Results of Our - Willo Historic Neighborhood

Page created by Ellen Kelly
Results of Our - Willo Historic Neighborhood

                                                                                                                          MAY 2021

  APRIL SHOWERS BROUGHT                             WILLO PHOTO                                   KIDS CLUB
  Look Inside for a                          The Team
                                                                                      Results of Our
                                                                                    “Draw Your House”
Flower Tour of Willo                       Supporting Willo                             Contest!
Results of Our - Willo Historic Neighborhood
President’s Report

                                                                                                              HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD

                                   Dr. Robert L. Cannon

                                   Willo Photo Book
                                   and New Plans

                                   THE WILLO PHOTO BOOK                               clearly, and consistently in petitioning the City
                                   Thanks to everyone who has volunteered and         to support the mandate, as stated on page 18
                                   contributed to the production of the Willo         of the Willo Conservation Plan, “to reduce
                                   Photo Book. This exciting and creative project     external traffic,” as well as a few other points.
                                   is truly an example of Willo Neighborhood          The Budget decision will be made in mid-May.
                                   team spirit. Please read the update on page 15     Regarding the overall plan, please expect an
                                   for individual acknowledgments.                    80% planning phase meeting on the project
                                       All proceeds from the sale of this book        this July.
                                   directly support Willo Neighborhood events
                                   such as Kids Club, Luminarias, maintenance         RETURN TO “IN PERSON”
                                   and improvement of our Lewis and Walton            MEETINGS IN SEPTEMBER
                                   Parks (new outdoor furniture for Lewis Park        We plan to return to in-person Willo
                                   this year!), Willo website maintenance, Home       Neighborhood Association Board meetings
                                   Tour, and many more…                               beginning in September. The WNA Board
                                       Please follow developments on The Official     meetings in May and June will remain
                                   Willo Historic Facebook Page, willophx on          via ZOOM. There are no July or August
                                   Instagram, WILLOPHX.COM, and of course,            meetings.
                                   Inside Willo.                                         WNA Board meetings are always held at
                                       Support your neighborhood: ensure you          6:30pm on the second Thursday of each month
                                   get your copy by pre-ordering now. Look for        at the Fairfield Inn and Suites on Central/
                  ABOUT            the pre-order button on WILLOPHX.COM               Virginia Avenues. All are welcome.
                  THE COVER        and the Official Willo Historic Facebook page.  
                  May Flowers          This project is fully funded by the Willo      FALL YARD SALE
                  in Willo         Neighborhood Association.                          We are planning to have the Fall Yard Sale in
                                                                                      October. More details closer to the date.
                  Cover Photo by
                  Diana Herman,    3RD/5TH AVENUE UPDATE … THE
                  Monte Vista      ASK FOR CONSTRUCTION FUNDING                       WILLO HOME TOUR 2022
                                   Thanks to our many neighbors who spoke at          Initial plans are already underway for Home
                                   both the City Budget meeting and the District 4    Tour 2022 on February 13, 2022. Please see the
                                   Budget meeting. Our voices were heard loudly,      article on page 7 for more details. ●

W I L LO P H X .C O M                                                                                          I N S I D E   W I L LO/ 3
Hello Willo!!
 Pre-Order the Willo
  Photo Book now to
ensure a copy of the
limited first printing.
   Look for the pre-
 purchase button at
     Do you have any old
 photos of your home or the
We would like to include them
   in the Willo Photo Book
Please Contact Diana Herman at
Willo Contacts

                                                                                                                         HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD

Willo Board of Directors
dr . r o b ert can n on ( president)            602-421-6024
br ad b rau er (v ice pre si de nt)             602-690-1400
opal wagn er (secretary)             520-444-5698
l i n d a d o esch er (t re asurer)          602-618-1349
a n n b o m m er sb ach               623-330-3203
e r ika gagn o n                         480-277-2845
k u sh go van i                    317-847-9081   WILLO WEBSITE
c har l en e gu m                            602-245-0383   The Willo website,, contains
s a n d r a l efco v ich         347-446-9874   information on neighborhood activities, committees, and
w. aar o n m o n taño se arle s              602-316-2928   board meetings. The website is frequently updated and
je rem y sch ach te r                480-703-8088   contains an archive of Inside Willo editions. During Home
                                                                                   Tour season, tickets for the event can be purchased
ja m es varel a                     602-663-1069   online.
patr ice wappel                           602-248-0408
                                                                                   WILLO HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION BOARD
                                                                                   The Willo Historic Neighborhood Association Board

