround-
risk of dependence and are widely used for treatment and          ing environment.
As already mentioned above, several types of drugs can be
                                                                  The worst effects of drugs occur if the user uses these drugs
obtained naturally, but some are also made through chemi-
                                                                  in high doses or overdoses. The use of meth, opium, and co-
cal processes. If based on the ingredients of the maker, the
                                                                  caine can cause the body to convulse and, if left unchecked,
types of narcotics include [27]:
                                                                  can cause death. This is the fatal consequence that must be
Synthetic narcotics                                               faced if, until drug addiction, life becomes the stakes.
This type is obtained from a complicated processing pro-          Quality of life disorders
cess. This group is often used for medical purposes and
                                                                  The dangers of drugs are not only bad for the condition
research examples of synthetic narcotics such as amphet-
                                                                  of the body; these drugs can also affect the quality of life,
amines, methadone, dexthetamines, etc.
                                                                  such as difficulty concentrating while working, experienc-
Semi-Synthetic narcotics                                          ing financial problems, and having to deal with the police if
                                                                  proven to violate the law.
Processing uses the main ingredient in natural narcotics,
which are then isolated by extracting or using other pro-         The use of narcotic substances is only allowed for medi-
cesses. Examples are Morphine, Heroin, Codeine, and oth-          cal purposes by doctors’ supervision and research purpos-
ers.                                                              es. The rest, these drugs do not have a positive impact on
                                                                  the body. There is, the quality of life becomes disrupted,
Natural narcotics
                                                                  relationships with families are chaotic, health decreases,
Marijuana and Coca become examples of natural narcotics           and at worst is causing death. Therefore, do not use these
and can be directly used through a simple process. Because        dangerous items because the risk is very high for life and
of its still strong content, the substance is not allowed to be   health [33].
used as a medicine. The danger of this drug is very signifi-
cant and can cause adverse effects on health if abused. One       Review of Islamic Family Law
of the fatal consequences is death.                               Human life cannot be separated from the so-called family
                                                                  [34]. The family is central to human life; It is from the fam-
The circulation and impact of drugs are now very troubling.
                                                                  ily that man builds and builds generations; from the family
The ease of getting these dangerous materials makes its us-
                                                                  that each has a sense of responsibility to perform his duties
ers increasing. No gender and age, everyone is at risk of
                                                                  as a family member; It is from the family that a sense of
addiction if they have tasted this harmful substance [28].
                                                                  religion and religion can be built and built [35]. Family in
Although several types can be used for medical purposes,          the view of Islam has little meaning. Even Islam pays ex-
they still have to get close supervision from a doctor. There     cellent attention to family life by laying down wise rules to
are many dangers of drugs for life and health, including          maintain disharmony and destruction [36,37].
                                                                  The family was the first brick to build the palace of the
Dehydration                                                       Muslim community and is a madrassa of faith that is ex-
Misuse of these substances can cause reduced electrolyte          pected to print generations of Muslims who can exalt the
balance. As a result, the body lacks fluids. If this effect       sentence of Allah [38]. Islamic law is one of the essential
continues to occur, the body will convulse, hallucinations,       pillars of Islam [39]. It cannot be denied that almost all
more aggressive behaviour, and tightness in the chest. The        joints of life, both in the environment of worship and mua-
long-term effects of dehydration can cause damage to the          malah is regulated and conditioned in such a way by Islam-
brain.                                                            ic law [40]. Islamic law will play its role well and remain
                                                                  by its nature and characteristics if it can keep up with the
Hallucination                                                     ever-changing and evolving development of human law
Hallucinations become one of the effects that drug users,         [41]. About Islamic law, the family has a very strategic po-
such as marijuana, often experience. Not only that, but ex-       sition. The legal arrangement for individuals and families is
cess doses can also cause vomiting, nausea, excessive fear,       strongly related to every Muslim’s spiritual awareness and
and anxiety disorders. If use lasts a long time, it can lead to   observance. The formation of a family will automatically
worse mental disorders, depression, and persistent anxiety.       give birth to the law in it, where this law contains rules that
                                                                  are charged to all family members [42].
