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IJBPAS, May, 2018, 7(5): 938-952
                                                                                           ISSN: 2277–4998

                          EXTRACTS OF RIND OF SELECT FRUITS

      Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Central Luzon State
                         University, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
                          *Corresponding Author, E-mail:
        Received 20 Jan. 2018; Revised 24th Feb. 2018; Accepted 23rd March 2018; Available online 1st May 2018

This paper reported the phytochemicals and teratogenic activities of fruit rind extracts of Annona
muricata, Annona squamosa, and Garcinia mangostana. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos at
segmentation phase were exposed to various concentrations of the three extracts. Mortality,
heartbeat rate, hatchability, delayed growth and malformations of zebrafish were determined.
Phytochemical screening revealed that tannins, saponins, flavonoids, terpenoids, and cardiac
glycosides were present in A. squamosa, and A. muricata. However, only flavonoid was not
detected in G. mangostana. The toxic effects of the extracts were found dependent on the time of
exposure, and concentrations of extracts. The most common toxic effect of the three extracts was
coagulation. No heartbeat rate was observed to embryos in 1% and higher concentrations of
extracts of A. muricata and G. mangostana and 0.5% and higher concentrations of A. squamosa
extract. The 0.1% of A. muricata extract-treated embryos had 33.33% hatchability, while no
hatched was recorded in those exposed to all concentrations of extracts of A. squamosa and G.
mangostana. Embryos showed 100% delayed growth when exposed in 0.5% of both A. muricata
and A. squamosa extracts, and in 0.1% of G. mangostana extract. Bent-tail tip embryos were the
most common abnormalities and were observed at 0.1% of both extracts of A. muricata and A.

IJBPAS, May, 2018, 7(5)
Robert I. Palambergo et al                                                               Research Article

squamosa. Altogether, rind extracts of the three fruits contain bioactive compounds and exhibit
embryo-toxic and teratogenic effects in developing embryos of zebrafish.
 Keywords: Annona muricata, Annona squamosa, Garcinia mangostana, zebrafish, phytochemicals
Plant-based medicine as valuable remedy for           purgative. Its fruit peel extract contains
several diseases has been used over the past          alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, saponins,
years. Plants contain various phytochemicals          steroids, terpenoids, coumarin [3], and
such    as   alkaloids,      tannins,   flavonoids,   acetogenins [4]. Annona muricata Lin., on
terpenes, saponins, coumarins, glycosides,            the other hand, is commonly known as
phenolics, essentials oils and others which           guyabano in the Philippines. The fruit is used
essentially contribute to their biological            to treat dysentery, mouth sores, fever, and
effects. Phytochemicals have shown an                 diabetes. It contains alkaloids, flavonoids,
important role in preventing chronic diseases         carbohydrates,           glycosides,       saponin,
like cancer, diabetes, and coronary heart             terpenoids,     and   protein [5].       With     the
disease [1]. Therefore, many plant based              important     compositions       and     significant
products have been developed and available            biological activities of the three medicinal
not only in the local but also in the                 plants, their toxic and teratogenic effects, if
international market.                                 any, have not yet been studied, hence, this
Garcinia     mangostana         Lin.,   commonly      study.
known as mangosteen, is a fruit-bearing tree          Zebrafish (Danio rerio), a member of
that is cultivated in Philippines. It is used to      Cyprinidae      family,     is   being     used    in
treat fever, skin disease, diarrhea, diabetes,        toxicological      and     teratological     studies
stomach ache and intestinal ailments. It is           primarily due to their various advantages
also reported to contain a variety of                 such as transparency of embryo, high
secondary metabolites, such as oxygenated             fecundity, easy to handle, and inexpensive to
and    prenylated    xanthones      [2].   Annona     raise. Teratogens are substances that may
squamosa Lin., commonly called as atis by             cause    defects      in     normal      embryonic
many Filipinos, was already a part of human           development but not necessarily being toxic
diet due to its nutritional and medicinal             in adults [6]. Some teratogens such as
values. In folkloric medicine, the unripe fruit       thalidomide [7] and arsenic [8] are presently
is used as astringent, and the root is a drastic      used as anticancer drug.