Committees                                                                         was established in the early 1980s. The members are
                                                                                   volunteers and are elected every two years in March. The
                                                                                   association does not collect dues and is not a Home
3.5 T R A F F I C & S A F E T Y AC T I O N C O M M I T T E E                       Owners' Association (HOA). Rather, its function is to
o pal wagn er                        520-444-5698   serve the collective well being of the neighborhood.
                                                                                   Meetings are typically held the second Thursday of each
B LO C K WATC H , G A I N E V E N T & W I L LO PA R K S                            month at 6:30 pm at the Fairfield Inn and Suites Hotel. All res-
b rad b rau er , ch a i r              602-690-1400   idents of Willo are invited to attend. Agendas are available
                                                                                   online prior to the meeting at
a nn b o m m ersb ach, c ha i r          623-330-3203   INSIDE WILLO MAGAZINE
                                                                                   This free newsletter is published monthly (excluding July &
C O M M U N I T Y AC T I O N O F F I C E R                                         August) by a committee headed by Willo volunteers. Willo
o f f icer b en h ar ri s      602-361-4501   neighbors are encouraged to submit neighborhood news,
                                                                                   tidbits, photos and articles (between 250-500 words) by
H I S TO R I C R E G I S T R AT I O N A N D R E N E WA L                           the 10th of each month. We reserve the right to: edit as
gen e n an ce                         602-252-5397   needed, attribute to the submitting neighbor (with the
                                                                                   street they live on where appropriate), determine which is-
H O M E TO U R 20 22 C O M M I T T E E                                             sue the information may be printed and use content on our
t er esa f o n tan a, co-c ha i r             480-540-7744   website and in neighborhood promotional materials. The
br ad l ey b r au er , c o-c ha i r                            Willo Neighborhood Association is not responsible for nor
                                                                                   endorses the editorial content in Inside Willo. Inside Willo
I N S I D E W I L LO N E WS L E T T E R                                            does not accept political campaign ads. A copy of Inside
s a n d r a l efco v ich, cha i r       347-446-9874   Willo is also posted to the Willo website each month.
megan d esm o n d mart i ne z ( a d sales ma na ge r)
                                   602-799-4295   CITY OF PHOENIX HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE
r a lph gro o m (art di re c t or)                                       			                     602-261-8699
di an a h er m an , photographe r                  602-625-7358   Phoenix City Hall, 200 W. Washington St., 3rd Floor
                                                                                   NOTE: Walk-in hours are 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm, Monday
K L E A N S T R E E T S / YA R D S A L E                                           through Friday (Excluding holidays). Customers must sign in
pat rice wappel , chai r                  602-248-0408   by 4:00 pm and may continue their business transaction
                                                                                   through close of business at 5:00 pm.
c h r is n o rto n , cha i r          480-559-9775   EXTERIOR REHABILITATION PROGRAM
SOCIAL COMMITTEE                                                                   preservation-exterior-rehabilitation-assistance-program
ni kki arm stro n g, c ha i r       602-254-3692
                                                                                   CITY NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES
SOCIAL MEDIA                                                                       General Information		 602-262-7344
je rem y sch ach te r, c ha i r         480-703-8088   Graffiti Removal		 602-534-4444
                                                                                   Free Paint for Graffiti Removal		 602-495-0323
T H E O F F I C I A L W I L LO P H OTO B O O K C O M M I T T E E                   Grafitti Reward Tip LIne		 602-262-7327
ja m es varel a, co -cha i r          cocinavarela@gmailcom         602-663-1069   Landlord/Tenant Counseling      602-534-4444, ext. 3
di an a h er m an , co-cha i r              602-625-7358   Property Maintenance Violations		 602-262-7844
                                                                                   Grants Administration		 602-534-4444
l i n d a d o esch er, co-c ha i r        602-618-1349   PHOENIX POLICE
k u sh go van i, co - c ha i r       317-847-9081   Officer Ben Harris/Willo Representative
W E LC O M E TO W I L LO C O M M I T T E E                                         Crimestop 		 602-262-6151
c a r l sch u r tz, chai r             805-586-5773   City Councilmember/District 4:
                                                                                   Hon. Laura Pastor
W I L LO K I D S C L U B                                                 		        602-262-7447
s hery l h aar m an , co-c ha i r             480-223-7682
va lerie l an e, co -c ha i r                      DISCLAIMER: All editorial content and some photos in Inside Willo
                                                                                   are the property of the Willo Historic District Board for use in Inside
ZONING COMMITTEE                                                                   Willo. No copies may be reprinted electronically or otherwise without
t om d o esch er, chai r              480-695-3506   the written consent of the Willo President or board.

