Restoring the structure: A modular analysis of ego-driven organizational networks
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Restoring the structure: A modular analysis of ego-driven organizational networks Robert P. Dalkaa,b , Justyna P. Zwolakb,∗ a Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA b National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA arXiv:2201.01290v1 [physics.soc-ph] 4 Jan 2022 Abstract Organizational network analysis (ONA) is a method for studying interactions within formal organizations. The utility of ONA has grown substantially over the years as means to analyze the relationships developed within and between teams, departments, and other organizational units. The mapping and quantifying of these relationships have been shown to provide insight into the exchange of information and resources, the building of social capital, and the spread of culture within and between organizations. However, the ethical concerns regarding personally identifiable information (PII) that exist for traditional social science research are made more pertinent in ONA, as the relational nature of the network may leave participants open to identification by organization management. To address this, we propose a method of generating a network of organizational groups (e.g. units, departments, teams) through the projection of ego-networks absent of PII. We validate this method through modular analysis of the resulting networks and compare the identified structure to a known structure of the organization. The methodology lays a foundation for performing ONA that needs only anonymous ego-centric data to identify large-scale aspects of organizational structures. 1. Introduction statistical and graphical models of the people, tasks, and groups forming the network. It also allows to as- Society is built around social interactions, driven by sess and quantify how the interactions between them individuals desire to form and maintain meaningful re- are facilitated by complex structural connections to dis- lationships (Tchalova and Eisenberger, 2015). Social tribute knowledge and resources important to organiza- interactions – be it personal, family- or work-related – tional systems (Kilduff and Brass, 2010). help people build communication skills and cooperate to achieve common goals. From a methodological stand- ONA can provide insights into social influences point, the social structures resulting from such interac- within teams, the effect of team building on the dy- tions can be investigated using social network analy- namics of an organization’s social network, or identify sis (SNA) (Scott and Carrington, 2011; Wasserman and cultural issues within an organization (Bavelas, 1950; Faust, 1994). In the context of formal organizations, Blau, 2017; Cook and Emerson, 1978; Flap et al., 1998; the application of SNA is called organizational network Krackhardt, 1990; Quintane et al., 2013). An analy- analysis (ONA). ONA is an empirical research method sis of formal and informal relationships in organiza- for mapping, analyzing, and quantifying relationships tions can, in turn, help shape business or research strate- used to perform work between individuals, groups, and gies by maximizing the organic exchange of informa- whole organizations (Merrill et al., 2007). The key fea- tion, thereby helping the organization become more ef- ture distinguishing ONA from more traditional survey- fective and innovative (Colombo et al., 2011; Cross based data analytic methods is the use of structural or et al., 2004; Gulati et al., 2002; Ozman, 2009). De- relational variables and analysis techniques based on tecting communities in networks can reveal how indi- graph-theoretic methods. ONA allows the creation of vidual nodes form groups that work together to per- form larger functions to fulfill an organization’s mis- ∗ Corresponding author. sion, e.g., intra- and inter-unit collaborations, shared Email addresses: (Robert P. Dalka), professional experiences, similar working functions, as (Justyna P. Zwolak) well as capture network structures within and between Preprint submitted to Elsevier January 5, 2022
organizations (Brandes et al., 2009; Carpenter et al., terconnectedness within an organization. In particu- 2012; Lazega et al., 2012). The utility of ONA to ana- lar, we show that a network built by projecting anony- lyze and understand the various relationships developed mous egocentric network data (ego-networks) onto or- within and between teams, departments, and other orga- ganizational units provides a valid and reliable approx- nizational units has grown substantially over the years imation of a known organizational structure. We use (Moliterno and Mahony, 2011). To date, ONA has been ties between employees to indicate ties between their used to investigate individual employees networks to respective working units as an example of the dual- understand structural social capital, access to resources, ity between individuals and groups (Brass et al., 2004; and the spread of attitudes and culture (Borgatti and Breiger, 1974). We then perform a modularity analy- Foster, 2003); to understand the relationship between sis of the resulting network and confirm that egocentric multiple levels of networks, such as the individual and data representing individuals and their connections, but their group, division, or organization affiliations (Brass containing no PII, is sufficient to approximate the com- et al., 2004; Lazer and Katz, 2003; Moliterno and Ma- plete network structure of organizational units. hony, 2011); and to investigate the network structure We test the utility of the proposed approach using the between organizations (Provan et al., 2007). “National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) With the growing prevalence of ONA, there has Inclusivity Network” dataset pertaining to two types of been increased interest in the ethical issues associated direct interaction reported by NIST’s employees (Es- with social sciences research and the investigation of pinal et al., 2021). By design, the dataset does not con- personal and organizational networks (Agneessens and tain PII about