Reports - The French tech revolution How France's startups made it to centre stage - Sifted

Reports - The French tech revolution How France's startups made it to centre stage - Sifted

  The French
tech revolution
 How France’s startups made it to centre stage

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Reports - The French tech revolution How France's startups made it to centre stage - Sifted
The French
tech revolution
 How France’s startups made it to centre stage

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Reports - The French tech revolution How France's startups made it to centre stage - Sifted

          The New French
                          Looking back,
                            moving forward

            Covid-19 could have very well spelled the        given the inhospitable environment created
            end of days for the French startup scene in      by anti-startup bureaucrats. We still have
            2020. But instead, it proved that the French     the scars to show for it: Snowflake, Datadog,
            ecosystem is robust enough to not only roll      Eventbrite, Tenable and Moderna to name a
            with the punches but to fight back.              few, all billion-dollar companies founded by
                                                             French entrepreneurs in the US.
            After a year that defies description (let’s
            face it, “unprecedented” doesn’t quite cut       Given this context, the milestones we have
            it), French startups raised a record €5.4bn,     reached this past year aren’t just markers
            7% more than in 2019. Making France the          of resilience but of the sheer relentlessness
            only country among Europe’s three largest        with which so many of us have worked to
            markets that managed to grow in 2020.            take the ecosystem this far in such a short
            France now counts among its ranks 10             period of time. It is also a reminder of how
            unicorns — 4 of which sprang up last year —      much work is still left to be done.
            and has strengthened its IPO pipeline.
                                                             Fortunately, this work has a clear direction.
                                                             Though we enter 2021 with a lot of
            Covid-19 proved that                             uncertainty, there are three things that you
            the French ecosystem is                          can bet your hat on:

            robust enough to not only
                                                             The French government, which Sifted
            roll with the punches but                        has nicknamed the “very visible hand”
            to fight back                                    (p. 34), is not about to let the ecosystem
                                                             down now. Certainly not under President
                                                             Macron and Cedric O’s (p. 20) watch. I
            Not bad for a place that, less than a decade     don’t just mean funding — I’m talking
            ago, was considered a tech backwater.            about significant pro-startup policies,
            It was a place where venture capital was         regulations, programmes and the continued
            scarce and foreign investors came for            commitment of our team and 50+ French
            Fashion Week or to sip rosé along the French     Tech Government Correspondents (p. 23).
            Riviera — certainly not to invest in startups!
            Many of our best founders fled to the US,        Diversity and inclusion will move front
            convinced that staying would be suicide          and center. This isn’t about political
Reports - The French tech revolution How France's startups made it to centre stage - Sifted

correctness, charity or “diversity washing” (p.   you watched President Macron’s December
34). We can only surmount the crisis with the     interview with Niklas Zenstrom, then you
help of the very best entrepreneurs — and         know something is cooking.
these don’t only come from the privileged
classes. Great innovators can be found in         The “French Tech Revolution” is well on
the inner cities, the countryside, among          its way, with entrepreneurs, investors,
immigrants, refugees and the urban poor.          communities… and yes, even the
Many of them will be women. This talent           government, helping to push the whole
needs to be tapped if we are to succeed. In       movement forward. The time is coming
2021, we are upping support of grassroots         when values and valuations will go hand-in-
programmes like Les Déterminés, Station           hand, and when innovation will be focused
F’s Fighters or Singa, and injecting 200+         on solving humanity’s most important
founders from unlikely backgrounds into the       challenges — and if things go right, with no
ecosystem via our €15M programme, French          heads rolling.
Tech Tremplin (p. 23).

We will break whatever record we set for
the next year. With the rest of Europe.
France is proud of what we’ve achieved as
an ecosystem, but we’re also grounded in
reality. We need all of Europe to mobilise                        KAT BORLONGAN
                                                                  Director of La French Tech
change and to seize this moment in order to
become an alternative tech powerhouse. If
Reports - The French tech revolution How France's startups made it to centre stage - Sifted

           5         Before you begin
                     A primer on France

                     Geared for growth?
           6         France has proven its mettle at producing startups that scale. Unlocking more capital, and
                     building the talent pool to support rapidly growing companies, can take it to the next level.

                     Where are France’s startups based?
       14            France’s startups are concentrated in Paris, but there are many ecosystems outside of
                     the capital

                     The FT120
       16            Every year, 120 French tech startups are selected to take part in the La French Tech FT120
                     support programme. This is the 2021 cohort, sorted by their year of foundation.

                     The next battle
                     An interview with Cédric O, minister of state for the digital transition and electronic

      20             communications

                     “We have a president who is willing to commit himself to technology, because tech is
                     at the heart of international discussions today… (Macron) is fully aware we have to
                     invest more and accelerate.”

                     The entrepreneurial state

        21           The French government has always sought to guide its economy and nurture strategic
                     industries. Emmanuel Macron’s presidency has upped the game when it comes to
                     applying these principles to its digital sectors.

                     The French touch

      25             French innovation carries its own distinct signature, from food and wine-tech to the
                     AI pioneers drawing from the country’s long history of excellence in fundamental
                     mathematics. But the French touch is also about startups tackling some of France’s
                     deepest challenges, such as educational inequality.

                     Predictions for 2021
      32             We asked French entrepreneurs and investors what they think 2021 has in store for the
                     world of tech. Here are eight trends to watch out for.
Reports - The French tech revolution How France's startups made it to centre stage - Sifted

         you beg
                           A primer on France
What is there to say about French tech?             weighing up France’s ‘innovation DNA’.
A decade or so ago, the answer to that              Silicon Valley’s model was about disruption
question would’ve been a tough one.                 at all costs — breaking things didn’t matter,
Silicon Valley enjoyed the near exclusivity of      if anything it was a measure of success. For
churning out tech champions, while Europe,          a long time being a technology company
which had largely missed the boat on the            meant adopting that approach. So what will
rise of the data economy, was struggling to         the French way be? And can French tech
move forward.                                       emerge with a strong, distinct identity that
                                                    differentiates its startups and influences
A lot has changed in 10 years. Economic             innovation globally?
reform and a trans-partisan effort to support
startups and entrepreneurs, financially             This report analyses the state of French tech
and otherwise, are paying off. Unicorns             as of 2020, zooming in on the particular
and brands with international reach are             context created by the Covid-19 pandemic
now coming out of France, and founders              and looking well beyond it too, to explore
are outgrowing their national and regional          the achievements of French startups and
ambitions. France is steadily figuring              pinpoint the early signs of what is still to
out how to capitalise on its world-class            come for the country’s innovators and
mathematicians and encourage well-                  entrepreneurs.
established corporates and startups to work
together — and international investors are          We split our analysis into three parts:
taking notice.                                      ecosystem growth, the government’s
                                                    role and strategy, and the ‘French touch’,
The work isn’t over though. Sparking interest       which explores the distinct signature of the
for French tech on the global stage is a            country’s innovation. In the final chapter, we
significant achievement, but it’s still only step   explore predictions for 2021, highlighting
one. Attracting further capital from bigger         the trends to look out for. We hope you enjoy
financiers and for bigger rounds, unlocking         reading it.
the path to stock market listings for startups,
and growing a more diverse pool of top-
notch international talent are just some of
the challenges that lie ahead.

Fast forward another decade and what’s                              MARIE MAWAD
                                                                    Journalist at Sifted
likely to matter extends beyond any single
milestone. Instead, we’ll probably be
Reports - The French tech revolution How France's startups made it to centre stage - Sifted

                       for growth?
                     France has proven its mettle at producing startups that
                     scale. Unlocking more capital, and building the talent
                     pool to support rapidly growing companies, can take it to
                     the next level.

