RENEWABLES Opportunities abound - AUTUMN 2020

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RENEWABLES Opportunities abound - AUTUMN 2020
AUTUMN 2020                                     

              IAPH | Efficiency | Renewables | Cruise

                                                    Opportunities abound
RENEWABLES Opportunities abound - AUTUMN 2020
RENEWABLES Opportunities abound - AUTUMN 2020
NEWS                                                                    REGULARS
46 Global Briefing
    Mega battery, Top
                                                                    6   23 Cruise
                                                                          Tallinn has a new
    handlers, hybrid cranes                                               green terminal, writes
    and fuel project                                                      Susan Parkers

48 Product News                                                         25 Africa Viewpoint
    Lithium-ion truck,                                                    Shem Oirere tackles
    E-RTGs, anti-fouling,                                                 South African waste
    electric dredger                                                      management

                                                                        29 Australasia
FEATURES                                                                   Viewpoint
                                                                          NSW is spearheading
12 Post-pandemic                                                          recycled concrete,
   GreenPort talks
   business to
                                                                   29     says Dave McIntyre

                                                                        30 Cruise
   Patrick Verhoeven, MD                                                  Michele Witthaus
   of the IAPH                                                            updates on Hamburg’s

                                                                          onshore power project
17 Green investment
   The Vital Ports initiative                                           33 Asia Viewpoint
   helping ports fund                                                     Busan Port is cutting its
   green projects                                                         fine dust levels

19 Optimised                                                            34 Opinion
   shipping                                                               Isabelle Ryckbost,
   How Hamburg is                                                         ESPO looks at how to
   making the most of                                                     increase uptake of
   inland shipping                                                        sustainable fuels

26 Offshore wind                                                         35 Future fuels
    GreenPort talks to                                                    A round up of port
    Ørsted abouts its new                                                 focused future fuel
    O&M at Taichung                                                       stories from around

                                                                   30     the world

For the latest news and analysis go to                    AUTUMN 2020 | 3
RENEWABLES Opportunities abound - AUTUMN 2020
RENEWABLES Opportunities abound - AUTUMN 2020
                                                                                                                  Editor: Anne-Marie Causer

                                                                                                                  News Reporter: Rebecca Jeffrey

                                                                                                                  Dave MacIntyre, Australia

                                EDITOR’S DESK                                                                     Shem Oirere, Africa
                                                                                                                  Susan Parker, Cruise
                                                                                                                  Michele Witthaus, Cruise
                                 ANNE-MARIE CAUSER | Editor
                                                                                                                  Dr Arjan Hijdra
                                                                                                                  Gerald Hirt

                                 A greener future                                                                 Isabelle Ryckbost

                                 One thing that is becoming ever apparent in the post-Covid world is              Ian Swain, David Blake, Gary Betteridge
                                 that the pandemic hasn’t lessened the industry’s resolve in moving     
                                 more towards green technology.
                                                                                                                  SALES & MARKETING
                                    ESPO says that the current crisis will not overshadow the environmental
                                                                                                                  t +44 1329 825335
                                 ambitions of ports, but it will require ports to make the most effective          f +44 1329 550192
                                 investment choices to reach green targets.
                                    But in a sense this was happening already, the pandemic has just              Media Sales Manager: Tim Hills
                                 accelerated the port industry’s need to be more efficient.               
                                    So the greener path is inevitable. The IAPH says that it will have to be in
                                                                                                                  Media Sales Executive:
                                 order to meet the IMO target of reducing the total annual GHG emissions
                                                                                                                  Hannah Bolland
                                 by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008, while, at the same time,     
                                 pursuing efforts towards phasing them out entirely.
                                    This issue covers an interesting mix of how ports can try to make the         Chief Executive: Andrew Webster
                                 most of a green recovery.                                              

      The basic idea                It looks at how one not-for-profit initiative is seeking to help port

‘‘    of Vital Ports is
to bridge the gap
between the many
                                 authorities fund their green port development projects.
                                    The basic idea of Vital Ports is to bridge the gap between the many
                                 available solutions and the green investment community seeking such
                                                                                                                  Published quarterly by
                                                                                                                  Mercator Media Ltd,
                                                                                                                  Spinnaker House,
                                                                                                                  Waterside Gardens,
                                                                                                                  Fareham, Hampshire PO16 8SD
                                    Importantly, the initiative looks at perhaps the most important hurdle in     Tel: +44 1329 825335
available solutions              green investment - that many of the green port projects lack a robust            Fax: +44 1329 550192
and the green                    identifiable revenue stream.
investment                          Meanwhile, we take a look at how Hamburg is realising the potential for
                                 highly efficient inland waterway traffic.                                            Registered in England
community seeking                   The waterways are important to the port’s business both from an               Company Number 2427909
such opportunities               economic and environmental perspective.                                          Registered office address:
                                    In addition to the 145,000 teu that were moved by inland waterway             c/o Spinnaker House,
                                                                                                                  Waterside Gardens,
                                 vessels in the Hamburg hinterland last year, a further 170,000 teu were
                                                                                                                  Fareham, Hampshire PO16 8SD
                                 moved by barge within the port. These container transports within the Port
                                 of Hamburg have replaced a total of around 120,000 truck transports and          Printed by: Holbrooks Printers Ltd
                                 are a good example of a successful modal shift in freight transport in the       Hilsea, Portsmouth,
                                 Hanseatic City.                                                                  Hampshire PO3 5HX
                                    Hamburg wants to enhance inland shipping’s position as an effective
                                                                                                                  Subscription Rates: £79.50 pa
                                 and environmentally friendly mode of transport and to make use of its
                                                                                                                  For subscriptions contact
                                 great potential as a key pillar of hinterland traffic. Inland waterway   
                                 transport is reliable and independent of the traffic situation on the roads.
                                 But above all it is environmentally friendly and thus offers good                 ©Mercator Media Limited 2020
                                 opportunities to reduce the ecological footprint.                                ISSN: 2045-6085 (print)
                                    Lastly, we take a closer look at how some ports are buying into the           ISSN: 2633-4488 (online)
                                 renewables market. We look at how Ørsted has selected The Port of
                                                                                                                  Printed in the UK by Holbrooks Printers
                                 Taichung as the most suitable O&M base for its construction of the               Ltd on paper produced from elemental
                                 Greater Changhua Offshore Wind Farms.                                             chlorine free pulp sourced from
                                    Ørsted is modelling the project on its Grimsby operation in the UK where      sustainable managed forests
                                 offshore wind operations have been evolving for more than ten years. As the
                                 central hub city in the Ørsted UK East Region, Grimsby is the best model to      Cover image by Hans Braxmeier/Pixabay

                                 compare what the Port of Taichung may evolve and grow into.
                                    The rise of ports as O&M bases for windfarm service and maintenance
                                 is another way that the renewables market is playing its part in greening
                                 the industry and will play an even bigger part in post-pandemic recovery.
                                    Enjoy the issue.

