SEPTEMBER 2019 - Drakes Supermarkets

Page created by Gail Patterson
SEPTEMBER 2019 - Drakes Supermarkets

       S E P TE MB E R 2019
SEPTEMBER 2019 - Drakes Supermarkets
From the Managers

        IN THIS I SS U E                                                              All Drakes team members can          decided to break-away from the
                                                                                   provide the 4 S’s every time there      IGA and Foodland banner (owned
                                                                                   is contact with a customer. It’s        by the Metcash Group) and build
        02 From the Editor                   10 Company Events                     easy – be efficient, professional,      our own distribution centre in South
              From the Managing              13 Team Members                       smile, be friendly, take an interest    Australia. This will allow us to deal
              Director                          Announcements                      in doing your best by giving the        directly with all our suppliers, local
                                                                                   customer your undivided attention,      growers and fresh food farmers, to
        03 From the Assistant                14 Store Updates                      and apologise if the customer is        bring the best range of products for
           General Manager
                                             31 Team Member                        unhappy with something that has         you and your family.
              QLD State Review                  of the Month                       gone wrong!                                 We pride ourselves on being
                                                                                      Jeff Bezos, the founder of           a great South Australian family
        04 Department News                   32 Team Members                       Amazon believes all his staff should    owned business, creating local
        09 Store Supervision                                                       act like the company is a start up      jobs, supporting the community
                                                                                   business and everyone should be         and investing in our great state.
                                                                                   “obsessed with the customer”.           Opening our own distribution
                                                                                   He wrote:                               centre allows us to eliminate the
                                                                                      “We see our customers as             middleman and focus on even
                                                                                   invited guests to a party, and we       better value for money in store.
                                                                                   are the hosts. It’s our job every day   Is it risky? YES! Do I question at
                                                                                   to make every important aspect of       times why I am doing this at my
                                                                                   the customer experience a little        age? YES! Is it the right decision?
                                                                                   bit better.”                            ABSOLUTELY YES!
                                                                                      I hope that everyone at Drakes           WHY? Because we have done
                                                                                   can adopt this philosophy and           our due diligence and I believe
                                                                                   provide our customers with              this is the best decision which will
                                                                                   exceptional service during every        secure not only the future of our
                                                                                   single interaction!                     business, but your employment.
                                                                                                                           We value you, our staff more than
                                                                                   Leanne Fraser                           anything else. You are the most
    FROM THE                               influenced by pessimistic news          People and Culture Manager              important asset in our business.
                                           than positive news. Therefore,                                                  However, we need your support to
    EDITOR                                 unpleasant customer service                                                     ensure that you, your family and
                                           incidents are the ones we recall,                                               friends shop with us, as this not
    In current times when the
       supermarket industry has
                                           and they have increased negative
                                           force that etches into our memory.
                                                                                   FROM THE                                only supports our business, but it
    become so competitive and price            Think about the times you have      M A N AG I N G                          keeps you in a job. I am a great
                                                                                                                           believer that you should support
    driven, it is more important than
    ever that everyone at Drakes
                                           experienced poor customer service.      D I R E CTO R                           where you earn. You all need to
                                           Now think about good service you                                                think about this and question that
    focuses on our customers!              have received. It is more likely that
       We receive customer complaints                                                                                      if you shop somewhere other than
                                           you will recall the bad service. This                                           Drakes, will they employ you? If
    that indicate that some service        makes it all the more important
    team members are too busy talking                                                                                      you are not shopping with Drakes,
                                           that we concentrate on providing
    about their personal lives to serve                                                                                    I question your loyalty and whether
                                           exceptional service at all times!
    the customer. We have product                                                                                          Drakes is where you should be
                                               There are four things (the 4 S’s)
    complaints that are not always                                                                                         earning your income!
                                           that companies that are known for
    handled appropriately at store level                                                                                       It will also allow us to bring our
                                           their service do extremely well.
    and therefore are escalated to head                                                                                    customers a better service every
                                               These are:
    office. A customer should always                                                                                       day, and we guarantee that the
    leave our stores happy with their      • Systems – systems and                                                         money you, your family and friends
    shopping experience. If they have        processes are efficient, easy,                                                spend with us stays within Australia
    a problem, they should only leave        simple and effective.                                                         to employ future generations for
    when their problem is fixed, and       • Style – the attitudes and                                                     years to come – it could be your
    they are satisfied!                      behaviours displayed are positive                                             children or grandchildren’s future
       As humans, we naturally focus
    on a “negative bias”. Our brains
                                             and professional.
                                           • Surprise – customer
                                             expectations are exceeded by
                                                                                   A    s you read this, we will be
                                                                                         another step closer to
                                                                                   the opening of the new Drakes
                                                                                                                           as well.
                                                                                                                               So, I cannot express how
    are geared to be more sensitive                                                                                        important it is that where you shop
    to negative news. Research has           having a wow factor.                  Distribution Centre in October,         does make a difference – there are
    found that “negative bias” is          • Sorry – genuine apologies             which is the biggest most exciting      absolutely NO EXCUSES!
    automatic and can be “discovered         are expressed wholeheartedly          change to our business moving
    at the earliest stage of the             when things go wrong, with a          forward.                                Roger Drake
    brain’s information processing”.         determination to provide an              In the interest of you, our staff    Managing Director
    Our attitudes are more heavily           easy fix.                             and our customers, we have

SEPTEMBER 2019 - Drakes Supermarkets
From the Managers
                                                                                                          /State Review

                                         1. Our staff discount isn’t seen as     to make. We’re investing over           which you work, instead of in the
                                            something that is valuable.          $100 million dollars of Roger’s own     pockets of other supermarkets’
                                         2. Our own team aren’t shopping         money into this. It’s not a decision    shareholders – or worse yet –
                                            in our stores and are therefore      that was made lightly, but we knew      going overseas?
                                            getting their groceries elsewhere.   that we had to do it in order to grow      Wouldn’t YOU prefer to get more
                                            The second point terrifies me,       and succeed in this competitive         hours in your store, rather than
                                         and to be honest, it should terrify     industry. This Distribution Centre      giving more hours to an employee
                                         YOU too.                                isn’t about making money for            of a different organisation?
                                            We are in the midst of one of        Roger’s retirement fund; it’s about        Wouldn’t YOU prefer to have
                                         the most challenging times in the       ensuring Drakes secures the             money spent on refurbishing your
                                         Australian grocery industry. The        jobs and livelihoods of our 5,500       store, or purchasing a new store to
                                         industry has seen more new store        employees and their families. In        give you more opportunities?
                                         rollouts than ever before – but with    short, we’re doing this for you, and       Or would you prefer to support
                                         no growth in our population. Sales      for our customers.                      other supermarkets who don’t do
                                         are getting harder to come by as           And we can’t do this without the     anything for you?
                                         the economy continues to decline        support of our team. Yes, we’ve            The moral of the story is this: the
                                         and people have more locations          had to reign in the spending in         more sales we get, the more money

