Results Of The OEES System Of Indicators And Information - The Subcultures Of Sustainable Living
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2021 ISSUE #101 JULY Results Of The OEES System Of Indicators And Information The Subcultures Of Sustainable Living Geoffrey Chaucer: The Cantembury Tales
INSIDE COVER PAGE This month our cover page is dedicated 2 EDITORIAL to The Canterbury Tales which is one of UTN NEWS the best loved works in the history of 3 Yülok Magazine Presents Its New Edition English literature. If you have an awesome 4 Results Of The OEES System Of Indicators picture you think could be on the cover And Information of one of The ILE Post editions, send AROUND THE GLOBE it to So far several readers have sent amazing pictures 5 China Pulls Itself Out Of Poverty 100 Years that we will be sharing with you soon. Into Its Revolution If you want to know what is happening 6 Discovery Of Tiny Bones, Teeth Reveals in ILE, follow us on FACEBOOK. Multiple Dinosaur Species Lived, Nested In Arctic Photo Credit: File:Canterbury_Tales_-_The_Miller_-_f._34v_detail_-_ THE ILE ETHOS Robin_with_the_Bagpype_-_early_1400s_Chaucer.png 7 University Professors Should Never Be All materials used and produced by The ILE Post are for educational purposes. They can be used Mothers and reproduced for educational purposes as long as you credit you for the original creation. 8 Working Conditions And Self-Perceived Health Among Two Costa Rican Conservation Area Personnel ACADEMICS AND MORE 10 12 Scaffolding VOX POPULI CONTRIBUTORS Douglas Barraza Article Writer THE STUDENTS’ VOICE 13 Violence Jenaro Diaz-Ducca English For You 14 Importance Of Emotions In Life Clare Goodman Academic Editor POP WORLD Kenneth Mejías Essay Writer 15 The Untold Birth Of The Peace Sign Krista Morales Essay Writer DID YOU KNOW...? 16 Do You Know About The Subcultures Of Dusting Oreamuno Article Writer Sustainable Living? Cindy Rodríguez Essay Writer TECHNOLOGY BITS Izabella Sepúlveda News Translator 17 What Is The Cloud? Fidelia Solano Article Writer LANGUAGE CORNER 19 Geoffrey Chaucer: The Cantembury Tales 21 English For You LOUDER THAN WORDS 22 The Corinth Canal, Greece 1
EDITORIAL Clock Work And The Academy by Eric Herrera (ILE Professor) The dictionary provides several academics must be ready 24/7. There is a utopian definitions of the word work that idea that emails must be answered almost imme- include: the job that someone diately, and that meetings can be convened with does, usually to earn money, short-time notice (some hours in many cases). All the responsibilities that are part this unconsciously represents that unconsciously of your job, the tasks that need in person presence at the workplace has been to be completed, and the men- transformed into virtual presence at the work- tal or physical effort involved in place. doing or achieving something. This new paradigm derives several interesting Even though there are many different types of questions: Should these rules be written some- physical and academic jobs created since the where? Do academics accept this change in the origin of these definitions, many organizations conditions under which they were hired? Does continue using time as the essential tool to mea- this new paradigm physically or psychologically sure someone’s job. This aspect has caused huge affect the academic’ help? Is this change cov- controversy during the last years in which techno- ered and permitted by any national law? How is logical tools and digital skills became part of daily digital workload measured? Who establishes how academic work. much time is needed for each task in a digital A study carried out by mathematician Katie world where authorities are usually more out of Steckles (2018) found that on average, technol- date than the academics? Who can answer any ogy saves the average person about two weeks of these questions related to this new paradigm per year in their daily activities. Unfortunately, without resulting in conflict between the academ- there is not a study which can give an estimate ics and their superiors? of how much time technology saves at the work- It is time to do something, paying attention to this place, which would probably be more. This time grievous situation, to transform the institutionalized saved has lamentably played against academics nature of clocked time. All in all, technology must who work in higher education institutions where be seen as their work and not as to make them authorities have an industrial mentality calculat- work more, affecting their physical and emotion- ing work around the clock. In other words, these al health. Finally, all higher education institutions authorities worry more about how many hours a must work on different processes to make every- person works instead of how much work is done. body understand the new paradigm of working This commercial panorama dramatically affects around the clock in a digital world that advances academic work because this activity is more de- at a speed that cannot be followed by all. This manding today, but the organizations do not offer understanding implies a fundamental transfor- a process of adaptability to the new challenges. mation of temporal One of the main duties which is not contemplated and spatial aspects in the plan of work assigned to academics by their of interaction, work, organizations include: achieving a level of exper- and organization tise on the hundreds of technological tools need- which requires im- ed to work in virtual education. In addition, the mediate further in- access to mobile phones and apps and platforms vestigation. like Zoom mistakenly make authorities think that References: Schaller, J., (2020). How Much Time Do You Actually Save From Technology? Retrieved from: 2
UTN NEWS Yülok Magazine Presents Its New Edition Translated By Izabela Sepúlveda (ILE Professor) search Center Geological studies of the UCR and the Costa Rican Elec- tricity Institute. In its content, this Special Edition begins with a presentation by Dr. Elizabeth Fonseca Corrales, which highlights the relevance of archae- ological research in La Trinidad, a site of great historical importance during the second stage of the Na- tional Campaign. The prologue “Meanings of the study of the La Trinidad Battlefield” is written by Dr. María Eugenia Boz- zoli Vargas. The scientific articles that give body and life to this commemorative edition: ”Archeology at the La Trini- dad site: A 19th century battlefield” With the presentation of the results commitment and for framing cul- by the authors: Maureen Sánchez of the archaeological study of the ture as a fundamental part of their Pereira, and Virginia Novoa Espino- Battle of La Trinidad de Sarapiquí work and for dedicating this special za, both prominent Costa Rican ar- (1856-1857), Yülok, Journal of Ac- issue of their magazine “Yulok.” We chaeologists. ademic Innovation of the Universi- thank the cantons of Sarapiquí , “Opening of routes to