For the latest news and analysis go to                                                                   AUTUMN 2020 | 5
RENEWABLES Opportunities abound - AUTUMN 2020

        BRIEFS                    MEGA BATTERY BOOSTS
 Hybrid cranes
 deliver savings
                                  SMART ENERGY PROJECT
 An American terminal             The delivery of a 20ft container
 operator has cut diesel          sized battery to a UK port
 emissions from all 13 of         marks a key development
 its yard cranes by 95%           in a new smart energy
 after retrofitting them with     project that will drive down
 hybrid electric engines.         operational emissions.
 Terminal operator                   With the ability to charge four
 Stevedoring Services             electric cars simultaneously, the
 of America (SSA) at the          battery is the centrepiece of the
 Port of Oakland said             Port Energy Systems

                                                                                                                                                   Photo: Portsmouth City Council
 that the project will            Optimisation (PESO) project at
 ultimately eliminate about       Portsmouth International Port,
 1,200 metric tonnes of           which aims to be one of the UK’s
 greenhouse gas emissions         first zero-emission ports. Led by
 annually from each crane.        Marine South East (Commercial)
                                  and supported by the port
 Jordan focuses                   alongside Swanbarton and
 on sustainability                Energy Systems Catapult, the          mid-range electric cars could be      8 The 20ft battery will be used as
 Jordan’s only container          scheme will demonstrate how a         charged at the same time using        part of the Port Energy Systems
 port has released its ninth      port can operate as a smart           energy stored in the battery.         Optimisation (PESO) project at
                                                                                                              Portsmouth International Port
 annual sustainability report,    energy network.                          It uses lithium-ion technology
 revealing its continued             Mike Sellers, port director at     as well as standard lead acid         due to come into operation in
 sustainability efforts to         Portsmouth International Port,        Yuasa ENL battery technology.         early 2021.
 get more eco-friendly.           said: “This initiative has the        These batteries are                      The port already has
 Aqaba Container Terminal’s       potential to have significant         manufactured at GS Yuasa’s            significant energy generating
 (ACT) report reveals that        benefits for the port, and could      Ebbw Vale factory in Wales            capabilities from solar panels
 in 2019, it managed to           also provide a solution to smart      where final assembly and              across the site, so the ability to
 reduce its energy intensity      energy use that can be shared         integration of the entire system      store electricity and then use
 by 13%, improve its water
                                  with the wider port industry.”        takes place. The system’s lithium     later at times of higher demand
 intensity by 9%, increase
                                     The new GS Yuasa dual              batteries come from Japan.            means that clean energy can be
 waste recycling by 5%
                                  chemical energy storage system           The funding to develop and         used much more efficiently.
 and decrease its total
                                  comes in the form of a                build the prototype system is            It can also be used by the wider
 Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
 emissions intensity by 13.5%.    weatherproof shelter that will be     coming from Innovate-UK’s             electricity grid to help smooth
                                  able to supply 100kW of power. In     ‘Prospering from the Energy           demand at peak times, or provide
                                  real world terms, this means four     Revolution’ fund. The system is       power for electric vehicle charging.
 fuel project
 A British port facility is       ZERO-EMISSIONS TOP HANDLER TEST SUCCESS
 being developed as the           Following successful testing,         handlers were designed and built      port is either the lead agency or a
 first site for a revolutionary   the world’s first zero-emissions      in the US by Taylor Machine           participant working with multiple
 new alternative fuel
                                  top handlers are now being used       Works, Inc. a leading heavy-duty      partners to test near-zero
 project that will support
                                  in daily operations at the Port of    equipment manufacturer and the        emissions and zero-emissions
 ambitions to reduce
                                  Los Angeles.                          largest supplier of top handlers in   engines, emissions control
 landfill and carbon
                                     The battery-electric top           service at the port.                  technology and alternative
 emissions in the UK.
 The new plant at AV              handlers are a key component of          Each runs on a one-megawatt        fueling and charging stations.
 Dawson’s port facility in        the port’s US$7.7 million             battery designed to operate for          In addition to the battery-
 Teesside will produce            Everport Advanced Cargo-              up to 18 hours between charges        electric top handlers, the projects
 Waste Knot’s Green Knot          Handling Demonstration                and is equipped with a data           include testing ultra-low NOx
 branded pellets using            Project which is funded with a        logger for tracking hours of          renewable natural gas equipment
 non-recyclable waste -           US$4.5 million sustainability grant   operation, charging frequency,        and fully battery-electric fuel cell
 otherwise destined for           from The California Energy            energy usage and other                heavy-duty trucks; battery-
 landfill or for another          Commission (CEC).                     performance indicators.               electric forklifts, yard tractors and
 country’s waste facilities.         “We are pleased with                  Mr Seroka pointed out that the     rubber-tyred gantry cranes and
 “This project is an exciting     performance results that we are       port is doing everything possible     emissions control equipment on
 step forward in the              receiving from drivers, mechanics     to advance commercially               large ships and harbour craft.
 expansion of our port            and Everport management as the        feasible solutions to meet its           Eliminating tailpipe emissions
 facilities on the River          equipment is tested daily in          goal of transitioning all cargo-      from cargo-handling equipment
 Tees,” said Gary Dawson,         real-world conditions,” said Gene     handling equipment to zero            is essential to achieving the Port’s
 managing director                Seroka, exective director, Port of    emissions by 2030.                    larger goal of reducing
 at AV Dawson.                    Los Angeles.                             The Everport demonstration is      greenhouse gases (GHGs) from all
                                     The two battery-electric top       one of 16 projects in which the       port-related sources.