the ego or the alters and the specific oper- Labianca, 2022; Borgatti and Molina, 2005; Cronin ating units affiliations are anonymized prior to analysis. et al., 2021; Ellison and Langhout, 2017; Morris, 2015). To build the complete network of NIST’s organizational The codes of ethical conduct typically focus on pre- units we employ an affiliation projection method. The venting harm to participants, guaranteeing privacy and structure of the resulting network, established through anonymity, providing informed consent, and avoiding common community detection techniques, is validated deception (Diener and Crandall, 1978; Harris, 2008; Ni- against the known structure of the organization. We jhawan et al., 2013). While anonymity is the most pow- also investigate the stability of the identified communi- erful device for protecting the interest of respondents, ties through two data re-sampling experiments to further ensuring confidentiality of individual responses in ONA verify the effectiveness of our approach. The ability to can be challenging (Bell and Bryman, 2007). While the use anonymous ego-networks to generate inter-unit net- standard practice of anonymizing data prior to analy- works broadens the applicability of ONA, particularly to sis helps to address this issue, it does not completely institutions where privacy concerns make analysis using eliminate it. For example, minority employees can of- PII impossible. ten be uniquely identified given even a small number of This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we attributes. Moreover, the relational nature of network introduce our methodology in broad terms, including data means that the survey data often includes informa- the creation of the network, the community detection tion about third parties (the so-called alters) who, de- analysis and the evaluation of those communities. The pending on the sampling strategy, might not have given results specific to the data collected through the NIST their consent or even been informed of their indirect par- Inclusivity Network survey, as well as the two experi- ticipation in the study (Borgatti and Molina, 2003). At ments, are presented in Section 3. Section 4 presents the same time, constructing a full organizational net- a discussion of the results and the potential limitations work necessitates an inclusion of not only the respon- of the proposed approach. Finally, we conclude with a dents but also the alters and interactions between them discussion in Section 5. as perceived by the respondent. Thus, while ONA can help leaders understand whether there are sufficient con- 2. Methodology nections to facilitate positive relationships needed for innovative teams, the requirement to provide personally Network analysis uses nodes (e.g., individuals, fam- identifiable information (PII) necessary to establish the ilies, departments at a university, or operational units complete ONA makes this approach challenging to im- in a company) and ties (e.g., friendship, kinship, co- plement in certain settings (e.g., within government in- authoring papers, or collaborating on a project) to repre- stitutions). sent social phenomena as a network. Depending on the To overcome this challenge, we demonstrate an al- type of interactions defining the network, ties can have ternative method for assessing the broadly defined in- directionality and weight. The directionality indicates 2
whether or not a given interaction is mutual (e.g., kin- ship, co-authoring papers) or perceived as reciprocated (e.g., friendship). Weights are used to quantify the value associated with each tie, providing additional informa- tion on the nature of the interaction (e.g., the frequency, strength, or cost of a given interaction). The focus of our study is determining to what extent anonymous ego-network data can be used as a proxy to capture the organizational network structure. In this context, the nodes represent units in an organization and the ties represent interpersonal interactions reported by the employees (egos). 2.1. Creating organizational networks Figure 1: Visualization of the process of projecting ego networks onto organizational units. (a) Three sample ego networks with nodes, in- The social network data used in our analysis, de- dicating respondents (big nodes) and alters (smaller nodes), labeled scribed in more detail in Section 2.4, consists of two based on the unit affiliation. (b) The incidence matrix built from net- ego-network datasets each representing a distinct type works shown in (a). (c) The resulting weighted, directed organiza- of interaction self-reported by employees: one related tional network. The gray nodes, numbers, and arrows indicate the intra-unit interactions while the black color denotes inter-unit connec- to achieving work-related goals and a second related to tions. seeking advice about career-related decisions (Espinal et al., 2021). Additional ego and alter characteristics, such as certain demographics, work history, and affili- that have many strong ties between them and few weak ation are included in the data. However, unlike typical ties to other groups. The measurement of how well the egocentric data, our datasets do not account for the re- network is divided into communities is called the modu- lationships among the alters as perceived by the ego. larity. In our analysis, we have used the weighted undi- Figure 1(a) shows a cartoon representation of three ego- rected definition of modularity proposed by Newman networks (E1 , E2 , and E3 ) like the ones included in our (2004). dataset, with nodes labeled based on a hypothetical unit In the creation of the undirected networks, we use the affiliation A, B, or C. sum of ties in order to preserve information from all As further explained in Section 2.4, the data from connections that are present in the directed networks. the survey is stored as a response incidence matrix with This preserves connections that are not reciprocated in rows representing respondents and columns indicating the undirected networks ensuring that connections origi- the number of alters from each unit a given respondent nating from egos within small units are