the North dad Técnica Nacional, presents its Barva and Alajuela for their effort to 1820-1860: The San Juan river basin seventh edition. position their place in that journey and the National War” by the mas- This publication, which was present- of the country’s history and to feel ter Jorge León Sáenz. ed in virtual mode on Friday, June with pride sons, daughters and part “A microscopic look at the ammu- 25th, had as a guest of honor the of the routes of our heroes and her- nition from the Battle in Trinidad de Vice President of the Republic, Epsy oines .” Sarapiquí in 1856”, written by Irene Campbell Barr, who stated that “to The keynote address was given by Rojas Rodríguez, Paula Calderón decree the protection of the His- the archaeologist Maureen Sán- Mesén, and Óscar Andrey Herrera toric Site of La Trinidad under the chez Pereira with the dissertation Sancho. patrimonial regime of State, has “Archeology at the La Trinidad site: The research advance “La Trin- stimulated the rescue of the histor- A 19th century battlefield”, and will idad-Sarapiquí Archaeological ical memory of the transcendental be complemented by Vladimir de Collection: museums, history and events that occurred there and la Cruz de Lemos, with “Threatened research”, written by Marco Garita that today we see reflected with independence.” Mondragón. this content that is presented to us The Publication “Unearthing stories, memories and by the Journal of Academic Inno- The monograph presented on its identities: Learning from a travel- vation of the National Technical cover a photograph of the area ing exhibition” prepared by Adrián University, Yülok ”. of the Battlefield in La Trinidad de Chaves Marín, Rodolfo González The Minister of Culture and Youth, Sarapiquí. Ulloa, and Álvaro Vega Cortés. Sylvie Durán Salvatierra, also pres- According to the archaeologist It includes with the epilogue “The ent, stated that “In this 2021, in Maureen Sánchez Pereira, retired relevance of the study of Battle- which we celebrate 200 years of our academic and researcher at the fields, scenarios of sociopolitical independence, we also commem- University of Costa Rica (UCR), the conflicts” written by María Elena orate the 165 years of the deed of image is the product of the “Geo- Masís Muñoz, Director of the Juan 1856 we celebrate together with physical Prospecting,” a comple- Santamaría Historical Museum. our Juan Santamaría Museum, to mentary and fundamental analysis the UTN and to each one of the ex- of the study, which was carried out perts and historians, for their with the collaboration of the Re- 3 To read original news in Spanish,go to;ülok-presenta-edición-conmemorativa-del-bicentenario-de-la-independencia-de-costa-rica
UTN NEWS Results Of The OEES System Of Indicators And Information Translated By Izabela Sepúlveda (ILE Professor) On Wednesday, May 26th, the ac- their socioeconomic status and ue its substantive monitoring and tivity “Higher education in the key their employment status. research work on issues of equality of equity: System of indicators and Mrs. Ana Ligia Guillén, Coordina- and equity in higher education. results of the Observatory on Equi- tor of the OEES, presented the final Finally, a discussion was held with ty in Education (OEES)” was carried considerations and recommenda- special guests, in which their com- out in virtual mode. In it, the main tions of the project, emphasizing ments and observations about the findings of the project: “Design the economic, social and educa- results were presented. and construction of the system of tional context of the universities, as The panel was made up of Mr. Car- indicators and information for the well as the mission they are called to los Murillo, Director of the Develop- OEES”, carried out in conjunction fulfill in favor of the protection and ment Observatory of the UCR, Mrs. with the Development Observato- promotion of the rights of all peo- Isabel Román, Research Coordina- ry (OdD) of the University of Costa ple, especially the mission that the tor of the State of Education and Rica (UCR) were presented. Universidad Técnica Nacional has Mr. José Matarrita, Vice-Chancellor To begin with, Mrs. Noelia Madrigal, been called to fulfill from its origins. of Teaching of the UTN. Mr. Jorge Vice-Chancellor for Student Life of Finally, he highlighted the general Rojas, a researcher at the OEES, the UTN, as representative of the trends presented by the analyzed was in charge of the moderation. Chancellor´s Office, welcomed data for each of the vulnerability Among the aspects discussed in the and highlighted the importance of conditions raised and mentioned panel are the concepts and vari- the alliance between both Obser- the roadmap to be followed by the ables used by the OEES in its anal- vatories for the development of this OEES, concluding that the results ysis model, the importance of data research, formalized through a Spe- of this project constitute the back- culture for decision-making, as well cific Agreement of Collaboration bone for the Observatory’s work, as the role that public universities signed by the UCR and the Univer- that undoubtedly already has the must assume in the current context. sidad Técnica Nacional in Decem- necessary foundations to contin- ber 2019. Mr. Agustín Gómez, Coordinator of the OdD Statistics Unit, presented a summary of the results of the proj- ect, exposing the way in which the system of indicators and informa- tion was built and a summary of the main findings in matters of institu- tional legal order, policies and uni- versity management. Gómez also revealed significant data associat- ed with the academic behavior of students in a vulnerable and disad- vantaged condition according to their gender, their territorial origin, To read original news in Spanish, go to:ón-superior-y-el-observatorio-del-desarrollo 4
AROUND THE GLOBE China Pulls Itself Out Of Poverty 100 Years Into Its Revolution By Vijay Prashad and John Ross / Independent Media Institute (July 1st, 2021) class. By May Day 1924, 100,000 work- ers marched in Shanghai, while 200,000 workers marched in Canton. “The time is past when workers are only cannon fodder for the bosses,” the workers wrote in a leaflet. The CPC threw itself into these struggles, growing through setbacks—including the Shanghai Mas- sacre of 1927; leadership by the CPC in the protracted, anti-imperialist war against Japan led it to eventual victory in 1949. Phases of Socialist Construction The Chinese Revolution had to confront a broken state, a destroyed economy, and a society in deep turmoil. In 1949, China’s people livedthree years less than the world average. They were less well-educated and deeply unhealthy. On February 25th, 2021, China’s Pres- revolution led by the CPC—improved By 1978, they lived five years longer than ident Xi Jinping announced that his the social conditions of life. the world average. Literacy rates had country of 1.4 billion people had pulled Before the Revolution risen, and