6 | AUTUMN 2020                                                         For the latest news and analysis go to
RENEWABLES Opportunities abound - AUTUMN 2020

A New Zealand port operator                                                                                                                     Around 3800 plants have been
has installed the world’s                                                                                                                       used in the installation, pre-
largest soil-based vertical                                                                                                                     grown in felt pockets by the team
garden on its premises to                                                                                                                       at Joy Plants.
contribute to bio-diversity in                                                                                                                     It is the only vertical garden
the wider environment.                                                                                                                          product which meets the Living
   Ports of Auckland (POAL)                                                                                                                     Building Challenge criteria for
installed the garden                                                                                                                            sustainability. Everything used in
on its car-handling building                                                                                                                    the garden can be either re-used
currently being built on                                                                                                                        or recycled.
Auckland’s waterfront.                                                                                                                             To ensure plant health - and
   Tony Gibson, chief executive of                                                                                                              minimal water use - sensor-
Ports of Auckland, said: “This                                                                                                                  controlled drip irrigation has
vertical garden is one of several                                                                                                               been installed.
design features of the new                                                                                                                         This is the first time the

                                                                                                                                  Photo: POAL
building that will improve the look                                                                                                             vegetation like this has been
of the port and better integrate it                                                                                                             allowed inside a New Zealand
into the central city. As it grows,                                                                                                             port, and special bio-security
the vertical garden will help turn                   New Zealand company Hanging             8 The soil-based vertical garden                   measures were required. These
what could be a boring, functional                   Gardens and the components are          system was invented by New Zealand                 were approved by the country’s
                                                                                             company Hanging Gardens
building into a local landmark                       manufactured in New Zealand as                                                             Ministry for Primary Industries
which increases bio-diversity and                    part of a Department of                 with 75% NZ native plants with                     and include the use of plants that
greens the central city.”                            Corrections prisoner                    around 40 species used, all                        don’t attract insects and other
   The unique soil-based vertical                    rehabilitation programme.               chosen because they require less                   pests, as well as a comprehensive
garden system was invented by                          The garden has been planted           water and fewer nutrients.                         surveillance programme.

                                                     CLEANER TUGS FOR THE PORT OF ANTWERP
                                                     Damen has been awarded a                replacing its tugs by investing                    firefighting capabilities.
                                                     contract by the Port of Antwerp         in more modern environmentally                     Antwerp selected to have the
                                                     to build two newbuild tugs with         friendly tugs. Buying the two                      vessels fitted with Damen’s
                                                     an emphasis on sustainability           Damen tugs fits in this framework.                 in-house developed, fully
                                                     and efficiency.                              The new tugs have more                          certified Marine NOX reduction
                                                        The port said that the two RSD       fuel-efficient engines and                           system, making them IMO
                                                     2513 Next Generation Tugs are           a more efficient propulsion,                          Tier III compliant.
                                                     part of its plan to make the port’s     which significantly reduces                           “We are very proud to
                                                     vessel fleet greener.                    fuel consumption.                                 deliver the first Damen tugs -
                                                        “We attach great importance             In addition, the port is                        and also the first azimuth driven
                                                     to creating a sustainable port,”        developing two new prototypes                      tugs - to the Port of Antwerp to
                                                     said Celine Audenaerdt, technical       for hydrogen and methanol                          match their sustainable and
                                                     manager, Port of Antwerp.               propulsion. The RSD Tug 2513                       operational ambitions,” said
                                      Photo: Damen

                                                     “In our role as operators we wish       is a dedicated ship-handling                       Vincent Maes, Damen area sales
                                                     to set a good example by                tug both compact and -                             manager Benelux.
                                                     investing in greening our fleet.”       with 70 tonnes bollard
8 The Port of Antwerp will benefit
from two greener RSD 2513 Next                          Ms Audenaerdt explained that         pull - powerful. They will
Generation Tugs                                      the port is systematically              also be outfitted with FiFi 1
Electric vehicles                                    Spanish port looks                      Waste tyre recycling                               Embracing hydrogen
tackle CO2 emissions                                 to renewables                           investment at UK port                              A green hydrogen plant
A US port has made an                                A Spanish port has held its first       A Scandinavian recycling                           with storage, refuelling and
eco-investment in five                               roundtable addressing the               startup is opening its first                       distribution facilities will be
electric vehicles and three                          future of marine renewable              waste tyre recycling plant at                      constructed at a port in Europe
charging stations in                                 energy. Cádiz Port addressed            a UK port. Wastefront AS is                        that is embracing the energy
order to reduce CO2 emissions.                       the possibilities around                opening its plant at the Port                      transition. VoltH2 has signed a
Port Houston’s investment                            development of the renewable            of Sunderland, where it will                       cooperation agreement with
in the Chevy Bolt electric                           energy industry in the area with        use new and existing certified                     North Sea Port for development
vehicles and charging stations                       its ‘Renewable Energies and the         technology to convert locally-                     of the green hydrogen plant in
was made possible by a                               Industry of the Bay of Cádiz. A         sourced end-of-life tyres                          Vlissingen, The Netherlands.
Houston-Galveston                                    look at the future’ roundtable          (ELTs) into useful commodities,                    The agreement also provides
Area Council emissions                               on 1 July. This is an initiative that   including liquid hydrocarbons                      for the possible construction of
reduction incentives                                 forms part of the Neo Cádiz Bay         and carbon black, in processes                     a pipeline to a tanker transfer
grant of US$72,438, received                         project, formed by stakeholders         such as alternative fuel or                        point. A long-term concession
last year.                                           associated with Cádiz-Port.             ground rubber manufacturing.                       contract is expected to follow.

For the latest news and analysis go to                                                                                               AUTUMN 2020 | 7
RENEWABLES Opportunities abound - AUTUMN 2020

        BRIEFS                   EMISSIONS-FREE LITHIUM-ION
  Electric RTGs aid              LIFT TRUCK LAUNCHES
  modernisation                  The industry’s first sit-down
  project                        counterbalanced 15,500 to
  A US port operator has         19,000lb capacity lift truck with
  taken delivery of five         integrated 350-volt lithium-ion
  new KoneCranes electric        power has been launched.
  Rubber Tired Gantry (RTG)          Hyster has introduced the new
  cranes to strengthen           Hyster J155-190XNL series. The
  operational efficiency           J155-170XNSL, J175XNL36 and
  and increase overall
                                 J190XNL provide a zero-emission
  productivity as part of a
                                 alternative for heavy-duty,
  modernisation project.
                                 higher-capacity applications both
  GT USA Wilmington, part
                                 indoors and out, avoiding the
  of Gulftainer, will operate
  the RTG cranes at the          need to operate extra lift trucks
  Port of Wilmington in          only for certain environments. The
  Delaware. Part of an initial   J155-190XNL is the company’s

