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Hindawi Journal of Healthcare Engineering Volume 2021, Article ID 6656763, 13 pages Research Article Research on Transboundary Regulation of Plant-Derived Exogenous MiRNA Based on Biological Big Data Zhi Li ,1 Xu Wei,2 Shuyi Li,3 Jiashi Zhao,1 Xiang Li,1 and Liwan Zhu1 1 School of Computer Science and Technology, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China 2 College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China 3 School of Foreign Languages, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China Correspondence should be addressed to Zhi Li; Received 27 November 2020; Revised 6 January 2021; Accepted 13 January 2021; Published 31 January 2021 Academic Editor: Le Zhang Copyright © 2021 Zhi Li et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In recent years, researchers have discovered plant miRNA (plant xenomiR) in mammalian samples, but it is unclear whether it exists stably and participates in regulation. In this paper, a cross-border regulation model of plant miRNAs based on biological big data is constructed to study the possible cross-border regulation of plant miRNAs. Firstly, a variety of human edible plants were selected, and based on the miRNA data detected in human experimental studies, screening was performed to obtain the plant xenomiR that may stably exist in the human body. Then, we use plant and animal target gene prediction methods to obtain the mRNAs of animals and plants that may be regulated, respectively. Finally, we use GO (Gene Ontology) and the Multiple Dimensional Scaling (MDS) algorithm to analyze the biological processes regulated by plants and animals. We obtain the relationship between different biological processes and explore the regulatory commonality and individuality of plant xenomiR in plants and humans. Studies have shown that the development and metabolic functions of the human body are affected by daily eating habits. Soybeans, corn, and rice can not only affect the daily development and metabolism of the human body but also regulate biological processes such as protein modification and mitosis. This conclusion explains the reasons for the different physiological functions of the human body. This research is an important meaning for the design of small RNA drugs in Chinese herbal medicine and the treatment of human nutritional diseases. 1. Introduction In the process of studying the regulatory functions of miRNAs, plant miRNAs were found in mammalian samples MicroRNA (miRNA) is a type of noncoding single-stranded [3–8]. Researchers infer that these plant miRNAs enter the small RNA with a size of 21–23 nucleotides. It binds to animal’s body through food. Researchers call these exoge- mRNA through the base complementation rule, degrades nous miRNAs of plant origin (plant xenomiR). mRNA, inhibits mRNA translation, and ultimately regulates Although there are many studies on plant xenomiR gene expression [1]. It plays a role in all aspects of the life transboundary regulation, they are all based on a single plant cycle of biological cells. With the development of genome miRNA. However, studies have found that not all plant sequencing technology and the emergence of miRNA ver- miRNAs can enter the human body. The human body ification methods based on high-throughput biological big specifically absorbs plant miRNA. Therefore, it is meaningful data, researchers have discovered more miRNAs and studied to select plant miRNAs that exist in animals for subsequent them in depth. The expression regulation function of analysis. The determination of plant xenomiR is the key to miRNA has become a research hotspot in this field [2]. this research [9–11]. Studies have shown that miRNAs can not only function in In this article, on the basis of plant xenomiR trans- their own body but also perform cross-border regulation. As an boundary regulation, a research model of plant xenomiR exogenous biological activity unit, it can affect the expression of transboundary regulation based on biological big data is heterologous mRNA through base complementation. proposed and constructed. The possible regulatory functions
