Renewables in Ukraine - KPMG in Ukraine July 2019

Page created by Arthur Tate
Renewables in Ukraine - KPMG in Ukraine July 2019
in Ukraine

KPMG in Ukraine
July 2019
Renewables in Ukraine - KPMG in Ukraine July 2019
Table of Contents
Foreword                              3

A Global Perspective                  4

Ukraine Overview                      7

A Greener Future for Ukraine          8

International Investment              10

Plans for Growth                      12

Investment Opportunities              14

KPMG in Ukraine, Local Knowledge,
International Experience              18

Appendix - Macroeconomic Indicators   19

2   Renewables in Ukraine
Renewables in Ukraine - KPMG in Ukraine July 2019
Ukraine’s Renewables Investment            still secure the Green Tariff provided    should be manageable, subject to the
Boom                                       that projects have obtained land use      capacity offered at each auction, as
                                           rights, a grid connection agreement,      advances in technology continue to
The Ukrainian government has               a construction permit and a power         reduce generating costs.
committed to increase renewables from      purchase agreement (PPA) in the new
around 4 per cent of the energy mix        format by 31 December 2019.               We expect the investment climate
today, to 25 per cent by 2035.                                                       for Ukrainian renewables to remain
                                           Passing of Ukraine’s Auction Law          favourable. Indeed, the government’s
While hydropower dominates the             for alternative energy sources in         2035 energy mix target will require
country’s renewable capacity, averaging    April 2019 follows a well-trodden         significant, and sustained investment
4.6GWp over the last decade, installed     path. Use of auctions to manage           in new renewable capacity, storage and
wind, solar and bio energy capacity        supply to a national grid has become      transmission networks.
increased by 54 per cent to 2.1GWp in      commonplace in recent years.
2018 alone, with a further 4.6GWp of                                                 Overall, the outlook for the renewables
capacity in the pipeline.                  According to research by the              sector in Ukraine looks bright.
                                           International Renewable Energy            Development of the sector has been
Much of this growth and pipeline,          Agency (IRENA) the number of              rapid in recent years, and will continue
particularly in wind and solar, has been   countries that have adopted renewable     in the years ahead, although investors
fuelled by a rush to secure the Green      energy auctions increased from six in     should carefully assess the impact of
Tariff, which will be replaced by an       2005 to more than 67 by early 2017, and   the new auction regime.
auction-based regime from 2020.            continues to rise.

Introduced in 2008, the Green              Although the auction regime will
Tariff provides highly attractive and      undoubtedly lower returns on
guaranteed Euro-denominated rates          investment, compared to those offered
until the end of 2029. Investors can       by the Green Tariff, any reductions

                                                                                                    Renewables in Ukraine       3
Renewables in Ukraine - KPMG in Ukraine July 2019
A Global Perspective
Worldwide growth in renewables in 2008-2017                                                 Since the adoption of the Kyoto
                                                                                            Protocol, in 1997, which committed 37
                                                                                            developed nations and the EU-15 to
                                    8.3% CAGR                                               reduce emissions, the international
                                                               5,517                        community has set ever more onerous
                                            5,034                                           targets for reductions in emissions of
                            4,370                                                           key greenhouse gases. And, despite
    3,725   3,857                                                                           the USA’s planned withdrawal from the
                                                                                            Paris Agreement, measures to reduce
                                                                                            emissions seem unstoppable.

                                                                                            While hydropower remains the
                                                                                            dominant source of renewable energy,
    1,061   1,141   1,228   1,333   1,444   1,566     1,694    1,851   2,011   2,179        with the development of solar and
                                                                                            wind energy, its share has dropped
    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013      2014      2015   2016    2017
                                                                                            significantly and it currently accounts
        Capacity, GWp          Production, 1000 GWh           Compound annual growth rate   for 53 per cent of global renewable
                                                                                            capacity and 69 per cent of power
                                                                                            generation. The share of solar and
    Global renewable power                            Global renewable power
                                                                                            wind has increased to 18 per cent and
    capacity                                          generation
                                                                                            24 per cent of total generating capacity
                                                                                            respectively, and we expect these
            Hydro              53%                                                 69%      numbers to continue to grow.

                                                                                            Plans recently announced by the
            Wind               24%                                                 16%      European Commission will impose
                                                                                            a range of reforms on the electricity
                                                                                            market from 2025, including an
            Solar              18%                                                     6%
                                                                                            end to coal generation subsidies,
                                                                                            and legislative initiatives aimed at
             Bio                 6%                                                    9%   increasing the share of renewable
    Total, GWp                2,179                   Total, 1,000GWh             5,886     energy to 50 per cent of the generation
                                                                                            mix by 2030.