                                           What France has achieved
                                           →   Unicorns and global brands are coming out of France
                                           →   A change in mindset is giving rise to ambitious
                                           →   The previous generation of entrepreneurs are reinvesting
                                               and giving back
                                           →   There is a growing pool of available capital for startups
                                           →   An uptick in investment in 2020
                                           →   Attention from international investors
                                           →   More collaboration with corporates

                                           What’s next?
                                           →   A chance to capitalise on deep tech as the next frontier
                                           →   Unlocking more capital, including financing for later-stage
                                           →   More large exits through M&A
                                           →   Converting a growing IPO pipeline into European stock
                                               market listings
                                           →   Attracting more top-notch branding and product marketing
                                           →   Firm up a growing influx of global tech talent
                                           →   Encourage smaller hubs in cities outside of Paris
Reports - The French tech revolution How France's startups made it to centre stage - Sifted

F                                                                                    French
         rom health insurance and          A NEW BREED OF FOUNDERS
         ride-sharing to insect food and
         cryptography, France’s startups
         have proven their ability to
                                           Under 30 years old, Lazimi is part
                                           of France’s relève: a new generation      angel
build global brands. The country’s
unicorns have made headline news,
                                           of founders who are walking in the
                                           footsteps of earlier success stories      investors
from telehealth platform Doctolib’s
plans to hire 3,000 new employees
                                           — entrepreneurs like Xavier Niel,
                                           Marc Simoncini and Jacques-Antoine        worth
to OVH challenging Amazon’s cloud
hosting services in 138 countries.
                                           Granjon, who have made a fortune,
                                           and are now in their fifties and
                                           reinvesting their winnings to support
                                                                                       HUGUES LE BRET: founder of
French-born technology companies are       the next generation. Antoine Martin
                                                                                       Compte-Nickel (sold to BNP
attracting the interest of international   and Alexis Bonillo became seed              Paribas), backed fintechs like
players like Sequoia and Tencent, and      investors after selling their location-     Pretto, Pixpay and Helios via his
many are well positioned in sectors        sharing app Zenly to Snap for €300m.        own consulting/investment arm
poised for growth, particularly in areas   Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet became a
                                                                                       VALENTINE BAUDOIN: partner at
influenced by Covid, such as digital       business angel after selling his eBay       Founders Future, seed investor in
health, cybersecurity and enterprise       competitor PriceMinister to Japanese        Lydia, alma, memo and Mansa
software.                                  internet giant Rakuten.
                                                                                       THIBAUD ELZIERE: founder of
                                                                                       eFounders, investor in Argent,
Each success feeds back into the           Telecoms billionaire Niel has
                                                                                       Spendesk and PayFit
ecosystem. Wannabe entrepreneurs           arguably done the most to boost
take inspiration from national             the ecosystem through the Station F         DIDIER VALET: former deputy
success stories, and a strong spirit       startup campus, which has nurtured          chief executive at Société
                                                                                       Générale, investor in Epsor,
of collaboration infuses the French        over 1,000 of France’s up-and-coming
                                                                                       Leocare and Alma
startup community as winners help lift     businesses. Graduates include
fledgling companies up the ladder.         Stonly, Okarito and QantEv, which           DAMIEN GUERMONPREZ: chair of
                                           have each completed multi-million-          Lemonway, investor in Pumpkin,
“As we have more and more startups         euro fundraising rounds. They’re            Trustpair, TacoTax, Buy Way and
                                                                                       Personal Finance
scaling and succeeding, we have more       emblematic of how far France has
team members in those startups who         come with regards to fostering              GILLES SAMOUN: founder
can give the knowledge and learning        ambitious entrepreneurship.                 of Qualys and Salesmachine,
back to others,” says Sacha Lazimi, the                                                investor in Spendesk, Shine and
cofounder and chief executive of Yubo,     Like Lazimi, the new breed of French        Payfit

a friend-making social media app for       entrepreneurs are in it for the long
                                                                                       CÉLINE LAZORTHES: founder of
youngsters.                                haul — out to scale their startups          Leetchi / MANGOPAY, investor in
                                           into global champions. They say they        Pumpkin and Tacotax
                                           are less tempted to cash out early,

Snapchat for teens
MARKET: Consumer tech
USERS: 40m+ in 40+ countries
FUN FACT: Games help start a
conversation. As ice-breakers Yubo
users often share a group game of
Pictionary, or play “would you rather”
or “let them guess”.
                                                                                                      Image: Station F
Reports - The French tech revolution How France's startups made it to centre stage - Sifted

France’s                               less obsessed with valuations, less
                                       likely to move their company to the
unicorns                               US and more confident that they can
                                       spawn the next Facebook or Amazon
                                       from their hometown.
                                                                                 THE ELEVATOR PITCH: Education for
                                                                                 anyone, anywhere
DEEZER: online music streaming
service for any device                                                           MARKET: Edtech
2006 | Raised €480m | Employs 700+
                                       President Emmanuel Macron has set a
                                                                                 TOTAL FUNDING: €62.7m
                                       target of having more than 25 unicorns
                                                                                 YEAR FOUNDED: 2013
BLABLACAR: connects drivers with       in France by 2025, from about half
                                                                                 USERS: 2.5m+
empty seats with people looking for    of that number in 2020. And while
a ride                                                                           NORTH STAR METRIC: 1m individuals
                                       such targets are not easily reached,      placed in the workforce every year by 2025
2006 | Raised €405m | Employs 600+
                                       entrepreneurs still called him out for    TOP THREE COMPETITORS: Galileo,
MEERO: a marketplace for               not being ambitious enough.               Coursera, Udacity
professional photographers and                                                   FUN FACT: Cofounder Pierre Dubuc was 11
clients                                Voodoo’s Alexandre Yazdi and Alan’s       years old when he went online searching
2016 | Raised €269m | Employs 1000+                                              for a how-to guide on coding a website
                                       Jean-Charles Samuelian responded
                                                                                 from scratch. That led to the launch of
DOCTOLIB: software for online          that France should stop counting its      the first iteration of the OpenClassrooms
appointments with doctors and          unicorns. Samuelian pitched the idea of   project the same year.
dentists                               aiming instead to build five companies
2013 | Raised €237m | Employs 1500+
                                       worth €50bn each. To that, Macron’s
OVHCLOUD: providers of web hosting,
                                       response was: “jackpot, you’re on”.       once innovative national telecoms
cloud and dedicated servers                                                      giant turned into a mere provider
1999 | Raised €650m | Employs 2000+                                              for the ‘dumb pipes’ of Netflix’s data.
                                       A CHANGE IN MINDSET                       It completely fell out of the mobile
VEEPEE: a members-only online
                                                                                 handset market and sold off assets
shopping destination
2001 | Raised undisclosed private      That’s a far cry from the talk common     that were former national glories, like
equity | Employs 6000+                 among and about French tech a             Alcatel’s mobile phone brand, to name
                                       decade ago.                               just one example.
MIRAKL: helps retailers launch their
marketplace and manage their sales
2011 | Raised €357m | Employs 350+
                                       “When my cofounder and I started          Early waves of French technology
                                       out, entrepreneurship just wasn’t         entrepreneurs struggled too. Flash
CONTENTSQUARE: an optimisation         sexy,” says Pierre Dubuc, who             sales website Veepee ventured into the
platform for web and mobile user       cofounded online education platform       US only to pull out shortly after over
                                       OpenClassrooms in the early 2000s,        fears it would be crushed by bigger
2012 | Raised €302m | Employs 800+
                                       which he started when he was 11           rivals with deeper marketing budgets.
IVALUA: web-based spend                years old. When he turned 18 in 2006,     For years, music streaming app
management solutions                   it was hardly any better. “There were     Deezer’s motto was complete global
2000 | Raised €121m | Employs 500+     practically zero support structures at    expansion — except the US. And when
                                       that point and it was really hard to      online ad placement startup Criteo —
VOODOO: casual games developer
for mobile                             raise any money at all. Friends and       one of France’s most symbolic early
2013 | Raised €182m | Employs 300+     family looked at us with question         successes — sought a stock market
                                       marks in their eyes,” he says.            listing in 2013, it turned to the Nasdaq.