2 Journal of Healthcare Engineering of plant XenomiR in animals and plants were studied, re- 2.2. Data Acquisition and Preprocessing. Data needed for spectively, and the Multiple Dimensional Scaling (MDS) study: miRNA and mRNA of edible plants (soybean, rice, algorithm was used to analyze the regulatory functions of and corn), sequencing data based on high-throughput hu- different species, to study the cross-species regulation man miRNA, human mRNA data, gene annotation files of mechanism of XenomiR on different kinds of edible plants. edible plants and humans. Not only the regulation effect of plant xenomiR on the plant The miRNA data of plant crops comes from the miRBase body but also its regulation effect on the human body can be database (; the database version is obtained. Explore these plant xenomiR regulatory charac- 22.1 (October 2018). The study is to explore the role of plant teristics. This model can be applied to the research of cross- miRNAs obtained by humans through food. Therefore, the species regulation mechanism, Chinese herbal medicine necessary conditions for selecting crops for research are as efficacy, nutrition, and other fields. follows: crops that are often eaten by humans in daily life and related data are perfect for subsequent analysis. After screening, the final eligible crops are as follows: soybeans, 2. Materials and Methods rice, and corn. Related information is shown in Table 1. 2.1. Technical Route. In this paper, a research model of plant The research needs to obtain plant miRNA data found in xenomiR transboundary regulation based on biological big human samples. Qi Zhao and others in our laboratory data is constructed. Firstly, select the miRNA data of various analyzed 388 human small RNA sequencing data and de- human edible plants, and use the miRNA data detected in tected a total of 484 plant miRNAs, including 166 unique the human body obtained by the second-generation se- miRNA sequences [12]. quencing technology to perform data screening to obtain the The relevant plant mRNA data were downloaded from plant xenomiR data present in human samples. Then, using NCBI (, and the human plant and animal target gene prediction methods, the plant mRNA data were downloaded from GENCODE (https:// and animal mRNA that may be regulated are obtained, The relevant data respectively. Finally, perform functional analysis of mRNA, statistics are shown in Table 2. use GO enrichment analysis and the Multiple Dimensional Compare the obtained miRNA data of soybean, rice, and Scaling (MDS) algorithm to analyze its biological processes corn with the 166 plant miRNA data found in human in plants and animals from the same perspective, and obtain samples to obtain the source of plant xenomiR. The sta- the relationship between different biological processes. Look tistical results are shown in Table 3. for the regulatory commonalities and individualities of plant miRNAs that coexist in plants and humans. The technical route is shown in Figure 1. 2.3. Target Gene Prediction. Find the target genes of plants and humans corresponding to the target of the corre- (1) Data acquisition: choose a variety of plants that are sponding plant xenomiR. edible by humans. Obtain human miRNA second- In this paper, the tapir algorithm based on RNAHybrid generation sequencing data, miRNA sequence data, was used to predict the target gene [13, 14]. The Tapir al- and mRNA data of related plants from professional gorithm can set its own parameters to make the results more public databases and literature data. Search for data accurate. The Tapir algorithm is specially designed for plant related to plant miRNA in human miRNA second- miRNAs and has a good predictive effect on plant miRNA generation sequencing data. target genes. The screening criteria used are as follows: exact (2) Target gene prediction: use the target gene prediction match of seed region; remove the results with more than 3 algorithm for xenomiR mRNA comparison and bases of mismatches; set the MFE (minimum free energy) statistical screening to obtain the target gene data of threshold of the result to −25; and set the p value threshold plant xenomiR in plants and humans. to 0.05. When the above conditions are met, it is deemed to (3) Core node screening: use the LeaderRank algorithm meet the standards. to calculate the score of each node and find the core The prediction process used in this paper is shown in node of the network. Figure 2. (4) Core network construction and function enrichment The relevant statistical results are shown in Table 4. analysis: build a biological regulatory network Since three edible plants were selected in this article, all through core nodes and combine it with function experimental results in this article are divided into six enrichment analysis to study the similarities and groups. differences between these miRNAs participating in the biological processes of plants and humans. 2.4. Core Node Screening. The currently acquired data (5) GO analysis: analyze the similarities and differences contains a large number of independent nodes or nodes that of the data in different comparison groups, and are not closely related to other network nodes. This infor- analyze the GO semantic relationship of these data mation makes the biological pathways unobvious and fails to by using the MDS algorithm. Explore the com- reflect the core of the network, making it difficult to un- monalities and individual differences of its function derstand the regulatory network. Therefore, it is necessary to of gene regulation. find the core node after filtering the nodes.