Note: The difference between renewable capacity and power generation is explained
                                                                                            Globally, the picture is just as positive.
by the different utilisation ratios applicable to each source (approx. 40 per cent for      A forecast by the International Energy
hydropower, between 20 per cent and 25 per cent for wind, approx. 10 per cent for solar).
Source: IRENA                                                                               Agency1, which takes into account
                                                                                            prevailing market conditions and

    International Energy Agency, 2018

4       Renewables in Ukraine
Renewables in Ukraine - KPMG in Ukraine July 2019
policy frameworks, expects capacity                        (LCOE), with the potential to drop to              Global levelised cost of electricity
to grow by over one Terawatt (46 per                       USD0.03 given the right operating                  (LCOE) generation (USD/kWh)
cent) between 2018 and 2023. Solar                         conditions. Onshore wind too, has
energy accounts for more than half of                      seen significant improvement in cost
this expansion, driven by supportive                       per kWh to a global weighted average               0.36                            - 73%
government policies, market and                            of USD0.06 (LCOE), 23 per cent lower
technological improvements and                             than 2010, with some projects regularly
declining capital costs.                                   delivering electricity for USD0.04 per
                                                           kWh3                                                                 0.22
Long seen as a sector in need
of subsidy, now, however, those                            Against this background, worldwide                                                       0.16
technological innovations, enabling                        investment in renewables has shown                                                                0.13
policies and economies of scale mean                       strong growth of 9 per cent CAGR                                                 - 23%                              0.10
that power generation from renewable                       from 2010-2017, spurred on in many
sources is increasingly competitive                        territories by a generous range of                 0.08    0 .08 0.08       0.08    0.07        0.07     0.07     0.06
with, and in many cases, less costly                       subsidies and tariffs, and welcoming
than fossil based or nuclear power.2                       regulatory environments. While                     2010      2011         2012      2013          2014      2017
                                                           developed and industrialised countries
Solar photovoltaic (PV) modules                            have led the way, emerging economies
                                                                                                                     Solar                    Onshore             Cumulative
declined in price by more than 80 per                      have also been active. Investors expect                   photovoltaic             wind                decrease
cent between 2010 and 2017 and with                        to see valuations grow across all
it, the average cost per kWh generated                     sectors but particularly in solar and
has tumbled by 73 per cent to USD0.10                      wind.                                              Source: IRENA

Renewable energy penetration (2017) and growth (2010-2017)

Renewable power capacity, GWp                                                            0%    10%      20%   30%     40%      50%    70%     100%

                       Asia   Europe   North     South      Eurasia   Other     World
                                       America   America                                 Share of renewable energy production in 2017, % of total energy production

    Capacity in 2010    389      323      232       149          70       66    1,228
    Change              528      189       116       54          27       36      951
    Capacity in 2017    917      512      348       203          96       102   2,179    0%   4%   8%   12 % 16% over

                                                                                         CAGR in renewable energy capacity in 2010-2017

    IRENA (2018) Renewable power: Climate-safe energy competes on cost alone.
    IRENA (2018) Renewable power: Climate-safe energy competes on cost alone.

                                                                                                                                      Renewables in Ukraine                         5
Renewables in Ukraine - KPMG in Ukraine July 2019
Global M&A in the renewables sector                              based 1,218-megawatt (MWp) offshore                                   USD5 million, the deal value
has focused on Europe and North                                  wind farm, from Orsted A/S (Denmark)                                  threshold for our database. In 2018
America, which attracted 37 per cent                             for GBP4.46 billion; Canadian group,                                  the only large deal of the year saw
and 30 per cent respectively of all                              Brookfield Asset Management’s                                         Syvashenergoprom, which is due to
deal-making activity between 2010 and                            purchase of Saeta Yield, the Spanish                                  construct a wind plant with a capacity of
2017, despite their significantly lower                          listed renewable energy company; the                                  between 250 and 330MWp, acquired by
share of installed renewable capacity                            acquisition of an undisclosed majority                                Norwegian renewable energy company
(23 per cent and 16 per cent), perhaps                           stake in Spanish wind farms to solar                                  NBT AS. Post-acquisition activity
reflecting the higher cost base in these                         photovoltaic plant development                                        has, however, been strong across the
developed markets. The sector attracts                           and construction business, Eolia                                      sector and we have seen debt raising
interest from both private and public                            Renovables de Inversiones, S.C.R. S.A.                                and capital investment measured in
sector investors, who accounted for                              by Alberta Investment Management                                      hundreds of millions of US dollars,
70 per cent and 30 per cent of M&A                               Corporation (AIMCo), for EUR600                                       and as the sector grows we expect
activities respectively. Over 68 per cent                        million and the acquisition of RTR                                    to see increased activity as local and
of investments were cross-border.                                Rete Rinnovabile S.r.l. an Italian solar                              international operators compete for
                                                                 generator and distributor, by F2i SGR                                 dominance.
A 2017 KPMG Survey4 predicted                                    SpA, an Italian private equity and
that the EMEA region would attract                               venture capital firm for EUR1.3 billion.                              However, among the positives, a 2017
up to half of all investment in the                                                                                                    KPMG survey5 of 200 senior level
renewable sector in 2018 and indeed                              By comparison, deals in Ukraine were                                  investors in renewable energy did
approximately 40 per cent of M&A                                 significantly more modest. Interest                                   identify some potential problems,
activities in the renewable sector in                            in the power and utilities sector has                                 noting that the switch from feed-in
2018 were in this region. Among the                              however has been predominantly                                        tariffs to an auction-based system
largest deals were the acquisition by                            focused on renewables. A number                                       was, occasionally, an uncomfortable
Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP),                            of pre-construction projects secured                                  transition and that valuations were
the US-based private equity firm, of a                           foreign investment through M&A,                                       creeping up as more and more focus
50 per cent stake in Hornsea 1, the UK-                          activity but the majority fell below                                  was placed on the industry.