                                       In fact, like most of Europe, France      Over the years, however, successive
                                       fell behind with the emergence of the     governments began to promote
                                       digital and data economy. It spent        entrepreneurship by pumping
                                       years moping about not having its         investment into startups through a
                                       own Google or Facebook, all the while     variety of structures. The successes
                                       struggling to support its homegrown       of some founders started to inspire
                                       success. Failing to keep up with new      others to take up the baton and push
                                       consumer service offerings, it saw its    further.
Reports - The French tech revolution How France's startups made it to centre stage - Sifted

“Today is completely different; there’s
all this talk about entrepreneurship
                                             expansion. Mirakl, a cloud-based
                                             e-commerce company, raised $300m                Corporate
all the time, incubators at every
corner and founders’ programmes
                                             (€247m) in September to build out
                                             its engineering, sales and marketing            innovation,
in universities,” says Dubuc. “At the
beginning, we used to dream of
making a hundred grand and we
thought that was the ultimate success.
If we set up shop today, we’d have an
                                             French corporates are also bringing
                                             their firepower as they look to harness
                                             startup innovation.
                                                                                             SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC has a corporate
incubator and a million euros in seed
                                                                                             venture capital arm with a €500m
money.”                                      “The French ecosystem has so                    fund and an Internet of Things (IoT)
                                             profoundly evolved over the past five           accelerator.
                                             years. Startups are more mature and
                                             have ready-to-deploy solutions that             L’OREAL is the official sponsor of
MORE MONEY, FEWER                                                                            Station F’s beauty accelerator with
PROBLEMS                                     bigger companies can pick up quickly,”          partners including Sillages Paris,
                                             says Julie Ranty, the managing director         a startup developing personalised
A changing mindset has translated            at Viva Technology, the organiser of            fragrances based on machine learning.
into concrete success. The average           the VivaTech conference, which aims
                                                                                             DANONE runs their own Manifesto
startup size at acquisition is growing       to bridge the gap between startups
                                                                                             Innovation Accelerator.
steadily each year, a sign that founders     and corporates in France and Europe.
are holding on for longer. They’re           “As a result, collaboration between             Paris public transport operator RATP
expanding internationally, faster and        startups and corporates has developed           runs an accelerator programme that
more aggressively than ever before,          a lot. And existing leaders in various          has supported startup LifeAZ, a first
                                                                                             aid training platform that uses games
and they are tapping investors for           industries are also more conscious that
                                                                                             to teach first aid to people on public
sizable sums.                                they need to keep innovating, and that          transport.
                                             startups can help.”

                                             International venture funds and
                                             technology giants are placing their
                                             bets: Tencent led a $45m (€37m) raise
EcoVadis                                     in fintech Lydia, Sequoia is ramping up
THE ELEVATOR PITCH: A ratings agency         its European network, which includes       “There’s not enough M&A and exit
that’s more interested in impact criteria    a scout role for Roxanne Varza, Station    perspectives for French startups,
MARKET: Greentech                            F’s chief, and US venture fund Accel has   but having bigger startups on the
TOTAL FUNDING: €213m                         picked up local talent for its scouting    market and more acquisitions by
YEAR FOUNDED: 2007                           network, including Doctolib’s Agnès        these startups could be a factor that
USERS: 450+ enterprise companies             Bazin.                                     accelerates market consolidation,” says
NORTH STAR METRIC: Reach of their                                                       Viva Technology’s Julie Ranty. “French
network impact, measured by the number       And while corporates in France             startups are also seen more and more
of companies that engage in sustainability
                                             aren’t as acquisitive as they could be     as attractive targets for international
                                             (Société Générale’s acquisitions of        companies, whether in tech or more
and Higg
                                             Shine and Treezor in recent years and      traditional players. That will also keep
FUN FACT: EcoVadis awards companies
a score — and a medal (the top one is        BNP Paribas’ takeover of neobank           bringing dynamism to the market.”
platinum)                                    Compte-Nickel in 2017 are notable
                                             exceptions), France’s bigger startups      Perhaps the greatest testament
                                             are increasingly becoming acquirers        to France’s growth dynamics is its
Tehtris, a cyber startup, raised a           in their own right — carpooling app        performance through the pandemic
whopping €20m Series A in November           BlaBlaCar has expanded by taking over      year. Of Europe’s three largest markets
2020. EcoVadis, a sustainability metrics     bus ticketing platforms, while Doctolib    by invested venture capital, France
software firm, raised $200m (€165m)          has consolidated by buying one of its      grew the most, at 7%, ahead of the UK
in January 2020 to support its global        rivals.                                    and Germany.

Over the past decade, funding raised            Fournier is confident about France’s        to power better healthcare, and how
by French startups has been on a                positioning in deep tech, a category        humans can cope with the impact
spectacular growth path, and the                comprising complex engineering and          of climate change. They’ll typically
country has been able to both attract           science-based fields like AI, robotics,     develop breakthrough technology in
more global investors and deliver bigger        quantum computing and biotech,              anticipation of future potential.
funding rounds for its tech ecosystem.          thanks to the country’s exceptional
                                                technical talent pool. “The last 20 years   Recently, Covid-19 and the race to
Thanks to the uptick in investment in           have been about digital, but the next       come up with a cure and engineer the
2020, France exceeded €5bn in capital           decade will be about deep tech and we       first vaccine has heightened interest
invested on an annualised basis for the         have something to offer in this new         in deep tech, and biotech more
first time. Paris is now Europe’s number        era,” says Fournier.                        specifically.
two hub for startup investment, behind
London, and in the continent’s top                                                          “Covid has served as an accelerator in
                                              “The last 20 years have
four destinations in terms of startup                                                       some markets,” says Christophe Tallec,
network density, talent pool and               been about digital, but                      general director of Hello Tomorrow, a
investor sophistication, along with            the next decade will be                      technology conference that launched
London, Berlin and Stockholm.                  about deep tech and                          out of Paris and focuses on deep
                                                                                            tech innovation. “In digital health for
                                               we have something to                         instance, the virus is helping knock
CATCHING THE NEXT WAVE                         offer in this new era”                       some barriers down and it has freed up
                                                                                            access to a lot more data.”
While France’s startup community                Deep tech startups are often described
is diverse, growth momentum is                  as the bridge between fundamental           But beyond the current context, what
proving especially strong in business-          scientific research and the potential       deep tech is about essentially runs on a
to-business (B2B) software, biotech,            applications deriving from it —             clock with an entirely different rhythm.
digital health, clean tech and agri-tech,       concrete products and services              “Deep tech is all about long-term
according to Paul-François Fournier,            that can be sold to consumers or            trends,” says Tallec. “It targets today
executive director in charge of the             businesses. These startups will typically   the kinds of segments that will have
innovation division at Bpifrance, the           take an innovative stance on long-          tremendous economic weight and
state-owned investment fund and a               term challenges like reducing our           influence [over] our lives in the coming
major startup investor.                         carbon footprint, using data science        decade.”

