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Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research                                 eISSN: 2637-1138
Volume 3 Number 3, July 2021: 1-12                                                                © Penerbit UMT

                   FOR BATTERY APPLICATION

Mohd Adlisyam Mohd Zabidi and Nik Aziz Nik Ali*

Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

*Corresponding author:                 

    Abstract: This study focuses on the potential of liquid electrolyte from the wastewater of Betta
    splendens for battery application. In this analysis, two different parameters were manipulated,
    namely the time period and the electrical energy production from the different wastewater properties
    involving the use of Terminalia catappa leaves. The battery plays an important role in achieving
    universal access to clean, reliable, and affordable electricity services. The presence of ammonium
    (NH4+) in wastewater can produce renewable energy and help reduce environmental pollution. A
    voltage (V) unit is used in the measurement of energy potential by using a voltmeter. 25 B. splendens
    were cultured for five weeks in two aquariums, one without T. catappa leaves, and one with T.
    catappa leaves to get their weekly wastewater. Voltage output is measured against the number of
    weeks from the wastewater sample without T. catappa leaves and with T. catappa leaves. Observation
    shows that the highest voltage produced from the wastewater sample was from the first week for a
    motorcycle battery and the fifth week for the research battery. The results of the wastewater sample
    without T. catappa leaves and T. catappa leaves against the number of weeks on motorcycle battery is
    4.210V and 5.129V respectively, while for the research battery is 0.5360V and 0.5380V respectively.
    The highest voltage values from a motorcycle battery and the research battery are taken to test their
    longevity for one month. The t-test analysis of this experiment shows an insignificant result for the
    motorcycle battery and a significant result for the research battery, thus proving that the concentration
    level of NH4+ has a significant effect on the amount of energy produced.

    Keywords : Liquid electrolyte; ammonia; wastewater; battery application; B. splendens; T. catappa.

Introduction                                               and running continuously as energy (Kumar
Nowadays, several industries use fossil fuel-              & Samadder, 2017). The waste to energy
based energy. Some eighty-fifth percent of                 technologies adopted in developing countries
energy demand from fuel production is used                 uses to look at challenges and barriers for
as energy sources within the world (Kumar &                successful edges of waste to energy technologies
Samadder, 2017). These dependable resources                within the developing countries. Pleasant
may become reduced over time. Another way to               environmental quality with excellent advantages
save these dependable resources is to seek out             could lead to the declining of gas emission, and
in our way to provide energy. To resolve these             also the authorities take incentives by exploiting
problems is to form smart energy from natural              renewable energy sources through waste.
resources like chemicals, heat and waste into                   Hence, vital energy from animal wastes
power. The latest world problems regarding                 would be most well-liked (Lazaroiu et al.,
waste to energy technologies are required for              2017). It contributes to a few changes for uses of
effective energy continuity and negatively                 energy that may be reused within a developing
impact surroundings in keeping with utterly                country. The higher half that the global energy
different disposal techniques.                             gathers, particularly for the facility sector area
    As an alternative source of energy, energy             unit, promptly turning from renewable energy
waste doubtless is an alternate way to give                sources (Yu et al., 2019). An altenate method
or act as a new manner of energy production,               is using animal waste to be applied is to use
which might manage and stable the economy                  animals’ waste to avoid the decline of fuel for

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 3 Number 3, April 2021: 1-12
Mohd Adlisyam Mohd Zabidi and Nik Aziz Nik Ali			                                                          2