I really can’t believe that I am
   writing the following words:
    Our own staff aren’t
                                         to frequent – these days you can’t
                                         drive more than 5km without driving
                                         past at least three supermarkets.
                                                                                 our stores for the time being and
                                                                                 we appreciate the steps that our
                                                                                 team has taken to curb spending
                                                                                                                         we can invest back into our stores
                                                                                                                         and our people. That’s the Drakes
                                                                                                                         way. It’s got to start with you. If you
shopping in our stores.                  As our sales flatline, we rely on the   as much as possible. But there          have any suggestions on how we
    Our team are given a 5% staff        support of our customers and our        IS another way to help, and that’s      can encourage our team to shop
and family discount as a perk for        team to keep the business running.      by encouraging each of our team         where they earn, feel free to drop
working with us. Here we have an            We’re making a bold move             members to shop where they earn.        me a line at
incentive for our team, and we are       opening the Brave Distribution             Wouldn’t YOU prefer to have
finding people aren’t using it. This     Centre in South Australia right now,    YOUR hard-earned money                  John-Paul Drake
tells me one of two things:              but it’s the absolute right decision    re-invested in the company in           Assistant General Manager

Q UEEN S L AN D U P DAT E                                                          to acknowledge and be aware               For our Queenslanders, as
                                                                                   of these but your focus and           the Drakes DC is being built
                                                                                   energy should be put into their       down South you may be thinking
                                         achievement in the workplace,
                                                                                   strengths.                            that it’s not going to affect us in
                                         makes team members happier and          • Each time a negative thought          Queensland too much. However,
                                         more productive, makes workdays           pops into your mind, replace it       there will be a lot going on from a
                                         feel faster and even increases            with a positive thought.              national level where both states will
                                         customer satisfaction and profits.      • See the positive side of every        align. During this period of change
                                            It’s hard to stay positive 24/7.       situation. It can be hard when        and transformation, we ask that you
                                         However, being aware of when we           you are surrounded by pure            all get onboard and if you have any
                                         are in a negative mindset and how         negativity, however if you seek it,   questions please speak up.
                                         that may be affecting others around       you will find it!                         The business is changing,
                                         us, is the key to success. In these     • Before you go to sleep each           and we must continue to evolve
                                         situations, we must train our brain       night, in your mind list 3 -5
W      e are now in the new financial                                                                                    otherwise we will not survive.
                                         to snap back into a more positive         things you are grateful for.          Mahatma Gandhi once said, “we
       year and as we all know, the
                                         mindset. It can take time to achieve       By practising a more positive        must become the change we want
retail world is tough. We often battle
                                         an overall more positive mindset as     mindset, overtime it will become        to see.” So, what’s happening now
day in day out to make sure that
                                         our minds are often hardwired to        second nature and you will realise      is just the evolution of Drakes, so
our customers are being serviced
                                         take the negative approach.             how different it makes you feel         the next generations can continue
with what they need. At times it is
                                            Some methods that you can            and see the benefits it has on the      to prosper from what has been built
challenging and a hard slog, but it
                                         use to train your brain to a more       people around you.                      over the last 45 years.
is always rewarding, and it is what
you make of it. I’m a great believer     positive mindset are:                      There has never been a more              Currently in Queensland we are
in staying positive and focusing on      • When it comes to your                 exciting time to be a part of Drakes.   focusing on several specific areas
the positives.                             teammates, focus on their             What we are embarking on has            where we know improvements can
   The power of positivity really          strengths and use these to better     never been done in Australia by         be made or where we can grow a
is underestimated. So much                 your department or store. Don’t       an independent retailer. Do not         category that we haven’t played in
research has been done in recent           dwell and focus on the things         underestimate just how remarkable       before. ‘Grab and Go’ hot food from
years which has shown that a               you don’t like about the person       this piece of history we are            the Deli has generally been good
positive mindset increases goal            or their weaknesses – it’s ok         making is!                              for us but we know it can be done

                                                                                                                               D R A K E V I N E                   3
SEPTEMBER 2019 - Drakes Supermarkets
State Review/
    Department News

    better, so the Deli has just launched    have a look. I’ve been looking for a
    a range of chicken products              nutcracker and to my surprise they
    (nuggets, tenders, tempura bites,        had one and it was only $5. I was
    etc) for the hot box. We have also       expecting $15. I returned home
    launched with a range of pies that       and on my 8th Macadamia nut, the
    can be sold from the same hot            handle snapped in half.
    boxes, along with roto chickens.             Is being the cheapest really
    While we’ve had some stores              the best? They got my $5, but I
    selling a few pies, this is a range of   will never return to the store and I
                                             need to now spend more money to
    5 lines that just need to be cooked
                                             replace the product I need.
    then put out for customers to grab.
                                                 Our major focus this year in Fruit
       Thank you all for your ongoing
                                             and Veg will be creating a strong
    support of Drakes and the Drakes
                                             value for money offer. This will be
    Evolution.                               created by ensuring that if we are
                                             dearer than our opposition on a
    Mark Meszaros
                                             ticketed price, it is justified by the
    Queensland State Manager
                                             quality of product on display. Many
                                             customers will only determine
                                             whether they have gained value
        D E PA RT M E N T N E W S            for money based on how long
                                             the product lasts when they get it
    FRUIT AND V EG                           home, so in our case, we need to
                                             ensure that stock on our displays
    – QLD                                    is the freshest it can be on a very
                                             consistent basis.

    It’s been another eventful year
       for the Fruit and Veg team. We
    have had several internal staff
                                                 We have a very experienced
                                             buying team at our Its Fresh
                                             warehouse, purchasing the freshest
    promotions, transfers and a new          Fruit and Veg from growers around
    store opening at Pumicestone.            Australia and we have the very
    With continuing change in                best Fruit and Veg managers in
    customer trends, we are continually      our stores, leading teams to deliver
    challenged to adapt and change           this value for money offer to our
    our daily routines to accommodate        customers, ensuring we remain
    them.                                    market leaders with the offer we
        Many will argue that to be the       have on display in our stores.
    best you must be the cheapest. I
    walked past a shop last week which       Kyle Sexton
    had great big signs saying it was        Queensland Fruit and Veg
    “cheapest in town” so I stopped to       Supervisor

                                                                                      Queensland Fruit and Veg displays

SEPTEMBER 2019 - Drakes Supermarkets

FR UI T A N D V E G                      Woolworths store at Hackham,
                                         south of Adelaide and have a
– SA                                     turnaround of only two weeks to fit
                                         out, before we trade.

H    i all, it’s been a busy year for
      SA Fresh Produce opening
our first for SA Fruit Shed in late
                                            Once this one is done, we’re
                                         moving to Collingswood that is due
                                         to open four weeks after Hackham.
September last year with huge               And we still have Victor Harbour
success, doubling sales within a         later this year as well…...
few weeks! To this date, we have            All these new stores and refits
managed to maintain targets.             of current stores could not happen
(Having our GM for Fresh - Tim           without some great staff and
Cartwright interviewed on the            cooperation from all as a team - not
nightly news boosted sales               just involved with the stores directly,
overnight)! It was a huge learning       but also with all the staff training
experience for all involved to           and staff moves that happen behind
effectively forget all our experience    the scene.
in running and merchandising a              Interesting Produce Facts
“supermarket” produce department,           In a recent study published in the
and to then learn on the run how to      “Journal of the American Medical
merchandise a market. Someone            Association”, it was found that
great described it as needing it to      people largely on an “organic” diet
be messy and cluttered to create         had shown up to a 25% reduction
congestion and continual change.         in overall cancer risk.
    Since then, we have also opened         It is important to know that when
our 2nd Fruit Shed at Murray Bridge      focusing on healthy eating, some
– opening Easter week. As this           fruits and vegetables retain more
was an ex-Woolworths store that          chemical residues than others, no
had been closed for a few years,         matter how well they are cleaned
it has been an uphill battle to gain     prior to use.
and retain customer confidence in           Each year, there is a list released
a regional town with a population        called the Dirty Dozen and the
of 17,000 that already had 7             Clean 15.
supermarkets in town.
    As I’m writing this, were all very   Jamie Holtze
busy having just taken over another      SA Fruit and Veg Supervisor

