RESEARCH MS - Multiple Sclerosis Association of America

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RESEARCH MS - Multiple Sclerosis Association of America
2020 Edition

RESEARCH MS - Multiple Sclerosis Association of America
                                            Written and compiled by
                                            Tom Garry and Pete Kelly

                                        Reviewed by Barry Hendin, MD,
                                         MSAA Chief Medical Officer
                                            Edited by Susan Courtney,
                                               MSAA Senior Writer

The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) is pleased to present this 2020
edition of its MS Research Update. The Update highlights important new data on
approved and experimental treatments for MS, and is provided to serve as a
comprehensive resource for the entire MS community. Please note that the MS Research
Update focuses on research related to approved and experimental medications and
therapies for the long-term treatment of multiple sclerosis. It does not include
information on symptom-management medications or therapies.

For additional information about MS, symptoms and symptom management, as well as
MSAA’s programs and services, please visit or call (800) 532-7667. Also,
please note that due to the timing of national and international MS conferences, study
data from 2020 conferences generally could not be included in the Update. Information
in this publication includes data presented at 2019 conferences, as well as important
updates that occurred in the early months of 2020. Please visit MSAA’s website
at for future summaries of 2020 conference highlights.

  The 2020 MS Research Update is made possible through contributions in honor of:
    Dr. Jules Kernan and Ms. Hannah Dennehy Lee and an anonymous supporter

                                             Multiple Sclerosis Association of America

                                             National Headquarters
                                             375 Kings Highway North
                                             Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034
                                             Toll-free phone: (800) 532-7667
RESEARCH MS - Multiple Sclerosis Association of America
Introduction ............................................................................................2

  Zeposia® (ozanimod) ........................................................................7
  Bafiertam™ (monomethyl fumarate) ................................................9
  Vumerity® (diroximel fumarate) ......................................................10

NEW DATA ON PREVIOUSLY APPROVED MEDICATIONS                                                                  The Multiple Sclerosis Association
                                                                                                             of America (MSAA) is a leading
INFUSED MEDICATIoNS ....................................................................13                   resource for the entire MS
  ocrevus® (ocrelizumab) ..................................................................13                community, improving lives today
  Tysabri® (natalizumab)......................................................................15
                                                                                                             through vital services and support.
  Lemtrada® (alemtuzumab) ..............................................................17

oRAL MEDICATIoNS ..........................................................................19                MSAA publications are intended
 Mayzent® (siponimod)......................................................................19                to inform and educate those with
 Mavenclad® (cladribine) ..................................................................21                MS and their families. MSAA does
 Tecfidera® (dimethyl fumarate) ......................................................22                     not endorse or recommend any
 Aubagio® (teriflunomide) ................................................................24                 specific products, services,
 Gilenya® (fingolimod) ......................................................................25              therapies, or activities mentioned
                                                                                                             in articles or advertisements that
INJECTABLE MEDICATIoNS ..............................................................27                      appear in MSAA publications.
  Rebif® (interferon beta-1a) ..............................................................27               MSAA, its staff, and those affiliated
  Plegridy® (peginterferon beta-1a) ..................................................27                     with the writing of this publication
                                                                                                             cannot be held responsible for
EXPERIMENTAL MEDICATIONS                                                                                     any unintentional errors.
MoNoCLoNAL ANTIBoDIES............................................................29
 ofatumumab......................................................................................29          MSAA strives to provide useful,
 Ublituximab........................................................................................30       up-to-date information on matters
 opicinumab ......................................................................................31         of concern to MS patients and
 Rituxan® (rituximab) ..........................................................................32           their families. This material is
 Temelimab ........................................................................................33        intended for general informational
                                                                                                             purposes only, and it does not
S1P RECEPToR MoDULAToRS ........................................................34                           constitute medical advice. You
 Ponesimod ........................................................................................34        should not use the information
                                                                                                             presented as a means of
ADMINISTERED oRALLY ....................................................................35
                                                                                                             diagnosis or for determining
 Evobrutinib ........................................................................................35
                                                                                                             treatment. For diagnosis and
 Ibudilast (also known as MN-166) ..................................................35
                                                                                                             treatment options, you are urged
 CNM-Au8 ..........................................................................................36
 MD1003..............................................................................................37      to consult your physician.

NEW DIRECTIONS IN MS RESEARCH                                                                                Copyright © Multiple Sclerosis
                                                                                                             Association of America, 2020. All
  Stem Cell Therapies ..........................................................................38           rights reserved. No part of this
  Diet and MS ......................................................................................41       publication may be reproduced,
  Gut Microbiome ................................................................................43
                                                                                                             stored in a retrieval system, or
  Vitamin D ............................................................................................45
                                                                                                             transmitted in any form or by any
  Biomarkers ........................................................................................46
                                                                                                             means, electronic, mechanical,
                                                                                                             photocopying, recording, or
Closing Notes ......................................................................................50       otherwise, without prior written
                                                                                                             permission from MSAA.
References ............................................................................................51

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America                                           1                           MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020
RESEARCH MS - Multiple Sclerosis Association of America

Introduction                                           report. Rather, the items presented here were
                                                       selected for their relevance to current or
  The 2020 MS Research Update reviews                  future patient care, and with a view toward
new data and findings on:                              showcasing the breadth of work being done
• Disease-modifying therapies (DMTs)                   to understand and treat MS. The information
  approved by the FDA, including recently              that follows is drawn from a variety of sources,
  approved medications and those that have             including journal literature on MS and its
  been available for several years                     management, a review of ongoing clinical
• Experimental drugs under investigation               trials, and presentations at major national
  for the long-term treatment of multiple              and international conferences.
  sclerosis (MS)                                           Please note that this MS Research
                                                       Update reports on the most recent study
• New therapeutic approaches and treatment
                                                       results available at the time of publication.
  targets, such as stem cell therapy and the
  gut microbiome                                       While every effort has been made to provide
                                                       meaningful, timely, and balanced information,
• Promising areas of inquiry that are                  keeping the amount of information equal for
  enhancing researchers’ and clinicians’               each medication covered is not possible.
  understanding of MS, such as genetics and            Please understand that the different degree
  biomarkers                                           of coverage given to the various therapies
   While this 2020 edition of MSAA’s MS                should in no way be considered as favoritism
Research Update provides a comprehensive               toward any one medication or treatment
overview of important areas of inquiry and             approach. Additionally, references have been
study findings, it is not an exhaustive                cited only for newer study results.
compilation of all relevant data released in the           While medications for management of MS
past year. There is – fortunately – far too much       symptoms are beyond the scope of this
ongoing research for summation in a single             report, information on the specific symptoms