                                             DeepTech VC Investment

                                             Other VC Investment

              DeepTech VC Investment (€bn),                                   Portion of graduates in science, technology,
                       2015-2020                                           engineering and mathematics by country (%), 2018
             Source:,                                Source:,

Four                                      Sometimes, that means fundamental
                                          research 20 years in the making in
                                                                                     THE CAPITAL CONNECTION

French                                    a geek-only lab can translate into
                                          tomorrow’s business goldmine.
                                                                                     French startups have momentum, and
                                                                                     are positioned in all the right areas, but

deep tech                                 “In that respect, France’s strong
                                          suit is undeniably its talent pool of
                                                                                     the community still faces its share of
                                                                                     challenges. It needs to further deepen

startups                                  technology and science super brains,”
                                          says Tallec.
                                                                                     its financing pool, and to catch up
                                                                                     to much bigger markets for startup

to know                                   France ranked 7th in a 2018 global
                                          study of AI startup formation.
                                                                                     capital such as the UK and, farther
                                                                                     ahead still, the US.

France is home to dozens of deep tech
                                          Moreover, its engineering talent pool      Financing for later-stage growth is a
startups ranging across fields from
AI to robotics, space tech quantum        is deep and comparatively cheap            dominant worry.
computing to biotech. Here are four       compared to the now-comically
names worth knowing:                      overpriced Silicon Valley, thanks in
                                          part to tax incentives for innovative
                                                                                     “We have pretty good
EXOTEC: Founded in 2015, it has
raised €100m to build intelligent robot   projects.                                   early-stage investors
fleets that operate in 3D to enhance                                                  but for later stage,
warehouse automation.                     “We can keep our R&D and tech
                                                                                      say €50m to €150m, it
                                          in France because we have good
KINEIS: Founded in 2018, it has raised
                                          engineers who are far cheaper than          doesn’t happen enough”
€100m to launch IoT nano-satellites
into orbit.                               the West Coast,” says Pierre-François
                                          Thaler, chief executive of EcoVadis.       “What is missing is the next-stage
ALEDIA: Founded in 2011 as a spin                                                    companies, with five or 10 billion of
off from French atomic energy agency
                                          Talent is the first reason cited by Tony   revenue and at international scale,” says
CEA, it has raised €171m and achieved
world-first breakthroughs in silicon      Fadell when he talks about why he left     Alan founder Jean-Charles Samuelian.
chips that enhance microLED displays.     Silicon Valley and moved to Paris a few    “We have pretty good early-stage
                                          years ago to set up a deep tech fund       investors but for later stage, say €50m
OWKIN: Founded in 2016, it has raised     called Future Shape. The inventor of       to €150m, it doesn’t happen enough.”
€68.2m and built a virtual lab — a
                                          the iPod, a former Apple executive and
portfolio of AI models and solutions
— where pharma companies and              founder of smart home pioneer Nest,        Access to funding from bigger, later-
academics can access the best models      which he sold to Google for $3.2bn         stage investors is important on several
and datasets to accelerate medical        (€2.6bn), Fadell is one of the famous      levels. Bigger funds can connect
                                          names of tech that has helped draw         founders to a bigger network of other
                                          attention to France.                       entrepreneurs and partners, to share
                                                                                     notes with and cooperate. When you
                                                                                     get big investors on board “you are
                                                                                     joining a family, and that access to
                                                                                     entrepreneurs can be helpful”.

                                                                                     EcoVadis chief executive Pierre-François
                                                                                     Thaler also notes the late-stage
                                                                                     financing gap in terms of mergers and
                                                                                     acquisitions. “What’s missing in France
                                                                                     is this M&A ecosystem,” he says. “You
                                                                                     can go quickly from Series A to Series B
                                                                                     but then many companies look at M&A
                                                                                     and the acquirers are still in the US.
                                                                                     You tend to see companies going to
                                                                                     million-dollar revenue and then having
                                                                                     to turn to American companies.”
   Image: Exotec

There were no French firms in the            “It is one thing if one or two startups go    European investors are also aligning
top 10 acquisitions by value at exit,        to NASDAQ, but if we are creating 20 or       with what is the biggest trend in
according to Atomico’s 2020 State of         30 in Europe, it would be unfortunate not     startup financing: special-purpose
European Tech report, although there         to find a European solution, therefore we     acquisition companies or SPACs, shell
has been a positive trend of private         are trying to push the debate on this.”       companies that raise money through
equity-led buyouts and majority                                                            IPOs to buy other companies. Xavier
ownership transactions, as with              “It is one thing if one                       Niel recently launched 2MX Organic,
Mirakl, EcoVadis, Contentsquare and                                                        which will focus on organic food
                                              or two startups go                           and sustainable consumer goods,
                                              to NASDAQ, but if we                         although the jury is still out on
There are also signs of protectionism         are creating 20 or 30                        whether SPACs will help the startup
that could limit startups’ access
                                              in Europe, it would be                       economy.
to outside finance. In June, the
government created a fund to invest           unfortunate not to find
in home-grown companies if they               a European solution”                         ATTRACTING TALENT
receive unsolicited approaches from
foreign investors. The country faces         While European tech companies tend            A second growth constraint is the
a challenge in seeking international         to list on the continent, hyperscalers        talent pool, which is unbalanced. While
capital for its startups and remains         do not — those valued at over $1bn            France performs strongly in technical
suspicious of rival nations poaching its     are five times more likely to list on a US    and engineering skills, it is weaker in
best and brightest.                          exchange, according to Atomico.               branding and product marketing, as
                                                                                           well as those individuals who have
                                             The coming year looks set to be               experienced this hyper scaling in the
IPO CHALLENGE                                better both for Europe and France             past and aren’t faced with it for the first
                                             given bullish stock market trends             time, a chicken-and-egg conundrum
The IPO route could be stronger. While       and the amount of money looking               for any emerging ecosystem.
France reportedly wants to attract           for opportunities after a dire 2020.
unicorns from across the continent           A number of French startups are               “We lack people that have experience,
to list their shares in Paris, the reality   rumoured to be considering an IPO,            huge scale and that are creative and
is that European tech flotations have        including OVH, Doctolib and Swile.            have worked in a big company at the
been subdued of late, compared to the
phenomenal procession of IPOs over
the Atlantic.                                                                                                                 $1B
There were no French companies
appearing among the top 10 European
IPOs of 2020, and Europe as a whole
had a dud year, with only 16 tech
flotations through to September, the
lowest rate in over a decade.

Startups could benefit from a European
‘NASDAQ’ to give them greater capital
access, according to Bpifrance’s Paul-
François Fournier.

“We are going to build stronger and
stronger companies that need an
exit strategy and, for some, going to
NASDAQ is not going to be effective if
they are not in the US market,” he says.                Number of tech IPOs by market cap by country, 2016-2020
                                                                                  Source: Atomico

