Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Arsenic Methylation Metabolism and Efflux in Human Hepatocytes L-02

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Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Arsenic Methylation Metabolism and Efflux in Human Hepatocytes L-02
BioMed Research International
Volume 2019, Article ID 3924581, 11 pages

Research Article
Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Arsenic Methylation
Metabolism and Efflux in Human Hepatocytes L-02

 Qing-Xin Ren , Meng-Chuan Xu , Qiang Niu , Yun-Hua Hu ,
 Hai-Xia Wang , and Shu-Gang Li
 Department of Public Health, College of Medicine, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832000, Xinjiang, China

 Correspondence should be addressed to Shu-Gang Li; lishugang@ymail.com

 Received 20 February 2019; Revised 2 June 2019; Accepted 13 June 2019; Published 4 July 2019

 Guest Editor: Hengjia Ni

 Copyright © 2019 Qing-Xin Ren et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
 which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

 This study investigated the effects of proanthocyanidins (PC) on arsenic methylation metabolism and efflux in human hepatocytes
 (L-02), as well as the relationships between PC and GSH, MRP1 and other molecules. Cells were randomly divided into blank
 control group, arsenic trioxide exposure group (ATO, As2 O3 , 25 mol/L), and PC-treated arsenic exposure group (10, 25, 50mg/L).
 After 24/48h, the contents of different forms of arsenic were determined, and the methylation indexes were calculated. Intracellular
 S-adenosyl methionine (SAM), arsenic (+3 oxidation state) methyltransferase (AS3MT), multidrug resistance-associated protein
 1 (MRP1), and reduced glutathione (GSH) were ascertained. Changing trends were observed and the correlation between arsenic
 metabolism and efflux related factors and arsenic metabolites was analyzed. We observed that cells showed increased levels of
 content/constituent ratio of methyl arsenic, primary/secondary methylation index, methylation growth efficiency/rate, and the
 difference of methyl arsenic content in cells and culture medium (P
Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Arsenic Methylation Metabolism and Efflux in Human Hepatocytes L-02
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addition, L-02 cells are easy to survive and have a wide range (Shanghai, China). A vortex mixer was procured from Shang-
of adaptation conditions, which can reflect the metabolism hai Ya-rong Biochemistry Instrument Factory (Shanghai,
of arsenic in the liver. Proanthocyanidins (PC) are natural China).
polyphenolic compounds widely distributed in grape seeds,
pine bark, and other plant tissues, which can antagonize 2.3. Cell Culture. L-02 cells were cultured in DMEM medium
arsenic-induced liver oxidative damage by upregulating GSH containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 0.0625g/L penicillin,
and other protective proteins [13, 14]. However, it has not and 0.1g/L streptomycin. The culture medium was put into
been elucidated whether PC can affect arsenic methylation a CO2 incubator containing 5% saturated humidity. The
metabolism and efflux by affecting GSH and MRP1. In this temperature was set at 37∘ C. When cells grew to about 85% ∼
study, different doses of PC were designed to treat the 90%, they were processed for digestion with 0.25% trypsin.
cell lines with As2 O3 . After a certain period of time, a According to the growth condition, the cells were passaged
determination of the contents of related indexes along with every 3 to 4 days. Cells in logarithmic growth phase were
an analysis of the effects of arsenic and PC was made. The randomly divided into 5 groups. Through the preliminary
aim of this study was to explore the effects of PC on arsenic experiment, we found that when the intervention dose of
methylation metabolism and efflux in L-02 cells, which may ATO was more than 25.0 mol/L, the survival rate of L-02
provide a theoretical basis for the application of PC in the cells was significantly lower than that in the low gradient dose
prevention and treatment of arsenic poisoning. group in 24/48 hours. So the intervention of 25.0 mol/L ATO
 can make the survival rate of L-02 cells maintain at a higher
2. Materials and Methods level. In this way, we can ensure that our experiments can
 be carried out and observed obvious results. The grouping is
2.1. Reagents. As2 O3 was purchased from Beijing Chemical shown in Table 1.
Reagent Corp. (Beijing, China). PC which was purified The experimental indexes were detected after 24/48h
small molecular dimers with purity greater than 98% was culture of each group cells. Trypsin (0.5mL) was added to
obtained from JF-Natural (Tianjin, China). Human Hep- the six-well plates respectively aiming a digestion for 1∼2min.
atocytes (L-02) were purchased from OBiO Technology When the cells were round and exfoliated, as seen under a
(Shanghai) Corp. Fresh fetal bovine serum was acquired microscope, the 2mL complete culture solution was added
from Sijiqing Bioengineering Material Co., Ltd. (Hangzhou, to each well to terminate digestion. The cells in the six-well
China). Trypsin was purchased from Difco Company plates were collected into the centrifuge tube and separated
(America). KOH was obtained from Shanghai Chemical from the culture solution at 1000 r/min for 5min. Then the
Reagent Company. KBH4 and (NH4 )2 HPO4 were purchased cells were washed with PBS 3 times and transferred to the
from China National Pharmaceutical Group Corp. Sodium centrifuge tubes (each tube contained about 2.5×106 cells).
monomethyl/dimethyl arsenate standard and As5+ /As3+ ICP- After resuspension, cells were frozen and thawed repeatedly
MS standard solution were acquired from American Sigma and centrifuged at 1500 r/min for 15 minutes. Afterward, cells
Company. GSH, ELISA assay kits, phosphate buffer solution were rinsed with 350 L PBS 3 times, and the supernatant
(PBS), DMEM cell-culture mediums, syringes, micropipettes, was obtained. The cell-culture solution was collected and
and 96 well enzyme-labeled plates were purchased from Nan- filtered with 0.2 m pore membrane. Subsequently, the 0.5mL
jing Jiancheng Bioengineering Institute (Nanjing, China). solution was taken for the measurement.