health care data showed a its people out of poverty as it is defined In 1949, China was one of the world’s marked improvement. As China in 1978 internationally. Since 1981, 853 million poorest countries. Only 10 countries was 22 percent of the world’s popula- Chinese people have lifted themselves had a lower per capita GDP than Chi- tion, never in human history had such out of poverty thanks to large-scale na. Chairman Mao Zedong’s famous an immense step forward taken place. interventions from both the Chinese words at the inauguration of the Peo- From 1978, with the introduction of “re- state and the Communist Party of Chi- ple’s Republic of China—“The Chinese form and opening up,” China achieved na (CPC); according to the data of the people have stood up”—is a reflection the fastest economic growth ever cal- World Bank, three out of four people of a century of humiliations that pro- culated by a major country in record- worldwide who were lifted out of pov- duced terrible poverty in the country. ed history. From 1978 to 2020, China’s erty live in China. “No country has been The degree of this national suffering may annual average GDP growth was 9.2 able to lift hundreds of millions of peo- be seen in the fact that between 1840 percent. Since 1978, China’s household ple out of poverty in such a short time,” and 1949 almost 100 million Chinese consumption has increased by 1,800 Xi said. people died in wars, which directly re- percent, twice that of any major coun- When UN Secretary-General António sulted from foreign intervention, or were try. This means that everyday life has Guterres visited China in September victims of civil wars and famines related improved markedly in China. China’s 2019, he gushed over this accomplish- to those interventions. China had suf- literacy rate is now 97.33 percent, up ment, calling it the “greatest anti-pov- fered the longest Second World War, from 95.92 percent in 2010, far above erty achievement in history.” “You from 1937 to 1945 (with a civil war fol- the literacy rate of 20 percent in 1949. reduced infant and maternal mortal- lowing that lasted until 1949); the death By 2025, China will become a “high-in- ity rates, improved nutrition, reduced toll was at least 14 million (as document- come” economy by World Bank inter- stunting and halved the proportion of ed by Rana Mitter in his book Forgotten national standards, according to Justin the population without access to safe Ally: China’s World War II, 1937-1945). Lin Yifu (a standing committee member drinking water and sanitation,” Secre- From the Opium Wars beginning in 1839 of the Chinese People’s Political Con- tary Guterres said. to the Japanese invasion in 1931, Chi- sultative Conference National Com- In 1949, at the time of the Chinese Rev- na struggled to establish its sovereignty mittee, and dean and professor at the olution, the infant mortality rate in Chi- and its future. Institute of New Structural Economics of na was 200 per 1,000 live births; this de- It was the terrible burden of this past Peking University). That is, in about 75 clined to fewer than 50 by 1980. A World that brought together a range of rad- years, a single lifetime, China will have Bank study from 1988 noted, “Much of icals to establish the CPC in July 1921 gone from almost the world’s poorest China’s success in improving the health in Shanghai. The small group of 13—in- country to a high-income economy— of its people can be attributed to the cluding Mao—met in Shanghai’s French with all the enormous improvement in health policies and the national health Concession and then on a tourist boat human living standards, life expectan- service delivery system.” This is the his- on Nanhu Lake after the foreign po- cy, education, culture, and numerous torical context for Secretary Guterres’ lice came for them on the information other dimensions of human welfare this 2019 comment; in other words, the Chi- of a spy. The principal task of the CPC results in. nese state institutions—products of the was to organize and guide the working 5 Information taken from: Image taken from:
AROUND THE GLOBE Discovery Of Tiny Bones, Teeth Reveals Multiple Dinosaur Species Lived, Nested In Arctic TEHRAN (Tasnim) – In the 1950s, re- est river in Northern Alaska, the Colville. remarkable. We have long been asked, searchers made the first unexpected These bluffs are dangerous, prone to ‘Have you found any eggs?’ To that discoveries of dinosaur remains at frigid catastrophic collapses, making it hard we have, and still answer ‘no.’ But, we polar latitudes. to safely find and extract fossils. As such, have something much better: the actu- Now, researchers reporting in the jour- we have focused on finding discrete al baby dinosaurs themselves.” nal Current Biology on June 24 have un- bonebed horizons where we can more The findings add to evidence that the covered the first convincing evidence efficiently excavate many bones. In the dinosaurs didn’t just spend time at these that several species of dinosaur not only process, we’ve also discovered numer- extreme latitudes, but they most likely lived in what’s now Northern Alaska, but ous new microfossil deposits that have lived there as year-round residents. Their they also nested there. provided for a wealth of new knowl- evidence suggests both smaller dino- “These represent the northernmost di- edge about the whole ecosystem that saurs and larger species, such as duck- nosaurs known to have existed,” says lived in the Arctic over 70 million years billed dinosaurs, horned dinosaurs, and Patrick Druckenmiller of the University ago.” a tyrannosaur that more likely could of Alaska Museum of the North. “We Over the course of about a decade of have migrated to warmer climes, resid- didn’t just demonstrate the presence painstaking work, the researchers, aid- ed in the Arctic. of perinatal remains — in the egg or ed by many students they’ve enlisted “Year-round residency in the Arctic just hatched — of one or two species, over the years, have now found hun- provides a natural test of dinosaurian rather we documented at least seven dreds of small baby dinosaur bones, physiology,” Erickson says. “Cold-blood- species of dinosaurs reproducing in the including tiny teeth from individuals ed terrestrial vertebrates like amphibi- Arctic.” that were either still in the egg or had ans, lizards, and crocodilians have yet Previous studies at a handful of other just hatched out. The Arctic dinosaurs to be found, only warm-blooded birds sites provided tantalizing bits of evi- they’ve uncovered include small- and and mammals — and dinosaurs. I think dence that one or two species of in- large-bodied herbivorous species in- that this is some of the most compelling determinate dinosaurs were capable cluding hadrosaurids (duck-billed dino- evidence that dinosaurs were in fact of nesting near or just above the Arc- saurs), ceratopsians (horned dinosaurs warm-blooded.” tic or Antarctic circles, he says, but this and