beginning, like Snapchat employees,
Instagram employees,” says Yubo’s
                                         leaving some of the more mature
                                         ecosystems like Silicon Valley, New        Four
Sacha Lazimi. “The engineering part is
strong, but in creative, marketing and
                                         York and London,” says Roxanne
                                         Varza, the director of Paris startups      French
branding, we don’t have that many
                                         campus Station F. “Today, the Station F
                                         community is one-third international,      tech hubs
“The engineering
                                         with the US, China, Morocco and South
                                         Korea amongst the best represented         outside of
 part is strong, but in
                                         countries on campus.”
 creative, marketing and                 A stronger talent pool is likely to
                                                                                    BORDEAUX: This regional digital
                                         accelerate the development of tech
 branding, we don’t have                                                            health cluster in the south west of
                                         hubs across France too, away from the      France boasts several prominent
 that many people”                       capital city.                              e-Health startups including DESKi,
                                                                                    which develops AI analysis of medical
                                                                                    imagery, and Lucine, which creates
He adds that one downside of the         “[Already] the growth of the French
                                                                                    digital solutions to relieve chronic
country’s tight-knit and collaborative   ecosystem has been in cities all across    pain. Many Paris-based startups
community is a hesitance to poach        France: Bordeaux, Marseille, Lile,         have set up their “second office”
talent from domestic rivals, leading     Nantes,” says Bpifrance’s Paul-François    here, including Back Market and
companies to hire more from foreign      Fournier. “Out of 4,000 startups a year,
countries or remotely.                   25% of them are not in Paris. Startups     TOULOUSE: The Airbus BizLab, an
                                         have access to talent from all over the    aerospace accelerator, brings together
The permanent changes wrought by         country. This is one of the key assets     startups and Airbus ‘intrapreneurs’
the pandemic could, of course, play      of the French ecosystem: it will not       to explore innovations including
                                                                                    satellite imaging, unmanned aerial
into France’s hands here. The forced     remain on a single front of Paris”.
                                                                                    vehicles and cybersecurity. It has since
transition to remote work has changed                                               expanded to Hamburg, Bangalore and
how some companies look at talent                                                   Madrid.
acquisition and opened up their          “Out of 4,000 start-ups
                                                                                    RENNES: This cybersecurity and
geographic horizons.                      a year, 25% are not in                    military intelligence hotspot combines

“Recently we’ve started to see a
                                          Paris. Start-ups have                     research facilities, multinationals,
                                                                                    SMEs and the French military, with an
massive influx of global tech talent,     access to talent from                     estimated 4,200 ICT firms. Rennes is
including experienced entrepreneurs       all over the country”                     also the home of ComCyber, France’s
                                                                                    cyber defence command system.

                                                                                    NANTES: Launched in 2017, The
                                                                                    University of Nantes’ Disrupt Campus
                                                                                    Nantes programme has fostered the
                                                                                    startup ecosystem in the city, along
                                                                                    with local network and NGO initiatives
                                                                                    that offer resources to young
                                                                                    entrepreneurs. Successes include La
                                                                                    Cantine Numérique, which facilitates
                                                                                    interaction between digital companies
                                                                                    and students, and Atlanpole, the
                                                                                    regional accelerator promoting
                                                                                    startups in the deep tech field.

                                                                                    For additional notable hubs, have a look
                                                                                    at the map on the next page.

   Image: Lucine
14    SIFTED REPORTS                                                                                                                              THE FRENCH TECH REVOLUTION            15


Where are                                                                                                                                        2020
France’s                                                       Caen
                                                                                                                                                 JANUARY: France broadens stock-

                                                                                                                                                 options and tech visa rules to make
                                                               0.4%                                                                              itself more attractive for international
                                                                                 Paris                                                           The FT120 startups programme is

                                                                                                                                        0.9%     launched, featuring 120 laureates and
                                                                                                                                                 extra handholding measures across
                                                                                                                                                 EcoVadis raises €165m.
France’s startups are                                                                                                                            MARCH: As the Covid-19 crisis hits,
                                                                                                                                                 France unveils a €4.3bn emergency
concentrated in Paris,                                                                                                                           liquidity support plan dedicated to its
                                                                                                                                                 startups, stepping in to address the
but there are many                                                                                                                               cash and other concerns.
ecosystems outside of                        Nantes
                                              1.6%                                                                                               MAY: ContentSquare raises about
the capital                                                                                                                                      €155m.

French departments shaded by % of startups                                                                                                       AUGUST: Voodoo raises money from
located within them, with top 15 cities                                                                                                          Tencent for an undisclosed amount
highlighted.                                                                                                                                     and becomes a unicorn at a valuation
                                                                                                                                                 of €1.4bn.
French companies that raised €1m+ as of
Jan 2021                                                                                                                                         SEPTEMBER: A stimulus package of
                                                                                                                                                 €100bn is unveiled, including a €7bn
                                                                                                                                                 direct commitment to digital. Mirakl
                                                                                                               Lyon                              raises €247m.
                                                                                                                                                 OCTOBER: Ynsect raises €190m.

                                                                                                                        Grenoble                 DECEMBER: France exceeded €5bn
                                                                                                                           1.9%                  in capital invested on an annualised
                                                                                                                                                 basis for the first time in 2020. Paris
                                                      Bordeaux                                                                                   became Europe’s number two hub for
                                                                                                                                                 startup investment, behind London.


2020 highlights                                                                                                  Aix-en-Provence
→    €5.4bn raised in 2020 across the                                                                                              Valbonne
                                                                      Toulouse                   Montpellier                         0.7%
     ecosystem                                                          2.6%                        1.5%
→    That’s 620 VC deals                                                                                              Marseille
→    +7% growth in total raised vs 2019

→    VC money has grown x7 since 2014

→    75% of investments focus on Paris
     and its region

→    IoT, healthtech and AI are the most
     common categories of French
16   SIFTED REPORTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                   THE FRENCH TECH REVOLUTION          17