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 3 Data Data Target gene The core GO semantic collection preprocessing prediction node filter analysis Threshold MDS miRBase Formatting and setting algorithm standardization Algorithm NCBI selection Leader rank Data deduplication GENCODE Database comparison Construction Data filtering of the core Plant network miRNA Screening of sequences target genes Classification Functional inhuman and sorting enrichment samples analysis Figure 1: Research model of plant xenomiR transboundary regulation based on biological big data. Table 1: Plant information table. The LeaderRank algorithm is used to score and rank the nodes required by the biological regulatory network. It adds Name Scientific name Quantity the background node b based on the PageRank algorithm Soybeans Glycine max (Linn.) Merr. 756 and connects it with other nodes to form a strong con- Rice Oryza sativa japonica group 738 nection graph. The degree of each node is greater than 0, to corn Zea mays Linn. 325 avoid the existence of isolated nodes, so that the results can converge faster [15, 16]. Set the LeaderRank score of node b as Sb � 0 and the scores of other n nodes as Si � 1, through the iterative Table 2: Plant, crop, and human mRNA data. formula: Species name Soybean Rice Corn Human n+1 aji Quantity 71149 42474 56152 206694 Si (t) � S (t − 1). (1) j�1 Oj j Table 3: Statistics of plant xenomiR. After the element value gradually converges, we use tc to represent the number of convergence and then obtain the Plant name Soybean Rice Corn score of each node: Quantity 42 46 29 Percentage 5.56% 6.23% 8.92% Sb tc Si � Si tc + . (2) n After using the above method to operate, the changes in the number of nodes before and after are shown in Table 5. Database Tapir comparison RNAHybrid 2.5. GO Analysis Based on Multiple Dimensional Scaling David String Algorithm. By performing functional enrichment analysis Plant miRNA on multiple sets of data, information such as the contained biological processes can be obtained. However, usually due Reliable to the diversity of results, it is difficult to dig out meaningful Plant mRNA Target gene screening target genes biological information from a large amount of information. The dimensionality reduction processing of the data Human mRNA Seed region Reliability through the MDS algorithm can ensure that the distance match threshold between the data samples after dimensionality reduction Thermodynamic Number of does not change compared with that before dimensionality parameters mismatches reduction, which is very helpful for GO semantic analysis [17]. In the MDS algorithm, assuming that there are m Figure 2: Plant xenomiR target gene prediction process. samples in the data, their sample space is
4 Journal of Healthcare Engineering Table 4: Statistics of target gene prediction results. Soybean-soybean Rice-rice Corn-corn Soybean-person Rice-person Corn-person Target 1119 767 443 1419 2409 1343 GeneID 380 396 214 378 632 358 Table 5: Statistics of the number of nodes before and after screening. Soybean-soybean Rice-rice Corn-corn Soybean-person Rice-person Corn-person Before screening 380 396 214 378 632 358 After screening 156 129 54 260 231 43 T � x1 ,x2 , x3 , x4 , . . . , xm , xi ∈ Rd . (3) 1 m 2 d2i. � d , m j�1 ij Assuming that the matrix D is the distance between (13) samples and D ∈ Rm×m , the distance between sample xi and 1 m sample xj is the element dij in D. The sample in the new d2.j � d2ij , space can be expressed as m i�1 ′ Z ∈ Rd ×m , 1 m m 2 (4) d2.. � dij . (14) d′ ≤ d. m2 i�1 j�1 The Euclidean distance between the new and old data in In summary, the two spaces is the same as 1 Zi − Zj � dij . (5) bij � − d2ij − d2i. − d2.j + d2.. . (15) 2 Let the inner product matrix of the sample after di- In this algorithm, D is kept unchanged, that is, the mensionality reduction be distance between samples is unchanged, and so the inner product matrix B can be calculated by D. At the same time, B � ZT Z ∈ Rm×m . (6) because B is a symmetric matrix, it can be feature decom- And bij � ZTi Zj ; then, position, and we can get d2ij � Zi 2 + Zj 2 − 2ZTi Zj � bii + bjj − 2bij . (7) B � VΔVT , (16) where ∧ is the diagonal matrix, which is composed of ei- When the sample Z after dimensionality reduction is genvalues, and V is the corresponding eigenvector matrix. centered mi�1 Zi � 0, the sum of the rows and columns of Assuming that there are d∗ nonzero eigenvalues, they matrix B is 0; that is, can form a diagonal matrixΛ∗ . Assuming Λ∗ is the corre- m m sponding eigenvector matrix, the sample in the new space bij � bij � 0. (8) represents Z: i�1 j�1 ∗ Z � Λ1/2 T ∗ V∗ ∈ R d ×m . (17) When using tr () to represent the matrix, m trB � Z2i . (9) j�1 3. Results and Discussion Available: 3.1. Functional Enrichment Analysis of Plant-Plant Group. For the plant’s own regulation mode, we select the data with m d2ij � tr(B) + mbjj , p value ≤0.05 for analysis, take log10 p value, and sort them (10) i�1 from large to small, combined with the number of genes in the relevant biological process. m The statistical results of soybean-soybean biological d2ij � tr(B) + mbii , (11) process information are shown in Figure 3. j�1 The statistical results of the soybean protein interaction network are shown in Figure 4. m m The statistical results of rice-rice biological process in- d2ij � 2mtr(B). (12) i�1 j�1 formation are shown in Figure 5. The statistical results of the rice-protein interaction Make network are shown in Figure 6.