                                                                                                                                                     Photo: Hyster
  investment of US$100m,         second sit-down counterbalanced
  the KoneCranes RTGs            forklift with factory integrated
  span 7 containers wide         lithium-ion power, joining the
  and 5 high and are             Hyster J50-60XNL.                     meet sustainability targets.”         8 Hyster’s new J155-190XNL series
                                                                                                             is a zero-emission alternative
  expected to turn the               “While heavy-duty lifting         The high-voltage lithium-ion          for heavy-duty, higher-capacity
  current ‘wheeled’ yard         applications have long relied on      battery paired with efficient,          applications
  system into an efficient         internal combustion engines           high-power electric motors
  stacking system to benefit     (ICE), green initiatives and          delivers performance                  required charger and can also be
  gate and vessel operations.    government regulations have           comparable to an ICE, and             opportunity charged, allowing
                                 made an electric option               maintains efficient, consistent         operators to plug in whenever
  Optimising the anti            increasingly attractive,” said        power delivery throughout the         convenient to help increase
  fouling process                Martin Boyd, vice president,          full battery charge.                  truck run time.
  A simple rule has been         product planning and solutions at        Fully sealed, the battery has no      Lithium-ion power means far
  identified to allow            Hyster. “Lithium-ion power has        maintenance requirements,             fewer serviceable parts
  operators to reduce fuel       key attributes that make it           offering faster charging and a         compared to ICE-powered
  wastage and emissions          well-suited to electrify higher-      longer overall battery cycle life     alternatives, with no fluid, filters,
  caused by a build up of hull   capacity trucks, allowing             than typical lead acid batteries.     spark plugs, belts or other
  fouling. A new white paper     customers to get the                  The battery can fully charge in       powertrain items that require
  by UK vessel performance       performance they need and             less than 90 minutes using the        periodic service or replacement.
  optimisation software
  developer, GreenSteam,
  reveals that cleaning the
                                 A port operator in South America
                                 will reduce its environmental
                                                                       TACKLING FUEL CONSUMPTION
  vessel’s hull before it        impact with two large                                                       ideal for maximising space
  reaches a critical level of    Liebherr electric rubber tyre                                               utilisation as the port optimises
  10% fouling will result in     gantry (RTG) cranes.                                                        an RTG operation that includes
  fuel savings of around 40%.
                                    Port of Montevideo-based                                                 reefer handling.
                                 Montecon S.A.’s new RTGs will be                                               The Liebherr RTGs include
  Smart diesel-                  the first Liebherr RTGs in Uruguay.                                         BTG Autosteering, stack and
  electric dredger               An active front end (AFE) and a                                             gantry anti-collision, and a truck
  for EU ports                   CRD electric power supply                                                    anti-lift system. Embedded fibre
  An efficient dual-fuel           eliminates emissions and reduces                                            communications and Liebherr’s
  dredger with a lower           fuel consumption and noise.                                                 open architecture ensures
  environmental footprint           Liebherr’s area sales manager                                            efficient communications and
  has gone into service          for the Americas, Ray Cronin,                                               future proofs the machines for
  at European ports.             commented: “Liebherr are                                                    the coming decades.
  The vessel, built by           pleased to sell our first two                                                  Montecon already harnesses
  Thecla Bodwewes (TB)           ERTGs to Uruguay. Montecon S.A.                                             advanced technologies
                                                                       8 The zero-emission Liebherr
  Barkmeijer Shipyard            were impressed with the               RTGs also reduce fuel consumption     such as blockchain and is
  in the Netherlands, is         technological solution presented      and noise                             working to integrate 5G and
  operated by the Zealand        by Liebherr. The inherent                                                   process automation to maximise
  based company De               value found in the Liebherr           which to build these modern,          port productivity.
  Hoop Terneuzen, a major        design including Liebherr’s           safe and environmentally                 A fleet of seven Liebherr
  supplier of building           eight-rope reeving, simultaneous      friendly machines.”                   mobile harbour cranes are
  materials in Holland
                                 drive motion and the stiff                Stacking ten containers and a      already in operation at the port.
  and Belgium.
                                 and lightweight design provided       truck lane wide and one over six         The RTGs will be delivered to
                                 an exceptional foundation on          containers high, the ERTGs are        the port in early 2021.

8 | AUTUMN 2020                      For the latest news and analysis go to
RENEWABLES Opportunities abound - AUTUMN 2020
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RENEWABLES Opportunities abound - AUTUMN 2020

The largest port in Greece, Piraeus Port Authority (PPA) S.A member of Cosco Shipping group,
is to host the 16th Greenport Congress, due to take place from 20-22 October 2021

                                                                                                                                 8 The Port Authority
                                                                                                                                 at Piraeus is to
                                                                                                                                 host Greenport
                                                                                                                                 Congress 2021

The Piraeus Port Authority (PPA) plays a crucial role in the     established and relied upon event amongst port
development of international trade as well as the local and      professionals. We are pleased to announce the 2021 host of
national economy. As one of the one of the largest ports in      the Congress and look forward to the crucial insight and
the Mediterranean Piraeus Port offers unique advantages           knowledge that such a busy and influential port such as
because of its infrastructure and strategic position, at the     Piraeus will be able to bring to the discussion”
crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe.                              GreenPort Cruise & Congress brings together the whole
   Situated close to international trade routes, the port is a   port community. In 2019 the conference welcomed 213
hub of international trade due to its status as the only         attendees from 28 counties in Europe, North America, Asia
European port in the East Mediterranean with the necessary       and Oceania. Conference attendees included 98 port
infrastructure for the accommodation of transhipment cargo.      authorities, as well as terminal operators, shipping lines,
   Piraeus Port connects continental Greece with the islands     logistics operators and key cruise and commercial operators.
and is an international cruise centre with a commercial hub         The Keynote session typically features a number of
providing services to ships of any type and size. Situated on    leading experts discussing high level policy developments,
the outskirts of Athens it acts as the main gate for Hellenic    environmental legislation and emissions reduction
imports and exports, and forms the perfect location for next     milestones affecting professionals across the ports, logistics
year’s Greenport Cruise and Congress                             and terminals sector.
   Officials at Piraeus Port said, “The Port of Piraeus, the          At the previous edition of the conference, the audience
Center of Mediterranean Cruise Experience welcomes               benefited from a joint opening session featuring the top
GreenPort Cruise & Congress, which is expected to engage         issues facing both commercial and cruise ports. Speakers
business, political, academic and other top experts in an        included local government, the Norwegian Maritime
effort to emerge sustainability issues, to influence the          Authority, a shipowner’s association and a port director who
national and regional agendas and to promote socially            were able to discuss the fine balance between legislation
responsible growth policies.”                                    and cooperation. This led into an opening cruise panel
   The 2021 conference will cover a range of themes including    featuring speakers from Royal Caribbean Cruises, Carnival,
the financial and technical challenges to onshore power          Hurtigruten and Viking Lines.
supply, ports getting ahead for new fuels, collaborative            GreenPort Cruise & Congress provides a meeting place for
community projects, sustainable transport and logistics in       attendees to both learn about and discuss the latest in
the hinterland connections of the port, eco-cruise ships and     sustainable development and environmental best practice
sustainable cruise initiatives in Europe.                        to enable them to effectively implement the changes
   Andrew Webster, chief executive of Mercator Media,            needed to reduce their carbon footprint and to be more
organiser of the conference said, “GreenPort Congress is an      sensitive to environmental considerations.