     In concept, the transformation of waste               from humans and other organisms can give a
energy with a decent storage method is reliable            benefit to the country.
to be used once needed (Olabi, 2017). There                     World international business supported
should be an excellent and effective manner                by a gas economy needs the implementation
to store and provide the waste energy turning              of renewable gas in term of transportation and
into voltage. Human dependence on fossil fuels             storage that build final processes safely and
should be reduced because they are considered              economically viable. An organic compound’s
one of the most important contributors to the              benefits are not flammable, harmless, odorless,
world’s problems since they were restricted and            balance, and form like crystalline at normal
in high demand (Olabi, 2016). Moreover, the                temperature that offers appropriate ways to
combustion of fuels will cause pollution that              store and transfer by victimization parched
implements the indirect cause of global warming            containment (Olabi, 2017). So with this in mind,
and has a negative impact on the health of many            wastewater use has many benefits as well as
species.                                                   energy supply. The prompt advantages from
     The purpose of this study is to focus on              alternative gas carriers referred to as ammonia
converting wastewater to electricity. This                 (NH3) act as methyl-cyclohexane. This methyl-
can sustain the wastewater management by                   cyclohexane at the top product builds benzol
providing energy that can be reused once more              as an outcome once its disintegration to atomic
and acts as catalysts for a sustainable economy,           number 1. Applying this manner to provide
environment, and effective wastewater                      a replacement energy production will cause
management for developed countries (Kumar &                the decreasing overuse of fossil fuels. It might
Samadder, 2017). This study has been designated            maintain the continuity of the fossil fuels energy
as a liquid electrolyte that is made from                  while not involving any price. The system
ornamental fish waste. As stated by (SIWI et al.,          ought to be applied to create a proactive way
2008), approximately 50% of the fish feeding               of realizing renewable sources and fossil fuels
products are used for growth and have been used            will be controlled and monitored. Therefore,
while not advantages or lost when consumed by              the aim of this to create new energy from fish
fish or other consumers (Papargyropoulou et al.,           wastewater for battery applications.
2014). This will become evidence that waste

Materials and Methods
Preparation for fish stocking

                                         Figure 1: The aquarium design

    Each Siamese fighting fish is weighed                  before it can be placed into the aquarium.
(g) using an electronic weighing machine to                Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) is used to fix the
determine the appropriate density and feeding              feeding rate of B. splendens, 10% from each fish
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 3 Number 3, April 2021: 1-12
THE POTENTIAL OF LIQUID ELECTROLYTE FROM Betta splendens WASTE FOR 		                                    3

weight (g). The feeding of B. splendens is fixed           period, the total number of wastewater samples
at twice a day. Figure 1 shows the preparation of          is ten. Five samples from wastewater without
two aquariums, one without the presence of T.              T. catappa leaves, and five more samples from
catappa leaves and one with T. catappa leaves.             wastewater with T. catappa leaves. Then, 300
The water that was put into the tank is about              ml of each wastewater samples were provided.
9 liters. Twenty-five (25) individuals of B.               Then, filter it by using filter paper and were
splendens were placed in the first aquarium.               collected to place it into the battery. After the
The feeding of the betta was set at twice daily            finished sample is filtered, a beaker is placed
at 12 am and 12 pm. Throughout this study,                 to measure each wastewater samples’ pH.
the Siamese fighting fish were kept for five               The pH is measured by using a pH meter. The
weeks, during which the wastewater from fish               pH reading of five samples from wastewater
were taken weekly. Thus, five weeks equals five            without Indian-almond leaves and five samples
samples of wastewater without Indian-almond                from wastewater without Indian-almond leaves
leaves. After the end of the betta culturing               were recorded.

The electrode pattern of the battery

                    Figure 2: The components for cell fabrication of the motorcycle battery

                     Figure 3: The components for cell fabrication of the research battery

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 3 Number 3, April 2021: 1-12
Mohd Adlisyam Mohd Zabidi and Nik Aziz Nik Ali			                                                         4

     Figure 2 shows the components for cell                battery. Figure 3 shows the components for cell
fabrication of motorcycle battery for the liquid           fabrication of an research battery for the liquid
battery. Carbon (C) and tin (Sn) were used as              battery. Aluminum (Al) and copper (Cu) were
electrodes, where carbon carries a positive                used as electrodes, where aluminum carries a
charge, and tin carries a negative charge. Then,           positive charge, and copper carries a negative
the filtered wastewater was poured into the                charge. Then, the filtered wastewater was poured
                                                           into the battery.