M&A actvities, EURm

          11%       11%               6% 4%                                                         8%                      13%                       11%    24%         12%    15%
                                                    19%        14%          21%         16%

    24%                                                                                       31%                     20%
                                46%           44%                      9%
                                                32%              35%                                                                                               35%
                          55%                                                                                                                                32%
                                                                                    54%                   36%                 31%

                                       29                                                                28

                                                          14                       14

            2010                      2011                2012                    2013              2014                      2015                    2016               2017

                      M&A activities, EUR billion                                 Asia        Europe             North America                    Rest of the world

Source: Mergermarket, KPMG analysis

    KPMG, Great Expectations: deal making in the renewable energy sector 2017
    KPMG, Great Expectations: deal making in the renewable energy sector 2017

6         Renewables in Ukraine
Renewables in Ukraine - KPMG in Ukraine July 2019
Ukraine Overview
At present, Ukraine generates just 4 per   Windtechnology, dominate the               Elsewhere, the Solar Chornobyl project
cent of its electricity from renewable     Ukrainian wind power market. In            should be revered for both its ambition
sources other than hydroelectric           the solar renewables sector, CNBM          and symbolism. The 1986 Chornobyl
power, and the market opportunities        New Energy Engineering, and Rengy          disaster was the world’s worst nuclear
for investors are in practical terms,      Development are the largest suppliers,     accident, leaving thousands of square
limitless, given the country’s stated      controlling almost one third of the        kilometres of Ukraine and Belarus
desire in the National Energy Strategy,    market.                                    uninhabitable, leading to one of
to increase the renewables mix to                                                     the largest forced mass-migrations
25 per cent by 2035. This ambitious        In both wind and particularly solar,       in Europe since the Second World
strategy will require significant          outside of the key players, whose          War. In a sign of things to come, in
investment in the development of           growth plans have thus far been largely    early 2018, Solar Chornobyl, a joint
power storage capacity to reduce           organic, the market is fragmented and      venture between Ukraine’s Rodina and
losses to the grid and imbalances          characterised by smaller operators and     Germany’s Enerparc AG, brought a
between supply and demand, but we          start-ups, many of whom have yet to        small solar plant (1MWp) into operation
expect this to be largely resolved upon    generate their first megawatt.             in the Chornobyl exclusion zone and
liberalisation of the market. Currently,                                              later that year signed an agreement
power storage facilities in Ukraine are    During 2018, installed solar power         to increase its capacity to 100MWp.
limited to approximately 1,500MWp of       capacity increased by 646MWp (87 per       Once completed, the project will see
pumped-storage hydroelectricity.           cent). Wind power capacity increased       Chornobyl restored to the power mix of
                                           by 68MWp (15 per cent) and biofuel by      Ukraine, and Solar Chornobyl become
DTEK Wind Power, the renewables arm        13MWp (33 per cent), driven mainly by      one of the largest solar power plants in
of the local energy giant, and Wind        the Green Tariff mechanism, increased      the country.
Parks of Ukraine, which additionally       interest from foreign investors, debt
builds equipment under licence             financing and insurance cover provided
from German supplier, Fuhrlander           by international financial institutions.

                                                                                                    Renewables in Ukraine    7
Renewables in Ukraine - KPMG in Ukraine July 2019
A Greener Future
for Ukraine
In Ukraine, with its dated infrastructure                 The government stopped importing                 desire to capitalise on its undoubted
and reliance on fossil fuel generation,                   gas from the Russian Federation in               natural advantages, Ukraine is carving
the ecological case for renewables                        November 2015 and has since relied on            out a niche as a destination for
could not be clearer. Coal fired heating                  local production, supplies from Europe           investment in renewable energy, and in
and electricity generating plants, and                    and other fuel sources for power and             particular, wind and solar power. While
diesel engines, emit tiny particulates                    heat generation. As early as 2008,               the nation’s published energy strategy
that lodge in the lungs and can lead to                   the government started to stimulate              assumes significant development of
serious respiratory illness. In Ukraine,                  development of wind, solar, biofuel              new facilities, there is already much
levels of these PM2.5 particulates,                       and small hydro energy projects,                 opportunity for more risk adverse
so-called as they are 2.5 microns or                      introducing a special Green Tariff, tax          investors to take a stake in projects
smaller in size, are, on average, almost                  and customs reliefs, and incentives for          currently in planning or in operation,
twice World Health Organisation (WHO)                     purchasing locally made equipment.               in order to take advantages of the
limits6. Ukraine has pledged to cut its                                                                    government-backed Green Tariff, which
greenhouse gas emissions by at least                      Driven both by the necessity to seek             sets Euro-linked tariffs through to the
40 per cent from 1990 levels by 2030,                     alternative energy supplies and by a             end of 2029.
under the 2015 Paris Agreement.7

Ukraine's growth in renewable power capacity in 2008-2017



                                                                           945         961
                                                                                                               73        1,419
                                                                    788                            56
                                                                            47         53          59
                                                        558          43     49         52                     742
                                                                     24                           531
                                                         41                422         428
                                                         6          353
                                            124         168
                    52          60
       49                                                                                                     465         533
                                            29          343         368    428         428        433
       40           19          25
        -                                   88
      2008         2009        2010        2011        2012        2013    2014       2015        2016       2017        2018

Source: IRENA, NERC (National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities)
Notes: (a) Hydropower capacity includes only capacity from small hydro plants (98MWp) which receive Green Tariff payments, and excludes large scale hydro
       generation plants (4,571MWp) and hydro pumped-storage capacity (circa 1,500MW) which are owned and operated by Ukrhydroenergo, a government-
       owned generator.
       (b) Capacities of renewable energy plants exclude wind and solar plants located on the Crimean peninsula (circa 500MWp), but include the wind farms,
       which are not currently operating, in the territories in Eastern Ukraine, currently outside the government’s control.