leptoceratopsians), thescelosaurs Erickson says they now have new ques- study is the first to show unequivocal and carnivores (tyrannosaurs, troodon- tions about how dinosaurs survived Arc- evidence of nesting at extremely high tids, and dromaeosaurs). tic winters. It’s likely they had unique latitudes. Environmental conditions at “It wasn’t that long ago that the idea strategies to cope with darkness, cold this time and place indicate challeng- of finding any dinosaurs in such extreme temperatures, and food limitation, the ing seasonal extremes, with an average latitudes and environments was a sur- researchers say. annual temperature of about 6 degrees prise,” Druckenmiller says. “To then find Celsius (about 40 degrees Fahrenheit). out that most if not all of those species There also would have been about four also reproduced in the Arctic is really months of full winter darkness with freez- ing conditions. Druckenmiller and co-author Grego- ry Erickson from Florida State University have a longstanding project to docu- ment the ancient Arctic ecosystem of the Prince Creek Formation in Northern Alaska, including its dinosaurs, mam- mals, and other vertebrates. They also want to know how they lived there, giv- en the challenging environment. The environment is also a difficult place to work. “The field season is short in the Arctic and access is very difficult — aircraft and small boats are required,” Drucken- miller says. “To make matters more chal- lenging, the only way to see the rocks is in river-cut steep bluffs along the larg- Information taken from: Image taken from: 6
THE ILE ETHOS University Professors Should Never Be Mothers Written by Cindy Rodríguez (ILE Professor) Without any doubt, there is inequality over, then it comes the baby’s care. Having a toddler at between male and female university home is absolutely adorable. The baby is not only a gen- professors, and within any profession in uine and passionate work which deserves to be hon- fact. Why? Simple, the amount of ex- ored to the fullest. She is the most exquisite lively young pectations set “equally” to university girl that you can think of, and who really deserves the professors demand more from women best version of her family; however, it is a huge respon- than from men, and these expecta- sibility for any mother. I am lucky to have a marvelous tions are even more if you happen to and loving husband who supports me, and does his best be a mother. “Nobody asked you to to honor his wife with love and provides all the help he become a mother,” “I know mothers can give. Nevertheless, the amount of work continues to who are also university professors and be challenging, tiring, and unbalanced. do not complain about it, and who accomplish as many Everyone is happy for me, but that does not mean es- things as males,” “I am a father; I also face challeng- pecial or differentiated treatment or any expectations es.” Those are some arguments you might hear (or think), lowered whatsoever. For example, the ridiculous four- and, my reply is “No! It is not the same.” Therefore, let months maternity leave just means that you are months me explain some of the reasons that support my answer. behind everything, and with decisions and changes that Some of the duties teachers have are: preparing class- have been made without you being there, or your opin- es (high quality and meaningful), helping with constant ion being asked, which in many cases affects your pro- (valid and important) students inquiries, participating in fessional life directly. academic activities (conferences, seminars, etc.), ob- I am a responsible and dedicated worker, but sometimes taining academic degrees (at least two masters, and I wish things were a bit different, and that life would be a pressure to quickly obtain your Ph.D.). Not to mention priority in this system, and not only for the baby and the to write and produce academic work, research, do toddler, but also for the mother’s life and her family over- projects (and publish them!), collaborate with fellow all. I know of some cases of women who you might think professors with their projects, go to meetings, stay up- “they have gone through similar things and do not com- to-date with institutional emails work, take all the cours- plain as much as you,” women who are highly successful es that should be taken because they are mandatory as university professors; however, I would rather ask them if you want to keep your job. In addition, giving quality directly first, and I would ask them for the unspoken ex- feedback, helping students with each particular need, periences, pains, and even effects of such a burden. checking exams, following all rules and making sure you Furthermore, I know men also go through struggles, es- know all of the bits and pieces of the university norms. pecially those who take care of sick and/or elderly peo- Everything on time! ple. They also face challenges and emotional problems, Well, picture this, moms NEVER sleep well, NEVER. We and they also have to keep working day in and day out, cannot help it; it becomes part of our biology; we are but being a mother demands a lot from the body and wired, literally, because our brain rewires in pregnancy the mind. and remains on the “mom” mode forever. During preg- Why did I choose to become a mother? Because I am nancy, we suffer from morning sickness, which is a ridic- not going into details of that very long answer, but the ulous name for a horrible nausea (even vomit) that is point is that it was my choice, and I love it. I do not regret experienced by most pregnant women during the first it, not even a little bit. “Why do not you change jobs? three months, while keepin up with everything men- Because I love being a university professor too. I also love tioned before. what it involves and demands. I love the challenge and Now, let’s talk about physical conditions where women difficulty involved, and I really believe in the impact high- feel tired and sleepy all the time, gaining up to 25kg with- er education has in the country and in one person’s life. in months, feeling their skin stretching, their bodies swell- I have seen that effect and impact, and it moves me ing, and their boobs engorge (that hurts A LOT), plus the to be the best version of a university professor I can be. huge beautiful belly that does not stop growing for nine It is just disappointing that the human factor is easily re- months. moved by the system itself, and it is painful to see how I am not actually complaining about pregnancy. I really people just take it for granted. love it! It has been one of the best experiences in my Well, it is what it is. The struggle and the beauty will go life, but this physical condition coping with all of the du- on, and so will I. I just wanted to mention it here, just be- ties previously mentioned, plus life itself, just trying to put cause I wanted to say it out loud. With the help of God, I this picture into perspective in regards to how different will continue being the best version I can be in my differ- things are for women than for men. Once pregnancy is ent roles. It is just not fair sometimes. We are in 2021 and 7