10 | AUTUMN 2020                                                            For the latest news and analysis go to
20OCT Piraeus                                           Piraeus2021
 22 2021 Greece                        GREENPORT
                                         Cruise Congress                &

                                                                                         Host Port:

The Port of Piraeus welcomes you to Greece!
The 2021 host port welcomes all ports, terminals and logistics
national and regional agendas and promote socially
responsible growth policies.

                                    The 2021 conference topics include:
                                    • Financial and technical challenges to onshore power supply
                                      • Getting ahead for new fuels
                                        • Collaborative community projects
                                          • Sustainable transport and logistics in the hinterland
                                             • Eco-Cruise ships and sustainable cruise initiatives
                                                in Europe

 Get involved today!
• A range of sponsorship packages is available to suit any budget
  port, terminal, equipment and logistics professionals

 Meet and network with over 200 attendees representing port authorities, terminal
 operators and shipping lines.
 For more information on attending, sponsoring or speaking
 contact the events team
 visit:                                              Sponsored by:
                                                                                Media Partners:
 contact: +44 1329 825335
 or email:
                                                                     Media Partners:
                      #GPCongress                                               BALANCING ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                                                CHALLENGES WITH ECONOMIC DEMANDS

Anne-Marie Causer talks to Patrick Verhoeven, managing director, International Association of
Ports and Harbors (IAPH) to find out where business is headed post-pandemic

                                                                                                                                   8 Cybersecurity at
                                                                                                                                   the Port of LA

      What are the current situations/challenges being            conference meetings, we were able to build up a pretty
Q     faced by your members since the onset of the Covid-19       accurate picture of what was happening on the ground at
pandemic?                                                         ports around the world and what they needed in terms of
      When Covid-19 started to spread beyond Asia, it soon        support. We could rapidly consult ports in several regions for
 A    became apparent that contagion would impact cargo           their input and could call in experts from organizations such
supply chains as well as passenger movements by air, sea          as the World Bank to deal with specific issues.
and land. Shortly after the lockdowns in Europe were                Similarly the three coronavirus webinars we co-organised
declared, we put together a closely-knit group of fifteen port    on “Business Unusual”, the Ship-to-Shore Interface and
specialists from nine different members as well as inviting        Digitalisation were highly successful, not just in terms of
experts in trade facilitation and port economists in order to     content and attendees, but also in terms of audience
ask that same question.                                           engagement with questions, remarks and feedback.
   The answer really fell into three broad categories, with a
fourth added as the contagion gradually spread across the              Since the pandemic, have ports been reporting
world. The most urgent focus on immediate measures to              Q   dramatic decreases in emissions?
address port operations, governance and communication,                 This question has not been one we have included in our
where we called upon experience of some of our Asian               A   eleven global port surveys for the WPSP Covid-19 Port
colleagues who were ahead of the curve. Secondly, we              Economic Impact Barometer. We did however ask ports
simultaneously looked at measures to protect the business         eleven times on how they were faring with the number of
and financial returns as well as measures to support customers,   vessel calls over the past week, compared to activity during
stakeholders and community. When the first members began
                                                                                                                                   8 Ecowave at the
returning back to relatively normal operations as Covid-19                                                                         Port of Gibraltar
cases diminished, we put together guidance on back to work
planning, which was based on experience already acquired
both inside and outside the port industry.
   The summary of this work led to the publication by our
WPSP Covid-19 Task Force of the WPSP COVID-19 Guidance
Document for Ports, which is readily available on our
dedicated World Ports Covid-1919 Information Portal.

    Are there any positives coming out of the requirements
Q   to find new ways of working?
    I think that as a start, the online work and collaboration
A   between our WPSP Covid-19 Task Force members was
phenomenal. Via weekly and then bi-weekly video

12 | AUTUMN 2020                                                             For the latest news and analysis go to

normal conditions. So far, reports suggest that the levels of
reduced vessel calls remain relatively high, so we can
conclude that emissions have by and large decreased, with
variations according to port size, vessel call type and location.
In addition, ports with industrial facilities reported a downturn
in activities accompanied by a significant increase in demand
for storage, especially of liquid bulk and chemicals. This was
confirmed by answers by ports to the survey question about
the week’s situation in terms of capacity utilisation, including
warehousing and distribution activities in the port. We should
also not forget the impact of reduced truck activity in and
around ports, especially during lockdown periods.