    Word Bank, DataBank Micro Data Catalog (2015 data).
    Reuters, Ukraine cities gear up to run on local clean energy by 2050

8       Renewables in Ukraine
Renewables in Ukraine - KPMG in Ukraine July 2019
From the outset, local operators were          guarantees provided by organisations        further investment in storage capacity
keen to start developing renewable             such as the European Bank for               to ensure that both investors and the
projects to take advantage of the Green        Reconstruction and Development              government can reap the benefits.
Tariff, and once the benefits became           (EBRD), the European Investment Bank
clear, from around 2014, international         (EIB), the US-based Overseas Private        Alongside Ukraine’s clear natural
operators have seized the opportunity          Investment Corporation (OPIC), the          advantages, particularly for solar and
to invest in this fast growing sector in       International Finance Corporation           wind generation, the government is
Ukraine.                                       (IFC), and other smaller lenders and        committed to generating 25 per cent
                                               investors, including German banks,          of the nation’s power from renewable
By the end of 2018, some 2,117MWp of           who together have contributed over          sources by 2035. The country also has a
renewable capacity had been installed          USD1.4 billion since 2009.                  fast-maturing regulatory environment,
and further facilities with a combined                                                     access to international finance and
capacity of over 3,000MWp are either           The recently introduced law, On             a workforce with the necessary
at the pre-development or construction         Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine          skills and experience to implement
stage, with the aim of capitalising on         on Ensuring Competitive Conditions          complex projects. Output from wind
the Green Tariff.                              for Production of Electricity from          and solar is expected to grow at 15
                                               Alternative Energy Sources, No. 8449-d      per cent (CAGR) to reach 25,000GWh
In the first quarter or 2019, Ukraine          (the Auction Law), looks set to continue    in 2035, up from 1,600GWh in 2015.
added 861MWp of renewable                      to keep the momentum up, providing          Growth in hydroelectric power will be
capacity, five time more than during           for new auction-based tariffs, a            more modest but should still reach
the same period in 20188, of which             coherent market and a clear strategy for    13,000GWh by the same date, following
almost 700MWp was solar. Investors             integrating renewables into the overall     overhaul of existing equipment and
worldwide, from Norway’s Scatec,               energy mix. A planned integration           construction of new generating units at
to China’s CNBM Engineering are                with the European grid also raises          existing government-owned plants.
recognising the opportunities. They            the prospect of international energy
are being helped with funding and              sales. The market will however require

Ukraine's power generation in GWh                                                Investment from donors (2009-2018)


                                                                                                          USD639 million

7,000                                                                                                     USD392 million

                                                                                                          USD203 million
       2015                             2035

                                                                                                          USD73 million

                                                                                  donors                  USD118 million

                                                                                 Total                   USD1,425 million

    Ukraine Business News

                                                                                                         Renewables in Ukraine      9
Renewables in Ukraine - KPMG in Ukraine July 2019
International Investment
International investors are already key                 of Zophia, will be the largest onshore       One of the largest domestic renewables
players in the renewables market, chief                 wind power plant in Europe. A further        operators in the Ukrainian market is
amongst them are CNBM Engineering                       4.6GWp of renewable capacity is              vertically-integrated energy giant DTEK
with an estimated 22 per cent share                     currently planned or under construction      which, alongside its fast developing
of the solar market in Ukraine                          with the aim of coming on stream in          wind and solar interests is also the
(excluding plants in Crimea) and Rengy                  the coming years in order to secure          nation’s largest coal miner, fossil fuel
Development, a multinational working                    the highly advantageous Green Tariff.        electricity generator and the largest
in Kazakhstan, Armenia and Ukraine,                     Additionally, NBT, French group,             private gas producer. DTEK Wind
which has a 10 per cent share.                          Total Eren SA and China Power have           Power has approximately 40 per cent
                                                        agreed to invest USD450 Million in           share of the Ukrainian wind energy
Norway-based NBT has signed an                          construction of a 250MWp wind farm           market10. DTEK plans to invest EUR750
agreement with the Unit Venture                         in Kherson Region, Norway’s Scatec           Million in 2018 and 2019 in construction
Investment Fund to develop a EUR1                       will shortly bring on line an 83MWp          of solar and wind power plans, with
billion, 742MWp wind power plant                        solar facility, and other local and          total generating capacity of 740MWp11.
along the northern shore of the Sea                     international investors will bring on line
of Azov, in Yakymivka district. This                    as much as 500MWp of wind power in
development, with the working name                      the coming years9.