Energy output measurement

                            Figure 4: The voltage output measurement design
The voltage of wastewater samples through both            Results and Discussion
liquid batteries was measured using a voltmeter,          The voltage produced from the wastewater
as shown in figure 4. The direct measure the              samples without T. catappa leaves
output of liquid electricity (V) over a specified
period of time: weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 from              Figure 5 shows that the electrical output of the
different wastewater properties, which is the five        wastewater samples without Terminalia catappa
sample from the aquarium without T. catappa               leaves against the number of weeks. From the
leaves and the five samples from the aquarium             figure, the mean of the motorcycle battery’s
with T. catappa leaves were being recorded. The           voltage is 3.1664V with the regression value is
longevity of both batteries was also measured             0.7091. For the research battery, there is 0.503V
over a specified period of time: weeks 1, 2, 3,           for the mean of voltage with the regression value
4, and 5 from different water properties. Voltage         0.8445 respectively. The standard deviation
readings are recorded once every two days in a            (SD) for the motorcycle battery was 0.6061,
month.                                                    and the research battery was 0.02632. The
                                                          highest voltage reading of motorcycle battery
                                                          from the wastewater sample without Indian-
Statistical Analysis                                      almond leaves was 4.210V during the first
The data need to be analyzed by the correlation           week, while the research battery was 0.5360V
between the period of time, water properties and          during the fifth week. The statistical analysis
readings of electrical energy output in voltage.          running on through t-test shows that the voltage
Then, the data were analyzed using the Testing            output from wastewater samples without Indian-
Tool (t-test). After that, the data were calculated       almond leaves versus the number of weeks was
to get its mean of voltage from the specified             significant. The p-value is 0.00000487, which
period of time and different water properties. The        is less than α = 0.05. The figure shows that the
t-test is frequently used to observe and compare          energy output produced was dependent on the
the significant difference between electrical             number of weeks.
energy output in voltage with a specified period
of time and different water properties.
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 3 Number 3, April 2021: 1-12
THE POTENTIAL OF LIQUID ELECTROLYTE FROM Betta splendens WASTE FOR 		                                      5

               Figure 5: The voltage readings of wastewater samples without T. catappa leaves

     The electrical output of the wastewater               can occur. The electrolyte of sulfuric acid
samples without Indian-almond leaves in                    contains more ions of sulfate and hydrogen (H)
the motorcycle battery was measured by                     (Craig & Vinal, 1939). The SO42- are negatively
differentiating the number of weeks. Voltage               charged, and the hydrogen ions have a positive
readings were recorded from five wastewater                charge. The sulfate ions move to the negative
samples, namely week 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Based               plates and give up their negative charge. The
on figure 5, the voltage (V) readings decreased            excess electrons flow out the negative side of
when the number of weeks increases. The                    the battery and back to the battery’s positive
motorcycle battery’s voltage values decrease as            side. The ions moving around in the electrolyte
the battery is discharged (Boehnstedt & Whear,             are what create the current flow. Therefore, the
2009). The size of B. splendens, feeding rate,             wastewater samples without T. catappa leaves
and period time during the culturing process               cannot activate or increase the energy output
had been fixed to get no significant result. The           readings because the sulfate content in water is
number of weeks has a linear relationship with             less concentrated than sulfuric acid. In that case,
the rising of fish waste that can produce more             wastewater is capable of producing energy. The
organic compounds such as ammonia. The                     higher voltage reading on a motorcycle battery
rise in the amount of wastewater containing                is 0.5360V during the fifth week. Increasing
NH3 and nitrite (NO2-) is produced (Turcios &              ammonia was the main focus of this study,
Papenbrock, 2014). The amount of ammonia                   known as natural resources applied to produce
excreted by the fish varies with the amount of             renewable energy (Dolomatov et al., 2014). The
feed into the culture system, increase as feeding          problem was when increasing ammonia gives
rates increase (Joseph & Mantrala, 2005). The              a threat to the environment, and this study was
higher voltage output reading on a motorcycle              a way to solve the problem. The process that
battery was 4.210V during the first week.                  occurs in the research battery is synonymous
     Generally, a battery uses an electrochemical          with the motor battery because the energy
reaction to convert chemical energy into                   output also resulting from the electrochemical
electrical energy (Boehnstedt & Whear, 2009).              reaction, which is reduction-oxidation takes
First, it is necessary to activate all electrodes in       place, which changes from chemical energy
the motorcycle battery using a high concentration          to electrical energy (Kumar & Samadder,
of sulfuric acid. Simultaneously, sulfate (SO42-)          2017). The research battery is designed with
from the acid is coating the plates and reducing           negatively charged (cathode) electrodes made of
the surface area over which the chemical reaction          copper (Cu), while positively charged (anode)
                                                           electrodes are made of aluminum (Al). The use