not lost, as these listed on their survey. To generate the organizational connections are the most likely to be not reciprocated. networks, we aggregate the incidence matrix by egos’ In general, the function used to create the undirected unit. The rows of the resulting matrix represent the cu- network should be guided by the research objective. mulative number of alters from each unit that egos from The modularity for a partition of a weighted undi- a given unit reported collaborating with. Since the to- rected network is given by, tal number of interactions reported from unit A to unit " CS ,iCS , j # 1 X B can be different than the total number of interactions Q= wi j − δ(ci , c j ), (1) from B to A, the resulting incidence matrix is asym- 2m i, j 2m metric, indicating a weighted and directed network. An where wi j represents the weight of a tie between nodes incidence matrix built from the three networks shown in i and j, CS ,i( j) represents the strength of node i ( j), ci( j) Fig. 1(a) is depicted in Fig. 1(b) and the resulting pro- represents the community to which node i ( j) belongs, jected network is shown in Fig. 1(c). and m = 12 i, j wi, j (Newman, 2004). The delta func- P tion, δ(ci , c j ), equals 1 when ci = c j and 0 otherwise. 2.2. Network modularity The modularity ranges from -1 to 1 and compares the Detecting communities in networks can provide relative density of ties within communities to those ties important insights about how individual nodes form between communities. A positive value indicates a par- groups that work together to perform a larger function. tition in which the ties within communities are more These communities can be defined as groups of nodes prevalent than those between communities. 3
The modularity can be used to determine how suc- in which the rows correspond to the community assign- cessful a particular partition is in dividing a network ments for each sampled network and the columns cor- into communities. It can also be used as a value to opti- respond to a single unit. The element values in M range mize for while creating the partition, as is the case in the between 0, indicating that two units were never placed Louvain community detection algorithm (Blondel et al., in the same community, and 1, indicating that two units 2008). The Louvain algorithm consists of two stages. shared a community in each sample. The first stage starts by placing each node into its own Using the community membership matrix, we then community, then iteratively moves individual nodes into quantify the community assignment stability, S c , for neighboring communities through choosing the merge each unit. The score S c is defined as the percent differ- that provides the greatest gain in modularity. This pro- ence between the average frequency of being partitioned cess is repeated until there is no further increase to the with units from the expected community and the aver- modularity through reassignment of individual nodes. age frequency of being partitioned with units outside of The second stage in the algorithm then treats the com- that community. S c = 1 when a given unit is always munities detected in the first stage as nodes and the steps assigned to the expected community and decreases as of the first stage are repeated. Both stages are run itera- the frequency of assignment to unexpected community tively until no further increase to modularity is possible. increases. At S c = 0, the chances of being assigned We chose this community detection method because within and outside the expected community are equal. it creates communities that are maximally dense rela- At S c = 0.5, the chance of being assigned within the ex- tive to ties between communities through a hierarchical pected community is twice that of the unexpected com- model of community structure while accounting for the munity, which we define as stable. weight of ties between nodes. There are many other Along with calculating S c , we employ the commu- widely used community detection algorithms, including nity matching approach as described by Ghawi and those based on the removal of ties (Newman and Gir- Pfeffer (2022) to calculate the average purity and F- van, 2004), label propagation (Raghavan et al., 2007), measure of the samples as compared to the original and random walks (Rosvall and Bergstrom, 2008). In community structure. Purity and F-measure are extrin- general, the choice of community detection algorithm sic clustering evaluation metrics. Purity quantifies the should be matched to the specific characteristics of the extent to which a community from partition A contains network. units from only a single community in the partition B. The F-measure is made up of two quantities, precision 2.3. Validating community structures and recall; precision of a community is the same as its purity, and recall captures the fraction of units that come In general, the response rate to a survey may vary be- from the community in partition A out of the total num- tween units, resulting in a skewed or biased dataset that ber of units in the community of partition B. Each met- is not representative of the organization. In order to bet- ric ranges from 0, indicating no overlap in partitions, to ter understand how this may influence the communities 1, indicating a perfect matching. that are constructed, we take various stratified samples In our analysis, we define the expected community from the full ego data. The number of samples taken structure as the partitioning of the full network. When should be guided by the size of the dataset. We ran ex- available, the expected community structure should be periments with samples from N = 100 to N = 10 000 defined as the true hierarchical structure of an organiza- and found our results to converge at N = 1 000. tion. To validate the community assignment, we run the In addition to validating the community structure, we Louvain community detection algorithm on each sam- employ the community assignment stability score to de- pled network and use the resulting communities to build termine the effect of time-dependent variations in re- a community membership matrix M. Entries of the sponse rates between units. These variations may de- matrix M represent shared community assignments for pend on the different workflows of each unit or group pairs of units, aggregated across all samples, of units, resulting in disproportionate representations in the survey data. To investigate these effects on the iden- N 1 X tified community structure, we perform an experiment Mi j = δ(Lm,i , Lm, j ), (2) N m=1 treating our data as representing a complete organiza- tion. with, i, j = 1, . . . , n, where n is the number of units, N In the experiment, we mimic distributed survey col- is the number of samples, and L = {Lm,i }N×n is a matrix lections by sampling the majority of units at a rate typ- 4