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2022 Home Tour

                                                                                                                           HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD

2022 Willo Home Tour —
Yes, this is Happening!
BY B R A D B R A U E R ( M O N T E V I S TA ) A N D T E R E S A F O N TA N A ( M O N T E V I S TA )

                                                                                                          In addition to Brad serving as the Co-
                                                                                                      Chair of the wildly successful 2020 Home
                                                                                                      Tour, his home was featured on the tour
                                                                                                      that year. Brad is also the Vice President
                                                                                                      of the Willo Neighborhood Association.
                                                                                                      Teresa’s home was on tour in 2019 and she
                                                                                                      served as a homeowner liaison and docent
                                                                                                      for the 2020 tour. She is also a member
                                                                                                      of the Welcome to Willo Committee. We
                                                                                                      both have a passion for supporting this very
                                                                                                      important event and are excited to be a part
                                                                                                      of it again this year.
                                                                                                          We are starting to form the various
                                                                                                      committees critical to making the tour
                                                                                                      a success and already have volunteers
                                                                                                      leading the street fair vendor and music/
                                                                                                      talent procurement committees. We have
                                                                                                      many volunteers from the past that we
                                                                                                      will be reaching out to help us with PR/
                                                                                                      Marketing, Social Media, Ticket Sales,
                                                                                                      Communications, Brochure Production
                                                                                                      and Ad Sales, Home Write-Ups, Day-of
                                                                                                      Tour and Twilight Tour logistics, Cocktail
                                                                                                      Parties, Volunteer Sign-Up/Management,
                                                                                                      Liaison and Docent Training, and others.
                                                                                                          Right now, the focus is on home
                                                                                                      procurement, which is the main reason
                                                                                                      our tour is so popular as we do have some
                                                                                                      fabulous homes in Willo! We have a
                                                                                                      preliminary list of homes that would be
                                                                                                      fantastic for the tour, but we are looking for
WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE                        this event is so much fun and a great way           a volunteer to help us lead this effort over
the return of the Willo Home Tour in 2022         to get involved in the neighborhood and             the next few months.
and that we have again volunteered to co-         share this unique part of Phoenix with                  To get involved, volunteer to have your
chair this event. This tour is one of the         people from all over the valley, state and          home on tour, or find out more about this
most successful and well-attended tours           even the country. While this past year has          event, please contact us at:  2022wht@
and street fairs in Phoenix for over 32           been difficult for many of us, especially the
years and counting. The tour and street           social butterflies, we are counting on the              Information will also be posted on the
fair will be held on Sunday, February 13          days ahead to bring more opportunities to           Willo website:  WILLOPHX.COM  as well
with a smaller neighborhood “twilight             reconnect with each other and to resume             as the Official Willo Historic Neighborhood
tour” on Saturday the 12th.                       many of the activities that make Willo such         Facebook page (be sure to sign up to become
    For neighbors who are new to Willo,           a wonderful place to live.                          a member of this group). ●

W I L LO P H X .C O M                                                                                                       I N S I D E   W I L LO/ 7
SUMMER is on its way!

