Page created by Annette Byrd
 September 2021 DOI:
 ISSN 2767-3278
 ©2021 Master Journals

Accepted 25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021


Ismoil Karimov
 Candidate Of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kokand State Pedagogy Named After Muqimi, Uzbekistan


 The article discusses some aspects of the organization of new pedagogical technologies in the teaching of
 technology in general secondary schools, including the effectiveness of the use of interactive methods in the
 teaching of technology.

 KEYWORDS:- Technology, student, teaching, national education, integrated lesson, interactive lesson,
 pedagogical technology, educational technology, teaching technology, technological process, technological
 operation, technological map, technological mode, technologicalization of education, essence, content,
 interest, profession, profession , result.

                                                                   not find a decent job, we will lose this deposit."2
 INTRODUCTION                                                      This issue, along with other disciplines, is a key
                                                                   task in the teaching of technology. This requires
 The issues of upbringing a harmoniously                           the effective and rational use of teaching
 developed generation and leading a healthy                        methods in the teaching process, as well as the
 lifestyle of young people are considered as                       improvement of these methods, the search for
 topical issues on the agenda of the meetings and                  new ones, increasing the effectiveness of
 speeches of the head of our state during his visit                technology education. Therefore, the main issue
 to each region. As the President said: "If we do                  in the field of education today is the training of
 not bring up our children properly, if we do not                  qualified teachers who are well versed in the
 pay attention to their behavior every day, every                  methods and forms of education and can easily
 minute, if we do not teach them science, if we do                 apply them in practice. Because the
 not find a decent job, we will lose this deposit."1
 The issues of upbringing a harmoniously                            _________________________
 developed generation and leading a healthy                        1Mirziyoev Sh. Let us be more united and work
 lifestyle of young people are considered as                       resolutely for the fate and future of our country.
 topical issues on the agenda of the meetings and                  // "People's word" newspaper, June 16, 2017.
 speeches of the head of our state during his visit
 to each region. As the President said: "If we do                  2Decree of the President of the Republic of
 not bring up our children properly, if we do not                  Uzbekistan "On measures to develop education
 pay attention to their behavior every day, every                  and science in the new period of development of
 minute, if we do not teach them science, if we do                 Uzbekistan." T., November 6, 2020 PF-6108

– 2767-3278
September 2021 DOI:
ISSN 2767-3278
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted 25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

                                                               transportation, warehousing,       storage    and
 teacher's personality and his activity are of                 production     (process-action      aspect      of
 special importance in educating students,                     technology).
 directing them to professions. Hence the                      In production, the following concepts derived
 openness that the teacher leads                               from the word “technology” are used.
 nothing else can overwhelm the communication-                 Technological process – a unit of technological
 style training process. Therefore, improving the              operations that form a single process in the
 quality and effectiveness of education is an                  processing of a manufactured product.
 important factor in the training of qualified                 Technological operation – part of a process in the
 teachers, to improve their professional skills.               form of a completed action performed by a
 The term technology, its types and applications.              worker at his or her workplace.
 It is known that "Technology" is derived from the             Technological map – a document describing the
 Greek word "tehne", which means skill, art and                sequence of technological operations in the
 "logos" - the word, doctrine, science. The term               production of a particular product.
 was first used in science in the 1870s in
 connection with the development of production                 Технологик режим - is a procedure for
 and technology, and was considered as a science               determining the implementation of technological
 of processing materials, semi-finished products,              operations, which determines the timing and
 changing     their    composition,      properties,           conditions of operations that can be performed
 appearance, preparation, scope. Technology is                 in the production of a particular product.
 divided into technical (manufacturing) and                    "Pedagogical technology", which is part of the
 humanitarian       (educational)     technologies.            humanities, is an educational process that uses
 “Technology”,        “Technical       technology”,            technologies that shape the personality, develop
 “Pedagogical technology” What do the concepts                 its qualities and characteristics in pedagogical
 mean?                                                         theory and practice, and the educational process
    Technical technology means: a unit of ways                 that implements teaching and didactic
 and methods of obtaining, processing or                       technologies.
 processing of raw materials, semi-finished                    A new type of curriculum, syllabus and
 products or products, ie it is a production                   educational standards have been developed to
 technology, which consists of a set of methods                improve the national education system. But in
 for processing and processing of labor objects                order to fully implement them, to bring new
 (technological process- descriptive aspect). In               pedagogical experiences, technologies into the
 other words, it is the science that develops and              content of education, it is necessary to create
 perfects the ways, methods described above.                   conditions for their introduction. Consequently,
 The task of technology as a science is to identify            the class-lesson method of traditional teaching
 efficient, cost-effective production processes that           that is now widely used has its own advantages
 require the least expenditure of material                     and disadvantages. In the lectures, stories,
 resources and time, and to find laws to apply in              conversations, and similar methods used, the
 practice (scientific aspect).                                 idea given by the teacher is often absorbed one-
                                                               sidedly by the student. In this case, the feedback
  The process itself consists of technical control of          between the teacher and the student is not ideal.
 finding,   mining,      processing,     processing,           If the teacher is skilled and has a culture of

