Request for Tenders RFT #2022-02 Parks and Facility - Greater Napanee

Page created by Ron Morrison
Request for Tenders RFT #2022-02 Parks and Facility - Greater Napanee

                          Request for Tenders

                 RFT #2022-02 Parks and Facility

             Three (3) 60-inch Mulch on Demand
                         Diesel Zero-Turn Mower
            One (1) 72-inch Side Discharge Diesel
                            Zero-Turn Mower

                     Issued: February 11th, 2022

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Table of Contents

Section 1 - Background Information……………………………………….
1.1    Background

Section 2 – Purpose and Scope of Services…………………………………

2.1    Purpose of the Request for Tenders

2.2    Scope of Services and Objectives

Section 3 – General Conditions…………………………………………………

3.1     RFT Form and Content

3.2     Oral Explanation or Interpretation

3.3      Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

3.4     Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and Regulations

Section 4 – Proposal Structure and Content Requirements…………
4.1    RFT Structure

4.2    Proposal Content Requirements

Section 5 – Request for Tenders Process………………………………

5.1     RFT Schedule

5.2     Date and Place for Receiving Proposals

5.3     Documentation

5.4     Post Submission Meeting

5.5     Communications

5.6     Addendums

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5.7     Withdrawal or Substitution of Submission

5.8     Alterations or Variations

5.9     Proposal Validity Period

Section 6 – Proposal Evaluation……………………………………
6.1     Evaluation Criteria

6.2     Review Committee

6.3     Respondent Declaration

6.4     Rejection of Proposals

6.5     Incurred Costs

6.6     Errors and Omissions

6.7     Cancellation

6.8     Limitation of Liability

Schedule A – Company Information

Schedule B – Company Experience and References

Schedule C – Equipment Specifications Form

Schedule D - Price Submission Form

Schedule E - Respondent Declaration

Schedule F - Respondent Checklist

Schedule G - Evaluation Criteria

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Section 1 – Background Information

1.1    Background
       The Town of Greater Napanee is an urban/rural community located
       approximately half-way between Belleville and Kingston on Highway
       We have many parks, picnic areas and playgrounds in the Town of
       Greater Napanee that are perfect for a family outing or a relaxing day
       outside. Our parks have many features for everyone to use and enjoy!

Section 2 – Purpose and Scope of Services

2.1    Purpose of the Request for Tenders
       The Corporation of the Town of Greater Napanee (hereinafter referred to as
       “the Town”) is issuing this Request for Tenders (hereinafter referred to as
       “RFT”), for the purpose of receiving submissions from eligible suppliers for
       three, new 60-inch Mulch on Demand Zero-Turn Mowers and one, new 72-
       inch Side Discharge Zero-Turn Mower.

       Individuals or firms that make a submission in response to this RFT are
       referred to as “Respondents” and the Respondents’ submissions are referred
       to as “Proposals”.

2.2    Scope of Services and Objectives

       The Town is seeking the supply and delivery of three (3) new 60-inch Mulch on
       Demand Zero-Turn Mowers and one (1) new 72-inch Side Discharge Zero-
       Turn Mower pursuant to this RFT. The equipment specifications as required
       by the Town, are included as Schedule C to this RFT

Section 3 – General Conditions

        This section forms an integral part of this RFT and must be considered in
        completing a response to this RFT.

3.1    RFT Form and Content
       Respondents must agree to abide by all the clauses and conditions in this RFT
       document. The submission must bear the signature of a company official with
       the authority to bind the firm.

3.2     Oral Explanation or Interpretation
        No oral explanation or interpretation shall modify any of the documents or
        provisions of the Town’s RFT document.

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3.3     Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
         Any personal information collected by or on behalf of the Town under this
         RFT is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of
         Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.56. The information provided to the Town may
         be used to confirm certain information provided in the submissions for this
         project. The Respondent submitting a Proposal shall consent to such
         collection and use of the information. The Respondent submitting a Proposal
         acknowledges the Proposal is a public document and that the information
         contained in the Proposal may become public and consents to the disclosure
         of that information. By responding to this RFT, Respondents waive any
         challenge to the Town’s decision in this regard. Any questions regarding the
         collection, use or disclosure of the information should be directed to the
         Municipal Clerk at 343-302-5238.

3.4     Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and Regulations
        Accessible Customer Service: All Proposals must comply with the
        Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11 and
        the Integrated Accessibility Standards, Ontario Regulation 191/11. In
        accordance with O. Reg. 191/11, every provider of goods and services that
        involve dealing with members of the public, or developing policies,
        procedures, and practices for the provision of goods and services to the
        public, including all consultants and sub consultants, shall be trained in
        understanding Accessible Customer Service.