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Robert I. Palambergo et al                                                             Research Article

Herein, we investigated the phytochemical            placed into a double boiler water bath at 80
compositions and the toxic and teratogenic           to 90°C for 2 hours. Extracts were filtered
effects of the hot water extracts of fruit rinds     using a Whatman filter paper No. 2 and the
of select medicinal plants in developing             filtrates were diluted to embryo water [12] to
embryos of D. rerio.                                 prepare 10 ml of the different concentrations
MATERIALS AND METHODS                                (3%, 2%, 1%, 0.5%, 0.1%,and 0%, control)
Source of Plant Materials                            which served as treatments.
The ripe fruits of A. squamosa, A. muricata,         Maintenance     and      Acclimatization        of
and G. mangostana were purchased from                Zebrafish
Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija,                  An aquarium comprising of untreated and
Philippines. The ripe fruits were washed and         clean water with continuous aeration at
peeled off, then the fruit rinds were cut into       26±1°C was maintained for female and male
small pieces and air-dried for 5 days. The           adult zebrafish at a ratio1:2, respectively.
dried fruits were pulverized using blender           Fish were then acclimatized for one week
and   their   powders        were   subjected   to   before spawning and fertilization. They were
extraction.                                          nourished daily with a high protein diet
Phytochemical Screening                              flakes. The high quality of water was
The bioactive components of each fruit rind          maintained.
were determined based on the chemical test           Zebrafish Spawning and Fertilization
described by Sofowora [9], Trease and Evans          Zebrafish were confined in a plastic mesh to
[10], and Harborne [11]. Three replicates            prevent   cannibalism.    After     which,     the
were prepared in each test. The results were         zebrafish were subjected in dark condition by
determined based on color and intensity of           wrapping the aquarium with black plastic bag
the action and were noted as present or not          to allow spawning. After 12 hours in the dark
detected.                                            condition, the aquarium was exposed to light
Hot Water Extraction                                 condition for another 12 hours. Fertilization
The plant materials were separately extracted        occurs 30 min after the light was turned on.
through hot water extraction protocol. In            Twelve hour post fertilized embryos were
each fruit rind, 300 ml of distilled water was       siphoned out from the aquarium using a hose
added to 10 grams of powdered fruit rind in a        and transferred in a beaker. Embryos were
1000 ml capacity flask. The mixtures were            rinsed three times with distilled water and

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Robert I. Palambergo et al                                                                  Research Article

placed in a Petri plate to check the uniformity           (DMRT) was carried out to compare the
and normal conditions of embryos using a                  treatment effects at 5% level of significance.
compound          microscope.    Unfertilized        or   RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
coagulated eggs were not considered.                      Phytochemical Constituents of Fruit Rinds
Teratogenicity and Toxicity Assay                         A number of phytochemicals are present in
Two ml of each treatment concentration of                 plants. In this study, five phytochemicals
the extract was dispensed into each well of               were screened using qualitative analysis in
the 12-well ELISA plate. Triplicate was                   the three samples and the results are
prepared each treatment concentration. Four               presented in Table         1. Apparently, all
embryos      at     segmentation       phase      were    phytochemicals screened were present in A.
transferred into each well containing the                 squamosa,     and A. muricata. However,
different treatments. The plate was incubated             flavonoid    was     not    detected        in     G.
at 26°C±1°C. Mortality, heartbeat, and                    mangostana.     These      phytochemicals         are
hatchability        rates       were        recorded.     responsible to several biological activities.
Teratogenic activity was examined under                   These qualitative results of A. muricata, A.
40X     magnification        using     a    compound      squamosa and G. mangostana extracts were
microscope.          Morphological           endpoint     correspond    to    findings     from     previous
evaluation of treated zebrafish was based on              reported studies. Ethanol extract of pericarp
the parameters established by Schulte and                 of A. muricata showed the presence of
Nagel      [13]     and     Nagel      [14]:     lethal   saponins, terpenoid, tannins, flavonoids, and
(coagulation, tail not detached, no somites,              cardiac glycosides [15]. Using petroleum
and no heartbeat), teratogenic (malformation              ether, ethyl acetate, and alcohol extraction, A.
of head and tail, scoliosis, growth retardation,          squamosa      detected      almost        all     the
stunted tail, and limited movement), and                  phytochemicals screened [16]. However, in
normal. Percentage delayed growth and                     the study of Kaladhar et al. [3], the pericarp
malformation were determined.                             of A. squamosa showed positive result of
Statistical Analysis                                      terpenoid. Moreover, the pericarp of G.
Experiment was laid out in a Completely                   mangostana         also        contains          some
Randomized Design (CRD). Data were                        phytochemicals. The chloroform extract of
analyzed       using      analysis     of      variance   the pericarp showed positive results of
(ANOVA). Duncan’s Multiple Range Test                     terpenoids and flavonoids [17]. However,