ical of survey responses. In addition, at each stage, a affiliations and, in the case of egos, the unique ID. We randomly selected subset of units is sampled at a lower then create the incidence matrix by assigning to each rate to simulate the systematic differences in respon- ego the cumulative number of alters from each of the dents’ availability due to work-related constraints (e.g., units. Since we are not interested in the specific nature important deadlines, particularly demanding phase of a of the individual units but rather their overall functions, project). In practice, the frequency of sampling needs to the unit names are replaced with generic codes prior to be aligned with the expected organization’s work sched- the analysis. ule. NIST consists of 19 distinct organizational units, with In our experiment, we chose to sample at four sep- six categorized as Laboratory Programs (coded as L1 arate stages to simulate quarterly administration of the through L6), three as Innovation and Industry Services survey. For each sampled network, we repeat the com- (coded as P1 through P3), seven as Management Re- munity assignment stability analysis and build the com- sources (coded as R1 through R7), and three serving munity membership matrices. To determine at what more administrative functions (coded as M1 through point the communities become stable, the data is also M3) (NIST General Information, 2021). Since different analyzed cumulatively at each stage. units serve different functions within the organization, we expect that a network capturing the interconnected- 2.4. Test case: NIST Interactions Survey data ness between the units should reveal a certain structure, The networks used in this study are built based on with units of the same type being more connected than the NIST Interactions Survey data (Espinal et al., 2021). units of different types. NIST is a non-regulatory agency of the United States Department of Commerce with a mission to “promote 2.5. Visualization and Statistical Analysis innovation and industrial competitiveness by advanc- All network visualizations and analyses presented in ing measurement science, standards, and technology in this work are carried out using the igraph (Csardi and ways that enhance economic security and improve qual- Nepusz, 2006) package in R (R Core Team, 2021). Vi- ity of life” (NIST General Information, 2021). The sur- sualizations of the community membership matrices is vey data was collected as part of one of three initiatives processed through the R function, heatmap.2 (Warnes funded at NIST with the aim to better understand equity et al., 2020). The chi-square test is used to verify dif- and inclusivity within the NIST workforce. More infor- ferences between the observed and expected percent- mation about the survey design as well as the results of ages of intra-ties within units. We consider results with the ego network analysis can be found in a NIST Inter- p < 0.001 as significant. agency/Internal Report 8375 (Espinal et al., 2021). The NIST Interactions Survey data includes two datasets representing the two survey questions: one re- 3. Results lated to broadly defined collaborations across NIST and the other targeting the advice-related interactions. Both The leading question of our study considers the ef- datasets contain certain information about the respon- ficacy of reproducing an entire organizational struc- dents (e.g., gender, ethnicity, age group, tenure status, ture from anonymous ego-network data. We perform and the organizational unit to which they belong) as well a modularity analysis to identify the community struc- as information about the alters listed by each ego (in- ture within the resulting networks and test them against cluding their gender, age group relative to the ego, and the known structure of the organization to validate the their organizational unit). We stress that no personally utility of the proposed approach. We consider the ex- identifiable information was collected as part of the sur- tent to which our approach is successful by comparing vey. Thus, a direct mapping of the ego network data the results of two types of network data gathered from onto the full organization network, which would then the same population. enable analysis of the connectedness within the entire These two networks capture different aspects of con- organization, is not directly possible. nections between employees. Whereas collaborating on The focus of this work is on recovering the organi- a project necessitates interaction with other employees, zational structure from anonymous ego network data. not everyone seeks advice internally. Moreover, while To build the network, we use the organizational unit in- “collaboration to achieve work goals” should have a formation from egos and alters. To prepare the dataset well defined and shared meaning among employees – for our analysis, we first remove all of the egos’ and i.e., working together to fulfill the organization’s mis- alters’ attributes reported in the survey except the unit sion – seeking “advice about important career-related 5