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America          2                        MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020
RESEARCH MS - Multiple Sclerosis Association of America

of MS and their treatment is available in the          biotechnology company investigating the
symptoms section of MSAA’s website.                    monoclonal antibody temelimab for use in
    Providing these resources is at the heart of       primary- and secondary-progressive MS, in
MSAA’s mission of being a leading resource             March announced the postponement of a
for the entire MS community, improving lives           planned Phase II trial of the medication in
today through vital services and support.              order to “prioritize healthcare resources
Feedback and thoughts on the 2020 MS                   behind the fight of CoVID-19 and to reduce
Research Update are welcomed. These can                the risk for MS patients.” 1 Meanwhile,
be directed to MSAA at              MediciNova, the company developing the
                                                       oral medication ibudilast for potential use in
Overview of MS Research Progress                       relapsing forms of MS, announced in April that
    Never before have so many people been              it also will study the medication for use in
so keenly aware of the importance of medical           acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
research. With the arrival of the CoVID-19             caused by CoVID-19. 2
pandemic in early 2020, people who just a                   While some temporary delays, detours,
few months earlier had only a passing                  and distractions may be part of the near-term
familiarity with the drug-development                  impact of CoVID-19 on the MS research
process, now understand more about the                 agenda, the long-term effect hopefully will
different trial phases.                                include an enduring commitment to funding
    This widespread appreciation for                   research against the full range of conditions –
therapeutic innovation is just one of many             acute and chronic – that harm health and
ways the coronavirus has changed life for all          threaten lives. Meanwhile, investigators in
people. For those with MS, however, the                clinics, hospitals, and laboratories around the
pandemic brings additional concerns and                world continue to explore the biological
considerations. Does taking a disease-                 processes that lead to MS onset and
modifying therapy (DMT) that affects the               progression, and the treatment approaches
immune system increase the risk of                     that can reduce or even halt disease activity.
contracting CoVID-19? Does having a chronic                 There is abundant evidence that this
condition, such as MS, suggest more severe             research effort is making progress on many
symptoms and worse outcomes should a                   fronts. one of the most tangible markers of
person become infected? For information on             success is the expanding array of disease-
those topics and related issues, visit the             modifying therapies (DMTs) available to treat
Coronavirus and MS section of MSAA’s                   MS.
website.                                                    Since the publication of MSAA’s 2019 MS
    Beyond its impact on the daily lives of            Research Update, the FDA has approved three
people with MS, the CoVID-19 pandemic also             more DMTs. In April 2020, Bafiertam™
is affecting the course of multiple sclerosis          (monomethyl fumarate) received approval for
research. For example, GeNeuro, a                      use in relapsing forms of MS. The Banner Life

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America          3                       MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020

Sciences’ medication is an oral agent taken             March 2020, the FDA approved the
twice daily. It is a fumarate-type medication,          sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P1)-receptor
as is Biogen’s Tecfidera® (dimethyl fumarate).          modulator for use in relapsing forms of MS.
Bafiertam obtained FDA approval after Banner            Two other S1P1-receptor modulators,
Life Sciences showed that the medication is a           Gilenya® (fingolimod) and Mayzent®
“bioequivalent alternative” to Tecfidera,               (siponimod), also are FDA-approved for MS.
meaning that the active ingredient and site of          How this class of medication exerts a
action do not differ significantly between the          therapeutic effect in MS is not completely
two medications.3 Because Tecfidera can                 understood. However, the mechanism of
cause gastrointestinal (GI) effects – including         action may involve reducing the number of
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea – in some                lymphocytes – white blood cells involved in
patients,4 biopharmaceutical companies have             immune function – that migrate to the central
explored formulations of fumarate medications           nervous system (CNS), where they may
that would have efficacy against MS – as                contribute to damaging the myelin sheath
Tecfidera has demonstrated – with fewer GI              that protects nerves. 7
side effects. In the case of Bafiertam, this goal            Turning from medications approved by
is being pursued through use of a daily dose            the FDA to those now being evaluated by
lower than that for Tecfidera. 4, 5 However,            the FDA, Janssen/Johnson & Johnson is
whether or not Bafiertam causes fewer GI side           requesting that another S1P1-receptor
effects has not yet been determined and has             modulator, ponesimod, be approved for
not been evaluated in clinical trials in people         treating adults with relapsing forms of MS. 8
with relapsing forms of MS.                             The request is based on data from the Phase
    Another of the three recently approved              III oPTIMUM trial, in which patients treated
medications pursues the same goal of                    with ponesimod had lower average
reducing GI side effects by other means. In             annualized relapse rates than those receiving
october 2019, the FDA authorized use of                 an already approved DMT, Aubagio®
Vumerity® (diroximel fumarate) in relapsing             (teriflunomide). 9, 10
forms of MS. Also an oral medication taken                   Meanwhile, the FDA is conducting a
twice daily, Vumerity was developed by                  priority review of ofatumumab for the
Biogen – which markets Tecfidera – and the              treatment of relapsing forms of MS. Novartis,
Irish pharmaceutical company Alkermes plc. In           which markets the agent collaboratively with
this case, the chemical structure of Vumerity           Genmab, says ofatumumab could be
differs from that of Tecfidera, and the recently        approved as early as this summer. 11 The
approved medication has been shown to                   monoclonal antibody, which already is
cause fewer GI side effects than Tecfidera. 6           indicated for treating chronic lymphocytic
    The third medication recently approved by           leukemia,12 binds to the CD20 molecule
the FDA is Zeposia® (ozanimod), a once-daily            located on the surface of lymphocytes, a type
oral medication from Bristol Myers Squibb. In           of white blood cell. Lymphocytes trigger the