                                               D R A K E V I N E                   5
SEPTEMBER 2019 - Drakes Supermarkets

    Jemma Rippon – Training/
    Subsidy Administrator
    commenced with Drakes
    November 2018
    I came from an Industry Skills
    Board, project management /            From left to right – Back: Tatjana Northey, Emily Beerworth, Jemma Rippon, Sally Piek.
    government funding background.         Front: Jesse Liebelt and Amy Proud
    I worked on workforce development
                                           clerk; then moving into Finance         Jesse Liebelt, DC Training                 Amy Proud, Training
    and employment projects for the                                                & Development Manager                      Administration Assistant
                                           and Administration, Payroll, IT
    retail industry.                                                               commenced with Drakes                      commenced with Drakes
                                           Systems Training and Warehouse
       Currently, I am working on                                                  April 2019                                 February 2011
                                           Management. After 20 years
    funding subsidies for the RTO The                                              I’m an experienced warehouse               Hi, my name is Amy. I have
                                           at DJ’s, I moved on as Pay and
    Fourth Force Administration for the    Benefits Manager for Masonic            operator who has worked in                 been working in the Training
    RTO (while Amy was on Maternity        Homes, Southern Cross Care, Smart       both the manufacturing and                 Department since 2012 as a
    Leave) and helping with Distribution   Group and RAA. I also spent some        freight distribution sectors of the        Training Administration Assistant.
    Centre culture creation. I recently    time working for Frontier Software      transport and logistics industry.          I have been on Maternity Leave
    successfully secured Certificate       implementing HRIS systems across        Making the transition into Training,       with my beautiful sons Alex and
    IV and Diploma of Retail funding       SA and WA.                              Development and Recruitment in             Noah. I have come back part-time
    and Certificate III Warehousing           Prior to starting with Drakes,       2017/18, I enjoyed the delivery of         as Training Admin Assistant and I
    Operations for the new Distribution    I was responsible for transitioning     warehousing operations training, as        am learning about the changes that
    Centre.                                Domiciliary Care payroll from           well as using my ability to network        have happened in my absence.
                                           SA Government to RDNS SA -              with employers and find suitable
    Emily Beerworth – People               Silverchain Group.                      staffing solutions to meet their           TRAINEES’ TOUR OF THE
    & Culture Administration                  In my current role as HRIS           needs.                                     MEAT CENTRE
    Assistant transferred to                                                          Having started with Drakes in           This group of trainees was
                                           consultant I’ve been working on
    HO January 2019                                                                early April, I’m busy working on           shown through the Meat Centre
                                           reconfiguring the performance
    Hi! I’m Emily and my role within                                               contextualizing training resources         by Dave Wyatt to gain a better
                                           review system ‘Cornerstone’. I’m
    the People and Culture department                                              for the new Drakes Edinburgh               understanding of how the meat
                                           also assisting with automating
    is an Admin Assistant. Previously,                                             DC site. Also, I’m playing a part          is cut, packed and despatched to
                                           online HR forms.
    I worked at my local Drakes                                                    in writing all standard operating          our stores. The tour sparked lots
    at Golden Grove in the Bakery                                                  procedure documentation for                of interest with many questions
                                           Sally Piek, Senior Payroll/HR
    department for 4 years, then came                                              the site and I’m currently heavily         being asked and answered. They
                                           Specialist commenced with
    across a fantastic opportunity                                                 involved in the initial induction of all   all now have a greater appreciation
                                           Drakes April 2019
    in Head Office. As I’m studying                                                new staff coming into the business         for those working in a cold store
                                           Hi, I’m Sally and I am the Senior
    a Bachelor of Human Resource                                                   to work for Brave Logistics.               environment.
                                           Payroll/HR Specialist in the People
    Management and Psychology, being       and culture team. I commenced
    able to work in my desired field       with Drakes in April 2019.
    while studying is perfect! During         I have a strong payroll
    the last few weeks, I have been        background having been in the
    assisting with the recruitment for     Payroll industry for the last 18
    our new stores that are opening        years. I have worked for a diverse
    in Hackham and Collinswood. It’s       range of organisations including
    been a treat working with the P and    Discovery Holiday Parks, Royal
    C team for the last 7 months, they     Flying Doctors Service and Flinders
    have all welcomed me with open         University where I have managed
    arms!                                  small payroll teams.
                                              My role at Drakes will see
    Tatjana Northey HRIS                   me working on various projects
    Consultant commenced with              and I’m currently working on
    Drakes January 2019                    Kronos rostering, the new Drakes
    I started my career in Retail,         Enterprise Agreement and a variety
    working at David Jones as a filing     of wage analysis projects.
                                                                                   From left to right – Tahlia, Caitlin, Nadia, Paris, Thomas, Ryan and Tyson

SEPTEMBER 2019 - Drakes Supermarkets

Chinchilla Deli (left to right) Tammy Tanti and Dakota Fox                         McDowall Cheese Bar – (Left to right) Lisa, Emily, Janelle and Lillian

S ERVICE DEL I                                                                     team have continued to delight their     knowledge and skills of our long
                                                                                   customers with great presentation        term employees and challenge
– QLD                                                                              standards and a fantastic consistent     our own competencies to maintain
                                                                                   offer.                                   our promise on the experience we
FROM OVER THE DELI                                                                    Along the way we also managed         deliver to our shoppers.
COUNTER                                                                            to close our Lenard’s full production       With our Deli’s being a true
                                                                                   facilities in both our McDowall and      service department, no different
T   he second half of our 2018 /
    2019 financial year delivered
plenty of energy and excitement
                                                                                   Toowoomba stores and fit new
                                                                                   cheese cases into both. We are
                                                                                                                            from our front-end registers, we
                                                                                                                            must remind ourselves that our
                                                                                   seeing positive sales growth across      customers will make choices
around our Queensland Deli Teams.         Lowood Deli (from left to right) Trent   our cheese categories in each of         on who they shop with by how
This included a number of new             Ward, Cheylne Gray, and Rachel           these Deli’s.                            we interact with them over the
Deli cabinets and cheese case             Burgiss
                                                                                      What has been most evident            Deli counter. In some cases our
upgrades to existing stores, a store      freezer display units as part of         through all these changes and            service deli teams may be the
acquisition, a new store opening          their store refurbishments, both         upgrades is the realisation of the       only opportunity for one on one
and the integration of several full       Deli’s continue to deliver excellent     many pillars that make up our            personal contact with customers
production Lenard’s departments.          standards and results on the back        Deli department and the need to          in our stores. Whether it’s a smile
All these completed in and around         of these investments.                    continually coach, train, develop        or greeting, eye contact, our
our busy Christmas and Easter                Our Queensland business also          and upskill our staff. These pillars     body language, the efficiency of
trading periods.                          obtained an acquisition at Lowood        include our fresh and value-added        our service, a farewell or thank
                                          out in the western corridor which        poultry section, heat and eat or         you, an offer to taste test new
                                          was recently fitted out with a new       hot food cabinets, our smallgoods        lines, or answering questions and
                                          Deli counter. The new upgrade            section (the engine room of deli),       queries, will all contribute to their
                                          has been well received by locals         our olives, salads and antipasto         choice to shop with us again.
                                          in the area. A focussed effort by        areas, frozen seafood and cheese         With lots of commentary around
                                          Maryanne and her Deli team has           cabinets on the trading floor and of     price competitiveness, one area
                                          seen our hot food sales grow to in       course let’s not forget our seafood      that remains a certainty is our
                                          excess of 12% of their total Deli        counters - a standalone business         responsibility to provide exceptional
                                          business.                                within itself. We have all these         service across our Deli counters.
Samford Deli (left to right) Harriett                                              sections as well as a requirement to
                                             At the back end of January,                                                       Yes! You and I and our people,
Williams & Keeley Ussher
                                          we opened our new flagship               sell safe food! If we are to continue    we make the difference!
   Our Chinchilla and Samford             Pumicestone store on the north side      to deliver on our customers’
stores both received new Deli             of Brisbane, with the Deli proving to    expectations, it is critical that we     Glen Meacham
counters along with cheese and            be a real highlight. Shontell and the    support our junior staff, tap into the   QLD Service Deli Supervisor

