Residents' and Friends and Relatives' Experiences of Care Homes during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Belong, Crewe - Cheshire East ...
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Residents’ and Friends and Relatives’ Experiences of Care Homes during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Belong, Crewe – Cheshire East November 2020 - March 2021
Introduction Healthwatch Cheshire is the local independent consumer champion for health and care services. As part of our core activity we seek the views and experiences of residents of Cheshire East, and Cheshire West and Chester to help inform how health, care and wellbeing services are delivered. One way we would normally do this would be to undertake our statutory function of Enter and View. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that we have been unable to conduct this regular activity since March 2020, and being unable to visit care homes and experience them first-hand during this period means that our ability to gain views and experiences has been reduced. To maintain our connection and to enable us to continue gathering opinions across Cheshire we developed two questionnaires to gain the views of those living in care homes, and care homes with nursing, and their experiences of care during the COVID-19 pandemic, and also of their friends and relatives. We know and appreciate how difficult a period this has been for people living and working in Care Homes, with changes to the way things are happening on an almost daily basis and restrictions on visiting having to be put in place. We would like to say a big thank you to everybody who has taken the time to respond to these questionnaires, as well as to care home staff for their support in ensuring access to the surveys and in assisting people to respond. The following is the findings of our two questionnaires from residents of your care home, and then their friends and family. We invite you to provide your feedback on the points raised in these findings, which will be included at the end of this report. The report will be shared with the Integrated Care Partnership, Local Authority commissioners, Care Community leads, NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, voluntary and community organisations, and published on our website.
Description and Nature of the Service The following details are taken from the website which is an independent, informative site with a comprehensive list of over 17,000 care homes. The details held on this site for Belong, Crewe were last updated in November 2020. Belong Crewe is rated ‘outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission, and brings the very latest in care and facilities for older people into the heart of Crewe. The community village offers 12 self-contained apartments for independent living and six supported ‘households’ with modern en-suite bedrooms and open plan lounge and kitchen areas. There is also a vibrant hub for community activities, with facilities that include a licensed bistro, hair salon, therapy room and exercise studio. The village model is a stunning example of how advanced design and very high standards of care can provide a new quality of life for older people. Belong households represent a radically different alternative to conventional care homes. Belong Crewe operate with a higher-than-average staffing ratio and a maximum of 12 residents per household, offering a family atmosphere where customers can build lasting relationships with staff and other residents. Group/Owner: Belong Ltd Person in charge: Kathryn Farmer (General Manager) Local Authority/Social Services: Cheshire East Council Admission Information: Ages 60+ Room Information: Single Rooms 67; Rooms with ensuite WC 67 Facilities & Services: Bar/Cafe on premises, Close to Local shops, Gardens for residents, Ground Floor Accommodation only, Lift, Minibus or other transport, Near Public Transport, Own Furniture if required, Pets by arrangement, Phone Point in own room/Mobile, Residents Internet Access, Residents Kitchenette, Smoking not permitted, Stairlift, Television point in own room, Wheelchair access. Latest CQC Report (November 2017) – Rated as OUTSTANDING
Residents' Experiences of Care Homes during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Belong, Crewe – Cheshire East 5 Respondents November 2020 - March 2021
Do you receive nursing care at your Care Home? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
Do you receive dementia care at your Care Home? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
Do you feel safe and secure in your environment? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 What makes you feel this way? • The security is good and they look after you • I have always felt confident in the fact I am safe • I don't feel at ease when agency work at night time as they cannot support my needs like Belong girls • I feel confident in the staff that care for me
Are you able to make your room look and feel like your own (e.g. personal items, own furniture)? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 Can you tell us more about this? • It comes with fittings but it is good enough for its purpose, not big enough to add more things • I have my pictures and my own bedding which makes it feel like my room when I lived at home • you like to remember things how they were
Does your own room feel fresh and clean? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 Why is this? • The staff could not do more for me • Always cleaned by housekeeping and the staff who care for me
Do you like the food and drink that you receive? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
Do you feel there is enough variety? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
If you have any special dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian), are these supported? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
Since the Coronavirus pandemic began, do you think the food has: Answered: 4 Skipped: 1
Are you able to have extra drinks and snacks when you want them? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
Can you choose to have your meals in any of the following? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the food and drink you have in your Care Home? • I think it is very good, I believe it is better than other places • They do the best they can at these times • I feel the meat on the butty's we have is processed meats, I would rather bottles of cordial than powder juice sachets
Do you feel you have been getting all the information you need about the changes that have, or are, taking place in your Care Home in the past few months because of the Coronavirus Pandemic? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 If yes, how have you been given this information? • Verbal • Verbal. I am hard of sight to watch the news • Staff update me daily including the nursing staff • Verbal updated from the care home also reading the paper.