– 2767-3278
September 2021 DOI:
ISSN 2767-3278
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted 25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

 speech, is able to express their ideas clearly,               2) its rules are not very constructive and lag
 simply and clearly – the goal can also be achieved               behind the requirements of the time;
 with this method. Of course, not all educators                3) Techniques,     programmed       into     the
 have this ability. So, the main guarantee of                     educational process in the 60s of XX century
 success is the active involvement of all students                the introduction of training machines, and so
 in the teaching-learning process.                                on.
 Lessons by giving him the signs of perfection,                Hence, the flow of pedagogical technology was
 clarity,  orderliness,    orderliness, fluency,               born in the United States and in the 70s and 80s
 calmness of the learning process                              of the twentieth century covered almost all
 The search for ways to increase efficiency and                developed countries and was also approved by
 optimization has always been carried out in the               UNESCO.
 field of pedagogy. Jan Amos Comenius is such a                The idea of technologicalization of education is
 master of “time, subjects and methods” in the                 based on the full management of the educational
 learning process tried to find a lesson distributed           process in order to increase the efficiency of the
 with and its ideal appearance (variant). Then, in             educational process, to ensure that students
 Comenius's view, "everything moves forward,                   achieve the projected learning outcomes in the
 like a clock with stones of the right balance, and            given conditions and time. The essence of such
 with the accuracy that can be achieved in such a              an approach is to systematize the educational
 pleasing and joyful and, ultimately, skillfully               process, to maximize its formation by breaking it
 crafted instrument as the construction of this                down into clearly defined and detailed elements
 kind of machine gun." Modern pedagogy also                    in detail.
 develops such models of education, approaches
 to it that allow to give education, as in the                 The subject of pedagogical technologies consists
 production-technological process, a character                 of proving the conceptual foundations of the
 that guarantees the achievement of educational                education system, setting goals, formulating
 goals under certain conditions and within a                   results, selecting and structuring teaching
 specified time.                                               materials, choosing a model of education to
                                                               implement them, designing their optimal and
 The first research on the technological approach              effective level. At that time, the essence of
 to teaching, that is, the technological-repetitive            pedagogical technology was to abandon the
 nature of the learning process, as well as the                traditional method of oral narration of the
 process of production, was conducted by                       teacher, to teach by machine (computer) on the
 American scientists in the early 60s of the                   basis of tests, to encourage students to learn
 twentieth century. In particular, the term                    more independently, but now the meaning of the
 "pedagogical technology" was first used by the                phrase has expanded.
 American pedagogical scientist Skinner. As a
 result of studying and analyzing the pedagogical              The body of the concept of training technology
 literature, it became clear that the reason for the           for foreign professionals believe that the history
 emergence of this phrase in the education system              of its arrival and development consists of three
 was:                                                          stages. Training in the first stage the process
                                                               was carried out only by the teacher himself and
 1) the principles of didactics are not recognized             there were no tools to help him. In the words of
    in all countries (especially in the United                 N.F. Talizina, “human experience has served as a