Decreased level of consciousness
                                                                  Islamic family law is a law that regulates family life that
For users who use these drugs in excess doses, the effect         starts from the beginning of the formation of the family
makes the body too relaxed so that awareness is reduced           (insanity) until the end of the family, namely divorce or
drastically. In some cases, the wearer sleeps continuously        one of the deceased, which includes inheritance and waqf
4                                                                                             Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research

issues. The goal is to manage relationships between family        relieve pain, and can cause dependence. Narcotics crimes
members, husband, wife and child [43].                            are those who abuse the use of narcotics. Article 7 of the
                                                                  Narcotics Act states that narcotics can only be used to bene-
According to Abdul Wahab Khallaf, Islamic Family Law is
                                                                  fit health services and the development of science and tech-
a family law that regulates family life starting from family
                                                                  nology [51,52].
formation, namely with the establishment [44]. According
to Wahbah Al Zuhaili, the law on human relationships with         Textually in the Qur’an and Hadith, do not mention drugs
the family starts from marriage to the end of a marriage.         and drugs directly. Even drugs are also not known at the
Scope of Islamic Family Law is Munakahat; Waqf; Wills             time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) [53]. This prob-
and guardianships; Faro’id; Bread; and Haganah [45].              lem can be solved by using the source of qiyas law, where
                                                                  it includes the law of syar’I, a problem that does not have
In contemporary Islamic legal literature, the word “renew-
                                                                  nashnya with the problem that already has nashnya because
al” alternates with reform, modernization, recapitalization,
                                                                  it has the same illat (primary reason) [54].
deconstruction, reconstruction, tarjih, islah, and tajdid.
Among the most widely used words are the words refor-             Ijtihad the scholars ‘qiyaskan drugs with khamr, thus drug
mation, islah, and tajdid [46]. Reformation comes from the        abuse is criminal law. It is because drugs can damage the
English “Reformation”, which means to form or reconsti-           mind that must be maintained so That God will provide tak-
tute. Tajdid means rebuilding, reviving, reconstituted or         lif and regulatory of the act of drug abuse. It has similarities
repairing so that it can be used as expected. At the same         with khamr, as mentioned in Nash and Hadith [55].
time, the word is interpreted by repair or repair. Therefore,
                                                                  Etymologically, drugs are translated into Arabic with the
the renewal of Islamic family law can be interpreted as ef-
                                                                  word almukhadaratun derived from the root of the word
forts and deeds through specific processes with complete
                                                                  khaddara-yukhadara-takhdirun, which means loss of taste
earnestness carried out by those who have competence and
                                                                  and confusion anaesthetizing, unconscious, closing, dark,
authority in the development of Islamic family law in ways
                                                                  or drunk. In terminology drugs are any substance that if
that have been determined based on the rules of legal istim-
                                                                  consumed will damage physical and sense, also make peo-
bat corrected to make Islamic family law can appear more
                                                                  ple drunk or crazy [56].
actual, not outdated. Thus, what is meant by the renewal
of Islamic family law is a renewal that is done including al      As Umar bin Khattab said, everything that disturbs the
i’adah (restore), al banan (purifying) and al ihya (revive)       mind and removes it from its original character as one of
[47,48].                                                          the human elements that can distinguish good and evil is
                                                                  khamar, which Allah and His Messenger prohibit until the
The factors that cause the renewal of the law [49]:
                                                                  Day of Resurrection. Some examples of drugs include mar-
1.   To fill the legal void because the norms in the book of      ijuana, opium, morphine, heroin and cocaine [57].
     fiqh do not regulate it, while the need for the law to the
                                                                  Thus, the drug can be used with khamr, which has criminal
     new problem is very urgent to apply.
                                                                  laws to be used. As explained in Nash QS Al-Maidah vers-
2.   The influence of globalization and science and tech-         es 90-91, When those who believe, drink khamr, gamble,
     nology needs to be a rule of law that regulates it, es-      sacrifice for idols, vote fate with arrows, are heinous deeds
     pecially problems that do not yet have the rule of law.      and include the deeds of satan, so stay away from them so
                                                                  that you are lucky. Indeed satan intends to bring hostility
3.   The influence of reform in various fields provide op-
                                                                  and hatred among you for drinking and gambling and pre-
     portunities to Islamic law for reference materials in
                                                                  venting you from remembering Allah and praying, so you
     making national laws.
                                                                  stop doing it.
4.   The effect of the renewal of Islamic family law think-
                                                                  Ulama’ also agreed to ban narcotics except in emergencies,
     ing carried out by mujtahids at national and interna-
                                                                  both intoxicating and non-intoxicating this was affirmed by
     tional levels.