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 3 Number 3, April 2021: 1-12
Mohd Adlisyam Mohd Zabidi and Nik Aziz Nik Ali			                                                         6

of electrodes is selected based on the reactivity          The voltage produced from the wastewater
series of the metal.                                       samples with T. catappa leaves
     In the electrochemical process, the cathode           Figure 6 shows that the electrical output of the
is the site where reduction occurs. The anode is           wastewater samples with Terminalia catappa
the site where oxidation occurs. The aluminum              leaves against the number of weeks. From the
would be reduced at the cathode, while the copper          figure, the mean of the motorcycle battery’s
would be oxidized at the anode (Rossmeisl et al.,          voltage is 4.1314V, with the regression value
2007). A typical electrochemical process has an            is 0.9723. For the research battery, there
ionic solution called an electrolyte, wastewater           is 0.5292V for the mean voltage with the
samples without Indian-almond leaves.                      regression value of 0.7722. The standard
Generally, NH3 is formed from one nitrogen atom            deviation (SD) for the motorcycle battery was
bonded to three hydrogen atoms and results from            0.6855, and the research battery was 0.010616.
excessive food and fish feces. Hydrogen ions               The highest voltage reading of motorcycle
are a significant source of energy. So the more            battery from the wastewater sample with Indian-
H is contained in the water, the higher its ability        almond leaves was 5.129V during the first week,
to produce energy. The level of ammonium                   while the research battery was 0.5380V during
concentration in water depends on the level of             the fifth week. The statistical analysis running
fish nutrition and the results of fish extraction          on through t-test shows that the voltage output
(Larsen et al., 2015). The water samples did not           from wastewater samples without Indian-
change during culturing the betta until the fifth          almond leaves versus the number of weeks was
week and showed the research battery’s highest             significant. The p-value is 0.00000126, which
electrical output values. This is why the voltage          is less than α = 0.05. The figure shows that the
reading in the fifth week is much higher than in           energy output produced was dependent on the
the previous weeks.                                        number of weeks.

                 Figure 6: The voltage readings of wastewater samples with T.catappa leaves

    The voltage output readings of the                     decreased when the number of weeks increases.
wastewater samples with T. catappa leaves                  The size of the betta, feeding rate, presence
within the motorcycle battery had been                     of the Indian-almond leaves, and period time
measured by differentiating the number of                  during the culturing process had been fixed to
weeks. Voltage readings were recorded from five            get no significant result. The discovery of B.
wastewater samples namely the first week, the              splendens waste has a linear relationship with
second week, the third week, the fourth and fifth          the increase of weeks. Most bony fish fishes
weeks. Based on figure 6, the electrical output            could excrete NH3 continuously if it got feeding,

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 3 Number 3, April 2021: 1-12
THE POTENTIAL OF LIQUID ELECTROLYTE FROM Betta splendens WASTE FOR 		                                     7