Section 4 – RFT Structure and Content Requirements
4.1     RFT Structure
       To assist in receiving similar and relevant information, and to ensure that each
       submission receives a fair evaluation, the Town requires that Respondents
       include the items listed below in their proposal submission.

       The Proposal document should be structured in sections that refer to the
       headings addressed in the Proposal Content Requirements of this section
       and should be numbered and tabbed accordingly.

4.2    Proposal Content Requirements
       Respondents must submit their proposals to this RFT in accordance with the
       provisions contained herein.
                Schedule                                CONTENT
                   A               Company Information
                   B               Company Experience & References
                   C               Equipment Specifications Form
                   D               Price Submission Form
                   E               Respondent Declaration
                   F               Respondent Checklist

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Section 5 – Request for Tenders Process
 5.1    RFT Schedule
        The following timeline has been established for the Proposal selection

                             Eve                                          Date
        Request for Tenders Issued                        February 11th, 2022
        Deadline for Questions from Respondents         , February
                                                          2019       25th, 2022 at 3:00pm
        Deadline for Issuance of Answers & Addenda March 4th, 2022 at 4:00pm
        Request for Tenders Closing / Due Date            March 11th, 2022 at 3:00pm
                                                          September 19, 2019 at 4:00
       NOTE: Although every attempt will be made to meet  p.m.all dates, the Town
               reserves the right to modify any or all dates at its sole discretion.

5.2    Date and Place for Receiving Proposals

        (a) Proposals shall be received by no later than 03:00 p.m. local time on
            March 11, 2022.

            Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to:

                       If couriered                                If sent by mail

            Town of Greater Napanee                     Town of Greater Napanee
            124 John Street                             124 John Street
            Napanee ON.                                 P. O. Box 97
            K7R 1R3                                     Napanee ON.
                                                        K7R 3L4

            RFT #2022-02                                RFT #2022-02
            Parks and Facility Services                 Parks and Facility Services
            (4) Diesel Zero-Turn Mowers                 (4) Diesel Zero-Turn Mowers

            Attention: Chris Brown,                     Attention: Chris Brown,
            Facilities Manager                          Facilities Manager

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            It is the sole responsibility of the Respondent to ensure that the
            proposal documents have been received before the closing time and

            Proposals received after 03:00 p.m. local time on March 11th, 2022,
            will be returned unopened.

        (c) Before being officially received, the Proposal envelope will be
            marked by the Town, with the time and the date that the envelope
            was received in the office.

        (d) The terms and conditions of this RFT shall remain firm and open for
            acceptance up to and including June 01, 2022.

5.3     Documentation
        (a) One (1) original and three (3) copies of the Proposal are required.
        (b) All Proposals must be legible and written in ink or typewritten.
        (c) All Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope.

5.4     Post Submission Meeting
       A post submission meeting with Respondents may be necessary to assist
       in the evaluation process. Exact timing will be confirmed.

5.5     Communications
       All requests for information and/or clarification as well as questions
       regarding the interpretation of the terms set out in this RFT should be
       referred to:
       Chris Brown
       Facilities Manager
       Town of Greater Napanee

5.6     Addenda
        Proponents will be advised by Addenda, of any additions, deletions, and
        alterations to the requirements of this RFT document. All such changes shall
        form part of the RFT document and shall be allowed for in arriving at the total
        submission price.

        The issuance of any Addenda will be posted on the Greater Napanee website
        by no later than March 4th, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. local time (Refer to Section 5.1

5.7     Withdrawal or Substitution of Submission

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A Respondent may withdraw or substitute all or part of his/her Proposal in
       writing at any time up to the official closing time. The last Proposal, or
       amendment to a Proposal received, shall supersede and invalidate all
       Proposals previously submitted by that Respondent for this RFT. After
       the official closing date and time all Proposals received shall be

5.8     Alterations or Variations
       No alterations or variations of this document shall be valid or binding
       upon the Town unless authorized in writing in accordance with the
       procedure set out in Communications - Section 5.5.

5.9     Proposal Validity Period
       Proposals shall remain valid and open for acceptance up to and including
       June 01, 2022, unless specifically agreed to by both the Town and the

Section 6 – Proposal Evaluation
6.1      Evaluation Criteria
       Each response to this RFT will be evaluated by the Town to determine
       the degree to which it complies with the requirements and provisions of
       the RFT. Factors to be considered will include, but are not necessarily
       limited to the evaluation criteria as described in Schedule G.