Installed capacity and key projects


Source: NEURC
   Business News Europe, Ukraine's Renewable Rush
   Biowatt, Alternative energy, who is interested, where are they investing?
   Na chasi, Renewable Energy

10   Renewables in Ukraine
Wind energy                                                    Solar energy

Installed capacity                 Pipeline                    Installed capacity              Pipeline

                                                                                               DTEK and
 DTEK                    200       Zophia               742    CNBM                    301     CMEC solar plant        200

 Windkraft Ukraine        75       Eurocapewind farm    600    Rengy Development       130     Scatec solar plant      200
 Ochakivskiy Wind                                                                              Pokrovsk solar power
 Park                     49       Sivashenergoprom     250    Euroimex                 21     plant                   200
 Prychornomorskiy                  Prychornomorskiy                                            Prychornomorskiy
 Wind Park                23       Wind Park            500    Leader                   20     Wind Park               100

 Other                   186       Other               1,360   Other                   946     Other                   403

 Total (MWp)             533       Total (MWp)         3,452   Total (MWp)            1,419    Total (MWp)            1,103

Small hydro                                                    Bioenergy

Installed capacity                  Pipeline                   Installed capacity              Pipeline


 Energiya-1               9                                    Biogasenergo             18     bioenergy plant          76

 Voda Donbassu            4                                    Smilaenergopromtrans      9     Total (MWp)              76

 Other                    56                                   Oriel-Leader              6

 Total (MWp)              68                                   Singa Energis             5

                                                               Other                    60

                                                               Total (MWp)              98

Sources: information in the public domain, NEURC

                                                                                              Renewables in Ukraine      11
Plans for Growth
In June 2017, backed by assistance                        development without significantly            or approval by state bodies13. According
from the governments of Germany,                          affecting domestic bills. Pilot auctions     to some estimates, this legislation will
Switzerland and Slovenia, Zhytomyr                        are due to be held by 31 December            result in UAH5-10 billion in cost savings
became the first Ukrainian city to                        2019. Regular biannual auctions are          for renewable energy providers.
adopt a target of using 100 per cent                      planned from 2020.
renewable energy by 2050, with plans                                                                   Work is already in hand to synchronise
for a solar plant generating up to                        In a further boost for the sector, other     the Ukrainian power grid with
30MWp. Three other Ukrainian cities,                      recently introduced changes to the           Europe’s ENTSO-E14 which alongside
Kamianets-Podilskyi, Chortkiv and Lviv                    Tax Code of Ukraine additionally grant       providing much needed redundancy
have since come on board12.                               VAT exemption on imports of certain          in the system, will also allow effective
                                                          wind and solar equipment (wind power         competition in the domestic electricity
Ukraine plans to increase energy from                     units, PV cells, certain liquid dielectric   market, with inflows from international
renewable sources from 4 per cent                         transformers and static convertors).         providers, while providing access to EU
in 2015 to 12 per cent by 2025 and to                                                                  markets for Ukraine’s nuclear power
25 per cent by 2035. This growth is                       There are also changes to land zoning,       plants and renewable generators.
dependent on necessary developments                       such that until 31 December 2022,            Completion of these works would
to the regulatory environment and                         developers of solar and wind projects        enable Ukraine to disconnect power
access to international finance. Growth                   will no longer have to seek change of        links with the Russian Federation.
so far has been driven in large part                      use designation for land previously
by the adoption of a Green Tariff,                        designated as industrial, transport,         This internationalisation of the
introduced in 2008, which guarantees                      telecommunications or military. Further,     market will increase the investment
prices until the end of 2029 for                          construction of wind plants has been         attractiveness of Ukraine’s power
electricity from renewable sources,                       given an SS1 classification, meaning         sector and hence encourage investors
brought online before the end of 2019.                    that work can be undertaken without a        to commit to new renewable energy
Thereafter, the recently introduced                       specific construction permit and works       operations.
Auction Law will drive further                            undertaken are not liable for inspection

     Reuters, Ukraine cities gear up to run on local clean energy by 2050
     EBA, VAT exemption for import of certain wind and solar
     Ukrenergo, Integration to ENTSOE

12      Renewables in Ukraine
Forecast power generation (billion kWh)

                                             185             195
                               178                           25
   164           164                            18
                                12                                 Nuclear
    2               9
                                12              13           13
    7             10
                                                             63    Coal thermal
   68                           64              63


   88             85            91              93           94
                                                                   Solar and Wind

  2015          2020           2025          2030           2035

Forecast structure of Ukraine’s energy supply

 4%            8%           12%          17%          25%          Solar and Wind

              1.2%         2.4%
                                         5.5%                      Heat and Geothermal
              4.9%                                   10.4%
11.6%                      6.9%
             11.5%                       8.8%
                           9.2%                                    Hydro
                                         8.2%        11.5%
25.5%                                                7.3%
             29.3%                                                 Biofuels and waste
                                                                   Oil products
             29.3%                                                 Nuclear
                           31.0%        30.8%        30.2%
                                                                   Natural Gas
                           16.1%        14.3%        12.5%         Coal

2015         2020F        2025F         2030F        2035F
                                                                   Total renewable energy sources