Pumicestone Deli – Shontell Ihe-Kiripa on the right, Mariah Brown on the left.     Toowoomba Cheese Bar (left to right) Susan Houston and Brayden Keyte

                                                                                                                                  D R A K E V I N E                 7
SEPTEMBER 2019 - Drakes Supermarkets

    The Little Kitchen at Murray Bridge                                           The extensive Cheese Selection at Murray Bridge

                                          experience, but their enthusiasm        a huge success for the Service         offering at the competitors. Along
    S ERVICE DEL I                        and hard work got the deli through      Deli. Each day, Tina Duck offers a     with the Deli case and extensive
    – SA                                  an astounding first week of trade.      delightful spread for lunch, dinner    cheese selection, the Deli offers a
                                          The store opened on Easter week         and everything in between. As a        vast variety of local produce from
    MURRAY BRIDGE STORE                   of 2019 which coincided with            new concept to supermarkets,           here in SA. The local community
    OPENING                               school holidays, right at the peak      it has been well received by the       are passionate about supporting
                                                                                                                         their own, for example Beston Pure

    J   eannie McManus has stepped        of tourism for the area. They           customers. They are loving the
                                                                                                                         Cheese Company produces cheese
         out of the Lenard’s production   continue to develop their skills and    alternative choices from homestyle
                                                                                                                         in the Murray Bridge/Jervois areas.
    facility to make the sea change       knowledge and the team is growing       roast lamb and veggies, hot delish
                                                                                                                         We have a large range of their
    to Murray Bridge as Service Deli      stronger. With the addition of Ashlee   curries and mouth-watering pork        cheeses on offer, such as the
    Manager, with 15 brand new team       Miller from our existing store at       belly with crackling to die for!       award-winning Vintage cheddar.
    members. This had its challenges      Hope Valley, the staff have been            Local gourmet products have
    at the beginning where staff          able to utilise her experience.         also been a huge hit amongst the       Joe Catanzariti
    had very little to no Service Deli       The Little Kitchen has been          locals, as they couldn’t get this      SA Senior Service Deli Supervisor

        Murray Bridge Delicatessen

SEPTEMBER 2019 - Drakes Supermarkets
Department News/
                                                                                                          Store Supervision

                                                                                   I T ’ S FR E S H S A

                                                                                   F  rank the Fresh Produce Buyer at It’s Fresh SA and his partner Tess
                                                                                      Zavaglia had a little baby boy named Rocco. Rocco was born on 24 April
                                                                                   2019, weighing in at 9.1 pounds.
                                                                                      Dominic Sergi, the Warehouse Manager at It’s Fresh cooking a BBQ for
                                                                                   the boys at It’s Fresh Warehouse 4.30 am in the morning.

                                                                                   Don Callisto
                                                                                   SA It’s Fresh Manager

                                                                                     Frank and little Rocco doing              It’s Fresh employees
  Dominic Sergi cooking the BBQ                                                      orders for next day at home               enjoying the tasty BBQ

    STORE SUPERVISION                    When I knocked on the door to be          enough to have had helpful people         know, mistakes are made but it is
                                         let into the store, with so many          around me who spent time to train         then the trainer’s job to help not let
NORTH BRISBANE                           things going through my mind -am          me and develop my knowledge               the mistakes occur repeatedly. It is
STORES                                   I at the right spot, what happens if      on how to complete my tasks and           the trainee’s job is to ensure that
                                         I don’t do a good job, what if they       responsibilities to the required level.   the training is followed.
                                         don’t like me and so on? I was            That was what was needed to help             I have made plenty of mistakes,
                                         experiencing the kind of nerves           me further my career.                     but we ALL need to learn from
                                         that can play out for anyone new              Training – what a difference          mistakes.
                                         to a job!                                 training can make when you invest            A manager once told me “If you
                                             How did it turn out you might ask?    your time productively! Most              wake up in the morning and say to
                                             What makes anyone enjoy a             people want to learn and challenge        yourself, ‘I don’t want to go to work
                                         job? People, tasks, responsibilities,     themselves to do better. By               today’ – don’t!” “Go find another
                                         training, development,                    spending time in training effectively,    job!” It might sound harsh, but if
                                         advancement? I would say that             the results can be highly rewarding       you don’t enjoy your job, you may
                                         these are just some, but which do         not only for the person providing         lose your desire to go to work and if
                                         you think is at the top of the list?      the training but also the trainee.        that is the case, will you do a good
DO YOU REMEMBER THE                          Training! I believe training is at        I relate this to anything team        job? “No” is the answer, right?
FIRST DAY YOU STARTED                    the top of the list, as everything        orientated, like football - the more         I am sure that anyone out there
WORK?                                    else sits alongside training – not        often you train, the more often           who enjoys their job, irrespective

T    hink back to the first time you
     started a job, how old were you?
What was the experience like for
                                         beneath it, next to it. Other things
                                         are still important, but it starts with
                                                                                   you improve and the better you
                                                                                   train, the better you improve.
                                                                                   Nevertheless, it still relies on the
                                                                                                                             of the industry they are working in,
                                                                                                                             likes to learn new things and some
                                                                                                                             may even want to excel at what
you? What did you learn from this        Some food for thought:                    right person to provide the training/     they do.
experience?                                                                        coaching.                                    So, what was my first day at
                                         • Successful employees are
    To this day, I still remember my                                                   There are so many sayings out         work like?
                                           trained and taught well in their
first day starting a job after leaving                                             there that I have been told that stick       Well, I am still enjoying my
                                           given role – agree?
school, like it was yesterday.                                                     with me, like this one. “Anyone can       role today as much as the first
                                         • Tasks/responsibilities – these are
    I had to get up, get ready, walk                                               make a mistake, but only an idiot         day I started. Yes, there are ups
                                           achieved if trained correctly –
to the bus stop and catch the first                                                makes the same mistake twice”.            and downs, that’s life. By keeping
bus from Noarlunga, get off at a                                                   What does this mean? Don’t get            enthused and through continual
                                         • Development/advancement -
stop on South Road (this is in South                                               upset when mistakes are made as           training and looking at new things,
                                           this will only happen if trained
Australia) and then head up the                                                    there will be mistakes otherwise          along with changing/adapting to
                                           correctly – agree?                                                                situations, you may just find that
hill to little old Pasadena Foodland,                                              how do we learn? But the key
which was very different to the one         Let’s go back to remembering           is to learn from the mistake and          bigger rewards come your way!
that is there nowadays. I remember       the first day I started work! Yes, I      continue to improve. This is where
how nervous I was and my heart           was nervous but what I can say,           training comes back into play. As         Craig Carman
beating as I did not want to be late!    looking back at it now, I was lucky       any trainer, coach or leader will         Store Supervisor