THE ILE ETHOS Working Conditions And Self-Perceived Health Among Two Costa Rican Conservation Area Personnel Written by Douglas Barraza, Dusting Oreamuno, and Fidelia Solano Engineering on Occupational Health and Environment, UTN Guanacaste Conservation areas personnel is exposed to many specific point in time” (McNutt & Krug, 2013). occupational risks while performing their tasks. Two fi- Safety conditions, we referred to (i) working on unsta- nal graduate projects within the Engineering on Oc- ble, irregular and/ or slippery soils or floors that could cupational Health and Environment (ISOA in Spanish) cause a fall (S1); (ii) working near holes, ladders, sloped graduate program have researched the working con- terrains that could cause a fall (S2), and (iii) working ditions, and self-perceived health, conditions in two with tools, machines or equipment that could cause different Conservation Areas. The first one was with damage (cuts, hits, lacerations, punctures, amputa- forest firefighters in Arenal Tempisque Conservation tions, etc.) (S3). Area (ACAT in Spanish) in 2019, and the second one On the other hand, hygiene conditions is referred to among personnel (Administrative and in-field workers) (i) workers are exposed to high noise levels that make in Osa Conservation Area (ACOSA in Spanish) in 2021. you raise your voice to talk to another person (H1); A basic questionnaire asking for employment, work- (ii) workers are exposed to sun light (radiation) (H2); ing, health and preventive resources conditions was (iii) workers handle, apply or manage toxic chemi- applied (Benavides et al., 2016; Lacayo & González, cals (H3); (iv) workers breath chemicals dusts, smoke, 2021; González et al., 2019). aerosol sprays, vapors, gases and/or mist (not includ- ing tobacco smoke) (H4), and (v) workers manage or handle materials, animals or people that could be in- fected (garbage, body fluids, animals, laboratory ma- terial, etc.) (H5). One of the indicators related to other health ailments (morbidity and mortality) is how people perceived their health (Westerlund et al., 2009; López-Ruiz et al., 2017)). Figure 1 shows high and similar prevalence at good health perceived among workers in both organi- The overall prevalence of safety conditions for both zations (80% and 76.7%) while poor health is perceived areas is the following 63.8% always being exposed to by less than the 24% of the personnel of both working non-ideal safety conditions. Within Conservation Areas places. prevalence is higher in ACAT (73.3%) than in ACOSA Working conditions is a recent but growing field study (54.3%) (Figure 2). This difference could be explained in Costa Rica, and seek to better understand how dif- because participants´ task in ACAT are performed ferent elements (i.e. safety and hygiene conditions) of mainly outdoors, while ACOSA is represented by ad- the work influence worker´s health. ministrative (indoor) and in-field (outdoor) workers. In epidemiology, prevalence is related to “the propor- tion of a population with a particular condition at a 8
THE ILE ETHOS because their work is mainly outdoor expecting from them to work long hours in challenging and changing conditions, such as high temperatures, steep terrain, holes so on and so forth. In addition, they are exposed to biological hazards (i.e., ani- mals fleeing the fire). ACOSA personnel who filled in the survey was both administrative and in-field workers, leading to report lower exposures prev- alence. All in all, people feel they enjoy good health (Figure 1), this is important to highlight be- cause it is demonstrated that people who per- ceived good health in their earlier working life will have good health at the end of their working life (PhD Aurora Aragón, personal communication). What we addressed in this paper is just a small percentage of what our students did for their Fi- nal Graduation Projects (TFG in Spanish), we in- Results in hygienic conditions follow a similar vite you all to further read their TFG available in tendency with that of Safety conditions. Overall the UTN repository. The examples portrayed here prevalence in both Conservation Areas is 50.9% show us as university that we can go beyond of these forest firefighters (ACAT) perceived be- imaginary line borders, we (lecturers and stu- ing always exposed to adverse hygiene condi- dents) are ready to contribute with our expertise tions in 82% of their working time, whereas ACOSA in fostering a prevention culture in any working personnel reported 19.8% only. place. Prevalence is higher in ACAT personnel, probably References: Benavides et al. (2016). Cuestionario básico y criterios metodológicos para las Encuestas sobre Condiciones de Trabajo, Empleo y Salud en América Latina y el Caribe. Cadernos de saúde pública 32(9). Lacayo, C. & González, N. (2021). Propuesta de una guía para mejorar las condiciones laborales al personal del Área de Conservación Osa, Costa Rica. Trabajo Final de Graduación Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Salud Ocupacional y Ambiente. Universidad Técnica Nacional Sede Guanacaste. González, K., Salas, L. & Sandoval, M. (2019). Propuesta de una guía de control de riesgos ocupacionales para los Bomberos Forestales en el Área de Conservación Arenal-Tempisque, Costa Rica. Trabajo Final de Graduación Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Salud Ocupacional y Ambiente. Universidad Técnica Nacional Sede Guanacaste. López-Ruiz, M., Benavides, F.G., Vives, A. & Artazcoz, L. (2017). Informal employment, unpaid care work, and health status in Spanish-speaking Central American countries: a gender based approach. Int J Public Health 62:209-218. 016-0871-3 McNutt, Louise-Anne & Krug, Allison. (2013). Prevalence. Encyclopedia Britannica, 16 Dec. 2013. Westerlund, H., Kivimäki, M., Singh-Manoux, M., Melchior, M., Ferrie, J.E., Pentti, J., Jokela, M., Leineweber, C., Goldberg, M., Zins, M. & Vahtera, J. (2009). Self-rated health before and after retirement in France (GAZEL): a cohort study. Lancet 374: 1889–96. 9