Source: Energy Strategy of Ukraine through to 2035

                                                                                                    Renewables in Ukraine   13
Investment Opportunities
Investors looking to enter the Ukrainian    energy auctions increased from six in      –   The introduction of wind and solar
market have two options: either invest      2005 to more than 67 by early 2017, and        power into the system is likely to
into existing projects benefitting from     the process continues.                         create imbalances, as output is
the Green Tariff, or invest into projects                                                  dependent on weather conditions.
that will operate under the new Auction     The Auction Law, introduced in April           Nevertheless, winning bidders
Law.                                        2019, has the following key features:          will bear limited or no liability for
                                                                                           imbalances between 2020 and 2030
Green Tariff                                –   Regular biannual auctions are              if their projects are commissioned
                                                planned from 2020. Pilot auctions          prior to the introduction of a
Introduction of the Green Tariff in 2008        are due to be held by 31 December          liquid intra-day market or 2024,
kick-started Ukraine’s alternative energy       2019. Quotas will be set annually          whichever is sooner.
market, by providing guaranteed Euro            for the following five years and
denominated prices per kWh until the            will be split into wind, solar and     –   There will be no retrospective
end of 2029.                                    other RES. In the meantime,                legislative changes for power
                                                the government may conduct                 plants commissioned before 2020.
However, in order to secure the                 technology neutral auctions
attractive Green Tariff (currently              or introduce special quotas for        –   The Green Tariff will be reduced by
EUR0.15 per kWh for ground solar                particular projects.                       25 per cent for solar plants in 2020
plants, EUR0.16 for rooftop solar                                                          and a further 2.5 per cent annually
plants, and EUR0.10 per kWh for wind        –   From 2020, solar power plants              between 2021 and 2023. For wind
farms of more than 2MWp) investors              with a generating capacity                 plants the reduction will be 10 per
must ensure that power plants are               exceeding 1MWp and wind                    cent in 2020 with no further annual
commissioned by 31 December 2019.               plants exceeding 5MWp (unless              reduction. The Green Tariff will be
                                                operating three or fewer turbines)         further reduced for solar and wind
Even if commissioned after 31                   must take part in auctions. Those          projects commissioned from
December 2019, certain large solar and          plants subject to the grandfathering       1 January 2024.
wind projects can still benefit from the        rule (see left) are excluded from
Green Tariff, albeit at reduced rates.          these requirements.                    Annual power production quotas for
Large solar and wind projects are not                                                  renewables will be set by the Cabinet
required to participate in auctions,        –   Auctions will use the ProZorro         of Ministers, based on proposals
under the grandfathering rule, provided         platform. Bidders will submit          from the Ministry of Energy and the
they have secured rights to land                closed bids which contain a            Coal Industry, which will themselves
plots, a grid connection agreement, a           technical bid (noting the capacity     be founded on consultations with
construction permit and a PPA in the            bid for) and bid price (per kWh)       Ukrenergo, the electricity Transmission
new format in place by 31 December              with the key criteria being            System Operator (TSO), and the State
2019. Such developments have two                price. Auction prices may never        Agency on Energy Efficiency and
years (solar) and three years (wind)            exceed those paid on the Green         Energy Saving of Ukraine. The new
to complete construction in order to            Tariff. These prices will be valid     system should ensure that the TSO
benefit from the Green Tariff.                  for 20 years from the date of          is better able to manage the already
                                                commissioning of the power plant.      discernable constraints related to the
Auction Law                                                                            integration of renewable supplies with
                                            –   Bidders must provide a bank            the power system. Ukrenergo has
Use of auctions to manage supply                guarantee equivalent to EUR5,000       outlined three scenarios for the amount
to a national grid have become                  for every 1MWp bid for, before the     of solar and wind energy the system
commonplace in recent years.                    start of the auction and a further     could absorb and which balancing
According to research by the                    EUR15,000 for every 1MWp as a          power generating capacities would be
International Renewable Energy                  performance bond, if they win the      needed in the system.
Agency (IRENA) the number of                    auction.
countries that have adopted renewable

14   Renewables in Ukraine
Power Production Quotas

   Scenario A                                Scenario B                                  Scenario C
  In this scenario, electricity generation   The share of nuclear power plants          Forecasting and management
  by wind and solar power plants would       in total power generation would be         systems and 2.5GWp of balancing
  be constrained, whilst additional          limited and the growth of balancing        capacities (gas piston plants and
  balancing capacities are installed. The    power generation capacity would be         batteries) would be installed,
  ability of the system to forecast and      ensured by means of coal-fired power       giving unhindered development of
  manage variability in power generation     plants. The development of ‘green’         renewable energy. Nuclear generation
  would remain unchanged.                    generating capacipty would be not          would increase and coal power plants
                                             limited.                                   reduce output.

Ukrenergo favours Scenario C, which they believe will meet the needs of both consumers and suppliers, and restrain
electricity tariffs for domestic and industrial consumers. Ukrenergo estimate the investment required to put this scenario
into operation is UAH55 billion (USD2 billion), with a 6-year payback period.