                          Advertise in
                        INSIDE WILLO!
                             Business Card   $55
                             Quarter Page    $100
                             Half Page       $150
                             Full Page       $225

                        Competitive Rates
                         for Multiple Issue
                        Contact Megan Today to Get in
                               the Next Issue!
Fun and Games

                                                         HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD

Wanna Play?

Granada and Maybelline
and Sullivan on Palm Lane,
who painted and scattered
three dozen game rocks
throughout Willo in early
April. Messages about
the new game rocks were
posted on the Willo and Phx
Hidden Rocks Facebook
pages to ask people to
keep their eyes out for the
rocks. Within days these
sites had more than 200
likes or comments ranging from “What a super cute and creative
idea! I love it!” and “Adorable” to “Oh how fun!!!” and “I bet that
took a lot of time to paint.” ■ If you come across one of these gems,
pick it up and play. Then post a photo of your game on these
sites and re-hide your rock for more fun. See how Diana Herman
on Monte Vista played. ■ With summer starting I wonder which
creative neighbor will devise the next game we all can play. ●

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                                                             Chicano/Latino Art
                                                                                                                                                                                     HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD

                                                             Shows Beauty, Pain, Politics
                                                             and Healing
                                                             BY P H I L I O TA L A R I C O ( E D G E M O N T )
                                                                                                                        Martin Moreno,
                                                                                                                        artist; Right
                                                                                                                        inset photo
                                                             MARTIN MORENO WAS BORN                                     of Stephanie
                                                                                                                        Vasquez, owner
                                                             in Adrian, Michigan, where he grew up
                                                                                                                        of Fair Trade Cafe
                                                             speaking Spanish at home and English
                                                             in school. With Martin and sisters in
                                                             tow, his parents worked in the fields and
                                                             later in the foundries. He remembers
                                                             listening to stories about his past from his
                                                             large extended family. He credits these
                                                             experiences with providing much of the
                                                             subject matter, which he depicts in his
                                                             artwork; these images come to life in his
                                                             sculpture, murals, paintings, and mosaics.
                                                             But beauty is not the only thing Mr. Moreno
                                                                 While at first glance, some of the murals
                                                             he creates look beautiful and carefree, are
                                                             often, upon closer inspection, full of images
                                                             that make up our reality in the 21st century.
                                                             Images of our people losing their lives to
                                                             drugs, alcohol, and other abuses, due to the
                                                             hand they were dealt are sometimes depicted
                                                             amongst the Aloe Vera plants that provide us
                                                             with healing powers. Political statements
                                                             are made in his mono-prints, which spur
                                                             conversation, heated or otherwise. Moreno
                                                             states he will continue to produce both types
                                                             of art, but his favorite by far are those pieces
                                                             that make people think, make them wonder

                                                             about past decisions, and make them hope
                                                             for a better future.
                                                                 Currently, Moreno is an Art Instructor
                                                             at NFL YET Academy. He is a founding
                                                             board member of ALAC (Arizona Latin@
                                                             Arts and Cultural Center), established in           of the Year award. Currently, he is part of     Vasquez, Fair Trade Cafe serves fair-trade
                                                             Phoenix, the first Latino Cultural Center           the Moreno/Costello team, which has been        coffee and baked goods. Stephanie was a
                                                             in Arizona. He was one of twelve Chicano/           commissioned to design one of the Valley        public supporter of Arizona’s Proposition
                                                             Latino artists selected for the “Locals Only”       Metro Light Rail stations in the South          206, a successful 2016 ballot measure to
                                                             exhibition at the Phoenix Art Museum. The           Mountain community.                             increase the state’s minimum wage and
                                                             exhibit is of historical importance because             Moreno’s thought-provoking work is          guarantee paid sick days for workers. She
                                                             it features Chicano/Latino artists for the          the perfect fit for display this month at the   continues to welcome the community to
                                                             first time in the museum’s history. In 2011         socially conscious eatery, Fair Trade Café      her cafe and is an active supporter of equal
                                                             he received the Arizona Governor’s Artist           (1020 N. 1st Avenue). Owned by Stephanie        rights for all. ●