Count 0 5 10 15 20 25 GO:0006725 GO:1901360 GO:0044237 GO:0044260 GO:0050789 GO:0008152 GO:0071704 –log10p (value) GO:0010467 Journal of Healthcare Engineering GO:0010468 Count GO:0090304 GO:0009987 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 GO:0034645 GO:0008150 GO:0044238 GO:0034641 GO:0048366 GO:0050794 GO:0080060 GO:0044249 GO:0045962 GO:1901576 GO:0048653 GO:0006351 GO:0009965 GO:0045926 GO:0016070 GO:0048263 GO:0006355 GO:0006468 GO:0044763 GO:0010073 –log10p (value) GO:0044271 GO:2000025 GO:0046274 GO:0051570 GO:0051716 GO:0009855 GO:0044248 GO:0010072 GO:0050896 GO:0010228 GO:1901575 GO:0009880 GO:0007275 GO:0046274 GO:0009791 GO:0009887 GO:0048731 GO:0043068 GO:0046907 GO:0010928 GO:0051641 GO:0010051 GO:0048513 GO:0007155 GO:0016482 GO:0009856 GO:0061458 GO:0006952 GO:0044710 GO:0010162 GO:0048569 GO:0055114 GO:0007165 GO:0030154 GO:0044700 GO:0031935 GO:0016458 GO:0009955 GO:0048519 GO:0048235 GO:0010014 GO:0007154 GO:0055085 GO:0006886 GO:0045010 GO:0034613 Figure 4: Soybean protein interaction network. GO:1902582 GO:0009888 2 4 6 8 10 12 GO:0017038 GO:0071702 GO:0006950 –log10 (pvalue) GO:0006259 GO:0009653 GO:0033365 GO:0044267 GO:0048438 GO:0072594 GO:0051603 Figure 5: Rice-Rice biological process information statistics map (total of 59 items). GO:0010016 Figure 3: Soybean-soybean biological process information statistics map (total of 33 items). 2 4 6 8 10 –log10 (pvalue) 5
6 Journal of Healthcare Engineering process, protein ubiquitination, regulation of mitotic cell cycle, and so forth. There is no obvious correlation between various biological processes (see Figure 16). 3.3.2. Rice. Rice miRNAs regulate the biological metabolism and development of rice itself, as well as humans. At the same time, it can also regulate the response of cells to ex- ternal stimuli, cell processes, and cell communication. Most of the regulatory effects of rice miRNA are re- lated to metabolism and development. Metabolism in- Figure 6: Rice-protein interaction network (metabolism-related). cludes the metabolic process of cellular aromatic compounds, the metabolic process of organic cyclic compounds, the cellular metabolic process, the cellular The statistical results of corn-corn biological process macromolecular metabolic process, and the organic information are shown in Figure 7. matter metabolic processes. Development-related in- The statistical results of the corn protein interaction cludes multicellular organism development, flower de- network are shown in Figure 8. velopment, postembryonic development, system development, organ development, reproductive system 3.2. Functional Enrichment Analysis of Plant-Human Group. development, postembryonic organ development, and In the experiment of plant and colleagues, the data tissue development (see Figure 17) p value ≤ 0.05 are also selected for analysis. Most of the regulatory effects of rice miRNA in the The statistical results of soybean-human biological human body are also related to metabolism and devel- process information are shown in Figure 9. opment. Metabolism includes organic matter metabolism, The statistical results of the soybean-human protein primary metabolism, cellular macromolecular meta- interaction network are shown in Figure 10. bolism, cell metabolism, nitrogen compound metabolism, According to its biological process information, rice has and phosphorus metabolism process. Development-re- a particularly obvious regulation in human development. lated includes nervous system development, neuron The protein interaction network for nervous system de- production, cell differentiation, brain development and velopment is shown in Figure 11. ventricular system development, and lateral ventricle The statistical results of rice-human biological process development. At the same time, it can also regulate the information are shown in Figure 11. response of cells to stimuli and regulate cell processes, The statistical results of rice-human-protein interaction cell-to-cell communication, and cell division cycles (see network are shown in Figure 12. Figure 18). The statistical results of corn-human biological process information are shown in Figure 13. 