Figure 2: Visualization of the weighted and directed network created based on (a) collaboration and (b) advice data and of the community structure for the (c) collaboration and (d) advice networks. In each plot, the nodes are sized by the number of responses from each unit and the line width corresponds to the weight of each tie. In the directed network, each unit is labeled. In the community plot, the nodes are colored by the organizational division to which that the particular unit belongs. The shaded region indicates the communities that are identified. decisions” may be interpreted differently by various 3.1. Creating organizational networks respondents. Thus, we expect that the two resulting As discussed in Section 2.4, the data from the survey networks will have somewhat different organizational is stored as a response incidence matrix with rows rep- structures. resenting respondents and columns indicating the num- ber of alters from each unit a given respondent listed on their survey. To generate a weighted, directed network of the organizational units, we project the egocentric Finally, we investigate the stability of the community collaboration and advice networks onto units, following structures through a series of experiments aimed at un- the process discussed in Section 2.1. derstanding how the response rate effects the commu- To generate the two organizational networks, we ag- nity structure and how the structure is effected over cu- gregate the incidence matrix by egos’ unit, separately mulative surveys. for each dataset. The resulting incidence matrices rep- 6
resent the weighted and directed collaboration and ad- Table 1: The comparison of the number of egos from each unit who vice networks of units, as visualized in Fig. 2(a) and reported collaboration- and advice-related interactions, the percent- Fig. 2(b), respectively. age of egos who only reported intra-units ties Iin , and the community The organizational networks obtained through this stability measure S c . process account for both intra-unit (i.e., between egos Unit Collaboration Advice from a single unit) and inter-unit (i.e., between egos Size Iin [%] Sc Size Iin [%] Sc from different units) ties. The frequency of intra-unit L1 177 73.4 0.9 164 76.2 0.8 collaborations varies between units and between the L2 103 62.1 0.9 92 82.6 0.7 types of networks. In the collaboration network, on L3 166 69.3 0.9 154 74.0 0.8 average 60.8 % of egos (standard deviation = L4 76 73.7 0.9 67 71.6 0.7 12.6 %) reported exclusively intra-unit ties, with the L5 23 73.9 0.5 20 90.0 0.7 exact percentages ranging from 33.3 % (P3, N = 9 L6 38 76.3 0.4 35 62.9 0.8 respondents) to 76.3 % (L6, N = 38 respondents). R1 54 64.8 0.7 43 60.5 0.8 For advice network, the fraction of egos reporting ex- R2 27 48.1 0.7 24 75.0 0.4 clusively intra-unit ties was slightly higher, at 66.1 % R3 32 56.3 0.7 30 50.0 0.8 ( = 18.4 %), with the per-unit percentages rang- R4 8 62.5 0.4 7 71.4 0.7 ing from 33.3 % (M3, N = 6) to 100 % (R7, N = 8). R5 17 52.9 0.7 14 64.3 0.8 Table 1 shows the number of respondents and the intra- R6 38 73.7 0.7 32 81.3 0.7 connectedness per unit for both networks. We find no R7 8 62.5 0.7 8 100.0 0.3 correlation between the number of respondents from a P1 15 66.7 0.4 14 78.6 0.6 given unit and the fraction of intra-unit ties for both net- P2 5 40.0 0.5 5 40.0 0.6 works (χ2 (18) = 4.8, p = 1 for the collaboration net- P3 9 33.3 0.4 9 44.4 0.7 work; χ2 (18) = 8.0, p = 0.98 for the advice network). M1 21 66.7 0.5 19 36.8 0.6 Since due to the anonymity concerns, our data does M2 18 55.6 0.2 16 62.5 0.7 not include information about more fine-grain affilia- M3 7 42.9 0.6 6 33.3 0.6 tion (e.g., a specific division within the unit), we focus our analysis on the inter-unit ties. We note that more specific affiliation questions would enable mapping of B to A) to create undirected networks. We note that the intra-unit subnetworks. However, that might ne- this process might result in certain interactions being ac- cessitate elimination of some of the demographic ques- counted for twice which, for our purposes, indicates that tions asked in the survey in order to preserve anonymity. a given interaction between the two units is stronger. In our case, each organizational network represents the The undirected networks used to identify the commu- whole organization structure captured through the inter- nity structure of each network are shown in Fig. 2(c) and unit interactions. The next step is to validate whether Fig. 2(d), respectively. We then use the Louvain com- the obtained networks can serve as a proxy for the orga- munity detection algorithm to partition the networks. nizational structure. For the collaboration network, we find two top-level clusters, one including exclusively units of type L, the 3.2. Community detection other including units of type R, P, and M. Interestingly, In any organization different units play different roles, the units of type L are never clustered with units of a with some units serving more similar function than oth- different type while, at the highest level, all of the re- ers. Thus, it is expected that certain units should be maining units form a single cluster. This corresponds more tightly connected, forming what is called in net- to the binary division of units as laboratory and non- work analysis clusters. To determine the structure and laboratory programs. The second-level clustering, de- clustering of our networks, we employ the community picted in Fig. 2(c), further separates out units of type R. detection techniques discussed in Section 2.2. The goal By third-level, two of the P units get pulled out from is to determine whether the community partitions of the the second-level cluster to form a separate community networks built by projecting egos’ self-reported interac- while the third P unit and M units remain together. tions onto units is reflective of the true organizational The units in the L community of the collaboration structure. network, shaded in red in Fig. 2(c), are among the To account for all of the reported inter-unit interac- largest in terms of total responses. The percentages of tions, we collapse the directed ties by summing the re- intra-unit ties of these units are also among the highest spective weights (i.e., weight from A to B with weight (see Table 1) and are fairly consistent between the nodes 7