                                                                                                                                   D R A K E V I N E                  9
SEPTEMBER 2019 - Drakes Supermarkets
Store Supervision/
     Company Events



     Danny Grenci and Tey Gunn

     A   s a Store Supervisor for Drakes,
          I look after 13 supermarkets
     across the Adelaide metropolitan
                                             Favourite holiday destination: USA
                                             Favourite food: BBQ

     area. I also oversee Findon             –––
     Cellarbrations, the liquor store next   Name: Tey Gunn
     to Drakes Findon.                       Position: Liquor Assistant Manager
        For this edition of the Drake
     Vine, I have profiled the Manager       Started at Drakes: May 2010
     and Assistant Manager at Findon         Describe yourself: Quiet, but
     Cellarbrations.                         friendly
                                             Greatest achievement:
     Name: Danny Grenci
                                             Travelling solo
     Position: Liquor Manager
                                             Favourite holiday destination:
     Started at Drakes: November             New York
                                             Favourite food: Pizza
     Describe yourself: Out-going,
     bubbly                                  Con Parpottas
     Greatest achievement:                   Store Supervisor
     My daughter                                                                         Findon Cellarbrations

          C O M PA N Y E V E N T S

     A BL AS T
     PAS T!

     W      hile Wendy Drake was going
            through some old photos,
     she came across a photo that was
     taken at the 1997 10 Year Dinner.
     In those days there was an evening
     meal rather than a luncheon. It is
     amazing to see how many people          The 10 Year Club in 1997 (from left to right) - Front row: Tony Spano, Connie Della Foresta, Anna Rosshirt, Wendy Drake,
                                             Sam Ielasi, Mary Ciampa, Teresa Cutufia - Second row: Roger Drake, Charlie Marafioti, Thora Wallis, Howard Lee, Sally
     in this photo are still part of the     Walker, Lauren Mudge, Seva Papas, Anthony Ciampa - Back row: Bob Soang, Gwenda McCann, Chris Case, Cosi Cutri,
     company today!                          Sandra Reimers, Phil Shayler, Angelique Perkins

Company Events


T    he Annual Drakes Supermarkets
     QLD Charity Golf Day for 2019
was held in early May at the
Carbrook Golf Club.
    This is the sixth year that the
event has supported Ronald
McDonald House South East QLD.
    It was a sell-out event which
saw 160 suppliers, contractors and
Drake staff enjoy a fantastic day of
fundraising, fun, food, drink and a
round of golf.
    There were Mexican, Greek,
American, Aussie and Asian themed
holes on course for everyone to
enjoy, as well as the competition
holes for longest drive, nearest to
pin and straight drive.
    The team from Ronald McDonald
House SEQ were set up at the 10th
tee off where you could purchase
a birdie, eagle or albatross and
if you did were also offered a
    A very big thankyou must go out
to all the suppliers and contractors
who supported the day and make it
what it is.
    An amazing $74,993 was
raised for the day and brings
total donations to $255,439
over the last six years for
Ronald McDonald House ESQ.

Wayne Lehmann
QLD Merchandise Manager

                                                             D R A K E V I N E   11
Company Events

     Kids Super Boss Day Queensland catalogue


     In May, we were given an awesome
        opportunity by Roger Drake to
     be a part of the National HeartKids
                                           participated at the stores and
                                           keeping in mind that we raised just
                                           over $24,000 in total in 2018. It
                                                                                  such an impressive effort and a
                                                                                  huge congratulations to you all for
                                                                                  supporting this Drakes community
                                                                                                                         Queensland. It was awarded to the
                                                                                                                         store that raised the most funds
                                                                                                                         in that month of May and that was
     Super Boss Day event for the          was a great start!                     event.                                 Drakes Glenmore. We thank Scott
     second year running!                     On the last Friday of this year’s      The feedback we and HeartKids       Perel and his Team for raising just
        This was an opportunity to         event, we welcomed all Drakes          received on the enthusiasm of          over $13,359.00, 10 - a super
     raise awareness and funds for         employees to dress in a Super          Drakes staff to make the families      effort! Let’s see if SA can get the
     the organisation that focuses on      Hero theme to raise awareness.         and children feel special were         trophy back in 2020!
     children with Congenital Heart        We also invited 35 HeartKid            super and something that money             Who would have thought that so
     Disease (CHD).                        families (8 of whom are directly       can’t buy! We had children helping     many staff would love to take the
        Our amazing staff showed so        affected as employees in this          to scan on the register, use a PA,     tie / uniform off for a day and dress
     much passion and had so much          family business) to join in the fun    walk into the BIG cool rooms and       up as their favourite Superhero,
     fun last year during the month the    on the day and make them feel          eat free fruit all day. Thank you to   and that they did! Thank you to
     event was celebrated that it was      special, even if it was for a short    everyone who made this come true       Roger and Wendy for this great
     going to be an exciting option to     time. Everyone did an amazing job!     on the day.                            opportunity and look forward to
     hold it again this year and OMG it    Stores ran morning teas, events           This in total helped raised just    bringing it to you again next year.
     was!                                  in the malls of their shopping         over $113,060.00 for HeartKids         KAPOW!
        This year we introduced a          centres, arranged local Comicon        and will be used to assist families
     HeartKids / Drakes Superhero          stars to come along and be on          and children affected by this unfair   Arthur Iliopoulos
     Wall Token for $2.00 and we sold      show and one Super Queensland          hurdle in life.                        Assistant Operations Manager
     in excess of $80,000. This was        store put on a show and shine             We also had to allow the Drakes
     a SUPER effort by all those who       with their local community. It was     HeartKids Trophy to move over to

Company Events/Team Members

Cheques presented by Roger and Wendy to Bedford, RDNS, The Hospital Research Foundation and Flinders Foundation


S   upporting the community has
     always been an important part
of the Drakes family, and it is Roger
                                         3 different varieties of the show
                                         bag, with a total retail value of just
                                         over $70 per bag. The total amount
                                                                                  to be achieved from this ongoing
                                                                                  financial support they have received
                                                                                  from this initiative. One of our
                                                                                                                          they are well presented in each
                                                                                                                          store, and our loyal customers who
                                                                                                                          purchase the bags year after year,
Drake’s belief that you cannot           raised was $97,583.60, with              beneficiaries (Bedford Group) also      this initiative just couldn’t happen!
take out of this world unless you        proceeds donated equally to four         assist with the packing of the show     We take this opportunity to thank
give back. This is why the show          major charities (Bedford, RDNS, The      bag each year. We were privileged       everyone for being a part of such a
bag initiative was established and       Hospital Research Foundation and         to have one of their employees join     worthy cause.
continues to support such worthy         Flinders Foundation).                    us and speak at the morning tea            Make sure you don’t miss out on
causes each year.                           As a small token of appreciation,     about the commitment and passion        purchasing a Drakes Charity show
                                                                                                                          bag in 2019 during Show Week.
   In 2018 the Drakes Charity Show       recently Roger and Wendy hosted          that he has for his job at the
                                                                                                                          Not only will you be doing your bit
Bag celebrated 20 YEARS, and             a small morning tea to thank our         Bedford Group, in particular telling
                                                                                                                          for the community, but you will also
since its inception has raised over      participating suppliers and to           us how much he enjoyed working
                                                                                                                          receive $70 worth of value for a
$1,200,000.00 – all donated back         present cheques for $24,395.90           on packing the Charity Show bags
                                                                                                                          nominal amount of money which is
into our community! We sold 18000        to representatives from each of the      each year.                              donated to such a fantastic cause!
bags at $7.49 per bag. In total          four major charities. It was at this        Without the support of our
504,000 products were donated by         time the charities shared some of        suppliers for donating their products   Michelle Thomas
our suppliers and promoted through       the great work that has been able        each year, our staff for making sure    Executive Assistant to Roger Drake