Project development map under the Green Tariff

Project development map under the Auction Law

Source: KPMG analysis

                                                                                                      Renewables in Ukraine    15
The EMEA region is expected to show                     A joint venture or investment in an         Green Tariff and Auction Law, the
the biggest increase in M&A in the                      existing licenced solar or wind operator,   grid is obliged to take every MWh
worldwide renewables industry in 2019.                  even one not yet generating (as long        generated.
Research commissioned by KPMG16,                        as the project has an agreed pre-
exploring the views of business leaders                 PPA) is a viable option for an investor     The government’s stated aim that
and industry experts showed that fully                  looking to secure access to Green Tariff    by 2035, 25 per cent of all electricity
47 per cent saw Europe as the focus                     advantages. Those looking to develop        will be generated from renewables
of worldwide growth, and we expect                      a greenfield operation should take a        should ensure that auctions, whilst
Ukraine to play its part in that growth.                longer term view of the market and          competitive should not be too onerous,
                                                        be aware of the administrative and          although this will of course depend on
During 2018 Ukraine’s renewable                         legislative hurdles.                        the capacity put out for tender at each
sector (excluding hydropower) saw 54                                                                auction, and whilst return on capital
per cent growth in terms of installed                   An investment in a ready-to-build           employed is currently exceptional for
power capacity, from 1,375MWp as at 1                   pre-approved solar project, could see       Green Tariff operators, auctions would
January to 2,117MWp at 31 December.                     power generation inside six months,         deliver tougher competition to the
This capital investment and the                         at a cost of around USD750,000 or less      market. Ukraine’s recently introduced
introduction of further capacity in 2019                per megawatt installed.                     Auction Law is a continuation of the
is sure to generate increasing interest                                                             global trend, following significant
in M&A activities in the sector.                        Without doubt, however, wind projects       experience from other countries such
                                                        must be planned on a longer timescale.      as Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Brazil,
The market is complex but at KPMG                       By their very nature, many of the           Peru, Germany, UAE, Zambia, India,
we have the skills and experience                       prime locations for wind energy are         China, and the Russian Federation, that
to guide you smoothly through the                       often remote and difficult to access,       have made the switch to auctions, to
acquisition process, providing you with                 presenting the operator with logistical     ensure that the system runs smoothly.
comprehensive advice at all stages of                   challenges unlike those for a solar
the process, including identification and               project. Additionally, lead times for       However, as renewables make up an
evaluation of investment opportunities,                 feasibility studies and fabrication of      increased share of power generation,
conducting legal, financial and tax due                 towers and turbines can be lengthy and      significant investment will be required
diligence of selected opportunities,                    delivery to site may require changes to     into the grid and power storage
pricing analysis, support in negotiation                local transport infrastructure.             projects, and if growth is to remain
of the deal and related transaction                                                                 unconstrained by technical bottlenecks,
documents (e.g. sale and purchase                       Both wind and solar plants however,         the government will need to approve
agreement) and post-acquisition                         are guaranteed a connection to the          storage and balancing plans, such as
support.                                                electricity grid and under both the         those favoured by Ukrenergo.

     Great Expectations: Deal making in the renewable energy sector

16      Renewables in Ukraine
Investing in any market is a complex          Potential entry options
decision, irrespective of existing
international footprint and risk appetite            Establishing a new company from                     The most time-consuming
a business may have. Before entering                 scratch (greenfield). This requires,                option which requires
                                                     as a first step, a search for land with             substantial contracting
the Ukrainian market, an investor            1       easy access to the electrical grid and              workflows and a thorough
should develop a clear investment                    obtaining land lease agreements from                understanding of the limitations
                                                     local communities or state authorities              of the existing power grid
strategy, based on a thorough
assessment of not only country risks
but also the commercial, financial
and project risks specific to each
                                                                                                         This option may allow an
opportunity. All investment strategies                                                                   investor to take advantage of
                                                     Acquiring an existing company that
have their own set of specific risks and             already has some of the required land               the Green Tariff if a pre-PPA has
                                             2                                                           been signed. Time to market
rewards, and it is important that all                use agreements and permissions
                                                                                                         should be substantially shorter
stakeholders, including the board and                                                                    than option 1
shareholders, are aligned.

In the Ukrainian renewable energy
market, investors should be particularly                                                                 This option allows an
                                                                                                         investor to generate return on
aware of the timing of their investment,             Acquiring an operating renewable                    investment immediately and
given the change from the Green Tariff               energy plant, already supplying power               benefit from the Green Tariff.
                                                     to the grid                                         However returns are likely to
and its associated guarantees and                                                                        be lower
incentives, to the new Auction Law.

Whichever route you decide to take, it is essential to engage suitably qualified professional advisors to navigate you through
the investment process. Legal, financial and tax advisors with a deep understanding of the local business environment and
extensive experience in the renewables sector are a prerequisite to ensure that investors mitigate risks and avoid common
pitfalls, and maximise opportunities during the investment process and throughout the entire lifecycle of their investment.

Different investment options are associated with different risks and rewards for an investor

                                                 1 year

                                                                                                                Launch from
        Entry options:                            Buy                         Joint venture
      Financial options:                                                    Equity vs. loans
                                                                         Feasibility study
                                             M&A process
                                                                         Environmental assessment
                                                                         Land allocation
                                                                         Grid connection agreement
                                             Due diligence
                                                                         Approval of the project
     Project development:
                                                                         Equipment purchase
                                                                         Raise required additional capital
                                                                         Construction of a plant
                                            Deal structuring
                                                                         Obtain electricity production licence and green tariff

      Project operation:

                                      Sell/refinance debt on                                                  Operate during the
         Exit options                                                           Gradual sale
                                        the plant’s launch                                                        lifecycle

                                                                                                              Renewables in Ukraine       17
KPMG in Ukraine
Local Knowledge,
International Experience
KPMG has been present in Ukraine                           you throughout the process. We can                      knowledge, while our international
since 1992, and works closely with both                    support you, from market entry strategy                 network of member firms provides
project owners and investors in the                        and identification of suitable targets,                 access to the latest developments and
renewables sector.                                         through to legal, financial and tax due                 insights from the global renewables
                                                           diligence, as well as preparation and                   sector.
Whether you are considering                                negotiation of transaction documents.
investment into a greenfield or existing                                                                           At KPMG we focus on helping our
project, KPMG in Ukraine has the                           Our teams of specialists combine                        clients to maximise the value of their
experience and expertise to advise                         local experience with deep sector                       investment, both on entry and exit.