which provided good benefits by exchanging                 oxidation. The research battery is designed with
or converting urea to ammonia (Altinok &                   Cu as negatively charged (cathode) while the
Grizzle, 2004). The upper voltage reading on               Al as positively charged (anode). The cathode
a motorcycle battery is 5.129V during week                 is the site where reduction and the anode are
one. A high voltage reading of wastewater with             the oxidation site during the electrochemical
Indian-almond leaves can be concluded that the             process. The aluminium would be reduced at
high ammonia content plays a role in increasing            the cathode, while the copper would be oxidized
electricity energy. Liquid electrolytes with high-         at the anode (Rossmeisl et al., 2007). A typical
voltage batteries with improved performances               electrochemical process has an ionic solution
and moderate environmental temperatures with               called an electrolyte, a wastewater samples with
safety features have the potential to promote              T. catappa leaves. The graph shows the energy
large-scale applications in the future (Liu et al.,        output produced was dependent on the number
2018). T .catappa plays the main role in water             of the week. The electrical conductivity of a
quality, which increases the ammonia level                 liquid depends upon the number of ions per unit
(Ikhwanuddin et al., 2014).                                volume and its drift velocity. Generally, ammonia
     Organic waste that can produce electrical             is formed from one N atom bonded to three H
energy include several biodegradable substrates            atoms and results from excessive feed and fish
such as waste from fruits, meats, papers, and              feces. H+ is a major source of energy. NH3 is
yards (Pavi et al., 2017). However, energy                 produced by excessive feed and fish feces, but
output readings dimmish with the number of                 it will result in decay, which produces ammonia
weeks increase due to the motorcycle battery is            in a dying plant. Ammonia turns into nitrite in
in the discharged phase (Boehnstedt & Whear,               an aquarium, and both compounds are toxic to
2009). The fully electrochemical reaction                  aquarium organisms. The high concentration
generated in the motorcycle battery must first             of the Catappa leaves can affect water quality,
activate all electrodes using a high concentration         which resulted in an increased ammonia level
of sulfuric acid before it works. The electrolyte          (Ikhwanuddin et al., 2014). The water samples
of sulfuric acid has many ions of sulfate SO42-            did not change during culturing the betta until
and H (Craig & Vinal, 1939). The sulfate ions              the fifth week is also given the highest voltage
are charged, and therefore the hydrogen ions               reading on the research battery. These are the
have an electric charge. The sulfate ions move to          two main factors of rising electrical output per
the negative plates and provide up their electric          week.
charge. The ions travelling within the electrolyte
are what create a flow. Therefore, the wastewater          Comparison of voltage output between the
samples with Indian-almond leaves cannot                   motorcycle battery and research battery
activate or increase the voltage values because
the SO42- content in water is a smaller amount             Figures 5 and 6 show the comparison of electrical
concentrated than sulfuric acid. In therein case,          output readings from a motorcycle and research
wastewater samples from the Catappa leaves are             battery based on the wastewater samples. The
capable of manufacturing power. The difference             result shows that the motorcycle battery’s voltage
from the voltage output reading on the research            values are insignificant while the research
battery increases from week to week. The upper             battery is significant against the number of
voltage value on a motorcycle battery is 0.5380V           weeks. The most noticeable difference between
during week five.                                          the two batteries is that the voltage output
                                                           readings on the motorcycle battery decrease per
     Organic waste could be processed to produce           week while the electrical output readings on the
electrical energy using the anaerobic and aerobic          research battery increases as the week increases.
biological treatment for biological reactivity             The process that occurs in both batteries is an
reduction. The time of feeding and total weight            electrochemical reaction called reduction-
are affected by rising waste (Edeghe & Ajah,               oxidation, which changes from chemical energy
2018). This factor plays a big role in increasing          to electrical energy (Kumar & Samadder,
NH3 and to make sure the results were accurate             2017). Although there are similarities to the
in this study. The electrochemical reaction also           motorcycle battery, there are also differences in
occurs in the research battery, which is reduction-        the discharged phase. The research battery has

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 3 Number 3, April 2021: 1-12
Mohd Adlisyam Mohd Zabidi and Nik Aziz Nik Ali			                                                        8

no discharged phase. The energy flow from the             capacity to produce biofuels, bioenergy, and
research battery is spontaneous. This is because          biobased materials (Greggio et al., 2018). Waste
the electrodes selected and electrode arrangement         would be the most beneficial source of clean and
in the motorcycle battery are already fixed by            important energy, and it could be contributed
determining the voltage capacity using sulfuric           to declining the primary energy sources
acid to activate (Boehnstedt & Whear, 2009).              consumption (Kropáč et al., 2011).
But the research battery only needs ammonia
to accomplish a reduction-oxidation reaction
to produce electrical energy (Rossmeisl et al.,           The longevity of both batteries from wastewater
2007). Increasing ammonia when increasing the             samples without T. catappa leaves
number of weeks was the main focus of this study          The wastewater samples with the highest
that can be applied to create renewable energy            electrical output readings were used to measure
(Dolomatov et al., 2014). This is obviously in            the longevity of both batteries. The voltage
the readings of the voltage output by the research        output was used for the motorcycle battery is
battery as the number of weeks increases, and so          4.210V or the first-week voltage value while the
does the energy output. But, diminishing energy           research battery is 0.536V or the fifth-week of
production as the number of weeks increase due            the voltage value. Figure 7 shows that electrical
to the motorcycle battery is in the discharged            output readings of both batteries’ longevity from
phase (Boehnstedt & Whear, 2009).                         wastewater samples without Terminalia catappa
     The     fully    electrochemical     reaction        leaves against the number of days. From the
generated in the motorcycle battery must first            figure, the mean of the voltage on the motorcycle
activate all electrodes using a high sulfuric acid        battery is 11.074V with the regression value is
concentration before it works. The electrolyte of         0.9365 meanwhile the research battery, there
sulfuric acid has many sulfate ions and hydrogen          is 0.5517V for the mean of voltage with the
as a catalyst for the battery to work (Craig              regression value is 0.015 respectively. The
& Vinal, 1939). However, the cell voltage is              standard deviation (SD) for the motorcycle
dependent on several factors, such as electrode           battery was 0.3408, and the research battery
chemistry, temperature, and concentration ion             was 0.00861. The statistical analysis running
contain in an electrolyte (Berera, 1958). It can          on through t-test shows that the voltage output
also be found that wastewater samples with                of longevity from wastewater samples without
Indian-almond leaves are more effective in                Indian-almond leaves versus the number of
making some energy than wastewater samples                weeks was significant. The p-value was 8.96E-
without Indian-almond leaves. The solid waste             40, which is less than α = 0.05. The figure shows
that comes from fish wastes have the potential            that the energy output produced was dependent
                                                          on the number of days.