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America           4                       MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020

abnormal immune response that damages the             -10 inhibitor that suppresses pro-inflammatory
protective sheath (myelin) surrounding nerve          molecules and promotes nerve-growth
cells in the brain and spinal cord. By binding        factors.17
to CD20, the lymphocytes are destroyed and                on another research front, investigators
neuronal damage is prevented or delayed.              continue to assess previously approved
    ofatumumab is self-injected                       medications, examining their long-term
subcutaneously once a month, allowing for at-         effectiveness and safety, both in the overall
home administration.13 Novartis and Genmab            MS population and in specific groups of
are seeking approval for use of ofatumumab            people with MS. This MS Research Update
in MS based on data from the Phase III                reports on studies evaluating the impact of
ASCLEPIoS I and ASCLEPIoS II trials, in which         starting specific DMTs earlier rather than later
ofatumumab outperformed Aubagio in                    following diagnosis, and of switching from
slowing disease progression in RMS. 11                one DMT to another. Inquiries are also
    Phase III trials, which generate the main         examining how approved DMTs are affecting
data used to pursue FDA approval, are under           efficacy measures beyond relapse rates and
way or planned for other potential MS                 MRI findings, such as confirmed disability
treatments. TG Therapeutics hopes to provide          progression, and the need for wheelchair use.
results later this year from two simultaneous             In terms of safety, research is examining the
Phase III trials assessing the safety and             frequency and nature of adverse events with
effectiveness of its monoclonal antibody              multi-year use, how DMTs affect maternal and
ublituximab in relapsing forms of MS.15 EMD           fetal outcomes when used during pregnancy,
Serono will evaluate its oral investigational         and whether altering dosing schedules can
agent evobrutinib in patients with relapsing          reduce the incidence of adverse effects.
MS in the Phase III EVoLUTIoN RMS 1 and               Beyond evaluating pharmacologic agents,
EVoLUTIoN RMS 2 studies.16 Evobrutinib                a plethora of research is probing the
inhibits Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK), an           therapeutic potential of interventions ranging
enzyme that contributes to the development            from stem cell therapy and dietary
and function of B lymphocytes, a type of white        adjustments, to Vitamin D supplementation
blood cell that can attack and destroy the            and altering the gut microbiome. other
neuroprotective myelin sheath that surrounds          studies are looking at the role genetics and
nerve cells.16                                        other factors may play in the development
    MediciNova is organizing a Phase III trial        and course of MS, and at how biomarkers
that will determine whether its oral medication       such as serum neurofilament light (NfL) can
ibudilast, also known as MN-166, can slow             help in monitoring MS status and informing
disease progression in more-severe, non-              treatment decisions. All of these topics are
relapsing MS. Ibudilast is a small molecule           addressed in the sections that follow.
macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF)              In short, thousands of clinicians and
inhibitor and phosphodiesterase (PDE) -4 and          researchers around the world are exploring

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America         5                        MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020
INTRODUCTION                                INTRODUCTION

various aspects of MS, and their collective                understand, more effectively manage, and
efforts promise even further progress in the               one day defeat multiple sclerosis. If you
years just ahead. It is important to remember,             already are counted among their ranks, you
however, that the work of these physicians,                have our deepest gratitude. If you have not
nurses, biochemists, pharmacologists, and                  participated to date, we would encourage
others would not be possible without the                   interested readers to ask their providers about
selfless participation of even larger numbers              possible opportunities to become involved in
of people with MS. The patients who enroll in              MS research. For more information about
clinical trials, submit data to registries, and            participating in clinical trials for the treatment
otherwise contribute to research, play an                  of MS and its symptoms, readers may
invaluable role in the effort to better                    visit

 Editor’s note: Initial study results for therapeutic agents under investigation should be
 considered preliminary because additional studies and/or evaluations may be needed to
 determine the long-term safety and efficacy of these agents. MSAA does not endorse or
 recommend any specific products or therapies. Readers are advised to consult their physician
 before making any changes to their medication, diet, exercise, or other treatment regimen.

         Phase I                      Phase II                      Phase III                  Phase IV

 Phase I studies are        once a drug has been            In a Phase III study, a     Phase IV clinical trials
 primarily concerned        shown to be safe, it must       drug is usually tested in   are conducted after a
 with assessing the         be tested for efficacy. This     several hundred to          drug has been
 drug’s safety. This        second phase of testing         several thousand            approved.
 initial phase of testing   may last from several           patients, usually in        Participants are
 in humans is done in a     months to two years, and        multiple medical            enrolled to further
 small number of            involve up to several           facilities around the       monitor safety and
 healthy volunteers,        hundred patients. Phase II      world. Phase III studies    side effects, while
 and is designed to         studies are often “double-      typically last two or       evaluating long-term
 determine what             blinded,” meaning that          more years. only after a    efficacy.
 happens to the drug        the participants, medical       Phase III study is
 in the human body –        staff, and investigators are    successfully completed
 how it is absorbed,        not told who is receiving       can a pharmaceutical
 metabolized, and           the drug and who is             company request FDA
 excreted.                  receiving the placebo.          approval for marketing
                                                            the drug.

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America              6                         MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020
                                   RECENTLY APPROVED

Medications Recently Approved
   Three more medications have joined the ranks of FDA-approved therapies for MS since the
2019 MS Research Update was posted. They are: Zeposia® (ozanimod), approved in March
2020; Bafiertam™ (monomethyl fumarate), approved in April 2020; and Vumerity® (diroximel
fumarate), approved in october 2019. To follow is information on these medications, their
approved uses and dosages, and their clinical data.

Zeposia® (ozanimod)                                    to the term “multiple sclerosis.”
                                                           Two other S1P1-receptor modulators,
Company: Bristol Myers Squibb                          Gilenya® (fingolimod) and Mayzent®
n Starting dose: 0.23 mg orally once daily on          (siponimod) are also approved by the FDA for
   Days 1-4, followed by 0.46 mg orally on             treating MS. Additionally, Janssen/Johnson &
   Days 5-7                                            Johnson has asked the FDA to approve
                                                       another medication in this class, ponesimod,
n Maintenance dose: 0.92 mg orally once                for the treatment of relapsing forms of MS in
   daily on Day 8 and thereafter                       adults.
n Approved in March 2020 for relapsing                     Zeposia is an oral medication taken once
   forms of MS, including clinically isolated          daily. The initial dose of 0.23 mg on Days 1-4 is
                                                       followed by a dose of 0.46 mg on Days 5-7,
   syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and
                                                       with a once-daily dose of 0.92 mg starting on
   active secondary-progressive disease, in
                                                       Day 8 and continuing thereafter.7 This
                                                       approach to increasing the starting dose over
    Zeposia® (ozanimod) is a sphingosine               a few days, which clinicians call “up-titration,”
1-phosphate (S1P1)-receptor modulator,                 is necessary because some people starting
meaning that it binds to two receptors – S1P1          Zeposia may experience initial but temporary
and S1P5 – on the surface of cells.7 While the         decreases in heart rate and delays in the way
exact mechanism by which Zeposia exerts a              electrical signals are transmitted in the heart.7
therapeutic effect in MS is not completely                 Before beginning Zeposia, people should
understood, the medication’s impact may                have a complete blood count (CBC), an
involve reducing the number of lymphocytes             electrocardiogram (ECG), and liver function
that migrate to the central nervous system             tests (which involve analyzing a sample of
(CNS), where lymphocytes may contribute to             blood that can be obtained from the same
damaging the myelin sheath that protects               blood draw performed for the CBC).
nerves. This damage results in lesions, or areas       Physicians are advised to consider what other
of sclerosis (scarring/hardening), at different        medications a person is taking in order to be
locations along the myelin sheath, giving rise         aware of any potential interactions between