       Have decarbonisation efforts largely been set aside
Q      during the coronavirus crisis or have they been
       I certainly would not say they have been set
 A     aside. In fact our work alongside organisations
such as the International Chamber of Shipping and
other vital port industry players to accelerate                                                    cooperating with an initiative led   8 Port of Helsinki
decarbonisation have gathered pace. The recent                                                     by the International Chamber of      mooring monitoring
IAPH-led initiative to call to action to accelerate pace                                          Shipping (ICS) on Covid-19 related
of digitalisation to cope with a post Covid-19 “new                                              guidelines for ensuring a safe
normal” is one such example. One of the major positive                                         shipboard interface between ship
consequences of digitalisation is potential for open data                                   and shore-based personnel.
sharing of “single truths” about anything from current port                              Then there is the issue of crew changes, a
drafts to barge availability to estimated cargo loading time at     subject we have also reporting on in our past two WPSP-
berth. The practical use of common shared data using the            IAPH COVID19 Economic Impact Barometer reports. IAPH
same data sets and standards has, for example, the potential to     has participated in the formulation of a 12-step framework of
simplify the highly complex choreography between the                protocols on crew changes compiled by ICS in coordination           8 Patrick Verhoeven
different players involved in the port call process. Improving       with the maritime industry and supported and published
that reduces waste, optimises vessel speed and energy use           by the IMO. The IMO are formally distributing the   e circular
with the potential to reduce emissions. Reducing paper-based        to member states as a recommendation.
transactions, especially at the ship-to-shore interface will be        In addition, several of our ports are actively addressing
vital in reducing the nervousness of port workers and crews at      the impact of Covid-19 on their local communities    ies and
berth. Digitalisation is not just about efficiency and emissions      society at large, in line with their corporate social
reductions anymore; it’s becoming a critical safety issue.          responsibility programmes. This includes engaging    ging on
                                                                    sourcing, distributing and donating medical supplies plies and
       How are ports laying the groundwork for post-                products for fighting Covid-19 to health agencies and local
Q      pandemic business?                                           authorities. Other initiatives include supporting    ng
       As mentioned, we have worked very closely to put             local producers in finding alternative ways to selll
A      together guidance on back to work planning. Also of          their products, or partnering up with NGO’s to
vital importance is assessing present and future financial          provide social support and infrastructure for
risks, with mitigation actions worked out on the basis of the       health care and education programs to mitigate
differing business model scenarios.                                  the spread of the virus. Some of our members
   In addition, quite a bit of work has been done on interaction    have even been engaged in mass testing of
between ship and shore-based personnel. IAPH has been               the port communities.

For the latest news and analysis go to                                                                        AUTUMN 2020 | 13

      What are the main opportunities ports are being
Q     presented with to reinvent the way they do business?
      I think the clue lies in the latter part of the answer on
A     how ports are laying groundwork for the post-pandemic
business. Port community needs are changing. This is not just
about digitalisation and collaboration, but also about long-
term risk mitigation and business resilience. In that respect I
believe that port authorities need to consider a wider role in
the business and communities they serve, well beyond the
traditional landlord model and involving a much closer
integration between nautical and physical supply chains for
cargo and passengers alike.

       How can technology (especially green technology) be
Q      accelerated to adapt to this new world?
       In our World Ports Sustainability Program, we have
A      collated over 120 examples of innovation, some of
which deploy green, state-of-the-art technology, and others
which address head-on issues of port governance, resilient
infrastructure, safety and security, some without technology.
It is this integrated approach that will yield positive results
rather than just focusing on issues in isolation such as
alternative fuel provision, on shore power and electrification
of materials handling equipment. We need to join the dots
together to get technology to work for ports to achieve a
sustainable future and not focus on technology per se.

       How can small ports play a role in digital transformation
Q      and in the greening of the supply chains?
       Whilst that is easier said than done, I have already seen
A      encouraging examples from our member ports, both
large and small, who are leading the way forward in terms of
connecting innovative start-ups with port communities.
Recent efforts by organisations such as PortXL, the Maritime                    What will the main challenges be to adopting green          8 Seaweed
Port Authority of Singapore’s Smart Port Challenge and the              Q      tech on a wider scale, have these remained the same         cultivation at the
                                                                                                                                           Port of San Diego
Port of San Diego’s Blue Economy Incubator Program are fine             as prior to the pandemic or have they changed?
examples of this. Small ports have already been used for                       The main challenges remain, whether they boil down to
trialing PortXL pilots, such as the wave energy pilot at the             A     investments in climate and energy solutions as well as
Port of Gibraltar.                                                      resilient infrastructure, building business resilience,
   The Port of Helsinki is pushing ahead with its plans for             improving safety, removing waste and encouraging the
onshore power supply and automated mooring. The Port of                 facilitation of trade and passenger services at ports. One
Barcelona is also promoting innovation and Smart Ports via              critical factor IAPH has identified in this conundrum is cyber
its digital knowledge hub. This are just a few of many                  security and adequate awareness and training for port
examples we have come across.                                           communities in the secure use of green tech and technology
                                                                        as a whole to innovate, improve efficiency and safety at the
       Will the path ahead be greener in a post pandemic                world’s ports. For this reason we put together a team of
Q      world?                                                           experts from inside and outside the port industry to offer port
       I think this greener path is inevitable. It will have to be in   authorities and operators a white paper on port community
A      order to meet the IMO target of reducing the total               cyber security. This document takes a practical, pragmatic
annual GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050 compared to                approach on a high level in order for ports to have a starting
2008, while, at the same time, pursuing efforts towards                  point from which to work on their own cyber security strategy
phasing them out entirely. For this reason IAPH intends to play         and awareness programs. There are highly sophisticated
its part in the adoption of climate and energy-related initiatives      approaches by some of the world’s largest ports. However
at industry level, starting with its joint submission                   becoming a “smart port” need not imply multi-million dollar
of an IMO Resolution initiated with the Canadian government             investments. A lot of the advice in the paper points towards a
and co-sponsored by several other Member States and NGOs.               step-by-step approach, taking port colleagues every one of
   This resolution MEPC.323(74) invites Member States to                those steps of the way.
encourage voluntary cooperation between the port and                       The other is the wider adoption of port community systems
shipping sectors to contribute to reducing GHG emissions                (PCS). Only a fraction of IMO member states have operational
from ships. The Resolution promotes regulatory, technical,              PCS’s. Working on this priority requires collaboration
operational and economic actions in the port sector, such as            between maritime supply chain industry stakeholders and
the provision of onshore power supply (preferably from                  government. Above all, it calls for inter-governmental
renewable sources); safe and efficient bunkering of                       collaboration as the acceleration of digitalisation will require
alternative low-carbon and zero-carbon fuels; incentives                change management at local, regional, and national levels.
promoting sustainable low-carbon and zero-carbon shipping               As mentioned, IAPH is heavily involved in kick-starting the
and support for the optimisation of port calls including                process alongside ICS, IPCSA and other players to accelerate
facilitation of just-in-time arrival of ships.                          digitalisation and green technology.