The FT120                                            of pharmaceuticals and
                                                     diagnostics tests
                                                     EYEVENSYS: platforms
                                                                                 cardiovascular diseases
                                                                                 SCALITY: allows
                                                                                 businesses to
                                                                                                           get accounts, payment
                                                                                                           cards, loans, insurance
                                                                                                           and gift cards
                                                                                                                                      transportation systems
                                                                                                                                      for public passenger
                                                                                                                                                                 VOODOO: casual games
                                                                                                                                                                 developer for mobile
                                                                                                                                                                                           autoimmune disease
                                                                                                                                                                                           KERANOVA: instruments
                                                                                                                                                                                           for ophthalmic surgery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      photographers with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PERFECTSTAY: B2B tour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  IGYXOS: pharmaceutical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  products for human
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  reproductive health
Every year, 120 French tech startups are             for long acting non-viral   easily manage their       MIRAKL: online             sector                     WYND: develops unified    KLAXOON: facilitates       operator                    PHARMEDISTORE:
selected to take part in the La French Tech          gene therapy for ocular     databases in the cloud    marketplace platform       WORLDIA: online travel     commerce platforms        interactivity within a     SPARINGVISION:              B2B marketplace for
FT120 support programme. This is the 2021            diseases                    VESTIAIRE COLLECTIVE:     and dropship solution      agency                                               group                      emerging therapy            pharmacists
cohort, sorted by their year of foundation.          JOBTEASER: jobs portal      marketplace to buy and    S4M: connect brands
                                                                                                                                                                 2014                      OCTOBER: SME lending       against central vision
                                                     for students and fresh
                                                                                 sell luxury, pre-owned
                                                                                 fashion products
                                                                                                           with consumers
                                                                                                           by bridging digital
                                                                                                                                      2013                       AGRICONOMIE:
                                                                                                                                                                                           PAPERNEST: contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SPENDESK: smart spend
1999                      2007                       WITHINGS: developer         YOUNITED CREDIT:          advertising and the        AKENEO: Product            e-commerce website        management                 management software         ALMA: guaranteed and
                                                     of digital health and       Online platform to        real-world                 Experience                 for all farming needs     platform to simplify       for finance teams and       simple split payment
MEILLEURTAUX:             BLABLACAR: connecting      wellness smart devices      facilitate financial      QAPA: connects job         Management (PXM)           BACK MARKET: online       administration             employees                   IZIWORK: interim jobs
mortgage loan             drivers with empty                                     transactions between      seekers and recruiters     solutions                  marketplace dedicated     PAYFIT: allows SMEs to     SWILE: digital solutions    platform
financing broker
                          seats to people looking
                          for a ride
                                                     2009                        lenders and borrowers     with a matching
                                                                                                                                      ALL MOL: ticketing
                                                                                                                                                                 to refurbished products
                                                                                                                                                                 CITYSCOOT: electric
                                                                                                                                                                                           easily and quickly pay
                                                                                                                                                                                           their employees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for employee rewards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and benefits
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  KINEIS: IoT network
webhosting, cloud and     ECOVADIS:                  AB TASTY: helps
                                                                                 2010                      YNSECT: farms insects      BIOSERENITY: smart         scooters rental           SHADOW: high-end           QARE: on-demand,
dedicated servers         sustainability Rating
                          and Performance
                                                     marketers tailor UX and
                                                     increase conversion         IADVIZE: conversational
                                                                                                           to make natural
                                                                                                           ingredients for
                                                                                                                                      clothing that monitors
                                                                                                                                      the health of people
                                                                                                                                                                 DNA SCRIPT: synthetic
                                                                                                                                                                 DNA through natural
                                                                                                                                                                                           computer accessible
                                                                                                                                                                                           from any online device
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      online-to-offline virtual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      medical practice
2000                      Monitoring
                          FINALCAD: mobile apps
                                                     DEEZER: online music
                                                                                 marketing platform
                                                                                 connects customers
                                                                                                           aquaculture and pet
                                                                                                                                      with epilepsy
                                                                                                                                                                 DREEM: headband to
                                                                                                                                                                                           TALENT.IO: recruitment
                                                                                                                                                                                           platform for tech
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      QONTO: online banking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      services for small
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ANKORSTORE: online
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  B2B marketplace
GEOSAT: land surveyor,    and predictive analytics   streaming service           with experts via real-                               intelligence solution      improve sleep             profiles                   businesses                  connects independent
underground network
detection, 3D scanning,
                          for construction
                          LEMONWAY: payment
                                                     available on any device
                                                     EVANEOS: tailor-made
                                                                                 time messaging
                                                                                                           2012                       designed to detect data
                                                                                                                                      leaks on the internet
                                                                                                                                                                 ENYO PHARMA: clinical
                                                                                                                                                                 stage biotech
                                                                                                                                                                                           VIRTUO: digital car
                                                                                                                                                                                           rental service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TRUSK: last mile delivery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  shops and specialist
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  brands with
MMS                       service provider for       tours and travel with    automated, continuous-       AFYREN: microbiology       DOCTOLIB: online           MADBOX: mobile            YUBO: social platform                                  neighbourhood
IVALUA: web-based
spend management
                          MICROPHYT: solutions
                                                     local travel agents
                                                                              deployment high-
                                                                              availability cloud
                                                                                                           and bioprocess
                                                                                                                                      booking for medical
                                                                                                                                                                 MISTERFLY: online
                                                                                                                                                                                           for Generation Z
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2017                        retailers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SKEEPERS: collection
solutions                 to industrialise the
                          production of unique
                                                     environmentally friendly hosting solution
                                                     engine depollution       SIGFOX: service
                                                                                                           AMARISOFT: provides
                                                                                                           LTE and NR software
                                                                                                                                      INOTREM: develops
                                                                                                                                                                 travel agency
                                                                                                                                                                 MOLOTOV: TV
                                                                                                                                                                                           2016                       BRUT: creates short-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      form video content
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and publication of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  customer reviews

2001                      microalgae-based
                                                     MISTERTEMP’: chain of
                                                                              provider for IoT             that runs on standard
                                                                                                                                      for the treatment of
                                                                                                                                      inflammatory diseases
                                                                                                                                                                 streaming service
                                                                                                                                                                 ORNIKAR: online
                                                                                                                                                                                           ALAN: digital health
                                                                                                                                                                                           insurance platform
HR PATH: human
capital management
                          online education
                                                     recruitment and temp
                                                                                 2011                      CONTENTSQUARE: helps
                                                                                                           brands create customer
                                                                                                                                      HAPPYTAL: digital
                                                                                                                                      platform for patients
                                                                                                                                                                 driving school            DYNACURE: treatments
                                                                                                                                                                                           for patients affected
VEEPEE: members-
                          SELECTRA: online
                                                     MWM: designs and
                                                     markets mobile apps
                                                                              ALEDIA: develops and
                                                                              manufactures light-
                                                                                                           experiences on web,
                                                                                                           mobile and apps
                                                                                                                                      and services in health
                                                                                                                                                                 2015                      by serious orphan
                                                                                                                                                                                           disorders                   The FT120 in numbers
only online shopping      utility comparison for     and connected objects    emitting diodes              COOPTALIS: assists         HEETCH: ride-sharing       CERTIDEAL:                INNOVAFEED: produces
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       →    37,556 people are employed by companies
destination               domestic and SME           dedicated to music       CORWAVE: implantable         companies with talent      app targeting late night
                                                                                                                                                             marketplace for               insect-based protein for         from the FT120 listing
                          customers                  OKWIND: designs,         blood pumps based            acquisitions and           transportation seekers second-hand electronic        the feed industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       →    30% of those employees are based outside
2005                      SENDINBLUE: all-in-one
                          marketing platform for
                                                     manufactures and
                                                     delivers smart and
                                                                              on a breakthrough
                                                                              membrane tech
                                                                                                           candidates with their
                                                                                                           mobility projects
                                                                                                                                      SHIFT TECHNOLOGY:
                                                                                                                                                             EKWATEUR: renewable
                                                                                                                                                             electricity and gas
                                                                                                                                                                                           JOONE: hygiene and
                                                                                                                                                                                           care products

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       →    And 62% are running fully on remote work
BELIEVE: digital          growing businesses         connected solar          HAPPN: mobile dating         FLYING WHALES:             technology for the     provider                      KOVERS: ethical health
distributor and label     TALENTSOFT: HR             trackers                 app using real-time          environmentally friendly   insurance industry     FRICHTI: home-made            insurance                   →    FT120 companies plan to hire 10,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            people in 2021
services provider for     software solutions for     RECOMMERCE: trade        geolocation                  cargo transport aircraft   TISSIUM: biodegradable food production and           LUKO: smart device to
artists and labels        talent management          in, refurbishment and    HOPPEN: multimedia           LUMAPPS: social            sealants and adhesives delivery                      improve home safety         →    4 in 10 of all the FT120 current employees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            are female
BIOLOG-ID:                and learning               resale of smartphones    services dedicated to        intranet for               for wound closure      GOJOB: digital                and reduce electricity
identification                                       and electronics          the medical industry         collaborative suites       ULTRA PREMIUM          temporary    work             bills                       →    But 7 out of 10 executive committee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            members are male
technology to manage
and trace sensitive
                          2008                       REUNIWATT: solutions
                                                     for cloud observation
                                                                              LEDGER: security and
                                                                              infrastructure solutions
                                                                                                           MANO MANO: online
                                                                                                           marketplace for DIY,
                                                                                                                                      DIRECT: food brand
                                                                                                                                      for dogs and cats,
                                                                                                                                                             ILEK: electricity supplier
                                                                                                                                                                                           MEDADOM: video-
                                                                                                                                                                                           consults with doctors       →    70% have some presence or office abroad
health products           DEVIALET: high-end         and cloud cover          for cryptocurrencies         home improvement           distributed online     IMCHECK                       through web apps and        →    US, Germany, UK and Spain are top 4
EXOTEC: mobile robots     audio hardware             forecasting              and blockchain               and gardening              VADE SECURE: security  THERAPEUTICS:                 tele-connected kiosks            foreign markets
to help in warehouse      manufacturer               ROBOCATH: solutions      applications                 products                   features against       immunotherapy                 MEERO: matches              →    38% of sales generated away from home
management                ENTEROME: developer        for the treatment of     LYDIA: enables users to      UBITRANSPORT:              sophisticated email    for cancers and               professional                     on average