       Scatec Solar           European Investor               Chinese Investor             Czech investor           Turkish industrial

 Financial due diligence     Financial, tax and legal       Financial, tax and legal    Due diligence on two       Pre-investment legal
   on five solar power       due diligence on seven        due diligence on a wind     solar power generating        due diligence on
  generating plants in       solar power generating        power generating plant         plants in Ukraine        construction projects
         Ukraine                plants in Ukraine.                in Ukraine                                          for solar power
                                  M&A support                                                                       generating plants in

           2018                       2018                           2018                       2018                       2018

          IB Vogt              Wind Power LLC                   Confidential                   DTEK                       DTEK

  Legal and tax support    Legal, financial and tax pre-       Full-scope tax due        Comprehensive tax             Analysis of, and
 for the acquisition and    investment due diligence       diligence on companies      diagnostics on selected       comments on, tax
 development of a solar    for a construction projects        operating wind and        companies belonging           assumptions in a
 power plant in Ukraine       for a wind power plant           solar power plants      to the largest Ukrainian   financial model for debt
                             with expected capacity                                         energy holding            raising purposes

           2018                       2015                          2018                     2017-2018                  2017-2018

     Primorskaya Wind             Confidential                      DTEK                                               Confidential
        Electric Plant                                                                      Mainstream

     Valuation services      Financial, tax, legal and         Assistance in             Valuation services        Financial and tax due
        provided to          customs due diligence            connection with                                       diligence on three
     Primorskaya Wind         on three solar power           debt financing for                                   solar power generating
     Electric Plant LLC        generating plants in           the purposes of                                        plants in Ukraine
                                     Russia                construction of a wind

           2017                       2017                           2017                       2018                       2016

18    Renewables in Ukraine
Macroeconomic Indicators

 Ukraine's macroeconomic indicators1                     2016       2017      2018     2019      2020       2021        2022
 Real GDP growth, per cent y.o.y.                            2.4      2.5      3.3       2.8       2.1         2.6        2.7
 Nominal GDP, USD billion                                93.4       112.2    127.9     138.2     157.6      178.0      199.9
 UAH/USD exchange rate (end-period)                      27.2       28.1      27.7      28.8      29.3        29.5       29.7
 Consumer price index, per cent y.o.y                    12.4       13.7      10.3       7.8       8.0         7.5        6.8
 Population, million residents                           42.5       42.4      42.2      42.0      41.8        41.7       41.5
 Net direct investments, USD billion                         3.3      2.6      2.8       3.2       3.7         4.6        5.6
 FDI stock, USD billion                                  69.0       59.9      54.9      53.4     49.3         46.5       44.4
 Total foreign debt, USD billion                        114.7       113.3    116.8     119.1    122.2       124.9      128.5
 Doing Business Index2                                       83rd    80th      76th     71st
 Global Competitiveness Index3                               85th    89th     83rd       n/a
 Moody’s Sovereign Debt Rating           4
                                                        Caa3        Caa2     Caa1      Caa1
 EBA Investment Attractiveness Index5                    2.85       3.03      3.07

  Economist intelligence unit
  The World Bank - Ease of doing business index
  WEF – Global Competitiveness Report
  Moody’s Sovereign Debt Rating
  EBA Investment Attractiveness Index

       Wind energy                            Solar energy              Hydro energy              Bioenergy

CAGR – Compound annual growth rate
GWh, MWh, kWh – Units measuring power generation output: Gigawatt hours, Megawatt hours, Kilowatt hours
GWp, MWp – Units measuring power generation capacitiy: Gigawatt Peak, MegaWatt Peak.
LCOE – Levelised cost of electricity is the ratio of lifetime costs to lifetime electricity generation, both of which are discounted
back to a common year using a discount rate that reflects the average cost of capital (according to IRENA data)
IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency, an intergovernmental organisation
M&A – Mergers and acquisitions
PPA – Power Purchase Agreement
pre-PPA – Preliminary Power Purchase Agreement
RES – Renewable Energy Sources
TSO – Transmission System Operator
DSO – Distribution System Operator

                                                                                                          Renewables in Ukraine   19

                      Dmytro Shchur                                                                            Yuriy Katser
                      Director,                                                                                Director,
                      Transaction Services                                                                     Tax and Legal
                      +380 44 490 5507 x34195                                                                  +380 44 490 5507 x34051

                      Peter Latos                                                                              Maksym Zavalnyy
                      Partner                                                                                  Director,
                      Head of Advisory, KPMG in Ukraine                                                        Tax and Legal
                      +380 44 490 5507 x34150                                                                  +380 44 490 5507 x34566

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Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is
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© 2019 KPMG-Ukraine Ltd., a company incorporated under the Laws of Ukraine, a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity.

The KPMG name and logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International.

20    Renewables in Ukraine
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