For the latest news and analysis go to                                                                           AUTUMN 2020 | 15

In this article, Dr Arjan Hijdra, founder of the not-for-profit initiative Vital Ports explains
how port authorities can fund their green port development projects

                                                                                                                                           8 Vital Ports wants
                                                                                                                                           to help ports attract
                                                                                                                                           green investors

The basic idea of Vital Ports is to bridge the gap between        would be in applying those insights for real life impact. When
the many available solutions and the green investment             discussing these results in a World Economic Forum working
community seeking such opportunities. By building green           group things really started to accelerate. The Swiss MAVA
revenue streams, sustainability as a cost can be converted        foundation and the International Institute for Sustainable
to sustainability as a source of revenues. Sustainable            Development in Geneva jumped in as they were keen on new
development becomes healthy business, which in its turn           ideas on infrastructure and finance and showed interest in
helps to accelerate the uptake of green projects and scaling.     exploring the port sector for their sustainable impact
   As logical as this might seem, it still proves to be an open   potential. Both the financial sector and engineering sector
field where much work is to be done. The current                  are striving for ‘greenification’ but struggle to achieve real
circumstances caused by Covid-19 provides an extra trigger        world impact at scale.
to explore this field. Green revenue streams diversify income        Ports appeared to be of particular interest as these are
for port authorities decreasing their economic vulnerability.     crucial for many economic systems. As a fragmented sector
                                                                  ports are largely overlooked by institutional investors. In other
SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH LEADING TO PRACTICAL INITIATIVE               words; ports can be agents of change towards a green
The Vital Ports initiative can be seen as the result of journey   economy but need wind in the sails to live up to this potential.
from practice to science and back. After two decades in the       The initiative of Vital Ports, a partnership a various organisations,
field of port and waterway development, some fundamental          was born, linking all scientific insights to a practical approach.
questions became itchy for me. Many, if not most, of the
projects followed a path of rich initial plans which gradually    THE GREEN PORT INVESTMENT PARADOX
erode towards ‘bare to the basics’ cost efficient designs.          In the Swiss conversations, both fund managers and
And yet, everyone can mention a few examples of                   infrastructure specialists sat together. A paradox became
exceptional infrastructural projects where people, planet         apparent. Plenty of proven sustainable solutions are readily
and profits are being served together. So why is this? And        available. At the same time institutional investors are
why is this not scaling?                                          searching for suitable investment opportunities but cannot
   With these questions in mind I joined the research group       find enough of them. It is like fuel and oxygen without a spark.
of infrastructure planning at the University of Groningen            Ports happen to be one of the most outspoken examples
(Netherlands) and started a research project in 2010. I           of the available solutions and funding paradox. Trade
investigated many port and waterway projects in the world,        dynamics, energy transitions, sea level rise, urbanisation; all
worked as a visiting scholar at MIT and at the US Army Corps      are drivers for major port investments. Simultaneously
of engineers. It brought fundamental insights on decision         improvements of air and water quality, coastal ecosystems,
making and micro-economics mechanisms in port and                 working and living conditions are needed. And even beyond
waterway development.                                             the port area itself, ports substantially influence transport
   These results were shared in various publications in the       systems, urban systems, energy systems and coastal
scientific community. However, the proof of the pudding           systems. This position offers great potential to generate

For the latest news and analysis go to                                                                           AUTUMN 2020 | 17

                                                                                                                                         8 Green opportunities
                                                                                                                                         for ports

societal value in line with the sustainable development               authorities through this process to get a first impression of
goals. In short this means there is plenty of green progress to       the potential themselves.
be made, but influx of capital is needed for change at scale.       5 Provide workshops to build a tailor-made plan for green
                                                                      revenues. If the former two steps triggered interest, a
HURDLES FOR GREEN INVESTMENT                                          dedicated plan to generate green revenues can be made.
The discussions with various stakeholders, large capital              This is done by either an online workshop or, when
owners amongst those, showed there are quite a few hurdles            circumstance allow this again, in a live workshop.
to address to accelerate green investments. First of all, outside     Interactively we build a tailor-made overview of the top
the national or local public funding agencies, familiarity with       green opportunities including the pathway to realise
the sector is low. Ports represent a fragmented sector with           associated green revenues.
many small entities operating in many geographical setting
under different regulatory regimes. Projects are diverse as          RE-USE OF DREDGED MATERIALS
well, ranging from breakwater expansion to land reclamation         A good example of a green opportunity at ports is the
to hinterland connectivity. Lacking of a uniform widely             portential re-use of dredged sediments. For many ports
acknowledged investment framework is not helping either.            maintaining navigation depth in port areas require regular
This is needed to funnel capital to port assets and maybe even      dredging. Disposing these sediments is environmentally
build an entire new asset class for investors.                      challenging as it easily disturbs ecosystems. Reuse of these
   Perhaps the most important hurdle is that many of the            dredged materials, for instance by creating new bird islands
green port projects lack a robust identifiable revenue stream.      or wetland restoration can be a desirable solution. However,
Investing in clean air is helpful for public health, but who is     extra costs have to be covered.
picking up the bill and can they expect a return on                    The value proposition in such cases can play out as
investment? As this is the first step to take, this is where the    follows. Re-use of the dredged material does provide a
efforts of Vital Ports is focused on.                                variety of societal benefits, but in terms of value capturing
                                                                    only a few are suitable for value capturing. Ecotourism might
GENERATING GREEN REVENUES                                           be one, but the highest value can be found in the increased
Without revenue streams, sustainable development remains            attractiveness of the area having a small, but significant,
tightly dependent on public funding, goodwill or internal           influence on real estate value. If the port happens to be a
resources. Flipping this mechanism to an investment driven          municipal port, a direct effect will follow through real-estate
healthy business primarily needs building revenue streams.          taxes. If the port authority is institutionally isolated from such
The Vital Ports initiative uses state-of-the-art economic and       tax-streams, a dedicated arrangement with the municipality
financial mechanisms to help out where needed. Impact is            is needed to unlock this synergy and share revenues. Such
generated by providing easy to use guidance for sustainable         arrangements in their turn open the door for outside investors
port development through a simple philosophy;                       attracted by a predictable return on investment.
5 Identify suitable proven solutions. All are characterised in
   terms of sustainable issue, SDGs, and  nd benefits to society.   KEY TAKE-AWAY                                                        8 Dr Arjan Hijdra
   Through a free to use online tool port authorities can               Real green progress for ports can only be realised at
   see which solutions provide the best fit for their                      scale on the foundation
                                                                                            fou         of healthy business. The
   ambition or situation                                                     secret to this is the application of state-of-the-art
5 Linking the benefits to value            e capturing                        synergetic arra
                                                                                          arrangements that utilise green societal
   mechanisms. Value from sustainable      ble solutions                       value to build solid revenue streams to provide a
   can or cannot be captured dependent     dent on the                         return on investment.
   institutional setting of a port. A municipal
                                          cipal port has                         The Vital Ports
                                                                                           Por initiative offers practical guidance
   different options than a fully privatised
                                          ed port and a                       for port authorities
                                                                                        autho        to carve out a pathway to
   land-lord model has different options   ns than a full-                    generated such revenues, opening the door for
   service model. An online tool guides   es ports                                      inves
                                                                                  green investments.   More info at