                                                PerfectStay                  MisterFly    Worldia     Evaneos                                       Ornikar                          Papernest                         Ivalua                                 Lemonway                                         Lydia        October
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Meilleurtaux                                                                          Cloud/SaaS

                      Ubitransport                             Virtuo        Blablacar                                                                                                    Talentsoft                                   PayFit                                                                  Luko
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fin                                                            Lumapps
                                                                                                                     Heetch                                                                                                                      Gojob         HR Path                             AssurTech                 Qonto
             Okwind              Reuniwatt           Ilek                    FlexFuel                 Ekwateur                                                              Wynd
         C                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mistertemp’
  CleanTech/                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Klaxoon

                                            Flying Whales             Logistics                                                                                                                                                                 Akeneo                                    Cooptalis                         Iziwork
                                                                         L           Meero                                                   Swile                                       JobTeaser                                                                                                                                     HR                              iAdvize
                                                               Trusk                                                                                                                                                             Mirakl                                                            
                                     Mobility                                                    Back Market                                  Younited Credit                        Spendesk
                  Cityscoot                                                                                                                 Certideal                                                            Classrooms        Sendinblue                              AB Tasty                                        Skeepers
     I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mar
  Industry/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MarTech
 Production                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          S4M                            Contentsquare
     site                                                                                                                                                                   Shift
                                                                                                           EcoVadis                         All Mol                   Technology                                                                       A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     AdTech                                                                                                            OVHcloud
                                                                              Exotec                                                                                                                                                                                                         Brut

                                                                                                                                                                            Alma                      Qapa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Me                     Happn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  AgriTech          Molotov                MediaTech
                                                          Enterome                                                                                                                                                   Happytal                          F
                                                                                                                                                                                         Alan                                              Frichti                                                                                Shadow                               Geosat
                                                                     Biolog-id                                                                                                                                                                                            Entertainment
                                                                                                                                                              Cybel                                               Kovers                                                            Voodoo
                                                                                                       Sigfox                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Scality
                                                                                     Igyxos                                                                                                                       Ultra Premium                                                                       Retail/
                                                                                                                                                                                     Agriconomie                      Direct                                                                       E-commerce

                                                                                                        Amarisoft                                                                                                                                                                                        R                        MadBox
                                                                                                                                                                                 Joone                             IoT/Manufacturing                                                      Ankorstore
                                                                                                                        Tel                                                                                                IoT
                                                H                                                                                                                                                    Tech for
                                           HealthTech/                                                               Telecom
                                            BioTech/                                  ImCheck                                                                                                                                                    ManoMano                           Yubo                            Believe
                                            MedTech                               Therapeutics                                                             Ledger                                               Devialet
Keranova                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Construction
                                                                                                                                Vade                                                 Ynsect                                                 Hoppen                  Vestiaire                                                                             Co
                                                                                                                              Secure                                                                                                                                Collective
                                                                                                                                        S                                                                                                                                                    MWM              Deezer                                           Finalcad
                                                                                                                                                                                                            BioSerenity                         Veepee
         Dynacure                                                                                                                                                           Afyren

                                                                     Pharma                                              Withings
                       SparingVision                                                                                                                                                 Innova
                                                                                                                                                                                       Feed                      Dreem                      A    AdTech             F
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    L         Logistics          Sp          SpaceTech
                                                         Corwave                                                                                                                                                                                                           AgriTech
                                                                                                      Tissium                                                          Microphyt                                                            C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    M         Mobility           T           TravelTech
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 GreenTech                 AssurTech

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Construction              HealthTech/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Co                       H                              Mar        MarTech            Tel         Telecom
                                                                                         DNA Script                                                                                                                                              Tech/PropTech             BioTech/MedTech

                                                                                                                                                                  SpaceTech                                                                      Data/AI/Cloud/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            D                      HR      HR                      Me         MediaTech          TG          Tech for Good

Visual guide to the                                                                                                           Aledia                                                             Medadom                                    E    Entertainment      I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Production site

FT120 2021 cohort by                                                                                                                                          Kineis                                                                       Ed    EdTech            IoT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    S         Security/Privacy

                                The next battle
                      An interview with Cédric O, minister of state for the digital
                              transition and electronic communications

                     uilding French tech     instead for the next one,” says O. “Yes,   discussions today and because
                     has been a trans-       there are areas where we’re lagging        otherwise Europe faces the risk of
                     partisan priority for   behind, but in others we’re on par with    being kicked out of history,” says O.
                     over 10 years, and      the US and China.”                         “He’s fully aware we have to invest
we’re reaping the fruits now,” says                                                     more and accelerate.”
Cédric O, the French junior minister         Where Macron really differentiates
for digital affairs. “There are a few        from previous French leaders has           When Covid-19 hit France in early 2020,
things we have to unlock still, but the      perhaps been in his pragmatic              the government quickly signalled that
underlying trend is really good. There       approach; he has an ability to turn the    it wasn’t going to sit idly by and watch
are no deal-breaker obstacles.”              page on previous tech debacles and         startups struggle.
                                             missed opportunities and look instead
Soon after Macron was elected in             to what lies ahead.                        After years of pumping state money
May 2017, he started putting forward                                                    into growing the startup ecosystem,
ambitious targets to make France             Predecessors focused on how France,        France rushed to pour in more and
a ‘nation of unicorns’, while digital        like most of its European neighbours,      create a pipeline of support for
minister Cédric O wants his country          fell behind with the emergence             entrepreneurs.
to bounce back from its failure to           of Google, Facebook and the data
produce its own Ubers and Airbnbs by         economy. Instead, Macron has made          Mid-March, less than 24 hours after
positioning itself to, as he says, win the   it clear that he’s keen to not let         Macron announced school closures
next technology battle.                      history repeat itself. His view is that    and a host of other measures that
                                             technology isn’t just about innovation     would lead to a full lockdown, O was on
“We shouldn’t be stuck on competing          or even economic growth, but also          a live Facebook event with founders,
in the previous battle, we should aim        about the sovereignty of nations. One      answering questions and promising a
                                             of his main concerns is that France and    boost from the government. Days later,
                                             Europe could once more be left behind,     the government unveiled a €4.3bn
                                             consuming technology that is designed      liquidity support plan dedicated to
                                             and built elsewhere — and giving up        its startups, stepping in to address
                                             their data in the process.                 the cash concerns brought about by
                                                                                        the coronavirus crisis, as well as to
                                             With that in mind, he has announced        propose a furlough scheme and other
                                             plan after plan, each aimed at             exceptional measures.
                                             federating talent, money and
                                             efforts around a key theme: artificial     “The power of big tech in the US was
                                             intelligence, the development              built during the 2008 financial crisis,”
                                             of quantum technologies and                says digital minister O. Now, there’s
                                             cybersecurity.                             Covid-19 and France wants “to use the
                                                                                        stimulus package to build the French
                                             “We have a president who is willing to     economy in the long term, to make
                                             commit himself to technology, because      it more competitive in two priority
                                             tech is at the heart of international      sectors: environment and digital”.

The entrep
  neurial state
      The French government has always sought to guide its
      economy and nurture strategic industries. Emmanuel
      Macron’s presidency has upped the game when it comes
      to applying these principles to its digital sectors.