6.2     Review Committee
       The Review Committee will be comprised of senior staff from the Town.

6.3     Respondent Declaration
        The Respondent, by submission of a proposal, declares that:

         (a) The Respondent has carefully reviewed the RFT requirements and is
             competent, qualified and experienced in providing the services as
             described in Section 2.1 of this RFT, in a cost- effective manner and in
             compliance with all applicable federal, provincial, municipal or local laws,
             statutes, ordinances, regulations, by-laws, directions, orders, policies or
         (b) No-one other than the Respondent has any interest in this RFT; and
         (c) All representations in the proposal submission are true and factual.

6.4      Rejection of Proposals
       The Proponent acknowledges that the Town shall have the right to reject any
       or all Proposals for any reasons, or to accept any Proposal which the Town, in
       its sole unfettered discretion, deems most advantageous to itself. The lowest
       or any Proposal will not necessarily be accepted, and the Town shall have the
       unfettered right to:
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(i)     accept a non-compliant Proposal;
       (ii)    accept a Proposal which is not the lowest priced Proposal; or
       (iii)   reject a Proposal that is the lowest priced Proposal received.

       The Respondent further acknowledges that the Town may rely upon the
       criteria which the Town deems relevant, even though such criteria may not
       have been disclosed to the Respondent. By submitting a Proposal, the
       Respondent acknowledges the Town’s rights under this section and absolutely
       waives any right or cause of action against the Town and its consultants, due
       to the Town’s failure to accept the Proposal submitted by the Respondent,
       whether such right or cause of action arises in contract, negligence, or

6.5     Incurred Costs
       The Town shall not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss, or
       damage incurred, sustained, or suffered by any Respondent(s) prior or
       subsequent to the acceptance or rejection by the Town of any Proposal due to
       any delay in the acceptance of a Proposal.

6.6     Errors and Omissions
       The Town shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions in any part of this
       RFT. While the Town has used considerable effort to ensure an accurate
       representation of information in this RFT, the information contained in this RFT
       is supplied solely as a guideline for Respondents. The information is not
       guaranteed or warranted to be accurate by the Town, nor is it necessarily
       comprehensive or exhaustive.

6.7     Cancellation
       The Town reserves the right to cancel this RFT and/or to re-issue a revised

6.8     Limitation of Liability
       The Town shall not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss or
       damage incurred, sustained or suffered by any Respondent prior or
       subsequent to, or by reason of the selection or rejection by the Town of any
       Respondent and its proposal or any components thereof, or by reason of any
       delay in the selection of a Proposal or partial Proposal, or by reason of the
       Town and a Respondent being unable to reach an agreement on terms
       mutually satisfactory to them.

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SCHEDULE A – Company Information

Respondents must submit their proposals to this Request for Tenders #2022-02,
Parks and Facility Services, in accordance with the provisions contained herein.

Name of the Respondent’s Company: _____________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________________________________________

Province: ________________________ Postal Code: _______________________

Telephone: _______________________ Cell No: ___________________________

E-mail: _____________________________________________________________

Contact Person and Title: ______________________________________________

Name of Company Official: _____________________________________________

Signature of Person: __________________________________________________
(with the Authority to Bind the Company)

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SCHEDULE B – Company Experience and References

 Name of Respondent’s Company:                                               _____________

 How many years of experience does your company have in dealing with the supply
 and sales of Commercial Diesel Zero-Turn Mowers?

 Please provide at a minimum, three (3) references from municipalities or
 companies to which Commercial Diesel Zero-Turn Mowers have been supplied
 by your company within the last 5 years.

 References will be contacted at the sole discretion of the Town. The Town also
 reserves the right to investigate other than listed references.

        Name of Client            Contact Name, Telephone Number                 Equipment Provided
                                             and Email

 Note: The Proponent may provide additional information relevant to their experience
 and past projects (1 page maximum).

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SCHEDULE C – Equipment Specifications Form

 The Municipality is requesting proposals for the supply and delivery of three (3) new
 60-inch Mulch on Demand Zero-Turn Mower and one (1) new 72-inch Side Discharge
 Zero-Turn Mower. The machines shall be equipped with all the manufacturers’
 standard features.

 The following table provides an opportunity for vendors to describe their proposed
 units and will be used to evaluate proposals. We understand the difficulty of
 designing a specification sheet that conforms to all the different manufacturer’s
 specifications. As a result, we have included a column for the Proponent to confirm
 compliance with the specification or specify variations. This column must be
 completed and submitted.