3.3.3. Corn. Maize miRNAs can regulate metabolism in The statistical results of corn-human-protein interaction both plants and humans, and they can also regulate bio- network are shown in Figure 14. logical processes. Most of the regulatory effects of maize miRNA in maize 3.3. Biological Process and GO Semantic Analysis. In the GO are related to metabolism and transcription and translation, semantic analysis graph, color is used to represent the such as lignin catabolism, phenyl propane catabolism, cel- change of log10 p value, the larger the value, the warmer the lular aromatic compound metabolism, phenyl propane metabolism, and organic cyclic compound metabolism. color, and the radius is used to represent the value of log size. Transcription and translation-related include nucleic acid template transcription, biosynthetic process, nucleic acid 3.3.1. Soybean. Soybean miRNAs play different regulatory template transcription, regulation of gene expression in roles in plants and humans, and their regulatory roles in biosynthesis process, regulation of nucleic acid template humans are quite different. transcription, and regulation of RNA biosynthesis process Soybean miRAN plays a regulatory role in soybean that (see Figure 19). is mostly related to plant development, such as leaf devel- The miRNA of corn can regulate the response to opment, integument development, another development, stimuli in the human body, such as cell response to en- and positive developmental regulation (see Figure 15). dogenous stimuli, cell response to peptide hormone The regulatory role of soybean miRNA in the human stimulation, cell response to growth factor stimulation, body is related to cell protein modification process, cell cell response to organic matter, and cell response reaction response to external stimuli, cell protein metabolism to chemical stimuli. It can regulate metabolism, such as
Count 0 2 4 6 8 10 GO:0010468 GO:0051171 Journal of Healthcare Engineering Count GO:0080098 GO:0031323 0 10 40 50 70 80 GO:0060255 GO:0019222 –log10p (value) GO:0006355 GO:0006464 GO:2001141 GO:1903506 GO:0051252 GO:0043412 GO:0019219 GO:2000112 GO:0010556 –log10p (value) GO:0031326 GO:0071498 GO:0009889 GO:0006351 GO:0097659 GO:0007346 GO:0032774 GO:0050794 GO:0050789 GO:0016567 GO:0016070 GO:0032502 GO:0006725 GO:0032446 GO:1901360 GO:0065007 GO:0034654 GO:0046274 GO:0044267 GO:0046271 GO:0090304 Figure 8: Corn protein interaction network. GO:0019438 GO:0009808 GO:0018130 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 GO:1901362 –log10 (pvalue) GO:0009698 GO:0006139 GO:0019748 4 5 6 7 Figure 7: Corn-corn biological process information statistics map (total of 37 entries). –log10 (pvalue) Figure 9: Soybean-human biological process information statistics map (total of 7 entries). 7
8 Count 0 50 100 150 200 GO:0030011 GO:0071704 GO:0071840 GO:0044238 GO:0007154 GO:0008152 GO:0009966 –log10p (value) GO:0010646 GO:0016043 GO:0023051 GO:0033043 GO:0035556 GO:0035556 GO:0038061 GO:0043087 GO:0043170 GO:0044237 GO:0044260 GO:0051716 GO:0071496 GO:0048731 GO:0006793 GO:0006807 GO:0007166 GO:0007399 GO:0009987 GO:0023052 GO:0048583 GO:0050789 GO:0060322 GO:0022008 GO:0048699 GO:2000725 GO:0006464 GO:0006468 GO:0006796 GO:0007165 GO:0008277 GO:0009967 GO:0010611 GO:0010611 GO:0010647 GO:0016310 GO:0019538 GO:0022603 GO:0023056 GO:0032502 GO:0043502 GO:0043547 GO:0044267 GO:0048522 GO:0050793 Figure 10: Soybean-human protein interaction network (related to protein ubiquitination). Figure 12: Rice-human-protein interaction network (related to nervous system development). 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 –log10 (pvalue) Figure 11: Rice-human biological process information statistics map (total of 90 entries showing only partial information). Journal of Healthcare Engineering