Tayla Tanti and Michael Johnston
wish to announce the arrival of
their beautiful baby girl, Aaliyah
Johnston. Born on the 23 August
2018 at 8lb 4oz, she already has
Mum and Dad wrapped around
her little finger and is continuing to
grow into a beautiful baby girl!
                                         Aaliyah Johnston

                                                                                                                               D R A K E V I N E                  13
Team Members Announcements/
     Store Updates

     GL E N OS MON D                                                                                                         GRANGE
     ROAD M ARKET                                                                                                            We Have farewelled a couple of our
                                                                                                                             valued staff members - Brenton
     Hayley Lang and Steve Fisher                                                                                            Webb (Customer Service 2IC)
     welcomed beautiful Harvey John                                                                                          and Rhian Kasteliz (Scanning Co-
     Fisher on November 24th.                                                                                                Ordinator). We wish them all the
     Parents and big sister Macey                                                                                            best with their new roles.
     couldn’t be more in love with him.
                                                                                                                             Matt Colasante
     Andrew Hodgson                                                                                                          Store Manager
     Store Manager                             Harvey John Fisher

                                                                                     WA LK LE Y

                                                                                                                                      Brenton Webb

                                                                                                  Jay Snider
                                                                    Matthew Taylor
                                                                                     Jay Snider our Dairy Manager
     GYMPIE                                                                          has been promoted to 3IC at
                                                                                     Collinswood. We would like to
     Congratulations to Matthew Taylor who was promoted to the role of Store         thank Jay for all his hard work and
     Manager from Store Assistant Manager back in February this year.                wish him all the best for the future.

     Brenda Thoroughgood                                                             Peter Coleman
                                                                                                                                      Rhian Kasteliz
     Store Assistant Manager                                                         Store Manager

            S TO R E U P DAT E S               she has increased sales by over       Manager, and man for a wee little
                                               100%, controlled shrinkage, and       lady, she can pack a punch!
                                               wages are always in line. Great          In the Customer Service Team,
     BILOEL A                                  work Linda!                           you just get familiar with staff

     I t’s been a bit of a quiet year for         In the Bakery, the previous        names, and you turn around and
         good ol’ Biloela - not a lot has      department manager moved on           there is another new face. Nikkhea
     happened! We have not even been           and the Assistant Manager stepped     McClintock has set goals to achieve
     flooded in two years unlike the first     up and took over the department.      and she is on her way to success.
     year we took over Drakes Biloela.         We have never had such an             In the last year, she has trained a
     However, there has been some              enthusiastic team in the Bakery       whole new team - from cashiers,
     changes to our management and             before! Logan Hepner has really       supervisors and now also a new
     as we all know, it will likely continue   taken this department on as her       assistant manager. We welcomed
     to change as we develop team              own business and nothing is ever      Lainey Blythe who was previously
     members into our future leaders.          too much trouble for her. She loves   part of the management team at
          In the Service Deli, we still have   the challenge and she has had         SUPA IGA Monto. She has now
     our lovely Linda Seeney, with her         some challenges to overcome. She      been appointed to Customer
     happy disposition. This year Linda        has trained more team members         Service Assistant Manager. Bianca
     has absolutely smashed goals in           than ants to a pot of honey! As       Swift was our previous Customer
     the Service Deli. She is a ‘one-man       she stepped up, the Café Manager      Service Assistant Manager but
     band’, since that is all that the         Tracey Howie then took on the         unfortunately due to personal
     sales permit, but since takeover,                                                                                       Customer Service Assistant
                                               challenge as Bakery Assistant         reasons she decided to step down        Manager – Lainey Blythe

Store Updates

                                                                             extremely fortunate to have a              In the Grocery/Variety
                                                                             dedicated and loyal employee            department, we still have the
                                                                             from another store (over 150kms         same ‘day team’, David Hall and
                                                                             away!) to travel out here to Biloela    Celeste Hall. They have been with
                                                                             and back to Gladstone EVERY             the store since pre takeover and
                                                                             DAY until the position is filled. Her   continue to deliver great offers to
                                                                             name is Lisa Peterson and Lisa          our customers. Both of these guys
                                                                             has been a fantastic asset, keeping     are now undertaking the Cert IV in
                                                                             the department afloat, shrinkage        Retail. Most of the Nightfill team,
                                                                             controlled under budget and sales       like the Customer Service team,
                                                                             still being strong. Lisa, we cannot     are continuously changing with
                                                                             thank you enough for all the work       new team members. The “Nightfill
                                                                             you have and continue to do for us!     Captain”, Stephen Irwin is still
                                                                                  In the Meat department, we         rowing with his slaves to ensure
                                                                             would like to give a BIG WELCOME        that the shop is well stocked and
                                                                             to our new Meat Manager Nigel           presented on a daily basis.
                                                                                                                        Now, I have been here literally
                                                                             Muller. Nigel has been with
                                                                                                                     just shy of my contracted term and
                                                                             us for a few months now and
                                                                                                                     I would like to take this opportunity
                                                                             is nothing short of refreshing!
                                                                                                                     to thank Team Biloela. I cannot
                                                                             He has come in with previous
                                                                                                                     do this job on my own, no Store
                                                                             external meat experience and he
                                                                                                                     Manager can!... I truly thank Team
                                                                             has taken this department on as
                                                                                                                     Biloela for working harmoniously
                                                                             his own. Sales are increasing,
                                                                                                                     together with common goals to
                                                                             wages under and, as a store,
                                                                                                                     ensure that we all succeed. We
                                                                             we have never seen the meat             have seen this store increase
                                                                             department have such excellent          sales in leaps and bounds since
                                                                             shrinkage control! Everything that      takeover and let’s see what we can
                                                                             is thrown in his direction (and we      do for the new financial year – GO
Meat Manager – Nigel Muller
                                                                             know as a new team member,              BILOELA GO!
from her full-time position. Lucky     to move on from us earlier this       let alone management can be a
for us, she chose to stay on as a      year. At this current stage, the      little daunting) he has conquered!      Shane Marson
Duty Manager and is doing great!       position has not been permanently     We look forward to the endless          Store Manager
   In Fruit and Veg, the previous      filled (but there are appointments    possibilities that this future leader
department manager also chose          about to occur!). We have been        will bring us!