ACADEMICS AND MORE Scalffolding the teacher may break up the lesson into a series of In education, scaffolding refers to a variety of instruc- mini-lessons that progressively move students toward tional techniques used to move students progressively stronger understanding. For example, a challenging toward stronger understanding and, ultimately, great- algebra problem may be broken up into several parts er independence in the learning process. The term it- that are taught successively. Between each mini-les- self offers the relevant descriptive metaphor: teachers son, the teacher checks to see if students have un- provide successive levels of temporary support that derstood the concept, gives them time to practice help students reach higher levels of comprehension the equations, and explains how the math skills they and skill acquisition that they would not be able to are learning will help them solve the more challeng- achieve without assistance. Like physical scaffolding, ing problem (questioning students to check for under- the supportive strategies are incrementally removed standing and giving them time to practice are two when they are no longer needed, and the teacher common scaffolding strategies). In some cases, the gradually shifts more responsibility over the learning term guided practice may be used to describe this process to the student. general technique. Scaffolding is widely considered to be an essential el- The teacher describes or illustrates a concept, prob- ement of effective teaching, and all teachers—to a lem, or process in multiple ways to ensure understand- greater or lesser extent—almost certainly use various ing. A teacher may orally describe a concept to stu- forms of instructional scaffolding in their teaching. In dents, use a slideshow with visual aids such as images addition, scaffolding is often used to bridge learning and graphics to further explain the idea, ask several gaps—i.e., the difference between what students students to illustrate the concept on the blackboard, have learned and what they are expected to know and then provide the students with a reading and writ- and be able to do at a certain point in their educa- ing task that asks them articulate the concept in their tion. For example, if students are not at the reading own words. This strategy addresses the multiple ways level required to understand a text being taught in a in which students learn—e.g., visually, orally, kinesthet- course, the teacher might use instructional scaffolding ically, etc.—and increases the likelihood that students to incrementally improve their reading ability until they will understand the concept being taught. can read the required text independently and without Students are given an exemplar or model of an as- assistance. One of the main goals of scaffolding is to signment they will be asked to complete. The teach- reduce the negative emotions and self-perceptions er describes the exemplar assignment’s features and that students may experience when they get frustrat- why the specific elements represent high-quality work. ed, intimidated, or discouraged when attempting a The model provides students with a concrete example difficult task without the assistance, direction, or un- of the learning goals they are expected to achieve or derstanding they need to complete it. the product they are expected to produce. Similarly, The following examples will serve to illustrate a few a teacher may also model a process—for example, common scaffolding strategies: a multistep science experiment—so that students can The teacher gives students a simplified version of a see how it is done before they are asked to do it them- lesson, assignment, or reading, and then gradually in- selves (teachers may also ask a student to model a creases the complexity, difficulty, or sophistication process for her classmates). over time. To achieve the goals of a particular lesson, 10
ACADEMICS AND MORE Students are given a vocabulary lesson before they in a previous lesson. By connecting a new lesson to a read a difficult text. The teacher reviews the words lesson the students previously completed, the teach- most likely to give students trouble, using metaphors, er shows students how the concepts and skills they al- ready learned will help them with the new assignment or project (teachers may describe this general strate- gy as “building on prior knowledge” or “connecting to prior knowledge”). Similarly, the teacher may also make explicit connections between the lesson and the personal interests and experiences of the students as a way to increase understanding or engagement in the learning process. For example, a history teacher may reference a field trip to a museum during which students learned about a particular artifact related to the lesson at hand. For a more detailed discussion, see relevance. Scaffolding vs. Differentiation As a general instructional strategy, scaffolding shares many similarities with differentiation, which refers to a wide variety of teaching techniques and lesson adap- tations that educators use to instruct a diverse group of students, with diverse learning needs, in the same course, classroom, or learning environment. Because scaffolding and differentiation techniques are used to achieve similar instructional goals—i.e., moving stu- dent learning and understanding from where it is to where it needs to be—the two approaches may be analogies, word-image associations, and other strat- blended together in some classrooms to the point of egies to help students understand the meaning of being indistinguishable. That said, the two approach- the most difficult words they will encounter in the text. es are distinct in several ways. When teachers scaffold When the students then read the assignment, they will instruction, they typically break up a learning expe- have greater confidence in their reading ability, be rience, concept, or skill into discrete parts, and then more interested in the content, and be more likely to give students the assistance they need to learn each comprehend and remember what they have read. part. For example, teachers may give students an ex- The teacher clearly describes the purpose of a learn- cerpt of a longer text to read, engage them in a dis- ing activity, the directions students need to follow, cussion of the excerpt to improve their understanding and the learning goals they are expected to achieve. of its purpose, and teach them the vocabulary they The teacher may give students a handout with step- need to comprehend the text before assigning them by-step instructions they should follow, or provide the the full reading. Alternatively, when teachers differ- scoring guide or rubric that will be used to evaluate entiate instruction, they might give some students an and grade their work. When students know the rea- entirely different reading (to better match their read- son why they are being asked to complete an assign- ing level and ability), give the entire class the option ment, and what they will specifically be graded on, to choose from among several texts (so each student they are more likely to understand its importance and can pick the one that interests them most), or give the be motivated to achieve the learning goals of the as- class several options for completing a related assign- signment. Similarly, if students clearly understand the ment (for example, the students might be allowed to process they need to follow, they are less likely to ex- write a traditional essay, draw an illustrated essay in perience frustration or give up because they haven’t comic-style form, create a slideshow “essay” with text fully understood what they are expected to do. and images, or deliver an oral presentation). The teacher explicitly describes how the new lesson builds on the knowledge and skills students were taught Information taken from: Photo credit: 11