Have you been able to spend time with other residents over the past few months in the same way that you used to? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 How has this been for you? • I miss seeing the ladies on the other households and meeting in the venue • Unable to mix with other households
Do you feel there have been enough activities and things for you to do? Below are some examples, please tick all that apply. Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
Do you feel there have been enough activities and things for you to do? Below are some examples, please tick all that apply. Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 What have you enjoyed/not enjoyed doing? • I enjoy going for walks outdoors • I love to listen to music • Enjoy the jigsaw Conversations with the carers work, they very caring and understanding Missed doing more garden based activities • I have enjoyed doing board game sessions
Have you been able to go outside into any of your Care Home's outdoor spaces over the past few months? Answered: 4 Skipped: 1 If you haven't been able to use any of your Care Home's outdoor spaces, why not? • Walking club, there has been dab weather so I miss this
Have you been able to go outside into any of your Care Home's outdoor spaces over the past few months? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 If yes, then have these spaces felt pleasant enough for you to enjoy? How have you used them? • When possible enjoy going for walks very much • Enjoyed walking club, seeing local area, maintaining the garden • Big outside garden, local brooks • We have a big garden we can go to
Over the past few months have your spiritual needs been met within your Care Home? For example, we understand some Care Homes have had visits from a local church. Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 Can you tell us more about this? • No one is able to come and see us from the church • I feel too old to do be spiritual these days, I'm 100 you know
Before the pandemic, could friends and family easily travel to visit you? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
Over the past few months, have you been able to keep in contact with family members and/or friends? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
If yes or sometimes, how have you been keeping in touch? Please tick any that apply to you. Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 Can you tell us more about this? • Because of lockdown things I enjoyed are no longer possible • Outside of here I mainly only hear from solicitors • Personal reasons with family • Because I haven't been able to do the everyday stuff I would of done if there wasn't a pandemic. I miss going to the gym, seeing other people
Overall, how has this been for you? Please indicate from 1 to 5, with 1 being Very Poor and 5 being Excellent Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
Do you feel like you are being treated with dignity and respect by the staff in your Care Home? Answered: 4 Skipped: 1 What makes you feel this way? • I believe you are treated how you treat others • The staff here are wonderful, they are all so caring and work so hard they put up with a lot and I am in awe of watching them • All the girls here are like family to me I feel I can express myself to them They could not do more for me • They couldn't do more for me, always doting on my care needs. I can be reassured with their support and they never leave any one out
Do you know the name of the doctor's surgery that you are registered with? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 • Rope Green • Rope Green • Rope Green.
During the last few months how have you found medical care and support? Please tick all that apply, where 1 is Very Poor and 5 is Excellent. Please choose N/A if you haven't needed medical care or support. Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 How did you find this? • I never get to see a doctor, it is all on the phone it is not the same • I do not like that everything is phone calls. There is no one to one anymore
What about other health and wellbeing services, such as Podiatry or Opticians, have you ever been offered these in your Care Home? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
Are you being offered them currently? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
Have you had to have any medical support outside of the Care Home, such as clinic appointments or hospital stays? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
Did this result in you having to self-quarantine on return to your Care Home? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 • I appreciate the staff effort to keep me safe and others • The girls did their best to support me in my room but I did feel I was missing out when isolating for 14 days
Has anyone helped you to complete this survey? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0
Is there anything you would change about your Care Home? Answered: 5 Skipped 0 • I would like the church to be involved again and the gym to be open again • I would of liked to come to different circumstances • Not at this moment in time • Not at this time, everything I have wanted they have met my needs
Do you have any more comments about living at your Care Home over the past few months? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 • I did not believe moving to a care home we would end up in a pandemic so I believe I haven't had the full experience yet • Everyone here especially the care workers have done everything they can to look after us and keep us safe • I would like to say I am pleased with all staff and how safe I feel in their hands • They have kept me safe and protected. I couldn't ask for more
Friends and Relatives' Experiences of Care Homes during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Belong, Crewe – Cheshire East No relatives or friends responded to this survey November 2020 - March 2021
Feedback from Provider The care home was invited to provide feedback on these survey results, which is included below: 38
This report comes with huge thanks to our small team of committed staff, and the incredible volunteers who work to deliver Healthwatch Cheshire, particularly in these changed, and changing, times. Or contact us on : 0300 323 0006 Email: @HealthwatchCE @HealthwatchCW Healthwatch Cheshire CIC, Sension House, Denton Drive, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 7LU Company No 7791174 Registered in England 39
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