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Welcome Committee                                                                                                           HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD

New Neighbor Spotlight
BY T E R E S A F O N TA N A ( M O N T E V I S TA )

                                                                                  WELCOME TO THE CROWDER FAMILY, who recently
                                                                                  moved to the 100 block of Lewis. Originally from Southwest
                                                                                  Virginia, where she also went to college, Courtney Crowder
                                                                                  moved to Phoenix in 2014 after the birth of her son, Tucker.
                                                                                  Tucker’s father was originally from Phoenix, and seeing the
                                                                                  growth and development of the city, made them very excited to
                                                                                  raise their son here.
                                                                                      Courtney works in Mortgage Lending with Bay Equity and
                                                                                  has been in the industry since 2017. She enjoys dining out, wine
                                                                                  tasting, going to Suns basketball games, and activities with her
                                                                                  son. Tucker, now seven years old, plays baseball, basketball and
                                                                                  is very active in Boy Scouts. They have a dog named Molly.
                                                                                      Courtney has had an affinity for Willo since moving to
                                                                                  Phoenix. She used to cruise the historic districts and daydream
                                                                                  about purchasing one of the amazing unique homes in the
                                                                                  area. Then, in 2020, she started shopping for a new property
                                                                                  with her real estate agent. She randomly drove through Willo
                                                                                  one evening and saw a coming soon sign in the yard of her now
                                                                                  home. She had a “love at first sight” moment with her charming
                                                                                  1920s Tudor. The layout and character fit her criteria perfectly.
                                                                                  Tucker also fell in love with the charm of the home, and they
                                                                                  wrote an offer before it even hit the market. She feels so blessed
                                                                                  to have this property and be a member of such an outstanding
                                                                                  community ... Please join us in welcoming this wonderful family
                                                                                  to our amazing neighborhood! ●

Fitness 101

BY S H E RY L H A A R M A N ( PA L M L A N E )

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION                            and adequate levels of exercise, the institute   control
(WHO) identified physical inactivity as              identifies:                                      ■ improvement in the quality of sleep as
the fourth leading risk factor for global            ■ increased muscular and                         reported by the National Sleep Foundation
mortality confirming the fundamental                 cardiorespiratory well-being
importance of physical activity in our               ■ improved bone and functional health            Sheryl Haarman (neighbor on Palm Lane) is a
lives.                                               ■ reduced risk of hypertension, coronary         certified personal trainer through ACSM, ACE,
    As a means to combat this problem, the           heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breast and      and NASM, and a credentialed Wellness coach
WHO recommends 60 minutes of exercise                colon cancer and depression                      through the Wellcoaches Corporation. She can
per day for children and adolescents, and            ■ reduced risk of falls and hip or vertebral     be reached at 602-717-4898 for private in home
150 minutes per week for adults.                     fractures                                        or virtual fitness training, or in person gym ses-
    Among the benefits related to regular            ■ maintaining energy balance and weight          sions at Tangible Fitness

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A Willo Project

                                                                                                                     HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD

                  The Willo Photo Book         BY D I A N A H E R M A N ( M O N T E V I S TA )

THANK YOU, WILLO NEIGHBORS                     of Willo architecture dating from the             financial liaison. We are thrilled to do our
and Willo Neighborhood Association! The        first home built in the early 1900s. Our          part to support Willo and hope you will too.
Willo Photo Book (WPB) is already a huge       researchers and writers, Regina Harris,               All proceeds from the book’s sale will
success story for Willo because of you; More   Jan O’Rourke, Nikki Armstrong, Sandra             go directly back to Willo to support our
than 70 books have been pre-sold!              Lefcovich, Venancio Berrocoso, and                neighborhood and special events. The
   More than 400 Willo homes will be           Cassandra Larsen, have spent many                 money you spend on this hard-bound,
included in the WPB. The book will include     entertaining hours interviewing neighbors         200-page color photo and history book
as many Willo homes as the size and format     and poring through Phoenix and Willo              will help promote the history and beauty
permit.                                        history. The book will also feature               of our neighborhood; plus, you will have an
   Our photographers Daniel Koenig,            fascinating memories of long-time                 excellent coffee table book for your own
John Woodcock, Kat Soderberg, and I,           residents of the neighborhood and older           beautiful, historic Willo home.
have completed the exterior photos. John       photographs.                                          With a limited number of WPB books
Woodcock and I will be scheduling the              Our fantastic WPB team, spearheaded           available, be sure to secure yours. Look
interior photo sessions throughout the         by James Varela and me, consists of Willo         for the pre-order button on WILLOPHX.
summer.                                        resident professionals volunteering their         COM and the Official Willo Historic
   The WPB will incorporate a history          time for this project. Linda Doescher is our      Facebook page.   ●