                  Figure 7: The longevity of both batteries from wastewater samples without
                                                  T. catappa leaves
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 3 Number 3, April 2021: 1-12
THE POTENTIAL OF LIQUID ELECTROLYTE FROM Betta splendens WASTE FOR 		                                     9

The longevity of both batteries from wastewater            The motorcycle battery’s mean voltage was
samples with T. catappa leaves                             11.0807V with the regression value 0.9133,
The wastewater samples with the highest                    while the research battery was 0.56413V means
electrical output readings were used to measure            of voltage with the regression value 0.3503,
the longevity of both batteries. The voltage               respectively. The standard deviation (SD) for the
output was used for the motorcycle battery is              motorcycle battery was 0.3348, and the research
5.129V or the first-week voltage value, while              battery was 0.02067. The statistical analysis
the research battery is 0.538V or the fifth-week           running on through t-test shows that the voltage
voltage value. Figure 8 shows that the electrical          output of longevity from wastewater samples
output readings of both batteries’ longevity from          with Indian-almond leaves based on the number
wastewater samples with T. catappa leaves                  of weeks was significant with the p-value was
against the number of days. Voltage readings               5.76E-40 less than α = 0.05. The figure shows
were recorded once every two days in a month.              that the energy output produced was dependent
                                                           on the number of days.

     Figure 8: The longevity of both batteries from wastewater samples with T.catappa leaves

     Figures 7 and 8 show the comparable                   role in battery performance. The chemical
longevity of electrical output readings from               reaction inside the battery is very effective when
a motorcycle and research battery based on                 at ambient temperatures. The performance of a
the wastewater samples. The result shows                   battery is measured in capacity. Therefore, the
that the motorcycle battery’s voltage value                capacity of a battery is lower when the ambient
is insignificant while the research battery is             temperature is too low.
significant against the number of weeks. The                    In higher temperatures, the cyclic battery
decrease in voltage readings of both batteries             life would significantly reduce. It can be
from the sample is uniform. One of the reasons             concluded that a warmer temperature is great
for voltage output changes during testing is due           for the battery’s performance, whereas a cooler
to battery chemistry, application of battery, and          temperature is great for battery life. From the
temperature (Berera, 1958). The battery life               figure, it can also be found both wastewater
is mainly determined by the use cycles of the              samples have the potential to produce a lot of
battery. The chemical composition of batteries             energy. Increasing waste needs to be prevented
also has the ability to store and deliver power            and recycle to achieve the global goal of
over time. It is clear from this evidence that the         waste management (Brunner & Rechberger,
voltage reading continuously decreases against             2015). Human activities lastly would result
the number of days. The battery can only store             in producing a lot of wastes. The higher the
a limited amount of electricity (Choong-koo                material turnover and the more the materials
Chang, 2019). Temperature plays an important

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 3 Number 3, April 2021: 1-12
Mohd Adlisyam Mohd Zabidi and Nik Aziz Nik Ali			                                                         10

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I would like to express my deepest appreciation           Craig, D. N., & Vinal, G. W. 1939. Solubility
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time of writing this thesis. I could not imagine
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having a better supervisor for my Final Year
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much and gratitude to my family especially                    R., & Napierala, M. 2014. Prospects for
my parents Mr. Mohd Zabidi Bin Mustafa and                    the replenishment of a feed protein deficit
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support, encouragement, prayer, and endless                   Biology, 40(4), 233–240. https://doi.
love that makes me feel more motivated to finish              org/10.1134/S106307401404004X
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Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 3 Number 3, April 2021: 1-12
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