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Robert I. Palambergo et al                                                                Research Article

saponins and tannins were not detected in the       gymnemagenol from Gymnema sylvestre
extract. In the study of Alvarez et al. [18], the   exhibited cytotoxic activity (73%) on HeLa
methanol extract of the pericarp showed             cells after 96 hours [24]. Saponins also
positive result of tannins and cardiac              possessed      significant      antimicrobial         and
glycoside. However, some phytochemicals             antifungal     activities     against        pathogenic
including     flavonoid      was   detected   in    bacteria and fungi [25]. There were some
chloroform extracts but not in aqueous              studies exhibiting the activities of saponin in
extract. These differences are due to the           medicinal         applications              such       as
solvent used in the extraction of bioactive         anticardiovascular           [26],      and          anti-
components.                                         inflammatory activities [27]. They can also
Tannins are bioactive compounds that are            interfere the replication of cellular DNA and
naturally present in plant. This bioactive          prevent the proliferation of cancer cells [28].
compound was detected in the three extracts         Another bioactive compound present in
as indicated by brownish green or blue              plants is flavonoid and its presence in plant
coloration.    This    compound     is   widely     extracts can be distinguished by yellow
distributed in higher plants and members of         coloration. This coloration was observed in
polyphenol chemical family. This suggests           A. muricata and A. squamosa. This naturally
that the presence of tannins in the extracts is     occurring      compound         possesses          several
tend to be acidic because of the phenolic           biological      activities      such         as      anti-
groups and could possibly be responsible for        inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer, high
its antimicrobial activity [19]. Tannins could      antioxidant, and anti-tumor activities [29, 30,
inhibit the growth of fungi, yeast, bacteria,       31, 32, 33].
and viruses [20] and has anti-cancer activity       The terpenoid is also present in the three
[21, 22].                                           extracts and is considered as one of many
The three extracts showed the presence of           secondary      metabolites.          This     bioactive
saponins through formation of emulsion or           compound was detected in the three plant
stable frothing. This is due to the mixture of      extracts by exhibiting a color of reddish
the non-polar sapogenin and the water-              brown.Terpenoids exhibited potential use in
soluble side chain compound producing               pharmacological activities such as antiviral,
visible foam [23]. Saponins have shown              antibacterial, antimalarial, anti-inflammatory,
biological activities. The isolated saponin,

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Robert I. Palambergo et al                                                                    Research Article