I t’s been another great year for
   Super Boss Day with Ascot Park
getting behind the cause to support
children with heart disease. We had
some great costumes this year with
the Incredible Hulk, Spider Man, Bat
Girl to name a few.
     It’s great to see Drakes get
behind such a great cause! It’s
amazing what people can do when
they take the time to dress up.
Many customers throughout the
day were complimenting the staff
on their costumes and having a
laugh. Next year I’m sure we will
have many more heroes join in the
fight for heart disease!
                                       From left to right – Danielle (Customer Service Assistant), Remar             Dennis (Security)
                                       (Customer Service 2IC), Kyle (Nightfill Manager), Dennis (Security),          and Simon (Store Manager)
Simon Cuma and Ben Greco               Simon (Store Manager), Kathy (Meat Manager), Tracey (Customer Service
Store Management                       Manager) and Skye (Deli Manager)

                                                                                                                           D R A K E V I N E                 15
Store Updates


     W      hat a great year Calliope has
            had! Congratulations to my
     staff and managers for doing an
     outstanding job in making Calliope
     such a great place to shop for all
     our customers. Our store would not
     be what it is without your passion
     and dedication to your particular
        We are a small rural community
     at Calliope with a population of             Fiver for a Farmer
     approximately 5100. Calliope
     and surrounding areas have
     been suffering one of the worst
     droughts in many years, yet when
     we raised money for the drought
     relief (Fiver for a Farmer), the
     community got behind us and
     gave, even though a lot of them
     were suffering from severe drought
     conditions themselves. We have
     also had some major fires in the
     last 12months – very hard times,
     yet the community pulled together
     again and came out stronger than          of the Meat Department and is also
     before. Calliope is a great little town   doing a great job. Jemma strives
     with many amazing people.                 for perfection, so I know she will
        On a more positive note, Calliope      achieve great things. We also have
     is moving ahead. More businesses          Shania Saw, who has just recently
     are opening in our Shopping Centre.       been appointed Customer Service
     We have a doctor’s surgery that is        3IC and Ying Qiu has joined our
     open every day, a Saint Vincent’s         Bakery team from Sun Valley and is
     DePaul’s, a small cheap shop and          a very hard working and passionate
     there is also a new farmyard and          person. We also have a young
     pet supply store opening very soon.       trainee Bryson Hutchings, who is
     We also have a twilight market at         doing Certificate III. Bryson is only
     the Centre once every couple of           15, yet he has huge goals and
     months, which gives us a very busy        aspirations.
     afternoon. Calliope also has its first       We are looking forward to
     high school being built at present.       another great year ahead and to
     The school has been a long time           see what will happen in our little
     coming for the residents of Calliope      country town.
     and the first stage is due to be built
     January 2020.                             Tammy Andrewartha
        Throughout the store we have           Store Manager
     seen some moves – Greg Forbes,
     my Assistant Store Manager moved
     to Gympie and Pamela Barlow has
     been appointed Store Assistant
     Manager and is doing an amazing
     job! I look forward to seeing what
     she can accomplish in the next 12
     months. Georgia Kerr has stepped
     up to Produce Assistant Manager
     and shows great potential in
     becoming an outstanding Produce
     Manager in the future. Jemma
     Barlow has taken over the running         Customer Service 3IC – Shania Saw       Georigia Kerr, Ying Qiu and Jemma Barlow

Store Updates

Family who has been supported by the Heart Kids cause                         The Big Watermelon

                                       produce department. We have            in time for Chinchilla’s biggest        their favourite superhero and the
CHINCHIL LA                            received lots of compliments           event, the Chinchilla Melon Festival.   day was a great success!
                                       regarding the new look of the store.   The town’s population increases            Chinchilla is also supporting

C   hinchilla went through a refit
     near the close of last year. We
were fitted with new refrigeration
                                          Chinchilla was named winner
                                       of Wotif’s competition, which
                                       was themed ‘Australia’s Next Big
                                                                              drastically as people come from all
                                                                              over to participate in the melon-
                                                                              themed events across two big days.
                                                                                                                      a great cause - Congenital Heart
                                                                                                                      Disease, which we are extremely
                                                                                                                      happy to be behind.
for all departments, new flooring      Thing’. The town received a Big           Chinchilla participated in Super
throughout the entire store, and       Watermelon installed next to the       Boss Day again this year. The           Gary Hughes
an upgrade to the displays in the      tourist centre. This happened just     majority of the staff dressed up as     Duty Manager

Superboss Day 2019

                                                                                                                           D R A K E V I N E              17
Store Updates

                                                                                          Superboss Day 2019


     W       ell here we are folks! 5
             months has been and gone
     since Andy has taken the reigns at
                                              lose our brilliant Customer Service
                                              Manager Hayley as she moves
                                              closer to home and faces a new
     little old GORM and I’ve slid into the   challenge of opening the new store
     2IC vacancy. What a five months it       at Hackham.                              due to government regulations.            892% increase on last year as of
     has been!                                   Mimmo (aka Santa) is still            However, the joke’s on them               July 1st and being just shy of a $5K
          Danny “Muscles” Arthur has          running a top shelf Fruit and            because we love the look of the           month we are only set to increase
     taken his market store knowledge         Veg department and our Bakery            new layout.                               sales as we enter the really cold
     and put it to good use at Bridge         Manager Lauren has taken her                Superboss day came around              weather.
     Road Market.                             “crumpets” incentive money               quickly with GORM upping the bar             With the warehouse and Drakes
          Superstar Mel Hackett has           straight to Vegas (literally).           on last year. We had a brilliant uplift   Mini coming up, it is an exciting
     moved on to bigger and busier               We also welcomed the return of        in donations and want to thank all        time for Glen Osmond Road Market.
     pastures up the freeway at Murray        our multi department talent Henry        our customers for their generosity        We are all enthusiastic for what the
     Bridge.                                  “Nice Guy” Turcyznowicz. Don’t be        in giving to such a brilliant cause.      near future holds!
          Cooper “Does it all” Price has      surprised if one day you see him on         Although sales have been tough
     come and gone, moving back to            the big screen!                          to come by, a real positive for us        Brad Jones
     Hallett Cove, and we are about to           As a store we have had to resize      has been the Heat Holders. With an        Store Assistant Manager


     T   his year, Findon Cellarbrations
         has implemented a full bay
     of organic wines to cater for
                                              than against it, by boosting their
                                              vineyard’s biodiversity. For example,
                                              they introduce cover crops to
     customers who prefer to drink            provide a habitat for beneficial
     wine that is made from grapes            insects that are the natural enemy
     that have not been grown using           of problem species, or have small
     toxic chemicals. In setting up this      sheep graze between the vine rows,
     section, we have seen the demand         eating the grass and weeds. In
     for the organic wine section             this way, the vineyard becomes a
     becoming very popular with our           self-regulating, natural ecosystem,
     customers.                               which is able to combat problems
        An organic wine is a wine             intrinsically and eliminates the need
     made from grapes that have been          for artificial, and potentially toxic,
     grown without the use of artificial      chemicals.
     or synthetic chemicals, such as
     herbicides and pesticides. To keep       Danny Grenci
     the weeds and bugs at bay, organic       Liquor Manager
     farmers work with nature, rather                                                     The organic wine section at Findon Cellarbrations

Store Updates

    5-week European Holiday                                                                                                            Maureen’s Last Day