    The Willo Photo Book will be “the book of a lifetime” for Willo.
                        PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY NOW!
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WNA Meeting Agenda

                                                                                                     HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD

                           Willo Neighborhood Association
                                   Board Meeting

                               MAY 13 , 2021

                                6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
                                          Virtual Meeting via Zoom
                                Welcome and Introductions       Inside Willo
                                                Bob Cannon      Sandra Lefcovich
                        Approval of MARCH & APRIL Minutes       Social Media
                                                Opal Wagner     Jeremy Schachter
                                          Financial Reports     By-Law Change Process
                                             Linda Doescher     Ann Bommersbach
                            Street Improvement Committee        Willo Committees
                                                Opal Wagner     Bob Cannon
                                                     Zoning     Home Tour 2022
                                              Tom Doescher      Brad Brauer and Teresa Fontana
                                                Block Watch     Other Committees as Needed
                             Brad Brauer & Officer Ben Harris   Old Business
                                                                New Business

                       Willo residents should contact Linda Doescher
                at for ZOOM links and instructions.
                 Alternatively, visit WILLOPHX.COM or THE OFFICIAL WILLO
                                 instructions on ZOOM access.
                                        AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE
                        N E X T      M E E T I N G I S O N J U N E 1 0 ,                  2 0 2 1
                                       (NO MEETINGS IN JULY OR AUGUST)

W I L LO P H X .C O M                                                                                I N S I D E   W I L L O / 17

      Please visit
    to stay informed
       of the latest
   neighborhood news
  and announcements.
    You can also find
    archived issues of
Inside Willo dating back
 to 2011, neighborhood
   history and photos.

                                                                                                                       HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD

Social Committee

Fall and Winter Happy Hours
BY N I K K I A R M S T R O N G (G R A N A DA )

THE SOCIAL COMMITTEE IS                          December, and into the new year.                have not signed up to be on the list, please
tentatively planning for neighborhood happy         If you moved into Willo in the past twelve   send a message to willosocialcommittee@
hours to resume, starting in September. We       months, you may not know that (before the and you will be added.
will continue to monitor CDC guidelines for      pandemic) we used to host neighborhood             Will happy hours look a little different if
gatherings over the course of the summer,        happy hours every month, on the second          they resume this year? Yes. Past happy hour
and will naturally hope for the best. At this    Friday. Happy hours are open to anyone in       protocol like asking all guests to bring a drink
point, we are cautiously optimistic that we      Willo. Hosting is simple: pretty much all a     and snack to share won’t happen. Happy
can begin to gather again in a few months as     host has to do is open your gate and BOOM,      hours will be held outdoors, in backyards.
more people receive vaccinations. Will we        you’ve instantly made a lot of new friends.     Guests will be asked to spread out more
even recognize each other since it’s been so     Hosting or attending a happy hour is a great    than we have in the past. We don’t know yet
long? Meanwhile, if you are subscribed to the    way to get to know your neighbors. Happy        what other changes we might make, but we
Social Committee’s email list, expect to see a   hour information is communicated via the        will work with happy hour hosts to ensure
message in the coming weeks asking whether       Inside Willo newsletter, Willo social media,    that they feel safe opening their space for
anyone would like to host for September –        and the Social Committee’s email list. If you   neighbors to visit. ●