inhibition of cholesterol synthesis, and anti-               different concentrations of A. muricata, A.
cancer activities [20].                                      squamosa, and G. mangostana fruit rinds hot
The last bioactive compound that was                         water extract. The toxic effects of the
screened is the cardiac glycoside and this was               extracts were found dependent on the time of
detected in all extracts. The brown ring                     exposure and concentrations of extracts. The
formation indicates the presence of cardiac                  most common toxic effect of the three
glycosides.This bioactive compound has                       extracts was coagulation (Figure 1 ACE).
been used in therapy for many years in heart                 After 12 hours of exposure, 100% mortality
failure [34]. Moreover, cardiac glycosides                   was observed in 2% and higher concentration
can    inhibit    cell        proliferation     and    has   of A. muricata and G. mangostana. However,
cytotoxic activity by inducting apoptosis                    although    lower    than   100%      mortality,
[35]. Therefore, the presence of bioactive                   embryos exposed in 2% of A. squamosa
compounds in the plants indicates their                      showed statistically comparable with 3%.
medicinal values. These findings support the                 Apparently, the mortality of embryos had
traditional      use     of     the    plants    in    the   increased as the time of exposure prolonged
management of diseases because of their                      and this evidently observed to embryos at 1%
varied pharmacological effects.                              concentration of all extracts. At 48 hours post
Toxic Effects of Fruit Rind Extracts                         treatment exposure, a 100% mortality was
This    study      evaluated          the     toxic    and   observed in embryos exposed to 0.50% and
teratogenic effects of the three fruit rind                  higher concentrations of both A. muricata
extracts in zebrafish embryos as animal                      and A. squamosa and to those at 1.0% and
model. The embryos were exposed in various                   higher concentrations of G. mangostana. In
treatment concentrations and observed at                     contrast, no mortality was observed to those
different     stages      of      development         from   treated 0.10% of all extracts.
segmentation phase (12 hours), pharyngula                    It is clearly seen that all extracts at 0.5% and
stage (24-36 hours), and hatching period (48-                higher concentrations significantly affect the
72 hours). To determine the toxic effects,                   survival of D. rerio embryos. Coagulation
coagulation and absence of heartbeat were                    was the most observed lethal effects on
notably observed in treated embryos. Table 2                 embryos of the three plant extracts. These
presents the percentage mortality of embryos                 toxic effects of plant extracts can be
after 12, 24, 36, and 48 hours of exposure at                attributed to their bioactive component

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Robert I. Palambergo et al                                                          Research Article

detected in phytochemical screening. These           of A. squamosa exhibited cytotoxic effect
compounds have major impact on the                   against in vitro bel-7402 and CNE2 human
embryos causing death as early as 12 hours           tumor cell lines [39]. The panaxanthone
and prolonged time of exposure to the                isolated from the pericarp of G. mangostana
extracts. For instance, Wahyuni [36] reported        suppressed the tumor volumes treated with
that the compound saponins can disturb the           panaxanthone and also significantly lower
development of Aedes egypti by causing               the metastasis of a mouse model [40].
retardation of development and weight                Moreover, the xanthone of G. mangostana
reduction. Increasing of mortality level of the      which reported previously to have anti-
larvae was also attributed by this compound          proliferating effect on cancer cells was
that can cause hemolysis in the blood vessels        evaluated its toxic effects in D. rerio. The
causing death of the larvae. Joy and Remani          embryos were dead at 250 μg/mL and 125
[37] isolated new compound from pericarp of          μg/mL after 48 hours of incubation. Thus
A. squamosa as (-)–ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic             embryos    at   62.5   μg/mL     and    higher
acid and 16a,17-dihydroxy-ent-kauran-19-oic          concentrations were considered toxic and
acid showed cytotoxicity against different           lethal to embryo. However, no malformation
cell lines (He La cervical cancer cell, DLA          was observed to all the embryos survived
cells). However, the root of A. muricata             [41]. Some plants such as Artocarpus
demonstrated high cytotoxic effect against           heterophyllus and Tinospora cordifolia also
HL-60 cells by disrupting the mitochondrial          demonstrated toxic effects in D. rerio
membrane to arrest the G0/G1 phase and               embryos [42, 43].
inhibit   cell    proliferation    at    different   Heartbeat Rate of Zebrafish
concentrations after 24 hours of treatment           Heartbeat is an important parameter to
[38]. Similarly, this activity of A. muricata        determine the viability of developing D. rerio
was also observed in embryos of D. rerio by          embryos. The normal heartbeat rate of D.
demonstrating growth retardation as the time         rerio embryos ranges from 120-180 per
of exposure prolonged. Acetogenins is                minute [44]. The heartbeat rates of all
another     compound          abundant    among      embryos at pharyngula stage were monitored
Annonaceae family. This has been reported            and the results are presented in Table 3.
to   possess     anticancer     properties.   The    Apparently, no heartbeat rate was observed
acetogenin, squamostolide isolated from seed         to embryos in 1% and higher concentrations