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 9 1.42 40 35 1.40 30 1.38 25 1.36 Count 20 1.34 15 1.32 10 1.30 5 0 128 GO:0000209 GO:0001817 GO:0001818 GO:0001932 GO:0001934 GO:0002698 GO:0006464 GO:0006511 GO:0006897 GO:0006898 GO:0006909 GO:0006911 GO:0006950 GO:0007154 GO:0007165 GO:0007166 GO:0007167 GO:0007178 GO:0007179 GO:0007346 GO:0009605 GO:0009719 GO:0009987 GO:0010256 GO:0010714 GO:0016073 GO:0016477 GO:0019220 GO:0019835 –log10p (value) Figure 13: Corn-human biological process information statistics map (total of 86 entries showing only partial information). Figure 14: Corn-human-protein interaction network. cell adh transmembrane transport 4 Lignin batabolism Pollination Seed dormancy process 2 Meristem maintenance Vegetative to reproductive phase transition of meristem Animal organ morphogenesis 0 Protein phosphorylation Leaf development Cell differentiation –2 Determination of dorsal identity Embryonic pattern specification –4 Pollen sperm cell differentiation Adaxial/abaxial pattern specification –6 Actin nucleation Positive regulation of development, heterochronic Negative regulation of growth –8 Positive regulation of programmed cell death –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 15: Soybean-soybean GO semantic analysis diagram.
10 Journal of Healthcare Engineering 5 Regulation of mitotic cell cycle 4 3 Protein ubiquitination 2 Cellular protein modification process 1 Cellular protein metabolism 0 –1 –2 –3 Macromolecule modification Cellular response to external stimulas –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 Figure 16: Semantic analysis diagram of soybean-human GO. Tissue development Flower development 6 Cellular aromatic compound metabolism Cellular nitrogen compound metabolism Postembryonic development Reproductive system development Cellular biosynthesis 4 Postembryonic animal orgen development Cellular nitrogen compound biosynthesis Cellular macromolecule biosynthesis 2 Cellular macromolecule metabolism Nucleic acid metabolism RNA metabolism 0 DNA metabolism Cellular protein metabolism Response to stress –2 –4 Protein import Organic substance transport Negative regulation of biological process –6 Cellular localization Intracellular transport –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 17: Semantic analyses of rice GO. cell protein metabolism process, positive regulation of functions, such as regulation of multicellular tissue phosphoric acid metabolism process, and organic nitro- processes and regulation of cytokine production (see gen compound metabolism process. It can regulate cell Figure 20).
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 11 Cellular response to external stimulus Response to external stimulus 6 4 Cellular response to stress NIK/NF-kappaB signaling 2 Protein phosphorylation Regulation of signal transduction Phosphorus metabolism 0 Regulation of cell communcation Regulation of cellular process Regulation of mititic cell cycle –2 Regulation of cellular component organization –4 Lateral ventricle development –6 System development Neuroblast division in subventricular zone –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 18: Semantic analysis diagram of rice-human GO. 7 Cellular aromatic compound metabolism Regulation of cellular process 6 Regulation of gene expression 5 RNA biosynthesis 4 3 RNA metabolism Regulation of metabolism 2 Lignin catabolism 1 0 –1 Organic cyclic compound metabolism Biological regulation –2 –3 –4 Developmental process –5 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 19: Semantic analysis diagram of corn-maize GO.