GR OVE GOLDEN N EWS AGEN CY                                                    and the great things we achieved        Powerball Jackpot and have been
                                                                               together in our store. We went          very busy! We are hoping that it will
                                                                               through many changes but always         reach 110 Million which will be a
I’m not exaggerating when I say
   we’ve have had a very hectic
last couple of months at The Grove
                                      climbed thousands of stairs, walked
                                      endless kilometres and ate way too
                                      many pastries and gelatos!
                                                                               had fun along the way.
                                                                                   It is our pleasure to welcome
                                                                                                                       Powerball record. Fingers crossed!
                                                                                                                          We have also become a Lotteries
Newsagency!                              We said farewell to Maureen as        our newest staff member to the          ETO (Endorsed Training Outlet).
   My husband and I went to           she decided it was time to hang up       team. Annette joined us a couple of     This means we train people who
Europe for a 5-week holiday which     her boots and retire. She will now       months ago and is filling the role of   are starting out their own lotteries
was incredibly amazing. We started    be able to travel with her husband       Assistant Manager. Annette comes        outlet. This is a very exciting new
our trip in beautiful Rome followed   whenever and wherever she wants.         to us with many years of retail and     venture for us, and we look forward
by Florence, Venice, Barcelona,       She will be greatly missed by our        lotteries experience which is of        to training our first participants in a
Paris and London. We’ve been          team and our wonderful customers.        great benefit to us. She is lovely to   couple of weeks.
asked many times what our             I would like to take this opportunity    work with and is well liked by our
favourite place was, but to be        to thank Maureen for all the years       staff and customers.                    Sonia Taylor
honest it was all truly amazing. We   we worked together as a team                 We are currently at an 80 Million   Store Manager

GOL D EN GROV E                       as a Bakery Trainer. We happily
                                      welcomed back Tayla from Surrey
                                      Downs as our new Customer
                  Pete and Cossi      Service Assistant Manager. Finally,
                                      we were joined by Rachel also
                                      from Eyre as our new Service Deli
                                      Assistant Manager.
                                         Speaking of our lovely little team
                                      here, they have certainly been
                                      busy this past year. Our Customer
                                      Service 3ic Georgina took an
                                      exciting trip to Nepal where she
                                      volunteered for two weeks at a local
                                                                                                                           SuperBoss Day –Deadpool,
                                      kindy. Olivia, another Customer                                                  Super Women, Captain America
                                      Service supervisor, also volunteered                                                           and Super-Man
                                      over in India at a school. She is now
                                      off on an extended trip to Canada
W     hat a busy 12 months we
      have had here at Golden
Grove, with a few new additions
                                      where she is working at a summer
                                      camp for children. Taylor, over in
                                                                                  Like all other Drakes stores,
                                                                               we had an absolute ball here
                                                                                                                         Pete’s 60th
                                      our Bakery Department headed to          for SuperBoss Day! The support
who have definitely settled in
                                      America on a wonderful holiday,          from the Grove Shopping Centre
well to our close little team! We
                                      whilst on a little boat looking over     and other stores throughout was
were happily joined by Joe from
                                      an amazing waterfall in Vancouver,       wonderful in helping us raise
Sunnybrook as our new Assistant
                                      she proposed to her long-time            money and awareness for a great
Store Manager, replacing Danny
                                      partner and ex Golden Grove Deli         cause. We were lucky enough to be
who is now at Bridge Road Market.
                                      employee, Steph. We wish them the        visited by Spider-Man, Deadpool,
We welcomed in Rob from Eyre          best of luck in their future together.   Super-Man, Super Woman and
to our Fruit and Veg Department          We celebrated the 60th birthday       Captain America, who we thank for
replacing Mick who left us to join    of everyone’s favourite butcher,         volunteering their time to make the
the new team up at Murray Bridge.     Pete. Nicole Meller and partner Nick     day extra special.
We were joined by Ashleigh from       welcomed their second child. Paige
Eyre replacing Jade who took          Collins and partner also welcomed        Phil Hallard
up her new and exciting position      baby number two.                         Store Manager

                                                                                                                             D R A K E V I N E                   19
Store Updates

     GR AN GE

     It’s been a busy couple of months
        at Grange. Due to Government
     trading regulations, we were forced
     to downsize the shop! We had to
     delete almost 2000 lines across the
     board, while losing 55 bays in our
     grocery aisles. It didn’t end there,
     as we also lost 2 bays in our dairy
     and meat sections and 5 freezer
     doors. The old newsagency section
     has also been removed.
         Thankfully even with the smaller
     shop, sales have been steady. I
     would also like to thank everyone
     who helped us with the mini refit
     because there was plenty to do and
     not a lot of time to do it.

     Matt Colasante
     Store Manager                          The new Fruit & Veg and Meat department

     The old Fruit & Veg section            The old Meat section                    The new wall blocking the old newsagency

     McD OWAL L                             left. She had been in the company a
                                            long time but has parted to head to
                                            the country to begin a new life.
     Isay “Captain”, You say “What?”
         I say “Captain America”
        Superboss Day! What a great
                                                The staff and customers wish
                                            her all the best.
                                                This year we look at getting back
     cause! The staff had great fun
                                            to the McDowall of old with the staff
     again this year. This event is only
                                            all working together and getting
     going to get bigger!
                                            involved with events as they arise.
        There have been lots of
                                                As Captain America signs off,
     staff changes in the store, with
                                            remember the super heroes are just
     moves and people leaving. This
                                            a phone call away!
     has produced opportunities and
                                                The adventures await!
     development, with plenty of cross
     training to match.
                                            David Woolidge
        Sharon, the Dairy Manager was       Store Manager
     one of the staff members who has
                                                                                    Kelly, Michelle, Laughlin, Maxine, Lisa and Dave (Captain America)

Store Updates

Front of the store and carpark


R    andall and Samarah’s world was
      going well, with a happy family
life revolving around the children’s
sports and home life. Drakes
Aldinga was going well, running
smoothly over the years and
heading into the summertime. Then
the question came up, “Would you
be interested in managing our new
Drakes Store in Murray Bridge?”
                                            The Murray Bridge Fire Trucks
It was due to open in April 2019.
After some weekend research
around Murray Bridge, we decided          next 7 weeks, it was amazing to be         On our first night of opening we   We also have the Little Kitchen,
to turn our world upside down and         involved in creating a supermarket     had a little hiccup with a Co2 gas     popcorn, the fresh juice machine,
move our family to start a new            which is now known as Drakes           leak in the freezer section. This      the bread slicer, and so many other
personal and work adventure in the        Murray Bridge, with the Fruit Shed     meant that we met all the local        cool things. The total fresh food
Murray Bridge community.                  and Thomas Butchery all in store.      firemen and women, as not much         area is amazing and brings a great
    By the end of February, my family        Monday 15th April was opening       happens in Murray Bridge. We had       atmosphere to the store.
had become residents of Murray            day! Everything was ready for          seven fire trucks turn up. Our new        Our staff have done an amazing
Bridge and I was appointed the            the start of a new adventure with      staff experienced a store evacuation   job learning their job roles and
Store Manager of Drakes Murray            102 new staff joining the Drakes       on their 1st shift.                    the requirements of working in a
Bridge. The real fun began with           Supermarkets retail family. All were       There are so many exciting         Drakes Supermarket in a country
building a Drakes Supermarkets by         keen and ready for the challenge       and different things in store - the    town. Over the last couple of
early April. The day Samarah and          ahead of opening a new store in a      major draw cards for customers         months, it has been very pleasing
I started working in the store, it        country town on Easter week and        are the Fruit Shed and Thomas          to see staff so thankful to have
looked like a full building site inside   trading the whole Easter period.       Foods Butchery, with the biggest       employment and willing to learn
and out. Over the course of the           Now that is adventure!                 and best slow cooked meat range.       new things. (Continued next page)

   The rebuild of the store

                                                                                                                             D R A K E V I N E                21
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