– 2767-3278
September 2021 DOI:
ISSN 2767-3278
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted 25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

 learning technology”. In the second After the                 The technological approach to teaching,
 publication of stage books and manuals, there                 developed in the United States, is now
 was a radical change in the content of teaching               successfully used in a number of countries
 technology: in addition to textbooks and didactic             around the world (England, France, Japan, Korea,
 materials created for teachers, students and                  Taiwan, Malaysia, etc.). This idea has also been
 pupils, various technical means, modern                       endorsed by UNESCO and recommended for
 computers (teaching machines) were added. In                  implementation in all countries.
 the future, under the influence of the revolution             The introduction of the technological nature of
 of scientific and technological progress, further             the educational process in the theory and
 improvement of teaching technology in higher                  practice of education began in the 50s of the
 education is expected.                                        twentieth century. These are reflected in the
 After the publication of stage books and manuals,             creation of a set of technical tools for traditional
 there was a radical change in the content of                  teaching. At present, pedagogical technology is
 teaching technology: in addition to textbooks and             not simply “considered as research in the use of
 didactic materials created for teachers, students             teaching aids or computers; factors that increase
 and pupils, various technical means, modern                   the effectiveness of this training research aimed
 computers (teaching machines) were added. In                  at developing methods for identifying and
 the future, under the influence of the revolution             optimizing the principles of the educational
 of scientific and technological progress, further             process through analysis and application, as well
 improvement of teaching technology in higher                  as through the evaluation of the methods used.
 education is expected.                                        According to VP Bespalko, the transfer of all
 The main aspects of the organization of teaching              educational work to the path of pedagogical
 in a technological way, which are radically                   technology means a sharp shift from the
 different from traditional methods, are:                      voluntary      in     the     construction      and
                                                               implementation of teaching practice, pedagogical
 1. Separation of identified learning objectives               process to the systematic justification of each
    for each topic (unit of study), the                        element and stage, the pursuit of an objectively
    development of test assignments in                         diagnosed end result.
    accordance with them.
                                                               He is currently in pedagogical science and
 2. Transition of the organization of the                      practice "Pedagogical technology", "educational
    educational process to the independent                     technology", “teaching technology” terms such as
    mastery, leaving the teacher the functions of              are widely used. Along with their common
    referral, counseling.                                      similarities, there are also specific differences in
 3. Organization of the teaching process in a                  understanding them. In particular, pedagogical
    repetitive way, ensuring full mastery of each              technology is a systematic category that defines
    unit by all pupils and students.                           the technology of the educational process as a
                                                               whole.      Education      technology,      teaching
 4. To teach students to perform actions that can              technology, etc. can be used as a synonym to
    be observed from the outside in relation to
                                                               define all other concepts of technology. Teaching
    the science (specialty).                                   technology is, first and foremost, a process action
 5. Make adjustments to the purpose and                        aspect of pedagogical technology. This allows the
    content of the learning process depending on               learning process to be guaranteed in the
    the learning outcomes, etc.                                changing conditions, to achieve the desired

– 2767-3278
September 2021 DOI:
ISSN 2767-3278
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted 25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

 results in the allotted time, and to provide                  learning information). 3. Process part (methods,
 specific training, technological process of                   ways, means, forms of teaching, information and
 development and implementation of the                         management).
 educational model, which combines the orderly                 Teaching technology      (OT) - a clear (specific)
 unity of methods and tools (technological                     educational goal
 operations) that ensure the implementation of
 educational processes; second, it represents a                the process of development and implementation
 process-descriptive aspect of pedagogical                     of the training model and its description
 technology. It is a statement of the                          (technological map), which guarantees the
 implementation of the project of both                         implementation and achievement of the desired
 pedagogical and educational activities to achieve             results in the future. OT structure: methods,
 this goal and achieve the desired result in the               ways,    tools,   learning  information   and
 future (technological map).                                   management forms.
 Educational technology is used to define the                  Subject methodology (PM) is a field of
 scientific aspect of pedagogical technology. This             pedagogical science that answers the following
 (subject) is "a systematic way of creating,                   questions: What should be taught? How to teach?
 applying and defining all processes of teaching               How to read? The content of the PM is to define
 and learning, taking into account the technical               the tasks and content of teaching this subject and
 and human resources and their cooperation,                    to implement it.
 which aims to optimize the forms of education."               From the above, it is clear that educational
 What are the similarities and differences                     technology is a pedagogical system
 between the concepts of "pedagogical system",
                                                               component. The process part is an important
 "educational technology", "teaching technology"
                                                               element of educational technology.
 and "subject methodology"?
                                                               In contrast to the subject-based teaching
 A comparative description of these concepts is as
                                                               methodology, the technology is designed as
 follows: Pedagogical system (PT) is a specific
 whole consisting of a set of interrelated tools,
 methods, processes necessary for targeted and                 •   focuses    on      pre-conceived      specific
 predetermined pedagogical impact on the                           pedagogical activities aimed at achieving the
 formation of a person with defined qualities. PT                  desired results, depending on the specific
 components: 1. Teaching. 2. The learner. 3.                       circumstances;
 Purposeful. 4. Result. 5. Content of educational              •   its effectiveness, the restoration of results, is
 information. 6. Pedagogical technology (methods,                  characterized by the fact that the word "if" is
 ways, means and forms of management). 7.                          not used in most cases, if there is a sufficient
 Control analytical component.                                     number of talented teachers and talented
 Educational technology (TT) is a systematic way                   learners, teaching aids, including information
 of creating, applying and defining teaching and                   technology, etc
 learning processes, taking into account the                   •   there can be no alternatives, its main task is
 cooperation of technical and human resources, as                  to ensure the achievement of the planned
 well as the task of optimizing the forms of                       result;
 education. TT structure: 1. Conceptual
 framework. 2. Content part goals (results,                    •   The course is aimed at ensuring that learners