with an average of 71.5 % ( = 5.1 %). The sec- ond community, shaded in blue in Fig. 2(c), is made up exclusively of R type units, with an average percentage of intra-unit ties of 60.1 % ( = 8.5 %). The fi- nal community, shaded in yellow in Fig. 2(c), is made up of the three P units and the three M units. The units within this community are among the smallest in terms of ego responses and have the lowest average percent- age of intra-unit ties at 50.9 % ( = 14.2 %). The second-level communities of the collaboration network are reflective of the organization structure, as Figure 3: A comparison of the hierarchical community structure be- discussed in Section 2.4. The perfect overlap in the tween (a) the full collaboration network and (b) the cumulative com- munity partitions of the re-sampled networks. The heatmap colors are communities detected within the network and the orga- placed on a range from blue (never in the same community) to red nizational unit functions confirms that the network gen- (completely nested in the same community). The structure identified erated by projecting ego networks on units provides a from the Louvain algorithm applied to the full collaboration network was used to order the heatmap for the re-sampled networks. The or- reliable approximation of the organization structure. dering of the matrix is determined by the hierarchical clustering algo- In the following paragraphs, we discuss the commu- rithm applied to the collaboration network data. nity structure found in the advice network. Through the Louvain community detection algorithm, 3 communi- ties are found in the top-level partition of the advice age of intra-unit ties between them, with an average of network. These three communities resemble the com- 50.6 % ( = 24.4 %). munities identified in the second-level partition of the The communities in the advice network are also, collaboration network, however with more mixing be- in part, representative of the organizational structure. tween units of different types. At the second-level of However, the partition is more fragmented and results the advice network partitioning, shown in Fig. 2(d), the in more mixing of different types of units. Within P and M units are separated out from L units and form a each community, the percentage of intra-unit ties has a separate cluster, and the majority R community breaks greater variation than that of the collaboration network. into two clusters of size 5 (including one M unit) and Thus, the advice network does not reflect the organiza- size 3 (all R units). By the third-level, the network falls tional structure as well as the collaboration network. apart into a number of single-unit communities. The first community in the second-level partition of 3.3. Community assignment stability the advice network is made up exclusively of L units, as Since the network of units is based on employees’ re- seen in the region shaded in red in Fig. 2(d). The per- sponses, which are unequally represented in the over- centage of intra-unit ties of the nodes within this com- all sample. It is thus important to validate the com- munity is more varied compared to the L community munity structure we established with one detected from in the collaboration network, with an average percent- network data that is representative of the true distri- age of intra-unit ties of 76.2 % ( = 9.3 %). The bution of employees across units. To accomplish this, next community is a two node community, shaded in or- we conduct an experiment, as discussed in Section 2.3, ange in Fig. 2(d), that is grouped with the L community where we perform a stratified sampling (N = 1000) in the top-level partition; it includes P3 and M1, which over our datasets to mimic an idealized collection of sur- have 44.4 % and 36.8 % of intra-unit ties respectively. vey responses that reflects the distribution of employees The third community consists of four units of type R and among units. Such sampling ensures that the ego dis- one M unit, shaded in blue in Fig. 2(d), with an average tribution is representative of the true distribution of em- intra-unit percentage of 76.6 % ( = 15.2 %). The ployees in the organization. fourth community is made up of the remaining three R From each sample, a network of units is created. The units, shaded in indigo in Fig. 2(d), and is grouped with sampling method limits the overall sample size by the the third community in the top-level partition. The av- lowest responding unit, resulting in networks generated erage percentage of intra-unit ties for this community from 52 % of the original data set. Each network is is 60.6 % ( = 10.7 %). The fifth and final com- then partitioned into communities based on the Louvain munity in the advice network is made up of two units algorithm. of type P and a single M unit, shaded in yellow in Fig. The community membership matrix for the collabo- 2(d). These three units have a highly varying percent- ration network data can be is visualized in Figure 3(b). 8
For comparison, the hierarchical partition of the organi- zation network discussed in the previous section is dis- played as a heatmap in Fig. 3(a). While there are some communities that are consistent when re-sampling to obtain a representative sample, there are other commu- nities that differ with the different distribution of egos. As we discussed previously, the L community ob- served in the top-level partition is never broken down into sub-communities. In the sampled networks, two of the L units – L5 and L6 – are not as frequently placed in the same community as the other labs. In fact, L5 Figure 4: A comparison of the hierarchical community structure be- and L6 were only partitioned in communities with the tween (a) the full advice network and (b) the cumulative community partitions of the re-sampled networks. The heatmap colors are placed other L units about half of the time. This might in part on a range from blue (never in the same community) to red (com- result from the fact that these are the two smallest units pletely nested in the same community). The structure identified from within the L community, which leaves them more sen- the Louvain algorithm applied to the full advice network was used to order the heatmap for the re-sampled networks. The ordering of the sitive to