VOX POPULI The UTN community includes professors, administrative staff and students. Each individual has something to say about everything. In this section, we give the university community the opportunity to express what they feel about different school, country and world issues that in one or another way affect or impact our lives, feelings and opinions. Is online education effective when it comes to teaching English? (II) Online education is very effective if it is planned carefully. It requires “It can be effective pro- Depending on the independent study time that every designing programs that are ade- Online education is only vided that a) teachers student sets for his/her own learning. In language quate for online teaching, making effective if there is com- have the pedagogical learning, constancy remains a key factor to show sure that both teachers and students mitment and self-disci- training and the nec- progress in language acquisition since every learner has have the conditions for getting pline. It gives students essary equipment. b) a different skill set when it comes to learnig. Right now, connected (devices and good inter- control over their learning students have suitable people can acquire language in so many different ways net access) and training for both experience. However, this conditions at home, that online education just represents another option in digital literacies. Teachers can places a greater respon- and c) the institution for them. design participatory experiences, so sibility on the student. In is supportive of both learners use the language mean- order to succeed, students Christian Corrales teachers and students ingfully and develop competences must be well organized, at all times. These three required for the 21st century. self-motivated, and pos- components can ensure sess a high degree of time an effective language Veronica Oguilve management skills. learning experience.” Alonso Salazar Carlos Daniel González Similar to other types of learning, online education is not for everyone. There are many ways to teach and to learn. In the case of teaching Is it effective? Not really, there a language online, it can be advantageous for some people, but it are many elements in the lan- Though it may provide great oppor- may also be less effective than teaching it in a classroom since this guage that need to be explained tunities for accessible and up-to-date type of instruction requires a high level of accountability and in- deeply and executed face to face. education, online education cannot dependence from learners. Some people possess these qualities and fully replace face-to-face education. Interaction is needed and more so, this kind of instruction fits them well. However, even though In the case of language learning, explanation and question-answer possibilities to take courses and obtain higher degrees have existed personal interactions, community processes are better in face to face for a long time, I feel that many people aren’t prepared or mature building and dynamic practices are classes. As long as we are unable enough for this. all elements that enrich the learning achieve a more personalized envi- experience, and which online edu- Xinia Nagygellér cation can only mimic to a limited ronment for our students, virtual degree. groups are never going to replace classroom interaction. Jennaro Ducca Gerardo Matamoros Online Education is effective in many ways depending on the type of subject matter being taught. Learning communication is learned through the act itself. If online education is able to duplicate the conditions to make it possible, then it can be done. If it fails, there is a necessity to check if online means are appropriate. Jose Soto 12
THE STUDENTS’ VOICE Violence By Krista Morales (ILE Student) There are two kids in school playing happily until one of them takes a knife and heartlessly ends the life of the other child; then, the screen goes black. The mother talks to her kids about those kinds of shows, and what kind of consequences it could bring them. Not in all domestic lives, children learn the atrocious effects of such violent programs; also, some of them witness the brutality aggression between their parents. Violence reaches the life of a child through subtle aspects; for this reason, adults need to pay attention to family life, mass media, and gender discrimination. Family life defines a person because there is no other aspect more important for a child’s life. They represent the people from whom the kids are going to learn their values; additionally, the behaviors they see in their parents is what one day most children will apply to their personali- ties, even without noticing it. Unfortunately, most infants are also suffering from traumas due to the way they are being treated at home causing not only physical, but also a psychological damage. This is why people should be careful of what they are transmitting to their kids, for it could define their lives. Another aspect people should be aware of is how most mass media advertising promotes violence to children without thinking about the consequences. There are certain types of TV shows, which are inappropriate for kids; however, due to the easy access they have to The internet, they find a way to watch these programs, and some parents do not even realize what is happening. Surprisingly, inoffensive toys such as water guns, plastic swords, and other en- tertaining objects like cellphones or tablets have an alarming effect on their innocent minds. Moreover, every day minors witness so much dreadful news that they start considering vio- lence as part of life. All of these aspects can be improved by changing the way children are raised. Gender discrimination is a rooted topic, since many years ago people have been fighting for their rights, even though many advances have been made, there is more that needs to be done. Traditionally, women and men are not seen as equals regardless they have the same capacities to develop in any aspect of their lives. This way of thinking is inculcated in most homes; this is a difficult topic to change if it is not taught since childhood, for children imitate their parents without knowing if those habits are right or wrong. It is not new that society’s habits are ruining people’s lives. Nevertheless, we as members of this society are also responsible to make a change by educating kids the best we can. To sum up, it is in our hands to pay attention to what children are being exposed to, with the purpose to reduce the violence starting from home. 13