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America          7                        MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020
                                   RECENTLY APPROVED

those medications and Zeposia. They also                number of T1-weighted gadolinium-
need to conduct an eye examination in                   enhanced brain lesions more than Avonex
patients with a history of certain                      (0.16 vs 0.43), which is a relative reduction of
ophthalmologic problems, and to vaccinate               63%, and reduced the number of new or
patients against varicella zoster virus (VZV) if        enlarging T2 lesions (1.47 vs. 2.84), which is a
their blood does not contain antibodies                 relative reduction of 48%. 7, 20 At two years,
against that virus, which causes chickenpox             Zeposia achieved a 53% relative reduction in
and shingles.                                           T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced brain
    Zeposia is contraindicated in people who            lesions and a 42% relative reduction in new
in the last six months experienced a heart              or enlarging T2 lesions, compared to the
attack, stroke, coronary-related chest pain,            interferon-based therapy. 7, 19
or certain other cardiovascular conditions.7                However, in two other measures examined
Unlike other approved S1P1-receptor                     in the trials – impact on three-month and six-
modulators, however, the FDA-approved                   month confirmed disability progression (CDP),
prescribing information for Zeposia does not            there was not a statistically significant
direct that people taking the medication be             difference between patients in the Zeposia
monitored after their first dose for possible           group and those in the Avonex group over
cardiac issues.18                                       the course of two years.7
    The FDA’s approval of Zeposia is based on               In the Phase III clinical trials, the most
data from two large Phase III trials, SUNBEAM           common adverse reactions (occurring in 4%
and RADIANCE Part B, which together                     or more of people receiving Zeposia) were
enrolled more than 2,600 people with MS.                upper respiratory infection, liver enzyme
Both trials examined the safety and efficacy of         elevations, a fall in blood pressure upon
Zeposia relative to Avonex® (interferon beta-           standing (orthostatic hypotension), urinary
1a). This interferon-based treatment is one of          tract infection, back pain, and hypertension.
the first therapies approved for multiple               Please note that in clinical trials, all adverse
sclerosis.18                                            effects reported by study subjects are
    In the two studies, people taking Zeposia           recorded; these events may or may not be
had an annualized relapse rate (ARR) – a                related to the medication. This is why control
measure of the average number of relapses               or placebo groups are used to compare with
a group of patients will experience over the            groups receiving the experimental medication
course of 12 months – of 0.18 at one year               being studied.7
compared to 0.35 for Avonex, and of 0.17                    People who participated in SUNBEAM,
versus 0.28 for Avonex over two years. Those            RADIANCE Part B, and earlier, Phase II studies
rates translate into Zeposia providing a relative       of Zeposia were eligible to enter an extension
reduction in ARR of 48% at one year and 38%             study assessing the long-term safety and
at two years compared to Avonex.7, 19, 20               efficacy of the medication. Researchers
    Further, at one year, Zeposia reduced the           recently reported on an interim analysis of

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America           8                       MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020
                                   RECENTLY APPROVED

data on almost 2,500 patients who                           Bafiertam™ (monomethyl fumarate) is an
participated in that extension trial.                   oral medication taken twice daily for relapsing
    Among patients who took 1 mg of Zeposia             forms of MS. It is a fumarate-type medication,
in any of the earlier trials and who then               as is Tecfidera® (dimethyl fumarate). Bafiertam
continued that dose over an average of 19.2             secured FDA approval after its developer,
months in the follow-up study, the ARR was              Banner Life Sciences, demonstrated that the
0.126. Meanwhile, people who had taken an               medication is a “bioequivalent alternative” to
interferon-based medication in an earlier trial         Biogen’s Tecfidera, meaning that the active
and then switched to Zeposia in the extension           ingredient and site of action do not differ
study, had a very similar annualized relapse            significantly between the two medications.3, 5
rate – 0.123 – over an average of 18.3 months               The issue of bioequivalence is important
in the follow-up study.                                 because Tecfidera has demonstrated efficacy
    The incidence and nature of adverse                 in treating relapsing forms of MS but can
events were similar to those seen in the                cause significant gastrointestinal (GI) effects –
Phase III studies. The most common adverse              including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea – in
event during the extension study was                    some patients.4 As a result, drug developers
nasopharyngitis (a cold or sore throat), which          have sought to find formulations of fumarate
was reported by 11.3% of participants. Just             medications that offer similar efficacy but have
under 6% of participants reported a serious             fewer GI side effects. These efforts include
treatment-emergent adverse event, and just              Biogen partnering with Ireland-based
over 1% of participants stopped participating           Alkermes to develop the recently approved
in the study due to an adverse event.21                 Vumerity® (diroximel fumarate), as detailed
                                                        below, and Banner Life Science’s
                                                        development of Bafiertam.
Bafiertam™                                                  The starting and maintenance doses of
(monomethyl fumarate)                                   Bafiertam are lower than those for Tecfidera.4, 5
                                                        With the daily doses assumed to be
Company: Banner Life Sciences
                                                        equivalent in terms of their efficacy, the hope
n Starting dose: 95 mg twice a day, orally, for         is that the reduced amount of Bafiertam will
   7 days                                               result in fewer GI side effects while providing
n Maintenance dose after 7 days: 190 mg                 similar benefit against relapses and other
   (administered as two 95 mg capsules) twice           manifestations of MS. Although not studied
   a day, orally                                        in MS patients, a recent study compared the
                                                        gastrointestinal tolerability of Bafiertam to
n Approved in April 2020 for relapsing forms            Tecfidera in 210 healthy adults without MS.
   of MS, including clinically isolated syndrome,       The five-week study has been completed,
   relapsing-remitting disease, and active              but results were not posted at the time of this
   secondary-progressive disease, in adults.            writing.22, 23