IJBPAS, May, 2018, 7(5)
Robert I. Palambergo et al                                                         Research Article

of extracts of A. muricata and G. mangostana        than that of the control embryos. No hatched
and 0.5% and higher concentrations of A.            was recorded in those exposed to all
squamosa extract due to coagulation at early        concentrations of extracts of A. squamosa
stage of embryonic development. The zero            and G. mangostana. This is due to early
values of heartbeat rate means no visual heart      coagulation and obvious delayed growth of
beat during the observation period which            embryos. Delayed of hatching process could
indicate   delayed     growth.However,      only    be attributed possibly to the inhibition of the
embryos at 0.1% of extracts of A. muricata          release of chorionase, an enzyme responsible
and A. squamosa showed obvious heartbeat            for hatching [47] by the plant extracts.
but lower than those in control. These results      Another reason for delay or failure to hatch
suggest that the three plant extracts are           was due to the abnormalities which resulted
cardiotoxic to D. rerio embryos. This effect        to the limited movement of treated embryos,
could be attributed to cardiac glycoside            thus unable to break the chorion.
present in the three plant extracts. According      Teratogenic Effects of Fruit Rind Extracts
to Poindexter et al. [45] as cited by Jose et al.   Delayed growth is one of the distinct
[46], the cardiac glycoside was found to            teratogenic effects of the three extracts. The
inhibit the myocardial Na-K ATPase enzyme           percentage delayed growth of embryos
that causes an increase in contraction force of     exposed in varying concentrations of the
the heart which can lead to cardiac arrest.         extracts after 48 hours was observed and the
Hatchability of Zebrafish                           results are shown in Table 3. Embryos
An indicative of successful developmental           showed 100% delayed growth when exposed
process is hatching. The mean percentage            in 0.5% and higher concentrations of both A.
hatchability of the embryos exposed to              muricata and A. squamosa extracts, and in
various concentrations of A. muricata, A.           0.1% and higher concentrations of G.
squamosa, and G. mangostana extracts is             mangostana        extract.     The       0.1%
also presented in Table 3.Control embryos           concentrations of the first two extracts
completed their hatching period at 48 hours         registered low percentage delayed growth but
post treatment exposure. The 0.1% of A.             found statistically comparable to those in
muricata         extract-treated       embryos      control. Aside from delayed growth, the
demonstrated mean percentage hatchability           different morphological abnormalities were
of 33.33% which was significantly lower             also observed, and the most common

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Robert I. Palambergo et al                                                                              Research Article

abnormality was tail malformation (Figure                        were still in advanced segmentation phase
1). Bent-tail tip embryos were observed at                       (Figure 1F) during the last observation
0.1% of both extracts of A. muricata and A.                      period. In the previous work of Noordin et al.
squamosa. This abnormality is probably due                       [41], the survived embryos of zebrafish did
to the disturbance of embryonic development                      not show any malformation when exposed to
of D. rerio. However, embryos treated with                       xanthone       from      the     pericarp         of    G.
G. mangostana extract did not show any                           mangostana.
malformations, which probably due to the
very obvious delayed growth. These embryos
           Table 1: Phytochemical composition of fruit rinds of A. muricata, A. squamosa, and G. mangostana
     Phytochemical                    A.muricata                    A.squamosa                G.mangostana
     Tannin                            Present                        Present                     Present
     Saponin                           Present                        Present                     Present
     Flavonoid                         Present                        Present                  Not detected
     Terpenoid                         Present                        Present                     Present
     Cardiac Glycoside                 Present                        Present                     Present