sampling. Still, these two L units tend to be matrix is determined by the hierarchical clustering algorithm applied clustered into the L community more frequently than to the advice network data. into any other community. To measure the community assignment stability, we use the percent difference between the average fre- however, is less present in the cumulative community quency of in- and out-of-community captured in the sorting represented in the community membership ma- community membership matrix. A value close to 1 in- trix shown in Fig. 4(b). The weaker community as- dicates that a given unit is almost always assigned to the signment stability is further confirmed by the stability expected community while a value close to 0 indicates score, with almost all units scoring between S c = 0.6 that the unit is just as frequently assigned to an unex- and S c = 0.8 While each unit’s community assignment pected community. The assignment stability metric for is somewhat stable, non of the communities detected in each unit in the collaboration and advice networks can the advice network stands out as a highly stable, in con- be seen in Table 1. For the collaboration network, the trast to the collaboration network. units belonging to the L community have the highest as- The purity of the partition of the sampled advice net- signment stability (S c = 0.9), with the exception of the works is 0.71 ( = 0.09), and the F-measure is 0.64 two smaller units. The core of the L community is sta- ( = 0.09) – similar to the purity and F-measure of ble under the sampling process. The R community, as the collaboration network sampling. While the sampled described in Section 3.2, is also fairly stable under the network partitions are similar to the community struc- sampling process, with S c = 0.7 for all but one unit. Fi- ture of the full advice network, there are no individ- nally, with the P+M community the assignment is quite ual communities that are highly stable. On average, the less stable, with S c ranging from 0.6 to 0.2. community structure of the advice network may be re- The assignment stability score tends to be smaller for constructed, each community individually are more sus- smaller units, which may be an artifact of the sampling ceptible to change during the sampling process. There- level used. Still, the two larger in terms of unit size com- fore, the exact communities identified in our dataset are munities are being reconstructed during the experiment, less likely to be reproduced in a representative sample as can be seen in Fig. 3. The purity of the partition of the of egos. sampled collaboration networks is 0.76 ( = 0.08), The second investigation aims to to understand the and the F-measure is 0.72 ( = 0.09), indicating effect of timed administration of our survey and cumu- similar network partitions to the community structure lative data collection methods. Surveys that obtain a of the full network. Thus, we expect that these two lower response rate from certain units may result in dis- communities are representative of the true organization proportionately weak and fewer ties from those units structure. within the organizational network. To study this phe- The same sampling process and analysis were per- nomena, we use the community assignment stability formed on the advice networks dataset. The stratified metric to quantify the effect of the underrepresentation sampling was again ran N = 1000 times. The hierarchi- of certain units. We use the collaboration network for cal community structure identified through the Louvain this analysis as it is the most representative of the true algorithm of the full data set and depicted in Fig. 4(a), organizational structure. 9
Figure 5: Community Membership Matrices of the sampled networks for each time period. (a-d) The results of each time period sample’s hierarchical community structure. (e-h) The cumulative results of each time period sample’s hierarchical community structure. In our analysis, we simulate quarterly survey collec- collection. In each subsequent collection, the cumula- tions in which the majority of units are sampled at 25 % tive analysis results in an increase of both the average to imitate the response rate that our survey originally purity and F-measure of the partitions – 0.74, 0.79, 0.81, received. In addition, at each stage, four randomly se- to 0.82 (each with = 0.09). This increase was lected units are sampled at 15 % to introduce the time- also seen in the average F-measure – 0.71, 0.77, 0.79, to dependent differences in units’ workflows. The four re- 0.81 (each with = 0.10). The extent to which the sulting community membership matrices are shown in partition of the sampled partitions more closely match Fig. 5(a-d). the full community structure increased with cumulative The L and R communities are mostly recovered in analysis. each of the sampled networks, with the average commu- At the response rates selected, certain features of the nity assignment stability ranging from 0.6 to 0.8. How- original unit partition are stable. However, more than ever, the P+M community is much less present in each one survey administration period was needed in order of the community membership matrix visualizations, re- to ensure the stability of all of the communities. With gardless of which units were under-sampled. The av- the addition of the data collected in each survey period, erage assignment stability of the P+M community is the purity and F-measure of the full partition increased. less than 0.5 in each of the survey periods, indicating Through cumulative data collection and survey admin- that the P+M community is unstable at this sampling istration timing that capitalize on the workflow of an or- level. The purity and F-measure range from 0.72 to 0.74 ganization, the accurate organizational structure can be (each with = 0.09) and 0.68 to 0.71 (each with captured through modular analysis. = 0.10) respectively, indicating that even at this low sampling rate the structure is somewhat recaptured. 4. Discussion While the whole partition of these sampled networks match relatively well to the full community structure, Visualizing and analyzing formal and informal rela- the individual communities differ in stability. tionships within any organization can help shape busi- When the data is analyzed cumulatively – that is by ness and operational strategy to maximize organic ex- aggregating a given dataset with data from previous sur- change of information, thereby helping the organization vey disseminations – the communities become more sta- to become more sustainable and effective (Cross et al., ble over time, as can be seen in Fig. 5(e-h). Whereas 2004; Gulati et al., 2002). However, ONA typically previously the P+M community was unstable, in the cu- requires personally identifiable information in order to mulative analysis, this community becomes clearly dis- build the organizational network, which limits its util- tinguishable and stable (average S c > 0.5) by the second ity and increases risk to participants (Bell and Bryman, 10