18 | AUTUMN 2020                                                                For the latest news and analysis go to

Hamburg is realising the potential for highly efficient inland waterway traffic, explains
Gerald Hirt, managing director, HVCC Hamburg Vessel Coordination Center

                                                                                                                                                8 HVCC coordinates
                                                                                                                                                more than 4,400
                                                                                                                                  Photo: HVCC

                                                                                                                                                vessels with 7,300
                                                                                                                                                terminal calls
                                                                                                                                                each year

The Port of Hamburg is traditionally a rail port with the rail     of the traffic situation on the roads. But above all it is
share in hinterland traffic for container transport at over          environmentally friendly and thus offers good opportunities
46%. However, inland waterway transport as part of the             to reduce the ecological footprint.
transport mode mix is becoming increasingly important.
   In 2019, Germany’s largest seaport was able to record over      INTEGRATED INLAND WATERWAYS MONITORING
145,000 teu in container transport by inland vessel, an            For more than ten years, the HVCC Hamburg Vessel
increase of 13%. This is a share of 2.5% in the modal split. If    Coordination Center has been optimising vessel traffic in the
project cargo and bulk cargo transports, which are                 Port of Hamburg as a central, neutral and cross company
particularly suitable for inland waterway vessels, are added,      coordination point.
the share reaches almost 10%.                                         Initially, the focus was on feeder traffic, but as ship sizes
                                                                   increased, the coordination of large vessels followed. From
MODAL SHIFT                                                        these experiences the potential for inland waterway transport
The waterways are important to the port’s business both            became clear. Raising this potential is a gain for the port, the
from an economic and environmental perspective.                    terminals and inland shipping itself.
   In addition to the 145,000 teu that were moved by inland           The planning of inland vessel arrivals in Hamburg, the
waterway vessels in the Hamburg hinterland last year, a            coordination of rotation within the port as well as the
further 170,000 teu were moved by barge within the port.           assignment of berths and terminal handling will in future be
These container transports within the Port of Hamburg have         digitalised with the help of the new inland shipping platform,
replaced a total of around 120,000 truck transports and are a      making the processes more transparent and efficient at the
good example of a successful modal shift in freight transport      same time.
in the Hanseatic City.                                                The platform creates a synchronous planning basis
   The aim is to enhance inland shipping’s position as an          between ship owners, ship management, terminals,
effective and environmentally friendly mode of transport and        authorities and HVCC and ensures a smooth data exchange
to make use of its great potential as a key pillar of hinterland   between all parties involved. The HVCC uses synergies
traffic. Inland waterway transport is reliable and independent       resulting from the planning of ship calls at the terminals at an

For the latest news and analysis go to                                                                                AUTUMN 2020 | 19

     The development of a
‘‘   central inland shipping
platform for Hamburg is expected
to improve planning and enhance
the quality of handling
early stage and thus optimises the overall port rotation. Thus,
the new platform also changes the previous workflow and
way of collaboration between stakeholders.
   Digitalisation enables improved integration of the inland
vessel in transport chains. The development of a central
inland shipping platform for Hamburg is expected to improve
planning and enhance the quality of handling.

Digitalisation is not only of great importance in the current
challenging situation, but of course it helps enormously in
coping with scheduling tasks.
  The Port of Hamburg works 24/7, 360 days a year. Ensuring
efficient operations and reliably supplying the economy and

                                                                                                                                                                Photo: HVCC
population in Germany and Europe is always the focus. The
Port of Hamburg has ensured this at all times, even during the
Covid-19 pandemic and the HVCC has made its contribution.
  Going digital is the decisive factor is how the HVCC can               The aim is to create more reliable ship arrivals, more          8 The transfer of
                                                                                                                                         containers by inland
improve the ecological footprint of its customers and users.          efficient ship handling and port logistics, as well as reduced       waterway ship
With the help of our coordination services, inland shipping           fuel consumption and emissions. The project partners               requires a
companies reduce their bunker consumption because they                developed and tested a worldwide unique digital solution for       tremendous amount
                                                                                                                                         of coordination
can optimally adapt their speed to the availability of berths.        just-in-time ship arrivals. For the first time the direct, real-
  At the same time, the inland vessel as a mode of transport          time data exchange under real-world conditions between
becomes more attractive for forwarders and shippers, who can          port and ship was realised in order to enable a dynamically
reduce their ecological footprint by shifting to the inland vessel.   optimised Hamburg approach. The first live tests were
  The new waterways platform fits into the overall                    carried out on the M/S AIDAperla and M/S AIDAsol - ships
environmental strategy of the port.                                   which regularly call at the Port of Hamburg.
  In their coalition agreement, the governing parties in                 Testing has found that continuous, dynamic, real-time
Hamburg have stipulated that the port should become CO2-              data exchange improves coordination and allows speed
neutral by 2040. Against this background, the HVCC Hamburg            modifications based on recommendations of the HVCC, if the
Vessel Coordination Center is making an important                     conditions in the port and the navigation area are changing
contribution to reducing climate-damaging emissions.                  during the approach.
  In addition to the waterways platform, the HVCC has                    Following the successful tests in the cruise segment, there
launched a highly innovative digitalisation project together          are now plans to expand into cargo shipping. With approximately
with the maritime technology company Wärtsilä and the                 3,000 seaports and 100,000 commercial vessels around the
cruise group Carnival.                                                world, the potential for further networking is enormous.

                                                                                                                                         8 HVCC’s digital
                                                                                                                                         inland shipping

20 | AUTUMN 2020                                                                  For the latest news and analysis go to
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