2.2. Apparatus. A microplate reader (680) was procured 2.4. Determination and Calculation of Arsenic and Its Methy-
from American Bio-Rad Company. A constant temperature lation Metabolites. High-performance liquid chromatog-
water bath (SHA-B) was purchased from Changzhou Guohua raphy-hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry
Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. (Changzhou, China). A high- (HPLC-HGAFS) method was developed for the deter-
speed refrigerated centrifuge (TGL-16G-A) was acquired mination of intracellular and extracellular arsenic with its
from Shanghai Anting Scientific Instrument Factory (Shang- metabolites. The levels of iAs3+ , iAs5+ , monomethylated
hai, China). A manual glass homogenizer was purchased arsenic (MMA), and dimethylated arsenic (DMA) were
from Shanghai Bioengineering Company (Shanghai, China). detected. Total arsenic (TAs) and the ratios of iAs3+ , iAs5+ ,
An inverted phase-contrast microscope (AE31) was obtained MMA, and DMA (iAs3+ %, iAs5+ %, MMA%, and DMA %)
from Motic Group Co., Ltd. (Xiamen, China). A pres- were calculated. We also calculated primary methylation
sure steam sterilizer (TX400Z) was bought from Shanghai index (PMI, (MMA+DMA)/TAs×100%), secondary meth-
SANSHEN Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China). ylation index (SMI, DMA/(MMA+DMA)×100%), mono-
A super-clean worktable (SW-CJ-2FD) was ordered from methylation growth rate ((MMA48h +DMA48h -MMA24h -
Suzhou Purification Equipment Co., Ltd. (Suzhou, China). DMA24h )/24), dimethylation growth rate ((DMA48h -
A high-performance liquid chromatography-hydride gen- DMA24h )/24), monomethylation growth efficiency
eration atomic fluorescence spectrometry analyzer (SA20) ((MMA48h +DMA48h -MMA24h -DMA24h )/(TAs48h -MMA24h -
was purchased from Beijing Jitian Instrument Co., Ltd. DMA24h )×100%), dimethylation growth efficiency
(Beijing, China). A precision electronic balance was acquired ((DMA48h -DMA24h )/(MMA48h +DMA48h -DMA24h )×100%),
from Shanghai Precision and Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd. and the difference of extracellular and intracellular
(Shanghai, China). A CO2 incubator (HF151) was purchased concentrations of iAs3+ , iAs5+ , MMA, and DMA (△iAs3+ ,
from Shanghai LISHEN Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd. △iAs5+ , △MMA, and △DMA).
Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Arsenic Methylation Metabolism and Efflux in Human Hepatocytes L-02
BioMed Research International 3

 Table 1: Treatment measures and grouping.