What France has achieved
→   Tech has been a trans-partisan priority for over a decade,
    and it’s paying off
→   France has turned the page on the previous decade’s tech
    debacles and is looking ahead
→   Macron’s commitment to technology is an economic driver
    and sovereignty weapon
→   R&D tax credits have been maintained, helping
    attract international research investment
→   Administrative reforms, dedicated schemes like the
    French Tech Visa and a revised stock options
    regime, are supporting startups
→   Hard cash has been dedicated to startups to
    support Macron’s vision
→   Visibility and handholding for founders through the
    La French Tech network
→   Generous Covid-19 bailouts have helped to keep the
    ecosystem on course

What’s next?
→   Entrepreneurs want more simplification and further reform
→   Calls for change to France’s procurement strategy to favour
    local startups
→   Intention to make more of France’s €100bn stimulus
    package accessible to startups
→   A clearer regulatory line for tech in Europe
→   Deployment of government’s digital budget, including for
    AI, quantum, cybersecurity and deep tech more broadly

                                                    rance’s government is            artificial intelligence, cybersecurity
                                                    famous for its economic          and quantum computing as central

Covid-19                                            interventionism — dirigiste,
                                                    deriving from the French ‘to
                                                                                     priorities for public spending.

relief for                                direct’, became an economics textbook
                                          shorthand for state-led development
                                                                                     Of that, €3.7bn will go to strengthening
                                                                                     startup financing, in particular

startups                                  models — but it took its time to
                                          apply those ideas to its own startup
                                                                                     through Bpifrance, the French national
                                                                                     investment bank created in 2012 by
                                                                                     former president Francois Hollande
France was one of Europe’s more
                                                                                     that has brought patient capital to the
generous countries when it came
to shielding its startups from the        “When Emmanuel Macron came to              French market.
economic fallout from Covid-19. Here      power, he said, ‘we’re late and need
is what it offered:                       to invest in tech ecosystems or we         It’s not just Covid that’s accelerating
→    A €4.3bn injection for startups      will lose the better part of the century   financing; there has been hard cash
     aimed specifically at addressing     and all the value will go to the US or     on the table for a while to support
     cash concerns, including a           Asia’,” says Thibaud Hug de Larauze,       France’s vision. Most notably,
     short-term refinancing scheme
     (€160m), the early payment of
                                          cofounder of Back Market.                  Bpifrance has invested over €20bn
     some tax credits (€1.5bn), the                                                  across sectors including digital, life
     accelerated payment of already-      And while Macron wasn’t the first          sciences, energy transition, medtech,
     planned investments in the sector    to pump money into startups and            fintech and agritech. Its importance
     (€150m) and guarantees over
                                          facilitate entrepreneurship — measures     is clear when you consider that
     cash flow costs (€2bn)
                                          including tax breaks aimed specifically    Bpifrance contributes 18% to 19%
→    Social charges and tax payments
                                          at innovation have been around for         of France’s total startup financing
     were pushed back
                                          several presidencies — startups and        either directly or indirectly through
→    Mediators on offer to help
                                          founders view the younger, tech-savvy      contributions to investment funds and
     recover funds from customers
                                          president as more engaged in their         other schemes.
→    State-backed credit mediators        world than his predecessors.
     ready to intervene for companies
     that couldn’t make debt
                                                                                     Bpifrance takes between 4% to 5%
     payments or loan insurance fees                                                 return on investment, compared to
     to their bank                                                                   the 10% or more typical for regular
→    Government loans specifically                                                   investors. While 50% state-owned, it
     adapted for startups and directly
     on offer via state-backed investor
                                          Back Market                                is staffed by private sector experts,
                                                                                     ensuring more commercially astute
     Bpifrance, and backing from          THE ELEVATOR PITCH: Why buy new
     Bpifrance as a guarantor to get a    when you can buy refurbished
     loan from a bank                     MARKET: Consumer tech
                                                                                     Executive director Paul-François Fournier
→    Rent, electricity, gas and water     TOTAL FUNDING: €158m
     bills deferred or cancelled                                                     positions the bank in the context of a
                                          YEAR FOUNDED: 2014
                                                                                     broader shift in innovation from large
→    Temporary unemployment               USERS: 1,000+ verified sellers
                                                                                     corporates, who once dominated the
                                          FUN FACT: Used laptops and Playstations
                                          were best sellers during Covid-19          landscape, to startups. “The digital world
                                                                                     changed the paradigm,” he says. “In this
                                                                                     era, where everything is connected, a
                                          PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE                       small group is more agile to manage the
                                          YOUR MOUTH IS                              innovation process.”

                                          In 2020, France unveiled a stimulus        Bpifrance built its strategy on
                                          package of €100bn, pointing                supporting startups through study
                                          to industrial and technological            tours to Silicon Valley and Israel and
                                          development and ecological transition      now funds around 2,000 startups a
                                          as major targets. The budget included      year, up from 800 in 2013. It is backing
                                          a €7bn commitment to digital, with         critical startup communities essential to

France’s comparative strengths like AI,
which it pumped €368m into in 2019.
                                          “The French government has created
                                          a more pro-business environment                       The French
The state-backed financier has access
to enormous pools of capital — in early
                                          and worked hard to simplify the visa
                                          process for foreigners,” says Station
                                          F’s Roxanne Varza. “While the visa is
                                                                                                Tech Visa
2020, it raised €4.2bn from investors     easier to obtain, arriving in a foreign               →    A simplified, fast-track scheme
                                                                                                     for non-EU startup employees,
including Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala            country is never easy. This is perhaps                     founders and investors to obtain
Investment Company along with large       where more can be done to improve                          a residence permit for France
international and French institutional    the experience.”
                                                                                                →    Aims to encourage tech talent to
investors such as Covea and Axa, as                                                                  join, launch or invest in a French
well as family offices such as Orange.    Meanwhile, Macron has maintained                           startup
Through this fund, Bpifrance plans to     the R&D tax credits that have proved                  →    Valid for four years
invest in large and mid-sized companies   extremely popular with entrepreneurs
                                                                                                →    No diploma requirements
in France’s CAC and SBF indexes.          over the years and even helped to
                                          attract research investment from                      →    Costs a few hundred euros in
                                                                                                     administrative fees
The government has also created its       international giants, convincing
own financial war chest. In September     companies from Huawei to Facebook                     →    As of 2020, eligible companies
                                                                                                     don’t have to be headquartered in
2019, President Macron secured a          to set up labs in France. Tax credits
pledge from institutional investors to    cover around a third of the cost of
direct €6bn of capital into late-stage    subcontracting with research institutes
venture funds and listed tech equities.   and can lower the cost of hiring PhDs.
These funds will participate in growth    “It is important to maintain these rates,
rounds for tech companies.                they are working well,” says Ÿnsect             In 2020, France changed its stock-
                                          cofounder Antoine Hubert.                       options rules to expand the existing
Support programmes are also in                                                            fiscally advantageous scheme (so-
place to make France a scale-up           There is an 80% discount on taxes               called “BPSCE”) to foreign businesses
nation. La French Tech’s Next40/120       for engineers, according to Yubo’s              with employees based in France. The
programme supports 120 startups           Lazimi. France has the highest direct           change came as entrepreneurs across
a year through measures including         government funding and tax support for          Europe, in a bid to help startups attract
enhanced access to government             business R&D of all OECD countries and          talent on the global stage, rallied
ministries, greater visibility through    the generosity of its incentives increased      behind the “Not Optional” campaign
access to official French delegations     significantly between 2000 and 2019.            for a new pan-European stock options
overseas and help in connecting with
public sector opportunities. Founders
get handholding from a group of more                                                                Direct Funding of BERD
than 50 dedicated correspondents                                                                    Tax Support for BERD
from government agencies, ministries
                                                                                                    Subnational tax Support for BERD
and public services.


There have also been legal and
regulatory reforms. Key changes
in recent years include eliminating
a wealth tax outside of property,
introducing a flat tax on dividends,
simplifying the process of winding
down businesses and introducing a
special tech visa for non-EU startups,                   Direct government funding and tax support for
founders and investors.                             Business Enterprise Research & Development (BERD), 2018
                                                        As a percentage of GDP. Source: OECD R&D Tax Incentive Database
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