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America           9                        MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020
                                   RECENTLY APPROVED

    The exact mechanism of action by which              thereafter (as well as when clinically
fumarate medications exert their therapeutic            indicated).5
effect in MS is not completely understood.                  According to Banner, Bafiertam may
However, the monomethyl fumarate molecule               cause flushing, which may be experienced as
is thought to activate an antioxidant protein           warmth, redness, itching, and/or a burning
that reduces oxidative stress, which in turn            sensation. In clinical trials with Tecfidera,
slows damage to protective nerve fibers in              40% of treated patients experienced flushing,
the brain. Clinical trials with Tecfidera showed        which in most cases was mild to moderate in
a reduction in relapse rate, a delay in                 severity. As noted earlier, other common side
progression of physical disability, and a               effects include: redness, itching, or rash;
slowing in the development of brain lesions,            nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, or
as compared to placebo.                                 indigestion. Flushing and stomach problems
    According to the prescribing information            are the most common reactions, especially at
for Bafiertam, the starting dose is one 95-mg           the start of therapy, and may decrease over
oral capsule taken twice daily for the first            time.3
seven days. The maintenance dose after seven
days is two 95-mg capsules (for a total of 190          Vumerity® (diroximel fumarate)
mg) taken twice daily. The prescribing
                                                        Company: Biogen Inc. and Alkermes plc
information also warns not to crush, chew, or
mix contents of the delayed-release oral                n Starting dose: 231 mg twice a day, orally, on
capsules with food. However, Bafiertam may                 Days 1-7
be taken with or without food.
                                                        n Maintenance dose after seven days: 462 mg
    Warnings, side effects, and adverse events
                                                           (administered as two 231-mg capsules) twice
are similar to those listed for Tecfidera.                 a day, orally
Bafiertam is contraindicated in patients with
known hypersensitivity to monomethyl                    n Approved in October 2019 for relapsing
fumarate, dimethyl fumarate, diroximel                     forms of MS, including clinically isolated
fumarate, or to any of its inactive ingredients.           syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and
Allergic reactions, PML (progressive multifocal            active secondary-progressive disease, in
leukoencephalopathy), herpes zoster and                    adults
other serious opportunistic infections,                    Vumerity® (diroximel fumarate) is a
decreases in white blood cell counts, and liver         fumarate agent, as is Biogen’s Tecfidera®
injury, are among the potential serious                 (dimethyl fumarate). However, it has a
adverse events that could occur. Blood tests,           chemical structure that is distinct from
including a complete blood count (CBC) and              Tecfidera, and has been shown to cause fewer
lymphocyte count, need to be performed                  gastrointestinal (GI) side effects – such as
prior to starting treatment, six months after           diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal
starting treatment, and every six to 12 months          pain – than Tecfidera. The exact mechanism of

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America          10                        MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020
                                   RECENTLY APPROVED

action by which diroximel fumarate exerts its          compared the GI tolerability of Vumerity with
therapeutic effect in MS is not completely             that of Tecfidera. 24
understood. However, upon entering the                     EVoLVE-MS-2 was a multi-center, double-
body, the medication is rapidly converted into         blind, active-controlled, five-week study
the molecule monomethyl fumarate. The                  involving 506 patients with relapsing forms of
converted molecule is thought to activate an           MS. The primary endpoint was the number of
antioxidant protein that reduces oxidative             days patients reported GI symptoms with a
stress, which in turn slows damage to                  symptom intensity score ≥2 on the Individual
protective nerve fibers in the brain.6                 Gastrointestinal Symptom and Impact Scale
    The FDA’s october 2019 approval of                 (IGISIS) rating scale. Secondary endpoints
Vumerity was based on a new drug                       included the number of days (relative to
application (NDA) that included data from              exposure) that patients reported GI symptoms
pharmacologic studies comparing Vumerity               with IGISIS intensity scores of ≥1 or ≥3 in the
and Tecfidera. By demonstrating that the two           overall population. Patients who completed
agents were similar in many key respects, or           the five-week treatment period were eligible
had “bioequivalence,” Biogen and Alkermes              to enroll in EVoLVE-MS-1, the 96-week, open-
were able to ask the FDA to consider findings          label, safety study referenced above.
on the safety and efficacy of Tecfidera as part            Results for the primary endpoint showed
of the evidence supporting Vumerity.6                  that patients treated with Vumerity reported
    The application also included interim              46% fewer days with intensity scores of ≥2 on
exposure and safety findings from EVoLVE-              the IGISIS, compared to Tecfidera.
MS-1, an ongoing, Phase III, single-arm,                   The EVoLVE-MS-2 results also found that
open-label, two-year safety study evaluating           compared to people taking Tecfidera, patients
Vumerity in patients with relapsing-remitting          receiving Vumerity had:
MS. Interim results from EVoLVE-MS-1 at the
                                                       • Lower discontinuations due to GI adverse
time the application was submitted included
                                                         events (0.8% vs. 4.8%).
a low overall rate of Vumerity treatment
discontinuation due to adverse events                  • Fewer days with IGISIS intensity scores of ≥1
(6.3%), which included less than 1% of                   and ≥3 (29% relative reduction and 44%
patients discontinuing Vumerity due to                   relative reduction, respectively).
gastrointestinal (GI) adverse events.                  • Fewer days with a self-reported intensity
Additional exploratory efficacy endpoints in            score of ≥1 (30% reduction on the Global
the ongoing EVoLVE-MS-1 study showed                    Gastrointestinal Symptom and Impact Scale
changes in clinical and radiological measures           [GGISIS], which assessed the overall intensity
compared to baseline. 6                                 of GI symptoms, their impact on daily
    A few weeks after the FDA approved                  activities and how bothersome they were).
Vumerity, Biogen presented data from another            Fewer days with GGISIS intensity scores of
Phase III study, EVoLVE-MS-2, that directly             ≥2 and ≥3 were also observed.