Group Treatment measures
Blank control group As2 O3 + PC (0 mol/L + 0mg/L)
ATO exposure group As2 O3 + PC (25 mol/L + 0mg/L)
PC-treated group As2 O3 + PC (25 mol/L + 10mg/L)
PC-treated group As2 O3 + PC (25 mol/L + 25mg/L)
PC-treated group As2 O3 + PC (25 mol/L + 50mg/L)
Note: PC, proanthocyanidins; ATO, arsenic trioxide.

2.5. Methylation Metabolism and Efflux Related Indexes Assay. exposure group (P
Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Arsenic Methylation Metabolism and Efflux in Human Hepatocytes L-02
4 BioMed Research International

 50.00 5.00

 40.00 4.00

 C!M3+ /(g/L)

 C!M5+ /(g/L)
 30.00 DE 3.00

 20.00 A 2.00

 10.00 1.00

 0.00 0.00
 0 10 25 50 0 10 25 50
 PC/ (mg/L) PC/ (mg/L)

 24h 24h
 48h 48h
 (a) (b)
 5.00 8.00
 4.00 D DE

 3.00 D D
 4.00 AB

 0.00 0.00
 0 10 25 50 0 10 25 50
 PC/ (mg/L) PC/ (mg/L)
 24h 24h
 48h 48h
 (c) (d)



 0 10 25 50
 PC/ (mg/L)
Figure 1: Effects of proanthocyanidins (PC) on inorganic arsenic, arsenic metabolites, and total arsenic (TAs) contents in L-02 cells exposed
by arsenic trioxide (ATO). The contents of iAs3+ (a), iAs5+ (b), MMA (c), DMA (d), and TAs (e) are shown. Values are means (n=3 for
each group), with standard deviations represented by vertical bars. A Indicating significant difference from ATO exposure group with 24h at
Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Arsenic Methylation Metabolism and Efflux in Human Hepatocytes L-02
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 100.00 16.00
 80.00 DE 12.00
 C!M3+ /(%) 60.00 DEF

 C!M5+ /(%)

 0.00 0.00
 0 10 25 50 0 10 25 50
 PC/ (mg/L) PC/ (mg/L)
 24h 24h
 48h 48h
 (a) (b)
 18.00 AB 25.00
 20.00 DEF

 12.00 DE DE

 15.00 AB

 0.00 0.00
 0 10 25 50 0 10 25 50
 PC/ (mg/L) PC/ (mg/L)
 24h 24h
 48h 48h
 (c) (d)

Figure 2: Effects of proanthocyanidins (PC) on constituent ratios (%) of various forms of arsenic in L-02 cells exposed by arsenic trioxide
(ATO). The constituent ratios of iAs3+ (a), iAs5+ (b), MMA (c), and DMA (d) are shown. Values are means (n=3 for each group), with
standard deviations represented by vertical bars. A Indicating significant difference from ATO exposure group with 24h at P
Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Arsenic Methylation Metabolism and Efflux in Human Hepatocytes L-02
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 4.50 60.00
 ∗†‡ ∗

 Dimethylation Growth Efficiency
 Monomethylation Growth Efficiency
 ∗ ∗

 3.00 ∗† 40.00



 1.50 20.00


 0.00 0.00
 0 10 25 50 0 10 25 50
 PC/ (mg/L) PC/ (mg/L)
 (a) (b)
 6.00 4.50

 5.00 ∗†‡ ∗†
 Monomethylation Growth Rate

 Dimethylation Growth Rate
 4.00 3.00



 2.00 1.50


 0.00 0.00
 0 10 25 50 0 10 25 50
 PC/ (mg/L) PC/ (mg/L)
 (c) (d)