     WEDNESDAYS (5 TO 8 P.M.)                                                                    May Food Truck Schedule
     MAY  5          It's Seoul Good (Korean, Barbeque, Asian Fusion)
     MAY 12          Flippin' Rice (Asian Fusion, Chinese, Filipino)
     MAY 19          Burgers Amore (Burgers, American, Comfort Food)

                                                                                         Food Truck
     MAY 26          Fajita Freaks AZ (Mexican, Tacos, Spanish)

                                                                                         Take away
                                                                                        only. Please
                                                                                       wear a mask
                                                                                          and please
                                                                                     practice social
     V I S I T    H T T P S : // S T R E E T F O O D F I N D E R . C O M / W I L L O W E D N E S D A Y S

W I L LO P H X .C O M                                                                                                  I N S I D E   W I L L O / 19
Inside Willo
Kids Club

                                                            HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD

Kids Club
Easter Event
BY VA L E R I E L A N E ( L E W I S)

Craft Event at Lewis Park and had an exciting visit
from the Easter Bunny! The kids were able to paint
a plant kit and get a bag full of goodies from the
Easter Bunny.
    WKC hopes to be planning a few more events for
summer and fall. Keep an eye out for an Evite in July
for a Water Fun and Ice Cream Social (Distanced).
Please remember to RSVP if you see the Evite.
    Thank you for all your submissions for the Draw
Your House Contest. Since we received a select
few drawings, everyone was a winner! Kids and
adults alike, we challenge you to continue drawing
sidewalk chalk art. Many designs over the last year
were beautiful and inspiring.
    Thank you to the Willo Neighborhood
Association and Willo residents for your ongoing
support and encouragement of our future Willo
residents. We will continue to keep our sidewalks
decorated with beautiful pictures and encouraging
words as our state and country slowly emerge from
a restless hibernation from the previous year. ●

W I L LO P H X .C O M                                       I N S I D E   W I L L O / 21
Draw Your
                   Willo's Young Artists



   SULLIVAN (9) – PALM                     GRIFFIN (4) GREER (2) - LEWIS

22 / I N S I D E   W I L LO

             TOMMY (5) LEWIS      ELLA (10) - 3RD AVENUE       HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD

        WES (4) – CORONADO

from children                                                       JOSH (11) – ALMERIA

around Willo.
Everyone is
a winner!
                  EVY (5) LEWIS

  W I L LO P H X .C O M
                                  ...Contest                   I N S I D E   W I L L O / 23

                                                                       HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD


                        Real Estate

                        & Sold
                        ADDRESS		STATUS                                                PRICE

                        322 W Vernon		                       ACTIVE                    $650,000
                        514 W Granada		                      ACTIVE                    $899,900
                        522 W Windsor		                      ACTIVE                    $899,900
                        330 W. Holly		                       ACTIVE                    $685,000

                        528 W Lewis		                        PENDING                   $499,900
                        301 W Cambridge		                    PENDING                   $619,000
                        69 W. Virginia		                     PENDING                   $629,900
                        341 W. Edgemont		                    PENDING                   $629,900
                        70 W Virginia		                      PENDING                   $650,000
                        315 W Edgemont		                     PENDING                   $690,000
                        530 W. Vernon		                      PENDING                   $745,000
                        501 W Encanto		                      PENDING                   $760,000
                        74 W Wilshire		                      PENDING                   $799,000
                        302 W Virginia		                     PENDING                   $825,000
                        130 W Coronado		                     PENDING                   $869,900
                        521 W. Edgemont		                    PENDING                   $875,000
                        301 W Vernon		                       PENDING                  $1,100,000

                        515 W Lewis		                        SOLD                     $475,000
                        505 W. Virginia		                    SOLD                     $575,000
                        90 W. Virginia		                     SOLD                    $1,440,000

                        Real estate information provided by Bradley B. Brauer, Broker's Hub
                        Realty. All figures as of 04/15/2021. Information provided by Arizona
                        Regional Multiple Listing Service and is listed by individual brokers. For
                        more information, please contact the listing agent, one of our advertising
                        realtors or your real estate professional.

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Spring Blooms

Flowers in Willo

26 / I N S I D E   W I L LO
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