THE STUDENTS’ VOICE Importance Of Emotions In Life By Kenneth Mejías (ILE Student) Have you had one of those days in which you just want to do absolutely nothing? It can be caused because our brain is connected to our feelings, and sends signals depending on your mood, and that is why there is a popular expression that says “Today you got up on the wrong side of the bed.” Emotions are crucial in order to have a full life. Being sad, happy, or angry can impact your life negatively or positively at home, at work, and school; therefore, be care- ful with your emotional health. A healthy emotional life at home is vital for keeping the environment free of negative vibes because it is a place where you spend a considerable amount of time. Mainly, as a parent it is important to conserve positivism while it is what you transmit to your children; doing it will make them feel calm and safe, but doing the opposite could cause feelings of fear and in- security. Besides, a positive attitude makes families enhance their bonds by listening to each other, spending time together, and always giving support when it is needed. Also, emotions play a relevant role at work; most of the time they define how your work will be. It is important to mention that the quality of the product worked on can be affected if the employee is having negative thoughts instead of focusing on the tasks. Likewise, not having a clear mind while working is dangerous; thoughtless decisions can drive people to risky situa- tions that can threaten health, and even get fired which is a regrettable consequence. In ad- dition, coworkers often get influenced by the way a message is transmitted, so it is important to be careful with the tone of voice, and the gestures used when talking; in this way, there would be fewer misunderstandings. Furthermore, the way students feel at school is relevant for them to have a productive and successful time there. Firstly, students have an incredible perception of the class environment, and this notably affects their behaviors. In a positive environment, learners usually show prog- ress because they feel comfortable and adopt an open mind; on the other hand, being in a boring and unpleasant class can make students lose interest. As a matter of fact, the produc- tivity will depend on the motivation a student has, so teachers should find a method in which the group can increase their desire to learn, so this benefits both parties. It is true that having emotional intelligence makes people always walk a step ahead of oth- ers; it allows you to benefit from the different situations and even from people around you. Therefore, once people learn how to control their emotions, it will be easier to go through their different daily activities. 14
POP WORLD The Untold Birth Of The Peace Sign By Alex Muiruri (September 18th, 2018) ton, where the nation’s nuclear arse- Union (SPU). While there, he learned nal was located. For this march, they of the peace symbol and, upon his needed an “immediately recog- return, convinced the SPU to adopt nizable symbol” that would help in it. They imported thousands of but- identifying them and their fight. Ger- tons engraved with the symbol and ald Holton, a young British graphic sold them to other students. By the artist, was tasked with coming up end of the decade, the symbol had with the symbol. been adopted as the universal sign Holton would combine the sema- for peace across the United States. phore signals for the letters “N” and The Peace Sign Controversy “D” representing the words “nucle- Despite its success, the peace sign ar” and “disarmament.” The sema- has been criticized, and has even phore letter “N” is depicted by been linked with Satanism. a person holding two flags in the “I was in despair. Deep despair. I shape of an inverted “V”. The letter drew myself; the representative of D is depicted by a person holding an individual, with hands palm out- two flags, with one straight up and stretched downwards in the manner The peace sign has been a universal the other straight down. Holton su- of Goya’s peasant before the firing symbol used in activism for decades, perimposed the two signs and put a squad. I formalized the drawing into but would you believe it was birthed circle around them to come up with a line and put a circle around it,” from an anti-nuclear weapons pro- the final design. Holton says of the widely successful test? On presentation to the CND, Holton design. The peace symbol is one of few uni- says the design was immediately ac- However, the gesture of hands versally recognizable signs, thanks in cepted and adopted as the group’s downwards has long been associ- part to its meaning, and in part to its nuclear disarmament symbol, not ated with “death of man” and the simple design. The symbol has been only for that planned march, but for circle with “the unborn child.” in use since the 20th century, and all other CND events to come. Holton would regret saying his inten- continues to find many applications The symbol quickly became suc- tion was not to symbolize despair to date, especially in the realm of cessful in its worldwide recognition but to celebrate peace, stating he activism. as “the peace sign,” peace symbol, wished he had inverted the symbol. That being said, did you know the CND symbol, nuclear disarmament In 1971, Peggy Duff, who had served peace sign was created at the symbol, and more. The deliberate as CND’s Secretary General, re-af- height of a nuclear disarmament decision by the CND to not copy- firmed the discovery stating: “The in- campaign? right the design also made it more side was a runic symbol for death of Peace Sign and successful, as other anti-war move- man and the circle a symbol for the Semaphore Lettering ments across the world adopted it unborn child. But it’s actually just an After witnessing the devastating ef- and customized it to their delight. upside down Tree of Life, therefore fects of nuclear weapons in World The Peace Sign in the US a Tree of Death or the unholy lower War II, activists formed an orga- The peace sign crossed the ocean realms.” nization called the Campaign for and landed in the United States, Controversial or not, the peace sign Nuclear Disarmament (CND). The where it continued to grow in pop- has proved to be a versatile symbol organization was based in the Unit- ularity. Albert Bigelow, an American and continues to be recognized uni- ed Kingdom and aimed at prevent- pacifist, made it popular in the U.S. versally, and without a doubt, it’s ing the testing, spreading and use after sailing a small boat fitted with recognized for its role as a gesture of of nuclear weapons. It intended to the symbol into the vicinity of a nu- solitude and peace rather than an achieve this through mass educa- clear test site in 1958. omen for death. tion along with holding protests. In 1960, Philip Altbach, a freshman In 1958, the organization had from the University of Chicago, trav- planned a 50-mile march from Lon- eled to England for a peace group don’s Trafalgar Square to Aldermas- meeting under the Student Peace 15 Information takenfion from: Phot0 Credit:
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