– 2767-3278
September 2021 DOI:
ISSN 2767-3278
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted 25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

     achieve academic success through learning                 knowledge and the application of knowledge
     and individual learning, as opposed to                    acquired by the learner: problematic in nature,
     methodological development;                               inquisitive, creative. The integrity of education
 •   There should be nothing superfluous in                    and upbringing is focused on the development of
     technology: changing the ways, means and                  individual culture. A new process of teaching:
     means of assimilation, which is a sign of the             learner - textbook - educator. Analysis of this
     lack of technology.                                       data shows that modern education based on new
                                                               pedagogical technologies differs significantly
 It should be noted that in the educational                    from traditional education in terms of conceptual
 process, the pedagogue-technologist does not                  foundations, teaching methods and tools, forms
 conduct a separate experiment, he works on the                of its organization and results, the level of
 basis of a predicted result; relies only on well-             knowledge, skills and abilities of students. It is a
 known, tested, grounded, and unsuspecting                     fact that the introduction of modern pedagogical
 information.                                                  technologies does not require proof that it helps
 The following are the differences and signs                   to improve the learning process. This, in turn,
 between traditional teaching and modern                       will accelerate the positive changes in the public
 technology-based teaching.                                    education system of independent Uzbekistan.
                                                               Summing up the essence of modern pedagogical
 Traditional teaching асосий features (conceptual
                                                               technology, we can say the following: The
 foundations) - coercive, instructive approach to
                                                               essence of pedagogical technology is the pre-
 the learner, reproductive in most ways, based on
                                                               design of the teaching process as a whole and
 an authoritarian pedagogy that strictly organizes
 teaching, does not provide much independence
 and initiative of learners. Teaching is aimed at              In a well-designed technological process, the
 the student, who has been somehow average, to                 chain of pedagogical and lesson work actions,
 master and re-acquire knowledge. Reading is a                 operations and communications has the form of
 function of memory, and teaching is a leading                 expected concrete results, is formed in strict
 activity. The person is superficially aware of the            accordance with the set goals. The step-by-step
 concepts and information, does not fully                      design and sequencing of technological
 understand their essence, and h. Teaching                     operations, on the one hand, must be reworked
 process: teacher - textbook - learner.                        by any learner, Яъни: on the other hand, it is
                                                               necessary to ensure that the planned results are
 The main features of teaching based on modern
                                                               achieved by all learners, with the technological
                                                               process taking into account the interrelated
 (conceptual foundations) - based on education                 activities of the teacher and the learner, the
 aimed at shaping the individual. The learner is a             principles    of    differentiation and    their
 key figure in the learning process.                           individuality, the optimal implementation of the
 The humanism and democratization of relations,                human factor and technical capabilities.
 the renunciation of compulsion to study.                      presupposes the use of dialogue and
 Differentiated approach to teaching: the general              communication. That is:
 level of intellectual development of the learner               The main part of pedagogical technology is the
 and his taking into account the subject, mastery              implementation of specific criteria and indicators
 of the subject, its abilities and qualities. Learning         of performance evaluation with equal
 activity is the independent acquisition of                    opportunities, and thus the process of diagnosis;

– 2767-3278
September 2021 DOI:
ISSN 2767-3278
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted 25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