    Table 2: Mortality of D. rerioembryo after 12, 24, 36, and 48 hours of exposure at the different concentrations of
                           fruit rind extracts of A. muricata, A. squamosa, and G. mangostana
  Fruit Rind Extract (%)                                               Mortality (%)
                                           12 h                  24 h                 36 h                  48 h
  A. muricata
                3.00                     100.00a               100.00a               100.00a               100.00a
                2.00                     100.00a               100.00a               100.00a               100.00a
                1.00                      75.00a               100.00a               100.00a               100.00a
                0.50                      0.00b                 8.25b                16.75b                100.00a
                0.10                       0.00b                0.00b                0.00bc                 0.00b
                0.00                       0.00b                0.00b                0.00bc                 0.00b
  A. squamosa
                3.00                     100.00a               100.00a               100.00a               100.00a
                2.00                      91.75a               100.00a               100.00a               100.00a
                1.00                      58.25b                83.25ab              100.00a               100.00a
                0.50                       0.00c                 0.00c               100.00a               100.00a
                0.10                       0.00c                 0.00c                 0.00b                 0.00b
              0.00                         0.00c                  0.00c                0.00b                 0.00b
  G. mangostana
              3.00                       100.00a               100.00a               100.00a               100.00a
              2.00                       100.00a               100.00a               100.00a               100.00a
                1.00                       0.00b                41.75b               100.00a               100.00a
                0.50                       0.00b                 0.00c                8.25b                75.00ab
              0.10                       0.00b                  0.00c                0.00b               0.00c
                                              b                     c                     b
              0.00                       0.00                   0.00                 0.00                0.00c
     Values are expressed as mean of three replicates each concentration of extracts. Means with the same letter of
                          superscript are not significantly different at P
Robert I. Palambergo et al                                                                           Research Article

         Table 3: Heartbeat rate, percentage hatchability, and percentage delayed growth of D. rerio
                      embryos at the different concentrations of three fruit rind extracts
      Fruit Rind Extract (%)           Heartbeat rate           Hatchability         Delayed growth (%)
                                         (per minute)                (%)
      A. muricata
                  3.0                        NBH                     0.00c                 100.00a
                  2.0                        NBH                     0.00                  100.00a
                  1.0                        NBH                     0.00                  100.00a
                                                  b                       c
                  0.5                        0.00                    0.00                  100.00a
                                                    a                      b
                  0.1                       127.00                  33.33                   8.33b
                                                    a                       a
                  0.0                       137.67                 100.00                   0.00b
      A. squamosa
                  3.0                        NBH                     0.00b                 100.00a
                  2.0                        NBH                     0.00                  100.00a
                  1.0                        NBH                     0.00                  100.00a
                  0.5                        NBH                     0.00                  100.00a
                                                    b                     b
                  0.1                       106.67                   0.00                  16.67b
                                                    a                       a
                  0.0                       145.33                 100.00                   0.00b
      G. mangostana
                  3.0                        NBH                     0.00b                 100.00a
                  2.0                        NBH                     0.00                  100.00a
                  1.0                        NBH                     0.00                  100.00a
                                                  b                       b
                  0.5                        0.00                    0.00                  100.00a
                                                  b                       b
                  0.1                        0.00                    0.00                  100.00a
                                                    a                       a
                  0.0                       150.67                 100.00                     0.00b
      Values are expressed as mean of three replicates each concentration of extracts. Means with the same letter
      of superscript are not significantly different at P
Robert I. Palambergo et al                                                                     Research Article

CONCLUSION                                                     muricata pericarp. Fitoterapia, 2000, 183-
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valuable pharmacological properties and                        Mohammed B. Phytochemical screening
exhibited toxic and teratogenic activities in                  and antimicrobial activities of Annona
the embryonic development of zebrafish.                        muricata (L) leaf extract. American
Coagulated and delayed growth were the                         Journal of Biological, Chemical and
most common toxic and teratogenic effects                      Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2014, 2(1), 01-
of the three extracts, respectively.                           07.
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