2007). iment, or strategically stratified survey distribution that The goal of this work is to explore the extent to which corresponds to the workflow of the organization. ego-centric data can be used to assess the interconnect- edness within an organization. Using survey data that 4.1. Limitations captures two different types of interactions, we build The most important limitation of the proposed ap- projected networks of the organization’s units. We then proach is that it does not allow to construct net- perform a modular analysis of the resulting networks. works of individuals. While the projected network cor- As expected, the aspects of the organizational structure rectly captures the organization’s structure at the unit captured by the network built from interactions related level, it does not consider the individual’s connect- to the organization’s mission – that is the collaboration edness within the organization. As a result, analysis network – provides a reliable model of the true organi- of certain organizational aspects, such as power struc- zational structure. The communities in the network re- tures (Brass and Krackhardt, 2012; Krackhardt, 1990; sulting from the advice-related interaction, on the other Ramos et al., 2019), organizational commitment (Lee hand, differ from that predefined structure, confirming and Kim, 2011; Olfat et al., 2020), or the flow of infor- that the aspects of the structure captured by the network mation and knowledge between individuals (Dı́ez-Vial depend on the type of examined interaction. Thus, a and Montoro-Sánchez, 2014; Haythornthwaite, 1996; particular care should be taken when designing the sur- Liebowitz, 2005), are not possible. vey question about ego interactions to ensure that the Moreover, while we anonomyze units prior to anal- target aspect of the organizational interconnectedness is ysis, some analyses might require certain attributes of properly assessed. units, leaving them potentially identifiable to internal In order to confirm the reliability of our results, we management. This includes identifying units that play conduct two additional analyses that test the stability of an important role in supporting network functions as the identified structures. The first experiment is used to well as units that function as a “weak node”, i.e., nodes correct for an unequal distribution of responses among that act as conduits or bottlenecks in the organization units. In order to validate the communities we found (Agneessens and Labianca, 2022). Thus, while the pro- in both the collaboration and advice networks, we use posed approach mitigates risk to individuals within an stratified sampling to analyze the stability of these com- organization, units and groups might still face potential munities with respect to representative ego samples. In harm. The risk to identification is increased at each sub- the collaboration network, two out of three communi- sequent sub-level (e.g. large scale units compared to ties turn out to be stable under the re-sampling, while small working groups). the third community is found to be unstable. The ad- vice network resulted in moderately stable community assignments, with each community being smaller and 5. Conclusions including a greater variety of units than those in the col- laboration network. This experiment validates the par- To summarize, using our proposed approach, we have tition of our networks and gave insight into the com- successfully created two networks of organizational munities that would be consistent given a representative units based on anonymous ego-centric data. Impor- sample of egos. tantly, this process required limited information about The second experiment was designed to determine the egos and alters; in our case only the unit affiliation how response rates that are dependent on timing of sur- was needed to generate each network. While this was vey administration may impact the community structure not the focus of our study, additional ego and alter char- of the resulting network. Through analysis of the collab- acteristics could have been incorporated into the analy- oration network, we found that most communities are sis to answer more specific research questions. For ex- stable even when a randomly selected fraction of units ample, the gender of egos and alters could be used to are under-sampled. However, one community became investigate how the gendered interactions contribute to stable only after cumulative analysis of two consecu- the formation of unit ties and communities, reflecting tive simulated survey administrations. Thus, while the possible gendered differences in interpersonal networks community structure of the organizational network is re- (Burke et al., 1995; Forret and Dougherty, 2004). coverable under low response rates, particular aspects Additionally, other characteristics that were not col- of the structure are susceptible to an unequal distribu- lected as part of the NIST Interactions Survey could be tion of the response rate. This effect can be mitigated collected to better understand different levels of con- through the repeated collection of data, as in our exper- nectedness – such as division or group affiliation within 11
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