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America         11                       MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020
                               RECENTLY APPROVED

 • A gradual decline in worst IGISIS intensity   adverse effects were mild or moderate in
   scores over the five-week treatment period.   severity. overall, 1.6% of patients receiving
     These findings that use the patient-        Vumerity and 5.6% of those taking Tecfidera
 assessed symptom intensity scales were          experienced adverse effects that caused
 supported by lower investigator-reported        them to stop participating in the study.
 incidences of GI adverse events with            Among those patients who discontinued
 Vumerity (34.8%) compared to Tecfidera          due to any adverse effect, 0.8% in the
 (49.0%). overall, adverse events occurred in    Vumerity group stopped due to GI effects,
 78.3% of patients receiving Vumerity and        as compared to 4.8% in the Tecfidera
 83.7% taking Tecfidera, but most of those       group.24

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                                                                    MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020

Please note that not all of the approved treatments for MS have been included in this section.
For a full listing, please see MSAA’s treatment chart giving an overview of the approved DMTs.

                                   INFUSED MEDICATIONS

Ocrevus® (ocrelizumab)                                   of ocrevus in RRMS, researchers said.
                                                             During the oPERA trials, ocrevus showed
Company: Genentech and Roche Pharma AG                   superiority over an interferon-based
n Starting dose: 300 mg given via IV                     medication in slowing disease activity and
   infusion, followed two weeks later by a               progression over 96 weeks.25 Patients who
   second 300-mg infusion                                completed the 96-week, double-blind
n Subsequent doses: 600 mg given via IV                  comparison trial entered a four-year, open-
   infusion every six months                             label extension phase, during which they
                                                         either stayed with or switched to ocrevus.
n Approved in 2017 for relapsing forms of
                                                             Among patients who switched from the
   MS (RMS) and primary-progressive MS
                                                         interferon medication to ocrevus, adjusted
                                                         annualized relapse rates (ARR) fell from 0.20
    ocrevus® (ocrelizumab) is a humanized                in the year before the switch to 0.04 at Year 4
monoclonal antibody, meaning that it is an               of the open-label phase. Patients who stayed
antibody from a non-human species whose                  on ocrevus after the comparison phase also
protein sequences have been modified to                  saw a decrease in ARR during the same
increase their similarity to antibodies                  period, from 0.13 to 0.05.26
produced naturally in humans. ocrevus works                  Another analysis suggests that early and
by destroying the CD20 receptor, a molecule              intensive intervention with ocrevus may
that helps B cells receive messages from                 provide meaningful benefit for people with
throughout the body. Destroying the CD20                 MS who suffer early severe disability.
depletes the B cells that can trigger                        Researchers performed a post-study
neurodegeneration in MS.                                 analysis of the oPERA I, oPERA II, and
    A recent study found that people with                oRAToRIo trials, in which ocrevus showed
relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) who start                  efficacy in slowing disease activity and
ocrevus early and respond to the                         progression in patients with relapsing-
monoclonal antibody may continue to benefit              remitting MS over 96 weeks, and in patients
from the medication many years later. The                with primary-progressive MS (PPMS) over 120
findings, from an open-label extension of the            weeks or longer. Drawing on data from those
oPERA I and oPERA II Phase III clinical trials,          trials, investigators identified 882 patients
offer solid evidence for sustained first-line use        with baseline Expanded Disability Status

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America           13                       MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020

Scale (EDSS) scores of 4.0 or greater, 92              effects 10 patients would suffer in 10 years.
patients with baseline EDSS scores >5.0, and               A total of 4,501 people with MS received
88 patients with baseline EDSS scores >6.0.            ocrevus in the clinical trials, amounting to
(on the EDSS scale, a higher score indicates a         12,559 patient years of exposure. Side-effect
greater degree of disability.) The patients had        rates per 100 patient years were:
received ocrevus or a comparator –
interferon beta-1a in oPERA or placebo in               • Adverse events: 255
oRAToRIo.                                               • Serious adverse events: 7.52
    The researchers found that the incidence            • Infections: 77.1
of EDSS score increases over a given 24-week            • Serious infections: 2.01
period were significantly lower among                   • Malignancies: 0.47
patients who received ocrevus compared                  • Adverse events prompting treatment
with those who received interferon beta-1a or             discontinuation: 1.15
placebo. ocrevus-treated patients from the
oRAToRIo trial who had high baseline EDSS                  Using United States’ claims data and
scores also saw significant reductions in              number of vials sold, the researchers then
disability compared with placebo. 27                   estimated that as of April 2019, 96,000
    Another team of investigators recently             patients in the general population with MS
examined the safety of ocrevus in                      had received ocrevus, and that the
widespread, “real world” use. Researchers              prevalence of adverse events in this “real
regularly compare clinical trial data on a             world” group is similar to the data reported
medication’s safety with data collected after          for the clinical trials group.13
the medication has been approved by the                    Turning from safety assessments to
FDA and prescribed by clinicians across the            measures of effectiveness, investigators in the
country. The purpose is to ensure that no              Phase III oPERA I, oPERA II, and oRAToRIo
new “safety signals” or other concerns                 clinical trials measured serum and plasma
emerge as a medication that had been tested            neurofilament light (Nfl) levels in study
in hundreds or thousands of patients in                subjects. Nfl levels are an important marker
clinical trials now is given to a much larger          of disability and disease progression in MS,
number of people.                                      with those levels tending to be higher in
    In one such study of ocrevus, researchers          patients experiencing progressive disability
analyzed safety outcomes data from the                 than in patients with stable disease.28
medication’s Phase II and Phase III trials, and            After 96 weeks, NfL levels were
from related open-label extension periods              significantly lower among patients who
and sub-studies. Because length of exposure            received ocrevus relative to levels in the
to ocrevus varied among participants, rates            studies’ comparator groups. Among 621
of adverse events were calculated per 100              people with either RRMS or PPMS whose
patient years, or the number of adverse                baseline NfL levels were above the 90th