Specifications for the Diesel Zero-Turn Mowers
  Item    Description                                 Specification       Supplied or Variation.
                                                                          Indicate yes or no and
                                                                          specify the variation
    1     Brand new, model year to be 2021 or          Year:


    2     Commercial grade Diesel fuel type.          Yes or No

    3     The diesel engine shall be rated at a       Yes or No
          minimum of 24 horsepower.

    4     The engine shall be 4 cycle with a          Yes or No
          displacement of 952 cc minimum.
    5     The engine shall be equipped with a         Yes or No
          heavy duty dry replaceable air filter
          with pre-cleaner.
    6     Fuel tank shall be 43.5-liter (11.5         Yes or No
          gal) capacity minimum.
    7     Battery shall be 12 volts minimum.          Yes or No

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8     Oil pressure light shall be supplied.     Yes or No
    9     Full flow replaceable oil filter shall be Yes or No
   10     Fuel gauge.                                 Yes or No
   11     Fuel tank switch/shut off.                  Yes or No
   12     Unit shall be equipped with a               Yes or No
          hydrostatic transmission.
   13     Indicate the forward speed.                 Yes or No
   14     Indicate the reverse speed.                 Yes or No
   15     PTO shall be hydraulic driven with          Yes or No
          internal wet disk clutch.
   16     Adequately sized hydraulic tank with        Yes or No
          oil cooler.
   17     Unit shall be equipped with dynamic         Yes or No
          braking via dual hand-controlled
   18     Parking brake supplied.                     Yes or No
   19     Unit shall be equipped with twin lever Yes or No
          speed and direction control to
          minimize turning radius and to
          maximize cutting efficiency.
   20     Drive tires (rear) shall be 26x12-12   Yes or No
   21     Front caster tires shall be 15x6x6 flat Yes or No
   22     Front and rear anti-scalp rollers on    Yes or No
          mower deck.
   23     Operator seat to be cushioned and           Yes or No
          suspended complete with seat belt.
   24     Seat shall be easily removable to           Yes or No
          access drive train.
   25     Seat shall be equipped with an              Yes or No
          operator’s presence starting system.
   26     Rear bumper to be installed if              Yes or No
   27      Hour meter shall be supplied and           Yes or No
         installed in ignition panel.
   28    A key ignition switch with safety start      Yes or No
         shall be provided.
   29    Coolant temperature/hydraulic oil            Yes or No
         temperature indicator supplied.
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30    Three (3) cutting blades to be               Yes or No
         incorporated into the deck.
   31     Mower A – Cutting deck shall be 72-         Yes or No
         inch with side discharge.
         Mower B – Cutting deck shall be 60-          Yes or No
         inch with mulch on demand.
   32    Mower deck shall be heavy-duty steel         Yes or No
         construction 7-gauge steel minimum.
   33    Mower spindles with bearings and             Yes or No
         seals shall be supplied.
   34    The bearings shall be greaseable             Yes or No
         and grease fittings shall be supplied.
   35    The mower belt shall be belt or PTO          Yes or No
         driven electrically engaged.
   36    All open drive belts and chains shall        Yes or No
         have protective guards in place.
   37    Operator’s manual, parts list, and           Yes or No
         service manual shall be supplied.
   38    Training to the Town of Greater              Yes or No
         Napanee operations staff shall be
   39    Manufacturer’s signed standard               Yes or No
         warranty shall be supplied.
   40    Unit shall be delivered F.O.B. to            Yes or No
         Strathcona Paper Centre, 16
         McPherson Drive, Napanee ON, K7R

In addition to the supply of the new Zero-Turn Mowers, the successful Respondent to
this RFT (the “Supplier”) shall also provide the following services:
  (1) Delivery and offloading of the equipment at the Strathcona Paper Centre,
      located at 16 McPherson Drive, Napanee, ON. K7R 3L1;
  (2) Complete setup and commissioning of the equipment at the Strathcona Paper
      Centre, ready for use by the Municipality; and
  (3) Provide an onsite demonstration and operator training of the equipment to the
      Municipality’s staff (immediately following setup and commissioning).

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SCHEDULE D – Price Submission Form

  I, the undersigned, having the authority to bind the company, have carefully read
  and examined the entire RFT #2022-02 Parks and Facility Services and
  understand the requirements to be met under this contract. I have received all
  Addenda and have allowed for all associated costs in my Submission. For the
  prices set forth in this Submission, I hereby offer to provide the four (4) Zero-Turn
  Mowers listed herein, with the required accessories in full conformity with the
  specifications, for the prices provided in Canadian dollars.

  Manufacturer’s Make
  Manufacturer’s Model
  Model Year
  List Price for complete unit
  Trade-In Allowance
  Total Price Delivered FOB
  Delivery Date (Following Award of Contract)

       Yes - All prices remain firm for a minimum of 90 days of closing of RFT.
       Yes – Operating, Maintenance, Warranty and Parts Manuals are included.