Figure 4: Effects of proanthocyanidins (PC) on methylation growth rate (ng/h) and efficiency (%) of arsenic in L-02 cells exposed by arsenic
trioxide (ATO) within 24∼48 hours. The monomethylation growth efficiency (a), dimethylation growth efficiency (b), monomethylation
growth rate (c), and dimethylation growth rate (d) are shown. Values are means (n=3 for each group), with standard deviations represented
by vertical bars. ∗ Indicating significant difference from ATO exposure group at P
Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Arsenic Methylation Metabolism and Efflux in Human Hepatocytes L-02
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 45 1.4
 1.2 CD

 AS3MT / (ng/mg prot)
 D D

 GSH / (mol/g prot)
 D 1.0 AB
 30 CD
 A 0.8 C
 A A
 A C
 0.6 A
 15 0.4
 0 0
 Control 25mol/L 25mol/L 25mol/L 25mol/L Control 25mol/L 25mol/L 25mol/L 25mol/L
 ATO ATO+10 ATO+25 ATO+50 ATO ATO+10 ATO+25 ATO+50
 mg/LPC mg/LPC mg/LPC mg/LPC mg/LPC mg/LPC

 24h 24h
 48h 48h
 (a) (b)
 SAM / (ng/mg prot)


 1.5 C
 1 AB CD


 Control 25mol/L 25mol/L 25mol/L 25mol/L
 ATO ATO+10 ATO+25 ATO+50
 mg/LPC mg/LPC mg/LPC

Figure 5: Effects of proanthocyanidins (PC) on the levels of glutathione (GSH, mol/g), arsenic (+3 oxidation state) methyltransferase
(AS3MT, ng/mg) and S-adenosyl methionine (SAM, ng/mg) in L-02 cells exposed by arsenic trioxide (ATO). The GSH (a), AS3MT (b), and
SAM (c) are shown. Values are means (n=3 for each group), with standard deviations represented by vertical bars. A Indicating significant
difference from the blank control group with 24h at P
Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Arsenic Methylation Metabolism and Efflux in Human Hepatocytes L-02
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 MMA / (g/L) 24h MMA / (g/L) 48h MMA / (g/L) 24h

 MMA / (g/L) 48h MMA / (g/L) 24h MMA / (g/L) 48h

 DMA / (g/L) 24h DMA / (g/L) 48h DMA / (g/L) 24h

 DMA / (g/L) 48h DMA / (g/L) 24h DMA / (g/L) 48h
 6 8
 4 4
 2 4
 2 2
 0 0 0 0
 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
 GSH/(mol/g prot) 24h GSH/(mol/g prot) 24h AS3MT/(ng/mg prot) 48h AS3MT/(ng/mg prot) 48h
 8 6
 4 4
 4 2
 2 2
 0 0 0 0
 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
 GSH/(mol/g prot) 48h GSH/(mol/g prot) 48h SAM/(ng/mg prot) 24h SAM/(ng/mg prot) 24h
 6 8
 4 4
 2 4
 2 2
 0 0 0 0
 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
 AS3MT/(ng/mg prot) 24h AS3MT/(ng/mg prot) 24h SAM/(ng/mg prot) 48h SAM/(ng/mg prot) 48h

Figure 6: Analysis of the correlation between glutathione (GSH)/arsenic (+3 oxidation state) methyltransferase (AS3MT)/S-adenosyl
methionine (SAM) and arsenic metabolites contents in arsenic trioxide (ATO) infected L-02 cells by proanthocyanidins (PC) intervention.
The horizontal and vertical coordinates of each data point referred to the contents of GSH, AS3MT, SAM, and corresponding methyl arsenic
under the intervention of different doses of PC. MMA, monomethylated arsenic; DMA, dimethylated arsenic.