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America         14                       MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020

percentile of normal, a higher proportion of          identified in patients taking the medication.
individuals treated with ocrevus saw their NfL        Tysabri became available again in 2006,
decrease to normal levels, compared with              based on the implementation of a
those who received interferon beta-1a (81.4%          comprehensive risk-management program
vs 58.9% in RRMS) or placebo (40.4% vs                that includes testing potential Tysabri users to
16.6% in PPMS). Higher baseline NfL levels            see if they have anti-JC virus antibodies.30
also predicted increased disability                       In an attempt to reduce the risk of PML,
progression in PPMS, and were linked to               some clinicians are extending the interval
worse outcomes for patients with RRMS                 between Tysabri doses, adopting a
treated with interferon beta-1a, as evidenced         personalized dosing strategy that has been
by changes in Expanded Disability Status              used to mitigate the adverse effects of extra-
Scale, Nine-Hole Peg Test, and Timed 25-Foot          strength antibiotics and other medications.31
Walk scores.29                                        As more physicians stretch out the time
                                                      between doses beyond the recommended
Tysabri® (natalizumab)                                four weeks, researchers decided to assess
                                                      how this risk-reduction approach affects the
Company: Biogen                                       medication’s therapeutic effects. 4, 31
n 300 mg given via one-hour IV infusion                   Investigators leading a two-year study are
   every four weeks                                   recording several measures of disease
                                                      progression in 61 adults with MS who had
n Approved in 2004 for relapsing forms of
                                                      no disease activity in the 12 months before
                                                      enrollment. Treatment intervals are being
    Tysabri® (natalizumab) is a monoclonal            adjusted to maintain the lowest therapeutic
antibody that acts against a molecule                 concentration of Tysabri (10 mcg/mL) for
involved in the activation and function of            each patient before the next dose is given.
lymphocytes, immune system cells produced                 At the time interim study results were
to fight infection and disease. Tysabri also          released, the 10 mcg/mL level had been
acts against the passage of lymphocytes into          maintained with extended dosing intervals of
the central nervous system (CNS), which               five to seven weeks in 84% of patients. No
consists of the brain, spinal cord, and optic         gadolinium-enhanced lesions or new or
nerves.                                               enlarging T2 lesions had been reported.
    The FDA approved Tysabri in 2004 based            Also, Expanded Disability Status Scale and
on positive results in the Phase III AFFIRM           MS Functional Composite scores had not
trial. Tysabri was voluntarily withdrawn from         increased, and serum levels of neurofilament
the market in 2005, after three cases of              light, an important indicator of MS disease
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy            activity, had remained low.
(PML), a rare but potentially fatal brain                 While biomarkers suggested some
infection caused by the JC virus, were                degree of disease activity among a subset of

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America        15                        MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020

patients, the findings suggest that Tysabri            early had fewer relapses (1.91 vs 3.2) and
dosing intervals can be safely expanded on             modestly higher SDMT scores (52 vs 50) in
a patient-by-patient basis.31                          the year before starting Tysabri early,
    other researchers recently found greater           compared with late-treated patients.32
cognitive improvement among people who                    Tysabri has long-term effectiveness in
started Tysabri early in the course of their MS        delaying relapses and slowing disability
than in individuals whose treatment was                progression among people with relapsing-
delayed. The findings suggest that the earlier         remitting MS, another ongoing study
treatment can be started, the greater the              suggests.
chances of maintaining a patient’s cognitive              The Tysabri observational Program (ToP),
function, researchers said.                            begun by the medication’s manufacturer after
    A total of 2,069 patients with relapsing MS        Tysabri was approved by the FDA in 2004, is
who were treated with Tysabri for at least 12          an open-label, multinational, prospective
months were followed at 58 neurology clinics           study that assesses the efficacy and safety of
across Sweden. The participants were divided           Tysabri in real-world clinical settings. As of
into two groups: those who started treatment           November 2017, the continuing study
within three years after MS onset, and those           included 6,148 patients with RRMS who
who started treatment later. Symbol Digit              received or are still receiving Tysabri. Median
Modalities Test (SDMT) scores were collected           exposure to the medication was 3.3 years,
at the start of Tysabri therapy, at six months         and nearly 500 patients received Tysabri for
and at one year after the start of treatment,          eight years or longer. Median follow-up was
and annually thereafter.                               62 months as of the November 2017 review.
    SDMT scores improved overall in                       During the analysis, the annualized relapse
both groups across the median 72-month                 rate (ARR) for patients on Tysabri fell from
follow-up, but the rate of improvement was             1.99 in the year before treatment initiation to
an average of 0.38 points per year lower in            0.15. of note, ARRs for individuals taking
the late-treatment group compared with                 Tysabri were significantly lower among
patients who started treatment early.                  patients with baseline Expanded Disability
    When SDMT scores were examined by                  Status Scale scores of 3.0 or less, having taken
age, no difference in score trajectory was             two or fewer prior disease-modifying
noted among patients younger than age 36               therapies, or no more than one relapse in
years, regardless of when they started                 the year prior to treatment.
treatment. Among patients aged 36 and                     Additionally, EDSS scores were stable
older, however, SDMT score improvements                throughout the analysis. At 10 years, the
were on average 0.45 points lower per year             cumulative probability of 24-week
of follow-up among late-treated patients vs.           confirmed disability worsening was 27.8%,
early-treated subjects.                                and the cumulative probability of 24-week
    of note, individuals who started Tysabri           confirmed disability improvement was 33.1%.

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America         16                       MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020

of the 5,179 patients with baseline EDSS                groups. No differences in mean gestational
scores of 2.0 or higher, 1,210 (23.4%)                  age or birthweight were found. However,
experienced a confirmed disability                      major and minor malformations were
improvement event.                                      reported in seven infants in Groups 1 and 2
    The safety profile of Tysabri was consistent        (women who stopped natalizumab in early
with adverse events (AE) reported in clinical           pregnancy or continued throughout),
trials. one or more serious AE was reported             compared with one in Group 0 (women who
in 829 patients (13.5%). Infection was the              stopped before pregnancy). Anemia was
most common AE, reported by 4.1% of                     found in five newborns from mothers in
patients. PML occurred in 53 patients (0.9%),           Group 2, including three infants who were
while breast cancer and other malignancies              born prematurely.
occurred in 1.1%.33                                        The researchers commented that
    Meanwhile, a recent Italian study found             continuing Tysabri during pregnancy “is
that use of Tysabri during pregnancy is                 associated with lower risk of relapses
associated with a lower risk of relapse but a
                                                        compared to wash-out and early interruption.
greater incidence of newborn anemia
                                                        No worrisome adverse events emerged in
compared to stopping the agent before
                                                        newborns. occurrence of anemia is
                                                        consistent with previous findings and may
    Researchers followed 84 expectant
                                                        be biased by prematurity.”34
mothers who were receiving Tysabri at 19 MS
                                                           Please note that women who are pregnant
centers. Participants were divided into three
                                                        or are planning to become pregnant, while
groups: women whose last Tysabri infusion
occurred before their last menstrual period             considering or taking a DMT, are advised to
(Group 0), those who were last infused during           consult their physician.
the first trimester of pregnancy (Group 1), and
those who continued treatment throughout                Lemtrada® (alemtuzumab)
pregnancy (Group 2).
                                                        Company: Sanofi Genzyme
    Annualized relapse rates (ARR) during
pregnancy were 1.06 among Group 0                       n Intravenous infusion over four hours for
expectant mothers, 0.49 for those in Group 2,              two treatment courses:
and 0.09 for women in Group 3. Among the
women who restarted Tysabri after giving                n First course: 12 mg/day on five
birth, ARRs 12 months postpartum were 0.39                 consecutive days;
for women in Group 0 and 0.23 for women in              n Second course: At one year, 12 mg/day on
Group 1.
                                                           three consecutive days;
    Researchers also analyzed data on the 94
infants who were born during the study and              n Approved in 2014 for relapsing forms of
compared pregnancy outcomes among                          MS