Tender submitted by:

Company Name: _____________________________________________________

Company Address: ___________________________________________________

Tel. __________ Fax: ____________ Email: ____________________________

Name of Person (with authority to Bind the Company) ________________________

Signature: __________________________

Date: ______________________________

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SCHEDULE E – Respondent Declaration

                       (To Be Signed and Submitted with Tender)

 THIS TENDER IS SUBMITTED BY:                                 _____________________
 1. I,                            of                          _____________________
    DECLARE that no person, firm or corporation other than the one whose
    signature or the signature of whose proper officers is or are attached below has
    any interest in this submission or in the contract proposed to be taken.
 2. I FURTHER DECLARE that this Tender is made without any connection
    knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangement with any other company, firm
    or person making a Submission for the same project and is in all respects fair
    and without collusion or fraud.
 3. I FURTHER DECLARE that no Employee or Elected Official of The
    Corporation of the Town of Greater Napanee, is or will become interested
    directly or indirectly as a contracting part or otherwise in the performance of the
    contract or in the supplies, work, or business to which it relates or in any portion
    of the profits thereof, or in any such supplies to be used therein or in any of the
    monies to be derived therefrom.
 4. I FURTHER DECLARE that the several matters stated in the said Submission
    are in all respects true.
 5. I FURTHER DECLARE that I have carefully examined the RFT, i n c l u d i n g
    a l l A d d e n d a and hereby acknowledge the same to be part and parcel of any
    contract to be let for the provision of the vehicle therein described or defined for
    the prices stated on the Price Submission Form.
 6. I FURTHER DECLARE that I have a clear understanding of the requirements in
    accordance with the equipment specifications involved in this contract.
 7. I FURTHER DECLARE that this offer is to continue open to acceptance until
    the formal contract is executed by the successful Proponent for the said
    equipment for a period ending June 01, 2 0 2 2 , whichever first occurs and that
    the Town may, at any time, within that period, without notice, accept this
    Submission whether any other Submission has been previously accepted.
 8. I FURTHER DECLARE that the awarding of the contract based on this RFT by
    the Town shall be an acceptance of this Tender.

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9.   I FURTHER DECLARE that in the event of default or failure on our part, that
     the Town shall be at liberty to advertise for new RFT, or to carry out the works in
     any other way they deem best, and I also agree to pay to the said Town the
     difference between this RFT and any greater sum which the Town may expend
     or incur by reason of such default or failure or by reason of such action as
     aforesaid, on their part, including the cost of any advertisement for a new RFT;
     and to indemnify and save harmless the Town and its officers from all loss,
     damage, cost charges and expenses, which they may suffer or be put to by
     reason of any such default or failure on our part.

Company Name: _____________________________________________________

Company Address: ___________________________________________________

Name of Person (with authority to Bind the Company) ________________________

Signature: _____________________________

Date: _________________________________

Name of Witness: ________________________

Signature: _____________________________

Date: _________________________________

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SCHEDULE F – Respondent Checklist

 This checklist is provided for the convenience of the Respondent to ensure that all
 required documents have been completed and enclosed in the Submission
 envelope in this order.

 Please check (√) the items required and return with your Submission.

     Company Information (Schedule A)

     Company Experience and references (Schedule B)

     Equipment Specifications Form (Schedule C)

     Price Submission Form (Schedule D)

     Respondent Declaration (Schedule E)

     Respondent Checklist (Schedule F)

     One (1) Original and Three (3) Copies of the entire package

Company Name: _____________________________________________________

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SCHEDULE G – Evaluation Criteria

Table I – Evaluation Matrix – Respondent’s Qualifications

Criteria                                                                Maximum         Points Scored
1. Respondent Profile                                                        10
   •   General Capabilities
   •   Customer Service and commitment to customer’s
   •   Details of follow up service
   •   References – based on previous experience

2. Meeting the RFT Equipment Specifications                                  30
   •   Areas exceeding the Specifications
   •   Areas not meeting Specification
   •   Completeness of the submission
   •   General commitment to meet the request of the Town

3. General                                                                   10
  • Delivery time
  • Terms and conditions of payment
  • Warranties
  • Details of warranty service location and provider
  • Completeness of the submission
Total Score – Respondent Qualifications                                      50

Table II - Evaluation Matrix - Price Proposal
Criteria                                                                Maximum         Points Scored
4. Price                                                                     50
Total score for all components from Table I                                  50
Total Score (Table I & II)                                                  100

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