 The process of making corrections should focus                         activities of organizations, institutions:
 on changing the way the learning process is                            court, investigation, tribunal, circus,
 applied to the learner, not on the learner’s                           patent, bureau, academic council.
 mistakes.                                                     2.       Lessons based on simulation activities for
 So, one of the most advanced methods of modern                         public and cultural events: field trip, trip
 teaching is interactive methods of teaching,                           to the past, literary tour, literary hotel,
 which activate the learning process, increase                          interview, reportage.
 responsibility for reading, initiative from                   3.       Lessons      based      on      traditional
 teachers and students, foster the spirit of                            extracurricular activities: cheerful and
 independent learning and creativity, make the                          clever debate, discussion or poetry lesson,
 teaching process more lively and interesting.                          mornings, performance-lesson, concert-
 The use of interactive teaching methods brings                         lesson, analysis of works of art, club of
 enthusiasm and enthusiasm to the educational                           scholars, "Investigation is led by
 work in the school. Skilled, creative teachers use                     knowledge", etc.
 interactive methods of teaching in schools and                4.       Интеграциялашган           (уйғунлашган)
 achieve high results in educational work. Thanks                       дарс.
 to their creative pursuits and efforts, they are in
 modern teaching practice Modern lesson theory,                5.       Lessons    with   modified    traditional
 methodological bases, technology are created                           methods of lesson construction: lesson-
 and used in educational institutions. Interactive                      consultation, lesson-practicum, lesson-
 lessons are divided into the following groups                          seminar, double question, express,
 according to their content, purpose and method:                        assessment defense, TV lesson without TV
 Мусобақа, ўйин тарзидаги дарслар: конкурс,                             and so on.
 турнир, relay, lingi-vistik, domestic life, duel,             The purpose of interactive lessons is to organize
 day, practical, role, plot games, crossword                   lessons:
 puzzles, quizzes and more.
                                                               conduct lessons taking into account              the
  Lessons that organize the game material in an                individual characteristics of each student;
 unconventional way: wisdom lesson, open mind
 lesson, lesson-block, lesson-doubler, etc.                    to allow each student to study topics
                                                               independently and creatively, to express their
  Courses available in social practice in their own            ideas freely and fully in the lessons;
 genre, content, forms, and style: research,
                                                                  Improving the culture of behavior and other
 invention, study and interpretation of primary
 sources, intellectual attack, interview, reportage,           human qualities in students;
 review, and so on.                                            Conducting trainings in a business environment,
   Lessons reminiscent of formal treatment: press              saving time.
 conference, auction, rally, debate, discussion                In general, the above goal can be achieved if
 (regular), panorama, television, teleconference,              interactive lessons are always organized in a
 report, film, "live newspaper", oral journal.                 festive way, in which each student can express
 1.    Lessons based on fantasy: fairy-tale-                   themselves, and the creative environment in the
                                                               classroom prevails.
       lesson, lesson-surprise, Ibn Khattab's gift
       lesson. Courses based on the imitation                   It is advisable to follow the following

– 2767-3278
September 2021 DOI:
ISSN 2767-3278
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted 25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

     recommendations          when       organizing            of a conscious attitude. Since activism arises as a
     interactive lessons:                                      result of consciousness, it requires the
  Use interactive lessons to assess and record,               coordination of the content, form of organization,
   consolidate and generalize, expand and                      methods and means of implementation of
   improve knowledge and skills, skills;                       educational work. The teacher should try to
                                                               consciously increase the interest of students in
  The use of the same method by the teacher                   reading.
   does not give a positive result, but weakens
   the interest in it;                                         REFERENCES
  Thorough preparation for interactive                        1. Address of the President of the Republic of
   lessons, first of all, clear development of its                Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoev to the Oliy Majlis.
   organizational aspects, goals and means;
                                                                  Tashkent, January 24, 2020.
  In interactive lessons, the teacher should                  2. Decree of the President of the Republic of
   take into account their capabilities, mood,                    Uzbekistan "On measures to develop
   level of preparation and characteristics of                    education and science in the new period of
   the class;
                                                                  development of Uzbekistan." T., November 6,
  Involve other teachers in organizing such                      2020 PF-6108.
   classes;                                                    3. Mirziyoyev Sh.M. We will build our great
 Adherence to the rule "for children with                         future together with our brave and noble
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 So, one of the important factors in improving the                practical activities of students: Methodical
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 does not increase spontaneously, but is the result               technology, 2007. - 165 p.

– 2767-3278
September 2021 DOI:
ISSN 2767-3278
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted 25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

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– 2767-3278
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