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America          17                      MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020

    Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) is a monoclonal              original CARE-MS I study, 75% stayed in the
antibody formulated to slow or prevent the              study through the entire five-year extension
immune system's destruction of the                      phase, and 55% required no additional
neuroprotective myelin sheath by killing                treatment with Lemtrada or another disease-
white blood (immune) cells. The United                  modifying therapy.
States’ prescribing information for the                    After the full nine-year study period:
medication describes the risk of serious                 • 68% of patients showed no signs of
and potentially fatal adverse events with                  confirmed disability progression over a
use of the medication, including stroke,                   given six-month period, and 41% showed
autoimmune conditions, infusion reactions,                 improvement after confirmed six-month
and certain cancers.35                                     disability progression.
      The EMA made the recommendations
after its drug-safety monitoring committee               • The mean increase Expanded Disability
received reports of cardiovascular issues –                Status Score (EDSS) was 0.10, suggesting
including heart attacks and strokes – as well as           overall minimal disability progression.
immune complications in people with MS                     Also, 77% of patients had improved or
taking Lemtrada.36 Because of the potential                stable EDSS scores.
toxicity associated with Lemtrada, the                   • 89% of patients showed no gadolinium-
manufacturer advises using the agent only in               enhanced lesions, and 68% were free of
"patients who have had an inadequate                       new or enlarging T2 lesions. Also, 68%
response to two or more [DMTs].”35                         showed no disease activity after magnetic
    Meanwhile, findings from a recent long-                resonance imaging.
term analysis suggest that people receiving
Lemtrada for relapsing-remitting MS may                  • Median cumulative brain volume loss
retain function nearly a decade after starting             (BVL) was 1.97%. Also, median annual BVL
treatment.                                                 was 0.22% or less in Years 3 through 9.
    over the course of four years, Lemtrada                Lemtrada also maintained a consistent
significantly improved clinical and imaging             safety profile throughout the extended nine-
outcomes in the CARE-MS I clinical trial and a          year period. The cumulative incidence of
subsequent extension study. An additional               thyroid-related adverse events was 46%, and
five-year extension trial, ToPAZ, assessed              the incidence of immune thrombocytopenia
participants' continuing function and disease           (an uncommon disorder marked by reduced
progression. Patients could receive Lemtrada            platelet counts) was 2%. overall, the
or another disease-modifying therapy as                 incidence of drug-related adverse events
needed at the investigators’ discretion.                and infections declined over the nine-year
Among Lemtrada-treated patients in the                  period.37

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America          18                      MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020

                                      ORAL MEDICATIONS

Mayzent® (siponimod)                                  Mayzent was the first FDA-approved oral
                                                      drug to treat secondary-progressive MS in
Company: Novartis                                     adults experiencing active disease. Mayzent is
n Starting dose for most patients: 0.25 mg            also approved for use in clinically isolated
   orally on Day 1, increasing in 0.25-mg             syndrome (CIS) and relapsing-remitting MS
   increments over five days to 1.25 mg.              (RRMS).39
                                                          A recent study found that Mayzent may
n For patients with CYP2C9*1/*3 or *2/*3              delay or prevent wheelchair dependence in
   genotype, 0.25 mg on Days 1 and 2,                 some people with secondary-progressive MS
   increasing to 0.5 mg on Day 3 and 0.75 on          (SPMS). In the Phase III EXPAND study that
   Day 4.                                             led to Mayzent receiving FDA approval, the
                                                      medication delayed disability progression
n Maintenance dose: 2 mg daily orally for             and cognitive decline among those with
   most patients; 1 mg daily orally for               SPMS.
   patients with CYP2C9*1/*3 or *2/*3                     Investigators subsequently performed
   genotype                                           two analyses on data for participants in the
                                                      EXPAND active treatment and placebo
n Approved in 2019 for relapsing forms of
                                                      groups. The first analysis measured time to
                                                      wheelchair dependence in 412 patients with
    Mayzent® (siponimod) is a sphingosine 1-          a baseline Expanded Disability Status Scale
phosphate (S1P)-receptor modulator,                   (EDSS) score of 6.5, which indicates
meaning that it binds to two receptors, called        dependence on a walking device and high
S1P1 and S1P5, on the surface of cells. By            risk of progression to a wheelchair. In that
binding to these receptors, Mayzent blocks            group, EDSS scores increased to 7.0
lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) from         (indicating wheelchair dependence) in 19.8%
leaving the lymph nodes and entering the              of Mayzent-treated patients, compared with
peripheral blood. While the mechanism by              26.1% of those in the placebo group.
which Mayzent exerts its effects in MS is not             In the second analysis, researchers split
fully understood, it may involve reduction of         the overall EXPAND population of 1,645
lymphocyte migration into the central                 participants into three groups by EDSS score
nervous system (CNS).25 Further, Mayzent              range: 5.0 or lower; 5.5 to 6.0; and 6.5. The
binds to S1P1 and S1P5 receptors on                   investigators then calculated the time each
oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, cells within         patient stayed in an EDSS range before
the CNS, which are thought to promote                 moving to another, and used that information
remyelination and prevent inflammation.38             to predict time to wheelchair dependence for

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America        19                      MS RESEARCH UPDATE 2020
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