12 Journal of Healthcare Engineering Regulstion of cytokine production Data Availability Regulstion of multicellular organismal process Secretion by cell 6 Regulstion of phosphate metabolism Secretion All personnel can access the data that include plant miRNA Regulstion of multiorganism process and mRNA information and related processing procedures. Regulstion of biological process 4 Regulstion of catalytic activity The data download address is 1YlOzS4LsWEmQNuTln7yemA with code ‘5b2e’. 2 Conflicts of Interest 0 Cell surface receptor signaling pathway The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper. –2 NIK/NF-kappaB signaling Acknowledgments –4 Response to stress This study was financed by the Key Research and Devel- Response to virus –6 Response to endogenous stimulus opment Projects of China’s Jilin Province Science and Technology Development Plan (no. 20200401078GX). Response to externsl stimulus Response to laminar fluid shear stress –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 References Figure 20: Semantic analysis diagram of corn-human GO. [1] V. N. Kim and V. Narry, “MicroRNA biogenesis: coordinated cropping and dicing,” Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 376–385, 2005. 4. Conclusions [2] S. Altuvia, “Identification of bacterial small non-coding RNAs: experimental approaches,” Current Opinion in Microbiology, By research, it is found that, in terms of plant xenomiR’s, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 257–261, 2007. common regulation of humans, soybean, rice, and corn [3] C. De la Rosa and A. C. Reyes, “Origin and evolutionary all, contain miRNAs that can regulate the daily devel- dynamics of the miR2119 and ADH1 regulatory module in opment and metabolism of the human body. These legumes,” Genome Biology and Evolution, vol. 12, no. 12, miRNAs can also regulate other biological processes, such pp. 2355–2369, 2020. as response to external stimuli (GO: 0051716), protein [4] E. Layton, “Anna marie fairhurst. Sam griffiths jones. modification (GO: 0006464), and mitotic cell cycle (GO: Richard K grencis. Ian S roberts, “regulatory RNAs: a uni- 0007346). versal language for inter-domain communication,” Interna- tional Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 21, no. 23, 2020. In terms of personality regulation, soybean can regulate [5] Q. Cai, L. Qiao, M. Wang et al., “Plants send small RNAs in the process of protein ubiquitination (GO: 0016567), which extracellular vesicles to fungal pathogen to silence virulence plays an important role in protein metabolism and deg- genes,” Science, vol. 360, no. 6393, pp. 1126–1129, 2018. radation and also participates in cell proliferation and [6] A. Aucher, D. M. Rudnicka, and D. M. Davis, “MicroRNAs differentiation, repairing damage, and immune inflam- transfer from human macrophages to hepato-carcinoma cells mation. Rice is particularly effective in regulating human and inhibit proliferation,” The Journal of Immunology, development, such as nervous system development (GO: vol. 191, no. 12, pp. 6250–6260, 2013. 0007399), brain development (GO: 0007420), and ven- [7] M. Zhan and H. Chang, “Research progress of exogenous tricular system development (GO: 0021591). Corn has a plant mirnas in crosskingdom regulation,” Current Bio- regulatory effect on protein phosphorylation (GO: informatics, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 214–245, 2019. [8] L. Zhang, D. Hou, X. Chen et al., “Exogenous plant MIR168a 0001932), which can regulate the activity and function of specifically targets mammalian LDLRAP1: evidence of cross- the protein, which is the most common and important kingdom regulation by microRNA,” Cell Research, vol. 22, regulatory mechanism. no. 1, pp. 107–126, 2012. This shows that when humans eat plants, the devel- [9] X. Chen, H. Liang, J. Zhang, K. Zen, and C.-Y. Zhang, “Se- opment and metabolic functions of the human body will creted microRNAs: a new form of intercellular communi- be affected accordingly, and various physiological func- cation,” Trends in Cell Biology, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 125–132, tions will also change. And due to different eating habits, 2012. the possible adjustments will also be different. [10] J. Shu, K. Chiang, and D. Zhao, “Human absorbable microrna This conclusion explains the different effects of daily prediction based on an ensemble manifold ranking model,” in eating habits on the physiological functions of the human Proceedings of the Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), body, which is consistent with the experimental research 2015 IEEE International Conference on, IEEE, pp. 295–300, Hong Kong, China, June 2015. results of Sanchta [18]. Plant xenomiR can play a role in the [11] J. Shu, K. Chiang, J. Zempleni et al., “Computational char- human body, and edible plant xenomiR can be used as a acterization of exogenous microRNAs that can be transferred nutritional supplement, which can bring beneficial effects into human circulation,” PLoS ONE, vol. 10, no. 11, Article ID to human health. e0140587, 2015.
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