 MRP1/(ng/mg prot)


 0.40 A

 24h 48h

 Blank control group
 ATO exposure group
 PC(10mg/L)-treated group
 PC(25mg/L)-treated group
 PC(50mg/L)-treated group

Figure 7: Effects of proanthocyanidins (PC) on the contents of multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (MRP1, ng/mg) in L-02 cells exposed
by ATO. Values are means (n=3 for each group), with standard deviations represented by vertical bars. A Indicating significant difference from
the blank control group at P
Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Arsenic Methylation Metabolism and Efflux in Human Hepatocytes L-02
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 40.00 100.00
 △MMA / (g/L) 24h

 △MMA / (g/L) 48h

 △DMA / (g/L) 48h
 30.00 60.00
 20.00 20.00
 10.00 10.00 20.00
 0.00 0.00 0.00
 0.00 0.40 0.80 1.20 1.60 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
 MRP1 (ng/mg prot) 24h MRP1 (ng/mg prot) 48h MRP1 (ng/mg prot) 48h
 (a) (b) (c)

Figure 8: Analysis of the correlation between multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (MRP1) contents and the difference of extracellular
and intracellular concentrations of monomethylated arsenic (△MMA)/dimethylated arsenic (△DMA).

GSH modulates AS3MT activity [25]. Hence, we speculate the upregulation of GSH, MRP1, and AS3MT levels by PC.
that the upregulation of GSH promotes the transfer of methyl However, this study is a cell-based experiment, and further
from SAM to arsenic in various forms catalyzed by AS3MT to investigation in different cell lines and in vivo is needed
complete methylation metabolism. to clarify these findings. This way our findings could help
 MRP1 is a member of adenosine triphosphate binding provide a better understanding of the mechanism and achieve
cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily, which can transport better development and utilization of PC. Moreover, we
intracellular substance extracellularly in reverse concentra- can also provide a theoretical basis for preventing arsenic
tion gradients, and is widely distributed in the organism as poisoning and improving public health.
a kind of GSH transport pump [26, 27]. The results showed
that the intracellular TAs decreased with the increasing PC Data Availability
dosage, and the △MMA and △DMA in the PC intervention
group were higher than those in the ATO exposure group. The data used to support the findings of this study are
The content of MRP1 in ATO-exposed cells was lower than available from the corresponding author upon request.
that in the blank control group, but increased after PC inter-
vention, showing a dose-response relationship with PC. The Conflicts of Interest
content of MRP1 was positively correlated with △MMA and
△DMA. This suggests that MRP1 contributes to the efflux of The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest
arsenic from cells, and PC promotes the expression of MRP1. regarding the publication of this paper.
Among several forms of arsenic, DMA has less toxicity and
discharges from the organism easily [9, 28]. Therefore, PC Authors’ Contributions
can promote arsenic methylation metabolism, which in turn
promotes arsenic efflux. Alternatively, PC can antagonize Qing-Xin Ren and Meng-Chuan Xu contributed equally to
arsenic-induced apoptosis [18, 29]; therefore, PC can affect the present work.
more active cells to participate in arsenic metabolism and
contribute to arsenic efflux. Previous studies have shown that Acknowledgments
nuclear factor E2 related factor 2 (Nrf2)-antioxidant response
element (ARE) signaling pathway could antagonize arsenic- The authors would like to thank the Department of Public
induced oxidative damage [30] and can also upregulate the Health, Shihezi University School of Medicine for assistance
levels of GSH [31] and MRP1 [32]. Thus, we presume that PC with this work. The authors acknowledge funding from
activates this pathway and promotes the expression of MRP1 the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.
and GSH. At the same time, GSH upregulates the level of 81560517, 81760584, and 81860559), the Key Areas of Science
AS3MT and promotes arsenic methylation metabolism. And and Technology Research Project of Xinjiang Production and
we speculate that arsenic and its metabolites form complexes Construction Corps (Nos. 2014BA039 and 2015AG014), the
with GSH. MRP1 binds to the arsenic-GSH complexes and Research Project of Shihezi University (Nos. KYPT201804,
consumes ATP to pump arsenic out of the cells [33]. It can be GJHZ201602, and ZZZC201801A), and Opening Project of
seen that PC antagonizes the toxicity of arsenic by promoting Key Laboratory of Xinjiang Endemic and Ethnic Diseases
the methylation metabolism and efflux of it. Whether PC can (Ministry of Education, KF2018-4).
prevent arsenic poisoning remains to be further studied.
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