                                                                  Ibn Taymiyyah narrated by imam Muslim as follows: From
The renewal of Islamic family law is due to changes in con-       Ibn Umar RA. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that
ditions, circumstances, places, and times due to the above        every intoxicating thing is wine, and every intoxicating one
factors. Some of the reformers of Islamic family law in           is haram. (Muslim history). (Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah, Ma-
Indonesia contributed a lot to developing Islamic family          jmu‟ al-fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah)
law, including Hasbi ash-Shiddieqy, Hasan Bangil, Harun
                                                                  If you look at the method of al-mashallah al-mursalah
Nasution, Hazairin, Ibrahim Husen, Munawir Syadzali,
                                                                  where the establishment of the law will benefit or reject
Busthanul Arifin and other reformers [50].
                                                                  mudarat, then narcotics are forbidden by religion. In addi-
The concept of drug prohibition in islamic law                    tion to khamar (drugs) can rub a person to a low and low
                                                                  degree because it can be intoxicating and debilitating; it is
Drugs stand for narcotics and dangerous substances. Ac-
                                                                  also dangerous both human physical health such as lung
cording to Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics that Narcotics
                                                                  disease as well as hazardous to the body because it can
are substances or drugs derived from plants or not from
                                                                  weaken the immune power to disease, and affect the body’s
plants, both synthetic and semi-synthetic that can cause de-
                                                                  organs, especially on the liver, and can weaken the intensi-
crease or change of consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to
                                                                  ty of nerve work.
Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research                                                                                          5

Ahmad bin Hambal narrates even a hadith from Ibn Abbas,           1.   Parents must educate children’s faith from introduc-
which prohibits the wearer and prohibits parties involved              ing children to the shahada to teaching to read the
in narcotics transactions such as storers and sellers. “The            Qur’an, introducing things that are halal and haram
angel Gabriel came to me and said, ‘O Muhammad, Allah                  from an early age, and so on. From this, the child has
curses the liquor, the maker, the people who helped make it,           the thought early on that the exact wine, including nar-
the drinkers, the recipients and their stores, the sellers, the        cotics, is illegal;
buyers, the herbalists, and the one who wants to be treated.’
                                                                  2.   The responsibility of educating the morals of children
(HR. Ahmad bin Hambal of Ibn Abbas).
                                                                       such as preventing and avoiding acts that are haram or
The role of family in the prevention of drug abuse                     forbidden by Allah;
In addition to repressive measures in the form of sanctions       3.   Physical education responsibilities such as maintain-
against drug abuse, preventive measures are also needed                ing the body well so that children are accustomed to
not to use drugs so that the user does not continue and does           avoiding acts that damage the physical so that children
not cause adverse effects. Families have a vital role in the           will be accustomed to avoiding unhealthy foods, let
implementation of preventive measures in the prevention                alone drug consumption;
of drug abuse. One of the roles of parents in the prevention
                                                                  4.   The responsibility of educating the ratio of children by
of drug abuse is to provide education both formal and mor-
                                                                       teaching children and fostering awareness to think;
al to children [58].
                                                                  5.   The responsibility of psychiatric education, name-
This is written in the Word of God QS At-Tahrim verse 6:
                                                                       ly preventing and avoiding children from negative
O you who believe, keep yourself and your family from the
                                                                       psyches such as attitudes and character, timid, inferior,
fire of hell whose fuel is man and stone; the guardians of
                                                                       incitement, grumpy, and so on;
the angels are rude, complex, and obey Allah against what
He commanded them and always do what he is command-               In addition to some types of education provided by par-
ed.                                                               ents in creating good children, Abdullah Nasikh ulwan, in
                                                                  his book Children’s Education in Islam (Tarbiyatul awlad
The above verse explains that everyone has an obligation
                                                                  fil Islam), describes some of the religious development of
and responsibility to keep his family from hell, so the in-
                                                                  parents towards children to create a perfect Muslim person-
dividual, in this case, is a parent, must direct his child to
                                                                  ality as follows [61]:
avoid things forbidden by religion. In addition, it is also
explained by the Hadith of the Apostle narrated by Imam           Giving transparency
Bukhari: From Abu Hurayrah r.a. has said the Prophet
                                                                  Transparency in education is very influential and proves
Muhammad: Every child is born in a holy state, then both
                                                                  successful in shaping children’s moral, spiritual, and social
parents are the ones who make him Jewish, Christian, or
                                                                  ethos. Thus, parents are obliged to set an excellent example
majusi. (HR. Bukhari).
                                                                  in everyday life so that children will imitate the habits that
The hadith above explains that the child is born in a holy        parents do in their daily lives.
state and chooses a monotheism that must be guided, nur-
tured, and developed from the child from still in the womb
to adulthood so that the child has a solid educational provi-     This habituation is a crucial principle in education and is an
sion to deal with various situations and conditions so that it    effective method in forming the creed and straightening the
is difficult to fall into negative things such as drugs. There    child’s morals and educating and getting used to children
are several indicators of the role of parents in shaping Mus-     since childhood is the most guaranteed effort to achieve
lim personalities towards children, namely guiding chil-          and obtain the perfect fruit. While educating and training
dren by giving advice, practising good habits and examples        after the child is an adult, there are difficulties for people
and providing supervision carried out by children to ensure       who want to seek success and perfection.
that children have a healthy spiritual because children who
                                                                  Giving advice
are left unguided, not noticed then the child will do things
that are not commendable.                                         Advice and advice have a considerable influence in open-
                                                                  ing children’s eyes to the nature of things, pushing them
According to Saiful Djamaroh, the family’s responsibility         towards dignity and dignity, adorning it with noble morals,
to children, in general, is to rejoice in welcoming the birth     and equipping them with Islamic principles. Thus, children
of children, giving a good name, instilling love among chil-      should be accustomed to being advised since childhood.
dren, providing moral education, instilling tawhid aqidah,
training children to pray, being fair, providing entertain-       Give attention and supervision.
ment, preventing free deeds, placing in a good environ-           Give a light punishment to cause a deterrent effect.
ment, introducing relatives to children, educating neigh-
bours and society [59].                                           As described above, the development and education of
                                                                  children are expected to make children with perfect Mus-
Some of the responsibilities of parents in making children        lim personalities where children have a personality based
into good Muslim personalities in order to avoid illicit acts,    on a solid religion and have moral values and rules that are
including drug abuse, as explained by Nasihin Ulwan [60]:
6                                                                                            Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research

the basis of adolescent life will be realized. Thus, children     from the beginning of the formation of the family (insanity)
will have strong provisions in the face of various situations     until the end of the family, namely divorce or one of the
that will not shake in acts that are prohibited by religion,      deceased, which includes inheritance and waqf issues. The
including drug abuse. This is a preventive form in reducing       goal is to manage relationships between family members,
cases of narcotics abuse that has been damaging genera-           husband, wife and child.
tions of Indonesians.
                                                                  Drugs stand for narcotics and dangerous substances. Ac-
In addition to the education and coaching of parents to-          cording to Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics that Narcotics
wards children, family disharmony is also one of the fac-         are substances or drugs derived from plants or not from
tors children fall into the abuse of illegal drugs. Director of   plants, both synthetic and semi-synthetic that can cause de-
Zakat and Waqf Empowerment Director-General for Guid-             crease or change of consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to
ance of the Islamic Community, Ministry of Religious Af-          relieve pain, and can cause dependence. Narcotics crimes
fairs Fuad Nasar assessed that harmonious families could          are those who abuse the use of narcotics. Article 7 of the
be the first defense to protect the nation’s generation from      Narcotics Act states that narcotics can only be used to ben-
the dangers of drugs.                                             efit health services and the development of science and
According to Quraish Shihab, the word sakinah means
tranquility or antonym of shock. The tranquility here is          Ijtihad the scholars’qiyaskan drugs with khamr, thus drug
emotional; there must be times when there is turmoil in           abuse is criminal law. It will ban it because drugs can dam-
every household, but it can be immediately overcome and           age the mind that must be maintained so That God will pro-
give birth to sakinah [62]. According to al-mawardi, there        vide taklif and regulatory of the act of drug abuse. It has
are three meanings of mawaddah: Mawaddah ismahabbah;              similarities with khamr, as mentioned in Nash and Hadith.
Mawaddah is an excellent love and the attitude of husband         In the perspective of Islamic family law, children’s devel-
and wife who love each other. At the same time, Raghib            opment and education as described above are expected to
al-Isfahani defines mawaddah as a feeling of love for some-       make children with perfect Muslim personalities where
thing accompanied by wanting to have an object he loves.          children have a personality based on vital religion and have
The word Rahmah comes from Arabic, which means for-               values and moral rules that are the basis of adolescent life
giveness, mercy, sustenance and grace. The greatest rah-          realized. Thus, children will have strong provisions in the
mah certainly comes from Allah SWT, which is given to             face of various situations that will not shake in acts that are
families who are awake with love, affection and trust [63].       prohibited by religion, including drug abuse. This is a pre-
                                                                  ventive form in reducing cases of narcotics abuse that has
Four visions in building a samara family according to Ab-
                                                                  been damaging generations of Indonesians.
dullah Gymnastiar, namely [62]:
1.   I realize the household is the centre of the inner peace
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